Aviation Safety and Security Management
Aviation Safety and Security Management
Aviation Safety and Security Management
In India, DGCA issues advisory circulars, lays down personnel (cockpit crew and cabin crew) & aircraft
guidelines, develops the State Safety Program maintenance teams, etc., are anticipated. Also,
(SSP), and approves/monitors the implementation effective & efficient oversight, monitoring, and
of SMS of aviation organizations. BCAS in India is ensuring thorough implementation of SOPs are
the regulator for civil aviation security. It publishes required.
guidelines, processes, and procedures for the
implementation of Annex 17 / Doc 8973. This unit focuses on the management system for
the States and Service Providers, for sustained
The National Civil Aviation Security Programme safety enhancement and improved safety
performance. The safety measures related to the implementing State Safety Programme (SSP),
transportation of dangerous goods, Aerodrome which systematically addresses the safety risks.
emergency planning, and ARFF services (for For the SSP implementation, ICAO supports the
preparedness and reducing the impact due to States through deliverables with specific timelines
accidents), and safety audits by ICAO, IATA is also (from the year 2016 to 2022), for each deliverable.
covered in this unit. The deliverables are:
The best way to manage safety is by improving 4. Global Aviation Safety Plan (GASP) – GASP tries to
safety performance. This can be done by establish a continuous safety strategic plan. The
● Ground movement related such as the collision
of a vehicle with aircraft, foreign object debris
(damage), aircraft refueling operations related.
Talking about India, it is the responsibility of the
Bureau of Civil Aviation Security (BCAS) to take care
of Aviation Security Standards in accordance with
Annex 17. BCAS also monitors and implements
security rules and regulations. Further, it also
ensures that the security personnel is well-trained
and competent enough to take care of all security
Unit 2
Overview of Safety
The aviation industry is highly susceptible to risks and
threats. Hence safety concern is a big issue. Since air travel
is prone to accidents and other unfavorable incidents,
proactive measures need to be taken to ensure safety
management. Safety management practices will enable the
State to prioritize activities that can help in attaining security
and safety. Efforts should be made to manage steps for
safety and security in a disciplined, organized, and focused
Safety Management
A formal and integrated effort towards safety management
activities helps to strengthen the entire program. A State’s Safety Program (SSP) is a broad concept.
States can strengthen safety management It is regulated and managed by the State so that the
activities through: desired level of safety performance level is achieved
and maintained in the aviation sector. State safety
● State Safety Program (SSP).
oversights the system’s Critical Elements (CEs) and
● Safety Management Systems (SMSs) for its
constitutes the foundation of an SSP.
service providers.
Safety Policy
Safety Targets
External Organisations-ATS,
Hazard Analysis & Acceptable Level of Safety
Airlines, Ground Handlers
Management Review
● Improved efficiencies.
SSP is a program that helps to manage the
responsibilities of the State when it comes to safety.
State Safety
Program (SSP)
2 State Safety Program (SSP)
Component 1: State Safety Policy, requirements requires implementing the regulations
Objectives, and Resources without any deviations. The service provider or the
authority can in no case justify oneself. Following
Primary aviation legislation: In order to facilitate
SARPs from Annex 14 is an example of prescriptive
the State authorities to perform their respective
regulation. Non-compliance to this regulation
roles, legal compliance is necessary.
requires an exemption from the Civil Aviation
Authority and a deviation to be filed with ICAO
Examples of aviation authorities are the Civil Aviation
Authority and Accident Investigation Agency. It is
“A runway end safety area shall be provided at each
imperative for the State to demonstrate and prove
end of a runway strip where:
its commitment when it comes to handling safety
management responsibilities. ● the code number is 3 or 4; and
2 State Safety Program (SSP) (Contd)
3 State Safety Program (SSP) (Contd)
4 State Safety Program (SSP) (Contd)
5 State Safety Program (SSP) (Contd)
6 State Safety Program (SSP) (Contd)
7 State Safety Program (SSP) (Contd)
8 State Safety Program (SSP) (Contd)
9 State Safety Program (SSP) (Contd)
10 State Safety Program (SSP) (Contd)
11 State Safety Program (SSP) (Contd)
Unit 5
Safety Management
System (SMS)
● Has clearly identified accountability and The Safety manager is appointed to facilitate the
responsibility. effective implementation and functioning of SMS.
