Cao-2017-Marine and Petroleum Geology
Cao-2017-Marine and Petroleum Geology
Cao-2017-Marine and Petroleum Geology
Research paper
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The deep-water area of the Pearl River Mouth Basin in the South China Sea has received much scientific
Received 9 June 2015 attention since the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 184 in 1999 due to its potential economic prospects
Received in revised form and distinct tectono-sedimentary evolutionary processes. In this study, we present the composition of
16 May 2016
major and trace elements from two newly sampled deep-water boreholes (BY6 and LW3) in the Baiyun
Accepted 12 December 2016
Available online 14 December 2016
Sag of the southern Pearl River Mouth Basin. The geochemical evolution in the OligoceneeMiddle
Miocene, as well as potential controlling factors, are investigated based on a comparative study with
previous data from ODP site 1148 and borehole PY33. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) and AeCN
South China sea
eK plot reveal that the observed weathering trends are not compatible for the four discussed boreholes.
Pearl River Mouth Basin Sedimentary sorting is primarily observed in borehole PY33, where data trend away from the A apex to
Deep-water the feldspar join in the AeCNeK plot and show a spread of Al2O3/SiO2 and Nb/Zr ratios. Compared to
Geochemistry chemical weathering and hydrodynamic sorting, provenance has a greater impact on sediment
composition of the deep-water area. From the north, the Pearl River was the primary sediment supply.
However, a positive Eu anomaly and the provenance discrimination diagrams (i.e., La/Th versus Th/Yb
and Zr/Co versus Th/Co) reveal the mafic nature of borehole BY6 sediments in the ZhuhaieLower Zhu-
jiang (32.0e18.5 Ma) and Upper Hanjiang (13.8e10.5 Ma) formations. These compositions are unusual
and differ from the well-defined felsic sources in the majority of the Baiyun Sag; these discrepancies are
likely related to multistage magmatism. The sediments at site 1148 are characterized by slightly enriched
heavy rare earth elements and relatively high Zr/Co ratios, which could possibly be caused by zircon
enrichment from local sources.
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0264-8172/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Cao et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 80 (2017) 358e368 359
Fig. 1. Bathymetric map of the study area in the northern South China Sea showing the location of two sampled boreholes (BY6 and LW3; stars) and simplified geological map of the
Pearl River drainage basin. Topography data are from Ryan et al. (2009). The tectonic units of the Pearl River Mouth Basin are shown: BYS, Baiyun Sag; CSD, Chaoshan Depression;
DSU, Dongsha Uplift; LWS, Liwan Sag; NU, Northern Uplift; PYLU, Panyu Low-uplift; SHU, Shenhu Uplift; Z1D, Zhu-1 Depression; Z2D, Zhu-2 Depression; Z3D, Zhu-3 Depression.
Previous borehole PY33 and ODP site 1148 are also displayed with circles.
occurrences of compositional variations in the Oligocene strata (Li experienced more complex tectono-sedimentary evolution than
et al., 2003; Shao et al., 2004), but the interpretation of their syn- revealed during early studies of site 1148. This includes anomalous
rift sedimentary provenance remains controversial. For example, post-rift subsidence (Xie et al., 2006, 2014), unidirectional migra-
Li et al. (2003) and Wei et al. (2012) propose a southern provenance tion of submarine canyons (Zhu et al., 2010; Ding et al., 2013; Gong
from either Northwest Borneo or North Palawan, whereas com- et al., 2013), and episodic intrusions of magma and fluid (Sun et al.,
bined evidence from clay mineralogy, Nd isotopes, and palynology 2012, 2014a). However, geochemical analysis in this area is still
(e.g., Clift et al., 2002; Wu et al., 2003; Shao et al., 2008) suggests a scarce. In this study, we discuss the composition of major and trace
northern source from South China. Notwithstanding the uncer- elements in OligoceneeMiddle Miocene sediments from two deep-
tainty of sedimentary source, elemental concentrations and ratios water boreholes (BY6 and LW3). Previous data from ODP site 1148
of the Miocene transgressive deposits remain largely constant (Li et al., 2003) and commercial borehole PY33 (Shao et al., 2005,
across studies. Although most researchers interpret this as a rela- 2008) are compared with new data to fully evaluate the regional-
tively stable provenance from the Pearl River (Li et al., 2003; Wei scale implications for chemical weathering, hydrodynamic sort-
et al., 2012), another plausible explanation could be that site 1148 ing, sedimentary provenance, and tectonics.
