MCMC Manual
MCMC Manual
MCMC Manual
41, 18-12-2019
School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh,
This manual describes how to install and use the 3D Monte Carlo
Carlo Tomography method using both surface and body wave data. It
versible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo method to sample the param-
eter space. It supports 3D travel time tomography using body wave ar-
as well as joint inversion using both body and surface wave data.
and the corresponding model of uncertainties to assess their reliability. Seismic tomography is a
technique which has been used widely to produce such three-dimensional models.
Since tomography is significantly nonlinear, Monte Carlo (MC) sampling methods are often
used to solve tomographic problems. MC methods generate a set (or chain) of samples from the
posterior probability distribution function (pdf) describing the probability of models given the
observed data; thereafter these samples can be used to estimate useful information about that pdf
(mean, standard deviation, etc.). The methods are quite general from a theoretical point of view
so that in principle they can be applied to any tomographic problems. They have been extended
to trans-dimensional inversion using the reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (rj-McMC)
algorithm, in which the number of parameters (hence the dimensionality of parameter space) can
vary in the inversion. Consequently the parameterization itself can be simplified by adapting to the
This package implements a 3D tomography method using rj-McMC using both body and sur-
face wave data. The 3D model is parametrized using 3D Voronoi tessellation (Sambridge et al.
1995; Kennel 2004; Jamin et al. 2018). The codes are written mainly in Fortran but combine
some C++ codes. The 3D Voronoi tessellation is based on the Computational Geometry Algo-
rithms Library (CGAL, which is a software project that provides ef-
ficient and reliable geometric algorithms in the form of a C++ library, and the Kdtree2 method
(Kennel 2004). The codes use the fast marching method to calculate first arrival times for body
waves (Rawlinson & Sambridge 2004; Valero-Gomez et al. 2013). For surface waves we use
curves (Zhang et al. 2018): we do this by combining the modal approximation method (Her-
rmann 2013) and the 2D fast marching method. The surface wave modal approximation code
(in the folder surfmodes) is from Computer Programs in Seismology written by Herrmann, R.B.
rect Rayleigh/Love modes in the presence of low velocity layers when their velocities are lower
than the velocity of the top layer. We therefore impose a condition on the prior probability dis-
tribution over velocity models: they must have the smallest shear-velocity in the top layer (Zhang
et al. 2018, 2019a). The 2D fast marching code is from Nicholas Rawlinson (http://rses.anu.
The package is based on the CGAL library which can be built and installed by following the CGAL
On Debian/Ubuntu use:
The MCTomo package also provides an option to include the NetCDF4 library for the support
of storing generated model samples in a portable way for later use. However, this is not neces-
sary. If you do not want to use NetCDF4 library, just leave the NETCDF variable undefined in the
Makefile. On most platforms, the NetCDF4 library can be installed through a package manage-
ment program, such as rpm, yum, homebrew, macports, adept and others. Alternatively, you can
Once you have installed the CGAL and NetCDF4 library, open the src/Makefile and add the
include and link path of CGAL and NetCDF4 if they are in a user-defined location.
2.2 Installation
Once you have installed the necessary libraries, in the directory src simply type
This will compile the package and put the executables in the bin directory.
There are two executables: MCTomo and sample. Executable MCTomo is the main program
used to generate samples, and sample is an assistant program to post-process those samples after
they have been generated (to calculate means, standard deviations, etc.)
The default compiler is set to be gnu. If you want to use intel compilers, set the ”COMPILE =
intel” in the Makefile. The codes use Fortran 2003 standards and C++ 11 standards, so make sure
This defines the control parameters for the package. It uses Fortran’s namelist, so every line
beginning with ”!” is a comment. The input file is well commented for each control parameter.
