DLL - English 4 - Q1 - W4

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: JULIET D ROLDAN Learning Area: English

DAILY LESSON LOG Dates and Time: June 24-28, 2019 7:30-8:20 Quarter: First


A. Content Standards - Demonstrates understanding of -Demonstrates understanding that - Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of
the elements of informational text English is stress-timed language to the elements of informational text English grammar and usage in English grammar and usage in
for comprehension. achieve accuracy and automaticity for comprehension. speaking or writing. speaking or writing.
- demonstrates understanding that
word meaning changes based on
B. Performance Objective Recall details, sequence of events -Reads aloud text with accuracy Recall details, sequence of events Uses the classes of words aptly of Uses the classes of words aptly of
and shares ideas on text listened and automaticity and shares ideas on text listened various oral and written discourse various oral and written discourse
to. - use strategies to decode the to.
meaning of words in the context
C. Learning -Sequence events in a story Speaks clearly using appropriate Sequence events in literary texts Arrange words in alphabetical Arrange words in alphabetical
Competencies/ listened to pronunciation and intonation EN4RC - Id-e-3 order with the same first letter but order with the same first letter but
Objectives Code:EN4LC-Id--4 (Poems chants, rhymes , riddles) a different second letter a different second letter
-Use context clues (antonyms)n to EN4OL-Ia-d-2 EN4SS - Id-4 EN4SS - Id-4
(Write the LC code for
determine the meaning of - Read words , phrases, poems or -Use Mass and Count Nouns -Use Mass and Count Nouns
unfamiliar words EN4V - Ia-d-2 stories with long vowel o sound EN4G-Id-3 EN4G-Id-3
I. CONTENT “Tower to the MooN Who’s Afraid? Poem: Cooking in the Kitchen Mass Noun and Count Noun Mass Noun and Count Noun
Sequencing Events -Write rhyming words -Sequencing events


a.Teachers Guide pages pp. 45-48 pp. 48- 50 Pp. 50-51 Pp. 52 Pp. 52
b.Learners Material Pages pp. 31-32 Pp. 32-36 Pp.36 - 37 Pp. 38-39 Pp. 38-39
c.Textbook pages
d.Additional Materials from LRDMS
Other Learning Resources maps flashcards flashcards
A. Reviewing past lesson or Ask the class to recite a poem Review of the past lesson about Review of the past lesson about Review of the past lesson about Review of the past lesson about
Presenting the new lesson rhyme learned in a previous lesson sequencing events long vowel o sound sequencing events in a literary text sequencing events in a literary text

B. Establishing a purpose of the What do you wish for yourself? What chores at home do you like
new lesson What do you wish for your family? to learn?
In the story , Tower to the Moon,
identify the king’s dream
C.Presenting Examples/ instances of Read the story the story: Read the first paragraph , refer to Refer to Lm, Read the paragraph Name other things which cannot
the new lesson :Tower to the Moon” LM, Find out and learn pp. 32 Try and Learn Refer to LM be counted?
Stop / pause at some parts and ask Find out and Learn
predicting questions
D.Discussing new concepts and Engagement Activities Where those the King sit? Which is task is done first? Second? -Name other things which cannot -Name other things which can be
practicing new skills no.1. Group Activity: Could they build a tower with the Next? Last? How do we arrange be counted? counted?
-Draw a tower boxes? the steps in a process in order or -Name other things which can be
-Write a letter sequence they are done? counted?
-Write a trait that one must posses
E.Discussing new concepts and Read an event in the story “ Tower Guided Practice Guided Practice Classify nouns as count noun and Classify nouns as count noun and
practicing new skills no.2 to the Moon” Refer to LM, Try and Learn p.33 Refer to LM , Do and Learn p. 37 mass nouns. mass nouns.
-Alphabet game
F.Developing Mastery Refer to LM, Refer LM, Do and Learn p.34 Independent practice Read the poem: Identify and Read the poem: Identify and
(Leads to Formative Assessment Do and Learn pp. 32 Refer to LM , Learn Some More p. classify count noun and mass noun classify count noun and mass noun
3.) 37
G.Finding practical application of What chore did the child learn? Identify count noun Identify mass noun
concepts and skills in daily living What did she do in the kitchen?

H.Making Generalization and What helped you sequence the How do we sequence of events and What is mass nouns? What is the difference of mass and
abstraction about the lesson events in the story? shares ideas on text listened to. count nouns?

I.Evaluating learning Guided Practice see TG p. 47 Read words , phrases, poems or Market List: Refer to LM, Learn Refer to LM, Learn Some More p.
stories with long vowel o sound Some More p. 39 40
J.Additional activities for application Listen to the story of the selection
and remediation then sequence the events as they
happened. Retell the story

No. of learners who earned 80% in the


No. of learners who require additional

activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the

No. of learners who continue to require


Which of my teaching strategies worked

well? Why did these work?

What difficulties did I encounter which

my principal or supervisor can help me
What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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