2021 Annual Lesson Plan (June) - Week 3 & 4

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Annual Lesson Plan

Month: June


Prepared by: Education Management & Quality Assurance (EMQ)

Monthly Theme
February March April May June

My Family My Self My Home My School Foods

July August September October November

Fruits &

Fruits Vegetables Recap Transportation Occupation

KG 1 4 Years
KG 1 4 Years

Islamic Studies
Vocabulary & Storytelling

Week Objective Vocabulary to learn Week Objective

To introduce about healthy and unhealthy Vocabulary to focus: To introduce doa before eat & after eat
foods Healthy foods: rice, fruits, vegetables,
- Explain about the goods of healthy meat, chicken, fish, water, egg, milk,
dates, 2 To teach adab before, during and after eating
foods for body & health
1) Adab before eating
- Explain about the bad of unhealthy Unhealthy foods: sweets, ice-cream,
- Wash hand before eating
foods for body & health burger, fries, carbonate drinks, Chips, - Recite doa before eat/Bismillah
- Storytelling : use Storytelling Apron : cakes, pizza - Use right hand to eat
“Fasting Caterpillars Good, bad, body, health 2) Adab when eating
” & Flashcards Thematic Kits) - Avoid eat or drink the foods or drinks if it is too hot
*Monthly Theme : “Healthy & Unhealthy - Sit while eating
- Do not criticize food and waste food
Foods” - Do not blow hot food
- Do not talk while eating
2 To teach about Rasulullah S.AW favourite Vocabulary to recap: : last week 3) Adab after eating
- Wash hand after eating
foods vocabularies
- Recite doa after eat or say Alhamdulillah
Vocabulary to focus: - Wash the dishes after eating
*Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
Dates, honey, milk, grapes, vinegar,
olive oil, pomegranate, barley, figs,
mushroom, grapes *Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training

3 To introduce foods from animals Vocabulary to recap: : last week

3 To introduce Allah is Ar-Razaq
- Ask the students what foods come from vocabularies
animals 1) Who give us rezeki to enjoy with
- Explain about where the eggs come from Vocabulary to focus: 2) What should you say and do to thank Allah for all these
- Show the videos of chicken laying eggs blessings
Meat, milk, eggs, farm, chicken, fish, 3) Explain why human need to eat and drink
process or milking job process
cow, goat, fried chicken, chicken chips,
- Explain the the healthy foods and
4 To recap of Allah is Ar-Razaq
unhealthy foods come from the animals
- Practising adab and doa before & after eating
4 To introduce foods from the sea Vocabulary to recap: : last week • Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
Explain about animals in the sea that we can vocabularies
- Explain about types of fish and other Vocabulary to focus: • Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training (if there is no sports
seafoods for us to eat day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this lesson as
Sea, water, salt, fish, squid, shrimp, usual)
- Explain about the foods that people
shells, crabs, keropok lekor,
produce from the sea 5 Sports Day Training for Borneo & Peninsular
- Explain about how the fishermen catch
the fish
- Shows a video the cathing process is
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular

& Sarawak
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training
(if there is no sports day training, Labuan &
Sabah will continue this lesson as usual)
5 Sports Day Training for Borneo & Peninsular
KG 1 4 Years

KG 1 4 Years


To introduce about matching 1
To teach student how to write (tracing) the small letter of:
r, n, m, h
2 To introduce about same & different (writing book page 13-14)

2 To teach student how to write (tracing) the small letter of:

b, p, s, u, y
3 To introduce about pattern : patterns & sequencing (writing workbook page 15-17)
- Tell students that a pattern is a design that repeats
- Colour pattern 3 To teach student how to write (tracing) the small letter of:
- Shapes pattern v, w, x, z)
- Edustar’s reference : (writing workbook page 19-20)
- Objects pattern : 4 To teach student how to trace number 1 – 5 (using My Book
of Numbers 2 (MBON 2 : page 1 )
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2wWdv2qnl0 - To continue write number 1 - 3 (using My Book of Number
4 To introduce number and value : number 1-5 2 : page 2-4)
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
- Rote counting 1 until 5 using a real/maujud things
(straws, ice-cream sticks, pencils)
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no
- Learn how to count 1 until 5
- Recognising number 1 until 5 using flashcard number
sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak lesson as usual)
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no 5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo
sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this
lesson as usual)

