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Buying preference of 4-wheeler - An exploratory study at Bhubaneswar

Madhusmita Choudhury 1 , Prof Dr Bidhu Bhusan Mishra 2 and Dr P.K.Mohanty 3

Research Socholar, Centurion University of Techonology & Management &
Assistant professor Department of Management Studies, Affinity Business School,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha, [email protected], Mob : 09861517059
Profesor & HOD, Dept. of Business Administration, Professor Utkal University , Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Dean, School of Management, Centurion university of Techology & Management,
Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Targeting the right set of customers for any given product is very important problem in
business (B2B / B2C). In this paper we propose a new approach to solve this problem based
on product ranking attributes specifically for the automotive sector. We listed different
features of 4 wheelers the buyer may be interested while buying car. Each features than
ranked and also ranked according to the Demographic features like Gender and income. We
than also surveyed the preferable financer to buy car.
Keywords: Consumer Brand preference, sustainable competitive advantage, strategy,
automotive sector. 
Odisha the land of Lord Jagantah, is the Indian state on the subcontinent’s eastern part having
3.46% (41,974,218) of total Indian population (Censusinfo India 2011) owns 56 & 43.5
percentage of 4 wheeler respectively in both urban & rural segment (CensusINFO India 2011,
Houses, household amenities & assets) having their own values, beliefs and in the path to
became successful and rapidly moving to became the smart state having all comfort to live &
to communicate on road too. Most companies tapping these current trends of people &
attracted prospects with many lucrative offers which made people confuse to get the right
products for them which fetch value to them ( Singh, A.K & Agarwal, P.K, 2013). Till the
date the current car registration in passenger vehicles segment is 186323 as on 31 st March
2012 (Govt. of India Statistics of Registered Vehicles). The passenger vehicle category is
having 14% of market share (Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers, 2013-14).
With the total population of 1,210,569,573 In India (Censusinfo India 2011) the large
buyers & their varied expectations are increased rapidly from the products they consume or
they ought to consume and hence the manufacturer need to sustain, survive & strategise to
sale their products by adding more value (Singh, A.K & Agarwal, P.K, 2013), need to create
right attitude for their manufactured products, developing brand loyalty (Goyal,A., 2014), the
companies need to take adequate care about their marketing mix elements with special focus
on distribution (Priyadarsini,S.A, 2014).
The companies need to focus on the family type, demographics segments like Gender, age,
occupation, educational qualification, monthly income (Saxena,M. & et al , 2012) along with
the other variable like price, environmental concern, quality(Raghavendra,G.P & etal,2009),
brand image, durability, convenience, product packaging (Raghavendra,G.P & etal,2009) also
(Aggeman,C.M, 2014, Singh, A.K & Agarwal, P.K, 2013, Ghosh,M & Ghosh,A., 2013,
Goel, P., 2013, Maheswari, M.U & et al, 2013, Saxena,M. & et al , 2012). The companies
need to understand the current trends, choice colour & buying attitudes of consumer ( Dutt,
It has proved that communications from the company to consumer across zones, cities,
gender & age groups create positive attitude towards their product & the usage benefits
(Singh, S etal, Sharma, s., & rehman, a. 2012). Popular Brand has also have effect on the
consumer minds irrespective of gender who serves their customer to gain customer
satisfaction (Lamba, B etal, Ratnesh, K. , 2014, Ghosh,M & Ghosh,A., 2013), price is not
having any effect on the preference of consumer’s loyalty towards a particular brand
(Ghosh,M & Ghosh,A., 2013) but while purchasing the brand consumers are more aware of
the value offered by the marketer(Goel, P. , 2013) and by the information collected from
friends (Chadha, o, 2011)
The retailer / retail chain can collect information by grouping consumers in a cluster based on
few common consumers’ demographics or by clustering few similar characteristics. This
method and system for gathering and analyzing customer and purchasing information process
the retailer / retail chain the transactional information which involve large numbers of
consumers and consumer products. The Product information can be collected by uniquely
identifying specific product by type, manufacturer and it can be form a group in a generic
product clusters. This information can be analyzed in terms of product and/or consumer
clusters to find out relationships between the consumers and the products. ( W. M. Andersen,
D. Hargreaves, S. M. Hoellig, D. S. Johnson and B. D. Mischel, 1999). Targeting customers
are basically depends on either customer characteristics or product characteristics. The
interest of a customer on any product is depended on the product attributes of the product.
Marketers build Model to predict customer’s response both for potentially as well as for the
new customers for their offers are basically include the data of demographic and historic
purchase. In a catalogue marketing process, customers for each mailing are basically selected
using segmentation criteria (C. Apte, E. Bibelnieks, R. Natarajan, E. Pednault, F. Tipu, D.
Campbell, and B. Nelson, August 2001) such as recency of last purchase, frequency of last
purchase, number of purchases per year and monetary value spent over the last time periods
in a specific product categories.
Clustering is a commonly used technique for customer segmentation and targeting. (W. M.
Andersen, D. Hargreaves, S. M. Hoellig, D. S. Johnson, and B. D. Mischel, October 1999 )
group products into product clusters based on product information; and customers into
customer clusters based on demographic information. A mapping between product clusters
and customer clusters is used for determining the target customer set. Marketers have also
used brand choice models (P. E. Rossi, R. E. McCulloch, and G. M. Allenby, 1996) with user
heterogeneity to generate market segments in targeting.
Fuzzy techniques may be useful for well performance with uncertainty. Targeting and
personalization area are best application for these kind of fuzzy techniques (V. Jain and R.
Krishnapuram, July 2001). Fuzzy clustering techniques may also used for targeting customer
(T. Hsu, K. M. Chu, and H. C. Chan, May 2000) to generate fuzzy clusters of customers
based on their responses to survey and utilize them to find out the market structure and tell
the application of a supervised learning method supported by fuzzy clustering of customers to
select target customer in direct marketing. (M. Setnes and U. Kaymak, 2001)
Gain curve characteristics may also be used as a criterion for collection of the most flattering
customer feature to use for targeting and add customer features incrementally (I.V. Cadez, P.
Smyth, and H. Mannila, August 2001) by using the EM algorithm to create a customer profile
by using transaction data. Every customer is allocated a set of unique weights indicating the
probability that the customer’s transactions [modelled by number of items purchased in each
category] are created by component of the “Component mixture model.”
These approaches do not unambiguously take into account the customer’s motive for making
the purchase because only demographic data and purchase transaction data do not provide
information about the objective behind the customer’s purchase decision. In reality, the
purchase decision of a customer rely on vivid factors which includes product attributes, the
degree to which the product possesses the attributes relative to other products, the importance
that the customer places on the attributes, timing of the purchase, the customer’s level of
experience with the product, etc.

