Annual Planning
Annual Planning
Annual Planning
Area: Teachers: Grade/Course: Subject: Education:
Weekly course No. of working Learning evaluation and unexpected issues Total class weeks Total
load hours periods
40 WKS 40 WKS 36 108
OG.EFL 1 Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner,
maturely, and openly experiencing other cultures and languages from the secure standpoint of their own national and
cultural identity .
OG.EFL 2 Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the
role of diversity in building an intercultural and multinational society.
OG.EFL 3 Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic intelligence, and critical thinking skills through
an appreciation of linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective of their own L1 and of language use for
communication and learning.
OG.EFL 4 Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability to independently access further
(language) learning and practice opportunities. Respect themselves and others within the communication process,
cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into responsible academic behavior.
Objectives of the Area OG.EFL 5 Directly access the main points and important details of up-todate English language texts, such as those
published on the web, for professional or general investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and reference tools where
OG.EFL 6 Through selected media, participate in reasonably extended spoken or written dialogue with peers from
different L1 backgrounds on work, study, or general topics of common interest, expressing ideas and opinions effectively
and appropriately.
OG.EFL 7 Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in a range of formal and informal social situations with a
limited but effective command of the spoken language (CEFR B1 level).
O.EFL 5.1 Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner,
maturely, and openly experiencing other cultures and languages from the secure standpoint of their own national and
cultural identity .
O.EFL 5.2 Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the
role of diversity in building an intercultural and multinational society.
O.EFL 5.3 Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic intelligence, and critical thinking skills through
an appreciation of linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective of their own L1 and of language use for
communication and learning.
Objectives of the level / course O.EFL 5.4 Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability to independently access further
(language) learning and practice opportunities. Respect themselves and others within the communication process,
cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into responsible academic behavior.
O.EFL 5.5 Directly access the main points and important details of up-to-date English language texts, such as those
published on the web, for professional or general investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and reference tools where
Unit 1 Values: Human qualities (Moral values: being human). Self-esteem: Personal qualities (A sense of identity:
recognizing and appreciating personal qualities in others).
Unit 2 Values: Trying, winning, and losing (Being a good winner/loser).
Unit 3 Values: Spending wisely (Moral values: rationality). Self-esteem: The film of my life (A sense of identity).
Unit 4 Values: Learning for life (Moral values: understanding the importance of lifelong learning).
Unit 5 Values: Following your dreams (Health values: the importance of visions and following one’s dreams). Self-esteem:
Music and me (A sense of identity: What’s important for me).
Unit 6 Values: Caring for the world (Environmental values).
Unit 7 Values: Believe in a better future (Environmental values: developing a sense of community with past and future).
Self-esteem: Two things (A sense of identity: learning to accept oneself).
Unit 8 Values: How Science helps people.
Unit 9 Values: What's important in a job? Self-esteem: I'd rather be
4. TRANSVERSAL AXES : Unit 10 Values: Never give up (Health values: the importance of perseverance).
Unit 11 Values: Being able to laugh at yourself (Health values: the power of humour). Self -esteem: Giving a reward (A
sense of identity: recognizing and appreciating personal qualities in others).
Unit 12. Values: Responsible online behavior (Moral values: understanding the importance of value-based behavior)
2. Oral Communication
CE.EFL.5.7. Production – Accuracy and Intelligibility: Use appropriate vocabulary and
language in a variety of oral interactions for a range of audiences and level-appropriate EFL 5.2.6. Use new words and express ions which occur in
purposes. conversations in the personal and educational domains, and
Learners can communicate clearly and effectively by using appropriate vocabulary and make use of such terms and expressions wherever
language in a variety of oral interactions for a range of audiences and level-appropriate appropriate and necessary. (BGU2)
purposes. (I.2, I.3, J.2) (ref.I.EFL.5.7.1.)
CE.EFL.5.10. Find specific information and identify the main points in simple,3. Reading
straightforward texts on subjects of personal interest or familiar academic topics while
making informed decisions about one’s own reaction to the text. EFL 5.3.1. Find specific predictable information in short,
*Learners can find specific information and identify the main points in simple, simple texts in a range of age- and level-appropriate topics.
straightforward texts on subjects of personal interest or familiar academic topics while (Example: biographies, news articles , narratives, memoirs
making informed decisions about one’s own reaction to the text. (I.1, I.2, S.2) "Losing things".
(ref.I.EF L.5.10.1.) and personal accounts, formal letters and emails, etc.)
4. Writing (BGU2)
CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an effective voice
and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions. EFL 5.4.6. Produce emails and blog posts describing pers onal
*Learners can produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an effective experiences and feelings. (BGU2)
voice and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions. (I.3, S.3, J .2)
(ref.I.EF L.5.13.1.)
*Irregular past participles.
*"some" vs. "any"
*"much" vs. "many"
*verbs expressing plans vs. intentions.
*"be going to" + verb.
*Writing: Short story about an item you lost.
*Read the letter quickly, then write the names under the photos. Complete the f orm
about Nicole. Match te questions with the answers to make mini-dialogues. In pairs, ask
and answer the questions and give answer that are true for you. Then, choose the next
line for each of the mini-dialogues. Finally, in pairs think of on emore line for each
language. Then practice the dialogues with a partner.
*Complete various exercises about weather. Then listen about the weather in different
cities and make notes.
*In pairs, look at the pictures and answer the questions. Listen to two people talking and
match the family words to show their relationships. In pairs, ask each other about your
*Put the paragraphs in order, then listen and check. With a partner, practice the
Methodological Strategies conversation and then underline examples of the tenses in the sentences. Time in
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with Irregular Past Participles. Weeks
*Read the story and find the answer to the question, then answer other questions and
use the word in parenthesis in your answer. Then write a short story about something
you lost.
*Check the furniture items mentioned in the story. Name the other items, then discuss in
small groups.
*Listen and complete the conversation with one word. Complete the sentence with some
or any. Then match the sentences with the pictures. In pais, do a role play similar to the
previous dialogue.
*Read the sentences and mark who they belong to (waitress or customer). Complete the
phrases with much or many. Complete the mini-dialogues with a phrase.
*Look at the list of stores and think what you can buy there. Listen and mark the dialogue
Unit No.: 1 next to the correct store.
Name of Unit: Having fun
*Read the sentences about things you have to do. In pairs, choose three of the sentences
*and act out
Talking a mini-dialogue
about for each
things you have and sentence.
haven’t done
**Read the encouragement
Offering email and match the times to the events. Then read the sentences and mark
Specific objectives of the planning unit *what
Rolethe verb
play: expresses.
Good causes In pairs, ask and answer questions about plans you have for
next weekend.
*Put the parts of the dialogue in order, then listen and check. Complete the sentences
with the correct form of the verb. Complete the sentences with be going to. In pairs,
Evaluation practice asking and answering about your vacation Contents
plans. / Skills
CE.EFL.5.1. Display an understanding of the
integrity of different cultures by sharing 1. Communication and Cultural Awareness
experiences and by participating in class
activities and discussions in a way that shows EFL 5.1.1. Display an understanding between different cultures by recognizing and sharing cross-cultural
empathy and respect for others. experiences and ideas. (BGU2)
* Learners can demonstrate an understanding
of the integrity of different cultures by sharing EFL 5.1.2. Demonstrate mindfulness, empathy, tolerance and an overall respect for the integrity of cultures in
experiences and by participating in class daily classroom activities. (BGU2)
activities and discussions in a way that shows
empathy and respect for others. (I.3, S.1, S.2,
J.1, J.3) (ref.I.EFL.5.1.1) Values: Human qualities (Moral values: being human).
Self-esteem: Personal qualities (A sense of identity: recognizing and appreciating personal qualities in others).
2. Oral Communication
CE.EFL.5.8. Interaction – Interpersonal:
Respond to and build on other people’s ideas EFL 5.2.9. Build on others’ ideas when engaged in pair, group or whole-class discussions on personal, social,
in extended conversations on familiar social community and academic topics. (BGU2)
and academic topics by expressing opinions
and feelings and clarif ying meaning. EFL 5.2.11. Express opinions on abstract topics, such as film and music, and concrete topics, such as personal
*Learners can respond to and build on other experiences, while describing one’s reactions to them and others’ opinions. (BGU2)
people’s ideas in extended conversations on EFL 5.2.14. Request and provide information and assistance orally for personal, social and academic purposes in
familiar social and academic topics by order to clarify and extend meaning in spoken interactions. (BGU2)
expressing opinions and feelings and clarifying
meaning. (I.3, I.4, S.1, J.3, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.5.8.1.)
Functions and Speaking: Talking about things you have and haven´t done. Offering encouragement. Role Play: Good causes.
Vocabulary: Personality adjectives. Collocations. WordWise: phrases with "just"
Pronunciation: Intonation and sentence stress.
4. Writing
CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts and
other written texts using an effective voice EFL 5.4.6. Produce emails and blog posts describing personal experiences and feelings. (BGU2)
and a variety of appropriate writing styles and
*Learners can produce emails, blog posts and EFL 5.4.9. Use a variety of oral, print and electronic forms for writing to others or for writing for self, applying the
other written texts using an effective voice conventions of social writing. (Example: notes, invitations, emails, blog entries and comments, notes to self, etc.)
and a variety of appropriate writing styles and (BGU2)
conventions. (I.3, S.3, J.2) (ref.I.EFL.5.13.1.)
Writing: A short passage about someone you admire. Listening: Playing a guessing game.
Grammar: Present perfect with "just", "already", and "yet". Present perfect vs. simple past.
Self-esteem: Personal qualities (A sense of identity: recognizing and appreciating personal qualities in others).
*Look at the photos of family. Think of the adjectives you can use to describe them.
Discuss the photos in pairs, and use the adjectives in the word list to describe people you
know. Read the responses to an online survey and write the name of each person in the
box. Read and liste to the responses and mark them as true or false.
*Match the eight bold words from the reponse texts with the meanings. Complete the
sentences with the words. Then think about someone who is not famous but who you
think is special and tell your partner about that person you admire.
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with Present Perfect with just, already
and yet.
*Listen to some people playing a game called Mystery Guest and decide how many people
are playing. Listen again and choose the correct picture in the box. In pairs, answer the
questions, listen and check.
*Read a cinquain, a five-line poem, and complete the rules with the words in the list.
Then write a cinquain or your own. In pairs, decide at what age you did the things in the
word list. Read the TV show preview quickly and write the names of the children with
Methodological Strategies those qualities. Then answer the questions. Time in
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with Present perfect vs. Past simple. Weeks
*Circle the correct answers for collocations. Talk to other people in the class, ask and
answer and complete the table. Write a short passage about someone you have admired
for some time.
*Look at the photostory and answer the questions. Then discuss what happens next and
wrie down your ideas. Complete the sentences with the words in the list. Find the
expressions in the story and say who said them. Complete the conversation with the
*Look at the sentences from the unit and choose the correct meaning of just in each one.
Then match the questions to the answers.
3. Reading
CE.EFL.5.11. Identify and apply a range of EFL 5.3.2. Identify and use reading strategies to make informative and narrative texts comprehensible and
reading strategies in order to make texts meaningful. (Example: skimming, scanning, previewing, reading for main ideas and details, using structural and
meaningful and to select inf ormation within a context clues, cognates, format, sequence, etc.) (BGU2)
text that might be of practical use for one’s
own academic needs.
*Learners can identify and apply a range of
reading strategies in order to make texts
meaningful and to select inf ormation within a EFL 5.3.9. Skim and scan reference materials, in print or online, in order to identify information that might be of
text that might be of practical use for one’s practical use for one’s own research and academic needs. (BGU2)
own academic needs. (I.1, I.2, I.4, S.3)
Reading: Article: "If you don´t give up, you can´t fail."
Web Forum: "Your favorite sports fails!"
Culture: "The Olympic Games - the good and the not-so-good".
4. Writing
Grammar: Past continuous. Past continuous vs. simple past "when" and "while".
Writing: An article about an event.
*Match the words with the photos about sports moments. Complete the various exercises
by marking the popular ones, answering questions and reading the article to correct the
*Think about the sentences and decide which is the most important. In paris, compare
your ideas with a partner.
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with Past Continuous.
*Match the words about sports with the photos. Answer the questions, read the rule and
complete the table with the sports. In groups, answer the questions. Listen to five
teenagers talk about sports and mark the information in the table.
*Talk about feelings by completing the various exercises and talk to your partner about
how you feel about sports.
*Look at the pictures and think what is happening in each one. Read the stories and
match them with the pictures. Read again and answer the questions. Look at the lists
and put them in a logical order. Compare ideas with other students.
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with Past continuous vs. simple past.
*Look at the rule for when and while and complete the exercises.
*Match the adverbs of frequency to the sentences and them complete the story with the
Methodological Strategies words. Time in
*Look at the pictures and answer the questions, then say what you think the article is Weeks
about. Read and listen to the article, match the pictures with the correct Olympic Games,
then tell your partner which ones you like or don't like. Read the article again and answer
the questions, then look at the highlighted words and match them with the meaning.
