AC2.1SolnManual (1) - Các Trang Đã Xóa
AC2.1SolnManual (1) - Các Trang Đã Xóa
AC2.1SolnManual (1) - Các Trang Đã Xóa
Chapter 4
Most of the problems in this chapter require the calculation of a data set’s
basic statistical characteristics, such as its mean, median, range, standard
deviation, or variance. Although equations for these calculations are high-
lighted in the solution to the first problem, for the remaining problems,
both here and elsewhere in this text, such values simply are provided. Be
sure you have access to a scientific calculator, a spreadsheet program, such as
Excel, or a statistical software program, such as R, and that you know how
to use it to complete these most basic of statistical calculations.
1. The mean is obtained by adding together the mass of each quarter and
dividing by the number of quarters; thus
/X i
X= i=1
= 5.683 + 5.549 + g
+ 5.554 + 5.632
= 5.583 g
To find the median, we first order the data from the smallest mass to
the largest mass
5.536 5.539 5.548 5.549 5.551 5.552
5.552 5.554 5.560 5.632 5.683 5.684
and then, because there is an even number of samples, take the aver- As a reminder, if we have an odd number
age of the n/2 and the n/2+1 values; thus of data points, then the median is the mid-
N X +X dle data point in the rank-ordered data
X = 6 2 7 = 5.552 + 2
5.552 = 5.552 g
set, or, more generally, the value of the
(n+1)/2 data point in the rank-ordered
The range is the difference between the largest mass and the smallest data set where n is the number of values
mass; thus in the data set.
s= i
(5.683 - 5.583) 2 + g + (5.632 - 5.583) 2
= 12 - 1 2
The variance in this case has units of g ,
= 0.056 g which is correct but not particularly in-
formative in an intuitive sense; for this
The variance is the square of the standard deviation; thus reason, we rarely attach a unit to the vari-
ance. See Rumsy, D. J. Journal of Statistics
s 2 = (0.056) 2 = 3.1 # 10 -3 Education 2009, 17(3) for an interesting
argument that the variance should be ex-
cluded for summary statistics.
22 Solutions Manual for Analytical Chemistry 2.1
% exceeding
nominal dosage z nominal dosage
100-mg 2.06 1.97
60-mg 2.15 1.58
30-mg 1.92 2.74
10-mg 7.21 —
For tablets with a 10-mg nominal dosage, the value of z is sufficiently
large that effectively no tablet is expected to exceed the nominal dos-
4. The mean and the standard deviation for the eight spike recoveries are
99.5% and 6.3%, respectively. As shown in Figure SM4.3, to find the
expected percentage of spike recoveries in the range 85%–115%, we
find the percentage of recoveries that exceed the upper limit by calcu-
lating z and using Appendix 3 to find the corresponding probability
z = v = 115 - 99.5 = 2.46 or 0.695%
and the percentage of recoveries that fall below the lower limit
z = v = 85 - 99.5 =- 2.30 or 1.07%
6.3 80 90 100 110 120
% recovery
Subtracting these two values from 100% gives the expected probabil-
Figure SM4.3 Normal distribution curve
ity of spike recoveries between 85%–115% as for Problem 4.4 given a population with a
100% - 0.695% - 1.07% = 98.2% mean of 99.5% and a standard deviation of
6.3%; the area in blue is the probability that
5. (a) Substituting known values for the mass, the gas constant, the tem- a spike recovery is between 85% and 115%.
perature, the pressure, and the volume gives the compound’s formula
weight as
(0.118 g) (0.082056 L : atm ) (298.2 K)
FW = mol : K = 16.0 g/mol
(0.724 atm) (0.250 L)
To estimate the uncertainty in the formula weight, we use a propaga-
tion of uncertainty. The relative uncertainty in the formula weight is
002 j2 + a 0.000001 k2 +
` 00..118
u FW = 0.082056
2 = 0.0271
a 298.2 k + a 0.724 k + a 0.250 k
FW 0 . 1 2
0 . 005 2
0 . 005
uC = = 0.00601
C 0.02 j2 + a 0.20 k2
` 10 .00 500.0
which makes the relative uncertainty in the concentration
u C = 0.00601 # (50.0 ppm) = 0.3 ppm
The concentration, therefore, is 50.0±0.3 ppm.
(b) No, we cannot improve the concentration’s uncertainty by mea-
suring the HNO3 with a pipet instead of a graduated cylinder. As
we can see from part (a), the volume of HNO3 does not affect our
calculation of either the concentration of Mn2+ or its uncertainty.
There is no particular need to tare the bal-
ance when we weigh by difference if the 7. The weight of the sample taken is the difference between the contain-
two measurements are made at approxi- er’s original weight and its final weight; thus, the mass is
mately the same time; this is the usual
situation when we acquire a sample by mass = 23.5811 g − 22.1559 g =1.4252 g
this method. If the two measurements are
separated by a signifcant period of time, and its absolute uncertainty is
then we should tare the balance before
each measurement and then include the u mass = (0.0001) 2 + (0.0001) 2 = 0.00014 g
uncertainty of both tares when we calcu-
late the absolute uncertainty in mass. The molarity of the solution is
Chapter 4 Evaluating Analytical Data 25
1.4252 g 1 mol
0.1000 L # 121.34 g = 0.1175 M
The relative uncertainty in this concentration is
uC =
C a 0.00014 2 + a 0.01 2 + ` 0.00008 j2 = 0.00081
1.4252 k 121.34 k 0.1000
and the absolute uncertainty in the concentration is
u C = 0.00081 # (0.1175 M) = 0.000095 M
The concentration, therefore, is 0.1175±0.0001 M.
8. The mean value for n measurements is
/X i
X= n
= X 1 + X 2 + gn + X n - 1 + X n
= 1n " X 1 + X 2 + g + X n - 1 + X n ,
= n1 n (v) 2 = n v = v
n n
9. Because we are subtracting X B from X A , a propagation of uncertain-
ty of their respective uncertainties shows us that
t exp s A 2 t exp s B 2
u X -X = c
B A m +c m
nA nB
t 2exp s 2A t 2exp s 2B
= nA + nB
= t 2exp a nsA + nsA k
2 2
10. To have a relative uncertainty of less than 0.1% requires that we sat-
isfy the following inequality
0.1 mg
x # 0.001
where the uncertainty for each pipet are from Table 4.2. Based on
these calculations, if we wish to minimize uncertainty in the form
of indeterminate errors, then the best option is to use a 25-mL pipet
four times.
12. There are many ways to use the available volumetric glassware to
accomplish this dilution. Shown here are the optimum choices for a
one-step, a two-step, and a three-step dilution using the uncertainties
from Table 4.2. For a one-step dilution we use a 5-mL volumetric
pipet and a 1000-mL volumetric flask; thus
uC =
C a 0.01 k2 + ` 0.30 j2 = 0.0020
5.00 1000.0
For a two-step dilution we use a 50-mL volumetric pipet and a 1000-
mL volumetric flask followed by a 50-mL volumetric pipet and a
500-mL volumetric flask; thus
a 50
0.05 k2 + ` 0.30 j2 +
.00 1000.0
uC = = 0.0015
a 50
0.05 k2 + a 0.20 k2
.00 500.0
Finally, for a three-step dilution we use 50-mL volumetric pipet and
a 100-mL volumetric flask, a 50-mL volumetric flask and a 500-mL
volumetric flask, and a 50-mL volumetric pipet and a 500-mL volu-
metric flask; thus
a 50
0.05 k2 + ` 0.08 j2 + a 0.05 k2 +
.00 100.0 50.00
uC = = 0.0020
C 0.20 k + a 0.05 k2 + a 0.20 k2
a 500
.0 50.00 500.0
The smallest uncertainty is obtained with the two-step dilution.
