Somorrah in Soulrest

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Ganza Gaming
By Christopher Robin Negelein

Requires the Cypher System Rulebook from Monte Cook Games.

Distributed through the Cypher System CreatorTM at DriveThruRPG.
Compatible with the Gods of the Fall campaign setting
Somorrah in soulrest

By Christopher Robin Negelein

Somorrah in the Afterworld is a waystation in most Gods of the Fall campaigns. It’s a place of relative safety,
a nexus of the different regions of the afterworld where the population is at least indifferent if not welcoming
to new demigods.
And poets - unless they happen to be Zathamus writing more slander about the city from his desk in
Corsco - often wax eloquent about the city being the yin and yang of the world since it sits on the Line of
Night .
But in Soulrest, Somorrah is a twisted reflection. It is still one of divides, though, as the Glow’s
demarcation determines the presence of free will instead of just sunshine.
It is also a place that holds dangers that threaten both the cities of the dead and the living. It will take
brave souls - some with divine power - in order to keep the afterworld safe.

Editor: Tracy M. Bovee

Cover Artist: Joyce Maureira
Interior Art: Aaron Lee, Jeff Brown, and Tan Ho Sim

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All other original material in this work is copyright 2017 by Ganza Gaming and published under the Community Content Agreement for
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Gods of the Fall


By Christopher Robin Negelein

The warriors sat around the blue glow of a campfire that gave off no heat and only
dimly lit their pallid faces.
Even though they gathered there more out of habit than for warmth, Thebis still
reached out for a stick, and feeling its rough bark only faintly used it to stoke the
flames higher. He turned around to look into dark city streets beyond the edge of the
The Glow, page 6 Glow. “There hasn’t been any movement out there for days. They’ve either settled in
or moved out.” He noticed one of walls they had torn down to maintain clear sight
. lines was slowly growing back in the dim, eternal twilight.
Gravis nodded her head. “Bet? I say settled.”
“Moved,” Januls said as he sat up.
Thebis tossed the stick into the fire. “Hmmmmm. Settled.”
Brutus snorted. “You’re all pessimists.” He peered into those same shadows. “But
aye, I’d have to say settled.”
Everyone chuckled.
“Well, that’s three to one odds - good for you, Januls, if you’re right, bad if you’re
wrong,” Gravis said. “So set the bet, then?”
Januls nodded. “One.”
The others nodded, remembering the times they’d been in his sandals and didn’t
begrudge him the small amount.
Januls pulled out a square copper coin.
Brutus pulled out a sword-shaped piece with a glyph etched on the side. As for
Gravis, the bit was hexagonal with a star burst punched out of the middle. Thebis’
silver moon crescent looked plain in comparison.
In better times by warmer campfires, the coins would have been all different sorts of
denominations. The hex coin by itself would have been priceless to the right collector.
But here, all were equal to just “one.” The soldiers themselves each had different
uniforms, and while in warmer days they had different ranks they also now considered
themselves among equals. Each doing a job to cover a debt they could never repay.
Satisfied the bet was properly arranged, the soldiers sat back down in unison. There
was no rush since none felt exhaustion or hunger anymore. There was simply a silence
broken only by the subdued crackling of the cool fire.
“Do you remember how flowers smelled?” Thebis mused. “The one I remember
most was the last one I saw, a bright blue spring bell. Right there in front of my face as
I lay dying on the battlefield. One puff of breeze and all that stink of death was gone. It
was a final, clean breath before I woke up here.”
“I don’t remember the smell of one flower,” Brutus said. “I only remember how they
all smelled in my wife’s hair.” His eyes closed for a moment, thinking of those smells
and colors clashing in her dark hair. He couldn’t believe there was a time when he
complained about such things.
His eyes snapped open as a spear burst out of his chest.
Brutus looked down at the wound. “Damn!” Then he was yanked off his feet,
backward, towards the darkness.
Gravis leapt for Brutus. “Intruder!”
Januls dived as well while Thebis pulled up his shield and spear. He sprinted parallel
to Brutus’ trajectory, fixing his gaze on the enemy.
The seven-foot tall creature looked like a cross between an armored bull and a man.
A grinning human face sat within the rakshasa’s mouth. The spirit was pulling a chain
attached to the spear in Brutus’ chest - and chuckling the whole time.
Thebis saw how close Brutus was to crossing over the Glow’s boundary and into
the darkness.

