A Review of Swallow Timing in The Elderly

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Physiology & Behavior 184 (2018) 12–26

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A review of swallow timing in the elderly T

a,b,⁎ a,c a,c
Ashwini M. Namasivayam-MacDonald , Carly E.A Barbon , Catriona M. Steele
Swallowing Rehabilitation Research Laboratory, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute – University Health Network, Toronto, Canada
Adelphi University, Garden City, NY, USA
Rehabilitation Sciences Institute, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada


Keywords: Many studies evaluate dysphagia in elderly patients and compare their swallowing to younger controls to assess
Deglutition the degree of swallowing impairment. Previous research suggests that changes should be expected in swallowing
Swallowing due to aging, and these changes need to be considered when performing swallowing assessments. A systematic
Dysphagia review was conducted to elucidate the timing of swallowing in healthy. A comprehensive multiengine literature
Systematic review
search was conducted to find articles studying swallowing in the healthy elderly, which yielded 22,852 articles
of which 11 were judged to be relevant. Only articles using videofluoroscopy as an assessment method for
swallowing timing were included. The articles underwent detailed review for study quality and data extraction.
The eleven studies contained data for 32 different parameters, and 10 of the 11 studies compared elderly subjects
to a younger group. Timing measures from the studies were compiled for analysis. In general, bolus transit times
do not appear to change with age. Of note, elderly subjects tended to have a significantly delayed swallow
response times and longer duration of upper esophageal sphincter opening. Results showed a large degree of
variability across studies for each of the timing measures. Confidence intervals for timing in healthy older
participants were computed across studies. Potential sources of variation were identified, including methodo-
logical, stimulus-related and participant-related sources. The results suggests that aging affects only a few very
specific swallowing timing parameters, and many parameters appear to be unaffected by aging. Therefore,
significant differences from a young reference sample should be interpreted as dysphagia rather than normal
changes due to aging.

1. Introduction cortical neurons and altered synaptic connections [7], a reduced

number of motor units [8] and muscle fibres [9], and altered discharge
It is well known that as we age our bodies undergo some physio- characteristics of motor units [10]. These changes directly affect motor
logical changes that may not be due to illness or disease; rather, they output, in the form of slower and more variable movements [11,12],
are simply due to natural aging. In the exercise science literature, age- decreased amplitude of movement with increased variability [8] and
related sarcopenia is well documented (e.g. [1–3]), but it is not as increased latency of response to sensory stimuli [13–15]. Much of this
clearly described in the deglutition literature. The term sarcopenia is research has been done on the limb musculature, but studies suggest
used to describe the loss of muscle mass and strength that occurs with that the orofacial motor system is similarly affected. The elderly are
aging. Sarcopenia is believed to play a major role in the pathogenesis of reported to exhibit less accurate speech movements [16], more variable
frailty and functional impairment that occurs with old age, particularly orofacial movements [17,18], and slower and more variable tongue
in the seventh decade and beyond [4]. It has been reported that after movements during swallowing [19]. It is logical to assume that many of
70 years of age, 0.5% to 1.0% of overall muscle mass is lost per year, the muscles involved in swallowing may also be affected by aging, even
with a 4.7% loss compared with peak mass in men and 3.7% loss in in the absence of other underlying health issues. The muscles of the
women per decade [4]. Overall strength of the limb muscles is also oropharynx are skeletal, striated muscles and therefore, age-related loss
reported to decline by 10% to 15% per decade up to the age of 70 years, and atrophy might be expected in these muscles, similar to that seen in
after which the loss accelerates to 25% to 40% per decade [5,6]. the limb muscles, despite the fact that the muscles of the head and neck
There are also natural physiological changes involved in the aging are not weight bearing.
neuromotor system. The elderly are reported to suffer from the loss of While the literature contains many descriptions of dysphagia in

Corresponding author at: Adelphi University, Dept of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Room 003, Hy Weinburg Center, One South Ave, Garden City, NY, USA.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.M. Namasivayam-MacDonald).

Received 17 May 2017; Received in revised form 4 October 2017; Accepted 20 October 2017
Available online 27 October 2017
0031-9384/ © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BY/4.0/).
A.M. Namasivayam-MacDonald et al. Physiology & Behavior 184 (2018) 12–26

Table 1 swallow timing are reported, typically involve small sample sizes, or
Criteria for abstract review. have looked at specific aspects of swallowing rather than following the
bolus from the point of entry into the oral cavity to the point at which
Inclusion criteria
The study appears to report on healthy subjects. the bolus tail passes into the esophagus. Timing is of particular im-
The study appears to report on elderly subjects (60 + years). portance, as a safe and efficient swallow relies on precise timing and
The study appears to report on timing measures of swallowing. coordination of muscle contraction across a series of at least 15 bilateral
The study appears to use video fluoroscopy swallowing studies to evaluate timing. pairs of muscles in the oropharynx. Given the previously mentioned
The study appears to be an original experiment.
Exclusion criteria
changes in the aging neurosystem, it is likely that the timing of the
The study analyzes the elderly, but does not parse out the results from those of the swallow is altered with age and it is important to determine if these
younger subjects. alterations are of any clinical relevance. Recently, Molfenter and Steele
The study is a review article. [40] performed a meta-analysis of the variability seen in three com-
The elderly subjects in the study are not healthy.
monly-used durational parameters and three commonly-used interval
There are no elderly subjects in the study.
The study reports on swallowing measures that are not timing related. parameters from studies of healthy swallowing using videofluoroscopy.
Their results alluded to age-related changes for some parameters in the
elderly but they did not specifically parse out the data from that of
individuals with neurological diagnoses (stroke [20,21], brain injury younger subjects, nor did they consider all possible timing measures.
[22,23], Parkinson's disease [24,25], etc.) or following head and neck The goal of the current review and analysis was to synthesize the results
cancer [26,27]), physiological changes in swallowing that occur in the of published studies reporting swallow timing measures from video-
course of healthy aging (presbyphagia) are not as clearly understood. fluoroscopy in healthy, older adults, with no signs of dysphagia, in
When clinicians identify dysphagia in elderly patients, the reference order to establish reference values for elderly with normal aging. A
perspective is usually that of the swallowing mechanism in much secondary objective was to compare these reference data to the data
younger, healthy individuals. It may be more appropriate to compare presented for healthy younger controls in the same set of studies, where
the swallowing of elderly patients to elderly community-dwelling in- available. For the purposes of this review, we define the term “elderly”
dividuals who are otherwise healthy. The dysphagia literature has as referring to adults over the age of 60 and defined “healthy” parti-
clearly pointed to reduced muscle strength in the tongue with aging cipants as those who were reported to be free of dysphagia and disease.
[28,29], but evidence regarding age-related changes in timing measures
has been slightly more elusive.
Several studies in the literature describe age-related changes in
swallowing (e.g., [30–39]). However, studies in which measures of

Fig. 1. A PRISMA flow diagram depicting the flow of in-

formation through the different phases of the systematic
review, mapping out the number of records identified,
included and excluded.

