A Novel Approach For Ramp-Rate Control of Solar
A Novel Approach For Ramp-Rate Control of Solar
A Novel Approach For Ramp-Rate Control of Solar
Abstract—The variability of solar irradiance with a high ramp- such a high ramp-rate on the distribution system, the PV pen-
rate, caused by cloud passing, can create fluctuation in the PV out- etration was limited to 50% of the PV plant capacity [4]. The
put. In a weak distribution grid with a high PV penetration, this can one-second resolution irradiance data collected from Oahu Is-
create significant voltage fluctuations. Energy storage devices are
used to smooth out the fluctuation using traditional moving average land by NREL [5] show that the irradiance level can fluctuate
control. However, moving average does not control the ramp-rate with a ramp-rate of more than 50% between two consecutive
directly; rather the ramp-rate depends on previous values of PV measurements. A PV output ramp-rate of 20% of the rated ca-
output. This paper proposes a strategy where the ramp-rate of pacity/second is recorded in a study [6] conducted on a system
PV panel output is used to control the PV inverter ramp-rate to a in Mesa del Sol, New Mexico. In Australia, the Commonwealth
desired level by deploying energy storage (which can be available
for other purposes, such as storing surplus power, countering volt- Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) has re-
age rise, etc.). During the ramping event, the desired ramp-rate ported [7] that the PV output ramp-rates can be up to 8% of the
is governed by controlling the energy storage based on an inverse rated capacity/second at various locations. With a high penetra-
relationship with the PV panel output ramp-rate to improve the tion of grid-connected PV resources in weak radial distribution
fluctuation mitigation performance. In contrast to the moving av- systems, such high ramp-rate variations of the PV output can
erage method, the proposed strategy is able to control the desired
ramp-rate independent of the past history of the PV panel output. introduce significant voltage fluctuations [8]. Therefore, ramp-
A dynamic model of the PV-storage integrated system is developed rate control strategies to reduce fluctuations in PV outputs and
to verify the proposed strategy in the presence of physical device the resulting voltage fluctuations in PV integrated distribution
time lags. The proposed strategy is verified using simulation results systems are necessary in order to increase the PV penetration
based on an Australian distribution system. A laboratory exper- level in the networks.
iment is also conducted to validate the concept of the proposed
control strategy. Different kinds of energy storage technologies have been pro-
posed for smoothing of PV output, such as, electric double-layer
Index Terms—Energy storage, fluctuation, ramp-rate control, capacitor (EDLC) [9]–[11], superconducting magnetic energy
solar PV.
storage [12], fuel cell [13], and battery energy storage [14], [15].
I. INTRODUCTION A moving average-based ramp-rate control is proposed in [9]
for smoothing PV output fluctuations using EDLC. The moving
OLAR photovoltaic power generation can be highly vari-
S able in nature due to the irregularities in the sun irradiance
level caused by cloud passing. Although the investigation on
average method was also used in [14] for controlling battery
energy storage to reduce PV fluctuations. An exponential mov-
ing average has been used in [16] that gives more weight on
PV output variability has been continuing for a long time as the recent values of the fluctuating PV output. A modified Euler
evidenced in [1] and [2], it is still being addressed as an issue type moving average model is proposed in [11] for prediction
of contemporary interest [3], especially with a high penetration of moving average values for a hybrid system with PV, fuel
level of PV resources. Recent operating experiences from La cell, EDLC, and battery. Controlling an energy storage device
Ola Island PV plant [4] has revealed that the ramp-rate of the using traditional moving average method can reduce PV output
PV output can be as high as 63% of the rated capacity/minute, fluctuation, but it may not necessarily control the PV output to a
whereas it was intended to limit the ramp-rate up to 30% of desired ramp-rate. Also, a moving average with a long averaging
the rated capacity/minute [4]. To avoid any negative impact of window would require a storage device to operate to match the
difference between the actual PV output and the moving aver-
age, even if the actual PV output is not significantly fluctuating.
