Course Book - Energy
Course Book - Energy
Course Book - Energy
Learning Objectives
This course aims to help the students understanding the basics of the energy forms used
in electrical engineering, and the relation between them. It also intends to introduce the
students to the principles of conversion between one type of energy and another.
By the end of this course, the students should have broad understanding of magnetic fields,
circuits and induction. In addition, they should gain a good understanding of various elec-
tromagnetic energy conversion systems, such as generators, motors and transformers.
Energy Conversion Course Book
Course Contents
Subject Details
SI units; Charge; Force; Work; Power;
Units of Basic Electrical Quanti-
Electrical potential and e.m.f.; Conduc- 4
tance; Electrical power and energy.
Magnetic fields; Magnetic flux and flux
density; Magnetomotive force and mag-
netic field strength: Biot-Savart law; Per-
Magnetic Circuits 6
meability and B-H curves; Reluctance;
Composite series magnetic circuits; Hys-
teresis and hysteresis loss.
Magnetic field due to an electric cur-
rent; Electromagnets; Force on a current-
carrying conductor; Principle of operation
Electromagnetism 6
of a simple D.C. motor; Principles of op-
eration of a moving-coil instrument; Force
on a charge.
Laws of electromagnetic induction; Rota-
tion of a loop in a magnetic field; Induc-
Electromagnetic Induction 6
tance; Inductors; Energy stored; Induc-
tance of a coil; Mutual Inductance.
Alternative Voltages and Cur- The A.C. generator; Waveforms; A.C. val-
rents ues.
Three-phase supply; Star connection;
Three-Phase Systems Delta connection; Power in three-phase 6
Transformer principle of operation; E.m.f.
equation of a transformer; Transformer
Transformers construction; Regulation of a transformer; 6
Three-phase transformers; Voltage trans-
The action of a commutator; D.C. ma-
chine construction; E.m.f. generated in an
armature winding; Shunt, series, and com-
D.C. Machines pound windings; D.C. generators; Types 6
of D.C. generator and their characteris-
tics; D.C. motors; Types of D.C. motor
and their characteristics.
Marks Distribution
The marking of this course will be distributed as follows:
• 28% Calculated from the average of different tests taken during the course.
• 2% Attendance.
1. Bird, John Electrical and Electronic Principles and Technology. Elsevier Ltd., 3rd Ed.
2. Hughes, Edward Electrical and Electronic Technology. Pearson Education Ltd., Tenth
Ed. 2008.