Manual STKO Oct 2021
Manual STKO Oct 2021
Manual STKO Oct 2021
STKO Manual Index
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 4
2.6. Defining and Assigning New Definition ............................................................................................. 92
4 Python Interface ........................................................................................................................... 182
The Scientific Toolkit for Opensees (STKO) User Manual contains all the essential and practical
information needed for the proper utilization of the program. This manual describes the
functions and capabilities of the program from the preprocessing to the postprocessing phases,
including procedures for meshing, analysis, and an introduction to customizing the program.
What is STKO?
STKO is a cutting-edge complex data visualization tool for Opensees. By using STKO, a user can
create a Tool Command Language (TCL) input file for Opensees, and after processing, read the
output file and data through its graphic interface. STKO uses an HDF5 database library and
Python-based scripting interface for the manipulation and customization of results.
STKO’s user-friendly interface is easy to use and enables users to manage models with full
control. The program includes two modules: the Preprocessor and the Postprocessor.
This section introduces the preprocessing and postprocessing modules. The following
examples are from the postprocessing module. It should be noted that some features exist in
both modules.
The program interface is divided into 8 sections (Figure 2):
(1) Pre- and Postprocessor interfaces
(2) Main Toolbar
(3) Work Tree window
(4) Terminal window
(5) Editor window
(6) Quick access window
(7) Render view
(8) Python Script API
Figure 2. STKO Interface.
(1) Pre-and Postprocessor Interfaces Users can select the desired module by clicking on the
corresponding button on the upper right-hand side of the toolbar next to the ASDEA software
(2) Main Toolbar This Toolbar organizes and displays tools by task.
(3) Work Tree The Work Tree contains all the hierarchical information about the models.
An example of the Preprocessor work tree is shown in Figure 6.
The Preprocessor Work Tree uses Colored Definitions. These colored definitions help the
user track which definitions, physical and element properties, and conditions are Not Used,
Used, Referenced, or Used and Referenced. See the figure below:
Not Used: Items in the Work Tree (listed above) that are not applied in the analysis or to the
geometry will appear grey (properties and elements are applied to the geometries, the
definitions in the analysis, and the conditions are applied both to the geometries and the
Used: The work tree items only applied during the analysis or to the geometry will appear black
(properties and elements are applied to geometries, definitions to the analysis, and conditions
to both the geometry and the analysis).
Referenced: The work tree items only referring to another property will appear light blue. For
example, when a material section->layeredShell is made with materials inside (ex.
elasticIsotropic), the materials inside the layeredShell are considered referenced (so light blue).
Used + Referenced: The work tree item is both referenced and used and will appear blue. For
example, when a material section->layeredShell is made with materials inside (ex.
elasticIsotropic), the internal materials are considered referenced, but, if we apply the same
elasticIsotropic material to a geometry, it will become blue as it is both referenced in another
material and used on its own.
In the Preprocessor Work Tree, the user can move previously created items to list them in the
desired order regardless of when they were created. The up and down arrows allow the user
to move the items along the Work Tree.
Figure 8. Before (left) and after (right) moving a previously created item
The Postprocessor Work Tree organizes your databases, plot groups, chart data, and charts,
as shown in the figure below.
Figure 9. Post-Processor Work Tree
(4) Terminal Window This Window contains two text editors. The first one shows the program
command output. The second one shows the Input bar, which is used to enter commands,
coordinates, and values directly using the keyboard. The Input bar also has an auto compilation
Figure 12).
(5) Editor Window This window shows all features related to the object selected in the
postprocessor module: information, surface color map, color map, and visualization.
Figure 13. Editor window
(6) Quick access Toolbar This toolbar allows the user to set the views, show/hide geometries
based on their physical/element properties, set perspective or parallel, zoom, edit display
options and labels, set the grid, show/hide elements and local axes, and select/unselect
elements to view.
(7) Render window This window shows the model and its features.
(8) Python Scripting Interface The interface is available in both the pre and postprocessor to
allow users to interact with STKO through Python. The window is divided into two sections: The
script explorer and the script editor. The script explorer allows users to search through the
scripts that they have added, while the script editor lets users make changes to and then run
the scripts they have in their library
Figure 16. Python Scripting Interface
The user can select more than one element of the geometry by using the Quick Access toolbar
commands above the render window.
From the Quick Access toolbar, users can access the Display Option Editor, when set to auto,
it shows the active elements. Otherwise, by deactivating auto, the user can select what to view.
Figure 18. Display Option Editor
The Label Tab on the Display Option Editor allows the user to choose to view labels that
contain information about the geometries, or subgeometries, and the properties assigned to
them. Using this tab, users can customize what information they wish to view and which
Figure 19. Label Tab on the Display Option Editor
To show or hide labels, simply Click Label on the Quick Access Toolbar.
Geometries can be quickly selected in the Work Tree, where all the model’s geometries are
listed under Geometry. By clicking on Geometry, a subgroup will appear so that the user may
select not only the whole geometry but also individual elements of the geometry.
Figure 21. Work Tree
Some commands (such as Loft, CAD commands, etc…) do not permit multiple selections. For
this reason, when these commands are used, the selection command in the Quick Access
Toolbar will be turned off.
Users can also choose to show or hide geometries based on their physical or element
properties. To use this feature, simply right-click on the property in the work tree and choose
Show or Hide. The geometries the property has been applied to will then either be shown or
1.2.2. Create, Edit, and Save Pre- and Postprocessor Documents
To Create a new document, or Open an existing one, the user can choose the corresponding
commands on the preprocessor interface.
To save the current document, using the main Toolbar select: Home > Save. Click Save as to
save the current document to a new location. If the current document has never been saved
before, the Save command will automatically open the Save as command for naming the file
and choosing the location. The file extension is .scd (STKO CAE Document).
The postprocessor interface stores data such as loaded output databases, plots, charts, etc.
The file extension is .sped (STKO Postprocessing Document). Like in the preprocessor interface,
to save the current document, use the main Toolbar to select: Home > Save. Use Save as to
save the current document to a new location. If the current document has never been saved
before, the Save command will automatically open the Save as command for naming the file
and choosing the location.
The program allows the loading of more than one Database at a time in the Postprocessor
Section, Plots, Plot Groups, charts, and data. Whenever the user opens a saved postprocessor
document, it will include .mpco files with Plot Groups and Charts created by the user without
losing data.
The release of version 2.0 included added support for AllFiles in the OpenFile Dialog to load the
MPCO output database. This means it is now possible to open databases with different
extensions, like .h5, the original extension of HDF5 files, the MPCO recorder database type.
Figure 25. Post-Processor Work Tree of a Structure
The user can choose between different Plot types (Deformed Shape, Surface plot, Volume plot,
Beam/Shell Fiber plot, and Gauss Point Plot).
Right-click Plot Groups > New Plot Group on the Work Tree. Right-click on the newly generated
New Plot Group and select which Plot to show.
Click on the New Plot on the Work Tree and the Editor Panel will open. The Editor Panel allows
the user to view all the relevant data i.e.: Information, Data, Color Map, and Visualization.
Figure 26. Example of a Surface color map
To Delete a New Plot Group, or a single Plot, right-click on the Plot (or Plot Group) on the
Work Tree and select Delete Plot (or Plot Group) (see § 3-0 Postprocessing module).
The preprocessor module creates the Tool Command Language (TCL) input file for OpenSees.
From CAD to Mesh
2.1. Geometry
In STKO, the Geometry commands are divided into eight groups: Exchange, Edit, Sets, Points,
Curves, Surfaces, Solids, and Boolean. The sections are accessbile in the geometry drop-down
menu and on the main Toolbar.
Figure 29. Geometry main Toolbar
STKO allows the user to manipulate the construction plane.
The Workplane 3 points command sets the origin and orientation of the construction plane.
Click Home > 3 points (Workplane).
A new workplane can be created manually by selecting 3 points, or by typing the x, y, and z
(optional) coordinates.
Workplane parallel
The Workplane Parallel command sets the origin and orientation of the construction plane.
Click Home > Parallel (Workplane) to offset the Work Plane.
This command sets the work plane and moves the Cartesian references.
After creating the workplanes, the user can save each created plane, select, and control them
directly from the Work tree where they are listed.
The import and export commands present under Exchange are a subset of the Geometry
category. Geometries can be imported from or exported to external files.
Geometry > Exchange > Import
1. Click Import from the Geometry > Exchange menu
2. Input geometries from file
The supported file extensions are IGES Files (*.iges, *.igs), STEP Files (*.stp *.step), BREP Files
(*.brep *.rle). A Regenerate Model window will appear:
Geometry > Exchange > Export
1. Click Export from the Geometry > Exchange menu
2. Export geometries to another file
The supported file extensions are IGES Files (*.iges, *.igs), STEP Files (*.stp *.step), BREP Files
(*.brep *.rle).
2.1.2. Geometry – Edit
The commands in the Edit section are subsets of the Geometry category. The Edit commands
modify the geometries. To execute a command, Click the desired command, then Click to select
the geometry, and Right-click to execute the command. Press [Esc] on the keyboard or Right-
click in the render window to abort a command in execution.
Note: All commands can be alternatively made by typing their name into the Terminal input bar
(which also has an auto compilation feature) and following the instructions given.
Geometry > Edit > Delete
1. Click Delete from the Geometry > Edit menu
2. Select geometry
Click on any part of the geometry you wish to delete to enable the selection; the selected
geometries will turn red.
3. Execute the command
Press [Enter] on the keyboard or Right-click to execute the command and delete the geometry.
Query Geometry
Geometry > Edit > Query
1. Click Query Geometry from the Geometry > Edit dropdown menu.
An editing window will appear. On the selection tab (Figure 39), the user can select the
geometries to query by hierarchy, mass property, or location. It is also possible to query
properties such as length, area, volume, or the face, edge, or solid centers of mass, or
coordinates to points.
Figure 41. Mesh Info window_Mesh Info Tab
Geometry > Edit > Move
This command moves geometries to another position in space. The action is completed by
selecting two points (the first and the second points of translation). The user can specify,
using the mouse or the keyboard, the first and second points of the distance, defining the
translating line, to move the objects. The Terminal Input allows the user to enter the X, Y, and
Z coordinates, i.e., (100 -100 0), and after the first point, the distance value, i.e., (100.5). The Z
coordinate is optional, and by default, it is set to 0.
1. Click Move from the Geometry > Edit menu
2. Select the geometries
Click on any point belonging to the geometries, the selected geometries will turn red. Right-
click to enable the selection.
3. Specify the first point
Click anywhere on the work plane, or on a point belonging to the geometry, or type coordinate
X, Y, or Z to assign a reference point.
4. Specify the second point
Click on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or type the distance value to define
the move. The selected geometry will be moved immediately upon the selection of the second
5. Abort the command
The command can be aborted by pressing [Esc] on the keyboard or Right-clicking before the
second point has been selected.
Geometry > Edit > Copy
This command copies geometries to another position in space, preserving their features. The
action is completed using two points (the first point and the endpoint of translation). The
user can specify, using the mouse or keyboard, the first point (the reference point) and the
second point (the distance and direction), to define the translating line, to copy the objects.
The Terminal Input allows the user to enter the X, Y, and Z coordinates, i.e., (100 -100 0), and
after the first point, the distance value, i.e., (100.5). The Z coordinate is optional, and by default,
it is set to 0. After generating the first copy, the command will remain active to allow for the
creation of other copies of the same geometry. The action can be terminated by pressing
[Enter] on the keyboard or by Right-clicking.
4. Specify the second point
Click on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or type the distance value to define
the position of the copy.
5. Specify the next point
If you want to generate more copies of the geometry, continue to Click on the work plane, or
type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or type the distance value to define the position of the copy.
6. Terminate the Command
Press [Esc] on the keyboard or Right-click to terminate the command.
Geometry > Edit > Rotate
This command rotates or alternatively generates a rotated copy of the selected geometries.
This command works around a point as the center of rotation on a 2D plane and on an angle
in relation to the normal axis of the plane. The action is completed using three points. The user
can specify, using the mouse or keyboard, the first point defining the center of rotation; the
second point, as a temporary reference line; and the third point, as a reference to define the
value of the rotation angle. The textual dialogue interface of the Terminal lets the user define
the rotation of the geometries. The Terminal allows the user to enter the X, Y, and Z
coordinates, i.e., 100 -100 0, for the three points after selection. The Z coordinate is optional,
and by default, it is set to 0. After the insertion of the second point, the Terminal will allow the
user to enter the distance value, i.e., 50, to build the reference line, and the angle value, i.e.,
90, to define the rotation angle.
