Attendance Policy
Attendance Policy
Attendance Policy
It is the parent's obligation to report any absences. Please contact the Corporate Communication
Department (CCD) before 8:00 a.m. with the student's name and grade level with valid excuse
(refer to excused absences). Students must attend class on a regular basis and arrive on time in
order to receive the finest education possible. Regular classroom engagement is required to provide
the optimal learning environment for each student. This policy statement was created to encourage
regular attendance and discourage tardiness. Our mission is to optimize every student's learning
opportunity. Parents and students are responsible for their children's attendance. At the judgment
of the school administration, a student who is absent from school for more than 6 days (Unexcused
absences per term) may receive a lesser grade or be retained if their absence has severely hampered
academic progress.
Excused Absences
Illness: A doctor's/note parent's explaining the cause for absence is necessary for your
student's attendance file.
Medical visits or treatments: A doctor's letter is required for the student's attendance file.
Personal or family emergency: A parent letter is required for the student's attendance file.
Unexcused Absences
Family vacations.
Non-Medical appointments.
Absence for any other reason that does not meet the criteria of an excused absence.
A student who is absent from school without notice.
Early Release
Parents are requested to schedule appointments after 3:30 p.m. to avoid the need for an early
dismissal. If it becomes necessary for the student to be released from school for a doctor/dental
appointment or other unavoidable emergencies, the following procedure should be followed:
Parent/Guardian will need to contact the reception stating the student’s first and last name,
date and time of release, and the reason for the early dismissal. The parent/student is to fill
up a leave form before dismissal.
The written note will be kept in the students attendance file.
Being on time is a life skill important to each student’s future, and schools share the responsibility
to teach the importance of this skill. Tardiness of individual students interrupts instructional time
for all students. Promptness to class allows the teachers to begin the instruction on time for
everyone. Tardiness to class is defined as not being physically in the room at 8:00 am. Student’s
arriving after 8:30am will be considered absent.
Student’s Responsibilities
Attending school on a daily basis, on time, and fully participating. The student who was absent is
responsible for obtaining and completing make-up assignments. Classwork must be completed
within a particular time frame, with one day made up for each day missed. In the event of a
scheduled absence, classwork is due the day the student returns to school. All work that is not
completed within the time limit will be graded zero.
Administrator’s Responsibilities
To assess student attendance and notify parents/guardians when a student has an excessive
number of absences.
To take reasonable efforts to ensure that pupils attend school on a regular basis and in a
timely way.
3 (three) absences (termly): Parents will be alerted of absences and reminded of the
importance of regular attendance through letter or phone.
6 (six) absences (termly): A required conference with parents and principals will be
convened to design an attendance improvement plan. The intervention strategy will be
proactive and problem-solving.
After 20% absence (termly): students will not be allowed to sit for their Exam and
Retention may arise.
It is important for students to be present during lessons and participate in order to develop and
grow as future leaders. Students who have been absent for 20% of the term will not be allowed to
sit for exams, if such behavior continues throughout the other terms students will need to be
retained in the current grade.