Somorrah in soulrest

No, no, no. Thebis thought. He glanced down at Brutus. Their gaze met and Thebis
saw the mix of Brutus’ emotions, pain, controlled panic and determination. Brutus’
heels dug up earth to no avail.
Their two friends, Gravis and Januls, were always a few inches too short no matter
how fast they scrambled after Brutus’ dragged body. There was only a few feet of the
Glow left.
“Stop dancing, you two, and catch me!” Brutus said. He kept flailing around for a
handhold somewhere, but the monster had chosen its angle of attack well.
The warriors kept yelling the alarm in faint hopes that another patrol would nearby,
but no one returned the alarm.
Thebis threw his spear. It flew true, right into a chain link, and stopped it - for a moment.
The monster gave a hard yank and the spear immediately shifted and tilted towards
her. The chain slid up the haft in spastic jumps.
But it was enough to allow Januls and Gravis to grab Brutus’s feet. Thebis came to a
sliding stop just past the struggling trio, and seized the chain to pull back and add his
strength to the tug of war.
I’m not losing another soul to these monsters, Thebis thought. It was then he noticed
his left foot had slid beyond the Glow’s edge and into darkness. In that moment,
another rakshasa slid out from behind a shadow and met Thebis’ gaze. Everything
slowed down; the world became a gray morass.
Be a dear, help me kill your friends. The fiend’s thoughts, like grating glass, ground
though his skull and scoured out his free will. All Thebis could do was follow the voice.
He spun on his left foot so his whole body now stood in the dark and he now he
pulled his former comrades closer to his new masters.
His friends looked like smeared shadows to him, their voices deep, indecipherable
Then the voice sandblasted through Thebis’ mind again. No, stop! Forget your
friends! Attack the real enemy, over there.
Thebis turned to see what the commanding voice was talking about. In the distance,
four glowing figures were marching towards him. Even through his mental miasma,
they stood out.
Each had a nimbus that seemed to focus their dim silhouettes into sharp images.
A small part of Thebis heard the call of their charisma and power as he took in the
symbols glowing above their heads. Despite himself, Thebis’ dominated body rushed
to foolishly charge the strangers.
That small part sighed. You are too late, godlings, he thought. Too late for me.

Gods of the Fall


FREE WILL OR SLAVERY magic - are repairing themselves, accreting

All Souls, GotF, page 88 The All Souls, controlled by Shanndra physicality like live sea coral.
. the Soul Savior, is one of the most unique Out of fear of the ultimate punishment -
Shanndra, GotF, page 88 artifacts both in Soulrest and in the banishment from the Glow - every free soul
Afterworld. Here in the land of the dead, does some token service or task for the
it infuses Shanndra’s area of control with cause. And Shanndra realizes the irony if
a diffused light as if there was a true sun she tried to truly enforce her will upon those
hanging above. Called the Glow by some, its souls she has just enabled to make their
light is feared by most of the Lords of Hell, own choices.
because none of them have to yet figure And indeed, there are quite a few newly
out how to counter an artifact which can freed souls who think their freedom is better
bequeath free will back to lost souls that spent in others pursuits once any immediate
were so easily controled before. danger has passed.
Many of these souls, once awakened by
the All Souls, can’t remember what their HALF A CITY IN LIGHT
previous centuries of death were like; for Half of Somorrah sits in the glowing magic
Soul, Free Will, GotF, most, it was one long dark blur. Often the of the All Souls, giving free will to the souls
page 88 blur comes with an intense hatred for the that find refuge there. The Glow cuts the city
Queen of The Rakshasa. diagonal with a curving line that goes from
More often than not these freed souls will southwest to northeast.
immediately fight their former masters to The following locations detail where the
ensure their freedom and then join up with free-willed souls wander and try to find new
Shanndra to defend the borders of the Glow meaning in Soulrest.
from any spies or invasions.
The faded borders of the Glow has TENT CITY
become a no-man’s land that’s the exact General Sige is always one day away from
General Sige: Dead
width of an archer’s bow range, where going insane. He’s trying to maintain a full-
Human General level
5; Level 7 for army level opposing sides have demolished the status army with part-time soldiers.
strategy and level 6 for ghostly essence of trees and buildings for In his days among the living, he
squadron level tactics completely different motivations. commanded a force of professional warriors
(gives troops under his Shanndra’s troops want the area open who campaigned for months and years
direct command an asset so they can more easily spot and shoot evil at time to send their spoils home and
in their Defenses), Health
20, Armor 2, Damage 6,
spirits trying to sneak across. increase their families’ honor and prestige.
Uses at least one cypher, Meanwhile, the rakshasas want to These fighters, down to a soul, would never
Loot, two unused cyphers. maintain a clear field so as to more easily question his orders.
ensnare any lost souls who stray close Those sort of found souls that follow
enough to the edge. This denuded area Sige have established a permanent tent city
always needs re-clearing, though, because outside the southeast walls of Somorrah,
Essence, page 9 those structures with a stronger Essence creating a buffer zone between the city and
- a combination of energies made from the Glow’s edge. Sige’s problem is that he
memories, living emotional ties and doesn’t have enough of these souls to bring

