Cost Estimate - Single Storey Building

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Sl. No. Description of Works No. Amount in Rs.


Sub Total (A) 2435492.6

Provision for un-forseen items and periphery

B. development (CIVIL COST)@5% 5% 121774.63
Sub Total(B) 121774.63


C. SANITARY WORK) 10% 243549.26

Sub Total(C) 243549.26


Sub Total(D) 243549.26

E. TOTAL = (A+B+C+D) 30,44,365.75

F. Add GST @ 18% on TOTAL (E) 18% 547985.835
G. TOTAL = (E+F) 3592351.585
H. Add Contigency @ 2% on TOTAL (E) 0.02 60887.315
GRAND TOTAL = (G+H) Rs. 36,53,238.90
SAY Rs. 3653000
Rupees Thirty Six Lakhs Fifty Three Thousand Only
Description Unit Qnty. Rate Amount

Earth work excavation of foundation in all

kinds of soil with in 59m initial lead and
1.50m initial lift including rough dressing
breaking clods maximum 5cm to 7 cm &
laying in layers not exceding 0.3m depth for
the work complete as directed by incharge.

Upto 1.5m depth cum 287.81 148.52 42,746.50

Carriage of surplus earth by mechanical

Cum. -
means.(within 5.00 Km. lead)

Supplying and filling in foundation trenches

and plinth with sand well watered and
rammed in layers not exceeding 23cm in
cum 77.19 336.32 25,960.53
depth with all lead and lift including cost,
conveyance, royalties, taxes of the material,
cost of all labour, T&P etc., required for

Providing and applying of Antitermite

treatment before construction at different
stage as per specification and the holes
should be pluged with filling materials sqm 140.00 117.30 16,422.00
including cost of all materials, labour
charges, conveyance and all taxes, hire
charges of m

Laterite stone masonry in C.M(1:6) in

Cum 9.08 4,406.44 40,010.49
Foundation & Plinth.

Providing Plain Cement concrete PCC

(1:3:6) below raft, ramp using 40 mm
nominal size Graded hard crusher broken
Cum 14.65 4,465.59 65,420.83
granite stone aggregate, mechanically mixed,
placed in foundation and compacted by
vibration including labour, curing complete

Rigid and smooth Steel centering and

shuttering at all heights for raft,
column,beam, lintel, chajja, stair case, plinth
beam and ramp etc., works using required
nos of vertical and horizontal supports of
scaffolding with joists, N.G. rails and
GF Sqm. 498.20 439.46 2,18,940.25
Terrace Sqm. 43.97 759.39 33,390.44

R.C.C. work of M-25 in following works using

12 mm. to 20 mm. size (20 mm. not less than
50%) hard black crusher broken granite
stone chips of approved quality from
approved quarry including hoisting, lowering,
laying and compacting concrete, watering
curing and finishing the exposed surfaces
smooth with cost, conveyance, royalties,
taxes of all materials with all labour,labour
cess and T & P required for the work etc.
complete in all respect but excluding the cost
and conveyance of Tor steel and binding wire
of 18 to 20 gauge, labour and centering &
shuttering charges for straightening, cutting,
bending, binding and tying the grills and
placing in proper position and as per the
direction of the Engineer-in-charge.

GF Cum. 101.73 4,894.18 4,97,884.79

Terrace Cum. 5.20 5,187.97 26,977.42

Supplying Cutting, straightening or bent up

Fe-500D tor steel of primary steel producers
such as SAIL / Tiscon / RINL / JINDAL
STEEL / SHYAM STEEL (grade Fe-500D)
etc. including bending, binding, welding and
jointing if necessary and tying the grills and
placing in position as required for R.C.C.
Work and for providing fan hooks as
required, hoisting, lowering, laying including
cost, conveyances, taxes of tor steel and
binding wires of 18 to 20 gauge and labour
required for the work for bending, binding
and tying the grills in all floors with labour
cess etc. (payment will be made on standard
weight of B.I.S. for or tor steel only) etc.
complete as per specification & direction of

GF Qntl. 93.16 5,875.10 5,47,324.12

Terrace Qntl. 6.88 5,961.08 41,012.26
Fly Ash brick masonry in cement mortar (1:6)
in foundation & plinth using Fly Ash bricks of
23 x 11 x 8 cm size having a crushing
strength of not less than 75 kg./sqcm with
dimensional tolerance ± 2% including splays
cutting circular moulding chamfering and
corbelling and similar such type of works with
all necessary projections watering and curing
and scaffolding after immersing the bricks in
water at least for six hours before use
including cost, conveyance, royalties and
taxes of all materials with all labour,labour
cess and T & P required for the work
complete in all respect as per direction of

GF Cum. 31.71 4,349.60 1,37,925.88

Terrace Cum. 12.10 5,368.49 64,958.77

Supplying all materials, labour, T&P and

providing 12mm thick cement plaster (1:6)
on brickwork inclding watering,
curing,scaffoding, cost,
conveyance,royalities,taxes of all materials to
worksite etc all complete as per specification
and direction of the Engineer in charge