Manuscript received September 3, 2013; revised December 14, 2013; ac- The battery and charging facility available in an electric-vehicle
cepted January 27, 2014. Date of publication March 11, 2014; date of current
version May 15, 2014. This work was supported by the Australian Research has been used in [15] to mitigate the short-term intermittency
Council (ARC) and Essential Energy Linkage under Grant LP100100618. Pa- using a high-pass filter for fluctuation mitigation. In this method,
per No. TEC-00517-2013. the ramp-rate of PV inverter is limited using the characteristics
The authors are with the Australian Power Quality and Reliability Center,
School of Electrical Computer and Telecommunications Engineering, Univer- of the filter, such as the corner frequency. A dynamic filtering
sity of Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia (e-mail: [email protected]; controller and dynamic rate limiter approach is used in [17] for
[email protected]; [email protected]). smoothing of PV and wind power generation fluctuations.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. In [18], the power delivered/absorbed by energy storage
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TEC.2014.2304951 for ramp-rate control is determined using a battery state of
0885-8969 © 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
deviation will remain in effect for all future time instants even
if it is not necessary because of acceptable variations in PDC .
In contrast, according to the proposed ramp-rate control strat-
egy, the amount of PCOM P to control the ramp-rate at a given
kth instant can be governed by the desired ramp-rate of PINV for
the kth instant only and it does not impact the future ramp-rates.
According to (9), PCOM P at the kth time instant is
PCOM P (k) = S × PCOM P (k−1)+φ (k) .
dt des
In (12), φ(·) denotes a function that determines the ramp-rate
of PCOM P for obtaining the desired ramp-rate of PINV at the
given ramp-rate of PDC . The value of φ(·) is obtained using
(7). As the proposed strategy does not have a memory effect,
PCOM P can be changed at each instant dynamically based on
the requirement. This advantage is used in this paper to improve
Fig. 3. An illustration of the proposed ramp-rate control strategy. (a) A hy- the fluctuation mitigation performance.
pothetical PV output fluctuation. (b) PV inverter output with appropriately
controlled P C O M P to limit the P IN V ramp-rate within a desired level.
B. Improvement of the Fluctuation Mitigation Performance
PVRR1 becomes zero, but PCOM P is not zero yet. Therefore, For a given PV output fluctuation, the duration of the ramp-
the ramp-rate of PCOM P from time t2 to t3 is determined using ing event is inversely proportional to the ramp-rate of the PV
MARR only. From time t3 to t4 , PDC sharply increases with output, because the higher the ramp-rate, the faster the PV out-
a ramp-rate of PVRR2 . During this time, PCOM P is controlled put changes from one stable state to another stable state. As
with a ramp-rate determined using PVRR2 and MARR. After the time duration for a high-rate ramping event is very short,
time t4 , PVRR2 becomes zero, however, PCOM P is not zero yet. the amount of energy needs to be used for ramp-rate control is
Therefore, from time t4 PCOM P is controlled using MARR only. small. Therefore, during the ramping event, the MARR can be
At time t5 , PCOM P becomes zero and the ramp-rate of PDC is reduced in an inverse proportion to the PV panel output ramp-
also zero. Therefore, the ramp-rate of PCOM P is zero after t5 rate (PVRR) to improve the fluctuation mitigation performance
which keeps PCOM P at zero. without discharging a significant amount of storage capacity.
For moving average control, PCOM P at a given kth instant Such an inverse characteristic is given in (13) and shown in
depends on the previous values of PDC within the averaging Fig. 4(a)
window w as ⎧
⎨ |PVRR (k)| , if |PVRR (k)| < RRlim
w −1 MARRρ (k) = γ
PDC (k − i) ⎩ , if |PVRR (k)| ≥ RRlim .
PCOM P (k) = i=0 − PDC (k) . (10) |PVRR (k)|
Therefore, if moving average is applied to control the ramp- In (13), MARRρ is the inverse characteristic-based desired
rate of the fluctuation shown in Fig. 3(a), then PCOM P at t > ramp-rate, to be applied during the ramping event and γ is
t1 will actually depend on the PDC values before t1 . It will not a factor to control the degree of inverse characteristic; RRlim
directly depend on the required PCOM P to control the ramp-rate is a threshold of ramp-rate of PDC beyond which the inverse
at a desired level. According to (10), PCOM P is only control- characteristic is applied. RRlim should be set to a value higher
lable using the length of the averaging window w. The higher than the ramp-rate of slow variations of PDC to allow PINV to
the number w is chosen, the more is the smoothing effect. How- vary with the progress of the day. Once the ramping event is over,
ever, if a high w is chosen for improving fluctuation mitigation the PCOM P can be brought to zero with an MARR determined
performance at the kth instant, it not only impacts the PCOM P using a SoC droop characteristic as given by (14) and shown in
at the kth instant, but also at all the future time instants. For Fig. 4(b)
example, if w is increased by Δw to increase the smoothing
effect at the kth instant, then at any future (k+j)th instant, the MARRσ (k) =
deviation of PCOM P due to the increase of w (i.e.,Δw) will be ⎧
⎪ MARRm in , if |ΔSoC(k)| < SoCLB
w +Δ w −1 P (k + j − i) ⎪
DC ⎨ × [|ΔSoC(k)| − SoCLB ] ,
ΔPCOM P (k + j) = i=0 MARRm in +
w + Δw DBSoC (14)
w −1 ⎪
⎪ if SoCLB ≤ |ΔSoC(k)| ≤ SoCUB
i=0 PDC (k + j − i) ⎩
− . (11) MARRm ax , if |ΔSoC(k)| > SoCUB .