● Describe safety risk management to significant changes, new hazards may come to know.
Also, existing hazards change with time. Thus, the safety
● Discuss meaning of hazard
risk mitigation strategies have to be monitored so that
● Learn hazard identification and these prove appropriate with types of hazards and also to
prioritization determine if further action is required.
Unit 7
The aviation system is dynamic and extensively prone to
changes. Thus, SRM tends to be a continuous activity. Due
to significant changes, new hazards may come to know.
Also, existing hazards change with time. Thus, the safety
risk mitigation strategies have to be monitored so that
these prove appropriate with types of hazards and also to
determine if further action is required.
● Fatalities or serious injuries which would occur Assessing the severity of the damage should
as a result of personnel being in the aircraft or consider all possible aftereffects till the worst that
having direct contact with any part of the aircraft could have happened.
or jet blast.
Given below is a table to depict the level of severity.
● Damage or structural failure of the aircraft
Note that, the table is an example only:
or ATC or aerodrome equipment affects the
Effectiveness Durability
Enforceability Time
Corrective measures should consider current effectiveness of mitigations is through the use of
defenses and the ability or inability to attain an Safety Performance Indicators.
acceptable level of safety risks. It is advisable to
assess the impact of any corrective action/s that Safety Risk Management Documentation Using
has been taken previously. Verification of safety Hazard Register
risk mitigation strategies has to be done to ensure
It is important to clearly document the safety risk
their effectiveness. Another way to monitor the
management activities, including any assumptions
High-Risk Categories of
Safety Occurrence and
Mitigating Measures
2 High-Risk Categories of Safety Occurrence and Mitigating Measures
3 High-Risk Categories of Safety Occurrence and Mitigating Measures
suspended for three months by the DGCA since the
respective officer misheard the clearance given by
ATC. As a result, incorrect directions were given to
the pilot-in-command (PIC) which caused a runway
incursion at Mumbai airport. The two aircraft
involved in the incident had similar call signs.
● Damage to the airfield, for example, damage to crew with possible landing beyond the Touch Down
● Improved technology
● Regulatory harmonization
● Training
● Awareness
Safety is defined as “The state in which risks associated
with aviation activities, related to, or in direct support of
the operation of aircraft, are reduced and controlled to an
acceptable level”. It is important to note that acceptable
safety performance is often defined and influenced by
domestic and international norms and culture.
Aviation Safety
As we know, hazards in the aviation sector are unavoidable
and continuously emerge. This makes this sector dynamic.
The aviation sector can be kept safe if hazards can be
identified well on time and necessary corrective measures
can be adopted. It is important to keep safety risks under
control at an appropriate level.
Progress in aviation safety is described by four Technical approach: As per this approach, the
Few of the ways through which the safety ● Clearly defined policies and procedures need to
management processes consider human factors be developed. The aim should be to optimize
are: human performance, minimize unwanted
outcomes and prevent unintentional errors
● There has to be a common understanding
between staff members and they must be
Ongoing monitoring of normal operations helps in
clear about their responsibilities to the safety
evaluating if procedures are being followed or not
and if not then identifying the reasons for the same.
● and willingness of senior
management to encourage staff members to At the same time, imparting training to the staff
actively participate in the safety management makes them competent to perform their duties.
processes When these training programs are evaluated, it
● Awareness of organizational processes and helps to understand the changing needs. The
procedures management has to create an organizational culture
that addresses the right working environment and
● Availability of sufficient manpower to meet
safety culture. This will also influence the attitudes
the operational requirement to adhere to the
and behaviors of everyone in the organization.
Practical drift
ce Accident
An emergency can be efficiently dealt only with the
cooperation and coordination with not only all the aviation
stakeholders but also local administration, surrounding
community, law and order agency, local fire services, etc.
