Study Material XI Computer Science

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Roll No. Candidates must write the Set No. on
the title page of the answer book.



 Please check that this question paper contains 07 printed pages.

 Set number given on the right hand side of the question paper should be written on
the title page of the answer book by the candidate.
 Check that this question paper contains 35 questions.
 Write down the Serial Number of the question in the left side of the margin before
attempting it.
 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper
will be distributed 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the examination. The
students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the
answer script during this period.

Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 70
General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
2. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
3. Section A has 18 questions carrying 01 mark each.
4. Section B has 07 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02 marks each.
5. Section C has 05 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each.
6. Section D has 03 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each.
7. Section E has 02 questions carrying 04 marks each. One internal choice is given in Q34
against part c only.
8. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.


1. Which of the following describes about SIM card? 1
(a) Connect with the base station (b) convert signals into digital form
(c) process an app (d) connect with battery
2. Name of the component that used to both reads and writes data. 1
(a) ROM (b) RAM
(c) Flash Memory (d) Cache Memory
3. You don‟t have to pay for Python and you can view its source code too. 1
It means Python is-
(a) freeware (b) free and open source
(c) open source (d) shareware
4. Which of the following is not a valid encoding scheme for characters? 1
(c) Unicode (d) ESCII
5. What will be the size of the following constant “DAVPS\’s”? 1
(a) 7 (b) 8
(c) 10 (d) 9
6. What is the value of the expression 1000/250? 1
(a) 4 (b) 4.0
(c) 2.5 (d) None of these
7. How many times will the following loop run? 1
Given: p=4
for i in range (p,20,5):
(a) 3 times (b) 4 times
(c) 5 times (d) infinite times
8. Which of the following is not a tuple? 1
(a) t=tuple([1,2,3]) (b) p=(500)
(c) q=(200,) (d) s=100,
9. Dictionaries are also called ___________. 1
(a) mapping (b) hashes
(c) associative arrays (d) All of these
10. Li= [1, 5, 14, 28, 12] 1
print (Li.pop (2)+Li.pop (3))
(a) 19 (b) 42
(c) 62 (d) 26
11. Which of the following is an invalid identifier? 1
(a) MyName (b) None
(c) Second_Name (d) My_Name
12. Using someone else‟s twitter handle to post something, will be termed 1
(a) Fraud (b) Identity theft
(c) Online stealing (d) Violation
13. Copy and paste information from the internet into your report and then 1
organise it.
(a) Plagiarism (b) Hacking
(c) Credit card Fraud (d) Digital Foot Print
14. Gitika is advised by her best friend, Seerat to protect her personal 1
information from intentional or unintentional attaks by other. This is also
known as ________________.
(a) digital right (b) copyright
(c) data privacy (d) intellectual property
15. They are hackers and their main motive is to gain financial profit by 1
doing cyber crimes. Who are “they” referred to here?
(a) White hat hackers (b) Black hat hackers
(c) Hactivists (d) Gray hat hackers
16. Adware are pre-chosen _________ developed to display ads. 1
(a) banner (b) software
(c) malware (d) spyware
Q17 and 18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions. Mark the correct
choice as:
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation for A
(c) A is True but R is False
(d) A is false but R is True
17. Assertion(A): In Python, each character of the string is assigned two- 1
way indices.
Reason (R): Strings are the sequences of characters where their indices
start with 1 in the forward direction and with -1 in the backward
18. Assertion(A): The list is a mutable collection of data in Python. 1
Reason (R): It means that any change or alternation in data, is
maintained in the same place. The updated collection will use the same
address for its storage.
19. Distinguish between internal and external memory. 2
20. Do the following conversions: 2
(a) (4468)10 = ( )16
(b) (47.75)10 = ( )2
Explain about the categories of software.
21. Find the complement of expression: 2
22. Consider the code given below: 2
import random
print(r,end= „,‟)
print(r,end= „,‟)
print(r,end= „,‟)
Which of the following are the possible outcomes of the above code?
Also, what can be the maximum and minimum number generated by line
(a) 655, 705, 220 (b) 380, 382, 505
(c) 100, 500, 999 (d) 345, 650, 110
23. Identify the identifier, keyword, literal, operator from the following 2
Name = input(“Enter your name”)
24. Rewrite the following code after correcting the errors and underline the 2
weather = 'raining'
If weather = 'sunny' :
print ("wear sunblock")
elif weather = "snow" :
print ("going skiing")
Else :
print (weather)
Which data types of Python handle Number?
25. Write any two symptoms of a malware attack. 2
Write any two major factors that about the reasons behind plagiarism.
26. Draw a flowchart to calculate the factorial of a number (N). 3
27. Write a program to accept a string and check whether the string is 3
palindrome or not.
Using the string truehuman = 'Loves One and All', what would be
returned by following string slices?
a) truehuman [ - 3 :]
b) ruehuman [12 :]
c) truehuman [10 : - 12]


28. Write a program to print monthly telephone bill. Calculate the bill based 1+2
on the following criteria.
Number of calls Price per call
Upto 100 0.00
> 100 2.50
> 500 4.50
>1000 7.50
Instructions: If the number of calls is 250 then no charges for first 100
calls and remaining 150 calls will be charged as 2.50
Write a program to input a string and replace all vowels in the string with
a character “#”. Display old string and new string.
29. Using the string truehuman = 'Loves One and All', what would be 3
returned by following string slices?
a) truehuman [ - 3 :]
b) truehuman [12 :]
c) truehuman [10 : - 12]
30. (a) Describe the categories of Digital Footprint. 2
(b) Write any two features of IT Act 2000. 1
31. The record of 5 students (SNo and Name) are stored in the following 2+3
D1 = {1:„Tanay‟,2 :„Ram‟, 3:„Shubha‟, 4:„Sudhanshu‟, 5:„Rahul‟}
Write the statement to retrieve the following information:
(a) All SNo.s and Names of the students.
(b) Total number of pairs of SNo and Name.
(c) Check the SNo is present or not.
(d) Delete the data of SNo 4.
32. Consider the following string mySubject: 5
mySubject = “Computer Science”
What will be the output of the following string operations:


(a) print(mySubject[0:len(mySubject)])
(b) print(mySubject[-7:-1])
(c) print(mySubject[::2])
(d) mySubject[10:2]
(e) print(mySubject[::-2])
33. Rahul saw a video on YouTube. It was a music drama. He downloaded 5
the video from YouTube using software which is available on internet
for free of cost. He made little modifications to the video using an
editing software (Filmora). Filmora is a software which is available for
trial use for 21 days. By using trial license, Rahul made the necessary
edits and uploaded the video on YouTube by giving himself all the

a. Is it a fair practice to download videos from YouTube? Which type

of cyber crime is this?
b. Which category of software like YouTube Downloader belongs to,
that are available completely free of cost over internet?
c. Which type of software like Filmora are available for trial over
internet for a definite period of time?
d. Rahul modified the content of someone else and used it for his own
purpose. Which type of crime is this?
e. What should Rahul do if he wishes to use someone‟s content for his
own purpose?


(a) Define the terms Virus, Pharming and Phishing. 3

(b) Name two categories of Browsing. 1

(c) Name any two popular Social networking sites. 1


34. (a) Rewrite the following code using the while loop: 1+1+2
while a<20:
(b) Write the Python statement of the following expression.
5 – xe2x + 7z
(c) Write a Python program to print the factorial of a number.
Write a Python program to print the Fibonacci Series.
0 1 1 2 3 5 ...
35. (a) Write the output of following code: 2+2
for i in range(1,5):
for j in range(2,i+2):
print(„@‟,end= „‟)
(b) Write any 2 differences between split() and partition() method.



1 (a) Connect with the base station

2 (b) RAM
3 (b) free and open source
4 (d) ESCII

5 (a) 7
6 (b) 4.0
7 (b) 4 times

8 (b) p=(500)
9 (d) All of these

10 (d) 26
11 (b) None
12 (b) Identity theft
13 (a) Plagiarism
14 (c) data privacy
15 (b) Black hat hackers
16 (b) software
17 (c) A is True but R is False
18 (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A

19 Internal memory is usually chips or modules that you attach directly to the
motherboard. Internal Memory is a circular disc that continuously rotates as the
computer accesses its data.
External memory is the additional that is used to store huge data/information for
future use. It often comes in the form of USB flash drives; CD, DVD, and other
optical discs; and portable hard drives.
20 (a) (4468)10 = ( 100010001011000 )16

(b) (47.75)10 = (101111.11)2

There are two types of software are as follows:
(i) System Software :– The software that controls internal computer
operations is called System Software.
(ii) Application Software – An Application Software is the set of programs
necessary to carry out operations for a specified application.
21 (A’+B)(C’+D)(E’+F’)
22 (a) 655, 705, 220
(d) 345, 650, 110
Maximum - 995
Minimum - 100
23 Identifier – Name
Keyword – input
Literal – Enter your name
Operator – =
24 weather = 'raining'
if weather == 'sunny' :
print ("wear sunblock")
elif weather == "snow" :
print ("going skiing")
else :
print (weather)
Python provides following data types to handle numbers
(i) Integers
(ii) Boolean
(iii) Floating-point numbers
(iv) Complex numbers
25 Symptoms of Malware attack:
i. A program disappears from the computer even though you did not
intentionally remove the program.
ii. An antivirus program cannot be installed on the computer or the antivirus
program will not run.
iii. You see unusual error message.
iv. You cannot print items correctly.
(Any two or any other relevant answers)

The major factors about the reason behind plagiarism.
i. Being lazy
ii. Lack of enforcement
iii. Fear of failure
iv. Not having enough knowledge
v. Lack of management skill
(Any two or any other relevant answers)

27 st1=input("Enter a string:")
if st1==st2:
print("Not a Palindrome")
a) 'All'
b) 'd All'
c) ' '
28 No_call=int(input("Enter total number of calls:"))
if No_call>1000:
elif No_call>500:
elif No_call>100:
print("Total Billing Amount of", No_call , "calls is", Bill_Amt)
st1=input("Enter a string:")
for i in st1:
if i in ['a','e','i','o','u','A','E','I','O','U']:
print("Old string is", st1)
print("New string is", st2)
29 a) 'All'
b) 'd All'
c) ' and AllLoves One'
30 (a) There are two types of footprints are as follows:
(i) Active footprint – Which are formed by your online activity you do
(ii) Passive footprint – Which are formed by any and every activity that you
perform online and you do not even know about it .

(b) The features of IT Act 200 are as follows:

(i) It helps to promote E-commerce.
(ii) It includes high penalty for cyber crime.
(iii) It provides filling online forms.
(iv) It enhances the corporate business.
(Any two)
31 (a) D1.items()
(b) len(D1)
(c) 5 in D1
(d) D1[5]
(e) D1.pop(4)
32 (a) Computer Science
(b) Scienc
(c) Cmue cec
(d) ''
(e) eniSrtpo
33 (a) No . Copyright Violation
(e) Should obtain permission of the owner and should give due credit to the
owner of the content.
Virus :- Virus refers to a computer program/software that replicates/copies
itself. It ca delete or alter files/data stored on a computer and can even make the
computer “crash”/run slow.
Pharming:- Pharming is a way to trick unsuspecting user by inserting malicious
code/software installed on a user’s hard drive / actual web server. This code
redirects user to a fake website. Pharming takes place generally to obtain
personal/financial information/data.
Phishing:- Phishing is another way to trick unsuspecting user where legitimate-
looking emails are sent to a user. As soon as recipient opens/clicks on link in
the mail/attachment, the user is directed to a fake website.
(b) Anonymous Browser and Private Browser
(c) Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram etc.(Any two)
34 (a)
for a in range(10,20,3):

(b) 5 – x*math.exp(2*x) + 4*z

N=int(input("Enter a number that factorial to be calculated:"))
for a in range(N,1,-1):
print('Factorial of',N,'is',Fact)
N=int(input("Enter the number of digits to be printed in the series:"))
print(a, b,end=' ')
for i in range(N+1):
print(b,end=' ')
35 (a)
(b) Any two points.
split( ) partition( )
It separates the string from the every It separates the string from the first
occurrence of the substring. occurrence of the substring.
It returns in the form of list. It returns in the form of tuple.
The length is total number of The length is 3.
occurrence of substing+1 and the
length is total number words if it
splits with white space.
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 70 Marks

General Instructions :
1. This question paper contains five sections : Section A to E .
2. All questions are compulsory .
3. Section A have 18 questions carrying 01 mark each .
4. Section B has 07 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02 marks each .
5. Section C has 05 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each .
6. Section D has 03 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each .
7. Section E has 02 questions carrying 04 marks each . One internal choice is given in
Q34 against part (iii) only .
6. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only .

Question Marks
No. Allocated
1 State True or False 1

“ Python code can run on a variety of platforms. “

2 Consider the given expression: 1

"Python" or True and "Programming" or not 70

Which of the following will be correct output if the given

expression is evaluated ?

(a) True (b) False (c) ‘Python’ (d) ‘Programming’

3 16 TB is equivalent to : 1

(a) 214 KB (b) 214 MB (c) 214 PB (d) 214 GB

4 What shape represents a decision in a flowchart ? 1

(a) A diamond (b) A rectangle

(c) An oval (d) A parallelogram
5 Add the binary numbers (110111.01)2 + (1101.1001)2 , and 1
find out the result ?

(a) (1001001.1101)2 (b) (1000100.1101)2

(c) (1010011.1011)2 (d) (1101100.0111)2
6 Using someone else’s twitter handle to post something , will be 1
termed as :

(a) Fraud (b) Identity theft

(c) Online stealing (d) Violation
7 Choose the correct octal number for the given hexadecimal 1
number (EB4A)16 .

(a) (156521)8 (b) (166321)8

(c) (165512)8 (d) (156412)8
8 ___________ are attempts by individuals to obtain confidential 1
information from you to falsifying their identity .

(a) Computer viruses (b) Phishing scams

(c) Phishing trips (d) Spyware scams
9 Choose the correct dual of the Boolean expression : 1


(a) (A+1)+(A+0+A’) (b) (A.1)+(A.0.A’)

(c) (A.1)+(A+0+A’) (d) (A+0)+(A+1+A’)
10 When the OS creates temporary RAM on the Hard Drive it is 1
known as _______________ .

(a) Virtual Memory (b) Cache

(c) Registering (d) Defragmenting
11 Select the equivalent Boolean expression from the following 1
options for the logic circuit given below :
(a) (A+ B + C) . A + (B’ . C’)
(b) (A.B.C) + A+ B’ + C’
(c) (A+ B + C) . A’ + (B . C)
(d) (A.B.C) + A.(B’ + C’)
12 Select the correct output of the code : 1

>>> S = "1welcome 2the Worlds of Wonder"

>>> S.title()

(a) '1Welcome 2the worlds of wonder'

(b) '1Welcome 2the Worlds of Wonder'
(d) '1Welcome 2The Worlds Of Wonder'
13 Given a List 1
L = [25, 35, 43, 22, 13, 56, 45, 78, 90]

Identify the statement from the list below that will produce the
result as [25, 43, 13, 45, 90]

(a) print(L[::]) (b) print(L[0:9:1])

(c) print(L[::2]) (d) print(L[2:0:9])
14 Suppose T is a tuple . Which of the following statement(s) 1
would give an error after executing the following code ?

T = (100,101,-89,45)

print(sum(T)) #Statement 1
print(T.sort()) #Statement 2
x, y, z, w = T #Statement 3
print(sorted(T)) #Statement 4

(a) Statement 1
(b) Statement 2
(c) Statement 3
(d) Statement 4
15 It is a small text file on the user’s computer where visited 1
websites store own information about a user .

