This document summarizes information about family reproductive life planning in the Philippines. It discusses reproductive life planning benefits, the evolution of the Philippine family planning program, maternal risk factors, client rights, and decision principles. The program's vision is to empower individuals to achieve their desired family size through quality family planning methods. The mission is to ensure availability of family planning information and services through partnerships between government and other organizations.
This document summarizes information about family reproductive life planning in the Philippines. It discusses reproductive life planning benefits, the evolution of the Philippine family planning program, maternal risk factors, client rights, and decision principles. The program's vision is to empower individuals to achieve their desired family size through quality family planning methods. The mission is to ensure availability of family planning information and services through partnerships between government and other organizations.
This document summarizes information about family reproductive life planning in the Philippines. It discusses reproductive life planning benefits, the evolution of the Philippine family planning program, maternal risk factors, client rights, and decision principles. The program's vision is to empower individuals to achieve their desired family size through quality family planning methods. The mission is to ensure availability of family planning information and services through partnerships between government and other organizations.
This document summarizes information about family reproductive life planning in the Philippines. It discusses reproductive life planning benefits, the evolution of the Philippine family planning program, maternal risk factors, client rights, and decision principles. The program's vision is to empower individuals to achieve their desired family size through quality family planning methods. The mission is to ensure availability of family planning information and services through partnerships between government and other organizations.
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REPRODUCTIVE LIFE PLANNING The Responsible Parenthood and
Includes all the decisions an individual or a Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (RPRH couple make about whether and when to Law) - mandates the universal provision have children, how many children to have, of reproductive health (RH) services and how they are spaced. including family planning (FP) to ensure that unmet needs of MFP are met. Benefits to the mother, child, and whole family: Desired Behaviors: 1. Ensures health and well-being of women All couples and individuals of and families throughout life. reproductive age use modern family 2. Helps avoid unwanted pregnancy and planning methods to practice proper proper spacing of birth. birth spacing of 3-5 years 3. Protects against STI/STD, includes All couples and individuals of HIV/AIDS. reproductive age seek FP information 4. Provides good health benefits for the and counseling and avail of FP services children through proper nutrition, love from health service providers and care. Couples and individuals of reproductive 5. Helps reduce the incidence of hereditary age become satisfied FP users, discuss disease such as blood disorders. FP among themselves and endorse FP to 6. Keeps family member live a healthier, others more productive and fulfilled life. Family Planning (FP) Program is a health Evolution of Philippine FAMILY PLANNING intervention to promote the overall health of Program: all Filipinos by: 1970 to 1985 - PFPP started as a family 1. Preventing high-risk and unplanned planning service delivery component to pregnancies; achieve fertility reduction by 2. Reducing maternal deaths; and contraceptive. 3. Responding to unmet needs for FP 1986 to 1993 – reoriented to health among women. intervention by improving the health of Unmet Need women and children. Couples and individuals with 1994 to 1999 – integration with other unmet need are those who are RH programs giving importance to fecund and sexually active, and recognizing choice and rights of FP report not wanting any more users. children or wanting to delay the In year 2000 up to the present the next pregnancy but are not national FP policy, AO No. 50-A, s. 2001 using any modern method of - formulated to prescribe the key contraception (artificial or policies of FP services in the country, natural). which is “Family planning as a means This is also includes couples or towards responsible parenthood.” individuals who expressed desire DOH also issued AO No. 0005, series of to shift from traditional method 2011 - to ensure Quality Standards in to modern FP. the Delivery of FP Program and Services through Compliance to Informed Choice RPRH Law and Voluntarism. The Responsible Parenthood and The Executive Order (EO) No. 12- Reproductive Health (RPRH) Law of 2012 Attaining and Sustaining “Zero Unmet RA 10354 is a landmark legislation aimed at Need for Modern Family Planning” - by protecting, promoting and fulfilling President Rodrigo Duterte on January 9, women’s reproductive health and rights by 2017. accelerating the provision/delivery of and