A.M. Namasivayam-MacDonald et al. Physiology & Behavior 184 (2018) 12–26

2. Methods
Mean age/age range
(yrs) young
2.1. Search strategy and inclusion criteria
28 ± 8
26 ± 6

35 ± 8

33 ± 3
A comprehensive literature search was carried out by a trained li-





brarian in February 2016 to find reports of normal swallowing phy-

siology in independent, elderly individuals residing in the community.
Since the focus of this review was specifically on timing measures of
swallowing physiology, the search was restricted to articles in which
Compared to

videofluoroscopy had been used to evaluate swallowing.


Videofluorsocopic swallowing studies are widely considered the gold

standard method for evaluating swallowing, and generally use a stan-


dardized protocol to analyze several different quantitative parameters.

This method of assessment allows one to simultaneously view the both
Mean age
(yrs) old

the movements of the bolus along with the structures of the head and

neck. This makes it easier to compare results, which is why it was the



chosen method of instrumentation for the present study. The electronic

retrieval systems and databases searched for relevant articles were
Medline, Medline In Process, Embase, CENTRAL, CINAHL, and Pubmed
(yrs) old
Max age

Supplemental Search. Search strategies for each database were devel-







oped with input from the librarian. The keywords (Medical Subject
Headings in Medline) used were: deglutition disorders, deglutition, dys-
phagi*, swallow*, deglutition*, presbyphagi*, age factors, aging, aged, elder,
(yrs) old
Min age

elderly, geriatric, older, and senescent. These terms were used isolation or









in different combinations using Boolean operators. Terms were nomi-

nated by the first and last authors and the librarian, and intended to








capture terms and concepts known to be used in the swallowing and

Database search

Database search

Database search

Database search

Database search
Database search

Database search

aging research communities to describe normal swallowing physiology

Hand search

Hand search

Hand search

Hand search

in healthy, elderly individuals.


The search was limited to human studies published from the in-
ception of each database to February 2016. Studies were considered
eligible if (1) healthy participants were over the age of 60 were in-
Influence on aging on movement of the hyoid bone and epiglottis

Common medical conditions in the elderly: impact on pharyngeal

Temporal sequence of swallow events during the oropharyngeal

UES opening and cricopharyngeal bar in nondysphagic elderly
The effects of bolus consistency in pharyngeal transit duration

cluded; (2) the study reported on measures of swallow timing based on

Comparison of upper esophageal sphincter opening in healthy

Temporal and biomechanical characteristics of oropharyngeal

Temporal measurements of pharyngeal swallowing in normal

videofluoroscopy; (3) the study provided descriptive statistics (means

Manofluorographic analysis of swallowing in the elderly

and either standard deviations [SD] or standard error of the mean

Oropharyngeal swallow in younger and older women:

[SEM]) for temporal parameters during thin-liquid swallowing tasks;

Hyoid-bolus transit latencies in normal swallow

(4) the study was written in English; and (5) the study was published in
during normal swallowing: a motion analysis

a peer-reviewed journal. Studies were excluded if (1) they did not have
asymptomatic young and elderly volunteers

an elderly, healthy sample; (2) the subjects were tube-fed; (3) the
subjects were not community-dwelling, indicating that they might have
swallow in younger and older men

some health issues; (4) methods other than videofluroscopy were used
to capture timing measures. The first author screened titles and then
during normal swallowing

videofluoroscopic analysis

abstracts were screened for key words using the functions within
EndNote. The second author assisted with abstract reviews. Inter-rater
and nonelderly adults

In this table, ‘n’ refers to the number of healthy elderly participants in the study.

agreement regarding relevance was calculated for 45% (i.e. 320 of 714
abstracts) of the abstracts based on blinded completion of abstract re-
bolus transit


views using the criteria listed in Table 1.


To ensure completeness and thoroughness, the reference lists of all


qualified articles from the database search were hand-searched for

additional studies that discussed swallow timing in the elderly. The









same inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to this list of hand-
searched articles. The final set of included articles underwent detailed
Kern, Bardan, Arndorfer, Hofmann, Ren & Shaker

review for study quality and data extraction.

Logemann, Pauloski, Rademaker, Colangelo,

Logemann, Pauloski, Rademaker & Kahrilas

2.2. Risk of bias

Dejaeger, Pelemans, Bibau & Ponette

Kang, Oh, Kim, Chung, Kim & Han

An evaluation of risk of bias was performed according to the

Kendall, Leonard & McKenzie

Leonard, Kendall & McKenzie

Im, Kim, Oommen, Kim & Ko
Studies included in synthesis.

guidelines suggested by the Cochrane Bias Methods Group [41]. Each

Kim, McCullough & Asp

included study was reviewed independently by both the first and

Mendell & Logemann
Kahrilas & Smith
Leonard & McKenzie

second authors to determine whether there was potential bias. Relia-

bility for risk of bias decisions between the two reviewers was 100%.
Bias was assessed in terms of blinding, timing of assessments, attrition

or missing data, and reporting of results.

Table 2

A.M. Namasivayam-MacDonald et al. Physiology & Behavior 184 (2018) 12–26

Table 3
Risk of bias table.

Authors Year Risk of Type of bias


Dejaeger, Pelemans, Bibau & Ponette 1994 + No mention of reliability of ratings or blinding. Insufficient information to permit judgment of
selective outcome reporting. Young group was explicitly said to be healthy while elderly group was
only free of disease known to influence deglutition, so not necessarily healthy.
Im, Kim, Oommen, Kim & Ko 2012 + No mention of reliability of ratings or blinding. Insufficient information to permit judgment
regarding selective outcome reporting; methods discuss number of participants but results do not
mention number of participants.
Kang, Oh, Kim, Chung, Kim & Han 2010 + Not enough information provided in order to determine if raters were blinded to participant age.
Insufficient information to permit judgment regarding selective outcome reporting. Dropout rate
was not described.
Kendall, Leonard & McKenzie 2004 + Number of participants in methods does not match number of participants in results.
Kern, Bardan, Arndorfer, Hofmann, Ren & Shaker 1999 + Dropout rate was not described and there was insufficient information to permit judgment regarding
selective outcome reporting.
Kim, McCullough & Asp 2005 + No mention of blinding of raters. Insufficient information to permit judgment regarding selective
outcome reporting; methods discuss number of participants but results do not mention number of
Leonard, Kendall & McKenzie 2004 + No mention of blinded ratings. Insufficient information to permit judgment regarding selective
outcome reporting; methods discuss number of participants but results do not mention number of
Leonard & McKenzie 2006 + No mention of reliability of ratings or blinding. Insufficient information to permit judgment
regarding selective outcome reporting; methods discuss number of participants but results do not
mention number of participants.
Mendell & Logemann 2007 + It is unknown whether the outcome assessor was blinded to the age of the participants. Insufficient
information to permit judgment regarding selective outcome reporting or to know if groups were
similar at baseline. Timing of the assessment is unknown.
Logemann, Pauloski, Rademaker, Colangelo, 2000 + No mention of blinded ratings. Insufficient information to permit judgment regarding selective
Kahrilas & Smith outcome reporting; methods discuss number of participants but results do not mention number of
Logemann, Pauloski, Rademaker & Kahrilas 2002 + No mention of blinded ratings. Insufficient information to permit judgment regarding selective
outcome reporting; methods discuss number of participants but results do not mention number of

A ‘+’ symbol indicates that the study is at risk of bias, and the ‘−‘symbol indicates no risk of bias.

