Boron - Growing Evidence For Human Health Benefits
Boron - Growing Evidence For Human Health Benefits
Boron - Growing Evidence For Human Health Benefits
Journal of Evidence-Based
Complementary & Alternative Medicine
Growing Evidence for Human Health 16(3) 169-180
ª The Author(s) 2011
Growing evidence from a variety of experimental models shows that boron is a bioactive and beneficial (perhaps essential)
element for humans. Reported beneficial actions of boron include arthritis alleviation or risk reduction, bone growth and
maintenance, central nervous system function, cancer risk reduction, hormone facilitation, and immune response, inflammation,
and oxidative stress modulation. The diverse effects of boron indicate that it influences the formation and/or activity of an entity
that is involved in many biochemical processes. Formation of boroesters with the ribose moiety of compounds involved in
numerous reactions, such as S-adenosylmethionine and oxidized nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADþ) might be the reason
for boron bioactivity. Both animal and human data suggest that boron intakes should be >1.0 mg/d. Many people consume less
than this amount. Thus, a low boron intake should be considered a health concern, which can be prevented by diets rich in fruits,
vegetables, nuts, and pulses.
boron nutrition, action mechanisms, intakes, S-adenosylmethionine, NAD, boroesters, ribose
Boron is widely distributed in nature and always found bound for plants but not for higher animals and humans. In 1981,
to oxygen. The ancient Egyptians have been credited with 2 reports appeared that suggested that boron could have nutri-
using boron compounds for mummification and in medicinal tional benefits. Newnham7 suggested that boron could alleviate
applications. However, the first conclusive evidence for the use arthritic symptoms, and Hunt and Nielsen8 found that boron
of borax (Na2B4O710H2O) for medicinal purposes dates from deprivation exacerbated gross bone abnormalities in chicks fed
the 8th century in Mecca and Medina.1 The presence of boron marginal amounts of vitamin D. Since then, an increasing num-
in plants has been known since 1857.2 In the 1870s, it was dis- ber of reports have indicated that boron is a beneficial bioactive
covered that sodium borate and boric acid could be used to pre- (if not essential) trace element for humans.
serve foods.3 For about the next 50 years, borate addition was
considered one of the best methods for preserving and extend-
ing the palatability of foods such as meat and dairy products. Boron Essentiality
Boron had a vital role as a preservative in preventing food
Boron has been shown to be essential for the completion of the
crises during both World War I and World War II. However,
life cycle (ie, deficiency causes impaired growth, development,
as early as 1902, German and American scientists began to
or maturation such that procreation is prevented) for organisms
question whether large amounts of borates in foods were innoc-
in all phylogenetic kingdoms. Higher animals that require
uous. In 1904, Wiley4 reported that boric acid in doses greater
boron to complete their life cycle are frogs9,10 and zebra-
than 500 mg/d (77 mg boron per day) for 50 days resulted in
fish.11,12 Boron-deprived male frogs exhibited atrophied testes,
disturbances in appetite, digestion, and health in human volun-
decreased sperm counts, and sperm dysmorphology. Female
teers and concluded that boric acid at 4000 mg/d (699 mg boron
frogs exhibited atrophied ovaries and impaired oocyte
per day) was the limit beyond which a harm to humans would
occur. Subsequent to his report, the opinion that boron posed a
risk to health grew. By the 1950s, boron as a food preservative 1
USDA, ARS, Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research Center, Grand Forks,
was essentially forbidden throughout the world. ND, USA
In the 1920s, boron was found to be an essential nutrient for University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV, USA
plants.5,6 Over the next 20 years, several unsuccessful attempts
Corresponding Author:
at showing boron essentiality in higher animals were made. Forrest H. Nielsen, PhD, USDA, ARS, Grand Forks Human Nutrition Research
This resulted in generations of students in nutrition being Center, 2420 2 Ave N, Stop 9034, Grand Forks, ND, 58202-9034, USA
taught that boron was a unique element because it was essential Email: [email protected]
170 Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine 16(3)
maturation. Boron deprivation resulted in necrotic eggs and the articular cartilage between joints) has been associated with
high mortality in embryos from frogs fed a boron-deficient diet. low boron concentrations in hair18 and with deficient boron in
Boron deficiency also induced high mortality in zebrafish soils and crops in China.19
embryos. Although there are data suggesting that boron depri- Arthritic conditions are characterized by chronic inflamma-
vation impairs early embryonic development in mice,13 the tory stress. Animal and cell culture studies have shown that
critical experiment demonstrating that boron is essential for a boron can inhibit inflammatory stress such as that found in
mammal to complete the life cycle is lacking. However, boron arthritic conditions. The incidence of severe paw swelling in
has been shown to be a bioactive mineral element that has rats following an intradermal injection of Mycobacterium
numerous beneficial actions in nutritional amounts for humans butyricum to induce arthritis was less in rats fed 2.1 mg/kg of
and higher animals. boron in the diet compared with rats fed 0.1 mg/kg in the diet.20
In another study, a 20-mg/kg boron diet compared with a 0.2-
mg/kg boron diet significantly decreased the incidence of
Beneficial Actions arthritis 12 days postinjection with M tuberculosis to induce
arthritis in rats.21 Supplementing 5 mg/kg boron to a diet con-
Arthritis taining about 2 mg/kg boron decreased the localized swelling
Since 1981,7 occasional reports have appeared suggesting that response induced by an intradermal injection of phytohemag-
boron can ameliorate or prevent arthritic symptoms. Based on glutinin in pigs.22 The boron-supplemented pigs also had
limited observations in several countries, Newnham14 reported increased serum concentrations of the inflammatory cytokine,
that the occurrence of arthritis is negatively correlated with the tumor necrosis factor-a.