1. To find out the Top 3 preferred features of Bhubaneswar (Odisha) people while
buying car.
2. To find out the Top 3 preferred features of Bhubaneswar (Odisha) people of
demographic segment like Gender & Income.
3. To find out the most preferred financer while buying passenger car.
Keeping the objective in mind the authors collected responses via survey of the people of
Bhubaneswar owning 4-wheeler from various govt. Offices, Institutions, Financial
institutions, Hospitals, corporate through Non probability- convenience sampling technique.
The sample size is 253. All the items were measured & validated through “Content Validity”
methodology. The Research approach is exploratory in nature. The data collection has been
done after a pilot test of 25 people owning 4-wheelers to access the content adequacy,
including appropriateness of the questions, scales & instructions given. Based on the Pilot
test feedback, the questionnaire was slightly modified to achieve the research objectives. All
the demographic constructs & research items were measured on nominal scale. The best
feature constructs were measured through a rank order data. Respondents were asked to fill
the responses the degree to which they will buy 4-wheeler with those preferred features they
rank from 1- 11 where 1 is most preferred and 11 means least preferred.
Before the starting up of actual data analysis, the final data has been prepared by removing
the missing values of different items in a scale by replacing them by 9 and ensured the rank
order data was properly filled by the respondent to avoid un-ambiguity in data analysis. The
rank order data was checked and cross checked to avoid any kind of discrepancy for its
authenticity with the help of excel manually and by checking the sum of all the ranks which
is 66 (1-11) and then applied conditional formatting to check whether any value > 66 or < 66
and replaced the missing value with the last numbered rank (least preferred rank) by verifying
case to case basis for the suitability of other application of statistical tools and techniques
then the rank order data was cross checked by calculating the frequency. From the Table – 1
and by analysing the descriptive statistics we can found that the features were ranked
appropriately by the respondent and the Standard deviation is also very less for the different
features. The rank sample data features like interior space and interior looks was slightly
deviated with the little less of standard deviation 1.840 and 1.936.
The rank order items in the scale are checked for its normality by Kolmogorov Smrinov test
and all the items are found to be normal for further analysis (Figure- 1). The data was found
to be highly reliable for the managerial implication with the Cronbach’s alpha value of .861
(George and Mallery (2003).
Table 3 explaining the demographic profile of the respondent in this study. Out of 253
respondents 88 % are male (N=223) & 12% are female (N=50), 1.6 % of people belongs to
the age group of 18-25 years (n=4 ), 26.1% of responses (n=66) belongs to the age group of
26-35 years, 53% responses (n=134) belongs to the age group of 36-45 where as 19.4%
(n=49) are people whose age group is more than 46 years. Professional respondents were
91.7 (n= 232) and businessman were 8.3% (n =21) only. 17% (n = 43) of respondent’s
annual income is up to 5 Lakh , highest income group with 64.4% (n = 163) are earning 5-
10 Lakh per annum. 14.2% (n = 36) are earning 10-15 Lakh per annum and only 4.3%
(n= 11) of our sample are only earning 15-20 Lakh per annum. 29.2% (n =74) of our sample
belongs to the traditional education category who have done courses like (Under Matric, BA,
B.Sc ,B.Com, MA, M.Sc, B.Ed ,Graduation, P.G, IA[10+2], ) are highest in our sample.
Multi Dimensional scaling is like cluster analysis. It operated directly on dissimilarities, no
statistical distribution assumption is necessary (Wilkinson, L., 1996). To find out our 1 st
objective i.e the top 3 Features in 4-wheeler we have performed Multi dimensional scaling
test on our dataset. The sample data explain that Safety, Mileage and Engine power (Table 1
& Figure 2) are the most preferred features.