(a) Spam (b) Malware (c) Cookies (d) Adware

16 Which of the following will delete the key_value pair for key = 1
"tiger" in dictionary ?

di = {"loin" : "wild", "tiger" : "wild", "cat" : "domestic" , "dog"

: "domestic"}

(a) del di["tiger"]

(b) delete(d1["tiger" : "wild"])
(c) delete(di.["tiger"])
(d) del(di.["tiger])
Q17 and Q18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions .
Mark the correct choice as
(a) Both A and R are True and R is the correct explanation for A
(b) Both A and R are True and R is not the correct explanation for A
(c) A is True but R is False
(d) A is False but R is True
17 Assertion (A) :- A break statement continues the loop if it lies 1
within a loop.
Reasoning (R) :- The else clause of a Python loop executes
only when the loop ends normally , not when the loop is
terminating because of a break statement .
18 Assertion (A) :- Plagiarism is stealing someone else’s 1
intellectual work and representing it as your own work without
giving credit to creator .
Reasoning (R) :- Plagiarism encourages individuals to create
new software and promotes investment in the national economy
19 Rewrite the following code in Python after removing all syntax 2
error(s). Underline each correction done in the code.

for I in the range(0,Val)
if I%2=0:
print( I+1)
print (I-1)

20 Predict the output of the Python code given below: 2

L = [1,2,3,4,5,6,2,3,4]
del L[2]

Predict the output of the Python code given below:

L = [100,50,60,90,40,10,30,20,80,70]
L[3] = 50
L1 = L.count(200)

21 Correct the following Boolean statements : 2

(a) X + 1 = X
(b) (A’)’ = A’
(c) A + A’ = 0
(d) (A + B)’ = A.B
22 What is SOC ? How is it different from CPU and why it is 2
considered for better development ?
23 What possible outputs(s) are expected to be displayed on 2
screen at the time of execution of the program from the
following code? Also specify the maximum values that can be
assigned to each of the variables Lower and Upper.

import random
Lower =random.randint(1,3)
Upper =random.randint(2,4)
for K in range(Lower, Upper +1):
print (AR[K],end=”#“)

(i) 10#40#70# (ii) 30#40#50#

(iii) 50#60#70# (iv) 40#50#70#

24 Nibedita has recently shifted to new city and new school . She 2
does not know many people in her new city and school . But all
of a sudden , someone is posting negative , demeaning
comments on her social networking profile , school site’s
forum etc.
She is also getting repeated mails from unknown people .
Everytime she goes online , she finds someone chasing her
online .
(a) What is this happening to Nibedita ?
(b) What action should she taken to stop them ?

Robin wanted to gift his friend a football or a wrist watch . So

he searched for many sports items and wrist watches online .
But after that everytime he goes online , his web browser
shows him advertisements about sports items and wrist watches
(a) Why is this happening ?
(b) How can Robin get rid of this now ?
25 What do you understand by e – waste management ? Explain 2
the benefits of e – waste recycling .


What are intellectual property rights ? Why should intellectual

property rights be protected ?
26 (a) Predict the output of the Python code given below: 1+2


(b) Write a program using dictionary to count the frequency of

each character in a given string .

Example :

If the string is given as : i like python programming


{'i': 3, ' ': 3, 'l': 1, 'k': 1, 'e': 1, 'p': 2, 'y': 1, 't': 1, 'h': 1, 'o': 2, 'n': 2,
'r': 2, 'g': 2, 'a': 1, 'm': 2}

27 Predict the output of the Python code given below: 3

for i in range(0,len(str)):
elif str[i].islower():


Predict the output of the Python code given below:

Text = "Pattern123"
ntext= ""
for i in range(0,L):
if Text[i].isupper():
ntext = ntext + Text[i].lower()
elif Text[i].isalpha():
ntext=ntext + Text[i].upper()
ntext=ntext + '@'

28 Write a program in Python that accepts a string as input and 3

removes all the vowels from that string . Also , the program
should print the changed string .

Example :

Enter a string :computer science


The changed string without vowels : cmptr scnc

29 (a) What can be done to reduce the risk of identity theft ? Write 3
any two ways .
(b) Enumerate any two disability issues while teaching and
using computers .
(c) Differentiate between open source and open data .
30 Write the program in Python to shift the negative numbers to 3
right and the positive numbers to left so that the resultant list
will be as follows :

Example :

Original list is : [-2, 1, -3, -15, 16, -17, 5, -3, -6]

Output should be :

New List : [1, 16, 5, -6, -3, -17, -15, -3, -2]


Write a program to accept a list of numbers from the user . Find

the position and number of occurrence of a number in the list .

Example :

If the input is given as :

Enter list elements :[2,5,6,7,2,4,5,6,7]
Element the element that you wants to search : 2


The element 2 is present at

0 position , 4 position , and for 2 no. of times

31 (a) Write a Python Program to input an integer number from 3
the user and find the sum of digits of that integer number .

Example :

Enter number :345


Sum of digits : 12

(b) Write a Python Program to print the Fibonacci series for nth
number of terms . 2

Example :

Enter how many terms :7


0 1 1 2 3 5 8

32 (a) Write a python program to input a string having some digits 3+2
and alphabets and calculate the sum of digits and alphabets
present in that string .

For example :

Enter a string :I love2 python34 progr2amming

Output :

The total number of digits : 4

The total number of alphabets : 22

(b) Write the output of the code given below :

mySubject = 'Computer Science'



(a) Write a program in python that reads a string and checks

whether it is a palindrome string or not without using string
slicing .

(b) Write the output of the code given below :

myAddress = "WZ-1,New Ganga Nagar,New Delhi"


33 (a) Write the use of popitem() in dictionary . 5

(b) Write a Python Program to input name , department and

salary of 3 employees from the user and store them in a
dictionary . Display all the employee names , departments and
salaries separately .


(a) Write the use of setdefault() in dictionary .

(b) Write a program to create a third dictionary from two

dictionaries having some common keys , in way so that the
values of common keys are added in the third dictionary .

Example :

If two dictionaries are as follows :

dct1 = {1 : 100 , 2 : 200 , 3 : 300}

dct2 = {1 : 300 , 2 : 200 , 5 : 400}


The resultant dictionary : {1: 400, 2: 400, 3: 300, 5: 400}

34 Yagnesh a fruit seller, who sales the seasonal fruits . 1+1+2

In Summer days , he sales Fruits like : 'Mango' , 'Papaya' ,

'Watermelon' ,'Pineapple', 'Litchi' .
In Winter days , he sales Fruits like : 'Orange' , 'Pear',
'Pomegranate', 'Kiwi' , 'Pineapple' .
He also planned to sale the Rainy season Fruits like : 'Jamun',
'Peaches' ,'Cherries' .

He wants to perform some operations on these Fruits . As a

programmer , help him to successfully execute the given task .

Total_Fruits = [ ]
Summer_Fruits = ['Mango' , 'Papaya' , 'Watermelon',
'Pineapple', 'Litchi']
Winter_Fruits = ['Orange' , 'Pear', 'Pomegranate', 'Kiwi' ,
print("Summer Season Fruits :", Summer_Fruits)
print("Winter Season Fruits :", Winter_Fruits)

sumwin_Fruits = [Summer_Fruits , Winter_Fruits]


Rainy_Fruits = ['Jamun','Peaches','Cherries']
Total_Fruits________________ #Statement1
print("The Fruitseller has : ",Total_Fruits)
print("One of the Rainy season Fruit : ",
Total_Fruits[1][1]) #Statement2
__________________ #Statement3

print("Summer_Fruits sorted in Ascending order : ",

_________________________ #Statement4

print("Winter Fruits sorted in Descending order : ",

del Total_Fruits[0:3] #Statement5

print("The Fruitseller has sold all his fruits : ", Total_Fruits)

(i) Help Yagnesh to add the rainy season fruits named as

“Rainy_Fruits” at the second position of the Total_Fruits in
Statement1 .

(ii) What will be the output of Statement2 .

(iii) At the end of each day , he sales all of his fruits and he
returns back home with empty Fruit basket and smiley face .
Write an appropriate statement in Statement5 to empty his
Fruit basket . Write an appropriate statement to destroy the
basket also .

OR(Option for Part iii only)

(iii) Yagnesh wants to arrange the Summer season fruits

alphabetically in ascending order . Guide him to make his work
easier in Statement3 .
He then wants to arrange the Winter season fruits
alphabetically in descending order . Assist him to complete his
work in Statement4 .

35 RAJESH works as a security consultant in XYZ Solutions. One 1+1+2

of his clients (ABC Bank) complained that the network of their
bank is behaving very slowly. Data transfer is also taking a lot
of time. PCs have slowed down. After proper investigation,
RAJESH found that a very dangerous program is running in the
network system which is self-replicating itself and eating up all
the resources. Further in the PCs, there is a type of program
which is tracking all the usage details of the computers
including keystrokes and system logs. The data usage details of
the systems are also being sent to the developer of the malware.
RAJESH further noticed that, someone has tampered the
physical wire of the network to gain access to the
communication medium illegally.

(i) Name the self replicating malicious program propagated

over this network.

(ii) The program that tracks the usage of the system without the
knowledge of the owner is __________________.

(iii) Name the cyber crime, where the physical communication

medium of an organization is tampered. How Rajesh can
protect the bank systems from malicious programs?
QSTN. Value Points Marks
NO. Allotted
(1 mark to be answered for every correct answer)
1 True 1

(1 mark for writing the correct answer)

2 (c) ‘Python’ 1

(1 mark for writing the correct answer)

3 (d) 214 GB 1

(1 mark for writing the correct answer)

4 (a) A diamond 1

(1 mark for writing the correct answer)

5 (b) (1000100.1101)2 1

(1 mark for writing the correct answer)

6 (b) Identity theft 1

(1 mark for writing the correct answer)

7 (c) (165512)8 1

(1 mark for writing the correct answer)

8 (b) Phishing scams 1

(1 mark for writing the correct answer)

9 (c) (A.1)+(A+0+A’) 1

(1 mark for writing the correct answer)

10 (a) Virtual Memory 1

(1 mark for writing the correct answer)

11 (d) (A.B.C) + A.(B’ + C’) 1

(1 mark for writing the correct answer)

12 (d) '1Welcome 2The Worlds Of Wonder' 1
(1 mark for writing the correct answer)
13 (c) print(L[::2]) 1

(1 mark for writing the correct answer)

14 (b) Statement 2 1

(1 mark for writing the correct answer)

15 (c) Cookies 1

(1 mark for writing the correct answer)

16 (a) del di["tiger"] 1

(1 mark for writing the correct answer)

17 (d) A is False but R is True 1

(1 mark for writing the correct answer)

18 (c) A is True but R is False

(1 mark for writing the correct answer)

19 Val = 25 2
for I in the range(0,Val):
if I%2==0:
print( I+1)
print (I-1)

(½ mark for each correct correction made and underlined.)

20 [1, 2, 5, 2, 3, 4] 2
[1, 2, 5, 10, 2, 3, 4, 9]

(1 mark for writing each correct output)


[10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 90, 100]

[0, 10, 20, 30, 50, 50, 60, 80, 90, 100]

(1 mark for writing each correct output)

21 (a) X + 1 = 1 2
(b) (A’)’ = A
(c) A + A’ = 1
(d) (A + B)’ = A’ . B’
(½ mark for each correct answer)
22 Most of the major components of a mobile system are integrated on a 2
single chip which is called as system on a chip (SOC) . A SOC not only
consists of the mobile phone’s CPU , but all the other components such as
GPU , display processor , video processor , etc. These chips required less
power compared to other alternatives .

(1 mark for writing the correct definition of SOC)

(1 mark for writing the correct reason)
23 OUTPUT: (ii) 2
Maximum value of Lower: 3
Maximum value of Upper: 4

(1 mark for writing the correct output)

(1 mark for writing the correct maximum value)
24 (a) Nibedita has become a victim of cyber bullying and cyber stalking . 2

(1 mark for correctly identifying the problem)

(b) She must immediately bring it into the notice of her parents and school
authorities . And she must report this cyber crime to local police with the
help of her parents .

(1 mark for writing the action taken)


(a) This is happening because third party cookies saved his search
preferences and now websites are posting advertisements based on his
preferences .

(1 mark for correctly identifying the problem)

(b) Now Robin can delete all the previous history and cookies stored on
his computer . This would stop websites posting advertisements .

(1 mark for writing the action taken)

25 e – waste describes discarded electrical or electronic devices . It may be 2
defined as discarded computers , office electronic equipment , mobile
phones , television sets and refrigerators .
Benefits :
a) Allows for recovery of valuable precious metals .
b) Protects public health and water quality .
c) Creates job .
d) Toxic waste .
e) Saves landfill space .

(1 mark for writing the correct explanation)

(1/2 mark for writing each correct benefits)


Intellectual property rights are the rights of the owner of information to

decide how much information is to be exchanged , shared or distributed .
Also it gives the owner a right to decide the price for doing (exchanging/
sharing / distributing ) .

It must be protected because:

(a) encourages individuals and businesses to create new software and new
software applications , as well as improving existing applications ,
(b) ensures new ideas and technologies are widely distributed ,
(c) promotes investment in the national economy .

(1 mark for writing the correct explanation)

(1/2 mark for writing each correct advantage)

26 (a) 3 3

(1 mark for writing the correct output)

str = input("Enter any string :")
freq = {}
for i in str :
if i in freq:
freq[i] += 1
else :
freq[i] = 1

(1/2 mark for correct use of input())

(1/2 mark for correct iteration)
(1/2 mark for correct condition checking)
(1/2 mark for display of dictionary)

27 eXAM##pm 3

(1.5 marks for correctly writing eXAM and 1.5 marks for correctly writing


(1.5 marks for correctly writing pATTE and 1.5 marks for correctly
writing RN@@@)

28 str = input("Enter a string :") 3

newstring = ''
for ch in str:
if ch in 'aeiou' or ch in 'AEIOU' :
newstring = newstring + ch
print("The changed string without vowels :", newstring)

(1/2 mark for accepting string from user)

(1/2 mark for correct initialization)
(1 mark for correct iteration)
(1/2 mark for condition checking )
(1/2 mark for correct display of string)

29 (a)(i) Use unique ids to protect your devices and accounts . 3

(ii) Using bio – metric protection.

(1/2 mark for writing each correct answer)

(b) (i) Unavailability of Teaching material /Aids

(ii) Lack of special needs teachers
(iii) Lack of supporting curriculum .

(1/2 mark for writing each correct answer)

(c) The term ‘open source’ is applicable to software , which means source
code of a software is freely available and user can make changes in it and
reuse it .
The term ‘open data’ is applicable to data that is freely available for
everyone to use without any licensing or copyright requirements .

(1 mark for writing the correct difference)

30 lst = eval(input("Original list is: ")) 3

lstn = []
lstp = []
for i in lst:
if i < 0 :
else :
print("New List : ", lstp + lstn)

(1/2 mark for accepting List from user)

(1/2 mark for correct initialization of list)
(1/2 mark for correct iteration)
(1/2 mark for condition checking )
(1/2 mark for reversing the list)
(1/2 mark for correct display of list)


lst = eval(input("Enter list elements :"))

count = 0
item = int(input("Element the element that you wants to search :"))
print("The element ", item , "is present at ")
for i in range(len(lst)) :
if item == lst[i]:
count += 1
print(i , "position", end = " , ")
print("and for ", count , " no. of times")

(1/2 mark for accepting List from user)

(1/2 mark for correct initialization of count)
(1/2 mark for correct input of item that to be searched)
(1/2 mark for correct iteration)
(1/2 mark for condition checking )
(1/2 mark for correct display of list)

31 (a) 5
num = int(input("Enter number :"))
sum = 0
numm = num
while numm != 0 :
digit = numm % 10
numm = numm // 10
sum += digit
print("Sum of digits :", sum)
(1/2 mark for accepting an integer value from an user)
(1/2 mark for correct initialization)
(1 mark for correct iteration)
(1 mark for correct updation )
(1/2 mark for correct display of sum)

num = int(input("Enter how many terms :"))
first = 0
second = 1
print(first, end = ' ')
print(second, end = ' ')
for a in range(1, num-1):
third = first + second
print(third, end = ' ')
first , second = second , third

(1/2 mark for accepting an integer value from an user)

(1/2 mark for correct initialization)
(1/2 mark for correct iteration)
(1/2 mark for correct display)

32 (a) 5
string = input("Enter a string:")
for i in string:
if i.isalpha():
countl += 1
elif i.isdigit():
countd += 1
print("The total number of digits : ", countd)
print("The total number of alphabets :", countl)

(1/2 mark for accepting a string from an user)

(1/2 mark for correct initialization)
(1/2 mark for correct iteration)
(1/2 mark for correct condition checking)
(1 mark for correct display)

(b) Cmue cec


(1/2 mark for writing each correct output)


Original_string = input("Enter a string :")
Reverse_string = ''
for i in range(len(Original_string)-1,-1,-1):
Reverse_string = Reverse_string + Original_string[i]
if Original_string == Reverse_string:
print(Original_string , "is a Pallindrome String")
print(Original_string , "is not a Pallindrome String")

(1/2 mark for accepting string from user)

(1/2 mark for correct initialization of variable)
(1 mark for correct iteration)
(1/2 mark for correct updation)
(1/2 mark for correct display of result)

['WZ-1', 'New Ganga Nagar', 'New Delhi']
,New Ganga Nagar,New Delhi

(1/2 mark for writing each correct output)

33 (a) popitem() method removes the item that was last inserted into the 5
dictionary .