In (14), MARRσ is a SoC droop-based desired ramp-rate to be
The deviation ΔPCOM P at the (k+j)th instant is solely due applied once the ramping event is over; DBM ARR and DBSoC
to the increase of w at the kth instant. For a given Δw, this are the dead-bands of MARR and SoC, respectively; SoCLB
Fig. 5. Energy utilization in the proposed ramp-rate control strategy. (a) Dur-
ing negative ramp-rate control. (b) During positive ramp-rate control.
Fig. 16. Mitigation of PCC voltage fluctuation using the proposed strategy.
(a) PCC voltage profile. (b) P C O M P profile.
Fig. 14. Ramp-rate control. (a) The ramp-rate profiles of P D C and P IN V .
(b) Comparison of the P IN V ramp-rates obtained using the moving average
control and the proposed strategy. MARR value of 5 W/s. The proposed inverse MARR and SoC
droop-based characteristics can mitigate the fluctuation better
PINV with 20-min moving average control of storage device than a constant MARR value. For reference, the fluctuation mit-
are compared with those obtained using the proposed strategy igation using the 20-min moving average is also included in
in Fig. 14(b) for the time period when the maximum negative Fig. 15.
and positive ramp-rates in PDC appeared. For reference, the The PCC voltage profile at household no. 28 (HH 28) of the
ramp-rate of PDC is also included in Fig. 14(b). During the neg- test feeder from 10:00 h to 13:00 h is shown in Fig. 16(a). For
ative fluctuation of PDC with a ramp-rate of −1.767 kW/s, the reference, PCOM P profile is also shown in Fig. 16(b). When
proposed strategy controls the PINV ramp-rate at −0.0028 W/s sharp decrease in PCC voltage appears as a result of sudden
which comes from the inverse characteristic in (13). With the decrease in PV output, energy storage device is discharged to
20-min moving average, the ramp-rate of PINV is −1.485 W/s, control the high negative ramp-rates. This action mitigates the
which is not controlled at this value; rather it is produced as a associated voltage dips. Again, when sharp rise in PCC voltage
result of the previous PDC samples over the last 20 min period. appears due to sudden increase in PV output, energy storage de-
During the positive ramping event at 1.725 kW/s, the ramp-rate vice is charged to control the positive ramp-rates and this action
with the proposed strategy is 0.0029 W/s which is controlled mitigates the sharp voltage rise as well. Without the proposed
using (13), whereas, with the moving average it is 0.0183 W/s, ramp-rate control strategy, the voltage ramp-rate at 10 h : 16 min
which is not actually controlled to this value. Although the mov- : 54 s (when the largest negative ramp-rate in the PV output ap-
ing average method provides significant fluctuation mitigation peared) is −9.3 V/s and at 10 h : 16 min : 58 s (when the largest
at the expense of operating the storage device all the time, the positive ramp-rate in PV output appeared) is 9.1 V/s. Control-
proposed strategy provides better mitigation during the time of ling the ramp-rate of PV output using the proposed strategy, the
fluctuation with a high ramp-rate (such as the one shown in PCC voltage ramp-rate is reduced to less than 0.1 mV/s.
Fig. 14). The validation of the proposed strategy in a dynamic environ-
The usefulness of the proposed MARR characteristics in (13) ment is tested using the proposed PV-storage integrated system
and (14) can also be observed in Fig. 15 where the PV output model using 1 ms time step and the results are presented in
fluctuation mitigation using the proposed inverse MARR char- Fig. 17. The largest ramp-rate observed in the PV output data
acteristic from 12:00 h to 13:00 h is compared with a constant used for the daylong simulation is used for this purpose. The
Fig. 17. Performance analysis using the proposed dynamic model. (a) Nega-
tive ramp-rate control. (b) Positive ramp-rate control.
Fig. 19. Experimental results (a) Data points for experimental verification.
(b) Captured current waveforms for points P 1 , P 2 , and P 3 .
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