GF Sqm. 267.85 140.62 37,665.72

Terrace Sqm. 30.48 151.30 4,611.76
Providing 16 mm thick cement plaster with
cement mortar of mix (1:6) with screened
and washed sharp sand for mortar and
finished smooth to the rough surface of walls
in all heights after racking out joints including
watering,scaffoding and curing, rounding of
corners, providing grooves where ever
necessary with cost, conveyance, royalties
and taxes of all materials with cost of all
labour,labour cess, T&P, and scaffolding
required for the work etc. complete in all
respect as directed by the Engineer in
GF Sqm. 119.55 201.97 24,145.60
Terrace Sqm. 78.04 228.99 17,870.66
Providing Cement washing one coat
including watering,scaffoding, curing, cost all
materials, labour and T&P etc complete as
per requirement as directed by Engineer-in-
GF Sqm. 119.55 14.44 1,726.20
Terrace Sqm. 78.04 15.72 1,226.73
Finishing plastered surfaces of walls with
Cement based Putty & making smooth to
receive painting including cost of Putty as per
requirement as directed by Engineer-in-
GF Sqm. 267.85 74.49 19,951.65
Terrace Sqm. 30.48 78.81 2,402.14

Priming one coat with any approved primer

including cost of material & labour as per
requirement as directed by Engineer-in-

GF Sqm. 267.85 62.63 16,776.33

Terrace Sqm. 30.48 67.36 2,053.08

Priming one coat with any approved primer

including cost of material & labour as per
requirement as directed by Engineer-in-
Charge -outside

GF Sqm. 119.55 62.63 7,487.81

Terrace Sqm. 78.04 70.67 5,514.72

Wall painting TWOcoats with plastic

emulsion paint of approved shade on new
work to give an even shade including cost of
brushes and putty including cost of paint.

GF Sqm. 267.85 82.26 22,032.40

Terrace Sqm. 30.48 87.36 2,662.76

Wall painting 2 coats with weather paint of

approved shade on wall surface to give an
even shade including cost of brushes and
putty including cost of paint scrapping,
cleaning rubbing, scaffolding etc.

GF Sqm. 119.55 76.77 9,177.75

Terrace Sqm. 78.04 85.45 6,668.21
Providing Two Coat enamel paint over a one
coat of Priming to grills in front of window
works with any approved quality of enamel
paint and primer including cost of material &
labour as per requirement as directed by
GF Sqm. 5.53 142.87 789.37
Providing 2.5cm thick Grading Concrete over
roof slab with cement concrete (1:2:2) using
6mm size black hard granite crusher broken
chips and screened & washed sharp sand for
mortar and finished smooth to the rough
surface of slab including watering and curing
with cost, conveyance, royalties and taxes of
all materials with cost of all labour, labour
cess and T&P required for the work etc.
complete in all respect as directed by the
Engineer in charge.(Over 5th floor)

Terrace floor sqm 140.00 398.04 55,725.69

Supply, Fitting and fixing of vertified tiles
(colour/printed ,Size 600mm X 600mm)
(Border Wall Tile - (Make -Johnson /
Khajaria/Somali)IS:13755 of approved make
laid on 20mm thick cement mortar (1:4) (1
cement :4 Course sand) and filling joints with
white cement of approved quality including
cost, conveyance, taxes, cost of all labour
etc., complete.
Ground floor sqm 59.15 939.25 55,556.81

Supply, Fitting and fixing of ceramic tiles with

approved make conforming to IS: 13755 laid
on 20mm thick cement mortar (1:4) (1
cement :4 Course sand) and filling joints with
white cement of approved quality including
cost, conveyance, taxes, cost of all labour
etc., complete.

Ground floor sqm 34.23 715.64 24,496.36

Fixing granite tiles of above 0.4 Sqm of 20

mm thick in treads and raise of steps in stair
case and dado side of the steps of thickness
150 mm over a 25mm thick bed of cement
mortar 1:1 (1 cement : 1 sand) jointed with
neat cement slurry mixed with pigment to
match the shades on the tiles etc., complete.

Ground floor sqm 19.19 1,671.26 32,071.49

terrace sqm 19.19 1,741.09 33,411.50
Fixing of chequred tile in floors treads or
steps and landing on 25mm thick bed of
cement mortar 1:1 (1cement : 1sand) jointed
with neat cement slury mixed with pigment to
match the shades of the tiles including
rubbing and polishing complete excluding
cost of precast tiles etc.
Ground floor sqm 50.13 540.05 27,072.57
Providing 6 mm thick cement plaster with
cement mortar of mix (1:4) with screened
and washed sharp sand for mortar and
finished smooth to the ceiling in all heights
including watering, curing and scaffloding
rounding of corners, providing grooves where
ever necessary with cost, conveyance,
royalties and taxes of all materials with cost
of all labour,labour cess, T&P, and
scaffolding required for the work etc.
complete in all respect as directed by the
Engineer in charge.
Ground floor sqm 140.00 133.31 18,663.44
32 mm Teak wood Panelled shutters
moulded panel with all labour, iron fittings
and wooden hinged cleats etc. fitted and sqm 43.47 2,455.56 1,06,743.16
fixed complete in all respect, but excluding
cost of Iron fittings.

supplying, fitting and fixing of stainless steel

of 304 grade in hand railing using 50mm dia
of 2mm thick circular pipe with Balustrade of
size 32mm x 32mm x 2mm @ 0.90mtr. C/C
and stainless square pipe bracing of size
Rmt 27.50 3,391.04 93,253.73
32mm x 32mm x 2mm in 3 rows in stair case
as per approved design and specification,
buffing, polishing etc. with cost, conveyance,
taxes of all materilas, labour, T&P etc.
required for the complete in all respect.

Supplying, fitting & fixing in all floors in M.S.

grills gate with as per approved drawing and
design with cost of all materials & labour,
taxes, labour cess, T&P, sundries etc. Kg 699.66 66.83 46,760.72
complete in all respect as per specification &
approved drawing/ as per direction of

Civil works total amount:- 24,35,492.64

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