Pca Ingles Primero Bgu 2024 - 2025
Pca Ingles Primero Bgu 2024 - 2025
Pca Ingles Primero Bgu 2024 - 2025
O.EFL 5.7
Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in a range of formal
and informal social situations with a limited but effective command of the
spoken language (CEFR B1 level)
Nº Title of the unit Unit Contents/skills Methodological Orientations Evaluation Weeks
Specific (Skills and strategies) duration
1 You will 4
learn how EFL 5.1.2 Communication and CE.EFL.5.1.
Inspirational People to Demonstrate mindfulness, empathy, tolerance and Cultural Awareness Display an understanding of
an overall respect for the integrity of cultures in the integrity of different
talk about
daily classroom activities. Hearing a song from cultures by sharing
another country and finding experiences and by
similarities with a song from
important EFL 5.2.4 participating in class
decisions Follow oral directions in classroom activities and activities and discussions in
and projects and provide directions to peers in a way that shows empathy
achieveme Oral Communication:
selected interactions. (Listening and Speaking) and respect for others.
Writing CE.EFL.5.10.
Find specific information and
Completing an online identify the main points in
graphic organizer in order simple, straightforward texts
to help plan a piece of on subjects of personal
writing. interest or familiar academic
topics while making informed
Reading a text and using a
decisions about one’s own
checklist to talk about how
it is organized. (Example: Is reaction to the text.
there a title? Does it have
an opening sentence?,etc.) I.EFL. 5.10.1.
Learners can find specific in-
Recording synonyms and formation and identify the
antonyms of words in the main points in simple,
margins of reading texts.
straightforward texts on
Writing new words and subjects of personal interest
phrases in a vocabulary or familiar academic topics
notebook and then writing a while making informed
text using three words from decisions about one’s own
your vocabulary notebook. reaction to the text. (I.1, I.2,
Exchanging writing in pairs
in order to make
suggestions about things CE.EFL.5.15.
that could be improved. Plan and produce well-
constructed informational
Language through the texts by applying the writing
Arts process and while
demonstrating an ability to
Evaluating and assessing justify one’s position on an
the effectiveness of group argument through carefully
work by answering a set of selected information and
questions. (Example: Who appropriate language, tone
always participates? Who
gets the things the group and evidence.
needs? Who asks good
questions?,etc.) I.EFL.5.15.1.
Learners can plan and pro-
Selecting desirable duce well-constructed
behaviors for group work
informational texts by
from a list and reaching a
consensus as a group for applying the writing process
the three most important. and while demonstrating an
ability to justify one’s
Writing a checklist in pairs position on an argument
to use to evaluate another through carefully selected
group’s project. information and appropriate
language, tone and
Discussing rules and norms
for a group project before evidence. (I.2, I.3, I.4, S.3,
the project begins. J.1)
(Example: Don’t interrupt
others, Do your work on CE.EFL.5.19.
time, Don’t make negative Engage in collaborative
remarks, etc.) activities through a variety of
student groupings in order to
solve problems and reflect
on literary texts, and
produce criteria for
evaluating the effectiveness
of the group.
Learners can engage in
collaborative activities
through a variety of student
groupings in order to solve
problems and reflect on
literary texts, and produce
criteria for evaluating the
effectiveness of the group.
(I.1, I.2, S.2, S.3, S.4, J.3,
2 4
Experience Culture! You will EFL 5.1.1 Communication and CE.EFL.5.1.
learn how Display an understanding of the relationship Cultural Awareness Display an understanding of
to between the practices and perspectives of the integrity of different
different cultures by recognizing and sharing Writing a weekly journal cultures by sharing
cross-cultural experiences and ideas. entry about a cross-cultural experiences and by
ask and experience. participating in class
answer EFL 5.1.2 activities and discussions in
questions Demonstrate mindfulness, empathy, tolerance and Oral Communication: a way that shows empathy
(Listening and Speaking)
about an overall respect for the integrity of cultures in and respect for others.
experienc daily classroom activities.
Listening to a set of
es. instructions and putting I.EFL.5.1.1.
EFL 5.1.3 them in order. Learners can demonstrate
talk about Find parallels between Ecuadorian cultural and an understanding of the
the length political referents and those of other countries by Listening to and following integrity of different cultures
of talking about holidays, symbols, customs and class commands. by sharing experiences and
experienc schooling. by participating in class
es. Singing songs that practice activities and discussions in
helpful language.