To find out our 2nd objective gender wise top 3 most preferred features of car, we split the
dataset and compared the group as per gender where we coded Male = 0 & Female = 1. Table
4(a) & Figure 3 explain that Mileage, Safety and engine power are the most preferred features
by male and Table 4 (b) & Figure 4 explain that Safety, Mileage & colour are the most
preferred features by female respondent. We can see that both Male & Female considered
Safety & Mileage as their top most preferred features. Sample with Per annum income upto 5
Lakh preferred Mileage, Safety & Engine power are the most sought out features (Table-5 &
Figure-5). Sample with annual income of 5-10 Lakh choose Safety, Mileage and Price as
their most preferred features (Table- 5 & Figure-6). Sample with annual income of 10-15
Lakh choose Safety, Mileage & colour as their most preferred feature (Table-5 & Figure -7).
Sample with annual income of 15-20 Lakh choose Mileage, Price and Post-service are the
most preferred feature (Table-5 & Figure -8). The preferred features of 4-wheeler as per the
income wise demographic segmentation is reliable for managerial application (Table- 6) with
the Cronbach alpha of .705, .877, .838 and .809 (George and Mallery (2003). SBI is still the
most preferred financer for the people for buying 4 wheeler (Table-7) with 46.2 % of sample
SBI is the most preferred financer with 46.2% of respondent (Table – 10) to buy passenger
car in the locality of Bhubaneswar.
From the research we can explore that safety; Mileage & Engine power is the most preferred
feature of our sample. Male respondent ranked engine power as the 3rd most important
features along with Mileage & safety and female respondent ranked colour as the 3rd most
important features along with Safety & Mileage. Mileage is the most ranked features across
different income group in our research, followed with safety, price, colour, post-service and
engine power. SBI is still the most preferred bank out of many private players to get finance
while purchasing a passenger car.
The ranked features may be applied by the 4-wheeler manufacturer while taking gender &
income as one of the demographic segmentation with the Cronbach’s alpha value. The
Cohen’s d was calculated with the help of effect size calculator using means & standard
deviation (Table – 8) and it was found that for Mileage is -0.050 (small effect, Cohen’s
(1992)), safety 0.471 (small effect, Cohen’s (1992), colour 0.592 (Moderate effect, Cohen’s
(1992) and engine power is 0.160 (small effect, Cohen’s (1992) for the gender demographic
segmentation. The most common measure of effect size for a One-Way ANOVA is Eta-
Squared (Brown, J. D. 2008) by using the formula n 2 = SS between / SS total and we found that
the using the Eta- squared for Mileage, 1.23% of the total variance is accounted for by the
treatment effect which has small effect size (Cohen’s (1988, 1992), Eta- squared for Price,
7.19% of the total variance is accounted for by the treatment effect which has Medium effect
size (Cohen’s (1988, 1992), Eta- squared for Safety,2.19% of the total variance is accounted
for by the treatment effect which has small effect size (Cohen’s (1988, 1992), Eta- squared
for colour, 7.09% of the total variance is accounted for by the treatment effect which has
Medium effect size (Cohen’s (1988, 1992), Eta- squared for Engine power, 1.58% of the total
variance is accounted for by the treatment effect which has small effect size (Cohen’s (1988,
1992) and Eta- squared for Post Service, 7.42% of the total variance is accounted for by the
treatment effect which has Medium effect size (Cohen’s (1988, 1992). The sample was
collected only from Bhubaneswar by using convenience sampling techniques, the research
would be more meaningful with large effect size and for which the support from the 4-
wheeler company is highly solicited.
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Table – 1
Descriptive Statistics
N Mean Std.
Safety 253 2.79 2.377
Mileage 253 2.80 2.108
Engine 253 4.01 2.255
Colour 253 4.20 2.411
Price 253 4.22 2.863
Boot space 253 4.25 2.233
Interior looks 253 4.56 1.840
Interior 253 4.60 1.936
Post service 253 4.77 2.404
Types of 253 5.46 2.513
Technology 253 5.58 2.712
Valid N 253

