READ BELOW why this Wonder-Working Volume has already achieved the incredible sales figure of:
Certainly one of the best-setting books on health in the world today/ • English edition now selling close to 2,000 copies a week! French, Italian, German • Why such overwhelming acceptance? Because rt WORKS! Works so well that one editions under way. leading American Physician writes: "Your methods are both scientifically and • Front-pas* articles praising this amazing system run in Russian, Swedish, Danish, medically sound. I recommend them without reservation." and five other European countries. • Physicians around the world recommend this book to their patients — encourage And now it's available to YOU, to bring you renewed youth, health and vigor beyond them to adopt these gentle, youth-restoring, pain-relieving exercises for a multitude your fondest dreams! Read the thrilling details below! Try it today — entirely at of ills! our risk!
Perhaps you have read this fascinating story in the Chicago AMERICAN, Louisville COURIER-JOURNAL, Sioux City JOURNAL or dozens of other top newspapers: There i» * strange and beautiful woman in Chicago who has, for 2) Where most premature facial wrin- the laat twenty year*, been selling youth to men and women who were kles really come from—tad why, if you wish to prevent them, you should concen- growing old before their time. Who ha» been Belling sleep to people trate on your feet. who thought they hmd loa a full night'* tleep forever. Who ha* b«en 3) A new kind of energy food-That letting strength and blened relief from pain, to people who have been doesn't cost a penny became it's simply a new way for your body to use ordinary racked with backache for yean. air. Her price Is exactly one weekend of your time. Her method is a 4) A new kind of exercise that is not return to Nature, through simple gentle motions that free your body's really exercise at all. Because if you want locked-ap vigor. Her full story is told here: to strengthen or streamline any one part of your body, you don't really move it at all. For example, if you want to suck in your Some of the startling facts body . . . leu you drift off in minutes... stomach, you concentrate on one simple this woman will rill teach • you: strengthens your spine as you sleep... and blowing action. Or, to build new power gives a virtual beauty treatment, every into your back, you move your ankle an 1) A new way to sleep—th*t automati- night, to thojc sag-prone muscle* of chin ingenious way every morning in bed. cally turns off the leftover tension in your and neck. Twenty Yean of Proof READ THESE THRILLING LETTERS I Back Up These Claims: Every one of these claims may sound GERTRUDE ENELOW SEE HOW OTHERS DISCOVERED NEW YOUTH.. impossible to you right now. We do not blame you if they do. But you must realize But it's only the first gift you receive today. Plus half a dozen fatlgitf-minimizerj NEW HEALTH... NEW FREEDOM FROM PAIN1 this: from this amazing book. Next: that eliminate waste motion, develop star- Every one of these methods has been tling new grace and rhythm in every act. From a Nationally-raatotu Physician: UMM nuTCMcnU cauw caller. I wu able to proved, on thousands of men and women Thank nu lot roar wry taitraupc BODY DYNAMICS. Leu Baur hu told of b*lni do more, without canting any itnin on my Injured back. 1 wu beilnnlnc to feel the of all ages, for over twenty yean. They have been praised in the national press, You Discover Your Body's A Final Warning: iniBind by y*n. Ulhtnou InTt, and tbe cooiplrte froedon of ntoftment rtturn once at aln. I wu able to not only of the United States, but of Sweden. Norway, Germany and Russia. Built In Strettftheners All these, and much more, are yours to AithMfn unman of your wort I nave read, without risking a penny, in Gertrude advocated HOMtat iimtuu eloncatlni or itntrhlBf emeu** lor many jnn. fair readjust and \<atn U UM ny body vroperly wltbovt eieninr mmeceuary itnln. For twenty years, doctors have been and Streamliners. Enetow's revolutionary new book, Body Mr. M. P. U., Chlcaio. nilnoU sending people to this woman: to help Dynamics. work ii to MMlbta that, M you know, work- strengthen tortured backs, to gain desper- On page 33, for example, you discover a Two words of caution must be added, en In body Bcehaalea and «ven iportt hire ately-needed