*Write an article about an event. Answer questions about the article in a school
magazine. Find the word list in the article and decide what each word describes. Match
the pragraphs with the contents. Think of a sports event that you went to or would like to
go to and answer the questions. Write an article for a school magazine, of 120-150 words.
*Look at the sentences, read the text and decide if each sentences ir correct or incorrect.
Then listen to a woman asking for information about a soccer game. Listen and complete
the missing information.
*Test yourself by completing various exercises with content from Units 1 and 2.
3. Reading
CE.EFL.5.11. Identify and apply a range of
reading strategies in order to make texts
meaningful and to select inf ormation within a EFL 5.3.2. Identify and use reading strategies to make informative and narrative texts comprehensible and
text that might be of practical use for one’s meaningful. (Example: skimming, scanning, previewing, reading for main ideas and details, using structural and
own academic needs. context clues, cognates, format, sequence, etc.) (BGU2)
*Learners can identify and apply a range of
reading strategies in order to make texts EFL 5.3.9. Skim and scan reference materials, in print or online, in order to identify information that might be of
meaningful and to select inf ormation within a practical use for one’s own research and academic needs. (BGU2)
text that might be of practical use for one’s
own academic needs. (I.1, I.2, I.4, S.3)
Reading: Article: "Big movies on a small budget".
TV Listings: "Different types of programs".
Photostory: "Extras".
4. Writing
CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts and
other written texts using an effective voice EFL 5.4.6. Produce emails and blog posts describing personal experiences and feelings. (BGU2)
and a variety of appropriate writing styles and
*Learners can produce emails, blog posts and EFL 5.4.9. Use a variety of oral, print and electronic forms for writing to others or for writing for self, applying the
other written texts using an effective voice conventions of social writing. (Example: notes, invitations, emails, blog entries and comments, notes to self, etc.)
and a variety of appropriate writing styles and (BGU2)
conventions. (I.3, S.3, J.2) (ref.I.EFL.5.13.1.)
Grammar: Comparative and superlative adjectives (review). "(not) as" ... "as" comparatives. Making a comparison stronger or weaker. Adverbs and comparative
Writing: A paragraph about your TV habits.
*Match the words and pictures about entertainment. In small groups, talk about the
things and say why people like or don’t like them. Use the word list to help you. Look at
the pictures again and the title of the next article. What do you think the article is about.
Read and listen to the article and check your ideas. Then find the list of things in the
article. Finally, read the sentences and decide if you agree with them. Mark them with
the numbers Finally, compare your ideas with a friend.
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with Comparative and superlative
adjectives (review).
*Practice Vocabulary for Types of movies by completing various exercises.
*Listen to an interview and choose the correct answer, then complete the text.
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises for making a comparison stronger or
weaker. Rewrite sentences and compare things.
*Write some ideas for a movie script based on your life. In pairs, talk about movies.
*Read the TV listings and write the type of show on each channel. Then answer the
questions. Match the tweets to the shows, and in groups, choose one of the TV shows
and say why you chose it. Time in
Methodological Strategies *Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with Adverbs and comparative Weeks
*Practice Vocabulary about Types of TV shows by completing various exercises and
answering questions.
*Write a paragraph about your TV habits.
*Read the Photostory and answer the questions. Then check your answers. In pairs,
discuss what happens next. Mark the sentences as true or false. Then find the
expressions in the photostory and complete the conversations using them.
*Complete exercises with get, by selecting the correct meaning, completing sentences
and matching questions and answers.
*In pairs, complete the exercises for asking and offering help.
2. Oral Communication
CE.EFL.5.7. Production – Accuracy and
Intelligibility: Use appropriate vocabulary and
language in a variety of oral interactions for a EFL 5.2.6. Use new words and expressions which occur in conversations in the personal and educational domains,
range of audiences and level-appropriate
purposes. and make use of such terms and expressions wherever appropriate and necessary. (BGU2)
*Learners can communicate clearly and
effectively by using appropriate vocabulary EFL 5.2.12. Use appropriate vocabulary, expressions, language, routines and interaction styles in formal and
and language in a variety of oral interactions informal social or academic situations by asking permission, thanking someone, apologizing to friends, giving
for a range of audiences and level-appropriate advice, making a suggestion, etc. (BGU2)
purposes. (I.2, I.3, J.2) (ref.I.EFL.5.7.1.)
Functions & Speaking: Asking and giving / refusing permission. Role play: Asking permission.
Vocabulary: School subjects. Verbs about thinking.
Pronunciation: Word stress.
Listening: Conversations about a book.
*Look at the photos and decide what people are doing. Read and listen to the article and
mark each one with the correct letter. In pairs, do a mind map of the places.
*Read the statements and mark things you think kids like to learn, then compare your
ideas with a partner. Discuss the questions.
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with Present Perfect with for and
*Practice Vocaulary by completing various exercises about School subjects. Answer
questions, take notes and compare with a partner.
*In pairs, match the activities with the photos. Listen and mark the sentences as true or
*Practice asking and giving / refusing permission by organizing dialogues, marking
sentences and then acting out with a partner.
*Look at the picture and think about the questions, then compare with a partner. Match
the words with the meanings and mark sentences as true or false. Choose the best
Methodological Strategies description for the text and a title that sums up the content of each paragraph. Time in
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with a, an, the, or no article. Weeks
*Practice verbs about thinking by using a dictionary to find the meaning of words,
choosing the correct word for each sentence and asking and answering with a partner.
*Look at the photos and think of a typical day for a student in each of the schools. Read,
listen and check. Read again and complete the sentences. Then find words or phrases
with the provided meanings. Finally, write an email describing your school routines.
Complete the various exercises, make notes with your own ideas and write about 200
*Read the movie reviews and decide which one is suitable for each person. Listen to the
conversation and check each question.
*Test yourself by completing various exercises with content from Units 3 and 4.
3. Reading
CE.EFL.5.12. Engage with a variety of digital
and print texts and resources by evaluating EFL 5.3.4. Find the most important information in print or online sources in order to support an idea or argument.
and detecting complexities and discrepancies (Example: Internet search engines, online advertising, online or print timetables, web pages, posters, adverts,
in the information in order to find the most catalogues, etc.) (BGU2)
appropriate sources to support an idea or
argument. EFL 5.3.5. Begin to assess, compare and evaluate written texts and visual presentations using different criteria and
*Learners can engage with a variety of digital ICT tools related to the organization, subject area and purpose of a text. (Examples of text types: editorials, letters
and print texts and resources by evaluating to the editor, illustrations, charts, advertisements, etc.) (BGU2)
and detecting complexities and discrepancies EFL 5.3.7. Begin to detect complexities and discrepancies in information presented in both print and online
in the information in order to find the most references and resources. (BGU2)
appropriate sources to support an idea or
argument. (I.2, I.4, J.3) (ref.I.EFL.5.12.1.)
Reading: Online forum: "Singer songwriter: Any advice?".
Article: "John Otway - Rock´s greatest failure".
Photostory: "Pop in the park".
4. Writing
CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts and EFL 5.4.6. Produce emails and blog posts describing personal experiences and feelings. (BGU2)
other written texts using an effective voice
and a variety of appropriate writing styles and
*Learners can produce emails, blog posts and
other written texts using an effective voice EFL 5.4.9. Use a variety of oral, print and electronic forms for writing to others or for writing for self, applying the
and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions of social writing. (Example: notes, invitations, emails, blog entries and comments, notes to self, etc.)
conventions. (I.3, S.3, J.2) (ref.I.EFL.5.13.1.) (BGU2)
Grammar: Present perfect continuous. Present perfect vs. present perfect continuous.
Writing: The story of your favorite band.
Self -esteem: Music and me (A sense of identity: What’s important for me).
*Listen and think of the type of music you hear. Write the words in the pictures. Then
answer questions, read the online f orum quickly and check your ideas. Then answer the
*Match people to their dreams. Decide what each person should do to realize their
dreams, make notes and then compare your ideas. Discuss the questions in small groups.
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with Present Perfect continuous.
*Practice Vocabulary for making music, by completing the story with the word list, and
talking about it with a partner.
*Write a story about your favorite band. Listen to an interview, circle the correct
sentences and complete the sentences. Then take a quiz and discuss it with a partner.
*In pairs, decide how imporant the things are f or a pop star. Put them in order. Read the
article quickly and mark the sentences with the correct letter.
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with Present Perfect vs. Present
Methodological Strategies perfect continuous. Time in
*Practice Vocabulary about musical instruments, by matching instruments with the word Weeks
list and answering questions with a partner.
*Look at the photostory and answer questions. Then check your answers. In pairs,
discuss what happens in the story next and write the ideas. Find the expressions in the
photostory and use themto complete the conversation.
*Practice asking about feelings by matching questions and answers. In pairs, do the role
*Practice Phrasal verbs with out by completing sentences, matching phrases and
definitions and complete the sentences with them.
2. Oral Communication
CE.EFL.5.8. Interaction – Interpersonal:
Respond to and build on other people’s ideas EFL 5.2.9. Build on others’ ideas when engaged in pair, group or whole-class discussions on personal, social,
in extended conversations on familiar social community and academic topics. (BGU2)
and academic topics by expressing opinions
and feelings and clarif ying meaning. EFL 5.2.11. Express opinions on abstract topics, such as film and music, and concrete topics, such as personal
*Learners can respond to and build on other experiences, while describing one’s reactions to them and others’ opinions. (BGU2)
people’s ideas in extended conversations on
familiar social and academic topics by EFL 5.2.14. Request and provide information and assistance orally for personal, social and academic purposes in
expressing opinions and feelings and clarifying order to clarify and extend meaning in spoken interactions. (BGU2)
meaning. (I.3, I.4, S.1, J.3, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.5.8.1.)
Functions & Speaking: Expressing surprise and enthusiasm.
Vocabulary: The environment. Verbs to talk about energy.
Pronunciation: /f/, /v/, /b/ constant sounds.
Listening: Interviews about a town project.
4. Writing
EFL 5.4.6. Produce emails and blog posts describing personal experiences and feelings. (BGU2)
CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts and
other written texts using an effective voice
and a variety of appropriate writing styles and
*Learners can produce emails, blog posts and
other written texts using an effective voice
and a v
Methodological Strategies
2. Oral Communication
3. Reading
4. Writing
Methodological Strategies
2. Oral Communication
3. Reading
Reading: Blog article: "Why aren´t people more interested in science?".
Web forum: "What should science do next? ".
Culture: "Great scientists".
4. Writing
CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts and EF L 5.4.6. Produce emails and blog posts describing personal experiences and feelings.
other written texts using an effective voice
and a variety of appropriate writing styles and EF L 5.4.8. Create an effective voice, using a variety of writing styles appropriate to different audiences, purposes
*I.EF L.5.13.1. Learners can produce emails, and settings, and adjust these styles as necessary.
blog posts and other written texts using an EF L 5.4.9. Use a variety of oral, print and electronic forms for writing to others or for writing for self, applying the
effective voice and a variety of appropriate conventions of social writing. (Example: notes, invitations, emails, blog entries and comments, notes to self, etc.)
writing styles and conventions. (I.3, S.3, J.2)
Grammar: Simple past vs. Past continuous (review) "used to". Second conditional. "I wish"
Writing: A blog entry.
*Look at the pictures and say what each one shows. In pairs, answer the questions. Then
discuss the questions. Look at the pictures, listen to the blog and answer the questions.
Then choose sentences that you think best say what the blog is about. Compare with
others in the class.
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with simple past vs. past continuous
*Practice Vocabulary for direction and movement by completing sentences and matching
phrases with the pictures.
*Look at the pictures, then listen and answer questions.
*Practice Grammar with used to, by completing sentences and the rule. Use the correct
form of used to and simple present.
*Practice talking about past habits by completing the exercises and working in small
Methodological Strategies *Look at the ideas from a f orum and mark them from the most to the least useful. Time in
Compare with a partner. Put the things in order and think of more. Choose one criteria Weeks
and compare with a partner.
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with Second Conditional.
*Practice Vocabulary for science by matching the words with the definitions.
*Look at the photos, read and listen to an article about scientists and number the photos.
Read the article again and write the names of the scientists. Discuss the questions.
Match the words in bold with their meanings.
*Write a blog entry, make notes and write about 120-180 words.
*Test yourself by completing various exercises with content from Units 7 and 8.
2. Oral Communication
EF L 5.2.9. Build on others’ ideas when engaged in pair, group or whole-class discussions on personal, social,
CE.EFL.5.8. Interaction – Interpersonal: community and academic topics.
Respond to and build on other people’s ideas
in extended conversations on familiar social
and academic topics by expressing opinions
and feelings and clarif ying meaning. EF L 5.2.11. Express opinions on abstract topics, such as film and music, and concrete topics, such as personal
*I.EF L.5.8.1. Learners can respond to and experiences, while describing one’s reactions to them and others’ opinions.
build on other people’s ideas in extended
conversations on familiar social and academic EF L 5.2.14. Request and provide information and assistance orally for personal, social and academic purposes in
topics by expressing opinions and feelings and order to clarify and extend meaning in spoken interactions.
clarifying meaning. (I.3, I.4, S.1, J.3, J.4)
Functions and Speaking: Accepting and refusing invitations. Role play: Inviting friends to join you.