access to reproductive health care services Toxemia and information. 3. Too many-birth number - had four or more Family Planning program is anchored on the deliveries following basic principles: problems during pregnancy and may 1. Responsible Parenthood: Each family require Caesarean Section has the right and duty to determine the 4. Too close-birth intervals of less than 3 years desired number of children they might complications may have; Anemia and have and when they might have them. Malnutrition Responsible Parenting -proper Increased vulnerability and Illnesses upbringing and education of children Physical Stress so that they grow up to be upright, 5. Too ill or unhealthy or with medical condition productive and civic-minded citizens. 2. Respect for Life: The 1987 Constitution Ten (10) Basic Rights of All Family Planning states that the government protects the Clients: sanctity of life. Abortion is NOT a FP 1. Information 6. Confidentiality method. 2. Access 7. Dignity 3. Birth Spacing: refers to interval 3. Choice 8. Comfort between pregnancies (ideally 3-5 years) 4. Safety 9. Continuity 4. Informed Choice: upholding and 5. Privacy 10. Opinion ensuring the rights of couples to determine the number and spacing of Nine (9) ICV Decision Principles: their children Decision-making about an FP method without coercion, undue influence or fraud: 1. No target or quota on individual service PHILIPPINE FAMILY PLANNING PROGRAM providers Vision 2. No incentives for clients and/or providers To empower women and men to live 3. No denial of rights and benefits for those healthy, productive, and fulfilling lives who do not accept FP with rights to achieve their desired family 4. No discrimination against applicants of NFP size through quality, medically sound , and grants legally permissible FP methods 5. Not allowed: funding for programs with Mission INVOLUNTARY sterilization or coercive The DOH in partnership with LGUs, NGOs, abortion the private sectors and communities Giving full information about risks and ensures the availability of FP information benefits of available FP methods: and services to men and women who need 6. Comprehensible information on chosen FP them. methods Program Goal: 7. Full disclosure of experimental To provide universal access to FP contraceptive methods & procedures information, education and services 8. Informed consent for BTL / NSV whenever and wherever these are needed. 9. Other methods even for clients choosing permanent methods Maternal High Risk Factors: 1. Too Young - below 18 years old; could have Client with Special Needs: the following complications: Anything you want to discuss? Hemorrhage / Anemia Will parents or partner find out? Toxemia Need contraception? Iron Deficiency Anemia HIV/AIDS worries? Miscarriage / Stillbirth Partner problems? Prolonged Labor Pregnancy? 2. Too Old – 35 years old and above; could have About sex? the following complications: About the body? Hemorrhage Prolonged Labor
Family Planning for Older Women: ABSTINENCE Important to consider: Is commonly defined as NO… Pregnancy is possible right up to oral sex menopause vaginal sex Healthy older women can safely use any anal sex family planning method genital-to-genital rubbing with another When to stop using family planning person methods Effectiveness: 100% You must keep protecting yourself from STIs Pros: and HIV/AIDS No risk or worry about STI or pregnancy Family Planning after Childbirth: Allows relationship to develop without Let’s plan for the future the pressure of sex Pregnant now? No side effects or health risks You can think about family planning Cons: methods NOW Can be hard to follow Recently gave birth? Many people fail to use protection Are you breastfeeding? when abstinence ends
Family Planning after Abortion:
You can get pregnant again quickly METHODS OF CONTRACEPTION: I can help you choose and use a method All family planning methods are safe now if 1) FOLK METHODS you have no infection A. PRECOITAL AND POSTCOITAL DOUCHE Clients Living with HIV/AIDS: Plain water, vinegar, and a number of You need continued protection from STIs “feminine hygiene” products are widely and HIV/AIDS used as postcoital douches. Pregnancy can be risky for you and your Serves to flush the semen out of the vagina, child and the additives to the water may possess You can find a family planning method that some spermicidal properties. is right for you BUT: sperm have been found within the cervical mucus within 90 seconds after ejaculation. Hence, the method is ineffective and unreliable. CONTRACEPTION is the intentional prevention of pregnancy B. PROLONGED LACTATION / LACTATIONA during sexual intercourse Amenorrhea METHOD (LAM) Birth control is the device and/or practice to The use of breastfeeding as a temporary decrease the risk of conceiving, or bearing, introductory postpartum method of offspring. postponing pregnancy based on Things to consider about contraceptive physiological infertility experienced by methods: breastfeeding women 1. Personal values The lactational amenorrhea method (LAM) 2. Ability to use a method correctly can be a highly efficient method for 3. How the method will affect sexual breastfeeding women to utilize physiology enjoyment to space births. 4. Financial factors Suckling results in a reduction in the release 5. Status of a couple’s relationship of gonadotropin releasing hormone, 6. Prior experiences luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating 7. Future plans hormone. Beta-endorphins induced by suckling also induce a decline in the secretion of dopamine (normally suppresses the release