Somorrah in soulrest

a proper army to bear, so he has to rely on better than his former rakshasa masters.
auxiliary troops from the city. He would love Since there is no death gods to judge a soul
nothing more than to march in and draft the anymore, it’s a cost he’s willing to bear.
numbers he needs. Shanndra, though, see the irony and sin
He finds this time consuming; and in coercing souls that were just re-gifted
invariably, such troops are inferior in skill with free will. She designed the volunteer
and morale to the general’s professionals. army system, but is now considering Sige’s
Few of them stay on, leaving when their suggestion to conscript criminals. Her
obligation is done. current answer is “maybe.”
But as a true soldier, he follows the order The day she gives a full yes, the General
of his leader, Shanndra. She claims that will gleefuly raid the Games Quarter to find
doing such a thing would make him no new recruits.

Gods of the Fall


The Soulrest version of the Palace is a
puzzle box of different eras that have
withstood the test of time going back even
beyond the 10,000 years of the Divine
Age. It’s a constant beehive of activity with
nobles and courtesans from different eras
all moving around trying to look busy as
they jockey for position with three different
Prime Minister Rimsin: The oldest one is a Sleen - the Prime
Sleen soul politician Level Minister Rimsin - who is no relation to
3; level 7 for pleasant Queen Etain in the bright living world.
social interaction and Rimsin is perhaps the most frustrated of the
politics and court
intrigue, level 5 ancient
three: one moment, she was de facto ruler
Sleen technology. of a continent-spanning Republic that ruled
through technological savvy and innovation;
in the next, an assassin’s bomb delivered
her to Soulrest. Her years of existence from
that moment up to when Shanndra freed
her are just one long blur, like a bad dream.
But now she has regained her free will in a
land of the dead that lacks even the most
basic of technologies. Rimsin would give up
a thousand slaves for access to just one AI
Despite having no access to a database
or historical records, she has noticed one
thing; the game of politics never changes.
And she realizes that spending all her
available energy to reestablish authority is a
waste of time. So right now she is doing her
best to try to curtail the damage of the other
two Palace rulers.
Anyone who has spent time with Queen
Etain will be able to see shades of her in
the Prime Minister; both of them are good
The second oldest leader is the
The Enlightened One: Enlightened One, a beautiful creature who
Level 4 Wizard soul; once reigned gloriously for a thousand years
Level 5 for politics, in lands that would come to be known as
Health 24, Damage 4,
Spell of +3 Armor and
Somorrah to the living. A knowledge history
enchantments check level 8, can pull up references to
legends of such a ruler existing. It offered
a millennium of peace and prosperity
that lasted well after its final demise. The
eventual corruption and destruction of its
golden kingdom came through adopted
heirs who had never seen or heard the
wisdom of the Enlightened One.
The darkest secret of this creature is that
while it can remember names and dates
it has no true memories of such a life. It
knows that something is off, and would be
willing to barter many favors and sacrifice