amount of boron in the soil and in the food and water supply. In In vitro studies also indicate that boron can affect the pro-
areas where daily boron intakes were typically 1.0 mg, the duction of inflammatory cytokines by cartilage cells and cells
estimated incidence of arthritis ranged from 20% to 70%. In involved in the inflammatory response. Boron as boric acid was
areas where daily boron intakes ranged from 3 to >10 mg, the found to stimulate the synthesis and release of tumor necrosis
estimated incidence of arthritis ranged from 0% to 10%. Newn- factor-a by chick embryo cartilage23 and fibroblasts.24
ham also stated that arthritic dogs, horses, and cattle given 3 mg Recently, it was found that calcium fructoborate increased
of boron for every 25 kg of body weight generally showed tumor necrosis factor-a protein in the culture media of RAW
improvement in 2 to 4 weeks. This observation apparently has 264.7 macrophages stimulated by lipopolysaccharide.25 The
not been confirmed by controlled experiments. Although the production and release of interleukin-1b and interleukin-6 were
evidence in these early reports by Newnham14 is weak, his sug- decreased by the stimulated macrophages cultured with cal-
gestion that boron can help alleviate arthritic symptoms could cium fructoborate. In contrast to the tumor necrosis factor-a
have some merit. In a double-blind study conducted in Austra- findings above, Cao et al26 reported that boric acid inhibited the
lia, 20 patients with confirmed osteoarthritis were given a pla- lipopolysaccharide-induced tumor necrosis factor-a formation
cebo or a supplement providing 6 mg of boron daily for 8 in cultured THP-1 monocytes.
weeks; 15 patients completed the study.15 Of the 7 patients con- A carefully controlled study of the effect of boron on objec-
suming the boron supplement, 5 reported improved subjective tive indicators of arthritic symptoms with a sufficient number
measures for their arthritic condition (eg, less pain on move- of human participants has not been reported. However, animal
ment), whereas only 1 of 8 patients consuming the placebo and cell culture studies suggest that a low boron status could
reported an improvement in their arthritic condition. Shortly increase the risk and severity of chronic inflammatory stress
thereafter, it was reported that boron concentrations in bone associated with arthritis. In addition, 2 experiments using sub-
and synovial fluid were lower in rheumatoid arthritis patients jective measures in a small number of participants and some
than in healthy controls.16 A recent study of 20 patients with limited epidemiological findings suggest that a boron intake
mild, moderate, or severe osteoarthritis also found that boron higher than 1.0 mg/d could decrease the risk and severity of
supplementation alleviated subjective measures of arthritis.17 arthritic symptoms in humans. These provocative findings indi-
Patients with mild to moderate arthritis supplemented daily cate that more studies should be done to determine whether
with 6 mg of boron as calcium fructoborate (a naturally occur- boron supplementation has therapeutic value for some individ-
ring boron complex commonly found in fruits and vegetables) uals at risk for or who have arthritis.
