Ten Tools of Design Thinking

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Dec. 117, 2010


T technicaal note profi
files 10 design tools maanagers can use to idenntify and exxecute

Authorised for educator review use only by Nidhi Mathur, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Ghaziabad. Expiry date 11-Nov-2021
nities for grow
wth and innoovation. Theey include thhe followingg:

1. Visualization
V n is about ussing images. It’s not aboout drawing;; it’s about vvisual thinking. It
ushes us bey
yond using words
w or language alonee. It is a wayy of unlockinng a differennt part

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of our brains that allows us to think nonverballyy and that m managers miight not norm mally
2. Journey mapping (or experience
e mapping)
m iss an ethnogrraphic reseaarch methodd that
ocuses on trracing the cu ustomer’s “journey” as he or she innteracts withh an organizzation
w in the process
p of reeceiving a seervice, with special attention to emootional highhs and
ows. Experieence mappin ng is used with
w the objecctive of idenntifying needds that custoomers
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arre often unabble to articullate.

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3. Value
V chain analysis ex xamines how w an organizzation interaccts with valuue chain parrtners
o produce, market,
m and distribute
d new offerings.. Analysis off the value cchain offers ways
o create bettter value forr customers along the chhain and unccovers impoortant clues aabout
partners’ capaabilities and intentions.
4. Mind
M mappiing is used to t represent how ideas oor other item ms are linkedd to a centrall idea
nd to each other.
o Mind maps
m are useed to generatte, visualizee, structure, aand classify ideas
o look for paatterns and in
nsights that provide
p key design criterria.
5. Rapid
R conceept development assists us in gennerating hypotheses aboout potentiall new
usiness oppo
6. Assumption
A testing focu
uses on iden ntifying assuumptions undderlying the attractiveneess of
a new busin ness idea annd using available
a datta to assess the likeliihood that these
asssumptions will
w turn ou ut to be true. These assuumptions aree then testedd through thoought
xperiments, followed by y field expeeriments, whhich subjectt new conceepts to four tests:
value creation
n, execution, scalability, and defensiibility.
7. Prototyping
P techniques allow
a us to make
m abstracct new ideas tangible to ppotential parrtners
nd customerrs. These in
nclude story
yboarding, uuser scenarioos, experience journeys, and

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business concept illustrations—all of which encourage deep involvement by important

stakeholders to provide feedback.
8. Customer co-creation incorporates techniques that allow managers to engage a customer
while in the process of generating and developing new business ideas of mutual interest.
They are among the most value-enhancing, risk-reducing approaches to growth and

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9. Learning launches are designed to test the key underlying value-generating assumptions
of a potential new-growth initiative in the marketplace. In contrast to a full new-product
rollout, a learning launch is a learning experiment conducted quickly and inexpensively
to gather market-driven data.
10. Storytelling is exactly how it sounds: weaving together a story rather than just making a

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series of points. It is a close relative of visualization—another way to make new ideas
feel real and compelling. Visual storytelling is actually the most compelling type of story.
All good presentations—whether analytical or design-oriented—tell a persuasive story.
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Tool #1: Visualization

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What is it?

Visualization refers to any activity that takes information beyond text and numbers and
into images, maps, and stories. Visualizing our ideas makes them look and feel vivid and real to
our audience and us. At its simplest level, visualization is about creating physical images and
pictures and stepping away from our reliance as managers on numbers and text. At a deeper
level, it is about seeing with our mind’s eye: conjuring up mental images, vivid depictions of our
ideas and insights about customers and their experiences, in a way that makes them human and
compelling. Visualization isn’t about only drawing and photographing; it’s also about imagining.

Consider the famous saying “a picture is worth a thousand words.” Images help us grasp
things much more quickly and effectively than words alone. They can capture complex systems
on a single page, convey meaning in an instant, and tap into powerful emotions. Images make
ideas tangible and concrete, and they allow people to share and develop ideas together.
Visualization brings a different part of our brain into play: It’s a different way of knowing.

We have all heard about the differences between the “left brain” and the “right brain.”
The left brain, we’re told, is analytical and logical—it’s the “business” brain. It likes numbers
and language. The right brain contributes much of what makes us human: emotion and intuition.
Visualization is a right-brain tool.

Current brain science tells us that it is not quite that simple, but “right brain/left brain” is
still a useful metaphor. Part of our brain (the right part, according to the metaphor) is an expert at
syntheses, thus tapping into it helps us see connections and make sense of all the data we will
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collect in our exploration process. Recent brain science studies have taken us a step further in
understanding why visualizing ideas and activities is so important by demonstrating the existence
of mirror neurons. Only humans and orangutans are known to have these neurons (hence,
“monkey see, monkey do”), which rehearse the physical steps of an activity we observe without
sending the execute command to our muscles. Therefore, if you are watching someone hitting a
baseball, you are actually practicing your batting swing in your head. You are working all the
neurological connections you need to actually stand up and swing. Consequently, we learn to

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make something real by seeing it. Seeing can be as important as doing.

Visualization approaches need not be complicated or sophisticated. Just working together

to capture images on a board is a way to think together and get different disciplines on the same

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Why we use visualization

Making your work visible reduces project risk substantially (and is especially important
for effective cross-disciplinary collaboration) because words are much more open to
interpretation than pictures. When you explain an idea using words, the rest of us will form our
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own mental pictures, usually informed by our training. When you say, “We need a new growth
platform,” the IT specialist sees servers and code and exchange rules, the marketing guru sees an
advertising campaign, and the manufacturing manager sees new tooling. And we all think, “I’m
sure he means what it means to me, and that sounds good. We’ll sort out the details later.” And,
of course, that’s what kills us: We each go off and do our own thing, based on what your words
meant to us. Later, you may well say, “That’s not what I was talking about!”

If instead you present your idea to us by drawing a picture of it, you reduce the possibility
of unmatched mental models. This is no guarantee that we will all agree with your idea, but now
at least we will know what we are disagreeing about.

When we use it

Visualization is the “mother of all design tools”—the common denominator across all
stages of design thinking. It is a core element of many of the other tools presented in this note,
such as journey mapping, prototyping, co-creation, and storytelling.

How we do it

One of the great things about most of the design tools we’ll discuss (including
visualization) is that they require very modest capital investment: a whiteboard and markers. Flip
charts, Sharpies, and Post-it Notes are also extremely useful. More sophisticated aids, such as
PowerPoint software, digital cameras, and camcorders, can be handy as well. Designers use a
more sophisticated set of software tools, such as Illustrator and Photoshop, but mastering these
isn’t necessary to reap the extraordinary benefits of visual thinking (though a trained designer is
an absolutely invaluable addition to the team!).
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Here are some basics to get you started:

1. Keep it simple. Make your visual representations as simple as possible; basic stick figures
can often do the trick. Use color in a meaningful way. Keep clip art simple and avoid the
clutter of multiple fonts and other fancy effects. Remember: This is not about displaying
your artistic ability; it’s about using your imagination. Rudimentary can be better.
Creating visuals that are too polished can backfire when your goal is to solicit feedback.