If the user selects the Copy command, after generating the first rotated copy, the command
remains active in order to allow for the insertion of more copies. The command can be
terminated by pressing the [Esc] key or by Right-clicking. When the command has been
executed, the geometry will remain selected, and the user can decide to delete or leave the
After clicking Rotate, a setting window will appear. The user can either choose to Transform
the selected object or to create a transformed Copy of it.
2. Select the geometries
Click on any point belonging to the geometries, the selected geometries will turn red. Right-
click to enable the selection.
3. Specify the first point, the center of rotation
Click anywhere on the work plane, or on a point belonging to the geometry, or type coordinate
X, Y, or Z to assign a reference point for the center of rotation.
4. Specify the second point, the temporary reference line
Click on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or type the distance value to define
the temporary reference line.
5. Specify the third point, the rotation angle (degrees), or the reference point
Click on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or type the angle value to define the
rotation angle. If the user selected Transform in step one, the selected geometry will rotate to
the new position, and the command will terminate. Instead, if the user selected Copy, the
original geometry will remain in its position and a copy will appear in the new rotated position;
the original geometry will remain selected.
6. Specify the next point (Copy only)
If the user selected Copy in step one, the geometry will remain selected after step 5. The user
may continue to generate more rotated copies of the geometry, by Clicking on the work plane,
or by type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or type the incremental angle value to define the position
of the rotated copy.
7. Terminate the command (Copy only)
The command can be terminated by pressing [Enter] or by Right-clicking.
Figure 42. Rotating operation_part one Figure 43. Rotating operation_part two
Geometry > Edit > Scale
This command changes the geometry’s size in relation to one, two, or three dimensions. To
activate the action, choose the command from the Toolbar or Menu and select the geometries.
After activation, a menu will appear to allow the user to choose the type of scale (1D, 2D,
Uniform scale [3D]). The Scale 1D command changes the size of selected objects in one
direction, Scale2D changes the size in two directions, and Uniform scald [3D] changes the size
of selected objects uniformly in the x, y, and z directions.
Figure 44. Example of the Scale command
Geometry > Edit > Mirror
This command mirrors or alternatively generates a specular copy of the selected geometry. The
transformation obtained is an axial symmetry of the selected geometry. To initiate this action,
choose the command from the Toolbar or Menu and select the geometries. The user can
specify, using their mouse or keyboard, the first and second points, which will define the line
that will become the axis of symmetry for copying and mirroring the objects. Users may use
the Terminal to enter the X, Y, and Z coordinates, i.e., 100 -100 0, and after the first point has
been set, the distance value, i.e., 100.5, to define the temporary line to be used as the axis of
symmetry. The Z coordinate is optional, and by default, it is set to 0. After execution, if the user
selected Transform the original geometry will be deleted. If the user selected Copy, the original
geometry will remain on the work plane.
After clicking Mirror, the user must choose between Transforming the selected object or
creating a transformed Copy of it.
2. Select the geometry
Click on any point belonging to the geometry; the selected geometry will turn red. Right-click to
enable the selection.
3. Specify the first point
Click anywhere on the work plane, or on a point belonging to the geometry, or type coordinate
X, Y, or Z to assign the first reference point.
4. Specify the second point
Click on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or type the distance value to define
the line to be used as the axis of symmetry. If the user selected Transform in step 1, the
transformed copy will appear in its new position, and the original will disappear. Instead, if the
user selected Copy, the copy will appear in the position defined and the original will remain.
Geometry > Edit > Explode
This command identifies the subclasses of the object by splitting it into its components. A
complex object can be divided into simpler parts by applying this command. For example, a
parallelepiped can be split into its basic foundational geometries such as vertices, edges, and
faces. To initiate the action, choose the command from the Toolbar or Menu, and select the
desired geometries.
The user can select one or more geometries with their mouse and Right-click to execute the
explode command.
1. Click Explode from the Geometry > Edit menu
2. Select the geometries
Click on any point belonging to the geometries to enable the selection; the selected geometries
will turn red.
3. Explode
Press the [Enter] key or Right-click to confirm the command. After confirming, the geometry will
be exploded.
4. Finish
The subdivided geometry will remain editable. Press the [Esc] key to preserve the geometries
in the work plane, or select, using the mouse, the geometries on which to apply new actions.
Repeat the flow to obtain more subdivisions.
Make Compound
Geometry > Edit > Make Compound
Compound – a group of any type of topological objects.
This command creates a compound of the selected geometries. Making a compound of curves,
surfaces, and/or solids creates a "composite" geometry made up of different items that
preserve their own geometrical features. In other words, this command allows the joining of
different geometries. To initiate the action, choose the command from the Toolbar or Menu
and select the geometries.
The user can select the geometries on which apply the compound function and execute the
command by Right-clicking.
Figure 47.Example of Compound
Make Wire
Geometry > Edit > Make Wire
This command creates a unique geometrical entity from two or more curves, i.e., a polyline. The
procedure for building the wire from the selected edges is intuitive. To initiate the action,
choose the command from the Toolbar or Menu and select the geometries.
The user can select the geometries on which they would like to apply the Make Wire function
and execute the command by Right-clicking.
1. Click Make Wire from the Geometry > Edit menu
2. Select the geometries
Click on any point belonging to the geometries; the selected geometries will turn red.
3. Execute the command
Once the desired number of geometries are selected, press [Enter] on the keyboard or Right-
click to execute the command. A polyline will be create from the selected geometries.
Figure 48. Before making wire- 2 lines
Sew Faces
Geometry > Edit > Sew Faces
The Sew Faces command creates a unique face from two or more faces of the starting objects.
To initiate the action, choose the command from the Toolbar or Menu and select the
geometries. After initiation, an interactive menu will open for selecting the parameters. The
user can set the value of the sewing tolerance (by default set to 1e-06), enable the cutting of
free edges, and enable the generation of non manifold elements.
After selecting the parameters, the user can select the geometries on which to apply the Sew
Face function and execute the command by Right-clicking.
Geometry > Edit > Sweep
This command creates a geometry starting from a profile curve and moving along a rail to
create an object. The starting curve, the profile shape, defines the surface cross-section, and
the rail, the spine shape, defines the trajectory of the sweep. In this way, different categories
of geometries can be obtained. In reference to a generic line track, vertices generate edges,
edges generate faces, a face generates a solid, wire generates a shell, and a shell generates a
compound solid. Solids and compound solids can not be extruded. Choose the command from
the Toolbar or Menu and select the geometries desired to initiate the action. The Terminal
allows the user to specify how to sweep the geometries using its interactive text interface. The
user can first select the geometry class of interest to be used as the profile shape to sweep,
and then the reference geometry, for the spine shape.
Press [Enter] on the keyboard or Right-click to execute the command. The command will
generate the new geometry.
Geometry > Edit > Extract
The Extract command allows for the extraction of simple geometries from complex
1. Click Extract from the Geometry > Edit menu
2. Select the geometry to extract from
Click on any point belonging to the geometry desired to extract from. After clicking on the
selection, the geometry will turn red.
3. Select the geometry to extract
Click on any point belonging to the geometry or on a subclass (vertex, edge, face, wire, or shell)
to extract. After clicking on the selection, the geometry will turn red.
4. Execute the command
Press [Enter] on the keyboard or Right-click to execute the command. The simple geometry will
be extracted from the complex geometry.
Geometry > Edit > Extrude
1. Click Extrude from the Geometry > Edit menu
2. Select the geometry, the profile shape to extrude
Click on any point belonging to the geometry or on a subclass (vertex, edge, or face) to extrude.
After clicking the selection, the geometry will turn red. Right-click to enable the function.
3. Define the height of the extrusion
Click on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or type the distance value to define
the height of the extrusion of the geometry.
4. Define other directions (Optional)
After Clicking to define the height of the extrusion, the geometry (the profile shape to
extrude) will remain selected. The user can continue extruding the geometry in different
directions or heights. Click on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or type the
distance value to continue defining new heights for the extrusion of the geometry as desired.
5. Execute the command
Press [Enter] on the keyboard or Right-click to execute the command. The geometry will be
This command involves the removal of one or more faces from a surface and then the
consequent repair of that surface. The removed part is replaced by an approximation of it or
an approximation of the faces connected to it. Some possible examples could be the
replacement of a beveled angle with a sharp angle or the removal of a hole with consequent
modification of the face in order to plug the hole.
Geometry > Edit > Defeaturing
1. Click Defeaturing from the Geometry > Edit menu
2. Select the geometry to defeature
Click on any point belonging to the geometry or on a subclass (vertex, edge, or face) to
defeature. After clicking on the selection, the geometry will turn red.
3. Execute the command
Right-click to execute the command. The geometry will be defeatured as seen in the example
Figure 52.Geometry before defeaturing
This command fixes model geometry problems like a face with a missing seam edge, incorrect
orientation of an entity, a self-intersecting wire, or a lacking edge. RepairFix adapts shapes to
make them appropriate for use in STKO. The user can set the value of fix tolerance (by default
set to 1e-06) and which elements to fix, such as faces, solids, etc.
A settings window will open that allows the user to set the tolerance (by default set to 1e-06)
and select the different elements to fix; i.e. Fix global, Fix faces, Fix small faces, Fix small edges,
3. Select the geometries to RepairFix
Click on any point belonging to the geometry the user wishes to RepairFix; the selected
geometry will turn red.
4. Execute the command
Press [Enter] on the keyboard or Right-click to execute the command.
The terminal bar will show all repaired geometries:
This command displays the normal-direction of a geometry or surface and allows the user to
invert it. The user can see the geometry’s normal-direction arrows by activating the command
Show/Hide local axis on the Quick Access Toolbar. Surface normals are represented by arrows
perpendicular to the surface, and the u- and v-directions are indicated by arrows pointing along
the surface. Closed surfaces always have surface normals pointing to the exterior. Obviously,
this operation is not available for solids.
Click on any point belonging to the geometries or on a subclass (vertex, edge, or face) to
reverse. After clicking the selection, the geometry will turn red.
3. Execute the command
Press [Enter] on the keyboard or Right-click to execute the command.
Geometry Sets
Geometry > Sets > New
1. Click New from the Geometry > Sets menu
2. Select the geometry to add to the selection set
Click on any point belonging to the geometry or on a subclass (vertex, edge, or face) to add to
the selection. After clicking on the selection, the geometry will turn red. Press [Enter] on the
keyboard or Right-click to confirm and name the selection set.
3. Add/remove geometry from the selection set
Right-click on the selection set in the Work Tree > Add to selection set > click on the geometries
to add. Press [Enter] on the keyboard or Right-click to confirm the selection.
Right-click on the selection set in the Work Tree > Remove from selection set > click on the
geometries to remove. > Press [Enter] on the keyboard> Confirm the selection set to remove
the geometry from. Press Ok
Geometry > Points > Point
2. Execute the Command and assign the point
Click anywhere on the work plane or type coordinate X, Y, or Z to assign the point.
The commands present in the Curves section are subsets of the Geometry category. Every
command allows the generation of a specific geometric shape on the plane. To generate the
desired shape, select the relative command from the Toolbar, and follow the indications shown
in the textual dialogue interface of the Terminal for the insertion of the construction steps.
Geometry > Curves > Lines
1. Click Lines from the Geometry > Curves menu
2. Specify the first point
Click anywhere on the work plane or type coordinate X, Y, or Z to assign the first point of the
3. Specify the second point
Click anywhere on the work plane or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or enter the scalar value of
the dimension of the segment to assign the second point of the line.
4. Specify the next point
If you wish to generate a polyline, continue to Click on the work plane, or type coordinate X,
Y, or Z, or type the scalar value of the segment to define the position of the point.
5. Execute the command
Once the desired number of points (Vertices) and lines (Edges) of the geometry have been
entered, press [Enter] or Right-click to execute the command.
Geometry > Curves > Spline
This command creates a spline in the space. To initiate the action, choose the command from
the Toolbar or Menu and select the geometries. The user can set the construction of the spline
through control points external to the line or through points internal to the line, and specify
the value of degree within the range of 1-100 (by default set to 3) as an interpolating cubic
spline. The textual dialogue interface of the Terminal defines the procedure to generate the
geometries. After selection, the Terminal will open and allow the user to enter the X, Y, and Z
coordinates, i.e., 100 -100 0, for the construction points, after which the user will be able to set
the distance value, i.e., 100.5. The Z coordinate is optional, and by default, it is set to 0.