reported markedly reduced pain. By week 8, 80% of the test
participants reduced or eliminated their use of painkillers. Joint
rigidity essentially disappeared, and mobility was markedly
Bone Growth and Maintenance
increased at 8 weeks. Patients with severe arthritis, who were Considerable evidence exists to support the contention that
supplemented daily with 12 mg of boron as calcium fructobo- boron has a beneficial (if not an essential) function, influencing
rate, exhibited a more subdued improvement in mobility and especially trabecular and alveolar bone growth and mainte-
rigidity but still reported a significant reduction in the use of nance. Early findings indicating that boron deprivation was
painkillers. These findings, however, are weakened by the non- detrimental to bone growth independent of another stressor
blinding to treatment and lack of placebo controls. Interest- affecting bone health included decreased maturation of the
ingly, Keshan-Beck disease (characterized by degeneration of bone growth plate in chicks27 and induced limb teratogenesis
Nielsen and Meacham 171
in frogs.10 More recently, microcomputed tomography of the when dietary fat was supplied as fish oil instead of safflower
fourth lumbar vertebra found that boron deprivation (0.1 vs oil.44 Boron-deprived rats were less active than boron-
3 mg/kg diet) decreased bone volume fraction and trabecular supplemented rats when fed the diet with safflower oil, based
thickness and increased trabecular separation and structural on reduced number, distance, and time of horizontal move-
model index (a lower value or more plate-like structure is pre- ments, front entries, margin distance, and vertical breaks and
ferable) in rats.28 Boron deprivation (0.07 mg/kg diet vs 3 mg/ jumps in a spontaneous activity evaluation. Feeding fish oil
kg diet) in rats has also been shown to decrease alveolar bone instead of safflower oil attenuated the less-active responses
(primary support structure for teeth) repair, which is initiated of boron-deprived rats. Boron-deficient zebrafish developed
immediately after tooth extraction.29 Histological examination photophobia, which apparently was caused by photoreceptor
revealed that boron deprivation decreased osteoblast surface dystrophy.12
and increased quiescent bone-forming surface in the alveolus.
In addition, boron deprivation without tooth extraction
impaired alveolar bone formation. Boron deprivation (0.07
mg/kg diet vs 3 mg/kg diet) for 9 weeks in mice decreased After an epidemiological study found an inverse association
osteoblast surface and increased bone-forming surface in both between dietary boron and prostate cancer,45 Barranco and
the lingual and buccal side of the periodontal alveolar bone.30 Eckhert initiated studies showing that boric acid completely
Boron supplementation also has been found to stimulate dental inhibited the growth of the cultured prostate cancer cells,
bone formation in rabbits31 and increase mineralized nodule DU-145.46-48 Subsequently, Carper et al49 found that variable,
formation by cultured osteoblasts (MC3t3-E1).32 Bioactive often dose-dependent, amounts of boron gave responses indi-
glasses have been modified to contain boron; this modification cating controlled apoptosis as opposed to a toxic or cytotoxic
enhanced bone formation by the glasses,33,34 which are used for effect on DU-145, PC-3, and LNCaP-cultured prostate cells.
bone tissue engineering and in situ bone tissue regeneration. In Their initial studies found that 1 mmol/L boric acid markedly
addition to adversely affecting bone, boron deprivation reduced inhibited growth of DU-145 cells, moderately inhibited growth
enamel thickness (hypoplasia) in maturing dental enamel of of cultured LNCaP cells, and had a muted effect on growth of
rats.35 cultured PC-3 cells. Boron analogs such as phenylboronic acid
The changes in bone structure and formation induced by and hydroxymethylphenylboronic acid also had similar inhibi-
boron deprivation apparently affect bone strength and could tory effects on growth that were consistent with those on
increase the risk of osteoporosis. Boron deprivation decreased growth of cancer cells in vitro reported by others using boric
bone strength variables determined by a 3-point bending test of acid.46,50 Boric acid at 1 mmol/L also was found to inhibit
femurs from pigs36,37 and rats.28,38 Boron supplementation was growth of breast cancer cells in vitro.51 Cultured SK-BR-3 and
found to increase mean trabecular density and thickness, trabe- ZR-75-1 breast cells were only partially inhibited—an effect
cular bone volume, and cortical bone volume of femurs from that was less than that with cultured DU-145 prostate
rats with retinoic-induced osteoporosis.39 Calcium fructoborate cells. However, an apoptotic response occurred in cultured
incorporated into margarine was found to improve bone density ZR-75-1 cells after 7 days of exposure to either boric acid or
in 66 of 100 patients with osteoporosis.40 As a result, it was phenylboronic acid. Caspase 3 activities confirmed apoptotic,
concluded that calcium fructoborate could be a good adjuvant or programmed death, rather than a cytotoxic or necrotic death
in the treatment of osteoporosis. induced by the boron compounds. In contrast to MgCl2, which
stimulated cell attachment, boric acid and phenylboronic acid
inhibited cell attachment.51 Phenylboronic acid induced a
Brain Function dose-dependent block in the S-phase of the cell cycle in the
Findings showing that nutritional intakes of boron have benefi- detached ZR-75-A cells.
cial effects on the central nervous system are more limited than Changes in focal adhesion kinase were targeted as a possible
those showing similar effects on the bone. However, the studies mechanism of action through which boric acid induced apopto-
are among the most supportive of the suggestion that boron is a sis in both cultured breast and cultured prostate cancer cells.