2.3. Data extraction whether ratings had been made in a blinded fashion. Agreement across
raters is important not only for calculating durational measures but in
In order to facilitate comparisons of timing parameter data across selecting the frames that are used to index such measures; this was
the literature, the mean values for each timing measure were extracted rarely reported. Moreover, for studies with both old and young parti-
from the publications in order to assist with the creation of forest plots. cipant groups, or any stratification of groups that might have different
This review will focus only on data for thin liquid swallowing in the presentations with respect to swallow timing, blinding to stratum is
elderly, although many of these studies also reported data for other important so that ratings are not biased. Another important risk of bias
measures (e.g., spatial measures) and stimuli. All timing units were was the failure to mention whether all participants recruited actually
converted to seconds for uniformity. The corresponding measure of completed the study. Based on these limitations, caution is warranted in
dispersion, standard deviation (SD) or standard error of the mean drawing generalized conclusions from this body of literature.
(SEM), was also extracted from each publication. In cases where SD was Table 4 lists the 32 different timing events that were identified
unavailable, the SEM was used to calculate SD. Next, 95% confidence across the selected articles, and used as the basis for calculating timing
intervals for the mean of each study/parameter were derived. This was interval measures. As shown in the far right column of Table 4, it was
achieved by multiplying a specific t-value (two-tailed, a = 0.05, at not unusual to find several different names or descriptions used to refer
n – 1 df) by the SD/[SQRT(n)]. The product of this equation, added or to a single event; subcomponent events were also identified in several
subtracted from the mean, gives the 95% confidence interval for that cases. The events in Table 4 are listed in a rostro-caudal physiological
specific mean. sequence and are further classified into either bolus events or physio-
logical, or “gesture”, events [43]. Tables 5–8 list the 40 different timing
3. Results interval measures that were found in the 11 articles included in the
review, grouped into four different categories: a) bolus transit para-
Fig. 1 summarizes the yield of the literature search strategy ac- meters (Table 5); b) parameters referencing the onset of hyoid excur-
cording to the criteria laid out in the 2009 PRISMA guideline for sys- sion to bolus events (Table 6); c) pharyngeal phase parameters refer-
tematic reviews [42]. Inter-rater agreement regarding inclusion and enced to the bolus entering the pharynx (Table 7); and d) pharyngeal
exclusion of abstracts was 92% (Kappa score = 0.76). Of the 22,852 phase parameters referenced to gesture events (Table 8). Definitions for
records identified, 11 articles were eligible and included in the review. each timing parameter are shown based on onset and offset events,
Six articles were found through the database search, and an additional using the higher-order event labels from Table 4. Some of the resulting
five articles were found by searching through the reference lists of the timing parameters refer to bolus events only, some to gesture events
initial six articles. A brief summary of the articles included in this re- only, and others combine bolus and gesture events.
view, including authors, year of publication, title and participant ages, Ten of the eleven studies compared elderly participants to a
is provided in Table 2. younger, healthy group; where the data were available, these compar-
As denoted by the ‘+’ symbols in Table 3, for the 11 studies re- isons will be highlighted. All of the parameters, as well as their re-
viewed, risks of bias were identified for every study. The most common spective mean timings and confidence intervals can be referenced in
risk of bias lay in the failure to report reliability of ratings or disclose Tables A.1–A.4. All studies reported the quantitative data necessary to

A.M. Namasivayam-MacDonald et al. Physiology & Behavior 184 (2018) 12–26

Table 4
Events used in the calculation of timing parameters.

Event Description Sub-events Also described as

Instruction_1 Command to swallow N/A N/A

Bolus_1 Bolus leaves the oral cavity and enters the pharynx B1a First bolus movement past the posterior nasal spine that leads to a swallow; Head of the bolus
past the nasal spine; Bolus past the posterior nasal spine.
B1b First backward movement of the bolus associated with the swallow
B1c Passage of bolus past the level of the tonsillar pillars
B1d Bolus entering the pharynx
B1e Arrival of the bolus head at the tongue base; First frame showing the bolus head reaching the
tongue base the point it crosses the ramus of the mandible; Bolus head reaches the point
where the lower edge of the mandible crosses the tongue base.
B1f Bolus passing the posterior edge of the ramus; Bolus head passing the mandible; Bolus past
mandible; Bolus first passes the base of tongue at the angle of the mandibular ramus.
Bolus_2 Bolus reaches the level of the valleculae B2a Arrival of the bolus in the valleculae; Head of the bolus first arrives at the valleculae.
B2b Bolus head passes the valleculae
Bolus_3 Bolus passes the level of the valleculae B3a Head of the bolus first arrives at the inferior border of the valleculae
B3b Head of the bolus exited or passed the valleculae
Bolus_4 Bolus arrives at the entrance to the larynx N/A N/A
Bolus_5 Bolus arrives at the upper pyriform sinuses N/A N/A
Gesture_1 Onset of hyoid excursion N/A Hyoid onset; Initial movement of the hyoid leading to a swallow; Initial movement of hyoid;
First frame showing hyoid elevation (first displacement in movement associated with a
swallow); Initiation of hyoid movement regardless of direction.
Gesture_2 Onset of superior laryngeal movement N/A Laryngeal elevation begins in the context of the rest of the swallow; First laryngeal elevation
in the swallow; First frame showing onset of laryngeal elevation (first displacement in
movement at the area of the posterior vocal folds and arytenoids associated with the
swallow); Vertical laryngeal movement.
Gesture_3 Onset of epiglottic deflection N/A Initiation of epiglottic rotation
Gesture_4 Onset of laryngeal vestibule closure G4a Onset of vestibular closure; First laryngeal vestibule closure; First frame showing complete
laryngeal closure (complete elimination of air space from the laryngeal vestibule); Closure of
the laryngeal vestibule.
G4b Onset of supraglottic closure; Down-folding of epiglottis closing off the supraglottic passage;
Point when the down-folding epiglottis was seen to approximate the arytenoid cartilages.
Gesture_5 Onset of base of tongue retraction N/A First frame showing onset of tongue base movement toward the PPW; Posterior tongue
movements at the level opposite the anterior-inferior corner of the C2 vertebrae.
Gesture_6 Tongue contact at posterior pharyngeal wall N/A N/A
Gesture_7 Posterior pharyngeal wall movement N/A Anterior movement of the powerior pharyngeal wall at the level of the anterior-inferior corner
of the C2 vertebrae
Gesture_8 Onset of UES opening B7b Passage of the bolus tail through the UES; Bolus clearing the UES.
B7c Bolus fully entered the esophagus
N/A First frame indicating cricopharyngeal opening; First cricopharyngeal opening;
Cricopharyngeal opening; UES opening.
Gesture_9 Maximal excursion of hyoid motion N/A N/A
Bolus_6 Bolus passing into the upper esophageal sphincter N/A Bolus head first enters UES
Bolus_7 Bolus exits from the UES into the esophagus B7a Passage of the bolus tail into the UES
Gesture_10 Maximal cricopharyngeal opening N/A N/A
Gesture_11 Base of tongue comes off the PPW N/A N/A
Gesture_12 Resting closed state of the UES following the passage N/A Cricopharyngeal closing; UES closing
of the tail of the swallowed bolus
Gesture_13 Opening of the laryngeal vestibule N/A Opening of the supraglottic space
Gesture_14 Hyoid return to rest N/A N/A

Table 5
Study key for bolus transit parameters.

