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Họ c phầ n: Tư duy phê phán Mã đề: ENDCT105

KHOA TIẾNG ANH Mã họ c phầ n: 4112042 Số TC: 02
Ngày thi: 10/12/2019 Thờ i gian: 60 phút

1. Decide whether this is argument or not? Why (not)? (1m)

No Statements  Argument Why (not)

1 e.g. conditional can only be part of

If 'Avoid the rush-hour' must be the slogan of large cities Conditional argument as premise
the world over, it's a slogan no one takes the least notice
2 In the last election, our opponent unleashed a smear Report Convey information about a
campaign against our candidate, but it happened on the subject, a series of events,
last day of the campaign, so we didn’t have time to narrate and inform, not to offer
respond. As a result, we lost the election. reasons OR Their purpose is
not to provide convincing
evidence for a conclusion
3 Joan studies every day for her philosophy class and writes Argument P1: Joan ... papers
very carefully for her papers. She also takes complete P2: She ... notes
notes. We can conclude that Joan will likely do well in her C: We can ... class.

4 Some people do not go to work regularly. For example, Illustration Provide examples of a claim,
Mary and Ian started to go to work on Wednesday but rather than prove or support
decided to return home to practice their tennis. This the claim OR Their purpose is
shows poor work habits. not to provide convincing
evidence for a conclusion

5 Capital punishment should be abolished because Explanation An explanation tries to show

innocent people may be mistakenly executed. why something is the case,
not to prove that it is the case
6 I believe that it is not dying that people are afraid of. Unsupported There is no claim that any of
Something else, something more unsettling and more Assertions these statements follow from,
tragic than dying frightens us. We are afraid of never or imply, any other
having lived, of coming to the end of our days with statements
the sense that we were never really alive, that we
never figured out what life was for.

2. Provide your own example of the following kinds of argument (1m)

Kinds of argument Example
1 Modus tollens

2 Inductive generalization

3 Argument by Elimination

3. Examine the arguments and answer the following questions. (1.5 ms)

i) Is each of the following deductive argument valid or not?

ii) Explain why.
iii) Rewrite the unvalid argument to make it valid.
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 valid Your explanation Rewritten argument (if invalid)
E.g. All birds are mammals. A + valid The conclusion follows logically (NA: not applied)
crow is a bird. Therefore, from the premises
the crow is a mammal. crow  birds  mammals
 crow  mammals (optional)
2) All Yugo-owners are used to - valid The conclusion does not follow All Yugo-owners are used to
hitchhiking. Gomer isn’t a logically from the premises hitchhiking. Gomer is a Yugo-
Yugo-owner. Therefore, (All Yugo-owners ... hitchhiking owner. Therefore, Gomer is used
Gomer isn’t used to does not mean only Yugo- to hitchhiking.
hitchhiking. owners ... hitchhiking
3) All actors are handsome. - valid The conclusion does not follow All actors are handsome.
Tom Cruise is handsome. logically from the premises Tom Cruise is an actor.
Therefore, Tom Cruise is an All actors are handsome does Therefore, Tom Cruise is
actor. not mean only actors are handsome.

4. Explain why the following argument is not a sound argument and rewrite it to make it a sound
argument. (1m)
Argument Explanation Rewritten argument
All animals live on Mars. P1 (All animals live on All animals live on the Earth.
All humans are animals. Mars) is false All humans are animals.
Therefore, all humans live on Mars. C (all humans live on Mars) Therefore, all humans live on the Earth.
is false

5. Explain why the following argument is not a cogent argument and rewrite it to make it a cogent
argument. (1m)
Argument Explanation Rewritten argument
All physicists have known about P (All physicists have Most physicists have known about quantum
quantum mechanics. Therefore, known about quantum mechanics. Therefore, future physicists will
future physicists will probably know mechanics) is false probably know about quantum mechanics.
about quantum mechanics.

6. Find the missing premise/conclusion for the arguments below. (1m)

Missing part Premise/ Rewritten argument
E.g. The bigger the burger, the (Burgers are missing The bigger the burger, the better the
better the burger. Burgers are better at Burger conclusion burger. Burgers are bigger at Burger
bigger at Burger King. King) King. So, Burgers are better at
Burger King.
1 The early bird gets the worm. (So, early job missing The early bird gets the worm.
Birds are like job applicants applicants conclusion Birds are like job applicants and
and worms are like good will/can get good worms are like good jobs. So, early job
jobs. jobs).
applicants will/can get good jobs.
2 Almost all adult men without The President of missing Almost all adult men without beards
beards shave regularly. The the U.S.A. is an premise shave regularly. The President of the
President of the U.S.A. adult man without U.S.A. is an adult man without beards
probably shaves regularly. beards The President of the U.S.A. probably
shaves regularly.

7. What kind of fallacy is committed in the following arguments? (1m)

Argument kind of fallacy Explanation
E.g. "You're clearly just too young to understand." Personal attack Stating one's age to stop him from
being able to make a meaningful
1) Person 1: 'You shouldn't smoke. It's bad for your Look who’s Rejecting the doctor’s argument or
health. I wish I'd never started.' talking (tu claim because of the assumption
Person 2: 'Didn't you always offer me cigarettes in quoque): that he is a hypocrite who fails to
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the past?' give up smoking.
2) Jimmy stole Tommy’s lunch in the past. Two wrongs Attempting to justify the student’s
Therefore, it is acceptable for Tommy to steal make a right wrongful act (cheating) by
Jimmy’s lunch today. claiming that some other
act (cheating) is just as bad or worse
3) If the banks don’t bail out the big automakers, the Scare tactics: Attempting to scare the banks into
US economy will collapse.  Therefore, the banks believing the bad consequence of
need to bail out the automakers. not helping big automakers,
rather than presenting relevant
evidence or reasons for good and
bad of this proposal.

8. Write an argument to illustrate each of the diagrams with a flowchart that indicates relationships
of argumentative support. (1.5 ms)
   Your argument

 +  Your argument

9. Draw the diagrams that indicates relationships of argumentative support. (1m)

 On Monday I stayed up all night partying, had eggs for breakfast, and failed my calculus test.  On Wednesday
I stayed up all night partying, had eggs for breakfast, and failed my biology test.  On Thursday I stayed up all
night partying, had eggs for breakfast, and failed my history test.  Obviously, to do better on tests, I must stop
eating eggs for breakfast. (paraphrased)

  

 Senator Walker’s proposal that we should outlaw terrorist threats on the Internet is dangerous and must be
strongly resisted.  If we allow the government to outlaw terrorist threats on the Internet, next it will want to ban
“hate speech” and other allegedly “harmful” speech on the Internet.  Next the government will want to censor
“harmful” ideas on television, radio, and in newspapers.  Eventually, everything you see, hear, or read will be
totally controlled by the government.

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Đà Nẵng, ngày 13 tháng 11 năm 2019

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