Breast Cancer Assignment
Breast Cancer Assignment
Breast Cancer Assignment
Breast Cancer
Phyllodes tumors
Account for less than 1% of all breast cancers. Even though the tumor
may be benign, it is still considered a type of breast cancer, because it
has the potential to become malignant.
Also Known As:
phylloides tumor, PT, cystosarcoma phyllodes, cystosarcoma
phylloides and sometimes called "giant fibroadenomas"
Surgery to remove a Phyllodes tumor is the standard treatment. This
type of tumor does not respond well to radiation, chemotherapy or
hormonal therapies.
Prognosis, or outlook after treatment, is very good for a benign
Phyllodes tumor. There is a low chance of recurrence for a Phyllodes
tumor, if 45 or older. For patients with a diagnosis of borderline or
malignant tumors, prognosis will vary
LCIS usually does not cause any signs or symptoms, such as a lump
or other visible changes to the breast. LCIS may not always show up
on a screening mammogram. One reason is that LCIS often lacks
microcalcifications, the tiny specks of calcium that form within other
types of breast cancer cells. On a mammogram, microcalcifications
show up as white specks. It’s believed that many cases of LCIS simply
go undiagnosed, and they may never cause any problems.
The breasts swell and become inflamed because the cancer cells clog
the vessels that carry lymph. Lymph is a clear, watery fluid that
transports white blood cells and removes bacteria and proteins from
the tissues.
If the cancer cells grow in a different pattern than classic ILC — that is,
not in a single-file formation — you may hear your doctor refer to one
of these subtypes of invasive lobular carcinoma:
Solid: The cells grow in large sheets with little stroma in between
Alveolar: The cancer cells grow in groups of 20 or more.
Tubulolobular: This subtype has some of the “single-file” growth
pattern of classic invasive lobular carcinoma, but some of the cells
also form small tubules (tube-like structures).
Pleomorphic: The cancer cells are larger than they are in classic
ILC, and the cells’ nuclei look different from each other.
Signet ring cell: In this type of ILC, the tumor contains some cells
that are filled with mucus that pushes the nucleus (the core of the
cell that contains genetic material) to one side. Because of their
appearance, these cells have come to be known as signet ring
Medullary carcinoma
Medullary carcinoma of the breast is a rare subtype of invasive ductal
carcinoma (cancer that begins in the milk duct and spreads beyond it),
accounting for about 3-5% of all cases of breast cancer. It is called
“medullary” carcinoma because the tumor is a soft, fleshy mass that
resembles a part of the brain called the medulla.
can occur at any age, but it usually affects women in their late 40s and
early 50s
more common in women who have a BRCA1 mutation
Studies have shown that medullary carcinoma is also more common in
Japan than in the United States.
Medullary carcinoma cells are usually high-grade in their appearance
and low-grade in their behavior. In other words, they look like
aggressive, highly abnormal cancer cells, but they don’t act like them.
Medullary carcinoma doesn’t grow quickly and usually doesn’t spread
outside the breast to the lymph nodes. For this reason, it’s typically
easier to treat than other types of breast cancer.
Unfortunately, the immune defenses are not always effective. The immune
system may be unable to recognize cancer cells as foreign or to mount an
immune response for several reasons.
An immature, old, or weak immune system may contribute to this. People who
are malnourished or chronically ill may also be immunocompromised. The
tumor burden (number of cancer cells) may be too small to stimulate an
immune response. Alternatively, the tumor burden may be so great as to
overwhelm the immune system.
Some cancer cells may escape detection because they resemble normal
cells. Other cancer cells may produce substances that shield them from
recognition. Cancer cells may also escape detection by becoming coated with
fibrin. Tumor invasion of the bone marrow can result in decreased production
of the lymphocytes needed to destroy the tumor mass.
Predisposing Factors
Age and Ethnicity: risk increases with age, although the rate of increase
slows after menopause. Women above 50 years old have higher risk of
breast cancer incidence. Although there early detection of breast cancer
are common 30 and above.