of prolactin). This results in a condition of Condom is applied on erect penis, rolled amenorrhea and anovulation. During the from the tip to the end of the shaft, before first 6 months, if breastfeeding is exclusive, vulvar or vaginal contact. menses are mostly anovulatory and fertility Most condoms have reservoir tip to allow remains low. for collection of ejaculate. When using a A recent WHO Study on LAM revealed that condom without a reservoir end, a small during the first 6 months of nursing, space must be left at the end to collect the cumulative pregnancy rates ranged from ejaculate, so that the condom does not 0.9 to 1.2 percent. However, at 12 months, break at the time of ejaculation. pregnancy rates rose as high as 7.4 percent. Care must be taken in removing the When using lactation as a method of birth condom after intercourse. For optimal control, the mother must provide effectiveness, the man should withdraw his breastfeeding as the only form of infant penis from the vagina while it is still erect nutrition. and hold the condom rim to prevent Three (3) Criteria for LAM: spillage. 1) Amenorrhea (menses have not yet Pros: It protects against both pregnancy returned) and STIs; Available in most drug stores and 2) Fully or almost fully breastfeeding her is affordable infant Cons: May reduce sensitivity and 3) Infant is less than 6 months old spontaneity during intercourse; May cause Supplemental feedings may alter both the skin irritation pattern of lactation and the intensity of infant suckling, which secondarily may B. FEMALE CONDOM affect suppression of ovulation. Is a thin polyurethane sheath with a flexible The method should be practiced as the only ring at each end form of birth control for a maximum of 6 The inner ring, at the closed end of the months after birth. condom, serves as the means of insertion and fits over the cervix like a diaphragm. C. WITHDRAWAL / COITUS INTERRUPTUS The second ring remains outside the vagina It is the withdrawal of the penis before and covers a portion of the woman’s ejaculation (deposition of the semen perineum. It also covers the base of the outside the female genital tract) man’s penis during intercourse. DISADVANTAGE: Demanding sufficient self- A woman needs to be careful not to twist control by the man so that withdrawal can the sheath when she inserts the condom, precede ejaculation. Failure may result from because twisting makes male penetration escape of semen before orgasm or the possible. deposition of semen on the external female Advantages: Offers extra STI protection; genitalia near the vagina. Can be inserted up to 8 hours before Advantages: No health problems or side- intercourse effects; No supplies needed Disadvantages: Some women do not feel Disadvantages: Couple may feel it comfortable with this method; They can be interrupts sex (the reason for its Latin name expensive coitus interruptus). The man must take responsibility for this method; No STI C. DIAPHRAGM Protection Consists of a steel band that forms a ring and is covered with rubber so that when diaphragm is inserted, the ring lodges high 2) MECHANICAL METHODS in the vagina with the rubber covering of the cervix. A. MALE CONDOM It is used with spermicidal cream or jelly Is small, light weight, disposable and and offers a good level of protection from inexpensive. conception. Has no side effects, requires no medical Three types of diaphragm: examination or supervision. 1) flat spring
2) coil spring Advantages: They are affordable and 3) arcing spring available at most drug stores; They provide Diaphragm must be inserted before lubrication during sex intercourse, with approximately one Disadvantages: May cause skin irritation teaspoonful (or 1.5 inches from the tube) of which can increase risk of STIs; They can be spermicidal jelly placed around in its rim messy No STI Protection and in the cup. Advantages: It can be put in up to 6 hours before sex, so it doesn’t affect spontaneity; 4) HORMONAL METHODS When taken care of, diaphragms last for a long time A. CONTRACEPTIVE PILLS Disadvantages: It is difficult for women to Types: insert and remove; Some couples are 1. COMBINED allergic to the contraceptive cream; No STI 2. SEQUENTIAL Protection 3. MINI PILL Possible side effects vary from woman to D. SPONGE woman. Most side effects disappear after 3 Available without prescription. months. Is a pillow-shaped, soft, absorbent synthetic 1. Changes in menstrual cycle sponge containing a spermicide (breakthrough bleeding) It is made with a concave cupped area on 2. Nausea one side, which is designed to fit over the 3. Breast tenderness cervix. It also has a loop for easier removal. 