(1 mark for writing the correct answer)

names = [ ]
dept = [ ]
salary = [ ]
details = {'Emp Name' : names , 'Department' : dept , 'Salary' : salary}
for i in range(3) :
N = input("Enter Employee name :")
D = input("Enter Employee Department : ")
S = int(input("Enter Employee Salary : "))
for key , val in details.items() :
print(key , ' : ' , val)
(1/2 mark for correct initialization)
(1/2 mark for correct declaration of dictionary)
(1 mark for correct iteration)
(1 mark for correct input from user)
(1 mark for correct display of dictionary)


(a) This method works in two ways :

 If the given key is not already present in the dictionary , it will add
new key : value pair and return the value of the added key .
 If the given key is already present in the dictionary , it will not be
updated , and returns the current value of the key .

(1 mark for writing the correct answer)

dct1 = {1 : 100 , 2 : 200 , 3 : 300}
dct2 = {1 : 300 , 2 : 200 , 5 : 400}
dct3 = dict(dct1)

for i , j in dct1.items():
for x , y in dct2.items():
if i == x :
dct3[i] = (j + y)
print("The resultant dictionary :", dct3)

(1/2 mark for correct declaration of third dictionary)

(1 mark for correct iteration)
(1 mark for correct condition checking)
(1 mark for adding the values of common keys)
(1/2 mark for correct display of dictionary)

34 (i) Total_Fruits.insert(1,Rainy_Fruits) 4

(ii) Peaches

(iii) del Total_Fruits[0:2] Or Total_Fruits.clear()

del Total_Fruits

(iii) Summer_Fruits.sort()
Winter_Fruits.sort(reverse = True)

(1 mark for writing each correct answer)

35 (i) Worm 4

(ii) Spyware

(iii) Eavesdropping / Snooping attack / Sniffing

Using Antivirus software

(1 mark for writing each correct answer)

Sample Question Paper 2022-2023
Class : XI
Subject: Computer Science(Theory)
Max. Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
2. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
3. SECTION A has 18 Objective Type Questions of 1 mark each.
4. SECTION B has 07 Very Short Answer Type Questions carrying 02 marks each.
5. SECTION C has 05 Short Answer Type Questions carrying 03 marks each.
6. SECTION D has 03 Long Short Answer Type Questions carrying 05 marks each.
7. SECTION E has 02 Questions carrying 04 marks each. One Internal choice is given in Q35
against part c only.
8. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.
Section A
1. The term for the processor that executes mathematical and logical operations is- 1
a. Control b. ALU c. Register d. Cache Memory
2. Mansi is confused about the free operating system available in the market. Few 1
of her friends suggested a few operating systems. Help her in choosing free
operating system for her device:
a. Ubuntu b. Windows c. Google Chrome d. None of these
3. Identify the device that have a limitation that we can only store information to it 1
but cannot erase or modify it.
a. tape drive b. CD ROM c. floppy disk d. hard disc
4. Tanisha is facing a problem of virus in her computer. Her friend has suggested her 1
to run anti-virus software to remove viruses present in her system. Anti-Virus
software comes under which category?
a. Proprietary b.OS c. Utility software d. Device Driver
5. Which of the following statement will return error? 1
a. print("Hello" + "Bye") b. print("Hello" + "123")
c. print("Hello" + 123) d. print("456" + "123")
6. For which set of values the python code (s=(a**4)+5*5**(b+b)) will give the 1
output given below:
a. a=1, b=2 b. a=3, b=2 c. a=2, b=1 d. a=3, b=1
7. Which of the following Python code will print out each element of the given list? 1
monthDays = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]

a) for days in range(monthDays):

b) for days in monthDays:

c) for days in range(len(monthDays)):


d) for days in monthDays[0]:

8. Consider the following code and predict the output 1
>>> name='CBSE'
>>> tuple(name)
a. (‘CBSE’) b. ‘CBSE’ c. [‘C’,’B’,’S’,’E’] d. None of these
9. Predict the output. 1
A={1:'One', 2:'Two', 3:'Three'}
10. Give the output which will be generated on execution of the following statements? 1
11. Find the invalid identifier from the following 1
a. MyName b. true c. 2ndName d. My_Name
12. Select which among the following is a Social Media Etiquette related to the use of 1
Digital Technology?
a. Be secure b. Be Authentic c. Be reliable d. All of these
13. After practicals, Srijan left the computer laboratory but forgot to sign off from his 1
email account. Later, his classmate Biren started using the same computer. He is
now logged in as Srijan. He sends inflammatory email messages to few of his
classmates using Srijan's email account. Biren's activity is an example of which of
the following cyber crime?
a. Hacking b. Identity theft c.Cyber bullying d. Plagiarism
14. Hritika has invented a new theory in physics. She wants to protect it legally 1
against unauthorized use. She should take its
a. Trademark b. Patent c. Copyright d. None
15. Categorize points given below under Ethical and Non-Ethical Hackers and choose 1
the correct option.
i. Disrupt official website networks and infiltrate communication between two or
more parties
ii. Identifying vulnerabilities and security weaknesses within an organization’s
systems and networks
iii. Prevention of cyberattacks and keeping malicious cybercriminals from
accessing and stealing sensitive and privileged data and information
iv. Steal valuable information of company and individual for illegal activity
a. Ethical- i,iv and Non-Ethical- ii, iii
b. Ethical- i,iii and Non-Ethical- ii, iv
c. Ethical- ii,iii and Non-Ethical- i, iv
d. Ethical- ii,iv and Non-Ethical- i, iii
16. 1
Trademark infringement Patent Copyright infringement Pharming
Phishing Plagiarism Malware Spyware

Music and movies are two of the most well-known forms of entertainment that
suffer from significant amounts of _______ and using some other author’s work
without giving credit to the author is the act of __________.

Q17 and 18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions. Make the
correct choice as
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is True but R is False
d. A is False but R is True
17. Assertion(A) : Dictionaries are mutable. 1
Reason(R) : Contents of the dictionary can not be changed after it has been
18. Assertion(A) : Python is a Cross-platform language. 1
Reason(R): Python code can run on a variety of platforms.
Section B
19. Manish and Saina both have their own laptops. Manish is able to work in English 2
and Indian languages like Telugu, Bengali, Assamese etc. in his laptop whereas
Saina’s laptop supports all languages like German, Hindi, English, etc. Identify
and explain the difference in encoding schemes of their computers.
20. Do the following conversions: 2
i. (10.75)8=( )10
ii. (B2F)16=( )8


Differentiate between interactive mode and script mode in python.

21. Draw a diagram of digital circuit for the Boolean expression : (A+B)’(C+D)C’ 2
22. What possible outputs(s) are expected to be displayed on screen at the time of 2
execution of the program from the following code? Also specify the maximum
values that can be assigned to each of the variables FROM and TO.
import random
for K in range(FROM,TO+1):
print (AR[K],end='#')

(i) 10#40#70# (ii) 30#40#50#

(iii) 50#60#70# (iv) 40#50#70#
23. Match the following: 2
Column A Column B
a. not i. Assignment Operator
b. >= ii. Identity Operator
c. **= iii. Logical Operator
d. is not iv. Relational Operator

24. Observe the following code very carefully and rewrite it after removing any/all 2
syntactical errors with each correction underlined.
a=int(input'Enter the value of a:')
b= int(input'Enter the value of b:")
for x in range(0, MY_MESSAGE)
WAP in python to generate a random floating number between 45.0 and 95.0.
Print this number along with its nearest integer greater than it.
25. What can be done to reduce the risk of identity theft? Write any two ways. 2
Many Inventors, designers, developers and authors can not protect the ideas they
have developed. Intellectual Property Rights have been established to prevent
others from wrongly profiting from their creations or inventions. Elaborate the
concept of Intellectual Property Rights.
Section C
26. Draw a flowchart to calculate and display the factorial of a number. 3
27. WAP to accept a string and display total number of consonants. 3
Consider the code given below
New_str=" "
for i in range(len(Str)):
if i%2==0:
print("The New string:",New_str)

Answer the following questions based on the code above:

a. Identify the number of times the symbol ‘#’ will be printed
b. Give the final value of string New_str.
28. Write a program to accept the cost price of a bike and display the road tax to be 3
paid according to the following criteria :
Cost price (in Rs) Tax
> 100000 15 %
> 50000 and <= 100000 10%
<=50000 5%

A company decided to give bonus to employee according to following criteria:
Time period of Service Bonus
More than 10 years 10%
>=6 and <=10 8%
Less than 6 years 5%
Ask user for their salary and years of service and print the net bonus amount.
29. WAP to accept a list L of integers and put Positive and Negative numbers in 3
Separate Lists.
For example:
if L =[1,-2,3,-4,5] , the output should be:
Element in Positive List is : [1, 3, 5]
Element in Negative List is : [-2, -4]
30. a. Match the Column: 3
Column A Column B
1. Plagiarism a) Fakers, by offering special rewards or money prize
asked for personal information, such as bank account
2. Hacking b) Copy and paste information from the Internet into
your report and then organise it
3. Credit card fraud c) The trail that is created when a person uses the Internet.
4. Digital Foot Print d) Breaking into computers to read private emails and
other files
b. i. _____mean authentication of any electronic record by a subscriber by means of
an electronic method.
ii. _____ is made when information is collected from the user without the
person knowing this is happening.
Section D
31. Sanjay wants to create a dictionary of odd numbers between 1 and 10 in python, 5
where the key is the odd numbers and the value is the corresponding number in
words. As a friend of Sanjay, help him to write code snippet for the following
i) create the dictionary with name ODD containing following numbers and
number word
1 One
3 Three
5 Five
7 Seven
9 Nine
ii) to display the keys
iii) Check if 7 is present or not
iv) Retrieve the value corresponding to the key 9
v) Delete the item from the dictionary corresponding to the key 9
32. Question consider the following string 5
str1='python program'
i) Compare the outputs of statement 1 and statement 2
ii) Give the output
print('abcdef'.find('cd') == 'cd' in 'abcdef')
iii) Formulate the code to accept a string and display each word and it’s length.
33. Criminal activities or offences carried out in a digital environment can be 5
considered as cybercrime. In such crimes, either the computer itself is the target
or the computer is used as a tool to commit a crime. Cybercrimes are carried out
against either an individual, or a group, or an organisation or even against a
country, with the intent to directly or indirectly cause physical harm, financial loss
or mental harassment. (1+1+1+1+1)
Based on the above information, answer the following questions.
(i) What is/are the object(s) of crime?
(ii) Given an example of cyber crime.
(iii) What do you mean by hacker?
(iv) Name two most common cyber crimes.
(v) Where is most series computer crimes committed?
Raman asked his friend Raju to suggest him software for video editing. Raju
asked Raman whether he wanted to buy the software or use it freely. Raman is not
interested in buying. Help Raju to find a solution for his friend by answering the
following questions. (1+1+2+1)
a. State the difference between free software and Open Source software.
b. Write the full forms of GNU and FSF.
c. Name a FOSS for
i. video editing software ii. Browser
d. Explain about GPL.
Section E
34. a) Rewrite the following code using the while loop: 4
for a in range(-500,-99,100): # statement 1

b) Analyze the number of times the loop will run if statement 1 is replaced by the
following statement
in above code in (a)
for a in range (100,-99,-500):

35. Ashis is writing a python code in which he needs to calculate mean, median and 4
mode of a list having values [22,13,28,13,22,25,7,13,25]. Suggest a suitable code
in Python to:
i. import module to calculate mean, median and mode.
ii. What will be the output of mean, median and mode ?
Mahendra is writing a Python code in which he needs to remove values and
sublists within a list. His friend has suggested del and pop. Differentiate between
del statement and pop function with an example.

Marking Scheme
Sample Question Paper 2022-2023
Class : XI
Subject: Computer Science(Theory)
Max. Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
2. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
3. SECTION A has 18 Objective Type Questions of 1 mark each.
4. SECTION B has 07 Very Short Answer Type Questions carrying 02 marks each.
5. SECTION C has 05 Short Answer Type Questions carrying 03 marks each.
6. SECTION D has 03 Long Short Answer Type Questions carrying 05 marks each.
7. SECTION E has 02 Questions carrying 04 marks each. One Internal choice is given in Q35
against part c only.
8. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.
Section A
1. b. ALU 1
2. a. Ubuntu 1
3. b. CD ROM 1
4. c. Utility software 1
5. c. print("Hello" + 123) 1
6. c. a=2 b=1 1
7. b) for days in monthDays: 1
8. d. None of these 1
9. {'A': 'Apple', 'B': 'Bat', 'C': 'Cat', 'D': 'Doll'} 1
10. [9, 7, 8, 3, 5, 4] 1
11. c. 2ndName 1
12. d. All of these 1
13. b. Identity theft 1
14. c. Copyright 1
15. c. Ethical- ii,iii and Non-Ethical- i, iv 1
16. Copyright infringement, Plagiarism 1
17. c. A is True but R is False 1
18. a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A 1
Section B
19. Manish’s laptop uses ISCII encoding scheme that represents various languages 2
that are written and spoken in India. ISCII follows single encoding schema, which
allows for easy transliteration between various writing systems.
Saina’s laptop uses Unicode encoding scheme and it incorporates all the
characters of every written language of the world irrespective of device, operating
system and software application.
20. i. (10.75)8=(8.953125 )10 2
ii. (B2F)16=( 5457)8
In interactive mode, instructions are given in front of python prompt in python
Shell. Python carries out the given instructions and shows the result there itself.
In script mode, python instructions are stored in a file generally with the .py
extension and executed together in one go. The saved instructions are known as
python script or python program.
21. 2

22. (ii) 30#40#50# Maximum value FROM,TO is 3,4) 2

23. Match the following 2
a (iii), b (iv) c (i) d (ii)
24. MAX=4 2
a=int(input('Enter the value of a:'))
b= int(input('Enter the value of b:'))
for x in range(0, MY_MESSAGE):
import random
import math
print(‘random numbers between 45….95:’,f)
print(‘Nearest higher integer :’,n)
25. 1. Don't Give out Personal Information to anyone 2
2. Don't Carry Your Social Security Card.
3. Use Unique ids to protect your devices and accounts
4. Using bio-metric protection
Intellectual property rights are the rights given to persons over the creations of
their minds. They usually give the creator an exclusive right over the use of
his/her creation for a certain period of time. These are the rights of the owner of
information to decide how much information is to be exchanged, shared or
Section C
26. 3

27. str1=input('Enter string ') 3

for i in range(len(str1)):
if str1[i].isalpha():
if str1[i] not in "aeiouAEIOU":
v = v +1
print("Total number of consonants are ", v)
a. 4
b. The New string: BbEex#@#0#3#
28. tax = 0 3
pr=int(input("Enter the price of bike"))
if pr > 100000:
tax = 15/100*pr
elif pr >50000 and pr <=100000:
tax = 10/100*pr
tax = 5/100*pr
print("Tax to be paid ",tax)

ser=int(input("Enter the time period of service"))
sal =int(input("Enter your salary"))
if ser > 10:
if ser >=6 and ser <=10:
b = 8/100*sal
if ser < 6:
b = 5/100*sal
print("Bonus is ", b)
29. NumList = [] 3
Positive = []
Negative = []

