2021 Annual Lesson Plan (June) - Week 3 & 4
2021 Annual Lesson Plan (June) - Week 3 & 4
2021 Annual Lesson Plan (June) - Week 3 & 4
Month: June
Fruits &
Islamic Studies
Vocabulary & Storytelling
To introduce about healthy and unhealthy Vocabulary to focus: To introduce doa before eat & after eat
foods Healthy foods: rice, fruits, vegetables,
- Explain about the goods of healthy meat, chicken, fish, water, egg, milk,
dates, 2 To teach adab before, during and after eating
foods for body & health
1) Adab before eating
- Explain about the bad of unhealthy Unhealthy foods: sweets, ice-cream,
- Wash hand before eating
foods for body & health burger, fries, carbonate drinks, Chips, - Recite doa before eat/Bismillah
- Storytelling : use Storytelling Apron : cakes, pizza - Use right hand to eat
“Fasting Caterpillars Good, bad, body, health 2) Adab when eating
” & Flashcards Thematic Kits) - Avoid eat or drink the foods or drinks if it is too hot
*Monthly Theme : “Healthy & Unhealthy - Sit while eating
- Do not criticize food and waste food
Foods” - Do not blow hot food
- Do not talk while eating
2 To teach about Rasulullah S.AW favourite Vocabulary to recap: : last week 3) Adab after eating
- Wash hand after eating
foods vocabularies
- Recite doa after eat or say Alhamdulillah
Vocabulary to focus: - Wash the dishes after eating
*Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
Dates, honey, milk, grapes, vinegar,
olive oil, pomegranate, barley, figs,
mushroom, grapes *Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training
& Sarawak
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training
(if there is no sports day training, Labuan &
Sabah will continue this lesson as usual)
5 Sports Day Training for Borneo & Peninsular
KG 1 4 Years
KG 1 4 Years
5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo SOLAT & HAFAZAN
1-4 To recap…. To recap ayat/surah….
To introduce… To introduce & memorize
5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo
1-4 To recap…. To recap….
To introduce… To introduce…
1 To improve student’s creativity through….... Activities
To strengthen student's skills on…..
Doa Sustain Iman فيطل اي
َْ َ َُْ ْ َت ُْ ََِّ ََّه ِ
َِي ََِد ْاَ ُل ْبِّث بولقال بلقم اي مهلال
Ya Allah, the changer of the hearts. Make firm our hearts
َ (7x) َه
upon Your religion
َ َ َْ َ ٌ ْ
ءاشي نم قزري هدابعب فيطل لاَّل
ِِ ِ ِ
َْ ْ ََِّ َ
ميلعال عيمسال وهو
ِ ِ
By Ustaz Abdullah Fahmi
KG 1 5 Years
KG 1 5 Years
Islamic Studies
Vocabulary & Storytelling
To introduce about healthy and unhealthy Vocabulary to focus: To introduce doa before eat & after eat
foods Healthy foods: rice, fruits, vegetables,
- Explain about the goods of healthy meat, chicken, fish, water, egg, milk,
dates, 2 To teach adab before, during and after eating
foods for body & health
1) Adab before eating
- Explain about the bad of unhealthy Unhealthy foods: sweets, ice-cream,
- Wash hand before eating
foods for body & health burger, fries, carbonate drinks, Chips, - Recite doa before eat/Bismillah
- Storytelling : use Storytelling Apron : cakes, pizza - Use right hand to eat
“Fasting Caterpillars Good, bad, body, health 2) Adab when eating
” & Flashcards Thematic Kits) - Avoid eat or drink the foods or drinks if it is too hot
*Monthly Theme : “Healthy & Unhealthy - Sit while eating
- Do not criticize food and waste food
Foods” - Do not blow hot food
- Do not talk while eating
2 To teach about Rasulullah S.AW favourite Vocabulary to recap: : last week 3) Adab after eating
- Wash hand after eating
foods vocabularies
- Recite doa after eat or say Alhamdulillah
Vocabulary to focus: - Wash the dishes after eating
*Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
Dates, honey, milk, grapes, vinegar,
olive oil, pomegranate, barley, figs,
mushroom, grapes *Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training
& Sarawak
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training
(if there is no sports day training, Labuan &
Sabah will continue this lesson as usual)
5 Sports Day Training for Borneo & Peninsular
KG 1 5 Years
KG 1 5 Years
To introduce about matching 1
To teach student how to write (tracing) the small letter of:
r, n, m, h
2 To introduce about same & different (writing book page 13-14)
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no 5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo
sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this
lesson as usual)
5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo
1-4 To recap…. To recap ayat/surah….
To introduce… To introduce & memorize
1 To improve student’s creativity through….... Activities
To strengthen student's skills on…..
