Brick Lane

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Brick Lane

Study Guide by Course Hero


What's Inside Brick Lane is the name of the street where the main character
Nazneen and her family live in an estate housing project in East
j Book Basics ................................................................................................. 1

d In Context ..................................................................................................... 1

a Author Biography ..................................................................................... 4 d In Context

h Characters .................................................................................................. 4

k Plot Summary ............................................................................................. 9 Contemporary Novels

c Chapter Summaries .............................................................................. 17 Focusing on Muslim
g Quotes ......................................................................................................... 51
l Symbols ..................................................................................................... 53
Brick Lane came out just after White Teeth by British author
m Themes ....................................................................................................... 55 Zadie Smith (b. 1975) was published in 2000, and it was
compared favorably with Smith's well-reviewed novel. While
Smith is not Muslim, her book focuses on how immigrant
families, one of whom is Bangladeshi and Muslim, interact with
j Book Basics each other and deal with tensions in the melting pot of
London's Willesden neighborhood. Works written by immigrant
AUTHOR women from the Indian subcontinent and published in England
Monica Ali in the 2000s, according to reviewers, have all been compared
to this text in the way that they portray immigrant families.
YEAR PUBLISHED Brick Lane stands out as a novel by an ethnically Muslim
2003 woman specifically focused on the lives of Muslim women who
immigrate to England from the Indian subcontinent around the
turn of the 20th century and those who stay behind.
Fiction, Women's Studies
One of the most famous Muslim-born novelists whose works
have been read and lauded worldwide is British writer Salman
The novel Brick Lane alternates between limited third-person
Rushdie (b. 1947), whose second novel, Midnight's Children
narration, focusing on the perspective of Nazneen, the main
(1981), focuses on Indian independence from Great Britain. His
character, and first-person letters from her sister, Hasina.
most controversial novel, The Satanic Verses (1988), features
TENSE two Indian Muslims who reveal a clash between western and
Brick Lane is narrated in the past tense. Islamic ideals as well as the forces of good and evil. The book
set off protests in Muslim communities worldwide because
Brick Lane Study Guide In Context 2

some Muslims viewed the book as blasphemous. Iran's

religious leader, the Ayatollah Khomeini (1902–89), declared a London's East End, 1985–2001
fatwa (order of death) against Rushdie, his publisher, and
anyone associated with the novel. Rushdie went into hiding, London's East End has housed immigrant populations for

and nearly 10 years later, the fatwa was lifted. Rushdie has centuries, but in the latter half of the 20th century, the Brick

written many novels since then, some from the perspective of Lane neighborhood experienced an influx of immigrants from

immigrant characters who settle in London or New York. Bangladesh. That country's nine-month struggle for

Rushdie has become an influential figure in the early writing independence from Pakistan in 1971 was a scene of genocide

lives of many Muslim authors. against the Bengali people, causing 10 million people to flee to
India and another 30 million people to abandon the cities of the
Leila Aboulela (b. 1964), a Sudanese Muslim author living in region to hide in the villages. The political chaos and bloodshed
Scotland, has written several novels from the perspectives of before independence also caused many people to flee to
Muslim immigrants in Europe, focusing on religious and cultural London beginning in the 1950s. By the 1980s, Brick Lane
identity as well as social status. Her first novel, The Translator began to transform from a mostly Jewish neighborhood into an
(1999), tells the story of a Sudanese widow who falls in love enclave of Bengali immigrants. Located in a borough of London
with a Scottish scholar for whom she works as an Arabic called Tower Hamlets, the area was known for its poverty, but
translator. Aboulela addresses the challenges the couple faces the availability of factory work gave its residents more hope for
when one adheres to a strong religious faith and the other is a good life than they had for survival in Bangladesh.
completely secular, as well as on the cultural divides between
them. Her novel Minaret (2005) focuses on classism within the As the neighborhood developed and more Bengali people

Muslim community both in Sudan and in England. The main arrived there, the Brick Lane area of Tower Hamlets became

character, an upper-class, secular young woman from known as Banglatown. Signs in English were replaced by signs

Khartoum, Sudan, is forced to flee to London, losing her family in both English and Bengali. Spoken Bengali, of which the

and becoming a maid in a wealthy Muslim household. primary dialect is Bangla, divided classes of people as well as
regions of Bangladesh. In the novel Brick Lane, Chanu
Contemporary novels by Muslim authors addressing Muslim dismisses people from the city of Sylhet as uneducated, and
identity of immigrants to the United States include Arab part of that clash may be attributed to the difference in dialect.
American writer Mohja Kahf's (b. 1967) The Girl in the Sylhet Bengalis speak a dialect that most other Bengalis do
Tangerine Scarf (2006) and Ali Eteraz's Native Believer (2016). not understand.
Kahf, a poet and novelist whose family came to the United
States in 1971 from Syria, describes the cultural struggles of a The late 1980s and the 1990s saw a decrease of Jewish

young Muslim girl coming of age in Indiana. The main businesses and small Bengali stores and an increase in curry

character, Khadra, is raised to be observant Muslim, but she is restaurants geared toward tourists and visitors from outside

faced with varying levels of observance and assimilation in her the neighborhood. The Sunday market, a mainstay of the

religious community as well as racial hatred from white neighborhood, went from being a place where people did their

residents of her town. Eteraz, an essayist, memoirist (Children food shopping and looked for cheap household goods and

of Dust: A Memoir of Pakistan, 2009), and fiction writer born in clothing to a crowded tourist attraction. At the turn of the

Pakistan and raised in the Middle East, Caribbean, and the century, gentrification began to push out small businesses, and

United States, deals with the treatment of Muslim Americans nightclubs and bars cropped up in the area.

as second-class citizens in his debut novel Native Believer. The

The shift of the neighborhood to a mostly Muslim Bengali
novel tells the story of M., a second-generation immigrant
population inflamed existing prejudices. The neighborhood
whose life crumbles around him, pushing him into Philadelphia's
experienced a violent, racially motivated murder in 1978 of a
underworld where he is not alone in dealing with the white
garment worker named Altab Ali. Protests against racial
American perception of Muslims as terrorists. Like the Muslim
violence throughout the 1980s resulted from the rise of the
characters in Brick Lane, the characters in each of these
National Front, a white nationalist group, who plotted attacks
novels are confronted with racism and bigotry as they figure
against workers in East London. The Bangladesh Youth
out where they fit in cultures that are ignorant of Muslim
Movement galvanized young people in the neighborhood
communities, their beliefs, and their worship practices.

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Brick Lane Study Guide In Context 3

against these attacks, giving the residents a voice in the overall wives were subject to the rules of the husband's mother.
life of London and its political process. After September 11, Family compounds could include more than one physical
2001, anti-Muslim rhetoric and the War on Terror (led by house, but the family functioned as one extended family.
Americans, a global counterterrorism crusade) created even Marriages were arranged by a boy's family, selecting a bride
more tension for the area's residents, and Islamophobic and negotiating a cash price for the bride in a civil contract,
attacks increased. just as Nazneen is selected for Chanu in Brick Lane. The
average age of a bride in the 1980s was about 16. Underage
marriages and pregnancies contributed to the high death rate
Women in Bangladeshi Culture of mothers and babies as well. Women were expected not to
socialize with men, even at home, and were traditionally veiled
Women in Bangladesh have traditionally been seen as inferior if they went outside the home. Sons were treasured, but
to and subordinate to men, dictated by cultural and strict daughters were considered a financial burden on the
religious practices. In the 1980s, the time during which household. Daughters were subject to stricter rules than sons
Nazneen's sister Hasina begins to write to Nazneen while she and were expected to run the household with their mothers at
is living on Brick Lane, the only way to be in charge of one's a very young age.
destiny as a woman is to be desperately poor, as is Hasina
While Bangladesh has made progress in moving toward better
when she independently searches for shelter and a job, or
education and employment opportunities for women as well as
extremely rich, as is Lovely.
their involvement in governing the country, there is still a high
Access to education, health care, and social services was rate of violence against women, which is illegal but is, in
limited for women in Bangladesh during the 1980s, which practice, often not punished. The traditional ideas of a
contributed to a high pregnancy rate and a high death rate of women's reputation being sullied if seen talking with a man
both women during childbirth and their babies. High pregnancy outside the family or not handing over money made from
rates also led to less ability to benefit from education and working to the male head of the household result in severe
training and less food security for a family. As is the case in acts of violence that are condoned rather than abhorred.
most societies, the hardest hit by poverty is the female Subservience to men has meant subjection to violence for over
population. Over 80 percent of women at this time lived in 70 percent of married women in Bangladesh. Laws dictated by
villages and worked for landowners as laborers, getting paid religious authorities also discriminate against women in nearly
with harvest gleanings or little money. They were also all family matters. In Brick Lane, the expectation is to be beaten
responsible for much of the food production through gardens by one's husband, and the level of domestic violence in the
and livestock. However, as the labor market moved to cities, immigrant community is commensurate with that expectation.
women took work as maids or servants. Begging and doing The treatment to which Hasina and her friend Monju are
odd jobs also provided a small income for women not working subjected by men in Bangladesh are also examples of the
in the fields, and women's income was depended upon by the violence and discrimination against women that is still
family. Nazneen's role as the breadwinner in the family, even accepted by many Bengalis. However, women's groups in
though she does not leave the home to work, is an extension of Bangladesh have come together to fight for better education,
that cultural norm. Women in cities worked primarily in job training, wages, health care, and freedom from violence
factories, making ready-to-wear clothing for little pay. A small both in the home and in the community. In addition, women
number of women who were able to get access to education who have suffered from vicious attacks and survived them are
were employed as teachers, health workers, or government speaking out publicly about their experiences. In doing so, they
workers. Wages for women at this time were less than a third are educating the Bengali public about the reality of violence
of what men were paid. Women in wealthy families, accounting against women in an effort to persuade people to stop
for 10 percent of the female population in Bangladesh, did not accepting the criminal behavior of many men in their
work outside the home. community.

The social structure of the family was such that children were
expected to follow their parents' orders even as adults. Sons
lived in their father's households, even after marriage, and their

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Brick Lane Study Guide Author Biography 4

However, the real issue was that Ali had written about the
a Author Biography independent lives of Bangladeshi women, challenging the
authority of conservative men in the community. The film Brick
Lane was released in 2007.

Family Life
Monica Ali was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on October 20,
1967, when the country was called East Pakistan. Her parents,
In 2006 Ali published her second novel, Alentejo Blue, which
Hatem and Joyce Ali, met while her father was studying in
takes place in an expatriate community in rural Portugal. Her
England, and they married in Dhaka. The marriage happened
third novel, In the Kitchen, was published in 2009, and is set in
against the wishes of Hatem's family, as Joyce was British and
London while focusing on the world of migrant workers. In 2011
white and was not the person selected as his bride by his
she published the novel Untold Story, imagining the life of a
parents. In 1971 civil war broke out, several of Hatem's teaching
British princess who fakes her death and starts a new life in
colleagues were shot, and the Ali family moved to England to
America. The themes of feminism and the roles of women in
keep themselves safe. They lived in Bolton, in the northwest of
relationships, especially in Brick Lane, reflect the author's
England, but because of an upswing in racism, her father was
interest in feminism's impact on motherhood, work, family life,
unable to get a job. The mid-1970s wave of immigration from
and the value of the individual. Brick Lane has continued to be
Asian countries to England comprised mostly poor people
an influential novel in this regard, studied by scholars of
searching for better lives and fleeing unrest in their home
feminism and literature written by women of color.
countries. Ali and her family witnessed the rise in popularity of
the National Front, an anti-immigration, right-wing party that
fueled racism and tensions within communities as well as
within Ali's own extended family. h Characters

Writing Life Nazneen

Ali received a degree in philosophy, politics, and economics at
Nazneen, who inherits her mother's belief in the power of fate,
Wadham College in Oxford University, and worked in
is submissive and fearful during the early part of her adulthood.
publishing, on the marketing side. She met and married Simon
However, when she begins to work as a seamstress, earning
Torrance, a management consultant, and when they started a
some money of her own, her transformation begins. She begins
family, she became a stay-at-home mother. At home with her
an affair based on romantic love, and she learns of her
first child, Felix, she joined a short story online writing group
mother's suicide. These events empower Nazneen to split from
but found that she wanted to use a longer form. After having
her husband when he returns to Bangladesh. Alone as a single
her second child, a daughter named Shumi, and the death of
mother of two daughters, Nazneen and her friend Razia open
her maternal grandfather, she started writing chapters of the
their own business and commence living new lives in London.
book that would become Brick Lane. She gave the first two
At this point, Nazneen takes her fate into her own hands,
chapters to a friend in publishing to review before she
rejecting her former passivity.
continued writing and immediately got a book deal, allowing
her time and money to finish writing the novel in 2002. In 2003
she was named as one of the journal Granta's 20 Best Young
British Novelists under 40, before Brick Lane had even been
released to the public. The novel was shortlisted for the Man
Having emigrated from Bangladesh, Chanu has a froglike face
Booker Prize that year. Ali sold the film rights to the novel, but
and a big belly. While he is educated and intellectual, he lacks
the film could not be shot in 2006 in the Brick Lane
focus and perseverance. He is kind and well meaning, but he
neighborhood because of protests from Bangladeshi residents
doesn't emotionally connect with his wife or his daughters.
there, who thought Ali portrayed them as uneducated.

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Brick Lane Study Guide Characters 5

When he decides to move back to Dhaka to sell soap, the and Chanu visit him at home. Dr. Azad is a collector of snow
family splits. However, he remains in touch with them via letters globes, and he worries about heroin addiction among the
and phone calls. Bengali population.

Hasina is in many ways Nazneen's opposite. Taking her fate
into her own hands from the beginning, she elopes, leaves her
violent husband, and finds a variety of jobs to support herself.
Hasina's story, conveyed through letters to Nazneen, highlights
issues of gender and class in Bangladeshi culture.

Karim, a passionate young man, begins the story as a
westernized Muslim. However, as his interest in advocacy
grows, he reverts to traditional customs. His affair with
Nazneen becomes an example of two outsiders who cling
together for support. In the end, however, this relationship is
not sustainable.

Nazneen's neighbor and best friend, Razia is fun-loving and
kindhearted. She has the self-confidence to go to school to
learn English and to work as a freelance seamstress and then
as a business owner. Razia helps Nazneen to realize her worth
and fit into the neighborhood.

Mrs. Islam
Mrs. Islam is a nosy, pushy woman who extorts high interest
rates from the people she loans money. If payments are not
made, she threatens violence through her sons. Nazneen
exercises self-assurance when she refuses to pay Mrs. Islam
any more money for Chanu's loan.

Dr. Azad
Dr. Azad, a small, fastidious man, has long discussions with
Chanu and tolerates his bragging. He speaks in a very soft
voice and is mostly silent around his wife the one time Nazneen

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Brick Lane Study Guide Characters 6

Character Map

Middle-aged Bangladeshi
Lender immigrant; misguided
but kind man


Dr. Azad
Young, beautiful
Bangladeshi immigrant; kind, Spouses
Bangladeshi woman;
soft-spoken doctor
victim of violence and lies



Young Bangladeshi
immigrant; observant



Mrs. Islam
Young, idealistic
Bangladeshi immigrant; Friends
Bangladeshi Muslim; leader
vicious loan shark
of the Bengal Tigers

Bangladeshi immigrant;
bony, clownish woman

Main Character

Other Major Character

Minor Character

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Brick Lane Study Guide Characters 7

Full Character List Ahmed is an albino man who decides he

wants to marry Hasina—who at the time
is working as a prostitute. Later, he gets
angry at her and kicks her out.
Character Description

Mrs. Azad is Dr. Azad's wife. She has

Nazneen is a religious, young, Muslim
close-​cropped hair dyed a streaky
bride, and later a mother, whose
Mrs. Azad orange, a fat nose, and purple
marriage has been arranged. She moves
Nazneen fingernails. She wears a short skirt and
to East London to live, isolated from her
is always angling for an argument.
family, in estate housing with her new
Dr. Azad's daughter is a sullen teenager
Dr. Azad's with a stud in one nostril, who chews
Chanu is a middle-​aged civil servant in
daughter gum and asks for money to go drink at
London who lives in estate housing. He
the local pub.
Chanu peppers his new bride, Nazneen, and
young daughters with ideas for the
future that never materialize. Aleya is a woman who works with
Aleya Hasina at the garment factory and has
five children.
Hasina is Nazneen's sister, a young and
extremely beautiful woman who elopes,
is in and out of relationships, and ends Amina is a neighbor of Nazneen's who is
up being a maid in Bangladesh. Amina said to be paying 33 percent interest on
her loan from Mrs. Islam.
Karim is a young, Muslim, Bangladeshi
man who leads the Bengal Tigers, a The apoplectic man is a man in the
neighborhood association of Muslims, estate housing development who comes
and has an affair with Nazneen. Apoplectic
out of his door, enraged and wearing an
undershirt, to yell at Nazneen whenever
she passes by.
Razia Iqbal is a tall, bony, Muslim,
Bangladeshi woman. After the death of
Razia her abusive husband, she raises her two Arzoo is a laborer Nazneen remembers
children alone in the Rosemead estate from her village, known for a new jacket
on Brick Lane. Arzoo
he wears, which causes a stir in the
Mrs. Islam is a woman who lives in the
Brick Lane neighborhood, pretends she Banesa is the bald, ancient village
Mrs. Islam
is dying, and is a loan shark for families Banesa midwife, who claims she is 120 years
in estate housing. old.

Dr. Azad, a good friend of Chanu's, is The Bengal Tigers are a neighborhood
the doctor of Nazneen's family. He Bengal Tigers
Dr. Azad association of Muslims.
frequently comes to have dinner with
Betty is Lovely's best friend. Lovely is
Betty always worried that Betty is prettier
Abdul is a man who frequently walks than she is.
Hasina home from the garment factory.
When he is accused of trying to get her
Abdul Bibi is Chanu and Nazneen's younger
to sleep with him, he lies to the factory
owner, saying Hasina is lewd. Hasina daughter. She is obedient, wears long
loses her job as a result. Bibi braids, and recites Bengali poetry for
Chanu. She also eats with Nazneen late
at night.

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Brick Lane Study Guide Characters 8

Brother Andrew is a Canadian priest at Khaleda is a woman who works at the

the House of Falling Women, where garment factory and pokes Hasina with
Andrew Khaleda
Hasina stays for a while. scissors, bullying her because she is
seen walking with a man.

Mr. Chowdhury is Hasina's landlord. He

takes care of her until he suspects her Khurshed is Monju's baby boy, who is
of having affairs. Then he rapes her. Khurshed disfigured by an acid attack by his
father, and needs surgeries.

Daisy is the baby in the house where

Daisy Hasina works as a nanny and a maid. The Lion Hearts are a Christian, anti-
Hasina adores her. Muslim group that papers the estate
Lion Hearts
housing development with racist
Mr. Dalloway is the boss where Chanu
works as a civil servant. He passes over
Mr. Dalloway
Chanu for a promotion, advancing a Lovely, whose real name is Anwara
worker he drinks with instead. Begum, is a beauty queen and the wife
of the couple who employs Hasina as a
nanny and maid.
The fakir is the holy man who wrestles
with a young boy taken over by the spirit
of a jinni, performing an exorcism on Malek is the sawmill owner's nephew
him. who elopes with Hasina and later beats
her badly enough to cause her to leave
Hamid, Nazneen's father, is a
Hamid philanderer who mocks his wife by
calling her a saint. Makku Pagla is a village lunatic with an
umbrella, who is said to have lost his
Makku Pagla
mind by reading books. He kills himself
Hanufa is a friend of Nazneen's who in the village well.
gives her food after she is sick.

Monju is Hasina's best friend. Her

Hussain is a jaundiced jute mill worker husband and siblings-​in-​law pour acid
and a neighbor of Hasina. He takes care over her when she won't give them
of Hasina, helping her make sure that money she has earned to help her baby
men pay her when they visit. Monju boy get surgery. Her son has also been
disfigured by acid. His father attacked
James, whose real name is Jamshed him after Monju refused to get rid of the
Rashid, is the husband of the couple baby. Monju dies in the hospital from
James injuries sustained in the acid attack.
who employs Hasina as a nanny and
Mumtaz is Nazneen's paternal aunt. She
Jimmy is the boisterous three-​year-​old Mumtaz is the person in the family who is kindest
Jimmy boy in the house where Hasina works as to Nazneen.
a nanny and a maid.
Mumtaz's jinni is a spirit Mumtaz uses to
Jorina is a neighbor who works at the Mumtaz's jinni help her tell people what their futures
Jorina mills and is gossiped about because she will be like.
doesn't stay at home.
Mustafa is a cowman who kidnaps a
Mrs. Kashem is Hasina's landlady. She Mustafa village girl in Nazneen's village for three
Mrs. Kashem kicks her out because she suspects days. He is tied to a tree and left to die.
Hasina is having affairs.

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Brick Lane Study Guide Plot Summary 9

Nazma is a woman in Nazneen's group Tariq is Razia's son. He is a heroin

Nazma of friends on the estate. She is addict.
frequently pregnant.

The tattoo lady is a large woman who

Raqib is Chanu and Nazneen's first lives across the courtyard from
child, a baby boy, who is the delight of Nazneen at the housing estate. She is
Raqib Nazneen's life. He dies after his first Tattoo lady usually at her window, dressed in a
birthday, suffering from a high fever and man's undershirt, drinking beer and
an unspecified illness. smoking, and throwing the beer cans
out the window.

Razia's husband beats his wife, starves

his family, and works all the time. He is Wilkie is a coworker of Chanu's who
accidentally killed at work when he is Wilkie gets promoted because he drinks with
crushed by 17 frozen cows at the the boss.

Zaid is the cook in the house where

Renu is a widow who works at the Hasina works as a maid. He is a hard
garment factory with Hasina. Zaid little man who does kung fu in the
kitchen. Hasina ends up running off with
Rupban is Nazneen's mother, a long-
Rupban suffering woman who dies by impaling
herself on a spear. Zainab is a mother who lives behind

The secretary is the man at the door of

Bengal Tigers meetings who says to
The secretary everyone coming in, "Get on the train of
repentance, sister (brother), before it
passes your station."
k Plot Summary
Shefali is Razia's daughter. She is a
Shefali hard-​working student who is headed for
The novel opens with the early birth of the main character,
Shahana is Chanu and Nazneen's older
Nazneen, in the village of Gouripur, Bangladesh. Her mother,
daughter, a girl who makes Chanu angry
Shahana all the time. She is nicknamed "little Rupban, is told by Banesa, the midwife, that the baby is dead,
memsahib" by Chanu. She kicks her but Mumtaz, Nazneen's aunt, takes the baby and rubs her
sister and mother when she is angry.
limbs, bringing her to life. Mumtaz wants to take the baby to
the city hospital, but Rupban figures that if Nazneen is meant
Shahnaz is a young, kind woman who
to live, she will live. The story of "How You Were Left to Your
Shahnaz works at the garment factory with
Hasina. Fate" becomes family legend, and Nazneen grows up to be a
very serious girl who believes that everything in her life is
Sorupa is a woman in Nazneen's group determined by fate, or God's will. Nazneen's sister, Hasina, is
Sorupa of friends on the estate. She repeats the exact opposite; she is a gorgeous child who falls in love
what everyone says. with the local mill owner's nephew and, at age 16, runs off with
him to get married, to the dismay of her widower father, Hamid.
Syeeda is the maid in the house next Her mother, Rupban, who dealt with Hamid's frequent and long
door to where Hasina works as a maid.
absences, presumably to have affairs, was found dead during
Hasina's childhood, impaled on a spear after a fall. Her
Tamizuddin Mizra Haque is the village
Tamizuddin husband framed the story as an accident, but it is clear that
barber in Gouripur. He is the center of
Mizra Haque Rupban, miserable because of the shame brought on her
the village's attention.