sleep without drugs, to bring six-second motion with your mouth, that Brewiliaiod itntchlnf wid elonfaUni advice ETCTJ 10 often I nHiit tell you »*ln bow instantly relaxes the over-tense muscles of however: for a hnt tuM. A late ttofowor of ortho- wondtrful your Ideal an. Beinc a ulanan, back overnight natural energy, drive and 1) This is a short book, only 128 pages pwllca it Harvard ud many otbRi tee eye- your heart-ami drains tension out of your in all. You can finish it in a weekend. Do 1 am drl'ini More or le" »U day. Slttlnc In V *Over TWENTY daily classes in Chicago body like water running from a sieve. to-*yt with iw. the car, or waiting for builneu appointDHOU not. therefore, expect a huge weighty tome, can b* fnutratinc, and 1 can f**l the tenlon alone teach these methods. And now they On page 69 you discover how to turn full of useless theory. Every page Is packed 1 ban beop. a Munch advocate of BODY bulldinc up. CHH«i>ll7 In the Itetk area: but are available in book form to everyone everyday movements into complete exer- with practical, step-by-ilep direction, that DYNAMICS UuwwtMwt my U»e... nt 71. 1 your tarlout awtenwnU, In hannaay wUh who is willing to invest a single weekend cises. So that every time you sit, stand, or you can use Immediately to give you f«*l 111!* 13. ud look better Uun 1 did at lireatblnc, brine imuintly fait and «ua- to learn them. pick up an object, you are effortlessly exer- strength and health and,beauty. 5S. Do I i uon yw bar* a mod ipeciuen or Vlete releaie of all teniloiu. really make tot Here is the startling help the first night cising and streamlining your body-keep- your BODY DtNAXICB In me. feel better from "head to toe." alone will give you: ing yourself in top condition without real- 2) And most important of all-do not be MlH S. N.. Cbltaco. llllneli Mix M. M., Detroit, izing it. misled by the rase and simplicity of these On page 57 you're shown the built-in movements! Since most of them can be 1 h*v* waMMd th* ntt of Abont a month »*o after a nter* cold. I You Don't Know How to Steep apparatus, in your left foot that automati- performed sitting down or lying in bed . . . your dedicated puplU with aw* . . . BODY developed tevere headachei. They wen mto- c-fly corrects your worst posture faults... since most of them have-been mastered by DYNAMlCM hu liven M* a freedom nf nltuiK. I flnaUy w»nt to a doctor who pre- Today. No One Has Ever Mat relaxes the lower back muscles at wiD men and women as much as ninety years mummmn-l nan a*t*r experienced before— Ktlbed Mi of andteatlon. Some relief wu 'til truly a "dcllfhtfiil" recline! It wai a afforded by tbe pilli— but then I developed . . . and-most surprising of M-that irons of age... since none of them even cause fortVMto day who* 1 Waned lo IMHI u>l» other HU. It Kenwd that all UN ilmpl* Taught You. . out those ridgy, "washboard" Inner thighs. you to "work up a sweat"-you may think treoderf*! way ta atwroach ••ywtbtiil" I Hint. functloru of the body were blocked—juit to On page 113 you use, for the first tune, for the first day or two that they cannot be Mr. J. IT. C., New York. Ntw York lire wu painful. For the Ant tune I begin This book starts by reminding you that your body's own built-in rtbrttor-thmt has doing you that much good. to tee what people Meant wbtn they *ald sleep—deep, relaxed, completely-natural you bursting with energy every morning in It it only after the frsi week that the It w**M bo tmtemlbl* to toll you what ••Health U avorjrthlM." Tbe other day. in sleep-is the greatest source of eacrgy your seconds. true remits begin to thow you the incred- BODY DYNAMIC* hu want to M Oil. ileiperallon. 1 followed your recooiaMnda- body will ever have. And much more. How to relax weary ible efficiency of these gentle motiont-in MMt th(*o yoar*. WMi I ilartod It wai MOM tlon* for breathing, and the gentle txerclm. But once you lose this gift of sleep, then eyes-fry looking at nothing. How to re- the buoyancy with which you bounce out oriMM on an entertainment. bull, but tbni At finl nothing happened except that I you are draining energy and youth out of store the natural forces that most people of bed each morning the relief from before lone 1 dtocovereil that I cwld take a began to get a gll*iaer of an Idea, that vour body, exactly the same way that air rosny tall