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2. Start by breaking your problem down into components. In his bestseller on visual
thinking for managers,1 Dan Roam argues that you need to consider only these
components: who, what, how much, where, when, how, and why?
3. Learn to think in metaphors and analogies. Can you come up with an image for every key

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4. Use photographs. Photographs can be enormously helpful for both capturing data and
communicating to others. Think of a bullet point in a PowerPoint presentation from a
financial services organization that reads, “Our clients have an average of more than five
different accounts.” Now think of a photograph of a man’s wallet stuffed with credit
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cards and another one of his desk littered with bank statements. What is the difference in
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impact between the line of text and the photographs? How can you marry words and
pictures for maximum communication impact?
5. Get comfortable working with personas. Personas are fictional characters that you can
create to exemplify certain customer attributes. They help you visualize your customers.
Because personas make the potentially abstract concept of “customer” very personal and
human, they enhance your ability to build the empathic understanding of customers that
is at the heart of design thinking. In Tool #2, we’ll talk in more detail about building and
using personas. For now, just think of creating a set of characters and then using
photographs and descriptions to bring them to life.

The basic data you are communicating may not change; but the way you communicate those data

Tool #2: Journey Mapping

What is it?

Journey mapping focuses on tracing the customer’s experience as he or she interacts with
a company in the process of receiving its product or service, with special attention to the
emotional highs and lows and the meaning that the experience holds for the customer. This tool

Dan Roam, The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures (New York: Portfolio,
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is part of an ethnographic approach to studying customers in their own environments instead of

encountering them in focus groups or surveying them. Its aim is to identify the customer’s “pain
points” and spark innovations that can reduce these low points and maintain and increase the
high points.

As we create and then analyze the maps, we are looking for touch points, moments of
truth, and pain points within the journey. These hold the key to identifying value-creating

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innovations. And central to these is emotion. Jill Taylor, PhD, a former Harvard Medical School
brain researcher, noted:

Sensory information streams in through our sensory systems and is immediately

processed through our limbic system. By the time a message reaches our cerebral

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cortex for higher thinking, we have already placed a “feeling” upon how we view
that stimulation—is this pain or is this pleasure? Although many of us may think
of ourselves as thinking creatures that feel, biologically we are feeling creatures
that think.2

Operations experts advise managers to “staple yourself to an order” to really understand the flow
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of activities within your firm. We’re suggesting that you go further and “staple yourself to a
customer”—it may change what you believe about the customer’s order.

Why we use journey mapping

The number one reason for the failure of new growth ideas is that we misjudge what
customers really want, so the surest way to de-risk a project is to develop a deeper understanding
of what they want. The reason for mapping customers’ experiences is captured in Harvard
marketing professor Theodore Levitt’s famous observation, “People don’t want to buy a quarter-
inch drill. They want a quarter-inch hole!”3 It’s not about the product we sell; it’s about the value
that we create in customers’ lives. And a deep understanding of the problems and frustrations of
the lives of those you wish to create value for is the most important input to the search for
profitable growth.

The most attractive new business opportunities are not obvious—if they were, there
would be no proprietary advantage in pursuing them. If a customer asks us for a new offering,
chances are that he or she has asked our competitors as well. Therefore, the likelihood that the
new offering would help to differentiate us is very slim. The gold is in the needs the customer
has but is not able to articulate. Journey mapping offers a systematic way to uncover those
hidden needs.

Jill Bolte Taylor, My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey (New York: Viking, 2006), 19.
Clayton M. Christensen et al., “Marketing Malpractice: The Cause and the Cure,” Harvard Business Review,
December 2005, http://hbr.org/2005/12/marketing-malpractice/ar/1 (accessed July 20, 2010).
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Innovation works best when it does not require customers to change their behaviors in
significant ways. In other words, we get innovative so our customers don’t have to. We want to
solve their problems at a minimal inconvenience to them. And, as CEO of design firm IDEO Tim
Brown points out, if we want to build on top of customers’ existing habits, we must first
understand those habits.4

Journey mapping takes us on an empathic journey through our customer’s current

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experience, supported by data gathered through observation and interviewing. In doing so, it
seeks to shift how we understand that experience. It provides a compelling description of unmet
needs and helps us understand the differences among customers and, in the process, identify key
opportunities for improvement. It is never about “proving” that our ideas are worthwhile.
Instead, we employ this tool with the aim of exploration that will yield ideas for future

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When we use it

During the exploration phase of a growth process, as we have noted, journey maps help
generate ideas. During concept development, it can be useful to develop maps based not on the
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actual experiences of customers but on what they would consider ideal. During the later phases
of the growth process, we can create journey maps that act as low-fidelity prototypes of our
proposed new customer experiences.

How we do it

Here is how the process typically works:

1. Select the customer group whose experience you want to understand more fully. Spend
some time investigating the context in which the customer group does the “job” your
offering contributes to. Secondary data sources are often a good place to begin.
2. Lay out your hypothetical view of what the customer’s journey looks like from beginning
to end. Be sure to include all the steps in the journey—not just the ones in which your
firm participates.
3. Identify a small number of customers (generally 12 to 20) who cover the range of
demographic attributes of interest to you.
4. Conduct a few pilot interviews, walking systematically through the customer’s journey,
to be sure that you are accurately capturing the steps and getting the kind of data you
need. This is hard work—harder than you think.

Reena Jana, “IDEO’s Tim Brown on Using Design to Change Behavior,” Harvard Business Review, the
Conversation Blog, March 29, 2010, http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2010/03/design_to_change_behavior_tips.html
(accessed July 20, 2010).
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5. Finalize the research approach and conduct the remaining interviews, focusing on the
emotional highs and lows of the experience. We find it best for two researchers to
interview one subject together. This allows the “questioner” to give the interviewee his or
her full attention, while the second researcher takes notes.
6. Identify the essential moments of truth and other themes from the interviews; this is an
intense phase of sense making that puts the research results into new frames that can be
used for innovation planning. We begin by having interviewers summarize what they

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learned during each interview on a single template. Then we rip a sheet of flip chart down
the middle and write the name of each interview across the top. As a team, we summarize
the key emotional highs and lows as bullets on the flip chart. We array all of these on a
wall, lined up next to each other so that we can begin to look for themes.

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7. Take these themes and identify a number of dimensions that you believe to be useful in
understanding the differences in the data you have gathered.

A more sophisticated version of journey mapping continues the process by creating a set
of personas:
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8. Select the two dimensions that you consider most revealing of their psychographic
characteristics. This will create a 2 × 2 matrix.
9. Position each interviewee into one of the four quadrants of the matrix to form archetypal
“personas.” Describe the archetype as fully as possible, focusing on the demographics
and psychographics that make this archetype unique.
10. Map the journey of each persona. Taken together, these maps should reveal a set of
shared low points. These are the “pain points” that represent the most valuable innovation
opportunities for that customer type and will be our starting point as we move forward.

Journey mapping differs substantially from market research tools such as focus groups
and surveys. Managers trained in those methods are often uncomfortable with the “findings” of
ethnographic data because the number of subjects is much smaller. But a small sample is a
deliberate choice because the data gathering is deep and intense. The process uses observation
and intensive interviews (ideally done in real time, while the customer is in the middle of the
experience, rather than retrospectively) in which the researcher walks the customer through each
element of an experience, using open-ended questions. These questions may be supplemented
with photo diaries or videos.