4. Mood Changes The sponge acts as a contraceptive by 5. Drug interaction with certain releasing the spermicide nonoxymol-9 medications gradually over a 24 hour period. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Professional fitting is not required, it may 1. Older than 35 years of age be used for up to 24 hours, one-size fits all 2. Cigarette Smoking and acts as both a barrier and a spermicide. 3. Hypertension 4. Thrombophlebitis 5. Breast malignancy 3) CHEMICAL METHOD 6. Vascular or heart diseases 7. Less than 6 weeks of breastfeeding A. SPERMICIDES GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: Available in foams, jellies, vaginal films, and 1. Must be prescribed by the physician, suppositories nurse practitioner or nurse midwife Effectiveness: Perfect User: 85%* Typical after a pelvic examination or Pap smear. User: 71%* 2. Generally recommended to be taken on Foams and gels can be used immediately. Sunday (the first Sunday after the Vaginal films and suppositories requires a beginning of the menstrual flow), 15 minute wait. Effectiveness rate increases although woman may choose to begin when combined with a barrier method. on any day. How To Use: Spermicides work by creating a After childbirth, the woman should chemical and physical barrier inside the start the contraceptive on the vagina by doing two things: Sunday closest to 2 weeks after contains Nonoxyl-9 which kills sperm delivery or makes them immobile After an abortion, then on the first forming a temporary plug around the Sunday after the procedure cervix 3. The woman should be advised to use Each application is effective up to 1 hour, second form of contraception during and needs to be reapplied for each act of the initial 7 days on which she takes the sex Need to remain in cervix for the next 6 pills (because pills are not effective on hours the first 7 days).
4. Pills must be taken consistently to be taken. The Sunday start is common effective. because it tends to prevent periods on can be taken in the morning, at weekends. However, a backup method bedtime or with a meal of contraception is necessary during the the time of the day makes no first month of use. difference; it is the consistency that is important A. (2) MINI PILLS some women prefer taking pills at Contains only progesterone bedtime, rather than morning to Ovulation may occur but progestin halts eliminate any nausea they endometrium to fully develop: implantation otherwise experience will not occur. How to Use: Taken every day, even though there’s 1. Start as directed by your clinician. Use menstrual flow. back-up method when starting. Pill must May be taken during breastfeeding be taken orally, every day, at the same Advantages: time. If miss taking 1 pill, follow has fewer side effects instructions on package. It contains can be used by lactating women estrogen and progesterone. because it does not inhibit milk Effectiveness: Perfect User - 99.7%; production Typical User - 92% may be used by women over 35 and 2. Missed pills may not only increase the those with a history of headaches and risk of pregnancy but may also increase mild hypertension your chance of experiencing some side effects, such as bleeding between periods. A. (3) INJECTIONS AND IMPLANTS Advantages: The pill regulates a woman’s period; Periods are lighter with less cramps; 1. SUBDERMAL IMPLANTS It does not interrupt sex Consist of Silastic capsules containing Disadvantages: Some women have a hard levonorgestrel, a progestin, which are time remembering to take the pill; Some implanted in the woman’s arm. women experience side effects; No STI Are effective for up to 5 years in the protection woman’s arm. Typically, six rods are inserted (although A. (1) COMBINED ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES the manufacturer is currently Commonly called birth control pills or “the developing norplant II, which uses only pill”. two rods). Are combination of a synthetic estrogen Prevent ovulation in most women. and progestin Stimulate the production of thick One of the most popular contraceptive cervical mucus, which inhibits sperm options available to women. penetration. Are safe, highly effective and rapidly Provide effective continuous reversible. contraception that is removed from the Taken daily for 21 days ,following one of the act of coitus. two methods: Women should be advised that the 1. Day-one start – the woman begins implant may be visible, especially in very taking the pill the first day of her slender users, and that it requires a menstrual cycle. This method prevents minor surgical procedure to insert and ovulation in the first cycle, so no backup remove implants. method of contraception is needed Possible side effects include: 2. Sunday start: the woman begins taking • spotting the pill on the Sunday after the first day • irregular bleeding or amenorrhea of the menstrual cycle and ending on a • an increased incidence of ovarian Saturday. In most cases, menses will cysts occur 1 to 4 days after the last pill is • weight gain