Chapter 4 Evaluating Analytical Data 27
13. The mean is the average value. If each measurement, Xi, is changed
by the same amount, DX, then the total change for n measurement
is nDX and the average change is nDX/n or DX. The mean, therefore,
changes by DX. When we calculate the standard deviation
(X i - X ) 2
s= n-1
the important term is the summation in the numerator, which con-
sists of the difference between each measurement and the mean value
(X i - X ) 2
Because both Xi and X change by DX, the value of Xi − X becomes
X i + DX - ( X + DX) = X i - X
which leaves unchanged the numerator of the equation for the stan-
dard deviation; thus, changing all measurements by DX has no effect
on the standard deviation.
14. Answers to this question will vary with the object chosen. For a sim-
ple, regularly shaped object—a sphere or cube, for example—where
you can measure the linear dimensions with a caliper, Method A
should yield a smaller standard deviation and confidence interval
than Method B. When using a mm ruler to measure the linear di-
mensions of a regularly shaped object, the two methods should yield
similar results. For an object that is irregular in shape, Method B
should yield a smaller standard deviation and confidence interval.
15. The isotopic abundance for 13C is 1.11%; thus, for a molecule to
average at least one atom of 13C, the total number of carbon atoms
must be at least
n 1
N = p = 0.0111 = 90.1
The critical value for t(0.01,6) is 3.707. Because texp is less than
t(0.01,6), we retain the null hypothesis, finding no evidence, at
a = 0.01, that there is a significant difference between X and n.
20. The mean and the standard deviation are 76.64 decays/min and 2.09
decays/min, respectively. The null hypothesis and the alternative hy-
pothesis are
H 0: X = n H A: X ! n
The test statistic is texp, for which
n-X n 77.5 - 76.64 12
t exp = s = 2.09 = 1.43
The critical value for t(0.05,11) is 2.2035. Because texp is less than
t(0.05,11), we retain the null hypothesis, finding no evidence, at
a = 0.05, that there is a significant difference between X and n.
21. The mean and the standard deviation are, respectively, 5730 ppm Fe
and 91.3 ppm Fe. In this case we need to calculate n, which is
0.5351 g Fe 1 # 10 6 µg
(2.6540 g sample) # # g
g sample
n= 250.0 mL
= 5681 ppm Fe
The null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis are
H 0: X = n H A: X ! n
The test statistic is texp, for which
n-X n 5681 - 5730 4
t exp = s = 91.3 = 1.07
The critical value for t(0.05,3) is 3.182. Because texp is less than
t(0.05,3), we retain the null hypothesis, finding no evidence, at
a = 0.05, that there is a significant difference between X and n.
22. This problem involves a comparison between two sets of unpaired
data. For the digestion with HNO3, the mean and the standard de-
viation are, respectively, 163.8 ppb Hg and 3.11 ppb Hg, and for the
digestion with the mixture of HNO3 and HCl, the mean and the
standard deviation are, respectively, 148.3 ppb Hg and 7.53 ppb Hg.
The null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis are
H 0: X HNO = X mix
3 H A: X HNO ! X mix
30 Solutions Manual for Analytical Chemistry 2.1
The critical value for F(0.05,5,4) is 9.364. Because Fexp is less than
F(0.05,5,4), we retain the null hypothesis, finding no evidence, at
a = 0.05, that there is a significant difference between the standard
deviations. Pooling the standard deviations gives
(4) (3.11) 2 + (5) (7.53) 2
s pool = = 5.98
The test statistic for the comparison of the means is texp, for which
X HNO - X mix n #n
t exp = # n HNO + nmix
3 3
163.8 - 148.3
= 5.98 # 5 # 6 = 4.28
with nine degrees of freedom. The critical value for t(0.05,9) is 2.262.
Because texp is greater than t(0.05,9), we reject the null hypothesis and
accept the alternative hypothesis, finding evidence, at a = 0.05, that
the difference between the means is significant.
23. This problem involves a comparison between two sets of unpaired
data. For the samples of atmospheric origin, the mean and the stan-
dard deviation are, respectively, 2.31011 g and 0.000143 g, and for
the samples of chemical origin, the mean and the standard deviation
are, respectively, 2.29947 g and 0.00138 g.
The null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis are
H 0: X atm = X chem H A: X atm ! X chem
Before we can test these hypotheses, however, we first must determine
if we can pool the standard deviations. To do this we use the following
null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis
H 0: s atm = s chem H A: s atm ! s chem
The test statistic is Fexp for which
(0.00138) 2
Fexp = s chem
= = 97.2
s atm
(0.000143) 2
The critical value for F(0.05,7,6) is 5.695. Because Fexp is less than
F(0.05,5,6), we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative
hypothesis that the standard deviations are different at a = 0.05. Be-
Chapter 4 Evaluating Analytical Data 31
cause we cannot pool the standard deviations, the test statistic, texp,
for comparing the means is
X atm - X chem
t exp =
s atm
+ s chem
n atm n chem
2.31011 - 2.29947
= = 21.68
(0.000143) 2 (0.00138) 2
7 + 8
The number of degrees of freedom is
a (0.000143
+ k
(0.00138) 2 2
o= - 2 = 7.21 c 7
a k
(0.000143) 2 2
a k
(0.00138) 2 2
7+1 + 8+1
The critical value for t(0.05,7) is 2.365. Because texp is greater than
t(0.05,7), we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hy-
pothesis, finding evidence, at a = 0.05, that the difference between
the means is significant. Rayleigh observed that the density of N2
isolated from the atmosphere was significantly larger than that for
N2 derived from chemical sources, which led him to hypothesize the
presence of an unaccounted for gas in the atmosphere.
24. This problem involves a comparison between two sets of unpaired
data. For the standard method, the mean and the standard devia-
tion are, respectively, 22.86 µL/m3 and 1.28 µL/m3, and for the new
method, the mean and the standard deviation are, respectively, 22.51
µL/m3 and 1.92 µL/m3.
The null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis are
H 0: X std = X new H A: X std ! X new
Before we can test these hypotheses, however, we first must determine
if we can pool the standard deviations. To do this we use the following
null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis
H 0: s std = s new H A: s std ! s new
The test statistic is Fexp for which
(1.92) 2
Fexp = s new
= = 2.25
s 2std (1.28) 2
The critical value for F(0.05,6,6) is 5.820. Because Fexp is less than
F(0.05,6,6), we retain the null hypothesis, finding no evidence, at
a = 0.05, that there is a significant difference between the standard
deviations. Pooling the standard deviations gives
(6) (1.28) 2 + (6) (1.92) 2
s pool = 7+7-2 = 1.63
32 Solutions Manual for Analytical Chemistry 2.1
The test statistic for the comparison of the means is texp, for which
X std - X new
# nn std +
# n new
t exp = s pool n new
22.86 - 22.51
= # 77 + # 7 = 0.40
with 12 degrees of freedom. The critical value for t(0.05,12) is 2.179.