Delegation of authority
to deal with airport
Safe continuation of
Actions as per plan to be
aircraft operations
authorized by key personnel
or return to normal
Promoting coordination to
handle emergencies
ICAO Annex 14 specifies the Standard and ICAO Annex 14 mandates aerodromes to establish
Recommended Practices for AEP and for the an aerodrome emergency plan at an aerodrome.
implementation guidelines refer to Airport Services
Manual (Doc 9137), Part 7. The following are the SARPS:
The aircraft shown in the given figure is A 320/200 For the aerodrome, consider the most demanding
and the aerodrome category for the purpose of aircraft for the purpose of the aerodrome category.
level of protection is 6 for this aircraft. However, if the most demanding aircraft has less
than 900 movements in a year, you can choose one
Assume an aircraft whose length is 75m and category less than what is arrived with the most
fuselage width is 7.1m. The aerodrome category for demanding aircraft. Taking the above example, if
the length of the aircraft is Cat 9 but the fuselage the most demanding aircraft requires category 10
width for Cat 7 has to be less than 7. Whereas, for but if its movements in a year are less than 900
this aircraft, it is more than 7 and hence, for this numbers, we can go ahead with category 9 instead
aircraft, the category will be 10. of 10.
Number of RFF
Aerodrome Category
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
After determining the aerodrome category for the
6 2
purpose of ARFF, we need to find out the number
7 2
of RFF vehicles and the quantity of extinguishing
8 3
agents required. These are tabulated in table 8.2.
9 3
The number of vehicles mentioned are the minimum
10 3
to be maintained for operations.
The firefighters are also to be competent enough, ● Ensure a direct communication system through
through training and mock drills, to wear this dedicated lines between the ATC tower and fire
equipment/clothing as quickly as possible. Effective stations as the call to the fire station originates
rescue in a survivable accident can be achieved from the ATC tower
with properly and adequately trained and retrained
● An effective alarm system to alert the fire brigade
personnel, the effectiveness of the equipment,
● PA system in fire stations in direct connection to
which is tested and trials carried out, and the speed
the ATC tower to convey details of the emergency,
with which the firefighters and equipment can be
location, type of aircraft involved, and preferential
put into action.
routing for RFF vehicles
ICAO mandates that the States apply the standards as per
SARPs and make all attempts to apply the recommended
practices of SARPs. Security and facilitation go hand-in-
hand. ICAO requires States to arrange for security control
measures wherever possible with the least interference
with the activities of civil aviation to avoid any delays and
obstruct the effectiveness of security concerns. It must be
ensured that an aircraft’s turnaround time is not affected
due to security reasons and that the passengers do not get
disturbed by security precautions being taken.
Given below are the State’s objectives as per ICAO/ Misleading information to endanger the
Annex 17: safety of an aircraft, passengers, crew, staff
● Safety concern is the prime objective. It includes members, and others at the airport or on civil
the safety of not only the passengers but also aviation premises
the crew members, ground staff, and the general ● Develop and implement rules and regulations to
public in all matters related to safeguarding protect civil aviation against unlawful activities
against unlawful interference with civil aviation. that hamper security
The acts of unlawful interference include ● Ensure policies and procedures comply with
attempts such as: security concerns
● A process to record and assess the results of States implement controlled access to the airside
the national civil aviation security quality control areas at the airport to ensure only authorized
program should be established. This will help personnel are allowed to enter. For implementing
in developing and implementing the program this preventive measure, there shall be an
effectively. identification system like an Airport Entry Permit for
the staff and other personnel who must be in these
ICAO also mandates the appropriate authorities of areas as part of their duties and responsibilities.
the State to re-evaluate controls and procedures in Such AEP will specifically mention permission to
due time and take corrective measures to prevent access the airside and other areas. The issue of
any reoccurrence of deviations and also report the AEP does not mean that it is for all airport areas,
same to the ICAO. AEP will specify permits to enter specific areas
where the holder of the permit is allowed to enter.
Carriage of Prohibited Items For the vehicles entering the airside, an entry permit
called an ‘airside vehicle permit is issued by the
The passengers and crew members are prohibited
airports for the vehicle with the registration number
to carry certain items as prescribed by the Security
of the vehicle, validity, and other details. Entry
Regulator. These include weapons, explosives, or
to such vehicles is subject to security checks for
any other dangerous devices, articles, or substances
items carried through the vehicle.
which can be used to commit any unlawful activity.
