Ineffective Coping NCP

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Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation

Subjective Ineffective Short Term: Independent: Short Term:

Client verbalized Within 3 hours of nursing 1. Establish a therapeutic 1. Within a helping Within 3 hours of
coping related
“when I'm stressed to poor stress intervention the patient will nurse-patient relationship, the nursing intervention
at work I drink be able to: relationship. patient can begin the patient was
as evidenced
alcohol.” by verbalization ● Identify ineffective to trust and try out able to:
of inability to
Objective coping behaviors new thinking and ● Identify
● Ineffective and consequences. behaviors. ineffective

coping including the use of 2. Determine individual 2. This gives the coping

strategies substances as a stressors (e.g. work, patient and the behaviors

● Destructive method of coping. social, family) nurse a better and

behavior ● Verbalize feelings understanding of consequenc

towards self congruent with what triggers the es. including

● Insufficient behavior use of alcohol. the use of

problem-sol Long Term: 3. Determine 3. Provides substances

ving skills Within a month of nursing understanding of information about as a method

intervention patient will be current situation, degree of denial, of coping.

able to: previous, and other acceptance of ● Verbalize

● Use effective methods of coping personal feelings

coping with life’s problems. responsibility and congruent

skills/problem-solvi commitment to with

ng. change; identifies behavior

● Initiate necessary coping skills that Long Term:

lifestyle changes. may be used in Within a month of

● Meet psychological present situation. nursing intervention

needs as 4. Encourage 4. May help patient patient was able to::

evidenced by verbalization of begin to come to ● Use effective

appropriate feelings, fears, and terms with coping

expression of anxiety. long-unresolved skills/proble

feelings, issues m-solving.

identification of 5. Explore alternative 5. Patient may have ● Initiate

options, and use of coping strategies. little or no necessary

resources knowledge of lifestyle

adaptive changes.

responses to stress ● Meet

and needs to learn psychologic

other options for al needs as

managing time, evidenced

feelings, and by
relationships appropriate

without alcohol. expression of

6. Encourage use of 6. Relaxation feelings,

cognitive behavioral techniques, identification

relaxation (e.g., music desensitization, of options,

therapy, guided and guided and use of

imagery). imagery can help resources

patients cope,

increase their

sense of control,

and allay anxiety.


1. Give medications that 1. There are

are ordered by the medications that

physicians can help with the

mental stability of

the patient and

can aid in



1. Refer for counseling 1. Arranging for

as necessary referral assists the

patient in working

with the system,

and resource use

helps to develop


and coping skills.

2. Refer to medical social 2. This will promote

services for evaluation
adequate coping
and counseling.
as part of the

medical plan of


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