Ref. number First author Year Name of parameter Grouping onset event Grouping offset event Vol (cc)

[44] Dejaeger 1994 Deglutition delay I1 B1 10

[34] Kendall 2004 Oropharyngeal transit time B1 B2 1
[49] Mendell 2007 Bolus at inferior valleculae B1 B3 3, 10
[44] Dejaeger 1994 Oropharyngeal transit time B1 B4 10
[45] Im 2012 Pharyngeal transit duration B1 B6 5
[34] Kendall 2004 Bolus pharyngeal transit time B1 B7 1
[44] Dejaeger 1994 Pharyngeal transit time B1 B7 10
[34] Kendall 2004 Hypopharyngeal transit time B2 B7 1
[35] Leonard 2004 Hypopharyngeal transit time B2 B7 20
[44] Dejaeger 1994 Hypopharyngeal transit time B4 B7 10

A.M. Namasivayam-MacDonald et al. Physiology & Behavior 184 (2018) 12–26

Table 6
Study key for swallow reaction parameters referencing the onset of hyoid excursion to bolus events.

Ref. number First author Year Name of parameter Grouping onset event Grouping offset event Vol (cc)

[51] Leonard 2006 Onset of bolus transit B1 G1 3

[52] Kim 2005 Stage transition duration B1 G1 5
[51] Leonard 2006 Bolus past mandible B1 G1 3
[50] Kang 2010 Onset of hyoid excursion B1 G1 2
[51] Leonard 2006 Bolus at valleculae B2 G1 3
[51] Leonard 2006 Bolus exiting or passing the valleculae B3 G1 3
[51] Leonard 2006 Bolus at UES B6 G1 3

calculate confidence intervals to support the creation of forest plots for hypopharyngeal transit time (B2 to B7) with a 20 cm3 bolus [35]. It is
the different timing measures, which can be found in Figs. 2–6. The important to note that some of the studies did not report timing mea-
error bars in each figure represent the spread of the 95% confidence sures for a younger group so these same comparisons could not be
interval. The scales are held constant to enable transparent comparison made. However, given the few scattered reports of age-related changes
across measures. A study number in square brackets, which is the same in bolus transit parameters and the absence of a more pervasive trend, it
as the reference number, can be found beside each data point. Each data is possible that these parameters may not change over the course of the
point represents a parameter that differs in either study, parameter, age lifespan.
group, and/or bolus size, and points are grouped based on similar de-
finitions. It is important to note that many of the definitions are not
3.2. Swallow reaction parameters
identical but have been grouped based on comparable onset and offset
events; these groupings can be found in Table 4. The study key can be
In between the end of the oral phase of swallowing and the begin-
found within Tables 5–8. An asterisk beside the study number is in-
ning of the pharyngeal phase is an interval that has become commonly
dicative of a significant difference between the young and elderly group
known as stage transition duration[47], reflecting a timeframe when the
in that study.
bolus can be seen in the pharynx prior to the initiation of the phar-
yngeal swallow. Timing measures of this interval are sometimes called
3.1. Bolus transit parameters swallow response time[48] and are considered to reflect integrity of the
timing of swallow initiation. More specifically, swallow response time
A single study reported data for bolus transit through the oral cavity refers to the time from the arrival of the bolus head at the hypopharynx
[44]. This parameter was called “deglutition delay” and was defined as to the onset of laryngeal elevation. Other researchers, including Loge-
the interval from the command-to-swallow to the passage of the bolus mann and her trainees, have referred to swallow response time as the
past the level of the tonsillar pillars. The mean value for elderly parti- duration of the pharyngeal motor response, rather than initiation of the
cipants was 1.70 s (95% confidence interval: 0.86–2.53), which was motor response [24,36,37,46,48]. For the purposes of this paper,
significantly longer than the values seen in a younger control group: swallow reaction parameters will refer to measures that describe the
mean = 0.50 s (95% CI: 0.37–0.63). initiation of the motor response. In our search, a total of 7 parameters
Bolus transit times through different portions of the pharynx were were identified across 3 studies capturing timing measures related to
measured in 6 studies using a total of 9 different parameters, which are the timeliness of swallow initiation. These parameters are illustrated in
illustrated in Fig. 2. For all of these parameters, both the onset and Fig. 3. Swallow initiation was generally slower in the elderly groups as
offset events were determined based on bolus position or flow. The measured by the interval between the bolus entering the pharynx (B1)
elderly groups have visibly increased variability in timing for the in- and the onset of hyoid excursion (G1). However, not all studies reported
terval between the bolus passing the mandible and arriving at the in- data supporting this trend: Kang and colleagues [50] found little dif-
ferior valleculae (B1 to B3). Only two parameters were reported to ference in swallow reaction parameters between their oldest “young”
show significant differences between older and younger participants: participants and their elderly participants, as did Leonard and collea-
pharyngeal transit duration (B1 to B6) with a 5 cm3 bolus [45] and gues in the measures of the bolus passing or exiting the valleculae [51].

Table 7
Study key for pharyngeal phase parameters referenced to the bolus entering the pharynx.

Ref. number First author Year Name of parameter Grouping onset event Grouping offset event Vol (cc)

[36] Logemann 2000 Pharyngeal delay time B1 G2 1, 10

[37] Logemann 2002 Pharyngeal delay time B1 G2 1, 10
[52] Kim 2005 Pharyngeal delay time B1 G2 5
[50] Kang 2010 Onset of epiglottic deflection B1 G3 2
[50] Kang 2010 Onset of supraglottic closure B1 G4 2
[49] Mendell 2007 Onset of oral transit B1 G8 3, 10
[49] Mendell 2007 Bolus over base of tongue B1 G8 3, 10
[36] Logemann 2000 Bolus arrival at upper pyriform sinuses B5 G8 1, 10
[37] Logemann 2002 Bolus arrival at upper pyriform sinuses B5 G8 1, 10

A.M. Namasivayam-MacDonald et al. Physiology & Behavior 184 (2018) 12–26

Table 8
Study key for pharyngeal phase parameters referenced to gesture events.