is far away from the main sedimentary body, rendering its
composition relatively insensitive to provenance and eustatic sea 2. Geological setting
level change (Pang et al., 2006a). The modern Pearl River is the
largest river at the northern margin of the South China Sea (Fig. 1), In this paper, the “deep-water area” refers to the area of bathyal
with a drainage area of 490,000 km2 and a discharge of 260 km3/a water depths (>200 m) in the northern South China Sea. The
(Milliman and Farnsworth, 2011). Lithology within the Pearl River sampled boreholes (BY6 and LW3) are located at the middle part of
drainage basin is complicated, but largely consists of carbonate and the deep-water Baiyun Sag, at water depths of 1020 m and 1480 m,
sedimentary rocks in the upstream region and acidic igneous rocks respectively (Fig. 1). The Baiyun Sag is one of the largest depressions
in the coastal area of South China (Fig. 1). Sediment composition in the Pearl River Mouth Basin with an area of approximately
derived from the Pearl River seems to have changed since the 20,000 km2. The maximum thickness of its Cenozoic sedimentary
Oligocene, possibly due to the stepwise westward expansion of the sequences reaches 11 km, which can be partitioned into the flu-
Pearl River drainage basin in the Miocene (Shao et al., 2013b) as vialelacustrineeneritic shelf facies of the Paleogene syn-rift and
well as the anthropogenic activities in the Holocene (Hu et al., the deep-water slopeebathyal facies of the Neogene post-rift
(Fig. 2; Pang et al., 2008).
Before the mid-1990s, a lack of knowledge regarding regional Since the Late Cretaceous, the pre-existing Andean-type volca-
geology resulted in multiple failures of deep-water exploration
nic arc has been replaced by the passive continental margin in the
efforts in the Pearl River Mouth Basin (Pang et al., 2007). Although South China Sea (Taylor and Hayes, 1983). The subsequent exten-
it was once believed that the deep-water area lacked economic
sional setting is explained by several driving mechanisms, such as
prospects, sandy sources from the large-scale Pearl River delta the Indochina extrusion, the proto-South China Sea subduction,
system could be abundant. Following the discovery of natural gas
and the upwelling mantle plume (Leloup et al., 2001; Hall, 2002; Xu
reservoirs (e.g., borehole PY33; Fig. 1) on the northern side of et al., 2012). In the Early Oligocene (~33 Ma; Li et al., 2015), crustal
continental slope (Pang et al., 2006b), the geological evolution of
extension reached a point where seafloor spreading was initiated,
the deep-water area has received widespread attention. Extensive forming a widespread breakup unconformity in the South China
seismic surveys reveal that the deep-water depressions actually
Sea (Taylor and Hayes, 1983). After a short period of uplift and
360 L. Cao et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 80 (2017) 358e368
Fig. 2. Stratigraphic table of the study area (mainly modified from Pang et al., 2008) with subsidence rate (Xie et al., 2014), regional sea level curve (Pang et al., 2006a), and
sedimentation rate (Xie et al., 2013).
erosion (Barckhausen et al., 2014), the Upper Oligocene strata of the (Sun et al., 2014b).
Baiyun Sag developed during a transition of depositional environ-
ments, possibly due to the southward ridge jump at approximately 3. Borehole description and analytical methods
25 Ma and the spreading acceleration that followed (Barckhausen
and Roeser, 2004). A significant unconformity, spanning 2.5e3 The commercial boreholes BY6 and LW3 are owned by China
Ma, marks the initiation of the post-rift stage after the Late Oligo- National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) and are located at the
cene (Shipboard Scientific Party, 2000). Radiometric dating of western and eastern sides of the Baiyun Sag, respectively (Fig. 1).
