Hawassa Campus
Department of Business Management
MBA Program
Mekasha T. (Ph.D. Scholar)
✓ Damodar Gujarati, 2004. Basic Econometrics, 4e.
✓Jeffery Wooldridge. Introductory Econometrics: a
Modern Approach, 2e.
✓William H. Greene, 2002. Econometric Analysis, 5e.
✓G.S. Maddala, 1992. Introduction to Econometrics,
• Economic theories: suggest the existence of many r/ships
among economic variables
- Microeconomics: demand and supply models (the quantities
demanded and supplied of a good depend on its price)
- Macroeconomics:
oinvestment function - to explain the amount of aggregate
investment in the economy as the rate of interest changes; and
oconsumption function - relates aggregate consumption to the
level of aggregate disposable income.
• Questions we might be interested:
If price of one commodity changes by certain magnitude,
by how much would quantity demanded for a commodity
Given that we know the value of one variable; can we
forecast or predict the corresponding value of another?
• The field of knowledge w/h helps us to carry out such
measurement and evaluation of economic theories in
empirical terms is known as econometrics.
Introduction: What is Econometrics?
• Econometrics: measurement in economics.
• The above r/ship b/n P and Q shows that for a particular value of P
there is only one corresponding value of Q.
• This is a deterministic (non-stochastic) r/ship since for each price
there is always only one corresponding quantity supplied.
- this implies that
all the variation in Y is due solely to variation in X, and
there are no other factors affecting the dependent variable (Q)
• In deterministic/non-stochastic r/ship:
- all the points of price-quantity pairs, if plotted on a two-
dimensional plane, would fall on a straight line
- however, if we gather observations on the quantity actually
supplied in the market at various prices and we plot them on a
diagram we see that they do not fall on a straight line
The error term:
• Consider the previous model: Y = 0.6X +120. This r/ship is
deterministic or exact, that is, given income we can determine
the exact expenditure of a HH.
• But in reality this rarely happens: Different HHs with the same
income are not expected to spend equal amount due to habit
persistent, geographical and time variation, etc.
• Thus, we should express the regression model as:
Yi = + X i + i
where i is the random error term (also called disturbance term)
Why do we need to include the stochastic (random) component, for
example in the consumption function?
1.Omission of variables: leads to misspecification problem. For
example, income is not the only determinants of consumption.
2.Vagueness of theory: the theory, if any, determining the behavior of Y may
be, and often is, incomplete. We might know for certain that weekly income X
influences weekly consumption expenditure Y, but we might be ignorant or
unsure about the other variables affecting Y. Therefore, ui may be used as a
substitute for all the excluded or omitted variables from the model
3.There may be measurement error in collecting data. We may use poor
proxy variables, inaccuracy in collection and measurement of sample data.
4. The functional form may not be correct.
5. Erratic (random/unpredictable) human behaviour - even if we
succeed in introducing all the relevant variables into the model,
there is bound to be some “intrinsic” randomness in individual Y’s
that cannot be explained no matter how hard we try. The
disturbances, the u’s, may very well reflect this intrinsic
6. Error of aggregation - the sum of the parts may be different from
the whole.
7.Sampling error: Consider a model relating Consumption (Y) with income
(X) of HHs. The sample we randomly choose to examine the r/ship may
turn out to be predominantly poor HHs. In such cases, our estimation of
α and β from this sample may not be as good as that from a balanced
sample group.
8.Unavailability of data: Even if we know what some of the excluded
variables are and therefore consider a multiple regression rather than a
simple regression, we may not have quantitative information about these
• Thus, a full specification of a regression model should include a
specification of the probability distribution of the disturbance (error) term.
This information is given by what we call basic assumptions of the Classic
Linear Regression Model (CLRM).
• Consider the model
Yi = + X i + i , i = 1,2,...,n
Here the subscript i refers to the ith observation. In CLRM, Yi and Xi are
observable while εi is not.
• If i refers to some point or period of time, then we speak of time series
• On the other hand, if i refers to the ith individual, object, geographical
region, etc., then we speak of cross-sectional data.