This tool, like the visualization tool, does not produce either generalizable or statistically
significant results that “prove” anything. Instead, it is an exploratory research tool used in the
early stages of an innovation process to open up creative thinking about the unarticulated needs
of customers, which are often inaccessible using methods with larger sample sizes. Its purpose is
not to produce a set of recommendations for action; rather, it is to produce a set of hypotheses for
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Managers often want to know what “percentage of the market” any given persona
represents. That is the wrong question. Personas are not meant to represent actual target market
segments. They are devices, intended instead to generate deeper insights into the various kinds of
experiences that customers are having and to help generate innovative ideas about how to
improve those experiences. These personas are often psychographic, rather than demographic.
They aim to transcend traditional segmentation categories such as gender, income, and marital

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Tool #3: Value Chain Analysis

What is it?

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Value chain analysis examines how an organization interacts with value chain partners to
produce, market, and distribute its offerings. Analysis of the value chain offers important clues
about our partners’ capabilities and intentions as well as our firm’s vulnerabilities and
opportunities. It is the business-side equivalent of customer journey mapping. Value chain
analysis highlights the “pain points” and opportunities in the organization’s experience as it
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works with upstream and downstream partners to deliver its product or service.

Why we use value chain analysis

Creating value for customers is only part of the equation for achieving business success.
To be sustainable and attractive, new businesses have to create value for the organization
(usually in the form of profits) as well as for customers. That means new businesses have to be
hard for competitors to copy and possible for us to scale; they also need to be something we can
execute with our current capability set (or with the help of interested partners). Ideally, new
businesses leverage the distinct capability our organization has built over time. Analysis of the
value chain often yields important clues about where the attractive places to play are, how to
capture our fair share of the value created by the chain, and how to defend against our
vulnerabilities and the forces of commoditization.

When we use it

Conducting an end-to-end value chain analysis is an important part of the exploration

phase as we seek to understand the current reality of our business model in the search for
profitable growth opportunities.

How we do it

Value chain analysis begins by working backward from value creation for the ultimate
end customer and then adding the capabilities and bargaining power of other key suppliers.
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Draw the value chain for your business. Start by grouping strategic clusters of activities,
working backward from the end point (the final value proposition delivered to end customers),
all the way back to the origin of the chain (the production of the raw materials it starts with).
These clusters, taken together, form the basic architecture of the chain. Each competitor will
have its own “footprint” in the chain, its own configuration of activities in which it participates.
Some firms may participate in only one cluster; others will have a more expansive footprint that
spans multiple clusters of activities.

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Ask yourself the following questions:

 What does the competitive environment look like in each cluster?

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Who are the key players? How many are there?
 What are the core strategic capabilities in each cluster?
 What does each player contribute to creating value?
 What determines how value is captured?
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 Who has the power in the chain? Why?

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 What do you learn from this exercise about power and positioning in the value chain?
 Where do you see possibilities for improving your power and profitability by altering
your footprint in the existing chain?
 Where are you vulnerable to others who might change their footprints in ways that put
you at a disadvantage?

Tool #4: Mind Mapping

What is it?

Mind mapping is the term we use for the process of looking for patterns in the large
quantity of data we collected during exploration. We want to create a common “mind” that links
together all the disparate insights we have developed so we can use them to generate criteria for
the new designs we will create in the next phase. We do this by displaying the data and asking
people to cluster them in ways that allow themes and patterns to emerge.

Mind mapping calls for the kind of creative leap that can be uncomfortable for people
who have been trained analytically. Fortunately, we humans tend to be pretty good at pattern
recognition. Aeons of experience have trained our minds to be good at it—we’ve been trying to
turn our brains into calculators for just a few hundred years. Keep in mind that all these tools are
intended to help us be more creative thinkers, rather than come up with the “right answer.”
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Why we use mind mapping

We come out of the exploration process having gathered a mountain of data. The first
challenge is processing all this information in a systematic way so that we can actually use it to
generate better ideas than we would have otherwise. It would be disheartening indeed, having
collected information for months, for people to ignore it or, worse, use it selectively to justify
their preexisting ideas. The second equally important challenge is aligning the organization

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around the ideas we choose to advance. Not meeting these challenges—not learning from the
data or not agreeing on the most promising ideas the data suggest—is a prime source of waste
and failure in innovation processes.

Mind mapping can help us avoid both pitfalls. With mind mapping, we are trying to

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replace a “business as usual” culture of debate about the one “right” answer with a more design-
oriented focus on exploration and dialogue—while remaining data-driven. In doing so, we hope
to build a common “mind” about current reality, which decreases people’s investments in the
solutions they began the exploration process with. To succeed at this, mind mapping must be a
team sport.
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When we use it

We move into the mind mapping process when we feel like we have collected “enough”
data. This can seem like an arbitrary decision—you will always want more information. But an
important part of design thinking is letting go of the need for certainty. In this instance, it means
accepting that we can never be absolutely certain we have all the data we need to make an
airtight case.

How we do it

1. Create a yard sale. Mind mapping begins with laying out the data we have collected for
everybody to see. This can be a daunting task. Traditionally, managers produce reports
summarizing their learning, which they expect their teams to read and analyze before
they come together to discuss their next moves. That approach may be sufficient for truly
dedicated and diligent teams working together on a continuous basis, but we have found
relying on this kind of intensive advance preparation leaves a lot to chance. Months of
exploration often produces voluminous amounts of information that can overwhelm those
not intimately involved with the project; for this reason careful attention to the
presentation of data is crucial.
Our suggestion is to lay out all the data in a yard sale (or an art gallery, if that image
works better for you). To do this, we are going to tap into the power of visualization
(Tool #1) to communicate the key components of what we have learned and display them
as clearly and simply as possible. Chances are, we already have some customer journey
maps, persona 2 × 2 matrices, and value chains to display. That is where we begin. Then
we usually want to create posters that capture key themes and trends in the data. (Note:
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Copy stores can make a large black-and-white poster from any PowerPoint or Word
document very inexpensively.)
2. Invite the shoppers. Tell a group of thoughtful people—anywhere from 10 to 50—that
you want to borrow their intuition for a day. When they arrive, assign them to designated
seats in small “team” circles. Each person needs a Sharpie and a stack of medium-size
Post-it Notes, some kind of clipboard, and one stack of large (5 × 8 in.) Post-its and one
more stack of medium ones in a different color.

