Hutchinsons Heritage The Diversity Distu

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Hydrobiologia 249: 1-7, 1993.

J. Padisctk, C.S. Reynolds & U. Sommer (eds), Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis in Phytoplankton Ecology. 1
0 1993 Kluwev Academic Publishers. Printed in Belgium.

Hutchinson’s heritage: the diversity-disturbance relationship

in phytoplankton

U. Sommer’, J. Padisak2, C. S. Reynolds3 & P. Juhasz-Nagy4

1Institut fir Biologie und Chemie des Meeres, Universitat Oldenburg, PO@ 2503, D-2900 Oldenburg,
Germany; 2Botanical Department of the Hungarian Natural History Museum/Balaton Limnological Institute
of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,H-8237 Tihany, Hungary; 3Freshwater Biological Association,
NERC Institute of Freshwater Ecology, Windermere Laboratory, Ambleside, LA22 OLP, UK; 4Department
of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology, Eiitviis Lorand University, HI083 Budapest, Ludovika te’r 2, Hungary

Key words: the paradox of plankton, Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis, diversity, general ecology,
community changes


This paper introduces a collection of contributions presented at the 8th Workshop of the International
Association of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology. It compares the substance of with what to
limnologists is the more familiar ‘paradox of the plankton’ posed by G. E. Hutchinson. The utility of
Connell‘s Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis in plankton ecology is, potentially, more instructive but
inherent difficulties in relating response to stimulus have to be overcome. A copy of the brief distributed
to contributors before the workshop is appended.

Preamble ilimnetic phytoplankton coexist in a well mixed

environment and compete for a very small num-
All modern students of limnology will have ben- ber of common limiting resources (light and a few
efited from the influence of the late Professor nutritional elements). Nevertheless, even in small
G. Evelyn Hutchinson. The thoroughness and er- samples of water, it is not unusual to find more
udition of his monumental Treatise on Limnology than 30 species of phytoplankton present. Equi-
(Hutchinson, 1957a, 1967,1975a) imparted librium concepts predict that competition would
knowledge, understanding and inspiration to all eventually select the best fit species to the exclu-
engagedin the study of limnetic and lotic ecosys- sion of all others (Hardin, 1960) and that only as
tems. Those of us who have specialized in pelagic many species can coexist as there are limiting
ecology hold a special regard for Hutchinson’s factors. The search for solution to this apparent
challenge that the high diversity of speciespresent paradox has occupied plankton biologists ever
in limnetic plankton is inconsistent with the as- since.
sumptions of competitive exclusion in the sup- Going into a bit deeper into Hutchinson’s her-
posed uniformity of pelagic environments. In- itage, it is interesting to observe the thread of
deed, the dilemma has become widely known as reasoning running through his masterly book ‘An
the ‘paradox of the plankton’ (Hutchinson, 1961). Introduction to Population Ecology’ (Hutchin-
Hutchinson was intrigued by the fact that ep- son, 1978). This begins with a consideration of