Ref. number First author Year Name of parameter Grouping onset event Grouping offset event Vol (cc)

[49] Mendell 2007 Hyoid onset G1 G8 3, 10

[50] Kang 2010 Time for hyoid to reach maximal point G1 G9 2
[50] Kang 2010 Duration of hyoid excursion G1 G14 2
[36] Logemann 2000 Vertical laryngeal movement G2 G8 1, 10
[37] Logemann 2002 Vertical laryngeal movement G2 G8 1, 10
[49] Mendell 2007 Laryngeal onset G2 G8 3, 10
[49] Mendell 2007 First laryngeal vestibule closure G4 G8 3, 10
[36] Logemann 2000 Duration of laryngeal vestibule closure G4 G13 1, 10
[37] Logemann 2002 Duration of laryngeal vestibule closure G4 G13 1, 10
[50] Kang 2010 Duration of supraglottic closure G4 G13 2
[49] Mendell 2007 Onset of base of tongue retraction G5 G8 3, 10
[36] Logemann 2000 Base of tongue movement G5 G8 1, 10
[37] Logemann 2002 Base of tongue movement G5 G8 1, 10
[36] Logemann 2000 Base of tongue contact to posterior pharyngeal wall G6 G11 1, 10
[37] Logemann 2000 Base of tongue contact to posterior pharyngeal wall G6 G11 1, 10
[36] Logemann 2000 Posterior pharyngeal wall movement G7 G8 1, 10
[37] Logemann 2002 Posterior pharyngeal wall movement G7 G8 1, 10
[36] Logemann 2000 Time to maximum cricopharyngeal opening in relation to first cricopharyngeal G8 G10 1, 10
[37] Logemann 2002 Time to maximum cricopharyngeal opening in relation to first cricopharyngeal G8 G10 1, 10
[53] Kern 1999 Total duration of UES opening G8 G12 5
[36] Logemann 2000 Cricopharyngeal opening G8 G12 1, 10
[37] Logemann 2002 Cricopharyngeal opening G8 G12 1, 10
[35] Leonard 2004 Upper esophageal sphincter opening duration G8 G12 20

The following swallow reaction parameters were reported to have confidence intervals for all other swallow reaction parameters overlap
statistically significant differences between the young and old groups: significantly, indicating that there is no clear dissociation by age group.
onset of bolus transit (B1 to G1) with a 3 and 20 cc bolus [51], stage
transition duration (B1 to G1) with a 5 and 10 cc bolus [52], and bolus
at UES (B6 to G1) with a 3 and 20 cc bolus [51]. The study by Leonard 3.3. Pharyngeal phase parameters referenced to the bolus entering the
and McKenzie [51] referenced the onset of hyoid excursion to five pharynx
different bolus positions (passing the posterior nasal spine, passing the
mandible, reaching the valleculae, passing or exiting the valleculae and Fig. 4 illustrates the data for six additional pharyngeal phase
arriving at the UES) and for two of these parameters (B1 to G1 and B6 to parameters from 5 studies, in which the onset of a pharyngeal gesture
G1), older participants showed longer response latencies. The was referenced to the bolus entering the pharynx. Kim and colleagues'
measure of pharyngeal delay time (B1 to G2) shows clear dissociation

Fig. 2. Forest plot of bolus transit parameters.

A.M. Namasivayam-MacDonald et al. Physiology & Behavior 184 (2018) 12–26

Fig. 3. Forest plot of swallow reaction parameters.

with longer values in the elderly than in the younger group [52]. Epi- displayed extremely little variability with both the 5 cc and 10 cc bo-
glottic deflection (B1 to G3) [50] was longer in the younger groups than luses [53]. Time to maximum cricopharyngeal opening in relation to
in the elderly. The only parameter reported to display significant dif- first cricopharyngeal opening (G8 to G10) in women as measured by
ferences between age-groups was pharyngeal delay time (B1 to G2), as Logemann and colleagues [37] and UES opening duration (G8 to G12)
measured by both Kim and colleagues and by Logemann and colleagues as measured by Leonard and colleagues [35] also showed significantly
in their study of men, and in both studies older participants were re- different timings between the young and elderly groups, with the el-
ported to exhibit a significantly longer pharyngeal delay. derly taking longer for both of the measures.
One additional parameter is included in the figure, in which
Logemann and colleagues captured the interval between the bolus ar- 4. Discussion
riving at the level of the upper pyriform sinuses and the onset of UES
opening [36,37]. This parameter was extremely short in both groups; After a thorough search of the literature and a strict set of inclusion
only 0.03 s (95% CI: 0.01–0.07) in the elderly, and ranging from 0.03 s criteria, 11 studies detailing swallowing timing in the healthy elderly
(95% CI: − 0.03–0.09) to 0.04 s (95% CI: 0.02–0.06) in the younger were found, analyzed and synthesized for mean timing measures along
groups. with 95% confidence intervals. Results were plotted and examined.
While it is obvious that the swallowing mechanism in older adults is
3.4. Pharyngeal phase parameters referenced to gesture events different from that of younger adults and ranges for normal elderly
swallowing can be extracted, the exact profile of an older adult's
Fig. 5 displays data from 6 studies for 16 parameters, for which both swallow cannot be clearly distilled from the articles reviewed. Reasons
the onset and offset events are gestures and for which there is no in- for differing impressions regarding the profile of an older adult's
formation about bolus location at the time of event indices. These swallow are discussed.
parameters include events related to hyoid movement; laryngeal Conclusions from this review are clearly hampered by the varying
movement; laryngeal vestibule closure; tongue-base retraction and measures used to classify the swallow across the 11 studies reviewed.
contact with the posterior pharyngeal wall; and UES opening and Many of the studies honed in on very specific details of the swallow, but
closing. There are quite a few parameters that do not vary much be- did not provide an impression of how the different aspects of the
tween the young and elderly groups. These include: hyoid onset (G1 to swallowing mechanism work together as the bolus moves from the oral
G8) [49], time for hyoid to reach maximal point (G1 to G9) [50], cavity to the esophagus. As such, one would have to piece together the
duration of hyoid excursion (G1 to G14) [50], vertical laryngeal various studies in order to form a complete picture of swallowing
movement (G2 to G8) [36], laryngeal onset (G2 to G8) [49], first lar- physiology. There were also many studies that reported on the same
yngeal vestibule closure (G4 to G8) [49], time to maximum UES measures such as transit times, pharyngeal delay and UES opening
opening in relation to first UES opening (G8 to G10) [36,37] and onset duration. However, there were some discrepancies seen between re-
of base of tongue retraction (G5 to G8) [49]. Total duration of UES sults. As mentioned in Molfenter and Steele's [40] study on temporal
opening (G8 to G12) was found to be significantly different between variability, differing definitions could play a role in these discrepancies.
young and elderly groups with a 10 cc bolus, although both groups The definition of “healthy” participants can also vary across studies. In