Somorrah in soulrest

Some of the physical items of Soulrest have an unexpected malleability. No one is
sure why this is. Are solid objects something someone remembered from their living
years? Did the soul bringing a warped shield into the land of the dead lack faith? Or
did the edicts of the judges determine how strong a soldier’s sword could be? No
one knows, for now. They only see how it keeps some of the reflections of ancient
buildings still in place, resisting the crowding of new buildings that spring up from
younger eras.

others to discover the secrets hidden inside or empusas. These were the ones found
of it. wanting - weak enough to take advantage
Queen Amata has a better memory than of the innocent, but not twisted enough to Queen Amata: Human
soul assassin Level 6;
the others of her dark days as just one more enjoy torture or murder. Before the Fall,
level 4 for politics and
lost soul doing menial work and being these souls endured their punishments court intrigue.
tortured like all the other souls around her. as was proscribed by the three judges. In
After a lifetime of being elevated above all the last 40 years, they became the cannon
others, being dragged in the dirt amongst fodder for the Lords’ armies. For those who
foreigners even more debased than the now have free will again, they drift from their
commoners of her own country has filled most basic duties to Shanndra to whatever
her full of resentment, hate and a burning they can find as a way to get ahead. The urge
desire never to be that low again. If there is to see themselves get an edge is like a fly
one thing that will stop her self-destructive buzzing in their ear. That need to prove they
political games, it would be to discover the are the smartest people in the room runs
secret that she was never the true queen. against their current state. But it’s tough
She started life as an orphan in her to turn a profit when no one needs to eat
country, then known as Astar. Adopted or a place to sleep and slavery is outlawed.
into the royal guard, she was raised to Instead, these savvy criminals have turned
be an assassin and a body guard. When to looting, smuggling and gambling.
the real queen was coming of age, Amata And so they’ve set up shop as close to
was selected to be her body double and the edge of the city inside the Glow as they
subjected to various painful magics, training can manage, to avoid “Sally’s” watchful
and surgery in order to be a perfect match, eye. They are inside, though, because
difficult even to occult means of detection. the edges of the Glow are too dangerous
  So perfect a twin was she, that when there and constantly patrolled. Besides, most
was a successful assassination attempt, customers wouldn’t be amiable to shop
she switched identities with the murdered or game so close to where rakshasa
regent. In one of her few moments of mercy, bounty hunters prowl to pull the unwary or
she outlawed the program and eventually distracted across the Glow line.
got rid of its managers. This didn’t stop From the exterior, these places look no
her, though, from taking the girls still in the different than other warped buildings and
heartless program and making them her are often mixed in with other residences to
honor guard. hide them from authorities who consider
These girls - later women, as they came them a low priority anyway.
of age - became the basis of many legends. Demet is the head of the largest gambling Demet: Human soul
crime boss Level 4; level
Some may have become gods in their own house in both enterprise and location. 5 for gambling schemes
right. Based inside an old complex with large and cons.
Queen Amata’s fight to “rule” the Palace domed rooms, Demet has committed each
in the Soulrest version of Somorrah is as of these areas to different games. One is
much a fight for her own sanity as it is for for sports - mostly jagart, a ball game with
control of her environment. several salvaged pieces of equipment, or
track races. Another is a casino, and the rest
GAMES QUARTER DISTRICT ... if the Prime Minister was able to see the
There are many souls that weren’t evil structure, she would recognize it as an old
enough to be transformed into rakshasas water treatment plant from her time.