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Brick Lane Study Guide Plot Summary 10

family, killed herself. knowledge, he is kind to her. She lives in an apartment where
the walls are papered, and there is an overload of furniture and
a china cabinet with all sorts of dust-gathering figurines. Her
London living situation is a definite upgrade from what she had back in
Bangladesh, but she is restless here. She doesn't love Chanu,
Hamid decides to marry Nazneen to Chanu, a middle-aged and she imagines herself in the place of the ice skaters she
immigrant in London as part of an arranged marriage. watches on television, being twirled around by elegant men.
Everyone in the village thinks that Chanu is rich and doing very She rarely goes out, and her isolation is encouraged by Chanu,
well since he lives in London. However, Nazneen finds out that who also sees no reason for her to learn English. Chanu talks
this is not the case when she and Chanu move to the borough constantly about his education and his philosophies as well as
of Tower Hamlets and into an apartment in a council estate his plans to get a promotion. However, he soon realizes that his
(low-income housing) on Brick Lane. Nazneen stays home racist boss, Mr. Dalloway, is never going to promote him.
while Chanu works, and she tries to fight off boredom and
Chanu assumes that he should be Nazneen's only connection
homesickness by cooking and cleaning. She frequently looks
to the world, but the world comes to her through her friend
out the window at the tattoo lady—a white, tattooed woman
Razia. Chanu doesn't forbid Nazneen to see Razia, but he
who wears a man's undershirt and sits all day next to her open
disapproves of Razia's short hair and pants and thinks she is a
window, drinking beer, smoking, and throwing the empty beer
bad influence on Nazneen. Chanu invites Dr. Azad, their
cans through the window. Nazneen sometimes has visitors
physician, over for dinner occasionally, though the hospitality is
who are also Bengali immigrants. Mrs. Islam, who knows
not returned. Dr. Azad and Chanu have discussions that
everyone's business, comes to gossip, complain about her
Nazneen stays out of, and she ends up eating very little, saving
illnesses, and talk about her dead husband. Razia Iqbal, a tall,
her actual dinnertime for the middle of the night in front of the
bony woman who wears sweatshirts and nylon pants instead
refrigerator. Nazneen eventually becomes pregnant and gives
of saris (lightweight cloth used to form a skirt and shoulder
birth to Raqib, a baby boy who becomes the center of
covering), has two children and is married to an abusive man.
Nazneen's world. Raqib gives Nazneen's life focus, but soon
She comes to chat and makes Nazneen laugh with her
after his first birthday, he becomes seriously ill and dies in the
irreverent jokes.

Letters from Hasina More Letters from Hasina

The story of Nazneen's life in the Brick Lane neighborhood is
Hasina's next letters relate her experiences at the garment
interspersed with letters from her sister, Hasina, who tells
factory, describing her coworkers Aleya, Shahnaz, and Renu,
about her life with Malek, the husband with whom she eloped.
along with Abdul, a man who walks her home from work
Hasina describes Malek in glowing terms until her letters begin
sometimes. Her landlord, Mr. Chowdhury, is kind to her.
to come from the city of Dhaka, where she runs to escape
However, rumors start to spread in the factory that Hasina
being beaten by Malek. She gets a job at a garment factory in
sleeps with Mr. Chowdhury to get a discount on her rent and
Dhaka and lives in a small flat owned by Mr. Chowdhury, who
that she is also sleeping with Abdul. These rumors are false,
lowers her rent and treats her like she is his daughter.
but Hasina loses her job over the situation with Abdul, who
does not defend her. Mr. Chowdhury rages at Hasina,
assuming the rumors regarding the affair with Abdul are true.
Marriage and Motherhood He rapes her, as revenge, and begins to visit her regularly for
sex. She is desperate, unable to get a job at any other factory
Nazneen compares her life to her sister's in order to feel less
because of the rumors, and she ends up prostituting herself.
appalled at her current circumstances. She uses her faith to
One customer, Ahmed, an albino man, decides that he is in love
comfort herself as well, and she realizes that even though
with her and wants to marry her. She eventually agrees and
Chanu has a face like a frog, a fat belly, and a tendency to talk
moves in with Ahmed. He becomes disillusioned with Hasina
about his many useless certificates and his superior

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and kicks her out. Hasina blames herself for all that has ostracized from their families and jobs because of sex,
happened to her and thinks that God has turned on her. She consensual or not. Wealthy people often hire their servants
tells Nazneen in her last letter that she will be sure to give her from these places, and a couple named James and Lovely hire
sister her next address once she finds a place to go. Hasina as their maid and nanny. She looks after their toddler
Jimmy and their baby Daisy. Zaid, the cook who insists his time
is coming to revolt, does kung fu in the kitchen and takes care
Employment, a Bit of of the garden. Hasina visits the maid next door, Syeeda, and
wonders how she can be happy with her situation. Hasina also
Independence, and Love visits her friend Monju at the hospital, where Monju is dying.
Monju's husband and siblings-in-law doused her with acid for
Several years later, Nazneen and Chanu are the parents of two not giving them the money she saved for medical care for her
daughters, Shahana and Bibi. Shahana doesn't want to do son, who was also attacked with acid by his father. Hasina
anything remotely Bengali, while Bibi does whatever she is told. feels lucky to have escaped her former life, but she envies
Chanu spends an increasing amount of time lazing around on Lovely, a beauty queen, for all of her possessions and her
the couch, getting his daughters to turn book pages for him. children. She wishes that she had something she could call her
Nazneen continues to cut his hair, trim his corns, clip his nose own.
hairs, and wait on him. One day, he goes out and comes back
with a present for himself, a computer, and a present for
Nazneen, a sewing machine. Nazneen takes to sewing right Tensions Rise
away, glad for something to do. She wonders where he got the
money for these expensive gifts. Nazneen continues to work strenuously, but she also holds the
guilt of her relationship with Karim. Chanu bickers constantly
Chanu begins to serve as the middleman for clothing repair with Shahana, threatening to beat her, and Nazneen is in the
and piecework from a local garment factory, bringing work to middle. All of these stresses cause Nazneen to become ill, and
Nazneen. Nazneen works constantly, but she struggles to hide she collapses. She has a fever for several days, and Chanu
money away from Chanu because he controls her business. He waits on her, hand and foot. She finally regains her health, and
tells Nazneen he is saving the money for tickets to return to she wonders where Karim has been all of this time. Karim
Bangladesh because he has big ideas about starting a new finally comes to visit her, claiming he has been out of town to
business there. Finally, Chanu gets a job at a taxi service when see his family. Nazneen asks him why he keeps seeing her.
he recalls that one of his certificates is a driver's license he Karim tells her that there is something natural about her, and
forgot he had. Nazneen gets tailoring work from the nephew of authentic, exactly how Chanu had described her to Dr. Azad on
the garment factory owner instead, and she is able to begin the phone when they were first married. Nazneen admits to
setting aside money. She also gets a different view on the Karim that Chanu plans for the family to go to Bangladesh,
outside world from this new middleman, Karim, who is a which upsets Karim. He tells Nazneen she should divorce
fiercely modern yet fervent Muslim. He leads an Islamic group Chanu if he goes to Bangladesh. Nazneen, full of guilt, doesn't
called the Bengal Tigers. Nazneen falls in love with Karim, and know what to do. She wants to see her sister, to whom she has
she starts to go to meetings, learning more about radical Islam been sending money from her sewing work, but she doesn't
and the racism that is rampant in her neighborhood. Karim wins want to leave Karim.
her over, and they begin a sexual relationship, conducted while
Chanu is at work. Tensions escalate when Mrs. Islam, who has been showing up
and demanding money from Nazneen, demands more.
Nazneen is forced to give up some of her sewing money when
More from Hasina Mrs. Islam threatens a visit from her violent sons. Nazneen
realizes that Mrs. Islam has lent a huge sum of money to
Hasina's letters have become more upbeat as she has a new Chanu. Razia warns Nazneen that Mrs. Islam will never stop
job as a maid. She had been staying at a home for what she asking her for payments because she is greedy and dishonest.
refers to as "falling women," meaning women who have been To Nazneen's shame, Chanu comes home one day when Karim

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is using their computer, and she thinks that Chanu must know belongings in boxes. Chanu is busy tying up loose ends, but
she is having an affair. Chanu, however, says nothing about it. Nazneen stays at home with the girls and goes to bed early.
He does, however, come to a meeting of the Bengal Tigers Bibi wakes her up to tell her that Shahana is gone, having run
with Nazneen and sees how the Lion Hearts, a white anti- away because she is desperate not to go to Bangladesh.
Muslim group, has forced his community to have to defend Nazneen dresses and runs out to try to find Shahana. She
itself through protests. After the September 11 attacks in the comes upon a barricade on Brick Lane, and the police tell her
United States and riots near their neighborhood, a backlash she can't come through due to a disturbance. Nazneen finds an
affects the Muslim population there. This knowledge spurs unattended barricade and jumps it. She discovers that the
Chanu to borrow money from Dr. Azad to buy tickets for the disturbance is a fight among the Bengal Tigers, who have
family to return to Bangladesh. Nazneen is panic-stricken when devolved into factions. Nazneen finds Shahana and takes her
she finds out about the plane tickets. Chanu has never home.
followed through on any of his big plans, but he appears to
have followed through on this one. Just one hour before the family is supposed to depart for the
airport, Nazneen informs Chanu that she cannot go with him
and neither can the girls. Chanu is deeply sad, but he doesn't

Insight from Hasina get angry. He understands why Nazneen can't go back, and
she realizes that he can't be happy in London. They agree to
let each other go, holding onto each other as they talk.
Hasina's next letter details how their father, Hamid, was a
Weeping, Nazneen realizes that she and Chanu have
philanderer. The times that he left the family were actually
developed a love for each other that goes beyond what she
visits to other women. She tells Nazneen that their mother did
expected. Yet it is right for her to stay in London.
not accidentally impale herself, but fell intentionally on the
spear to commit suicide. In Islam, suicide is the worst sin
against God, which frames Rupban in an entirely different light
for Nazneen. The mother she thought was so devout was Free to Try Anything
desperate enough to commit this sin. Nazneen decides that it
is time she change her own life. She and her children don't Razia and Nazneen, now both single mothers, start a sewing

want to go to Bangladesh to live, but this doesn't mean Chanu business. Nazneen gets letters from Chanu about his daily

can't go. The neighbors hear that the family is going, though, routines, and he also calls her on the phone to talk with her

and Mrs. Islam comes to collect the rest of the money Chanu regularly. He doesn't share how he is making a living, and

owes her. Nazneen has figured out that they have not only paid Nazneen decides that she doesn't want to press him about it.

their debt to Mrs. Islam, but they have overpaid, so they owe Chanu informs her that her sister, Hasina, has run away with

her nothing. Nazneen infuriates Mrs. Islam, but she stands her Zaid, the cook from James and Lovely's home, and he doesn't

ground, refusing to give Mrs. Islam any more money. Her next know where they have gone. Nazneen and Chanu continue to

task is to do something about Karim, who has many good live their separate lives, only sharing mundane details. Razia

qualities, but as a complete person he is not someone with and Nazneen's daughters become close, and one day, to

whom she can see herself having a future. Karim tells her that surprise Nazneen, they blindfold her and take her on a bus,

his trip out of town was to see the bride his father has telling her they have something for her. When they get off at a

arranged for him to marry, but he refused the marriage for stop and Nazneen removes her blindfold, she sees an ice

Nazneen. Nazneen tells him she can't marry him, and Karim skating rink in front of her. She insists that there is no way she

thinks that this is because she can't tolerate the idea that they can skate in a sari, feeling as if it is too late to learn this free-

have committed a sin against God. spirited sport. But Razia will hear nothing of it. She tells
Nazneen that she is a Londoner, and she is free to try just
about anything.

Family Split
Nazneen doesn't know how to tell Chanu that she won't go to
Bangladesh, and Chanu has packed nearly all of their

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Plot Diagram



Falling Action

Rising Action 8

6 14



7. Chanu borrows from Mrs. Islam and buys a sewing machine.

8. Nazneen sews; Chanu works as a taxi driver.

1. Nazneen, born two months early in Gouripur, nearly dies. 9. Nazneen and Karim, who delivers tailoring, begin an affair.

10. Nazneen becomes ill; Chanu tends to her and their

Rising Action

2. Rupban dies. Later, Nazneen marries Chanu, moving to


3. Hasina runs from her abusive husband, escaping to Dhaka. 11. Chanu and Nazneen see the September 11 attacks on TV.

4. Nazneen has a baby boy, Raqib.

5. Raqib becomes seriously ill and dies in the hospital.

Falling Action
6. Hasina loses her job, works as a prostitute, and then is a
maid. 12. Chanu buys tickets to Dhaka. Karim wants to marry

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13. Nazneen won't pay more loan money. She won't marry

14. Nazneen tells Chanu she won't go to Dhaka; he departs



15. Nazneen and Razia start a company. Nazneen will visit


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Timeline of Events


Nazneen is born two months early and nearly dies.

Hasina is born about two years later.

c. 1981

Rupban commits suicide.


Nazneen marries Chanu and moves to East London.

About a year later

Nazneen announces she is pregnant.

A week later

Hasina escapes to Dhaka, running from her abusive


Late 1987

Nazneen has a baby boy, Raqib, who becomes the

center of her life.

Spring 1988

Raqib becomes seriously ill and dies in the hospital.

Late 1990

Nazneen gives birth to Shahana.


Hasina loses her job, is raped, and turns to prostitution

for survival. Nazneen gives birth to Bibi.


Hasina marries Ahmed, gets kicked out, and gets a job

as a maid.

February 2001

Chanu borrows money from Mrs. Islam to buy a

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computer and a sewing machine.

Later that spring

Chanu brings sewing work for Nazneen and gets a job.

Karim arrives and invites Nazneen to a meeting.

May 2001

The Oldham riots happen, and the Bengal Tigers plan a

protest. Nazneen and Karim begin an affair.

July–August 2001

Nazneen becomes ill and is bedridden. Chanu tends to


September 11, 2001

Chanu and Nazneen see the World Trade Center and

Pentagon attack on TV.

Days later

Chanu buys a suitcase and starts packing. Nazneen tells

Karim, who wants her to divorce Chanu.

October 20–22, 2001

Chanu and Nazneen go to a Bengal Tigers meeting.

Chanu buys tickets to Dhaka.

October 26–27, 2001

Nazneen refuses to pay Mrs. Islam, breaks up with Karim,

and finds Shahana, who has run away.

October 27, 9 p.m.

Nazneen tells Chanu she can't go, but he can't stay.

March 2002

Nazneen and Razia start a business, Hasina flees with

Zaid, and Nazneen agrees to visit Chanu.

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guest that evening, Dr. Azad, who is Chanu's doctor. She notes
c Chapter Summaries that she is surrounded by more furniture than she has ever had
in her life: rugs on the floor and figurines in the china cabinet.
She realizes that this is better than anything she had at home.

Chapter 1 She reads a few passages from the Qur'an and falls asleep on
the couch, waking to realize she has only a couple of hours to
make dinner. She accidentally cuts herself and wonders how
long it would take to completely bleed out. She thinks about
Summary her sister Hasina and worries about her fate. She also thinks
about how much or how little she can attribute to fate,
In 1967 Nazneen is born two months early to Rupban in a small
including a late dinner. She realizes that Chanu is not like other
village in East Pakistan (later Bangladesh), nearly dead and
husbands who would beat her if she suggested such a thing.
unable to nurse. Mumtaz, Rupban's sister-in-law, wants to take
Chanu doesn't beat her, and he is a kind, gentle husband,
the baby to the local hospital, but Rupban decides to leave
although she has overheard him say that she is not beautiful,
Nazneen's survival to fate. The midwife Banesa says the child
which upsets her. Still, he is proud of what she can do, and she
will not survive, but Nazneen begins to nurse after five days.
realizes that being in love is not something she should expect.
Her father, Hamid, stays away while her mother cries right
She rereads a letter from her sister Hasina, who talks about
along with the baby. Nazneen's hero is her mother, a model of
her own love marriage and thinks of Nazneen as a princess, far
patience and piety, and Nazneen gets her strength from
away. Hasina seems fulfilled by her marriage.
Rupban. She grows up to be a serious child, and later, a
serious young woman, intent on accepting whatever fate As she is trying to prepare dinner, Mrs. Islam and Razia Iqbal
delivers to her. arrive to visit. They tell her about a woman who just committed
suicide by jumping off the roof of a tall building. Chanu says
Hasina, Nazneen's younger sister, is born a few years later and
that Mrs. Islam is an acceptable acquaintance for Nazneen,
is stunningly beautiful. She doesn't listen to anyone and elopes
even though Mrs. Islam also socializes with the so-called
at age 16 with Malek, the nephew of the sawmill owner. Hamid
peasants in the neighborhood, the Sylhetis, whom Chanu
becomes livid with rage, sharpens an axe, and stands guard at
disdains. Mrs. Islam gossips about Jorina, a woman who keeps
the village entrance to kill Hasina when she comes back.
purdah, staying away from outsiders and covering herself in
However, Hasina never comes back. Hamid goes back to his
public at all times, but she also has to work in a factory to
job supervising field workers, and nothing more is said about
survive. Mrs. Islam predicts that Jorina will ultimately find a way
Hasina. Nazneen, whose upcoming marriage has been
to assimilate. Nazneen's guests finally leave so that she can
arranged by her father, simply wants to be a good wife, as her
prepare dinner for Dr. Azad, who Chanu thinks can help him
mother is. She is willing to marry the prospective groom, sight
convince Mr. Dalloway, his boss, to give Chanu a promotion.
unseen, but she spots the photograph Hamid has of Chanu, her
groom. Chanu has the face of a frog, is fat, and is in his 40s,
while Nazneen is only 18. She accepts Chanu as her future Analysis
husband, though, and does so without complaint.
At the opening of the novel, the author characterizes Nazneen
It is now 1985, and Nazneen lives in the borough of Tower
and Hasina, using their birth stories to convey their
Hamlets in a housing project near Brick Lane in East London.
personalities. Each girl has grown to be an adult with a
Her husband, Chanu, works as a civil servant in a government
personality closely resembling her childhood self. Nazneen
office. Nazneen fills her time by cooking and cleaning all day
takes after her mother, using religion to keep herself from
while watching her neighbors from the window. One of them,
wanting anything or complaining, and Hasina is like her father,
the tattoo woman, sits in her kitchen at the window, smoking,
wandering off according to her passions. Nazneen worries
drinking beer, and tossing the cans from the window. She is
about Hasina's future, and Hasina idolizes Nazneen.
covered in tattoos and wears a man's undershirt through which
Nazneen can see that her breasts are tattooed as well. The author uses the description of the photograph to
Nazneen waves to her. Nazneen plans to make dinner for a characterize Chanu. She elaborates on Chanu's personality by

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describing what Nazneen does for him, and how he continually no agency in her life at all; she has yet to discover her own
pontificates (expresses with a pompous attitude) on matters power.
that are important to him but accomplish nothing. He compares
himself with other immigrants to make himself feel superior,
but he does this because to white English people, all Chapter 2
immigrants look low class. He wants to distinguish himself in
their eyes but knows he can't.

Nazneen's observations of the people around her and the

environment give the reader an idea of what is going on in
Dr. Azad is Chanu's dinner guest, and they talk about the bad
Nazneen's mind and how she feels about her life. She is
effects of alcohol on young men in their community. Chanu
fascinated by the tattoo woman and wonders if they could sit
tells Dr. Azad he will take his family back to Bangladesh so
together and talk. She feels a connection with the tattoo
they don't get influenced by these types of people. Dr. Azad
woman because they are both bored, one by sitting and doing
refers to this desire as Going Home Syndrome and says he has
nothing but drinking alone, and the other by busying herself
thought about going back, but he never ends up doing it.
around the house, equally alone. The tattoo woman reflects
Chanu talks about his prospects for a promotion, considering
Nazneen's loneliness and longing for her home and family.
his degrees and certificates and his excellent attendance
Nazneen is not in love with Chanu, but she thinks she should record. Dr. Azad tells him that he probably should get the
feel lucky because Chanu has surrounded her with more promotion, and Chanu asks him about his contact with Mr.
material goods than she could ever have in Bangladesh. Her Dalloway. Dr. Azad doesn't know Mr. Dalloway. Nazneen
observations of the furniture show that she uses quantity notices that Chanu has spilled food on himself, while the
rather than quality to encourage herself. The furniture is stifling impeccably neat Dr. Azad remains clean. She is ashamed of
and large, and the couch is the color of "cow dung." The author Chanu for trying to get Dr. Azad to influence people for him.
uses the descriptions of the furniture to show that Nazneen's Chanu talks about how he has been treated like a common
surroundings are actually of low quality, and that her husband peasant as an immigrant and how his family constantly pesters
is a bit of a hoarder. him for money.

Mrs. Islam's character is established through a description of Later, Nazneen watches ice skating on television as she tries
her appearance, with her big, black bag and her various to clean up. She is drawn to the skaters in their glittery
ailments. She is a gossip, and she is highly judgmental of the costumes, and she feels a surge of joy when she watches
people she discusses. Razia talks about people, too, but she them, imagining herself being twirled around like that by a man.
has sympathy for the trials women go through as well as the Chanu continues to talk about how a coworker, Wilkie, drinks
judgments made against them by the men in the community. with the boss at a pub, thinking that this will get him the
The description of Razia, a "bony clown," characterizes her as promotion. Chanu says that white people in these positions
a person who experiences difficulties in her life but covers hate that immigrants are doing better than they are, which is
them up with humor. Razia has become the one person in why they create groups like the National Front, a conservative
Nazneen's life who makes her feel less alone. nationalist group. Later, as Nazneen trims Chanu's corns on his
feet, he tells her he thinks the dinner was a success. They go
Nazneen, like her mother, takes on the role of sainthood with to bed, and as he snores, Nazneen gets up to eat in front of the
Chanu, deferring to his opinion so much that even when she is open fridge, watching the tattoo lady, who is still drinking.
pregnant and needs to tell him, she begins by asking him if the
bed is too soft for him. The bed is too soft for her because her Every day feels the same for Nazneen because she never goes
back has begun to hurt, but she doesn't let him know this. She out, except occasionally with Chanu. Chanu tells her he gets
offers to sleep on the floor because she will need to do this everything she needs so there is no need for her to go out.
anyway when she is a mother. Everything she says to Chanu When she does ask for something when they shop, he
tiptoes around the truth, as she tries to find a way to express it launches into a philosophical discussion and tells her he has
so that Chanu will be pleased. Nazneen still thinks that she has more important things to think about than what she wants.

