Dir Ectional Bicubic Inter Polation - A New Method of Image Super - Resolution

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3rd International Conference on Multimedia Technology(ICMT 2013)

Dir ectional Bicubic Inter polation — A New

Method of Image Super -Resolution

Liu J ing 1, Gan Zongliang and Zhu Xiuchang

Abstr act Bicubic interpolation is a standard method in image interpolation field

because of its low complexity and relatively good results. But as it only
interpolates in horizontal and vertical directions, edges easily suffer from artifacts
such as blocking, blurring and ringing. This paper proposed a new method of
image super-resolution which is named directional bicubic interpolation.
According to local strength and directions, different ways are used to interpolate
missing pixels. Compared with bicubic interpolation, the proposed method can
preserve sharp edges and details better. Experiment results show that the proposed
method is better than existing edge-directed interpolations in terms of subjective
and objective measures, and its computation complexity is low.

Keywor ds Bicubic · Local gradients · Direction extraction · Edge

strength·Direction parameter

1 Intr oduction

As high-resolution (HR) images can provide more details and better perceptual
quality, image interpolation is required to produce a HR image from its low-
resolution (LR) counterpart in many fields, such as medical images, HD videos,
satellite imaging, mobile devices (e.g. iphone, ipad, etc) and so on.

Liu Jing ()

Jiangsu Provincial Key Lab of Image Processing and Image Communication, Nanjing University
of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, China
e-mail: liujingnj@ gmail.com
Gan Zongliang
Jiangsu Provincial Key Lab of Image Processing and Image Communication, Nanjing University
of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, China
Zhu Xiuchang
Jiangsu Provincial Key Lab of Image Processing and Image Communication, Nanjing University
of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing, China

© 2013. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press 470

Traditional polynomial-based interpolations include bilinear, bicubic [1] and
cubic spline interpolation [2], which have low computation complexity, but easily
suffer from artifacts along edges or textures. To remedy this disadvantage, many
edge-directed interpolations are proposed. They try to interpolate missing pixels
along edges as much as possible. Jensen and Anastassiou [3] detect edges by using
an edge fitting operator. Li and Orchard [4] estimate local covariance of HR
images with the help of the local LR covariance to match the edge directions.
Yang [5] detects local gradient direction with principal components analysis
(PCA) as the direction of the edge. Zhou [6] compares gradients of two orthogonal
directions to compute local edge strength and direction and use different ways to
interpolate missing pixels with different strengths and directions.
Compared with traditional interpolation methods, edge-directed interpolations
can preserve shape edges better, but may also generate some artifacts in texture
areas. In this paper, we propose a novel method of image super-resolution for 2D
images. Simulation results show that compared to existing edge-directed
interpolations, our proposed method achieves better results, and at the same time,
its computation complexity is low.

2 Pr oposed Algor ithm

1D bicubic only interpolates along horizontal or vertical directions, which results

in non-horizontal or non-vertical being smoothed. To solve this problem, we first
estimate edge strength and direction through local image gradients. Then for
pixels on strong edges or on weak edges and textures, interpolate by different

2.1 Local Edge Direction

Before interpolation, the first step is to detect local edge direction. As gradients
across edges are larger than along edges, local gradients are used for detecting
edge directions. For a digital image, four directions (0°, 45°, 90°and 135°) are
considered in a 7×7 neighborhood as follows:

G0 = ∑ ∑ I (i + m, j − n ) − I (i + m, j − n + 2) + ∑ I (i + m, j − 1) − I (i + m, j + 1)
m = ±1n = 3, ±1 m = ±3

G90 = ∑ ∑ I (i − m, j + n ) − I (i − m + 2, j + n ) + ∑ I (i − 1, j + n ) − I (i + 1, j + n )
m = 3, ±1 n = ±1 n = ±3

G45 = ∑ I (i + 1, j − n ) − I (i − 1, j − n + 2 ) + ∑ I (i + 3, j − n ) − I (i + 1, j − n + 2)
n = 3, ±1 n = ±1

+ ∑ I (i − 1, j − n ) − I (i − 3, j − n + 2)
n = 3,1

∑ I (i + m, j − m ) − I (i + m − 2, j − m + 2)
2 m =3, −1
G135 = ∑ I (i − 1, j − n ) − I (i + 1, j − n + 2) + ∑ I (i − 3, j − n ) − I (i − 1, j − n + 2)
n = 3, ±1 n = ±1

+ ∑ I (i + 1, j − n ) − I (i + 3, j − n + 2)
n = 3,1

∑ I (i − m, j − m ) − I (i − m + 2, j − m + 2)
2 m =3, −1
Suppose the direction across edge is between the biggest two gradients
G max 1 , G max 2 of G0 , G 45 , G90 , G135 . Compute the ratio of G max 1 , Gmax 2 , where 1 is
added to avoid division by zero. If (1 + Gmax 1 ) (1 + Gmax 2 ) > T , pixel (i, j ) is on a
strong edge, the direction of the edge is across G max 1 ; otherwise, pixel (i, j ) is on a
weak edge, the direction of the edge is across a direction between the two

2.2 Algorithm Description

In the paper, we divide pixels into two classes: pixels on strong edges and pixels
on weak edges or textures. Take the interpolation of pixel I HR (2i,2 j ) for example.