newly sampled basement basalts from the International Ocean Both of them are drilled into the Oligocene strata, but the shallow
Discovery Program (IODP) Leg 349 is still in progress, thus the time sequence of the PlioceneeQuaternary was not logged by CNOOC
that spreading stopped remains controversial (ranging from 21 to during drilling operations. Thus, the cored strata from bottom to
16 Ma; Briais et al., 1993; Barckhausen et al., 2014). top are Zhuhai Formation (Oligocene), Zhujiang Formation (Lower
During the Early Miocene, the fault activities in the Baiyun Sag Miocene), Hanjiang Formation (Middle Miocene), and incomplete
decreased compared to the rift stage (Shao et al., 2013a) but most of Yuehai Formation (Upper Miocene) (Fig. 3). The ages of sequence
the WNW-trending faults remained active (Sun et al., 2014b). Fast boundaries (Fig. 2) were determined by a combination of unpub-
subsidence began simultaneously (Fig. 2), possibly triggered by lished seismic and palaeontological data from CNOOC.
episodic emplacement of igneous intrusions (Shi et al., 2005; Sun The oldest sediments (Zhuhai Formation) in borehole BY6, from
et al., 2014a; Zhao et al., 2014) or divergent flow of ductile low- 5192 to 4539 m measured depth (MD), mainly consist of reddish-
eremiddle crust (Clift et al., 2015). This anomalous subsidence was brown to gray mudstones with intercalated layers of extrusive
accompanied by relative sea level rise, in contrast to the global sea rocks at the top and fine sandstones at the bottom (Fig. 3). The
level curve at that time (Fig. 2; Pang et al., 2006a). Carbonate overlying Zhujiang Formation can be divided lithologically into two
platform growth favored by the Early Miocene transgression soon parts: the composite of limestones, mudstones, and interbedded
ceased due to partial drowning events (Sattler et al., 2009; Fyhn marlstones in the lower 4539e4046 m MD, and the gray to greyish
et al., 2013). By the Middle Miocene, a typical bathyal environ- green mudstones in the upper 4046e3237 m MD. The Zhujiang
ment had already formed in the Baiyun Sag where the continuously Formation is overlain by gray to blue-green mudstones (Hanjiang
increasing accumulation space trapped a large volume of sediments Formation), with a thickness of 1172 m, which is locally inter-
(Fig. 2; Xie et al., 2013). Meanwhile, a series of downslope- bedded with silty mudstones and fine sandstones. The youngest
extending channel systems developed on the northern continen- cored succession is a thin layer of silty mudstones (2065e2000 m
tal slope (Ding et al., 2013; Gong et al., 2013). Another unconformity MD) from the Yuehai Formation.
overlaying the Middle Miocene strata was likely caused by the A 2043 m-thick sedimentary sequence was cored in borehole
subductive compression from the Philippine Plate at approximately LW3 (Fig. 3). The Zhuhai Formation sediments (3843e3128 m MD)
10.5 Ma. This tectonic reactivation caused regional fault activities, differ from those of borehole BY6 and are mainly composed of
compressive uplift, and erosion in the northern South China Sea interbedded gray mudstones and fine sandstones. The overlaying
L. Cao et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 80 (2017) 358e368 361
4. Results
Fig. 5. Ternary diagram showing the relative concentrations of Ca, Al, and Si of Oli-
goceneeMiddle Miocene sediments from boreholes BY6 and LW3. The sum of three
components (wt%) has been normalized to 100.
5. Discussion
Fig. 6. Upper Continental Crust (UCC; Rudnick and Gao, 2003) normalized major and trace elements of OligoceneeMiddle Miocene sediments from boreholes BY6 and LW3. The
standard deviation of elemental concentrations is given as upper error bar.
Fig. 7. Chondrite (Sun and McDonough, 1989) normalized rare earth element (REE) concentrations of OligoceneeMiddle Miocene sediments from the northern South China Sea. The
standard deviation of REE contents is shown as upper error bar.