EFL 5.2.4 a way that shows empathy
recommen Follow oral directions in classroom activities and Giving learnerslanguage and respect for others. (I.3,
d cultural projects and provide directions to peers in prompts to use during S.1, S.2, J.1, J.3)
activities selected interactions. pair/group work. (Example:
like What do you think? I CE.EFL.5.2.
reading EFL 5.2.6 agree/disagree. I think we Demonstrate an ability to
and going Use new words and expressions which occur in need to…, It’s your turn, discuss culture by analyzing
to conversations in the personal and educational cultural products and
museums. domains, and make use of such terms and Playing games that practice referents from Ecuador and
expressions wherever appropriate and necessary. classroom language, turn- other countries while making
taking, being polite, etc. informed choices about and
EFL 5.3.1 taking action on issues of
Find specific predictable information in short, Reading prejudice and discrimination.
simple texts in a range of age- and level-
appropriate topics. (Example: biographies, news Reading a short text and I.EFL.5.2.1.
articles, narratives, memoirs and personal showing comprehension by Learners can exhibit an
accounts, formal letters and emails, etc.) completing the ability to discuss culture by
accompanying graphic
analyzing cultural products
organizer. (Example:
EFL 5.4.7 learners read about and referents from Ecuador
Use the process of prewriting, drafting, revising, archeological ruins and and other countries while
peer editing and proofreading (i.e., “the writing complete a Venn diagram, making informed choices
process”) to produce well-constructed etc.) about and taking action on
informational texts. issues of prejudice and
Reading a text on a familiar discrimination. (I.1, I.2, S.2,
content area subject and
EFL 5.5.7 answering information J.1, J.3)
Collaboratively produce criteria for evaluating questions. (Example:
literary texts and the effectiveness of group work. learners read about CE.EFL.5.6.
foodborne illnesses and Listening for Information:
then write three ways to Deal with practical, everyday
prevent them, etc.) communication demands in
familiar social and academic
Reading a text and
answering information contexts, including following
questions. directions in class activities
and identifying main ideas in
Choosing from a list of other curricular subjects
words to complete gaps when given sufficient
from a reading. support.
Reading a paragraph about
a familiar content area I.EFL.5.6.1.
subject and then correcting Learners can deal with prac-
incorrect sentences. tical, everyday
(Example: In northern India, communication demands in
the monsoon season lasts familiar social and academic
for six months every year - contexts, such as following
three, etc.)
directions in class activities
and identifying main ideas in
other curricular subjects
when given sufficient
Completing an online
graphic organizer in order support. (I.1, I.3, S.1)
to help plan a piece of
writing. CE.EFL.5.7.
Production – Accuracy and
Reading a text and using a Intelligibility: Use appropriate
checklist to talk about how vocabulary and language in
it is organized. (Example: Is
there a title? Does it have a variety of oral interactions
an opening sentence?,etc.) for a range of audiences and
level-appropriate purposes.
Recording synonyms and
antonyms of words in the I.EFL.5.7.1.
margins of reading texts. Learners can communicate
clearly and effectively by
Writing new words and
phrases in a vocabulary using appropriate vocabulary
notebook and then writing a and language in a variety of
text using three words from oral interactions for a range
your vocabulary notebook. of audiences and level-
appropriate purposes. (I.2,
Exchanging writing in pairs I.3, J.2)
in order to make
suggestions about things
that could be improved. CE.EFL.5.10.
Find specific information and
Language through the identify the main points in
Arts simple, straightforward texts
on subjects of personal
Evaluating and assessing interest or familiar academic
the effectiveness of group
topics while making informed
work by answering a set of
questions. (Example: Who decisions about one’s own
always participates? Who reaction to the text.
gets the things the group
needs? Who asks good I.EFL. 5.10.1.
questions?,etc.) Learners can find specific in-
formation and identify the
Selecting desirable
main points in simple,
behaviors for group work
from a list and reaching a straightforward texts on
consensus as a group for subjects of personal interest
the three most important. or familiar academic topics
while making informed
Writing a checklist in pairs decisions about one’s own
to use to evaluate another reaction to the text. (I.1, I.2,
group’s project.
Discussing rules and norms
for a group project before CE.EFL.5.15.
the project begins. Plan and produce well-
(Example: Don’t interrupt constructed informational
others, Do your work on texts by applying the writing
time, Don’t make negative process and while
remarks, etc.)
demonstrating an ability to
justify one’s position on an
argument through carefully
selected information and
appropriate language, tone
and evidence.