1. Click Spline from the Geometry > Curves menu
2. Select the construction criteria
After initiating the command, an interactive menu will appear on the screen with the
construction criteria. Select the desired method:
-Select spline through control points to define the geometry built through points external to
the line.
-Select spline through points to define the geometry built through internal points belonging
to the line, and the value of degree (by default set 3) as an interpolating cubic spline.
3. Specify the construction points
Click on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or type the distance value to define
the construct points with which to build the spline.
4. Execute the command
Press [Enter] on the keyboard or Right-click to execute the command.
Geometry > Curves > Rectangle
1. Click Rectangle from the Geometry > Curves menu
2. Specify the first point or first corner
Click anywhere on the work plane or type coordinate X, Y, or Z to assign the first point of
3. Specify the second point or second corner
Click anywhere on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or enter the scalar value of
the dimension of the segment for the first and second side of the rectangle. The rectangle will
automatically generate after the selection of the second point.
Geometry > Curves > Circle
1. Click Circle from the Geometry > Curves menu
2. Specify the first point, the center of the circle
Click anywhere on the work plane or type coordinate X, Y, or Z to assign the first point as
center of the circle.
3. Specify the second point, the radius of the circle
Click anywhere on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or enter the scalar value of
the dimension of the segment to assign the radius of the circle. The circle will automatically
generate after the selection of the second point.
Geometry > Curves > Ellipse
1. Click Ellipse from the Geometry > Curves menu
2. Specify the first point, the center of the axes of the ellipse
Click anywhere on the work plane or type coordinate X, Y, or Z to assign the first point as
center of the conic section identified by the intersection of the major and minor axis of the
3. Specify the second point, the first semiaxis of ellipse
Click anywhere on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or enter the scalar value of
the dimension of the segment to define the first semiaxis, major or minor, of the ellipse.
4. Specify the third point, the second semiaxis of ellipse
Click anywhere on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or enter the scalar value of
the dimension of the segment to define the second semiaxis of the ellipse. The ellipse will
automatically generate after the selection of the third point.
Arc of Ellipse
Geometry > Curves > Arc of Ellipse
1. Click Arc of Ellipse from the Geometry > Curves menu.
2. Specify the first point, the center of the ellipse axes
Click anywhere on the work plane or type coordinate X, Y, or Z to assign the first point as the
center of the conic section identified by the intersection of the major and minor axis of the
3. Specify the second point, the first semiaxis of ellipse
Click anywhere on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or type the first ellipse axis
radius value to define the first semiaxis, major or minor, of the ellipse.
4. Specify the third point, the second semiaxis of ellipse
Click anywhere on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z type the second ellipse axis
radius value to define the second semiaxis of the ellipse.
5. Specify the fourth point, the arc of ellipse
Click anywhere on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or enter angle value. The arc
of the ellipse will automatically generate after the selection of the fourth point.
Figure 62. Surface section in the Geometry drop-down menu
Geometry > Surfaces > Planar
1. Click Planar from the Geometry > Surfaces menu
2. Select the geometries
Click on any point belonging to the geometries; the selected geometries will turn red.
3 Execute the command
Press [Enter] on the keyboard or Right-click to execute the command. The closed geometry will
be transformed into a surface.
Geometry > Surfaces > Loft
Figure 64. Loft Window
Face 3/4
Geometry > Surfaces > Face 3/4
1. Click Face 3/4 from the Geometry > Surfaces menu
2. Specify the first point
Click anywhere on the work plane or type coordinate X, Y, or Z or to assign the first point.
3. Specify the second point
Click anywhere on the work plane or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or enter the scalar value to
assign the second point to define the first side of the polygon.
4. Specify the third point
Click anywhere on the work plane or type coordinate X, Y, or Z to assign the third point to
define the second side of the polygon.
5. Specify the fourth point
Click anywhere on the work plane or type coordinate X, Y, or Z to assign the fourth point to
define the third side of the polygon. The polygon will be closed automatically and a face will be
generated from the figure.
Figure 65. Start from two polylines as cross-sections. Figure 66.Loft between the cross-sections.
Figure 67. Then close with a Planar surface. Figure 68. Example of a completed loft algorithm.
2.1.7. Geometry – Solids
Geometry > Solids > Sphere
1. Click Sphere from the Geometry > Solids menu
2. Specify the first point, the center of the sphere
Click anywhere on the work plane or type coordinate X, Y, or Z to assign the first point to
define the center of the sphere.
3. Specify the second point, the radius of the sphere
Click anywhere on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or enter the scalar value to
define the radius of the sphere. After the second point is assigned, the command will execute
and generate a sphere.
Geometry > Solids > Parallelepiped
1. Click Parallelepiped from the Geometry > Solids menu
2. Specify the first point, the first corner
Click anywhere on the work plane or type coordinate X, Y, or Z to assign the first point as the
first corner of the parallelepiped.
3. Specify the second point, the first side
Click anywhere on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or enter the scalar value of
the dimension to assign the second point as the second corner, to define the first dimension of
the polygon rectangle.
4. Specify the third point, the second side
Click anywhere on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or enter the scalar value of
the dimension to assign the third point to define the second side of the polygon rectangle.
5. Specify the fourth point, the height
Click anywhere on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or enter the scalar value of
the dimension to assign the fourth point to define the height of the parallelepiped. After the
fourth point is assigned, the command will execute and generate a parallelepiped.
Geometry > Solids > Cylinder
1. Click Cylinder from the Geometry > Solids menu
2. Specify the first point, the circle center
Click anywhere on the work plane or type coordinate X, Y, or Z to assign the first point as the
center of the circle for the base of the geometry.
3. Specify the second point, the cylinder radius
Click anywhere on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or enter the scalar value of
the dimension to assign the second point to define the radius of the circle.
4. Specify the third point, the cylinder height
Click anywhere on the work plane, or type coordinate X, Y, or Z, or enter the scalar value of
the dimension to assign the height of the cylinder. After the height is assigned, the command
will execute and generate a cylinder.
2.1.8. Geometry – Boolean
Geometry > Boolean > Merge
Geometry > Boolean > Union
1. Click Union from the Geometry > Boolean menu
2. Select the geometries to unite
Click on any point belonging to the geometries you wish to unite; the selected geometries will
turn red.
3. Execute the command
Press [Enter] on the keyboard or Right-click to execute the command. The selected geometries
will be united.
Geometry > Boolean > Subtract
1. Click Subtract from the Geometry > Boolean menu
2. Select the first geometry, the constrained geometry
Click on any point belonging to the starting geometry/ies, defined as the Retained geometry/s.
The selected geometries will turn red. To confirm the selection press the [Enter] key or Right-
3. Select the second geometry, the constrained geometry
Click on any point belonging to the second geometry/ies, defined as the constrained
geometry/s. The selected geometries will turn red.
4. Execute the command
Press [Enter] on the keyboard or Right-click to execute the command.
Geometry > Boolean > Intersection
1. Click Intersection from the Geometry > Boolean menu
2. Select the first geometry, the the constrained geometry
Click on any point belonging to the starting geometry/ies, defined as the retained geometry/s.
The selected geometries will turn red. To confirm the selection press the [Enter] key or Right-
3. Select the second geometry, the constrained geometry
Click on any point belonging to the second geometry/ies, defined as constrained geometry/s.
The selected geometries will turn red.
4. Execute the Command
Press [Enter] on the keyboard or Right-click to execute the command
OpenSees supports three types of Interaction: Node-to-Node links, Node to Element Links,
and General Links.
Choose the command Interaction > New from the main Toolbar, or Right-click on Interaction
> Add from the Work Tree.
A new window (Interaction Editor) will appear, which allows the user to rename, edit, and specify
the Interaction type.
By clicking on Edit Shader… the user will be able to assign colors and edge sizes to customize
the visual appearance of the materials.
Select the default Interaction Type: Node-to-Node links. Click OK to confirm the
selection. The output bar will guide the user to first select the Restrained Element. Right-
click to confirm the first choice and to select the Constrained Element. After that, the
user will see the new Interaction between nodes as shown below.
Constrained Geometry (Node 3)
For Node-to-Node links, see the OpenSees website where the example ZeroLength Element
explains this Interaction Type.
For more info visit the webpage:
If the user wishes to work with General Links between elements, for example, between a
surface and a line:
Choose the Interaction command > New from the Toolbar, or right-click on Interaction > Add
from the Work Tree.
A new window (Interaction Editor) will appear, which allows the user to rename, edit, and specify
the Interaction type. In this example, select General Link. Click OK to confirm the settings.
First, select the Retained Geometry and then the Constrained Geometries. Right-click to confirm
each choice. Something similar to the example below will appear:
Constrained Geometry (edge)
For General Links see the OpenSees website, where the example ZeroLengthContactNTS2D
explains this Interaction Type.
For more info visit the webpage:
If the user wants to work with Node to Element links between elements, for example, a surface
and a line:
Choose the command Geometry-Interaction > New Interaction from the Toolbar, or Right-
click on Interaction > Add from the Work Tree.
A new window (Interaction Editor) will appear, which allows the user to rename, edit, and specify
the Interaction type. In this example, choose Node to Element links. Click OK to confirm the
First, select the Retained Geometry and then the Constrained Geometries. Right-click to confirm
each choice. Something similar to the example below will appear:
Constrained Geometry (Edge)
Meshing the surface using structured mesh yields the following results:
For Node to Element links, see the OpenSees website, where the example BeamContact3D
explains this Interaction Type.
For more, visit the webpage:
Another Example of Interaction Modeling
Constrained Geometry
Retained Geometry
NOTE: EqualDOF, rigidLink, and rigidDiaphragm can be only applied to the Interaction.
For this example: choose Interaction > General link > select the retained node > select the
constrained nodes > Ok to confirm. After a General link has been created, the user can apply
a rigidDiaphragm to the interaction.
NOTE: Interaction will also influence the meshing and partition phase. For more information
on Meshing, please consult § 2.8Meshing. For more information on Partition, please consult
§ 1 Partition.
Defining and assigning Local Axes to a figure can also be used to apply loads to the local
coordinate system of a surface. The following image provides an example.
Figure 82. FaceForce Assignment
STKO allows local axes data to be exported to the Postprocessor, where results can be viewed
according to the global and local axes previously assigned.
The following sections will explain how to use the rectangular, cylindrical, and spherical local
axes commands.
Rectangular Local Axes for a three-dimensional space are an ordered triplet of axes (ex, ey, and
ez vectors) that are pair-wise perpendicular. When local axes are displayed in the STKO window,
the ex vector is red, the ey vector is green, and the ez vector is blue and is always orthogonal to
the local x-y plane.
Figure 84. Visualization of local axes
Select Property > Local Axes > New Local Axes from the Toolbar or Right-click on Local Axes
> Add from the Work Tree. Assign a name to the new local axes and select Rectangular from
the Type drop-down menu.
Click on OK to confirm the Editor selection. Specify the first point (origin), by clicking on the
work plane or by typing x, y, or z coordinates. Then, specify the second point (the X-axis), by
clicking on the work plane or by typing x, y, or z coordinates. Follow the same step for the third
point (X-Y plane).
To assign the New Local Axes to a surface, edge, or solid, right-click on the new local Axes >
Assign, then select the geometry and right-click to confirm.
Users may also directly click on the New Local axes in the Work Tree and drag it to the geometry.
To unassign the new local axes, click the geometry to which the user previously assigned the
new local axes. Then, drag the new local axes from the Work Tree to the selected geometry
while holding the CTRL button.
To Edit the rectangular local axes, right-click New Local Axes > Edit on the Work Tree and the
Editor panel will appear. The Editor Panel allows the user to assign a load to the geometry in
the direction of the new local axes.
Select Property > Local Axes > New or Right-click Local Axes > Add from the Work Tree. Assign
a name to the new local axes and select Cylindrical from the Type drop-down menu.
Figure 86. Local axes editor
Click OK to confirm the Editor selection. Specify the first point by clicking on the workplane or
by typing x, y, or z coordinates. The first point will be the origin around which all the vectors
rotate. Then, specify the second point (the X-axis) by clicking on the workplane or by typing x,
y, or z coordinates Follow the same steps to assign the third point (X-Y plane).
Figure 87. Visualization of cylindrical local axes to the edge of the surface
Figure 88. Visualization of cylindrical local axes to the center of the surface
To assign the New Local Axes to a surface, edge or solid, Right-click on the new local Axes >
Assign > select the geometry > Right-click to confirm.
Or, users may click directly on the New Local axes and drag it to the geometry from the Work
Tree. To unassign the new local axes, click the geometry to which the user previously assigned
the new local axes. Then, drag the new local axes from the Work Tree to the selected geometry
while holding the CTRL button.