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However, he ends up getting her what she asks for. Nazneen's never done anything like this, and the idea of abandoning
life expands a little when Razia moves to a building closer to herself to such joy is an impossible dream. By watching the
hers, and she begins to visit Razia. Razia's apartment has room skaters, Nazneen transforms into a "new Nazneen." She
in it for expansion, unlike Nazneen's. Nazneen tells Razia about imagines herself in the arms of the male skater, as if in a fairy
Hasina's love marriage, and Razia does an impression of Mrs. tale. When skating season ends, the "old Nazneen" comes
Islam, disapproving of love marriages. Razia doesn't want her back, stuck in an apartment living the life of a housewife.
own daughter, Shefali, to marry for love, though. Razia's visits
help Nazneen to stay happy, and her prayer and housework Nazneen's friendship with Razia blossoms into a solid

busy her mind enough to keep from wanting something better. connection, where they tell each other about their lives and

She defers to Chanu's opinion on everything even when she Razia makes Nazneen laugh. Razia is the only person who

tries to tell Chanu she needs a bedroll to sleep on because she makes Nazneen's life tolerable right now, and the author shows

is pregnant. Chanu busies himself in the evenings with drawing how the foundation of their friendship is created through their

the house he wants to build in Dhaka, and later, Nazneen gets conversations with each other about love marriages and family.

a disturbing letter from Hasina. The author also uses the way that Razia is dressed and the
way she looks to contrast her comfort with herself with
Nazneen's self-consciousness and fear. Razia doesn't care
Analysis what anyone thinks of her anymore, and she doesn't pay
attention to how she dresses. She wears what the narrator
The author uses the dinner with Dr. Azad to introduce his describes as a pair of cheap and oversized shoes, which
character. Dr. Azad is extremely soft-spoken, so much so that suggest that she is the wife of an abusive and stingy husband.
Nazneen and Chanu have to lean forward to hear him. This Her sari is always bunched up or put on wrong, and the thick,
makes Nazneen unable to cover up the look on her face when black shoes she wears are more suited, Nazneen thinks, to
Chanu goes off on a tangent. She feels guilty about overalls, not a sari.
exchanging looks with Dr. Azad, especially because she can't
tell if Dr. Azad actually likes Chanu or is there because Chanu
pressured him into coming to dinner. Everything Chanu does Chapter 3
during dinner is oafish and clumsy, including the food he spills
on himself. Nazneen notices every tiny detail about people,
which not only serves to improve characterization but also Summary
shows that Nazneen is highly intelligent. She takes in
everything around her and uses it to educate herself. In this chapter, Nazneen looks at everything around her with
different eyes. She doesn't see her situation as better than
Chanu thinks that the dinner has been a success, but for the
Bangladesh now. Rather, she sees how rundown the estate
wrong reasons. Dr. Azad is developing a liking for Chanu, or at
housing project is, how even the pigeons look like prisoners,
least mild amusement, but Chanu wants Dr. Azad to put in a
and she hears a screaming baby and the clatter of the chains
good word for him with his boss, Mr. Dalloway. It turns out that
used to make sure furniture for sale on the sidewalk doesn't
Dr. Azad doesn't even know Mr. Dalloway or doesn't remember
get stolen. Nazneen hurts her ankle but continues her walk to
him as a patient. This interaction illustrates how Chanu's
Brick Lane. Garbage is everywhere, and there are movie
failures occur. He thinks he knows what he is looking at and
posters with actors who passionately stare into each other's
experiencing, pairing it with his high opinion of himself to
eyes. Nazneen is surrounded by white people who don't see
assume an outcome. Chanu is almost always wrong about the
her; she is as invisible as God, she thinks. Then she realizes
outcome, and he has a difficult time taking responsibility for his
she has just compared herself to God, and she starts to cry.
own mistakes. Chanu is right, however, that his race and his
She tries to recite a verse from the Qur'an and soon realizes
status as an immigrant make him less likely to get a promotion
that she is lost—just like Hasina.
when there is a white man there to take the job.
Nazneen sits down on a park bench, nursing her sore ankle
The author introduces the ice skaters in this chapter, who
and thinking about Hasina, who has run away from Malek to
symbolize joy and freedom of expression for Nazneen. She has

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Dhaka to avoid being beaten. Hasina describes her things might change, though, if an imam (person who leads
surroundings, including a beggar woman whom she thinks is prayers in a mosque) could get pregnant, and then she feels
brave to be on the street. As Nazneen is thinking, she realizes bad that she has joked about her religion in her mind.
that her bladder is extremely full, but she doesn't know where
to relieve herself. She can't go to a Bengali store because the Razia interrupts her thoughts, bringing medicine to help

men will talk about her, just as Hasina will be talked about Nazneen with her urinary infection. Nazneen tells her about

because she is living alone. Razia has warned her that it is only Hasina's latest upbeat letter. Mr. Chowdhury, Hasina's new

in English stores that she can remain invisible and impervious landlord, will get her a job at the garment factory, she says, and

to rumor. Nazneen wonders if she is anywhere near Chanu's will take care of her. Razia doubts that he is different from any

workplace and what he might be doing at work. She wanders other man. Razia tells her about Amina, another neighbor, filing

and is stopped by a stranger who tries to speak with her in for divorce because her husband hid a second wife. Razia

Hindi, and then in Urdu, neither of which she understands. He thinks Nazneen is lucky not to have a husband who wants

tries English, and she mutters one of the few words she knows, more than one wife, and she asks about Chanu's promotion.

"Sorry." Despite her disorientation, Nazneen realizes that this is Nazneen explains that Chanu feels that racism is causing him

the first time she has spoken English with anyone. to be held back at work. Razia tells Nazneen that white people
can be good or bad anywhere, but in England, one can get
Nazneen finally arrives at home and makes dinner. Chanu money even if one is out of work. She takes off her hat to show
walks in and starts talking about how nothing can be done to Nazneen her short haircut, and Nazneen worries aloud that
help Hasina, and Nazneen begins to hate him. She tells him Razia's husband will be angry. Razia says she doesn't care
that he could go to Dhaka and find Hasina, but Chanu mocks what her husband thinks; he is always angry. She leaves to go
the idea, calling it impossible. Nazneen wants to scream at him to her English class at a local college.
and tell him that if she could find her way through London,
urinate in a pub, get help in a Bangladeshi restaurant, and That night, Chanu, who hasn't noticed any of Nazneen's

make it home by herself, Chanu could find Hasina. Chanu says rebellious acts, tells her that he took a petition to Dr. Azad to

they should leave Hasina's plight to fate. For the first time, start a lending library at the estate. Dr. Azad was not happy

Nazneen is furious at this idea, one that she has lived by her that Chanu wants to be the head of the project, but Chanu

entire life. Nazneen is so angry at Chanu for not helping Hasina claims that he, as an educated, literary man, is the one who

that she starts to rebel against him in the only ways she can, by should do it. Nazneen asks Chanu if she can take English

messing up the food and the housework. Chanu doesn't say a classes with Razia, and Chanu tells her she won't have time for

thing about the hot chilies she hides in his sandwiches, the such a thing because of the baby. As he sleeps, Nazneen goes

dirty socks in his drawer, or the jumble she has created with his into the kitchen to eat. She thinks about Makku Pagla, a man in

files. When Mrs. Islam takes her to Dr. Azad for a checkup, she her village who was said to be crazy because he read books.

tells Nazneen about women in her home village who got men to She remembers that Makku Pagla killed himself in the village

dig a new well by withholding sex from them. Mrs. Islam thinks well, and it took bribery to get anyone to haul out the body.

that Nazneen should find ways to make her husband do what Afterward, Hamid leaves for three days, and Rupban cries.

she wants because she has that power. Nazneen asks where Hamid has gone, and Rupban tells her
that if God had meant for them to ask questions, they would be
When Nazneen sees Dr. Azad, he asks about various aspects men.
of her health, and she tells him she is fine. However, she has an
infection that causes burning and itching when she urinates,
but she is trained to not complain about anything so she Analysis
doesn't tell him about it. She asks Dr. Azad if he can come to
dinner again, and he agrees, saying he has a book Chanu has Nazneen finally breaks out of the estate and wanders around
lent him that he still wants to read. Nazneen realizes that Dr. East London, showing that she is beginning to feel as if she
Azad and Chanu have been socializing and she didn't know it. can fit in, or at least make do with where her life has landed
When she gets home, she prays in the way that pregnant her. But the author uses Nazneen's thoughts to show that even
women are allowed to position themselves and appreciates when her mind goes off on tangents, Nazneen monitors herself
that Islam accounts for women's needs. She thinks about how as if God is watching everything she does. Nazneen is her own

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harshest critic. She also begins to think about Chanu in wider that Mrs. Islam is really not a nice person; she is one to watch
terms, wondering about his work life. Chanu doesn't share out for. She already knows everyone's business, so if she
what, exactly, he does at work. He only shares his feelings thinks sexual manipulation is a good idea, it's not a far stretch
about where he is and where he should be in comparison to to think she will use people's secrets against them. The
other people at his job. This curiosity about Chanu's life shows author's description of Mrs. Islam also makes her unlikeable,
that Nazneen would like their marriage to be one of even though Nazneen tries hard to treat her well. Nazneen
communication, not just the monologue she listens to while fulfills the tradition of allowing elders to make decisions for her,
nodding. The author uses this change of setting to allow but this adherence to culture may become harmful.
Nazneen's character to also begin changing.
The scene with Dr. Azad shows how women have been
Nazneen has not spoken to another person in English, ever, conditioned in Bangladeshi culture to not complain, especially
and even though her first conversation is to say that she about intimate health issues. It feels extremely uncomfortable
doesn't speak English, she says one of the words she knows, to Nazneen to talk with a man about her urinary problems, and
and it works. Her pride about being able to take care of herself worse, Dr. Azad is someone she has interacted with socially.
is unusual for Nazneen, who has always thought that fate Nazneen would rather suffer than go through an explanation
should be allowed to manifest, and she has no power to regarding her urinary infection. This is also a reflection of the
change anything herself. But now, Nazneen is changing her lack of importance given to women in general in Bangladeshi
ability to communicate with the outside world, which will begin culture, where they are told to be subordinate to men. In
to change her life. The author also reveals later, when Nazneen addition, Nazneen has to go to the doctor accompanied by
becomes angry at Chanu, that Nazneen goes into an English Mrs. Islam as her chaperone. In strict Muslim households in
pub and asks to use the bathroom. This may seem like a small Bangladesh, women are not allowed out in public without a
thing, but for Nazneen, it's a huge personal risk and a big step chaperone, usually an older married woman or a man in the
toward independence. family.

The section of the chapter about the various things Nazneen Chanu dismisses Nazneen's desire to learn English because he
does to rebel against Chanu is hilariously funny, and the author still thinks that he should be the one to provide the link
uses humor to show how subtly Nazneen expresses her anger. between Nazneen and the English world. Nazneen is unwilling
If it weren't funny, it would be sad because Nazneen does all of to push the issue, and she thinks about a man in her village
these things to no effect. The only person she hurts is herself driven to suicide. People around him said that books drove him
because the apartment starts to become a mess and she has to it, but Nazneen begins to realize that it is the bullying he
to live in it all day. Nazneen can't just yell at Chanu or argue experienced that might have been the cause. Chanu talks so
with him about going to English classes because she has been much about the importance of books and literature, and yet he
taught to be a quiet and obedient wife. This is a communication won't allow Nazneen to read the books for herself. He has to
barrier she can't break through, but she's doing her best to be the one who interprets the information, as he is trying to
make her feelings known. She thinks Chanu isn't noticing what keep Nazneen from knowing anything beyond her insular
she does, but later in the novel, Chanu will reveal that this is not world. The reader can infer that Nazneen wonders how Chanu
the case. Chanu does a wonderful job of completely ignoring would treat her if she became a person who was always
Nazneen's efforts to anger him, which shows how kind at heart reading, as he does. The statement by her mother at the end of
he is and how much he loves his wife. It also makes him look the chapter sums up this idea, that men are supposed to know
completely clueless about what happens around him. This is a everything and women are not supposed to want to know
characterization that, at this point in the novel, seems to information or be curious to learn. Chanu would have felt bad
describe Chanu thoroughly, but Chanu is not a flat character. for the man in the well, but he would also think that an
There is much more to Chanu than the author reveals at this educated Nazneen might be driven crazy by too much
time. information.

Mrs. Islam's suggestion to withhold sex from husbands shows

that she is a person who believes that manipulation is the key
to getting what one wants. This moment is a clue to the reader

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so, husband." Chanu misses this subtext. Chanu wonders what

Chapter 4 to say to Dr. Azad when they arrive, and Nazneen wonders why
his sense of etiquette is nonexistent. She also realizes that he
is dressed like a slob when he used to take pride in the way he
Summary dressed. She understands what he means, though, when he
tells her he'll say they were just passing by and thought they
Nazneen gives birth to a baby boy, Mohammad Raqib. Chanu would drop in. To Nazneen's horror, they are arriving at Dr.
calls him Ruku, and he has high hopes for him. Chanu Azad's house uninvited. She rues the day she married Chanu,
complains about Razia coming to visit because he thinks that wondering why her father chose such an uncouth person. She
Razia is a bad influence on Nazneen. Mrs. Islam comes to visit remembers her mother and aunt crying over how husbands
and gives more unwanted advice about things Nazneen behave. She also remembers seeing Mustafa, a man who
already knows to do or not do. Mrs. Islam insists that Nazneen kidnapped a young girl but was caught after three days. He
give the baby to her for a few hours so that she can clean the was hanging from a tree, dying, and she refused to help him,
house. There are too many decrepit chairs in the front room for thinking that fate should take its course. When Chanu and
Nazneen to clean anything. Nazneen refuses because she Nazneen get to Dr. Azad's house, Chanu rings the bell, and a
wants to mother her son herself without interference. Mrs. woman with short, dyed hair and a skintight purple miniskirt
Islam is offended and compares her to white people who keep answers the door. Chanu thinks they are at the wrong place,
everything private. but the woman tells them they have come to the right house.

Nazneen focuses all of her attention on Raqib, even when

Chanu talks about Dr. Azad not inviting them to his home to
reciprocate hospitality. He talks incessantly about the projects
he will do and the promotion, which is now not entirely certain. In this chapter, the author fleshes out the character of Mrs.
Nazneen realizes that he will never follow through on these Islam. She is relentless, trying to garner Nazneen's
projects but will keep talking about them as if he plans to do dependence, but Nazneen resists. Nazneen just wants to be
so. For her part, Nazneen is prone to fantasizing that she is with Raqib alone because she and the baby are linked
independent, and she is so busy with the baby that she ends emotionally. This is the first time she has ever had someone
up missing her prayers. She berates herself for missing completely love her or at least the first time she has felt that
prayers when she is busy thinking about herself as a skater in love. Mrs. Islam's intimation that Nazneen is like white parents
a magazine. She also thinks about being independent when who keep everything private, particularly child abuse, is a dig at
she reads Hasina's letters. Nazneen to make her change her mind. It doesn't work, but the
reader gets an idea of how far Mrs. Islam is willing to go to
When Nazneen visits Razia, she sees a house in chaos and
shame someone into doing what she wants. Razia's story
children who beg for money for things they don't need. When
regarding Mrs. Islam's husband's business and her shady deals
the kids are outside, Razia tells Nazneen that her husband is
now fill in the picture. Mrs. Islam is not to be trusted.
working all the time, but he sends all of his money to his
brother in Bangladesh. Razia thinks she may need to get a job. Nazneen is in kind of a daze, being a mother completely in love
Razia doesn't care what anyone thinks about her, even Mrs. with her baby. She is prone to fantasizing about being an
Islam. Razia tells Nazneen that Mrs. Islam's handkerchiefs in independent woman, which comes from being in charge of
her sleeve are a leftover from when she helped her husband another person and from her sister's letters. Nazneen takes
run an illegal business. She used the handkerchiefs as signals. care of Chanu, but not from a position of power. With Raqib,
Razia intimates that Mrs. Islam is still a shady businesswoman. she is the authority, for the first time ever. She feels guilty
Their neighbor Jorina is the subject of gossip because she got about the changes in her life, though, when they interfere with
a job and her husband has started having affairs. prayer.

Nazneen and Chanu head to Dr. Azad's home, purportedly to Razia's home situation looks strange to Nazneen because
have dinner. Chanu rattles on about everything around him, and there is so much in the apartment for the children, and yet they
Nazneen tries to register disagreement by saying, "If you say want more. But there is another change that Razia confides,

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the money situation with her husband. Razia's husband beats tries to fill the awkward silence by nattering on about the
her, but he also abuses her and the children by withholding house he wants to build in Dhaka. Dr. Azad looks extremely
money from them. uncomfortable, and Nazneen suspects he comes to visit them
to get away from Mrs. Azad.
Razia is willing to take on the judgment of the neighborhood by
taking a job. At this point in her marriage, she doesn't care The Azads' daughter comes into the room to ask for money to
what people think about her. It would be a relief if her husband go to the pub. She is even more scantily dressed than her
left. Razia has also shorn her head, and she takes power from mother. She leaves without saying hello to the guests, and
this act, removing something that is so attractive to men. Her Chanu comments on how it is a tragedy that immigrants'
clothing is also changing, as she wears a salwaar kameez children have to balance two cultures. Mrs. Azad disagrees
(loose pants and matching tunic), with a ratty, huge sweater with Chanu. England is a western society, where people follow
over it. Razia is changing in response to the abuse from her western customs. Women can do whatever they want here,
husband, but she is taking charge of her life. Nazneen looks on she says, and she thinks the real tragedy is that some
in awe because she doesn't have the courage to take charge immigrant women think they have to cover up and hold back
of her own life. while the men get to do whatever they want. She then asks
Nazneen to come with her while she smokes. She gives Raqib
Nazneen is learning more and more about Chanu's willingness a ratty teddy bear that was her daughter's. Nazneen begins to
to just barrel through life and assume things are going to turn like Mrs. Azad, weirdly, and realizes that Dr. Azad comes to her
out well. She is mortified to learn that they are going to Dr. home to see a family who is unhappier than he is, making his
Azad's house without being invited. Chanu doesn't tell her this own tolerable.
information, because on some level, he knows he's doing
something stupid, but he doesn't want to be corrected. Chanu That night, Nazneen has a nightmare that Hasina, who works in
wants his friendship with Dr. Azad to be reciprocal, so he takes a garment factory, puts the hot iron on her own body. She
matters into his own hands. He's pushy and blind to social wakes up to find that Raqib's skin is blazing hot, and he is not
rules. To their surprise, though, Dr. Azad is married to a woman responsive. Chanu comes to the hallway where Nazneen is
they would never have expected, the exact opposite of the trying to rouse the baby, and he can't get Raqib to respond
doctor. either.

Chapter 5 Analysis
Dr. Azad's family is a complete surprise to Nazneen and Chanu.
Poor Chanu has brought this discomfort on himself by deciding
Summary to drop by unannounced and uninvited. Dr. Azad and Chanu are
both frozen and speechless. Chanu's efforts to smooth things
Dr. Azad's house is not at all what Chanu and Nazneed
out socially include breaking a rule for Muslims, the rule not to
expected. It is loud and tacky, and his wife fits right into the
drink alcohol. Nazneen wonders how she could be married to a
scene. Dr. Azad comes down when his wife yells to him, and he
man who is so lax about religion since it is central to her life.
and Chanu stare at each other, completely frozen, unable to
She also wonders how he could have decided it was a good
think of what to say. Chanu finally blurts out that he and
idea to visit Dr. Azad. It comes as no surprise to her that Chanu
Nazneen were just passing by and thought they would say
brings up his usual topic of conversation: the projects he will
hello. Dr. Azad gives his apologies about not having dinner
never start, much less finish. Nazneen's inner thoughts reveal
since they already ate, but his wife cuts him off and invites
the awkwardness of the external situation and the internal
them to dinner. Dinner consists of TV dinners while sitting in
horror she feels.
the living room with the television on full blast. Mrs. Azad drinks
beer, and Chanu agrees to have one. Nazneen is disgusted by When Mrs. Azad offers the teddy bear, Nazneen realizes that
his willingness to do something that is not allowed in their this woman is likeable, albeit crass. Mrs. Azad's outburst
religion and worries that he will start eating pigs next. Chanu against Chanu's assessment of culture is something Nazneen

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would never do, but she admires it. Mrs. Azad's defense of sending all of his money to an imam for a new mosque while
women's self-guided actions and dress has an appeal to insisting his family live on what is in the cupboards. Razia wants
Nazneen, who knows she won't change her own appearance, to get a job to support her children, but her husband has
but still thinks about it in her fantasies. Despite her first threatened to slit her throat if she does. Razia also tells
reaction, Nazneen decides that Mrs. Azad is not such a bad Nazneen that Mrs. Islam is a loan shark; she has been charging
person. their friend Amina 33 percent interest on a loan, and Mrs.
Islam's sons have threatened to break her arms if she doesn't
Nazneen's idea that Dr. Azad comes to her house to see a make a payment. When Razia leaves to go home, Nazneen tells
family that is more unhappy than his seems unlikely. What does her to say hello to the tattoo woman for her, but Razia says she
seem likely is that Dr. Azad misses aspects of his culture was taken to an institution, having been found in her own filth.
because nothing at his home is Muslim or Bengali. By visiting Razia wonders why no one helped her when her distress was
Chanu and Nazneen, he gets to experience Bengali culture, obviously visible to everyone.
and this feels comforting to him. He may not be happy in his
relationship, but what Nazneen doesn't account for is his Nazneen prays and realizes that Raqib has survived because
relationship with Chanu. There is a friendship growing there of God's will, not hers. She decides that she should not be
that is solid. Chanu drinks a beer because he wants to make trying to eradicate desire in herself, which is impossible and
sure his friend doesn't feel awful about the visit. Chanu, in his deadly. On the eighth day in the hospital, when they are talking
own bumbling, monologuing way, is being a good friend, and about Mrs. Islam, Chanu tells Nazneen that he has to be honest
Dr. Azad seems grateful for it at the same time that he is with his family in Bangladesh and tell them he isn't rich. He
embarrassed by his wife and daughter. says he needs to stop being hypocritical. Nazneen disagrees
and thinks of the Bengali saying "sinking, sinking, drinking
Nightmares often reflect sensations that a person is feeling in water," where everyone is dying of thirst and the hypocrite
real life, and Nazneen's nightmare about her sister alerts her to dives into a pond to sink lower than everyone else. Chanu
Raqib's illness. Nazneen and Chanu are both powerless to help admits to Nazneen that he quit his job. Chanu plans to act
their son. more and talk less from now on. Nazneen goes to see Raqib,
who has been taken away for tests, and she thinks about how
her mother left her life to fate. If she had done the same for
Chapter 6 Raqib, he would have died. She becomes angry with her
mother for being irresponsible. She realizes that her mother
may have been wrong about her complete faith in fate, thinking
Summary now that she may understand why her father left for days at a
time. She remembers the day she and Mumtaz had to wash
Nazneen rides in the ambulance with Raqib, stifling screams as Rupban's body before burial. Mumtaz counseled, while we are
Raqib is taken from her and put into an incubator. She and waiting to find out what God's will is, we have to manage on our
Chanu wait in a room for parents of children who are seriously own. This is the day that Nazneen is finally able to cry for her
ill. Chanu periodically goes to get her food from the hospital's mother.
cafeteria, and then he starts to cook at home and bring her
Nazneen dozes off, and when she wakes up, Razia is there.
meals. As the days pass, Nazneen realizes that she doesn't
Razia tells her that her husband is dead. He was crushed by 17
hate Chanu, but has begun to understand him. He pushes
frozen cows in an accident at his job with the halal
through everything while she pulls back, but their goals are the
slaughterhouse (where meat is prepared according to Muslim
same. Nazneen wills Raqib to get better, and he appears to be
law). Razia says that now she can get a job, because he can't
recovering from his fever and red rash. Chanu's meals are
stop her.
excellent, Nazneen discovers, and she realizes that she had no
idea her husband is such a good cook.
Nazneen heads home to the apartment for the first time in
days and is disgusted by the mess she encounters. Chanu has
Nazneen's neighbors come to visit at the hospital, and Razia
started to fix some of the chairs, but most of the furniture is
stays the longest, sitting in the family room with Nazneen. She
broken. Nazneen's friend Hanufa comes by with food, though
tells Nazneen that her husband has begun to starve the family,

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Chanu has provided plenty. Nazneen is then alone in the but she also realizes that this death is a reprieve from the
apartment. She takes a bath and opens the dark wardrobe she abuse. Now she can take care of her family the way she wants.
has always hated. She tries on a pair of Chanu's pants, then This is one example of the power women have to make the
she puts on an underskirt and lifts it so she can see what she best of bad situations as well as to support a family with their
would look like in a short skirt. She likes what she sees. She skills and talents.
lies down and dreams for a bit, and then she gets up to write a
letter to Hasina. She can't figure out what to say and tries to Razia's tale about Mrs. Islam proves that the latter is still not to

draw, something she has never done. She wonders if, by willing be trusted and could be dangerous. Women in the estate who

her son to live, she has caused Razia's husband to die. She are left by their husbands, are divorcing them, or are being

leaves for the hospital, smiling when a group of young men flirt mistreated financially are in a very vulnerable position. Mrs.

with her. When she gets to the hospital, Chanu is in Raqib's Islam's knowledge of their daily lives allows her to prey on

empty room. Chanu says their son is gone, and Nazneen thinks them at their low points, and her violent sons make sure she

he means they are doing tests on him. He asks if she will be the keeps getting paid. Nazneen still doesn't quite believe Razia,

one to wash Raqib, and she says she always does that. She but this news is important.

