Major Project Guideline

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Faculty of Information Technology Course: Bsc(Hon) IT/MSE/SE Subject: Major Project 1 & 2 Code: DPROJ302 & DPROJ3

Major Project Guidelines..Supplement to Module Outline Semester 2011

Table of Contents
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 3 General Information ............................................................................................................... 3 Module Details ....................................................................................................................... 3 Timetable .............................................................................................................................. 4 Expected Outcomes: - Objectives ........................................................................................... 4 Requirements (Rules) ............................................................................................................. 6 Milestones.............................................................................................................................. 6 Evaluation .............................................................................................................................. 9 Outline Finale Project Documentation ...................................................................................... 9 Due Dates For Milestones ..................................................................................................... 10 Rules Pertaining To Attendance. ............................................................................................ 10 Grievance Procedure............................................................................................................. 10 Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 11


MAJOR PROJECT 1 & 2 GUIDLINES 1. Introduction

Major project runs as a continuous subject from semester 5 to semester 6, under titles major project 1 and 2. The former module entails planning, derivation of models and designs for the project undertaken. The latter implies implementation, testing, deployment and final

documentation. Major Project is designed to provide means for a student to demonstrate his/her understanding of the knowledge acquired during his/her studies at Limkokwing University Of Creative Technology. The knowledge implies and semester 1 to 6. encompasses all the modules taught from

The subject will be evaluated as a process and marks will be given based on

certain milestones reached during the process, the ultimate result of the process is a complete working system. The method of evaluation that is used for this module is continuous evaluation. 2. General Information

This study guide is a reference guideline of the contents of major project 1 and 2 as a module in the faculty of Information Technology. Its meant to give a holistic overview of the subject from major project 1 to major project 2. Hopefully this will assist to give a forecast to the candidate on the expected outcomes and bearing of the subject. Project supervision will be presented for this module through a facilitation process so as to induce creativity and ability to research. Therefore students are expected to largely consult this guide on regular basis so as to be up to date about deadlines and deliveries in conjunction with module outline. If the student experiences any problems or needs clarification on certain aspects about this module he/she needs to consult with the project supervisor assigned during the predefined time allocation as per the semester

timetable. It is encouraged that a student uses research during these allocated times as a tool to enhance and understand his/her project. Note the project supervisor is not the lecturer BUT a facilitator to guide your research. 3. Module Details Module code: PROJ302 Module code: PROJ303

Module: Major Project 1 Major project 2




Its mandatory to attend the 4 hours as defined by the timetable schedule to be issued by the project mentor and an additional 2 hours of self learning per week. 5. Expected Outcomes: - Objectives

To demonstrate via a software/hardware/Network project an understanding of the issues involved with developing a system; these include topics such as:

- Project Management skills and application - An ability to use modern tools and methods available to the software engineer -Conduct research and provide solutions using ICT as a tool. -Communicate using various modes as in writing, presentation and technical illustrations were required
This subject allows the student to demonstrate knowledge acquired during his/her period of study and as such the project must be representative of the type of knowledge taught and gained during the period of study at Limkokwing Creative University of Technology. The project therefore must be as close as possible to reflect this technical capability. It also

encouraged for students to source and undertake industry related projects so as to enhance project relevance and problem solving experience on live projects. Consult project supervisors for projects available OR find one your own, but remember the element of time constraints, completion of the module at the end of the semester.