5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo SOLAT & HAFAZAN


1-4 To recap…. To recap ayat/surah….
To introduce… To introduce & memorize
5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo
1-4 To recap…. To recap….
To introduce… To introduce…

5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo

KG 1 4 Years

1 To improve student’s creativity through….... Activities
To strengthen student's skills on…..

2 To strengthen student's skills on….. 2 To improve student’s creativity through….... Activities

3 To strengthen student's skills on…..

3 To improve student’s creativity through….... Activities
4 To strengthen student's skills on…..
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & 4 To improve student’s creativity through….... Activities
Sarawak • Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no
there is no sports day training, Labuan &
Sabah will continue this lesson as usual) sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue
this lesson as usual)
5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo
5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo



Doa Sustain Iman ‫فيطل اي‬
َْ َ َُْ ْ َ‫ت‬ ُْ ‫ََِّ ََّه‬ ِ
َِ‫ي ََِد ْاَ ُل ْبِّث بولقال بلقم اي مهلال‬
Ya Allah, the changer of the hearts. Make firm our hearts
َ (7x) َ‫ه‬
upon Your religion
َ َ َْ َ ٌ ْ
‫ءاشي نم قزري هدابعب فيطل لاَّل‬
ِِ ِ ِ
َْ ْ ََِّ َ
‫ميلعال عيمسال وهو‬

ِ ِ
By Ustaz Abdullah Fahmi
KG 1 5 Years
KG 1 5 Years

Islamic Studies
Vocabulary & Storytelling

Week Objective Vocabulary to learn Week Objective

To introduce about healthy and unhealthy Vocabulary to focus: To introduce doa before eat & after eat
foods Healthy foods: rice, fruits, vegetables,
- Explain about the goods of healthy meat, chicken, fish, water, egg, milk,
dates, 2 To teach adab before, during and after eating
foods for body & health
1) Adab before eating
- Explain about the bad of unhealthy Unhealthy foods: sweets, ice-cream,
- Wash hand before eating
foods for body & health burger, fries, carbonate drinks, Chips, - Recite doa before eat/Bismillah
- Storytelling : use Storytelling Apron : cakes, pizza - Use right hand to eat
“Fasting Caterpillars Good, bad, body, health 2) Adab when eating
” & Flashcards Thematic Kits) - Avoid eat or drink the foods or drinks if it is too hot
*Monthly Theme : “Healthy & Unhealthy - Sit while eating
- Do not criticize food and waste food
Foods” - Do not blow hot food
- Do not talk while eating
2 To teach about Rasulullah S.AW favourite Vocabulary to recap: : last week 3) Adab after eating
- Wash hand after eating
foods vocabularies
- Recite doa after eat or say Alhamdulillah
Vocabulary to focus: - Wash the dishes after eating
*Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
Dates, honey, milk, grapes, vinegar,
olive oil, pomegranate, barley, figs,
mushroom, grapes *Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training

3 To introduce foods from animals Vocabulary to recap: : last week

3 To introduce Allah is Ar-Razaq
- Ask the students what foods come from vocabularies
animals 1) Who give us rezeki to enjoy with
- Explain about where the eggs come from Vocabulary to focus: 2) What should you say and do to thank Allah for all these
- Show the videos of chicken laying eggs blessings
Meat, milk, eggs, farm, chicken, fish, 3) Explain why human need to eat and drink
process or milking job process
cow, goat, fried chicken, chicken chips,
- Explain the the healthy foods and
4 To recap of Allah is Ar-Razaq
unhealthy foods come from the animals
- Practising adab and doa before & after eating
4 To introduce foods from the sea Vocabulary to recap: : last week • Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
Explain about animals in the sea that we can vocabularies
- Explain about types of fish and other Vocabulary to focus: • Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training (if there is no sports
seafoods for us to eat day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this lesson as
Sea, water, salt, fish, squid, shrimp, usual)
- Explain about the foods that people
shells, crabs, keropok lekor,
produce from the sea 5 Sports Day Training for Borneo & Peninsular
- Explain about how the fishermen catch
the fish
- Shows a video the cathing process is
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular

& Sarawak
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training
(if there is no sports day training, Labuan &
Sabah will continue this lesson as usual)
5 Sports Day Training for Borneo & Peninsular
KG 1 5 Years

KG 1 5 Years


To introduce about matching 1
To teach student how to write (tracing) the small letter of:
r, n, m, h
2 To introduce about same & different (writing book page 13-14)

2 To teach student how to write (tracing) the small letter of:

b, p, s, u, y
3 To introduce about pattern : patterns & sequencing (writing workbook page 15-17)
- Tell students that a pattern is a design that repeats
- Colour pattern 3 To teach student how to write (tracing) the small letter of:
- Shapes pattern v, w, x, z)
- Edustar’s reference : (writing workbook page 19-20)
- Objects pattern : 4 To teach student how to trace number 1 – 5 (using My Book
of Numbers 2 (MBON 2 : page 1 )
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2wWdv2qnl0 - To continue write number 1 - 3 (using My Book of Number
2 : page 2-4)
4 To introduce number and value : number 1-5
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
- Rote counting 1 until 5 using a real/maujud things
(straws, ice-cream sticks, pencils) • Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no
- Learn how to count 1 until 5
- Recognising number 1 until 5 using flashcard number sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak lesson as usual)

• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no 5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo
sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this
lesson as usual)
5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo



1-4 To recap…. To recap ayat/surah….
To introduce… To introduce & memorize

5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo

1-4 To recap…. To recap….
To introduce… To introduce…

5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo

KG 1 5 Years

1 To improve student’s creativity through….... Activities
To strengthen student's skills on…..

2 To strengthen student's skills on….. 2 To improve student’s creativity through….... Activities

3 To strengthen student's skills on…..

3 To improve student’s creativity through….... Activities
4 To strengthen student's skills on…..
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & 4 To improve student’s creativity through….... Activities
Sarawak • Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no
there is no sports day training, Labuan &
Sabah will continue this lesson as usual) sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue
this lesson as usual)
5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo
5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo



Doa Sustain Iman ‫فيطل اي‬
َْ َ َُْ ْ َ‫ت‬ ُْ ‫ََِّ ََّه‬ ِ
َِ‫ي ََِد ْاَ ُل ْبِّث بولقال بلقم اي مهلال‬
Ya Allah, the changer of the hearts. Make firm our hearts
َ (7x) َ‫ه‬
upon Your religion
َ َ َْ َ ٌ ْ
‫ءاشي نم قزري هدابعب فيطل لاَّل‬
ِِ ِ ِ
َْ ْ ََِّ َ
‫ميلعال عيمسال وهو‬