temporal processes, enriched by a very deep feel- In his seminal paper, Hutchinson (1961) sug-
ing for science history, and goes on to cover such gested several possible explanations for his
exciting topics as ‘Living Together in Theory and palanktonic paradox of diversity. Among them
Practice’ (Chapter 4) or ‘How Is Living Nature was the idea that the boundary conditions of
Put Together?’ (Chapter 6). The book is full of competition change frequently enough to revert
very interesting examples and speculations on the competitive hierarchies before exclusion occurs.
possible interconnections between limnic and ter- The proposal was reformulated by Richerson
restrial ecology. et al. (1970) as ‘contemporaneous disequilibrium’.
In making his perceptive generalizations, it may Later attempts to solve the paradox include the-
be noted that, in addition to his own deep inten- oretical analyses (Grenney, 1973; Armstrong &
tions, Hutchinson was influenced by a number of McGehee, 1976; Levins, 1979, Ebenhbh, 1988;
friends, students, including Charles Elton, David Grover, 1990) and experimental approaches
Lack, R. H. MacArthur, R. H. Whittaker & J. L. (Turpin & Harrison, 1980; Robinson & Sandgren,
Harper. It is interesting to observe, however, that 1983; Sommer, 1984,1985; Gaedeke & Sommer,
his attitude is always critical, as is shown, for 1986; Grover, 1988,1989,1991). In spite of these
example, in his questioning comments on some considerable efforts, no universally accepted ex-
statements of Lack (1954) or Slobodkin (1961). planation for the paradox has been forthcoming.
We believe that at least three closely related Although freshwater biologists associate the
topics, have been relevant in motivating Hutch- problem of species diversity with Hutchinson, it
inson‘s appreciation: is fair to say that analogous questions have been
(i) the nature of ecological patterns, prevalent among terrestrial ecologists. For in-
(ii) the nature of niche, stance, Grime (1973) was among the first to re-
(iii) and the nature of coexistence. cognize that although competition can be a major
Topic (i) can be followed reasonably well from causal factor in the maintenance of low diversi-
Hutchinson (1953) through MacArthur (1965) to ties in herbaceous vegetation, there is neverthe-
Hutchinson (1975b). Topic (ii), the story of less a low incidence of competitive species in flo-
‘niche-ology’, is also fairly well accepted, started, ristically rich habitats. Wilson (1990) considered
in a sense, by Hutchinson (1957b) and continued twelve possible mechanisms to account for spe-
by the activities of R. H. MacArthur, R. K. Col- cies coexistence in New Zealand plant commu-
well, I. Emlen, I. Futuyama, M. E. Gilpin, I. nities: most of these are equilibrium concepts,
Roughgarden, who are, directly or indirectly, stu- including niche diversification and stabilizing co-
dents of Hutchinson. evolution; his non-equilibrium explanations as-
The third topic (iii) is the most difficult one: it sumed that there had not been enough time for
was also the most pertinent problem of Hutchin- competition to completely exclude relevant spe-
son. Following his publications carefully, from cies before sudden or gradual alterations inter-
the rather early papers (e.g. Hutchinson, 1948, vene to arrest or shift back the development of the
1951, 1953, 1954) to his most famous syntheses association of species.
(Hutchinson, 1959, 1961, 1978), we discern a re- Still more perplexing is the astonishing diver-
current view that the rebuses of coexistence would sity observed among tropical forests and in coral
be solved through the search for potential optima, reef communities in which an equilibrated climax
the recognision and definition of moving patterns condition is intuitively anticipated; competitive
and where the interpretation of which remained exclusion appears, again paradoxically, not to
within the context of evolutionary ecology. have been effective. Connell (1978) argued that,
Needless to say, all the components of such a even here, the time taken to recover from damage
reasoning have induced several divergent lines of through change of climatic conditions, landslides,
further investigations (e. g. Levins, 1968, 1979; fires or violent storms is such for it to be difficult
Lewontin & Cohen, 1969, etc.). for competitive exclusion to occur finally. Thus

the intervention of factors delaying progress to- storm damage are likely to be recolonized first by
wards, or preventing the attainment of, an equi- invasive species. These will generally be those
librium condition is supposed to be responsible which can provide the largest number of
for the maintenance of the diversity. This has propagules or which can expand their biomass
become widely known as ‘Connell’s Intermediate the most rapidly, assuming that the new condi-
Disturbance Hypothesis’. tions are adequate to meet their requirements. In
time, however, these colonist species will be re-
placed by others which are better equipped to live
The Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis and its close to the limits of the available resources
applicability to phytoplankton (McArthur & Wilson, 1967). As the community
is assembled, the ratio between the production
Connell’s (1978) hypothesis states: and the biomass falls simultaneously until, ulti-
(1) In the absence of disturbance (eternal mately, the biomass supported is the maximum
steady state), competitive exclusion will reduce achievable with the energy available.
diversity to minimal levels. The application of successional theory to the
(2) Under very intense disturbance only few seasonally changing structure of phytoplankton
populations of pioneer species could establish assemblages has been attempted by Reynolds
themselves after each disturbance event. This (1988). His approach depended upon the recog-
would also lead to minimal diversity. nition of the importance (a) of the temporal scal-
(3) If disturbances are of intermediate fre- ing, which relates primarily to the life spans of
quency and/or intensity there will be repeated op- consecutive generations of algae (measured in
portunities for the re-establishment of pioneer hours to days rather than months to decades),
populations which would otherwise be outcom- and (b) that different species of phytoplankton
peted and the populations of the successful com- show adaptations to exploit particular parts of the
petitors could withstand the disturbance without spectrum of environmental variability. Just as on
completely taking over the community. Thus, a the land, colonist weeds and equilibria1 dominants
peak of diversity should be found at intermediate are recognizable in the plankton (see Padisak &
frequencies and intensities of disturbance. G. T&h, 1991).
In his original paper, Connell conceived dis- Sommer (1991, see also Padisak, 1992) has
turbances as primarily originating from internal argued strongly that succession of phytoplankton
processes (e.g. treefall gaps caused by the death is analogous to the succession of terrestrial veg-
of senescent trees). However, thee in no apviori etation rather than being a purely seasonal phe-
reason why disturbances of external origin should nomenon. The several months of the plankton
have different consequences on species diversity. growing season, accommodating dozens of gen-
Obviously, there are instances, when the contri- erations of phytoplankton, correspond to tens of
bution of internal and external factors cannot be years in grassland, and to centuries in forest.
separated easily. For instance, senescence of a Variations in growth conditions should necessar-
tree might not make a tree fall by itself but it may ily be viewed at a similar scale. Under favourable
increase its susceptibility to windfall. For our physical conditions, the intrinsically transient na-
present discussion, we have assumed that the dis- ture of early- and middle phases of planktonic
tinction between external or internal origin of dis- successions, and the self-sustainability of final
turbance is less important then the occurrence of stages have been demonstrated (Sommer, 1991).
disturbance per se. It is only the external cycle in climatic and hy-
It is implicit in IDH that the post-disturbance drological conditions which resets the plankton
recovery of communities is strongly directional, in succession each year.
accord with successional theory (Odum, 1969, As a consequence of short generation times,
1971). Habitats newly- opened by, for instance, however, plankton communities are responsive to