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3. Kick off the event by asking your guests to tour the yard sale (or art gallery). Depending
on their familiarity with the process, you may need to spend some time (but not too
much) moving around the room explaining briefly what each visual describes.
4. Pick out the good stuff. Ask each attendee to “browse” the yard sale or gallery

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individually (without talking to one another) and note (on separate medium-size Post-its)
any learnings that he or she believes should inform new ideas. Each person will probably
accumulate 20 to 30 of these. If any important data are missing from the gallery,
attendees can add their own—but on a different colored Post-it. (Have teams start in
different places around the room and tell everyone to write in large block letters.)
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5. Cluster the good stuff. Have attendees return to their team circles and spend five minutes
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privately sorting through their Post-its and clustering them on their clipboards into the
themes they see. After completing this, teams work as a group to cluster their combined
Post-its into shared patterns and themes on a large foam-core board (4 × 4 ft.). We
suggest the following approach:
a. One individual offers a theme that seems significant and attaches his or her relevant
Post-its to the board. The other team members then add to that cluster their own notes
that are relevant to the theme.
b. A second person offers another theme. The process is repeated as before, with
participants adding to this second cluster their own related Post-its. The group
continues in this way until all major themes have been gathered on the board.
c. At the conclusion, any Post-its that have not been assigned to a theme are posted in
the margins as “outliers.” Pay attention to these; just because a piece of information
doesn’t fit into a cluster doesn’t mean it isn’t important.
6. Identify the insights related to each cluster and look for connections between clusters.
Ask the teams to step back and try to identify what insights arise from each cluster. These
should be written on the large Post-its and posted on top of the relevant cluster. Teams
should then look for relationships between the clusters.
7. Translate insights and connections into design criteria. Pose the question, “Based on what
we have learned, if anything were possible, what attributes would our design have?”
Capture these criteria on a flip chart, one per team.
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8. Create a list of common criteria. Have the teams browse one another’s charts, discuss the
criteria, and work together as a large group to create a “master list” of criteria that an
ideal design would meet.

Tool #5: Rapid Concept Development

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What is it?

Rapid concept development is a tool for using the insights and design criteria we have
generated to develop new business opportunities. When people hear the term “innovation
process,” concept development may be the only thing they think of, and they often equate it with

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brainstorming. But there is a lot more to innovation than the development of new ideas and a lot
more to developing new ideas than brainstorming.

Concept development encompasses three stages. In the first stage, we take the design
criteria, the personas and their pain points, and the value chain insights we have unearthed in our
research and use all of it to generate new ideas—lots of them. In the second stage, we assemble
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the ideas into a manageable number of interesting concepts. Think of it this way: We first lay out
all our Legos (the ideas), and then we use them to build something cool (the concepts). Finally,
in stage three, we elaborate on the business design (incorporating both the customer and value
chain journeys) behind that handful of concepts. The point here is to generate a lot of ideas and
concepts, which means that some of what we produce should push beyond the boundaries of
what is considered practical.

Why should concept development be rapid? Because we don’t want to spend too much
time sitting in a conference room creating and then debating each other’s ideas—or preparing big
PowerPoint presentations about them. We want to generate ideas quickly and get them out to
customers to have a look at them as soon as possible. Speed is key.

Why we use rapid concept development

This one is fairly obvious: You can’t have innovation without new ideas. Real innovation
is about more than just fixing problems; it’s about inventing something new—something that
does not exist today. This is the exciting part of the process in which we move from looking at
current reality and its problems to creating a new future. We do it in teams and groups so that we
can harness the power of our diversity of viewpoints and experiences and tap into our collective

When we use it

You can lock yourself in a room and come up with lots of new ideas at any time. You
don’t need data, or insights, or criteria. But that’s not design thinking—that’s brainstorming (a
process that has typically made innovation synonymous with “winging it” in many people’s
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minds). In the brainstorming model, the modus operandi is often to come up with an interesting
idea or two and then launch them as new products and see if they sell. But in the process we’re
describing, concept development sits in between an exploration stage, in which we work to
develop insights about the people for whom we are trying to create value, and an experimental
stage, in which we create a prototype to start the process of refinement of the idea, enlisting
others to help us improve upon it.

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How we do it

Rapid concept development has both an outside-in and an inside-out component. It starts
with the insights into the customer’s needs (the outside-in part) and the organization’s business
goals and capabilities (the inside-out part) that were generated.

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Here are some principles and steps to guide your approach:

1. Focus on questions instead of answers. Sure, we want solutions, but the only way to get
to creative ones is through a broad set of what we call trigger questions that are aimed
(not surprisingly) at triggering new ideas. It’s easy to run a lackluster C-grade concept
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development process—but hard to get an A. The difference between an A and a C, in our

experience, often comes down to the quality (and sometimes even quantity) of the trigger
Round one trigger questions warm us up. They take the design criteria and insights and
ask, “What could we do to solve that customer’s frustrations (outside-in) or better meet
our business goals (inside-out)?” That is an important start, but it usually gets us to only a
C because we mostly come up with the ideas we already have. What is different in this
process is that, because of our exploration research and the design criteria we have
generated from it, we understand why some of these are better than others and how they
will create better value. But chances are that we have still dredged up a bunch of things
that we have thought of before. We need to get those out of our heads so that we can clear
space to get to the really good stuff—the stuff we haven’t thought of before.
2. Keep pushing deeper. Round two trigger questions help us get into the heads of the
various personas we created with the experience mapping tool. What are they thinking
and feeling? What is making their lives difficult? What are the compromises and
tradeoffs we’ve forced on them that they’d like to escape? Remember your extreme users
as well as lead users here.
3. Question your assumptions. We all have unarticulated assumptions about “how things are
done” in our business. Unexamined and unquestioned, they can be the greatest
impediments to seeing new opportunities. One approach to recognizing these mental
“rules” is to lay out how your business operates today. Your value chain analysis should
help you do this. How do your offerings move physically to the market? How does
information flow? What about how the financials play out? Then challenge yourself to
come up with one alternative scenario for each.
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4. Envision how a negative could become a positive. To probe deeper into foreign territory,
try asking what you would never do. The idea of white comforters on beds must have
seemed insane to some people at Starwood when the hotel company introduced its
“heavenly bed.” But some executives in the company had learned that fluffy and white
said luxurious to their customers, and it turns out that white comforters are easier to clean
(using bleach) than dark comforters. And the people at Uncle Ben’s fretted that the time it
took their rice to cook was a big disadvantage—until they realized that for some home

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cooks, “instant” is a turnoff, and a long prep time means “prepared with care.”
5. Create some alternative scenarios. Another set of trigger questions comes from traditional
scenario-planning approaches. Consider the most significant uncertainties facing your
business in the future. Array these against each other to create a 2 × 2 matrix with four

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different “worlds” or scenarios within it. For each quadrant, describe in as much detail as
possible what living in that world feels like—from both a customer and a business
perspective. What are the frustrations and pain points for customers in the different
scenarios? How would you add value to their lives in each? Where do opportunities—and
vulnerabilities—exist from an organizational perspective? How can you take advantage
of (or defend yourself against) them? What will be the winning innovations (and who will
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be the winning innovators) in each world? Again, keep in mind that, as with the creation
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of our personas, we are not trying to predict the future. We are merely trying to shed the
blinders of our “business as usual” lens and trigger new insights and ideas that we can
subject to rigorous testing later.
6. Pretend to be somebody else. Try to imagine that you are somebody else—in an industry
quite different from your current one. What would Google do to meet the design criteria
we generated? Or Virgin? Or Southwest? Think about the vulnerabilities you dug up in
your value chain analysis. If you were one of your competitors, how would you exploit
these? Knowing your own vulnerabilities, where would you strike? What changes could
your competitors make in the business model that would really hurt your firm?
7. Make it a party—but not too big. The odds of achieving A-level concept development go
up astronomically when we invite people who see the world in a different way into the
conversation. That is why cross-functional teams can be so critical to success. But you
can go further: What about inviting some outsiders into your sessions? Customers,
perhaps? Or, even better, an impartial third party? But try not to let the party get out of
hand. In our experience, several sessions with smaller groups will be more valuable than
a single large session.
8. Make it a competition. Why are so many businesspeople motivated to try harder in a
competition? We don’t know why; we only know that they are. Even small
competitions—such as dividing 10 people into two teams and asking them to compete—
seems enough to get the creative juices flowing more vigorously!