! comment. This document is well commented so that you do not need to refer
! Grid Settings
GRID%XMIN= -3.000000000000000 ,
GRID%XMAX= 2.800000000000000 ,
GRID%YMIN= -3.500000000000000 ,
GRID%YMAX= 3.5000000000000000 ,
GRID%ZMIN= 0.0000000000000000 ,
GRID%ZMAX= 3.00000000000000 ,
GRID%NX= 59,
GRID%NY= 71,
GRID%NZ= 101,
! scaling factor of vertical aspect, used to balance horizontal and vertical difference in scaling
! For example, if the maximum horizontal dimension of the model is five times that of the vertical
! Likelihood Settings
! Data Settings
! datatype: 0 for P or S waves only, 1 for P & S waves, 2 for surface waves only,
! sources file, receivers file and travel times file for body waves
! If body waves are not used, the following files are simply ommited:
! sources file, receivers file and travel times file for surface waves
! If surface waves are not used, the following files are simply ommited:
! (the phase velocity is found by a brute force search method in an appropriate range):
LIKE_SET%DPHASEVEL= 1.00000000E-003,
! 0 for love waves, 1 for rayleigh waves. Using both types of data is not an option yet:
! Note: in principle one can use both phase velocity and group velocity data. However
! phase velocity can usually be measured more precisely and also modelled more precisely, so
! cannot be measured), use group velocities. Therefore, using both phase velocity and
LIKE_SET%TOL= 1.0E-006,
! using straight rays(1) or not(0); straight rays are only an option for surface waves:
LIKE_SET%isStraight= 0,
! For example, if gridx is equal to 2, then the size of the grid cell in the x direction
! If above SGREF option is set to 1, the number of grid cells around the source will be increased
! by a factor of SGDIC (the size of the grid cell will be the original size divied by SGDIC).
! This process is conducted from source location to SGEXT number of cells in original grid:
! the order of fast marching, 0 for first order and 1 for mixed order
! If setting to 1, the code uses second order if possible (using first order at boundaries):
! If you cannot decide it, set to 1. Only an option for 2d fast marching:
LIKE_SET%BAND= 0.50000000000000000 ,
! If you need to estimate the source locations, set to 1 meaning that we perform fast marching from
! receivers to sources and the travel time field for each receiver is stored in memory. This provides
! fast forward calculations when changing source locations only since travel times can be drawn by
! 0 means that the travel time field is not stored and every time the code re-calculates it:
! McMC Settings
! General Settings
! 0: randomly generate an initial model with velocity increases linearly with depth
! The minimum and maximum shear velocity Vs [km/s] for generating a model whose velocities are linearly
! end point of previous runs. Make sure you reset it to be bigger than the total
! samples already generated. This will make the code re-sample the chain from the
! new burn-in value, counting from the first sample of the first run:
! running mode: 1 for the first run; >2 for continous re-running, starting where last run stopped;
! 0 to resume an occasionly interrupted run (e.g. interrupted because the maximum wall time has reached):
! time step for saving intermediate results in case you wish to resume the run later:
MCMC_SET%runtime_step= 5000,
! Prior Probability Distribution
! Max. and Min. number of cells. The minimum number should be at least 4 for 3D Delaunay triangulation:
MCMC_SET%VPMIN= 1.60000000000000000 ,
MCMC_SET%VPMAX= 6.0000000000000000 ,
MCMC_SET%VSMIN= 1.00000000000000000 ,
MCMC_SET%VSMAX= 4.0000000000000000 ,
MCMC_SET%BN0_MIN= 0.0001000000000000000 ,
MCMC_SET%BN0_MAX= 0.0500000000000000 ,
MCMC_SET%BN1_MIN= 0.000000000000000 ,
MCMC_SET%BN1_MAX= 0.2000000000000000 ,
MCMC_SET%SN0_MIN= 0.0001000000000000000 ,
MCMC_SET%SN0_MAX= 0.200000000000000 ,
MCMC_SET%SN1_MIN= 0.000000000000000 ,
MCMC_SET%SN1_MAX= 0.2000000000000000 ,
! Proposal Distribution
! Proposal kernel for birth/death step, 1 to use a prior kernel, and 0 for a Gaussian kernel.