To Edit the cylindrical local axes, Right-click on the New Local Axes > Edit and the Editor panel
will appear.
Then it will be possible to assign a load to the geometry in order to direct it according to the
new local axes.
Select Property > Local Axes > New or right-click Local Axes > Add from the Work Tree. Assign
a name to the new local axes and select Spherical from the Type drop-down menu.
Click OK to confirm the Editor selection. Specify the first point by clicking on the workplane or
by typing x, y, or z coordinates. The first point will be the origin around which all the vectors
rotate. Then, specify the second point (the X-axis) by clicking on the workplane or by typing x,
y, or z coordinates Follow the same steps to assign the third point (X-Y plane).
To assign the New Local Axes to a surface, edge, or solid, right-click on the new local Axes >
Assign > select the geometry > Right-click to confirm.
Or, users may click directly on the New Local axes and drag it to the geometry from the Work
Tree. To unassign the new local axes, click the geometry to which the user previously assigned
the new local axes. Then, drag the new local axes from the Work Tree to the selected geometry
while holding the CTRL button.
Figure 89.Visualization of spherical local axes Figure 90. Visualization of spherical local axes
To define and assign Physical Properties to the model, choose Property from the Toolbar.
Figure 91. Property section in the main Toolbar
2.4.1. Materials
Choose the command Property > New physical property from the Toolbar, or directly Right-
click Physical properties > Add on the Work Tree Panel.
Choose a Name to attribute to the New Physical Property (1), and customize its appearance
using the command Edit shader (2) to enter the Visual Material Editor.
Choose the Diffuse and Specular colors and give Shininess and Transparency to the new
material. It is also possible to assign Edge and Point colors with different widths and sizes. The
Mesh edge color and Mesh edge color reduction are also customizable. Click Ok to confirm
the selections made in the Visual Material Editor.
Click Model (3) to choose the physical property model, and select materials > uniaxial, or nD
Opensees materials.
Once the “Type” is selected, the user can insert Values for Attributes and read the description
of each Attribute through an external link to the Opensees website.
To quickly select an Attribute, click on Filter (4) and type the first letter of the attribute desired.
Click Ok to confirm the Physical Property Editor selections. Then, Click
Assign physical property on the Toolbar to attribute the new Material to the desired geometry.
Click OK, select the geometry, then Right-click or press [Enter] to confirm.
The user may also right-click the new physical property on the Work Tree, select assign, click
the desired geometry, then right-click to confirm the assignment.
To Edit, Delete, or Clone the created material, click Property and select the corresponding
command from the Toolbar.
Figure 97. Remove, Clone, Edit, Assign, and Select a Material from the Work Tree
The user may also directly Right-click the new Physical Property on the Work Tree, and select
the desired command from the drop-down menu.
To summarize, there are three ways that physical properties can be assigned to geometries:
-Click Assign on the main toolbar, select the physical property, press OK, Click on the desired
geometry, and Right-click or press [Enter] to assign the property
-Right-click on the physical property on the work tree and select assign from the drop-down
menu, then Click on the desired geometry, and Right-click or press [Enter] to assign the property
-Drag and drop the physical property from the Work Tree to the desired geometry
NOTE: Once the material has been assigned to the geometry, it will become the color that was
set as the material color.
Figure 98. Example of surface with or without material
Let’s examine a few examples on how to set new physical properties in STKO.
Choose the command Property > New Physical property from the Toolbar.
As seen before, the Physical Property Editor will appear. Type the name, edit the Material
colors, and select Model. This command allows the user to select different Materials or
Select, for instance, Model > materials > uniaxial > Steel and Reinforcing Steel Materials >
Click Ok to confirm the Material. It will appear in the Work Tree under the corresponding item.
The same process can be used if the user wishes to select a Concrete Material.
Select, for example, New Physical Property > Model > materials > uniaxial > Concrete
Materials > ConfinedConcrete01. This command is used to construct a uniaxial material
object of confined concrete.
For more information, please consult:
Click OK to confirm the new material. It will appear in the Work Tree under physical properties.
The same process can be followed if the user wishes to create other materials, such as an nD
Material like FaFourSteelPCPlaneStress. This command is used to model a Prestressed
Concrete Plane Stress material object.
For more information, consult:
Figure 99. Physical Property Editor of FAFourSteelPCPlaneStress
Click Ok to confirm the new Material. It will appear in the Work Tree under the corresponding
Users may also create a Parallel Material. This command is used to construct a parallel
material object made up of an arbitrary number of previously constructed Uniaxial Material
To do so the user should click New Physical Property > Model > Materials Uniaxial > Some
Standard Uniaxial Materials > Parallel.
For more information, consult:
A new Dialog box will appear which allows the user to select Attributes, insert Factor Values,
and specify Materials.
Figure 100. Physical Property Editor of Parallel material
After defining the Quantity Vector, the Physical Property Editor will update the new input.
Repeat the same process for Material Tags: Click Index vector (0), then Click on the ellipsis
button that will appear. The Index Vector Editor Window will allow the user to set the number
of rows. The user should also select a previously defined Material for each row (i.e.
STKO 70 Material Tester
The Material Tester is a tool added to all uniaxial materials available in OpenSees, and some of
the 3d materials. After defining the material parameters, the user can choose a strain history
and run different type of tests (monotonic, cyclic, custom, or in reference to a curve history). It
is possible to customize the number of cycles to run in the test, the division of cycle, the target
strain and the boundaries of the strain history curve. Once all the parameter are defined, the
user can obtain the stress strain history of the material defined, under the chosen strain history,
by pressing the Test button.
This tool is really useful for comparing the input parameters assigned to the materials in the
numerical model and the ones from experimental testing.
In version 2.0.2, a new feature was added to the tester. Once the test has been performed, the
user can click on the button Data to access a table widget for viewing and copying the data from
the generated stress and strain curve.
2.4.2. Cross-Sections
An informative table relating to Elastic Sections will appear. Click where it says Undefined in
the Section row, then Click the ellipsis button that will appear. A BeamCrossSection Editor will
open for selecting the section type from the Database (1), the section preset with the sizes
from Section (2), and the Unit (3) to assign to the elastic section. All available sections may be
customized by users in terms of dimensions. Otherwise, there is the database available with
standard sizes.
Figure 104. Beam Section Editor
Click OK to confirm the settings. The new section will appear under Physical Properties on the
Work Tree. Now it is ready to be assigned to the model.
The new Elastic Section can be modified at any time. Click on Edit Physical property from the
Toolbar and select the item from the list, or Right-click on the desired Physical property on the
Work Tree and select Edit.
Figure 105. Physical Property editor of a Fiber
An informative table relating to Fiber Section will appear. Click on the Fiber section row, then
Click on the ellipsis button which will appear. Like in STKO’s pre- and postprocessor interfaces,
the Terminal (3) contains two text editors: the first is what the software is generating according
to the user’s input, the second is the Input bar in which elements like the coordinates of points
can be entered.
Figure 106. Beam Fiber Section Editor
On the Quick Access Toolbar, users have the option to import elements into the Beam Fiber
Section Editor. Clicking the Import button on the toolbar, users can either choose to import an
Elastic Section or a Geometry they have previously created on their work plane.
If the user chooses Elastic Section, they will then be given the option to choose from a database
of Elastic Section options. Once the user has chosen their desired section and set the units and
parameters, they should click OK.
Then, the Elastic Section will be automatically imported into the Beam Fiber Section Editor
where they can make further modifications.
Figure 108. Elastic Section Import
The other option is to import a geometry that the user already has on their work plane.
When the Import Geometry option is activated, the user will see a screen with the various
geometries available listed. They will then be able to select the appropriate geometry, which
will appear in the Beam Fiber Section Editor.
Example: This example shows a Fiber Section with four different materials: concrete cover,
concrete core, rebars, and Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP).
Select the Rectangle command from the Quick Access Toolbar to draw a Beam Section that will
be the concrete cover (outer rectangle).
The Terminal bar specifies ways to design the rectangle: manually (specify the first and second
corner), or by typing the x, y, and z (optional) coordinates, i.e.: 10 10 0, after the first corner.
The user can also specify rectangular width and height after the first corner.
The user should now draw a second inner rectangle for the application of the second material:
the concrete core.
Figure 110. Inner and outer rectangle of a Beam Section
Select the Surface from planar curves command from the Quick Access
Automatically a Dialog box will appear in which the user can rename the surface fibers, insert
a Mesh Size, and assign Materials (in our case, concrete cover for the outer surface and
concrete core for the inner surface). Click OK and select the Outer Rectangle to apply the
Surface Fiber.
Figure 112. Inner and outer surfaces
The way the mesh can be applied to the Beam Fiber Section has been updated to include the
quadrilateral structured mesh, inserting the input type by number. As shown in the picture
If the section is not aligned with the XY axis as shown in the dialog, STKO will recognize X as the
direction of the section closer to the X-axis and vice versa. The example below shows how X has
been determined according to this criterion, assigning the same mesh by number.
Figure 117. Meshing a Beam Fiber Section- 3
To add rebar Materials, draw another inner rectangle and select the Make Punctual Fibers
Automatically a Dialog box will appear in which the user may rename the rebars, insert Rebar
data, specify the diameter, the number of rebars on each segment, and the spacing between
the rebars. Assign the Material and click Ok to confirm.
To create an FRP Material, draw a line to simulate it and select the Linear Fibers command
from the Quick Access Toolbar.
Figure 121. Dialog to size mesh, thickness, and material
Click Ok to confirm the Section Fiber and to confirm the Physical Property Editor selections.
The new section will appear in Physical Properties > sections on the Work Tree. It is ready to
be assigned to the model.
To remove, clone, edit, or assign the Fiber Section, click on Edit Physical property from the
Toolbar and select the item from the list, or Right-click the Physical Property on the Work Tree
and choose the command.
STKO does not support the assignment of more than one physical property to a geometry.
Assigning another property to the geometry will overwrite the previous assignment. This is
generally an accepted assumption for a finite element. For this reason, STKO enables the user
to create a Special Purpose, that is, a “container” in which more physical properties can coexist.
After creating more physical properties, or element properties, such as sections, materials, etc.,
it is possible to create a special purpose like a BeamSection property to be added to the
previously-defined sections. Furthermore, the user can create different Special Purposes to
assign to different geometries (e.g. beams and columns).
After creating sections (for example IPE100 and IPE120), it is now possible to create two Special
Purposes from Property > New physical property from the Toolbar, or by right-clicking
Physical properties > Add on the Work Tree Panel.
Select, for example, Model > special_purpose > Beam-Column > BeamSectionProperty. An
informative table relating to BeamSection Property will appear. Insert the previously created
section type.
Figure 123. Special Purpose for Physical Properties (IPE100 and IPE120 of BeamSectionProperty)
Click OK to confirm the settings.
An example is the HingedBeam Special Purpose. Create uniaxial materials such as Steel and
Reinforcing-Steel Materials (Steel01). After that, create zeroLength special purposes to insert
into the HingedBeam:
Select New Physical Property > special_purpose > zero-Length Material > zeroLengthMaterial
from the Toolbar, or Right-click on special_purpose > Add from the Work Tree.
Click Ok to confirm the settings. Select the element and assign the new Special Purpose:
Figure 127. Visualization of HingedBeam
The next figure shows the scheme of the element relationship between OpenSees and STKO.
Figure 128. Scheme of the element relationship that occurred between OpenSees and STKO
NOTE: After creating a Special Purpose for Physical Properties, STKO allows for the generation
of Regions before launching the Analysis (see § 0 Regions).
Figure 129. Element Property Editor
A new interface with the same Physical Property layout will appear, as shown above. Select the
finite element that will define the geometry and assign values to the table.
Click OK to confirm the settings. The new element will appear under Element Properties >
beam_column_element (in this example) on the Work Tree.
It is possible to modify the new element at any time. Click on Edit Element property from the
Toolbar and select the item from the list, or Right-click on the item and select Edit on the Work
NOTE: Do not forget to mesh the geometry to definitively assign the Element properties. Click
Mesh > Build mesh from the Toolbar.
Example: Draw a Frame Structure, define, and assign physical properties and finite elements.
Choose the command Property > New physical property from the Toolbar, or by directly
Right-clicking Physical properties > Add on the Work Tree Panel. Edit shader to define the
appearance of geometry, then select, for example, a uniaxial material, like Concrete01 shown
in the example.