HiMh which haita't bapponMl In when tbe body It on ilrllre, U taonot be rob themselves of daily. A new way to sit pain to which you have been a martyr for a PMC tune. Thon th* thovMor that had bom forced. It aunt be wooed back ta orderly •drains out of a tire when U hat a leak. that lifts your upper body right out of your years the startled reaction of your k* on* and bocam* a functioning. YettenUy. while practicing your This book says that steep is an an. An hips... coaxes your spinal column into its friends, as they beg you to tell them the noratal ahoalto Ilk* tb* other one. Th*r» enrclMi 1 tlowly and quietly experloimd active ritual that take* about three minutes most healthful posture... makes hours at secret! hu ban a osssMol* now outlook on III* due the return of order to aty body function. It every evening, and accomplishes these two a desk pass like minute*. Twenty years of proof... thousands of U b*tt*t coardlaolloa and ivfltral hnllh. wai to wonderful to be In poiteMlon again ends: Flus five astonishing energy-multipliers case histories... all tell the same story. Ikon are not Wordi to «prw aij aratlludc of a body that norki u It It meant to work. 1) Turns off your mind, and lets you w you in thl* noHrkabl* work. Never again will 1 take health for granted that you've never known how to use until Try this thrilling book, TODAY! Mlao B. B.. Chlcai*. llluwl* or the Miracle of phyiiolog leal puce, thai* float effortlessly into a deep steep. T*u. thank you, Mn. Knekw. for your tontle 2) Arranges the part* of your body In wochlngi. Mn. E. B.. Chicago, llllnoli bed-to that steep wiO not be disturbed by - ——- — — MAIL NO-RISK COUPON TODAY! — •A little Mar a yoar aco I had a aorlow accMfM I* whfch by bMk wu lav*4v*d. I tossing and turning, and to you win not »a* homritalhwd for a month. In a bMly c**t. Nay I toll you bow awth your BODY wake up the next morning with a sore INFORMATION, INCORPORATED, De-t. PA-29 sfrtm thli I "iraduMod" to • Hyperunalon DYNAMICS helped me. Ai you knew, aev- spine or a stiff neck. brat*. At tttt Mat, 1 wai «lv*n otveral eral y**n ago, I had had a aortom operatMn No one has ever taught you this simple lit Fats* Atfe, New Y-rfc, N.Y. IMft) •Met*** I hmd U b* TOTT tlrlnt and wi- on my left knee, and 1 bad to gin up my boMMrlal. I Snally 0*tHMd It wat Mate to pnfenlon ai a ballerina. My knee hnt lu ritual before. No one has ever taught you Yes, I want to try Gertrude Enelow's BODY DYNAMICS at your risk. I am Moawt BODY DYNAMICS— which didn't capabllty of imiimti* and It gate me palm before how to coavcrt your body into a enclosing only $5.**. complete. I will use it ten days at yotir risk. If I am not •**•) M b* u OHM* of a itrala aa tb* otrln again and again. Thli Ii comldetod u Mr- limp mass-now to smk into a mattress so delighted, I will simply return it for every cent of my motjcy back. or oaprnm iiuinou by ta dottor. At sry.. Mi aftor auch an oatraHoa, and I nenr deeply that sleep must come. Without a a vvhtlt to th* doitor.. I *h*w*d hha ywr I ached tf M vouM b* **rmualk*t for TMt*»**M» tn tone of_th**e «xeirl»CT. ! draaawd It amid be <ll**n<M. ATtor going to your ilmii to only weeu. mj knee node to «M It amch mm frtely and the pain cowi- single pressure on any nerve center of yoar body. With the small of the back com- pletely unburdened at last, aad every mus- D ir you wW) order KM C.O.D. CHECK HERE! Enclose SI goodwill deposit. Pay postman balance, plus postage and handling charge. Same money-back guarantee, of course! HO-WM isearuiiil. and «*<*wi«ed me to ptately dleaapcoftd. Thli Ii like a miracle cle completely relaxed. Mrtltteat* to any of th* atouaMim that I* aw and I don't know how u thank you for This ™ a way of skepoag where not one WcHH t ttW tAVMRMM. I •MnflnJ* *WAM MM bttKlag My kme bock to life and to i»- single joint rests on another. Even the all. At •fit, th* ourtuoe w*r* a bit attained rilerover th* froodom of moteawnt thrwgh ankles and wrists are completely free. You Please Print . iiitmt of wy L mi I Ho immobUHT at the ywr BODY DYNAMICS. will team it in nve minute*. You wil wake tuat. ttowovor, In a awtlor at a few Mlit J. B.. Kvaittton. Ullnali up the next morning, more rtfitahad than Address- you have been in years. City- JSlate- -Zip Code- INFORMATION, INCORPORATED lit Fim»Awn.*. H«»YOIII.M.Y.IOOW i £»£*«..,ft«z as