Vocabulary: J obs. "work as / in/ for" . "work" vs. "job". WordWise: Time expressions with "in"
Pronunciation: /tʃ/ and /dʒ/ consonant sounds
Listening: People with disabilities and their jobs.
3. Reading
CE.EFL.5.11. Identify and apply a range of EF L 5.3.2. Identify and use reading strategies to make informative and narrative texts comprehensible and
reading strategies in order to make texts meaningful. (Example: skimming, scanning, previewing, reading for main ideas and details, using structural and
meaningful and to select inf ormation within a context clues, cognates, format, sequence, etc.)
text that might be of practical use for one’s
own academic needs.
*I.EF L.5.11.1. Learners can Identify and apply
a range of reading strategies in order to make
texts meaningful and to select information EF L 5.3.9. Skim and scan reference materials, in print or online, in order to identify information that might be of
within a text that might be of practical use for practical use for one’s own research and academic needs.
one’s own academic needs. (I.1, I.2, I.4, S.3)
4. Writing
EF L 5.4.6. Produce emails and blog posts describing personal experiences and feelings.
Grammar: The passive (simple present, simple past, present continuous, present perfect)
Writing: A short essay about jobs that will soon be obsolete.
*Look at the jobs and decide what jobs they are. Then read and listen to the article and
mark the sentences as correct or incorrect. Compare with a partner. Talk to others in you
class about job and values.
*Practice Grammar by completing The passive: simple present and simple past.
*Practice Vocabulary for jobs by matching expressions with the definitions and reading an
essay. Look at the jobs and find the sentences that can describe them.
*Look at the pictures of three people with disabilities and match the words to the
pictures. Listen to a program and circle the correct answer. Then answer the questions.
Think about possible jobs and characteristics and connect them.
*Look at the photos, read the article and answer the questions. Write a short essay about
jobs and explain why you believe they will not exist in the future.
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with the passive: present continuous
and present perfect.
Methodological Strategies *Practice Vocabulary for work as/ in / for, by matching verbs with objects and completing Time in
sentences. Weeks
*Look at the photostory and answer the questions. Then check your answers. Find the
phrases in the photostory and then use them to complete the conversation.
*Complete exercises with time expressions with in by competing sentences and matching
questions and answers.
*Practice accepting and refusing invitations by completing the conversation, putting the
expressings in the list in the correct columns and working inpairs to practice the dialogues.
CE.EFL.5.4. Communicate effectively using a Contents / Skills
variety of media and f ormats, including ICT,
by saying things in alternative ways and 1. Communication and Cultural Awareness
applying self-correcting and self-monitoring EFL 5.1.11. Apply self -correcting and self-monitoring strategies in social and classroom interactions by adjusting
strategies when needed. presentation and language production to effectively express opinions and make evaluations. (Example: asking
I.EFL.5.4.1. Learners can communicate
effectively using a variety of media and questions, starting over, rephrasing, exploring alternative pronunciations, etc.)
formats, including ICT, by saying things in
alternative ways and applying self- correcting Culture: "Keeping healthy - stories from around the world".
and self-monitoring strategies when needed.Values: Never give up (Health values: the importance of perseverance).
(I.1, I.3, J.4) Critical Thinking: About health (assessing valid vs. Invalid conclusions).
2. Oral Communication
CE.EFL.5.8. Interaction – Interpersonal: EF L 5.2.9. Build on others’ ideas when engaged in pair, group or whole-class discussions on personal, social,
Respond to and build on other people’s ideas community and academic topics.
in extended conversations on familiar social
and academic topics by expressing opinions
and feelings and clarif ying meaning. EF L 5.2.11. Express opinions on abstract topics, such as film and music, and concrete topics, such as personal
*I.EF L.5.8.1. Learners can respond to and experiences, while describing one’s reactions to them and others’ opinions.
build on other people’s ideas in extended
conversations on familiar social and academic EF L 5.2.14. Request and provide information and assistance orally for personal, social and academic purposes in
topics by expressing opinions and feelings and order to clarify and extend meaning in spoken interactions.
clarifying meaning. (I.3, I.4, S.1, J.3, J.4)
Function and Speaking: Talking about your health.
Vocabulary: Time Linkers. Illness: collocations.
Pronunciation: /tʃ/ and /ʃ/ consonant sounds
Listening: A presentation on the benefits of exercise.
3. Reading
CE.EFL.5.10. Find specific information and EF L 5.3.1. Find specific predictable information in short, simple texts in a range of age- and level-appropriate
identify the main points in simple, topics. (Example: biographies, news articles, narratives, memoirs and personal accounts, formal letters and
straightforward texts on subjects of personal emails, etc.)
interest or familiar academic topics while
making informed decisions about one’s own EF L 5.3.3. Determine the main conclusion in texts which clearly argue a point of view in order to make informed
reaction to the text. decisions about one’s own opinion and reaction to the text.
*I.EF L.5.10.1. Learners can find specific
information and identify the main points in
simple, straightforward texts on subjects of EF L 5.3.8. Identify and understand the main points in straightforward texts on subjects of personal interest or
personal interest or familiar academic topics familiar academic topics.
while making informed decisions about one’s
own reaction to the text. (I.1, I.2, S.2)
Reading: Article: "8,000 birds to see before you die".
Article: "Miracle operations".
Culture: "Keeping healthy - stories from around the world".
4. Writing
CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts and
other written texts using an effective voice EF L 5.4.6. Produce emails and blog posts describing personal experiences and feelings.
and a variety of appropriate writing styles and
EF L 5.4.9. Use a variety of oral, print and electronic forms for writing to others or for writing for self, applying the
*I.EF L.5.13.1. Learners can produce emails, conventions of social writing. (Example: notes, invitations, emails, blog entries and comments, notes to self, etc.)
blog posts and other written texts using an
effective voice and a variety of appropriate
writing styles and conventions. (I.3, S.3, J.2)
Grammar: Past perfect. Linking expressions.
Writing: A story about a sports event.
*Look at the photos and name the free-time activities. Answer the questiona and take
notes. Talk about your choices. Look at the statements and mark them as correct or
incorrect. Then correct the wrong ones with a partner.
*Read the story and tick the sentences that show what you can learn from the story.
Compare with a partner.
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with Past Perfect.
*Practice Vocabulary for time linkers, by completing the story with the word list and
matching parts of the sentences.
*Listen to someone giving a talk at school. Then listen again and complete the notes.
*Practice reaching conclusions by completing sentences, deciding which sentences make
suggestions and which draws conclusions.
*In pairs, each one reads a part of the story and then tell each other about it. Then read
both stories and mark the sentences.
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with linking expressions.
*Practive Vocabulary for illness: collocations by matching sentence halves, completing
Methodological Strategies sentences and using the correct forms of the verbs. Time in
*Talk about your health by working in pairs, ask and answer. Weeks
*Look at the pictures, read andn listen to the article. Answer the questions. Find the
words or phrases with the provided meanings. Discuss the questions with a partner.
*Write a story by first answering questions, choose a sports event and plan for it. Make
notes of your ideas and write about 200 words.
*Read the text and questions. Mark each question with the right letter. Listen to a man
talk about summer jobs and fill in the missing information in the spaces.
*Test yourself by completing various exercises with content from Units 9 and 10.
2. Oral Communication
CE.EFL.5.7. Production – Accuracy and EF L 5.2.6. Use new words and expressions which occur in conversations in the personal and educational
Intelligibility: Use appropriate vocabulary and domains, and make use of such terms and expressions wherever appropriate and necessary.
language in a variety of oral interactions for a
range of audiences and level-appropriate
purposes. EF L 5.2.12. Use appropriate vocabulary, expressions, language, routines and interaction styles in formal and
*I.EF L.5.7.1. Learners can communicate informal social or academic situations by asking permission, thanking someone, apologizing to friends, giving
clearly and effectively by using appropriate advice, making a suggestion, etc.
vocabulary and language in a variety of oral
interactions for a range of audiences and
level-appropriate purposes. (I.2, I.3, J.2)
Functions and Speaking: Reporting what someone has said. Expressing feelings: anger.
Vocabulary: Fun. More verbs with object + infinitive. WordWise: Expressions with "make"
Pronunciation: Intonation: rude or polite?
Listening: Profile of an extreme weather journalist.
3. Reading
CE.EFL.5.12. Engage with a variety of digital EF L 5.3.4. Find the most important information in print or online sources in order to support an idea or
and print texts and resources by evaluating argument. (Example: Internet search engines, online advertising, online or print timetables, web pages, posters,
and detecting complexities and discrepancies adverts, catalogues, etc.)
in the information in order to find the most
appropriate sources to support an idea or
argument. EF L 5.3.5. Assess, compare and evaluate the quality of written texts and visual presentations using different
*I.EF L.5.12.1. Learners can engage with a criteria and ICT tools related to the organization, subject area and purpose of a text. (Examples of text types:
variety of digital and print texts and resources editorials, letters to the editor, political speeches, illustrations, charts, advertisements, etc.)
by evaluating and detecting complexities and
discrepancies in the information in order to
find the most appropriate sources to support Reading: Article: "April F ool´s Day".
an idea or argument. (I.2, I.4, J.3) Article: "A tale of two Guys".
Photostory: "The journalist".
4. Writing
CE.EFL.5.14. Identify, critically evaluate and EF L 5.4.1. Critically evaluate information from references, including those found on the web, and recommend
recommend a variety of potential resources print and digital sources to other learners.
and references, including digital tools, that
support collaboration and productivity, for
educational and academic use. EF L 5.4.2. Identify a variety of types and formats of potential resources and the value, purpose and audience of
*I.EF L.5.14.1. Learners can identify, critically each one for use in the educational domain. (Example: audio/video, multimedia, website, database, book,
evaluate and recommend a variety of thesaurus, scholarly/popular, current/historical, etc.)
potential resources and references, including EF L 5.4.4. Select and make effective use of a range of digital tools to write, edit, revise and publish written work
digital tools, that support collaboration and in a way that supports collaboration, learning and productivity. (Example: image editing, GoogleDrive, infographic
productivity, for educational and academic makers, audio and video editing, presentation apps, etc.)
use. (I.1, I.2, S.3, S.4)
Self-esteem: Giving a reward (A sense of identity: recognizing and appreciating personal qualities in others).
*Check the qualities you need to be a journalist. In pairs, think of other adjectives, then
say whether you would like to be a journalist. Read and listen to the article and write the
dates of the stories on the pictures to match them.
*People were told a funny story and read their reactions. Decide which ones you like and
why. Think of a time you were the target of a joke and talk to your partner about it.
Discuss the questions in pairs.
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with reported statements.
*Practice Vocabulary for fun by thinking of sentences to explain the meanings, matching
sentences and discussing in pairs.
*Write a news report. Complete the exercises, choose one of the headlines.
*Listen to the types of weather and answer the question. Choose the correct picture and
tick it
*Think of people you admire and create an award in their name. Decide who will get it.
*Imagine you are going to be interviewed by a journalist on a TV show. Think about the
questions and make notes. In pairs, tell your partner about your subject and what you
can say about it. Read the article, match the people to the descriptions. Then put the
events in the order they happened.
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with verb patterns: object + infinitive. Time in
Methodological Strategies *Practice Vocabulary for more verbs with object + infinitive, by matching from the verb Weeks
list, and rewriting sentences.
*Think about the things your parents allow or expect you to do. Make notes and talk to
your partner about them. Then discuss the things with your partner.
*Look at the photostory and answer the questions. Read and listen and check your
answers. Find the expressions in the photostory and use them to complete the dialogues.
*Complete various exercises with expressions with make.
*Practice expressing feelings:anger by completing the expressions with the word list and
making a list of things that make you angry. In pairs, talk about your list.
2. Oral Communication
CE.EFL.5.5. Listening for Meaning: Identify the EF L 5.2.1. Deduce the meanings of unfamiliar phrases and words from a context containing familiar elements.
main idea in a variety of audio recordings (Example: colloquial greetings, exclamations, interjections, etc.)
(e.g., interviews, radio ads, news reports, etc.)
and deduce the meanings of unf amiliar
phrases and words in familiar contexts, EF L 5.2.2. Identify the main idea and some details of recorded news reports, documentaries and interviews
provided speech is clear and visuals help reporting on seasonal festivities, environmental issues, food and international customs, climate, weather, etc.,
support meaning. where the visuals support the commentary.
EF L 5.2.5. Understand the main idea of radio and audio recordings on subjects of personal interest, provided
*I.EF L.5.5.1. Learners can identify the main speech is clear.
idea in a variety of audio recordings (e.g.,
interviews, radio ads, news reports, etc.) and
deduce the meanings of unfamiliar phrases Functions and Speaking: Making generalizations. Giving advice.
and words in familiar contexts where speech Vocabulary: IT terms. Language for giving advice.
is clear and visuals help support meaning. (I.3, Pronunciation: The short /ʌ/ vowel sound.
I.4) Listening: Conversation about installing a computer game.