begins to tidy up, and Chanu gets angry, starting to cry. He

The disappearance of the tattoo woman is a sad development.
holds on to Nazneen, and she realizes that by "gone," he
The question Razia asks suggests that Nazneen has been so
means dead. She remembers children buried in Gouripur,
tied to her own life and so willing to allow fate to take over that
wrapped in white, clean and pure.
she didn't try to help the tattoo woman. She saw her every day
and knew what her situation was; when she disappeared from
the window, someone should have noticed. Nazneen did not
Analysis take notice, and neither did anyone else, so the woman got no
help from neighbors. If fate is left to be the deciding factor in
The time in the hospital provides an opportunity for Nazneen to
people's lives, then others use it as an excuse to do nothing,
see Chanu's true personality and learn of his strengths. For
and doing nothing harms the community.
one, she had no idea he is an amazing cook, but he brings her
food at the hospital and she devours it. They also laugh Chanu's decision to leave his job is rather sudden for Nazneen.
together about his relative who writes about suffering with only His insistence that he is done worries Nazneen because Chanu
one servant, and Nazneen sees Chanu as a companion. She is not known for following through on projects. She is right to
also sees him as her coparent, a partner. This moment is an worry that this will be difficult financially for her family. His
important one in their relationship. Nazneen thinks about how, sudden urge to be honest with his family in Bangladesh also
in difficult times at home, there was only rice to eat, and she meets with Nazneen's disapproval. The Bengali saying,
realizes that her husband's excellent rice is keeping her alive, "sinking, sinking, drinking water" illustrates how it would be
just like rice did back then. She begins to associate her grandstanding if Chanu, with all he has, tells his family back
memories of home with her thoughts about Chanu's positive home that he has nothing. Compared to them, he is a wealthy
attributes. A type of love is beginning to develop in her heart man.
for Chanu.
Nazneen's time alone in the apartment is the first time she
Razia's situation with her husband has gone from bad to allows herself to do creative things like draw her ideas or see
terrible. Razia has to do something about the fact that her herself in a different light. Her happiness about Raqib getting
children are getting ill. The narrator's description of the better allows her to extend it into other areas of her life. No
husband's rationale is chilling and provides insight into the one is watching her so she can do what she likes. Nazneen is
workings of an abusive relationship. Razia is afraid for her life, not yet brave enough to celebrate herself when people are
but she is most concerned about providing for her children. It is there. The change of clothing is symbolic of the growth
strange that Nazneen worries about Razia becoming like Nazneen is experiencing. She is finally ready to expand her
Jorina, gossiped about because she has a job. Nazneen ideas of herself. This brings her great joy, so much so that
doesn't have an abusive situation in her life, though, so she when young men flirt with her, she smiles. She is so taken up
doesn't really understand the stress and fear of having to feed with this wonderful feeling of freedom and happiness that it is
children on so little. When her husband dies, Razia is shaken,

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impossible for Raqib's death to register when she first hears it is a sin for men to work alongside women. There are no male
about it. workers in Hasina's department, she says. A male worker in the
cutting room, Abdul, calls her "sister." Her neighbor Zainab tells
Nazneen has never seen Chanu cry, and she would never show Hasina to be careful because the jute cutters may cause
affection in public, but she allows him to hold her once she trouble if they know she is a garment girl. Hasina says she
realizes that their son is dead. The image of many babies being keeps purdah, staying away from men and covering herself in
buried in Bangladesh reveals the low expectations for infant public.
survival there. It is not uncommon to have to bury a child in
Bangladesh. Now, Nazneen has to deal with this grief, this Hasina writes in March 1989 to congratulate Nazneen on her
familiar act, with her own baby, albeit in a more prosperous pregnancy. It is excruciatingly hot in Narayanganj, where she
environment. lives. Mr. Chowdhury doesn't charge her full rent, and she rubs
his feet for him because he thinks of her as a daughter. In July
1989, she writes that the rains are heavy and her furniture has
Chapter 7 been ruined. Hussain, a jute cutter who lives in her building,
offered to fix her table and chair. Hasina says he is kind to her.
The garment factory has stayed dry, but Shahnaz, who

Summary rejected Abdul at one point, tells Hasina she is with him too
much. She also tells Hasina to powder her lips to make them
less full. Hasina wonders why Chanu didn't use wood instead
In this chapter, Hasina writes letters to Nazneen. The first
of chairs in the bonfire he had in the back yard.
letter, dated May 1988, is an expression of sympathy for
Nazneen and Chanu for the death of Raqib. Hasina asks God
In August 1989, Hasina tells Nazneen that their father, Hamid,
to surround her with light, referring to a prayer known as the
was unfaithful to Rupban, who threatened to commit suicide if
Prayer of Light, which asks God for help in coming out of the
he took another wife. Malek told Hasina this story, and the
darkness. The second letter is dated September 1988, and
children were the only ones kept in the dark about it. In
Hasina has changed addresses again. She goes to a bigger
September, Hasina writes to say that Rupban would never
apartment in Dhaka, another one that Mr. Chowdhury owns. He
have threatened to kill herself because it is blasphemy to do
has to evict the family that is there to house Hasina. She
so. Hasina finds out that Mr. Chowdhury is charging her far
shares the building with a family and a group of jute pickers.
less than he charges other tenants and says he will protect her
She says Mr. Chowdhury wants to protect her from the men,
from the jute cutters.
but they have been respectful. She writes in November 1988
that she loves the photograph of the beautiful apartment that In January 1990, Hasina congratulates Nazneen for the birth of
Nazneen has sent and can't imagine being surrounded with her daughter. She tells Nazneen that no one at the factory
such treasures. Hasina also describes the garment factory, except Abdul will talk with her, and she doesn't know why.
where she has a job sewing. Hasina has three friends, Aleya, Shahnaz tells her that everyone knows that Hasina is paying
Shahnaz, and Renu, and they work and eat together. Aleya is discounted rent to Mr. Chowdhury, insinuating that Hasina is
escorted back and forth to work in a burka (loose clothing that sleeping with him. Hasina assures Shahnaz that he is like a
covers the face and body of Muslim women in public) and has father to her. She thinks that this will all settle when Shahnaz
five children; Shahnaz doesn't believe in the dowry system and realizes the rumors are untrue. In April 1990, Hasina writes that
has refused all of her matches; and Renu is a widow who Abdul escorts her home at night to protect her. He is her only
believes she was put on the earth to suffer. Hasina can't be friend, except for Renu, who tells her the other girls who shun
around Renu when she acts so much like Rupban. Hasina think bad fruit will ruin ripe fruit. In August 1990, she
writes to say that Abdul loves her and wants to marry her
The next letter, written in January 1989, tells Nazneen to get a
although Hasina is still married to Malek. Also, Hussain's new
job because her letters are so short that Hasina knows
goats are eating Zainab's laundry. In January 1991, Hasina says
Nazneen is depressed. She thinks that work helps and
that Shahnaz claims to be disappointed in her and is not a
becomes a good habit. She says, however, that religious men
good friend. Hasina gets called into the factory manager's
have been protesting outside of her factory because they say
office with Abdul, who has confessed to having a relationship

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with Hasina and has exaggerated it to keep out of trouble. The criticize her housework and claims she put a curse on him. He
boss yells at Hasina for sullying the factory's reputation and can't introduce her to his family. She tries to soothe him, but it
fires her. He teases Abdul about getting sex before marriage, doesn't work. A year later, Hasina writes to say she has a job
but Abdul does not laugh. In March, Hasina writes to and a good place to live, but five years pass before she writes
discourage Nazneen from secretly sending money. She says again. Hasina writes in January 2001 that she nearly starved to
Mr. Chowdhury is still talking care of her, and she grooms him. death, but now she is a maid in a wealthy family's house and
He wants her to live with him, but people will talk about them. her employers are kind.
Hasina considers whether or not he wants her as a wife. She
cooks meals for the jute cutters, and they pay her for them.
Hussain tells her that she was fired because people can't stand Analysis
beautiful things.
Hasina is an impulsive woman who didn't listen to her parents
In her next letter, Hasina confesses to Nazneen that Mr. when she was a child, and she has a hard time listening to the
Chowdhury, believing the rumors about her at the factory, warnings people give her as an adult as well. However, she isn't
burst into her room and yelled at her for taking advantage of a person who rebels to be bad. Rather, she believes in love and
him. He rapes her, and she rubs his feet and cries while he wants to be loved fully, and she has a view of the world that is
makes her admit that he takes care of her. Three months later, extremely naive. Because she is very beautiful, she is targeted
Hasina feels as if she has brought all of her trouble on herself by men who either fall in love with her and then become angry
and wonders how she can keep running away. Her landlord when they can't control her, or men who have no spine and
comes to her once or twice a week for sex. In February 1992, refuse to defend her. Women also make friends with her
Hasina writes to congratulate Nazneen on the birth of Bibi, her quickly, but they soon allow jealousy to change the friendship,
new daughter, and sends love to Shahana, the older daughter. accusing Hasina of being impure. Hasina wants to live a happy
Hussain is kind to her and gives her goat's milk, and she does life, and she is so trusting that she doesn't see when she is
not turn him away when he visits at night. In October 1992, she being taken advantage of until it is too late.
tells Nazneen that Hussain and his friend Ali give her gifts, and
she asks Nazneen to pray for her. Nearly a year later, in Hasina's description of the women she works with represents
September 1993, Hasina writes that Hussain still takes care of a good cross-section of life for working women in Dhaka at
her, collecting the money from the men she sleeps with and that time. Women with husbands have to be chaperoned to and
making sure she gets fairly paid. In July 1994, she writes that it from work, and their husbands constantly suspect they are
is the rainy season, and Hussain has built her a bed on stilts so having affairs or even flirting with men, a terrible offense. If a
that she can keep working. In March 1995, Hasina writes that woman gets a gift or an award, the husband automatically
Ahmed, an albino man who is a customer that only talks with assumes it's from another lover, and the woman suffers for it.
her, wants to marry her. Later that month, she writes that Widows like Renu have seen so much pain that they don't have
Hussain's liver is failing so he thinks that she should marry a way to lift themselves out of their grief, and remarrying is not
Ahmed. always possible given that men prefer to marry virgins.
Shahnaz won't accept anyone her parents select because she
In April 1995, Hasina writes to happily announce that she is believes that she herself is the dowry. She makes her own
married to Ahmed, and they live in the Ghulshan neighborhood money, so the best part of the deal is herself. However, she
in Dhaka. He supervises a shoe factory at night, and he is a doesn't seem to want happiness for Hasina, spreading rumors
kind man, Hasina says. She asks Nazneen about her about her while pretending to be her friend. Hasina trusts
depression. In May 1995, she writes that she thinks she cannot Shahnaz for far too long and pays a price for that trust.
have children, and Ahmed has accepted that. Again in May, she
writes that Ahmed has started to say her face has changed, The story of Rupban's suicide is disturbing to Hasina, and she
and it makes him angry. She hopes the pills Nazneen is taking knows it will be for Nazneen as well. Suicide, forbidden in Islam,
work and tells her it is normal to feel sad when the children go is considered a sin against God. Nazneen had thought that her
to school. The next month, Hasina writes to say that Hussain mother was flawless, but she realizes that the sainthood her
has died, and Ahmed works all the time. He claims he is angry father mentions is misguided. Now, both Hasina and Nazneen
at Hasina for her changing face, which is not true. He starts to know that Hamid was at fault as well for their mother's

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unhappiness. This information is so terrible for Hasina to bear The reader never gets to hear how the end happens, although
that she writes soon after and tells Nazneen to burn the letter Hasina sends a letter saying she has a good job and a safe
in which she talks about the suicide. Hasina wants to believe place to live. There is silence for five years after that, which
that her mother would never do such a thing. However, can't be good. Hasina always writes to Nazneen when things
Nazneen has a different view of Rupban. are going well, and even when they are not going well, she tries
to write. And yet, Hasina surfaces again after five years of near
Hasina is doing Mr. Chowdhury's grooming for him, but one starvation and despair, with a good job, a family she likes, and a
could say that he is grooming Hasina for himself. He puts her in luxurious place to live. Hasina is remarkable for her resilience
a larger, nicer apartment, he doesn't ask for full rent, and then and her spirit. She never gives up on herself.
he purposely discounts the rent for her. Word gets around that
he is doing this for Hasina, and jealousy abounds. Mr. The author uses Hasina's letters in this chapter to let the
Chowdhury doesn't seem bothered by whatever rumors could reader know how Nazneen's life is progressing, which is a
be floating around regarding the discount, but bringing Hasina clever way to bring the reader up to speed for the next
into his house would reflect badly on him. He knows that any chapter. Nazneen and Chanu have two girls, Shahana and Bibi,
talk will fall on Hasina, not on him, as long as she isn't living with and Nazneen has suffered from depression. The reader also
him. When he finally hears about Abdul, a romance that was learns that Nazneen has started taking antidepressants when
actually chaste, he believes that Hasina was sleeping with the children begin to go to school. These details give the
Abdul. Since Hasina has been fired, it is certain that Abdul's reader an idea of Nazneen's life with her children and the
story has been conflated to include more men at the factory, difficulty she has letting go of them once they leave.
and men likely have bragged about being with Hasina. She is
doomed to be thought of as a prostitute. Mr. Chowdhury There are also some funny details sprinkled into Hasina's

immediately turns on her, furious, and rapes her, but he doesn't letters that tell the reader what Chanu is doing. In one letter,

kick her out. As long as he can control her, he can get what he Hasina mentions that Nazneen has told her Chanu works at the

wants out of her, which is now sex, given what he thinks she Leisure Center, and she wants to know if this is a government

does outside the apartment. job. Apparently, Hasina's view of government is that they are
not all that serious about actually conducting government
The accusation of prostitution leveled against Hasina is not business. There is also the detail about Chanu having a bonfire
true, but now that she has to support herself, it becomes true. in the back yard for the kids, and the wood he uses is a pile of
After she is raped, Mr. Chowdhury keeps coming back, and chairs. Hasina wants to know if there wasn't actual wood
Hussain wants to sleep with her, as well, so she lets him. She is available. This tells the reader that someone, Nazneen or
beaten down emotionally and doesn't have the ability to defend Chanu, got frustrated with the 11 chairs in the house and
herself anymore. She wants to run away, but she feels like decided something had to change. Fire seemed like a good
running is all she does. Hasina completely blames herself for option at the time.
everything that has happened to her, and so do the men and
some women in her life. The level of cruelty she has had to
endure for no reason other than a lie everyone believes is Chapter 8
intense. The remarkable thing about Hasina, though, is that
eventually she gathers her strength.

Hasina's marriage to Ahmed starts off well, and she enjoys her
life with him. However, the reputation of a woman in
This chapter opens in February 2001, with Chanu sitting on the
Bangladesh, once destroyed, is never rebuilt unless the woman
floor teaching his daughters, Shahana and Bibi, a poem called
can start over where no one knows about her past. Ahmed
"My Golden Bengal" to prepare them for going home to
acts as if Hasina has changed and has stopped doing a good
Bangladesh. Shahana rebels against everything Chanu wants
job at home, but the truth is that he can't continue being
her to do, especially if it has to do with Bangladeshi culture.
married to a woman he is ashamed to bring home to his family.
She and Chanu are at each other's throats frequently, and
Hasina never meets his family because he puts off bringing
Chanu beats Shahana. Nazneen stays out of the controversy
her, and then he decides she has changed too much for him.

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and notices that Shahana is unaffected by the beatings but that Chanu took out a loan from Mrs. Islam, and the first
Chanu is affected quite a lot. Chanu isn't even good at payment is 50 pounds she doesn't have. Mrs. Islam says
delivering a beating, and Shahana is very good at evading him Nazneen can make the payment when she's able to get the
and whatever object he has in his hand to hit her. Chanu wants money, or her sons will come with her next time. She says they
to take the girls back to Bangladesh to avoid the western would like to see Chanu again.
influence on them. Nazneen wants to see her sister, but she
knows Shahana will hate her forever if they move. Nazneen
tries to get Chanu to bring Hasina to London, but Chanu mocks Analysis
her, saying maybe they should bring her entire village. The
conversation ends there. Shahana is a typical kid who wants to fit in with her peers, and
that means avoiding anything that makes her stand out as a
The family moves to a two-bedroom apartment in Rosemead, child of an immigrant. She doesn't want to speak Bengali, she
the building where Razia lives. Chanu lounges around on the doesn't want to read poetry, and she definitely doesn't want to
couch and makes no movement toward getting a job. Nazneen go back to Bangladesh. Nazneen has wanted to see her sister
would like to sew at home to make some money, like Razia for a long time, but now that she has Shahana and Bibi, she
does, but Chanu won't let her do it. Chanu has dropped the thinks differently about the family's needs. Nazneen doesn't
idea of finishing his academic degrees and tries to teach the want to force her children to live there, and Shahana would
girls what he knows instead. He wants them to understand the have to be forced. Bibi does what she is told, but Shahana is a
history of Bangladesh and instill some pride in them for the rebel.
country, but Shahana, in particular, ends the lessons with
tantrums. She kicks the furniture, her sister, and her mother. The author uses Shahana's facial expressions and body
Nazneen still has her midnight snacks, and Bibi often joins her, language to show how she feels about her father and the
eating silently. things he wants her to do. The chase they undergo when
Chanu tries to beat her is sad, but comical. Chanu says horrible
Razia visits Nazneen often, complaining about the arthritis in things about what he will do to Shahana when she disobeys
her hands from sewing so much. She also wishes the kids him, but she brushes it all off. She kicks her mother, though,
would stop asking her for so much money. Shefali is about to when she has tantrums, which shows a transfer of her hatred
graduate from high school but wants to take a gap year before of her father to her mother. Nazneen defends Chanu, so
university. Tariq asks for money for computer equipment and Nazneen, according to Shahana, is the one who makes things
books. Razia smokes while she talks, and she often imitates worse. In a nice bit of dramatic irony (in which the reader is
Chanu, making Nazneen laugh. aware of something that the characters are not), Chanu's
inability or reluctance to beat his rebellious daughter reflects
Chanu comes home one day with a sewing machine, an early
the influence of western culture on him, though he doesn't see
birthday present for Nazneen, and a computer for himself.
Nazneen wonders where he got the money to buy them, but
she doesn't ask. Shahana notes that Chanu spoke to Nazneen Razia is doing well with her sewing and has rebuilt her life after
in English, but he has forbidden the girls to speak English in the the death of her husband, but her body is paying the price. She
house. Nazneen tries to defend Chanu, but Shahana says she is also unable to stop giving her kids the money they ask for.
hates him and kicks Nazneen. Nazneen practices using the Back at the beginning of the novel, Razia's children beg for
machine frequently, sewing on every piece of cloth she can money for toys when they have an apartment full of them. Now
find. Mrs. Islam shows up one day with her big, black bag full of that they are older, they are doing the same thing.
medicines and sees the sewing machine. She thinks Nazneen
will earn a great deal of money with it. She wants the children Chanu's purchases are intended to help the family make
to go to the Muslim school she has founded, but Chanu doesn't money in order to go back home, but to make these purchases,
want the girls to go there. Then Mrs. Islam tells Nazneen to he makes a huge mistake. He doesn't tell Nazneen about the
open the black bag and put the money in the small pocket. loan, and she is so happy to have the sewing machine and a
Nazneen doesn't understand at first, but she eventually way of making money that she practices constantly. Chanu
catches on that she is supposed to pay Mrs. Islam. She realizes had refused her earlier, but now he realizes she can be a

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source of much-needed income. However, everything that of his infamous certificates, a driver's license he had forgotten
Razia has told Nazneen about Mrs. Islam is true. Chanu lies by he had. Chanu can now give up the job of middleman for
omission to Nazneen, so when Mrs. Islam comes for the Nazneen's sewing work, handing that position over to the
money, Nazneen is caught empty-handed. Chanu doesn't nephew of the clothing factory owner, Karim.
realize he puts the family in danger by taking a loan from Mrs.
Islam, but her threat to bring her sons to see him next time
makes the danger clear. Chanu isn't there to hear it, though. Analysis
Nazneen has to find a way to talk with Chanu about the loan
situation soon. The dynamic between the girls and Chanu is extremely
stressful for Nazneen. She tries to smooth things over for her
daughters and then smooth things out for Chanu once the girls
Chapter 9 are asleep. But the chase around the room with the computer
cord wears her out. She sees the redness on Shahana's wrist
and is upset about Chanu's actions, but then she sees him with
the two girls after they are asleep. Chanu's tender action of
Summary brushing hair aside to kiss each girl shows that he truly loves
them. The look on Chanu's face transmits his fear, allowing
Chanu tries to impress the girls with his knowledge of the
Nazneen to surmise that Chanu is afraid his children don't like
Internet, but Shahana puts on her usual bored face because
him and that they don't have the same love for the place he
they have it at school. Bibi wants to see a kadam, a flower that
knows he has to go eventually—Bangladesh.
grows in Bangladesh, so Chanu looks it up for her, but
Shahana makes a big deal about it being boring. Chanu grabs Chanu's attitude toward the sewing completely changes once
the computer mouse and tries to whip Shahana with the cord he realizes that Nazneen can make a good living sewing for the
but fails. He grabs her wrist and tells her never to touch the factory. He had said no to the job earlier, but now he realizes
computer. She is only too happy to say yes, but her wrist is red that Nazneen can help the family meet its goal. He wants to do
from his hands. The girls head for bed, and Nazneen takes this his part, too. Chanu is caught between wanting to be the man
moment to tell Chanu what happened with Mrs. Islam. Chanu of the house and acknowledging that Nazneen is an
seems unbothered and says he'll give her the money next contributor to the family finances.
week. Chanu and Nazneen go to check on the girls, and Chanu
is tender with both of them. Nazneen realizes he not only loves The "field of snakes" simile shows how delicately Nazneen has
them but also is scared of them. She remembers when Chanu to tread between the sullen Shahana, the needy Bibi, and the
was unemployed and kept losing jobs, he became depressed explosive yet ridiculous Chanu. The stressful place in which
and lost a lot of weight. He had the girls serve as his page she has landed is compounded by the fact that now the family
turners as he read constantly. The reading helped him come owes money to Mrs. Islam. All of these stressors lead up to the
out of the depression. She wishes that the relationship last sentence of the chapter, letting the reader know that not
between Chanu and the girls wasn't so exhausting. She feels only is Karim a new character in the novel, but he is an
as if she is "walking through a field of snakes" trying to make important one. The narrator says that Karim "came into her
everyone happy. life," which alerts the reader to a future emotional relationship
between Karim and Nazneen.
One day Chanu comes home with a pile of clothing that needs
to be hemmed and tells Nazneen that she just has to do the
work, he'll take care of everything else. For a couple of months,
Chanu brings Nazneen sewing work and collects the money
Chapter 10
she earns. She notices that Chanu is happier and is paying
attention to his appearance. He tells the family that because of
what Nazneen is earning, they will be able to get enough
money to go home to Bangladesh. He also announces that he
Nazneen notices everything about Karim. His English is good,
has a job as a taxi driver at Kempton Kars, and he flashes one
but he stammers when he speaks Bengali. He has strong arms,

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a lovely head, and well-fitting jeans. His uncle owns the He is nervous around Nazneen, speaking in a stammering
sweatshop that employs Nazneen. When he comes to deliver a Bengali. He says that Britain is his country, not Bangladesh,
new batch of jeans the next time, Nazneen hasn't finished the when Nazneen notes that in "our country" he would not have
previous pile and her hair isn't covered. As she finishes had to steal the box of leaflets alone.
seaming, he tells her that he just stole a box of leaflets from a
group called the Lion Hearts. Karim compliments Nazneen on The details Nazneen notices about Karim are all physical in

her sari, and Nazneen messes up the hem she is working on. nature, and they are all pleasing. Karim is the opposite of

Once Karim leaves, Nazneen looks at the leaflets, which have a Chanu in every way. Nazneen's close observation of Karim

quiz called "Are you a good Muslim? Twenty ways to tell." shows that she is attracted to him right away. When he tells
her that her sari, which he likes, is one his mother had, her
Chanu frequently drives at night, so Nazneen and the girls are reaction is to be thrown off course with her sewing and she
together without the conflict his presence brings to the family has to redo a hem. Nazneen realizes that Karim sees her as a
dynamic. The girls do their homework while Nazneen sews. motherly figure, not a beautiful woman, while she looks at him
She is putting aside small amounts of money in different hiding as a stunning young man.
places in the house to give to Hasina and to buy real shampoo
for Shahana, who now refuses to use dishwashing liquid on her Chanu's focus has completely changed now that he has his

hair. If Chanu works all night, she has food ready for him when goal in sight. Nazneen's hard work and his opportunity to earn

he comes back in the morning. Chanu doesn't have any big more money have injected energy into his plans, which are to

plans for projects anymore. He just wants to make as much make money and then get out of the country. Chanu simplifies

money as he can and return to Bangladesh. He still reads a lot, his life by choosing this one goal to work toward. Nazneen

though, and he informs the girls that the Muslims made sure takes care of him as usual, even though she is also working a

that the work of Greek philosophers was not lost. He decides lot. This imbalance is typical of an immigrant Bengali couple,

to teach the girls about Islam and then Hinduism and though. The wife may work, but she is still responsible for

Buddhism. serving her husband, no matter how tired she may be.