meteorological variability. The ‘weather’ experi- tors other than that to be tested are held constant,
enced by terrestrial vegetation is the ‘climate’ per- no problem of commensurability arises. This is
ceived by phytoplankton. The fluctuations are es- usually the case in experimental design. In the
pecially pronounced in shallow, polymictic lakes analysis of collected field data, however, com-
where apparently random population variations mensurability becomes a prominent problem. On
often make the main trend unrecognizable. what basis, for example, does one equate simul-
taneous changes in incident radiation, tempera-
ture, nutrient loading or flushing rate, etc.? Ob-
Developing the utility of the Intermediate Dis- viously, generally valid conversion factors for
turbance Hypothesis empirical measurements cannot be found. By
quantifying the biotic response rather than the
It seemed to us germane to take advantage of the stimulus, the problem of commensurability is cir-
small temporal scales of phytoplankton dynamics cumvented but it is replaced by a danger of cir-
to explore the operation of intermediate disturb- cular reasoning in that the strength of the disturb-
ance and its role in maintaining species diversity. ance is the strength of the biotic response. Does
These issues were considered by participants at the lack of a measurable response indicate that
the 8th Workshop of the International Associa- there was no measurable stimulus? Without ap-
tion of Phytoplankton Taxonomy and Ecology preciation of these serious difficulties of interpre-
convened at Baja, Hungary, hold between 5-15 tation it is unlikely that meaningful application of
July 1991. This volume contains the individual the intermediate disturbance concept or its as-
contributions presented at the workshop. All au- similation into ecological theory can be usefully
thors were expressly asked to address their pre- achieved.
sentations within the context of the Intermediate
Disturbance Hypothesis (IDH). Because IDH Dedication
had not been widely accepted as a basis for view-
ing phytoplankton ecology and, in consequence, For many plankton ecologists, Hutchinson’s par-
compliance with our request may have involved adox has been a more familiar and a more chal-
authors in unfamiliar conceptualization, we con- lenging problem than Connell’s hypothesis.
sidered it important to append (Appendix 1) to Among the significant attempts to address the
this introductory paper the brief issue to partici- issue (see above), the tendency for phytoplankton
pants prior to the workshop. diversity to be increased by environmental vari-
The particular problems upon which resolution ability has been strongly evident. In this respect
was sought included the distinction of disturb- Connell’s Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis
ance from the undisturbed, the timescales in- represents a workable framework for superim-
volved and the quantification of their impacts on posing non equilibrium explanations for Hutch-
diversity. However, we were anxious not to im- inson’s paradox.
pose too rigid a definition of disturbance. In ev- We acknowledge this close empathy between
eryday usage, ‘disturbance’ implies a stimulus Hutchinson’s and Connell’s views. Because of
whereas the formal attempts to recognize and our perception of the prevalence of non-equilib-
quantify ecological ‘disturbance’ (e.g. Pickett rium dynamics in plankton ecology, we recognize
et al., 1989) lie exclusively in the response to that the potentially greater utility of Connell’s hypo-
stimulus. In order to make the hypothesis test- thesis to our understanding ofpelagic ecosystems.
able, the magnitude and frequency of environ- Nevertheless, the inspiration and challenge to
mental change and of the disturbance-responses plankton ecologists will long remain that of
have to be quantified. Change can be found in Hutchinson.
many environmental properties which may be It is sadly ironic that our workshop should
measured on different scales. As long as all fac- have coincided with G. Evelyn Hutchinson’s un-