3. Reading
CE.EFL.5.11. Identify and apply a range of EF L 5.3.2. Identify and use reading strategies to make informative and narrative texts comprehensible and
reading strategies in order to make texts meaningful. (Example: skimming, scanning, previewing, reading for main ideas and details, using structural and
meaningful and to select inf ormation within a context clues, cognates, format, sequence, etc.)
text that might be of practical use for one’s
own academic needs.
*I.EF L.5.11.1. Learners can Identify and apply
a range of reading strategies in order to make
texts meaningful and to select information EF L 5.3.9. Skim and scan reference materials, in print or online, in order to identify information that might be of
within a text that might be of practical use for practical use for one’s own research and academic needs.
one’s own academic needs. (I.1, I.2, I.4, S.3)
Reading: Article: "Think before you act online".
Short texts: "Different types of messages".
Culture: "Communication through history".
4. Writing
CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts and
other written texts using an effective voice EF L 5.4.6. Produce emails and blog posts describing personal experiences and feelings.
and a variety of appropriate writing styles and EF L 5.4.8. Create an effective voice, using a variety of writing styles appropriate to different audiences, purposes
conventions. and settings, and adjust these styles as necessary.
*I.EF L.5.13.1. Learners can produce emails,
blog posts and other written texts using an EF L 5.4.9. Use a variety of oral, print and electronic forms for writing to others or for writing for self, applying the
effective voice and a variety of appropriate conventions of social writing. (Example: notes, invitations, emails, blog entries and comments, notes to self, etc.)
writing styles and conventions. (I.3, S.3, J.2)
Grammar: Indefinite pronouns ("everyone", "no one", "someone", etc.). "all" / "some" / "none" / "any of them". "should(n't)", "ought to".
Writing: A web page giving advice.
CE.EFL.5.17. Demonstrate and convey
different levels of meaning in literary texts by
identifying distinguishing features, 5. Language through the Arts
interpreting implicit and explicit messages and
responding in a variety of ways. EFL 5.5.2. Make predictions, inferences and deductions to demonstrate different levels of meaning of literary
texts presented orally or in digital form, including literal and implied meanings. (Example: summarizing, explaining
I.EFL.5.17.1. Learners can demonstrate and
convey different levels of meaning in literary and identifying, word choice, symbols, points of view, etc.)
texts by identifying distinguishing features,
interpreting implicit and explicit messages and
responding in a variety of ways. (I.3, I.4, J.3) Critical Thinking: Networking in the family (sequencing)
*Work in pairs and answer the questions about social networking. Read the statements
and decide which are true for you. Discuss with a friend. Read and listen to the article
about online behavior and decide which sentences is correct or incorrect. Then correct
the ones that are wrong.
*Complete the sentences about responsible online behavior. In pairs, compare your lists
and think of two more statements for each list.
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with Indefinite pronouns (everyone,
no one, someone, etc.).
*Practice Vocabulary for IT terms, by matching phrases with the definitions and asking
and answering with a partner.
*Listen and match the sentences with the definitions. In pairs, answer the questions.
Then mark the sentences as correct or incorrect.
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with all/some/non/any of them.
*Look at the mixed-up messages and match them with the types of communication in the
list. Read the messages and circle the correct answer. Then put the messages in a logical
order. Compare ideas with a partner and discuss any differences.
*Practice Grammar by completing various exercises with should(n't), ought to.
*Practive Vocabulary for language for giving advice by answering the questions and Time in
Methodological Strategies completing sentences with the phrases. Weeks
*Practice giving advice by asking and answering the questions with a partner.
*Look at the pictures and think what they show. Read and listen to the article and match
the paragraph headings with the paragraphs In pairs, discuss the questions. Then find
words or phrases with the provided meanings.
*Write a webpage for giving advice by first answering questions, rewriting sentences and
matching advice with the situtations. Match the contents with the five sections of the
text. Make notes of your ideas on giving advice and write about 200 words.
*Test yourself by completing various exercises with content from Units 11 and 12.
DINCU- Coordinación de Lengua Extranjera 2015 (ACUERDO MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)
Timeframe Duration
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:
Weeks Periods Start End
2. Unit Plan Unit No. Introduction
Unit Title Unit Specific Objectives
O.EFL 5.1 Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely, and openly experiencing
Welcome other cultures and languages from the secure standpoint of their own national and cultural identity.
1. Communication and Cultural AwarenessEFL 5.1.1. Display an understanding of the relationship between
participating in class activities and discussions in a way that shows empathy and respect for others. the practices and perspectives of different cultures by
I.EFL.5.1.1. Learners can demonstrate an understanding of the integrity of different cultures by sharing being sensitive
recognizing andto the nuances
sharing of peers’
cross-cultural comments,and
experiences reactions
experiences and by participating in class activities and discussions in a way that shows empathy and
Vocabulary: and responses (both verbal and nonverbal).
*Weather and Family Relations.
2. Oral Communication
EFL 5.2.6. Use new words and expressions which occur in
CE.EFL.5.7. Production – Accuracy and Intelligibility: Use appropriate vocabulary and language in a variety of oral conversations in the personal and educational domains, and make use
interactions for a range of audiences and level-appropriate purposes. Functions and Speaking:
*Introducing yourself, asking and answering of such terms and expressions wherever appropriate and necessary.
Learners can communicate clearly and effectively by using appropriate vocabulary and language in a varietypersonal
of oral questions.
interactions for a range of audiences and level-appropriate purposes. (I.2, I.3, J.2) (ref.I.EFL.5.7.1.) People.
*Buying and talking about food.
*Travel Plans.
CE.EFL.5.10. Find specific information and identify the main points in simple, straightforward Vocabulary: texts on
subjects of personal interest or familiar academic topics while making informed *Weatherdecisions
3. Reading
and Familyabout one’s own EFL 5.3.1. Find specific predictable information in short, simple
reaction to the text. *Food items. texts in a range of age- and level-appropriate topics. (Example:
*Learners can find specific information and identify the main points in simple, straightforward Pronunciation: texts on biographies, news articles, narratives, memoirs and personal
subjects of personal interest or familiar academic topics while making informed decisions *Reading: "Losing
*Intonation. things".
about one’s own accounts, formal letters and emails, etc.) (BGU2)
reaction to the Produce emails,
text. (I.1, blog(ref.I.EFL.5.10.1.)
I.2, S.2) posts and other written texts using an effective 4. voice
Writing a variety of
appropriate writing styles and conventions. *Irregular past participles. EFL 5.4.6. Produce emails and blog posts describing personal
*Learners can produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an effective *"some" vs. and
voice "any"a variety of experiences and feelings. (BGU2)
appropriate writing styles and conventions. (I.3, S.3, J.2) (ref.I.EFL.5.13.1.) *"much" vs. "many"
CE.EFL.5.17. Demonstrate and convey different levels of meaning in literary *verbs texts by identifying
expressing plans vs.theintentions. EFL 5.5.3. Begin to identify and explain the distinguishing
distinguishing features, interpreting implicit and explicit messages and responding 5. Language inthrough
a to"
variety Arts
of ways.
*"be going + verb. features of diverse literary genres, periods and traditions, and
* Learners can demonstrate and convey different levels of meaning in literary
*Writing: texts
Short byabout
story identifying
an item you lost. use those features to aid comprehension, interpretation and
distinguishing features, interpreting implicit and explicit messages and Speaking: practice,ofallways.
in a variety pages(I.3,
I.4, J.3) (ref.I.EFL.5.17.1.) Travel plans discussion of literary texts. (BGU2)
Methodological Strategies Resources Evaluation Activities / Techniques / Instruments
*Match the names of the countries with the places on the map. RESOURCES: Informal assessment:
*Work in pairs. Talk about famous people from different *Combo A with online *Informal assessment of the new material will be done by of checking homework, worksheets
countries. workbook and online and controlled practice completion. Assessment will also be done in class by eliciting student
*Read and listen to the website "Crazy about the Olympics" and practice Level 2. explanations or definitions and by listening to / reading students’ contributions during speaking
choose the correct words. *Teacher's edition Level and writing practice activities, etc.
*Answer the questions from the previous website exercise and 2. Formal assessment:
tell a partner. *Class audio CDs Level 2. *In addition to the four skills; Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking (including
*Look at the pictures and write the country under the flag. Listen *Video DVD Level 2. pronunciation) the formal evalution of the new material will include tests and exams which
and check. *Presentation Plus DVD- evaluate students’ understanding and knowledge of grammar and vocabulary in different task
*Complete the table with the nationalities of the countries ROM Level 2. types.
*Describe a flag to your partner and determine which country it BIBLIOGRAPHY: *Presentations, homework, assignments, as well as in-class participation will also be evaluated.
is from. *Puchta, H., Stranks, J., &
*Look a the website "Crazy about the Olympics" and complete Lewis-Jones, P. (2016).
the questions with the words in the list. Then circle the correct American Think Level 2.
words to complete the "Wh" rule. Combo A Workbook With
*Choose the correct "Wh" words. Online Resources.
*Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in the previous Cambridge: Cambridge
exercises. Univ Press
*Work in pairs. Look at the photos of famous people and check *Rezmuves, Z., Puchta, H.,
the correct flag for each photo. Stranks, J., & Lewis-Jones,
*Listen to a radio quiz called "The One-Minute Challenge" and P. (2016). American Think
check your answers. Teacher's Edition Level 2.
*Match sentences a-h with items 1-4. Write the letters in the Cambridge: Cambridge
boxes. Univ Press.
*Look at the sentences from the radio quiz "The One- Minute MATERIALS:
challenge" and choose the correct words. Then complete the Computer, writing
"be" rule. materials including
*Complete the sentences using "be" using contracted forms colored pencils, CD player,
where possible. DVD player.
*My flag: choose things that are important to you.
*Use your ideas from the previous exercise to draw your own
flag and tell your partner about it.
*Read and listenof Education Needs Who knows more about
to the dialogue. Specification of the adapted material to be applied
soccer, Jamie or Marta?
*Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Write the correct
Prepared in by:your notebook. Revised by: Approved by:
*Write the questions using the previous text as a guide.
*Put the dialogue in order for "Getting to know someone". Then Area Director: Vice-Principal:
listen and check.
signature: Signature: Signature:
*Work in pairs. Act out the "Getting to know someone" dialogue
then make your own dialogue. Date: Date:
*Adjectives: Write the words in the list under the pictures. Listen NAME OF THE SCHOOL: SCHOOL YEAR:
and Check.
DINCU-Coordinaciòn de Lengua Extranjera (ACUERDO
*Match the opposite words from the left column to the right MINISTERIAL Nro. MINEDUC-ME-2015-00168-A de 01-12-2015)
coloum, 0-4 to a-e.
*Put the words in order to create a simple phrase using
*Look at the questionnaire "The New York Engllish Summer
Camp". Answer the questions about you in full sentences.
*Photostory Episode 1: Look at the photos and the dialogue with
Riby, Ellie and Dan, and answer the questions.
*Now read and listen to the photostory. Check your answers.
*Developing speaking: Watch and find out how the previous
photostory continues.
*Watch again. Use the correct word in each sentence.
*Find the expressions 1-4 in the story. Who says them?
*How do you say the expressions in the previous question in
your own language?
*Change the underlined expression using an expression from
Exercise 1.
*Complete the mini-dialogues with the expressions from
Exercise 1.
*Talking about yourself and others: Match the questions and
answers 0-3 to a-d.
*Put the words in the correct order to make dialogues.
*Work in pairs. Act out the dialogues. Then make similiar
dialogues with your partner.
Unit and Topic area: Amazing people. Values: Human qualities (Moral values: being human). Self-esteem: Personal qualities (A
sense of identity: recognizing and appreciating personal qualities in others).
Transversal Axes
1. Communication and Cultural Awareness
CE.EFL.5.1. Display an understanding of the integrity of different cultures
by sharing experiences and by participating in class activities and EFL 5.1.1. Display an understanding between different cultures by recognizing and
discussions in a way that shows empathy and respect for others. sharing cross-cultural experiences and ideas. (BGU2)
* Learners can demonstrate an understanding of the integrity of different
cultures by sharing experiences and by participating in class activities and EFL 5.1.2. Demonstrate mindfulness, empathy, tolerance and an overall respect for
discussions in a way that shows empathy and respect for others. (I.3, S.1, the integrity of cultures in daily classroom activities. (BGU2)
S.2, J.1, J.3) (ref.I.EFL.5.1.1) Values: Human qualities (Moral values: being human).
Self-esteem: Personal qualities (A sense of identity: recognizing and appreciating personal qualities in others).
2. Oral Communication
EFL 5.2.9. Build on others’ ideas when engaged in pair, group or whole-class
discussions on personal, social, community and academic topics. (BGU2)
2. Unit Plan
Unit Title Unit Specific Objectives
O.EFL 5.2 Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards differen
building an intercultural and multinational society.
O.EFL 5.4 Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability
Money and how to spend it and practice opportunities. Respect themselves and others within the communication pr
responsible academic behavior.