The State issues measures to prohibit the carrying
At airport security, restricted areas are to be
of such items.
established for the buildings to exercise more
control to access these areas. For example, the
passenger terminal building after the security check
will normally be designated as security restricted
area since it has direct access to the airside and
aircraft. Identification of persons entering this area
is implemented for example boarding passes of
passengers entering the gate hold area.
Security threats are common in the aviation sector.
Therefore, it is imperative to undertake risk assessment
activities to mitigate risks and threats. This is to be done
in accordance with the State and airport authorities. Proper
measures have to be taken to avoid and minimize risks. With
emerging technologies, one of the risks is concerned with
cyber threats.
States encourage all those bodies who are involved As per Annex 17, Chicago Convention, member
with the implementation of national civil aviation states of ICAO must report to ICAO once the issue
security programs to identify critical information gets resolved.
and systems as well as understand risks and threats
that can happen and take protective measures
Prevention of Acts of Unlawful Inter
to mitigate these. The entities should design
protective measures like supply chain security,
network separation, and remote access control. ICAO mandates States:
Like other industries, the aviation industry is also going
towards a high degree of digitalization for ease of working,
improved efficiency, reliability, faster processing, and quicker
& easier retrieval of data when required. A high degree of
digitalization is adding hazards as there is an interface of
the system with people and this makes the risk harder to
predict. Thus, the benefit of cyber technologies comes
with increased insecurities and may affect all systems and
infrastructures. The impact of cyber threats and cyber-attack
is not restricted to the home country as the systems are
interconnected globally. This aspect adds to the complexity
and such attacks have wide implications for various industry
players across the globe.
Aviation Cyber Security ● Border control system
Civil Aviation Cyber Security Plan has been For example, if a commitment is to develop a
signed by ACI, ICAO, Civil Air Navigation Services common understanding of cyber threats and risks,
Organization (CANSO) and IATA. It can be said to it can be described as:
be a blueprint to describe commitments with time
horizon, task and deliverables.
Develop a common Task- Develop and Deliverable- 2015 Task- Continue to review
understanding of cyber provide input to common Aviation Security Panel and communicate
threats and risks risk and threat matrices Paper threats, update threat
and risk analysis
Deliverable- First draft Deliverable- Input to
input to threat and risk ICAO working group on
analysis threat and risk and ECAC
risk assessments
● Promote a robust cyber security culture in all ● IATA is a signatory to ICAO Civil Aviation Cyber
organizations in civil aviation. Security Plan
● Promote the use of existing information security, ● IATA has a well-established Aircraft Cyber
cyber protection standards and design principles, Security Task Force (ACSTF). ACSTF contributes
and establish new ones where necessary. in establishing dialogues and develop
understanding among the stakeholders in
Establish the mechanisms and means to
aviation sector.
share and communicate information including
identification of threats, reporting of incidents ● IATA Security Advisory Council (SAC) advises
and developments in defenses. and guides IATA to deal with cyber challenges.
As per IATA, aviation cyber security is defined
as cyber security relating to aircraft and airport
operations. The aviation industry uses information
technology and communication (ITC) systems
extensively and the systems of the various
stakeholders are interconnected for information
sharing and control & coordination.
Transportation of
Dangerous Goods
Dangerous Goods
The goods or items that can hamper safety and
pose a risk to life, health, or property are dangerous
Safety and
Security Audits
USOAP assesses the capabilities of the states in As of Dec 2017, ICAO has audited 185 Member
providing safety and analyzing if the states are States, from both the Comprehensive Approach
managing and effectively implementing the critical (CSA) and the Continuous Monitoring Approach
elements (CEs) of a safety oversight system or not. (CMA) cycles representing 96% of all Member
States responsible for the safety oversight for 99%
Safety performance can be effective only when the of all international air traffic.
concerned personnel is competent enough and
adequately trained to ensure SARPs compliance. USOAP Comprehensive Systems Approach (CSA)
Thus, USOAP by ICAO is to audit the safety oversight includes safety-related provisions contained in all
capabilities of the State. safety-related Annexes to the Chicago Convention.
and pilots (through their professional an indication that the airline is facing trust issues
association, if it exists) support the project. The and these are to be dealt with first.