Because texp is less than t(0.05,9), we retain the null hypothesis, find-
ing no evidence, at a = 0.05, that there is a significant difference
between new method and the standard method.
25. This problem is a comparison between two sets of paired data,.The
differences, which we define as (measured – accepted), are
0.0001 0.0013 –0.0003 0.0015 –0.0006
The mean and the standard deviation for the differences are 0.00040
and 0.00095, respectively. The null hypothesis and the alternative
hypothesis are
H 0: d = 0 H A: d ! 0
The test statistic is texp, for which
d n 0.00040 5
t exp = s = 0.00095 = 0.942
The critical value for t(0.05,4) is 2.776. Because texp is less than
t(0.05,4), we retain the null hypothesis, finding no evidence, at
a = 0.05, that the spectrometer is inaccurate.
26. This problem is a comparison between two sets of paired data. The
differences, which we define as (ascorbic acid – sodium bisulfate), are
15 –31 1 20 4 –52 –22 –62 –50
The mean and the standard deviation for the differences are –19.7 and
30.9, respectively. The null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis
H 0: d = 0 H A: d ! 0
The test statistic is texp, for which
d n –19.7 9
t exp = s = 30.9 = 1.91
The critical value for t(0.10,8) is 1.860. Because texp is greater than
t(0.10,8), we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative
hypothesis, finding evidence, at a = 0.10, that the two preservatives
do not have equivalent holding times.
27. This problem is a comparison between two sets of paired data. The
differences, which we define as (actual – found), are
–1.8 –1.7 0.2 –0.5 –3.6 –1.7 1.1 –1.7 0.3
Chapter 4 Evaluating Analytical Data 33
The mean and the standard deviation for the differences are –1.04 and
1.44, respectively. The null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis
H 0: d = 0 H A: d ! 0
The test statistic is texp, for which
d –1.04 9
t exp =
s = = 2.17
The critical value for t(0.05,8) is 2.306. Because texp is less than
t(0.10,8), we retain the null hypothesis, finding no evidence, at
a = 0.05, that the analysis for kaolinite is inaccurate.
28. This problem is a comparison between two sets of paired data. The
differences, which we define as (electrode – spectrophotometric), are
0.6 –5.8 0.2 0.1 –0.5 –0.6
0.1 –0.5 –0.7 –0.3 0.3 0.1
The mean and the standard deviation for the differences are –0.583
and 1.693, respectively. The null hypothesis and the alternative hy-
pothesis are
H 0: d = 0 H A: d ! 0
The test statistic is texp, for which
d n –0.583 12
t exp = s = = 1.19
The critical value for t(0.05,11) is 2.2035. Because texp is less than
t(0.05,11), we retain the null hypothesis, finding no evidence, at
a = 0.05, that the two methods yield different results.
29. This problem is a comparison between two sets of paired data. The
differences, which we define as (proposed – standard), are
0.19 0.91 1.39 1.02 –2.38 –2.40 0.03 0.82
The mean and the standard deviation for the differences are –0.05 and
1.51, respectively. The null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis
H 0: d = 0 H A: d ! 0
The test statistic is texp, for which
d n –0.05 8
t exp = s = 1.51 = 0.09
The critical value for t(0.05,7) is 2.365. Because texp is less than
t(0.05,11), we retain the null hypothesis, finding no evidence, at
a = 0.05, that the two methods yield different results. This is not a
very satisfying result, however, because many of the individual differ-
34 Solutions Manual for Analytical Chemistry 2.1
ences are quite large. In this case, additional work might help better
characterize the improved method relative to the standard method.
30. The simplest way to organize this data is to make a table, such as the
one shown here
next-to- next-to-
smallest smallest largest largest
sample value value value value
1 21.3 21.5 23.0 23.1
2 12.9 13.5 13.9 14.2
3 15.9 16.0 17.4 17.5
The only likely candidate for an outlier is the smallest value of 12.9
for sample 2. Using Dixon’s Q-test, the test statistic, Qexp, is
X out - X nearest
Q exp = X = 13.5 - 12.9 = 0.462
l arg est - X smallest 14.2 - 12.9
which is smaller than the critical value for Q(0.05,10) of 0.466; thus,
there is no evidence using Dixon’s Q-test at a = 0.05 to suggest that
12.9 is outlier.
To use Grubb’s test we need the mean and the standard deviation for
sample 2, which are 13.67 and 0.356, respectively. The test statistic,
Gexp, is
X out - X 12.9 - 13.67
G exp = s = = 2.16
which is smaller than the critical value for G(0.05,10) of 2.290; thus,
there is no evidence using Grubb’s test at a = 0.05 that 12.9 is an
To use Chauvenet’s criterion we calculate the deviation, z, for the sus-
pected outlier, assuming a normal distribution and using the sample’s
mean and standard deviation
X out - X 12.9 - 13.67
z= s = = 2.16
which, from Appendix 3, corresponds to a probability of 0.0154.
The critical value to which we compare this is (2n)–1, or (2×10)–1 =
0.05. Because the experimental probability of 0.0154 is smaller than
the theoretical probability of 0.05 for 10 samples, we have evidence
using Chauvenet’s criterion that 12.9 is an outlier.
At this point, you may be asking yourself what to make of these seem-
ingly contradictory results, in which two tests suggest that 12.9 is not
an outlier and one test suggests that it is an outlier. Here it is help-
ful to keep in mind three things. First, Dixon’s Q-test and Grubb’s
test require us to pick a particular confidence level, a, and make
a decision based on that confidence level. When using Chauvenet’s
Chapter 4 Evaluating Analytical Data 35
(c) The range X ! 1s extends from a Cu/S ratio of 1.893 to 1.987.
Of the 62 experimental results, 44 or 71% fall within this range. This
agreement with the expected value of 68.26% for a normal distribu-
tion is reasonably good.
(d) For a deviation of 4
1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1
the probability from Appendix 3 that a Cu/S ratio is greater than 2 is Cu/S ratio
10.03%. Of the 62 experimental results, three or 4.8% fall within this
Figure SM4.4 Histogram for the data in
range. This is a little lower than expected for a normal distribution,
problem 31. Each bar in has a width of
but consistent with the observation from part (b) that the data are 0.02. For example, the bar on the far left
skewed slightly toward smaller Cu/S ratios. includes all Cu/S ratios from 1.76 to 1.78,
(e) The null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis are which includes the single result of 1.764.
H 0: X = 2.000 H A: X < 2.000
Note that the alternative hypothesis here is one-tailed as we are inter-
ested only in whether the mean Cu/S ratio is significantly less than 2.
The test statistic, texp, is
1.940 - 2.000 62
t exp = = 10.0
As texp is greater than the one-tailed critical value for t(0.05,61),
which is between 1.65 and 1.75, we reject the null hypothesis and
36 Solutions Manual for Analytical Chemistry 2.1
accept the alternative hypothesis, finding evidence that the Cu/S ratio
is significantly less than its expected stoichiometric ratio of 2.
32. Although answers for this problem will vary, here are some details you
should address in your report. The descriptive statistics for all three
data sets are summarized in the following table.
statistic sample X sample Y sample Z
mean 24.56 27.76 23.75
median 24.55 28.00 23.52
range 1.26 4.39 5.99
std dev 0.339 1.19 1.32
variance 0.115 1.43 1.73
The most interesting observation from this summary is that the spread
of values for sample X—as given by the range, the standard deviation,
and the variance—is much smaller than that for sample Y and for
sample Z.