ِ ِ
By Ustaz Abdullah Fahmi
KG 11 5 Years
KG 11 5 Years

Vocabulary & Storytelling Islamic Studies

Wee Objective Vocabulary to learn Week Objective

To introduce surah that related to halal foods
To introduce about Halal & Haram Foods Vocabulary to focus:
- Surah Al-Baqarah : verse 168
- - Tell about the meaning of the surah:
Explain about halal foods and halal logo Halal, permitted, haram, prohibited “O mankind, eat of that which is halal and tayyib (clean, pure,
- why we should choose the foods that shows a healthy foods, unhealthy foods, sunnah
- halal logo foods, pure water, dates, milk, honey, good) in the earth and follow not the footsteps of shaytan.
Explain about haram foods pomegranate, vinegar, juices, olive oil, Suely he is an enemy to you”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXs-b83cHx4 mushrooms, pigs, alchohol, Al-An ‘am
- animals halal logo, JAKIM, website, 2 To introduce “Allah is Ar-Razaq”
Tell a students about Rasulullah S.A.W benefits, heart, brain, skin, treatment, Book: Deeniyah Lesson Plan page 5
- favourite foods and its benefits medicine, 1) Who give us rezeki to enjoy with
Explain the benefits of sunnah foods 2) What should you say and do to thank Allah for all these
(honey, milk, dates, mushroom, pomegranate) blessings
Edustar reference: 3) Explain why human need to eat and drink
5 3 To discuss why we need to take halal and lawfull foods
*Monthly Theme : “Halal Foods and halal Logo” - Surah Al-Baqarah : 168
- Each of halal & healthy foods contain a good nutrition
*Storytelling Apron Fasting Caterpillar
4 To recap of Allah is Ar-Razaq
2 To discuss about nutrients contain in foods Vocabulary to recap: : last week • Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
- explain what nutrients have in fish, chicken, vocabularies
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no sports
carrot, orange, Vocabulary to focus:
day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this lesson as
carbohydrate, protein, fats, grains, usual)
vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, fruits &
vegetables, ion, calcium, 5 Sports Day Training for Borneo & Peninsular
3 To introduce the foods groups (Food Pyramid) Vocabulary to recap: : last week
- Explain about the foods and number of vocabularies
serving in each of groups in our daily meal:
i) bread, rice, cereals & potatoes : 4 servings Vocabulary to focus:
ii) Fruits & vegetables : 2-4 servings Food pyramid, healthy foods, unhealthy
iii) Milk, cheese & dairy : 3 servings foods, serving, eat more, eat less,
iv) Meat, fish & alternatives : 2 small servings bread, cereals, rice, potatoes, milk,
v) Fats, oil & confectionery: take it small cheese, meat, fish, fats, oil, small
amounts amount

4 To discuss about the halal things that we could Vocabulary to recap: : last week
not eat vocabularies
- bleach, softeners cosmetic products, soap, Vocabulary to focus:

• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Halal, bleach, softeners, soap, cosmetic,
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there

is no sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will

continue this lesson as usual)
5 Sports Day Training for Borneo & Peninsular
NUMERACY KG 11 5 Years


To introduce rote counting 31-50 To recap how to write capital letters :
A until Z

2 To introduce numbers before and after between 2 To teach student how to write jawi letters ‫ة ت ب ا‬
number 31-50 (Mari Menulis Jawi book 2: page 4)

3 To teach students knowledge about numbers forward 3 To teach student how to write jawi letters ‫ح‬ ‫جث‬
(Mari Menulis Jawi book 2: page 5)
and backward between numbers 31 – 50
4 To teach student how to write jawi letters ‫ر‬ ‫دخ‬
4 To strengthen students knowledge about one unit more
(Mari Menulis Jawi book 2: page 6)
and one unit less between number 31-50 • Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no
sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this
sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this lesson as usual)
lesson as usual)
5 Sports Day Training for Peninsular & Borneo
5 Sports Day Training for Peninsular & Borneo




READING LITTLE QARI 1-4 To recap…. To recap ayat/surah….

To introduce… To introduce & memorize
1-4 To recap…. To recap…. ayat/surah…

To introduce… To introduce…
5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo

5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo

KG 11 5 Years


To strengthen student's skills on….. 1
To improve student’s creativity through….... activities

2 To strengthen student's skills on….. 2 To improve student’s creativity through….... activities

3 To strengthen student's skills on….. 3 To improve student’s creativity through….... activities

4 To improve student’s creativity through….... Activities

4 To strengthen student's skills on…..
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & • Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no
Sarawak sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if lesson as usual)

there is no sports day training, Labuan & 5 Sports Day Training for Peninsular & Borneo
Sabah will continue this lesson as usual)

