المشروع 4 فصول
المشروع 4 فصول
المشروع 4 فصول
Dr.Hamed Athab
ون ِفي ْال ِع ْل ِم َيقُولُ َ
ون آ َم َّنا ِب ِه ُك ٌّل ِمنْ ِع ْن ِد َر ِّب َنا اس ُخ َ
))والرَّ ِ
﴾٧آل عمران﴿
..وصلت رحلتي الجامعية إلى نهايتها بعد تعب ومش َّقة
وها أنا ذا أختم بحث ُّ
،وأمتنُّ لكل من كان له فضل في مسيرتي
،وساعدني ولو باليسير
..األبوين ،واألهل ،واألصدقاء ،واألساتذة ال ُم َّ
ُ...............أهديكم بحث ُّ
Table of Contents
Introduction 5
Notebooks 1
Paper pads 1
Pens 3
Pencils 2
Highlighter 2 colors
Scissors 1 pair
Chapter one
Every day, a large percentage of drivers in single occupancy cars look for a parking lot. In
addition, less experienced drivers contribute to increased traffic congestion .Cities witness a
wide range of activities, on a daily basis in general, and the main proportion of these
activities is concentrated in the Central Business District (CBD), i.e. the commercial and
business center of a city. Notably, the reason behind the difficulty of developing and
sustaining effective parking policies lay in the lack of information concerning parkers’
behaviors and preferences in choosing a certain parking location in the CBD area, especially
for commuting, business and shopping trips .Consequently, the effective method to evaluate
the effects of parking strategy measures lays in the proper understanding of parking
behavior. Since the shortage of space availability in urban areas can conduce to a rise in the
demand for parking spaces .With the rising growth of vehicle density on road, the parking
problem is expected severe on road. Therefore, a systematic study of parking characteristic,
demand, and regulatory measures that are likely to achieve control over parking is extremely
As a matter of fact, parking can exert negative effects on urban settings among these effects
A- Congestion: Parking occupies considerable street space reducing the capacity of road.
Therefore; traffic speed will be limited, journey time and delay will also grow as a result.
The operation cost of vehicles increases inducing a considerable economical loss to the
The aim of this study is to investigate the parking behaviour in urban streets such as in
Al- Najaf city because limited or no specific studies may deal with on-street parking
especially in Al-Najaf city or generally in Iraq. The objective of this study could be
achieved through the collection of data and knowing the number of parked vehicles on
both sides of the road and the waiting time for these vehicles
Chapter two
Parking: is the act of stopping and disengaging a vehicle and leaving it unoccupied. Parking
on one or both sides of a road is often permitted, though sometimes with restrictions. Some
buildings have parking facilities for use of the buildings' users. Countries and local
governments have rules [1] for design and use of parking spaces.
Parking can be classified into: publicly-owned on-street parking spaces; public off-street
surface or multi-story car parks; privately-owned off-street parking is usually related to
commercial uses; and private residential parking is provided only for the utilization by
owners or tenants of the identified residences in Figure (1-1) ( 1-2)
Figure (2-1)
Parking is the verb that involves parking a vehicle and leaving it empty for a relatively long
period of time. Parking is usually available on both sides of the road, although this process
is often restricted. Parking facilities are established with most buildings to facilitate the
arrival and departure of building users.
Types of conventional Parking system :
Conventional parking system can be divided into two main parts, namely on street parking
and off street parking.
On Street Parking
In this type of parking system, the vehicles are usually parked on the street itself. Generally,
these parking spaces are controlled by government whereby parking coupons are provided to
park in some of these parking spaces, As per IRC the standard dimensions of a car is taken as
5× 2.5 m and that for a truck is 3.75× 7.5 m. Figure ( 2-3)
Figure (2-3)
On street parking system can be further divided into parallel parking, 30⁰ parking, 45⁰
parking, 60⁰ parking and right angled parking
1- Parallel parking:
The vehicles are parked along the length of the road. Here there is no backward
movement involved while parking or un parking the vehicle. Hence, it is the safest
parking from the accident perspective. However, it consumes the maximum curb
length and therefore only a minimum number of vehicles can be parked for a given
kerbed length. This method of parking produces least obstruction to the on-going track
on the road since least road width is used in figure (2-4) and (2-5)
Figure (1- 5)
3- parking 45:
As the angle of parking increases, more number of vehicles can be parked. Hence
compared to parallel parking and thirty degree parking, more number of vehicles can
be accommodated in this type of parking in figure (2- 7 )
Figure (2-7) Illustration of 45◦ parking
4- Parking 60
The vehicles are parked at 60 to the direction of road. More number of vehicles can be
accommodated in this parking type in Figure (2-8)
In right angle parking or 90parking, the vehicles are parked perpendicular to the
direction of the road. Although it consumes maximum width kerbed length required is
very little. In this type of parking, the vehicles need complex manoeuvring and this
may cause severe accidents. This arrangement causes obstruction to the road track
particularly if the road width is less. However, it can accommodate maximum number
of vehicles for a given kerbed length in Figure (2-9)
Data collection
3.1 introduction
This chapter focuses on the methods of data collection and the main data which have been
collected in this project. In addition, the boundaries of study area
3.2.1-In-out survey
In this survey, the occupancy count in the selected parking lot is taken at the beginning. Then
the number of vehicles that enter the parking lot for a particular time interval is counted. The
number of vehicles that leave the parking lot is also taken. The final occupancy in the
parking lot is also taken. Here the labour required is very less. Only one person may be
enough. But we won't get any data regarding the time duration for which a particular vehicle
used that parking lot. Parking duration and turnover is not obtained. Hence we cannot
estimate the parking fare from this survey
3.2.4- drone
The drone represents an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) which is an aircraft without pilot.
It consists of a ground-based controller connecting with the aircraft to control its movement.
The flight of UAVs may be operated with or autonomously by on bored computer. The type
used in this study is Mavic pro platinum which is indicated in Fig
In this study, the license plate survey method was used for Al-ashtraki Street, which is one of
the commercial streets in Najaf, which contains a number of shops and restaurants, and Al-
Ghadeer Street, which contains a number of government departments, shops, restaurants, and
the College of Administration and Economics
The data was collected on Al-Eshtraki Street in the evening from 3:30 to 6:30, and the data
was collected every 30 minutes, and the street consisted of four lines in fig
Al- Ghadeer Street is one of the streets that include shops and state departments, So
there is Traffic congestion, especially in the morning.
Chapter four
Waiting time (duration): is the time at which the parked vehicle is still in the space during
parking time. In this
Study, this time represents the waiting time for on-street parking vehicles. This factor has
been calculated by
numbering spaces for each section and checking the existing of vehicles in these space each
30min by recording
Four digits plate registration number for each parked vehicle. This is another indication to
measure how long the
Vehicle stays in the specific space
: Alstraky street efficnce
Line Efficiency
1 51.9
2 47.9
3 34.8
4 89.4
2ycnapuco 05
4ycnapuco 04
03:6-00:6 00:6-03:5 03:5-00:5 00:5-03:4 03:4-00:4 00:4-03:3
Turn over
1 1.38
2 1.01
3 1.2
4 1.73
Avearag turnover=1.96
2- The status of Al- Gadeer streets is so busy as indicated in the data collection and analysis
stages. The most demand
Parking is for state departments which are widely spread and Faculty of Administration and
In fact, the purpose of the providing off-parking street is to reduce the demand for on street
parking therefore enforcement the law on the owners of shops, restaurants, hotels and malls
has a special parking position within the engineering planning of the origin must be within
the engineering planning for the origin of a special position of parking
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