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W WritingWorkshop-FORWEBpdf
W WritingWorkshop-FORWEBpdf
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foráis sa bhunscolaíocht ENGLISH | WRITING | Stage 1 and Stage 2
which the writer chooses punctuation can be dealt with creating, communicating and exploring language
topics to write about, plans when editing and publishing, through writing and gives equal attention to
ideas, translates ideas into can relieve their anxiety and processes of writing and the written product.
a first draft, and reviews increase children’s confidence The Writing Workshop is an instructional framework
what has been written. and sense of self-efficacy. which teachers can use to support children as writers.
www.ncca.ie/primary 1
Support Material
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht ENGLISH | WRITING | Stage 1 and Stage 2
of writing are fostered and • Assess writing using checklists, rubrics and portfolios in
motivation is enhanced as order to plan mini-lessons on the craft, skills and processes
children have choice and of writing. See also: NCCA (2006) Assessment in the
Primary School Curriculum.
control over writing topics.
It provides opportunities • Hold high expectations for children’s writing.
www.ncca.ie/primary 2
Support Material
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht ENGLISH | WRITING | Stage 1 and Stage 2
Interactive Writing
Getting Started with The teacher and children
Shared and Interactive share the pen. Children are In interactive writing,
Writing invited to come up and the teacher
Shared Writing write on the chart and children both
or interactive whiteboard, act as the scribe.
In shared writing, the children
e.g., particular words
choose what they would like to
or sounds that they are
write about (the topic) and the
familiar with and can spell.
www.ncca.ie/primary 3
Support Material
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht ENGLISH | WRITING | Stage 1 and Stage 2
www.ncca.ie/primary 4
Support Material
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht ENGLISH | WRITING | Stage 1 and Stage 2
mini-lesson is often linked to high-quality children’s literature or specific craft, convention, and in discovering their
a piece of the child’s own writing. Whole-class mini-lessons process or organisational own voice.
take place when all children, or the majority, need explicit technique involved
in writing.
instruction with one specific craft, convention, process or
organisational technique. Small-group mini-lessons take
www.ncca.ie/primary 5
Support Material
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht ENGLISH | WRITING | Stage 1 and Stage 2
Management and organisation (when necessary): (approx. 20-30 mins.) conferences, teachers
Teaching the routine of the Writing Workshop, e.g., the structure also use this one-to-one
of the Writing Workshop, how to use writing folders, rules for Video 4
time to note specific
conferences and how to respond within a share session. Video 5
concerns or areas of
Process (when necessary): Teaching the steps in the writing During sustained, expertise for individual
process, e.g., choosing a topic, drafting, revising, editing and publishing. independent writing children.This will
time, the teacher enable the teacher to
Conventions (1-2 times a week): Teaching skills to improve
engages in conferences provide differentiated
the readability and fluency of the piece, e.g., grammar, spelling,
with individual children. instruction during future
punctuation and sentence structure.
Conferences are short conferences and plan
Craft (3-4 times a week): Teaching a technique to enhance (approx. 5 mins) and content for small-group
writing quality/style, e.g., using details, strong introduction and teachers should aim to mini-lessons. In this way,
crafting an effective title. Recording key ideas on an anchor chart and conference with 3-4 the teacher provides
displaying in the classroom provides a visual reminder for children. children daily. A good support in response
conference involves to children’s particular
80% child talk and needs.At the end of
20% teacher talk.The independent writing
www.ncca.ie/primary 6
Support Material
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht ENGLISH | WRITING | Stage 1 and Stage 2
www.ncca.ie/primary 7
Support Material
foráis sa bhunscolaíocht ENGLISH | WRITING | Stage 1 and Stage 2
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Gambrell (Eds.), Best practices in literacy instruction, 295-318.
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Fletcher, R. & Portalupi, J. (2001). Writing workshop:The essential guide. Videos
Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Gentry, R.J. (1982). An analysis of developmental spelling in GNYS at work.
The Reading Teacher 36, 192-200. WritingWorkshop_Video2
Graves, D. (1994). A fresh look at writing. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann. WritingWorkshop_Video3
Grainger, T. Goouch, K., & Lambirth, A. (2005). Creativity and writing: WritingWorkshop_Video4
Developing voice and verve in the classroom. Oxon: Routledge.
Hayes, J. (1996). A new framework for understanding cognition and affect
in writing. In C. Levy, & S. Ransdell (Eds.), The science of writing: Theories, WritingWorkshop_Video6
methods, individual differences and applications, 1-27. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
Juzwik, M. (2006). Writing. In M. Pressley (Ed.), Reading instruction