Harvest Cicty
Harvest Cicty
Harvest Cicty
Table of Content:
Overview 2
Analysis Report for Harvest City Project: 5
Summary: 5
Constraints and Opportunities: 5
Decision-Making Processes: 5
Scalability, Cost, and Time: 5
Documentation and Tracking 6
Recommendation 6
Recommendation for Decision-Making Process 6
Recommendation for Scalability, Cost, and Time 7
Importance of Documenting and Tracking Procedure 7
References 7
In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:
You are working for the IT department of Garnet Gardens Hotels, a small hotel chain in the mid-west
region of the United States. Because of a recent boom in business coming to the area, hotel
management is looking to become a competitive player in the region’s hospitality industry. Stakeholders
are hoping to target a professional clientele and the effort to increase revenue. However, the
actualization of such a plan would mean careful thought and consideration of guest amenities.
Your manager has approached you about a system upgrade that would focus on meeting the needs of
this increased traffic. The hotel’s targeted guest audience is business travelers who need high-speed
access, technological support, and flexible on-demand services, as well as a comfortable place to stay.
The chief information officer (CIO) of the company has asked your department to analyze the case study
for the intelligent procurement system project of Harvest City, linked in the Supporting Materials
section, as a comparative means to ensure due diligence for the stakeholders of this project. Your
analysis report will serve to benchmark and identify known unknowns that could potentially impact
project success. Stakeholders want to avoid the mistakes of the Harvest City convention complex. Your
analysis report will provide useful information to stakeholders regarding the pros of the system.
You have been asked to analyze the case study, “Harvest City: The Intelligent Procurement System
Project,” and create an analysis report to present to the stakeholders. Using these directions, and based
on the results of your analysis, you will prepare a concise summary and recommendations.
Here are some points to consider as you analyze the case study:
Factors (constraints and opportunities) that impacted the overall system development in the
case study. Consider:
o Strategy
o Communication
o Planning
o Governance
Stakeholder needs that impacted the initial design of the system. Consider:
o Scalability
o Cost
o Time
Potential risks of the project
Formal decision-making of the organizational parameters of the project design
Tracking and documentation. Consider:
o Procedures
o Changes
o Issues
Describe the organizational strategy you would propose and how it would be used to avoid the
negative results of the Harvest City project.
Recommend decision–making decision rulemaking old use to facilitate effective system
implementation. (Graphical representations are often useful supplements use in describing use
decision processes.)
Recommend the measures you would take to meet the needs of the stakeholders, while still
considering the scalability, cost, and time requirements.
Explain the importance of documenting and tracking procedures, changes, and issues that arise
during system implementation and how recording this information can reduce the impact of
known risks.
What to Submit:
Analysis Report:
You will create a 3- to 5-page analysis report about the intelligent procurement system project of
Harvest City, including a summary and recommendations to present to the stakeholders. It is beneficial
to get into the practice of creating reports that are high quality, organized, and ready to present to
project stakeholders so, while not required, you may want to copy and paste the content below and use
it as a table of contents for your analysis report .
Analysis Report:
1. Summary:
1.1 Constraints and Opportunities
1.2 Decision-Making Processes
1. 3 Scalability, Cost, and Time
1. 4 Documentation and Tracking
2. Recommendations:
2.1 Proposed Organizational Strategy
2.2 Recommendations for Decision Making Process
2.3 Recommendations for Scalability, Cost, and Time
2.4 Importance of Documenting and Tracking Procedures
Analysis Report for Harvest City Project:
Constraints and Opportunities:
Constraints are the limiting factors that affect the deliverability of a project, while opportunities are
actions that have a positive impact on the project. The Harvest town executives saw a chance to contour
all the intelligent systems within the advanced rather than having completely different systems for
various tenants, which can have created the customer’s expertise effortful to use numerous systems
across the advanced. However, Harvest town executives failed to think {about contemplate| and take into
account} what the tenants wanted; they failed to consult the tenants about their necessities (Applegate
& Montealegre, 2018), serving to Venso perceive the precise wants of specific tenants and the way
they'd implement the various wants of the assorted tenants. The constraints affected and slowed down
the implementation of the system, making the project last longer and cost more than it was projected to
Decision-Making Processes:
The stakeholders made decisions that they thought were the best for them without consulting all the
parties involved. The stakeholders did not ask the tenants if they needed an intelligent system or their
requirements and what they needed for their spaces (Applegate & Montealegre, 2018). The tenants
were not consulted on whether they preferred to install their smart system or were comfortable letting
the complex install the intelligent systems for the tenants. The stakeholders made decisions without
consulting other shareholders for their opinion. Not consulting tenants on their project requirements
caused the project scope and requirements to change from time to time. According to On Cloud, the
company that audited the intelligent system blamed the system’s complexity on the changing needs of
the various tenants (Applegate & Montealegre, 2018). The decisions made delayed the implementation
of the system design because of different tenants’ changing needs and requirements. The stakeholders
made decisions without consulting and informing the shareholders of any changes made.
Documentation and Tracking:
Lack of adequate documentation and tracking affected the result of the project affecting the launching
time for the whole Harvest City project. The stakeholders did not document and track the effects would
be when the vendors of the intelligent building management systems tapped into Venso’s sensor
system. The stakeholders did not document the change informing Venso of the shift, enabling Venso to
check if there would be any effect. This affected the conference that was planned weeks before the
launch, where Venso’s sensors misbehaved and sounded the alarm, opened the sprinklers, and signaled
the emergency services there was an emergency when there was no fire (Applegate & Montealegre,
2018). If the changes had been documented, Venso would have had the opportunity to assess the risks
of another vendor tapping into the sensory system and avoiding the damage that happened.
Proposed Organizational Strategy An organization strategy is essential in a project to make it a success
to avoid going over the budget and using more time than required. An effective organizational strategy
will help align the team on the project’s requirements and help them understand their roles and the
mission and vision of the project (Kerzner, 2019). An effective corporate strategy will help avoid
changing the project scope and conditions, constantly delaying the project, and going beyond the
budget (Kerzner, 2019). Using project management software is essential to track the progress and know
who is responsible for the project. Project management software enables the team to track progress in
real time, and allows effective project collaboration and effective task allocation (Kerzner, 2019).
Creating a project plan and schedule will help the team understand the project’s specifics and the
budget and time frame of the project. Defining priorities is essential to ensure the team does not spend
time on less critical tasks that may affect the time and budget of the project. Effective communication
ensures that all the needs are understood and that the developers do what the client expects. This
would avoid making changes in the middle of the project, which is costly for both parties.
make the design and implementation of the project begin or stall (Alaidaros & Omar, 2017). Risk
assessment is essential for identifying any risk users may encounter when using a system, avoiding the
extra costs of solving a risk when the system is already in use.
Alaidaros, H., & Omar, M. (2017). Software project management approaches for monitoring work-in-
progress: A review. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12(15), 3851- 3857.
Applegate, L., & Montealegre, R. (2018, April 25). Harvest City: The Intelligent Procurement System
Project. Harvard Business School.
Beach, L. R., & Lipshitz, R. (2017). Why classical decision theory is an inappropriate standard for
evaluating and aiding most human decision-making. In Decision making in aviation (pp. 85-102).
Behutiye, W., Seppänen, P., Rodríguez, P., & Oivo, M. (2020). Documentation of quality requirements in
agile software development. In Proceedings of the Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering
(pp. 250-259).
Kerzner, H. (2019). Using the project management maturity model: strategic planning for project
management. John Wiley & Sons.