Frequency Optimization of A Loosely Coupled Underwater Wireless Power Transfer System Considering Eddy Current Loss
Frequency Optimization of A Loosely Coupled Underwater Wireless Power Transfer System Considering Eddy Current Loss
Frequency Optimization of A Loosely Coupled Underwater Wireless Power Transfer System Considering Eddy Current Loss
5, MAY 2019
Abstract—Wireless power transfer (WPT) has attracted source and the load [1]–[4], which is suitable for battery charg-
much attention in recent years. In an underwater WPT sys- ing of underwater electrical equipment [5]–[10] without a com-
tem, the eddy current loss tends to be non-negligible as the plex and costly sealing structure. Feezor et al. [8] developed a
frequency or the coil current increases. Thus, it is crucial to
analyze the eddy current loss in an underwater WPT system. wireless charging system, which could transfer 200 W of power
The analytical model of the eddy current loss of a coreless and signals for autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). Since
WPT system in the seawater is established with Maxwell’s then, McGinnis et al. [9] proposed a WPT system for AUVs
equations. The expressions of the electric field intensity and to transfer 240-W power with 70% dc–dc efficiency. Li et al.
the eddy current loss are derived. The eddy current loss is [10] studied the effects of gaps between the transmitter and
analyzed in different circumstances to illustrate the impacts
of related factors. For a WPT system in the air, there is an op- the receiver and designed a 400-W system with 90% efficiency
timum resonant frequency, for a higher frequency leads to across a 2-mm gap. Shi et al. [11] introduced a hull-compatible
a larger induced voltage, but will result in larger coil losses coaxial coil structure and evaluated the characteristics of the
simultaneously. However, the optimum resonant frequency semiconductor loss, the copper loss, and the core loss using
will be shifted because of the eddy current loss in the sea- a circuit model and the finite element analysis. Orekan et al.
water. Then, the optimum operating frequency is obtained
based on the analytical model. It is found that the optimum [12] proposed a maximum power efficiency tracking method
operating frequency is supposed to be larger than the reso- to estimate the real-time coupling coefficient in an underwater
nant frequency to achieve the maximum dc–dc efficiency in WPT system, which can effectively track the maximum effi-
the seawater. An underwater WPT prototype was built and ciency of over 85%. Fang et al. [13] developed an underwater
the experimental results verified the theoretical analysis. WPT system, containing two couplers and a closed cable, which
Index Terms—Wireless power transfer (WPT), eddy cur- can transfer power and data to the underwater sensors. He et al.
rent loss, resonant frequency, analytical model, underwater. [14] presented a three-dimensional omnidirectional underwater
WPT system, the transmitter coil of which is made up of three
I. INTRODUCTION mutually orthogonal loops. The simulation results showed the
IRELESS power transfer (WPT) technology has a num- output power and the transmission efficiency can be improved
W ber of advantages compared to the traditional power
delivery due to its nonphysical connection between the power
greatly by adjusting the phase differences among the three loops
compared to the conventional system.
In the seawater environment, the eddy current loss generated
in the seawater must be taken into account, which will also af-
Manuscript received January 18, 2018; revised April 19, 2018 and May
22, 2018; accepted June 17, 2018. Date of publication July 9, 2018; date fect the transmission efficiency of the WPT system. Cheng et
of current version December 28, 2018. This work was supported in part al. [15] proposed an underwater WPT system based on a semi-
by the Natural Science Basic Research Program of Shaanxi Province closed core structure. The power loss was studied comparatively
under Grant 2018JM5033 and in part by the China Scholarship Council.
(Corresponding author: Chunting Chris Mi.) in the air, freshwater, and seawater. It is shown that the core loss
Z. Yan is with the School of Marine Science and Technology, North- and copper loss in these three media were essentially the same.
western Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China, and also with the The significant difference occurs in the eddy current loss. Itoh
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, San Diego State
University, San Diego, CA 92182 USA (e-mail: [email protected]). et al. [16] designed a WPT system for the swimming robot fish,
Y. Zhang, T. Kan, F. Lu, and C. C. Mi are with the Department which showed the eddy current loss had a sharp rise due to the
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, San Diego State Univer- increasing frequency. Yan et al. [17] proposed an arc electro-
sity, San Diego, CA 92182 USA (e-mail: [email protected];
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]). magnetic coupler. The eddy current loss and the transmission
K. Zhang and B. Song are with the School of Marine Science and efficiency are analyzed by the finite element method. Zhou et al.
Technology, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China [18] proposed a single-turn model of a circular coil with a ferrite
(e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]).