Keep at it. When you think you have exhausted every idea imaginable, challenge yourself
to come up with two more. Go back to the design criteria you created and search for ideas you
haven’t mentioned yet about how to meet them.
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After you have plumbed the depths to come up with A-level ideas, using your design
criteria, it is time to group them into concepts by examining how they relate to each other. To
return to our earlier analogy, this is when we sort through our huge pile of Legos and build
something cool with them. A lot of the power is in the assembly process, in the way you combine
ideas. The fancy term designers use for this is “combinatorial play”: It has to do with picking and
choosing elements that combine to create both compelling customer value and a viable business
model. In this case, the whole is often greater than the sum of the parts. Individually, those Legos

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may not look very exciting—but what a castle they build when you put them together!

9. Make some chili. One of our favorite approaches to putting ideas together into interesting
combinations was taught to us by Jeremy Alexis, a professor at the Institute of Design,
Illinois Institute of Technology. He encourages his students to set up a “chili table”:

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 Think of all the categories of things you can put into chili (meat, beans, vegetables,
spices, etc. (Alexis calls these his “variables.”)
 Now think of all the possible items in each category, such as different kinds of meat
and spices (Alexis calls these his “values.”)

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Now create different combinations of the values to make different kinds of chili. You
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might make vegetarian chili (lots of vegetables, no meat), meat lovers’ chili (every
kind of meat, no vegetables), or Hawaiian chili (ham and pineapple, hold the cayenne
pepper). You get the idea.
10. Stand in the future and “backcast.” Get out of today and envision the tomorrow where
your customers are blissfully loving everything you do. What does that look like? How
did you get there?

Tool #6: Assumption Testing

What is it?

Assumption testing is a tool for bringing to the surface the key assumptions underlying
the attractiveness of a new business concept and using available data to assess the likelihood that
these assumptions are true. This approach acknowledges that any new business concept is
actually a hypothesis—a well-informed guess about what customers desire and what they will
value. And, like any hypothesis, a new business concept is built on some assumptions about what
makes it attractive. The conditions and assumptions the hypothesis rests on must be valid for it to
be “true.” Consequently, testing these assumptions is essential.

The assumptions underlying a new business concept must be clearly articulated before
they can be tested. Then we have only two options for testing them: (1) use new data gathered
from doing a field experiment in the real marketplace or (2) use existing data to conduct an
analytical thought experiment without going into the marketplace. In order to do either, we first
need to surface the assumptions that will be tested and identify the data we need to test those
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assumptions. Then, because marketplace experiments tend to be costly and more visible, we
usually prefer to conduct our first set of tests using data we already have, whenever possible. So
we start the testing process with thought experiments before moving onto real experiments in the

Why we use assumption testing

All growth projects fail because reality turns out to be different from what we thought it

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would be. Perhaps customers don’t want a new offering, our firm can’t execute it, partners don’t
like it, or competitors copy it quickly. Launching new concepts to see if they sell is a risky and
potentially expensive approach that we want to avoid for all but the most attractive concepts. We
minimize risk and expenditure by market testing only those concepts that pass this first set of

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thought tests.

When we use it

Assumption testing is useful at multiple stages in the innovation process. It is a valuable

exercise to undertake even before you go into the field to do ethnography. Uncovering our own
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assumptions about customers and their preferences makes us more alert as observers—and more
cognizant of our biases. Further along in the process we usually have more interesting concepts
to try out than we have resources available, so the opportunity to conduct thought experiments
lets us take a first pass at prioritizing. Even given abundant resources, we don’t want to market
test anything we don’t have to.

Assumption testing should be done as soon as possible—but always carefully and with
the caveat that existing data are often a poor predictor of the future. As Tim Brown has warned,
many a good innovation is prematurely killed off by the lack of a “business case.” Ideas that go
on to be “needle movers” often do not look that promising at the start. We have no doubt that
somewhere in the archives of Compaq (wherever those sit these days) there is an elegant
PowerPoint deck arguing decisively that Dell’s crazy new idea of direct-to-customer delivery of
customized PCs will never amount to more than a small part of the market. “Big” ideas often
look that way only in hindsight.

How we do it

The goal in assumption testing is to wade through all the uncertainties associated with a
new business concept and drill down to the core assumptions on which it depends. The steps in
assumption testing are as follows:

1. Lay out the generic business tests that your new concept must “pass” in order to move
forward. At this stage, our goal is to see what it will take for our new idea to become an
attractive, viable business so we can use a set of tests that apply to just about any new
business in any industry:
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 The value test: Customers will buy it—at a price that works.
 The execution test: You can create and deliver it—at a cost that works.
 The scale test: If you pass the value and execution tests, eventually (the sooner the
better) you can build a level of volume that makes it worthwhile.
 The defensibility test: After you do all the work involved in the first three steps,
competitors can’t easily copy you.

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It’s pretty simple—think doable, valuable, scalable, and defensible. Those are the core
issues involved in identifying and testing the attractiveness of any new business concept.
2. Lay out the specific business tests your new concept must “pass” in order to move

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forward. The second set of tests relates to your firm and your particular situation. What
are the important strategic goals you are trying to accomplish with this new concept?
What assumptions are you making about how and why this concept accomplishes those
goals? Refer back to the first two project-management aids we generated in the
innovation process—the design brief and design criteria. The design brief should remind
you of the strategic organizational goals you aspired to as you began the innovation
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journey. The design criteria will contain the imperatives that the business concept must
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meet based on your customer ethnography and value chain assessments.