Number = int(input("Please enter the Total Number of List Elements : "))

for i in range(1, Number + 1):
value = int(input("enter the Value of Element : "))

for j in range(Number):
if(NumList[j] >= 0):

print("Element in Positive List is : ", Positive)

print("Element in Negative List is : ", Negative)
30. a. 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c 3
b. i. digital signatures
ii. passive footprints
Section D
31. i) ODD = {1:’One’, 3:’Three’,5:’Five’,7:’Seven’,9:’Nine’} 5
ii) ODD.keys()
iii) 7 in ODD
iv) ODD.get(9)
v) del ODD[9]
32. i) ram 5
ii) False
iii) str1=input(‘Enter any string’)
for i in x:
print(i,’ ‘,len(i))
33. (i) Hacking, Phishing and spamming 5
(ii) Illegally transferring large sums of money to their own accounts.
(iii) Criminals who perform computer related illegal activities are often referred
to as hackers.
(iv) (a) Cyber bullying (b)Cyber trolling
(v) In banking and financial service industries.
a. Free Software : Freely accessible, freely used, changed, improved, copied and
distributed by all who wish to do so. No payments are needed.
Open Source Software : Freely used but it does not have to be free of charge,
source code is available
b. GNU : GNU’s Not Unix and FSF : Free Software Foundation
 c. i.Video Editing Software : Lightworks, VideoPad, HitFilm Express, DaVinci
Resolve, VSDC Free Video Editor,
 OpenShot, Shotcut, Blender (any one)
 ii. Browser : Google Chrome, Wavebox, Focos, Rambox, Sendwin, Firefox,
Microsoft Silverlight 5 (any one)
 d. GPL stands for GNU General Public Licence. It is the most commonly used
licenses for open-source projects. It grants and guarantees a wide range of rights
to developers who work on open-source projects. It allows users to legally copy,
distribute and modify software.
Section E
34. a) 4
while a<-99:
b) 1
35. i. import statistics 4
ii. mean : 18.666666666666668
median : 22
mode: 13
del statement pop function
del statement can remove a single pop( ) can remove only single element,
element or a list-slice from a list. not list slices.
del statement does not return deleted pop() returns the deleted element.
Ex: Ex:
Lst=[1,2,3,4,5,6] Lst=[1,2,3,4,5,6]
del Lst[0] print(Lst.pop(2))
del Lst[2:4] Output:
print(Lst) 3
[2, 3, 6]
Time: 3HRS. F. Marks:70
General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
2. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
3. SECTION A has 18 Objective Type Questions of 1 mark each.
4. SECTION B has 07 Very Short Answer Type Questions carrying 02 marks each.
5. SECTION C has 05 Short Answer Type Questions carrying 03 marks each.
6. SECTION D has 03 Long Short Answer Type Questions carrying 05 marks each.
7. SECTION E has 02 Questions carrying 04 marks each. One Internal choice is given
in Q35 against part C only.
8. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.
Section A
1. Who represents the set of programs that govern the operation of a computer 1
system and make the hardware run?
a) Hardware b) CPU
c) Software d) None of these
2. Operating System is an example of: 1
a) Application Software b) System Software
c) Utility Program d) None of these
3. A disk fragmentor is an example of 1
a) Application Software b) System Software
c) Utility Program d) None of these
4. Components of CPU which is responsible for comparing the contents of two 1
pieces of data is
a) ALU b) CU
c) Memory d) register
5. What will be the output of below Python code? 1
a) Application b)Application
b) ApplicAtion d) applicAtion
6. What is the output of this expression, 3*1**3? 1
a) 27 b) c
c) 3 d) 1
7. What will be the output of the following Python code? 1
x = ['ab', 'cd']
for i in x:
a) [‘AB’, ‘CD’] b) [‘ab’, ‘cd’, ‘AB’, ‘CD’]
c) [‘ab’, ‘cd’] d) none of the mentioned

8. Suppose t = (1, 2, 4, 3), which of the following is incorrect? 1

a) print(t[3]) b) t[3] = 45
c) print(max(t)) d) print(len(t))
9. Which of the following is not a declaration of the dictionary? 1
a) { } b) {1,”A”,2”B”}
c){1: ‘A’, 2: ‘B’} d) dict([[1,”A”],[2,”B”]])
10. Consider the list alist = [“SIPO”,[1,3,5,7]]. What would the following code 1
a) S,3 b) S,1
c) I,3 d) I,1
11. Identify invalid identifier 1
a) FOR b) deem_23
c) Tax+pay d) _String
12. Which of the following would be creative work protected by copyright? 1
a) A list of all Indian President names b) A portrait of your family
c) A song you wrote d) The name of your pet dog
13. When a person is harassed repeatedly by being followed, called or be 1
written to he /she is target of
a) Phishing b) Cyber Stalking
c) Identity theft d) Plagiarism
14. Exhibiting appropriate and ethical behaviours related to online conduct, is 1
a) Cyber ethics b) Cyber safety
c) Cyber security d) Cyber law
15. What is an example of e-waste? 1
a) a ripened banana b) an old computer
c) old clothes d) empty soda cans
16. Choose the appropriate option to match column A with B 1
Column A Column B
(a) Plagiarism (i) Fakers, by offering special rewards or
money prize asked for personal
information, such as bank account
(b) Hacking information
(ii) Copy and paste information from the
(c) Credit card Internet into your report and then organise
fraud it
(iii) The trail that is created when a person uses
the internet
(d) Digital Foot (iv) Breaking into computers to read private
Print emails and other files.
a) (a) – (ii) ; b) (b) – (iv) ; c) (c) – (i) ; d) (d) – (iii)
b) (a) – (i); b) (b) – (iii); c) ( c) – (ii); d) (d) – (iv)
c) (a) – (iii); b) (b) – (ii) ; c) (c) – (iv); d) (d) – (i)
d) None of the above
Q17 and 18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions. Make
the correct choice as
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is True but R is False
d. A is False but R is True
17. Assertion(A): A dictionary is an unordered collection of data that can be 1
Reason(R): In Python, a dictionary is a collection of keys and their values. A
key along with its corresponding value is collectively known as the key –
value pair by placing the elements within { } braces.
18. Assertion(A): Syntax errors occurs when the grammar of the programming 1
statements are not followed properly.
Reason(R): A logical error is the error made in planning of the program’s
logic due to which the desired output is not obtained.
Section B
19. How does computer understand the following text? (HINT. 7-bit ASCII code) 2
(i) HOTS (ii) Main
20. Do the following Conversion: 2
(i) (A5CD)16 = ( )2
(ii) (110011.110)2 = ( )8
Differentiate between compiler and interpreter
21. Draw the appropriate Logic circuit for Boolean expression given below: 2
(AB)’ . (A+B’)
22. Consider the code given below: 2
import random
print(r,end=' ')
print(r,end=' ')
Which of the following are the possible outcomes of the above code? Also,
what can be the maximum and minimum number by line 2?
a) 655, 705, 220 b) 380, 382, 505
c) 100, 500, 999 d) 105, 532, 995
23. Match the following: 2
Column A Column B
a. break i. literal
b. == ii. Punctuator
c. : iii. Operator
d. 23 iv. keyword
24. Rewrite the following code after correcting the errors and underline the 2
N=input (“Enter a Number’)
while (N<A)
WAP to obtain temperature of 7 days (Monday, Tuesday……Sunday) and
then display average temperature of the week.
25. Describe following Cybercrimes: 2
(a) Cyber Bullying (b) Cyber Stalking
Many children had health issues during lockdown. Among all, most of the
issues are related to eyes. Infer the reason behind this.
Section C
26. Draw a flowchart to count and display the even and odd in a given list of 3
27. WAP to accept a string and display only those words, whose first character 3
starts with a vowel.
Example: If the Sentence will be “Ram is not a good human being”
Then output will be: is, a
Study the given code and write the output:
Wd3=”Cyber World”
Wd4=”cyber world”
28. WAP to input any two numbers and perform the arithmetic operations, based 3
on choice perform the calculations i.e 1 for addition,2 for subtraction, 3 for
multiplication, 4 for division and 5 for Exit.
WAP in Python that accepts sales and customer number from the user and
calculate the net amount which the customer has to pay after availing discount
(if any). The company gives an extra 2% discount on the net amount to every
50 customers. The discount details given below:
Sales>=10000 the discount will be 35% of sales
Sales<10000 and >=5000 the discount will be 25% of sales
Sales< 5000 and >=1000 the discount will be 15% of sales
Sales< 1000 no discount
29. WAP that input a list of integer numbers and half the even elements and 3
double the odd elements.
30. a. Match the columns 3
1. Cyber Stalking a. It is refers to methods used for
Interpretation of computer media
for digital evidence
2. Scams b. The records and traces individuals
leave behind as they use the
3. Computer Forensics c. This is a kind of online harassment
wherein the victim is subjected to
a barrage of online messages and
4. Digital Footprint d. Any fraudulent business practice
that extracts money from an
unsuspecting, ignorant person.
b. Give one word.
i) Data ______________ is the right of a citizen to have control over how
personal information is collected and used.
ii) ______________ are the rights of the owner of information to decide how
much information is to be exchanged, shared or distributed.
Section D
31. Write the output of the following: 5
32. Consider the following string mySubject: 5
mySubject = “ Computer Science”
What will be the output of the following string operation:
(i) print(mySubject[0:len(mySubject)])
(ii) print(mySubject[: : 2])
(iii) print(mySubject[len(mySubject)-1])
(iv) print(mySubject.startswith(‘Comp’))
(v) print(mySubject.isalpha())
33. Different cybercrimes are listed in the box as below: 5
Bank Fraud, Cyberbullying, Hacking, Cyberstalking, Spam

Identify a specific cybercrime (selecting from the above box) for each of the
following situations: (1+1+1+1+1)
1. A person complains that somebody has created a fake profile on the
Facebook and is defaming his/her character with comments and
2. A person complains that Rs. 4.50 lacs have been withdrawn online
from his/her account by using net banking in two consecutive days.
3. A person complains that somebody has cracked the password of his/her
computer system and stolen valuable data and information.
4. A person complains he/she is getting threatening messages by email,
text or through comments on a social networking page.
5. A person complains several times he/she connect to a website, when
open his/her e-mail account, then found number of unwanted mails
have come to inbox.
Anup asked his friend Deepak to suggest him software for image editing.
Deepak asked Anup whether he wanted to buy the software or use it freely.
Anup is not interested in buying. Help Deepak to find a solution for his
friend by answering the following questions. (1+1+2+1)
a. State the difference between License and Open-Source License.
b. Name two popular categories of Public Licenses.
c. Name a FOSS for
i. Image editing software
ii. Browser
d. Explain Software Piracy.
Section E
34. a) Rewrite the following code using the for loop: 4
while (i>0):
b) Rewrite the following code fragments using while loops:
if num < 0:
Min = num
Max = 0
for i in range(Min, Max + 1):
35. a) Biren is working on a project in which he needs to see the constant pi 4
and statistical function mean. Suggest a suitable code in python to:
i) import only pi and all statistical functions from appropriate module.
ii) To print value of an expression given below using appropriate import
b) Sumedha is writing a python code in which she needs to add values and
sublists with in a list, her friend has suggested two functions- append
and insert. Differentiate between these two functions with an example.
Time: 3HRS. F. Marks:70
General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
2. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
3. SECTION A has 18 Objective Type Questions of 1 mark each.
4. SECTION B has 07 Very Short Answer Type Questions carrying 02 marks each.
5. SECTION C has 05 Short Answer Type Questions carrying 03 marks each.
6. SECTION D has 03 Long Short Answer Type Questions carrying 05 marks each.
7. SECTION E has 02 Questions carrying 04 marks each. One Internal choice is given
in Q35 against part C only.
8. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.
Section A
1. c) Software 1
2. b) System Software 1
3. c) Utility Program 1
4. a) ALU 1
5. a) ApplicAtion 1
6. c) 3 1
7. d) none of the mentioned 1
8. b) t[3] = 45 1
9. b) {1,”A”,2”B”} 1
10. c) I,3 1
11. c) Tax+pay 1
12. a) A list of all Indian President names 1
13. b) Cyber Stalking 1
14. a) Cyber ethics 1
15. b) an old computer 1
16. a) (a) – (ii) ; b) (b) – (iv) ; c) (c) – (i) ; d) (d) – (iii) 1
Q17 and 18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions.
Make the correct choice as
a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
b. Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A
c. A is True but R is False
d. A is False but R is True
17. d. A is False but R is True 1
18. a. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A 1
Section B
19. (i) HOTS (ii) Main 2
72 79 84 83 77 97 105 110
20. Do the following Conversion: 2
(i) (A5CD)16 = (1010010111001101)2
(ii) (110011.110)2 = (63.6)8
Compiler Interpreter
Compiler converts source code Interpreter translates one line at a time
into machine code in one go instead of the whole program at one
once translated the compiler is interpreter is always needed whenever
not needed a source code is to be executed.
21. 2

22. a) 655, 705, 220 2

Maximum:998 Minimum:100
23. Match the following: 2
a- (iv) , b- (iii), c- (ii), d-(i)
24. Rewrite the following code after correcting the errors and underline the 2
N=input (“Enter a Number’’)
while (N<A):
a=eval(input("total no of days :"))
for i in range(a) :
b=str(input("enter day :"))
c=int(input("enter temperature :"))
print("temperatures daily:",c)
import statistics
print("average temperature :",average)
(Any other way program written by the student can be considered)
25. Describe following Cybercrimes: 2
(a) Cyber Bullying: Harassing, demeaning, embarrassing, defaming or
intimidating someone using modern technology like internet, cell phones,
instant messengers, social networks etc.
(b) Cyber Stalking: This is a kind of online harassment wherein the
victim is subjected to a barrage of online messages and emails.
When we continuously look at the screen for watching, typing, chatting or
playing games, our eyes are continuously exposed to the glare coming
from the screen. This is why increased screen time is a common complaint
by the children.
Section C
26. i) Proper start & stop with symbol 1 mark 3
ii) Counting even & odd numbers from list 1 mark
iii) Display even and odd numbers 1 mark
27. # Input the String 3
test_list = input("Enter a String:")
# printing original list
print("The original list is : " + str(test))
res = []
vow = "AEIOUaeiou"
for sub in test:
flag = False
# checking for begin char
for ele in vow:
if sub.startswith(ele):
flag = True
if flag:
# printing result
print("The extracted words : " + str(res))
computer science
28. print("Enter two numbers below ") 3
a=int(input("Enter first number: "))
b=int(input("Enter second number: "))
while choice<5:
choice=int(input("Enter choice{1-5}: "))
if choice==1:
print("Sum is: ",s,"\n")
elif choice==2:
print("Difference is: ",s,"\n")
elif choice==3:
print("Product is: ",s,"\n")
elif choice==4:
print("Division is: ",s,"\n")
elif choice==5:
print("Invalid choice")
sale=int(input("enter the sales value:"))
ncust=int(input("enter the no of customers:"))
if ncust<=50:
if sale>=10000:
print("no of customer=",ncust)
print("total discount=",dvalue)
print("amount customers have to pay:",tvalue)
if sale>=5000 and sale<10000:
print("no of customer=",ncust)
print("total discount=",dvalue)
print("amount customers have to pay:",tvalue)
if sale>=1000 and sale<5000:
print("no of customer=",ncust)
print("total discount=",dvalue)
print("amount customers have to pay:",tvalue)
if sale<1000:
print("no of customer=",ncust)
print("total discount=",dvalue)
print("amount customers have to pay:",tvalue)
if sale>=10000:
print("no of customer=",ncust)
print("total discount=",dvalue)
print("amount customers have to pay:",tvalue)
if sale<10000 and sale>=5000:
print("no of customer=",ncust)
print("total discount=",dvalue)
print("amount customers have to pay:",tvalue)
if sale<5000 and sale>=1000:
print("no of customer=",ncust)
print("total discount=",dvalue)
print("amount customers have to pay:",tvalue)
if sale<1000:
print("no of customer=",ncust)
print("no discount")
print("amount customers have to pay:",sale)
29. n=int(input('How many integers do you want to enter?: ')) 3
for i in range(n):
a=int(input('Enter a number: '))
print('The final list is: ')
30. a. Match the columns 3
1. - c
2. - d
3. - a
4. - b
b. Give one word.
i) Privacy
ii) Intellectual Property Rights
Section D
31. Write the output of the following: 5
{1: 'Amit', 2: 'Sumit'}
32. Consider the following string mySubject: 5
mySubject = “Computer Science”
(i) Computer Science
(ii) Cmue cec
(iii) e
(iv) True
(v) False
33. Different cybercrimes are listed in the box as below: 5
Bank Fraud, Cyberbullying, Hacking, Cyberstalking, Spam

Identify a specific cybercrime (selecting from the above box) for each of
the following situations: (1+1+1+1+1)
1. Cyberstalking
2. Bank Fraud
3. Hacking
4. Cyberbullying
5. Spam
a. Licenses are provided by the author by sharing their copyrighted
work with others whereas Open-Source Licenses does not need
special permission from the author.
b. GPL-General Public License, CC-Creative Common
c. i. Image editing-GIMP, etc ii. Browser-Netscape Navigator etc
d. Software Piracy is the unauthorized use or distribution of the
Section E
34. a) Rewrite the following code using the for loop: 4
for i in range(100,0,-3):
if i>0:
b) Rewrite the following code fragments using while loops:
num=int(input("enter num value:"))
if num<0:
while min<=max:
35. a) 4
i) from math import pi
import statistics
ii) import math
append() insert()
def adds an item at the end of insert an item at defined
the list index
eg L1=[.Hello.,.and.] L1=[.Hello.,.and.]
L2 = [’Good’, ’Morning’] L2 = [’Good’, ’Morning’]
L1.append(L2) L1.insert(0,L2)
print(L1) print(L1)
Output: Output:
[[.Hello.,.and.,[’Good’, [ [’Good’,
.Morning’]] ’Morning’],.Hello.,.and.]
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 70
General Instructions :
1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Section A have 18 questions carrying 01 mark each.
4. Section B has 07 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02 marks each. 5. Section C has 05 Short
Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each. 6. Section D has 03 Long Answer type questions
carrying 05 marks each. 7. Section E has 02 questions carrying 04 marks each.
5. One internal choice is given in Q34 against part c only.
6. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.