joint sponsorship will not only keep a check but ● Targeted observation instrument: The current
also balance the project. data collection tool to conduct a LOSA is the
● Voluntary crew participation: If long-term LOSA Observation Form. It is not critical that an
success is desired, it is important to maintain the airline use this form, but whatever data collection
LOSA is defined
Voluntary crew Data verification
03 by ten operating 08
participation roundtables
● De-identified, confidential, and safety-minded There can be external observers also who are
data collection: LOSA observers are asked not not affiliated with the airline. These observers
to record names, flight numbers, dates, or any can serve as an anchor point for the rest of the
other information that can identify a crew. In observers.
case this level of secrecy is not performed,
The observers have to be trained and regulated
disciplinary actions can be taken. LOSA has to
to conduct They must be aware of the use of the
collect safety data, and not punish pilots or other
LOSA rating forms and, particularly, the concepts
crew members. Airlines cannot lose a unique
of threat and error management.
opportunity to get an insight into their operations
● Trusted data collection site: Airlines must
by having pilots fearful that a LOSA observation
maintain confidentiality. Therefore, airlines must
could be used against them for disciplinary
have a trusted data collection site. Currently,
all observations are sent off-site directly to
● Trusted, trained and calibrated observers:
The University of Texas at Austin Human
Primarily, pilots conduct LOSAs. Observation
Factors Research Project, which manages the
teams will typically include line pilots, instructor
LOSA archives. This ensures that no individual
13 Safety and Security Audits
observations will be misplaced or improperly know the results as well as the plan of action and
circulated through the airline. improvements as suggested. It has been seen
that pilots usually welcome suggestions and
● Data verification roundtables: Data-driven
implement the same if results are fed back in an
programs like LOSA require quality data
appropriate manner.
management procedures and consistency
checks. For LOSA, these checks are done at
Take Away from LOSA
data verification roundtables. A roundtable
consists of three or four department and pilots’
LOSA observations indicated that 85 percent of
association representatives who scan the raw
errors committed were inconsequential. This
data for inaccuracies.
● Data-derived targets for enhancement: The
● The aviation system possesses very strong and
final product of a LOSA is the data-derived
effective defenses. LOSA data allows a principled
LOSA targets for enhancement. As the data are
and data-driven judgment of which defenses
collected and analyzed, patterns emerge.
work and which do not, and how well defenses
Certain errors are quite frequent. Likewise, fulfill their role.
certain airports or events create more issues
● intuitively develop Adhoc error
than others, certain SOPs are routinely ignored
management skills. So it is important to
or modified, and certain exercises can be more
understand what pilots do well to promote safety
difficult than others.
through organizational interventions, such as
LOSA identifies such patterns, and it is then up improved training, procedures, or design, based
to the airline to develop strategies to implement on this “positive” data.
necessary changes. After two or three years,
the airline can re-conduct LOSA to check if the
changes and other necessary adjustments have SUMMARY
been fruitful or not. Safety auditing is a core safety management activity,
● Feedback of results to the line pilots: After the providing a means of identifying potential problems
completion of LOSA, the airline’s management before they have an impact on safety. It was in the
team and pilots’ association must communicate year 1999 that ICAO’s Universal Safety Oversight
LOSA results to the line pilots. Pilots wish to Audit Programme (USOAP) was launched.
Security Audits
● Examine IATA Operational Safety systems. It is internationally recognized and conducts audits
The IOSA Standards Manual (ISM) published by is ISM used as the source of assessment criteria
IOSA provides IOSA standards, recommended to be utilized by auditors when conducting an
practices (ISARPs), associated guidance material, audit against the ISARPs. The ISM also helps an
and other supporting information. This prepares operator to structure its operational management
the organizations for audit purposes. ISM also and control systems in conformity with the latest
facilitates a uniform audit of the airlines since it industry operational practices.
2 Security Audits
The ISM is organized as follows:
Sources for IOSA Standards and Recommended or indirectly to the air operator.
Practices (ISARPs)
3 Security Audits
positive safety culture.
Auditor Actions
● Identified/Assessed corporate safety policy
IOSA is an evaluation system to assess an airline's
operational and control systems. IOSA is approved
and recognized globally. The IOSA audit system
prevents redundancy in audits and proves cost-
effective for IOSA-participating airlines.
4 Security Audits