Figure 132. Example of creation of Uniaxial Material
Assign the new Physical property to the geometries with the aid of selection boxes in the Quick-
Access menu. Selecting the buttons controls the different types of entities that can be selected.
After assigning the new physical property to the geometries, the color of the geometries will
change, as shown in the figure.
Figure 133. Example of assignment of uniaxial material to the columns
Figure 134. Mesh of the frame structure
Like the Special Purpose for the Physical Properties, STKO can create a Special Purpose for
Element Properties (HingedBeamColumn), which automatically applies the zeroLength to the
element that will generate extra nodes.
Figure 135. Scheme of a beam Figure 136. Scheme of a beam with extra nodes
To create an Element Property, click on Property > New element property from the Toolbar,
or by directly Right-clicking Element Property > Add on the Work Tree Panel.
Then, choose Model > zero_length_elements > ZeroLength and repeat the process for other
Figure 137. New element property - zeroLength
After creating the elements, it is possible to create a Special Purpose by clicking Property >
New element property from the Toolbar, or by directly Right-clicking on Element properties
> Add from the Work Tree Panel. Then select Model > special_purpose > HingedBeam.
Insert zeroLength previously created.
After inserting zeroLength_i and zeroLength_j, Click OK to confirm the settings. Assign the new
Special Purpose to the Beam or Column.
Figure 140. Definition Editor
Choose frictionModel or timeSeries and assign values to the table, like in this example (Multi-
Linear Velocity Dependent Friction) from the frictionModel.
Every group that belongs to each definition model contains a link to the OpenSees website
( to the description of each item.
Figure 142.Condition editor
Choose a Name to attribute to the Boundary Condition and customize its appearance in the
Visual Material Editor by clicking Edit shader.
Choose the Diffuse and Specular colors and give Shininess and Transparency to the
condition. Also, choose the Edge and Point colors with different widths and sizes. Mesh edge
color and Mesh edge color reduction are also customizable.
Click Ok to confirm the Visual Material Editor.
Click Model to select the Constraints, Ground_Motion, Loads, or Mass.
Choose the command Condition > New Condition from Toolbar.
Select Constraints from the drop-down model menu and choose between mp and sp
After selecting a constraint, in this example, the sp constraint, click sp> fix and an editing
window will appear.
In this section, the user can set the degree of freedom to assign to an element and in which
direction it will act.
NOTE: conditions must be attributed to the part of the geometry by selecting it while the editing
window is still open. Select the geometry part, which will turn red [with the editing window still
open], meaning that STKO is assigning the condition to the selected part. Then, click OK to
assign the condition to the selected geometry.
To modify the assigned geometry (vertex, edge, or surface), edit the condition and select the
new geometry.
Figure 145. Example of attribution of constraints
To define Loads, after selecting loads from the drop-down menu, the user must choose
force > edgeCouple, nodeforce, faceForce etc.
eleLoad > eleLoad_beamuniform(see figure below)
sp > prescribed nodal values
Once the load type is defined, the user can specify the mode of application and the quantity of
force in all directions (in 2D and 3D).
Like constraints, the loads must be attributed to an element by selecting it while the editing
window is still open.
Figure 146.Load definition
Type a Name to attribute to the Load and customize its appearance using the Visual Material
Editor. Then, Click Model and Select Loads > Force > NodeForce.
Edit it, and assign it to an element.
To Edit, Delete, or Clone the new condition, Click Condition and select the corresponding
command from the Toolbar.
Figure 149. New, Delete, Clone, Edit condition from Condition section of the main Toolbar
Or directly Right-click the item under Conditions on the Work Tree Panel and select the
In addition to FaceForce load, Opensees provides other types of loads as shown in the figure.
Figure 150. STKO loads
Despite different available applications, Opensees only processes nodal forces. For this reason,
STKO displays these Forces on nodes by means of lumping.
Lumping is the transposition of a uniform distributed load into nodal loads. To better
understand this “transposition”, see the following example:
Figure 151. Uniform distributed load over a meshed surface (left) and example of lumping (right)
Before we saw a FaceForce example on a 3D solid, with constant mode, a local axis orientation,
and a 3D force vector.
The user may also choose a function mode of every Force type from the Condition Editor.
Figure 152. Example of EdgeForce with function mode over a Beam
STKO 100
Figure 154. Example of VolumeForce with function mode over a Solid 3D
2.7.1. BeamSolidCoupling
BeamSolidCoupling is a constraint element that unifies a solid element (ndm= 3; ndf= 6) with a
beam element (ndm= 3; ndf= 3) through Interactions (§2.5 Interaction Modeling). These
interactions will create two mp constraints: EqualDOF and a RigidLink. The equalDOF links the
solid nodes to extra nodes and the RigidLink connects the extra nodes to the beam node. The
beam node is the constrained node of the Rigidlink and its constrained nodes are the extra
nodes. Also, extra nodes are the retained nodes of the equalDOF and its constrained nodes are
the solid nodes. To better understand the beamSolidCoupling command, see the following
STKO 101
retrained node
Figure 156. Identification of the retained nodes and constrained nodes in the RigidLink and EqualDOF
2.7.2. BeamToSolidBarSlip
BeamToSolidBarSlip is a tool used to connect a beam element with 6 DOFs to the surrounding
solid’s faces. The displacement DOFs of the beam in the local transversal directions are coupled
with those of the solid with an EqualDOF constraint. The displacement DOF in the local axial
direction of the beam is connected to the one of the solid with a zeroLength element, which is
equipped with a nonlinear uniaxial material that simulates the nonlinear relationship of the
STKO 102
Note: When the beam’s local directions are aligned with the global coordinate system, STKO
Node Constrained (Solid)
uses EqualDOF multipoint constraints (as described above) to create the kinematic connections.
However, when the beam’s local directions are not aligned with the global Figure 157.
coordinate system, EqualDOF constraints cannot be used. In that case, Interaction Diagram
STKO uses an equivalent stiff uniaxial material the stiffness of which is the
K penalty value. Note that this value should be stiff enough to enforce the constraint but not
too stiff, otherwise the system will be ill-posed. For example, you can choose a value that is a
couple of orders of magnitude larger than the bar’s axial stiffness.
The Automatic RC Beam-Column Joint Element with Scissor Model1 is a tool that allows users to
create a beam-column joint assembly that follows the scissor model by simply assigning a
physical and an element property to the vertices of the frame model.
Alath S, Kunnath SK. (1995) “Modeling inelastic shear deformations in RC beam–column joints”. Engineering mechanics
proceedings of 10th conference, May 21–24, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, vol. 2. New York: ASCE:
p. 822–5.
STKO 103
Figure 159. Automatic RC Beam-Column Joint Element with Scissor Model
To access the tool, add a new physical property, then click Model>special_purpose>RC Beam-
Column Joint Models>RCJointModel3D
2.7.4. ForcefromReaction
STKO enables the user to create more than one Analysis step. Once the first Analysis has been
concluded, it is possible to read all resultant forces on nodes and apply them like Force. This
means that a reaction may be converted into a Force (ForcefromReaction command). The
following example shows two Analysis steps:
STKO 104
Figure 160. First Analysis Step
Analysis Step 1:
After defining Constant timeSeries (1) from Definitions. Attribute Physical properties (2)
(material elastic_isotropic, plate_fiber etc.) and Element properties (3) (ShellMITC4). Then
assign constraints to the shell: fix constraint (4) to the base and fix constraint to the left edge
of the shell. In addition, assign an EdgeForce (5) to the right.
Then, define a Recorder (6) checking all the nodal results to display after. Before creating a new
Analysis step, do not forget to set Patterns (7), two for constraints and one for load. Setting the
first sp constraint (fix constraint on the base) in the first constraintPattern and the second sp
constraint (fix constraint on the left edge) in the second constraintPattern. Then creating a
third Pattern for the load and inserting the edgeForce in load and the timeSeries previously
defined in tsTag. Finally setting the first Static Analysis Step (8) specifying the number of
analysis steps to perform (in this case numIncr= 1).
STKO 105
Analysis Step 2:
Then, define a new fix constraint to apply to the right edge of the shell instead of the force.
Then creating a new Force: ForcefromReaction (9).
Choose the command New condition from the main Toolbar > Model > Load >
ForcefromReaction and set the Dimension (2D or 3D). Assign the Force to the left edge of the
Use the removePattern (10) to remove Load Pattern and spContraint Pattern (only the fix
constraint of the left edge) previously created. Once removing previously Patterns, creating new
Patterns: one for the ForcefromReaction (LoadPattern) and one for the fix constraint
(spConstraint Pattern). Applying the LoadPattern to the left edge and the spConstraint Pattern
to the right edge, keeping the fix constraint to the base.
Finally setting the second Static Analysis step (11), specifying the number of analysis steps to
perform (numIncr ≠0 − in this case numIncr= 1−).
STKO 106
Figure 163. Second Analysis Step
Launch the Analysis to generate an .mpco file. Open the STKO Postprocessor interface and
open the new Database (.mpco).
Then right-click New Plot Group and click Surface Color Map, or select Surface Plot form the
Toolbar. In the editor menu, you can select MODEL STAGE 1 or MODEL STAGE 2 to see the
output results.
STKO 107
2.7.5. DistributedLK
Choose the new condition command from the main Toolbar and then select Model >
Constraints > mp > DistributedLK2d or DistributedLK3D.
This enables the user to insert two materials (an Axial material [default], and a Tangential
material). This command respectively generates “extra” nodes and uniaxial material (Viscous)
applied to the ZeroLength.
1. “Extra” nodes:
STKO 108
Figure 167. Condition editor of a DistributedLK2D
Select the edge and assign the mp constraint. Click OK to confirm the settings.
After that, add a new load. Condition > New condition > Model > Loads > Force > FaceForce.
Set parameters and assign it to the element. Now create the Timeseries from Definitions (for
example a Trig Timeseries) setting the period, the start time, and the end time.
Then, it is necessary to define a Recorder to write the nodal results, which can be viewed with
the postprocessor. Before creating a new Analysis step, do not forget to set Patterns, one for
the constraint and one for the load. Set the first mp constraint (for the edgeDistributedLK) in
the first constraintPattern and then the loadPattern [selecting the Timeseries and the
STKO 109
FaceForce previously defined]. After that, it is possible to set the Analysis Step specifying the
analysis Type (for example Transient) and all the parameters.
STKO uses a hybrid mesh generation approach that allows for complex 2D and 3D geometries
to be optimally meshed by using different mesh elements. STKO supports 5 different Element
STKO 110
Types: Linear Type (2 or 3 nodes), Triangular Type (3 or 6 nodes), Quadrilateral Type (4, 8, or 9
nodes), Tetrahedral Type (4 or 10 nodes) and Hexahedral Type (8, 20, or 27 nodes –Serendipity).
Linear Type (2 or 3 nodes) is composed of two nodes at each extremity of the line. The
quadratic form has an additional node in the middle of the line.
Triangular Type is composed of 3 nodes located at the three geometric corners of the triangle.
Six node Triangle Type has three additional nodes located in the middle of each of the three
Quadrilateral Type is composed of 4 nodes located at the four geometric corners of the
quadrangle. In addition, Quadrilateral Types with 8 and 9 nodes both have four mid-edge
nodes; the 9 node version includes a mid-face node.
STKO 111
Tetrahedral Type is composed of four nodes located at the four geometric corners of the
tetrahedron. Tetrahedral Type also has six additional nodes in the middle of each of the six
Hexahedral Type (Serendipity) is composed of eight nodes located at the eight geometric
corners of the hexahedron. In addition, Hexahedral Type with 20 nodes has a node at the
middle of each of the twelve edges. Hexahedral Type with 27 nodes adds a node in the middle
of each of the six faces, and one at the cell center.
The user can manipulate the mesh settings globally [Global seed] and locally [Edge seed] using
the commands located in the Mesh section of the Toolbar.
Figure 176. Global and Local Mesh Control in Mesh section of the main toolbar
STKO 112
Figure 177. The Work Tree shows all solid features of the model.
Before defining the mesh controls, connect all solids with the Merge command. Click Geometry
> Boolean > Merge and select all geometries to join. A folder of the [n] merged geometries will
appear in the Work Tree.
Figure 178. The work tree shows all the merged solids of the model
The commands Global Seed, Edge Seed, and Remove Seed in the Mesh section set the
dimensions of finite elements.
STKO 113
The Global Seed command allows the user to make global adjustments in the meshing phase,
and it includes uniform biased and dual biased distributions by size and divisions.