3. Make sure that your assumptions relating to each individual test (value, execution,
defensibility, and scalability) are as explicit as you can make them. Remember that these
key assumptions revolve around a set of educated guesses you’ve made about the
 Customers: Why will this concept create superior value for customers beyond
existing options? How much will they be willing to pay? And are there enough of
them to constitute a market of sufficient size?
 Your own organization: How will the organization create and deliver the promised
value, and what current capabilities will it leverage? You must also identify which
critical capabilities are missing and whom you will partner with to obtain these.
 Competitors: Which competitors are you likely to affect and how will they react?
This would include assumptions about whether and why they are capable of copying
the concept quickly and how else they might interfere with your ability to succeed.
4. Determine which assumptions are most critical to the potential attractiveness of your new
concept. If you have been thorough, you have probably generated far more assumptions
than you can feasibly test. Can you highlight the handful of assumptions that make or
break your new idea? Timing is also important to consider. Generally, the two tests that
matter most in the early stages of the innovation process are the value and execution tests.
Most new concepts fail the value test rather than the execution test. That is where we
suggest you focus your initial firepower. Scaling and defensibility come later, as we
know more about the offering.
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5. Identify the data that allows you to conclusively test key assumptions. Having narrowed
the assumptions down to a manageable number, you now begin to move from surfacing
assumptions to testing them. It is crucial here to think through what the data look like that
either would confirm or disprove your hypotheses about the attractiveness of the new
concept. This turns out to be a surprisingly difficult task for many managers. Given that
managers are obsessed with data, you would think this would be a piece of cake. But
most managers have been taught how to take the information they have and work with it.
Here, we are identifying the information we need and then figuring out how to get it. This

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takes practice and patience—and a team with differing perspectives. This is where those
“designated doubters” come in handy. They are adept at looking for flaws in logic,
whereas leaders of innovation tend to be hopeless optimists. You need both qualities to
find and execute growth. You must figure out how to get the doubters on your team to

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share their concerns in a productive way.
6. Sort the data you need into one of the following three categories: what you know, what
you don’t know and can’t know, and what you don’t know but could.
Let’s look at each category in turn:
 What you know: These are the facts you already have in your possession related to
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each assumption. Beware of beliefs masquerading as facts. Don’t confuse the two.
The doubters will help you with this by highlighting the areas where your personal
(and sometimes optimistic) interpretations may be blinding you to realities that you
should acknowledge.
 What you don’t know and can’t know: This is the stuff we can’t know without a
crystal ball. It is the land of true uncertainty—the land of the unknowable. As we
have already noted, it is hazardous to use data about the past (or even the present) to
predict the future. In these cases, you have to make that future happen and observe
the results. You can’t get good data in this category until you move into the
marketplace and try. Thought experiments here can do more harm than good. This is
the reason that Tool #9, the learning launch, exists—to teach you how to conduct
inexpensive, low-risk tests in the real world.
 What you don’t know but could: Here is where you hit pay dirt for the creation of
thought experiments. In any situation, there is a lot of stuff that is knowable, but we
haven’t taken the time to go and get the data to know it yet. Generally, this can be an
expensive proposition, and we don’t want to chase data that we don’t need. That is
why it is so critical to be hypothesis-driven in your approach—identifying only the
really important data and then spending the effort to go get them. This is why
strategy-consulting firms flourish—this is what they do.
7. For the third category (what you don’t know but could), identify what it would take to get
the data quickly. This is where the fun begins. We are going to have to construct some
data, which means not relying on what our internal accounting systems or industry trade
group (or whomever) decides to give us.
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8. Design your thought experiment, paying special attention to the data that could prove you
wrong. How many times are we going to repeat this, you ask? No matter how much we
do, it will never be enough. Because this is your Achilles’ heel (and every other
manager’s as well). There is nothing more powerful you can do to reduce growth risk
than simply paying close attention to signals that indicate you may have gotten your
assumptions wrong. The more explicit you can be in advance about what those signals
would look like, the better the chance they will make it past your denial mechanisms and

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throw up a caution flag.

Tool #7: Rapid Prototyping

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What is it?

Prototyping is the creation of visual (and sometimes experiential) manifestations of

concepts. It is an iterative set of activities aimed at transforming the concepts generated in the
“what if?” stage into feasible, testable models. It’s the next step in continuing the assumption
testing we started as part of our thought experiments, but now we’re going live. In prototyping,
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we give our concepts detail, form, and nuance—we bring them to life. Larry Keeley, an
innovation strategist at Doblin, describes prototyping as “faking a new business fast.”

We all understand the prototyping of new products, but prototyping concepts and
business models can be hard to envision. Prototypes of these usually take the form of
storyboards, user scenarios, experience journeys, and business concept illustrations.

Prototypes differ in their degrees of polish. Two-dimensional prototypes, created early in

the innovation process, are often crude and unfinished in appearance, and they are supposed to
be that way, looking like “works in progress.” They are called “gestural” prototypes by designers
and may consist of nothing more than a few sketches on a napkin. Three-dimensional prototypes
are more developed. They are “built out” (in design language) working models that contain more
features and details.

Why we use rapid prototyping

Prototyping is all about minimizing the “I” in ROI. The cost of a simple 2-D prototype
could be as low as a pen and some paper. Such minimization of costs allows you to do a lot more
testing of different variations of concepts, bringing more of what designers call “optionality” into
the design process. You can afford to do lots of 2-D prototypes—and to prototype individual
parts of a concept as well as the whole thing.

By making abstract new ideas tangible to potential partners and customers, you can better
facilitate meaningful conversation and feedback about them. The purpose of prototyping is to
create something quickly that can then be tested with users, refined, and socialized with a
broader organizational audience.
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This is a volume game: You’ve got to be up at bat lots of times to get a hit. A client of
ours developed 340 ideas during concept development. These were reduced to 23 napkin
concepts to show potential customers and further reduced to five 3-D prototypes that moved into
piloting in the marketplace.

When we use it

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We prototype to learn rather than to “test” a theoretically finished offering. We want the
process to be simple and fast so that we can “make mistakes faster,” identifying areas that can be
improved while agreeing on areas that are working effectively. Sooner is better than later
(haven’t we said that before?). A strong prototyping orientation can identify and correct potential
problems and will ensure a smoother implementation. As architect Frank Lloyd Wright noted,

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“An architect’s most useful tools are an eraser at the drafting board and a wrecking ball at the
site.”5 Clearly, we prefer the eraser to the wrecking ball.

How we do it

Architects create blueprints and models; product designers build physical prototypes in
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addition to those things. Business concept prototypes generally take visual and narrative forms:
images and stories. They can even include role-playing and skits. Today’s computing power has
allowed a whole new set of prototyping approaches, including video games and simulations.

Regardless of the form prototypes take, they share some principles:

1. Figure out the story that you want to tell. Start out simply. Visualize the concept in
pictures, using as few words as possible. Add complexity, appropriately, as you go.
2. Visualize multiple options. Create some choices to be made by the partners you will
share these with. Draw them in by involving them in making choices about how the idea
will work.
3. Use an affordable loss calculation. What amount can you afford to lose to learn
something your competitors don’t know (even if you don’t move forward with the idea)?
In other words, how much is learning worth?
4. Show; don’t tell. Make the prototype feel real through imagery and artifacts. Work on
bringing the concept to life for the observer. Focus on capturing details of how the
concept will work and how people will experience it. Use stories, maps, images, and
short videos to spark conversation with the observer.
5. Keep in mind the questions/assumptions that you are testing.

Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation, “Quotes,” http://www.cmgww.com/historic/flw/quotes.html (accessed July
20, 2010).
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6. Play with your prototype; don’t defend it. Let others validate it—not the people who
created it.

Tool #8: Customer Co-Creation

What is it?

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Customer co-creation engages a potential customer as a partner in the development of
new business ideas. Using the prototypes described in Tool #7, customers explore alternative
futures and actively shape win-win propositions. We want to put some small experiments in front
of potential customers, get their quick reactions, and iterate our way to an improved offering.

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Designers refer to this kind of approach as “participatory design.”