O.EFL 5.5 Directly access the main points and important details of up-to-date English lang
professional or general investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and reference tools
Transversal Axes Unit and Topic area: Sports moments. Values: Trying, winning, and losing (Being a good w
1. Communication and Cultural Awareness
CE.EFL.5.1. Display an understanding of the integrity of EFL 5.1.1. Display an understanding between different cu
different cultures by sharing experiences and by participating in experiences and ideas. (BGU2)
class activities and discussions in a way that shows empathy
and respect for others.
*Learners can demonstrate an understanding of the integrity of
different cultures by sharing experiences and by participating in EFL 5.1.2. Demonstrate mindfulness, empathy, tolerance
class activities and discussions in a way that shows empathy daily classroom activities. (BGU2)
and respect for others. (I.3, S.1, S.2, J.1, J.3) (ref.I.EFL.5.1.1)
Culture: "The Olympic Games - the good and the not-so-good".
Values: Trying, winning, and losing (Being a good winner/loser).
CE.EFL.5.7. Production – Accuracy and Intelligibility: Use Critical Thinking: Sequencing.
appropriate vocabulary and language in a variety of oral 2. Oral Communication
interactions for a range of audiences and level-appropriate
purposes. EFL 5.2.6. Use new words and expressions which occur in
*Learners can communicate clearly and effectively by using domains, and make use of such terms and expressions w
appropriate vocabulary and language in a variety of oral Functions & Speaking: Talking about sports. Talking about feelings.
interactions for a range of audiences and level-appropriateVocabulary: Sports and sports verbs. Adverbs of sequence.
purposes. (I.2, I.3, J.2) (ref.I.EFL.5.7.1.) Pronunciation: Silent consonants.
Listening: Teens talking about sports.
CE.EFL.5.11. Identify and apply a range of reading strategies in 3. Reading
order to make texts meaningful and to select information EFL 5.3.2. Identify and use reading strategies to make inf
within a text that might be of practical use for one’s own meaningful. (Example: skimming, scanning, previewing, r
academic needs. and context clues, cognates, format, sequence, etc.) (BGU
*Learners can identify and apply a range of reading strategies EFL 5.3.9. Skim and scan reference materials, in print or o
in order to make texts meaningful and to select information of practical use for one’s own research and academic nee
within a text that might be of practical use for one’s own
academic needs. (I.1, I.2, I.4, S.3) (ref.IEFL.5.11.1.) Reading: Article: "If you don´t give up, you can´t fail."
Web Forum: "Your favorite sports fails!"
Culture: "The Olympic Games - the good and the not-so-good".
4. Writing
CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts and other written texts EFL 5.4.6. Produce emails and blog posts describing perso
using an effective voice and a variety of appropriate writing
styles and conventions.
*Learners can produce emails, blog posts and other written EFL 5.4.9. Use a variety of oral, print and electronic forms
texts using an effective voice and a variety of appropriate the conventions of social writing. (Example: notes, invitati
writing styles and conventions. (I.3, S.3, J.2) (ref.I.EFL.5.13.1.) self, etc.) (BGU2)
Grammar: Past continuous. Past continuous vs. simple past "when" and "w
Writing: An article about an event.
5. Language through the Arts
CE.EFL.5.17. Demonstrate and convey different levels of meaning in literary
texts by identifying distinguishing features, interpreting implicit and explicit EFL 5.5.2. Make predictions, inferences and
messages and responding in a variety of ways. meaning of literary texts presented orally o
* Learners can demonstrate and convey different levels of meaning in meanings. (Example: summarizing, explaini
literary texts by identifying distinguishing features, interpreting implicit and EFLview, etc.)Read
5.5.4. (BGU2)
aloud with confidence, accu
explicit messages and responding in a variety of ways. (I.3, I.4, J.3) understanding and to convey an interpreta
Critical Thinking: Sequencing.
Start End
Unit No. 2
Unit Specific Objectives
nd tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the role of diversity in
ails of up-to-date English language texts, such as those published on the web, for
se of ICT and reference tools where required.
dfulness, empathy, tolerance and an overall respect for the integrity of cultures in
ood and the not-so-good".
Being a good winner/loser).
nd expressions which occur in conversations in the personal and educational
uch terms and expressions wherever appropriate and necessary. (BGU2)
ports. Talking about feelings.
bs. Adverbs of sequence.
about sports.
eading strategies to make informative and narrative texts comprehensible and
ming, scanning, previewing, reading for main ideas and details, using structural
, format, sequence, etc.) (BGU2)
erence materials, in print or online, in order to identify information that might be
n research and academic needs. (BGU2)
ve up, you can´t fail."
te sports fails!"
ood and the not-so-good".
nd blog posts describing personal experiences and feelings. (BGU2)
ral, print and electronic forms for writing to others or for writing for self, applying
iting. (Example: notes, invitations, emails, blog entries and comments, notes to
vs. simple past "when" and "while".
ut an event.
h the Arts
e predictions, inferences and deductions to demonstrate different levels of
erary texts presented orally or in digital form, including literal and implied
ample: summarizing, explaining and identifying, word choice, symbols, points of
aloud with confidence, accuracy, fluency and expression to demonstrate
and to convey an interpretation of meaning. (BGU2)
Approved by:
5-00168-A de 01-12-2015)
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:
Weeks Periods
2. Unit Plan
Unit Title Unit Specific Objectives
O.EFL 5.1 Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a thoughtf
experiencing other cultures and languages from the secure standpoint of their own natio
O.EFL 5.3 Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic intelligence, an
linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective of their own L1 and of language use
Food for life O.EFL 5.5 Directly access the main points and important details of up-to-date English lang
professional or general investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and reference tools
Unit and Topic area: That´s entertainment. Values: Spending wisely (Moral values: ration
Transversal Axes identity)
ability to discuss culture by analyzing cultural SKILLS AND PERFORMA
products and referents from Ecuador and other countries while making 1. Communication and Cultural Awareness
informed choices about and taking action on issues of prejudice and
discrimination. EFL 5.1.6. Demonstrate an ability to make info
* Learners can exhibit an ability to discuss culture by analyzing cultural prejudice and discrimination. (BGU2)
products and referents from Ecuador and other countries while Values: making Spending wisely (Moral values: rationality).
informed choices about and taking action on issues of prejudiceSelf-esteem:
and The film of my life (A sense of identity).
discrimination. (I.1, I.2, S.2, J.1, J.3) (ref.I.EFL.5.2.1.)
2. Oral Communication
CE.EFL.5.8. Interaction – Interpersonal: Respond to and build on other EFL 5.2.9. Build on others’ ideas when engage
people’s ideas in extended conversations on familiar social and academic social, community and academic topics. (BGU2
topics by expressing opinions and feelings and clarifying meaning. EFL 5.2.11. Express opinions on abstract topics
*Learners can respond to and build on other people’s ideas in extended personal experiences, while describing one’s r
conversations on familiar social and academic topics by expressing
opinions and feelings and clarifying meaning. (I.3, I.4, S.1, J.3, J.4) EFL 5.2.14. Request and provide information a
(ref.I.EFL.5.8.1.) purposes in order to clarify and extend meani
Functions & Speaking: Comparing things and actions. Asking for and offer
Vocabulary: Types of movies. Types of TV shows. WordWise: Expressions w
Pronunciation: Words ending in /"ər"/.
Listening: Interview with a teenage filmmaker.
CE.EFL.5.11. Identify and apply a range of reading strategies in order to 3. Reading
make texts meaningful and to select information within a text that might EFL 5.3.2. Identify and use reading strategies t
be of practical use for one’s own academic needs. and meaningful. (Example: skimming, scannin
*Learners can identify and apply a range of reading strategies in order to structural and context clues, cognates, format
make texts meaningful and to select information within a text that might EFL 5.3.9. Skim and scan reference materials, i
be of practical use for one’s own academic needs. (I.1, I.2, I.4, S.3) might be of practical use for one’s own resear
(ref.IEFL.5.11.1.) Reading: Article: "Big movies on a small budget".
TV Listings: "Different types of programs".
Photostory: "Extras".
4. Writing
CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an EFL 5.4.6. Produce emails and blog posts desc
effective voice and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions.
*Learners can produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an
effective voice and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions. EFL 5.4.9. Use a variety of oral, print and elect
(I.3, S.3, J.2) (ref.I.EFL.5.13.1.) applying the conventions of social writing. (Ex
comments, notes to self, etc.) (BGU2)
Grammar: Comparative and superlative adjectives (review). "(not) as" ... "as" comparatives. Making a comparison str
Writing: A paragraph about your TV habits.
5. Language through the Arts
EFL 5.5.7. Collaboratively reproduce criteria fo
CE.EFL.5.19. Engage in collaborative activities through a variety of student work. (BGU2)
groupings in order to solve problems and reflect on literary texts, and
produce criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the group. EFL 5.5.8. Contribute to team projects to prod
*Learners can engage in collaborative activities through a variety of negotiating and managing interactions to acco
student groupings in order to solve problems and reflect on literary texts,
EFL 5.5.9. Engage in collaborative activities thr
and produce criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the group. (I.1, I.2,
S.2, S.3, S.4, J.3, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.5.19.1.) express and interpret opinions and evaluation
cooperative learning groups, literature circles,
Self-esteem: The film of my life (A sense of identity).
Start End
Unit No. 3
Unit Specific Objectives
ther countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely, and openly
andpoint of their own national and cultural identity.
ed linguistic intelligence, and critical thinking skills through an appreciation of
own L1 and of language use for communication and learning.
ils of up-to-date English language texts, such as those published on the web, for
e of ICT and reference tools where required.
others’ ideas when engaged in pair, group or whole-class discussions on personal,
and academic topics. (BGU2)
s opinions on abstract topics, such as film and music, and concrete topics, such as
ces, while describing one’s reactions to them and others’ opinions. (BGU2)
st and provide information and assistance orally for personal, social and academic
to clarify and extend meaning in spoken interactions. (BGU2)
actions. Asking for and offering help.
ws. WordWise: Expressions with "get"
nding in /"ər"/.
teenage filmmaker.
and use reading strategies to make informative and narrative texts comprehensible
Example: skimming, scanning, previewing, reading for main ideas and details, using
text clues, cognates, format, sequence, etc.) (BGU2)
d scan reference materials, in print or online, in order to identify information that
cal use for one’s own research and academic needs. (BGU2)
on a small budget".
es of programs".
emails and blog posts describing personal experiences and feelings. (BGU2)
riety of oral, print and electronic forms for writing to others or for writing for self,
entions of social writing. (Example: notes, invitations, emails, blog entries and
to self, etc.) (BGU2)
es. Making a comparison stronger or weaker. Adverbs and comparative adverbs.
ut your TV habits.
gh the Arts
atively reproduce criteria for evaluating literary texts and the effectiveness of group
ute to team projects to produce original works and solve problems while effectively
anaging interactions to accomplish social and classroom tasks. (BGU2)
n collaborative activities through a variety of student groupings to share, reflect on,
ret opinions and evaluations of a range of literary texts. (Example: small groups,
ng groups, literature circles, process writing groups, etc.) (BGU2)
e (A sense of identity).
Approved by:
-00168-A de 01-12-2015)
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:
Weeks Periods
2. Unit Plan
Unit Title Unit Specific Objectives
O.EFL 5.2 Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards differen
building an intercultural and multinational society.
O.EFL 5.4 Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability
learning and practice opportunities. Respect themselves and others within the communi
Family ties
integrity into responsible academic behavior.
O.EFL 5.5 Directly access the main points and important details of up-to-date English lang
for professional or general investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and reference to
Unit and Topic area: The ways we learn. Values: Learning for life (Moral values: understa
Transversal Axes
1. Communication and Cultural Awareness
CE.EFL.5.2. Demonstrate an ability to discuss culture by analyzing cultural EFL 5.1.3. Find parallels between Ecuadorian
products and referents from Ecuador and other countries while making other countries by talking about holidays, sy
informed choices about and taking action on issues of prejudice and
discrimination. EFL 5.1.5. Identify, discuss and analyze cultu
* Learners can exhibit an ability to discuss culture by analyzing cultural them to explore the perspectives of the cult
products and referents from Ecuador and other countries while making
informed choices about and taking action on issues of prejudice and EFL 5.1.6. Demonstrate an ability to make in
discrimination. (I.1, I.2, S.2, J.1, J.3) (ref.I.EFL.5.2.1.) of prejudice and discrimination. (BGU2)
Culture: "A day in the life of...".
Values: Learning for life (Moral values: understanding the importance of lifelong
Critical Thinking: Learning ut texts (identifying text type and purpose).
2. Oral Communication
CE.EFL.5.7. Production – Accuracy and Intelligibility: Use appropriate EFL 5.2.6. Use new words and expressions w
vocabulary and language in a variety of oral interactions for a range of educational domains, and make use of such
audiences and level-appropriate purposes. necessary. (BGU2)
*Learners can communicate clearly and effectively by using appropriate EFL 5.2.12. Use appropriate vocabulary, exp
vocabulary and language in a variety of oral interactions for a range of in formal and informal social or academic si
audiences and level-appropriate purposes. (I.2, I.3,&J.2)
Functions (ref.I.EFL.5.7.1.)