STKO 114
Figure 181. Example of Global seed with dual biased type by size
To confirm the Global Seed settings, click Done. Next, select Mesh Controls to define the
elements of selection (Edges, Faces, or Solids), the Algorithm (Unstructured or Structured), the
Topology (Tri/Tetra or Quad/Hexa for Faces/Volume), and the Order of the Mesh (Linear,
Quadratic, or Quadratic/Serendipity). The colors in Color Mode on the Mesh Control editor will
indicate the user’s choice of mesh by changing the of the selected geometry.
STKO 115
After defining the Global seed and the Mesh Controls, select the Build mesh command. The
geometric 3D model will automatically mesh according to the user’s input.
To change the Global edge seed to a larger or smaller size, Click Global seed, set the new size,
and Click Build Mesh.
STKO 116
Figure 185.Example of global edge setting.
NOTE: To make a Structured Mesh, ensure that the imported 3D model is solely composed of
solid geometries like cubes (or geometries with six faces), or, in the case of surfaces, that they
have four edges. If not, the imported model will be meshed with Unstructured Mesh.
As mentioned above, with Structured Mesh the user can create a triangular or quadratic mesh.
There are some restrictions on the seed that the user can define. STKO automatically generates
a warning to inform the user that the number of nodes on a surface edge has been altered
STKO 117
without varying the logarithm (the type of Seed attributed to it either uniform by size, uniform
by division, biased by size etc.) in order to successfully obtain a structured mesh.
STKO 118
Figure 189. Changing of the number of nodes in order to achieve "structured" mesh compatibility
In Unstructured Mesh, STKO will generate a warning if the user sets up a hexagonal
unstructured mesh and it will automatically convert the user input into a tetrahedral mesh to
successfully obtain the unstructured mesh.
After creating curved shapes in STKO, the user can set the Edge Seed using the command from
the Toolbar.
The user can choose the type of Edge seed to attribute to the curve:
Select the edge > Assign > Done if the Type Division is right for the edge.
Click on Mesh Control from the Toolbar to set the Selection in Edges. Select the curve > Assign
> Done and/or directly click on Build Mesh.
STKO 119
Figure 191. Example of a curve meshing
STKO can generate structured quadrilateral or triangular surface meshing for any 4-sided
surface. The mesh spacing can be easily defined or automatically computed using the Mesh
Control command.
STKO 120
Figure 193. Quadrilateral and Triangular Structured Mesh of a Surface
Unstructured meshes have an irregular topology, meaning that they do not follow a uniform
Mesh is said to be structured if its topology is regular, meaning that it has a well-known
pattern (such as cubes with regular spacing dx, dy, dz between nodes).
STKO 121
Figure 195. Hexahedral and Tetrahedral Structured Mesh of a solid
2.8.8. Partition
For parallel computations, STKO Multiprocessor provides facilities to partition the mesh. Click
Mesh from the Toolbar and select the Partition command.
A Partition Mesh window will appear for setting the Number of partitions.
Preview Confirm
STKO 122
As in Figure 190, Click Partition to preview the effect the new partitions will have on the
selected geometry. After Clicking Partition, a colorful legend will appear in the partition
window, which allows the user to preview the colors, IDs, nodes, and elements of the new
partitions. Click Done to execute the partition command.
After the execution of the command, the geometry will not appear colorful like in the preview;
however, the command was executed. The user can review the partitions
by Clicking the Partition command again. The partition window will open and highlight the
partitions, allowing the user to review the partition information.
To delete the previously input partitions, press CTRL+Z (apple+Z for Mac) on the keyboard.
To change the previously input partitions, click Partition and simply change the number of
Partitions and Click Done to confirm.
NOTE: every Partition will create a Processor and a File:
Launching the Analysis in Opensees will create .tcl files with different processors and IDs for
the number of partitions previously defined, as in the example.
Launching the Analysis in Opensees will create .tcl files with different processors and IDs for
the number of partitions previously defined, as in the example.
STKO 123
Figure 198. Process 0 with all relative nodes
The Partition command enables the user to use multiple processors [OpenseesMP].
2.9. Analysis
Learn how to structure and order your analysis steps so that your analysis runs smoothly.
STKO 124 Patterns
The user must define Patterns and Recorders before launching the analysis in OpenSees.
To define the Patterns, Right-click on Analysis steps > Add from the Work Tree panel, or
Analysis > New from the main Toolbar.
Choose the AnalysisStep model by Clicking Model > Patterns > AddPattern and selecting, for
instance, loadPattern:
STKO 125
Figure 204. Add or Remove Pattern using the AnalysisStep editor
Another important pattern type is the constraintPattern. After defining constraints, STKO
allows the user to create Patterns which contain commands to generate sp constraints and
mp constraints, as shown in the following example.
STKO 126
Figure 206. Creation of a constraintPattern for a single point SP (or multiple point MP) constraint. Misc_commands
Misc_commands is an analysis step that includes several commands. One of them is the Region
Region is used to label a group of nodes and elements. This command is also used to assign
Rayleigh damping parameters to the nodes and elements in this region. The region is specified
by either elements or nodes, not both. If elements are defined, the region includes these
elements and the all connected nodes.
First, create a Selection Set to use during the region command. Simply choose Selection sets
from the Work Tree Panel > Add and select the geometry or groups of geometries to add to the
selection set.
STKO 127
Then, to begin creating a Region, Right-click on Analysis Steps > Add> Model
>Misc_commands > Region from the Work Tree Panel, or Analysis > Model >Misc_commands
> Region from the main Toolbar.
Figure 207. Creation of region from AnalysisStep editor with previously created Selection Set
Selection Set: To add a previously created selection set, Click Index Vector in the AnalysisStep
Editor, then Click the ellipsis button that appears. The Index Vector Editor window will open.
After the user types the desired number of rows (1, in the example), a drop down menu will
appear allowing the user to choose from among their previously defined selection sets. Click
OK to confirm the selection.
The user may then define the inclusion of auto generated elements. By Clicking on the drop-
down menu include_auto_generated_elements, the user may select one of the three options
shown in the image above. After selecting whether or not to use auto generated elements, Click
OK to confirm the settings.
It is not necessary for the user to create a Region for the completion of an analysis. Its use is up
to the discretion and needs of the user.
STKO 128
Figure 208. Rayleigh Damping Widget
The Analysis Monitor with Real-Time Plot tracks the statistics of the analysis and draws real-
time plots of the variables that the user wishes to monitor during the analysis. To use the
Analysis Monitor, click Analysis > Model >Misc_commands > Monitor, then check the box next
to Monitor Plot to open the editor.
STKO 129
Figure 209. Monitor Plot
Don’t forget to name your monitor plot. Check Use Custom Name and you can name the plot:
The monitor plot can be used in two ways. It can be used simply to monitor data during the
analysis. In this case, it doesn’t matter where the Monitor plot is in the list of analysis steps, it
will open when the analysis is running to show the data.
STKO 130
If instead, the user wishes to monitor something in particular, the monitor should be created
and the desired parameters selected. Then, make sure it is listed in the work tree after the
elements of the models the monitor refers to (usually, after the Analysis Step).
When you begin the analysis, the monitor will activate, and you will be able to monitor the data
in real-time, like in the image shown below.
Our monitor tool has been updated to allow you to superimpose plots generated by the same
analysis, before this option was not available, as you could just select one graph at a time to be
visualized on your monitor.
STKO 131
Figure 211. Superimposed Plots generated by the same analysis
The Data Tab of the Analysis Monitor allows you to view the data contained in the plots featured
on the Analysis Plots Tab. Simply click the dropdown list to choose the plot whose data you wish
to review.
STKO 132 Custom Command
With the release of Version 2.0.2, now one or more custom procedures defined by the user can
be added internally in STKO. In OpenSees, this is easily achieved by calling the analyze
command from a loop and inserting specific functions to be performed before or after the
analysis, for a set number of increments. Given that in STKO the analyze command is called
by inserting the AnalysisCommand in the analysis steps, an internal list called
all_custom_functions has been inserted and made accessible from the customCommand. To
create a customCommand, Right-click Analysis Steps > Add > Model > Misc_commands >
customCommand from the Work Tree Panel, or Analysis > New > Model > Misc_commands
> customCommand from the main Toolbar
For example, if you are performing a nonlinear time history analysis, it may be useful to have a
report of the result of each iteration as a progression, using a script inserted in a
CustomCommand (as shown in the image below), right before the desired AnalysisCommand
in the Work Tree.
STKO 133
Figure 214. Sample TLC Script for a customCommand
The script shown in the image above would give a result like the following:
Custom commands allow the user a lot of flexibility in creating the analysis. For example, you
could operate a specific variables update in a parametric analysis. However, to set up a custom
command, a user needs to be acquainted with tcl programming.
2.9.2. Recorders
To set the recorders, Right-click Analysis steps > Add > Model > Recorders > MPCORecorder
from the Work Tree Panel. A list of nodal results and element results will appear in the
AnalysisStep Editor, as shown in the following image.
STKO 134
Figure 216. Creation of a MPCORecorder from the AnalysisStep Editor
NOTE (*): The user must create a name (or name and file location) for the MPCORecorder;
otherwise the recorder will not be recognized by STKO when writing the results, and nothing
will be recorded.
Click OK to confirm the settings.
2.9.3. Analysis
STKO 135
Figure 217. Creation of Analysis Command from the Analysis Step Editor
Depending on the Analyses Type selected by the user, the parameters available will vary.
STKO 136
Figure 219.Example of Static Analysis with Displacement control
STKO allows the user to control the analysis according to a precise element or group of
elements defined by a previously created Selection Set (see § 2.1.3 geometry set), available in
the drop-drown menu in the Integrator of the analysis.
Unlike in OpenSees, Variable Transient is not listed as a selectable analysisType. Instead, if the
user desires to run a Variable Transient analysis, they must first select Transient for the
analysisType. The user will then be given the option to check a box to run a VariableTransient
analysis, as shown in the image below.
STKO 137
Figure 221.Example of Transient (and variable) Analysis
Users can also choose to set an adaptive time step, which can automatically resize the time
step size to improve the convergence of highly nonlinear problems.
The adaptive time step requires the definition of a maximum number (iter in the test command
in Figure 205) and desired number of iterations. The latter is set automatically to 1/3 of the
maximum number of iterations, for this reason the maximum number of iterations is
recommended to be equal or larger than 20.
An adaptive time step can be set by navigating to the analyze section of the editor, clicking the
drop down menu, and selecting adaptive time step.
STKO 138
Once selected, users will be able to set the different AdaptiveControls, which will open below
the analyze section. To gain more information about these controls, users can click on their
names and a brief description will appear at the bottom of the editor window.
Like in OpenSees, the analysis-definition allows the user to select from among the different
linear and nonlinear analysis tools available. The user must define the following items for each
analysis created. We recommend defining the items in the following order:
- Analysis Type Command
( );
- Contraints Command
( );
- Numberer Command
( );
- System Command
( );
- Algorithm Command
( );
- Test Command ( );
- Integrator Command
( );
- Analyse Command
( ).
STKO provides links to OpenSees explanations to help users understand the functions of the
items and subitems available.
NOTE: Remember to respect the order of the Analysis steps. The user may use the up and down
arrow buttons above the Work Tree to place the steps into the correct order to successfully
launch the Analysis.
STKO 139
Right-click Analysis Steps > Add > Model > Analyses > Eigen from the Work Tree Panel, or
Analysis > Model > Analyses > Eigen from the main Toolbar.
After selecting the settings for the Analysis, Click OK to confirm. The new Analysis will appear
in the Work Tree.
The modalProperties command is not an analysis, it’s a tool for the computaion of modal
properties based on a previously set eigen analysis.
STKO 140
Figure 224. Modal Properties Command
Therefore, it order to run the modalProperties command, you must already have an eigen
command set, otherwise it won’t work. The command can be used for both 2D and 3D
STKO 141
The cumulative modal participation masses
The modal participation mass ratios
The cumulative modal participation mass ratios.
The Response Spectrum command generates a response spectrum analysis based on the eigen
value analysis and the modal properties command previously set.
2.9.4. Solver Kits
Once the user has defined the analysis steps, they can assign the solver.
STKO 142
Figure 228. Solver part in the main menu.
Select Analysis > Kits from the main Toolbar. The Edit Solver Kits window will appear. In this
window, the user can Find or Import a solver. Clicking on Find solver automatically identifies
the available solvers and lists them in the auto-detected area. The Auto-detected solvers may
be: Opensees, Opensees Mp, and/or Opensees Sp.
As Opensees is an open source program, it can be customized by the user. STKO allows the
user to Import Solvers from Opensees by Clicking Import Solver and selecting the solver they
wish to use. The imported solver will appear listed under Manual in the Edit Solver Kits window.