Gods of the Fall

But this king of games would give up while some alleys echo with the squeak of
a fortune if anyone could give him a clue a lone spinning wheel. Overall, those of the
about the whereabouts of his wife. When same craft stay in the same neighborhoods
they were alive, Verta was his true other half. so they can share supplies, wisdom and
They grew fat and happy from scams and camaraderie.
graft that ran from one end of the ocean to Many of these boulevards are littered with
the other. Since receiving free will again, he cast-offs that haven’t met with the exacting
has been looking for her. Even though he’s standard of these artisans. On some
rebuilt his empire of “entrepreneurship,” he streets like the woodcarvers’, this does not
knows that she would see the opportunities matter because even if the leavings are not
that he’s missing. snatched up for use by some passerby,
often enough these pieces have enough of
TRADES CORNER DISTRICT the original material’s Essence to eventually
If there is any group that has found disappear within the next few days. And
themselves in heaven, it’s the artisans. wood from a reformed tree will be felled and
While raw materials are hard to find, once start the cycle all over again.
a craftsperson starts a project they only Other neighborhoods, such as the
need to stop when their rotation for patrols sculptors’ and smith’s, have more
are up. A soul could walk down one of the permanent displays. Rose Wind Avenue,
district’s streets and not hear a human where most of the sculptors live, has gotten
voice. The only sounds would be the shaving a lot of attention recently. In the cross
of wood and the spinning of pottery wheels. roads, someone has left a black statue of a
In some neighborhoods, the din is loud tall, armored woman. For any soul that has
enough to sound like a hidden factory been in Corsco for the last few centuries,
the style is
unmistakable. It
is the same as
the mysterious
statues found
all over that
- though at
this time it
seems the
statue is only
stone, granting
no magical
benefits to any
who touch it.
There are
some found
souls, however,
that are
they have new
talents far
beyond what
they possessed
in real life. For
those who ask
the Imps, there
is no record of
the deceased
doing this
before; but the
dead having

Somorrah in soulrest

free will is relatively new as well … at least

according to the Imps.
Rufi is a painter who takes invention to Rufi: Untrained Level
the next level. He will try to grind, mash and 3 Bibliomancer soul
squeeze anything into raw pigment for his (using paintings instead
of books), Health 10,
paints. His paintings span a great range of Damage 3, stress will
subjects. There are times, though, that the make Rufi able to
painting seem to move. If Rufi still had a summon level 3 monsters
human body, he would blame the illusion on or crudely fling magic
being tired. That impression of being “tired” energy for 4 points of
persists because once he tries to focus on
the paintings, they go still again.


There are times when a soul looks across
the dividing line of the Glow and the dark
streets look like abandoned neighborhoods.
But that’s just before a rakshasa ambush.
There is a no-man’s land on both sides
of the Glow’s demarcation line, the exact
width of an archer’s bow range. Despite
the opposing forces having demolished
buildings on both sides, those building
with a stronger Essence - a combination
of energies made from memories, living
emotional ties and magic - are repairing
themselves, accreting physicality like sea
The Rakshasa Queen has put out a bounty
for any souls “rescued” from their own
free will, so greedy rakshasas patrol their
edge of the no-man’s land hoping to catch
a lone soul off guard. The exact bounty
varies from bounty hunter to bounty hunter.
Some want the few cyphers that landed in
Soulrest, while others want power. One of
those bounty hunters is Abisare, who has
Abisare: Rakshasa
mastered a harpoon-like weapon. Not only Bounty Hunter; Level
can he throw it farther than a flying arrow, 6, Damage 5, Uses a
he can pull his skewered targets back to Ranged Might Attack,
him over the Glow’s border. Few souls can harpoon, that can pull a
endure his mental domination so soon after target from long range
to short range within to
such physical damage. rounds, doing Damge 6
The rakshasa regional Governor, Ligish, each of those rounds if
feels right at home here. In the early days of the target fails two Might
the Divine Age, he ruled this area with terror 6 task rolls.
and tyranny. Since his return he claims to be
Ligish: Level 7 Rakshasa,
harassing Shanndra the Soul Savior, even health 25; Damage 7;
though he thinks that he’s rebuilding his level 7 for controlling lost
power base. But his delusions hide the truth souls in his court.
from him. He’s reliving past glories as he Ligish’s lost soul court:
collects souls from his past. Former friends Level 2; level 4 as an
armed mob; health 14;
and allies that can’t resist his wishes have
Damage 5
helped him construct a faux court chamber
where everyone dances to his whims. Men
and women who threw themselves off the