beneficial bioactive element for humans. Under well- Focal adhesion kinase is overexpressed in several human can-
controlled dietary conditions, boron supplementation after cer cell lines and is essential in the integrin-mediated signal
deprivation resulted in electroencephalograms indicative of transduction pathway; it participates in cell migration, angio-
improved behavior activation (eg, less drowsiness) and mental genesis, and inflammation/wound healing. Through phosphor-
alertness, improved psychomotor skills of motor speed and ylation reactions, focal adhesion kinase conformation changes
dexterity, and improved cognitive processes of attention and elicit both intracellular and extracellular responses that sup-
short-term memory in older men and women.41,42 Animal find- press apoptosis and promote cell migration. A 4-fold reduction
ings support the suggestion that boron is beneficial to brain in phosphorylated focal adhesion kinase with concurrent
function. Early studies found that boron deprivation affected increased caspase-3 occurred with boric acid treatment, which
brain electrical activity in rats in a manner similar to nonspeci- indicated apoptotic activity in the cancer cells.52
fic malnutrition and heavy-metal toxicity.43 More recently, it It should be noted that boron has been associated with other
was found that boron deprivation alters rat behavior differently forms of cancer. A study of cervical smears from 472 women
172 Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine 16(3)
with a high mean boron intake (8.41 mg/d) and 587 with not use hormone replacement therapy had substantially
marginal mean boron intake (1.26 mg/d) found 15 cases of increased odds for lung cancer risk.
cytopathological indications of cervical cancer in boron-low Boron also apparently influences thyroid hormone metabo-
women and none in the boron-high women.53 In a study of lism. Boron deprivation decreased the rate of tail resorption in
763 women with lung cancer and 838 matched healthy con- larvae during their development into frogs. Addition of 100 fg
trols, boron intake was inversely associated with the incidence thyroxine/L of medium, a known enhancer of tail absorption,
of cancer; odds increased substantially if the women were not reversed the delayed tail absorption.10 In pigs, supplementing
on hormone replacement therapy.54 a low-boron diet (1-2 mg/kg) with 5 mg/kg boron during the
nursery and growth stages decreased serum triiodothyronine
and thyroxine.63 Boron supplementation (2.5 mg/d) for 90 days
decreased serum triiodothyronine in perimenopausal women
Hormone Facilitator after consuming a placebo for 90 days.64
Numerous studies indicate that boron intake affects the pres- Limited evidence suggests that boron can facilitate insulin
ence or function of hormones, including vitamin D, estrogen, action. Boron supplementation (2 mg/kg diet) of rats fed a
thyroid hormone, insulin, and progesterone. The seminal find- boron-deficient diet (0.2 mg/kg diet) reduced plasma insulin
ing indicating that boron is a bioactive beneficial element in but did not change plasma glucose concentrations.65 Peak
nutritional amounts was that boron deprivation exacerbated insulin release from the isolated, perfused pancreas of boron-
gross bone abnormalities in chicks fed marginal amounts of deprived chicks was almost 75% higher than that from the
vitamin D.8 Hunt55 found that boron deprivation exacerbated pancreas of boron-supplemented chicks; the difference was
the distortion of marrow sprouts (location of calcified scaffold especially noticeable when the perfusate was supplemented
erosion and new bone formation), increased the number of with glucose. An effect on insulin utilization could be the basis
osteoclasts within the marrow sprouts of the proximal tibial for the observation that boron deprivation induced a modest but
epiphyseal plate, and delayed initiation of cartilage calcifica- significantly increased fasting serum glucose concentration in
tion induced by marginal vitamin D in the chick. Subsequently, older men and women fed a low-magnesium, marginal copper
it was found that boron deprivation exacerbated marginal vita- diet.66
min D deficiency–induced decreased calcium and phosphorus Boron was found to facilitate progesterone action in frog
absorption and balance in rats,56 increased plasma glucose and development. Incomplete frog oocyte maturation caused by
triglycerides in chicks,27 and decreased growth and femur cal- boron deficiency could not be induced by the administration
cium concentrations in chicks.57 Boron supplementation also of exogenous progesterone.67 Progesterone successfully
has been found to increase plasma 1, 25-OH2-vitamin D con- induced germinal vesicle breakdown in oocytes from females
centrations in rats.58 In older men and women, boron supple- fed a boron-supplemented diet.