Co-creation is not the same as customization. It is not about adding features that
customers ask for; it is about understanding one customer’s needs in a way that leads, eventually,
to the creation of an offering that will appeal to many customers.
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Why we use customer co-creation

Customer co-creation is among the most value-enhancing, risk-reducing approaches to

growth and innovation that we have discovered. It gives managers an alternative to waiting for
the “ROI Fairy” or going for the Field of Dreams approach.

In the ROI Fairy model, we develop rigorous financial models that assess market size,
adoption rates, and product margins—all for an offering that doesn’t exist yet. We sprinkle our
analytical pixie dust over an imaginary business, and its performance numbers magically
materialize. The alternative that fares best is the winner. Very often, the winner of these ROI
contests is the concept for which the assumptions are the least specious. That means we tend to
pick concepts that are close to what already is, and not close enough to what if. The results are
tepid customer experiences that represent only an incremental change from the status quo. This is
a sure-fire recipe for a project that does not move the needle with customers.

The Field of Dreams approach is so named because of a line from the eponymous 1989
film: “If you build it, [they] will come.” So, the idea is that we have the courage to formally roll
out one concept as a real business—whether it was vetted by the ROI Fairy or simply anointed
by the senior executive closest to the project—and see if customers respond. Yet anytime we
introduce a new and unfamiliar concept, we can expect to get it mostly wrong. That is why co-
creation, using low-cost, low-fidelity prototypes, is so essential to reducing the risks and
improving the speed of successful innovation. Co-creation methods take a week or two and cost
four figures or less, whereas formal new-product rollouts require months and cost six figures or
more. For this reason, we view co-creation as one of the most significant ways to de-risk a
growth project.
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If we want our innovations to have meaning for our customers, and to be worth investing
in both financially and psychologically, we need to invite them into our process. This creates
energy and passion for managers as well as those they serve. If you want to be truly customer-
centric, customer co-creation is not merely an option, but a required stage any time funds are
allocated to a growth project.

When we use it

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The sooner the better! In our Six Sigma world, which values perfection and polish, we
tend to get anxious about showing customers unfinished, unpolished “stuff.” Get over it.
Innovation is about the learning, and customers have the most to teach us. The sooner we get
something in front of them that they can react to, the faster we will get to a differentiated value-

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added solution.

How we do it

There is no rocket science to effective customer co-creation—just a few simple

principles. These have to do with picking the right customers to invite to our playgroup, giving
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them something worth playing with, and listening attentively to their feedback:

1. Enroll customers who care about you (but not as much as they care about themselves):
We need customers who are hungry for a solution and motivated to be completely candid.
2. Enroll a diverse group of customers: There is a temptation to choose only target
customers for co-creation, but remember, this is not selling. You may be surprised to
learn that non-target customers are just as keen for a concept. And the objections they
raise might lead us to a solution that benefits everyone.
3. Engage one customer at a time. This may seem inefficient, but remember that we are not
going for a statistically significant sample size. You will learn so much more when there
is no social pressure on the research subject—when they are alone with you and not
influenced by others in the room expressing their opinions at the same time.
4. Provide visual stimulus: If you want people to walk with you into a possible future, you
need to help them see it. But it shouldn’t be anything fancy at this stage—quick sketches
or posters are all you need. We want to keep the visual fidelity low in the early iterations
to reinforce your willingness to modify the solution based on their input. Make your
prototype too polished and they may feel that the right answer is “Looks great!”
Leaving parts of the concept incomplete is a great way to elicit the customer’s creativity
and competence. Even if you know how your firm will want to fill in the blank spaces, it
can be illuminating to see what customers come up with.
Digital environments (e.g., Communispace) offer great opportunities for virtual co-
creation. In fact, the potential of social networking for co-creation has only begun to be
tapped. You can learn from target customers you may never even meet!
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5. Offer a small menu of choices: Presenting a single concept, well considered, defies the
purpose of co-creation. Typically, you want to give customers two or three options and
invite them to begin exploring one they are drawn to. Maybe they can move on to a
second one, if time allows. Simply learning that your favorite concept is not the one
customers choose first can be important.
Be sure to include choices you think people will not select. The best firms test concepts
they know are too extreme or too tame, just to locate their customers’ novelty threshold.

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6. Provide a simple, visual way for customers to express their choices: Methods such as
card sorting can be great ways to empower a customer’s design preferences. Another way
to elicit their choices is by leaving empty speech bubbles over a character in a storyboard.
7. Leave time for discussion: In co-creation, the discussion is more important than the actual

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choices customers make. Often, we film the research subjects’ faces so we can note when
they make a choice they don’t really believe in. You can identify these areas of
dissonance through asking clarifying questions as well as observing facial expressions.
Answer questions with questions (within reason). If the research subject says, “How
would private information be handled?” the best response is, “How would you
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recommend it be handled?”
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8. Provide timely feedback: Customers don’t care if the visualization is low-fidelity or if the
idea is embryonic and half-baked, but they do want to know you used their input to refine
it. So let them know what you did with their input.

Tool # 9: Learning Launches

What is it?

Learning launches are experiments conducted in the marketplace quickly and

inexpensively. In contrast to a full new-product rollout, a learning launch’s success is not about
how much you sell but how much you learn. The goal of the launch is to test the critical
assumptions about why this is an attractive business idea.

So why call it a launch instead of an experiment? Because it is meant to feel real to both
launchers and customers. Only then can it yield reliable data. And the managers who run
learning launches don’t like to think of themselves as conducting experiments—they want to
start a successful new business! But there is a fine line between having the passion to shepherd a
nascent business through the obstacles organizations throw in its path and ignoring important
data about its weaknesses. Professors at Stanford University Institute of Design advise aspiring
designers to “treat your prototypes like they are right and your assumptions like they are wrong.”
We like that advice. A learning launch tries to find the fine line between the two approaches—
and walk it.
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Why we use learning launches

Learning launches are designed to test the key underlying assumptions of a potential new
growth concept. As we have discussed before, using historical data to predict how an offering
will actually perform in the marketplace has some severe limitations. Using data from the past to
predict the future is hazardous work. After a point, we actually increase our risk by focusing on
analysis instead of experimentation. Our investment—both financial and emotional—becomes

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more and more, making it likely that we will “fall in love” with our new concept and screen out
the data that tell us about our beloved’s flaws. “Marry in haste, repent at leisure” applies to
business too.

Therefore, we need to be fully aware of the reality of what our bets are based on. This

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requires taking the assumptions identified during assumption testing and figuring out what data
we will need to really test them—and where we’ll get those data.

Don’t underestimate how hard it is see bad news. “What? Bad news finds me,” you say.
In fact, it doesn’t, and your own brain is complicit in this cover-up. Scientists tell us that our
ever-solicitous brain does not like to see us upset, and so it plays tricks on us. It tries to screen
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out the bad news at an unconscious level (this is all going in the limbic area rather than in our
“thinking” cerebral cortex), so we never actually see it. And the more anxious we are, the more
screening it does. That is why people who are made uncomfortable by the uncertainty and
ambiguity of managing growth and innovation really do have a higher chance of failure. They do
not heed, or even see, the signs warning them of dangers on the path they’re on.

