B. Establishing a *Using a powerpoint presentation, the teacher will ask the students to read the lesson
purpose of the lesson objectives. Also, the teacher will give the details of the different performance tasks that
the students will perform throughout the class.
*Using a powerpoint presentation, the teacher will play a video clip that contains
information about the life to the author of the poem, Edwin Markham. Students will also
be instructed to take note of the information that will be shared for this can be used to
better understand the poem. Afterwards, the students will be given copies of the poem.
*Then, using a powerpoint presentation, the teacher will flash the incomplete words
below and the students will be asked to supply the missing letters to complete them. The
words can be found in the poem.
1. r _ p _ u r - a feeling of intense pleasure or joy
2. d _ s p _ i r - a complete loss or absence of hope
C. Presenting 3. s _o l _ d - calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation
examples/instances 4. d_m_n_on - sovereignty or control
of the new lesson 5. g_lf - a deep ravine, chasm, or abyss
6. c_n s u_e - to criticize very strongly
7. g _ e e d - avid desire for gain or wealth
8. s_oop - to bend the body or a part of the body forward and downward sometimes
simultaneously bending the knees
9. pl_nd_r_d – stealing goods from a person or place using force
10. p_of_n_d - treat (something sacred) with irreverence or disrespect.
11. d_st_rt_d - giving a misleading or false account or impression
12. im_m_r_ _l - originating in the distant past; very old
13. p_rf_d_ _ us - deceitful and untrustworthy
14. imm_d_c_ble - unable to be healed or treated; incurable
15. r_ck_n - to settle accounts
Activity 2: Small Group Work Activities (SGWA)
*Since the poem is consisting of 4 stanzas, the students will be grouped into four and they
will be given 15 minutes to read and write their interpretations (in words, phrases, and
sentences) of their assigned stanza by answering the guide questions. Each group will be
given Manila paper and they will be instructed to write their answer on it.
*After the given time, each group will be asked to choose a representative to present their
output to the class and they will be rated using the criteria below.
E. Discussing new Content - 15points
concept and Presentation - 10points
practicing new skills Total - 25 points
*After each group has presented their outputs, the teacher will also give his/her
feedbacks and additional inputs.
*Then, using a powerpoint presentation, the students will be asked to answer orally by
identifying the literary devices used in the following lines from the poem.
1. “Bowed by the weight of centuries he leans”
F. Developing 2. “And on his back, the burden of the world.”
Mastery (Leads to 3. “A thing that grieves not and that never hopes,
Formative Stolid and stunned, a brother to the ox?”
Assessment) 4. “O masters, lords and rulers in all lands,
Is this the handiwork you give to God?”
5. “When this dumb Terror shall reply to God
After the silence of the centuries?”
H. Making *After a series of responses from the students, the teacher will share an interpretation of
generalization and the poem from an Internet source. The students will also be encouraged to ask questions
abstraction about the about the lesson.
Using a powerpoint presentation, the students will be asked to answer the following
1. What is the image of the man with the hoe?
2. How does the poet describe him?
3. What is meant by the line, “What to him are Plato and the swing of Pleaiades?”
4. What does the bent body of the man with the hoe signify?
I. Evaluating learning
5. According to the poet, who is responsible for the condition or state of the man with the
6. As the child of the “future”, how would you respond to the question, “How will the
Future reckon with this Man?” posed by the persona?
7. Who is the modern “man with the hoe”? How does the society treat them?
J. Additional The students will be asked to look for 1 news article that depicts the modern ‘man with
activities for the hoe’ and write at least a 1-sentence explanation on how this article is related to the
application or topic. They are to submit their outputs to the teacher’s email address:
remediation [email protected]
New LP Format (D.O. no. 42, s. 2016)