mentation (3 mg/d) after 63 days of boron deprivation (0.25
mg/d) increased serum 25-OH-vitamin D concentrations.59
These findings suggest that boron could be beneficial to people
Immune Response, Inflammation, and
with marginal vitamin D status, especially those living in areas Oxidative Stress
where winter months provide minimal amounts of ultraviolet In addition to the effects on inflammation described in the
light for the synthesis of vitamin D in skin. arthritis section above, other reports indicate that boron can
Boron has been shown to increase the efficacy of estrogen affect the immune response, the populations of blood cells
supplementation in both rats and humans. In ovariectomized involved in the inflammatory response, and reactive oxygen
rats fed an AIN-76 diet (high in sugar and oils that cause oxi- species metabolism occurring with chronic inflammatory stress
dative stress) containing 0.4 mg/kg boron, the addition of boron or the acute inflammatory response. Animal studies include the
to the diet (5 mg/kg) significantly increased the beneficial finding that supplementing 3 mg/kg boron to boron-deficient
effect of 17b-estradiol supplementation on trabecular bone vol- (0.2 mg/kg) diet more than doubled the serum total antibody
ume fraction, bone growth plate density, and trabecular separa- concentrations in response to human typhoid vaccine injection
tion.60 The combination of boron and 17b-estradiol versus in rats.68 In mice, boron deprivation downregulated 30 of 31
either of these alone markedly improved the absorption of cal- cytokines or chemokines associated with the inflammatory
cium, phosphorus, and magnesium and the retention of calcium response 6 days postprimary infection with the nematode
and magnesium.61 In postmenopausal women, the increases in Heligmosomoides bakeri.69 An opposite pattern was found,
serum 17b-estradiol and plasma copper induced by estrogen especially 21 days postchallenge; mice consuming low and
therapy were significantly higher when the women consumed marginally boron-deficient diets had >100% increases in 23
3.25 mg/d boron instead of 0.25 mg/d.62 The higher boron of the 31 cytokines or chemokines.
intake enhanced the effect of estrogen therapy on serum trigly- Animal studies showing that boron can affect blood cell
ceride and immunoreactive ceruloplasmin concentrations. populations include one in which rats were fed diets where the
Boron intake also had a positive influence on the association fat source was fish oil (high in anti-inflammatory n-3 fatty
between reduced lung cancer risk and hormone replacement acids) or safflower oil (high in n-6 fatty acids).70 Compared
therapy.54 Women who consumed a diet low in boron and did with safflower oil, fish oil increased white blood cell numbers,
Nielsen and Meacham 173
with most of the increase in the lymphocyte fraction, in from a base (H2O) to form tetracovalent compounds such as
boron-supplemented (3 mg/g diet) but not in boron-deprived B(OH)4. Thus, the reaction
(0.1 mg/g diet) rats. Fish oil instead of safflower oil increased
monocyte and basophil numbers in boron-deprived but not in BðOHÞ3 þH2 O $ BðOHÞ þ
4 þH :
boron-supplemented rats. In another study, boron supplemen-
ted (2.0 mg/kg diet) rats had lower circulating concentrations At the pH of blood (7.4) this reaction results in a dilute aqueous
of natural killer cells and CD8aþ/CD4 cells than did solution composed of B(OH)3 (boric acid) and B(OH)4
boron-deficient (0.1 mg/kg diet) rats after injection with an (borate). Because the pKa of boric acid is 9.25, the abundance
antigen (M butyricum in mineral oil).20 of these 2 species in blood should be 98.4% and 1.6%,
One human study found that perimenopausal women excret- respectively. Boric acid forms ester complexes with hydroxyl
ing an average of 1.1 and 3.0 mg/d boron during placebo and groups of organic compounds; this preferably occurs when the
boron supplementation periods, respectively, had increased hydroxyl groups are adjacent and in cis orientation. This prop-
white blood cell numbers, an increased percentage of neutro- erty results in boron as boric acid forming complexes with sev-
phils, and a decreased percentage of lymphocytes during the eral biologically important sugars, including ribose. The fact
boron supplementation period.64 that borate can stabilize ribose has given support to the specu-
Activation of neutrophils and phagocytes during the lation that early life on Earth was one in which RNA was the
inflammation process results in the production of reactive only genetically encoded component of biological catalysts.75
oxygen species such as superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and Without boron, RNA would have been unlikely to form spon-
the hydroxyl radical that are used for microbicidal purposes. taneously in prebiotic conditions because its ribose component
Excess reactive oxygen species are destroyed in reactions would have decomposed under the harsh conditions of early
involving glutathione, superoxide dismutase, and catalase. Earth.