with our new BY6 and LW3 data contributes to our overall under- elements. Although diagenesis may also participate in a similar
standing of the geological history of the deep-water area in the manner in mineralogical conversion, it tends to be difficult to
northern South China Sea. Chemical data from ODP Leg 184 site discriminate between these two processes geochemically
1146 (water depth of 2092 m; Liu et al., 2013) were not taken into (McLennan et al., 1993). The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA)
account due to absence of the Oligocene sedimentary record. All introduced by Nesbitt and Young (1982) is widely utilized to
geochemical data of boreholes 1148 and PY33 are derived from the quantitatively measure the removal of mobile cations (e.g., Ca2þ,
previous studies of Li et al. (2003) and Shao et al. (2005, 2008). The Naþ, and Kþ) relative to residual constituents, such as Al3þ, during
methods of chemical analysis for the four discussed boreholes are chemical weathering. The index is calculated by the equation:
largely similar (Li et al., 2003), and would not bias the comparison CIA ¼ molar [Al2O3/(Al2O3 þ CaO* þ Na2O þ K2O)] 100, where
between these studies. A series of diagrams and parameters were CaO* represents the CaO content of silicate minerals. In order to
employed to explore potential controls on geochemical composi- avoid overcorrection of the measured CaO content (Garzanti and
tion. Because the age model of commercial boreholes (BY6, LW3, Resentini, 2015), we adopt the method of McLennan (1993) and
and PY33) is not as precise as that of ODP site 1148, a detailed inter- use the minimum value of CaO and Na2O to represent CaO*. The CIA
borehole comparison with respect to specific time periods could value, along with other chemical and clay proxies from ODP 184
not be achieved in this study. The geochemical data from boreholes sites, reveal a gradual decline in chemical alteration since the Early
1148 and PY33 were similarly partitioned into five intervals from Miocene (Clift et al., 2014) likely resulting from the global cooling
the Zhuhai Formation to the Upper Hanjiang Formation. effect. In this study, the CIA values of the Upper ZhujiangeHanjiang
Formation in BY6 show a steady decrease ranging from 83.2 to 69.1
5.1.1. Chemical weathering (Fig. 4), which is largely compatible with the CIA results of site 1148
Chemical weathering normally involves a conversion of volcanic (73.5e78.3). As for the deeper sediments of borehole BY6, two
glass and unstable minerals, like feldspar and mica, to clay, and can sharp drops in CIA within the ZhuhaieLower Zhujiang Formation
be evaluated by the characteristics of alkali and alkaline earth are followed by a maximum at approximately 18.5 Ma. In contrast,
364 L. Cao et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 80 (2017) 358e368
the CIA values of each stratum within LW3 do not exhibit much Al hosted mainly in slow-settling fine-grained and platy phyllosi-
variation (average value ¼ 68.3; Fig. 4), indicating a relatively licates, decreases with increasing grain size, whereas Na and Ca
moderate weathering intensity since the Oligocene. hosted largely in faster-settling plagioclase increase, and K hosted
In the Al2O3e(CaO*þNa2O)eK2O ternary diagram (i.e., AeCNeK in both phyllosilicates and K-feldspar remains roughly constant
diagram; Fig. 8), the weathering trend of the Upper Zhu- (Garzanti and Resentini, 2015). Consequently, the CIA value can
jiangeUpper Hanjiang Formation in BY6 largely parallels the AeCN decrease markedly with grain size resulting in an apparent
boundary, suggesting a dominance of chemical weathering on decrease in chemical weathering intensity (Zhou et al., 2015).
plagioclase. Plagioclase is more susceptible to destruction than K- However, CIA values of our samples were not seriously biased by
feldspar, which leads to a preferential leaching of Ca2þ and Naþ the grain size of bulk sediments. For example, the intercalated
over Kþ (Nesbitt and Young, 1984, 1989). The data of the Zhu- layers of fine sandstones from the bottom of borehole BY6 (Zhuhai
haieLower Zhujiang Formation deviate from this predicted Formation; Fig. 3) do not show distinctly lower CIA values
weathering trend by intersecting the AeCN boundary, indicating a compared with those of the overlying mudstones from the Upper
mixed control on alkali and alkaline earth elements. The LW3 data ZhujiangeUpper Hanjiang Formation (Fig. 4).
