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MacArthur Highway, Brgy. Kiagot, Digos City, Davao del Sur, Philippines 8002


Name of Patient: Abueva Student Name: Celistial Jade D. Abarilla

Date/ Cues Needs Nursing Scientific Basis Goals/Objectives Nursing Interventions Rationale Evaluation
Time Diagnosis /Criteria
2/21/2 Subj: Physiolo Risk for Diabetes At 2hrs span of Independent GOAL MET
3 “Ga ngol-ngol ang gical Infection presents a care pt. will  Observe for signs of -Early diagnosis and treatment of At 2hrs span of care
samad sakong tiil needs r/t poor significant risk identify infection and inflammation. infections can control their severity pt. was able to
maam” as verbalized wound factor for all interventions to  Instruct pt to emphasize and decreases complications. identify interventins
by the patient. healing kinds of reduce risk of proper hand hygiene. -Hand hygiene is the most effective to reduce risk of
Obj: secondary infections. It has infection aeb: way to prevent the transmission of infection aeb:
VS: T-36.5, RR-20, to been well  Good proper diseases.  Pt demonstrates
BP-120/90, PR-70 decreased described to hygiene  Encourage pt to facilitate -An impairment or ineffective good proper
-Redness around the wbc count increase rates of  Pt will frequent position changes peripheral circulation can place the hygiene – hand
site noted outpatient remain patient at risk for increased skin washing.
-Limited range of infection as well afebrile. breakdown and the development of  Pt. remained
motion noted as the incidence infection afebrile T-36.3
-Pain around on DM of infections  Encourage pt to promote a -To decrease the risk of spreading
toe requiring clean environment and acquiring microorganisms
hospitalization.  Educate pt on the -This provides knowledge and
(Keren Zhou, importance of adherence to prevents antibiotic resistance.
MD, 2021) medications.
 Administer antibiotics as - Early treatment may help
prescribed. prevent sepsis as patients with
diabetes are more prone to serious
infectious diseases.

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