Nurul Anisa CCD Assignment

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Teacher Nurul Anisa

Institution Madrasah Aliyah Negeri I Pekanbru
School Level Senior Highschool
Class 10
Phase E
Target Students Reguler
Approach, Model, and Leearning Methode  Differentiated Instruction

 Presentation (material explanantion),
Practice, Production
Facilities and Infrastructure Papan Tulis, Infokus, Laptop, Smartphone
Learning Resources  textbooks
 Internet
Materials Powerpoint and Video
Pancasila Student Profile  Critical Thingking
 Character
 Colaboration
Academic Year 2023\2024
Time Allocation 2x45 minutes
Learning Outcomes of Phase E Students At the end of Phase E, students use spoken,
written and visual texts in English to
communicate according to the situation,
purpose and audience/reader. Various types of
texts such as narratives, descriptions,
procedures, expositions, recounts, reports and
authentic texts are the main references in
learning English in this phase. Students use
English to express desires/feelings and discuss
topics that are close to their daily lives or hot
issues according to the age of the students in
this phase. They read written texts to learn
something/get information. Implicit inference
skills when understanding information, in
English begin to develop. Students produce
more diverse written and visual texts, with
awareness of the goals and target readers.
Elements of Learning Outcomes Writing-Presenting

At the end of Phase E, students write various

types of fiction and non-fiction texts, through
guided activities, showing students' awareness
of the goals and target readers. They plan,
write, review and rewrite a variety of text types
by demonstrating self-correction strategies,
including punctuation and capitalization. They
convey ideas using common vocabulary and
verbs in their writing. They present
information using various presentation modes
to suit readers/viewers and to achieve different
goals, in print and digital forms.

Learning Objectives 1.1To develop students to understand various

written text categories to uncover their distinct
characteristics in terms of generic structure,
language feature, moral value, theme, etc.

1.2 To Foster a habit of self-directed reading by

choosing and consuming texts from different

1.3 To develop students to be able to select

certain vocabulary in creating different types of

1.4 To Cultivate the skill of expressing thoughts

clearly and engaging in meaningful discussions
with both peers and teachers by conveying
interpretations and insights from texts through
spoken communication.

1.5 To increase student’s spontaneity in speaking

especially in familiar context they have discussed
from the text provided.

1.6 To develop students to be able to initiate

conversation, face to face, to enhance
communication and collaboration.

Meaningful Understanding Students are expected to be able to write a

procedure text in a chronological order.
Initial Competency  Students should be able to use simple
prresent tense
 Students should b able to use time
sequence word
Igniter Question  Have you made the dish in the video?
 Have you watch this kind of tutorial video
to help you in making something?
 What material will be discussed today
based on the video?

Introduction Motivation

 Teacher shows a video about a cooking

 Teacher ask student:
1. Have you made the dish in the video
2. Have you watched this kind of tutuorial
video in order to help you in making
3. What material that we will learn today
based on the video that we watch?
Main Activity Syntax I: Problem Orientation

1. Teacher shows several picture about steps

in making something and ask students to
arrange it orderly.
2. Teacher shows the procedure text that the
pictures have been arranged by the
students before and ask student to
identify what langage features in the text

Syntax II: Organizing Students

Teacher divides the students to several groups

and ask the students to make a procedure text
based on the language feature that they have
learned before

Syntax III: Leading Discussion

1. Teacher ask all of the group to give one
person that will be the repressentation to
raed their procedure text.
2. Teacher ask each group to pay attention
to the procedure text that is beiang read
by their friend and find out what is
missing out from the procedure text that
need to be corrected.
Syntax IV: Developing and presenting discussion
1. Teacher ask students to discussed with
their group about whether other groups
have made procedure text by using correct
language features.
2. Teacher ask students to present their

Syntax V: Analyzing and Evaluating Process

1. Teacher evaluates student’s procedure

2. Teacher gives students formative
assignment to measure students

Closing Conclusion

Teacher choose several students to deliver their

conclusion of the material.


1. Was learning today enjoyable?

2. Can today's material be understood well?

Closing the class by reciting dua together

Evaluation Formative Assignment

Speaking performance observation
Enrichment students who have achieved the learning target,
they are given enrichment activities in the form
of additional teaching materials
Remedial For students who have not achieved their
learning targets, they need to be given remedial
activities in the form of additional evaluation

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