generally overlap along the line of predicted weathering trend, but During the Early Miocene marine transgression (Fig. 2), fine-
the weathering intensity of each formation cannot be well distin- grained components with high Nb/Zr and Al2O3/SiO2 ratios were
guished. In comparison, data from boreholes PY33 and 1148 are presumed to dominate the sediments in the Baiyun Sag under the
more irregularly distributed in the AeCNeK plot, and show clear gradually developed deep-water environment. However, the BY6
deviations from the weathering trend line. Based on both the CIA samples from the Upper ZhujiangeUpper Hanjiang Formation are
values and AeCNeK plot, the weathering effect is not the sole or characterized by decreases in both Al2O3/SiO2 (0.10e0.38) and Nb/
primary factor modifying geochemical composition because the Zr (0.08e0.26) ratios (Fig. 9), which likely indicates a gradually
observed weathering trends from the Oligocene to the Miocene are coarsening trend with Zr enrichment. A similar decrease in Nb/Zr
not consistent among these four boreholes. (0.11e0.13) ratios is also found in the coeval sediments from site
1148 regardless of largely invariant Al2O3/SiO2 ratios (average
5.1.2. Sedimentary sorting value ¼ 0.22). Thus, these geochemical variations are most likely
Sedimentary sorting usually results in a strong heterogeneity in caused by sedimentary source rather than sorting effect. The BY6
grain size, shape, and density of mineralogical composition and is data of the ZhuhaieLower Zhujiang Formation are rather scattered,
traditionally investigated at the macroscopic level. Although grain which may be due to lithological diversity (Fig. 3). The Miocene
size analysis was not conducted in this study, the effect of hydro- data (Lower ZhujiangeUpper Hanjiang Formation) from LW3
dynamic sorting can still be geochemically monitored to a certain generally cluster together, with average Al2O3/SiO2 and Nb/Zr ratios
degree. Recent studies on drainage basins have demonstrated of 0.29 and 0.15, respectively. However, the Oligocene data (Zhuhai
quantitatively that sorting processes lead to significant geochem- Formation) from this borehole deviate from this cluster with higher
ical and isotopic variability between different grain size fractions Nb/Zr (0.13e0.23) ratios, possibly due to the relatively low Zr
(Garzanti et al., 2009; Garçon et al., 2014). Heavy minerals, such as concentration. The PY33 samples show a poorly defined tendency
zircon, are often deposited in sandy sediments on the continental of decreasing Nb/Zr ratios from the Zhuhai Formation to the Upper
margin because of high densities and resistance to chemical Hanjiang Formation. The high enrichment of SiO2 (average
weathering and diagenetic processes. Thus, Zr depletion indicated value ¼ 70.0 wt%) in PY33 leads to generally low ratios of Al2O3/
by a high Nb/Zr ratio is a common feature of deep-water sediments SiO2. At the same time, the fluctuation in grain size within each
due to the “zircon effect” (Carpentier et al., 2009). Coarse-grained formation in PY33, as indicated by the large range of Al2O3/SiO2
sediments also tend to contain high contents of quartz and feld- ratios (0.02e0.26), could be related to the relatively turbulent hy-
spar, and thus a low Al2O3/SiO2 ratio, while clay-sized minerals (i.e., drodynamic environment on the continental shelf (Fig. 1). This
high Al2O3/SiO2) are usually abundant in fine-grained components. notion is supported by the AeCNeK plot (Fig. 8), where some PY33
Fig. 8. Al2O3e(CaO*þNa2O)eK2O (AeCNeK) ternary diagram of OligoceneeMiddle Miocene sediments from the northern South China Sea. All components are calculated in molar
units. The compositions of Upper Continental Crust (UCC; Rudnick and Gao, 2003) and other minerals (Nesbitt and Young, 1984, 1989) are plotted for reference.
L. Cao et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 80 (2017) 358e368 365
Fig. 9. Al2O3/SiO2 versus Nb/Zr plot showing possible variations of grain size and “zircon effect” (Carpentier et al., 2009). One anomalous value (0.10, 1.61) of the Lower Zhujiang
Formation in BY6 is not plotted.
samples (especially those from the ZhuhaieLower Zhujiang For- (average value ¼ 128.4 ppm) combined with the gentle enrichment
mation) trend away from the A apex towards the feldspar join of heavy REE (Fig. 7) may represent the occurrence of a large per-
(Nesbitt et al., 1996). centage of fine-grained zircons at site 1148. This oceanward Zr
enrichment is contrary to the predicted “zircon effect” of Carpentier
5.1.3. Detrital provenance et al. (2009), and may be attributed to sediment supply from local
Conservative elements are normally concentrated in refractory provenances. Thus, further provenance analysis of site 1148 is
minerals or absorbed by clay-sized minerals during the sedimen- required to determine if its sediments were sourced from the Pearl
tary processes (McLennan et al., 1993). Selected trace elements River as previously inferred.