Doa Sustain Iman فيطل اي
َْ َ َُْ ْ َت ُْ ََِّ ََّه ِ
َِي ََِد ْاَ ُل ْبِّث بولقال بلقم اي مهلال
Ya Allah, the changer of the hearts. Make firm our hearts
َ (7x) َه
upon Your religion
َ َ َْ َ ٌ ْ
ءاشي نم قزري هدابعب فيطل لاَّل
ِِ ِ ِ
َْ ْ ََِّ َ
ميلعال عيمسال وهو
ِ ِ
By Ustaz Abdullah Fahmi
KG 11 5 Years
KG 11 5 Years
4 To discuss about the halal things that we could Vocabulary to recap: : last week
not eat vocabularies
- bleach, softeners cosmetic products, soap, Vocabulary to focus:
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Halal, bleach, softeners, soap, cosmetic,
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there
To introduce rote counting 31-50 To recap how to write capital letters :
A until Z
2 To introduce numbers before and after between 2 To teach student how to write jawi letters ة ت ب ا
number 31-50 (Mari Menulis Jawi book 2: page 4)
3 To teach students knowledge about numbers forward 3 To teach student how to write jawi letters ح جث
(Mari Menulis Jawi book 2: page 5)
and backward between numbers 31 – 50
4 To teach student how to write jawi letters ر دخ
4 To strengthen students knowledge about one unit more
(Mari Menulis Jawi book 2: page 6)
and one unit less between number 31-50 • Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no
sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this
sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this lesson as usual)
lesson as usual)
5 Sports Day Training for Peninsular & Borneo
5 Sports Day Training for Peninsular & Borneo
To introduce… To introduce…
5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo
To strengthen student's skills on….. 1
To improve student’s creativity through….... activities
there is no sports day training, Labuan & 5 Sports Day Training for Peninsular & Borneo
Sabah will continue this lesson as usual)
فيطل اي
Doa Sustain Iman َ (7x) َه
َ َ َْ َ ٌْ
َ ُ َ ُ ِّ ه ءاشي نم قزري هدابعب فيطل لاَّل
َْ َ ََ ْ ْ ت ْ َ َ َ َّ ِِ ِِ ِ
َََ يد
ِِ بِّث بولقالْ ْاَ ُل اي بلقم مهلال َْ َََّْ
ِ ِ
Ya Allah, the changer of the hearts. Make firm our hearts ميلعال عيمسال وهو
upon Your religion
By Ustaz Abdullah Fahmi
KG 11 6 Years
KG 11 6 Years
4 To discuss about the halal things that we could Vocabulary to recap: : last week
not eat vocabularies
- bleach, softeners cosmetic products, soap, Vocabulary to focus:
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Halal, bleach, softeners, soap, cosmetic,
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there
To introduce rote counting 31-50 To recap how to write capital letters :
A until Z
2 To introduce numbers before and after between 2 To teach student how to write jawi letters ة ت ب ا
number 31-50 (Mari Menulis Jawi book 2: page 4)
3 To teach students knowledge about numbers forward 3 To teach student how to write jawi letters ح جث
(Mari Menulis Jawi book 2: page 5)
and backward between numbers 31 – 50
4 To teach student how to write jawi letters ر دخ
4 To strengthen students knowledge about one unit more
(Mari Menulis Jawi book 2: page 6)
and one unit less between number 31-50 • Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no
sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this
sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this lesson as usual)
lesson as usual)
5 Sports Day Training for Peninsular & Borneo
5 Sports Day Training for Peninsular & Borneo
To introduce… To introduce…
5 Sports day training for Peninsular & Borneo
To strengthen student's skills on….. 1
To improve student’s creativity through….... activities
there is no sports day training, Labuan & 5 Sports Day Training for Peninsular & Borneo
Sabah will continue this lesson as usual)
فيطل اي
Doa Sustain Iman َ (7x) َه
َ َ َْ َ ٌْ
َ ُ َ ُ ِّ ه ءاشي نم قزري هدابعب فيطل لاَّل
َْ َ ََ ْ ْ ت ْ َ َ َ َّ ِِ ِِ ِ
َََ يد
ِِ بِّث بولقالْ َْا ُل اي بلقم مهلال َْ َََّْ
ِ ِ
Ya Allah, the changer of the hearts. Make firm our hearts ميلعال عيمسال وهو
upon Your religion
By Ustaz Abdullah Fahmi
To introduce about 12 foods which Rasulullah Vocabulary to focus: Islamic Studies
S.AW liked to eat and its benefits Rasulullah’s favoutirte foods, like, eat,
- Explain the benefits of every foods that benefits, dates, honey, milk, figs, melon, Week Objective
Rasulullah S.A.W like to eat vinegar, olive oil, mushroom, grapes,
- Edustar’s reference: water, pomegranate, barley To introduce the attribites of Allah : “Allah is Ar-Razaq”
https://iqraa.com/BlogPost?Lang=en&Post_ID=1 Book: Deeniyah Lesson Plan page 5
0935 - Identify and explain that Allah as the one who give us rezq
- Explain briefly the benefits of dates - He is the One who creates your rizq, and takes it upon
- Himself to deliver what He has apportioned to His servants.