Table – 2
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of
Alpha Items
.861 11

Table -3
Sample characteristics Frequency (N = Percentage %
Male 223 88.1
Female 50 11.9
18-25 4 1.6
26-35 66 26.1
36-45 134 53
46 & above 49 19.4
Professional 232 91.7
Businessman 21 8.3
Up to 5 Lakh 43 17
Up to 5-10 lakhs 163 64.4
Up to 10-15 lakhs 36 14.2
Up to 15-20 lakhs 11 4.3
Academic background
B.Tech, BE, 32 12.6
Under Matric, BA,B.Sc ,B.Com, MA, M.Sc, 74 29.2
B.Ed ,Graduation, P.G, IA,

BDS, MDS, P.hd, MBBS, 50 19.8

BCA, MCA, LLB, LLM, M.Tech 26 10.3
PGDM, MBA, M.Com, ICWAI 71 28.1
Table – 4(a)
Descriptive Statisticsa
N Sum Mean Std.
Mileage 223 622 2.79 2.096
Safety 223 645 2.91 2.439
Engine 223 899 4.05 2.280
Price 223 935 4.19 2.815
Boot space 223 947 4.25 2.221
Colour 223 971 4.35 2.441
Interior looks 223 1028 4.63 1.834
Interior 223 1047 4.70 1.965
Post service 223 1073 4.81 2.377
Types of 223 1234 5.53 2.502
Technology 223 1259 5.65 2.699
Valid N 223
a. GENDER = 0 (Male)
Table 4(b)