While Nazneen is cleaning the girls' room, Shahana says angrily Nazneen's momentary vision of her own power offers a

that she will run away rather than go to Bangladesh. Bibi wants glimpse into Nazneen's budding character. She is changing as

to stay with Shahana. Nazneen allows herself to imagine for a she earns money and feels as if she has more power and

moment taking care of the girls herself and making her own agency over her life. She thinks she may be able to handle

decisions, which makes her feel powerful and nauseated at the making a decision for herself and the girls, but the idea lasts

same time. When the girls ask if she wants to go, Nazneen tells only seconds. Nazneen's nausea shows that power is totally

them the story of her birth and how her mother left her to fate. foreign to Nazneen and scary. But the idea of not being able to

Shahana thinks this is a nonanswer. Nazneen is actually losing fly free comes out in her dreams, even if she stuffs it away

memories of her homeland, but she dreams about it at night. when she is awake. Her vision of freedom being taken away, in

One night she has a dream about her Aunt Mumtaz and her the form of the bird with the broken neck, happens in

mynah bird. Mumtaz and the bird are inseparable, but one day Bangladesh, not in Britain. The location of the dream and its

the bird breaks its neck and can't fly away. When she wakes subject suggest that Nazneen does not want to go home to

from the dream, Nazneen starts her sewing again. She sews a Bangladesh.

zipper into a sequined vest and tries it on. She closes her eyes
and imagines herself skating with a man who has a gold chain
like Karim does. She takes the vest off and notices the cheap Chapter 11
sequins look like fish scales.

The chapter opens with a January 2001 letter from Hasina,
In this chapter, Nazneen's perceptions of Karim along with his describing the house where she lives and works. Her
body language, mannerisms, and interactions characterize him. employers are a wealthy couple called James and Lovely,

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whose real names are Jamshed Rashid and Anwara Begum. The group chooses its name, the Bengal Tigers. They want to
Hasina was living in a home for fallen women when they support the local Muslim community as well as communities
rescued her by hiring her as a maid. They live in a beautifully worldwide, but they are also angry at the Lion Hearts gang for
furnished house where the two children have their own rooms distributing leaflets about them. A man Nazneen nicknames the
and Hasina has her own room, with an electric light near the Questioner runs for chairman of the board, but Karim wins the
kitchen. The house is on a wide street near a rickshaw position. The next time Karim comes to the apartment, he tells
workshop, and plastic bags blow through the street. Hasina her about Chechnya and Palestine and the killing of Muslims
provides childcare for the two children along with there. Nazneen is ashamed that she knows nothing of these
housecleaning and dishwashing services. There is a male cook places or current events. She wants to show Chanu the
who also takes care of the garden. pamphlets Karim gives her, but then she hides them. When she
hands Karim her prayer mat, they accidentally brush fingers,
In February, Hasina writes again, happy to hear that Dr. Azad is and she realizes he smells like limes—the smell of her ice
still coming for dinner and the girls are well. Hasina knows skating fantasies.
Nazneen is bored, but says that boredom can be a blessing.
She tells how Lovely, who was a beauty queen, entertains a lot.
Jimmy, the little boy, likes to play with guns and other toy Analysis
weapons, and Daisy, the baby, toddles around after Hasina.
Hasina sleeps on a bedroll on the floor because Zaid, the cook, The first letter from Hasina is full of vivid descriptions of the
stores food in her room. Zaid sleeps on the kitchen table. house where she lives and works, as well as the view outside. It
is gorgeous inside, but outside, the street is wide in front of the
Hasina tells Nazneen that Lovely talks with her about her
house, getting narrower near the rickshaw workshop. These
problems, which mostly revolve around worrying that her friend
descriptions create a contrast between the inside of a
Betty is more beautiful and wealthier than she is. She also frets
beautiful Bangladeshi house and the garbage outside that
that Bangla National Plastics, James's company, produces the
doesn't get cleaned up. The wealthy Bangladeshi are able to
plastic bags that fill the streets. Meanwhile, Zaid the cook
insulate themselves from the realities of daily life in Dhaka. The
attends political meetings and does kung fu in the kitchen.
strange combination of a rickshaw and the painted face of
Hasina finally feels loved because the children are so
"Britainy Spear" show another contrast between Bengali and
affectionate with her.
western culture.
Back in East London, Razia visits Nazneen. The neighbors think
Hasina's description of her room and the spaces in which she
that Razia is too British because she does things like wear a
works show how deprived she has been. She makes a point of
sweatshirt with the British flag emblazoned on it. Razia says
telling Nazneen that she has an electric light. In Bangladesh,
that her factory has been closed by immigration authorities
electricity is not available everywhere. Hasina comes from a
and now she is out of money. Tariq needs books so he can
small village and has also spent time living on the streets, so a
take his exams, and Razia is so desperate that she is
place to put a bedroll and a light to call her own is the height of
considering borrowing money from Mrs. Islam.
luxury for her.
The next time Karim comes to pick up vests, he gets a call
Hasina's descriptions of Lovely and James are both humorous
from his father, who was a bus conductor but is now too
and sad. Lovely's worst problem is jealousy with regard to her
scared to leave his apartment. Karim follows Nazneen around
best friend, Betty. Betty has a better car and a bigger house,
the apartment, and Nazneen realizes she hasn't covered her
and Lovely worries that Betty is more beautiful than she is.
hair. Karim gets a notification on his phone that it is time to
These are the big problems in Lovely's life, but she is telling
pray, and Nazneen lets him do it in the apartment. She wants to
them to a woman who nearly starved to death in the streets of
pray with him, but women are not allowed to pray with men.
Dhaka. It is remarkable that Lovely can't see how superficial
Karim asks her to go to a meeting for all Muslims because they
her problems are and how shallow she must look to Hasina.
need older women in the group. Nazneen realizes he is
But Hasina sees Lovely's desire to confide in her in a different
referring to her as an older woman. She goes to the meeting
light. She is happy that someone shares her thoughts because
and is nervous because she is one of the only women there.
it means she is loved. Hasina's time with the children also

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makes her feel loved. The longer the children spend time with focuses only on Shahana's failure. When the men talk alone,
her, the more they love her. Hasina is amazed that the love she they talk about the heroin addiction problem in the Muslim
has been searching for comes from children, not a lover. community, and Chanu worries about western influences on
the immigrant. They talk around each other, which amazes
Zaid is supposedly the best cook in the area, but he is also a Nazneen because they go on and on, sparring verbally.
bit intense. Hasina's description of him sounds a little crazy. He
stores food in her room on her bed, and he performs kung fu When a leaflet comes through the letter slot and Shahana
while he works. Hasina seems fascinated with him, and she starts to read it, Chanu takes it from her. He asks her to read it
notes that Jimmy, the little boy who may be a bit hyperactive, to everyone aloud. It is an anti-Muslim leaflet from the Lion
sits completely still when he watches kung fu with Zaid. Her Hearts. Chanu is more determined than ever that all their
later letter, describing Zaid's strange pronouncements, reveals money will go to the "Home Fund." He takes the Qur'an down
her growing interest in what Zaid has to say and in how he to read, and Nazneen is stunned. She has never seen him read
thinks. The author begins to sow the seeds of a relationship in it in the entire time they have been married. Another day, as
this section, and Hasina will continue to talk about Zaid in her she and Chanu walk down Brick Lane, Chanu talks about the
letters. high prices of goods, and Nazneen thinks about Karim's pride
for his father. She thinks about how she has always imagined
Razia gets more daring with every chapter. Her saris are long that her life events were being recorded by angels, feeling as if
gone, and her sweatshirt with the flag on it causes a stir with angels are flying around her head flapping their wings.
the neighbors. It's too hot to be wearing a sweatshirt, but this is Nazneen has to sit down. She thinks about how her shoulders
what Razia has to wear. She may be wearing it also to thumb nearly touched Karim's shoulders the last time he was in the
her nose at the people who criticize her for trying to fit into the apartment. She wonders if he is her fate while Chanu asks if
place she calls home now. Her children are draining her of she is overtired. Nazneen feels idiotic, thinking that Karim
money, and Tariq, in particular, seems to need quite a bit of it. would ever be interested in her. She and Chanu have to duck
The author puts the focus on Tariq's needs and will come back to avoid being seen by Mrs. Islam.
to Tariq later in the chapter. Something is wrong with Tariq, but
there are not enough clues for the reader to figure out what it The Lion Hearts and the Bengal Tigers have a leaflet war. The
is yet. Lion Hearts think the estate is losing its Englishness and being
overcome by radical Muslims, and the Bengal Tigers want to
The scenes where Nazneen and Karim talk in the apartment be left in peace to worship. Chanu thinks it's ridiculous, while
reflect a building desire in Nazneen for Karim. She doesn't Nazneen starts walking both girls home from school, nervous
cover her hair when he is there, which is extremely unusual for about their safety. Karim thinks that the Bengal Tigers aren't
Nazneen. Nazneen's slips with her prayer habits and doing enough, not realizing how dangerous it is to be a Muslim
observance show how caught up in this new infatuation she is. in a white world. Karim is especially angry with the Questioner,
Nazneen stops short of praying with Karim, but her thoughts who he thinks doesn't understand the local issues. Karim is
are not on religion; she wants proximity to Karim. The author passionate about the political conflicts around the world, which
also uses the way Karim moves around the apartment to show he describes to Nazneen, and she is passionate about him.
his passion for the subjects he talks about, and he knows he Nazneen later shaves her legs, thinking about Karim. The next
has a willing audience. day, near the girls' school, Nazneen sees the Questioner being
pulled away from Lion Hearts members. Everyone stares at
them because they are wearing hijab (head coverings worn by
Chapter 12 Muslim women).

Hasina writes again in April 2001. She tells Nazneen about her

Summary friend Syeeda, the maid next door, who is happy with her life as
a maid. She reports that James is worried about an election
affecting his business, and Zaid is talking about his time
Dr. Azad comes to dinner, and it is clear that he has aged
coming, which is strange to Hasina. Lovely goes to charity
quickly. Chanu tries to get the girls to perform for Dr. Azad, and
functions wearing more gold than a bride would, which she
Bibi does well, which Chanu does not acknowledge. He

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calls the Bombay look. In May, Hasina reports seeing a robbery that Karim's presence transforms her. The scene in the bath is
in front of the bank, where the robbers are caught by the an example of the author's use of Nazneen's small gestures to
crowd and burned alive. Hasina is horrified at this example of illustrate emotions. She doesn't specifically say that Nazneen
justice by the people, which she says is cruel. James complains uses Chanu's razor to shave her legs so that Karim will be
about the opposition being criminals and thugs, and students attracted to her, but the reader can infer that this is the reason
also being thugs. Zaid tells Hasina that everyone is preparing for the action. Nazneen doesn't have her own razor and is
for a political fight by hiring muscle, but the best muscle is a using her husband's razor to make herself more attractive for
brain that can think for itself. Hasina begins to think differently another man. She wavers between these types of
about Zaid. In another letter in May, Hasina tells Nazneen actions—guilt for thinking about someone beside Chanu and
about her friend Monju, who was attacked by her husband and frustration because she thinks her age makes her unattractive
his siblings with acid and is dying. to Karim.

Nazneen is overcome with worry about how much Chanu Racism on the estate is continuing to heat up, as it is
actually borrowed from Mrs. Islam because all of their money is elsewhere in Britain. The Oldham riots, a real event, are an
being taken away by loan payments. Bibi comes over to her example of confrontation between white English people and
mother, and Nazneen checks her throat to see if there are any Asian people, mainly Bengali immigrants and their families. The
remaining signs of tonsillitis. She remembers seeing Tariq in author uses Nazneen's increased supervision of her daughters
the lobby of Dr. Azad's office, looking bizarrely boneless. When and the looks people give them when they are dressed in hijab
Nazneen wakes the next day, she feels as if something good is to show how Muslims are singled out for violent attacks.
going to happen, but then she sees her bedroom as it is with
the huge wardrobe and her husband lying next to her. She Strong imagery shows how poverty and overcrowding create a

feels as if Karim is in the room with her and won't leave. The divide between immigrants and poor white people in London.

leaflets from the Bengal Tigers increasingly refer to martyrs, The black masks on brown faces in the riots tell the reader

and Chanu becomes furious, realizing that these leaflets are that the protests from Bengalis have become violent as well in

going to enflame resentment in white people and get Muslims defense against attacks by white people. The leaflets that

killed. They see the Oldham riots on the news, and Nazneen encourage martyrdom by Muslims are an extremist response.

feels guilty for giving Karim money for the Bengal Tigers. The Shahana's reading at the behest of Chanu illustrates to the

Oldham riots occurred in May 2001 in Oldham, a town near whole family how far the group has gone. Chanu believes this

Manchester, England. Two nights of rioting and fighting took incendiary reaction will result in more violence. The image of

place among Asian youths, white youths, and the police. the houses in Oldham packed in like teeth gives the reader a
vivid picture of how Oldham residents live. It brings to mind the
tensions they experience and the violent result when one
Analysis group turns against another in frustration, using racism and
blame to express their frustration.
Nazneen observes Dr. Azad and Chanu going back and forth
The debt to Mrs. Islam is beginning to become a huge problem
as they usually do and then challenging each other. Her
for Nazneen and Chanu. Nazneen starts to realize that there
viewpoint shows how she doesn't quite understand their
will be no end to the payments, and she doesn't know how
friendship because she doesn't get why they keep sparring
much money Chanu actually borrowed. This secret he keeps
with each other. The reader, however, can infer that there is a
from her harms the family's chances to save money. The
friendship that has been forged by these discussions. Even
reader sees how financially inept and afraid Chanu is,
though they seem to be talking around each other, according
sabotaging his own efforts by allowing Mrs. Islam to keep
to Nazneen, they still give each other a place to vent their
taking their money and succumbing to her efforts to bully him
frustrations. They may not sound as if they are listening to
with her sons. Nazneen's realization sets up her eventual
each other, but the fact that they keep having dinner with each
reaction to Mrs. Islam's thievery. Nazneen is finding her own
other and engaging in their conversational dance is evidence
voice as she starts to know her own needs and desires better,
that they really enjoy the friendship.
and this voice will become stronger as the novel progresses.
The author uses Nazneen's exploration of her body to show

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Chapter 13 Analysis
Nazneen continues to feel as if her traditional clothing is
making her less powerful somehow, and she wants to feel
Summary different. She imagines herself in a businesswoman's attire
because she is a businesswoman working out of her home.
Nazneen decides to wear a red silk sari with golden leaves on
She realizes that clothing gives the world an impression of who
it, but she feels hemmed in by her traditional clothing. She
one is, and people see it as a symbol of identity. Nazneen's
wonders if she should stop wearing saris and start wearing the
perception of her clothes shows the reader that Nazneen is
uniform of a British businesswoman with suit and heels. She
changing her perspective on herself and her abilities.
thinks about dressing in a miniskirt and brightly colored top,
too, as a substitute for the skating that would make her life so The flyer that Karim talks about in the meeting is the same one
much smoother. She keeps the sari on to go out and buy that makes Chanu so mad. Karim also feels that the flyer is too
thread, but she runs into the secretary of the Bengal Tigers. He extreme. He wants the group to be focused on how Muslims
tells her there is a meeting going on, and she goes in, hoping to are treated in their own neighborhood here on the estate. The
see Karim. The Questioner wants to open the meeting without most radical person in the room should not speak for the entire
Karim, but the secretary makes him wait. group. Karim is trying to make the group democratic so that it
better represents the whole community. Karim's point of view
Karim finally enters the room, dressed in new clothes, furious
shows that extremism is not the majority viewpoint. Most
about the flyer encouraging martyrdom. He wants to know who
Muslims want the attacks to stop and don't want to use
authorized the flyer. The Questioner says he wrote it, passing
violence to stop them.
around photos of children in Iraq who are starving because of
sanctions (government measures by one country against The girls in burka in the meeting are symbolic of all women in
another that is recognized as being in violation of international the Muslim community with good things to say and reasonable
law). The photos make Nazneen feel like crying. Karim says requests that go unheard. The Questioner doesn't even want
that flyers have to be approved by a vote, but the Questioner women in the meeting. Again, it is the extremist in the room
says jihad (holy war waged on behalf of Islam) is necessary who thinks that women have nothing important to contribute to
now. Karim wants the group to deal with the racism being society. Karim and the secretary, however, have invited women
experienced locally first. The group is split. Some want to because they are a part of the community and should have a
engage in the unrest in Oldham, but others want to go further. voice in protecting it.
The Questioner loses support when Karim insists that
publications be approved by a committee and stick with local The sexual tension between Karim and Nazneen builds during
problems. Two girls in burka say they are called names in the the meeting, and Nazneen is very much aware of it. Even
street, and they want it to stop. The Questioner ignores them. though she is feeling terrible by the end of the meeting, she
Karim says while the Bengal Tigers can send messages to knows that Karim is on his way and anticipates his arrival.
support Muslim communities worldwide, they should fix their Nazneen opens the door before Karim knocks. Nazneen is
own neighborhood first. willing to get undressed and get into bed, and she will do what
Karim wants her to do. One thing that readers should notice
When the meeting is over, Nazneen rushes home, knowing that about Karim's interaction with Nazneen, though, is that he does
Karim is on his way. She opens the door before he knocks, and not ask but orders Nazneen to do what he wants. Karim may
he orders her to take off her clothes and get into bed. Nazneen be sexually attractive to Nazneen, but he is still a man ordering
feels shaky and feverish and wants to sleep, but Karim kisses a woman to do his bidding.
her neck and she moans.

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and her family are going back to Bangladesh so she knows

Chapter 14 they have collected money somewhere. She tells Nazneen that
she has had to do everything to survive on her own because
her husband was useless and her sons are halfwits. Eventually,
Summary Nazneen caves in and goes to her stash of money for Hasina.
She gives Mrs. Islam 20 more pounds, and Mrs. Islam promises
Chanu, determined to move the family to Bangladesh, wants she will pay for a party for Nazneen's family before they leave.
them to see London as if they are on vacation there. He gets a
guidebook and typical tourist shorts with lots of pockets in Razia takes Nazneen shopping so that she can help select
them to wear on their adventure. He takes the family on a ride cloth for Shefali, Razia's daughter. Razia wants to reward her
in the double-decker red bus, and they go to Buckingham for finishing her exams and for deciding to go to university.
Palace (London residence of the British king and queen). Nazneen thinks of how Tariq looked when she last saw him
Shahana continues to be noncommittal about everything. and asks how he is doing. Razia says Tariq is always going out,
Chanu pulls out a disposable camera he has also bought for and when she talks to him, his response to everything is "OK-
the occasion. Nazneen talks with Chanu to make him feel as if Ma." Nazneen suspects that Tariq is using heroin; she
he is in charge of the day, and she takes a photo of him with remembers Karim telling her that the drug is everywhere on the
the girls. Chanu asks an American tourist to take a photo of the estate. He says that the government is more afraid of Islam
whole family together. The man assumes they are from India than they are of heroin. Nazneen gets an urge to tell Razia
and talks about how he wants to go there. Later, Nazneen will everything about Karim, but only admits to her that Chanu
discover that the photo of the family is only of their feet. borrowed money from Mrs. Islam. Razia is astonished and tells
Nazneen that Mrs. Islam will make her keep paying even when
The family goes to St. James Park (ornamental royal park in the debt has been repaid. Razia gets out her purse to pay for
central London) to have their picnic, which is a feast that the cloth she has selected, but her purse is empty. Nazneen
Nazneen has prepared for them. She also has bought sweets confides in Razia that Dr. Azad worries about the local teens
from a store as Shahana will only eat store-bought food. Chanu using heroin. Razia thinks that God has spared her from having
gorges himself and takes a nap. The girls walk around the park, to deal with that particular problem.
but Nazneen feels as if she has to stay with Chanu. She thinks
about how she is also preparing food for Karim and acting as if Chanu is reading a book about the history of the Bengali textile
they are a couple, even when they are not having sex. She industry. He tells Nazneen that the British overseers often
knows her adultery is a crime, but she has no control over her chopped off the fingers of Bengali weavers. He also tells her
desire for Karim. Oddly, the betrayal provides her with a sense about his latest gadget to help his back feel better in the cab, a
of calm regarding her family. Karim, meanwhile, is studying with beaded seat cover. Nazneen wonders if he is spending more
the local imam and starts to grow a beard. The Lion Hearts money than they are saving. She looks at Shahana watching
haven't put out a recent leaflet, so the Bengal Tigers have television and wishes her daughter would talk with Chanu
nothing to protest, but Karim thinks that this is a ploy. more. Chanu asks Shahana to come sit with him, and for the
first time, Shahana acquiesces. Chanu tells her that he has
Chanu wakes up and goes to get ice cream for the family. tried to accomplish big things in his life but has failed, and she
Shahana asks Nazneen if she is in love with him. Panicked at tells him not to worry about it. He tells Shahana that the news
first, Nazneen thinks Shahana means Karim, but she realizes merchant out on the street could have been rich in
Shahana means Chanu. Nazneen says that she has been lucky Bangladesh, but here, he is dirt poor. Shahana takes this
in her marriage, and Chanu is a good husband. Shahana says opportunity to point out to him that the same news merchant
Nazneen thinks he is a good husband only because he doesn't sold his flat for far more than he paid for it and Chanu should
beat her. Nazneen realizes that Shahana knows more than she have done the same. Chanu keeps talking as if he didn't hear,
does about relationship dynamics. going on about moving to Dhaka. He thanks Shahana for
talking with him and finally understanding his ideas.
Mrs. Islam visits the next Monday and demands payment.
Nazneen puts 50 pounds into the purse pocket, but Mrs. Islam Nazneen gets up in the middle of the night and decides to
says it is not enough. She has heard the rumor that Nazneen wash the girls' clothing in the sink. She begins to think about

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how God will judge her sins with Karim and vomits on the assessments of arranged marriages in the book. Romantic love
clothes. She hallucinates that her mother is in the kitchen with that remains strong is not likely until the couple knows each
her, her mother's mouth getting bigger and her teeth getting other well, and before that happens, kindness counts. Shahana
larger as she tells Nazneen that God is testing her, and she can sees so many women in her neighborhood who experience
only pass the test if she endures. Nazneen collapses onto the domestic violence at the hands of their husbands that she has
floor. a strong awareness of Chanu's strengths in that regard. But
she also sees in her mother's behavior that there is no physical
attraction between her parents. She can tell her mother is
Analysis bored, and she has a clearer view of Nazneen's life than
Nazneen does at this point.
The characterization of Chanu as a man who never follows
through on anything is balanced by his persistence at getting Mrs. Islam continues to be thoroughly evil, demanding more
people to go along with his plans. He is absolutely convinced money than she is owed. Mrs. Islam is perfectly comfortable
that his family will go to Bangladesh with him. Chanu's method depriving people of their savings. Her tale of woe shows how
of operation is a kind of fake-it-til-you-make-it way of living. He this character plays her victims. She gets to Nazneen through
acts as if the family has already agreed to go by planning a her emotions because she knows Nazneen's vulnerabilities. But
tourist outing. He thinks that if he proceeds as if it's a known Mrs. Islam doesn't know how strong Nazneen really is, and her
fact that everyone wants to live in Bangladesh, the move will assumptions will get the best of her later in the novel.
manifest itself. Shahana's reaction says it all, showing that
Chanu and Shahana finally have a conversation, but it is like his
Chanu's methods don't work. The photo of the feet also
conversations with Dr. Azad. She talks, he doesn't hear, he
represents the lack of togetherness the family experiences on
thinks she agrees, and she thinks he is a fool. However, she is
this one big issue. The girls have become Londoners, and
kind to him during this interaction, which shows that even
Nazneen doesn't want to tear them away from their home.
though Shahana says she hates her father, she has kind
The American tourist is a classic example of white people's feelings toward him. She tries to understand her father's
perceptions of other cultures, thinking that all people from a position as an immigrant who has attempted to fit into British
certain region of the world look alike. This tourist thinks that all society and has come up against walls he can't climb.
women in saris must come from India, which is, of course, an
Nazneen's observations of Tariq earlier in the novel make her
incorrect assumption on several counts: Nazneen and Chanu
think that he is using heroin. This conclusion supports earlier
are Bangladeshi, not Indian, and the entire family are actually
clues in the novel, such as his demand for more money, the
time he spends shut up in his room, his sudden need to be out
Nazneen's feast shows Chanu that she cares about him, and all of the time, and his unhealthy appearance. Razia's empty
even loves him, but she does the same thing for Karim, feeding purse is the next clue, but Razia thinks blindly that heroin
him when he comes to visit. She is making Karim into a partner addiction has not touched her household. It is clear to Nazneen
she wants, and his religious exploration is exciting to her. that Tariq has begun to steal from his mother.
Nazneen has always wished that Chanu would act as a
Nazneen's hallucination, stemming from her mother's pious
practicing Muslim like she is, but he doesn't pray or read the
judgment, is terrifying. Nazneen's way of living has come from
Qur'an. He has begun to get more serious about studying
her mother's decision to simply endure everything that
religion, though he just isn't sticking to Islam. Karim is learning
happens and change nothing. Nazneen struggles with her
more about Islam and teaching it to Nazneen, which she loves.
desires as they conflict with her faith in God and the rules of
These contrasts between Chanu and Karim emphasize why
her religion. Her impending illness highlights the nightmarish
Nazneen can't resist Karim. It is not just a physical attraction. It
qualities in her mother, with the large teeth and growing mouth.
is a religious one, too, and religion has always comforted
Nazneen fears that she has done something terrible by
sleeping with Karim.
Shahana's comment that Nazneen only thinks Chanu is a good
husband because he doesn't beat her is one of the most clear

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perch is paradise. Hasina tells him to fly away, but he stays.