Outliers are one possible explanation for the difference in spread
among these three samples. Because the number of individual results
for each sample is greater than the largest value of n for the critical
values included in Appendix 6 for Dixon’s Q-test and in Appendix
7 for Grubb’s test, we will use Chauvenet’s criterion; the results are
summarized in the following table.
statistic sample X sample Y sample Z
possible outlier 23.92 24.41 28.79
z 1.89 2.63 3.83
probability 0.0294 0.0043 0.0000713
For 18 samples, the critical probability is (2×18)–1 or 0.0277; thus,
we have evidence that there is an outlier in sample Y and in sample
Z, but not in sample X. Removing these outliers and recalculating the
descriptive statistics gives the results in the following table.
statistic sample X sample Y sample Z
mean 24.56 27.74 23.45
median 24.55 28.00 23.48
range 1.26 3.64 1.37
std dev 0.339 0.929 0.402
variance 0.115 0.863 0.161
The spread for sample Y still seems large relative to sample X, but the
spread for sample Z now seems similar to sample X. An F-test of the
variances using the following null hypothesis and alternative hypoth-
H 0: s 1 = s 2 H A: s 1 ! s 2
Chapter 4 Evaluating Analytical Data 37
H 0: X 1 = X 2 H A: X 1 ! X 2
gives a texp of 13.30 when comparing sample Y to sample X, which is
much greater than the critical value for t(0.05,20) of 2.086. The value
of texp when comparing sample Z to sample X is 8.810, which is much
greater than the critical value for t(0.05,33), which is between 2.042
and 2.086.
38 Solutions Manual for Analytical Chemistry 2.1
Chapter 5 Standardizing Analytical Methods 39
Chapter 5
Many of the problems in this chapter require a regression analysis. Al-
though equations for these calculations are highlighted in the solution to
the first such problem, for the remaining problems, both here and elsewhere
in this text, the results of a regression analysis simply are provided. Be sure
you have access to a scientific calculator, a spreadsheet program, such as
Excel, or a statistical software program, such as R, and that you know how
to use it to complete a regression analysis.
1. For each step in a dilution, the concentration of the new solution,
Cnew, is
C orig Vorig
C new = V
a C k + a V k + ` uV j
uC u 2 u 2 2
= new orig orig new
The relative and the absolute uncertainties for each solution’s con-
centration are gathered together in the tables that follow (all con-
centrations are given in mol/L and all volumes are given in mL). The
uncertainties in the volumetric glassware are from Table 4.2 and Table
4.3. For a Vorig of 0.100 mL and of 0.0100 mL, the uncertainties are
those for a 10–100 µL digital pipet.
For a serial dilution, each step uses a 10.00 mL volumetric pipet and
a 100.0 mL volumetric flask; thus
Cnew Corig Vorig Vnew uV orig uV new
Cnew Corig uC
C new new
Cnew Corig uC
C new new
in which both the sample and the standard addition are diluted to the
same final volume. Making appropriate substitutions
0.235 = 0.502
10 . 00
C A # 25.00 mLmL C A # 25.00 mL + (1.00 ppm) # 10
10 . 00 mL .00 mL
25.00 mL
0.0940C A + 0.0940 ppm = 0.2008C A
and solving gives the analyte’s concentration, CA, as 0.800 ppm. The Here we assume that a part per million is
equivalent to mg/L.
concentration of analyte in the original solid sample is
S spike = k A a C A V +Vo
Vstd + C std Vo + Vstd k
=k A
we multiply through both sides of the equation by Vo + Vstd
x-intercept = –CAVo
S spike (Vo + Vstd ) = k A C A Vo + k A C std Vstd
y-intercept = kACAVo
As shown in Figure SM5.1, the slope is equal to kA and the y-inter-
cept is equal to kACAVo. The x-intercept occurs when Sspike(Vo + Vstd) CstdVstd
(a) The calibration curve on the right is the better choice because it
uses more standards. All else being equal, the larger the value of n, the
smaller the value for sr in equation 5.19, and for s b in equation 5.21.
(b) The calibration curve on the left is the better choice because the
standards are more evenly spaced, which minimizes the term / x 2i
in equation 5.21 for s b . 0
(c) The calibration curve on the left is the better choice because the
standards span a wider range of concentrations, which minimizes the
term / (x i - X ) 2 in equation 5.20 and in equation 5.21 for s b and1
s b , respectively.
As a reminder, for this problem we will 8. To determine the slope and the y-intercept for the calibration curve
work through the details of an unweight- at a pH of 4.6 we first need to calculate the summation terms that
ed linear regression calculation using the
equations from the text. For the remain- appear in equation 5.17 and in equation 5.18; these are:
ing problems, it is assumed you have
access to a calculator, a spreadsheet, or a
/ x = 308.4 / y = 131.0
i i
gives the slope as 0.477 nA/nM, and substituting into equation 5.18
131.0 - (0.477 # 308.4)
b0 = =- 2.69
Stotal (nA)
gives the y-intercept as –2.69 nA. The equation for the calibration
curve is
S total = 0.477nA/nM # C Cd - 2.69 nA
0 20 40 60 80 100
Figure SM5.2 shows the calibration data and the calibration curve. [Cd2+] (nM)
To find the confidence intervals for the slope and for the y-intercept, Figure SM5.2 Calibration curve at pH 4.6
we use equation 5.19 to calculate the standard deviation about the for the data in Problem 5.8.
regression, sr, and use equation 5.20 and equation 5.21 to calculate
the standard deviation in the slope, s b , and the standard deviation in
of Cd2+ and the regression equation, and the squared residual errors,
(y i - Vy i) 2 ; the table below summarizes these results
xi yi Vy i (y i - Vy i) 2
15.4 4.8 4.66 0.0203
30.4 11.4 11.81 0.7115
44.9 18.2 18.73 0.2382
59.0 26.6 25.46 1.3012
72.7 32.3 32.00 0.0926
86.0 37.7 38.34 0.4110
Adding together the last column, which equals 2.2798, gives the nu-
merator for equation 5.19; thus, the standard deviation about the
regression is
s r = 2.2798 = 0.7550
To calculate the standard deviations in the slope and in the y-inter-
cept, we use equation 5.20 and equation 5.21, respectively, using the
standard deviation about the regression and the summation terms
outlined earlier; thus
6 # (0.7550) 2
sb = = 0.02278
(6 # 19339.6) - (308.4) 2
(0.7550) 2 # 19339.6
sb = = 0.7258
(6 # 19339.6) - (308.4) 2
With four degrees of freedom, the confidence intervals for the slope
and the y-intercept are
b 1 = b 1 ! ts b = 0.477 ! (2.776) (0.0128)
=- 2.69 ! 2.01 nA
residual error
(b) The table below shows the residual errors for each concentra-
tion of Cd2+. A plot of the residual errors (Figure SM5.3) shows no
0 20 40 60
[Cd2+] (nM)
80 100
xi yi Vy i y i - Vy i
Figure SM5.3 Plot of the residual errors 15.4 4.8 4.66 0.14
for the calibration standards in Problem 30.4 11.4 11.81 –0.41
5.8 at a pH of 4.6.