S.N Question Mar

O. ks

1 Name the storage device.. 1

(a) Non-volatile memory chip:contents of the chip cannot be altered;it is often used to
store the start-up routine in a computer(e.g., the BIOS)
(b) Magnetic disk with very large storage capacity,mostly fixed in computer cases and
serves as the main storage device.

2 ASCII is a _____ bit code while extended ASCII is a _____ bit code. 1

3 Which law is represented by X (Y + Z) = XY + XZ 1

a) Associative Law
b) Distributive Law
c) Commutatve Law
d) Absorption Law

4 Write the corresponding python expression for the following mathematical expression: 1

√𝑎2 +𝑏 2 + 𝑐 2

5 _______________ mode of Python gives instant result of typed statement. 1

a) Interactive mode
b) Script mode
c) Both interactive and script mofe
d) None of the above

Page 1 of 9
6 Consider the following code and predict the output 1
a. R L I L Y b. SLILY

7 m1={'J':"JAN",'F':"FEB",'M':"MAR",'A':"APR",'N':"MAY"} 1

8 Which one of the following if statements will execute successfully ? 1

a) if (1 , 2):
b) if (1 , 2)
c) if (1 , 2):

d) if (1):

9 Consider the loop given below: 1

for i in range(10, 5 , -3):
How many times will this loop run ?
a) 3
b) 2
c) 1
d) infinite

10 What will the following expression be evaluated to in Python ? 1

print( 15.0 / 4 * 3 + (( 8 + 3.0 ** 2)//2) )
a) 20
b) 19
c) 19.75
d) 19.25

11 What is the output of following code? 1

if( 4+5 == 10):
print(“FALSE” end=”,”)

Page 2 of 9

12 Select which among the following is not a Net Etiquette related to the use of Digital 1
a. Be ethical b. Be respectful
c. Be responsible d. Be independent

13 1

14 1

a. Digital Footprint b. Stalking

c. Plagiarism d. Phishing

15 Many people create videos on YouTube by using content from other’s videos. lnfer 1
Intellectual Property Right is being violated in this case?
a. Copyright Infringement b. Trademark
c. Copyright d. Patent

16 1
Read the words given below:

Social Malvertising Adware Spyware

Shareware Malware Ransomware Stalking

Choose the most appropriate words to fill the blanks.

is used legitimately in free versions of applications to display advertisements

while a program is running but can be classified as if the code records users' information
or browsing habits without their consent and authorization.

Q17 and 18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions. A statement of Assertion (A) is
followed by a statement of Reason (R ).
Mark the correct choice as
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation for A
(c) A is True but R is False
(d) A is false but R is True

Page 3 of 9
17 Assertion(A) : In Python, when a break statement is encountered inside a loop, the loop is 1
immediately terminated, and the program control transfer to the next statement following
the loop.
Reason(R) : else clause of a python loop executes when the break statement terminates the
loop .

18 Assertion(A) :List elements can be altered at its place. 1

Reason( R) : Python Lists are mutable.


19 Mr. Rehan has recently installed a new operating system on his computer. 2
a) Specify any two activities/functions performed by operating system as a resource
b) Identify two utility programs used by an operating system.

20 Which gates are called universal gates and why? 2

How many types of logical operators are available ? Name those.

21 Find and underline the error(s),if any. 2

a) Msg= “ Well Done”

b) A=bool(0)
c) print(“Hello”+2)
print(“Hello” + “2”)
print(“Hello” * 2

d) pi=3.14

22 Find possible o/p (s) at the time of execution of the program from the following code? 1
Also specify the maximum values of variables Lower and Upper. ½+
import random as r ½
AR=[20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70]
Lower =r.randint(1,3)
Upper =r.randint(2,4)
for K in range(Lower, Upper +1):
print (AR[K],end=”#“)
(i) 10#40#70# (ii) 30#40#50#
(iii) 50#60#70# (iv) 40#50#70#

Page 4 of 9
23 Using the given values x,y,z evaluate the following : 1
(a) (x >= y ) and ( not ( z ==y ) ) or ( z < x )) for X =5 y=6 z = 20
(b) a , b = (x or ( y and z)) , (( x or y) and z) for x = True , y = False , z=False

24 Draw logic circuit diagram for the following expression: Y= ab + b’c + c’a’ 2

25 Which type of error occurs when you execute the following code fragments ? 2
(a) Syntax Error
(b) Name Error
(c) Vale Error
(d) Type Error

(i) Fruit=apple
(ii) int(‘11.23’)
(iii) 2=6
(iv) ‘abc’+4-4


When does these errors occur:

(i) ValueError:
(ii) Typerror


26 Write Python expressions to represent the following situations: 3

a) Find the square root of the sum of 8 and 43
b) Find the integral part of the quotient when 100 is divided by 32
c) Weight is greater than or equal to 115 but less than 125

27 Draw a flowchart to calculate factorial of numbers divisible by 5 upto range 50. 3

28 Write a program to find the sum of the series : s=1 + x + x2 +x 3 +……..xn (Input the
value of x and n) 3

29 Write a function in python named SwapHalfList(Array), which accepts a list Array of numbers and 2+1
swaps the elements of 1st Half of the list with the 2nd Half of the list ONLY if the sum of 1st Half is
greater than 2nd Half of the list.
Sample Input Data of the list:
Array= [ 100, 200, 300, 40, 50, 60],
Output Arr = [40, 50, 60, 100, 200, 300]

Page 5 of 9
30 Write a program to find the grade of the when grades are allocated as given in the table 3

Percentage of Marks Grade

Above 90% A
80% to less than 90% B
70% to less than 80% C
60% to less than 70% D
Below 60% E
Percentage of the marks obtained by the student is input to the program.


31 SUNAINA wants to maintain the record of her monthly budget in the form of a 5
dictionary in Python The dictionary should Store item name as the key and its price as
the value. Write code snippet for the following
i) create the dictionary with name BUDGET containing following items
and price
Item price
Rice 1000
Wheat flour 1500
Oil 1500
Dal 800

ii) To display number of items in the above dictionary

iii) Add a new item Sugar with price 200
iv) to increase the price of Oil by 300
v) to display the item with maximum price

32 Write the output for the below given codes: 3+2

(a) Text=['g','i','v','e','i','t','@','T','r','y','!']
for L in range(len(Text)-1,-1,-1):
if Text[L].islower():
elif Text[L].isspace():

(b) Lst=['English','Physics','Chemistry','Maths']

Page 6 of 9
33 In a leading cybercrime case, the Joint Academic Network (JANET) was hacked by 5
the accused, after which he denied access to the authorized users by changing
passwords along with deleting and adding files. Making it look like he was
authorized personnel, he made changes in the BSNL computer database in their
internet users’ accounts. When the CBl carried out investigations after registering a
cybercrime case against the accused, they found that the broadband Internet was being
used without any authorization. The accused used to hack into the server from various
cities like Chennai and Bangalore, amongst others. This investigation was carried out
after the Press Information Bureau, Chennai, filed a complaint. In the verdict by the
Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Egmore, Chennai, the accused from
Bangalore would be sent to prison for a year and will have to pay a fine of Rs 5,000
under Section 420 IPC and Section 66 of the IT Act. (1+1+1+1+1)

Referring to the above case, answer the following questions:

a. Determine the type of hacker in the case.
b. Is the crime committed by a group or an individual?
c. Identify how the hacker entered the JANET.
d. Why did the hacker change passwords, added and deleted files?
e. What is The Government of lndia’s lT Act, 2000?


Rakesh asked his friend Akash to suggest him software for Image editing. Akash
asked Rakesh whether he wanted to buy the software or use it freely. Rakesh is not
interested in buying. Help Akash to find a solution for his friend by answering the
following questions. (1+1+2+1)
a. State the difference between License and Open Source License.
b. Name two popular categories of Public Licenses.
c. Name a FOSS for
i. Image editing software
ii. Browser
Explain Software Piracy


34 Ishika joined as a new programmer of the Company “Sai Pvt. Ltd.”. She has been instructed 4
to maintain the database of the Employee. The different tasks assigned to her are as follows:
• If a new Employee gets appointed then she is going to add the employee
details like Employeeid,EmployeeName and salary to the database.
• If any employee tenders resignation, then she is going to delete that employee
record from the database.
• During any meeting, she is going to present the current employeedetails in front
of the whole administrative body.
She is writing a program.As programmer,help her to successfully execute the code.

Page 7 of 9
Record= #Statement1

While ch=='y':
choice = int(input("Enter your choice (1/2/3):"))
ifchoice== 1:
empid = input("Enter Employee Id: ")
Details= [empid,ename,esal]
Record #Statement2
elif choice==2:
if Record!=[]:
eid=input("Enterthe Employeeidthatyou wantstodelete:")
for I in Record:
if eid==i[0]:
print("Sorry!Nosuchrecordexists")elifchoice== 3:
if_________________________ #Statement4
print("Opps!No records available !!!!!")
for :#Statement5
ch=input("Do you want to continue(y/n):")
a) Ishika is going to create an empty list named as “Record” in which she will store the
employees ’details. Write the Statement1 for her.

b) Fill the blank in Statement2 that will enable her to add the details as a sublist at

c) After receiving the resignation letter of an employee she will delete the record
ofthat employee based on his/her Employee Id. What will be the suitable code
segment for this in Statement3?

d) Manager of the Company wants to check whether any record is available in

thedatabase or not. What will be the suitable code fragment to be written for this

e) Help Ishika to display the current records of the database by writing a suitable loop
in Statement5.

Page 8 of 9
35 Reena of Class-XI was reading an article in the Newspaper. The article was 4
containingsome grammatical errors. Then Reena thought of correcting the grammatical
errors aswell as to have fun by playing with the words and characters present in the article.
Asshe belongs to the Computer Science stream, she wrote a Python program to do
thesame. But in some parts, she had confusion. As a Computer Programmer, can you

str1="computer science"
print (str1. ( )) # Line 1
print (str1.upper()) # Line 2
print (str1. _ ()) # Line 3
for a in str1:
if a.isupper(): # Line 4
print ("Number of uppercase characters in the string are : ",uc)
print (str2)

a) Fillinthe blankinLine1toprint theline with 1stcharacterincapital letter

b) Predictthe outcome shewillobtainwhile executingLine2.
c) FilltheblankinLine3 toprintthe linewith1stcharacterof eachwordincapital letter letter.
d) HelpReena tounderstandthepurposeof Line4intheprogram..

Page 9 of 9
S.NO. Question Marks

1 (a) ROM ½
(b) Hard Disk ½

2 ASCII is a __7___ bit code while extended ASCII is a ___8__ bit code. ½+½

3 a) Distributive Law 1

4 1
math.sqrt(a*a + b*b + c*c)
5 a) Interactive mode 1

6 a) b. SLILY 1


8 Which one of the following if statements will execute successfully ? 1

d) if (1):

9 a) 2 1

10 d) 19.25 1

11 b )FALSE , TRUE 1

12 a) PYTHON 1

13 2, Spam 1

14 Digital Footprint 1

15 a. Copyright Infringement 1

16 Adware,Malvertising 1

Adware may collect user or browsing information to display customized banners or popup
advertisements while the program is running. However, if this data iscollected or sold to third
parties without the user's knowledge and authorization, it is classified as spyware, also known
as malvertising.

17 (c) A is True but R is False 1

18 Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A 1

19 a) Memory Management,ProcessManagement,StorageManagement,Memory 2
management, File Management,Device Management ( any two )
b) Disk cleanup,Disk Defragmenter, Backup, Anti virus etc. (Any two )

20 NAND and NOR gates are called universal gates. They can represent all operations. 2
3 types of logical operators are available ? NOT , AND , OR

21 Find and underline the error(s),if any. 2

a) Msg= “ Well Done”

b) A=bool(0)
c) print(“Hello”+2)
print(“Hello” + “2”)
print(“Hello” * 2

d) pi=3.14
print(pi//(int("5")/float("3.0"))) # no error

22 Lower = r.randint(1,3) means Lower will have value 1,2, or 3 2

Upper =r.randint(2,4) means Upper will have value 2, 3, or 4
So K will be from (1, 2, 3) to (2, 3, 4) Means
if K=1, then upper limit (2,3,4)
If K=2, then upper limit (2,3,4)
If K=3, then upper limit (2,3,4)
So correct answer (ii) 30#40#50#.

23 Using the given values x,y,z evaluate the following : 2

(a) False
(b) a = True, b = False

24 Correct circuit diagram 2

25 (i) Fruit=apple # Name error ½+½

(ii) int(‘11.23’) #Value Error
(iii) 2=6 # Syntax Error
(iv) ‘abc’+4-4 # Type Error

26 Write Python expressions to represent the following situations: 1
a) Find the square root of the sum of 8 and 43
b) Find the integral part of the quotient when 100 is divided by 32
c) Weight is greater than or equal to 115 but less than 125

27 Correct flowchart 3

28 Write a program to find the sum of the series : s=1 + x + x2 +x 3 +……..xn (Input the
value of x and n) 3

29 def SwapHalfList(Array): 2+1

if sum(Array[:mid]) > sum(Array[mid:]):
print(Array[mid:] + Array[:mid])
Array= [ 100, 200, 300, 40, 50, 60]

30 Write a program to find the grade of the when grades are allocated as given in the 3
table below.
Percentage of Marks Grade
Above 90% A
80% to less than 90% B
70% to less than 80% C
60% to less than 70% D
Below 60% E
Percentage of the marks obtained by the student is input to the program.

31 i) Budget={‘Ricel’:1000,’Wheat flour’’:1500,’Oil’:1500,’Dal’:800} 5
ii) print(len(Budget))
iii) Budget[‘Sugar’]=200
iv) Budget[‘Oil’]= Budget[‘Oil’]+50

32 ['g', 'i', 'v', 'e', 'i', 't', '@', 'T', 'r', 'y', '!'] 3
(a) ['G', 'I', 'V', 'E', 'I', 'T', 't', '@', 'R', 'Y', 'y']

(b) ['Maths', 'Physics'] 2

33 (1+1+1+1+1) 5

a. Non-ethical hacker
b. individual
c. When the CBI carried out investigations after registering a cybercrime caseagainst the
accused, they found that the broadband Internet was being used without any
authorization. The accused used to hack into the server from various cities like Chennai
and Bangalore, amongst others.
d. The attacker changed passwords along with deleting and adding files sothat he can
blackmail the victim to pay for getting access to the data.
e. The act provides a legal framework for electronic governance by giving recognition to
electronic records and digital signatures. The act outlines cybercrimes and penalties for

OR (1+1+2+1)
a. Licenses are provided by the author by sharing their copyrighted work with
others whereas Open Source Licenses does not need special permission fromthe author.
b. GPL-General Public License, CC-Creative Common
c. i. Image editing-GIMP, etc ii. Browser-Netscape Navigator etc
Software Piracy is the unauthorized use or distribution of the software.


34 Answer: 4
a) Record = [ ] or Record = eval(input())
b) Record.append(Details)
c) Record.pop(Line-1) or del Record[Line-1]
d)Record == [ ]
len(Record) == 0 :
a) e) for i in Record :
35 Answer:- 4
a) str1.capitalize( )
c) str1.title ( )
d) The code is used to check whether the character is an uppercase character
or not.
e) puter science

SET NO – 01
Roll No. Candidates must write the Set No. on
the title page of the answer book.



 Please check that this question paper contains 8 printed pages.

 Set number given on the right-hand side of the question paper should be written on
the title page of the answer book by the candidate.
 Check that this question paper contains 35 questions.
 Write down the Serial Number of the question in the left side of the margin before
attempting it.
 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper
will be distributed 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the examination. The
students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the
answer script during this period.

Max. Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
2. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
3. SECTION A has 18 Objective Type Questions of 1 mark each.
4. SECTION B has 07 Very Short Answer Type Questions carrying 02 marks each.
5. SECTION C has 05 Short Answer Type Questions carrying 03 marks each.
6. SECTION D has 03 Long Short Answer Type Questions carrying 05 marks each.
7. SECTION E has 02 Questions carrying 04 marks each. One Internal choice is
given in Q35 against part c only.
8. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.