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available core to calculate the eddy current loss of the underwater WPT
online at system. Then, the transmission efficiency is analyzed. However,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2018.2851947
0278-0046 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
the imaginary inner boundary surface: z = 0, which means the where λ ∈ (0, +∞), an intermediate
√ variable, will be eliminated
boundary conditions on both sides of the surface are known. in the later derivation; u = λ2 − k 2 ; C1i and C2i are the unde-
Then, the study area is divided into two regions by the inner termined coefficients. J1 (x) is the first-order Bessel function of
boundary surface to calculate the electromagnetic field. Thus, the first species. By substituting (15) into (13) and (14), C1i and
there are no external excitation currents in the study area, which C2i can be determined. Then, the electric field intensity caused
merely distribute on the inner boundary surface. by the ii-turn can be obtained
The surface current density on an arbitrary point Q(ρ,ϕ,0) of
the inner boundary surface is E 1ϕt,ii = − j ω μI21 a i i 0 uλ · J1 (λaii )J1 (λρ) eu z dλeϕ , z < 0
∞ .
K (ρ, ϕ, 0) = I1 δ (ρ − a) eϕ (7) E 2ϕt,ii = − j ω μI21 a i i 0 uλ · J1 (λaii )J1 (λρ) e−u z dλeϕ , z > 0
where ρ denotes the radius, a represents the radius of the coil, Assume that the turn numbers of the transmitter and the re-
and eϕ is the circumferential unit vector. ceiver are the same, namely N1 = N2 = N . The electric field
Assume that the medium is linear, homogeneous and intensity of an arbitrary point (ρ, z) in the study area E 2t , which
isotropic, then the electromagnetic field is expressed based on is caused by the N-turn transmitter coil, is obtained based on the
Maxwell’s equations. For convenience, the dot on the complex principle of superposition
vector is omitted
∂D ∂B E 2t = E 2ϕt,ii . (17)
∇×H =J + = J + jωD, ∇ × E = − = −jωB
∂t ∂t ii=1
The same procedure can be easily adopted to obtain the elec-
∇ · B = 0, ∇ · D = 0 (9) tric field intensity caused by the receiver current, which can be
expressed as
B = μH, J = σE, D = εE (10)
j ω μI 2 a j j ∞ λ
⎪ E 1ϕr,j j = − 0 u J1 (λaj j ) J1 (λρ) e
−u (z −d)
dλeϕ ,
where H and B denote the magnetic field intensity and the ⎪
⎪ 2
magnetic flux density, respectively. E and J are the electric ⎪
⎪ z >d
field intensity and the conduction current density, respectively. ⎪
⎨ j ω μI 2 a j j ∞ λ u (z −d)
E 2ϕr,j j = − 2 0 u J1 (λaj j ) J1 (λρ) e dλeϕ ,
D is the electric displacement vector. Eliminating H gives the ⎪
⎪ z<d
following constraint equation: ⎪
⎧ 2 ⎪
⎪ ∇ E i + ki2 E i = 0 ⎩E 2r = E 2ϕr,j j
⎨ j j =1
∇ · Ei = 0 . (11) (18)
⎪ where d is the gap between the transmitter and the receiver. E 2r
i = 1, 2 is the electric field intensity of an arbitrary point (ρ, z) in the
Due to the cylindrical symmetry, the electric field intensity study area, which is caused by N-turn receiver coil.
E i merely has the circumferential component, namely E i =
Eiϕ eϕ . In the cylindrical coordinate system B. Unilateral Eddy Current Loss
The permeability of the air and the seawater are almost the
∂ 2 Eiϕ 1 ∂Eiϕ ∂ 2 Eiϕ 1
+ + + ki − 2 Eiϕ = 0, i = 1, 2
same, while there is a significant difference in the electrical con-
∂ρ2 ρ ∂ρ ∂z 2 ρ
(12) ductivity. The alternating electromagnetic field, generated by the
where E i denotes the electric field intensity in each area, and high-frequency alternating currents in the coils, will eventually
the space wave number is defined as k 2 = −jωμ(σ + jωε), give rise to the eddy current loss. In the underwater WPT sys-
wherein, μ, σ, and ε denote the permeability, the electrical con- tems, the eddy current loss should be all dimensional. However,
ductivity, and the permittivity of the medium, respectively. The the transmitter is in the base station and the receiver is in the
boundary conditions and the infinity conditions are vehicle, such as an AUV. The vicinity below the transmitter
and above the receiver is indeed full of air. In the previous
E2ϕ − E1ϕ = 0, z = 0 simulations and experiments, we made a comparison of plac-
(13) ing the seawater between the transmitter and the receiver and
1 ∂ E2ϕ 1 ∂ E1ϕ
μ r ∂ z − μ r ∂ z = jωμ0 I1 δ(ρ − a), z = 0 putting the seawater all dimensional. The results show that the
limz →−∞ E1ϕ = 0 total losses of these two cases are almost the same, which indi-
(14) cates most of the eddy current loss exists in the space between
limz →+∞ E2ϕ = 0 the transmitter and the receiver in the practical applications.
