* Specalised histiocytes :
Histiocytic giant cell Langhans cell
Foreign body
Granuloma formation
- accumulation of modified macrophages, called
epitheliod cells, arranged in small clusters or nodular
collection surrounded by lymphocytes.
• Giant cell granuloma macrophages fused together,
forming large cells with multiple nuclei (Langhan’s
giant cells).
• Caseating (tuberculoid) granuloma caseous necrosis
eg. T.B.
- the center of granuloma undergoes necrosis (caseous)
- histologically it is an amorphous, acellular material
staining pink with H/E stain.
- macroscopically this necrosis is solid, hard, cheese-like
and yellowish in color (caseous necrosis).
Histiocytic giant cells :
Formed when particles or bacteria
indigestible by macrophage.
Mc fused multinucleated giant cells.
Types of these according to their
microscopic appearance:
a- Langhans giant cells= have horseshoe
arrangement of nuclei, characteristically
seen in T.B, sarcodosis.
b- Touton giant cells = central ring of
nuclei and clear peripheral
cytoplasm, seen in adipose tissue
c- Foreign body giant cell = nuclei
randomly scattered through their
cytoplasm, seen in foreign body
Examples of granulomatous disease
• Tuberculosis
Caseating, epitheliod cell granuloma
- Neutrophils are unable to kill mycobacterium
- Macrophages phagocytose the bacilli and act as APCs
to Th1 lymphocytes
- IL-1 secreted by the macrophages activates Th1 cells,
which in turn secrete TNF and INF-γ, that activate the
macrophages to kill the organisms (inactivated
macrophages are unable to kill the multiplying
- Macrophages transform into epitheliod cells.
- Tubercular granulomas fuse to form masses visible to
the naked eye.
- Are not diagnostic of TB but suggests the possibility of
Tuberculoid leprosy
• Limited to the skin and peripheral nerve
• Shows infiltration by epitheliod & Langhan’s giant
cells & peripheral lymphocytic infiltration (usually in
the deep dermal nerves)
• The granulomatous reaction destroys the nerve &
causes anesthesia.
• Sarcoidosis
• Histoplasmosis
• Schistosomiasis
• Cat scratch disease
• Rheumatic fever
• Crohn’s disease
• Rheumatoid arthritis