CLASS- XI SAMPLE PAPER/22-23 Page 1 of 8

1. There is a small memory inside the CPU provides units. Identify from the 1
a) RAM b) cache c) registers d) ROM
2. Rishi writing programmes using Python Language in his computer. He 1
recalled that his teacher told in class that Computer only understands 0 & 1.
Select which among the given options helps Computer to understand Python.
a) Operating System b) Utility Software
c) Language Processors d) Device Drivers
3. Kartik stored his name with a spelling mistake. So, he tried to rectify it. 1
>>> Name= „Kartic‟
>>> Name[5]=‟k‟
But he received error message. Find the cause of the error.
a) String is mutable.
b) String is immutable
c) He should write Name[-1]=‟k‟
d) Once a string created its value cannot be changed.
4. WEEE is: 1

a) a standard for e-waste disposal. b) e-waste or scrap

c) cyber crime d) toxic pollutant
5. How many times the word „Star‟ will be printed in the following statement ? 1
S1= „python rocks‟
for ch in S1[3:8]:
a) 5 b) 6 c) 12 d) 11
6. Which of the following is arranged in ascending order (smaller to bigger). 1
a) KB, ZB, GB, TB b) MB, ZB, GB, KB
c) Bit, KB, EB, PB, ZB d) KB, GB, TB, PB, EB
7. Kirty‟s computer became slow due to slow disc performance. She searched 1
net and used disc defragmenter to solve the issue. Disc defragmenter comes
under which category?
a) Utility software b) Application software
c) Open-Source Software d) Device Drivers

CLASS- XI SAMPLE PAPER/22-23 Page 2 of 8

8. What will be the output of the following code: 1
>>> tp=( )
>>> tp=tp * 2
>>> print( len(tp))
a) 1 b)2 c) Error d) 0
9. A category of software that spies of your computer activities is: 1
a) De-ware b) Freeware c) Utilities d) Spyware
10. In a tuple Tp the strength of the students in different departments is stored 1
Tp=(52, 48, 21, 96, 45)
Kabir wants to show it in descending order.
Select the proper option out of the below given options.
a) sorted(Tp, reverse=True) b) Tp.sorted(reverse=True)
c) sorted(Tp, reverse=False) d) Tp.sorted(reverse=False)
11. Predict the output of the following code if: 1
>>> dict={„a‟:34,‟b‟:89,‟c‟:91,‟d‟:47}
>>> del dict[„c‟]
>>> print (dict)
a) {„a‟:34,‟b‟:89,‟c‟:91,‟d‟:47} b) {„a‟:34,‟d‟:47‟b‟:89,‟c‟:91}
c) {‟c‟:91,‟b‟:89,‟d‟:47,„a‟:34,} d) {„a‟:34,‟b‟:89,‟d‟:47}

12. Abdul got a call from a unknown number. The caller introduced him as Bank 1
officer and asked PIN, OTP and some details for updating his ATM card.
Which of the following is not suggested for Abdul?

a) He should provide all details as desired by the caller.

b) He should not give any details and contact bank helpline number to check
the validity of the call received.
c) He should inform local police about the call.
d) He should block that contact number.

13. Identify an invalid identifier : 1

a) Out5 b)_ Raath
c) Sum*3 d) Ci12_1q
14. Which of the function can increase the number of elements of a list by more
than one? 1
a) append( ) b) extend( ) c) insert ( ) d) pop( )
15. It occurs when an attacker, masquerading as a trusted entity, dupes a entity 1
into opening an email, instant message, or text message.
a) phishing b) crime c) plagiarism ( ) d) hacking
CLASS- XI SAMPLE PAPER/22-23 Page 3 of 8
16. Which of the following digital footprints can be created without the user‟s 1

a) Active digital footprint. b) Passive digital footprint.

c) Massive digital footprint. d) Interactive digital footprint.
Q17 and 18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions. Mark the correct
choice as
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation for A
(c) A is True but R is False
(d) A is false but R is True

17. Assertion (A):- Lists elements can be manipulated after creation. 1

Reasoning (R): List is mutable.
18. Assertion (A): Data types are used to identify the types of data. 1
Reason (R): Data types are two types as numbers and strings.
19. Convert the following into its equivalent: 2
i) (10110.11)2 = ( ? )10
ii) (BAD)16 = ( ? )8
20. Select the possible output for the given code in Python. Write the minimum 2
and maximum value „k‟ can have.
import random
data = [„Mumbai‟, „Cuttack‟, „Kolkata‟, „Delhi‟]
k=random.randint (2,4)
for j in range(k, k+1):
print (data[j-1], end=‟#‟)

a) Mumbai#Cuttack#Kolkata#Delhi b) Cuttack#Kolkata#Delhi#
c) Cuttack#Kolkata# d) Cuttack#Kolkata# Mumbai#
21. E-waste management is becoming a greatest issue in the society. Discus the 2
impacts of e-waste on the environment.

Shreyansh got good marks in all subjects. His father gifted him a laptop. He
would like to make Shreyansh aware of health hazards associated with excess
use of laptop. Help his father to list the points which he should discuss with

CLASS- XI SAMPLE PAPER/22-23 Page 4 of 8

22. Evaluate the expressions. 2

i) (a+5)**2>90 and b<40 where a=8,b=23

ii) True and not False or False
23. Rewrite the following code in Python after removing all syntax error(s). 2
Underline each correction done in the code.
for I in range(0, len (String)-1)
if String[I]=>"M":
print String[I],"*"
print String[I-1]
24. Recognise the following software belongs to which type of software out of 2
(Application software, System software, Utility Software)
i) MS. Access
ii) Antivirus
iii) Python
iv) Disc clean up
Write a program to generate 6 random numbers and print it only if it‟s a even

25. Find the value of F3 : 2

Draw a logic circuit for : (AB + C‟ )‟
26. Draw a flowchart to ad and display all the even numbers between 1 and 20. 3
27. Consider the code given below. 3
Find and write the output of the following Python code:

for name in [ 'Rama', 'Sita', 'Bharat', 'Laxman' ]:

if name[0]=='S':
CLASS- XI SAMPLE PAPER/22-23 Page 5 of 8

Write a program to print the following pattern:

28. Write a program that accepts a string, counts and prints the number of 3
uppercase vowels in the string.
Write a program that accepts a string and checks whether it is a palindrome or
29. Write a program to read a list of numbers and create another list which 3
store half of each even number and double of each odd number in the list.
For example: if list is containing [3,5,6,2,7,4,5,8]
then new list should contain [6,10,3,1,14,2,10,4]

30. Write the differences between the following — 3

a) Copyrights and Patents
b) Phishing and Hacking
c) Active and Passive footprints
31 Sara a business woman wants to maintain the record of his sales in the 5
form of a dictionary in Python. The dictionary should Store item name as the
key and its sale quantity as the value. Write code snippet for the following :
a) create the dictionary with name „sale‟ containing following items and
Item Quantity
Washing Machine 50
Fridge 20
TV 80
b) display number of items in the above dictionary
c) Add a new item Oven with quantity 25
d) to increase the quantity off Fridge by 10
e) to display the item with maximum quantity
CLASS- XI SAMPLE PAPER/22-23 Page 6 of 8
32. Consider the following string and answer the given questions: (1+1+1+2) 5
str1= „Competency based Education‟
Write the output:
a) print(str1[len(str1)-1]+'India'+str1[-7:-2])
b) print(str1[len(str1[2:6]):len(str1[3:10])].lower())
c) print(str1.split('based'))
d) Write python code to print each word of the str1 in separate line.

33 In present world there is a significant growth of cybercrime cases in India. 5

Especially in Covid period people shifted from offline marketing to online in
large number, even without appropriate knowledge and that became a golden
chance for the cybercriminals. (1+1+1+1+1)

Referring to the above scenario, answer the following questions:

a) Name two most common cybercrime.
b) If we copy someone else‟s work without mentioning the source. What
term is used for this.
c) There are hackers whose motive is to gain financial profit by doing
cybercrime. Which type of hacker are they?
d) There is an Act of Indian Parliament notified on 17 October 2000, for
providing legal recognition for transactions carried out by means of
electronic data interchange and other means of electronic
communication. Name the Act.
e) One of your classmates sent you a message on Facebook “You are a
Loser”. Then you are a victim of ________.

In last Computer Science class teacher discussed regarding different types of
software and their uses. Sara is a mediocre student need revision of every
chapter to understand the concept properly. Many questions crop up in his
mind. Please help her to get the answers of the following questions. (1+1+1+2)
a) Name two open-source Operating System
b) Expand FOSS
c) What do you mean by Free software?
d) Categorize the following software into Proprietary or Open-Source.
i) VLC media player ii) Ms-Office iii) GIMP iv) Adobe Photoshop
34. a) Rewrite the following code using while loop: 4
No=int(input(„Enter a number : ‟)) # Line1
for i in range(2, L):
if R==0:

CLASS- XI SAMPLE PAPER/22-23 Page 7 of 8

print(„Not prime‟)
b) Predict the number of times the loop will run if in #Line1 input given as
35. Ashis is a newly appointed worker in a production company is trying to delete 4
elements form a list of products. He is confused between del keyword and
remove() method to be used by him. Describe the difference between both the
functions with example.
Rahul is confused to import which module to work on the following functions.
Suggest appropriate module for Rahul.
i) fabs( )
ii) median()
Write code snippet for the following:
iii) Import only random() function from appropriate module.
iv) Rahul wants to generate a random number between 5 to 12. How
you will generate this?


CLASS- XI SAMPLE PAPER/22-23 Page 8 of 8

SAMPLE PAPER – 2022-23
1. c) registers 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.- 5
2. c) Language Processors 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.- 151
3. b) String is immutable 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ), P.No.-335
4. b) e-waste or scrap 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ), P.No.- 555
5. a) 5 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ), P.No.-289
6. d) KB, GB, TB, PB, EB 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ), P.No.-5
7. a) Utility software 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.- 11
8. d) 0 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.- 420
9. d) Spyware 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ), P.No.- 532
10. a) sorted(Tp, reverse=True) 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.- 429
11. d) {‘a’:34,’b’:89,’d’:47} 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.-458
12. a) He should provide all details as desired by the 1 Sumita Arora
caller. ( XI ),P.No.-538
13. c) Sum*3 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.-161
14. 1 Sumita Arora
b) extend( ) ( XI ), P.No.- 383

15. a) phishing 1 Sumita Arora

( XI ),P.No.-538
16. b) Passive digital footprint. 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.-512
17. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct 1 Sumita Arora
explanation for A ( XI ),P.No.-209
18. (c) A is True but R is False 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.-203
19. i) (10110.11)2 = ( 22.75 )10 1 Sumita Arora
ii) (BAD)16 = ( 5655 )8 1 ( XII ),P.No.-24

CLASS –XI/ SP-MS/2022-23 Page 1 of 6

20. b) Cuttack#Kolkata#Delhi# 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.-244
min value of k = 2 Max value of k = 4 1

21. • It pollutes air through the emission of gases and 1 mark for Sumita Arora
fumes in the atmosphere. each ( XI ),P.No.-
• It pollutes soil when dumped into landfills by correct 555
seeping harmful chemicals into the soil. point.
• It pollutes water by releasing the particles into the
water of sea, rivers, ponds or lakes.
Hazards associated with excessive use of laptop are:
1 mark for
• Headache and eyes strain. each
• Distraction from studies. correct
• Wastage of time. point.

22. i) True 1+1=2 Sumita Arora

ii) True Class - XI
P.No.- 235
23 String ="HELLO" 0.5 X 4 = Sumita Arora
for I in range(0, len (String)-1) : 2 ( XI ),P.No.-
if String[I]>="M": 337
print (String[I],"*" )
print (String[I-1])
24. i) MS. Access:- Application S/W 0.5 X 4 = Sumita Arora
ii) Antivirus :- Utility S/W 2 ( XI ),P.No.-
iii) Python :- Application S/W 12
iv) Disc clean up :- Utility S/W

0.5 Sumita Arora

import random
0.5 ( XI ),P.No.-
for i in range(6):
0.5 244
if Ran%2==0: 0.5
print (Ran)
25. xy' + x'z 2 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.-
OR 74

CLASS –XI/ SP-MS/2022-23 Page 2 of 6

26. 3 Sumita Arora
Class - XI
P.No.- 115

Is count
even ?

27. Rama 3 Sumita Arora

Completed! ( XI ),P.No.-
Sita 376

for i in range(5,0,-1):
for j in range(1, i+1):
print(j, end =' ' )

28. str1=input(“Enter string : ”) 3 Sumita Arora

cnt=0 ( XI ),P.No.-
for ch in str1: 394
if ch in ‘AEIOU’:
str1=input(“Enter string : ”)
for i in range(0, int(L/2)):
if str1[i].lower()!=str1[-(L+i)].lower():
print(‘Not a palindrome’)

CLASS –XI/ SP-MS/2022-23 Page 3 of 6

29. L=eval(input(“Enter a list of numbers : “)) 3 Sumita Arora
print(“Entered List : “,L) ( XI ),P.No.-
OL=[] 394
for I in range(n):
if L[I]%2==0:
print(“New List is”,OL)

30. a) Copyrights and Patents 3 Sumita Arora

Class - XI
P.No.- 545

b) Phishing and Hacking

Hacking is using exploits to gain access to something
you do not normally have access to.
Phishing is masquerading as a trustworthy source in
an attempt to bait a user to surrender sensitive
information such as a username, password, credit card
number, etc

c) Active and Passive footprints

Active footprint data can trail after any activity done
intentionally on
Internet like data given while filling application form
Passive footprint data can trail after any activity done
unintentionally on
Internet like tracing location information and web
history etc.

31. a) i) sale={ ‘Washing Machine’:50, ‘Fridge’:20, 1 Sumita Arora

‘TV’: 80} 1 Class - XI

CLASS –XI/ SP-MS/2022-23 Page 4 of 6

b) print(len(sale)) 1 P.No.- 457
c) sale[‘Oven’]=25 1
d) sale[‘Fridge’]= sale[‘Fridge’]+10 1
e) v) print(max(sale.items()))
32. a) nIndiaucati 1 Sumita Arora
b) ete 1 ( XI ),P.No.-
c) ['Competency ', ' Education'] 1 394
d) for word in (str1.split()): 1
a. print(word) 1
33. a) Cyber bullying 1 Sumita Arora
Cyber trolling Class - XI
P.No.- 517
(All correct answers should be marked appropriately)
b) Plagiarism Sumita Arora
c) Black hat hacker 1 ( XI),P.No.-
d) IT Act 2000 1 517
e) Cyber Bullying 1
a) Linux, Ubuntu, Android etc. 0.5+0.5
b) Free and Open-Source Software 1 P.No.- 552
c) Free software means this type of software
available freely also can be copied and 1
redistributed but no source-code is available.
d) Proprietary:- ii) Ms-Office iv) Adobe
Photoshop 0.5 X 4=2
Open-Source:- i) VLC media player iii) GIMP
34. a) No=int(input('Enter a number : ')) # Line1 3 Sumita Arora
L=int(No/2)+1 ( XI ),P.No.-
i=2 292
while i <= L+1:
if R==0:
print('Not prime')
if i==No:
b) 2 times 1

35. The del keyword in Python is used to remove an 2 Sumita Arora

element or multiple elements from a List by providing ( XI ),P.No.-
the index number. We can also remove all the 394
elements i.e. delete the entire list.

CLASS –XI/ SP-MS/2022-23 Page 5 of 6

del myList[2] # Delete a single element
del myList[2:5] # Delete multiple element
del myList # Deletes the entire List
The remove() built-in method in Python is used to
remove elements from a List.
myList.remove(5) # Remove a single element
Updated myList=[4,6,7]
OR P.No.- 244
i) math
ii) statistics 1
iii) from random import random 1
iv) random.randrange(5,12)


CLASS –XI/ SP-MS/2022-23 Page 6 of 6

Roll No.



 Please check that this question paper contains 7 printed pages.

 Set number given on the right-hand side of the question paper should be written on
the title page of the answer book by the candidate.
 Check that this question paper contains 35 questions.
 Write down the Serial Number of the question in the left side of the margin before
attempting it.
 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. The question paper
will be distributed 15 minutes prior to the commencement of the examination. The
students will read the question paper only and will not write any answer on the
answer script during this period.

Max. Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70
Note: This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
General Instructions:
1. This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
2. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
3. SECTION A has 18 Objective Type Questions of 1 mark each.
4. SECTION B has 07 Very Short Answer Type Questions carrying 02 marks each.
5. SECTION C has 05 Short Answer Type Questions carrying 03 marks each.
6. SECTION D has 03 Long Short Answer Type Questions carrying 05 marks each.
7. SECTION E has 02 Questions carrying 04 marks each. One Internal choice is
given in Q35 against part c only.
8. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.