Gods of the Fall

rulership and fear his replacement would

THE THREE JUDGES make them actually do work.
In some of the holy texts, the three There is an empusa, Gobryas, who is
Gobryas: Level 5 Empusa;
Judges of Soulrest - Hecali, Samiel, playing a dangerous game. She’s plied
health 28; level 6 for
stealth and disguise tasks; and Etanernal - divided their duties Ligish for the descriptions of those souls
level 7 for torture; level 8 based on The Three Scales, the that he stills hungers for. Then Gobryas
for psychic whisper ability measure of soul among six quantities finds a lost soul who looks the same and
due to three divine shifts. (Truth vs Lies, Contentment vs captures them. Over the ensuing weeks
Rapaciousness and Generosity vs she tortures the lost soul, twisting their
Covertness.) memories and wills to brainwash them into
The “weight” of the soul on the believing that they are the one from Ligish’s
Judges’ three scales determined how story. For Gobryas, it’s not that hard since
much a soul’s afterlife was balanced she uses her natural psychic whisper ability
between reward and service to others. against the already weakened will of the lost
A greedy lord who rarely showed soul. She then sells the impostor to Ligish
gracefulness to his people might for a heady sum. The empusa knows that
end up being a servant to those he she should stop, but the money is too good
forced to grovel before him in life, and she’s confident since she is oone of the
but he’d get a few days of rest for the older, stronger empusas to be found. Ligish
few fair judgments he made when he hasn’t been her first mark, nor her last.
held court. Many spirits like dylphs,
empusas, imps and rakshasas derived CREATURES
their purpose from the sins that
corrupted their original human souls. DYLPH
Before the Fall, fortune tellers LEVEL 5(15)
and con-men alike claimed a soul’s The Dylph are wispy manifestations of
fate in Soulrest by using the Three smoke that are practically invisible in the
Pillars chart - a large triangle, with smudged skies of Soulrest. While they
a plotted point each good aspect: refrain from speech during the day, they
Truth, Contentment and Generosity. are ready to talk when the moment in right
The closer a soul could be plotted to at night. They sink from the sky and slide
the center of the triangle, the closer across the terrain, skulking close to ground
their afterlife would be to pure reward. like a low-laying fog, looking for victims.
While the visual aid was almost Motive: To absorb the energies of those who
universally used, the methods of kill each other in anger.
divining the soul’s position on the Environment: Soulrest and, at rare times,
grid were hotly debated. The quickest the Afterworld
and easiest methods were often used Health: 25
by the lazy and the scam artist. For Damage Inflicted: 7 (with two divine shifts)
previous generations, the Three Pillars Movement: Short
had faded almost into obscurity, but Modifications: A dylph has level 6 for stealth
lately it has come back in fashion - in and level 7 for vicious whispers ability
the unfashionable places on the edge due to two divine shifts.
of the Nightlands and the slums of Combat: A dylph doesn’t take damage from
Somorrah. mundane physical sources, but it takes
half damage from spells and attacks
that utilize energy or divine shifts, and
Emerald Falls rather than be part of his full damage from weapons designed
harem are now his prisoners. He wastes to affect spirits, psychic attacks, and
his days luxuriating on a replica of his old similar attacks.
throne and pits everyone against each other A target must make a difficulty 7 Intellect
as they try to satisfy his contradictory orders. Defense roll or be connived (without its
It’s his heaven and their hell. His influence divine shifts,the vicious whispers would
barely reaches beyond his ramshackle be a level 5 attack). This one victim is
palace, but no other rakshasa have informed filled with paranoia and rage, and will
their queen. They enjoy his laissez-faire attack one ally for a round. In the next

