Rotary Dryer

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Design and Fabrication of Rotary Dryer for

Robusta Coffee Bean using Coffee Husk as

energy source
Alfred Maitem Mechanical Britney S. Pahamotang Paul Roland C. Rebayla
Engineering Program, College Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
of Engineering Education Program, College of Program, College of
University of Mindanao, Matina, Engineering Education Engineering Education
Davao City, Philippines University of Mindanao, Matina, University of Mindanao, Matina,
[email protected] Davao City, Philippines Davao City, Philippines
.ph b.pahamotang.502185@umindana [email protected] .ph

Introduction used to create instant coffee, which Filipinos

consume daily. Robusta coffee has a much
Coffee husk is a by-product of coffee
sharper flavor and a unique scent when brewed
production that is often seen as waste.
However, it can be used as an energy source
for a rotary dryer, which is commonly used to Due to the non-optimal temperatures,
dry coffee beans. drying coffee beans naturally takes a relatively
long time. Small farmers in the Philippines
Using coffee husk as energy for a
require an efficient dryer that is simple to
rotary dryer of coffee beans is a sustainable
operate and has long-term sustainability. The
practice. It is a renewable resource that can be
dryer model will be designed with the aid of
locally sourced and reduces the dependence on
small farmers. It uses coffee husk energy
non-renewable energy sources such as fossil
sources to produce evenly dry products at
fuels. This, in turn, reduces greenhouse gas
optimal temperatures.
emissions and helps to mitigate climate
change. Biomass is the organic materials
derived from living bodies, such as plant,
Coffee husk is an abundant and widely
animal, and agricultural waste. Biomass can be
available resource. It is estimated that the
used to replace fossil fuels as an alternative
coffee industry produces around 23 million
energy source [3].
tonnes of coffee husk every year. This means
that there is a significant opportunity to use Heat exchangers and biomass can be
this waste product to generate energy for the used to speed up the drying process of palm
drying of coffee beans, rather than letting it go fibers. This study installed a gas-to-gas heat
to waste or causing environmental problems exchanger model above the biomass
[1]. combustion chamber, with the flue gas area
and cold air flow at the top [4].
Robusta is most likely the most
common type of coffee in the Philippines. Rotary dryers are made up of a
When compared to Arabica, this coffee is cylinder or drum that continuously rotates and
easier to cultivate. It can grow on lowlands, obtains heat from an energy source such as
which makes it common in the Southern biomass. This type is suitable for granular
Tagalog regions of Bulacan, Mindoro, and foods like grains. Rotating drums are
Cavite. It accounts for over 85% of coffee commonly used to heat, cool, mix, and dry
farmed in the Philippines since it is mostly granular materials [5,6,7].
Small farmers require low costs in the waste while reducing smallholder post-harvest
post-harvest drying process. The dryer's design drying costs.
is adapted to waste energy, which is easily
obtained and inexpensive.
[1] Pike D. at Daily Coffee News (2018)
Rotary dryer applications are an
What Goes Around: How Coffee
alternative because they produce uniform
Waste Is Fueling a Circular Economy.
drying, are simple to use, and are inexpensive.
Retrieved from
Rotary dryers use 15-30% less specific energy
and require less maintenance [8]. Indirect
biomass drying with a rotary dryer is better,
with a smaller diameter, thinner shape, and
length [9]. [2] A. (2019). Types of Coffee that Grow
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Another study by Ida et al. compares
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direct sun drying and using a rotary dryer in
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drying coffee. For a mass of 10 kg, it takes
1440 min to reach the final moisture content of
10.71%. For masses of 15 kg and 20 kg, it
takes 1680 min and 1920 min to reach the final [3] I. Pujotomo, Potensi pemanfaatan
moisture content of 10.45% and 11.13%. The biomassa sekam padi untuk
moisture content was found to be much higher pembangkit listrik melalui teknologi
in the largest mass. Drying coffee with a rotary gasifikasi, Jurnal Ilmiah Energi &
dryer gives better results than sun drying [10]. Kelistrikan 9 (2) (2017) 126–135,
By using coffee husk as an alternative
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exchanger for thermal backup of a
Using coffee husk as energy for a
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rotary dryer of coffee beans has economic
(2011) 1929–1936.
benefits. The cost of the coffee husk as a fuel
is significantly lower than that of fossil fuels. [5] Chen, et al. (2018). Case studies of
This means that coffee farmers can save heat conduction in rotary drums with
money on energy costs, which can translate L-shaped lifters via DEM. Case
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cherry coffee naturally takes a relatively long from
time due to non-optimal temperatures.
This thesis aims to design and
fabricate a rotary dryer for coffee for the [7] Ettahi, et al. (2022). Modeling and
small-scale farmer. Using coffee husks as an Design of a Solar Rotary Dryer Bench
energy source will add value to agricultural Test for Phosphate Sludge. Hindawi
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[8] Acampora, et al. (2019). Wood chip
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[10] Susana, et al. (2023). Rice husk energy
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