44.9 18.2 18.73 –0.53
59.0 26.6 25.46 1.14
72.7 32.3 32.00 0.30
86.0 37.7 38.34 –0.64
(c) A regression analysis for the data at a pH of 3.7 gives the calibra-
80 100 120
pH = 3.7
pH = 4.6 tion curve’s equation as
Stotal (nA)
The more sensitive the method, the steeper the slope of the cali-
bration curve, which, as shown in Figure SM5.4, is the case for the
calibration curve at pH 3.7. The relative sensitivities for the two pHs
0 20 40 60 80 100
is the ratio of their respective slopes
[Cd2+] (nM)
k pH 3.7
Figure SM5.4 Calibration curves for the = 1.43 = 3.00
data in Problem 5.8 at a pH of 3.7 and at k pH 4.6 0.477
a pH of 4.6. The sensitivity at a pH of 3.7, therefore, is three times more sensitive
than that at a pH of 4.6.
(d) Using the calibration curve at a pH of 3.7, the concentration of
Cd2+ in the sample is
66.3 nA - (- 5.02 nA)
[Cd 2+] = S total - b 0 = = 49.9 nM
b1 1.43 nA/nM
To calculate the 95% confidence interval, we first use equation 5.25
^ S samp - S std h2
sC = sr 1 1
(b 1) 2 / ^C std - C std h2
dard and C std is the average concentration for the n standards, seems
Chapter 5 Standardizing Analytical Methods 45
/ (C std i - C std ) 2 = (n - 1) (s Cd ) 2 = (6 - 1) (26.41) 2 = 3487
Substituting all terms back into equation 5.25 gives the standard de-
viation in the concentration as
^66.3 - 68.7 h2
s C = 2.826 11 + 1 + = 2.14
6 (1.43) 2 (3487)
The 95% confidence interval for the sample’s concentration, there-
fore, is
n Cd = 49.9 ! (2.776) (2.14) = 49.9 ! 5.9 nM
9. The standard addition for this problem follows equation 5.10, which,
as we saw in Problem 5.5, is best treated by plotting Sspike(Vo + Vstd)
on the y-axis vs. CsVs on the x-axis, the values for which are
Vstd (mL) Sspike (arb. units) Sspike(Vo + Vstd) CstdVstd
0.00 0.119 0.595 0.0
0.10 0.231 1.178 60.0
0.20 0.339 1.763 120.0
0.30 0.442 2.343 180.0
Figure SM5.5 shows the resulting calibration curve for which the
calibration equation is
average signal for the four standards, S spike (Vo + Vstd ) , is 1.47, and the
term / (C std Vstd - C std Vstd ) 2 is 1.80×104. Substituting back into
i i
sC V
sC = V
= 05.197
.00 = 0.0393
y-intercept (b0): 0.3037
standard deviation for slope ( s b ): 0.0314
0 1 2 3 4
CA/CIS standard deviation for y-intercept ( s b ): 0.0781 0
Figure SM5.6 Internal standards calibra- Based on these values, the 95% confidence intervals for the slope and
tion curve for the data in Problem 5.10. the y-intercept are, respectively
b 0 = b 0 ! ts b = 0.3037 ! (3.182) (0.0781) = 0.3037 ! 0.2484
shows that the calibration curve has a subtle, but distinct curvature,
expected absorbance
which suggests that a straight-line is not a suitable model for this data.
11. Figure SM5.7 shows a plot of the measured values on the y-axis and
the expected values on the x-axis, along with the regression line, which
sorbance values. The original data is from For the y-intercept, texp is
Problem 4.25.
Chapter 5 Standardizing Analytical Methods 47
b0 - b0 0.00 - 0.00761
t exp = sb = 0.00112 = 0.679
at the values of y suggests that all three data sets show a general in-
residual error
crease in the value of y as the value of x becomes larger, although the
trend seems noisy.
(b) The results of a regression analysis are gathered here
parameter Data Set 1 Data Set 2 Data Set 3
0 5 10 15
b0 3.0001 3.0010 3.0025 x
b1 0.5001 0.5000 0.4997
sb0 1.1247 1.1250 1.1245
residual error
sb1 0.1179 0.1180 0.1179
sr 1.237 1.237 1.236 −1.0
and are in agreement with the values reported in part (a). Figure
SM5.8 shows the residual plots for all three data sets. For the first data
0 5 10 15
set, the residual errors are scattered at random around a residual error x
of zero and show no particular trend, suggesting that the regression (c)
model provides a reasonable explanation for the data. For data set 2
and for data set 3, the clear pattern to the residual errors indicates that
residual error
(c) Figure SM5.9 shows each data set with its regression line. For data
set 1, the regression line provides a good fit to what is rather noisy
data. For the second data set, we see that the relationship between x 0 5 10 15
and y is not a straight-line and that a quadratic model likely is more x
appropriate. With the exception of an apparent outlier, data set 3 is a Figure SM5.8 Residual plots for (a) data
set 1; (b) data set 2; and (c) data set 3.
straight-line; removing the outlier is likely to improve the regression
The dashed line in each plot shows the ex-
analysis. pected trend for the residual errors when
(d) The apparent outlier is the third point in the data set (x = 13.00, the regression model provides a good fit to
y = 12.74). Figure SM5.10 shows the resulting regression line, for the data.
slope (b1): 0.345
48 Solutions Manual for Analytical Chemistry 2.1
y-intercept (b0): 4.01
Note that sr, s b , and s b are much smaller after we remove the ap-
0 1
parent outlier, which is consistent with the better fit of the regression
0 5 10 15
x line to the data.
(b) (e) The analysis of this data set drives home the importance of exam-
0 5
10 15
xi yi (avg) sy i (s y ) - 2
i wi
0.000 2.626 0.1137 77.3533 3.3397
0.387 8.160 0.2969 11.3443 0.4898
1.851 29.114 0.5566 3.2279 0.1394
ious summations
b1 = i=1 i=1 i=1
n / wi x - c/ wi xi m
n n 2
i=1 i=1
(4) (1.5768) - (0.6265) 2
n n
/w y -b /w x
i i 1 i i
b0 = i=1
19.4997 - (14.431) (0.6265)
= = 2.61
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
The calibration curve, therefore, is CTl
S total = 2.61 µA + (14.43 µA/ppm) # C Tl Figure SM5.11 Calibration data and cali-
bration curve for the data in Problem 5.13.
Figure SM5.11 shows the calibration data and the weighted linear The individual points show the average sig-
regression line. nal for each standard and the calibration
curve is from a weighted linear regression.
The blue tick marks along the y-axis show
the replicate signals for each standard; note
that the spacing of these marks reflect the
increased magnitude of the signal’s indeter-
minate error for higher concentrations of
50 Solutions Manual for Analytical Chemistry 2.1
Chapter 14 Developing a Standard Method 227
Chapter 14
1. (a) The response when A = 0 and B = 0 is 1.68, which we represent
as (A, B, response) or, in this case, (0, 0, 1.68). For the first cycle, we
increase A in steps of one until the response begins to decrease or until
we reach a boundary, obtaining the following additional results:
At this point, our best response is 2.04 at
(1, 0, 1.88), (2, 0, 2.00), (3, 0, 2.04), (4, 0, 2.00) A = 3 and at B = 0.