Evidence exists indicating that boron status can affect the
destruction of reactive oxygen species. Boron supplementa-
tion (3.0 mg/d) significantly increased erythrocyte superox-
Hypothesized Boron Mechanisms of Action Involving
ide dismutase concentration in boron-deprived (0.25 mg/d)
men and women.59 Low doses (eg, 5 mg/L) of boron were
found to support antioxidant enzyme activities, including Ribose is a component of adenosine. The diverse actions of
superoxide dismutase and catalase, in human blood cul- boron could occur through its reactions with biomolecules con-
tures.71 Calcium fructoborate has been found to decrease the taining adenosine or formed from adenosine precursors, includ-
intracellular production or amount of superoxide ions in cul- ing those shown in Figure 1. S-adenosylmethionine and
tured cells exposed to oxidative stress.40 Findings in an diadenosine phosphates have higher affinities for boron than
experiment with cultured THP-1 monocytes suggested that any other recognized boron ligands in animal tissues.76 Diade-
boron can limit inflammatory injury (lipopolysaccharide- nosine phosphates are present in all animal cells and function as
induced tumor necrosis factor-a formation) even in the pres- signal nucleotides associated with neuronal response. As
ence of glutathione deficiency.26 shown in Figure 2, S-adenosylmethionine is synthesized from
Related to a possible influence of boron on the response to adenosine triphosphate and methionine; it is one of the most
infection is that 3 of the limited number of known natural bio- frequently used enzyme substrates in the body.77 About 95%
molecules containing boron are antibiotics. These are boromy- of S-adenosylmethionine is used in methylation reactions,
cin from a strain of Streptomyces antibioticus,72 tartrolon B which influence the activity of DNA, RNA, proteins, phospho-
produced by the myxobacterium Sorangium cellulosum,73 and lipids, hormones, and transmitters. The methylation reactions
aplasmomycin produced by Streptomyces griseus.74 result in the formation of S-adenosylhomocysteine, which can
be hydrolyzed into homocysteine.78 High circulating homocys-
teine and depleted S-adenosylmethionine have been implicated
Possible Mechanisms of Actions in many of the disorders that can be affected by nutritional
intakes of boron, including arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer, dia-
Biochemistry of Boron betes, and impaired brain function. Support for the hypothesis that
The diverse responses reported for apparently deficient intakes boron bioactivity could be associated with S-adenosylmethionine
of boron have made it difficult to identify a primary mechanism are the findings that plasma homocysteine increased and liver
responsible for its beneficial bioactivity. The wide range of S-adenosylmethionine and S-adenosylhomocysteine decreased
responses probably is secondary to boron influencing a cell sig- in boron-deprived (0.05 to 0.15 mg/kg diet) compared with
naling system or the formation and/or activity of an entity that boron-supplemented (3 mg/kg diet) rats.79 Additional support
is involved in many biochemical processes. The biochemistry includes the finding that the bacterial quorum-sensing signal
of boron gives some clues about the possible basis for its molecule, auto-inducer-2, is a furanosyl borate ester synthesized
bioactivity. from S-adenosylmethionine.80 Quorum sensing is the cell-to-cell
Boron biochemistry is essentially that of boric acid. communication between bacteria accomplished through the
Boric acid acts as a Lewis acid and accepts an electron pair exchange of extracellular signaling molecules (autoinducers).
174 Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine 16(3)
Boron also strongly binds oxidized nicotinamide adenine be the molecular species that controls the transmembrane par-
dinucleotide (NADþ) and thus could influence reactions in titioning of boron.86 Transporters across the cell membrane
which it is involved.76 One role of extracellular NADþ is bind- have been identified for plants,87 yeast,88 and animal cells.89
ing to the plasma membrane receptor CD38, which is an adeno- The finding that the borate transporter NaBC1, which
sine diphosphate (ADP)-ribosyl cyclase that converts NADþ to apparently is essential for boron homeostasis in animal cells,
cyclic ADP ribose. Cyclic ADP ribose is released intracellu- conducts Naþ and OH across cell membranes in the absence
larly and binds to the ryandodine receptor, which results in the of boron,89 supports the suggestion that boron affects the trans-
release of Ca2þ from the endoplasmic reticulum. Cell culture duction of regulatory or signaling ions across cell membranes.