! Proposal standard deviation of Vp when changing a velocity for shallower half (z < depth/2):
MCMC_SET%SIGMA_VP= 0.060000000000000000 ,
! Proposal standard deviation of Vp when changing a velocity for deeper half (z > depth/2):
MCMC_SET%SIGMA_VP2= 0.40000000000000000 ,
! Proposal standard deviation of Vs when changing a velocity for shallower half (z < depth/2):
MCMC_SET%SIGMA_VS= 0.030000000000000000 ,
! Proposal standard deviation of Vs when changing a velocity for deeper half (z > depth/2):
MCMC_SET%SIGMA_VS2= 0.20000000000000000 ,
MCMC_SET%SIGMA_BN0= 1.00000000E-003,
! Proposal standard deviation for n1 of body waves when changing noise level:
MCMC_SET%SIGMA_BN1= 4.00000000E-003,
! Proposal standard deviation for n0 of surface waves when changing noise level:
MCMC_SET%SIGMA_SN0= 4.00000000E-002,
! Proposal standard deviation for n1 of surface waves when changing noise level:
MCMC_SET%SIGMA_SN1= 4.00000000E-002,
! Proposal standard deviation for move step: pd for shallower half and pd2 for deeper half
! Source Locations.
! Source locations and times are generally reasonably well-determined using linearised inversion,
! so the prior is chosen to be a small box centered at the initial location for each source.
! Box dimensions xwidth, ywidth and zwidth are given in km, and source time box width twidth is in seconds:
! Set MCMC_SET%LOCATE=0 means source locations and times are fixed to initial values:
! Proposal standard deviation for x, y, z of locations and origin time t, where proposals are additionally
MCMC_SET%TEMPERFILE = ’temperature0.dat’,
! From which sample should we start the parallel tempering:
! Time step to perform parallel tempering. A small step will lead to a higher exchange rate but slower code
These are files that define body wave and surface wave sources. The names are given by LIKE -
SET % BSOURCES FILE and LIKE SET % SSOURCES FILE in the MCTomo.inp file. Both files follow
the same format. Each begins with one line with two numbers which describe the number of
sources and the dimension of each source – i.e. x[km], y[km], z[km], origin time[s]. The dimension
of one source is between two (x,y) and four (x,y,z,t). A typical source file looks like:
1.0 1.0 3.00 0.0 << x[km] y[km] z[km] t[s] of the first source
1.2 1.1 3.25 0.0 << x[km] y[km] z[km] t[s] of the second source
These are files that define receivers for body waves and surface waves. The names are given by
like set%breceivers file and like set%sreceivers file in the MCTomo.inp file. They have the same
format as the source files except that there is no origin time for receivers. So the dimension of one
These are travel time data files for body waves and surface waves. The names are given by
like set%bdata file and like set%sdata file in the MCTomo.inp file.
The first line contains the number of travel times for one source-receiver pair. In the body wave
case, it should be 1 (only P-wave or S-wave data are used) or 2 (both P-wave and S-wave data are
used). In the surface wave case, this number is the number of frequencies used.
The second line contains the frequencies[Hz] used in the inversion for surface waves. For body
waves, this is ignored – just set it to any numbers you like (e.g. 1.0 and 2.0 for P-wave and S-wave).