• headaches B. VASECTOMY • fluid retention Small incision made on each side of the • acne scrotum. Vas deferens is then cut and • hair loss tied, cauterized or plugged, blocking the • mood changes and depression passage of spermatozoa Ambulatory, under local anesthesia. 2. Depot-Medroxyprogesterone acetate 99.5% effective (DMPA) (DEPO-PROVERA) Does not interfere with production of Provides highly effective birth control sperm; does not pass beyond severed vas for 3 months. deferens and absorbed at that point. Administered as a single IM injection of (seminal fluid continues but w/o sperm) 150 mg. Advantages: Acts primarily by suppressing ovulation. Very effective 3 months after the DMPA provides levels of progesterone procedure high enough to block the luteinizing Permanent, safe, simple & easy to hormone surge, thereby suppressing the perform ovulation. Can be performed in a clinic, office or Thickens the cervical mucus to block at a primary care center sperm penetration No resupplies or repeated clinic visits Side effects include menstrual No apparent long term risks irregularities, headache, weight gain, An option for couples whose female breast tenderness, and depression. partner could not undergo Safe, convenient, private, and relatively permanent contraception inexpensive. A man who had vasectomy will not lose his sexual ability and ejaculation Does not affect male hormonal function 5) SURGICAL METHODS Disadvantages: Classifications: Slightly uncomfortable due to slight 1. AS TO DECISION pain and swelling 2-3 days after 2. AS TO PURPOSE procedure Reversibility is difficult and expensive Methods: Bleeding may result in hematoma in the scrotum A. TUBAL LIGATION A few men develop chronic pain after Fallopian tubes are occluded by cautery, vasectomy (postvasectomy pain crushing, clamping, or blocking & thereby syndrome) preventing passage of both sperm and ova. C. HYSTERECTOMY Effectiveness: 99.5% It is a surgery to remove a woman's Operations performed: uterus or womb. Laparoscopy – using a lighted After a hysterectomy, the woman no laparoscope longer has menstrual periods and can't Culdoscopy - a tube inserted through become pregnant. the posterior fornix of the vagina Sometimes the surgery also removes the Colpotomy – incision through the ovaries and fallopian tubes. If the woman vagina has both ovaries taken out, she will Complications of female sterilization enter menopause. procedures include coagulation burns on the bowel, bowel perforation, pain, infection, hemorrhage, and adverse anesthesia effects. 6) NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING METHODS Reversal of a tubal ligation depends on As the name implies, these are those that the type of procedure performed. involve no introduction of chemical or foreign material into the body.
The effectiveness of these methods varies the temperature rise and for 3 days greatly, depending mainly on the couple's after. Because temperature rise does ability to refrain from having sex on fertile not occur until after ovulation, a woman days. who had intercourse just before the rise is at risk of pregnancy. To decrease risk, A. CALENDAR METHOD some couples abstain from intercourse requires couple to abstain from coitus on for several days before the anticipated days of a menstrual cycle when the woman time of ovulation and then for 3 days is most likely to conceive (3 or 4 days after after. ovulation) Instruction in taking the BBT: the woman keeps a diary of 6 menstrual Use the BBT or Ovulation cycles Thermometer Shake the thermometer to 35 1. RHYTHM/CALENDAR/OGINO KNAUSSE degrees C or below in the evening METHOD and place it at the bedside. Predicting your first fertile day. If your Starting on the first day of shortest cycle is 26 days long, subtract menstruation, take the temperature 18 from 26. That leaves 8. If day 1 was upon waking up every morning the fourth day of the month, the day before any activity, after at least you will mark X will be the 11th. That's three hours of continuous sleep. the first day you're likely to be fertile. So Take the temperature by placing on that day, you should start abstaining the silver bulb under the tongue or from sex or start using a cervical cap, axilla for 5 minutes. condom, diaphragm, or female condom. Read and record the temperature Predicting your last fertile day. If your immediately after taking it. longest cycle is 30 days, subtract 11 COVER LINE = The point of reference for from 30. That leaves 19. If day 1 was the determining the thermal shift that fourth day of the month, the day you occurs during ovulation will mark X will be the 22nd. That's the Determining the Cover Line: last day you're likely to be fertile during Identify the temperature your current cycle. So you may start to reading of the first 10 days of have unprotected vaginal intercourse the cycle after that day. Disregard the temperatures of the first five days. a) BASAL BODY TEMPERATURE (BBT) Find the highest temperature Method to detect ovulation from 6 to 10. Requires woman to take BBT every Draw a horizontal line across morning upon awakening before any the chart on the highest of the activity and record the readings on a temperatures from days 6 to temperature graph by the use of BBT 10. thermometer Thermal Shift Effectiveness: 98% Determining the Thermal Shift: Woman with regular cycles should be Watch for three (3) consecutive able to predict when ovulation will temperature recordings above occur. The method is based on the fact the cover line. that temperature sometimes drops just Count these three consecutive before ovulation (about 0.5F) and temperatures above the cover almost always rises and remains line and mark them as days 1, elevated for several days after. 2, 3. Temperature rise occurs in response to Then draw a vertical line the increased progesterone levels that between 2 and 3 from top to occur in the second half of the cycle. bottom of the chart. To avoid conception, the couple abstains from intercourse on the day of
