Sample Test
Sample Test
Sample Test
4 Some people do not go to work regularly. For example, Illustration Provide examples of a claim,
Mary and Ian started to go to work on Wednesday but rather than prove or support
decided to return home to practice their tennis. This the claim OR Their purpose is
shows poor work habits. not to provide convincing
evidence for a conclusion
2 Inductive generalization
3 Argument by Elimination
3. Examine the arguments and answer the following questions. (1.5 ms)
4. Explain why the following argument is not a sound argument and rewrite it to make it a sound
argument. (1m)
Argument Explanation Rewritten argument
All animals live on Mars. P1 (All animals live on All animals live on the Earth.
All humans are animals. Mars) is false All humans are animals.
Therefore, all humans live on Mars. C (all humans live on Mars) Therefore, all humans live on the Earth.
is false
5. Explain why the following argument is not a cogent argument and rewrite it to make it a cogent
argument. (1m)
Argument Explanation Rewritten argument
All physicists have known about P (All physicists have Most physicists have known about quantum
quantum mechanics. Therefore, known about quantum mechanics. Therefore, future physicists will
future physicists will probably know mechanics) is false probably know about quantum mechanics.
about quantum mechanics.
8. Write an argument to illustrate each of the diagrams with a flowchart that indicates relationships
of argumentative support. (1.5 ms)
Your argument
+ Your argument
Senator Walker’s proposal that we should outlaw terrorist threats on the Internet is dangerous and must be
strongly resisted. If we allow the government to outlaw terrorist threats on the Internet, next it will want to ban
“hate speech” and other allegedly “harmful” speech on the Internet. Next the government will want to censor
“harmful” ideas on television, radio, and in newspapers. Eventually, everything you see, hear, or read will be
totally controlled by the government.