A.M. Namasivayam-MacDonald et al. Physiology & Behavior 184 (2018) 12–26

Fig. 4. Forest plot of pharyngeal phase events indexed to

bolus entry into the pharynx.

some of the studies in this review, “healthy” was not clearly defined and exact age range of the elderly sample. Sample sizes for elderly partici-
included participants that did not have history of dysphagia and were pants ranged from 8 [36,37] to 63 [34]. In three studies, the sample size
also free from disease known to influence swallowing. In other studies it was reported as 23, and it has been confirmed that all three of these
was simply stated that subjects were “healthy” or “normal”, and this articles reported data for the same sample [34,35,51,54]. However, the
was not elaborated upon. It was left up to the reader to interpret what results for some parameters differed slightly from one study to another.
these terms might or might not encompass. The ratio of males to females also differed across the studies reviewed.
Slight variations in definitions for a single measure can also con- One study solely reported data for elderly women and did not include
tribute to differences in results. These differences become evident in any men in the sample [37]. Another study only included men in the
Table 4. For example, Dejaeger and colleagues [44] defined the onset of sample, and did not report on any women [36].
oropharyngeal transit as the arrival of the bolus head at the tongue It is well-known that variability tends to decrease with increases in
base, whereas Kendall and colleagues [34] defined the onset as the head sample size, so the variability seen for some measures may be due to the
of the bolus passing the nasal spine. The offsets of both definitions also relatively small sample sizes studied. This is untrue for a few select
varied: Dejaeger and colleagues marked the offset as the moment when parameters, such as bolus past the mandible (B1 to G1) as measured by
the bolus arrived at the entrance of the larynx while Kendall and col- Leonard and McKenzie [51]. Leonard had a relatively large sample size
leagues mark the offset as the moment when the bolus arrives in the but this measure still suffered from great variability. In other cases,
valleculae. It is clear that such variations in definitions may cause dif- such as onset of vertical laryngeal movement (G2 to G8) as studied by
ferences across the measures reported in different studies. In grouping Logemann and colleagues [37], variability differed substantially be-
the studies for this review it also quickly became evident that many tween young and old participants of the same sample size. Logemann's
scientists are studying similar parameters, but with slightly different finding that older adults present with significantly longer pharyngeal
names and definitions. For example, Kim et al. [52] and Leonard and delays [36] is also surprising considering the large variability present in
McKenzie [51] both studied stage transition duration; Kim called this the measures from the older group and the overlapping confidence
parameter by its name whereas Leonard used the term “onset of bolus intervals, as shown in Fig. 4. In these cases, one can only assume that
transit”. A naïve reader may have mistaken the two parameters to be the elderly have a larger range of normal variation.
very different measures had they not looked carefully at the definitions. The definition of “older adults” or “elderly adults” also appeared to
The lack of standardization in definitions and naming conventions differ across studies. There were two studies that considered older
across the literature complicates the ability to compare measures from adults to be aged 60 or older [45,49], yet there were four studies that
one study to another. To combat this, we clustered different terms with used a cutoff of 65 or older to classify elderly adults [34,35,50,51]. An
similar definitions together. additional two studies considered older adults to be aged 70 or older
Other sources of variation in timing measures could be due to a [52,53], and two studies reported on a sample that were aged 80 or
large array of factors such as sample size, male to female ratio, and older [36]. One study did not report the minimum age of the older

A.M. Namasivayam-MacDonald et al. Physiology & Behavior 184 (2018) 12–26

by brand and across barium concentrations and any resulting differ-

ences in viscosity could influence swallowing behavior. In the 11 stu-
dies included in this review, Dejaeger, as well as Logemann's group,
which includes the study performed by Mendell, simply stated that li-
quid barium was used in the study; no additional details were given
[36,37,44,49]. Im and colleagues provided slightly more detail; they
used thin liquid reported to have a viscosity of 14 mPa·s, although the
shear rate at which this measurement was obtained was not reported
[45]. Kang reported using a 35% w/v diluted barium solution created
with Solutop Suspension [50]. Kendall and Leonard both used liquid
barium that was a 60% w/v concentration, made with Barosperse
Barium Sulfate Suspension; the reported viscosity of this barium was
35 mPa·s at 40 reciprocal seconds, as measured with a #4 Ford Cup
[34,35,51]. Kern and Zamir both used similar products; Kern and col-
leagues used liquid barium boluses made with EZ-HD (viscosity 300 cP)
[53]. Kim and colleagues did not give quite as much detail; they re-
ported using a 50/50 mixture of water and E-Z-HD Barium Sulfate
Powder for Suspension to create thin liquid boluses [52]. Even if the
type of stimulus and viscosity is held constant, the volume and number
of stimuli presented to the participants may differ across studies. In this
review, studies used 1 cc [34,36,37,52], 2 cc [50], 3 cc [49,51], 5 cc
[45,52], 10 cc [36,37,44,49,52], and 20 cc boluses [34,35,51], or a
combination of any of the volumes listed. Previous research by Nasci-
mento and colleagues studied the effects of bolus volume on swallow
event duration in healthy subjects [56]. They timed the following
events: onset of propulsive tongue tip movement at the maxillary in-
cisors, onset and end of the hyoid movement, passage of the bolus head
through the fauces, passage of the bolus tail through the fauces, and
onset and offset of upper esophageal sphincter (UES) opening. Of these
five events, only duration of UES opening was found to increase with
larger volumes. Similarly, another study by Molfenter and Steele found
that bolus volume significantly impacted UES opening duration, lar-
yngeal closure duration, the laryngeal closure-to-UES opening interval,
and the pharyngeal transit time interval, but not hyoid movement
Fig. 5. Forest plot of hyoid and larynx pharyngeal phase events indexed to gestures. duration or the stage transition duration interval [57]. Given these
findings, it is clear that findings of the current review would differ had
all studies used the same VFSS protocol.
participants [44]. Across the seven studies that reported the mean age Another source of variation pointed out by another study by
of their older participants, mean age was 70 years or older Molfenter and Steele [40] is the use of swallow cueing. Uncued swal-
[35,44,45,49–51,53]. Four of these studies reported a mean age of the lows are generally initiated with the bolus head at a more posterior
elderly sample as 75 years old or greater. Given that the literature is location the oropharynx, consequently resulting in longer timing mea-
quite clear that as we age we naturally become increasingly frail, stu- sures [58,59]. The majority of the studies included in this review were
dies with older samples may be biased toward greater apparent levels of not transparent with regard to their use of cueing. Each of these factors
impairment. The differences in age across the studies included in this alone, or in combination, could influence the results of a study and
review hampers our ability to draw firm conclusions regarding the contribute to variations in similar or identical measurements across
changes in swallowing that are associated with particular age groups. studies.
For example, when comparing studies with a relatively young older
healthy sample [45,49] to a study with a relatively old older healthy
sample [36], we found that the onset of superior laryngeal movement to 5. Limitations
onset of UES opening (G2 to G8) was longer in the relatively younger
samples, compared to the relatively older samples. In contrast, the onset This review looked for peer-reviewed articles in the literature de-
of tongue base retraction to the onset of UES opening (G5 to G8) was scribing swallow timing measures in elderly, healthy adults. However,
longer in the relatively older samples compared to the relatively as in any review, the results are limited to articles that were found
younger samples. If all studies examined only the very old (i.e. those based on the specific search strategy of looking for key words and MeSH
over the age of 80) we might see more significant differences in swal- headings. It is possible that additional articles might have been sourced
lowing timing between the old and young. Since age is a continuum and using alternative search criteria, such as title or abstract terms. The
the consequences of aging are gradual, it is difficult to predict if/when inclusion criteria further limited the search results to studies that re-
an elderly swallow might start to differ significantly from a younger ported swallow timing data for elderly, healthy adults in a way that
swallow, based on the research currently available. allowed for a detailed analysis and creation of forest plots. The majority
Another aspect to consider is videofluoroscopy procedure. This of articles that were considered lacked the necessary information for
method of swallowing evaluation is often described as a gold standard, inclusion. Finally, only 45% of the articles considered in the review
yet many aspects of the procedure may differ across studies. Frame process underwent duplicate review for inclusion. It is possible that the
rates can differ across studies, as can the stimuli being used and the decisions made based on review by only one rater might have excluded
number of swallows elicited for each stimulus. Differing frame rates, some articles that a second rater might have judged eligible, or vice
such as 15 versus 30 frames/s, have been shown to affect judgments versa.
regarding swallowing impairment [55]. Barium stimuli can differ both