Project domains include and not limited to: a) Client-Server systems b) Network oriented systems c) Database systems (not just adding and removing of data from the database) d) Web applications (not basic websites) e) Mobile/E Commerce systems f) Security systems g) Artificial intelligence systems


It is advised that your system covers at least three or more areas of study as disclosed above. To enable complete monitoring and evaluations of the project progress the faculty will adopt the system of incremental deliveries at predefined times i.e. attainment of milestones. These milestones would formulate a basis of establishing the rate of progress and enable continuous evaluation of student work until to the final system. You will not write any formal examination but you will be evaluated according to the following outputs:

Major Project 1(Semester 5). a. The Project proposal (feasibility study, background, literature review on project topic, Tools needed (software, network and hardware), estimated dates and Gantt charts) b. The Requirements and Analysis document.(Depending on methodology approach a). Structural:- Include flow charts, DFD, Context Diagrams etc OR b) Object

oriented:- Structural and Dynamic Models, Use Case diagrams etc, Data base logical design) c. The Design Documentation (Data base physical design, Package diagrams,

Communication design, Application Interface, System Architecture design, System Constraints)

Major Project 2 (Semester 6). a. Development, Implementation and Testing (Data base and test data, application components, Web pages, general test data, testing equipment). b. c. The user and installation documentations (Screenshots must be included) The actual system (Integrated application deployed on a proper platform with relevant hardware, software and networking equipment)

Log Book ( Major project 1 & Major project 2) For all semester the log book should be used and should be continuous i.e. from Major Project 1 to Major Project 2. The following is expected: a. b. c. Entries for every events done by the students on a weekly basis Comments by the student every week Comments by the project Supervisor every week



Requirements (Rules)

As an IT student, it is important that you take note of the following for your project. The project can be your own initiative or an organization which has problem that needs an IT solution. Your project must have an objective of solving a particular existing problem(s). Projects or systems that have been exhausted many times before will not be accepted and that include systems such as:

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Basic Websites (e.g. shopping carts and others) Basic Database systems (e.g. student registration systems) Projects handed in for evaluations before. (consult project supervisor) Systems done by other previously registered students for this subject will also not be accepted

Hardware, network and software components must form part of your project It is important that students projects are as unique as possible!!!! OR show a degree of improvement from the existing one. Exception is made on tools used for developing software as indicated in section. Use of CASE tools or 4G Tools that auto generate code is strictly prohibited and subject to nullifying the project. This include tools like content management systems(Mambo, Drupal, etc ), Web application code generators i.e. Yii. If not sure contact your mentor for more details.



A milestone is a document or a presentation of the system in development at certain appointed times during the semester. It is very important to remember that this process is self directed i.e. the student takes responsibility for time management of communication with the project supervisor. the project as well as effective

All the milestones below have deadlines and it is

important that students adhere to those deadlines.



Milestone 1 Project Proposal The student needs to understand the

This is the first and probably the most important step.

project topic through conducting a literature review. Experience from previous projects have revealed that students drift from their aim and objectives because they do not understand the concepts implied in the topic under research. They deliver a complete project different from stated aim, objective(s) and purpose because they failed to understand the implied concepts in their project. Consult the project supervisor where you are not doubt.

The student is required to hand in a not more than 15 pages describing the system that he/she intends to design and develop. The format of this proposal is as follows: (refer to the project proposal template)

a) Name of the project b) Brief Introduction that dwells on (Background, justification, problem statement, Scope) c) Project aim and objective(s) d) Brief feasibility study project (alternatives to intended approach and their comparison based ( Political, Economical, Technical, Social, Legal), ROI, development justification e) Method and Technology used in project (e.g. Method structural or object approach. Tools needed Java, PHP, ASP, etc) f) Project Plan. The project plan describes what must happen and when it must happen what is needed. (Time plan, Required Resources) g) Conclusion

The lecturer concerned will evaluate your project proposal and will give feedback on your proposal. If your project proposal is not up to standard, the lecturer may be obliged to request you to change your project or to make some changes to your proposed project. It is highly imperative that your project is of a high standard. b. Milestone 2 Requirements and Analysis Document

The requirements document is a more formalized problem description and should be completed as soon as the proposal has been accepted. The requirements document contains the needs of the system in formal language and it sets the stage for the design activities that follow. This document also becomes the contract between the client and the systems developer.