Somorrah in soulrest

round, the victim may make another Higher ranked imps often act as notaries
difficulty 7 Intellect Defense roll. and advisers. These creatures will uphold a
Interaction: Living beings still need rest in vow of secrecy with the confidence that they
the land of the dead. They find shelter can hide their records in plain sight in vast
for the night and get ready to settle in libraries only they can search through. Dylph GM Intervention:
when one of them hears whispers about That’s not to say other beings are The immaterial nature
the true motives of their “friends.” forbidden to check out records, but they of the Dylph has affected
Use: The dylph shows that one can never will be hard-pressed to untangle the Imps’ nearby Soulrest objects.
feel completely safe in Soulrest convoluted filing system. Wall and weapons
with Essence are now
Loot: Being ephemeral creatures with no real Motive: To record and store everything that
translucent and either do
body or home, the evil spirits have no occurs in Soulrest. half damage or can be
cyphers on them. Health: 12 broken with as a Level 5
Damage Inflicted: 4 Might Task.
IMP Movement: Short
LEVEL 4(12) Modifications: When an imp has a shield
Imps are some of the worst souls in Soulrest ready, they defend with Speed and
- bureaucrats. Imps are the scribes and Might Defenses at level 6. Speed attacks
counters in the land of the dead. They often as Level 5 (or level 7 with divine shifts if
look like tall pale goblins, each carrying defending an Imp library.)
brass tablets filled with symbols and Combat: Having access to the knowledge of
markings made by a chisel hanging from a long-gone generals and warriors, imps
rope tied to their waists. fight with a surprising grasp of tactics
They have no loyalty except to the job and and strategy. Their lack of practice and
the information they gather. The records actual fighting experience holds them
Imp GM Intervention:
they collect are stored in various libraries, back, unfortunately. The Imp now recognizes
the largest one being a city unto itself in the Interaction: If there is a hidden secret in that it has read up on its
area where the Sorcerer’s Crypt is located in Soulrest, it can be found in one of the target and gets an asset
the Afterworld. imp libraries. The key will be to find when defending against
Those who assume imps are easy targets another secret to trade for it. this target.
haven’t seen them defends these libraries. Use: Who says librarians and accountants
Suddenly their brass tablets become shields “can’t have all the fun”?
and the chisels become short swords. Loot: An imp usually has one cypher that
They will tenaciously defend the physical relates to information or reconnaissance
copies of their records, but the information abilities.
itself often can be easily obtained through
bribery or flattery.

Gods of the Fall

NEVERI POD Such limbs allow the creature to fly, burrow

LEVEL 5 (15) or ignore one level of Armor. They
The Neveri (p. 305 CSR) occasionally directs remain during combat to be reabsorbed
a possessed victim, now called a Neveri after the fight. Organs may spray acid,
pod, to trick others into coming back to its spit poison, or emit a Long range energy
master’s home in the crater to be absorbed attack (sonic and electric) against up to
into the main mass. But the longer these three targets at a time who are within
Neveri Pod GM
shells stay away from the mass, the more Short range of each other.
The area has small independent they become, evolving into a Interaction: An old lost soul is now back,
hidden sinkholes thanks commingled new - and hungry - personality. having made it across Soulrest without
to the creature’s past The smarter pods use their very poor seeing a rakshasa or any other soul
tunneling. Everyone, telepathy as a substitute for charisma to slavers. Others seem to be drawn to
including the Neveri Pod, draw others close and create allies and her, but the PCs seem to be the only
must make a Speed Task
roll every round to avoid
pawns. ones that find the lost soul’s behavior
an Speed Inability when Some of them try to play a longer game, odd.
tripping into these holes. learning to hide amongst others in a society Use: The Neveri pod can introduce the
of souls - or mortals - and try to fend for danger of the creature to your game
themselves as shape-shifting wolves among or give the GM another shape-shifting
sheep. danger to the campaign.
Motive: To feed off of flesh and soul stuff. Loot: If sifting through the remains, one may
Environment: Soulrest and the Afterworld find a divine spark (cypher.)
Damage Inflicted: 5 LEVEL 5 (15)
Movement: Short, long if it grows wings and There are those souls that constantly act on
Immediate if it burrows. their petty, vicious thoughts. Their greed,
Modifications: Knowledge rolls at level 6 and envy and capriciousness motivate them to
pleasant social interactions at 7. imagine wrongs or steal with “justification.”
Combat: A Neveri pod will use weapons They conflate events to somehow always
so long as it can keep up its façade; revolve around them and their needs.
but one the secret is out, then every A dead relative is now a villain for not
other turn it can morph its biology into bequeathing the most wealth, or embezzled
specialized limbs or organs. money is earned money if the victim was

Finding Vetra (Love): There is a very clever treasure hunter that has managed to
survive out of the Glow and not be caught or swayed by the stronger spirits out in
Soulrest. She sometimes comes into Somorrah to sell the cyphers and artifacts she
finds out in the surreal landscape of the dead. People on both sides of the Glow want
to know how she does it. But more importantly, if her memories return, she will be on
a hunt of her own to find her everlasting love - a soul named Demet.