Speaking: Asking and givingapologizing
/ refusingtopermission.
friends, giving
Roleadvice, making
play: Asking p
Vocabulary: School subjects. Verbs about thinking.
Pronunciation: Word stress.
CE.EFL.5.10. Find specific information and identify the main points in simple, Conversations about a book.
straightforward texts on subjects of personal interest or familiar academic 3. Reading
topics while making informed decisions about one’s own reaction to the EFL 5.3.1. Find specific predictable informati
text. level-appropriate topics. (Example: biograph
*Learners can find specific information and identify the main points in personal accounts, formal letters and emails
simple, straightforward texts on subjects of personal interest or familiar EFL 5.3.8. Identify and understand the main
academic topics while making informed decisions about one’s own Reading: personal
reaction interestlike
"An education or familiar academic topic
no other".
to the text. (I.1,
CE.EFL.5.15. PlanI.2,
andS.2) (ref.I.EFL.5.10.1.)
produce well-constructed informational texts by Article: "Learning is brain change".
applying the writing process and while demonstrating an ability to justify Culture: "A day in the life of...".
one’s position on an argument through carefully selected information and 4. Writing
appropriate language, tone and evidence. EFL 5.4.7. Use the process of prewriting, dra
*Learners can plan and produce well-constructed informational texts by “the writing process”) to produce well-cons
applying the writing process and while demonstrating an ability to justify
one’s position on an argument through carefully selected information and
appropriate language, tone and evidence. (I.2, I.3, I.4, S.3, J.1)
Grammar: Present perfect with "for" and "since". "a", "an", "the", or no article. Im
Writing: An email describing your school routine.
CE.EFL.5.17. Demonstrate and convey different levels of meaning in literary
5. Language through the Arts
texts by identifying distinguishing features, interpreting implicit and explicit
messages and responding in a variety of ways. EFL 5.5.3. Begin to identify and explain the d
* Learners can demonstrate and convey different levels of meaning in periods and traditions, and use those featur
literary texts by identifying distinguishing features, interpreting implicit and discussion of literary texts. (BGU2)
explicit messages and responding in a variety of ways. (I.3,
Critical I.4, J.3) Learning about texts (identifying text type and purpose
Start End
Unit No. 4
nit Specific Objectives
nd tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the role of diversity in
tails of up-to-date English language texts, such as those published on the web,
nt use of ICT and reference tools where required.
tify, discuss and analyze cultural products from Ecuador and beyond and use
re the perspectives of the culture. (BGU2)
monstrate an ability to make informed choices about and take action on issues
nd discrimination. (BGU2)
life of...".
ng the importance of lifelong learning).
fying text type and purpose).
new words and expressions which occur in conversations in the personal and
omains, and make use of such terms and expressions wherever appropriate and
e appropriate vocabulary, expressions, language, routines and interaction styles
nformal social or academic situations by asking permission, thanking someone,
friends, giving
ermission. Roleadvice, making
play: Asking a suggestion, etc. (BGU2)
rbs about thinking.
d stress.
about a book.
specific predictable information in short, simple texts in a range of age- and
ate topics. (Example: biographies, news articles, narratives, memoirs and
unts, formal letters and emails, etc.) (BGU2)
tify and understand the main points in straightforward texts on subjects of
on or familiar academic topics. (BGU2)
no other".
n change".
life of...".
the process of prewriting, drafting, revising, peer editing and proofreading (i.e.,
ocess”) to produce well-constructed informational texts. (BGU2)
", "an", "the", or no article. Imperatives.
our school routine.
h the Arts
n to identify and explain the distinguishing features of diverse literary genres,
aditions, and use those features to aid comprehension, interpretation and
terary texts. (BGU2)
ntifying text type and purpose).
Approved by:
15-00168-A de 01-12-2015)
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:
2. Unit Plan
Unit Title Unit Specific Objec
O.EFL 5.1 Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a thoughtf
and languages from the secure standpoint of their own national and cultural identity.
O.EFL 5.3 Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic intelligence, an
Enjoy an enriched perspective of their own L1 and of language use for communication an
It feels like home O.EFL 5.5 Directly access the main points and important details of up-to-date English lan
investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and reference tools where required.
Unit and Topic area: My life in music. Values: Following your dreams (Health values: the
Transversal Axes me (A sense of identity: What’s important for me).
1. Communication and Cultural Awarenes
CE.EFL.5.2. Demonstrate an ability to discuss culture by analyzing cultural EFL 5.1.3. Find parallels between Ecuado
products and referents from Ecuador and other countries while making about holidays, symbols, customs and sc
informed choices about and taking action on issues of prejudice and
discrimination. EFL 5.1.5. Identify, discuss and analyze c
* Learners can exhibit an ability to discuss culture by analyzing cultural products perspectives of the culture. (BGU2)
and referents from Ecuador and other countries while making informed choices
about and taking action on issues of prejudice and discrimination. (I.1, I.2, S.2, EFL 5.1.6. Demonstrate an ability to mak
J.1, J.3) (ref.I.EFL.5.2.1.) discrimination. (BGU2)
Values: Following your dreams (Health values: the importance of visions a
Self-esteem: Music and me (A sense of identity: What’s imp
2. Oral Communication
CE.EFL.5.7. Production – Accuracy and Intelligibility: Use appropriate vocabulary EFL 5.2.6. Use new words and expressio
and language in a variety of oral interactions for a range of audiences and level- and make use of such terms and express
appropriate purposes.
*Learners can communicate clearly and effectively by using appropriate EFL 5.2.12. Use appropriate vocabulary,
vocabulary and language in a variety of oral interactions for a range of informal social or academic situations b
Functions & Speaking:
audiences and level-appropriate purposes. (I.2, I.3, J.2) (ref.I.EFL.5.7.1.) Asking
making about feelings.
a suggestion, etc. Role play: Aski
Vocabulary: Making music. Musical instruments. WordWise: Phra
Pronunciation: /I/ and /i/ vowel sounds.
Listening: Interviews about music.
3. Reading
CE.EFL.5.12. Engage with a variety of digital and print texts and resources by EFL 5.3.4. Find the most important infor
evaluating and detecting complexities and discrepancies in the information in (Example: Internet search engines, onlin
order to find the most appropriate sources to support an idea or argument. catalogues, etc.) (BGU2)
*Learners can engage with a variety of digital and print texts and resources by EFL 5.3.5. Begin to assess, compare and
evaluating and detecting complexities and discrepancies in the information in ICT tools related to the organization, sub
order to find the most appropriate sources to support an idea or argument. (I.2, to the editor, illustrations, charts, adver
EFL 5.3.7. Begin to detect complexities a
I.4, J.3) (ref.I.EFL.5.12.1.) references and resources. (BGU2)
Reading: Online forum: "Singer songwriter: Any adv
Article: "John Otway - Rock´s greatest failure"
Photostory: "Pop in the park".
4. Writing
EFL 5.4.6. Produce emails and blog posts
CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an
effective voice and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions. EFL 5.4.9. Use a variety of oral, print and
*Learners can produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an conventions of social writing. (Example:
effective voice and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions. (I.3, (BGU2)
S.3, J.2) (ref.I.EFL.5.13.1.)
CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an effective voice and a va
*Learners can produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an effective voice and a variety of approp
5. Language through the Arts
EFL 5.5.1. Compare and present persona
CE.EFL.5.16. Respond to and interpret literary texts, including original stories and the works of peers, referring to deta
written by peers, referring to details and literary elements of the text. vocabulary, etc.) (BGU2)
*Learners can respond to and interpret literary texts, including original stories
written by peers, referring to details and literary elements of the text. (S.1, S.4, EFL 5.5.5. Create original, imaginative st
J.2) (ref.I.EFL.5.16.1.) learners have read or heard. (BGU2)
Timeframe Duration
Periods Start End
Unit No. 5
Unit Specific Objectives
n and other countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely, and openly experiencing other cultures
national and cultural identity.
enhanced linguistic intelligence, and critical thinking skills through an appreciation of linguistic differences.
nguage use for communication and learning.
nt details of up-to-date English language texts, such as those published on the web, for professional or general
ence tools where required.
g your dreams (Health values: the importance of visions and following one’s dreams). Self-esteem: Music and
1.5. Identify, discuss and analyze cultural products from Ecuador and beyond and use them to explore the
ectives of the culture. (BGU2)
1.6. Demonstrate an ability to make informed choices about and take action on issues of prejudice and
mination. (BGU2)
values: the importance of visions and following one’s dreams).
e (A sense of identity: What’s important for me).
. Oral Communication
2.6. Use new words and expressions which occur in conversations in the personal and educational domains,
ake use of such terms and expressions wherever appropriate and necessary. (BGU2)
2.12. Use appropriate vocabulary, expressions, language, routines and interaction styles in formal and
mal social or academic situations by asking permission, thanking someone, apologizing to friends, giving advice,
king about feelings.
g a suggestion, etc. Role play: Asking permission.
sical instruments. WordWise: Phrasal verbs with "out"
iation: /I/ and /i/ vowel sounds.
ning: Interviews about music.
3. Reading
3.4. Find the most important information in print or online sources in order to support an idea or argument.
ple: Internet search engines, online advertising, online or print timetables, web pages, posters, adverts,
gues, etc.) (BGU2)
3.5. Begin to assess, compare and evaluate written texts and visual presentations using different criteria and
ols related to the organization, subject area and purpose of a text. (Examples of text types: editorials, letters
editor, illustrations, charts, advertisements, etc.) (BGU2)
3.7. Begin to detect complexities and discrepancies in information presented in both print and online
nces and resources. (BGU2)
orum: "Singer songwriter: Any advice?".
n Otway - Rock´s greatest failure".
tostory: "Pop in the park".
4. Writing
4.6. Produce emails and blog posts describing personal experiences and feelings. (BGU2)
4.9. Use a variety of oral, print and electronic forms for writing to others or for writing for self, applying the
ntions of social writing. (Example: notes, invitations, emails, blog entries and comments, notes to self, etc.)
s using an effective voice and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions.
ctive voice and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions. (I.3, S.3, J.2) (ref.I.EFL.5.13.1.)
anguage through the Arts
5.1. Compare and present personal and formal responses to and interpretations of published literary texts
he works of peers, referring to details and features of the text. (Example: text structure, plot, ideas, events,
ulary, etc.) (BGU2)
5.5. Create original, imaginative stories using appropriate vocabulary and elements of the literature that
ers have read or heard. (BGU2)
2. Unit Plan
Unit Title Unit Specific Objectives
O.EFL 5.2 Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards differe
intercultural and multinational society.
O.EFL 5.4 Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and ability
practice opportunities. Respect themselves and others within the communication proce
Best friends academic behavior.
O.EFL 5.5 Directly access the main points and important details of up-to-date English lan
professional or general investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and reference tool
Unit and Topic area: Making a difference. Values: Caring for the world (Environmental v
Transversal Axes
1. Communication and Cultural Awareness
CE.EFL.5.1. Display an understanding of the integrity of different cultures by
sharing experiences and by participating in class activities and discussions in a EFL 5.1.2. Demonstrate mindfulness, empa
way that shows empathy and respect for others. in daily classroom activities.
I.EFL.5.1.1. Learners can demonstrate an understanding of the integrity of
different cultures by sharing experiences and by participating in class activities EFL 5.1.10. Take initiative in a discussion in
and discussions in a way that shows empathy and respect for others. (I.3, S.1, comments, reactions and responses (both
S.2, J.1, J.3) Culture: "Stop! Before it´s too late".
Values: Caring for the world (Environmental values).
Critical Thinking: Different perspectives (recognizing text type and
2. Oral Communication
EFL 5.2.9. Build on others’ ideas when eng
CE.EFL.5.8. Interaction – Interpersonal: Respond to and build on other community and academic topics. (BGU2)
people’s ideas in extended conversations on familiar social and academic
topics by expressing opinions and feelings and clarifying meaning. EFL 5.2.11. Express opinions on abstract to
*Learners can respond to and build on other people’s ideas in extended personal experiences, while describing on
conversations on familiar social and academic topics by expressing opinions EFL 5.2.14. Request and provide informati
and feelings and clarifying meaning. (I.3, I.4, S.1, J.3, J.4) (ref.I.EFL.5.8.1.) purposes in order to clarify and extend me
Functions & Speaking: Expressing surprise and enthusiasm
Vocabulary: The environment. Verbs to talk about energy
Pronunciation: /f/, /v/, /b/ constant sounds.
Listening: Interviews about a town project.
3. Reading
EFL 5.3.2. Identify and use reading strateg
meaningful. (Example: skimming, scanning
and context clues, cognates, format, sequ
EFL 5.3.9. Skim and scan reference materi
be of practical use for one’s own research
Reading: Article: "Hot Topic: The environment".
Leaflet: "Small changes, BIG consequences".
Culture: "Stop! Before it´s too late".
4. Writing
EFL 5.4.9. Use a variety of oral, print and e
applying the conventions of social writing.
CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an notes to self, etc.) (BGU2)
effective voice and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions.