Chapter 15
Hasina writes again in July to tell Nazneen about Lovely's
dinner party with Betty and her husband. The women act
Summary bored, and the men talk politics. James's company may be in
trouble because there might be a ban on plastic bags. In the
When Nazneen regains consciousness, Chanu tells her that he kitchen, Zaid tells Hasina that he has plans to get out and work
found her lying on the floor in the kitchen, having vomited with in politics, be an actor, or even move to another country.
her eyes open but not blinking. He says that he came looking Hasina tells him about Chanu in London, and Zaid is impressed,
for her because he missed her heartbeat in the bed. Nazneen thinking that Chanu can now afford to build himself a whole
drifts in and out of awareness, hearing the voices of all of the town in Bangladesh where nothing is broken. In August, Hasina
people in her life. She opens her eyes to see that Dr. Azad is visits Monju again, but Lovely wants her to take the children to
sitting next to her. He tells Chanu that Nazneen needs rest. Dr. visit. Hasina thinks this isn't a good idea, telling Lovely how
Azad has to leave to see his patients, but Chanu decides not to grotesque Monju looks and smells. Lovely is aggravated. She
go back to work. Chanu is elated when Nazneen is finally says that no matter how much charity she gives, it's never
sitting up and conscious. He has been preparing feasts, but enough. Hasina says that luckily Monju is now unconscious so
she has not been able to eat. He makes plain rice for her now. her pain is less terrible. Hasina spends time with Syeeda
Nazneen thinks she should be doing something, but she isn't watching the seasonal rains.
sure what it is. Chanu jokes with the girls while Nazneen tries
Nazneen has recovered enough to clean the house a bit, but
not to get up and resume her duties. She wonders how she left
the whole family helps her, and Chanu tells her not to overdo it.
things with Karim. At night, when everyone is asleep, she tries
He has stopped going to work, and he tells Nazneen that Razia
to pick things up a little, but she can't and has to sit and
came to visit, but Nazneen doesn't remember it. Nazneen
breathe. She calms herself by reading Hasina's letters.
thinks about how Hasina blames herself for every bad thing
Hasina's letter of June 2001 talks about her friend Monju. that happens to her, but Nazneen knows her bad thing is her
Married at 13, Monju's husband wanted to sell her baby boy, fault. She is pretty sure she is going to hell. She looks across
and when she refused, he threw acid on the baby. Monju has the estate and sees plants in the window of her old apartment.
had to beg to get money for her son's surgeries. Lovely listens This makes her think she should have done far more to make
but says that begging is a problem, because the money "has to the apartment livable, like buying plants, covering furniture,
come from somewhere." Hasina thinks about Lovely's money putting Chanu's certificates on the wall, and even painting the
coming from James. Lovely gets ready for a hair competition wardrobe she hates. She feels as if it's too late to make things
and tells Hasina that perhaps Monju should consider a charity nice. When Karim arrives, they are silent for a while, but they
such as Goats for Life to raise her self-esteem. That may be end up making love in the bedroom where Nazneen bites
Monju's problem, Lovely thinks. Later, Hasina touches the Karim's ear. She wishes that Chanu would walk in and end her
beautiful objects in Lovely's room and wonders how Lovely sin for her.
perceives them. Zaid and the children interrupt her thought
Later, Karim talks with her about his feelings, but he sounds
with a kung fu yell.
like a stupid young boy, and she leaves the bed to wash "away
In July, Hasina admits that she has used Nazneen's money to his words." He puts his feet up on the coffee table in the living
pay for new bandages for Monju, who is in the hospital and room, and she sees the holes in his socks. He knows she is
badly disfigured from an acid attack by her husband and his angry about his disappearance, and he tells her he went to
siblings for not giving them the money she collected. Monju's Bradford to visit family. She insists she isn't angry, while using
wounds are festering, and the smell is overpowering, so Hasina an angry tone. Karim is about to leave, and he tells her that the
wants to give Monju some dignity by changing the bandages Bengal Tigers are doing nothing because the Lion Hearts
for her. When Hasina is at home with the children, she is canceled all of their activities. Nazneen suggests they have a
affectionate with them, but she knows this situation is fragile. celebration instead, a meal. He turns the idea around to sound
Zaid tells her not to get attached to children who are not hers. as if it is his, and she says, "If you say so." He looks on the
A kingfisher sits on the roof, calling to others to say that his computer at Islamic sites, and they talk about Bangladesh. He

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admits he has never been there. He reads a passage from the

Qur'an to Nazneen, about sinful adultery being inevitable for
man. She dumps out the tea she made for him and tells him it's
Nazneen thinks that it is her relationship with Karim that has
time for him to leave.
made her sick, but eventually she realizes that it is the overload
Days later, Shahana brings a poster about the festival home, of emotions and work. Up to this point, Nazneen has traversed
and she begs to go. Chanu gets angry and refuses, making the snake field that is her living room filled with her bickering,
violent threats, as usual, like "Body parts will not be screaming family, Mrs. Islam's demands for money, piles of
identifiable." Shahana yells that he is being unfair. Nazneen sewing, and worry over her sister's well-being. Each one alone
steps between them and says that Shahana can go. Shahana is stressful, but all of them together have compromised her
and Chanu are screaming so they don't hear her. Nazneen yells health. She tries to get up once she is back in the world of the
loudly that Shahana can go, and there is dead silence. She tells conscious, but even Nazneen has to admit that she needs to
Shahana to show respect to her father and gets a quiet "Yes, rest. This need reverses the roles in her household, with Chanu
Amma." She turns to Chanu and tells him he should be careful and the girls taking care of her. Chanu is absolutely gleeful
of the words he uses with such a young child. He can do about serving Nazneen; this may be the first time he has done
nothing but agree. He and Shahana look at each other and try work and felt good about the results.
not to giggle. Chanu whispers to Shahana that Nazneen has
Hasina's letters reveal the massive divide between lower and
not been well, and Shahana asks Nazneen if she wants to sit
upper classes. Lovely's remarks about Monju needing self-
down. Nazneen does, telling Shahana she should be doing
esteem and money coming from somewhere are the words of
homework. Chanu gestures to her wildly to do as Nazneen
a person who has never had to suffer anything more than a
says. Nazneen realizes that when she stomps around, the
broken fingernail on pageant night. Lovely's life is based on
ground underneath her does not swallow her up. Chanu and
superficial appearances and on the acquisition of things. Her
the girls end up being the ones to tiptoe around her.
remarks also show the distance some women put between
Later, when Chanu reads from a study that says Bangladesh is themselves and the horrific treatment of other women. The
the happiest country on earth, Nazneen says she does not blame is put on the suffering woman, not the circumstances
believe it. Chanu can barely believe she has spoken against that have led to the suffering.
him, and his eyebrows lift at her. He shows her the study to
Hasina is gradually realizing that her hold on all of the good
prove it, but Nazneen tells him Hasina is not happy. She starts
things in her life is extremely fragile, especially her love for
slowly, but eventually she relays everything Hasina has
Jimmy and Daisy. One wrong move and Hasina could be out on
experienced, including her rape by the supposedly respectable
the street, never to see the children again. She has no control
landowner Mr. Chowdhury and Hasina's time as a prostitute.
over her destiny, and her employers call the shots. The
Chanu promises that they will come up with a plan for Hasina.
kingfisher on the roof, who wants his friends to come join him
Nazneen goes to visit Hanufa, who makes Nazneen sit down and won't fly away, is stuck in what he thinks is paradise, but it
with her feet up and gives her leftovers from the festival. She is actually just a roof. This metaphor illustrates Hasina's
tells Nazneen that everyone is talking about it. Nazneen predicament. Lovely and James's house feels like paradise, but
remembers watching Chanu get up at the meeting to speak it's just a house with things and people who do not belong in
about suffering in Bangladesh and being proud of him. She is any way to Hasina.
happy to see Karim and wonders why she has tried so hard not
Lovely's insistence that Hasina take the children to see Monju
to care about things that happen around her. Her mother's
is either the height of cluelessness or the desperation of a
voice cuts in, telling her she has to accept, and she stops
bored woman who doesn't really like being with her children.
feeling so satisfied. When Nazneen gets home from visiting
She has been told of Monju's horrific wounds, and yet she
Hanufa, Razia is standing in front of her door, looking upset.
thinks this is a marvelous opportunity for her children to make
She tells Nazneen that Tariq has sold all of her furniture.
a charity visit. Her comment about how her charity is never
enough points to her lack of understanding, but her annoyed
tone may be caused by not getting the day to herself.

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When Nazneen sees the thriving plants in her old apartment, Nazneen is also finished with dishonesty with Chanu, though
she feels as if she has failed at everything. The plants she is not telling him about Karim. When Chanu brags about
represent something that has benefited from nourishment, and the Bangladesh happiness study, Nazneen corrects him, which
they are in the place where she used to be. It makes her think is a huge shock to Chanu. His small eyes look "unprotected,
that it could have been possible for her to turn the place into like two snails out of their shells." Nazneen tells him everything
something nurtured and thriving as well. Nazneen doesn't about Hasina's life. She could not have done this early on when
blame Hasina for her trials, but she blames herself for all of her she first got the letters, but now that she has found her voice
own, which shows how women, especially in this culture, are and knows her own power, she wants Chanu to understand.
encouraged to internalize their failures. Other women who fail This time, instead of minimizing Nazneen's concerns, Chanu
are not at fault, but when it is their own failure, they blame listens and wants to help.
Nazneen's visions of her mother keep cutting in on her
Nazneen's time away from Karim during her illness have happiness, but there are different ways to accept what one has
cleared her mind a bit. She has passionate sex with Karim, been given. Nazneen feels satisfied watching her family have
even drawing blood from his ear. However, with Karim, she is fun, her husband get up and make a speech, and her lover run
not able to sustain long-term love. She sees all of his flaws a meeting. However, she can't have all of this at the same time,
now, in his childish sweet nothings after lovemaking and his and she knows it. Nazneen has a moment of satisfaction, but
grungy socks with the holes in the toes. Just like Nazneen used her mother's words filter into her mind. Nazneen has yet to
to focus on the spilled food on Chanu's shirt at dinner with Dr. learn that within acceptance, there is room for desire, for
Azad early in her marriage, now she focuses on Karim's personal agency, and for change.
clothing wreckage. She tests Karim, too, when she gives him
an idea and then he takes it on as his idea. When she replies, "If The last scene in the chapter brings together all of the clues

you say so," he doesn't catch on that he is being an idiot by regarding Tariq. This time, Razia has to realize that Tariq is an

stealing credit from her. Bengali men are used to taking credit addict because his theft is too obvious to ignore. Razia may

for women's ideas and work, and Karim has proven to be no have been trying to make herself believe that heroin addiction

different, even though he has never set foot in Bangladesh. has not affected her family, but now, she's going to have to do

The fact that he has never been to Bangladesh also seals in something about Tariq.

her mind the idea that this man is a young fool with no
experience who doesn't belong in her life. He reads her a
Qur'an passage about how men are made for infidelity, and Chapter 16
that's the last straw. She kicks him out, and the action of
dumping out his tea before she even serves it to him shows
that Nazneen has had enough of this man's foolishness. Summary
The argument scene among Chanu, Shahana, and Nazneen
The chapter opens with Nazneen, Razia, and Shefali looking at
shows a permanent change in Nazneen. She is done with
Razia's bare apartment. Razia had rebuilt her life after her
people making her life miserable when they know better.
husband died, getting rid of all the junk that his coworkers had
Shahana and Chanu are so shocked that they have to stifle
given them and furnishing the apartment with pieces she loved.
laughter. This moment allows for father-daughter bonding, and
Now, she has nothing but a couple of mattresses and one
to Chanu's credit, he takes the opportunity and runs with it. For
chair. Razia tells Nazneen that she knew Tariq was selling
at least the rest of the day, Chanu and Shahana are buddies.
drugs because he got into trouble for selling on someone
Later, the all-British Shahana decides she wants to buy herself
else's territory. They tried to tax Tariq on what he sold.
a lassi at the festival. A lassi is a thin yogurt drink that is
Nazneen tells Razia about Karim, but Razia doesn't want to
somewhat sour but sweetened with fruit, often mango.
hear it. She has enough on her plate already. Razia and
Nazneen warns her that it's not going to be cold, and the milk
Nazneen go to Dr. Azad to get help getting Tariq clean. Razia
will taste sour, but she goes to investigate anyway. It is a step
paces while Dr. Azad sits quietly. Razia is nervous about
in a completely different direction for Shahana to voluntarily
community talk, and she asks Dr. Azad to help Tariq. Dr. Azad
choose something Bengali.

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says that Tariq has to want to get clean, and Razia should talk located in Manhattan in New York City, was a business and
with him. government agency building complex where international trade
took place. It was architecturally distinct due to twin 110-story
At home, Nazneen, Chanu, and the girls prepare for the twin towers.) The attacks of September 11th unfold, and Chanu
neighborhood festival. The girls will run the arts and crafts and Nazneen are transfixed by the screen, watching in horror.
table, and Chanu serves on the Classical Music Committee, (Al-Qaeda, an Islamic extremist group, hijacked a series of
although his preference is poetry. He recites poetry about commercial airlines, crashing them into government and
Bangladesh and tells the family that they will live a simpler life private buildings, including the twin towers of the World Trade
there. He starts singing a song with the line, "What keeps you Center in the United States and killing almost 3,000 people.)
tied to the corner of a room?" The girls, unusually, are When the Pentagon (Virginia headquarters for the U.S.
transfixed by the song. Nazneen reflects they are all in some Department of Defense) is hit, Chanu covers his eyes and
way tied to their corners. looks through his fingers. Nazma drops by to ask about
babysitting and watches for a while. As she leaves, she asks if
Hasina writes in August 2001 to tell Nazneen about Lovely's
Nazneen is still getting plenty of work, and her eyes flash.
latest problems. Lovely is mad because Betty got her picture in
Nazneen's stomach churns with anxiety.
the newspaper for attending an HIV fund raiser and Lovely did
not. Lovely speculates about founding a charity to benefit child Everyone, including the children, watches the coverage
workers. Hasina confirms there are neighborhood children who together, the events happening over and over again on the
work. Lovely, reminding Hasina to tend to her mopping, wishes screen. Nazneen feels as if the family has survived a crisis
that she could be plain like Hasina, instead of beautiful. Later, together. After dinner, an image is released of a man who
Hasina tries out the guest room bed, which is luxurious. She jumps from the burning towers. Feeling unsettled, Nazneen has
goes into Lovely's room and tries on her makeup. Zaid sees her a dream about a tornado in Gouripur. As soon as the next day,
doing this, and quotes a line from a poem about never being residents of the estates experience the backlash against
satisfied with what one has: "My heart is not to my hearts Muslims. People spit at Razia and pull headscarves off girls'
liking." heads. Chanu reads newspapers. He asks Nazneen to give him
what little money she has saved. Then he tells the girls there is
Nazneen becomes depressed and can't get out of bed. When
one thing they can't imagine, but should never forget. The
Karim has been there, she doesn't change the sheets so that
Bangladeshi artist Zainul Abedin (1914–76) portrayed the
she can smell him. Chanu buys her beautiful cloth, and she tells
Bengal famine of 1943 through images of those who lived and
him to take it back. He tries to read a romantic Bengali novel to
those who died, including the scavengers that tore apart the
her, even trying not to interject with his own opinions as he
bodies of dead children. Chanu tells the girls that while three
reads, but she doesn't respond. Nothing seems to please her,
million Bengalis died, the British exported grain from
but Chanu keeps trying, making excuses for her lethargy. She
Bangladesh for their own tables. "That's it," Chanu says, and
even tells Chanu to turn off the ice skating on the television
tells the family they will be going home soon.
because it now looks fake to her. She hands over money to
Mrs. Islam. When she realizes that all of the money she saved However, there is still not enough money to travel, and Chanu
for Hasina is gone, she begins to sew until she can't see what wants to know where the money goes. He says he will ask
she is sewing anymore. When Razia visits, she tells Nazneen Karim to raise Nazneen's pay rate, but she stops him. He
that Tariq is still using drugs. She is going to lock Tariq in his makes her promise to ask for a raise. Later, in the bedroom,
room until he is clean. Razia mentions that she saw Karim, and Chanu questions whether Nazneen wants to go to Bangladesh.
Nazneen starts to feel the familiar sense of shame. Later, She defers to God's will. Chanu asks the question again, but
Nazneen realizes that Chanu is never going to make a plan for she can't answer him. He puts his head on her shoulder and
Hasina because he never follows through on anything. muses that she must want to see her sister. From that point on,
Chanu works overtime, so much so that he barely eats, and his
As Nazneen works, Chanu hurries to turn on the television. He
ulcer (festering sore in the digestive tract) becomes painful.
can't find the remote so he pushes the console button. He says
that this is "the start of the madness." One World Trade Center Later, Chanu arrives home to discover Nazneen working while
tower is left, and a plane circles. (The World Trade Center, Karim sits at the computer. Karim says that he is looking on an

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Islamic website. He stays calm, but his foot trembles. Nazneen sister again. Things are getting worse on the estate, and the
remains quiet. Chanu tells Karim that he used to know what he Lion Hearts are active again, with a planned March Against the
wanted to be, a British civil servant, and he thought he would Mullahs (learned Muslims). The Bengal Tigers now have a
rise in the ranks, but later, he looked around and wondered if reason to fight, and Karim is excited. The Lion Hearts' most
he had actually chosen his position. Karim replies that he recent leaflet disgusts Chanu, and he heads for the bedroom,
knows what he wants, saying it twice. Chanu puts on his coat isolating himself.
again and says that when one grows older, one needs certainty
above possibility. He walks out the door.
The Islamic festival is cancelled due to sensitivity regarding the
September 11 attacks. Disheartened, the girls worry about Razia has known more than she wants to admit about Tariq's
Chanu, who is very quiet and limits his interaction with them. drug dealing. Up to this point in the novel, Razia has not cared
When Chanu brings home a suitcase and says he should start what people think of her, but now that people know about
packing, Nazneen realizes that he is following through on his Tariq, she is worried that his behavior will reflect badly on her.
goal. She knows he is serious because he doesn't give a She is flabbergasted at Dr. Azad's calm attitude. Razia's body
speech about his purchase. Meanwhile, Karim is looking more language suggests her negative opinion of the doctor's advice.
Islamic by the day, wearing a skullcap (worn to cover the head Razia is about to come completely unraveled. When she visits
in honor of the Islamic prophet Muhammad). It makes Nazneen Nazneen, her imitation of Dr. Azad, while not good, gets her
think of Arzoo, a poor man who worked for her father. When he point across. She thinks he has "English disease," meaning that
showed up one day in a fancy wool jacket, people teased him he thinks it's okay to let a drug addict destroy a household until
so much that eventually he gave up the jacket. He tells her he wants to stop taking drugs, whenever that may occur. Razia
father that one's clothing is a big deal in a place like his village. has other plans for Tariq. She has allowed him to take
advantage of her for too long, but she is not willing to watch as
Nazneen thinks about how to tell Hasina about Karim. She
he kills himself with heroin. Razia doesn't back down when she
remembers the barber of Gouripur, Tamizuddin Mizra Haque, a
decides she will do something. Razia isn't kidding when she
respected authority to whom people deferred. They always
says she'll lock Tariq up.
uttered his full name to show respect. Nazneen can't tell
Hasina about Karim. Meanwhile, Karim is doubting out loud the Usually, when Chanu recites poetry or sings songs from
news accounts regarding the September 11 attacks, and he Bangladesh, Shahana rolls her eyes and goes to her room.
thinks the Americans don't have the true culprits. Nazneen However, when he sings the corners of the room song, he does
promises herself she will tell Karim he can't pray at her it in such a solemn, sad way that the girls stand still to listen,
apartment, but every time she tries, he whispers in her ear and and they don't move until he opens his eyes. There is
she can't turn him away. She wishes Chanu would kill her, but something about Chanu's song that reaches his daughters in a
she knows that will never happen. She asks Karim why he likes way he has not been able to do before.
her, and Karim describes her in exactly the way Chanu did long
ago—as a pure girl, the "real thing." She realizes that this is Hasina's portrayal of Lovely shows her to be even more
what Karim wants, a passive woman who takes his commands shallow than previously thought. Lovely only wants to start a
and is not westernized. Nazneen divulges to Karim Chanu's charity so that she can have her photo in the newspaper. She
plan to relocate the family to Dhaka. Karim admits that when is actually angry at her friend for being at an HIV benefit and
he went to Bradford, it was to meet the girl his parents have having her picture taken. There is not a charitable bone in
chosen for him to marry. He refuses his parents' wishes Lovely's body. When she thinks aloud about starting a charity
because of his relationship with Nazneen. Karim wants for child workers and Hasina says they exist in her own
Nazneen to refuse Chanu's plan for relocation and then neighborhood, Lovely is rude to Hasina, putting her in her place
divorce him when he deserts her. as the maid, not a person with ideas and definitely not an equal.
The final insult is to call Hasina, who is extremely beautiful,
Chanu is still not eating much, and Nazneen allows the girls to plain. There is a great deal of jealousy in Lovely's words, and
have anything they want. She cooks for herself, eating at night. she wants Hasina to feel diminished.
She thinks about whether she will ever share a meal with her

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Zaid's poetry quotation, "My heart is not to my heart's liking," plans have become less about going home to start fresh and
means that Hasina doesn't understand what she has and more about saving his family from danger.
doesn't appreciate it. This is primarily because she has been
made to feel, all of her life, as if there is something wrong with The conversation Chanu has with Nazneen about whether or

her. People have called her immoral, a whore, and worse, and not she wants to go to Bangladesh is a change in his

she has been treated like she is nobody and deserves nothing. communication style. He is no longer demanding that she go.

Hasina can't look in the mirror and like what she sees because He now realizes that there is a possibility that she doesn't want

her ability to love herself is gone. She tries to use Lovely's to go. He is tender and loving with her when he puts his head

makeup to make herself less plain, but she doesn't realize that on her shoulder, into her hair. He can't get an answer out of her

Lovely is wrong about her. She looks in the mirror and sees so he answers for her. However, it seems that Chanu is only

what Lovely tells her she should be seeing, a plain maid. trying to convince himself she will go.