For pixels on strong edges, 1D bicubic interpolation is used along edge

directions directly. As shown is (2) [5], if edge direction is 45° or 135°, we
choose four nearest pixels along the direction and the coefficients are[-1, 9, 9,
-1]/16. While if edge direction is 0° or 90°, we choose eight nearest pixels
perpendicular to the direction, and coefficients are [-1, 9, 9, -1, -1, 9 , 9 ,-1]/32.
I H R (2i − 3,2 j − 3) I H R (2i − 3,2 j − 1) I H R (2i − 3,2 j + 1) I H R (2i − 3,2 j + 3)

I H R (2i − 1,2 j − 3) I H R (2i − 1,2 j − 1) I H R (2i − 1,2 j + 1) I H R (2i − 1,2 j + 3)

I HR (2i,2m )

I H R (2i + 1,2 j − 3) I H R (2i + 1,2 j − 1) I H R (2i + 1,2 j + 1) I H R (2i + 1,2 j + 3)

I H R (2i + 3,2 j − 3) I H R (2i + 3,2 j − 1) I H R (2i + 3,2 j + 1) I H R (2i + 3,2 j + 3)

Fig. 1 Illustration of interpolating model of I HR (2i,2 j )

 1 9 9 1
 − 32 I HR (2i −1, 2 j − 3) + 32 I HR (2i −1, 2 j −1) + 32 I HR (2i −1, 2 j +1) − 32 I HR (2i −1, 2 j + 3)

− 1 I +
I +
I −
 32 HR (2i +1, 2 j − 3) 32 HR (2i +1, 2 j −1) 32 HR (2i +1, 2 j +1) 32 HR (2i +1, 2 j + 3)

 θ = 0
 1 9 9 1
 − I HR (2i + 3, 2 j − 3) + I HR (2i +1, 2 j −1) + I HR (2i −1, 2 j +1) − I HR (2i − 3, 2 j + 3)
 16 16 16 16
 θ = 45
I HR (2i , 2 j ) = (2)
 − 1 I HR 9 9 1
(2 i − 3, 2 j −1) + I HR (2i −1, 2 j −1) + I HR (2i +1, 2 j −1) − I HR (2i + 3, 2 j −1)
 32 32 32 32
 1 9 9 1
− I HR (2i − 3, 2 j +1) + I HR (2i −1, 2 j +1) + I HR (2i +1, 2 j +1) − I HR (2 i + 3, 2 j +1)
 32 32 32 32
 θ = 90

 1 I 9 9 1
 − 16 HR (2 i − 3, 2 j − 3) + 16 I HR (2 i −1, 2 j −1) + 16 I HR (2 i +1, 2 j +1) − 16 I HR (2 i + 3, 2 j + 3)

 θ = 135

For pixels on weak edges or textures. Firstly, interpolate along directions

across the two biggest gradients G max 1 , Gmax 2 as (2) respectively. Then merge
them with proper weights. Suppose p1 , p2 are bicubic results corresponding to
G max 1 and Gmax 2 , weights can be computed as

 1
 w1 = 1 + G k
 max 2
 (3)
 w2 = 1
 1 + G max

where k is an exponent parameter, and 1 is added to avoid division by zero.

The interpolation result p of pixels on weak edges or textures can be estimate

p = (w1 p1 + w2 p 2 ) (w1 + w2 ) (4)

To summarize the method, an informative description of our method is given as
Input: low resolution image I LR .
Output: high resolution image I HR .
Initialization. Enlarge I LR to I HR through I HR (2i − 1,2 j − 1) = I LR (i, j ) ,
1 ≤ i ≤ M ,1 ≤ j ≤ N , where M, N is the size of LR image.

Interpolating pixels I HR (2i,2 j ) . Before interpolating, first compute its local
variance σ . If σ < Tσ , use bilinear interpolation directly. Otherwise:
Compute gradients of four directions as (1).
Extract the two biggest gradients G max 1 , Gmax 2 , and interpolate the pixel p as

(1 + Gmax 1 ) (1 + Gmax 2 ) > T

 p= p
 1
 (5)
 (1 + G max 1 ) (1 + Gmax 2 ) < T
 p = (w1 p1 + w2 p2 ) (w1 + w2 )
where p1 , p2 are the bicubic interpolation results corresponding to G max 1
and Gmax 2 . Here threshold Tσ , parameter k in (3) and threshold T in (5)
are predefined as 10, 5 and 1.15 respectively, in which Tσ is chosen
based on experience and the others are chosen by training 20 images.
Interpolating pixels I HR (2i − 1,2 j ) and I HR (2i,2 j − 1) . Interpolation is
conducted in the same way as step 2 except rotating the axis by 45°.

