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Experiment 5


Course: ECE201A Section: CPE21S3

Group No.: 3 Date Performed: 10/25/22

Group Members: Joshua Bejo, Zinitchi Mora Date Submitted: 10/29/22

Charles Reta, Christian Roldan, Jobert Soriano Instructor: Prof. Shiela Valondo

1. Objective(s):

The activity aims to determine the basic characteristics of BJT biasing circuits.

2. Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

The students shall be able to:

1) Analyze the operation of emitter stabilized bias circuit and the three regions of operations of
2) Analyze the operation of voltage divider bias circuit.
3) Determine the effect in the output of improper biasing of transistor circuit.
3. Discussion:

The dc level of operation of a transistor is controlled by a number of factors, including the range
of possible operating points on the device characteristics. Once the desired dc current and voltage levels
have been defined, a network must be constructed that will establish the desired operating point.Each
design will also determine the stability of the system, that is, how sensitive the system is to temperature
The term biasing is an all-inclusive term for the application of dc voltages to establish a fixed
level of current and voltage. For transistor amplifiers the resulting dc current and voltage establish an
operating point on the characteristics that define the region that will be employed for amplification of the
applied signal. Since the operating point is a fixed point on the characteristics, it is also called the
quiescent point (abbreviated Q-point). By definition, quiescent means quiet, still, inactive. Figure 9 shows
a general output device characteristic with four operating points indicated. The biasing circuit can be
designed to set the device operation at any of these points or others within the active region. The
maximum ratings are indicated on the characteristics of Figure 9 by a horizontal line for the maximum
collector current ICmax and a vertical line at the maximum collector-to-emitter voltage V CEmax. The maximum
power constraint is defined by the curve P Cmax in the same figure. At the lower end of the scales are the
cutoff region, defined by I B ≤ 0uA , and the saturation region, defined by V CE ≤ V CEsat .
The BJT device could be biased to operate outside these maximum limits, but the result of such
operation would be either a considerable shortening of the lifetime of the device or destruction of the
device. Confining ourselves to the active region, one can select many different operating areas or points.
The chosen Q-point often depends on the intended use of the circuit. Still, we can consider some
differences among the

Source: Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory by Boylestad and Nashelsky.

4. Equipment:

Multisim Live
NI Multisim
5. Procedure:
Activity 1: Emitter-Stabilized Bias Circuit
1. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 9.1.

Figure 9.1

2. Open VPS. Set the Supply + to 8V of VPS (Variable power supply). Click Run.
3. Open DMM. Select DC voltmeter (V--). Click Run.
4. Adjust the potentiometers so that the voltage V CE = 7.8V. Using another DMM measure the base
voltage VB, collector voltage VC, and emitter voltage VE. Record your data on Table 9.1. The
transistor is in: a. saturation b. cut-off or c. active condition.
Table 9.1

VCE VB VC VE Condition of transistor

7.8 V


0.3 V

5. Adjust the potentiometers so that the voltage V CE = 4V. Using another DMM measure the base
voltage VB, collector voltage VC, and emitter voltage VE. Record your data on Table 9.1. The
transistor is in: a. saturation b. cut-off or c. active condition.

6. Adjust the potentiometers so that the voltage V CE = 0.3V. Using another DMM measure the base
voltage VB, collector voltage VC, and emitter voltage VE. Record your data on Table 9.1. The
transistor is in: a. saturation b. cut-off or c. active condition.
End of Activity 1

Activity 2: Voltage Divider Bias Circuit

7. Connect the circuit shown in Figure 9.2.

Figure 9.2

8. Open VPS. Set the Supply + to 8V of VPS (Variable power supply). Click Run.
9. Open DMM. Select DC voltmeter (V--). Click Run.
10. Using another DMM measure the base voltage V B, collector voltage VC, emitter voltage VE, and
base-emitter voltage VBE. Record your data on Table 9.2.
Table 9.2