Ligish’s Court (Justice): Ligish’s twisted torture chamber is starting to affect the
landscape around it. He may accomplish the one thing his queen has not been able
to do - create his own personal hellscape inside Soulrest. Freeing his prisoners will do
more than just bring relief to the poor wretches, it will help heal the land of the dead
and bring the world closer to the way it was.

Missing Souls (Restoration): In the quieter quarters of the city, souls are vanishing
without any evidence of bounty hunters or of magic. A Neveri Pod has made a nest
in the neighborhood, posing as a charismatic community leader. It even offers to
help out when it can no longer deny that anything is wrong. Discovering the pod will
alert the pantheon of the alien threat and eventually lead to finding and banishing the
abomination for good.

Somorrah in soulrest

deemed not generous enough. In the family cypher and have been now dragging it
tree, these people are the poison apple. along as they constantly fight over it.
In Soulrest these souls are transformed
into nioblem. Constantly biting and gassing, ORGANIZATIONS
these small creatures are annoying as a The dead never rest easy and there are
single creature, but they are more often several organizations among free-willed
found in and considerably more feared as a souls and spirits that have their own
roiling mass of centipede legs and vicious agendas within Soulrest.
inhuman smiles. Each one is scrambling
to get on top of the pile, but so are all the CHILDREN OF THE GLOW
others. Their thoughtless actions make them Rimsin maybe the weakest in arcane and
both victim and bully - it is their heaven and martial might of the three rulers co-habiting
their hell. the Palace, but she is the most politically
When a nioblem swarm sees another soul, savvy and has nurtured the largest spy
they flow towards it, ready to bite and tear in network within the Glow. The front for her
their rage against the world. espionage is the Children of the Glow.
Motive: To be vicious and petty to everyone On the face of it, this secret organization
and anyone. is planting the seeds of true free-willed
Health: 18 independence from any arcane leader,
Damage Inflicted: 5 be it Shanndra or some evil spirit. Thus
Movement: Long those who chaff under Shanndra’s rule are
Modifications: Speed Defense at 7, all tasks ironically put to her benefit through Rimsin’s
related strength as level 2 manipulation. The group’s current goal is
Combat: When a nioblem swarm sees to find more artifacts and spells that would
another soul, they flow toward it, ready grant agency to more lost souls.
to bite and tear into the victim as they Some objects that might aid this goal have
rage against the world. The swarm’s been found, though one of Rimsin’s best
corrosive bite leaves a burning wound agents went rogue and uses such an item -
that inflicts damage, and gives an an ankle charm - to go treasure hunting out
Inability to all of the victim’s tasks for in the wilds of Soulrest
one round. Additionally, the nioblem Member benefits: Trained in mental
swarm can emit a horrendous mist of fortitude, these members can resist mental
chemicals once every other round. Each domination by such creatures as empusas
PC within Immediate distance must and rakshasas, gaining an asset when the
succeed on Intellect defense or take do so.
4 points of Intellect damage (ignores
Armor) and feel an artificial rage. Each THE HARBINGERS
time the victim makes an attack while The might of the Hellmaw is something
suffering from this effect, roll a d10. to behold. Some of those witnesses who
On an odd number, the PC attacks lived to tell the tale now worship the great
normally. On an even number, the PC or creature as a totem animal, though it seems
victim attacks an ally instead. not to notice them in the slightest. And
Interaction: As the heroes tread across most of the Harbingers offer their prayers Nioblem Swarm GM
Soulrest, they see what looks like black and respect from afar, not foolish enough to Intervention:
water that’s flowing uphill towards tempt fate or their patron spirit. This swarm has been
them. As the “water” gets closer, the Member Benefits: Some members can dragging a cypher along
can make out that the sheen on the inspire themselves into feats of strength and with it. Somehow the
random cypher has
surface is actually the sheen of chitin on ferocity when focusing their memory of the been activated to affect
centipede-like bodies. beast, granting them an additional 1 point of everything within the
Use: The nioblem swarm can serve as a damage for one attack once per combat. cypher’s area of effect.
creeping horror that chases your PCs
down, or they can be a deadly mirage in
the desert.
Loot: Sometimes a nioblem swarm is like an
oyster. The creatures were drawn to a


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