(e.g., REE, Sc, and Th) have been effectively applied to the prove-
nance studies of the northern South China Sea, as evident by recent 5.2. Tectonic and magmatic implications
work on the Neogene sediments of the Yinggehai and Qiongdon-
gnan basins (Shao et al., 2010; Zhao et al., 2015) and the surface Provenance and weathering studies are very common for sedi-
sediments of the continental shelf (Wang et al., 2014). Most of the mentary rocks and sediments, whereas some doubts exist
LW3 and PY33 samples have highly similar Chondrite normalized regarding the discrimination of tectonic setting by chemical means
REE distributions (Fig. 7). The common Eu depletion and light REE of detrital components (e.g., Ryan and Williams, 2007; von
enrichment are also found in the 1148 samples, despite relatively Eynatten and Dunkl, 2012). This partially results from the fact
flat normalized curves of heavy REE. Meanwhile, the Lower Zhu- that chemical composition is constantly modified by multiple fac-
jiang Formation in PY33 and the Zhuhai Formation in 1148 are tors and tectonic processes may not be discernible from discrimi-
characterized by relatively low REE abundances, with average nation diagrams. Despite this, major-element-based diagrams are
values of 73.9 and 53.8 ppm, respectively. Even more noteworthy is still extensively utilized to extract tectonic information of unknown
the sharp change in Eu anomalies in BY6, suggesting a shift in po- sedimentary basins. Amongst existing diagrams, the Roser and
tential provenances. Normally, the positive Eu anomaly of clastic Korsch (1986) diagram performs better than others (Verma and
sediments can be attributed to either a mafic source or local Armstrong-Altrin, 2013) and was employed to aid tectonic
abundance of framework mineral plagioclase by sorting processes discrimination of the northern South China Sea sediments (Fig. 11).
(Clift et al., 2008; Shao et al., 2010). However, the later explanation However, it still should be noted that the predicted tectonic setting
is unlikely because these data clearly do not plot along the pro- in sedimentary basin may correspond to the parent rocks from
jected direction of the A apex towards the feldspar join in the which the clastic sediments were derived, and not the present
AeCNeK plot (Fig. 8). Moreover, the separation of feldspar from framework (Verma and Armstrong-Altrin, 2013). This phenomenon
fine-grained components does not necessarily lead to the Eu can be exemplified by a recent geochemical study on the Meihe
enrichment, as is the case for the PY33 samples (Fig. 7). Basin sediments from Northeast China (Bai et al., 2015). In the
To further discriminate the nature of potential source rocks, La/ current study, a large amount of the BY6, LW3, and PY33 data plot
Th versus Th/Yb and Zr/Co versus Th/Co diagrams (McLennan et al., within the field of active continental margin in the SiO2 versus K2O/
1980, 1993) were plotted (Fig. 10). The samples of the Zhu- Na2O diagram (Fig. 11). This differs from the actual extensional
haieLower Zhujiang Formation in BY6 are distinct from those of the setting of the OligoceneeMiddle Miocene South China Sea (Taylor
Upper ZhujiangeLower Hanjiang Formation in both diagrams, and Hayes, 1983). Despite this inaccuracy, the BY6 data of the
largely showing compositional variations towards more mafic ZhuhaieLower Zhujiang Formation and Upper Hanjiang Formation
characteristics. The data of the Upper Hanjiang Formation, which can still be distinguished from those of the Upper ZhujiangeLower
maintain a felsic distribution in the La/TheTh/Yb plot, can still be Hanjiang Formation based on the lower SiO2 content.
distinguished by slightly decreased Th/Co and Zr/Co values. This During the Oligocene (32.0e23.8 Ma), the sediments from the
rare mafic indication agrees with the relatively small average pos- four boreholes were generally deposited in an environment ranging
itive Eu anomalies (1.4; Fig. 7). All of the LW3 samples feature high from shelf delta to continental slope (Shao et al., 2008). The shelf
Th/Yb, Th/Co, and Zr/Co ratios and low La/Th ratios, with a small break was largely situated at the southern boundary of the Baiyun
increase in felsic nature from the Miocene to the Oligocene (Fig. 10). Sag (Pang et al., 2009). As revealed by a large set of southward
This trend is not observed in the PY33 samples despite similar progradational reflections in early seismic studies, the majority of
distribution ranges in both provenance diagrams. In contrast, the the Baiyun Sag received an abundant supply of sandy clastic sedi-
1148 samples are different, with lower average Th/Yb ratios (4.6) ments from the Pearl River (Pang et al., 2007; Xie et al., 2013). Apart
and higher average Zr/Co ratios (18.2). Higher Zr concentrations from minor modifications due to weathering and sorting effects,
366 L. Cao et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology 80 (2017) 358e368
Fig. 10. La/Th versus Th/Yb and Zr/Co versus Th/Co plots for the source discrimination of felsic and mafic characters (McLennan et al., 1980, 1993).
