Els Peta
Els Peta
Els Peta
1. Conduct a survey to assess the possible geologic hazards that your community may
experience. (Note: Select this performance standard if your school is in an area near
fault lines, volcanoes, and steep slopes.)
2. Conduct a survey or design a study to assess the possible hydrometeorological hazards
that your community may experience. (Note: Select this performance standard if your
school is in an area that is frequently hit by tropical cyclones and is usually flooded.)
The Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Management Committee or BDRRMC of your barangay
community is formulating a Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan in preparation for any
possible geologic and hydrometeorological hazards that may occur. As the chairperson of the
Sangguniang Kabataan in your barangay and as a member of the BDRRMC, you are tasked to
conduct a survey to assess the possible geologic and hydrometeorological hazards that your
community may experience. The result of the survey will be presented to the BDRRMC as one
of the basis in formulating the Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan to be implemented in
case for a geologic and or a hydrometeorological hazard occurs. The survey will be evaluated
base on content, sentence fluency, and mechanics.
G Conduct a survey to assess the possible geologic and hydrometeorological hazards that
: your community may experience.
R: Chairperson of the Sangguniang Kabataan in your barangay and a member of the
A: Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Management Committee.
S: The Barangay Disaster Risk Reduction Management Committee or BDRRMC of your
barangay community is formulating a Disaster Risk Reduction Management Plan in
preparation for any possible geologic and hydrometeorological hazards that may occur.
P: Geologic and Meteorological Survey
S: The survey will be evaluated base on the following components: Content, Sentence
Fluency, and Mechanics.
1. The student will select 1 specific Barangay from any city in the NCR.
2. The student will select a geologic or hydrometeorological hazard that will pose the
highest risk to the selected barangay.
3. The student should watch the video on Hazard ID and Risk Assessment. Retrieved 1
October 2021, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us32wyFi5Hg and calculate the
risk score for the identified hazard.
4. The student will describe the exposure of the barangay to disaster in terms of structure,
population, and economy.
5. The student will describe the vulnerability of the barangay to disaster physically, socially,
economically, and environmentally.
6. The student will briefly explain the capacity of the population in the selected barangay
to cope with the risk and propose measures to be undertaken before, during and after
the disaster.
(Sample Template)
R= C x F x P
R = 100 × 3 * 6
C = Consequence / Severity
Fatality: 100
Very Serious: 75
Serious: 50
Important: 10
Minor: 5
E = Exposure
Continuous: 10
Frequent: 6
Occasional: 3
Unusual: 2
Rare: 1
P = Probability of Injury/Disease
Would be expected: 10
Quite possible: 6