b) BILLINGS METHOD/ CERVICAL MUCUS intercourse on days 8-19 to avoid METHOD pregnancy. Involves assessment of cervical mucus The couple uses a device which the that occurs during menstrual cycle. color-coded “cycle beads” to mark The amount and character of cervical the fertile and infertile days of the mucus change because of the influence menstrual cycle. of estrogen and progesterone. During the follicular phase of the cycle 2) Two-Day Method (from the end of menses prior to A simple-fertility awareness-based ovulation), cervical mucus is thin and method of NFP that involves: scanty, and may be even more absent. cervical secretions as an At the time of ovulation, the mucus indicator of fertility (Estrogen-dominant mucus) is clearer, women checking the presence more stretchable (a quality called of secretions everyday Spinnbarkheit), and more permeable to they do not need to distinguish sperm. During the luteal phase characteristics of secretions (following ovulation through the time (i.e. amount, color, consistency, just prior to the onset of menses), slipperiness, stretchability or cervical mucus is thick and sticky viscosity) (Progesterone-dominant mucus) and If the woman notices any secretions forms a network that traps sperm, today or yesterday, she should making passage difficult. consider herself fertile and avoid Prior to using the cervical mucus intercourse today, thus the name method, the woman abstains from Two-Day intercourse for entire menstrual cycle, If she has had 2 consecutive days during which she assesses her cervical without secretions, her probability mucus daily for amount, feeling of of becoming pregnant today is very slipperiness or wetness, color, clearness, low or practically nil. and Spinnbarkheit. d) SEX DURING MENSTRUATION c) SYMPTOTHERMAL METHOD Sex During Menstruation is Completely Consists of various assessments made Safe and recorded by the couple. Many men fear that sex during Includes information regarding cycle menstruation can harm them in some length, coitus, cervical mucus changes, way. The most important thing to keep and secondary signs such as increased in mind is that having sex during a libido, abdominal bloating, woman's period is not at all unsafe. mittelschmerz (midcycle abdominal The only thing that you have to worry pain), and BBT. about is the possibility of contracting a Through various assessments, the sexually transmitted disease (STD). couple learns to recognize signs that Women are more likely to pass on any include ovulation. STD that she has due to the fact that This combined approach tends to there is contact with both blood and improve the effectiveness of fertility vaginal fluid. Of course, it is important awareness as a method of birth control to remember that an STD can be and is the best taught by an expert in passed during any time of the month. the method. It is important to make sure that you still use protection if you make the 1) Standard Days Method decision to have sex during A “new” method of NFP in which all menstruation. users with menstrual cycles Know That Pregnancy Isn't Impossible between 26 and 32 days are During a Period counseled to abstain from sexual There is a common misconception that pregnancy is impossible when a
woman has her period. This is not true 7) ABORTIFACIENTS at all. Most women tend to get pregnant about fourteen days after A. INTRAUTERINE DEVICE their period. Women are most fertile Is designed to be inserted into the uterus by and ovulating during this time. It is a qualified health care provider and left in important to keep in mind that women place for an extended period, providing do sometimes get pregnant during continuous contraceptive protection. other times of the month, however. If Advantages of IUD include: high rate of you are under the misconception that effectiveness, continuous contraceptive you do not need to use protection protection, no coitus-related activity, and during menstruation because you relative inexpensiveness over time. cannot get pregnant during this time, Two IUDs are currently available. The you have been misinformed. It is still copper T380A (Paragard) is highly effective important to use protection if you are IUD that can be left in place for up to 10 not ready for pregnancy. years. Copper covers parts of the stem and arms of the device. Advantages of NFP: No interference with the woman’s B. MORNING AFTER PILL (not available in normal physiology Philippines) Requires no drugs or devices Emergency contraception pill, commonly No known physical