3 Exper iments and Analyses

In this section, we compare our results with four methods: Bicubic interpolation
[1], NEDI [4], PCAI [5] and DCCI [6]. Fig.2 displays the test images.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

Fig.2 Test images. (a) Men (512×512). (b) Woman (384×512). (c) Airplane (384×512). (d) Baby
(602×620). (e) Model (384×512). (f) Doll (455×620)

3.1 Experiment Results

Table 1 reports the PSNR results under five methods for two times zoom. It can be
observed that the proposed method has the best result, which is 0.46dB, 0.44dB,
0.42dB, 0.15dB higher than Bicubic [1], NEDI [4], PCAI [5] and DCCI [6]
respectively. Table 2 and Table 3 compare structural similarity (SSIM) [7] and
feature similarity (FSIM) [8] results, which also show that our method is better.
Table 1 Comparison of five different methods in PSNR (dB)
Images Bicubic[1] NEDI[4] PCAI[5] NCCI[6] Proposed

Men 26.44 26.70 26.43 26.70 26.79

Woman 35.43 35.30 35.35 35.57 35.79

Airplane 29.32 29.74 29.66 30.14 30.22

Baby 32.08 32.18 32.13 32.42 32.52

Model 31.63 31.63 31.45 31.74 31.82

Doll 28.32 27.76 28.43 28.50 28.83

Average 30.54 30.55 30.58 30.85 31.00

Table 2 Comparison of five different methods in SSIM [7]

Images Bicubic[1] NEDI[4] PCAI[5] NCCI[6] Proposed

Men 0.7983 0.8014 0.7963 0.8032 0.8059

Woman 0.9029 0.9014 0.8982 0.9007 0.9051

Airplane 0.9261 0.931 0.9291 0.9348 0.9364

Baby 0.8968 0.8969 0.8924 0.8948 0.8989

Model 0.9246 0.9217 0.9230 0.9250 0.9253

Doll 0.8542 0.8487 0.8543 0.8551 0.8617

Average 0.8838 0.8835 0.8822 0.8856 0.8889

Table 3 Comparison of five different methods in FSIM [8]

Images Bicubic[1] NEDI[4] PCAI[5] NCCI[6] Proposed

Men 0.9619 0.9621 0.9595 0.9627 0.9634

Woman 0.9564 0.9540 0.9573 0.9579 0.9581

Airplane 0.9429 0.9506 0.9485 0.9538 0.9540

Baby 0.9468 0.945 0.9472 0.9481 0.9485

Model 0.9865 0.9856 0.9853 0.9864 0.9866

Doll 0.9733 0.9701 0.9713 0.9731 0.9746

Average 0.9613 0.9612 0.9615 0.9637 0.9642

Fig.3 shows partition results of ‘Airplane’. It can be seen that the proposed
method has the best results. Bicubic interpolation [1] has the most severe blurring
(Fig. 3(b)). NEDI [4] breaks the geometric duality between the LR covariance and
HR covariance, and generates speckle noise (Fig. 3(c)). PCAI [5] simply divides
directions into four classes which doesn’t match the structure of real images, and
has obvious blurring artifacts (Fig. 3(d)). DCCI [6] generates shape edges but has
weak subjective results (Fig. 3(e)). Fig.4 and Fig.5 are partition results of
‘Airplane’ and ‘Doll’, which also show similar results.

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Fig. 3 The portion result of ‘Airplane’ image under five methods. (a)Original image. (b) Bicubic [1].
(c) NEDI [4]. (d) PCAI [5]. (e) DCCI [6]. (f) Proposed

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Fig. 4 The portion result of ‘Men’ image under five methods. (a) Original image (b) Bicubic [1]. (c)
NEDI [4]. (d) PCAI [5]. (e) DCCI [6]. (f) Proposed

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)

Fig. 5 The portion result of ‘Doll’ image under five methods. (a) Original image (b) Bicubic [1]. (c)
NEDI [4]. (d) PCAI [5]. (e) DCCI [6]. (f) Proposed

3.2 Computation Complexity

To decrease computation complexity, we dramatically use bilinear interpolation

based on variance σ . Table 4 is the average percentage of pixels interpolated by
bilinear and the proposed method about 6 test images in this paper. It can be seen
that about 33.50% of the pixels can use bilinear interpolation directly.

Table 4 Average percentage of pixels interpolated by bilinear interpolation and the proposed
Percentage Bilinear Proposed

Average 33.50% 66.50%

4 Conclusion

In this paper, directional bicubic interpolation — a novel method of image super-

resolution is proposed. Unlike 1D bicubic interpolation [1] which only interpolates
along horizontal and vertical directions, the proposed method increases flexibility
to interpolation along arbitrary directions. Experiments show that the proposed
method is better than modern edge-directed interpolations in both subjective and
objective measures. Moreover, as we dramatically use bilinear interpolation based
on local image variance, the computation complexity is low and this method can
be used in real time.

Acknowledgements This study is funded by the National Nature Science Foundation, P. R.

China (No. 61071091, No. 61071166, No.61172118) and a Project Funded by the Priority
Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions (Information and
Communication Engineering).

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