For the second cycle, we return to (3, 0, 2.04) and increase B in steps
of one, obtaining these results:
(3, 1, 2.56), (3, 2, 3.00), (3, 3, 3.36), (3, 4, 3.64), At this point, our best response is 4.00 at
A = 3 and at B = 7.
(3, 5, 3.84), (3, 6, 3.96), (3, 7, 4.00), (3, 8, 3.96)
For the third cycle, we return to (3, 7, 4.00) and increase A in steps of
one, obtaining a result of (4, 7, 3.96). Because this response is smaller
than our current best response of 4.00, we try decreasing A by a step
of one, which gives (2, 7, 3.96). Having explored the response in all
directions around (3, 7, 4.00), we know that the optimum response
is 4.00 at A = 3 and B = 7.
Figure SM14.1a shows the progress of the optimization as a three-di-
mensional scatterplot with the figure’s floor showing a contour plot
of the response surface. Figure SM14.1b shows a three-dimensional
surface plot of the response surface.
(b) The response when A = 0 and B = 0 is 4.00, which we represent as
(0, 0, 4.00). For the first cycle, we increase A in steps of one until the
response begins to decrease or until we reach a boundary, obtaining a
results of (1, 0, 3.60); as this response is smaller than the initial step,
this ends the first cycle.
(a) (b)
va va
lu lu
es es
of 0.5 of
a a
(a) (b)
start 6
va va
lu lu
es es
of 1 of
a a
(a) 7 (b)
va fb 2 va
lu lu
es es
of 1 of
a a
For the next cycle, we return to (5, 5, 7.889) and increase A in steps of
one, obtaining a response for (6, 5, 7.481) that is smaller; probing in
the other direction gives (4, 5, 7.996) and then (3, 5, 7.801). Return-
ing to (4, 5, 7.966), we find our optimum response at (4, 6, 8.003),
with movement in all other directions giving a smaller response. Note
that using a fixed step size of one prevents us from reaching the true
optimum at A = 3.91 and B = 6.22.
Figure SM14.3a shows the progress of the optimization as a three-di-
mensional scatterplot with the figure’s floor showing a contour plot
for the response surface. Figure SM14.3b shows a three-dimensional
surface plot of the response surface.
2. Given a step size of 1.0 in both directions and A = 0 and B = 0 as
the starting point for the first simplex, the other two vertices for the
first simplex are at A = 1 and at B = 0, and at A = 1.5 and at B =
0.87. The responses for the first three vertices are (0, 0, 3.264), (1.0,
0, 4.651), and (0.5, 0.87, 4.442), respectively. The vertex with the
worst response is (0, 0, 3.264); thus, we reject this vertex and replace
it with coordinates of
A = 2 ` 1 +2 0.5 j - 0 = 1.5
B = 2 ` 0.872+ 0 j - 0 = 0.87
The following table summarizes all the steps in the simplex optimiza-
tion. The column labeled “vertex” shows the 25 unique experiments
along with their values for A, for B, and for the response. The column
230 Solutions Manual for Analytical Chemistry 2.1
9 labeled “simplex” shows the three vertices that make up each simplex.
8 For each simplex, the vertex that we reject is shown in bold font; note
7 that on two occasions, the rejected vertex, shown in bold-italic font,
has the second-worst response (either because of a boundary condi-
tion or because the new vertex has the worst response)
of 1
2 1.0 0 4.651 —
3 0.5 0.87 4.442 1, 2, 3
4 1.5 0.87 5.627 2, 3, 4
5 2.0 0 5.736 2, 4, 5
9 4.0 0 7.004 7, 8, 9
10 4.5 0.87 7.378 8, 9, 10
a mp = a b +
b mp = b b +
The distance along the a-axis between the worst vertex’s coordinate of
aw and the midpoint’s coordinate of amp is
ab + as - a
2 w
The distance along the a-axis between the worst vertex’s coordinate
and the new vertex’s coordinate is twice that to the midpoint, which
means the a coordinate for the new vertex is
The value for the coordinate an is the val-
an = 2a ab +2 - aw k + aw
as ue for the coordinate aw plus the distance
along the a-axis between the new vertex
and the worst vertex.
which simplifies to equation 14.3
an = 2a ab +2 k - aw
Using the same approach for coordinates relative to the b-axis yields
equation 14.4
bn = 2a bb +2 k - bw
4. In coded form, the values for b0, ba, bb, and bab are
b 0 = 1 ^5.92 + 2.08 + 4.48 + 3.52h = 4.00
b a = 1 ^5.92 + 2.08 - 4.48 - 3.52h = 0
b b = 1 ^5.92 - 2.08 + 4.48 - 3.52h = 1.20
b ab = 1 ^5.92 - 2.08 - 4.48 + 3.52h = 0.72
which gives us the following equation for the response surface in
coded form
R = 4.00 + 1.20B [ + 0.72A [ B [
To convert this equation into its uncoded form, we first note the
following relationships between coded and uncoded values for A and
for B
A = 5 + 3A [ B = 5 + 3B [
A[ = A 5 B[ = B 5
3 -3 3 -3
Substituting these two equations back into the response surface’s cod-
ed equation gives
232 Solutions Manual for Analytical Chemistry 2.1
(a) (b)
5 5
4 4
3 3
1.0 8
-1.0 2 7
0.5 3
-0.5 6
va 0.0 va 5
lu 0.0 lu 5
lu e
es 4
lu e
of -0.5 of 6
a 0.5 a 3
1.0 -1.0 8 2
Figure SM14.6 Response surfaces based on the (a) coded and the (b) uncoded
equations derived from the data in Problem 4. Note that the two response surfaces
are identical even though their equations are very different.
R = 4.00 + 1.20 a B
3 - 3 k + 0.72 a 3 - 3 ka 3 - 3 k
5 A 5 B 5
5%. First, we determine the response for a solution that is 6.00 ppm
in Ca and that has no Al. The following equations relate the actual
concentrations of each species to its coded form
Ca = 7 + 3Ca [ Al = 80 + 80Al [
Substituting in 6.00 ppm for Ca and 0.00 ppm for Al gives –1/3 for
Ca* and –1 for Al*. Substituting these values back into the response
surface’s coded equation
R = 52.610 + 23.755 a –31 k - 15.875 (–1) - 6.20 a –31 k (–1)
10.88 =- 13.81Al [
Al [ = –0.789
The maximum allowed concentration of aluminum, therefore, is
Al = 80 + 80 (–0.789) = 16.9 ppm Al
6. (a) The values for b0, bx, by, bz, bxy, bxz, byz, and bxyz in coded form are
28 + 17 + 41 + 34 +
b 0 = 18 d n = 38.125 c 38.1
56 + 51 + 42 + 36
–28 + 17 - 41 + 34 -
b x = 18 d n =- 3.625 c - 3.6
56 + 51 - 42 + 36
–28 - 17 + 41 + 34 -
b y = 18 d n = 0.125 c 0.1
56 - 51 + 42 + 36
–28 - 17 - 41 - 34 +
b z = 18 d n = 8.125 c 8.1
56 + 51 + 42 + 36
28 - 17 - 41 + 34 +
b xy = 18 d n = 0.375 c 0.4
56 - 51 - 42 + 36
28 - 17 + 41 - 34 -
b xz = 18 d n = 0.875 c 0.9
56 + 51 - 42 + 36
28 + 17 - 41 - 34 -
b yz = 18 d n = –7.375 c –7.4
56 - 51 + 42 + 36
–28 + 17 + 41 - 34 +
b xyz = 18 d n = –0.625 c –0.6
56 - 51 - 42 + 36
234 Solutions Manual for Analytical Chemistry 2.1
b xy = 18 ^2 - 6 - 4 + 8 + 10 - 18 - 8 + 12h = –0.5
b xz = 18 ^2 - 6 + 4 - 8 - 10 + 18 - 8 + 12h = 0.5
b yz = 18 ^2 + 6 - 4 - 8 - 10 - 18 + 8 + 12h = - 1.5
4 8 (Y* = +1), and a sample volume of 150 µL provides the best com-
promise between sensitivity and sampling rate.
