A Leak in The Dike
A Leak in The Dike
A Leak in The Dike
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A leak in the Dike
Some villages have a long trip
to get their goods to a market,
at least a couple of days.
Luckily, the minor magics of
the Gods of the Fall setting
include ways to keep produce
Corsco, page 33 fresh until it gets to a market,
where it’s often picked up
and moved to an even larger
market, eventually making it
to cities like Corsco, Loreda or
Old Nemoro.
While this decreases
a farmer’s profit, it also
decreases risk in a dark land where slavery
and evil spirits abound. Many such farmers MOOD SUGGESTION
will pay a modest sum (20 moons/silver The PCs are here to find their lost friends
each), plus meals, for armed escorts. and then leave. Combat may be necessary,
Quite often, these same escorts can pick but the don’t have to clean out every room
work as cheap guards for the next leg of the to get the job done. If they rescue the slaves
journey. and discover the looming danger, they have
It can be a way for the adventurous to done a good job.
travel and make a tidy sum (20 suns/gold Salient Points:
each), which will be gone quickly if they do • The lead ghoul, Advarace Duzi, has
nothing but sightsee. been following the voices that bring her
While our heroes started at the farming here. She has convinced several of her
Adilabad, page 294 community of Adilabad and planned to go warren mates to come with her and free
to Corsco, but their adventure never got the the undead. She needs slaves/human
Winter Road. After the second day, several livestock to do that. So she sends her
young people where gone with tracks that people to go out into the Nightlands to
has lead out away from the Winter Road find more humans for the stables and
and across the Winter River. Getting paid feeding pit.
Ghouls, page 294 extra, or perhaps some of kidnapped are • If you’re running a non-Gods of the Fall
relatives to the PCs, they are now have gone game, the tent area also has a small
from caravan guards to being a rescue team. stable of horses that can be used for a
They’ll eventually discover cultists, ghouls distraction or an escape.
in fact, are collecting slaves to dig into the • These Ghouls are intelligent with their
dome and release a city of undead. own culture and agendas. While they
Gods of the FAll
After a couple of days of chasing down
hide in small colonies, they have come the tracks and clues, they’ve caught sight of
into competition against the Empusa, the kidnappers’ base. A nest of tents near an
who voraciously feed on human prey. old castle. In the distance sits an enormous
What could feed a Ghoul family for dome, big enough to cover many farms -- or
a week, keeps an Empusa satisfied even a whole city.
for only days. These Ghouls are also
arrogant and self-centered. The idea of WRAP UP
one of their own kind mounting a rescue When the Ghouls are defeated or the
for them is foreign. They’ve assumed camp is far out of sight, the adventure is
that their victims have been written off completed. The survivors and any additional
by the farmer’s caravan and no one has slaves will need care and nutrition that’s
dared follow them back to the Crypt. best delivered from Adilabad. From there,
• The Sorcerer’s Crypt has a ribbon or it’s hard hike to catch up with the caravan
runes, about two feet tall, running the which has slowly moved down the road but
entire circumference of the dome as the haven’t reached Loreda yet.
first of the seven seals. The Ghouls burn
A leak in the Dike
Two ghoul guards are stationed at
this post are looking down the hall,
more concerned about escapees than
outsiders coming inside. Though they
are armed with large swords, they only
their listed damage.
This is where 11 human slaves (four of the are
survivors from the heroes’ escort mission) are
kept. Heartbreakingly, they are overseen by a
fellow Level 1 human slave, Pade. He’s been
convinced that if he is a “proper citizen,” he will
be transformed into Ghoul. Beyond being crazy,
he’s also been lied too. The biggest danger he
represents is raising the alarm. He often cries
out, though, so the PCs have only a couple of
seconds to deal with him before reinforcements
arrive. The slaves are healthy enough to walk and
run short distances, but they are in no condition
to endure a fight.
Gods of the FAll
At this dead end are gnawed human bones are
stacked here in an organized fashion. The arm and Ghost, page 293
leg bones are assembled in square formations of
alternating stacks. An angry young boy’s Ghost
haunts here. Even though he strikes out at everyone,
he can be communicated with and laid to rest if his
small bones are collected and buried (or burned.)
It takes an Intellect Level 5 task to find the bones
in an hour. If a success reached Level 6, the time is
reduced to half an hour.
In a 40-foot wide cresent-shaped room,
the humans have been slowly chipping
away at the first seal of the Crypt (which
is the far wall.) They have also partially
uncovered the head and torso of an
Anakim (Statue, Animated). If it can be
fully freed (its feet are half a foot above
the rune seal), it will stand guard at the
dig site, attacking anyone who chips
away at the seal. This mute creature is
more golem-like with no imprisoned
sentience inside.
There are two more Ghouls here
playing a gambling game of some sort
with cards. They are incredibly intense
and quiet in their playstyle. Those
trying to sneak by the room have an
asset. If they are alerted to intruders
or engaged in combat. They will try
raise the alarm to get Advarace Duzi’s
A leak in the Dike
Gods of the FAll