But calm down—that’s what the tools we’ve shared with you are for: to reduce the
uncertainty and risk by minimizing the investment and maximizing the chances that your
customers will want what you’re offering.

When we use it

Learning launches are an extension of the co-creation process, but at this stage, we are
asking customers to put their money where their mouths are. We have already translated our
concept into a low-fidelity prototype and shown it customers. We have listened to their advice
and reworked the prototype (maybe multiple times). But asking customers what they think,
however useful for developing a new concept, is really a weak form of testing it. We know that
focus groups, for instance, are notoriously likely to green-light products that customers later
refuse to buy—even those who were in the focus groups and said they would buy.

People who say they will buy remain only potential customers. And at some point,
counterintuitive as this may sound, potential customers are a bad thing. They can lead us down a
primrose path of investing in things they seem to care about, only to watch them walk away—
leaving us holding an expensive gizmo we built especially for them. The only true test of the
value of an idea for customers is their willingness to part with cold hard cash (or something else
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that they really care about) in exchange for it, and the sooner we find out if they will do that, the

How we do it

Designing the launch itself is straightforward. First, you need a working prototype in
hand—to move from 2-D to 3-D. Then, follow some basic principles:

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1. Construct the right team. Like the rest of the innovation activities we have talked about in
this note, a learning launch is a team sport. The composition of the team makes a
difference. Yes, you want the passionate supporters of growth and innovation on the
squad; however, having a few skeptics around will ensure that you are not designing a

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test to give you the answer you want. Someone with a financial perspective is valuable—
and project management skills are essential. As straightforward as it sounds, this whole
experimental approach can be devilishly difficult to grasp for managers schooled in
traditional ways. A coach/facilitator, familiar with the methodology, can be very
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2. Identify the critical assumptions and the data you need to test them. In Tool #6, we
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conducted thought experiments; now we’re going to go out and get some data from the
real world to do a more accurate test. Pinpoint as precisely as possible the kind of data
you need. Be sure to dig deep and get beyond the easy and obvious questions. What are
the specific behavioral metrics that you want to pay attention to? Behavioral metrics—not
financial ones—are core to the learning launch process. Information such as revenues can
signal if a concept is attractive to customers—but revenues can’t tell why or how to make
it better. Only behavioral data can do that.
3. Identify how you will generate those data. This usually involves identifying who you will
work with as part of the launch. The best partners are ones you trust, whose capabilities
complement yours, and whose strategic intent aligns with yours. You will also need to
estimate your affordable loss: How much are you willing to spend to learn?
4. Be explicit about the search for disconfirming data. These data disprove your hypotheses.
As we have said, they are the most valuable to find and the easiest to miss. To enhance
your ability to detect this kind of information, you will want to explicitly lay out in
advance—for each assumption—what it would look like. What new facts would cause
you to alter your assumptions? What are your exit criteria?
Colin Powell once said, “An old rule that I’ve used with my intelligence officers over the
years, whether in the military, or now, in the State Department, goes like this: Tell me
what you know. Tell me what you don’t know. And then, based on what you really know
and what you really don’t know, tell me what you think is most likely to happen.”6

“Statement of Secretary of State Colin Powell on Intelligence Reform,” Opening Remarks before the Senate
Governmental Affairs Committee, Washington, DC, September 13, 2004.
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5. Work out timelines and required resources. You will need a capable team, an expense
budget, a calendar for deliverables, and some clear go/no-go markers. Carrying out a
learning launch requires the same kind of project management discipline that you bring to
technical projects.
6. Identify the internal initiatives and activities the launch requires. What are the issues,
barriers, or conflicts that need to be resolved? Who will be responsible for resolving
them? What does someone have to stop doing to make this work? Or what does someone

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have to start doing, such as coordinating or communicating better?
7. Lay out your on-ramp strategy. Your on-ramp is the path that leads your customer to
awareness and then trial of your new business concept. Thinking of it as marketing’s job
is a mistake. If only we had a dollar for every manager we heard say, “The customers

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who use it love it!” we’d be rich. That means that too many potential customers never
made it to the on-ramp to awareness, understanding, consideration, tryout, purchase, use,
habitual use, and then advocacy. A few years back, the New York Lottery had the slogan
“You’ve got to be in it to win it!” The same is true for growth strategies. The on-ramp is
one of the most crucial elements of successful innovation.
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8. Work in fast feedback cycles. Test for key tradeoffs and assumptions as soon as possible.
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One simple protocol we advocate is the 100-day pilot—the project must create a working
experience for at least one live paying customer within 100 days. If you are thinking that
the only thing your organization is capable of doing in 100 days is form a committee and
create a lot of PowerPoint slides, join the club. But you can’t play the game that way and
expect to win at the kind of innovation we are talking about. This is about placing small
bets fast.
9. Minimize the cost of conducting your experiments. Right now, we are all about
minimizing the “I” in ROI, not going for the big “R.” We are assessing a set of
underlying assumptions as cheaply and as quickly as we can; we are not trying to size a
10. Think “table,” not “kill.” Chances are, if an idea is good enough to get to the learning
launch stage, its problems may be temporary. Times change and so do needs.

Tool #10: Storytelling

What is it?

Storytelling is just what you think it is—the weaving together of ideas and bits of
information rather than the laying out of a discrete series of points. It is a close relative of
visualization—another way to make new ideas feel real and compelling. Visual storytelling is the
most compelling type, which is one reason why TV, with its mass visual storytelling, has
changed the world. And, like visualization, storytelling is something managers already do. All
good presentations—whether analytical or design-oriented—tell a persuasive story.
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Why we use storytelling

Like images, stories allow us to access emotions and emphasize experiences. They add
the richness of context and allow us to “sell” a problem as well as its solution. Stories build
identification and empathy with their characters and help managers to develop a personal
investment in their welfare. With any luck, they keep their audience awake.

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When we use it

Stories are everywhere in the design process. They are critical to helping us explore
customers’ deeper needs when we start out, develop ideas about how to meet those needs as we
develop concepts, solicit feedback about our prototypes as we iterate our way to a better solution,

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and convince others of the value of our solutions when we feel good about having reached one.

How we do it

Good stories follow a predictable pattern. Here are the basic principles:
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1. Identify your audience. Is this the Brothers Grimm for a reluctant bedtime audience? Or
the latest bodice ripper for someone looking to spice up his or her fantasy life?
2. Create a storyboard. You first have to figure out what the story is that you want to tell.
Would anybody in Hollywood set out to make a movie without a detailed storyboard?
(Wait—don’t answer that.)
Storyboarding is critical. It allows us to pay careful attention to flow and logic, to ensure
that we are keeping our audience with us at every step of the way and avoid losing them
by taking a leap that we see but they do not.
3. Set the scene. Sell the problem. Why should anybody care about it? Pull the listener into
your world.
4. Introduce your cast of characters. Make them and their problems feel real to your
audience. Your personas should be ready to do this job for you.
5. Work the plot. All good stories unfold with some drama and tension. Maybe some
surprises develop. Here is where you think about how to combine data and pictures to
drive home your points.
6. The climax comes. Unveil your resolution to the problem. Make it compelling. And don’t
forget the use of metaphors and analogies to bring your story to life!

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