Then travel times follow for each source-receiver pair. The order is first source and first re-
ceiver, first source and second receiver, ..., and so on. For each source-receiver data set, it begins
with a number to show whether there are data (1) or not (0). If there are travel times, then travel
times follow for each frequencies or wave types. Each line contains two columns with the travel
time and its noise. If the travel time for a specific frequency or wave type is not available, set it to
0.00000000E+000 0.10000000E+001
1 << The first source and first receiver pair has data
0 << There is no data for the first source and second receiver
0.21147335E+001 0.43249650E-001
-1.0 0.01 << There is no shear wave arrival time, set the time to -1.0
0.16282547E+001 0.32377696E-001
0.29416827E+001 0.56553029E-001
0.15685067E+001 0.30971902E-001
0.26375537E+001 0.54073814E-001
0.16676683E+001 0.33929473E-001
0.30217724E+001 0.59239297E-001
2.000000 1.000000 0.500000 0.333333 0.250000 0.200000 0.166667 0.142857 0.125000 0.111111 0.100000
1 << There are data for first source and second receiver
0.992239 0.010000 << travel time and noise at the first frequency
0.675822 0.010000
0.620985 0.010000
0.557094 0.010000
0.520333 0.010000
0.507771 0.010000
0.496277 0.010000
0.473059 0.010000
0.478113 0.010000
0.491685 0.010000
1.816842 0.010000
1.496592 0.010000
1.221621 0.010000
1.109668 0.010000
1.017638 0.010000
0.942271 0.010000
0.929245 0.010000
0.906720 0.010000
0.888402 0.010000
0.890167 0.010000
0.866338 0.010000
2.353700 0.010000
1.936386 0.010000
1.599088 0.010000
1.437043 0.010000
1.304535 0.010000
1.251953 0.010000
1.193827 0.010000
1.188380 0.010000
1.181125 0.010000
1.163759 0.010000
1.157870 0.010000
The 1D initial model used to generate initial models for each chain. The filename is provided
by mcmc set%initial model. In this example it is called ”inimodel.dat”. When this file is used
(i.e. mcmc set%initialise=1), the program randomly generates points for the Voronoi sites whose
velocity is set to be the velocity at the same location in the 1D initial model. The file begins with
a header line which defines the number of rows and the number of columns of this file. Each layer
per line defines the depth [km], Vp [km/s] and Vs [km/s]. A typical 1D initial model file looks
This file contains the temperature profile for parallel tempering, one temperature per line.
The number of temperatures used is set by mcmc set%number of temperatures (total number of
temperatures) and mcmc set%number of 1s (the number of chains whose temperatures are equal
to 1). Only those temperatures that are not equal to one should be listed in the file. The file name
is given by mcmc set%temperfile in the MCTomo.inp. A typical temperature file looks like:
This file contains the burn-in period for the sample post-processing program. It begins with
a line showing the number of chains you intend to use, and follows with chain id and its burn-in
period in each line. The sample program will recalculate the mean and standard deviations for the
given chains using the specific burn-in periods. A typical file looks like:
2 1500000
3 1500000
4 1500000
5 1500000
6 1500000
7 1500000
8 1500000
9 1500000
10 1500000
The MCTomo program generates outputs into two folders: Log and Results. The log files are in the
Log directory. The samples generated are stored in the Results directory. The details of output files
likelihood *.dat
These files are text files each of which stores likelihoods and misfits for each Markov chain.
’*’ represents the chain id. Each line contains three columns: negative logarithm likelihood value,
ncells *.dat
These are text file each of which stores number of cells for each chain.
samples *.dat
These files are Binary files each of which stores information for each chain, which could be
used later for other processing (e.g. using the sample program).
temperatures *.dat
If parallel tempering is enabled, this file contains temperatures for each chain. Each line has
four columns: swapping status (1 is accepted), the temperature of the current chain, the temperature
of the other chain and the temperature of this sample after swapping.
Directory ini
This directory contains initial models generated for each chain in both text and binary format.
The text files contains six columns per line: x[km] y[km] z[km] vp[km/s] vs[km/s] density[g/cm3 ]
This directory contains necessary information for the latest run so that the program can be
started from this point again (e.g., by setting mcmc set%resume=2 in MCTomo.inp file).