11. Reconnect the circuit using Figure 9.3.

Figure 9.3

12. Open VPS. Set the Supply + to 8V of VPS (Variable power supply). Click Run.
13. Open DMM. Select DC voltmeter (V--). Click Run.
14. Open FGEN (function generator). Click Signal route and select FGEN BNC.
15. Set FGEN amplitude to 1.6Vpp (peak-to-peak) and frequency to 1kHz. Click Run.
16. Open Scope (Oscilloscope). Set the following:
SCOPE CH0: Enabled. coupling: AC; Scale Volts/div:2V; Time/div: 500us
17. Click Run. Select Acquisition Mode: Run Once.
18. Adjust the potentiometer to set VCE = 3.0V. Use another DMM to measure VCE.
19. Record the output waveform. Turn off the NI ELVIS II.
20. Adjust the potentiometer to set VCE = 4.2V. Use another DMM to measure VCE.
21. Record the output waveform.
22. Adjust the potentiometer to set VCE = 6.4V. Use another DMM to measure VCE.
23. Record the output waveform.
End of Activity 2
Laboratory Report

Simulation Activity 4.2


Course/section: ECE201A – CPE21S Instructor: Prof. Shiela Valondo

Group No.: 3 Date Performed: 10/25/22

Group Members: (Name/Signature/Task(duty))

1. Joshua Bejo - Conclusion

2. Zinitchi Mora – Activity 1

3. Charles Reta – Conclusion

4. Christian Roldan – Conclusion

5. Jobert Soriano – Activity 2

Honor Pledge

7. Data and Results:

Activity 1: Emitter-Stabilized Bias Circuit
Table 9.1

VCE VB VC VE Condition of transistor

7.8 V 1V 8V 0.23 V C

4V 1V 4.22 V 0.23 V C

0.3 V 1V 0.58 V 0.23 V C

 Condition of transistor: Active, Saturation or Cutoff

Activity 2: Voltage Divider Bias Circuit
Table 9.2


5.9 V 1.25 V 5.4 V 0.46 V 0.7 V

Record the output waveform.

In this experiment, you cannot change the VCE value via Potentiometer since the potentiometer is not in
the circuit within the VCE. But I can change the value of the VCC to change the value of the VCE and
here is the waveform.

VCE = 3 V
Record the output waveform.
VCE = 4.2V
Record the output waveform.
VCE = 6.4V

End of Activity 2

8. Discussion of Results:

Based on the results gathered the Potentiometer helps to control on how much voltage will be passed through the
current. The value of the Voltage depends on the resistors placed and how much resistance it has. The BJT also
have an effect in this since it depends whether or not the BJT is NPN or PNP so that the current will be forward or
reversed biased.

9. Conclusion:

This differential amplifier was powered by a single NPN BJT.
The collector voltage The current source driving the differential amplifier will enter the NPN BJT.
The transistor's name is A useful component for amplifying current with a very little current. The dc current gain
rises as The voltage is rising. However, the dc current gain for the same voltage with varied base currents is the

Each part has a distinct base current, however if a DC current gain for the same voltage on multiple parts is
discovered, It will be roughly the same if you use curves.

In my observation, the flow changes with the use of potentiometer. by manipulating or changing the value it can
changes the flow by limiting how much resistance it will put.
In this experiment I concluded with both junctions forward biased, a BJT is in saturation mode and facilitates high
current conduction from the emitter to the collector (or the other direction in the case of NPN, with negatively
charged carriers flowing from emitter to collector). This mode corresponds to a logical "on", or a closed switch.

We found out that this experiment shows that the BJT or Bipolar Junction Transistor affects the current flow, and
that the Potentiometer controls the voltage that can pass through the current.

I conclude that this experiment shows us the value of the BJT since it can affect the current flow and we can know
whether the diode is forward-biased or reversed. The potentiometer helps the current flow by limiting how much
resistance it will put up the higher the percentage the higher the resistance.

Honor Pledge:
“I accept responsibility for my role in ensuring the integrity of the work submitted by the group in which I

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