timely death and with the thirtieth anniversary of (2) low frequency pulses, separated by intervals of 10 days
the publication of his paradox. It is no less than or more, can initiate a successional sequence;
(3) progressively smaller intermediate scales (200-20 h) in-
with a profound senseof duty that we respectfully teract with the growth rates of phytoplankton species and tend
dedicate this volume to his memory. to preserve high species diversity. The attainment of equilib-
rium is delayed at a sort of ‘plagioclimax’ (Reynolds, 1984:
Freshwat. Biol. 14: 111-142).
Appendix 1 Because the above outlined IDH seems to be very useful in
understanding many phenomena that we are used to observ-
ing in phytoplankton time series, the participants of the last
The intermediate disturbance hypothesis IAP round-table (Munich, August 1989) agreed to hold a
detailed discussion on the topic. In order to make this dis-
The question of diversity has been one of the most contro- cussion as useful as possible we summarize here the outcome
versial issues in succession theory in general. According to the of our several hours of talk about the IDH and about the
classical (e.g. Clements, 1916: Plant Succession: an Analysis possibilities of its test.
of the Development of Vegetation. Carnegie Inst. Washington
Publ. 242, 1-517) view, diversity of communities increases Long term data series
towards the late phases of succession, while the competitve In order to test the IDH it is necessary to have phytoplank-
exclusion theory (if several species compete for the same re- ton data (species composition) with weekly, biweekly (but
source one of them excludes all the others: Hardin, 1960: only if the sampling was really very regular over many years)
Science: 131: 1292-1297) predicts that the process should be or shorter sampling intervals over several years. In order to
towards the establishment of a low-diversity equilibrium. The identify the frequency of disturbances data on appropriate
Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (IDH) was originally physical parameters are needed, such as mixing depth, water
elaborated by Connell (1978: Science 199: 1304-1310) to in- column stability. Contributions with insufficient data series
terpret the high species diversity that can be observed in trop- should not be admitted, except for experimental and theoret-
ical rain forests and coral reefs. The theory was adapted to ical papers relevant to the topic.
phytoplankton succession by Reynolds (1988: Verh. int. Ver.
Limnol. 23: 683-691). Identl$cation of disturbances
Phytoplankton of temperate lakes has been rarely limited In stratifying lakes, increase in the mixing depth would be the
simultaneously by more than l-3 main resources (N, P, Si ideal indicator of physical disturbance. If meteorological data
alone or in any combination, light). Competitive exclusion are used as ‘independent variables’, it has to be noted that not
theory allows the phytoplankton succession to tend towards every wind or cooling event qualifies as a ‘disturbance’. In very
an equilibrium of l-3 species, at any phase of its seasonal stably stratified lakes, even a major meteorological event may
development. This is obviously inconsistent with the great lead to only a small increase of mixing depth and may be quite
species richness and high species diversity that can be ob- ineffective in terms of its impact on succession. The identifi-
served in most cases (e.g. the paradox of the plankton, Hutch- cation of disturbances in nonstratifying lakes is more prob-
inson, 1961: Am. Nat. 95: 137-147). Theoretical approaches lematic. Besides physical variables (changes in transparency,
(e.g. Tilman, 1982: Resource Competition and Community turbidity, etc.), biological variables (for example, the contri-
Structure. Princeton Univ. Press.) and chemostat experiments bution of non-planktonic algae to some population measure,
(Sommer, 1985: Limnol. Oceanogr. 30: 335-346; 1989: the number of diatom frustules, etc.) can register the physical
Plankton Ecology: Succession in Plankton Communities. disturbance.
Springer; Gaedeke & Sommer, 1986: Oecologia 71: 98-102) It should be mentioned that ‘disturbances’ are not neces-
indicated that fluctuations in resource availability makes pos- sarily physical in nature. In the context of the IDH and its
sible the coexistence of more species than is predicted by the relation to the competitive exclusion principle, any event that
competitive exclusion theory. Several field observations indi- interrupts the approach toward the eventual exclusion is a
cate the same (e.g. G.-T&h & Padis& 1986: J. Plankton Res. disturbance. Generally, disturbances would be recognised by
8: 353-363; Padisak etal., 1988: J. Plankton Res. 10: 249- a decrease of phytoplankton biomass and probably by an
265; 1990: Hydrobiologia 191: 249-254). As follows from the increase in the availability of resources.
aforementioned theories, experiments and observations, the
frequency of disturbances has an essential influence on the Ident$cation of equilibrium
diversity of the phytoplankton and on the establisment of the In natural phytoplankton communities, it is often difficult to
equilibrium state. determine whether a given ‘phase’ in a seasonal sequencecan
According to Reynolds (1988: Verh. int. Ver. Limnol. 23: be considered to be in an equilibrium state or not, due either
683-691): to a lack of chemical data, or to insufficient sampling fre-
(1) at frequencies in order of a few hours (< 1 generation quency, or to any other cause. For practical purposes, pro-
time) the responses are physiological; vided that (i) 1, 2 or 3 species of algae contribute more than