where μr is the relative permeability and μ0 is the permeability Therefore, this paper only considers the eddy current loss in the
of the vacuum. Based on the separation of variables [20], the seawater between the transmitter and the receiver. The eddy cur-
general solution of (12) can be expressed as rent loss caused by the transmitter is calculated as (19), shown
∞ at the bottom of the next page. V is the study domain. h_sea
and r_sea denote the seawater height and the seawater radius,
Eiϕ (ρ, z) = J1 (λρ) C1i eu i z + C2i e−u i z dλ (15)
0 respectively.
C. Bilateral Eddy Current Loss and the gap between the transmitter and the receiver, which can
be expressed as (23), shown at the bottom of this page.
In an underwater WPT system, the electric field E 2 is the
When the system dimension is fixed, m is a constant. Then,
vector sum of the electric field E 2t and E 2r in the direction
the ratio of the eddy current loss and the output power can be
of eϕ , caused by the transmitter current I1 and the receiver
obtained as
current I2 , respectively. I1 equals I2 in the system. There is a
phase difference θ between the transmitter current I1 and the mω0
receiver current I2 , which is approximately the same as the Peddy /Pout = . (24)
phase difference of E 2t and E 2r [21]. Thus, the eddy current
loss, which can be calculated as (20), shown at the bottom of It can be seen that the ratio is proportional to the resonant
this page, is generated by the synthesized electric field intensity frequency, and is independent of the coil currents. Therefore, for
E2 . a constant power output, it is practical to decrease the resonant
frequency to reduce the proportion that the eddy current loss
IV. FREQUENCY OPTIMIZATION occupies the output power. However, decreasing the coil currents
makes no difference to this ratio. For a WPT system in the air,
The eddy current loss has a significant rise as the resonant
there is an optimum resonant frequency, a higher frequency leads
frequency and coil currents increase [21]. Therefore, it is nec-
to a larger induced voltage, but will result in larger coil losses
essary to choose a lower resonant frequency or a smaller coil
simultaneously. However, the optimum resonant frequency will
current for underwater WPT systems. While in some underwa-
be shifted to a smaller value in the seawater than that in the air
ter applications, the coreless WPT system is preferred for its
to restrain the ratio of the eddy current loss.
low weight and elimination of magnetic losses. Moreover, in or-
der to make the system compact, the resonant frequency should
be relatively high [22]. With the same coil currents, the higher B. Operating Frequency
frequency leads to a larger induced voltage, thus a larger output
As shown in the previous section, the eddy current loss is
power and higher efficiency can be achieved. Therefore, there
generated by the synthesized electric field intensity E 2 , which
is an optimum frequency in the underwater WPT system.
is the vector sum of the electric field intensity E 2t and E 2r in
the direction of eϕ , caused by the transmitter and the receiver
A. Resonant Frequency
currents, respectively. Therefore, changing the phase difference
At the resonant state, the output power of a WPT system can θ between the transmitter current I1 and the receiver current I2
be approximately calculated as by frequency tuning to the optimum resonant point, will result
Pout = ω0 M I1 I2 = ω0 M I 22 (21) in a variation of the phase difference between E 2t and E 2r .
In Fig. 1(b), by applying Kirchhoff’s law in the receiver side,
where I1 = I2 is settled in the system. The mutual inductance we have
M is a constant value as the system setup is fixed. Based on the
aforementioned derivation, the eddy current loss in the seawater U2 − R2 I2 = jX2 I2 + jωM I1 (25)
can be expressed as
Peddy = mω02 I22 (22) where ω denotes the operating angular frequency, X2 is the
reactance of the receiver, i.e.,
where m is a coefficient, relative to the permeability and the
electrical conductivity of the seawater, the dimension of the 1
seawater region, the radii of the transmitter and the receiver, X2 = ωL2 − . (26)
N 2
σμ2 ω 2 I12 2π ∞ λ
r sea h sea
Peddy1 = σ|E 2t | dV =2
· aii J1 (λaii ) J1 (λρ) e−u z dλ dϕdρdz (19)
V 4 0 0 0 u
ii=1 0
σμ2 ω 2 I22 2π r sea h sea ∞ λ
Peddy = 2
σ|E 2 | dV = 2
σ|E 2t + E 2r | dV = · aii J1 (λaii ) J1 (λρ) e−u z dλ
V V 4 0 0 0 0 u
N ∞
+e jθ
· aj j J1 (λaj j ) J1 (λρ) eu (z −d)
dλ dϕdρdz (20)
j j =1 0
2π r sea h sea
∞ N ∞
σμ 2 N λ λ
m= · a J (λa ) J (λρ) e−u z
· a J (λa ) J (λρ) eu (z −d)
dλ dϕdρdz.