Another approach is to plot the sampling rate versus the sensitivity
sampling rate
the average sensitivity and the average rate, and the red line shows
conditions that result in an equal percentage change in the sensitivity
5 and the sampling rate relative to their mean values. The best experi-
mental run is the one that lies closest to the red line and furthest to
28 30 32 34 36 38 40
the upper-right corner. Again, the seventh experiment provides the
best compromise between sampling rate and sensitivity.
Figure SM14.7 Plot of sampling rate vs.
sensitivity for the data in Problem 9. The 10. (a) There are a total of 32 terms to calculate: one average (b0), five
blue dots are the results for the experimen- main effects (ba, bb, bc, bd, and be), 10 binary interactions (bab, bac,
tal runs used to model the response surface, bad, bae, bbc, bbd, bbe, bcd, bce, and bde), 10 ternary interactions (babc,
the red square shows the mean sensitivity babd, babe, bacd, bace, bade, bbcd, bbce, bbde, and bcde), five quaternary
and mean sampling rate for the experimen- interactions (babcd, babce, babde, bacde, and bbdce), and one quinary inter-
tal data, and the red line shows equal per- action (babcde). We will not show here the equations for all 32 terms;
centage changes in sensitivity and sampling instead, we provide the equation for one term in each set and sum-
rate relative to their respective mean values. marize the results in a table.
See text for further details. 32 32
b 0 = 321 /R b = 1 / A[ R
i a
32 i = 1 i i
32 32
1 / A[ B[ R
b ab = 32 1 / A[ B[ C[ R
b abc = 32
i i i i i i i
i=1 i=1
32 32
1 / A[ B[ C[ D[ R
b abcd = 32 1 / A[ B[ C[ D[ E[ R
b abcde = 32
i i i i i i i i i i i
i=1 i=1
are within the prescribed limits; thus, the single operator characteris-
tics are acceptable.
13. The following calculations show the effect of a change in each factor’s
E A = 98.9 + 98.5 + 97.7 + 97.0
- 98 . 8 + 98.5 + 97.7 + 97.3 = –0.05
240 Solutions Manual for Analytical Chemistry 2.1
15. Figure SM14.8 shows the two sample plot where the mean for the
(–,+) (+,+)
first sample is 1.38 and the mean for the second sample is 1.50. A
casual examination of the plot shows that six of the eight points are
result for sample 2
in the (+,+) or the (–,–) quadrants and that the distribution of the
points is more elliptical than spherical; both suggest that systematic
errors are present.
To estimate values for vrand and for vsys, we first calculate the differ-
ences, Di, and the totals, Ti, for each analyst; thus
(–,–) (+,–)
analyst Di Ti
1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7
1 –0.22 2.92
result for sample 1
2 0.02 2.68 Figure SM14.8 Two-sample plot for the
3 –0.13 2.81 data in Problem 15. The blue dots are the
4 –0.10 3.10 results for each analyst, the red square is
the average results for the two samples, the
5 –0.10 3.14
dashed brown lines divide the plot into
6 –0.13 2.91 four quadrants where the results for both
7 –0.06 2.66 samples exceeds the mean (+,+), where
8 –0.21 2.85 both samples are below the mean (–,–), and
where one sample is above the mean and
To calculate the experimental standard deviations for the differences one below the mean, (+,–) and (–,+). The
and the totals, we use equation 14.18 and equation 14.20, respec- solid green line shows results with identical
tively, and are easy to calculate if first we find the regular standard systematic errors.
deviation and then we divide it by 2 ; thus
s D = 0.1232 s T = 0.0549
To determine if the systematic errors are significant, we us the follow-
ing null hypothesis and one-tailed alternative hypothesis Here we use a one-tailed alternative hy-
pothesis because we are interested only in
H 0: s T = s D H A: s T > s D whether sT is significantly greater than sD.
16. (a) For an analysis of variance, we begin by calculating the global mean
and the global variance for all 35 measurements using equation 14.22
and equation 14.23, respectively, obtaining values of X = 3.542
and s 2 = 1.989 . Next, we calculate the mean value for each of the
seven labs, obtaining results of
X A = 2.40 X B = 3.60 X C = 2.00
X D = 2.60 X E = 4.80 X F = 5.00 X G = 4.40
To calculate the variance within the labs and the variance between
the labs, we use the equations from Table 14.7; thus, the total sum-
of-squares is
SS t = s 2 (N - 1) = (1.989) (35 - 1) = 67.626
and the between lab sum-of-squares is
SS b = / n i (X i - X ) 2 = (5) (2.40 - 3.542) 2
Fexp = s2b =
= 87.13
sw (0.805) 2
exceeds the critical value for F(0.05,6,28), which is between 2.099
and 2.599, we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative
hypothesis, finding evidence at a = 0.5 that there are systematic dif-
ferences between the results of the seven labs.
Here we use a one-tailed alternative hy- To evaluate the source(s) of this systematic difference, we use equa-
pothesis because we are interested only in tion 14.27 to calculate texp for the difference between mean values,
whether the result for one lab is greater
comparing texp to a critical value of 1.705 for a one-tailed t-test with
than the result for another lab.
Chapter 14 Developing a Standard Method 243
2.40 - 2.00
# 55 + # 5 = 0.705
no evidence for a systematic difference at a = 0.05 between lab A and
lab C. The table below summarizes results for all seven labs
Note that the labs are organized from the
lab C A D B G E F lab with the smallest mean value (lab C)
to the lab with the largest mean value (lab
X 2.00 2.40 2.60 3.60 4.40 4.80 5.00 F) and that we compare mean values for
texp 0.705 1.762 0.705 adjacent labs only.
h ni
SS w = / / (X ij - X i) 2
i=1 j=1
SS b = / n i ( X i - X ) 2
so that we have them in front of us. Looking at the equation for SSt,
let’s pull out the term within the parentheses,
X ij - X
and then subtract and add the term X i to it, grouping together parts
of the equation using parentheses
_ X ij - X i = ^ X ij - X i h + ^ X i - X h
244 Solutions Manual for Analytical Chemistry 2.1
_ X ij - X i = ^ X ij - X i h2 + ^ X i - X h + 2 ^ X ij - X i h^ X i - X h
2 2
and then substitute the right side of this equation back into the sum-
mation term for SSt
SS t = / / #^ X ij - X i h2 + ^ X i - X h + 2 ^ X ij - X i h^ X i - X h-
h ni
i=1 j=1
and expand the summation across the terms in the curly parentheses
SS t = / / ^ X ij - X i h2
h ni
i=1 j=1
+ / /^X i - X h
h ni
i=1 j=1
+ 2 / / ^ X ij - X i h^ X i - X h
h ni
i=1 j=1
Note that this is not the case for the first
two terms in this expanded equation for The last of these terms is equal to zero because this always is the result
SSt because these terms sum up the squares
when you sum up the difference between a mean and the values that
of the differences, which always are posi-
tive, not the differences themselves, which give the mean; thus, we now have this simpler equation
SS t = / / ^ X ij - X i h2 + / / ^ X i - X h
are both positive and negative. h ni h ni
because, for each of the h samples, the inner summation term simply
adds together the term ^ X i - X h a total of ni times. Substituting
which is equivalent to SS t = SS w + SS b .