the geochemical compositions of LW3 and PY33 are comparable as environments of the Baiyun Sag (Pang et al., 2008; Shao et al.,
shown by REE distribution patterns and provenance discrimination 2008).
diagrams (Figs. 7 and 10). Farther south, sediment composition at By the late Early Miocene (18.5e16.5 Ma) the continental shelf
site 1148 clearly differs from that in the Baiyun Sag, with lower REE break had largely retreated to the northern boundary of the Baiyun
concentrations and Zr enrichment likely caused by local sources. Sag (Pang et al., 2009). Eu anomalies and other provenance dia-
Most of the BY6 data of the Oligocene strata (Zhuhai Formation) grams (Figs. 7 and 10) for the Upper Zhujiang Formation of borehole
display positive Eu anomalies (Fig. 7) and compositional variations BY6 show a disappearance of the mafic nature of sedimentary
towards unweathered mafic rocks (Figs. 8 and 10). Combined with provenance. The Baiyun Sag and southern deep-water area were
the occurrence of intercalations of extrusive rock (Fig. 3), these dominated by felsic provenances. By the Middle Miocene, the
features seem to be related to basaltic magmatism in the peripheral seafloor spreading in the South China Sea had already ceased (Li
region of the South China Sea during the seafloor spreading process et al., 2015). However, the reactivation of igneous provenance can
(Huang et al., 2012). However, this magmatism was most likely still be observed at regional scales during 13.8e10.5 Ma. This is
distributed at a local scale, as there was no obvious influence on exemplified by the slightly mafic character of sediment composi-
sediments in other boreholes. tion from borehole BY6 (Fig. 10).
In the early Early Miocene (23.8e18.5 Ma), the mafic prove-
nance still dominated the sediment composition of the Lower 6. Conclusions
Zhujiang Formation in BY6 (Fig. 10). These sediments, however,
have a more significant Eu enrichment compared to the Oligocene A comparison of major and trace elements of OligoceneeMiddle
sediments (Fig. 7). This compositional change tends to represent Miocene sediments from the deep-water area in the northern
the provenance from igneous intrusions rather than basaltic ex- South China Sea reveals potential controls on the geochemical
trusions, based on the gradual attenuation of extension in the evolution. The AeCNeK plot clearly shows that the data from the
northern South China Sea shortly following the southward jump of four boreholes do not plot regularly along the predicated weath-
spreading ridge (Barckhausen et al., 2014). Evidence from seismic ering trend and the inter-formation variations are not consistent
data recorded a number of discordant high-amplitude anomalies (Fig. 8), suggesting other compositional modifications in addition to
and associated volcanic mounds, although they are generally chemical weathering. One possible factor is the sorting effect,
recognized in the Middle Miocene strata (Sun et al., 2014a; Zhao which is evident in borehole PY33 where the data trend away from
et al., 2014). The emplacement of dense intrusive bodies in the the A apex to the feldspar join in the AeCNeK plot; these samples
thick Neogene sediments could be linked to acceleration of post-rift also feature large ranges in Al2O3/SiO2 and Nb/Zr ratios (Fig. 9).
subsidence (Shi et al., 2005; Xie et al., 2006). Clift et al. (2015) Another more important factor is the sedimentary source. The
recently proposed that the climatically controlled sediment load majority of the Baiyun Sag was continuously dominated by felsic
is the direct cause of this substantial subsidence. However, this provenances from the Pearl River. In contrast, the sediments at site
model is at least incompatible with the low sedimentation rate 1148 are characterized by slightly enriched heavy REE, relatively
during the Early Miocene (Fig. 2; Xie et al., 2013). Along with high Zr/Co ratios, and low La/Th ratios (Figs. 7 and 10), which may
anomalous subsidence, a rapid rise in regional sea level began at indicate Zr enrichment from local source areas. Meanwhile, Eu
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