Directory resume
This directory contains necessary information for the current run so that it can be resumed
Once the MCTomo program has finished, the sample program can be used to calculate the mean
and standard deviations if you want a different burn-in period. This program uses the outputs of
MCTomo and the same control file along with a burn-in period file chains.inp (see above), simply
run it in the same directory where you ran MCTomo. Note that if parallel tempering is enabled, it
will also calculate the mean and standard deviations using all of the chains, including those chains
with temperatures not equal to 1 using the importance sampling method (Geyer 1994). The output
Text files containing the mean and standard deviations calculated from only those chains with
temperatures equal to one if parallel tempering is enabled. The first line shows the number of grid
points for each dimension: nz, ny, nx. The 3D array is then stored in column order (a nz×ny×nx
Text files which contain the mean and standard deviations calculated from all chains including
chains with temperature not equal to 1 if parallel tempering is enabled. The file format is the same
as above.
The mean velocity model and its standard deviation are calculated based on a regular dense grid,
which makes them easy to visualize (they are simply 3D arrays). Under the directory plot, you
can find some Matlab scripts and Python scripts to visualize models. If you want to draw a 3D
You can find two 3D tomography examples in the example directory. Example 1 is a simple syn-
thetic test described in Zhang et al. (2018) using modelled Rayleigh wave phase velocities. Details
can be found in the directory example/example1. The second example is a real data example from
a mining site as reported in Zhang et al. (2019b). This example contains inversions that use only
body wave data, only surface wave data, and both types of data. Details are in the directory exam-
Note that there is also a 2D version of the above codes. The 2D tomography code is in the
directory mcmc2d. To install it, simply type ”make” in that directory. Usage is the same as in the
The authors thank the Edinburgh Interferometry Project sponsors (Schlumberger, Equinor and
Total) for supporting this research. This work used the Cirrus UK National Tier-2 HPC Service at
This code is freely distributed under GNU GPLv3 for academic and industrial research. To the
best of our knowledge this code is correct, error-free as of December 2019. We can not guarantee
its accuracy however. If after your own detailed investigation you believe there are errors/bugs in
the code or examples, please contact Xin Zhang at, and/or Andrew Curtis at
Geyer, C. J., 1994. Estimating normalizing constants and reweighting mixtures, Technical Report.
Herrmann, R. B., 2013. Computer programs in seismology: An evolving tool for instruction and research,
Seismological Research Letters, 84(6), 1081–1088.
Jamin, C., Pion, S., & Teillaud, M., 2018. 3D triangulations, in CGAL User and Reference Manual, CGAL
Editorial Board, 4.12 edn.
Kennel, M. B., 2004. Kdtree 2: Fortran 95 and c++ software to efficiently search for near neighbors in a
multi-dimensional euclidean space, arXiv preprint physics/0408067.
Rawlinson, N. & Sambridge, M., 2004. Multiple reflection and transmission phases in complex layered
media using a multistage fast marching method, Geophysics, 69(5), 1338–1350.
Sambridge, M., Braun, J., & McQueen, H., 1995. Geophysical parametrization and interpolation of irreg-
ular data using natural neighbours, Geophysical Journal International, 122(3), 837–857.
Valero-Gomez, A., Gomez, J. V., Garrido, S., & Moreno, L., 2013. The path to efficiency: fast marching
method for safer, more efficient mobile robot trajectories, IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, 20(4),
Zhang, X., Curtis, A., Galetti, E., & de Ridder, S., 2018. 3-D Monte Carlo surface wave tomography,
Geophysical Journal International, 215(3), 1644–1658.
Zhang, X., Hansteen, F., Curtis, A., & de Ridder, S., 2019a. 1D, 2D and 3D Monte Carlo ambient noise to-
mography using a dense passive seismic array installed on the North Sea seabed, Journal of Geophysical
Research: Solid Earth.
Zhang, X., Roy, C., Curtis, A., Nowacki, A., & Baptie, B., 2019b. 3D Tomographic Monte Carlo joint
inversion of earthquake body wave travel times and ambient noise surface wave dispersion – imaging the
subsurface using induced seismicity and ambient noise, submitted.