CLASS- XI/Comp.Sc/Annual/22-23 Page 1 of 10

1. A rectangle represents a process in a Flow chart diagram. 1
a) True b) False
2. Ramesh was writing programmes using Python Language in his computer and he 1
recalled that that Computer only understands 0 & 1. Select which among the given
options is required to translate Ramesh‟s program to 0 & 1.
a) Operating System b) Utility Software
c) Language Processors d) Device Drivers
3. A software that can be accessed and modified is called _________ 1
a) Synchronous Software b) Package Software
c) Open Source Software d) Middleware
4. What is an algorithm? 1
(a) A set of steps to solve a problem (b) Software that analyses data
(c) A hardware device that stores data (d) All of these
5. How many times the symbol „*‟ will be printed in the following statement? 1
S1= „python rocks‟
for ch in S1[3:9]:
a) 5 b) 6 c) 12 d) 11
6. Which of the following is arranged in ascending order (smaller to bigger). 1
a) KB, ZB, GB, TB b) MB, ZB, GB, KB
c) Bit, KB, EB, PB, ZB d) KB, GB, TB, PB, EB
7. Stealing someone else‟s intellectual work and representing it as own, is called 1

a) Intellectual steal b) Pluckism

b) Plagiarism d) Pickism
8. What will be the output of the following code: 1
>>> tp=( )
>>> tp=tp + 2
>>> print( len(tp)

a) 1 b)2 c) Error d) 0
9. A category of software which spies on your computers different activities is: 1
a) De-ware b) Freeware c) Utilities d) Spyware

CLASS- XI/Comp.Sc/Annual/22-23 Page 2 of 10

10. In a tuple Tp contains the sequences as given:- Tp=(23, 58, 21, 86, 35) 1
It needs to be printed in descending order.
Select the proper option out of the below given options.
a) sorted(Tp, reverse=True) b) Tp.sorted(reverse=True)
c) sorted(Tp, reverse=False) d) Tp.sorted(reverse=False)
11. Predict the output of the following code if: 1
>>> dict={„a‟:3,‟b‟:8,‟c‟:9,‟d‟:7}
>>> del dict[„c‟]
>>> print (dict)

a) {„a‟:3,‟b‟:8,‟c‟:9,‟d‟:7} b) {„a‟:3,‟d‟:7‟b‟:8,‟c‟:9}
c) {‟c‟:9,‟b‟:8,‟d‟:7,„a‟:3,} d) {„a‟:3,‟b‟:8,‟d‟:7}
12. The original code written by a programmer is known as ---------------- 1
13. Identify an invalid identifier : 1
a) Omg5 b)_ Ram
c) Sum*3 d) C2_1q
14. Which of the function can increase the number of elements of a list by more than 1
a) append( ) b) extend( ) c) insert ( ) d) pop( )
15. It occurs when an attacker, appearing as a trusted entity, dupes a entity into 1
opening an email, instant message, or text message.
a) phishing b) crime c) plagiarism ( ) d) hacking
16. Which of the following digital footprints can be created without the user‟s 1

a) Active digital footprint. b) Passive digital footprint.

c) Massive digital footprint. d) Interactive digital footprint.
Q17 and 18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions. Mark the correct choice as
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation for A
(b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation for A
(c) A is True but R is False
(d) A is false but R is True

17. Assertion (A):- Lists elements can be manipulated after creation. 1

Reasoning (R): List is mutable.
18. Assertion (A): Data types are used to identify the types of data. 1
Reason (R): Data types are two types as numbers and strings.

CLASS- XI/Comp.Sc/Annual/22-23 Page 3 of 10

19. Convert the following into its equivalent: 2
i) (10110.11)2 = ( ? )10
ii) (BAD)16 = ( ? )8
20. Select the possible output for the given code in Python. Also write the minimum 2
and maximum value „k‟ can have.

import random
data = [„Bhubaneswar‟, „Cuttack‟, „Kolkata‟, „Puri‟]
k=random.randint (2,4)
for j in range(k, k+1):
print (data[j-1], end=‟#‟)

a) Bhubaneswar#Cuttack#Kolkata#Puri b) Cuttack#Kolkata#Puri#
c) Cuttack#Kolkata# d) Cuttack#Kolkata#
21. Now a days E-waste management is a burning issue in the society. Discus the 2
impacts of e-waste on the environment.

Suresh has got good marks in his exams. His father gifted him a laptop. He would
like to make Suresh aware of different health issues associated with excess use of
laptop. Suggest some basic precaution points which he should discuss with
22. Evaluate the expressions. 2

a) (a+6)**2>90 and b<30 where a=4,b=20

b) True and not False or False
23. Rewrite the following code in Python after removing all syntax error(s). Underline 2
each correction done in the code.
for i in range(0, len (String)-1)
if String[i]=>"M":
print String[i],"*"
print String[i-1]
24. Recognise the following softwares belongs to which type of software out 2
of(Application software, System software, Utility Software)
i) MS. Excel
ii) Windows11

CLASS- XI/Comp.Sc/Annual/22-23 Page 4 of 10

iii) Python
iv) Disk Defragmentor
Write a program to generate 6 random numbers and print it only if it‟s an odd

25. Find the value of F3 : 2

Draw a logic circuit for : (AB + C‟ )‟
26. Draw a flowchart to ad and display all the even numbers starting from 1 to 20. 3
27. Find and write the output of the following Python code: 3

for str1 in [ 'Ramesh', 'Suresh', 'Bishnu', 'Lavitra' ]:

if str1[0]=='S':

Write a program to print the following pattern:

28. Write a program that accepts a string, counts and prints the number of lowercase 3
vowels in the string.
Write a program that accepts a string and checks whether it is a palindrome or not.

CLASS- XI/Comp.Sc/Annual/22-23 Page 5 of 10

29. Write a program to calculate the average value of the numbers of a tuple. 3

30. WAP to create a dictionary named year whose keys are month names and values 3
their corresponding number of days.

31 Rabina a student of Class XI has been assigned the responsibility of Class Monitorship. 5
She is honest, hardworking and sincere. Her class teacher is very much happy with her
sincerity and has full faith on Rabina. She gave her a Register named “STUDENTS
MARK ENTRY” to maintain the students‟ names along with their 5 subject marks.
Rabina is good in programming. So, she has written a program to create a dictionary to
maintain the register for storing names and marks obtained in 5 subjects by the students
of her class. Help Rabina to write this program to complete her assigned work.
Register = ________________ #Statement1
n = int(input("How many students are there : "))
ch = „y‟
for i in range(n):
sname = input("Enter name of the student :")
Tot_Marks = [ ]
for j in range(5) :
mark = float(input("Enter marks :"))
Register________________ #Statement2
MyRegister = _____________ #Statement3
print("Register Contains the following Records : ")
for______________MyRegister: #Statement4
print( key , " : ", value)
while ch == 'y':
name = input("Enter the name of student whose marks you wants to retrieve : ")
if name in Register.keys() :
print(______________) #Statement5
else :

CLASS- XI/Comp.Sc/Annual/22-23 Page 6 of 10

print("Sorry! No student found with this name ")
ch = input("Do you wants to continue(y/n) : ")

a) Which built in function should be written by Rabina in Statement1 to store her

friends‟names , and their marks of 5 subjects in the form of a dictionary named “Register
b) Rabina wants to assign all the 5 subject marks stored in a list named “Tot_Marks” as
the values to each key named “sname”. Write an appropriate code in Statement2 to
execute the above work.
c) Name the dictionary function that Rabina will use to write in Statement3 to return all
students‟ names and marks in the form of a list of tuples .
d) Fill the blank in Statement4 that will help Rabina to display the students‟ names and
their marks in the form of key and value pairs.
e) Class Teacher called the students one by one to see their marks. Rabina will display
the marks of the students, as announced by the class teacher one after the other. Fill the
blank in Statement5 to do this task.
32 Differentiate between the split () and partition() in string. 5

Write a Python program to input a sentence in the lowercase. Convert the first
letter of each word of the sentence in uppercase and display the new sentence.

Sample input: we are learning python language

Sample output: We Are Learning Python Language

Differentiate between the split () and partition() in string.

Write a Python program to input a sentence in the lowercase. Convert the first
letter of each word of the sentence in uppercase and display the new sentence.

Sample input: we are learning python language

Sample output: We Are Learning Python Language

33 AMIT loves to play computer games. Today he came across a new game called 5
“NEED FOR SPEED”. When he tried to get the game from the developer, the
company asked him for a license fee of 2000 INR. Later he downloaded the game

CLASS- XI/Comp.Sc/Annual/22-23 Page 7 of 10

from a third-party website without paying any license fee to the developer. Along
with the game, another program got installed in his PC without his knowledge.
Since then, his PC has been functioning abnormally. He suspects, there is
something wrong.
a. Which type of Software the above game comes under according to its license?
b. Name the type of Cybercrime, where a person downloads a game/software
without the developers‟ permission.

c. Which kind of Malware attack this could be?

d. What should AMIT do to get rid from this type of threat?

e. What should AMIT do before he downloads something from internet next time?

34 Ishika joined as a new programmer of the Company “Sai Pvt. Ltd.”. She has been 4
instructed to maintain the database of the Employee. The different tasks assigned
to her are as follows:
 If a new Employee gets appointed then she is going to add the employee
details like Employee id, Employee Name and salary to the database.
 If any employee tenders resignation, then she is going to delete that
employee record from the database.
 During any meeting, she is going to present the current employee details in
front of the whole administrative body.
To perform all these above assigned work, she is writing a program. As a
programmer, help her to successfully execute the code.
print("Welcome To Sai Pvt. Ltd.")
Record = _______________ #Statement1
print("1. Add an Employee Record " , "\n2. Delete an Employee Record " , "\n3.
Display Current Employee Records ")
ch = 'y'
Line = 0
while ch == 'y' :

CLASS- XI/Comp.Sc/Annual/22-23 Page 8 of 10

choice = int(input("Enter your choice (1/2/3):"))
if choice == 1 :
empid = input("Enter Employee Id : ")
ename = input("Enter Employee Name : ")
esal = float(input("Enter Employee Salary : "))
Details = [empid ,ename , esal]
Record_______________ #Statement2
elif choice == 2 :
if Record != [ ] :
eid = input("Enter the Employee id that you wants to delete :")
for i in Record :
Line += 1
if eid == i[0] :
___________________ #Statement3
Line =0
else :
print("Sorry! No such record exists ")
elif choice == 3 :
if _______________ #Statement4
print("Opps ! No records available !!!!!")
else :
for i in Record:
ch = input ("Do you want to continue (y/n):")
a) Ishika is going to create an empty list named as “Record” in which she will
store the employees‟ details. Write the Statement1 for her.
b) Fill the blank in Statement2 that will enable her to add the details as a sublist at
the end of the nested List “Record”. 1
c) After receiving the resignation letter of an employee, she will delete the record 2
of that employee based on his/her Employee Id. What will be the suitable code
segment for this in Statement3?

CLASS- XI/Comp.Sc/Annual/22-23 Page 9 of 10

OR(Only for part c)
d) Manager of the Company wants to check whether any record is available in the
database or not. What will be the suitable code fragment to be written for this in
35 Write a program in Python that accept a list and interchange/swap elements in 4
such a way that the first element is swapped with the last element , second element
is swapped with the second last element and so on , only if anyone or both the
elements are odd.
Example: If initially the list of seven elements : 5,16,4,7,19,8,2
After execution the contents will be : 2,16,19,7,4,8,5

CLASS- XI/Comp.Sc/Annual/22-23 Page 10 of 10

1. c) True 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.-
2. c) Language Processor 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.- 12
3. c) Open Source Software 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ), P.No.-
4. a) A set of steps to solve a problem 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ), P.No.-
5. b) 6 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ), P.No.-
6. d) KB, GB, TB, PB, EB 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ), P.No.-5
7. c) Plagiarism 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.-
8. c) Error 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.-
9. d) Spyware 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ), P.No.-
10. a) sorted(Tp, reverse=True) 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.- 26
11. d) {‘a’:3,’b’:8,’d’:7} 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.-236
12. Source Code 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.-562
13. c) Sum*3 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.-
14. 1 Sumita Arora
b) extend( ) ( XI ), P.No.-
15. a) phishing 1 Sumita Arora

CLASS –XI/Comp.Sc/ Annual/MS/2022-23 Page 1 of 7

( XI ),P.No.-251
16. b) Passive digital footprint. 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.-80
17. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct 1 Sumita Arora
explanation for A ( XI ),P.No.-209
18. (c) A is True but R is False 1 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.-203
19. i) (10110.11)2 = ( 22.75 )10 1 Sumita Arora
ii) (BAD)16 = ( 5655 )8 1 ( XII ),P.No.-24

20. b) Cuttack#Kolkata#Puri# 1 Sumita Arora

( XI ),P.No.-20
min value of k = 2 Max value of k = 4 1

21.  It pollutes air through the emission of gases and 1 mark for Sumita Arora
fumes in the atmosphere. each ( XI ),P.No.-239
 It pollutes soil when dumped into landfills by correct
seeping harmful chemicals into the soil. point.
 It pollutes water by releasing the particles into the
water of sea, rivers, ponds or lakes.
Hazards associated with excessive use of laptop are:
1 mark for
 Headache and eyes strain. each
 Distraction from studies. correct
 Wastage of time. point.

22. a) True 1+1=2 Sumita Arora

b) True Class - XI
P.No.- 235
23 String ="PYTHON" 0.5 X 4 = Sumita Arora
for i in range(0, len (String)-1) : 2 ( XI ),P.No.-337
if String[i]>="M":
print (String[i],"*" )
print (String[i-1])
24. i) MS. Excel:- Application S/W 0.5 X 4 = Sumita Arora
ii) Windows11 :- ASystem S/W 2 ( XI ),P.No.-12
iii) Python :- Application S/W
iv) Disk Defragmentor :- Utility S/W

import random 0.5

for i in range(6): 0.5
Ran=random.randint(20,80) 0.5

CLASS –XI/Comp.Sc/ Annual/MS/2022-23 Page 2 of 7

if Ran%2 != 0:
print (Ran)
25. xy' + x'z 2 Sumita Arora
( XI ),P.No.-74

26. 3 Sumita Arora

Class - XI
P.No.- 171

Is count
even ?

27. Ramesh 3 Sumita Arora

Finished! ( XI ),P.No.-376

for i in range(5,0,-1):
for j in range(1, i+1):
print(j, end =' ' )

28. str1=input(“Enter string : ”) 3 Sumita Arora

cnt=0 ( XI ),P.No.-67
for ch in str1:
if ch in ‘aeiou’:

CLASS –XI/Comp.Sc/ Annual/MS/2022-23 Page 3 of 7

str1=input(“Enter string : ”)
for i in range(0, int(L/2)):
if str1[i].lower()!=str1[-(L+i)].lower():
print(‘Not a palindrome’)

29. Tp1= eval(input(“Enter Tuple :”)) 3 Sumita Arora

length = len(Tp1) ( XI ),P.No.-421
avg = sum = 0
for i in range(0,length):
sum += Tp1[i]
avg = sum/length
print( “Given Tuole is :”, Tp1)
print(“The average of tuple is:”,avg)

30. dict = { } 3 Sumita Arora

ch =’y’ Class - XI
P.No.- 457
while ch ==’y’ or ch ==’Y’ :
month=input(“Enter name of month”)
days=eval(input(“Enter no. of days of the month”
dict[month] = days
ch=input(“Wants to add more months (Y/N)”)
31. a) dict() OR {} 5 Case Based
b) Register[sname] = mark 1 mark for Question
c) MyRegister = Register.items() each
d) for key , value in MyRegister: correct
e) Register[name] point.