18. (a) Using equation 14.28, our estimate for the relative standard devi-
ation is
R = 2 (1 - 0.5 log C) = 2 (1 - 0.5 log(0.0026)) = 4.9%
(b) The mean and the standard deviation for the data set are
0.257%w/w and 0.0164%w/w respectively. The experimental per-
cent relative standard deviation, therefore, is
s r = 0.0164%w/w
0.257%w/w # 100 = 6.4%
Because this value is within the range of 0.5× to 2.0× of R, the vari-
ability in the individual results is reasonable.
Chapter 15 Quality Assurance 245
Chapter 15
1. Answers will vary depending on the labs you have done and the
guidelines provided by your instructor. Of the examples cited in the
text, those that likely are most relevant to your experience are prop-
erly recording data and maintaining records, specifying and purify-
ing chemical reagents, cleaning and calibrating glassware and other
equipment, and maintaining the laboratory facilities and general lab-
oratory equipment.
2. Although your answers may include additional details, here are some
specific issues you should include.
(a) If necessary, clean and rinse the buret with water. When clean,
rinse the buret with several portions of your reagent and then fill the
buret with reagent so that it is below the buret’s 0.00 mL mark. Be
sure that the buret’s tip is filled and that an air bubble is not present.
Read the buret’s initial volume. Dispense the reagent, being sure that
each drop falls into your sample’s flask. If splashing occurs, rinse the
walls of the sample’s flask to ensure that the reagent makes it into the
flask. If a drop of reagent remains suspended on the buret’s tip when
you are done adding reagent, rinse it into the sample’s flask. Record
the final volume of reagent in the buret.
(b) Calibrate the pH meter using two buffers, one near a pH of 7 and
one that is more acidic or more basic, depending on the samples you
will analyze. When transferring the pH electrode to a new solution,
rinse it with distilled water and carefully dry it with a tissue to remove
the rinse water. Place the pH electrode in the solution you are analyz-
ing and allow the electrode to equilibrate before recording the pH.
(c) Turn on the instrument and allow sufficient time for the light
source to warm up. Adjust the wavelength to the appropriate value.
Adjust the instrument’s 0%T (infinite absorbance) without a sample
in the cell and with the light source blocked from reaching the detec-
tor. Fill a suitable cuvette with an appropriate blank solution, clean
the cuvette’s exterior surface with a tissue, place the cuvette in the
sample holder, and adjust the instrument’s 100%T (zero absorbance).
Rinse the cuvette with several small portions of your sample and then
fill the cuvette with sample. Place the cuvette in the sample holder
and record the sample’s %T or absorbance.
3. Substituting each sample’s signal into the equation for the calibration
curve gives the concentration of lead in the samples as 1.59 ppm and
1.48 ppm. The absolute difference, d, and the relative difference, (d)r,
d = 1.59 ppm - 1.48 ppm = 0.11 ppm
246 Solutions Manual for Analytical Chemistry 2.1
0.11 ppm
(d) r = # 100 = 7.2%
0.5 (1.59 ppm + 1.48 ppm)
For a trace metal whose concentration is more than 20× the method’s
detection limit of 10.0 ppb, the relative difference should not exceed
10%; with a (d)r of 7.2%, the duplicate analysis is acceptable.
4. In order, the differences are 0.12, –0.08, 0.12, –0.05, –0.10, and
0.07 ppm. The standard deviation for the duplicates is
Z (0.12) 2 + (–0.08) 2 + _
]] bb
n [ (0.12) + (–0.05) + `
2 2
/ (d i ) 2 ] (–0.10) 2 + (0.07) 2 b
s = i = 12n = \ a = 0.066 ppm
The mean concentration of NO -3 for all 12 samples is 5.005 ppm,
which makes the relative standard deviation
0.066 ppm
s r = 5.005 ppm # 100 = 1.3%
a value that is less than the maximum limit of 1.5%.
5. For the first spike recovery, the result is
0.342 mg/g - 0.20 mg/g
R= 0.135 mg/g # 100 = 105.2%
The recoveries for the remaining four trials are 103.7%, 103.7%,
91.9%, and 90.4%. The mean recovery for all five trials is 99.0%.
6. (a) Using the equation for the calibration curve, the concentration
of analyte in the spiked field blank is 2.10 ppm. The recovery on the
spike, therefore, is
2.10 ppm - 0 ppm
R= 2.00 ppm # 100 = 105%
Because this recovery is within the limit of ±10%, the field blank’s
recovery is acceptable.
(b) Using the equation for the calibration curve, the concentration
of analyte in the spiked method blank is 1.70 ppm. The recovery on
the spike, therefore, is
1.70 ppm - 0 ppm
R= 2.00 ppm # 100 = 85%
Because this recovery exceeds the limit of ±10%, the method blank’s
recovery is not acceptable and there is a systematic error in the labo-
(c) Using the equation for the calibration curve, the concentration of
analyte in the sample before the spike is 1.67 ppm and its concentra-
tion after the spike is 3.77 ppm. The recovery on the spike is
Chapter 15 Quality Assurance 247
2.00 ppm
Because this recovery is within the limit of ±10%, the laboratory
concentration (ppm)
spike’s recovery is acceptable, suggesting a time-dependent change in
the analyte’s concentration. CL
7. The mean and the standard deviation for the 25 samples are 34.01
ppm and 1.828 ppm, respectively, which gives us the following warn- LWL
ing limits and control limits LCL
UCL = 34.01 + (3) (1.828) = 39.5 5 10 15 20 25
sample number
UWL = 34.01 + (2) (1.828) = 37.7 Figure SM15.1 Property control chart for
the data in Problem 7. The highlighted re-
LWL = 34.01 - (2) (1.828) = 30.4 gion shows 14 consecutive cycles in which
the results oscillate up and down, a sign that
LCL = 34.01 - (3) (1.828) = 28.5 system is not in a state of statistical control.
Figure SM15.1 shows the property control chart. Note that the high-
lighted region contains 14 consecutive cycles (15 samples) in which
the results oscillate up and down, indicating that the system is not in
a state of statistical control. UCL
8. The mean and the standard deviation for the 25 samples are 99.84%
and 14.08%, respectively, which gives us the following warning limits
and control limits
LCL = 99.84 - (3) (14.08) = 57.6 Figure SM15.2 Property control chart for
the data in Problem 8.
Figure SM15.2 shows the property control chart, which has no fea-
tures to suggest that the system is not in a state of statistical control.
9. The 25 range values are 4, 1, 3, 3, 2, 0, 2, 4, 3, 1, 4, 1, 2, 0, 2, 4, 3,
4, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, with a mean of 2.24. The control and warning
Figure SM15.2 shows the precision control chart, which has no fea- CL
5 10 15 20 25
sample number