Assumption of the Classical Linear
Regression Model
• The linear regression model is based on certain assumptions, some of
which refer to
the distribution of the random variable ε,
the r/ship b/n u and explanatory variables, and
the r/ship b/n the explanatory variables
• We will group the assumptions into two categories, (a) Stochastic
assumptions, (b) other assumptions.
• Assumption 1: The model is linear in parameters
- the model should be linear in the parameters regardless of whether the
explanatory and the DVs are linear or not
- in other words, the regression model is linear in the parameters, though
it may or may not be linear in the variables i.e.
• Where, i and j are two different observations and where cov (. ) means
• Assumption 6: The number of observations, n, must
be greater than the number of parameters to be
- Alternatively, the number of observations must be greater than the number of
explanatory variables.
• Assumption 7: The Nature of X Variables
- the X values in a given sample must not all be the same. Technically, var(X)
must be a positive number.
- further more, there can be no outliers in the values of the X variable, that is,
values that are very large in relation to the rest of the observations.
- this assumption states that the value of variables of both dependent and
independent must vary. If all values of X are identical making it impossible to
estimate the coefficients of the model
• Assumption 8: The error term ui is normally
- in conjunction with assumptions 3, 4, and 5 this implies that u is independently
and normally distributed with mean zero and a common variance
- The concept of population regression function (PRF)
Where and are estimated by and , respectively, and Yis the
estimated value of Y.
The dominating and powerful estimation method of the parameters
(or regression coefficients) and is the method of least squares.
The deviation between the observed and estimated values of Y are
called the residuals , that is
= Y −Y , i = 1, 2,..., n
i i i
The magnitude of the residuals is the vertical distance b/n the actual
observed points and the estimating line (see the figure below)
The estimating line will have a ‘good fit’ if it minimizes the error b/n the estimated
points on the line and the actual observed points that were used to draw it.
Our aim is then to determine the equation of such an estimating line
in such a way that the error in estimation is minimized.
n X iYi − ( X i Yi X Y − nXY
= = i i
n X i 2 − ( X i ) 2 X − nX2 2
=Y − X
Where X and Y arethe mean value of the independent and dependent var iables, respectively ,
1 1
that is X = X i and Y = Yi
n n
• OR
x i
• Required:
- based on the given information, estimate the regression equation
• The Coefficient of Determination (R2 – explained variation as a
percentage of the total variation)
Yi = bo + bi X i + Ui
Total Sum of Square Regression (Explained) Sum of Square Error (Residual) Sum of Square
• In other words, the Total Sum of Square (TSS) is decomposed in to
Regression (explained) Sum of Square (RSS) and Error (residual or
unexplained) Sum of Square (ESS).
Computation formulas
• The TSS is a measure of dispersion of the observed value of Y about
their mean. That is computed as: n n
TSS = (Y
i =1
i −Y) =
y i =1
R2 =
x y i i
where xi = X i − X and yi = Yi − Y .
y i
• Note
1) The proportion of total variation in the dependent variable (Y)
that is explained by changes in the independent variable (X) or by
the regression line is equal to: R 2 x100%
2) The proportion of total variation in the dependent variable (Y)
that is due to factors other than X (e.g., due to excluded variables,
chance, etc.) is equal to: (1 − R 2 ) x100%
To test for the significant of R 2, we compare the variance ratio with the critical value from the F
distribution with 1 and (n-2) degree of freedom in the numerator and denominator, respectively, for a
given significance level α.
Decision: if the calculated variance ratio exceeds the tabulated value, that is, if
Fcal F (1, n − 2), we then conclude that R 2is significant (or that the linear regression
mod el is adquate.
Note: the F test is designed to test the significance of all variables or a
set of variables in a regression model. In the two variable model,
however, it used to test the explanatory power of a single variable (X).
and at the same time, is equivalent to the test of significance of R 2 .
Illustrative Example
Consider the following data on the pctg rate of change in electricity
consumption (millions KWH) (Y) and the rate of change in the price of
electricity (Birr/KWH) (X) for year 1979-1994.