There is a high incidence of breast cancer found in white North America
than in Asia and Africa. Although a study was also found that African
American women are less likely to be cured than their non-African women
counterparts, but they also survive for a shorter time until death from
breast cancer. Even when matched for tumor stage, they are more at risk
for micrometastatic disease and early death. This may be related to ability
to access for medical management. Still, the high incidence rate is with
white women.
However, it was studied before that Asia has the lower risk for breast
cancer. But then according to the DOH of the Philippines, the Philippines
have poor survival rate of breast cancer now in the year 2010 and have
high risk of incidence compared to other countries.
Precipitating Factors
However, it was studied before that Asia has the lower risk for breast
cancer. But then according to the DOH of the Philippines, the Philippines
have poor survival rate of breast cancer now in the year 2010 and have high
risk of incidence compared to other countries.
The woman with breast cancer is given a cultural template that constrains
her emotional and social responses into a socially acceptable discourse: She
is to use the emotional trauma of being diagnosed with breast cancer and the
suffering of extended treatment to transform herself into a stronger, happier
and more sensitive person who is grateful for the opportunity to become a
better person. Breast cancer thereby becomes a rite of passage rather than a
disease. To fit into this mold, the woman with breast cancer needs to
normalize and feminize her appearance, and minimize the disruption that her
health issues cause anyone else. Anger, sadness and negativity must be
As with most cultural models, people who conform to the model are given
social status, in this case as cancer survivors. Women who reject the model
are shunned, punished and shamed.
The culture is criticized for treating adult women like little girls, as
evidenced by "baby" toys such as pink teddy bears given to adult women.
The woman with breast cancer is given a cultural template that constrains
her emotional and social responses into a socially acceptable discourse: She
is to use the emotional trauma of being diagnosed with breast cancer and the
suffering of extended treatment to transform herself into a stronger, happier
and more sensitive person who is grateful for the opportunity to become a
better person. Breast cancer thereby becomes a rite of passage rather than a
disease. To fit into this mold, the woman with breast cancer needs to
normalize and feminize her appearance, and minimize the disruption that her
health issues cause anyone else. Anger, sadness and negativity must be
As with most cultural models, people who conform to the model are given
social status, in this case as cancer survivors. Women who reject the model
are shunned, punished and shamed.
The culture is criticized for treating adult women like little girls, as
evidenced by "baby" toys such as pink teddy bears given to adult women.
In some cases, however, the first sign of breast cancer is a new lump or
mass in the breast that you or your doctor can feel. A lump that is painless,
hard, and has uneven edges is more likely to be cancer. But sometimes
cancers can be tender, soft, and rounded. So it's important to have anything
unusual checked by your doctor.
These changes also can be signs of less serious conditions that are not
cancerous, such as an infection or a cyst. It’s important to get any breast
changes checked out promptly by a doctor.
Blood tests for cancer/tumor markers to detect cancer activity in the body.
Proteins and circulating tumor cells are two types of markers that can be
measured. A cancer tumor often produces a specific protein in the blood that
serves as a marker for the cancer. Circulating tumor cells are cells that break
off from the cancer and move into the blood stream. Protein markers and
circulating tumor cells can be measured with simple blood tests.
Blood marker tests may be done before treatment, to help diagnose the
breast cancer and determine whether it's moved to other parts of the body;
during treatment, to assess whether the cancer is responding; and after
treatment, to see if the cancer has come back (recurrence).
Some doctors use marker test results as early indicators of breast cancer
progression (the cancer getting worse) or recurrence. They may use this
information to make decisions about when to change therapies — if current
treatment does not appear to be working — or to start treatment for
recurrence. If you have an elevated marker, your doctor may check that
marker periodically to assess your response to chemotherapy or other
While breast cancer blood marker tests are promising, they're not
absolutely conclusive. When a breast cancer blood marker test comes
back negative, it doesn't necessarily mean you're free and clear of breast
cancer. And a positive result doesn't always mean that the cancer is growing.
