6 Mart 2022 - XI TAM

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6 mart 2022

XI siniflərin
buraxılış imtahanı

Variant ?
İngilis dili (6 mart 2022) 8. Change the sentence into the Passive Voice.
They will publish the book for the first time.
Listen to the passage and A) The book will published by them for the
answer questions 1 - 6 first time.
1. Which statement is true according to the B) The book will be published by them for the
passage? first time.
A) The entertainments are only for grown-ups C) They will published for the first time.
in an amusement park D) The book will publish by them for the first
B) The lavender garden wax planted by a time.
botanist E) They will be published the book for the
C) People can explore Tihany by car. first time.
D) The landmark Benedictine Abbey is
a modern construction. 9. Choose the correct modal verb.
E) Tihany is situated on a big peninsula You … be rude to your friends.
A) aren’t able B) ought C) oughtn’t
2. Choose the correct answer to the question D) shouldn’t E) haven’t to
according to the passage.
What happens in Tihany in spring and 10. Choose the correct variant.
summer? This dress is … than the one you bought
1. Almond trees bloom. yesterday.
2. Lavender is brought and planted. A) more nicer B) nicest C) nicer
3. The smell of lavender fills the air. D) most nicest E) the most nice
4. Almond trees are exported from France.
11. Choose the correct variant.
A)1,3 B) 1,2 C) 2,4 D) 2,3 E)3,4
She spent … month travelling around …
3. The passage is mainly about...... Europe.
A) an amusement park in Tihany A) the, a B) a, the C) the, the
B) the most popular holiday resorts D) –, – E) a, –
C) the landmark Benedictine Abbey
12. Make up a sentence.
D) the smell of lavender plants
1. to sail 2. to sell 3. to serve
E) a wonderful place in Hungary
a. to give something to somebody in exchange
Fulfil the tasks number 4-6 for money
in the "Answer sheets". b. to travel on water in a ship or a boat
4. Write the correct answer to the question c. to give somebody food or drink during
according to the passage. mealtime
Why is the south-western section closed to A) 1 – a; 2 – c; 3 – b B) 1 – b; 2 – c; 3 – a
traffic? C) 1 – c; 2 – b; 3 – a D) 1 – b; 2 – a; 3 – c
E) 1 – c; 2 – a; 3 – b
5. Complete the sentence according to the
13. Choose the correct forms of the verbs.
The police … everybody … in the hall.
If people feel hungry in the amusement park,
1. asked, wait 2. told , to wait
they ... .
3. made, wait 4. expected, wait
6. Write one adjective from the passage that 5. ordered, to wait
describes the word "scenery". A) 1,3,4 B) 1,2,5 C) 1,2,3
D) 2,3,4 E) 2,3,5
7. Choose the correct conjunction.
My mother likes … tea … coffee. 14. Make up a sentence.
A) not … and 1. in the kitchen 2. cooked
B) both … or 3. for her daughter 4. Hannah
C) either … nor 5. vegetables
D) neither … nor A) 1,4,3,2,5 B) 1,3,4,2,5 C) 4,2,5,3,1
E) neither … or D) 4,5,2,3,1 E) 3,4,1,5,2
15. Choose the correct variant. Read the passage and
I don’t like noisy parties, … . answer questions 23-30.
A) neither doesn’t Nick. 1. The history of hamburger dates back to Turkish
B) neither does Nick societies known as Tartars in Central Asia. At that
C) so doesn’t Nick time. Tartar soldiers ate raw meat.While travelling
D) so does Nick they put the meat under the saddles (a leather seat
E) Nick doesn’t too. on a horse) of their horses. These trips often lasted
long. Soon they discovered that as a result of the
16. Choose the correct exclamatory sentences.
movements of the horses, the meat became soft
A) How a beautiful smile have you got.
and chewable. At the end of the long expeditions
B) What a beautiful smile have you got.
in Asia, they took the meat, put salt, pepper,
C) How a beautiful smile you have got.
onions and raw eggs on it. So it became "Steak
D) What a beautiful smiles you have got.
E) What a beautiful smile you have got.
2. When a merchant from Hamburg traded in
17. Choose the compound nouns. Central Asia, he saw “Steak Tartare" and brought
1. framework 2. vision 3. nickname it to Germany. He presented it as "Hamburg
4. population 5. governor 6. sweatshirt Steak”. Then, a cook fried the meat and called it
A) 2,4,5 B) 1,3,5 C) 1,3,6 hamburger that meant “from Hamburg” As the
D) 2,4,6 E) 1,5,6 time passed hamburger spread to other countries.
18. Choose the correct variant. 3. In 19th century physicist and food development
Ted is walking with ... lovely dog. expert Dr. J.H. Salisbury brought hamburger to
A) it B) yours C) hers D) mine E) his England. He was sure that for a healthy life steak
should be eaten three times a day. However, it
19. Choose the correct interrogative words. needs washing with hot water before preparation.
... train did you take? The hamburger prepared in this way was called
1. Where 2. Which 3. What "Salisbury Steak" in England.
4. Whom 5. How long
A) 2,3,5 B) 1,2,4 C) 1,3,4 23. Which statement is true according to the
D) 2,3 E) 4,5 passage?
A) "Steak Tartare" was meat without any
20. Choose the correct variant. vegetables.
There … 12 months in a year. B) The origin of hamburger comes from
A) is B) isn’t C) wasn’t D) was E) are Central Asia.
21. Choose the correct variant. C) J.H. Salisbury brought hamburher to
The boys were all sitting … the table and John Germany.
took his seat … his brother. D) A merchant fried the meat and called it
A) at, among B) opposite, between "hamburger".
C) at, next to D) of, at E) Hamburger was cooked by Tartar soldiers
E) among, by for the first time.

22. Choose the correct variant. 24. Choose the correct answer to the question
Tim … his back while he … in the garden. according to the passage.
A) injured, was working What did Salisbury think about steak?
B) will injure, will work 1. He considered it necessary for a healthy
C) injures, was working life.
D) injure, is working 2. He thought hamburger should be eaten raw.
E) injures, will work 3. He thought steak should be eaten three
times a day.
4. He believed that washing steak is not
A) 3,4 B) 1,2 C) 1,3 D) 2,3 E) 1,4
25. Complete the statement according to the
"Hamburg Steak"... .
A) was actually "Steak Tartare" brought to
B) was originally made by a food expert in
C) was made at the beginning of long
D) was eaten three times a day by soldiers
E) was fried by Tartar warriors.

26. The passage is mainly about.....

A) Tartar soldiers in Central Asia
B) the history of famous food
C) a merchant from Hamburg
D) a food expert Dr. J.H. Salisbury
E) types of steak in Central Asia

Fulfil the tasks number 27-30

in the "Answer sheets".

27. Complete the sentence according to the

passage using your own words.
Tartar soldiers saw that the meat became
more chewable when....

28. Write the answer to the question using your

own words.
How was "Steak Tartare" made?

29. Which word from paragraph 2 best fits to the

following definition "to buy and sell things"?

30. Write synonym of the word "a consequence"

from the passage.

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