Session 6 National Income Accounting
Session 6 National Income Accounting
Session 6 National Income Accounting
All goods and services counted in nominal GDP are valued at the
prices that those goods and services are actually sold for in that
year. Nominal GDP is evaluated in either the local currency or U.S.
dollars at currency market exchange rates to compare countries’
GDPs in purely financial terms.
All goods and services counted in nominal GDP are valued at the
prices that those goods and services are actually sold for in that
year. Nominal GDP is evaluated in either the local currency or U.S.
dollars at currency market exchange rates to compare countries’
GDPs in purely financial terms.
–Valuations can differ, markets for all products
don’t exist (e.g. street lighting)
• Final goods and services are goods and services
used for final consumption
•Flow Variable
–Measures a process that takes place
over a period of time
–GDP is a flow variable
–Income is also a flow variable
Only New Output Is
•Both GDP/GNP are flow variables therefore
output produced over a given period is
counted as part of GDP/GNP
• Income approach
–Add up all incomes received by factors of