These tests may help with diagnosis, but using cancer marker tests to find
metastatic breast cancer hasn't helped improve survival yet.
BRCA Test—a human tumor suppressor gene. This test detects common
mutations in the genes, mutations that are known to increase the risk of
breast and ovarian cancer development specifically BRCA1 and BRCA 2
Estrogen and progesterone receptor status—A score of Estrogen
Receptor positive (ER+) means that estrogen is causing tumor to grow,
and that the cancer should respond well to hormone suppression
treatments. If the score is Estrogen Receptor negative (ER-), then tumor is
not driven by estrogen, and results will need to be evaluated along with
other tests. This is the same with progesterone.
HER-2 gene test – tests for the human epidermal growth factor-2 (HER-2)
gene that indicates how fast a tumor may grow. Oncogenes are bits of
genetic information inside the body's cells that usually work to protect us
from cancer, by keeping cell growth in check.
indicate a need for a higher dose of CAF chemotherapy to get the best
1. Provide quiet environment and uninterrupted rest periods
2. Provide complimentary intervention for relaxation
3. Opiod/nonopiod analgesic per doctor’s order
1. assessing individual and family coping ability and concerns
2. Identify coping mechanism.
3. provide time for individual and family consultation
1. Develop rapport; utilize active listening skills
2. assessing individual and family coping ability and concerns
3. Provide consistent, emphatic, and positive regard.
4. Support client’s expression of feelings.
5. Identify coping mechanism.
6. provide time for individual and family consultation
7. Guide the client to community resources such as support groups.
8. Refer client to appropriate and qualified professional for further
intervention as indicated.
1. Provide small frequent meals.
2. Provide complete nutritious food.
3. Provide oral hygiene.
4. Instruct to eat slowly or calmly.
5. Provide bland diet or dry foods.
2. Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan)
4. Dexamethasone (Decadron)
5. Docetaxel (Taxotere)
Adverse reactions
—aminophylline cephalothin, dexamethasone, fluororacil, heparin,
hydrocortisone: may form a precipitate. Don’t mix together.
Calcium channel blockers: may potentiate cardiotoxic effects. Monitor
patient’s ECG closely.
Digoxin: may decrease degoxin levels. Monitor diogoxin levels closely.
Fosphenytoin, phenytoin: decerased levels of phenytoin or fosphenytoin.
Check levels.
Streptozocin: increased and prolonged blood levels. Dosage may have to
be adjusted.
2. Cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan)
Adverse reactions
CV: cardiotoxic with very high doses and with doxorubicin, flushing.
GI: nausea, vomiting and anorexia beginning within 6 hours, abdominal pain,
stomatis, mucositis.
GU: hemorrhagic cystitis, impaired fertility.
Hematologic: leucopenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia.
Hepatic: hepatotoxicity.
Metabolic: hyperurecemia, SIADH.
Respiratory: pulmonary fibrosis with high doses.
Skin: reversible alopecia, rash, pigmentation, nail changes, itching.
Other: secondary malignant disease, anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity reactions.
—allopurinol: increased myelosuppression. Monitor toxicity.
Aspirin, NSAID: increased risk of bleeding. Avoid using together.
Barbiturates: increased pharmacologic effect and enhanced
cyclophosphamide toxicity form induction of hepatic enzymes. Monitor
patient closely.
Cardiotoxic drugs: increased adverse cardiac effects.
Chloramphenicol, corticosteroids: reduced activity of cyclophosphamide.
Digoxin: may decrease digoxin levels.
3. Ondansetron Hydrochloride (Zofran)
Adverse reactions
—Drugs that alter hepatic drug metabolizing enzymes such as cimetidine,
Phenobarbital: may alter pharmacokinetics of ondansetron. No dosage
adjustment appears necessary.
Horebound: may enhance serotoninergic effects. Discourage use
4. Dexamethasone (Decadron)
Adverse reactions
—Aminoglutethimide: may cause loss of dexamethasone-induced adrenal
Antidiabetics, including insulin: decreased response.