STKO 143
Figure 230.Solver settings window
The write Input file generates ticle (.tcl) files with the nodes, elements, forces, etc. The name
of the files are: main.tcl; definitions.tcl; materials.tcl; sections.tcl; nodes.tcl; elements.tcl.
1. main.tcl: is the main file, which calls all the other .tcl files.
STKO 144
Figure 232. Script of main.tlc
2. definitions.tcl: describes Timeseries and friction models with all the parameters
previously defined.
STKO 145
Figure 236. Script of section.tcl
Figure 237. Script of node.tcl with previously defined nodes and masses
6. elements.tcl: contains all the element properties, including the extra nodes, such as
those created for Zerolength elements.
STKO 146
Figure 238. Script of all element properties
7. analysis_step: contains constraints (in this case fix constraint and equalDOF), Patterns
(for loads, constraints, and UniformExcitation), misc_commands (region), and the last
required step is the analysis command. This structure may be repeated for additional
analyses, like in the example below.
STKO 147
Figure 239. Analysis steps
After clicking Run Analysis, STKO will connect to Opensees and generate 7 ticle (.tcl) files, an
.mpco.cdata file, and an .mpco file. The ticle (.tcl) files contain the description of the model to
STKO 148
be solved by Opensees. These 7 files will be, the main.tcl, definitions.tcl, materials.tcl,
sections.tcl, nodes.tcl, and elements.tcl. The .mpco.cdata translates the graphic properties of
the model created in the preprocessor and makes them visible in the postprocessor.
The first one lists all the possible solvers that can be used which are OpenSees, OpenSeesMp,
and OpenSeesSp.
When choosing OpenSees as the solver, the number of processors used in the analysis will be
automatically determined.
When choosing OpenSeesMp as the solver, the number of implied processors will be stated
according to the number of partitions (Refer to § 1 Partition).
When choosing OpenSeesSp as the solver, the number processor drop-down menu will appear
in which the user can select the number processor to use in the analysis.
STKO 149
The user can visualize the results of the analyzes with the Postprocessing module and the
Opensees Databases. The STKO Postprocessor allows the user to analyze the results through
the creation of plots, graphs, and other tools. This section of the manual will explain how to use
the key features.
The imported Database will appear in the Work Tree panel, as shown below.
To close the Database, select Close DB from the Toolbar, or Right-click the Database on the
Work Tree panel and Click Close Database.
STKO 150
Figure 243. STKO close database window
To reload the Database, Click Reload DB on the Toolbar, or Right-click the Database on the
Work Tree panel. Select Reload Database.
To delete a plot group choose the command Plot > Delete plot group from the main Toolbar,
or Right-click the desired plot group on the Work Tree panel and select Delete Plot Group.
STKO 151
Figure 244. Creation of the New Plot Group
To create a Deformed Shape Plot, Right-click New Plot Group > Deformed Shape on the Work
Tree panel, or Click Plot > Deformed Shape from the Toolbar.
Click on the Deformed Shape on the Work Tree Panel to open the editor.
An Editor panel will appear allowing the user to modify and select the different elements of the
deformed shape, as shown below.
STKO 152
The next image shows what happens when the Deformation scale is changed to a value of 20.
To Delete the Deformed Shape, Right-click on Deformation Shape > Delete Plot on the Work
Tree Panel.
To Add new Plots to analyze, right-click New Plot Group on the Work Tree panel and choose
the desired Plot type.
The Deformed Shape Plot editor now includes an option called custom color scheme. It
changes the visualization in the render view and can show, for example, physical or element
property assignments. It can also be used for SolverElementType, Geometry, and Geometry
Subshape. This feature is particularly useful when STKO is only used to postprocess a model as
it allows users to view the preprocessing assignments made in the tcl script.
STKO 153
Figure 248. Custom Color Scheme for Deformed Shape Plot
To create a Surface Color Map Plot, right-click on New Plot Group from the Work Tree panel
and Select Surface Color Map or choose the command Plot > Surface Plot from
the Toolbar.
STKO 154
Clicking on the Surface Color Map in the Work Tree will open the Editor Panel, allowing the
user to modify any editable information of the Surface Color Map Plot, as shown in the
following image.
To Delete the Plot, Right-click on Surface Color Map Plot > Delete Plot. To Add new Plots to
analyze, Right-click on New Plot Group and choose the desired Plot type.
To create a Volume Color Map Plot, Right-click on New Plot Group on the Work Tree
panel and Select Volume Color Map or choose the command Plot > Volume Plot
from the Toolbar
STKO 155
Figure 251. Creation of a Volume Color Map
Clicking on the Volume Color Map in the Work Tree will open the Editor Panel, allowing the
user to modify any editable information of the Volume Color Map Plot, as shown in the
following image.
STKO 156
Figure 253. Surface Color Map editor panel
To Delete the Plot, Right-click on Volume Color Map Plot > Delete Plot. To Add new Plots to
analyze, Right-click on New Plot Group and choose the desired Plot type.
To create a Vector Plot, Right-click New Plot Group on the Work Tree panel and Select Vector
Plot or choose the command Plot > Vector Plot from the Toolbar.
STKO 157
Figure 254. Vector Point Plot
Clicking on the Volume Color Map in the Work Tree will open the Editor Panel, allowing the
user to modify any editable information of the Volume Color Map Plot, as shown in the
following image.
To Delete the Plot, Right-click on Volume Color Map Plot > Delete Plot. To Add new Plots to
analyze, Right-click on New Plot Group and choose the desired Plot type.
To create a Gauss Point Plot, Right-click New Plot Group on the Work Tree panel and Select
Gauss Point Plot or choose the command Plot > Gauss Plot from the Toolbar.
STKO 158
Clicking on the Gauss point plot in the Work Tree will open the Editor Panel, allowing the user
to modify any editable information of the Gauss Point Plot, as shown in the following image.
Using the Editor Panel, users can insert a shrink factor to avoid the overlap of gauss points on
the plot, as modeled in the figures below.
STKO 159
Figure 257. Overlapping Guass Points
To Delete the Plot, Right-click on Gauss Point Plot > Delete Plot. To Add new Plots to analyze,
Right-click on New Plot Group and choose the desired Plot type.
To create a Fiber Section Plot, Right-click on New Plot Group on the Work Tree panel and Select
Beam/Shell Fiber Color Map or choose the command Plot > Fiber Plot from the Toolbar.
STKO 160
Figure 259. Creation of the Fiber Color Map
Clicking on the Fiber Color Map in the Work Tree will open the Editor Panel, allowing the user
to modify any editable information of the Fiber Color Map Plot, as shown in the following
STKO 161
Figure 262. Selection of the concrete cover
To Delete the Plot, Right-click on Fiber Color Plot > Delete Plot. To Add new Plots to analyze,
Right-click on New Plot Group and choose the desired Plot type.
STKO Version 1.1.5 introduces the Beam Diagram Plot. The Beam Diagram Plot allows users to
view results on beam elements. The results referred to are localForce, which is a result on the
element nodes, as well as section.force and section.deformation, which are results on element
Gauss points. Results on element nodes have opposite signs at the two beam end-nodes, while
results on Gauss points always have the correct sign.
STKO 162
Previously, if users attempted to view localForce (for example) by using a Surface Color Map,
they would obtain results with inverted signs, making the results less easy to read and interpret.
The Beam Diagram Plot internally changes the signs of results at the element end-nodes.
As results on element nodes, such as local force, are stored at the element nodes, the diagram
along the element length can at most be a line that linearly interpolates the two end values.
To view a smoother result, the user should discretize the element. On the other hand, if you
visualize results on Gauss points, the beam diagram plot will create a piece-wise linear
interpolation along all the Gauss points, making the diagram naturally smoother because the
number of Gauss points is typically larger than the number of the nodes.
To create a Beam Diagram Plot, Right-click on New Plot Group on the Work Tree panel and
Select Beam Diagram Plot or choose the command Plot > Beam Diagram Plot from the
STKO 163
Figure 265. Creation of the Beam Diagram Plot
Clicking on the Beam Diagram Plot in the Work Tree will open the Editor Panel, allowing the
user to modify any editable information, as shown in the following image. The result selections
have been renamed from the previous S1, S2, S3, etc., to N, My, Mz, T, etc., to make them more
easily identifiable.
To Delete the Plot, Right-click on Beam Diagram Plot > Delete Plot. To Add new Plots to
analyze, Right-click on New Plot Group and choose the desired Plot type.
STKO 164
3.2.8. Animation
STKO allows for the recording of a video of the time steps of a postprocessor model after plots
have been defined. Click on the New Plot Group in the Work Tree Panel and the Editor panel
will open the animation function, as shown in the following image.
- The user will need to name the file, and choose the codec. They can then press the
rec button and begin recording; every motion of the model will be recorded by STKO.
- Click Stop to interrupt the recording. The video will automatically save to the
previously defined path.
STKO 165
The user may also choose to record the video with or without the write info (Model stage Id,
Plot group id, Steps Id, Time), by checking the box, as modeled in the following images.
In general, Opensees Elements do not export dynamic invariants. STKO overcomes this thanks
to the Postprocessor. Tresca, Von Mises, J2, Octahedral tension are calculated by means with
The following example shows three types of geometries in the Postprocessor: a Solid, a Shell,
and a Beam element.
STKO 166
Figure 269. Post processor examples
It is important to highlight how each geometry is associated to a result - i.e. E2 section force
Varying the results (E1, E2, E3, E4, E9, etc.) will only change the color map of the geometries
related to the result.
STKO 167
Figure 271. Element Type and Visualization Chart
STKO may give scalar, vector, and tensor results. These results must be expressed in a
coordinate system. Vector and tensor results are oriented according to three reference
systems: Global Axes, Local Axes, and Element Local.
STKO 168
Figure 272. Local orientation results
STKO 169
Figure 273. Result Types
The vector and tensor results in the local system are explained in the chart below.
The example below shows this important feature using two plates with same dimensions and
same reference system (global axes [x-y]) but with different element properties: a shell and a
3D solid.
STKO 170
Figure 275. Shell (left) and 3D ELEMENT with a vertical Pressure (right)
Rotating the plates by 30°, the global axes remain unchanged in their initial configuration (x-y):
STKO 171
The user will see different results, even if the elements are the same, between the non-rotated
plates and the rotated ones because rotation changes the coordinate system. The user can view
these differences in the postprocessor after launching the analysis.
STKO 172
Figure 279. Invariant Results, e.g. Von Mises Stresses
The STKO Post-Processor will show that there are no differences in the results:
STKO 173
Figure 281. Local Axes Results
Right-click Chart Data > Extract Chart Data on the Work Tree panel, or from the Toolbar Click
> Plot > Extract chart data. A Chart Data Extraction Wizard will appear. It allows the user to
choose the result type (1) and then the result to extract (2). The result to extract will depend on
the result type chosen (i.e. on nodes, on gauss or on fibers).
Choose the result type, for this example select On nodes and Click Next.
STKO 174
Figure 282. Chart Data Extraction Wizard
After choosing the results to extract, click Next and Select the locations (nodes) for chart data
extraction. The selected nodes will appear on the list in the Extraction Wizard.
STKO 175
Figure 283. Selction of the Nodes
Click Next to assign a name to the Chart Data and set how the wizard should handle multiple
items; then Click Finish.
STKO 176
The new Chart will be visible in the Editor Panel and in the Work Tree.
The Chart Data Tab can display multiple charts, which are shown on the Work Tree will also
show a list of plot data.
The Chart graphically displays plot data which can be exported by the user. Click on Export
Chart on the Editor Panel and choose the available format: PDF, SVG, Postscript Documents, or
Image file types.
After creating a Gauss Point Plot, the user can extract results on Gauss Points.
Right-click on Chart Data > Extract Chart Data from the Work Tree panel or from
Toolbar > Plot > Extract chart data.
Select On element gauss points on the Extraction Wizard and Click Next.
STKO 177
Figure 286. Choosing Result Type
Choose the results to extract and Click Next. Select the desired Gauss points on the model.
Click Next to assign a name to the Chart Data and set how the wizard should handle multiple
items, then Click Finish.
The new Chart will be visible in the Editor Panel and in the Work Tree.
STKO 178
Figure 288. Gauss point chart
The Chart graphically displays plot data which can be exported by the user. Click Export Chart
on the Editor Panel and choose the available format: PDF, SVG, Postscript Documents, or Image
file types.