32. break- A break statement is used for unusual 5 Sumita Arora

termination of a loop. As soon as the break statement Class - XI
is executed, the control exits the loop leaving the P.No.- 297
remaining iterations unexecuted.
continue-When the continue statement is executed, the
control returns for the next iteration leaving the
current iteration unexecuted.
largest = 0
second = 0
while True:

CLASS –XI/Comp.Sc/ Annual/MS/2022-23 Page 4 of 7

a = int(input("enter a number (for quit enter 0 (zero)
)= "))
if (a == 0):
else :
if a > largest :
second = largest
largest = a
print(second,"is second biggest number ")
Split()- It will split the string at any occurrence of the
given arguments. It will return a list type containing
the split substring. Sumita Arora
Partition()- It will only split the string at the first Class - XI
occurrence of the given arguments. It will return a P.No.- 346
tuple containing the split substring.
str1= ‘’
str=input(“enter the sentence in lowercase:”)
print(“the sentence after converting first letter of each
word in uppercase:”)
while (a<p):
if(ch== ‘’)
str1=str1+ ‘’+ch1.upper()
33. a. Proprietary software 5 Case Based
b. Copyright violation/ Illegal download
c. Trojan
d. Install an ANTI VIRUS
e. He should download from the original developer
after reading the license agreement

34. a) Record = [ ] or Record = eval(input()) 4 Case Based

b) Record.append(Details) Question
c) Record.pop(Line-1) or del Record[Line-1
d)Record == [ ]

CLASS –XI/Comp.Sc/ Annual/MS/2022-23 Page 5 of 7

len(Record) == 0 :
35. X=eval(input('Enter a list of numbers:')) 4 Sumita Arora
print('The list contains the integers as follows:', X) ( XI ),P.No.-389
for i in range(0,size//2):
if X[i]%2!=0 or X[size-1-i]%2!=0 :
print('After execution the list as follows:')
½ Mark for input
1 Mark for correct loop
1 Mark for correct checking of odd elements in each
1 Mark for swapping the elements
½ mark for displaying final value of list after

CLASS –XI/Comp.Sc/ Annual/MS/2022-23 Page 6 of 7

Annual Exam. Sample Paper SUBJECT :Comp.Sc CLASS : XI
No. units Syllabus ON ON ON ON ON
UNIT-1 10
1 4 3 0 0 0

2 UNIT-2 9 3 4 2 2

3 UNIT-3 5 1 1 0 1
70 1 x 18 = 2x7= 3x5= 4x2= 5x3=
18 14 15 8 15

NO. OF QUESTIONS 18 7 5 2 3

TOTAL NO OF QUESTIONS: 18+7+5+2+5= 35

CLASS –XI/Comp.Sc/ Annual/MS/2022-23 Page 7 of 7

Set No.-

Candidates must write the Set No.

ROLL NO on the title page of the Answer



General Instructions:
The question paper contains no of pages 9.
 15 minutes cooling time has been allotted to read this question paper
only and do not write any answer on the answer book during this
 This question paper contains five sections, Section A to E.
 All questions are compulsory.
 Section A have 18 questions carrying 01 mark each.
 Section B has 07 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02
marks each.
 Section C has 05 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks
 Section D has 03 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks
 Section E has 02 questions carrying 04 marks each
 All programming questions are to be answered using Python
Language only.

Computer Science ( Code – 083)

Class – XI ( Theory)

Maximum Marks: 70 Time Allowed: 3 hours

Q.N. Section - A
This section consists of 18 Questions ( 1-18 ).Each question carries 1 mark.
(1x18 = 18)
1 When ever the computer is started or a software application is launched , the
required program is loaded into __________ for processing .
a) ROM
SAMPLE PAPER /COMP. SC-XI/SET - I/22-23 Page 1 of 6
b) CPU
c) RAM
d) CU
2 A high speed memory is placed in between CPU and primary memory is known
as ___________.
a) ROM
b) RAM
c) Secondary memory
d) Cache Memory
3 Which of the following will occupy more memory space ?
a) 1111( binary number )
b) A2 ( Hexadecimal number system )
c) 12 ( octal number system )
d) None of the above )
4 Octal representation of the following binary number is _________
a) 17.25
b) 17.24
c) 17.26
d) 17.27
5 Write the output of the following code:
L = list(
a) [„c‟,‟o‟]
b) [„c‟,‟o‟,‟m‟]
c) (com)
d) Error
6 Which of the following statement is correct in accessing each element of string ?
a= “Learning”
a= “Learning”
for i in a:

a) a only.
b) b only.
c) both a and b.
d) None of the above .
7 Write the output of the following :
A =( 23, 34 , 65 , 20 , 5 )

SAMPLE PAPER /COMP. SC-XI/SET - I/22-23 Page 2 of 6

print (a[0] +a.index(5))
a) 28
b) 29
c) 27
d) 26
8 What is the output of the following code

print(bool(0), bool(3.14159), bool(-3), bool(1.0+1j))

a) True True False True

b) False True True True
c) True True False True
d) False True False True
9 Which of the following statements create a dictionary ?
a) d = { }
b) d = {“john”:40, “peter”:45}
c) d = {40:”john”, 45:”peter”}
d) All of the mentioned
10 What does the following code print?
if 4 + 5 == 10:



a. Output a b. output b c. output c d. output d

11 True is what type of variable?

SAMPLE PAPER /COMP. SC-XI/SET - I/22-23 Page 3 of 6

a. float
b. string
c. Boolean
d. integer
12 What will be the output of given Python code?

for x in str1:
A. 2
B. 0
C. 4
D. 3

13 Write the output of the following code :

a. #12345
b. #12345#
c. 1#2#3#4#5
d. 1#2#3#4#5#

14 Spamming refers to sending of bulk mails by an identified or unidentified source.

a. True
b. False
c. Error
d. None of these
15 ______ is a program that appears harmless but actually performs malicious
a. Ransomware
b. Spyware
c. Worm
d. Trojan horse
16 The use of internet or other electronic media to harass a person or group of
individuals or an organization is termed as:
a. Cybernet
b. Cyber policing
c. Cyber Stalking
d. Cyber space
SAMPLE PAPER /COMP. SC-XI/SET - I/22-23 Page 4 of 6
Q17 and 18 are ASSERTION AND REASONING based questions. Mark the
correct choice as :
17 Assertion(A): list are enclosed by curly { }
Reason (R): The values are separated by commas ( , )
A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is true but R is false.
D. A is false but R is true
18 Assertion(A): The random module is a built-in module to generate the pseudo-
random variables.
Reason(R): The randrange() function is used to generate a random number
between the specified range in its parameter.
A. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
B. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
C. A is true but R is false.
D. A is false but R is true.

This section consists of 7 Questions ( 19 - 25 ). Each question carries 2
marks. ( 7x 2 = 14)
19 What is the utility of these software?
(a) disk fragmentor (b) backup software
20 What are various categories of software?
Write the full form of the following :
What is the difference between cloud computing and mobile computing ?
22 What is the output display by using the following statement and explain .
print('Bye' == 'BYE')
23 i. (446)8 = ( ) 16
ii. ( 47.5)8 = ( ) 10
24 What will be the output of the following ?
(a) 87 // 5 (b) (87//5.0) = = (87//5)
(c) 87 // 5.0 (d) 17 % 5.0
25 WAP to print the following series –

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(i) 1 4 7 10 . . . . . . . 40
Rewrite the following code fragment using for loop.
i = 100
while i >0 :
print ( i )
Section C has 05 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each. This
section consists of 7 Questions ( 26 - 30 ) (3 x 5 = 15)
What are mutable and immutable types in Python ? List both of them.
27 Find the error in the following code:
(c) x = 23
(b) a =12 4=x
Print temp
print ( a AND b)

Write the Name of some common type of built in exception in python ?
28 WAP that searches for prime numbers from 15 through 25.
29 Write logical expressions corresponding to the following statements in
Python and evaluate the expressions (assuming variables num1, num2, num3,
first, middle, last are already having meaningful values):

a) The sum of 20 and –10 is less than 12.

b) num3 is not more than 24
c) 6.75 is between the values of integers num1 and num2.
30 Identify the data types of the following values given bellow

a : –3 , b: 3j , c: 2+0j ,

d : [1 , 2 , 3 ] , e: ( 3 , 4 , 5 ) f:13.0
What are cookies ? How are they used by websites to track you ?

Section D has 03 long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each.This
section consists of 3 Questions ( 31 - 33 ) (5 x 3 = 15)

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Abhishek uses computer and mobile for his personal use. Study the following
31 cases and answer the questions given below.

(1) Once he got the message in Whatsapp that CBSE is announcing the result of
class XII tomorrow at 12:00 pm. He forwarded the message to his few friends.
But later he came to know that no such announcement was there in CBSE
official web-site.
(2) He is visiting several web-sites.
(3) He is getting abuse messages from an unknown number due to which he is
thinking of quarreling with that person.
(4) He registered himself in one website by giving his email id and phone number
but later his friend told him about the concept of digital footprint. He is now
thinking about canceling the registration so that his personal information can
be deleted from that website.
(5) He uploaded one video in his youtube channel where he used one background
music downloaded from somewhere on Internet
a. In case (1), he is violating :
A. net etiquettes B. Communication etiquettes
C. copy right D. None of the above

b. In case (2) , he is leaving:

A. Active digital footprint B. Passive digital footprint
C. There is no chance of any digital footprint D. None of the above

c. In case (3), the unknown person can be called as:

A. Cyber buller B. Internet troll
C. Hacker D. Cracker
d. In case (4) which one is correct:
A. His data will be deleted forever after cancelling the registration.
B. His data will be deleted after 30 days since it is a digital footprint.
C. His data will never be deleted since it became the digital footprint.
D. As per the terms and condition of that website, data will be deleted.
e. In case (5), he may be violating:

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A. copyright B. Intellectual property right
C. plagiarism D. None of the above
32 WAP to find the average of the list of the numbers entered through keyboard.
WAP to take two numbers and check that the first number is fully divisible
by second number or not.
33 (i ) If a is [1, 2, 3], what is the difference (if any) between a*3 and [a, a, a] ?
(ii) What are list slices?

Based on the following code answer the questions
import ___________________ #1
for K in range(FROM,TO+1):
print (AR[K],end=”#“)
i. What module should be imported To execute the above code #1?
ii. What will be the maximum value of the variables FROM and TO?
iii. What will be the minimum value of the variables FROM and TO?
iv. What possible outputs(s) are expected to be displayed on screen at the
time of execution of the program ?

a. 10#40#70# B. 30#40#50#.
C. 50#60#70# D. 40#50#70#
v. What is the default return type for rand command

Section E has 03 long Answer type questions carrying 04 marks each.This

section consists of 2 Questions ( 34 - 35 ) (2 x 4 = 10)
34 Write a Python program to calculate the amount payable if money has been lent
on simple interest.
Principal or money lent = P, Rate of interest = R% per annum and Time = T
years. Then Simple Interest (SI) = (P x R x T)/ 100.
Amount payable = Principal + SI. P, R and T are given as input to the program.
35 Start with the list[8,9,10]. Do the following using list functions
a) Set the second entry (index 1) to 17
b) Add 4, 5 and 6 to the end of the list.
c) Remove the first entry from the list.
d) Sort the list.
e) Double the list.

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1( 5 (70MAR
MA LA-1( KS)
Marks RKS 4 SA-I( 2 ( 35 NOS)
Sl Allotted )(3 MARK SA- II( 3 MARK VSA( 1
No Chapters in NOS S)(2 MARKS S )(10 MARK)(
. / units Syllabus ) NOS) )(5 NOS) NOS) 18 NOS)

10M 0 0 0 3 4 12
1 UNIT 1

45M 2 2 4 3 9 6
2 UNIT 2

15M 1 0 1 1 5 6
3 UNIT 3

MARKS 70 3 2 5 7 18 35

Subject : Computer Science Class : XI Full Mark : 70 Nos. of Questions :

As per the syllabus the typology of question as follows:
R Remembering 10% of 70 marks : (7 Marks)
U Understanding 30% of 70 marks : (21 Marks)
A Application 30% of 70 marks : (21 Marks)
H Higher Order Thinking 14% of 70 marks : (9.8 =10 Marks)
E Evaluation 16% of 70 marks : (11.2 Marks= 11 Marks


1 of | 1 0
Sl No Chapters / units (R), (U), (A), (H), (E)

1 Unit - 1 R

2 Unit - 1 R

3 Unit - 1 A

4 Unit - 1 R

5 Unit - 2 A

6 Unit - 2 R

7 Unit - 2 R

8 Unit - 2 R

9 Unit - 2 R

10 Unit - 2 A

11 Unit - 3 A

12 Unit - 3 R

13 Unit - 3 R

14 Unit - 3 R
15 Unit - 3 R

16 Unit - 3 A

2 of | 1 0
17 Unit - 3 R

Computational thinking prog R

19 Computational thinking prog R

20 Computational thinking prog R

21 Flow of control A

22 Flow of control R

23 Computer system organisation A

24 Computational thinking prog A

25 Flow of control E

26 List E

27 Flow of control E

28 Flow of control E

29 Flow of control A

30 Computational thinking prog A

31 list A

32 Flow of control E

33 list A

34 Flow of control E

35 list E

3 of | 1 0
1 c Sample paper
2 d Sample paper
3 b Sample paper
4 B Sample paper
5 a Sample paper
6. b Sample paper
7 c Sample paper
8 b Sample paper
9 d Sample paper
10 c Sample paper
11 c Sample paper
12. d Sample paper
13. c Sample paper

4 of | 1 0
14 a Sample paper
15. d Sample paper
16 C Sample paper
17. d Sample paper
18. b. Both A and R are true but R is not the correct Sample paper
explanation of A. modified
19. (a) disk fragmentor: A file is fragmented when it Sample paper
becomes too large for your computer to store in a single modified
location on a disk. When this happens, your computer
splits the file up and stores in pieces. You can use
fragmented files, but it takes your computer longer to
access them.
(b) Backup software: This utility program facilitates
the backing-up of disk. Back-up means duplicating the
disk information so that in case of any damage or data-
loss, this backed-up data may be used.
20. Software are classified into following categories – Sample paper
(i) System Software modified
a. Operating System
b. Language Processor
(ii) Application Software
a. Packages
b. Utilities
c. Customized software
d. Developer Tools


(EPROM) : Erasable Programmable Read Only

Memory (EEPROM) : Electrically Erasable
Programmable Read Only Memory
21. Mobile computing and cloud computing are slightly Sample paper
same in concept. Mobile computing uses the concept of modified
cloud computing . Cloud computing provides users the
data which they required while in mobile computing,
applications run on the remote server and gives user the
5 of | 1 0
access for storage and manage.
22. As Python compares string character to character and when Sample paper
different characters are found then their Unicode value is modified
compared. The character with lower Unicode value is considered
to be smaller. Here, 'y' has Unicode 121 and 'Y' has 89. Therefore,
the output will be 'False'.
23. (a) 126 (b) 39.625 Sample paper
24. (a) 17 (b) True (c) 17.0 (d) 2.0 Sample paper
25. N=int(input(“enter the limit”)) Sample paper
for i in range ( 1, n+1 , 3) modified
print(I , end=‟ „)
for i in range(100 , 0 , -3 ):
print( i )
26. Mutable types means those data types whose values Sample paper
can be changed at the time of execution. modified
They are as follows:
 Lists
 Dictionaries
 Sets
Immutable types are those data types that can never
change their value in place. In Python thefollowing
types are immutable:
 integers
 floating-point numbers
 Booleans
 Strings
 Tuples

27. a. Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Sample paper

b. Name ‗b„ is not defined.
c. can't assign to literal in second line. modified
Some Common built-in Exceptions in Python are:
(i) EOFError
(ii) IOError

(iii) NameError

(iv) IndexError

(v) ImportError

6 of | 1 0
28. for a in range ( 15,25) : Sample paper
k=0 modified
for i in range (2 , a// 2 +1 ) :
if ( a % i = = 0 ) :
k = k +1
if ( k = = 0 ) :
print( a)

29. a) (20 + (-10)) < 12 Sample paper

b) num3 <= 24 or not(num3 > 24) modified
c) (6.75 >= num1) and (6.75 <= num2)
30. a. 3 – int b. 3j – complex 13.0 – float
Sample paper
c. 2+0j , d. [1,2,3] – list
e. (3,4,5) – tuple f. 13.0 - float
cookies are small pieces of information websites
can store in your browser. Cookies can be –
1. First Party Cookies- These are the cookies that
store your own log in id, password, and auto fill
information etc.

2. Third Party Cookies: These are the cookies that

websites store to know about your search history
and web browsing history so as to place
advertisements as per your interests.
31. a. B Sample paper
b. B

c. B

d. C

e. A
32. n=int(input( “enter the limit”)) Sample paper
s=0 modified
for i in range(1,n+1);
print(“enter “, i )
a= int(input(“number”))
s= s+a
a= int(input(“enter 1 number”))
7 of | 1 0
b= int(input(“enter 2nd number”))
if a%b = = 0 :
print(a, “ is fully divisible b “, b)
else :
print(a, “ is not fully divisible b “, b)

33. ( i ) a*3 will produce [1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3], means a list of Sample paper

integers modified

and [a, a, a] will produce [[1,2,3],[1,2,3],[1,2,3]], means

list of lists.
(ii ) List slices are the sub-part of a list extracted
out. You can use indexes of the list elements
tocreate list slices as per following format.
Syntax is as follows –
Seq=ListName [start : stop]

a. random
b. 3,4
c. 1,2
d. 30#40#50#.
e. double

34 P = float(input('Enter the principal: ')) Sample paper

R = float(input('Enter the rate of interest per annum: ')) modified
T = float(input('Enter the time in years: '))
SI = (P * R * T)/100
amount = SI + P
print('Total amount:',amount)

35 (a) list[1]=17 Sample paper

(b) list.append(4)
(c) list.pop(0)

(d) list.sort( )
(e) list=list*2

8 of | 1 0

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