5 Sports Day Training for Peninsular & Borneo



‫فيطل اي‬
Doa Sustain Iman َ (7x) َ‫ه‬

َ َ َْ َ ٌْ
َ ُ َ ُ ِّ ‫ه‬ ‫ءاشي نم قزري هدابعب فيطل لاَّل‬
َْ َ ََ ْ ْ ‫ت‬ ْ َ َ َ َّ ِِ ِِ ِ
َ‫ََ يد‬
ِِ ‫بِّث بولقالْ ْاَ ُل‬ ‫اي بلقم‬ ‫مهلال‬ َْ َََّْ
ِ ِ
Ya Allah, the changer of the hearts. Make firm our hearts ‫ميلعال عيمسال وهو‬
upon Your religion
By Ustaz Abdullah Fahmi
KG 11 6 Years
KG 11 6 Years

Vocabulary & Storytelling Islamic Studies

Wee Objective Vocabulary to learn Week Objective

To introduce surah that related to halal foods
To introduce about Halal & Haram Foods Vocabulary to focus:
- Surah Al-Baqarah : verse 168
- - Tell about the meaning of the surah:
Explain about halal foods and halal logo Halal, permitted, haram, prohibited “O mankind, eat of that which is halal and tayyib (clean, pure,
- why we should choose the foods that shows a healthy foods, unhealthy foods, sunnah
- halal logo foods, pure water, dates, milk, honey, good) in the earth and follow not the footsteps of shaytan.
Explain about haram foods pomegranate, vinegar, juices, olive oil, Suely he is an enemy to you”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXs-b83cHx4 mushrooms, pigs, alchohol, Al-An ‘am
- animals halal logo, JAKIM, website, 2 To introduce “Allah is Ar-Razaq”
Tell a students about Rasulullah S.A.W benefits, heart, brain, skin, treatment, Book: Deeniyah Lesson Plan page 5
- favourite foods and its benefits medicine, 1) Who give us rezeki to enjoy with
Explain the benefits of sunnah foods 2) What should you say and do to thank Allah for all these
(honey, milk, dates, mushroom, pomegranate) blessings
Edustar reference: 3) Explain why human need to eat and drink
5 3 To discuss why we need to take halal and lawfull foods
*Monthly Theme : “Halal Foods and halal Logo” - Surah Al-Baqarah : 168
- Each of halal & healthy foods contain a good nutrition
*Storytelling Apron Fasting Caterpillar
4 To recap of Allah is Ar-Razaq
2 To discuss about nutrients contain in foods Vocabulary to recap: : last week • Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
- explain what nutrients have in fish, chicken, vocabularies
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no sports
carrot, orange, Vocabulary to focus:
day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this lesson as
carbohydrate, protein, fats, grains, usual)
vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, fruits &
vegetables, ion, calcium, 5 Sports Day Training for Borneo & Peninsular
3 To introduce the foods groups (Food Pyramid) Vocabulary to recap: : last week
- Explain about the foods and number of vocabularies
serving in each of groups in our daily meal:
i) bread, rice, cereals & potatoes : 4 servings Vocabulary to focus:
ii) Fruits & vegetables : 2-4 servings Food pyramid, healthy foods, unhealthy
iii) Milk, cheese & dairy : 3 servings foods, serving, eat more, eat less,
iv) Meat, fish & alternatives : 2 small servings bread, cereals, rice, potatoes, milk,
v) Fats, oil & confectionery: take it small cheese, meat, fish, fats, oil, small
amounts amount

4 To discuss about the halal things that we could Vocabulary to recap: : last week
not eat vocabularies
- bleach, softeners cosmetic products, soap, Vocabulary to focus:

• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Halal, bleach, softeners, soap, cosmetic,
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there

is no sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will

continue this lesson as usual)
5 Sports Day Training for Borneo & Peninsular
NUMERACY KG 11 6 Years


To introduce rote counting 31-50 To recap how to write capital letters :
A until Z

2 To introduce numbers before and after between 2 To teach student how to write jawi letters ‫ة ت ب ا‬
number 31-50 (Mari Menulis Jawi book 2: page 4)

