PSPE Interaction SS

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PSPE – Interactions Scope and Sequence

Learners interact, play and engage with Learners recognize the value of Learners understand that group work Learners understand that they can
others, sharing ideas, 1
cooperating and Phase
interacting, playing and 2learning with can be enhanced Phase 3 the
through Phasesatisfaction
experience intrinsic 4 and
communicating feelings in others. They understand that development of a plan of action and personal growth from interactions with
developmentally appropriate ways. They participation in a group can require through identifying and utilizing the others in formal and informal contexts.
Overall expectations

are aware that their behaviour affects them to assume different roles and strengths of individual group members. They understand the need for
others and identify when their actions responsibilities and they show a Learners reflect on the perspectives developing and nurturing relationships
have had an impact. Learners interact willingness to cooperate. They nurture and ideas of others. They understand with others and are able to apply
with, and demonstrate care for, local relationships with others, sharing that healthy relationships are strategies independently to resolve
environments. ideas, celebrating successes and supported by the development and conflict as it arises. They recognize that
offering and seeking support as demonstration of constructive attitudes people have an interdependent
needed. Learners understand that towards other people and the relationship with the environment and
responsible citizenship involves environment. other living things and take action to
conservation and preservation of the restore and repair when harm has
environment. been done.

 Interacting with others can be fun.  Participation in a group can require  A plan of action is a necessary  An effective group can
 Group experiences depend on group members to take on strategy for a group to achieve accomplish more than a set of
cooperation of group different roles and responsibilities. its goal. individuals.
members.  There are norms of behaviour that  An effective group capitalizes on  An individual can experience
 Ideas and feelings can be guide the interactions within the strengths of its individual both intrinsic satisfaction and
communicated with others in different groups, and people members. personal growth from
a variety of modes. adapt to these norms.  Healthy relationships are interactions.
Conceptual understandings

 Our relationships with others  Accepting others into a group supported by the development and  Individuals can extend and
contribute to our well‐being builds open‐mindedness. demonstration of constructive challenge their current
(for example, parent:child;  Relationships require nurturing. attitudes such as respect, empathy understanding by engaging with the
teacher:student; friend:friend).  Our actions towards others and compassion. ideas and perspectives of others.
 Our behaviour affects others. influence their actions towards  Behaviour can be modified by  People are interdependent with,
 Caring for local environments us. applying deliberate and have a custodial responsibility
fosters appreciation.  Responsible citizenship involves strategies. towards, the environment in which
conservation and preservation of  Communities and societies they live.
the local environment. have their own norms, rules  People have a responsibility to
and regulations. repair and restore relationships and
 Communities and their citizens environments where harm has
have a collective responsibility to taken place.
care for local and global
Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Learning Learners enjoy interacting, playing Learners value interacting, playing Learners recognize that committing Learners reflect critically on the
outcomes and engaging with others and learning with others to shared goals in group situations effectiveness of the group during and
improves individual and shared at the end of the process
Learners take turns Learners discuss and set goals for experiences and outcomes
group interactions Learners build on previous
Learners listen respectfully to others Learners identify individual experiences to improve group
Learners cooperate with others strengths that can contribute to performance
Learners share their own relevant shared goals
ideas and feelings in an appropriate Learners ask questions and Learners independently use different
manner express wonderings Learners develop a shared plan of strategies to resolve conflict
action for group work that incorporates
Learners ask questions Learners recognize the different each individual’s experiences and Learners work towards a consensus,
group roles and responsibilities strengths understanding the need to
Learners celebrate the negotiate and compromise
accomplishments of others Learners assume responsibility for a Learners adopt a variety of roles for the
role in a group needs of the group, for example, Learners take action to support
Learners reach out for help when it leader, presenter reparation in relationships and in the
is needed for themselves or others Learners celebrate the environment when harm has been
accomplishment of the group Learners discuss ideas and ask done.
Learners identify when their questions to clarify meaning
actions have impacted on others Learners share ideas clearly
and confidently Learners reflect on the perspectives
Learners talk about their and ideas of others
interactions with the environment. Learners seek adult support in
situations of conflict Learners apply different strategies
when attempting to resolve conflict
Learners reflect on the process
of achievement and value the Learners reflect on shared
achievements of others and collaborative
Learners understand the impact of
their actions on each other and the

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