80% of total biomass, (ii) their existence or coexistence per- Gaedeke, A. & U. Sommer, 1986. The influence of periodic
sists for long enough (more than l-2 weeks) and (iii) during disturbances on the maintainance of phytoplankton diver-
that period the total biomass does not increase significantly, sity. Oecologia 71: 98-102.
then that phase can be considered to be at equilibrium. Since Grime, J. P., 1973. Competitve exclusion in herbaceous veg-
our knowledge on the nature of equilibrium state in natural etation. Nature 242: 344-347.
phytoplankton is very limited, contributions (for example: how Grenney, W. J.,1973. A theoretical approach to interspecific
many generations are involved?) to this aspect of the IDH are competition in the phytoplankton community. Am. Nat.
also invited. 107: 405-425.
Grover, J. P., 1988. Dynamics of competition in a variable
DeJinition of diversity environment. Ecology 69: 408-417.
In appreciation of the fact that usually data on the dominant Grover, J. P., 1989. Effects of Si:P supply variability, and
species are more reliable than data of the rare species, an selective grazing in the plankton: An experiment with a
index should be used which gives more weight to the domi- natural algal and protistan assemblage. Limnol. Oceanogr.
nant species. Therefore, we ask that the Shannon-Weaver 34: 349-367.
Index be used. Some people have strong opinions about Grover, J. P., 1990. Resource competition in a variable envi-
whether this index should be based on cell-numbers, ‘units’ ronment: Phytoplankton growing according to Monad’s
(one colony being one unit) or biomass. We shall not be strict model. Am. Nat. 136: 772-789.
on this point, because we have to use old data and different Grover, J. P., 1991. Non steady-state dynamics of algal pop-
contributors may well have documented them differently and ulation growth: experiments with two chlorophytes. J. Phy-
they will not always be able to reconvert them. If cell number col. 27: 70-79.
is used, unidentified picoalgae should be excluded, otherwise Hardin, G., 1960. The competitve exclusion threory. Science:
even a very massive bloom of some large alga (e.g. Cerutium) 131: 1292-1297.
will be ‘drowned’ by lo4 to lo5 picoalgae per ml. Alternatively, Hutchinson, G. E., 1948. Circular cause systems in ecology.
partial diversity indices of conventionally defined size- classes Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 50: 211-246.
could be calculated. Participants with appropriate data sets Hutchinson, G. E., 1951. Copepodology for ornithologists.
are encouraged to try numbers-, unit-, biomass- and surface Ecology 32: 571-577.
area-basedindices in order to test whether they show the same Hutchinson, G. E., 1953. The concept of pattern in ecology.
pattern or not. However, use of biomass data is recommended Proc. Acad. natn. Sci. Philadelphia 105: 1-12.
wherever possible. Because the Shannon-Weaver Index is Hutchinson, G. E., 1954. Theoretical notes on oscillatory
sensitive to the final number of coexisting species, please in- populations. J. Wildlife mngt 18: 107-109.
dicate on your graphs, how many species (in general 1, 2 or Hutchinson, G. E., 1957a. A Treatise on Limnology. Vol. 1.
3) provided the final equilibrium. Geography, physics, and chemistry. Wiley Intersci. Publ.,
New York.
Time scale of disturbance
Hutchinson, G. E., 1957b. Concluding remarks. Cold Spring
This is the most problematic part of our enterprise. We think Harbour Symp. Quant. Biol. 22: 415-427.
that most of the contributors (including ourselves) have an Hutchinson, G. E., 1959. Hommage to Santa Rosalia, or,
insufficient knowledge of the potentials and pitfalls of the Why are there so many kinds of animals? Am. Nat. 93:
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