After creating a Shell Fiber Color Map Plot, user can extract results on sub-gauss points
Right-click on Chart Data > Extract Chart Data from the Work Tree panel or from the Toolbar
Click > Plot > Extract chart data.
Select On element sub-gauss points (fibers) on the Extraction Wizard and Click Next.
STKO 179
Choose the results to extract, and Click Next. Select the desired fibers on the model. Click Next
to assign a name to the Chart Data and set how the wizard should handle multiple items, and
Click Finish.
The new Chart will be visible in the Editor Panel and in the Work Tree.
STKO 180
The Chart graphically displays plot data which can be exported by the user. Click Export Chart
on the Editor Panel and choose the available format: PDF, SVG, Postscript Documents, or Image
file types.
The Chart Data Editor window gives users the option to link the chart data and the database
together. This means, when the database is reloaded the graphic will also refresh and update
itself according to any changes made.
STKO 181
Version 2.0 saw the addition of the long-awaited Scripting Framework for interacting with the
pre and postprocessor documents. There is a new Dock Widget for scripting.
Using Python from a GUI (Graphic User Interface) presents differences compared to the normal
usage that it is done of the programming language from a simple console application, and it requires
a series of considerations. Therefore, we developed the PyMpc package specifically for
STKO’s Python scripting interface of STKO. The MPC part of the name stems from the original
name of the software Multi-Purpose Cae. The classes, methods and functions included in the PyMpc
package have been exported from STKO C++ source code to allow users to interact directly with the
software by means of their own Python scripts.
With the Python scripting interface in the preprocessor, users will be able to design geometries
directly by coding them and attribute elements and physical properties from the interface.
STKO 182
Figure 294. Python Scripting Interface in the Preprocessor
In the postprocessor, users will now be able to interact in real-time with the results or query
the existing results. The interface means STKdOers will even be able to create additional
customized derived results as a function of the existing results.
Another particularly exciting feature of the interface is the possibility to generate custom
graphs using Python's libraries.
As this new feature involves its own package, rather than including the documentation here, it
has its own documentation webpage accessible at the following link:
STKO 183
STKO 184
Figure 296. Linear time series
Then, assign a New Physical Property. Select Property > New Physical Property from the
Toolbar or Right-click Physical Property > Add from the Work Tree Panel. Using the drop-down
menu, select Model > Sections > Elastic.
STKO 185
Figure 297. Assign elastic section
Define the type of 2D section with the Beam Section Editor window.
STKO 186
Figure 298. Define the section
Click OK to confirm the settings. Assign the Beam Section to the entire model.
NOTE: It is necessary to define a Special Purpose if the model contains elements with more
physical properties. (See §3.8.3 Special Purpose for Physical Properties)
Then select Property > New element property from the Toolbar, or Right-click Element
Property > Add on the Work Tree. Using the drop-down menu, select Model >
beam_column_element > dispBeamColumn.
STKO 187
Figure 299. Assign the element
NOTE: It is necessary to define a Special Purpose if the model contains elements with more
element properties. (See §2.5.1 Special Purpose for Element Properties)
To define constraints, select Condition > New Condition from the Toolbar, or Right-click
Conditions > Add on the Work Tree Panel. Then using the drop-down menu, select Model and
choose Constraints > sp > fix.
STKO 188
Figure 300. Assign constraints
Select the nodes on the base of the portal and Click OK to confirm the settings.
To apply a constant load to the beam, create a load by clicking Condition > New condition
from the Toolbar, or Right-click Conditions > Add on the Work Tree Panel. Use the drop-down
menu to select Model > Loads > eleLoad > eleLoad_beamUniform.
STKO 189
Figure 301. Define loads
Select the top edge of the portal and click OK to confirm the settings.
After creating the model, define the mesh size along the edge. Select Mesh > Global seed from
the Toolbar and set the global edge seed. The model is ready to be meshed. Click Build Mesh
on the Toolbar.
STKO 190
Figure 303. Build mesh
STKO 191
NOTE: It is important to define Patterns and Recorders before the Analyses.
STKO 192
Figure 305. Define the load pattern
STKO 193
Figure 306. Set the analysis
STKO 194
Figure 307. Opensees output
STKO 195
To create a Physical Property, choose Property > New Physical Property from the toolbar, or
Right-click Physical Property > Add from the Work Tree. Select Model, and choose a uniaxial
material (for this example, Concrete01).
I nsert values to attribute to the Concrete Core. Each attribute links to a short explanatory
description on the Opensees website.
STKO 196
Figure 310. Define the uniaxial material concrete01 parameters
Complete the same process to create a Concrete Cover, again selecting a uniaxial material (like
Concrete 01 for this example). Set and confirm all parameters.
The user should then define a third material, for this example, select Model > uniaxial > Steel
and Reinforcing-Steel Materials > Steel01.
Figure 311. Create the uniaxial material Steel01 and assign the parameters
After defining the Materials, Click Property > New physical property from the Toolbar to
create a Fiber Beam Cross-Section or Right-click Physical properties > Add from the Work
Tree Panel. Click Model > sections > Fiber from the drop-down menu.
STKO 197
Figure 312. Create the fiber section
Draw a rectangular column (for example 600x380 mm) in the Beam Fiber Section Editor.
Follow all the steps previously shown § Fiber Beam Cross-Sections. Assign the Concrete
Core, Concrete Cover, and Rebar to the section, as modeled below.
STKO 198
Figure 314. Assign the Fiber Section
Then create another New Physical Property. Select Property > New Physical Property from
the Toolbar and choose > Model > sections > Elastic from the drop-drown menu.
Define the type of 3D section with the Beam Section Editor window.
STKO 199
Figure 316. Create the section
Click OK to confirm the settings. It is now necessary to create new element properties. Choose
Property > New element property from the Toolbar or Right-click Element Properties > Add
on the Work Tree Panel. Select Model > beam_column_elements > forceBeamColumn.
STKO 200
Figure 317. Add element type
After creating the ForceBeamColumn and the Fiber Section, assign them to the elements.
Repeat the process to create and assign a new elasticBeamColumn element:
STKO 201
Assign the elasticBeamColumn to the columns along with the Elastic Section.
After that, create a constraint to apply to the base (fix constraint). Choose Condition > New
from the main Toolbar, or Right-click Condition > Add on the Work Tree.
Before confirming the Condition Editor settings, select the nodes at the base of the geometry.
Then, Click OK to assign the settings.
STKO 202
Then add a force to the nodes of the beam (NodeForce) by selecting Condition > New from
the main Toolbar, or Right-click Condition > Add on the Work Tree
Select Model > Loads > Force > NodeForce from the drop-down menu.
Before confirming the Condition Editor, select the nodes of the beam, and Click OK to assign
the Condition.
STKO 203
Figure 322. Assign nodal forces
It is now possible to set the Time Series using the Definition Command.
Select Property > New Definition, then Model > timeSeries > Linear from the drop-down
After the user has defined the physical and element properties, loads, and constraints, they
may create Patterns that make up the Analysis steps. Right-click Analysis steps > Add from
the Work Tree. Then select Model > addPattern > loadpattern.
STKO 204
Figure 323. Define load pattern
Then, define the mesh size along the edge. Select Mesh > Global seed from the Toolbar and
set the global edge seed type and size. The model is ready to be meshed.
STKO 205
Figure 324. Mesh the geometry
After setting all the parameters need to be analysed. Click on OK to confirm them.
The second Analysis step is to create a Recorder. Right-click Analysis Step > Add on the Work
Tree. Choose Model > Recorders > MPCORecorder from the drop-down menu.
STKO 206
Click OK to confirm the settings.
The last step is to add an Analysis. Right-click Analysis Step > Add on the Work Tree. Choose
Model > Analyses > Analyses Command from the drop-down menu and set all attributes
using the Analysis Step Editor, as shown in the following image.
STKO 207
Click Analysis > Run Analysis on the main Toolbar. The software will automatically connect to
OpenSees and analyse all the inputs from STKO. It will generate an .mpco file to be analysed in
the STKO Postprocessor.
(Node 3)
(Node 1)
To create an Interaction, under Geometry on the Work Tree, Right-click Interactions > Add.
Select Node to Node links. Click OK to confirm the Interaction, then select the retrained and
constained geometries to apply the interaction to (in this case Node 1 and Node 3, respectively.)
Select Condition > New from the main Toolbar, the select Model > Constraints > sp > fix.
Using the Condition Editor, apply the settings shown in the following image.
STKO 208
Figure 328. Add an Interaction
Select the node at the base, then click OK to confirm the settings.
Create another New Condition by selecting Condition > New from the main Toolbar. Use the
drop-down menu to select Model > Constraints > mp > equalDOF. Using the Condition Editor,
apply the settings shown in the following image.
Select the Interaction to assign the equalDOF to the brace, Click OK to confirm.
Create the last Condition by selecting Condition > New from the main Toolbar. Use the drop-
down menu to select Model > Mass > EdgeMass, and apply the settings shown in the following
image using the Condition Editor.
STKO 209
Figure 330. Add EdgeMass
STKO 210
Select OK to confirm the settings. Assign the Elastic Section to the Portal by dragging it from the
Work Tree panel to the geometries.
Create another Physical Property for the brace. Select Property > New Physical Property from
the Toolbar and select materials > uniaxial > Other Uniaxial Materials > ViscousDamper.
Insert the following settings into the Physical Property Editor.
STKO 211
Figure 333. Define a Special Purpose
Click OK to confirm the settings. Use the Quick Access Toolbar to view only the interaction,
allowing the user to easily assign the special purpose to the interaction:
NOTE: To view all physical properties with different colors, use the Edit Shader command in
the Property Editor to set the colors.
STKO 212
Choosing different colors for each property allows the user to easily see if the properties have
been correctly assigned.
After that, it is necessary to define New Element Properties. Select Property > New element
property from the Toolbar, and then Click Model > beam_column_element >
Click OK to confirm the Physical Element Property Editor settings. Assign it to the Portal by
dragging it to the Portal from the Work Tree.
Next, define a link_element, select Property > New element property from the main Toolbar.
Then select Model > link_element > twoNodeLink.
STKO 213
Figure 337. Creating a twoNodeLink
Click OK and assign it to the interaction by dragging and dropping it from the Work tree.
Before defining the Analysis step, the user must define a Time Series. Select Property > New
Definition from the Toolbar, then select Model > timeSeries > Path.
STKO 214
Figure 338. Setting timeSeries Path
STKO 215
Figure 339. Setting the constraintPattern
Click OK to confirm the setting. Repeat the process to add a UniformExcitation with the
following settings.
STKO 216
Figure 340. Setting the UniformExcitation
Click OK to confirm the settings. The user must now create a Recorder by Right-clicking
Analysis steps > Add from the Work Tree, and then insert the following settings into the
Analysis Step Editor.
STKO 217
Figure 341. Setting the Recorder
The last step is to create an Analysis. Use the following image as a guide for this step.
STKO 218
Figure 342. Create the Analysis
Now the analysis is ready to be launched and exported as ticol files (.tcl).
Click Analysis > Run Analysis on the main Toolbar. The software will automatically connect to
OpenSees and analyse the inputs from STKO. It will generate an .mpco file to be analysed in
the STKO Postprocessor.
Move to the Postprocessor interface to load the new database. Select Open DB from the main
Toolbar or right-click to Databases > Add. Select the file .mpco previously created.
STKO 219
Figure 343. Open the Database
Right-click Plot Groups > New Plot Group on the Work Tree panel, otherwise directly select
Plot > New plot group from the main Toolbar and choose the Plot to analyse (Deformed
Shape, Surface Color Map, Volume Color Map, Beam/Shell Fiber Color Map, or Gauss Point
Plot), for this example, choose Deformed Shape.
Set the type of Deformation (Displacement), the Deformation scale (the default is 1, but for
this example set it to 20.00), and the Time step previously defined in the preprocessor.
STKO 220
Figure 345. Adjusting the Deformed Shape Plot
To add new Plots, right-click on New Plot Group and select the new Plot. For this example,
select Surface Color Map.
All customizable information for the New Plot Group appear in the Editor panel.
STKO 221
Figure 347. Surface Color Map Editor Panel
Bridge Modeling
Figure 349. Partial model view Figure 350. Partial model view
STKO 222
Figure 351. Earth interaction beamSolidCoupling Figure 352. Pile
STKO 223
Figure 356. DistributedLK3D
STKO 224
Figure 358. Post-processor analysis
STKO 225
Residential Tower Modeling
STKO 226
Figure 362. Element attribution: beam column, ShellMITC4, and ZeroLength
STKO 227