When Nazneen becomes depressed, Chanu tries everything he Chanu wants to know where the money goes, but he hasn't

can think of to pull her out of it. The list of ways he tries to tell told Nazneen how much they borrowed from Mrs. Islam. He

Nazneen that he loves her is remarkable in its creativity. Chanu thinks that they don't have money because Nazneen isn't

reads romantic novels in Bengali to Nazneen, books he would making enough. His threat to ask Karim to give Nazneen a raise

never read on his own. The serious Chanu has been panics her because she wants to minimize the contact

transformed to the desperate Chanu who wants to make his between them. He gets angry about her not wanting to ask,

wife happy. It doesn't work because Nazneen is disillusioned and their clipped conversation suggests that he knows

with everything in her life now. Karim has proven to be lacking something is going on between Nazneen and Karim. However,

in ways that she did not expect because she thought she knew Chanu will not say anything to Nazneen about it. His statement

who she was looking at. Nazneen now knows that Karim is not when he finds Karim in the apartment that one "need[s] some

right for her, but she is still unable to let him go. The physical things to be certain" is followed by walking back out the door.

attraction is still strong. This action suggests that Chanu doesn't have what he needs.

The September 11 scene describes the horror Nazneen and Karim's new way of dressing complements his new interest in

Chanu experience. Chanu holds tight to his stomach, shouts studying Islam. Instead of trying to blend in, at a time when

out, squats down to hold his knees and stomach, and rocks on there is a backlash against Muslims in religious clothing, he is

the floor. He puts his hands over his face and looks through his wearing obviously Muslim clothing. Nazneen's memory of

fingers, like a scared child. He asks Nazneen if she knows the Arzoo and his wool jacket suggests that Karim's clothing is an

building she is looking at is the Pentagon, his voice betraying important change that the neighborhood will recognize.

his astonishment over what he is seeing. When the towers

Nazneen realizes she can't tell Hasina about Karim because
collapse, they both stand up, as if they can stop it from
she really needs to be accountable for her actions, and Karim
happening if they are upright. The helplessness and fear is
should not be in her life. She wants to tell him not to pray at her
evident in the way they react viscerally to the scene: "It is hard
apartment, but she has yet to fully realize how wrong Karim is
to keep looking at the television and it is impossible to look
for her. She tests the waters by asking him why he likes her.
away." Nazneen's dreams of destruction and fear are centered
His answer is so much like Chanu's first impression of her in
in her home village, showing that this attack has reached her
the beginning of their marriage that it startles her. She has
where she lives emotionally.
changed and is not that same girl at all, but Karim wants her to

Chanu predicts a backlash of madness, and he is exactly right. be that girl. Chanu loves her for who she was but also for who

He is now terrified, and Nazneen can tell something has she has become. Even though Karim passes up an arranged

changed because he no longer pontificates. He is serious, marriage for her, he is still not right for her because he wants

quiet, and works himself sick. He tells the girls a story about her to be a passive wife. He goes so far as to encourage her to

the famine of 1943 because he knows that they don't divorce Chanu, which she does not want to do. She would

understand what it is to truly suffer. He wants them to rather that Chanu find her with Karim and kill her so that she

understand how the British treated the people of Bangladesh can stop hurting him.

and how important it is to him now to get out of Britain. His

The contrast between Chanu's reaction to the Lion Hearts'

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plans to march and Karim's reaction shows a difference perform an exorcism. There was a crowd watching, and the
between a grown man and a young idealist. Chanu has been fakir asked for help with the exorcism. A young servant boy
around long enough to realize that fighting violence with said he would help, and the holy man was supposed to put the
violence isn't going to work. Karim is thrilled that he will now jinni into the servant's body. The boy started to attack the fakir,
have a reason to fight. Chanu doesn't usually go into a and the fakir told the crowd that the boy was faking it and they
separate room and shut the door. This unusual gesture reveals should intervene. They pulled the servant off the fakir, and the
not just his disgust regarding the anti-Muslim sentiments, but fakir wanted revenge. The fakir ended up putting the boy in a
his unwillingness to watch members of his community turn on headlock and supposedly removing the jinni. The boy said later
each other. He knows this path will lead to more madness. he had tried to humiliate the fakir on purpose. Rupban,
however, believed she had been exorcised. Nazneen doesn't
understand why Rupban chose to believe in bad jinni but not
Chapter 17 good jinni.

Nazneen doesn't see Karim very often now because he is busy

with studying Islam and with the Bengal Tigers. He tells her
Summary that he is researching divorce, and he wants their wedding to
be a simple, small wedding. Nazneen doesn't know what to do.
The chapter opens with gossip about a murder committed on
She thinks that going to Bangladesh with Chanu and the girls
the estates. No one can get the name or the story straight, so
would be a disaster, but marrying Karim would lead to a life she
people make things up. Nazma thinks it was drugs and says
doesn't want. She thinks she should let fate decide, but then
this in front of Razia to get her to react. Razia pretends not to
she accidentally rubs her eye with the hand she used to cut
hear her. As Razia and Nazneen walk home from the grocery
chilis. Her eye burns, and then she starts to shout as if she is
store, they see a funeral procession. There is a white woman in
happy. She realizes that she should decide what happens to
one of the cars, and she smiles at Nazneen as if they know
her instead of waiting for fate to do it. It is time for Nazneen to
each other. Nazneen wants to ask Razia if there are rumors
about her, but talking with Razia has become difficult. Razia
has stopped joking and is not her usual self. They walk passed She wavers back and forth later, between her family and Karim.
a store called Fusion Fashions, where there are shalwar One evening, she finds a verse in the Qur'an that speaks of two
(baggy trousers) that are fashioned like slim pants. They are oceans divided by a reef. Both oceans contain coral and pearls.
meant for white girls. Razia wonders how white people can spit "Which of your Lord's blessings would you deny?" asks the
on their own flag because she's a Muslim wearing it, but they verse. This choice reminds Nazneen of a time when Chanu cut
want to wear outfits to look like the people they hate. his toenails and came to her to kiss her forehead. He told her
then that he has never once regretted his choice of bride.
The girls tell Nazneen one evening that they don't want to go
Nazneen thinks of her girls, who are beautiful, and she feels
to Bangladesh. Nazneen asks them whether they want to meet
like a lucky woman. She makes a vow to herself that she will
their Auntie Mumtaz. She tells them the story of Mumtaz's jinni
not deny God's blessings.
(spirit), which came out of a bottle when she was young, and
helped her give advice to people when she was an adult. Chanu has become mostly silent while Karim never stops
Mumtaz told one woman burdened with eight children to tell talking. He is agitated about the leaflet the Lion Hearts
her husband to choose one child to kill if he wanted to keep released, claiming that Islam is a religion of hate and violence.
sleeping with her. She got this information from her jinni. Karim wonders aloud how people can talk about Islamic
People started coming to Mumtaz for advice after that, and terrorists and not terrorists in any other religion. Nazneen feels
Mumtaz spoke in tongues, claiming that the jinni spoke through as if she can't talk with him because he is too angry all the
her. Rupban thought Mumtaz was a fraud. time. He says that there are no gangs, but she remembers
hearing him use the word gang earlier, and he acts as if he
Nazneen remembers another jinni story, about a bad jinni.
wants the Bengal Tigers to fight.
When she was a child, her mother started attacking her father
and stopped washing. Hamid called a fakir, a holy man, to Hasina writes in September 2001 that Monju has passed away.

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Hasina is happy that her friend finally has freedom from pain. real thing would cost. White British people who claim to hate
She is also grateful that Lovely has actually started a new Muslims can actually spit on their own flag if there is a Muslim
charity and wants to help child victims of acid attacks. Monju's wrapped in it, Razia says. The person underneath does not
son is the first person the charity will help. Lovely calls the change because the clothing does.
newspaper to give them the announcement that she is starting
this new organization. Hasina says she was able to give this The first jinni story serves the purpose of giving the girls

good news to Monju before she died, which gave Monju some information about their aunt and cultural information about

relief. Monju worried that having smacked her son's legs once Bangladesh. However, the second bad jinni story reveals

in frustration, she was the cause of his deformities. Hasina something about Rupban. She has to believe in the bad jinni

pretends to ask a doctor and comes back to tell her that the because otherwise she has to admit that Hamid is the cause of

doctor said there was no chance it was the smack that hurt her her suffering. If Hamid treated her like a human being rather

son. It is not Monju's fault that her son's legs are deformed. than a servant and was respectful of their marriage, Rupban

Monju moves as if to smile. She tells Hasina that secrets can would not have had a breakdown. Rupban would rather blame

kill, and Hasina can tell her secrets to get them out. When a jinni and say that she was destined to suffer. If she acts as

Hasina comes back the next day to tell Monju her secrets, she does because of a jinni, then she can remain the saint she

Monju has already passed away. has always been. Rupban can admit neither that she has
agency over her actions nor that she is not fated to suffer.

Chapter 18
Nazneen is still struggling with what to do about Karim, but
when he tells her that their wedding will be a small one, she
realizes that he is making decisions for her. She has not said Summary
she will marry him, and she is not sure she wants to. She prays,
and the verse she finds that asks her to choose between Chanu decides that he is going to go to the next Bengal Tigers
oceans makes her realize that she has a great deal to be meeting. Chanu tells Nazneen he thinks she will be interested
grateful for in her life with her family. A life with Karim might be in what happens. She is terrified that he is going to talk with
exciting, but she has no idea about and no vision of its Karim about their affair. Chanu puts on his best suit and shows
outcome. With Chanu and the girls, she knows that they love her the speech he has written about the white working class
her, and she loves them. She has a husband who is grateful for and racial hatred. Nazneen realizes he wants to challenge
her and tells her so. She has daughters she adores. This Karim and win her back. When they get to the meeting, people
moment is when Nazneen realizes that she knows, at least, have already taken sides. There is an angry group of young
that choosing Karim would be a mistake. men on one side of the room dressed in westernized Panjabi
pajamas. There is a group of girls dressed in burka in the back.
Razia is so caught up in her son's troubles that she can't be the
There is a group of young men on the other side of the hall
friend she has always been to Nazneen. This absence forces
where Chanu and Nazneen decide to sit. Karim can't keep the
Nazneen to make choices for herself. Nazneen tries to imagine
meeting in order. He wants the group to respond to the Lion
telling Razia about the relationship with Karim, and she can
Hearts, but the Questioner starts sending around pictures of
begin the sentences, but she cannot finish them. There is
dead and dismembered Iraqi children, and a girl in a headscarf
nothing to say about Karim that completes the sentence.
says that on September 11, no one reported on the 35,000
Nazneen's inability to tell the story even to herself shows that
children who died of hunger. Chanu sits with his head down,
there is no substance to her relationship with Karim.
looking miserable. Nazneen wonders whether she can save the

The Fusion Fashions store is typical of stores that appropriate world when she can't provide any comfort to her own husband.

styles from nonwhite cultures. The shape of the clothing is all She tells Chanu they should go, and when the meeting ends, he

wrong, but the cloth and the beads mimic shalwar kameez, the smiles a sad smile at her, saying he will save the speech for

long tunic shirt and baggy pajama pants that women wear. The another time.

market prices for designs like this are much higher than the

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Nazneen goes to the butcher shop and runs into Mrs. Islam, of standing between Raqib and his fate, killing her own son.
who says she is dying. Nazneen thinks she can't trust Mrs. Nazneen wakes up screaming, and Chanu tells her to tell him
Islam, who is always dying. Mrs. Islam asks about the family's what she dreamed to chase away the fear.
plans to go home, and Nazneen tries not to answer, but Mrs.
Islam grabs her chin and calls her a liar. Mrs. Islam knows that
Dr. Azad gave Chanu money to buy plane tickets. Nazneen has Analysis
no idea what she is talking about. Mrs. Islam calms down a bit
and reminds Nazneen that they owe her money. Nazneen tells The meeting of the Bengal Tigers has several purposes in this
Mrs. Islam that no matter how much they keep paying her, it chapter. One of them is to show how groups of people within
never gets rid of the debt. Mrs. Islam tells her that God will one religion can turn against each other, each claiming they
provide a way for her to pay. are right and using religion to justify it. The extremist faction
doesn't plan to follow the protocol of meeting peacefully, and
Nazneen confronts Chanu that evening about Mrs. Islam's the Questioner tries to get people upset by showing them
accusation. Chanu tells her he should take his coat off before photos of dead Muslim children. He wants to get people angry
they talk because he knows she hates it when he keeps it on enough to start a fight with the Lion Hearts, and he also wants
inside. Nazneen didn't know he knew what she liked or disliked. to spark jihad. The other side of the room wants to protest
Chanu talks about how a lie to oneself is worse than lying to peacefully in a march.
others, and Nazneen worries that he knows everything about
her lies. He shows Nazneen the plane tickets, dated five days Another purpose is to show the reader that Karim is not the
ahead. Nazneen thinks about all of the things in the apartment leader Nazneen has thought he was because he loses control
they have. Chanu tells Nazneen he went to Dr. Azad about his of the meeting and can't get anyone to settle down or agree to
ulcer; money was not the main reason for the visit. He plans to one plan. Nazneen also learns that she is not the partner she
go into the soap business when they get to Dhaka. wants to be since she can't make Chanu feel better. She wants
to help Chanu, but she has no comfort to give him. He had
Nazneen goes to Razia's apartment to visit. She is panicked wanted to fight for her, and now he has lost his chance. His sad
because there are only three days before she is supposed to smile shows that he has lost hope.
go to Dhaka. She hears Tariq knocking on his own bedroom
door because Razia has locked him in there at his own request. Nazneen knows that Chanu was planning to fight for her by
He wants to quit heroin, but he keeps begging Razia to let him giving a speech and outdoing Karim because he wears his best
out. She won't break her promise to him, and he starts to cry. suit. Ordinarily, he would not do this for a neighborhood
Nazneen decides not to say goodbye to Karim, and panics meeting, but he is dressing for battle. The suit makes him feel
more, thinking about him with another woman. Razia asks her worthy of Nazneen, makes him feel professional and
about Karim, and she says he is like color television after competent, and gives a good impression to the people around
watching black and white. Razia tells her that's what the him. His dejected body language comes when he realizes there
English call being in love, offending Nazneen with her brush- will be no chance for speeches. It is then that Nazneen knows
off. Dr. Azad arrives with medicine for Tariq, managing to calm what was at stake for Chanu, and how the loss of this chance
him down. He shows Nazneen one of his snow globes and says hurts him.
his wife bought it for him. He tells her that he and his wife were
Nazneen's encounter with Mrs. Islam in the butcher shop
once poor and very much in love. He says that this kind of love
reveals how violent Mrs. Islam is at heart. She grabs Nazneen's
goes away, but the kind that lasts is the one built from almost
face to hiss at her, assaulting Nazneen. Mrs. Islam wants the
cash that Chanu gets from Dr. Azad, and she doesn't want
Nazneen has a dream about being in Gouripur with her mother, Chanu and Nazneen skipping town before she can extort as
who is telling the stories of Nazneen's birth and how she much money from them as possible. Nazneen is onto her,
wouldn't eat. Rupban tells the story again about how she left though, realizing she should have listened to Razia in the first
Nazneen to her fate, and that's why Nazneen lived. Nazneen place. There is no end to a debt with Mrs. Islam. Nazneen
dreams she is walking to her sewing machine in her apartment, confronts Mrs. Islam for the first time ever, another step in her
asking Rupban what she should do now. Rupban accuses her ability to live her own life and make her own decisions.

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The talk with Chanu shows that Chanu knows exactly what
Nazneen has been doing. He hasn't told her about the tickets Chapter 19
because he doesn't want her say no to leaving. He talks about
how it is bad to lie to others, which he does, but it is worse to
lie to one's self. Nazneen is so caught up in her own lies that Summary
she thinks he knows everything about Karim. He probably
does, but the lie he is talking about is the one he tells to Hasina has written a letter to Nazneen to tell her she is
himself: that Nazneen will want to come to Bangladesh with becoming restless in her job. The more she cleans Lovely's
him. house and takes care of her children, the more she realizes
that nothing she touches is hers. No one she cares for is hers
Razia's son tries to manipulate his way out of his room by either. Rupban would say this is a woman's fate, but Hasina
sweet talking his mother, even though he has told her to under says that Rupban was wrong about everything.
no circumstances open his door. He knows that if she opens
the door, he will run. He also knows that he will tell any lie he Hasina continues, admitting that she has a terrible secret she
can to get her to open the door. Tariq is aware of the hold has to confess to Nazneen. Hasina was present when Rupban
heroin has on him, and he knows that withdrawal is so bad that fell on the spear, and she knows it was a suicide, not an
it will make a person do absolutely anything to stop it. Razia is accident. Hasina was wearing new patent leather shoes that
strong enough to wait for the doctor, and she keeps her day, she says, and was staring at them. She looked up to see
promise to him. This example of tough love is a confirmation of Rupban dressed in her best sari, heading for the storeroom.
Razia's instincts as a good mother and a smart woman. Hasina followed her mother and watched Rupban test each
spear for sharpness with her finger, choosing the sharpest one
Dr. Azad's encounter with Nazneen makes her think he knows to put between the rice sacks. Hasina prays that God will give
about her affair. Chanu may have told him about it, she thinks, Rupban peace, but she is tortured by the knowledge that their
but the remarkable part of this encounter is how gentle Dr. mother killed herself.
Azad is with Nazneen. Both he and Chanu tell Nazneen about
long-term love, faith, and truth. Neither of them get angry with
Nazneen or make her out to be a horrible person. Dr. Azad Analysis
uses his snow globes to tell a story of love lost, which is a
beautiful way to reinforce for Nazneen what she has with The secret Hasina had wanted to confess to Monju she now
Chanu. shares with Nazneen. Hasina feels terrible guilt for not
stopping her mother and for not telling anyone about what she
Rupban haunts Nazneen's dreams lately, and this dream shows
saw. She had run away before her mother fell, but she knew
Nazneen something terrible about her mother. Rupban left
what was happening. Hasina feels guilty about lying, too. She
Nazneen to her fate, and it is only luck that Nazneen lived.
blames herself again for all of these mistakes, but she is
Nazneen did everything a mother is supposed to do when her
generous with her mother. She prays for her mother and, in
child is severely ill. Rupban says in the dream that these
doing so, realizes that her mother saw no other way out.
actions interfered with fate, killing the baby. Nazneen knows
Hasina forgives her mother.
this is not true, but it is a traumatic thought. Chanu's
gentleness with Nazneen and request that she talk out her Hasina has been thinking for a long time that nothing she
fears with him show how much he loves her. Chanu has touches is hers, and Zaid has warned her not to get attached
knowledge of and love for his wife after years of living with her. to the children because they are not her children. Now, these
This provides an important realization about fate and personal feelings are coming to a head. Hasina says that Rupban was
agency that will change Nazneen's mind about her future. wrong about everything, and although Hasina has tried to make
her life better, she fails every time. She is not going to give up
on herself, however. Hasina will find a way to change her life.

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real reason is for not wanting him. He thinks it's because they
Chapter 20 sinned when they began their relationship. She tells him, no,
she made him up in her mind.

Summary Later, Nazneen walks around the estate and meets up with Dr.
Azad, coming from Razia's apartment. Dr. Azad says that Tariq
Nazneen holds onto Hasina's letter, thinking of the butterfly is doing well. Nazneen contemplates why he gave Chanu
whose wings start a movement that ripples throughout the money for the plane tickets, wondering whether he was trying
world. She has just about finished packing, but she is not going to save her marriage. She asks if his wife has left him and he
to go to Bangladesh. She is about to visit Mrs. Islam, but she tells her, not really. Nazneen asks why he gave Chanu the
and her two sons are outside her door already. Nazneen invites money, and he says it was simple, "Because he is my friend. My
them in and makes them tea. Mrs. Islam tells her that she owes very good friend."
200 pounds to finish paying the debt, but Nazneen refuses to
The day of the flight comes, and Nazneen plans to tell Chanu
pay. Nazneen calmly informs Mrs. Islam that she has done the
her decision an hour before they are supposed to leave the
calculations, and she and Chanu have paid the debt off
apartment. He tells her that he has never been the perfect
already, plus 300 pounds in interest. Mrs. Islam's sons start to
husband, and he hasn't been the perfect father either. He asks
smash things with baseball bats they brought with them. She
if he hasn't been a bad husband and says he has tried to be a
tells them to destroy whatever they want to destroy. They
modern man and allow her to do what she wants. He suddenly
threaten to break her arms, and she tells them to go ahead and
looks too small for her to send away by himself. She tells him
try. Mrs. Islam pretends to be horrified that Nazneen would
she's lucky that her father picked an educated man and her
accuse her of being a crooked money lender. Then she tries to
heart swells, knowing what she has to tell him. He goes out to
blackmail Nazneen by threatening to reveal her affair, but
do errands, and Nazneen looks out to see the Bengal Tigers
Nazneen says that Chanu knows everything already. Mrs. Islam
marching on the estate grounds. There are boys, older men,
is shocked by Nazneen's candid admission and strength and
and a group of white people as well, participating with them.
gives up. One son mutters that they have already paid too
The Lion Hearts are nowhere in sight. Chanu comes back in
much anyway, and Mrs. Islam hits him with her bag, moaning
with a briefcase full of soap and talks about the soap factory
with despair. They leave, and while Nazneen cleans up the
he plans to start. He leaves again, and Nazneen falls asleep on
mess they made, she realizes that God provided her with a way
the mattress. Bibi wakes her up and says that Shahana has run
to resolve the situation. She found the answer within herself.
Nazneen goes to see Karim, taking the train. She has alerted
him that she is coming and has to say something important to
him. She realizes that she has constructed a Karim in her head Analysis
that she loves but that isn't the real Karim. The real Karim is
just as lost as she is and as Chanu is. She gets off the train and Nazneen's image of her sister's letter as a butterfly whose

meets him at a clothes shop. They walk with each other for a flapping wings will change the future is correct. She realizes

while and watch a street juggler do his tricks. Nazneen realizes that her so-called saint of a mother not only left her to her fate,

that they could have gone places with each other without which was a mistake, but she also did something that she knew

anyone knowing. Because London is so full of people, they can was a sin against God. Rupban didn't have a choice, she

be invisible. Nazneen tells Karim that Chanu is headed for thought, but Nazneen knows that she can make a choice

Bangladesh the next day, but she and the girls are staying in herself.

London. He says they shouldn't see each other before the

Nazneen starts making choices for herself by standing up to
wedding, but she says they will not get married. He thinks she
Mrs. Islam. If Chanu won't do it, she will. Nazneen has done the
means not right away, and she tells him, "not ever." He
math, and she is not afraid to tell Mrs. Islam what it is. Nazneen
understands, he says, that she has to put the children first.
is even able to stay calm as the sons break the china cabinet.
Then he takes her to a café, and she notices that he is no
Nazneen has always hated dusting all the things in the cabinet
longer stammering. He tells her he only does it when he is
anyway, so they are doing her a favor. She knows that these
nervous, and she made him nervous. Then he asks what the

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two boys will not really break her arms, though. Nazneen is for her as it will be for Chanu.
much smarter than they are, and she calls their bluff.
Shahana has threatened over and over again to run away
Mrs. Islam's outcry is compared to that of an animal, a simile rather than go to Bangladesh, and she makes good on her
that shows the reader how inhuman she is. Her burst of anger promise. Shahana is a tough girl with a strong mind, and she
toward the son who admits that Nazneen paid too much shows does what she says she will do. Earlier in the novel, Nazneen
that she is the cruel one in the bunch, and the boys are just mentions that Shahana will never forgive her if they go to live in
along because they are afraid of their mother. Bangladesh. Nazneen's instincts about Shahana have been
correct while Chanu has never taken Shahana seriously.
When Nazneen has an opportunity to see Karim waiting for her,
she gets a look at him as an outsider might, realizing that he
doesn't know where his life is headed at all. Nazneen's
confrontation with Karim is much more complex than the one
Chapter 21
with Mrs. Islam. She realizes she is going to have to hurt him,
and at each step, she takes care to explain why she doesn't
want to marry him. Her inner monologue keeps her steady and
prevents her from succumbing to the scent of limes, which is
Bibi, who was sworn to secrecy about Shahana's plans, spills
still there. At first, she thinks he understands her reasoning, but
the story to Nazneen. Shahana and a friend are going to meet
he questions her again, wanting to know the real answer.
at the Shalimar Café and head for Paignton, a town with no
Before she can answer him, he makes up an answer he can
Bangladeshis. The problem is that there are two Shalimar
tolerate. Karim is speaking for Nazneen again, telling her what
Cafés. Bibi thinks it's on Cannon Street, so Nazneen goes
to think and how to feel.
there, but no one has seen Shahana. Nazneen runs back
Nazneen keeps bumping into Dr. Azad and discovering more through Brick Lane, where a police barricade stops her. An
about him and his friendship with Chanu. She makes officer tells her there is a disturbance and she can't come
assumptions about his marriage, but he says his wife hasn't through. When the officer is looking the other way, Nazneen
exactly left him. She also thinks that he is trying to save her jumps the barrier and runs down the lane. She passes a police
marriage, but his reasons are simpler than that. Nazneen car that a group of boys is trying to roll over, and she sees the
doesn't realize that the silent and proper Dr. Azad has a great Multicultural Liaison Officer on the ground, praying. She tries to
deal of love for her husband. The doctor considers Chanu a convince him to run and then leaves him, surrounded by flying
very good friend, and he does for Chanu what one is supposed bottles and burning tires. She sees the Questioner in the street
to do for a friend: support him in any way possible. with a bullhorn, trying to get people to stop fighting each other.