Learners can plan and pro-
duce well-constructed
informational texts by
applying the writing process
and while demonstrating an
ability to justify one’s
position on an argument
through carefully selected
information and appropriate
language, tone and
evidence. (I.2, I.3, I.4, S.3,
Engage in collaborative
activities through a variety of
student groupings in order to
solve problems and reflect
on literary texts, and
produce criteria for
evaluating the effectiveness
of the group.
Learners can engage in
collaborative activities
through a variety of student
groupings in order to solve
problems and reflect on
literary texts, and produce
criteria for evaluating the
effectiveness of the group.
(I.1, I.2, S.2, S.3, S.4, J.3,
3 4
Story Time! You will EFL 5.1.2 Communication and CE.EFL.5.1.
learn how Demonstrate mindfulness, empathy, tolerance and Cultural Awareness Display an understanding of
to an overall respect for the integrity of cultures in the integrity of different
Reading two legends from
daily classroom activities. cultures by sharing
different regions in Ecuador
narrate and completing a chart to experiences and by
stories EFL 5.2.4 show the differences. participating in class
and Follow oral directions in classroom activities and activities and discussions in
events in projects and provide directions to peers in Reading a myth from a way that shows empathy
selected interactions. another region/culture and
the past. sharing a similar and respect for others.
EFL 5.2.6 experience.
convey Use new words and expressions which occur in I.EFL.5.1.1.
attitudes conversations in the personal and educational Oral Communication: Learners can demonstrate
(Listening and Speaking)
related to domains, and make use of such terms and an understanding of the
the expressions wherever appropriate and necessary. integrity of different cultures
Listening to a set of
events of instructions and putting by sharing experiences and
a story. EFL 5.3.1 them in order. by participating in class
Find specific predictable information in short, activities and discussions in
talk about simple texts in a range of age- and level- Listening to and following a way that shows empathy
imaginary appropriate topics. (Example: biographies, news class commands. and respect for others. (I.3,
situations. articles, narratives, memoirs and personal S.1, S.2, J.1, J.3)
accounts, formal letters and emails, Singing songs that practice
helpful language.
react to a etc.) CE.EFL.5.6.
story in Giving learners language Listening for Information:
different EFL 5.4.7 prompts to use during Deal with practical, everyday
ways. Use the process of prewriting, drafting, revising, pair/group work. (Example: communication demands in
peer editing and proofreading (i.e., “the writing What do you think? I familiar social and academic
process”) to produce well-constructed agree/disagree. I think we contexts, including following
informational texts. need to…, It’s your turn, directions in class activities
and identifying main ideas in
EFL 5.5.7 Playing games that practice other curricular subjects
Collaboratively produce criteria for evaluating classroom language, turn- when given sufficient
literary texts and the effectiveness of group work. taking, being polite, etc. support.
Reading I.EFL.5.6.1.
Learners can deal with prac-
Reading a short text and tical, everyday
showing comprehension by communication demands in
completing the familiar social and academic
accompanying graphic
organizer. (Example: contexts, such as following
learners read about directions in class activities
archeological ruins and and identifying main ideas in
complete a Venn diagram, other curricular subjects
etc.) when given sufficient
support. (I.1, I.3, S.1)
Reading a text on a familiar
content area subject and
answering information CE.EFL.5.7.
questions. (Example: Production – Accuracy and
learners read about Intelligibility: Use appropriate
foodborne illnesses and vocabulary and language in
then write three ways to a variety of oral interactions
prevent them, etc.) for a range of audiences and
level-appropriate purposes.
Reading a text and
answering information
questions. I.EFL.5.7.1.
Learners can communicate
Choosing from a list of clearly and effectively by
words to complete gaps using appropriate vocabulary
from a reading. and language in a variety of
oral interactions for a range
Reading a paragraph about
a familiar content area of audiences and level-
subject and then correcting appropriate purposes. (I.2,
incorrect sentences. I.3, J.2)
(Example: In northern India,
the monsoon season lasts CE.EFL.5.10.
for six months every year - Find specific information and
three, etc.)
identify the main points in
simple, straightforward texts
on subjects of personal
interest or familiar academic
Completing an online
graphic organizer in order topics while making informed
to help plan a piece of decisions about one’s own
writing. reaction to the text.
Learners can engage in
collaborative activities
through a variety of student
groupings in order to solve
problems and reflect on
literary texts, and produce
criteria for evaluating the
effectiveness of the group.