Aspirin, indomethacin, other NSAID: increase d risk of bleeding.
Cardiac glycosides: increased risk of arrhythmia resulting from
Ephedrine: a decreased half-life and increased clearance of
dexamethasone may occur.
Echinacea: increased immune-stimulating effects.
Ginseng: potentiates immune-modulating response.
Alcohol use: increased risk of gastric irritation and GI ulceration.
5. Docetaxel (Taxotere)
Adverse reactions
Compounds that induce, inhibit, or are metabolized by cytochrome p-450
3A4, such s cyclosporine, erythromycin, ketoconazole, troleandomycin.
But breast cancer can show up in a number of different places. The most
common place for breast cancer to spread to is the bone, but it's by no means
the only place. Of all of the places that breast cancer spreads to, the one
place that is very uncommon as a first site is the brain. When a woman's had
breast cancer—because breast cancer can potentially spread to a number of
different places—if she has a new or unexplained symptom and it persists for
a few weeks or longer, that's something to talk to her doctor about.
For client’s who are high risk for breast cancer it is important to teach them
self berast examination.
1. Position: Inspect breasts visually and palpate in the mirror with arms at
various positions. Then perform the examination lying down, first with a
pillow under one shoulder, then with a pillow under the other shoulder, and
finally lying flat.
2. Perimeter: Examine the entire breast, including the nipple, the axillary tail
that extends into the armpit, and nearby lymph nodes.
3. Palpation: Palpate with the pads of the fingers, without lifting the fingers
as they move across the breast.
4. Pressure: First palpate with light pressure, then palpate with moderate
pressure, and finally palpate with firm pressure.
5. Pattern: There are several examination patterns, and each woman should
use the one which is most comfortable for her. The vertical strip pattern
involves moving the fingers up and down over the breast. The pie-wedge
pattern starts at the nipple and moves outward. The circular pattern
involves moving the fingers in concentric circles from the nipple outward.
Don’t forget to palpate into the axilla.
6. Practice: Practice the breast self-exam and become familiar with the feel
of the breast tissue, so you can recognize changes. A health care
practitioner can provide feedback on your method.
7. Plan: Know what to do if you suspect a change in your breast tissue.
Know your family history of breast cancer. Have mammography done as
often as your health care provider recommends.
For premenopausal women, BSE is best done at the same stage of their
period every month to minimize changes due to the menstrual cycle. The
recommended time is just after the end of the last period when the breasts
are least likely to be swollen and tender. Older, menopausal women
should do BSE once a month, perhaps on the first or last day of every
For clients after surgery and radiation therapy, the client and the doctor
will work together to develop a plan for your follow-up care. If the client
had a mastectomy and are undergoing breast reconstruction, he/she have
a series of office visits to check on the healing process. If the client is
taking tamoxifen or another form of hormonal therapy, this usually
continues for a period of about 5 years, so the doctor will want to monitor
the client throughout that time.
Although follow-up care plans can vary from person to person, your plan is at
least likely to include:
1. encourage client to focus on the elbow, wrist, and hand of the affected
side in the early postoperative period (days 1 and 2)
2. Allow client to perform active elbow flexion and extension, gentle
squeezing of a soft rubber ball, and doing deep breathing to facilitate
lymph flow.
3. Shoulder shrugs and active range of motion, including flexion and
abduction, can be added on the second postoperative day.
4. Encourage self care activities (e.g. feeding, combing hair, washing face)
and other activities that use the arm, with care taken not to abduct the arm
or to raise the arm or elbow above shoulder height until the drains are
5. Approximately 10 days after surgery, the client can begin active assisted
range of motion exercises.
6. Inform to do exercises at least twice a day as tolerated.
7. Provide pain medication 30 minutes before the exercise.
Cocoa butter may be rubbed into the incision once healing has occurred to
help soften the scar and prevent scar contracture.