Summary statistics: note here that:
xi = X i − X and yi = Yi − Y
n = 16 , X = 1.280625, Y = 23.42688, x
= 92.20109, yi 2 = 13228.7,
x yi i = −779.235
• Estimation of regression coefficients
The slope and the intercept are computed as:
= xy −779.235
= = −8.45147
x 92.20109
= Y − X = 23.42688 − (−8.45147)(1.280625) = 34.25004
Therefore, the estimated regression equation is :
Y = + X Y = 34.25004 − 8.45147 X
Test of model adequacy
n n
TSS = (Yi − Y ) = yi 2 = 13228.7
i =1 i =1
RSS = (Yi − Y ) 2 = 2 ( X i − X ) 2 = 2 xi 2 = (−8.45147) 2 (92.20109) = 6585.679
i =1 i =1 i =1
ESS = TSS-RSS = 13228.7-6585.679 = 6643.016
RSS 6585.679
R2 = = = 0.4978
TSS 13228.7
Standard error test, Student’s t-test and Confidence interval
I. Standard error test
• To decide whether the estimates are significantly different from zero,
i.e. whether the sample from which they have been estimated might have
come from a population whose true parameters are zero
Decision rule:
The acceptance or rejection of the null hypothesis has definite
economic meaning
• Namely, the acceptance of the null hypothesis (the
slope parameter is zero) implies that the explanatory
variable to which this estimate relates does not in fact
influence the dependent variable Y and should not be
included in the function, since the conducted test
provided evidence that changes in X leave Y unaffected.
• In other words acceptance of H0 implies that the r/p
between Y and X is in fact , i.e. there is no r/p
b/n X and Y.
ii) Student’s t-test
• Like the standard error test, this test is also important to test whether
coefficients are significantly different from zero or not. We can formulate
hypothesis for slope coefficient as follows:
• In order to test this hypothesis we need to form the test function relevant
for this case. We know that the sample estimator is normally distributed
with a mean and standard error.
• We can derive the t-value of the OLS estimator of as:
• Step 2: Choose level of “significance level” often denoted by .
- this is also sometimes called the size of the test and it determines the region where we will
reject or not reject the null hypothesis that we are testing.
• Level of significance is the probability of making ‘wrong’ decision, i.e. the
probability of rejecting the hypothesis when it is actually true or the probability
of committing a type I error.
• It is customary in econometric research to choose 10% or 5% or 1% level of
- 5% level of significance means that in making our decision we allow (tolerate)
five times out of a hundred to be ‘wrong’ i.e. reject the hypothesis when it is
actually true.
• Step 3: Check whether there is one tail test or two tail tests.
- if the inequality sign in the alternative hypothesis is , then it
implies a two tail test and divide the chosen level of significance
by two; decide the critical value of t
- but if the inequality sign is either > or < then it indicates one tail
test and there is no need to divide the chosen level of significance
by two to obtain the critical value from the t-table
• Step 4: Obtain critical value of t
- we need some tabulated distribution with which to compare the
estimated test statistics
- test statistics derived in this way can be shown to follow a t-
distribution with n-2 degrees of freedom
- as the number of degrees of freedom increases, we need to be less
cautious in our approach since we can be more sure that our
results are robust.
• Example: Consider our previous consumption-income regression result:
• We can summarize the t-test of significance approach to hypothesis
testing as
Confidence interval
• Rejection of the null hypothesis doesn’t mean that our estimate ˆ
and ˆ is the correct estimate of the true population parameter
and .
• It simply means that our estimate comes from a sample drawn from
a population whose parameters and are different from zero.
• In order to define how close the estimate to the true parameter,
we must construct confidence interval for the true parameter,
- in other words we must establish limiting values around the
estimate with in which the true parameter is expected to lie within
a certain “degree of confidence”
• In this respect we say that with a given probability the population
parameter will be within the defined confidence interval (confidence
• We choose a probability in advance and refer to it as confidence level
(interval coefficient). It is customarily in econometrics to choose the
95% confidence level. This means that in repeated sampling the
confidence limits, computed from the sample, would include the
true population parameter in 95% of the cases. In the other 5% of the
cases the population parameter will fall outside the confidence
• In a two-tail test at level of significance, the probability of
obtaining the specific t-value either –tc or tc is at n-2 degree of