(I.1, I.2, S.2, S.3, S.4, J.3,
4 Traveling the World You will EFL 5.1.2 Communication and CE.EFL.5.1.
learn how Demonstrate mindfulness, empathy, tolerance and Cultural Awareness Display an understanding of
to an overall respect for the integrity of cultures in the integrity of different 4
Reflecting on differences
daily classroom activities. cultures by sharing
between people from other
give and countries and regions. experiences and by
ask for EFL 5.2.3 participating in class
directions Follow main ideas in topics covered in other Watching a video about activities and discussions in
and curricular subjects with the help of visual support, how people live in Ecuador a way that shows empathy
informatio using concepts and vocabulary that have been or another country, and ta- and respect for others.
n in a studied in advance. king notes on the cultural
practices mentioned, then
polite way. I.EFL.5.1.1.
leading a discussion in
EFL 5.2.14 small groups. Learners can demonstrate
ask people Request and provide information and assistance an understanding of the
to agree orally for personal, social and academic purposes Oral Communication: integrity of different cultures
with you. in order to clarify and extend meaning in spoken (Listening and Speaking) by sharing experiences and
interactions. by participating in class
give activities and discussions in
emphasis EFL 5.3.6 Listening to a short a way that shows empathy
to Display an appreciation of the language by dialogue and then writing and respect for others. (I.3,
and acting out a similar
description interacting and engaging with a variety of digital S.1, S.2, J.1, J.3)
dialogue, using some of the
s and print texts and resources and by selecting and same phrases and
and evaluating these materials as a means to promote expressions. (Example: a CE.EFL.5.6.
compariso and strengthen literacy skills and language dialogue between two Listening for Information:
ns. acquisition. friends asking about each Deal with practical, everyday
other’s future vacation communication demands in
EFL 5.4.9 plans, etc.) familiar social and academic
Use a variety of oral, print and electronic forms for contexts, including following
Asking and answering
writing to others or for writing for self, applying the questions about unique or directions in class activities
conventions of social writing. (Example: notes, interesting things one has and identifying main ideas in
invitations, emails, blog entries and comments, experienced. other curricular subjects
notes to self, etc.) when given sufficient
Comparing answers in pairs
EFL 5.5.10
or small groups.
Evaluate and recommend a literary text (written, I.EFL.5.6.1.
oral, online, in video or in print) or a favorite Learners can deal with prac-
activity to a peer. Conducting a role play tical, everyday
between two students on a communication demands in
given topic. (Example: familiar social and academic
talking about future plans,
contexts, such as following
finding common free time
activities, playing a directions in class activities
guessing game, etc.) and identifying main ideas in
other curricular subjects
Conducting a class survey when given sufficient
where learners ask each support. (I.1, I.3, S.1)
other about a familiar topic
and record each other’s
answers. (Example: What’s
your favorite sport? Do you Interaction – Interpersonal:
have a favorite team? What Respond to and build on
sports do you play? Have other people’s ideas in
you ever gotten hurt?,etc.) extended conversations on
Sharing a few things about familiar social and academic
their classmates’ answers. topics by expressing
(Example: Marco loves
opinions and feelings and
soccer. He’s a Barcelona
fan. He plays soccer every clarifying meaning.
day in recess, but last week
he sprained his ankle and I.EFL.5.8.1.
he can’t play right now, Learners can respond to and
etc.) build on other people’s ideas
in extended conversations
on familiar social and aca-
Working in pairs to
complete an information demic topics by expressing
gap activity. opinions and feelings and
clarifying meaning. (I.3, I.4,
S.1, J.3, J.4)
Listening to another
learner’s answers in class CE.EFL.5.12.
and responding
appropriately. (Example: Engage with a variety of
giving praise, correcting an digital and print texts and
error, asking a follow-up resources by evaluating and
question, etc.) detecting complexities and
discrepancies in the
Reading information in order to find
the most appropriate
Recommending an
informational web site to sources to support an idea
another learner. or argument.
Creating a class list of I.EFL.5.12.1.
reliable sources of Learners can engage with a
information and publishing
variety of digital and print
it online or displaying it on a
poster in class. texts and resources by
evaluating and detecting
Identifying unreliable complexities and
resources on the Internet. discrepancies in the informa-
tion in order to find the most
Writing appropriate sources to
support an idea or argument.
Looking at a map or GPS
and writing the directions to (I.2, I.4, J.3)
get from one place to ano-
ther. CE.EFL.5.13.
Produce emails, blog posts
Language through the and other written texts using
Arts an effective voice and a
variety of appropriate writing
Using a rubric as a model
to write one’s own rubric. styles and conventions.
Learners can use a variety
of criteria for evaluating and
recommending literary texts
to others, and recognize how
chosen criteria affects
evaluation. (S.1, S.4, J.2,