Empathy Competency

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How big an impact do you think emotional intelligence has on helping people be successful?

Give an example of its impact on your life.

Prior to having an academic definition of emotional intelligence, my basic definition of

emotional intelligence would be being in tune to one’s emotions, understanding the process of

emotion, knowing how to respond to one’s emotions without becoming to bothered by them, as

well as knowing and understanding others’ emotions and knowing how to respond to them, in

good or bad moments of interactions. Basically, being in control of what it is to be human, in

accepting what can and cannot be understood of oneself and of others. According to Northouse,

“emotional intelligence can be defined as the ability to perceive and express emotions, to use

emotions to facilitate thinking, to understand and reason with emotions, and to effectively

manage emotions within oneself and in relationships with others (Mayer, Salovey, & Caruso,

2000),” (Northouse, p.g 28). I was close but I think this definition does the concept justice. I see

emotional intelligence has an impact on others success because of the empathy, understanding,

and support that comes from having such knowledge. For instance, “social competence consists

of empathy and social skills such as communication and conflict management,” (Northouse, p.g

28). I have experienced the impact of emotional intelligence from my parents. My father was

particularly skilled at communicating with m efficiently, sharing one of his experiences to relate

to me and get me to explain my situation further. This made a huge impact in how I treated

others and how I practice emotional intelligence in my life through relationships, school, and

work. I was lucky enough to have at least one parent that could communicate effectively and

empathize with me, while still being an authority in my life. Experiencing such a positive
relationship with emotions, in expression and understanding them, I feel comfortable to discuss

this with others and could handle conflict effectively in the real world.

(Emotional Intelligence Instruments)  Reflect on what you learned about the concept of

emotional intelligence based on what you read in your textbook and online.  Based on your

results with the EI tools, what would you consider to be your strengths and weaknesses with

respect to emotional intelligence?  Discuss the concept with a loved one, friend, or trusted

colleague.  What are their perceptions with respect to your self-appraisal?

My strengths with emotional intelligence would be that I am able to process others’ emotions

and help them understand what they are feeling and how to handle their own emotions. However,

when it comes to emotional intelligence of myself, I am very prone to not knowing what to do

and lacking the self-confidence to solve my emotions and work them through. I know what I am

feeling yet I do not always know how to make myself feel better. I am unable to follow the

advice that I give to others. My boyfriend seems to think the same thing. He said I am always

putting eggs in everyone else’s basket without leaving any for myself. This makes me think I

should focus on self-care for myself and remember to use the emotional intelligence that I preach

to others, for myself.

(Radical Experiment in Empathy Video)  What did you think of the "Radical Experiment in

Empathy" video? Were you able to “step outside of your thoughts and behavioral patterns” and

reserve a part of your mental capacity to “listen” to and monitor your internal reactions as a

means of gaining a deeper insight into the nature of yourself?  What’s your perspective on this

notion of “self-awareness” in the present moment as a tool to learn more about yourself?  Was
this “radical experiment” an effective one in terms of helping you understand the concept of


Make some connections between the “Radical Experiment in Empathy” TED Talk and the ideas

you have been reading and learning about this week.  Be sure to describe your connections

carefully and use in-text cites as applicable.

I thought the radical experiment in empathy was the perfect way to describe empathy to another

person who might not understand fully what that means. I was able to step out of my shoes and

feel the pain of the people in Iraq or any country that’s a literal war zone. I always have empathy

for others, however when thinking of Iraqi soldiers as patriots for their country, made me realize

there’s always another side to the story, truly. This self awareness worked on me, as I seem to

take for granted the amount of pressure and stress most people have on them. I do not like to

think of all of the traumatizing things that have happened to me, but when I do think back on the

hardships I have faced and do to this day, are real and valid and anyone else may have these

same hardships. And there is no point to compare the level of them, but just knowing everyone

has stuff going on and relating to them in a way, can ensure the belief that being kinder to others

truly causes change. I understand empathy in a whole new way and has made me even more of a

peacekeeper than I already am.

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