studies show that boric acid binds to and is a reversible inhibi- It has been hypothesized that a primary essential role for boron
tor of cyclic ADP ribose.81,82 Boric acid in concentrations that in plants, perhaps involving an interplay between boron and
can be found in blood decreased Ca2þ release from ryanodine calcium, is at the cell membrane level that affects signaling
receptor–sensitive stores.82 Thus, Eckhert83 has hypothesized events.90 Plant findings also have led to the hypothesis that
that boron could be bioactive through binding NADþ and/or boron could act as a cellular signal that interacts with transcrip-
cyclic ADP ribose and inhibiting the release of Ca2þ, which tion factors and thus affects the expression of some genes.91
is a signal ion for many processes in which boron has been These hypotheses suggest that boron could influence cell dif-
shown to have an effect, including insulin release, bone forma- ferentiation, organogenesis, and embryogenesis.92,93 Support
tion, immune response, and brain function. for this suggestion comes from boron deprivation findings from
frog, zebrafish, and bacteria studies. In the boron-deprived
Xenopus model, abnormal gastrulation is characterized by
Hypothesized Mechanism of Actions Involving Cell
bleeding yolk and exogastrulation, which suggests disturbed
Membrane Function, Integrity, and Signaling cell membrane structure or function.9,10 The most prevalent
Boron can also be bioactive through forming diester borate pathological changes before death of boron-deprived zebrafish
complexes with phosphoinositides, glycoproteins, and glycoli- during the zygote and cleavage periods were extensive mem-
pids, which contain cis-hydroxyl groups in membranes. Diester brane blebbing and extrusion of cytoplasm.11,12 The changes
borate polyl complexes could act as calcium chelators and/or occurred when cells were producing prodigious amounts of
redox metabolism modifiers84 that affect membrane integrity membranes, and they were consistent with membrane altera-
and function.85 A diester borate complex in membranes could tions reported for boron-deficient cyanobacteria.94
Nielsen and Meacham 175
Intakes That Affect Health intake level of 20 mg/d. The World Health Organization first
suggested that 13 mg/d would be a safe upper intake level95 but
Nutritional later increased this to 0.4 mg/kg body weight or about 28 mg/d
Both animal and human data were used by the World Health for a 70-kg person.97 The European Union established an upper
Organization (WHO)95 to suggest that an acceptable safe range intake level for total boron intake based on body weight that
of population mean intakes of boron for adults could be 1 to results in about 10 mg/d for adults.98 Interestingly, they sug-
13 mg/d. This suggestion implies that intakes <1.0 mg/d is inad- gested 1.0 mg/L to be a safe drinking water standard for
equate for optimal boron beneficial activity. The 1994-1996 Con- boron.99 This resulted in considerable debate because in some
tinuing Survey of Food Intakes by Individuals indicated that regions in the world, boron concentrations are normally much
boron intakes ranged from a low of about 0.35 mg/d to a high higher than this. One study found that 10% of 600 drinking
of about 3.25 mg/d for adults.96 The median intake for various age water sources had boron concentrations exceeding 1.0 mg/L
groups of adults ranged from 0.87 to 1.13 mg/ d. These figures in the European Union.100 The World Health Organization first
suggest that a significant number of people consume less than suggested 0.3 mg/L101 then later 0.5 mg/L as a tolerable level
desirable amounts of boron. Findings from a study involving 43 for boron.97 This increase was appropriate based on the finding
postmenopausal women in eastern North Dakota64 also indicate that the mortality rate in northern France was significantly
a similar conclusion. Average urinary excretion of boron (a good lower when drinking water contained >0.3 mg/L than when it
indicator of intake) was <0.5 mg/d for 2 women and between 0.5 contained <0.3 mg/L.102 Moreover, the low upper intake levels
and 1.0 mg/d for 14 women. In human depletion–repletion set for drinking water seem inconsistent with the upper intake
experiments, participants responded to a 3 mg/d boron supple- levels established throughout the world and with the lack of
ment after consuming a diet supplying only 0.2 to 0.4 mg/d finding of adverse effects in areas of the world where the drink-
boron for 63 days.41,42.59,62 These findings indicate that usual ing water is high in boron. For example, Sayli and cowor-
intakes of boron above 1.0 mg/d would promote human health. kers103-106 found that high concentrations in drinking water,
and consequently in food, in Turkey did not negatively affect
health. In a population exposed to drinking water containing
Safe Upper Level of Intake up to 29 mg/L boron and to boron mining and production, no
Despite the large array of findings showing beneficial effects of adverse effects on health or fertility were found over 3 genera-
boron in animal and human studies, the United States Institute tions. In another study, no adverse effects were found in 66 men
of Medicine Food and Nutrition Board96 did not set an adequate (mean age of 39 years) residing in a high boron area for 36 years
intake level for boron. However, they set a tolerable upper who had a calculated boron excretion of 6.77 mg/L, which
176 Journal of Evidence-Based Complementary & Alternative Medicine 16(3)
indicated a high intake of boron. The drinking water in the area actual boron determination in the diets that was compared with
where they resided had boron concentrations that ranged from repeat software boron determinations over time as new ver-
2.05 to 29.00 mg/L, with a mean of 10.2 + 4.1 mg/L. This level sions of the software program were updated and released. The
is 200 to 1000 times the typical values reported for most surface versions gave intakes of 4.5, 4.97, and 5.25 mg/d boron in com-
waters (0.01-0.05 mg/L).107 The findings with drinking water parison with the analytical determination of 1.2 mg/d. The soft-
containing high levels of boron and recent findings on the ware values were 3 to 4 times higher than values from other
beneficial actions of boron suggest that relaxation of current safe determinations of dietary boron intake.112-115
drinking water standards for boron might be appropriate. Dietary supplements are another complicating factor in
assessing dietary boron intake. The United States National
Library of Medicine Dietary Supplements Labels Database
Assessment of Boron in the Diet reveals an increasing number of supplements with boron as a
The preceding discussion indicates that people consuming listed ingredient. In 2009, boron ranged from 0.07 to 3 mg/unit
<1 mg/d will benefit from increased intakes of boron and that boron in 203 products; only 3 contained 3 mg/unit. One product
it would be best not to exceed intakes above the upper intake showed a value of 60 mg/unit, but the issuer confirmed that this
level (20 mg/d in the United States and Canada). Assessing was a reporting error; the corrected value was 750 mg/15 mL
human diets to ascertain whether they contain boron in the unit for the liquid mineral supplement. In addition to
range of 1 to 20 mg/d requires a thorough analysis of foods, supplements, other unexpected sources of boron can influence
water, and supplements. Several reports have given the boron its dietary intake; examples include sea salts and chia seeds.