- Edustar’s reference: Introduce surah that related to Allah is Ar-Razaq (Surah
https://rxhealthinfo.wordpress.com/2017/05/2 Hud: verse 6)
7/health-benefits-of-date-fruit-eso-mecca- “There is no moving creature on earth whose provision is not
Monthly Theme : Rasulullah S.A.W favourite
foods : Dates
Storytelling: Dates For Grandmother
guaranteed by Allah. And He knows where it lives and where
2 To introduce the “Foods Pyramid” Vocabulary to recap: : last week it is laid to rest. All is ˹written˺ in a perfect Record.”
- Explain all the foods in each category or vocabularies
- group Vocabulary to focus: 2 To introduce 4th Pillars of Islam : pay Zakat
Explain which foods we need to take more Foods pyramid, meat, fish, eggs, bread, - Explain about hadith related to zakat
- and which foods we need to take less pasta, fruits, vegetables, fat, oil, sugar, - “the upper hand is better than the lower hand” (sahih Al-
Explain about nutrients contains in healthy carbohydrate, protein, fats, grains, Bukhari)
- foods (fish, meat, fruits, vegetables) vitamin A, vitamin C, fiber, fruits &
Edustar’s reference: vegetables, ion, calcium, 3 To teach about halal logo on the food wrappers in the market
3 To recap about Malaysian halal logo and Vocabulary to focus: 4 To introduce the attributes of Allah: Allah is Al-Khaliq (The
introduce others countries halal logo Malaysian, JAKIM, halal logo, Australia, Creator)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5H430RM Austria, Belgium, Bangladesh, Argentina, - The one who creates things from nothing with no
Ds4I Bosnia, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, China, precedents. He creates what He pleases and in a perfect
Egypt, France, Indonesia, Thailand, manner. He is the only one who determines when, how and
Philippines, Vietnam, Taiwan what to create and does so from nothing.
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
4 To discuss about the halal things that we could Vocabulary to focus:
not eat Halal, bleach, softeners, soap, cosmetic, • Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no sports
- bleach, softeners cosmetic products, soap
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this lesson as
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if 5 Sports Day Training for Borneo & Peninsular
To introduce about money : coints and notes by using a 1
To write the vocabularies of Sunnah foods in english spelling (Dates, Milk,
real money Honey, Pomegranate)
Books : drawing exercise book
- Ask students to draw the foods and write the names of the sunnah
2 To discuss about foreign currency
Malaysian – Ringgit 2 To strengthen student’s handwriting skill : write the names of foods
Indonesian – Rupiah
United States – Dollar Books : English exercise book (Potato series: page 49-50)
Saudi Arabia – Riyal 3 To teach students how to write huruf jawi bersambung ba bi bu, ta ti tu,
Japan - Yen,
Philippine - Peso ja ji ju, sa si, su
Book: Mari Menulis Jawi book 2 page 14 - 15
3 To teach student larger and smaller number between
4 To teach students how to write huruf jawi bersambung so si su, a’ i’ u’, pa
number 1 to 100 pi pu
Book: Mari Menulis Jawi book 2 page 16 – 17
4 To teach student count by 10 between number 1 to 100
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak
• Week 4 lesson plan is only for Peninsular & Sarawak • Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no sports day
• Labuan & Sabah : Sports Day Training. (if there is no training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this lesson as usual)
sports day training, Labuan & Sabah will continue this 5 Sports Day Training for Borneo & Peninsular
lesson as usual)
5 Sports Day Training for Borneo & Peninsular
To strengthen student's skills on….. 1
To improve student’s creativity through….... activities
there is no sports day training, Labuan & 5 Sports Day Training for Peninsular & Borneo
Sabah will continue this lesson as usual)
فيطل اي
Doa Sustain Iman َ (7x) َه
َ َ َْ َ ٌْ
َ ُ َ ُ ِّ ه ءاشي نم قزري هدابعب فيطل لاَّل
َْ َ ََ ْ ْ ت ْ َ َ َ َّ ِِ ِِ ِ
َََ يد َ ْ
بِّث بولقالْ ا ُل اي بلقم مهلال
ِِ َْ َََّْ
ِ ِ
Ya Allah, the changer of the hearts. Make firm our hearts ميلعال عيمسال وهو
upon Your religion
By Ustaz Abdullah Fahmi