Reviewer (HumanRep) : PREFINAL
Reviewer (HumanRep) : PREFINAL
Reviewer (HumanRep) : PREFINAL
Reviewer – Pre-Final
sources, and shall administer, obligate, and Two types of IUDs are available: one is covered with
disburse same, to hire and maintain a staff and copper, the other releases the hormone progestin.
to carry out the purposes and objectives of the
Commission in accordance with the procedures
99% effective in preventing pregnancy.
prescribed by the Revised Budget Act, Republic
They last for a long time.
Act No. 992, and other pertinent laws, rules and
Safe to use if you are breastfeeding
regulations. IUDs are convenient
The Commission shall have an Executive Low maintenance
Committee which shall discharge the
administrative and executive powers of the DISADVANTAGES
Commission when the latter is not in session. IUDs don’t protect against STDs
The Executive Committee shall be composed of: Insertion can be painful.
Sometimes has side effects
Secretary of Education There is a small increased risk of PID after the
Secretary of Health insertion of an intrauterine device (IUD)
Secretary of Social Welfare
President of the Family Planning
Organization of the Philippines 2. CONDOMS
President of the Catholic Bishops
Conference of the Philippines A condom is a small, thin pouch made of latex
President of the Philippine Medical (rubber), plastic (polyurethane, nitrile, or
Association polyisoprene), or lambskin that covers the
Commissioner on National Integration man's penis during sex and collects semen.
Executive Director of the National
Council of Churches BENEFITS
The condom may be purchased without a
Director of the University of the
Philippines Population Institute
The condom is easy to use.
The product is freely available from a number of
The Commission may call upon any department, places.
bureau, office, agency or instrumentality for Protection against STDs
such assistance as it may need in the They have a high success rate as a contraceptive
performance of its functions. method when used properly.
implant releases hormones into your body that It promotes communication and responsibility
prevent you from getting pregnant. sharing within couples.
It is acceptable within all cultures and religious
High effectiveness of up to 99 percent within seven There are no medical contraindications as
days of implant insertion
Safe in the majority of women
Easily removed in most cases to allow pregnancy to
occur naturally DISADVANTAGES
Efficacy for three years without further interventio
It is a couple-centered process so both
Some women experience improvement in acne
partners need to agree to use these methods.
following the use of the implant
Reduces the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease They do not protect the couple against
sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
Couples require careful observation and
DISADVANTAGES training for accurate recording, for a few
you may experience temporary side effects months, before they can be used reliably to
during the first few months, like headaches, predict fertile days.
nausea, breast tenderness and mood swings Time and effort must be invested to observe
your periods may be irregular or stop and accurately record fertility indicators,
altogether which may not be possible for busy women.
you may get acne or your acne might get
it doesn't protect you against sexually 8. CERVICAL MUCUS METHOD
transmitted infections Cervical mucus methods help you predict when
you’re going to ovulate by tracking the changes
7. CALENDAR METHOD in your cervical mucus (vaginal discharge)
throughout your menstrual cycle.
The rhythm method, also called the calendar
method or the calendar rhythm method, is a BENEFITS
form of natural family planning. To use the The cervical mucus method is one of the most
effective natural birth control methods. It helps a
rhythm method, you track your menstrual
female keep track of her fertility days each month.
history to predict when you'll ovulate. This method is all about using natural methods of
birth control.
Some people also use this method due to their
These methods are almost cost-free except for a religious beliefs, as the method is entirely natural.
basal body thermometer and perhaps a menstrual
They do not involve the use of any medication so DISADVANTAGES
no side-effects occur. It doesn't protect against sexually transmitted
They help women become more aware of their
cycles and related physiological changes.
Couples can either plan for achieving or avoiding a
Higher risk for unintended pregnancy than
pregnancy using their awareness of the woman’s other birth control methods
fertility pattern. Changes may make it difficult to evaluate the
Women are able to better recognize mucus to predict ovulation and prevent
abnormalities in their menstrual cycles and pregnancy.
reproductive systems as a result of greater
awareness of their bodies
Reviewer – Pre-Final
9. TEMPERATURE METHOD Even if they pee before sex, the man can still
release fluid before they ejaculate. This pre-
The temperature method (aka, basal ejaculate does contain sperm.
temperature method) helps you predict when
you’re going to ovulate by tracking the changes
in your body temperature during your BENEFITS OF FAMILY PLANNING
menstrual cycle.
BENEFITS Family planning reduces health risks to
The basal body temperature method has no side women and gives them more control over
effects. The only cost is the price of the their reproductive lives.
thermometer. With better health and greater control over
Help you learn about your body and your fertility. their lives, women can take advantage of
Totally safe education, employment and civic
DISADVANTAGES The expenses that they need to care for a
The basal body temperature method may not small-sized family will be less, so they can save
accurately predict ovulation in all women, more and be self-sufficient.
including those with irregular menstrual With regard to social services, both the
cycles. It offers no protection from sexually government and the family invest less if the
transmitted diseases. family and population size is small.
Sometimes this method is not effective in BENEFITS TO THE MOTHER
preventing pregnancy due to outside factors Avoiding too early and too late pregnancies.
that can affect basal body temperature Limiting the number of pregnancies.
Preventing abortion.
10. THE PULL-OUT METHOD Family planning directly contributes to the
The withdrawal method of contraception improvement of children’s health and growth.
(coitus interruptus) happens when you take the It also indirectly contributes to children’s well-
being and development by improving
penis out of the vagina and ejaculate outside
maternal health
the vagina to try to prevent pregnancy.