3 To teach students knowledge about numbers forward 3 To teach student how to write jawi letters ‫ح‬ ‫جث‬
(Mari Menulis Jawi book 2: page 5)
and backward between numbers 31 – 50
4 To teach student how to write jawi letters ‫ر‬ ‫دخ‬
4 To strengthen students knowledge about one unit more
(Mari Menulis Jawi book 2: page 6)
and one unit less between number 31-50 • Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no
sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this
sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this lesson as usual)
lesson as usual)
5 Sports Day Training for Peninsular & Borneo
5 Sports Day Training for Peninsular & Borneo




READING LITTLE QARI 1-4 To recap…. To recap ayat/surah….

To introduce… To introduce & memorize
1-4 To recap…. To recap…. ayat/surah…

To introduce… To introduce…
5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo

5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo

KG 11 6 Years


To strengthen student's skills on….. 1
To improve student’s creativity through….... activities

2 To strengthen student's skills on….. 2 To improve student’s creativity through….... activities

3 To strengthen student's skills on….. 3 To improve student’s creativity through….... activities

4 To improve student’s creativity through….... Activities

4 To strengthen student's skills on…..
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & • Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no
Sarawak sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if lesson as usual)

there is no sports day training, Labuan & 5 Sports Day Training for Peninsular & Borneo
Sabah will continue this lesson as usual)

5 Sports Day Training for Peninsular & Borneo



‫فيطل اي‬
Doa Sustain Iman َ (7x) َ‫ه‬

َ َ َْ َ ٌْ
َ ُ َ ُ ِّ ‫ه‬ ‫ءاشي نم قزري هدابعب فيطل لاَّل‬
َْ َ ََ ْ ْ ‫ت‬ ْ َ َ َ َّ ِِ ِِ ِ
َ‫ََ يد‬
ِِ ‫بِّث بولقالْ َْا ُل‬ ‫اي بلقم‬ ‫مهلال‬ َْ َََّْ
ِ ِ
Ya Allah, the changer of the hearts. Make firm our hearts ‫ميلعال عيمسال وهو‬
upon Your religion
By Ustaz Abdullah Fahmi

Vocabulary & Storytelling

Week Objective Vocabulary to learn

To introduce about 12 foods which Rasulullah Vocabulary to focus: Islamic Studies
S.AW liked to eat and its benefits Rasulullah’s favoutirte foods, like, eat,
- Explain the benefits of every foods that benefits, dates, honey, milk, figs, melon, Week Objective
Rasulullah S.A.W like to eat vinegar, olive oil, mushroom, grapes,
- Edustar’s reference: water, pomegranate, barley To introduce the attribites of Allah : “Allah is Ar-Razaq”
https://iqraa.com/BlogPost?Lang=en&Post_ID=1 Book: Deeniyah Lesson Plan page 5
0935 - Identify and explain that Allah as the one who give us rezq
- Explain briefly the benefits of dates - He is the One who creates your rizq, and takes it upon
- Himself to deliver what He has apportioned to His servants.
- Edustar’s reference: Introduce surah that related to Allah is Ar-Razaq (Surah
https://rxhealthinfo.wordpress.com/2017/05/2 Hud: verse 6)
7/health-benefits-of-date-fruit-eso-mecca- “There is no moving creature on earth whose provision is not
Monthly Theme : Rasulullah S.A.W favourite

foods : Dates
Storytelling: Dates For Grandmother

guaranteed by Allah. And He knows where it lives and where
2 To introduce the “Foods Pyramid” Vocabulary to recap: : last week it is laid to rest. All is ˹written˺ in a perfect Record.”
- Explain all the foods in each category or vocabularies
- group Vocabulary to focus: 2 To introduce 4th Pillars of Islam : pay Zakat
Explain which foods we need to take more Foods pyramid, meat, fish, eggs, bread, - Explain about hadith related to zakat
- and which foods we need to take less pasta, fruits, vegetables, fat, oil, sugar, - “the upper hand is better than the lower hand” (sahih Al-
Explain about nutrients contains in healthy carbohydrate, protein, fats, grains, Bukhari)
- foods (fish, meat, fruits, vegetables) vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, fruits &
Edustar’s reference: vegetables, ion, calcium, 3 To teach about halal logo on the food wrappers in the market