*Learners can produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an
effective voice and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions.
(I.3, S.3, J.2) (ref.I.EFL.5.13.1.)
CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an EFL 5.4.6. Produce emails and blog posts d
effective voice and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions.
*Learners can produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an
effective voice and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions. EFL 5.4.8. Create an effective voice, using
(I.3, S.3, J.2) (ref.I.EFL.5.13.1.) purposes and settings, and adjust these st
Grammar: "will (not)", "may (not)", "might (not)",for prediction. First conditional. "unles
Writing: An article for the school magazine.
5. Language through the Arts
EFL 5.5.7. Collaboratively reproduce criter
work. (BGU2)
EFL 5.5.9. Engage in collaborative activitie
express and interpret opinions and evalua
cooperative learning groups, literature circ
Critical Thinking: Different perspectives (recognizing text type and
Timeframe Duration
Periods Start End
Unit No. 6
Unit Specific Objectives
riosity and tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the role of diversity in building an
eby increasing disposition and ability to independently access further (language) learning and
ers within the communication process, cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into responsible
tant details of up-to-date English language texts, such as those published on the web, for
fficient use of ICT and reference tools where required.
1.10. Take initiative in a discussion in a positive way by being sensitive to the nuances of peers’
ents, reactions and responses (both verbal and nonverbal).
Stop! Before it´s too late".
the world (Environmental values).
spectives (recognizing text type and purpose).
al Communication
2.9. Build on others’ ideas when engaged in pair, group or whole-class discussions on personal, social,
unity and academic topics. (BGU2)
2.11. Express opinions on abstract topics, such as film and music, and concrete topics, such as
nal experiences, while describing one’s reactions to them and others’ opinions. (BGU2)
2.14. Request and provide information and assistance orally for personal, social and academic
ses in order to clarify and extend meaning in spoken interactions. (BGU2)
: Expressing surprise and enthusiasm.
ronment. Verbs to talk about energy.
: /f/, /v/, /b/ constant sounds.
erviews about a town project.
3. Reading
3.2. Identify and use reading strategies to make informative and narrative texts comprehensible and
ngful. (Example: skimming, scanning, previewing, reading for main ideas and details, using structural
ntext clues, cognates, format, sequence, etc.) (BGU2)
3.9. Skim and scan reference materials, in print or online, in order to identify information that might
practical use for one’s own research and academic needs. (BGU2)
"Hot Topic: The environment".
changes, BIG consequences".
Stop! Before it´s too late".
4. Writing
4.9. Use a variety of oral, print and electronic forms for writing to others or for writing for self,
ng the conventions of social writing. (Example: notes, invitations, emails, blog entries and comments,
to self, etc.) (BGU2)
4.6. Produce emails and blog posts describing personal experiences and feelings. (BGU2)
4.8. Create an effective voice, using a variety of writing styles appropriate to different audiences,
ses and settings, and adjust these styles as necessary. (BGU2)
2. Unit Plan
Unit Title Unit Specific Objec
O.EFL 5.1 Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other countries in a thoughtf
cultures and languages from the secure standpoint of their own national and cultural ide
O.EFL 5.3 Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced linguistic intelligence, an
The easy life Enjoy an enriched perspective of their own L1 and of language use for communication a
O.EFL 5.5 Directly access the main points and important details of up-to-date English lan
general investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and reference tools where require
Unit and Topic area: Future fun. Values: Believe in a better future (Environmental value
Transversal Axes Two things (A sense of purpose: becoming independent).
CE.EFL.5.1. Display an understanding of the integrity of different cultures by1.sharing
Communication and Cultural Awareness
experiences and by participating in class activities and discussions in a way that shows
empathy and respect for others. EFL 5.1.10. Take initiative in a discu
I.EFL.5.1.1. Learners can demonstrate an understanding of the integrity of different comments, reactions and response
cultures by sharing experiences and by participating in class
Values: Believe in aactivities and discussions
better future (Environmental values: developing a sense of c
in a way that shows empathy and respect for others. (I.3, S.1, S.2, J.1, J.3) Two things (A sense of identity: learning to acc
2. Oral Communication
CE.EFL.5.7. Production – Accuracy and Intelligibility: Use appropriate vocabulary and
language in a variety of oral interactions for a range of audiences and level- EFL 5.2.6. Use new words and expr
appropriate purposes. domains, and make use of such ter
*I.EFL.5.7.1. Learners can communicate clearly and effectively by using appropriate EFL 5.2.12. Use appropriate vocab
vocabulary and language in a variety of oral interactions for a range of audiences and informal social or academic situati
level-appropriate purposes. (I.2, I.3, J.2) Functions and Speaking: Checking
advice, making information.etc.
a suggestion, Agre
Vocabulary: Future time expressions. Planning a party. WordWise: P
Pronunciation: Intonation of questions tags.
Listening: Interviews with two newsmakers.
3. Reading
CE.EFL.5.11. Identify and apply a range of reading strategies in order to make texts EFL 5.3.2. Identify and use reading
meaningful and to select information within a text that might be of practical use for meaningful. (Example: skimming, s
one’s own academic needs. and context clues, cognates, forma
*I.EFL.5.11.1. Learners can Identify and apply a range of reading strategies in order to EFL 5.3.9. Skim and scan reference
make texts meaningful and to select information within a text that might be of of practical use for one’s own rese
practical use for one’s own academic needs. (I.1, I.2, I.4, S.3)
Reading: "Newspaper articles: The world today
Web chat: Planning a party.
Photostory: Weekend plans.
4. Writing
EFL 5.4.6. Produce emails and blog
CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an effective
voice and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions. EFL 5.4.8. Create an effective voice
*I.EFL.5.13.1. Learners can produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using purposes and settings, and adjust t
an effective voice and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions. (I.3, S.3,
J.2) EFL 5.4.9. Use a variety of oral, prin
the conventions of social writing. (
self, etc.)
Grammar: Future forms. Question tags. "Neither" /
Writing: An invitation.
CE.EFL.5.19. Engage in collaborative activities through a variety of student groupings 5. Language through the Arts
in order to solve problems and reflect on literary texts, and produce criteria for EFL 5.5.7. Collaboratively produce
evaluating the effectiveness of the group.
*I.EFL.5.19.1. Learners can engage in collaborative activities through a variety of
student groupings in order to solve problems and reflect on literary texts, and EFL 5.5.9. Engage in collaborative a
produce criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the group. (I.1, I.2, S.2, S.3, S.4, J.3, express and interpret opinions and
J.4) cooperative learning groups, litera
Self-esteem: Two things (A sense of identity: learning to acc
Timeframe Duration
Periods Start End
Unit No. 7
Unit Specific Objectives
ther countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely, and openly experiencing other
wn national and cultural identity.
ed linguistic intelligence, and critical thinking skills through an appreciation of linguistic differences.
e use for communication and learning.
ils of up-to-date English language texts, such as those published on the web, for professional or
erence tools where required.
uture (Environmental values: developing a sense of community with past and future). Self-esteem:
6. Use new words and expressions which occur in conversations in the personal and educational
s, and make use of such terms and expressions wherever appropriate and necessary.
12. Use appropriate vocabulary, expressions, language, routines and interaction styles in formal and
l social or academic situations by asking permission, thanking someone, apologizing to friends, giving
making information.etc.
a suggestion, Agreeing.
nning a party. WordWise: Phrases with "about".
onation of questions tags.
ws with two newsmakers.
2. Identify and use reading strategies to make informative and narrative texts comprehensible and
gful. (Example: skimming, scanning, previewing, reading for main ideas and details, using structural
ntext clues, cognates, format, sequence, etc.)
9. Skim and scan reference materials, in print or online, in order to identify information that might be
tical use for one’s own research and academic needs.
er articles: The world today.
: Planning a party.
y: Weekend plans.
. Writing
6. Produce emails and blog posts describing personal experiences and feelings.
8. Create an effective voice, using a variety of writing styles appropriate to different audiences,
es and settings, and adjust these styles as necessary.
9. Use a variety of oral, print and electronic forms for writing to others or for writing for self, applying
ventions of social writing. (Example: notes, invitations, emails, blog entries and comments, notes to
Question tags. "Neither" / "So"
: An invitation.
e through the Arts
7. Collaboratively produce criteria for evaluating literary texts and the effectiveness of group work.
9. Engage in collaborative activities through a variety of student groupings to share, reflect on,
and interpret opinions and evaluations of a range of literary texts. (Example: small groups,
ative learning groups, literature circles, process writing groups, etc.)
e of identity: learning to accept oneself).
2. Unit Plan
Unit Title Unit Specific Obje
O.EFL 5.2 Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and tolerance towards diffe
intercultural and multinational society.
O.EFL 5.4 Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing disposition and abil
Free time opportunities. Respect themselves and others within the communication process, culti
O.EFL 5.5 Directly access the main points and important details of up-to-date English l
general investigation, through the efficient use of ICT and reference tools where requi
Unit and Topic area: Science counts. Values: How science helps people (Moral values:
Transversal Axes
1. Communication and Cultural Awarenes
EFL 5.1.1. Display an understandin
CE.EFL.5.1. Display an understanding of the integrity of different cultures by sharing cultures by recognizing and sharin
experiences and by participating in class activities and discussions in a way that shows
empathy and respect for others. EFL 5.1.2. Demonstrate mindfulne
I.EFL.5.1.1. Learners can demonstrate an understanding of the integrity of different daily classroom activities.
cultures by sharing experiences and by participating in class activities and discussions
in a way that shows empathy and respect for others. (I.3, S.1, S.2, J.1, J.3) EFL 5.1.10. Take initiative in a disc
comments, reactions and respons
Culture: "Great scientists".
Values: How Science helps people. Critical Thinking: Usi
2. Oral Communication
CE.EFL.5.7. Production – Accuracy and Intelligibility: Use appropriate vocabulary and EFL 5.2.6. Use new words and exp
language in a variety of oral interactions for a range of audiences and level- domains, and make use of such te
appropriate purposes.
*I.EFL.5.7.1. Learners can communicate clearly and effectively by using appropriate EFL 5.2.12. Use appropriate vocab
vocabulary and language in a variety of oral interactions for a range of audiences and informal social or academic situati
Functions and Speaking: Talking about past habits. Talking about imaginary situation
level-appropriate purposes. (I.2, I.3, J.2)
Vocabulary: advice, making
Direction a suggestion,
and movement. etc.
Pronunciation: The /ju/ sound.
Listening: The things kids believe!
3. Reading
CE.EFL.5.11. Identify and apply a range of reading strategies in order to make texts
meaningful and to select information within a text that might be of practical use for EFL 5.3.2. Identify and use reading
one’s own academic needs. meaningful. (Example: skimming,
*I.EFL.5.11.1. Learners can Identify and apply a range of reading strategies in order to and context clues, cognates, form
EFL 5.3.9. Skim and scan reference
make texts meaningful and to select information within a text that might be of of practical use for one’s own rese
practical use for one’s own academic needs. (I.1, I.2, I.4, S.3) Reading: Blog article: "Why aren´t people more interested
Web forum: "What should science do next?".
Culture: "Great scientists".
4. Writing
EFL 5.4.6. Produce emails and blo
CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an effective voice
and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions.
*I.EFL.5.13.1. Learners can produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an
effective voice and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions. (I.3, S.3,
CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an effective voice
and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions. EFL 5.4.8. Create an effective voic
*I.EFL.5.13.1. Learners can produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an purposes and settings, and adjust
effective voice and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions. (I.3, S.3,
J.2) EFL 5.4.9. Use a variety of oral, pr
the conventions of social writing.
self, etc.)
Grammar: Simple past vs. Past continuous (review) "used to". Secon
Writing: A blog entry.
5. Language through the Arts
EFL 5.5.7. Collaboratively produce
CE.EFL.5.19. Engage in collaborative activities through a variety of student groupings
in order to solve problems and reflect on literary texts, and produce criteria for
evaluating the effectiveness of the group. EFL 5.5.8. Contribute to team pro
*I.EFL.5.19.1. Learners can engage in collaborative activities through a variety of negotiating and managing interac
student groupings in order to solve problems and reflect on literary texts, and produce EFL 5.5.9. Engage in collaborative
criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the group. (I.1, I.2, S.2, S.3, S.4, J.3, J.4) express and interpret opinions an
cooperative learning groups, litera
Critical Thinking: Using criteria
Timeframe Duration
Periods Start End
Unit No. 8
Unit Specific Objectives
and tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the role of diversity in building an
reasing disposition and ability to independently access further (language) learning and practice
ommunication process, cultivating habits of honesty and integrity into responsible academic behavior.
etails of up-to-date English language texts, such as those published on the web, for professional or
eference tools where required.
1.2. Demonstrate mindfulness, empathy, tolerance and an overall respect for the integrity of cultures in
lassroom activities.
1.10. Take initiative in a discussion in a positive way by being sensitive to the nuances of peers’
ents, reactions and responses (both verbal and nonverbal).
"Great scientists".
eople. Critical Thinking: Using criteria
2.6. Use new words and expressions which occur in conversations in the personal and educational
ns, and make use of such terms and expressions wherever appropriate and necessary.