side effects called the morning-after pill, is a safe and Can be used at all stages of reproductive effective way to prevent pregnancy after life unprotected intercourse. There are two Both partners share the responsibility kinds of emergency contraception. for FP There are two types of emergency pills: May improve communication about 1) Levonorgestrel pills sexuality 2) Ulipristal acetate May help sub fertile couples to conceive Both kinds of emergency contraception can Enables couple to take control of their be used up to five days (120 fertility hours) after unprotected intercourse. You Morally and culturally acceptable may want to use it if: Cost-effective you weren't using any birth control when you had sex Disadvantages of NFP: you forgot to take your birth control It takes time to learn, recognize and pills, patch, ring, or other birth control chart fertility symptoms method Requires initial teaching from an your partner's condom broke or slipped experienced NFP teacher off Some women find charting difficult your partner didn't pull out in time There may be fear of unplanned you were forced to have unprotected pregnancy because though the method vaginal sex failure is low, there is a higher user Pregnancy doesn't happen right after sex. failure rate particularly during the That's why it's possible to prevent learning phase pregnancy even after the fact. It can take up Both partners require a high degree of to six days for the sperm and egg to meet motivation and commitment after having sex. There may be difficulty in using the Emergency contraception pills work by natural methods at times of stress, after keeping a woman's ovary from releasing an childbirth, after taking the contraceptive egg for longer than usual. Pregnancy cannot pill or during pre-menopause happen if there is no egg to join with sperm. Levonogestrel pills are up to 89% effective when taken within 72 hours (three days) after unprotected sex. They continue to reduce the risk of pregnancy up to 120
hours (five days) after unprotected sex, but C. BIRTH CONTROL PATCH (not available in they are less effective as time passes. Philippines) Emergency contraception is safe, The birth control patch is a thin, beige, and millions of women have used it. Various 1¾-inch (4½-centimeter) square patch forms of emergency contraception have that sticks to the skin. It releases been used for more than 30 years. There hormones through the skin into the have been no reports of serious bloodstream to prevent pregnancy. complications. Hormones are chemical substances that Side effects are uncommon, and usually control the functioning of the body's stop within a day or two. Possible side organs. effects include: The combination of the hormones an earlier or later, heavier or lighter progesterone and estrogen in the patch period than usual prevents ovulation. If an egg isn't breast tenderness, dizziness, or released, a female can't get pregnant headaches because there's nothing for sperm to nausea or vomiting (If you vomit within fertilize. two hours of taking the pill(s), it won't The hormones in the patch also thicken be effective and you need to take it the mucus produced in the cervix, again) making it difficult for sperm to enter Frequent use may cause periods to and reach any eggs that may have been become irregular and unpredictable. released. The hormones can also Emergency contraception should not be sometimes affect the lining of the used as a form of ongoing birth control uterus so that if the egg is fertilized it because there are other forms of birth will have a hard time attaching to the control that are a lot more effective and wall of the uterus. less expensive. When you use the patch correctly, it’s Emergency contraception does not great at preventing pregnancy. But protect against STI’s. You may want to things like forgetting to change your consider getting tested if there is a patch or taking certain medicines can possibility that unprotected sex put you make it not work as well. at risk. Take the morning-after pill as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse. It If the client has no method in mind, discuss will reduce your risk of pregnancy if you with her the following: start it up to 120 hours (five days) after Your experiences with family planning unprotected intercourse. What you have heard about family planning Some brands have one pill, and some have methods? two. The instructions on brands with two Your plans for having children pills may say to take the pills 12 hours Protection from sexually transmitted apart. But research shows it is just as infections (STIs) or HIV/AIDS effective and safe to take both pills at the Your partner’s or family’s attitudes same time. Other needs and concerns After you take emergency contraception, it's normal for your next period to be different from usual. Be sure to tell any health care provider that you may see before your next period that you have taken the morning-after pill. If you do not have your period within three weeks after taking emergency contraception, or if you have any symptoms of pregnancy, take a pregnancy test or schedule an appointment with your health care provider.