To ensure that you complete your project in time and with fewer problems it is important that you compile a project plan in conjunction with your requirement and analysis document. The student should give an overview of the project requirements (functional & non-functional) these should tally with the project aim and objectives. A description of how the requirements were solicited should be narrated briefly.

A short summary of the methodology to be used must also be included in the document and the tools required stated. The analysis models should be provided to represent the model of the application program to be developed. The analysis model formally describes the requirements using appropriate tools i.e. use of UML tools is required here to come with use case diagrams, structural models, dynamic models, DFD, process flow diagrams, etc. Note use of these models depends on the methodology adopted. The document should be lesson than 15 pages. c. Milestone 3 Design Document

Before you start coding it is very important that you start by drafting a design document that can guide you as to how do start and finish the actual coding of your system. This design document is technical in nature and describes the logical and physical design of database, application packages, class diagrams, system architecture, etc and this also depends on the methodology used. Software engineering techniques must be fully applied at this stage.


Milestone 4 System Demonstrations

There will be at least two system demonstrations of the project; the purpose of this is to keep on track and also to keep the lecturer informed of the progress made. The preliminary evaluation will be used to evaluate the progress that students have made with regards to the actual system. The final evaluation is the demonstration of the completed system before a board of evaluators; the board consists of a 3 examiners. This can be regarded as the final examination of the student and will take the format of a short presentation followed by a demonstration of the features of the system on the proposed system as proposed in the design stage. Its important that students should properly package the system for deployment and testing.



Milestone 5 User Documentation and Deployment Document.

The user documentation is the documentation that the user needs to install, manage and operate the system. This is sometimes a reflection of the on-line help system with added features. This document must be handed in together with other documents during the final demonstrations. 8. Evaluation

Evaluation of each project will take place in a continuous fashion. The first aspect that will be evaluated is whether a certain deadlines were reached or not. Each particular milestone document will then be evaluated according to the guidelines for that milestone. Aspects such as neatness, clarity and adherence to the specific software development methodology will also be evaluated. 9. Outline Finale Project Documentation

Students must compile a final report that should constitute the following topics for the report: 1. Cover page 2. Acknowledgement 3. Abstract 4. Table of Contents, Figures, Tables, Appendices 5. Project proposal document 6. Requirements and analysis document 7. Design document 8. Deployment manual 9. User documentation 10. Bibliography 11. Appendices

A bounded updated version must be handed in during the final demonstrations. You can

use the mark-sheet as a guideline for designing & developing your project The average of the
documents as well as the panels marks gives the final mark.



Due Dates For Milestones

Major project 1Semester 5

Date Week 2 Week 4 Week 6 Week 10 Week 13 Document Presentation Project Proposal Project Proposal Documentation Requirements and Analysis Document Design Document Final Demonstrations & Complete Documentation

Major project 2. Semester 6

Date Week 7 Week 13 Week 15 11. Document 1st Demonstration of the prototype Final System and Complete Documentation Final Demonstrations & Handing Over Documentation

Rules Pertaining To Attendance.

All deadlines must be adhered to as specified in the module outline. If a student is sick, a doctors note must be submitted within three days after the due date has passed. This also applies on funerals necessary proof is required. There are no re-evaluations for this module, If a student misses a particular evaluation due to any other reason(s), that particular student will fail the project. Remember appointments are made well in advance. Consult module outline on penalties and other related issues. 12. Grievance Procedure

As this department is proud to uphold the principle of academic freedom, grievances and problems must be discussed with the lecturer first. If the problem cannot be resolved satisfactorily, the complaint must be submitted to the Year leader in writing, in the presence of the lecturer in question. The Program Leader of the stream may be approached at this stage if this is deemed necessary. No grievance or complaint regarding the lecturer may be taken to higher authority without his/her knowledge. The right channels have to be followed.

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The subject Major project is an extremely exciting opportunity to exercise the knowledge already gained and also to gain new knowledge about the development of computer systems in industry. Success in this subject is dependant on the participation of the student throughout the process as well as the ability to take responsibility for the project.

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