4 ii 1 ii 1 jj 1 jj 1
0 0 0 ii=1 0 u j j =1 0
be calculated as
X2 I2 ωL2 − ω C1 2 1 ω2
cos(π − θ) = = = 1 − 02 . (28)
ωM I1 ωkL2 k ω
1 ω0
θ = arccos −1 . (29)
k ω2
As for ω < ω0 , the same equation can be obtained.
As shown in Fig. 5, the phase difference between I1 and I2 is
approximately proportional to the normalized operating angular
Fig. 5. Phase difference varying with normalized operating angular frequency, which means the phase difference between E 2t and
E 2r increases as the operating frequency rises around the reso-
nant frequency. Based on the Cosine Theorem, the synthesized
electric field intensity E 2 decreases, thus the eddy current loss
will decrease. Therefore, the optimum operating frequency is
supposed to be larger than the resonant frequency to restrain the
eddy current loss in the seawater.
Fig. 10. Eddy current loss caused by the transmitter and the receiver.
Fig. 11. Ratio of the eddy current loss and the output power. (a) With
resonant frequency. (b) With coil current.
Fig. 13. Eddy current loss with operating frequency. (a) f0 =
215.5 kHz. (b) f0 = 504.5 kHz.
seawater is 215.5 kHz, smaller than that in the air of 248.4 kHz
due to the eddy current loss in the seawater.
With frequency tuning, the output power is fixed at 200 W
and two cases are studied. Case 1: f0 = 215.5 kHz; Case 2:
f0 = 504.5 kHz. The eddy current losses of these two cases
varying with the operating frequency are shown in Fig. 13. It is
interesting that the eddy current loss significantly decreases with
the increasing operating frequency in both cases. It is because
the phase difference between I1 and I2 becomes larger with the
increasing operating frequency. It demonstrates the theoretical
analysis in Section IV.
Fig. 14 shows the system efficiency with the increasing op-
erating frequency in both cases. It can be seen that the system
Fig. 12. System efficiency varying with the resonant frequency. efficiency in the air peaks when the operating frequency equals
the resonant frequency. While in the seawater, the optimum op-
erating frequency should be larger than the resonant frequency
In practical applications, it is necessary to satisfy the power to achieve the maximum dc–dc efficiency. This is because the
requirement. By regulating the output power to be 200 W and electric fields caused by I1 and I2 counteract with each other
I1 = I2 , the dc–dc efficiency varying with the resonant fre- versus an increasing operating frequency at the vicinity of the
quency is plotted in Fig. 12. It indicates that the system effi- resonant frequency, leading to a decreased eddy current loss,
ciency peaks at a certain resonant frequency in the air and the as analyzed in Section IV-B. The phenomenon is not that sig-
seawater, respectively. The optimum resonant frequency in the nificant because of the limited seawater region between the
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Zhengchao Yan (S’18) received the B.S. degree Kehan Zhang was born in Shaanxi, China, in
in mechanical design, manufacturing, and au- 1971. He received the Ph.D. degree from Xi’an
tomation from Northwestern Polytechnical Uni- Jiaotong University, Xi’an, China, in 2000.
versity, Xi’an, China, in 2013, where he is cur- He is currently an Associate Professor and
rently working toward the Ph.D. degree in elec- Master Instructor with Northwestern Polytechni-
trical engineering. cal University. His research interests focus on
In 2017, he received funding from the China DSP-based brushless dc motor control system
Scholarship Council and became a joint Ph.D. and wireless power transfer.
student with the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, San Diego State Univer-
sity, San Diego, CA, USA. His research interests
focus on wireless power transfer, including electromagnetic field calcu-
lation, coil design, and compensation topologies.
Baowei Song received the B.S. degree in me-
chanical engineering from Northwestern Poly-
technical University, Xi’an, China, in 1986 and
Yiming Zhang (S’13–M’16) received the B.S. the Ph.D. degree in mechatronic engineering
and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from from Northwestern Polytechnical University in
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2011 and 1999.
2016, respectively. He is currently a Professor and the Vice-
He is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher President of Northwestern Polytechnical Univer-
with San Diego State University, San Diego, sity. His research interests include general tech-
CA, USA. His research interests include wire- nical research of underwater vehicles.
less power transfer for electric vehicles and mo-
bile phones, and resonant converters.