Unit 6 Review Sheet Answer Key
Unit 6 Review Sheet Answer Key
Unit 6 Review Sheet Answer Key
- What causes genetic diversity (what is the source of genetic diversity)? mutation
- What kind of changes do mutations cause (i.e. structural change)? Structural, function and
behavioral changes
- How does sexual reproduction increase genetic diversity? Crossing over and recombination
occur during meiosis (the formation of gametes). This creates new combinations of genes,
therefore variety in a species that reproduces sexually.
- What are advantages and disadvantages of asexual and sexual reproduction? Asexual – faster
than sexual, but not as much diversity as sexual. Sexual – takes a long time to produce
offspring, but creates diversity within a species
- Why is diversity important to a species? If the environment changes, it’s likely that at least
some organisms in a species are going to survive since they would have some variation that
allows them to adapt to the environment. Ex. I AM LEGEND. Some humans survived the
mutated virus because they had a mutation in part of their DNA that coded for proteins of the
immune system. Therefore, they were resistant to the virus and survived.
- How do we classify all organisms? Taxonomy
- What are the 4 major kingdoms of the domain Eukarya? Protist, Animal, Plant, Fungi
- How do you write the scientific name for an organism in binomial nomenclature? You write the
genus and species the organism belong to; capitalize the genus; write in italics or underline. Ex
Homo sapiens
- Can you use a dichotomous key to classify an organism?