2.12. Use appropriate vocabulary, expressions, language, routines and interaction styles in formal and
ngal about
social or academic
imaginary situationsTalking
situations. by asking permission,
about thanking someone, apologizing to friends, giving
scientific discoveries.
making a suggestion, etc.
and movement. Science.
tion: The /ju/ sound.
e things kids believe!
. Reading
3.2. Identify and use reading strategies to make informative and narrative texts comprehensible and
ngful. (Example: skimming, scanning, previewing, reading for main ideas and details, using structural
ntext clues, cognates, format, sequence, etc.)
3.9. Skim and scan reference materials, in print or online, in order to identify information that might be
ctical use for one’s own research and academic needs.
n´t people more interested in science?".
t should science do next?".
"Great scientists".
4. Writing
4.6. Produce emails and blog posts describing personal experiences and feelings.
4.8. Create an effective voice, using a variety of writing styles appropriate to different audiences,
ses and settings, and adjust these styles as necessary.
4.9. Use a variety of oral, print and electronic forms for writing to others or for writing for self, applying
nventions of social writing. (Example: notes, invitations, emails, blog entries and comments, notes to
us (review) "used to". Second conditional. "I wish"
g: A blog entry.
e through the Arts
5.7. Collaboratively produce criteria for evaluating literary texts and the effectiveness of group work.
5.8. Contribute to team projects to produce original works and solve problems while effectively
ating and managing interactions to accomplish social and classroom tasks.
5.9. Engage in collaborative activities through a variety of student groupings to share, reflect on,
s and interpret opinions and evaluations of a range of literary texts. (Example: small groups,
rative learning groups, literature circles, process writing groups, etc.)
nking: Using criteria
2. Oral Communication
EFL 5.2.9. Build on others’ ideas when engaged in pair, group or whole-cla
social, community and academic topics.
CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an effective voice
and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions. EFL 5.4.8. Create an effective voice, using a variety of writing styles approp
*I.EFL.5.13.1. Learners can produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an purposes and settings, and adjust these styles as necessary.
effective voice and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions. (I.3, S.3, J.2)
EFL 5.4.9. Use a variety of oral, print and electronic forms for writing to oth
applying the conventions of social writing. (Example: notes, invitations, em
comments, notes to self, etc.)
Reading: Article: "Dream Jobs".
Article: "Obsolete jobs".
Photostory: "For a good cause".
5. Language through the Arts
EFL 5.5.2. Make predictions, inferences and deductions to demonstrate diff
literary texts presented orally or in digital form, including literal and implie
summarizing, explaining and identifying, word choice, symbols, points of v
CE.EFL.5.17. Demonstrate and convey different levels of meaning in literary texts by
identifying distinguishing features, interpreting implicit and explicit messages and
responding in a variety of ways.
*I.EFL.5.17.1. Learners can demonstrate and convey different levels of meaning in literary
texts by identifying distinguishing features, interpreting implicit and explicit messages and
responding in a variety of ways. (I.3, I.4, J.3)
CE.EFL.5.17. Demonstrate and convey different levels of meaning in literary texts by
identifying distinguishing features, interpreting implicit and explicit messages and EFL 5.5.3. Identify and explain the distinguishing features of diverse literar
responding in a variety of ways. and use those features to aid comprehension, interpretation and discussio
*I.EFL.5.17.1. Learners can demonstrate and convey different levels of meaning in literary
texts by identifying distinguishing features, interpreting implicit and explicit messages and
responding in a variety of ways. (I.3, I.4, J.3) EFL 5.5.4. Read aloud with confidence, accuracy, fluency and expression to
and to convey an interpretation of meaning.
Start End
Unit No. 9
Techniques / Instruments
of the new material will be done by of checking homework,
olled practice completion. Assessment will also be done in class by
nations or definitions and by listening to / reading students’
peaking and writing practice activities, etc.
be applied
Approved by:
Timeframe Duration
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:
Weeks Periods Start
CE.EFL.5.4. Communicate effectively using a variety of media and formats, including ICT,
1. Communication and Cultural Awareness
by saying things in alternative ways and applying self-correcting and self-monitoring
strategies when needed. EFL 5.1.11. Apply self-correcting and self-monitoring strategies in social an
I.EFL.5.4.1. Learners can communicate effectively using a variety of media and formats, adjusting presentation and language production to effectively express opin
Culture: and
including ICT, by saying things in alternative ways and applying self-correcting "Keeping (Example:
self- healthy asking
- stories fromquestions,
around thestarting
world".over, rephrasing, exploring alternative
monitoring strategies when needed. (I.1, I.3, J.4) Values: Never give up (Health values: the importance of perseverance).
Critical Thinking: About health (assessing valid vs. Invalid conclusions).
2. Oral Communication
EFL 5.2.9. Build on others’ ideas when engaged in pair, group or whole-cla
social, community and academic topics.
Start End
Unit No. 10
Techniques / Instruments
be applied
Approved by:
Timeframe Duration
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:
Weeks Periods Start
2. Oral Communication
CE.EFL.5.7. Production – Accuracy and Intelligibility: Use appropriate vocabulary and EFL 5.2.6. Use new words and expressions which occur in conversations in
language in a variety of oral interactions for a range of audiences and level-appropriate domains, and make use of such terms and expressions wherever appropria
*I.EFL.5.7.1. Learners can communicate clearly and effectively by using appropriate
vocabulary and language in a variety of oral interactions for a range of audiences and
level-appropriate purposes. (I.2, I.3, J.2)
CE.EFL.5.7. Production – Accuracy and Intelligibility: Use appropriate vocabulary and
language in a variety of oral interactions for a range of audiences and level-appropriate
*I.EFL.5.7.1. Learners can communicate clearly and effectively by using appropriate EFL 5.2.12. Use appropriate vocabulary, expressions, language, routines an
vocabulary and language in a variety of oral interactions for a range of audiences and and informal social or academic situations by asking permission, thanking
level-appropriate purposes. (I.2, I.3, J.2) giving advice, making a suggestion, etc.
Functions and Speaking: Reporting what someone has said. Expressing feelings: anger.
Vocabulary: Fun. More verbs with object + infinitive. WordWise: Expressions with "make"
Pronunciation: Intonation: rude or polite?
Listening: Profile of an extreme weather journalist.
3. Reading
CE.EFL.5.12. Engage with a variety of digital and print texts and resources by evaluating EFL 5.3.4. Find the most important information in print or online sources in
and detecting complexities and discrepancies in the information in order to find the most argument. (Example: Internet search engines, online advertising, online or
appropriate sources to support an idea or argument. posters, adverts, catalogues, etc.)
*I.EFL.5.12.1. Learners can engage with a variety of digital and print texts and resources EFL 5.3.5. Assess, compare and evaluate the quality of written texts and vi
by evaluating and detecting complexities and discrepancies in the information in order to different criteria and ICT tools related to the organization, subject area and
find the most appropriate sources to support an idea or argument. (I.2, I.4, J.3) text types: editorials, letters to the editor, political speeches, illustrations,
Reading: Article: "April Fool´s Day".
Article: "A tale of two Guys".
Photostory: "The journalist".
4. Writing
EFL 5.4.1. Critically evaluate information from references, including those
recommend print and digital sources to other learners.
CE.EFL.5.14. Identify, critically evaluate and recommend a variety of potential resources
and references, including digital tools, that support collaboration and productivity, for EFL 5.4.2. Identify a variety of types and formats of potential resources an
educational and academic use. audience of each one for use in the educational domain. (Example: audio/
*I.EFL.5.14.1. Learners can identify, critically evaluate and recommend a variety of database, book, thesaurus, scholarly/popular, current/historical, etc.)
potential resources and references, including digital tools, that support collaboration and
EFL 5.4.4. Select and make effective use of a range of digital tools to write,
productivity, for educational and academic use. (I.1, I.2, S.3, S.4)
work in a way that supports collaboration, learning and productivity. (Exam
GoogleDrive, infographic makers, audio and video editing, presentation ap
Grammar: Reported statements. Verb patterns: object + infinitive.
Writing: A news report.
5. Language through the Arts
EFL 5.5.7. Collaboratively produce criteria for evaluating literary texts and
Self-esteem: Giving a reward (A sense of identity: recognizing and appreciating personal qualities in others).
Start End
Unit No. 11
al qualities in others).
Techniques / Instruments
of the new material will be done by of checking homework,
olled practice completion. Assessment will also be done in class by
nations or definitions and by listening to / reading students’
peaking and writing practice activities, etc.
be applied
Approved by:
Timeframe Duration
Teacher: Area/Subject: Grade:
Weeks Periods Start
1. Communication and Cultural Awareness
EFL 5.1.7. Interpret and demonstrate knowledge of nonverbal and oral com
CE.EFL.5.3. Interpret cultural and language patterns in English, including nonverbal applying them in appropriate contexts. (Example: use of stress, intonation
communication, and apply them in appropriate contexts.
*I.EFL.5.3.1. Learners can interpret cultural and language patterns in English, including
nonverbal communication, and apply them in appropriate contexts. (I.3, I.4, S.1, S.2)
Culture: "Communication through history".
Values: Responsible online behavior (Moral values: understanding the importance of value-based behavior)
Critical Thinking: Networking in the family (sequencing)
2. Oral Communication
EFL 5.2.1. Deduce the meanings of unfamiliar phrases and words from a co
CE.EFL.5.5. Listening for Meaning: Identify the main idea in a variety of audio recordings elements. (Example: colloquial greetings, exclamations, interjections, etc.)
(e.g., interviews, radio ads, news reports, etc.) and deduce the meanings of unfamiliar
phrases and words in familiar contexts, provided speech is clear and visuals help support
meaning. EFL 5.2.2. Identify the main idea and some details of recorded news report
interviews reporting on seasonal festivities, environmental issues, food an
*I.EFL.5.5.1. Learners can identify the main idea in a variety of audio recordings (e.g.,
weather, etc., where the visuals support the commentary.
interviews, radio ads, news reports, etc.) and deduce the meanings of unfamiliar phrases
and words in familiar contexts where speech is clear and visuals help support meaning.
(I.3, I.4)
CE.EFL.5.5. Listening for Meaning: Identify the main idea in a variety of audio recordings
(e.g., interviews, radio ads, news reports, etc.) and deduce the meanings of unfamiliar
phrases and words in familiar contexts, provided speech is clear and visuals help support
*I.EFL.5.5.1. Learners can identify the main idea in a variety of audio recordings (e.g.,
interviews, radio ads, news reports, etc.) and deduce the meanings of unfamiliar phrases EFL 5.2.5. Understand the main idea of radio and audio recordings on subj
and words in familiar contexts where speech is clear and visuals help support meaning. provided speech is clear.
(I.3, I.4)
Functions and Speaking: Making generalizations. Giving advice.
Vocabulary: IT terms. Language for giving advice.
Pronunciation: The short /ʌ/ vowel sound.
Listening: Conversation about installing a computer game.
3. Reading
EFL 5.3.2. Identify and use reading strategies to make informative and narr
meaningful. (Example: skimming, scanning, previewing, reading for main id
CE.EFL.5.11. Identify and apply a range of reading strategies in order to make texts and context clues, cognates, format, sequence, etc.)
meaningful and to select information within a text that might be of practical use for one’s
own academic needs.
*I.EFL.5.11.1. Learners can Identify and apply a range of reading strategies in order to
make texts meaningful and to select information within a text that might be of practical EFL 5.3.9. Skim and scan reference materials, in print or online, in order to
use for one’s own academic needs. (I.1, I.2, I.4, S.3) be of practical use for one’s own research and academic needs.
CE.EFL.5.13. Produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an effective voice
and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions. EFL 5.4.8. Create an effective voice, using a variety of writing styles approp
*I.EFL.5.13.1. Learners can produce emails, blog posts and other written texts using an purposes and settings, and adjust these styles as necessary.
effective voice and a variety of appropriate writing styles and conventions. (I.3, S.3, J.2)
EFL 5.4.9. Use a variety of oral, print and electronic forms for writing to oth
applying the conventions of social writing. (Example: notes, invitations, em
comments, notes to self, etc.)
Grammar: Indefinite pronouns ("everyone", "no one", "someone", etc.). "all" / "some" / "none" / "any of them". "should(n't)", "ought t
Writing: A web page giving advice.
CE.EFL.5.17. Demonstrate and convey different levels of meaning in literary texts by5. Language through the Arts
identifying distinguishing features, interpreting implicit and explicit messages and
responding in a variety of ways. EFL 5.5.2. Make predictions, inferences and deductions to demonstrate diff
I.EFL.5.17.1. Learners can demonstrate and convey different levels of meaning in literary literary texts presented orally or in digital form, including literal and implie
texts by identifying distinguishing features, interpreting implicit and explicit messages and summarizing, explaining and identifying, word choice, symbols, points of v
responding in a variety of ways. (I.3, I.4, J.3)
Critical Thinking: Networking in the family (sequencing)
Start End
Unit No. 12
alue-based behavior)
be applied
Approved by: