Study of Market Analysis of LG Consumer Durables
Study of Market Analysis of LG Consumer Durables
Study of Market Analysis of LG Consumer Durables
ISSN : 2581-7930, CIF : 2.965 , Volume 03, No. 01, January - March, 2020, pp 57-62
India has been second largest growing economic with huge consumer class has resulted
in consumer goods because the fastest growing industries in India LG, SAMSUNG the 2 Korean
companies has been maintaining the lead industries with LG being leader in most categories. Then after
the liberalization, foreign player like LG, Sony, Samsung, and another company inherit the image. Today
these players control the most important share of the patron durables market. Nowadays people have lot
of choices so goods should be in step with demand of consumer keeping in mind the taste and
preferences. The main objective of this research is to find out the analysing the market share of the LG
and analysing the customers what they want, prefer and how LG reached to the consumer an increase
their market share.
Keywords: Consumer Durables, Consumer Service, Market Share, Patron Durables Market.
India is that the second largest consumer market within the world. As rising in living
standard, quick access to consumer finance & big selection of choice, it's expected that consumer
goods market would grow in 2017-2020, as many foreign companies entering within the market. The
market share of MNCs in consumer goods sector is 65% and that they target middle clauses in Indian
as they're in additional range. Before the liberalization of Indian economy only few companies like
Kelvinometer, Godrej, Alwyn and Voltas were the foremost player in consumer durable market but after
the liberalization MNCs like whirlpool, LG, Sony, Samsung Daewoo and Aiwa handover the market.
Today these companies control the foremost share of consumer durable market. Therefore the main
concerned here is with the marketing activities. Marketing is the process of which companies create the
customer interest in goods or services. Marketing is employed to spot the customer, to satisfy the
customer, and to stay the customer. It’s very difficult to possess clear idea regarding marketing
activities. It is simple understanding and proper planning of activities, the marketing activities are divided
into four areas for products. These are product, promotion, pricing and placement. Within the research
study the subject is expounded to promotion of products. Every company is interested to promote its
products or services to earn its profit.
Review of Literature
Nabirasool and Prabhakar, (2015) Recognize the effectiveness and impact of television
advertisements on buying decisions of durables goods. The objectives of this study were to look at the
respondents‟ personal characteristics who buy the buyer durables, to research the impact of television
advertisement on consumers‟ purchase decisions towards durables and to research the merchandise
attribute that may affect more on the buyer purchase decisions towards durables Convenience sampling
technique was used and the sample size was 106 respondents who were living in the Ananthapuram
District. They used simple statistical tools like percentage analysis, descriptive, cross table and
regression analysis. It was found that Service Quality showed more impact on consumer buying
decisions and it was the dominating attribute among the ten attributes. It was concluded that the
respondents would welcome television advertisements on durable goods, if the advertisements have
likeable elements in it, engage the audience and create desired results.
Assistant Professor Department of Management Studies, ACEM, Faridabad, Haryana, India.
MBA Student, ACEM, Faridabad, Haryana, India.
58 International Journal of Advanced Research in Commerce, Management & Social Science (IJARCMSS) - January- March, 2020
Pranjal Bezborah and Subhadeep Chakraborty, (2015) tried in their study, to find out brand
preference of consumers of mostly used consumer durables and also to assess their satisfaction level.
The objectives of this research were to find out the most preferred brands of select consumers durables
by the respondents and to identify the reasons for such preference. The households in Tinsukia town
purchased and used any of the selected durables were the sampling unit and also the sample size was
106 households. Convenient sampling technique was adopted for study. It was found that several factors
like cost effectiveness, brand status, product style and appearance and after sales services were
important in influencing brand preference of consumers for consumer durables. It was also revealed that
the customers were satisfied and loyal towards the brands of consumer durables that they were using.
Basavaraj H. Huggi, (2016) in the research, focused on the problems of the customers while
using TVS Two-Wheelers. A sample size of 106 respondents was selected from Ranebennur City only.
Two wheelers in usage were of three types namely mopeds, Scooters and motor cycle. The owners of
two wheelers had now a wide choice of models. Two wheeler was used for the purposes connecting to
work such as visiting people, outdoor jobs like selling etc. It is mostly in urban areas in India, Simple
percentage analysis was used for the analysis. It was found from the study that the majority of the
respondents was using the Two-Wheeler for 2-4 years, satisfied with the performance of TVS Two-
Wheelers and was aware about the TVS Two-Wheeler through TV advertisement
Lakshmi and Kavida, (2016) explored in their research, that the impact of brand equity on
customer satisfaction and purchase intention of air conditioners in Chennai. The technique used to select
the sample size of 106 respondents in Chennai was stratified random sampling. The collected data had
been analyzed using descriptive method and statistical techniques such as t-test, one-way ANOVA and
Pearson Correlation. From the study, it was found that brand equity had a great significant impact on
customer satisfaction and their purchase intention of Air conditioners. If the marketer and manufacturers
understand the brand equity concept, it would help them in selling air conditioners better.
Eswari and Subramanian, (2017).The study on purchase behavior and consumer durable
goods in Pudukkottai district. The researcher adopted convenience sampling method and collected data
from 106 respondents. The respondents were chosen from an age group of 20-65 years residing in
Pudukkottai including user of different strata of consumer durable goods. In order to consumer behavior,
Percentage analysis, Descriptive analysis, Kruskal Wallis test, t-test, Chi- Square Test, ANOVA,
Regression Analysis, Factor analysis and Reliability test were employed. The study found the level of
importance attached to the various characteristics of the product by the different segments of consumers,
who differed in economic, educational, emotional and other characteristics. The demographic variables of
the consumers were not deeply associated to their attribute awareness of the product. Brand loyalty was
not sufficiently found among the consumers‟ durable goods.
Sathya and Indirajith (2018) The study on the purchase behavior and consumer durable goods
in Tiruvarur district. This study was an attempt to fill this void in research on rural and urban markets. The
researcher adopted convenience sampling method and the sample size was 145 respondents. Five
consumer durable products had been selected i.e. Air conditioners, Refrigerators, Washing machines,
Television and Wet grinder for the study. Various statistical tools were used such as percentage analysis,
descriptive analysis, kruskal Wallis test, t-test, chi-square test, ANOVA, regression analysis, factor
analysis and reliability test were employed. The demographic variables of the consumers were not deeply
associated to their awareness on the product. Brand loyalty was not sufficiently found among the
consumers purchasing durable goods.
Research Methodology
Objectives of the study
The main objective of this research is to find out the analysing the market share of the LG.
And analysing the customers what they want, prefer and how LG reached to the consumer an
increase their market share.
Research Approach
This refers to the techniques or method used by the researcher to solve his/her research
problem for the study, quantitative approach was used and various tools were too used to collectanalyze
the data.
Sample Size
A sample of 106 respondents was taken under consideration.
Ms. Sonali Gaur & Ms. Sonia Kumari: Study of Market Analysis of LG Consumer Durables 59
Data Collection
There are two sources of collect the data i.e.
Primary data
Secondary data.
Sources of Data Collection
For this researcher, both primary and secondary data has been used to collect the data were
collected were by circulating the questionnaire through social media like whatsApp while, the secondary
data were collected through various published research papers and websites.
Research Instrument
Online questionnaire were sent to friends, families and known people.
It comprises of 10 questions and was designed to know the orientation of different people about
the topic.
Tools or Analysis
Questionnaire was formed with the help of Google forms and the response were analysed with
the help of SPSS Software.
Data Analysis and Interpretation
As the questionnaire were circulate to the various respondents and the response were analyzed
by applying various test like correlation and regression analysis. The below tables show the correlation
exists between different variables.
Table 1
Mean, Median, Mode, Std. Deviation, Variance
Have you How you Which Did you use any
purchased any came to know product of Why you choose to financing scheme to
consumer durable about LG LG are you purchase the purchase the
from LG? product? using product from LG? brand?
N Valid 107 107 107 107 107
Missing 0 0 0 0 0
Mean 1.14 2.05 1.89 1.57 1.44
Median 1.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00
Mode 1 1 2 1 1
Std. Deviation .375 1.200 1.049 .646 .517
Variance .141 1.441 1.101 .417 .268
Table 2
Correlation Analysis
Have you purchased How you came to Which product
any consumer durable know about LG of LG are you
from LG? product? using
Have you purchased any Pearson Correlation 1 -.078 .496**
consumer durable from Sig. (2-tailed) .427 .000
LG? N 107 107 107
How you came to know Pearson Correlation -.078 1 .079
about LG product? Sig. (2-tailed) .427 .418
N 107 107 107
Which product of LG are Pearson Correlation .496** .079 1
you using Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .418
N 107 107 107
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
The correlation between the Buyer’s of LG consumer durables and the sources through which buyers
come to know about LG product is -0.078 which shows it is a negative correlation of low order.
The correlation between the the Buyer’s of LG consumer durables and the specific product used
by the consumer is 0.496 which shows it is a positive correlation.
60 International Journal of Advanced Research in Commerce, Management & Social Science (IJARCMSS) - January- March, 2020
From the above table, we came to conclusion that the degree of association between the
Buyer’s of LG consumer durables with other variables are showing both positive as well as negative
Table 3 (I)
Regression Analysis
Variables Entered/Removed
Model Variables Entered Variables Removed Method
1 Have you purchased any
. Enter
consumer durable from LG?b
a. Dependent Variable: How you came to know about LG product?
b. All requested variables entered.
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .078 .006 -.003 1.203
a. Predictors: (Constant), Have you purchased any consumer durable from LG?
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression .919 1 .919 .636 .427b
Residual 151.847 105 1.446
Total 152.766 106
a. Dependent Variable: How you came to know about LG product?
b. Predictors: (Constant), Have you purchased any consumer durable from LG?
Unstandardized Standardized
Model Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 2.330 .374 6.233 .000
Have you purchased any
-.248 .312 -.078 -.797 .427
consumer durable from LG?
a. Dependent Variable: How you came to know about LG product?
Table of model summary provide the R and R 2 values. The R value represents simple
correlation i.e. 0.078 which indicates a low degree of correlation. The value of R 2 indicates how much
total variation is dependent variable, can be explained by independent variable. In the case, 0.6% can be
explained, which is very low. The computed value of F is 0.636 at 5% significant level. The tabulated
value for 105 F 1 at 5% level is 3.90. As our F value 0.636 and this value is low with respect to tabulated
value which means the hypothesis is not accepted.
The table of coefficient provides us with the necessary information to predict the sources
through which consumers come to know about LG product from buyer of LG consumer durables, as well
as determine whether sources through which consumers come to know about LG product statistically
significantly to the buyer of LG consumer durables. Further, We can use the values in the ‘B’ column
under the “Unstandardized Coefficients”.
To represent the Regression equation as:
Sources (Medium) = 2.330 -.248 (Buyer)
This means that with increase in buyer, there is a decrease in the sources promoting LG
Table 3 (ii)
Variables Entered/Removeda
Model Variables Entered Variables Removed Method
1 Have you purchased any
. Enter
consumer durable from LG?b
a. Dependent Variable: Which product of LG are you using
b. All requested variables entered.
Ms. Sonali Gaur & Ms. Sonia Kumari: Study of Market Analysis of LG Consumer Durables 61
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .496 .246 .239 .915
a. Predictors: (Constant), Have you purchased any consumer durable from LG?
Model Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 28.714 1 28.714 34.284 .000b
Residual 87.940 105 .838
Total 116.654 106
a. Dependent Variable: Which product of LG are you using
b. Predictors: (Constant), Have you purchased any consumer durable from LG?
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .305 .284 1.072 .286
Have you purchased any
1.388 .237 .496 5.855 .000
consumer durable from LG?
a. Dependent Variable: Which product of LG are you using
Table of model summary provides the R and R 2 values. The R value represents the simple
correlation 0.496, Which indicates a low degree of correlation. The value of R 2 indicates how much total
variation in the dependent variable, can be explained by independent variable. In the case, 24.6% can be
explained, which is very low.
The computed value of F is 34.284 at 5% significant level. The tabulated value for 105 F 1 at 5%
level is 3.90. As our F value is 34.284 and this value is very high with Respect to tabulated value which
means the hypothesis is accepted. The table of Coefficient provides us with the necessary information to
predict the Specific LG product which is purchased by consumer from buyer of LG consumer durables,
as Well as determine whether specific LG product which is purchased by consumer statistically.
Significantly to the buyer of LG consumer durables. Further, We can use the values in the ‘B’ column
under the “Unstandardized Coefficients”.
To represent the Regression equation as:
Specific LG product = 0.305 + 1.388 (Buyers)
This means that with increase in one variable, there arises a small increase in other variable too
i.e. 1.388.
After analysing the data collected from 106 respondents. 85% customers purchased consumer
durable form LG, but 15% customers purchased consumer durable from Other Brands.
There are many people setiesfied with consumer durables from LG products. So we can say
that LG has a good image and top in consumer durable brands in the Indian market.
There is high growth of sale in market due to booming new technology and better service.
92.5% customers are satisfied with LG services and LG give good service after sale of products.
It’s show that customers were satisfied with LG service but they must improve more for their
49.5% of customers are preferred to buy customer durables for LG. due to its attractive feature
and its reasonable price.
52.4% using refrigerator and washing machine mostly used by LG product.
Its show that financial scheme is important for customer for purchasing any products. 55.1%
customers use financial scheme at the time of purchase for LG product.
It may be observed that consumer durables is all important products but available for all From
the survey it had been discovered that the bulk of shoppers buy consumer goods from LG Latest model.
This study special feature that the amount of satisfaction and then on. And therefore the brand
62 International Journal of Advanced Research in Commerce, Management & Social Science (IJARCMSS) - January- March, 2020
loyalty isn't sufficiently found among the patron durables. a vital role within the customers mind and
build awareness among the shoppers. The secondary support includes Demonstration, Even Sponsors.
Customers also are now very choosy in buying the merchandise and it's important for the corporate to
form loyal customer of their brand. In survey found that LG has captured maximum market share in every
category. LG dominates CTV, LCD, and Refrigerator, and washer, category etc. this type of an approach
will guid the adoption of recent styles of marketing strategies likewise as product refinement, in order
that the market share will be improved which was the very purpose of the study.
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