A.M. Namasivayam-MacDonald et al. Physiology & Behavior 184 (2018) 12–26

Fig. 6. Forest plot of base of tongue and upper esophageal

sphincter pharyngeal phase events indexed to gestures.

6. Conclusion 4. The interval between bolus entry into the pharynx and epi-
glottic deflection (B1 to G3) was reported in a single study to be
This review of the literature and detailed analysis regarding timing shorter in the elderly than in younger participants.
measures of swallowing in healthy, elderly adults across several studies • Clinicians and researchers should be aware that many swallow
shows that the swallow of an elderly, healthy adult differs from that of a timing parameters appear to be unaffected by aging. Apart from
younger, healthy adult. Current clinical decisions are often based on the the parameters mentioned above, large deviations from the norms,
comparison of an elderly patient to a younger, healthy adult, which even when such norms are based on a young sample, are considered
may cause both clinicians and researchers to conclude, incorrectly, that likely to be indicators of dysphagia rather than presbyphagia in the
an older individual has dysphagia. Based on the analysis performed in elderly.
this review the following conclusions can be drawn: • Bolus transit parameters do not appear to change much as a
function of age.
• It appears that the natural process of aging affects a few very
specific timing parameters. Most notably the following para- Clinicians and researchers can use the figures in this review as
meters are consistently reported across studies to be different in the guidelines for normal swallow timing. This can be done by comparing
elderly compared to their younger counterparts: timing measures of their disordered patients and participants to the
1. Swallow reaction parameters between the bolus entering the lowest lower confidence interval and highest upper confidence interval
pharynx and onset of hyoid excursion (B1 to G1) are longer in the for each parameter, and determining if their subject falls within or out-
elderly. side of the range. Numbers outside of the range should be considered
2. Pharyngeal delay times (B1 to G2) are longer in the elderly. disordered. Future research should focus on standardization of video-
3. Total duration of UES opening (G8 to G12) is longer in the fluoroscopy swallowing study protocols and of the definition of “elderly”
elderly. so that appropriate references can be established for healthy older adults.

A.M. Namasivayam-MacDonald et al. Physiology & Behavior 184 (2018) 12–26

Appendix A

Table A.1
Descriptive statistics for bolus transit parameters.

Onset-offset First author Year Group Vol (cc) Mean (s) Std dev LCI UCI

I1 to B1 Dejaeger 1994 Young 10 0.50 0.30 0.37 0.63

Old 10 1.70 1.70 0.87 2.53
B1 to B2 Kendall 2004 Old 1 0.38 0.24 0.28 0.48
Old 20 0.39 0.18 0.32 0.46
B1 to B3 Mendell 2007 Young 3, 10 0.09 0.15 0.02 0.15
Young 3, 10 0.13 0.16 0.07 0.20
Old 3, 10 0.13 0.16 0.06 0.20
Old 3, 10 0.13 0.16 0.06 0.20
Old 3, 10 0.25 0.15 0.18 0.31
B1 to B4 Dejaeger 1994 Young 10 0.55 0.11 0.50 0.60
Old 10 0.59 0.18 0.50 0.68
B1 to B6 Im 2012 Young 5 0.70 0.14 0.64 0.76
Old 5 0.80 0.13 0.74 0.86
B1 to B7 Kendall 2004 Old 1 1.11 0.40 0.95 1.27
Old 20 1.19 0.20 1.11 1.27
Dejaeger 1994 Young 10 0.90 0.12 0.85 0.95
Old 10 0.91 0.26 0.78 1.04
B2 to B7 Kendall 2004 Old 1 0.64 0.19 0.56 0.72
Old 20 0.77 0.13 0.72 0.82
Leonard 2004 Young 20 0.64 0.20 0.60 0.68
Old 20 0.86 0.42 0.77 0.95
B4 to B7 Dejaeger 1994 Young 10 0.79 0.18 0.71 0.87
Old 10 0.76 0.21 0.66 0.86

Table A.2
Descriptive statistics for swallow reaction parameters.

Onset-offset First author Year Group Vol (cc) Mean (s) Std dev LCI UCI

B1 to G1 Leonard 2006 Young 3 0.21 0.26 0.15 0.27

Old 3 0.53 0.64 0.40 0.66
Young 20 0.25 0.32 0.17 0.33
Old 20 0.54 0.69 0.40 0.68
Kim 2005 Young 5 0.06 0.07 0.03 0.09
Old 5 0.20 0.06 0.17 0.23
Young 10 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.11
Old 10 0.23 0.07 0.20 0.26
Leonard 2006 Young 3 0.04 0.20 −0.01 0.09
Old 3 0.17 0.48 0.07 0.27
Young 20 0.15 0.35 0.06 0.24
Old 20 0.21 0.58 0.09 0.33
Kang 2010 Young 2 0.02 0.13 −0.04 0.08
Young 2 0.01 0.17 −0.06 0.08
Young 2 0.03 0.20 −0.07 0.13
Old 2 0.03 0.14 −0.04 0.10
B2 to G1 Leonard 2006 Young 3 0.03 0.19 −0.02 0.08
Old 3 0.06 0.37 −0.02 0.14
Young 20 0.04 0.16 0.00 0.08
Old 20 0.06 0.44 −0.03 0.15
B3 to G1 Leonard 2006 Young 3 0.10 0.14 0.07 0.13
Old 3 0.08 0.16 0.05 0.11
Young 20 0.06 0.26 0.00 0.12
Old 20 0.07 0.39 −0.01 0.15
B6 to G1 Leonard 2006 Young 3 0.26 0.12 0.23 0.29
Old 3 0.28 0.09 0.26 0.30
Young 20 0.11 0.26 0.05 0.17
Old 20 0.21 0.14 0.18 0.24

A.M. Namasivayam-MacDonald et al. Physiology & Behavior 184 (2018) 12–26

Table A.3
Descriptive statistics for pharyngeal phase parameters referenced to the bolus entering the pharynx.

Onset-offset First author Year Group Vol (cc) Mean (s) Std dev LCI UCI

B1 to G2 Logemann 2000 Young 1, 10 0.15 0.08 0.09 0.21

Old 1, 10 0.06 0.20 −0.08 0.20
2002 Young 1, 10 0.11 0.06 0.07 0.15
Old 1, 10 0.11 0.28 −0.09 0.31
Kim 2005 Young 5 0.10 0.05 0.08 0.12
Old 5 0.17 0.05 0.15 0.19
Young 10 0.10 0.06 0.07 0.13
Old 10 0.19 0.05 0.17 0.21
B1 to G3 Kang 2010 Young 2 0.11 0.15 0.04 0.18
Young 2 0.13 0.23 0.03 0.23
Young 2 0.19 0.18 0.10 0.28
Old 2 0.01 0.14 −0.06 0.08
B1 to G4 Kang 2010 Young 2 0.43 0.18 0.34 0.52
Young 2 0.35 0.22 0.26 0.44
Young 2 0.43 0.18 0.34 0.52
Old 2 0.37 0.12 0.31 0.43
B1 to G8 Mendell 2007 Young 3, 10 0.48 0.34 0.33 0.62
Young 3, 10 0.67 0.33 0.53 0.81
Old 3, 10 0.72 0.33 0.58 0.87
Old 3, 10 0.60 0.33 0.45 0.74
Old 3, 10 0.82 0.32 0.68 0.96
Young 3, 10 0.17 0.21 0.08 0.26
Young 3, 10 0.24 0.21 0.15 0.33
Old 3, 10 0.27 0.21 0.17 0.36
Old 3, 10 0.23 0.21 0.14 0.32
Old 3, 10 0.37 0.21 0.28 0.46
B5 to G8 Logemann 2000 Young 1, 10 0.03 0.08 −0.03 0.09
Old 1, 10 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.05
2002 Young 1, 11 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.06
Old 1, 10 0.03 0.06 −0.01 0.07

Table A.4
Descriptive statistics for pharyngeal phase parameters referenced to gesture events.

Onset-offset First author Year Group Vol (cc) Mean (s) Std dev LCI UCI

G1 to G8 Mendell 2007 Young 3, 10 0.23 0.04 0.21 0.25

Young 3, 10 0.26 0.04 0.24 0.28
Old 3, 10 0.28 0.04 0.26 0.30
Old 3, 10 0.30 0.04 0.28 0.31
Old 3, 10 0.25 0.04 0.23 0.27
G1 to G9 Kang 2010 Young 2 0.43 0.14 0.36 0.50
Young 2 0.43 0.26 0.32 0.54
Young 2 0.48 0.16 0.40 0.56
Old 2 0.45 0.17 0.37 0.53
G1 to G14 Kang 2010 Young 2 1.03 0.27 0.90 1.16
Young 2 1.02 0.23 0.92 1.12
Young 2 1.05 0.15 0.98 1.12
Old 2 1.02 0.24 0.90 1.14
G2 to G8 Logemann 2000 Young 1, 10 0.02 0.06 −0.02 0.06
Old 1, 10 0.02 0.06 −0.02 0.06
2002 Young 1, 10 0.08 0.03 0.06 0.10
Old 1, 10 0.16 0.17 0.04 0.28
Mendell 2007 Young 3, 10 0.24 0.04 0.22 0.25
Young 3, 10 0.25 0.04 0.23 0.27
Old 3, 10 0.29 0.04 0.27 0.31
Old 3, 10 0.29 0.04 0.27 0.31

A.M. Namasivayam-MacDonald et al. Physiology & Behavior 184 (2018) 12–26

Old 3, 10 0.25 0.04 0.23 0.27

G4 to G8 Mendell 2007 Young 3, 10 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.03
Young 3, 10 0.00 0.04 −0.01 0.02
Old 3, 10 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.03
Old 3, 10 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.03
Old 3, 10 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.03
G4 to G13 Logemann 2000 Young 1, 10 0.51 0.11 0.43 0.59
Old 1, 10 0.56 0.11 0.48 0.64
2002 Young 1, 10 0.58 0.08 0.52 0.64
Old 1, 10 0.71 0.20 0.57 0.85
Kang 2010 Young 2 0.31 0.11 0.26 0.36
Young 2 0.38 0.19 0.30 0.46
Young 2 0.33 0.21 0.23 0.43
Old 2 0.50 0.20 0.40 0.60
G5 to G8 Mendell 2007 Young 3, 10 0.01 0.04 −0.01 0.02
Young 3, 10 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.06
Old 3, 10 0.01 0.04 −0.01 0.02
Old 3, 10 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.03
Old 3, 10 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.05
Logemann 2000 Young 1, 10 0.15 0.08 0.09 0.21
Old 1, 10 0.19 0.14 0.09 0.29
2002 Young 1, 10 0.05 0.08 −0.01 0.11
Old 1, 10 0.09 0.25 −0.09 0.27
G6 to G11 Logemann 2000 Young 1, 10 0.31 0.14 0.21 0.41
Old 1, 10 0.40 0.08 0.34 0.46
2002 Young 1, 10 0.40 0.20 0.26 0.54
Old 1, 10 0.44 0.28 0.24 0.64
G7 to G8 Logemann 2000 Young 1, 10 0.12 0.08 0.06 0.18
Old 1, 10 0.23 0.11 0.15 0.31
2002 Young 1, 10 0.11 0.06 0.07 0.15
Old 1, 10 0.10 0.20 −0.04 0.24
G8 to G10 Logemann 2000 Young 1, 10 0.14 0.03 0.12 0.16
Old 1, 10 0.13 0.03 0.11 0.15
2002 Young 1, 10 0.13 0.03 0.11 0.15
Old 1, 10 0.14 0.06 0.10 0.18
G8 to G12 Kern 1999 Young 5 0.57 0.01 0.57 0.58
Old 5 0.61 0.01 0.61 0.62
Young 10 0.61 0.01 0.61 0.62
Old 10 0.63 0.01 0.63 0.64
Logemann 2000 Young 1, 10 0.42 0.06 0.38 0.46
Old 1, 10 0.43 0.06 0.39 0.47
2002 Young 1, 10 0.41 0.06 0.37 0.45
Old 1, 10 0.48 0.06 0.44 0.52
Leonard 2004 Young 20 0.50 0.11 0.48 0.52
Old 20 0.66 0.12 0.63 0.69

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