content of commonly consumed foods and, consequently, an The preceding indicates that although assessment methods
estimated daily dietary intake. The major reports have been for boron are improving, estimates of boron status or dietary
by Hunt et al,108 Anderson and Cunningham,109 and Hunt and intake by using food records must be viewed with caution. Ana-
Meacham110 who used different analytical and digestion tech- lytical determinations of all items (food, water, and supple-
niques to determine boron levels. Rainey and Nyquist111 used ments) over a period of time would be the most accurate
literature boron values for foods to estimate daily dietary boron method for assessing boron intake. Urinary boron excretion
intakes in several countries. Foods of plant origin, especially could be used to support the accuracy of a boron intake
fruits, leafy vegetables, nuts, and legumes, are rich in boron, determination.
as are wine, cider, and beer. Some of the highest boron concen-
trations (mg/g fresh weight) are found in avocado (14.3 + 0.4),
peanut butter (5.9 + 0.2), prune juice (5.6 + 0.0), chocolate Summary and Conclusions
powder (4.3 + 0.4), wine (3.6 + 0.0), grape juice (3.4 + The evidence that boron is a bioactive beneficial trace element
0.0), and pecans (2.6 + 0.1).110 These values can vary based is substantial. The evidence has come from numerous
on the environment in which the foods are produced. laboratories that have used a variety of experimental mod-
Improvements in boron assessment methods are needed to els, including humans. Boron apparently has diverse effects
more accurately assess boron intakes throughout the world. through influencing a cell signaling system or the formation
Because boron analysis is expensive and time-consuming, and/or activity of an entity involved in many biochemical
quality analyses of its presence in food and supplements are processes. Findings have shown that boron is needed to
limited. In addition, values obtained for foods before 1990 are complete the life cycle of some higher animals; in nutri-
questionable. At present, urinary excretion is often used as an tional amounts, it promotes bone health, brain function, and
indication of dietary boron intake. The most widely used the immune or inflammatory response; alleviates or decreases
method to determine nutrient intake is using values for foods the risk for arthritis; facilitates the action or utilization of
whose intakes have been estimated by food diaries—usually several hormones; and is associated with decreased risk for
3-day food records. This determination usually involves soft- some cancers. This suggests that boron intakes above 1 mg/d
ware programs that use databases of food composition tables. could help people ‘‘live longer and better.’’ Increased intakes
For boron, this has resulted in some questionable boron intake of boron through consuming foods such as fruits, vegetables,
estimations. nuts, and pulses should be recognized as a reasonable dietary
An example of misleading boron intakes comes from a study recommendation.
in which a popular computer software was used to estimate the
boron intakes from a single set of diet records. The boron con- Author Contributions
tent was available for only 322 foods, or 1.2% of the 26 000 Forrest H. Nielsen was responsible for the overall preparation and
foods in the database. Moreover, boron values reported in the final editing of the manuscript. Susan L. Meacham was responsible for
database erroneously used mg/g instead of mg/g of food, which writing the sections on cancer, intakes that affect health, and assess-
resulted in the limited foods with boron values giving a much ment of boron in the diet.
higher than expected boron intake and masking the fact that a
very limited number of foods in the database had boron val- Declaration of Conflicting Interests
ues.112 In this study from which diet records were obtained, The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
duplicate plate collections were obtained. This allowed for an the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
Nielsen and Meacham 177
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