Descriptive Statisticsa
N Sum Mean Std.
Safety 30 58 1.93 1.639
Mileage 30 87 2.90 2.234
Colour 30 92 3.07 1.837
Engine 30 111 3.70 2.070
Interior 30 116 3.87 1.548
Interior looks 30 121 4.03 1.829
Boot space 30 127 4.23 2.359
Price 30 132 4.40 3.244
Post service 30 135 4.50 2.623
Types of 30 147 4.90 2.564
Technology 30 154 5.13 2.813
Valid N 30
a. GENDER = 1 (Female)
Table – 5
INCOM Inte Inte En Mil B Pos Pr Saf Col Ty Techn
E rior rior gin eag oo t ic ety our pes ology
Spa loo e e t ser e of
ce ks po sp vic en
wer ac e gin
e e
1 Mea 4.6 5.0 4.1 3.02 5. 5.7 5. 3.1 5.4 6.7 6.70
n 0 9 6 23 0 70 4 2 2
Std. 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.50 2. 2.0 2. 2.4 2.1 2.1 2.416
Devi 92 75 35 2 24 65 63 36 30 19
ation 5 3
2 Mea 4.6 4.5 4.1 2.87 4. 4.8 4. 2.8 4.0 5.3 5.53
n 6 6 3 20 7 02 6 8 6
Std. 2.0 1.8 2.2 2.13 2. 2.4 2. 2.4 2.4 2.5 2.681
Devi 41 28 54 5 19 25 94 97 72 38
ation 4 0
3 Mea 4.3 4.1 3.4 2.47 3. 3.8 3. 1.9 3.1 4.6 4.78
n 6 7 6 58 3 94 7 9 1
Std. 1.5 1.8 2.3 1.55 2. 2.1 2. 1.4 1.7 2.2 2.899
Devi 88 75 68 8 04 71 36 44 86 07
ation 8 6
4 Mea 4.4 3.8 3.2 2.00 3. 2.9 2. 3.0 4.5 4.8 4.73
n 5 2 7 27 1 18 9 5 2
Std. 1.6 1.3 1.7 1.41 2. 2.2 1. 2.4 2.6 2.9 2.533
Devi 95 28 94 4 24 56 72 68 22 60
ation 0 2
Table – 6
Reliability Statistics
INCOME Cronbach's N of Items
1 .705 11
2 .877 11
3 .838 11
4 .809 11
Table – 7
Frequen Percen Valid
cy t Percent
id ALAHABAD 2 .8 .8
BOB 1 .4 .4
BOI 5 2.0 2.0
Canara 3 1.2 1.2
CANARA 4 1.6 1.6
HDFC 74 29.2 29.9
ICICI 6 2.4 2.4
IDFC 1 .4 .4
OBC 10 4.0 4.0
PNB 26 10.3 10.3
SBI 117 46.2 46.2
UBI 3 1.2 1.2
Total 253 100.0 100.0
Table – 8

Group Statistics
GEND N Mean Std. Std. Error
ER Deviation Mean
Engine 0 222 4.05 2.280 .153
power 1 30 3.70 2.070 .378
Mileage 0 223 2.79 2.096 .140
1 30 2.90 2.234 .408
Safety 0 222 2.91 2.439 .164
1 30 1.93 1.639 .299
Colour 0 223 4.35 2.441 .163
1 30 3.07 1.837 .335
Table – 9

Sum of Df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Mileage Between 13.875 3 4.625 1.041 .375
Within 1106.243 249 4.443
Total 1120.119 252
Price Between 148.547 3 49.516 6.433 .000
Within 1916.497 249 7.697
Total 2065.043 252
Safety Between 31.075 3 10.358 1.852 .138
Within 1386.779 248 5.592
Total 1417.853 251
Colour Between 103.925 3 34.642 6.339 .000
Within 1360.794 249 5.465
Total 1464.719 252
Engine Between 20.225 3 6.742 1.331 .265
power Groups
Within 1255.759 248 5.064
Total 1275.984 251
Post Between 108.149 3 36.050 6.659 .000
service Groups
Within 1348.010 249 5.414
Total 1456.158 252

Table- 10
Frequen Percen Valid
cy t Percent
ALAHABAD 2 .8 .8
BOB 1 .4 .4
BOI 5 2.0 2.0
Canara 3 1.2 1.2
CANARA 4 1.6 1.6
HDFC 74 29.2 29.9
ICICI 6 2.4 2.4
IDFC 1 .4 .4
OBC 10 4.0 4.0
PNB 26 10.3 10.3
SBI 117 46.2 46.2
UBI 3 1.2 1.2
Total 253 100.0 100.0

Figure 1

Figure – 2

Figure- 2
Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure- 4
Figure – 5

Figure – 6

Figure- 6

Distance Model of Income group from 5-10 Lakh

Figure – 7
Figure- 7
Competitive Positioning for 4-wheeler Income Wise

Distance Model of Income group from 10-15 Lakh

Figure – 8

Competitive Positioning for 4-wheeler Income Wise

Distance Model of Income group from 15-20 Lakh

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