3 To recap about Malaysian halal logo and Vocabulary to focus: 4 To introduce the attributes of Allah: Allah is Al-Khaliq (The
introduce others countries halal logo Malaysian, JAKIM, halal logo, Australia, Creator)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5H430RM Austria, Belgium, Bangladesh, Argentina, - The one who creates things from nothing with no
Ds4I Bosnia, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, China, precedents. He creates what He pleases and in a perfect
Egypt, France, Indonesia, Thailand, manner. He is the only one who determines when, how and
Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan what to create and does so from nothing.
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
4 To discuss about the halal things that we could Vocabulary to focus:
not eat Halal, bleach, softeners, soap, cosmetic, • Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no sports
- bleach, softeners cosmetic products, soap
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this lesson as
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if 5 Sports Day Training for Borneo & Peninsular

there is no sports day training, Labuan &

Sabah will continue this lesson as usual)

5 Sports Day Training for Borneo & Peninsular



To introduce about money : coints and notes by using a 1
To write the vocabularies of Sunnah foods in english spelling (Dates, Milk,
real money Honey, Pomegranate)
Books : drawing exercise book
- Ask students to draw the foods and write the names of the sunnah
2 To discuss about foreign currency
Malaysian – Ringgit 2 To strengthen student’s handwriting skill : write the names of foods
Indonesian – Rupiah
United States – Dollar Books : English exercise book (Potato series: page 49-50)
Saudi Arabia – Riyal 3 To teach students how to write huruf jawi bersambung ba bi bu, ta ti tu,
Japan - Yen,
Philippine - Peso ja ji ju, sa si, su
Book: Mari Menulis Jawi book 2 page 14 - 15
3 To teach student larger and smaller number between
4 To teach students how to write huruf jawi bersambung so si su, a’ i’ u’, pa
number 1 to 100 pi pu
Book: Mari Menulis Jawi book 2 page 16 – 17
4 To teach student count by 10 between number 1 to 100
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak • Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no sports day
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this lesson as usual)
sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this 5 Sports Day Training for Borneo & Peninsular
lesson as usual)
5 Sports Day Training for Borneo & Peninsular





1-4 To recap…. To recap ayat/surah….
To introduce… To introduce & memorize ayat/surah…
1-4 To recap…. To recap….
To introduce… To introduce…
5 Sports Day Training for Borneo & Peninsular

5 Sports Day Training for Borneo & Peninsular



To strengthen student's skills on….. 1
To improve student’s creativity through….... activities

2 To strengthen student's skills on….. 2 To improve student’s creativity through….... activities

3 To strengthen student's skills on….. 3 To improve student’s creativity through….... activities

4 To improve student’s creativity through….... Activities

4 To strengthen student's skills on…..
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & • Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no
Sarawak sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if lesson as usual)

there is no sports day training, Labuan & 5 Sports Day Training for Peninsular & Borneo
Sabah will continue this lesson as usual)

5 Sports Day Training for Peninsular & Borneo



‫فيطل اي‬
Doa Sustain Iman َ (7x) َ‫ه‬

َ َ َْ َ ٌْ
َ ُ َ ُ ِّ ‫ه‬ ‫ءاشي نم قزري هدابعب فيطل لاَّل‬
َْ َ ََ ْ ْ ‫ت‬ ْ َ َ َ َّ ِِ ِِ ِ
َ‫ََ يد‬ َ ْ
‫بِّث بولقالْ ا ُل‬ ‫اي بلقم‬ ‫مهلال‬
ِِ َْ َََّْ
ِ ِ
Ya Allah, the changer of the hearts. Make firm our hearts ‫ميلعال عيمسال وهو‬
upon Your religion
By Ustaz Abdullah Fahmi

Prepared by: Education Management & Quality Assurance (EMQ)

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