Nazneen can see that Chanu is excited about the prospect of Suddenly, Nazneen is pulled into a doorway by Karim. He tells
a soap business. Chanu can see that Nazneen is not. All of her that the boy who had been stabbed just got out of the
Chanu's body language during their conversation about his hospital and is taking revenge; the rioters are taking revenge
qualities as a husband shows that he knows she isn't coming against the revenge. He tells Nazneen to go home, but she tells
with him. He is trying to push forward because he knows he him she has to find Shahana. He agrees to get her to the
has to go. Chanu can't stay in England anymore, not with the Shalimar, and she looks inside, but everything is closed. Karim
anti-Muslim activity that is happening and with the racism that tells her to go home again, but she looks further and sees the
keeps him from getting anywhere as a civil servant. The waiters, huddling around the two girls. Nazneen pounds on the
conversation between them is tender, and he is extremely door, calling Shahana's name.
honest with Nazneen. Nazneen is moved by his determination
At home, Shahana is in the bath, being guarded by Bibi. Chanu
to show her not just love, but respect as well. She gives him
rushes around the apartment and can't stop talking as if
back the same statement he made about himself at the
nothing is changing because he knows what is going to
beginning of their marriage, that she is lucky her father chose
happen. Nazneen puts her hand on Chanu's cheek, and he
such an educated man. Nazneen's full heart shows the reader
kisses it. He tells her that he had wanted to become a big man,
that this separation from Chanu is going to be just as difficult
but he has realized that the most important thing is having his

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wife and daughters with him. She tells him that this big man
stuff is not why she loves him, and there is more in him to love
than that. He asks her if she is coming, and she says no. They
Shahana has made good on her promise to run away, but she
hold each other and cry, deeply sad in a way that will stay with
hasn't really thought the plan through. She and a friend are
them for a long time. Then Chanu calls the girls and tells them
supposedly at Shalimar, but there are two cafés by that name,
that he has decided there will be a change of plans and that
and Bibi has no clue which one is which. Nazneen's
Nazneen has agreed. He will go now to clear the path, and they
determination to find her daughter is evident in the play-by-
will come later. The girls ask him who will cook for him and trim
play narration of where she goes, how she runs, and what she
his corns. He tells them he will be fine, and he's the better cook
sees and feels. Nazneen gets a stitch in her side from running,
anyway. Nazneen cooks dinner for the girls and tells them the
so she walks for a while, frantically looking for Shahana and
future is up to the three of them.
worrying the entire way that she is too late to find her
March 2002 rolls around, and Razia and Nazneen have a daughter. The pace of the text is fast because the author uses
sewing business, making clothing for Fusion Fashion and other detail after detail to show how much ground Nazneen covers.
stores. In Razia's apartment, a group of women gossip about The author also includes details that show how rundown the
Mrs. Islam, who is actually dying now, but no one knows why. estates and the area around Brick Lane are. The windows are
Tariq is in school again, and the women tell each other they live compared to hollow eyes, and there are other comparisons
for their children, but their children want to make their own that give the reader a feeling of how rough it is to live in a place
lives. Nazneen, out shopping, thinks about how grateful she is like this as a refugee or immigrant.
that Razia is there and they have the business. The post-riot
The details of the fight, the praying man, the Questioner with
estates have been improved, and there are task forces to deal
his bullhorn, and all of the flying and burning objects make the
with youth violence. Nazneen asks a young man she sees if he
reader feel as if he or she is right there with Nazneen in the
knows what has happened to Karim. The man says that Karim
middle of the action. The reader gets a clear picture of
either joined a caravan or went home to Bangladesh.
Nazneen in her sari flying down each road and around each
Nazneen gets home and thinks about sending some of her pay corner, vaulting over a barrier, and pushing forward even when
to Hasina, who hasn't written in two months. Chanu writes to she feels as if she can't continue. The presence of Karim, and
her often, telling her about his workout regimen, his meals, and his insistence that she go home, is not surprising because he is
his plans. He also calls her once a month, and in one call, he a part of the group that is supposed to be marching but is now
tells her that Hasina is living with a family and working for them. fighting. Karim is not fighting but watching the peace
He thinks that Hasina would be better off with her own place. disintegrate and chaos ensue. He keeps telling Nazneen to go
In a later call, Chanu tells her that Hasina has run off with the home and that Shahana will be back home by morning.
cook, Zaid, and wonders why Hasina does things like this. However, Karim is not a mother, and he has no idea who he is
Nazneen tells him that Hasina never gives up on trying to make talking to. This is not the Nazneen he could boss around. This
her life better. Chanu asks if Nazneen and the girls could come is the Nazneen who does not let fate take over the well-being
visit him soon on holiday. Nazneen says they would all like that, of her daughter. Nazneen is not going home without Shahana,
and she can practically hear Chanu beaming through the and sure enough, she finds her.
The saddest scene in the novel is Chanu's admission that he
Razia and the girls decide to surprise Nazneen and take her on wanted to be a big man. The deep kiss he places on Nazneen's
a bus ride. She doesn't know where they're going, and they hand, the way she holds his face and draws him closer to her,
blindfold her, taking her off the bus to a place that smells like and her voice in his ear are all details that make the scene
furniture polish, fried food, and limes. When they take her poignant and beautiful. This is a couple who don't want to be
blindfold off, Nazneen sees that they have taken her to an ice apart, but they both know they have to be in different places
skating rink. There is a woman skating by wearing jeans, not a for now. The sadness is palpable, and the description of
costume. Nazneen says there is no way she can skate in a sari. Chanu's tears is heartbreaking. There is a sense of the great
Razia says that in London, she can do whatever she wants. love Chanu and Nazneen have developed for each other as
well as the sadness they feel in heading for the next steps in

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their lives apart.

g Quotes
It is funny and sweet that Chanu tells the girls he has made a
suggestion, and Nazneen has agreed, that he will go before
they do to Bangladesh. Chanu makes it sound as if he has "Since nothing could be changed,
been a part of this plan, and by doing so, he is able to keep
himself from falling apart when he talks with the girls. He is
everything had to be borne."
close to tears, but he knows it is more important to make sure
the girls feel safe and loved, so he puts their feelings above his — Narrator, Chapter 1
own. This fatherly love is also something he has had to
develop, and his relationship with the girls has grown to the
Nazneen reveals her principle for living, that everything is
point where they worry about him taking care of himself
determined by God and one should not complain or regret
without them. The girl who has just run away from home is now
anything and accept their fate and live with what happens.
worried that her father is leaving without her. The entire family
has come a long way to build what they have now.

Nazneen and Razia have taken a concept they thought was "The old Nazneen was sublimated
ridiculous and have turned it into a business that enables them
and the new Nazneen was filled
both to support their families. This friendship has been the
most solid of Nazneen's relationships with women, and it with white light, glory."
continues to make Nazneen grateful that Razia will talk to
anyone and say anything. Razia's bravery has given them not — Narrator, Chapter 2
just jobs, but a successful business.

The phone calls with Chanu show that Nazneen and Chanu still Nazneen longs for the joy she sees on the female skater's
have a strong relationship, and Chanu serves as Nazneen's face, in her glittery outfit, skating with a handsome, attentive,
connection to her sister's whereabouts. Chanu wonders why and graceful partner—all the things that Chanu doesn't have to
Hasina runs off with Zaid, but Nazneen knows that Hasina give.
wants something better for herself than taking care of
someone else's possessions and children. Hasina wants
happiness she can keep. Nazneen realizes that she has this "Once you get talked about, then
with Chanu, and even though they are apart now, they don't
have to stay apart. Nazneen agrees to visit Chanu, telling him that's it. Nothing you can do."
that the family looks forward to it. The beaming through the
phone is not only visible to Nazneen, but also the reader gets a — Narrator, Chapter 3
vivid picture of Chanu's round face and small eyes crinkling
into a huge smile.
Strict Muslim households dictate that women stay inside, out
The ice skating rink is something that Nazneen has always of view of other men, unless they have a chaperone. A woman
thought of as a fantasy world, and when she actually gets to be who dares to go out and shop alone gets branded as a loose
at one, it doesn't feel like she thought it would. There are no woman. This happens to Hasina when she walks with Abdul,
sequins, no outfits, just people in regular clothing flying around and people say she is sleeping with him when she is not. Once
on skates. Nazneen is finally able to acknowledge how reality a rumor about a woman starts, she never outlives it.
compares with fantasy, and reality is better. She is living life by
herself, without a man to twirl her around and direct her. The
author keeps Nazneen in character when she says she can't "But what can you tell to a pile of
skate in a sari, and the can-do attitude of Razia answers her
with "You can do whatever you like."
bricks? The bricks will not be

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Chanu reveals his cluelessness about the amount and difficulty

of work women in his neighborhood do and that it requires
talent and skill to do it well. He credits himself with having
— Narrator, Chapter 4
bought the sewing machine, while all Nazneen has to do is sit
there. He isn't mean about it, but he desperately wants credit
Nazneen feels isolated, even though she has her baby. for doing something right.
Everything outside the apartment is dingy, covered in brick
dust, broken, or sullied by garbage. Nazneen is in a completely
depressing place, surrounded by ugliness outside and Mrs. "It was the only time he had
Islam's nosy advice inside.
carried her, and she wished that
she remembered it."
"She brought him in and she would
take him out." — Narrator, Chapter 15

— Narrator, Chapter 6 Tenderness exists between Chanu and Nazneen, even though
the love is not passionate. Nazneen wishes that she had been
able to remember this tenderness from her husband, thinking
Nazneen doesn't understand at first that Raqib has died, but
that perhaps it would stop her from continuing the affair with
once she does, she agrees to be the one to wash him for
burial. This calm statement about bringing him into the world
and taking him out of it shows how Nazneen tries to take
everything as the will of God, forcing herself through an
experience by doing what needs to be done rather than getting
"You don't need everything to be
upset. possible anymore, you just need
some things to be certain."
"And I will bring my sons next time.
— Chanu, Chapter 16
They would like to see your
husband again." Chanu expresses sadness as he realizes that there is
something going on between Karim and Nazneen. As he has
— Mrs. Islam, Chapter 8 grown older in his relationship with his wife, he realizes that
passionate love between them isn't possible, but he desires the
certainty of her presence.
Mrs. Islam subtly threatens to harm people if they don't pay her
money on their loans. This is the moment when Nazneen not
only figures out that Chanu has taken out a loan to get the
computer and sewing machine but also that Mrs. Islam is going
"They are even happy to spit on
to try to get every penny they have. their own flag, as long as I am
inside it."
""All you have to do," he said, "is sit
— Razia, Chapter 17
Razia spots an English white girl buying shalwar trousers
— Chanu, Chapter 9

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Brick Lane Study Guide Symbols 53

(meant to be worn with the kameez, or tunic) refitted to have a

"It was lucky for me ... that my
modern shape and high price tag. Razia notes that the English
want to benefit from the colorful aspects of the Bangladeshi father chose an educated man."
culture, but they will spit on Razia, a person from that culture,
even if she is wearing her British flag sweatshirt. Racism and — Nazneen, Chapter 20
capitalism merge in this scene.

Nazneen's heart feels full as she speaks to Chanu, who has

admitted he has not been a perfect husband or father.
"But what was the good of aching However, he has tried to be a modern man, giving Nazneen her
for the world if she offered no independence. She repeats a sentence that Chanu said to her
at the beginning of their marriage, and she truly means it now.
balm to her own husband?"

— Narrator, Chapter 18 "They clung to each other inside a

sadness that went beyond words
Nazneen starts to think about the ethics of sympathizing with
one group of people who are suffering while denigrating the and tears."
other. This contrast relates to what she is doing to Chanu.
— Narrator, Chapter 21

"I wasn't me, and you weren't you Nazneen and Chanu love each other. It is difficult to realize this
... What we did—we made each love just as each of them needs to do an opposite thing that
creates physical distance between them.
other up."

— Nazneen, Chapter 20
l Symbols
Nazneen tells Karim that they both have seen in each other
something they want but isn't actually there, and as full human
beings, they aren't right for each other. Clothing

"It's very simple. Because he is my Clothing symbolizes status, wealth, culture, and religious ideals,
friend. My very good friend." especially for women. Razia is one of the first Muslim Bengali
immigrants Nazneen meets when she moves to London, and
Razia doesn't wear saris. Nazneen is always astonished at how
— Dr. Azad, Chapter 20
Razia doesn't care about what people say about her, but she
loves Razia for her stories and sense of humor. Nazneen
The friendship between Dr. Azad and Chanu contains a depth continues to wear a sari throughout her entire time living in
Nazneen doesn't know about. The relationship highlights the London because she cannot imagine wearing anything else.
decency of Dr. Azad, who understands a friend's need and Her clothing reflects her religious and cultural upbringing and
offers help. her insistence on keeping that culture alive in her new country.

Modern clothing for girls upsets Chanu, but his daughters still
wear it, especially Shahana, who keeps up with the latest styles

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Brick Lane Study Guide Symbols 54

of jeans, tight or loose. Chanu worries that his daughters will

cause people to talk about them, but at school, Shahana and Ice Skaters
Bibi want to fit in. The shift from Bengali clothing to British
fashions is a reflection of immigrant integration. Dr. Azad's wife
and daughter have completely adopted British clothing and are The ice skaters on television are glamorous, elegant, and
comfortable with showing a lot of skin, while women like Razia, talented, and they skate like they are in love with each other.
who don't dress in traditional Bengali clothing, still wear For Nazneen, these skaters symbolize sheer joy, freedom, and
modest modern clothing. the ability to express oneself in movement. She can't do so
herself, but when she watches the skaters, she feels as if she
Hasina notices Lovely's clothing and describes it in detail in
is being whirled around by the handsome male skater. The
letters to Nazneen. Lovely's modern looks are not just a sign of
symbol appears as an elusive one in the beginning of
the times, but their quality is a mark of her wealth. Poorer
Nazneen's life in London, but it reappears at the end of the
families stick with the traditional because it is cheaper.
novel when Nazneen has decided to stay in London without

Nazneen's desire to have a skating outfit that glitters makes Chanu and build her own life.

her choose sparkly material for a sari. When she is dressed in

her best sari, she feels confident and beautiful. The sparkle
reflects her desire to experience joy in her life. The clothing
that she sews and repairs also gives her an income, so clothing
Chanu's Degrees and
also represents Nazneen's burgeoning independence and self-

Chanu's degrees and certificates symbolize, to him, all that he

Furniture has accomplished in his life so far that should impress other
people. They make him look as if he is educated and intelligent,
but they are certificates that come from relatively unimpressive

Furniture symbolizes a sense of security, but also a sense of institutions and organizations. He brings them up in

confinement. For Chanu, the quantity and size of his home's conversation so much that they clearly symbolize, for him, his

furnishings represents a comparative sense of prosperity: own sense of self-esteem. To other people, however, they

because it fills his apartment, he feels a sense of plenty and symbolize Chanu's lack of ability to follow up on plans and the

security rather than scarcity. At first, Nazneen also feels that empty promises that he makes. They mean nothing once

because there is so much of it, they must be well off, especially Chanu gets to London, especially in an office where white

as contrasted with her impoverished childhood. However, the people are in charge. To white employers, Chanu's certificates

furniture is cheap, and Nazneen begins to find it ugly and are a joke. The most useful of all of them turns out to be his

oppressive, trapping her in this space that doesn't feel like driver's license, which is something that most adults are able to

home. Years later, when Mrs. Islam's sons destroy the china get, not something unusual or high level.

cabinet, Nazneen feels freed from her service to it rather than

grief over its loss. Razia, on the other hand, uses the furniture
in her apartment to symbolize her escape from a violent
marriage to a life of independence as she collects pieces over
Dhaka, Bangladesh
time that are special to her. This life is threatened when her
son, addicted to heroin, sells this furniture.
For Nazneen, Dhaka symbolizes both the possibility of seeing
and helping her sister and the destruction of the life she has
built for herself and her family in East London. She doesn't
want to go back to a place where she knows her freedom will

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Brick Lane Study Guide Themes 55

be extremely limited, and she is not sure that Chanu will be any husband and their daughters, as she tries to smooth every
more successful than he has been in London. For Shahana and argument.
Bibi, Dhaka symbolizes their parents' culture, one that doesn't
resonate with them. It symbolizes the fear they feel in letting Nazneen's love for Karim is fiery and passionate, but it is for

go of what they know and having to rely on their father's the man she makes him out to be in her mind, not the man he

dubious ability to give them a good life there. For Chanu, actually is. Finally, her love for Chanu develops slowly

though, Dhaka symbolizes a fresh start. He has been in London throughout their marriage, and when she sees how defeated

for over 20 years, but he has nothing to show for it, he he is to know she won't accompany him to Dhaka, her heart

believes. London has also become an unsafe place for Muslim breaks. She could decide to permanently separate from

immigrants because of the racist attacks by groups like the Chanu, but she realizes that he has devoted all of himself to

National Front in the Brick Lane area. Race riots have cropped being her husband and the father of their children. This

up in other areas of London as well, so for Chanu, an escape to devotion is not meaningless to her, and she realizes just before

Dhaka is an escape to safety. Nearly everyone in Dhaka is they part that she truly loves him. She is able to tell him so, and

Muslim and Bengali, so a move there would be a huge relief for they tell the children that Chanu is "clear[ing] ... the path" for

Chanu. He also sees Dhaka as a chance to prove his worth to them in Dhaka. This is not an ending, but the beginning of a

his wife and children. Even when they don't come with him to stronger relationship based on a love that can withstand

Dhaka at the end of the novel, it is still the place he needs to be distance.

to support his own self-worth.

Fate and Female Agency

m Themes
Nazneen is encouraged from birth to believe that fate directs
people's lives, and the only thing a person can do is respond to
Different Kinds of Love what occurs. Nazneen leaves everything up to God as a child,
becoming very serious and unwilling to complain about
anything, unlike her sister Hasina. Even when she sees the
The theme of love runs through all of Brick Lane, from parent- photograph of her husband-to-be and realizes that he is
child love to the love that can develop in arranged marriages to somewhat froglike in appearance and much older than she is,
love at first sight. Each type of love comes with its high and low she feels that she must abide by her father's choice. She
points. For example, Nazneen loves her mother with a faithful adjusts to every change that comes her way, dealing with all of
love, admiring her for her piety and her devotion to her family. the grooming tasks that are involved with serving her husband
This love, however, neglects to account for the inevitable faults without one single complaint. She even rationalizes to herself
every human being has, and Nazneen's idea of her mother as a that fate is bringing her a lover, though she wavers between
perfect person is shattered when she finds out how her mother believing that this affair is something she can't possibly resist
died. Her love for her sister is strong enough that she tries to and thinking that she is committing a terrible sin against God.
hide money to send to Hasina and lies to Chanu about it. Her husband, who doesn't put his faith in God and even goes
However, she doesn't want to return to Dhaka to live, even so far as to break the rule against drinking at Dr. Azad's house,
though she would be able to see and take care of her sister tries haphazardly to change his fate with little reward.
there. Nazneen would have to submerge herself in the sexist
Rather than blame the people who have abused her for their
culture again, and after learning that her mother committed
violence, Nazneen's sister Hasina thinks that God has willed
suicide, she realizes that she needs her independence to
her to suffer. She registers this horrific treatment as the way
her life is fated to evolve because she tried to escape being
Nazneen's love of her own children gives her a place to focus beaten in her first marriage. She blames herself for having
her energies, but it also makes her the referee between her disobeyed her parents by entering into a love marriage, while

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Brick Lane Study Guide Themes 56

her sister has accepted her arranged marriage and appears to

be having a much better life. Nazneen has discovered, Poverty, Domestic Violence,
however, that having agency in her life allows her to be a better
person in her relationship. There is plenty she can't control in and Immigration
her life, but she is an individual with needs, wants, and rights,
and she finally embraces her responsibility to look out for
them. Domestic violence runs through the novel in both the Brick
Lane neighborhood and Dhaka, where Hasina lives. The
number of Bengali women who have experienced domestic
violence is extremely high. The desperation and cruelty of men
Power of Women who want to prevent women from having power of any kind
over their lives is revealed especially in the attack on Monju
and her baby son. It is unthinkable for a father to insist that a
Women in Bengali culture have shouldered incredible mother give up her son and then maim him when the mother
imbalances of power, social and economic status, and violence refuses to do so. It is even worse for the father to mutilate the
for centuries. In Hasina's story, every situation she enters into mother when she tries to get medical care for her injured son.
turns violent at the hands of men. Hasina is remarkable for her These kinds of attacks are well documented in Bangladesh
ability to bounce back from each negative experience, and other countries in the Indian subcontinent. The attacks are
although her restlessness and her perception of reality in often related to financial issues, and violence in small villages,
Dhaka do not mesh well. where poverty is rampant, often goes unpunished.

Nazneen's story is flanked by the stories of her friends, several The poorer families in East London's Bengali community have
of whom suffer at the hands of their husbands or who have brought these impulses with them, as the author shows in
been the subjects of mean-spirited gossip within the Razia's relationship with her husband. He starves his family,
community. She understands the story of the woman who working overtime but refusing to spend his money on food.
commits suicide by jumping from a building, knowing this may When Razia tries to get him to take responsibility, he beats her.
have been the woman's only option to defy the men who His death is both welcome to Razia and darkly funny,
control every aspect of her life. However, Nazneen is able to considering that he has been killed by a food source he would
use her work ethic and her talent to support her family, as are never have allowed Razia or his children to have. The stress of
many of the women in her council estate. Razia shows financial difficulty wears on these characters, making them
enormous strength in dealing with an abusive husband and less likely to discuss their problems and more likely to react
heroin-addicted son. Although Mrs. Islam uses her power in an violently. Because Bengali culture has always viewed women
unscrupulous manner, the rest of the women Nazneen knows as subordinate to men, the victims are inevitably women.
are pillars that support the community. The men who try to
Immigrant status is another factor that contributes to poverty
keep women out of the Bengal Tigers are out of touch with the
and abuse in the novel. While women are the victims of
power that even traditional Muslim women wield. Bengali men
domestic violence in the culture, immigrant men are victims of
talk about women who try to exert their independence, and
discrimination, both personal and societal, as we see when
Razia notes that once one has been the subject of gossip,
Chanu is passed over for a promotion, not because of his
there's no going back to a spotless reputation. However, the
qualifications, but because of his ethnicity. This sense of
women stick together and support each other through crisis
disempowerment in their adopted country may increase
after crisis, with love, good sense, and humor. Nazneen's
Bengali men's anger and prompt more frequent and severe
decision to make her own choice about the move to Dhaka
bouts of violence against their wives or their children.
shows that she recognizes her power as an individual and is
finally willing to use it. She makes this decision with the full
knowledge that it isn't what her husband wants, but she still
honors the love she has for him.

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