Adequately spaced children can be well fed
BENEFITS and healthier than closely spaced children.
The pull out method is safe because it doesn’t have Mothers can have ample time and good health
any side effects. to care for their children.
It’s free and it’s always available.
It doesn’t involve any hormones or other
You don't need to see a doctor or get a prescription
Maternal and child health (MCH) refer to a
package of comprehensive health care services
DISADVANTAGES which are developed to meet promotive,
You can still get a sexually transmitted disease preventive, curative, rehabilitative needs of
(STD) such as HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, pregnant women before, during and after
herpes, or syphilis while using this method. delivery and of infants and pre-school children
It takes a lot of control for the man to pull out from birth to five years.
before ejaculation.
The woman has no control over it at all.
Reviewer – Pre-Final
Organizational Activities of Mch Services: baby is born. During this period, the mother goes
through a number of physical and emotional
Complete health check up and care of changes and thus requires rest, nutrition, and
the child and mother from conception vaginal care.
to birth
Studying the health problems of The main objectives here are:
mothers and child Prevent postpartum complications
Providing health education to parents Restore the mother to optimal health
for taking care of children Ensure problem-free breastfeeding
Sharing responsibility is essential for the
MATERNAL HEALTH CARE health of the mother, after delivery.
Maternal health care include care of women Get as much sleep as possible and pay
attention to what you eat. Do not try and
during pregnancy, child birth and after child
lose your pregnancy weight instantly.
birth. It also includes treatment of child-less
Schedule a checkup with your doctor six
couples. weeks after delivery to ensure your
Components of Maternal Health Care: vagina has healed properly.
Additionally, abstain from intercourse at
Antenatal Care this time.
Intranatal Care With proper care, every stage of your
Postnatal Care pregnancy can be a beautiful experience.
The care of the women during pregnancy CHILD HEALTH CARE
Prenatal care allows doctors and midwives to
Child health care refer to care of children
identify and treat potential health problems early
from conception to birth till the age of
It also promotes a healthy lifestyle that benefits
both mother and child. five.
It includes counselling about various aspects of Decreasing child death and infant
pregnancy including maternal physiological mortality rate.
changes in pregnancy, emotional and role Every child receives adequate care and
changes, prenatal nutrition proper nourishment.
Prenatal check- ups Every child is immunized and protected
Classified into normal risk or high risk from diseases.
Monitoring you baby activity
Intranatal care refers to care given to the mother For the first six month, breast feed alone is
and baby at the time of delivery. sufficient for normal growth and development.
The main objectives here are: Beyond six month baby require additional food
Cleanliness to meet body requirements.
Smooth delivery without injuring mother
Immunization of Children:
or baby
Preventing complications The child needs to be protected from
Delivery resuscitation for the baby six infectious and vaccine preventable
Postnatal care is essential for 6-8 weeks after the
Reviewer – Pre-Final
There diseases include tuberculosis, responsive policy direction and ensuring access
tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, of Filipinos to medically safe, legal, non-
measles and poliomyelitis abortifacient, effective, and culturally
acceptable modern family planning (FP)
Family Planning Programmes: Programmes
historically have focused on enabling married
women to space their births and limit their To increase the modern Contraceptive
family to a desired size. Prevalence Rate (mCPR) among all
women from 24.9% in 2017 to 30% by
Contraceptive Prevalence Rate: The
contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) is defined
To reduce the unmet need for modern
as the percent of women who are currently
family planning from 10.8% in 2017 to 8%
using, or whose sexual partner is currently
by 2022
using, at least one method of family planning
regardless of the method used. Six Fact of Family Planning Quality Care in the
Modern vs Traditional Family Planning
Choice of method
Modern methods of contraception include
Technical competence of providers,
female and male sterilisation, the intra-uterine
Informing and counseling clients
device (IUD), the implant, oral contraceptive
Interpersonal relations
pills, injectables, male and female condoms,
Mechanism to encourage the
vaginal barrier methods and emergency
continuation and
contraception.Contraceptive Prevalence Rate
Appropriateness and acceptability of
Traditional methods of contraception include service
the rhythm (periodic abstinence) and
Unmet Need: Women with unmet need are 1. Respect for the Sanctity of life.
those who are both fecund (able to become Aims to prevent abortion and
pregnant) and sexually active, and do not want therefore can save the lives of both
to become pregnant, but are not currently using women and children.
any method of contraception. 2. Respect for Human Rights.
Available using only medically and
legally permissible methods
Vision: For Filipino women and men to achieve Provided regardless of the client’s
their desired family size and fulfill reproductive sex, number of children, sexual
health and rights for all through universal orientation, moral background,
access to quality family planning information occupation, socio-economic status,
and services. and cultural and religious belief
3. The freedom of choice and Voluntary
Mission: In line with the Department of Health
FOURmula One Plus strategy and Universal
Couples and individuals will make
Health Care framework, the National Family
family planning decisions based on
Planning Program is committed to providing
Reviewer – Pre-Final
● Integration of Family Planning in all Why Does the Church Forbid Artificial
Curricular Programs: Contraception?
● LOI 47 states that Family Planning is to be The Church has great respect for human life,
integrated with all school curricular and for every human person. It has strong
programs, either baccalaureates or non- beliefs about the fundamental meaning of
baccalaureates, enrolled separately as human sexuality and love within marriage. The
one unit. Church's teaching about these is not based on
laws it has made itself. Its teaching is based on
demands that are built into human nature and
human dignity.
Reviewer – Pre-Final