1978 Yearbook

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·2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ·· 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
of Jehovah's Witnesses
Containing Report for the Service Year
of 1977
Also Daily Texts and Comments

Corporate Publishers
124 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201, U.S.A.
Branch ofllces appear on last page
Made In the United States of America
Jehovah's Witnesses
world wide are thankful to YEARBOOK
the Most High God of Jehovah's Witnesses
for the open door leading
to Kingdom Activity. "Happy are those hearing the word of God and
keeping it!" In saying those words, as we find
-1 Cor. 16:9. them recorded at Luke 11:28, Jesus may have
had in mind the similar words of Psalm 112: 1 :
"Happy is the 'man in fear of Jehovah, in whose
commandments he has taken very much delight."
Jesus himself was happy and took delight in obey-
.. . ing his Father's commandments, in hearing and
observing God's Word. Jehovah's obedient ser-
vants through the years have realized that the
keeping of J ehovah's law, his orders, command-
ments and judicial decisions brings a "large re-
INDEX OF COUNTRms ward." Today Jehovah's Witnesses are most
thankful for the privileges that come to them in
Pag e representing him. His word is always pleasant to
1977 Service Year Report, 216 Countries ,.,.,........................... 24
Acts of Jehovah's Witnesses in Modern Times in:
their ears and they are determined to keep it and
treasure it.-1 Tim. 1:11; 6:15; Ps. 19:7-11.
Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands 34
The Philippines , " ,......... ...................... ............. 78
The arrangement that Jehovah established
Spain , " 134 '
under the Mosaic law provided a shadow of good
things to come. (Heb. 10:1) Those who complied
Yeartext for 1978 260
with its requirements were blessed by Jehovah
Daily Texts and Comments , 261
and they looked forward to blessings in the future.
Most, though, reflected the attitude of our first
parents by taking an independent course and be-
coming disobedient to God's word. Though they
Copyright, 1977, by heard it with their ears, they did not keep it.
Watch T ower Bible and Tract Society of Penn sylvania (Heb. 3:18, 19) Jesus summed up their attitude
when he said t hat "with their ears they have
heard without response." (Matt. 13 :15; Isa. 6:10)
4 Yearbook
Yearbook 5
~epeatedly, Jehovah had reminded them of the listless, and so he warned them: "You must do what
vital need of hearing and keeping his word. For the word tells you, and not just listen to it and deceive
example, through his prophet, he said: "I, Jeho- yourselves." (Jas. 1:22, Jerusalem Bible) Only by
vah, am your God, the One teaching you to benefit diligently studying the Word of God can one prove
¥ours<:lf, the One causing you to tread in the way oneself Christ's disciple. Those in the Macedonian city
m WhICh you should walk. 0 if only you would of Beroea did just that, and Luke described them as
being noble-minded, "Now the latter [Beroeans] were
actually pay attention to my commandments!" more noble- minded than those in Thessalonica, for
-Isa. 48:17, 18. they received the word with the greatest eagerness of
mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to
When .J<:sus appeared on earth, he established whether these things were so." They were students,
the Christian arrangement. He knew that only researchers. They wanted to know if the Hebrew
those adhermg to G.od's word could be truly happy. Scriptures backed up what they heard. They set a
In hIS prayer to hIS Father on his last night on good example for all to follow.-Acts 17:11.
Jehovah's Witnesses today follow this fine example.
earth, he said that the .taking in of knowledge of They are modern Beroeans, Bible students. At one
God and of Jesus Christ was necessary for one time, because of their intensive study of the Bible
who desire? to ~ave life. (John 17:3) The knowl- they were actually called "Bible Students." While
edge conta.med m the Bible is truly life giving. It they no longer use that as their name, having adopted
the Scriptural name Jehovah's Witnesses in 1931, they
can b~ relied on, SInce God himself caused it to still studiously interest themselves in "examining the
be written by l1!eans of his holy spirit. It is price- Scriptures daily." They are devoted to the work com-
less. Men,. as history shows, risked their lives to manded by Jesus of making disciples of people every-
translate It an~ to preserve it for our benefit. where and "teaching them to observe all the things"
that Jesus commanded. They keep Jehovah's Word
Today, Jehovah s WItnesses are dedicated to the and they preach it diligently on any and every ap-
task-~omehmes also at the risk of their Ilves->, propriate occasion, whether the occasion is convenient
of takmg that Word to people of every nation to themselves or not.-Matt. 28:19, 20; 2 Tim. 4:2.
and tongue. The organization of Jehovah's Witnesses is truly
Bible based. For the past one hundred years it has
. Nowadays, as in ancient Israel, many are in- been holding forth the word of life. It has not turned
different to the appeal of God's Word the Bible aside from the truth. Loyal ones have made no pre-
qthers sh~n it. or outrightly oppose its distribu~ tense of only believing the truth, but have made it
tion. But In doing so they are not happy' rather their own and actively advocated it, even though this
has made them objects of persecution. In doing so
they are glum. In spite of this, Jehov~h's ser~ they have become "a theatrical spectacle to the world,"
vants proceed with their pleasurable work of like the apostles who were charged with upsetting
upholding th.e Word of God. They; know that the inhabited earth because of their insistence on
more IS reqU1~ed than merely reading the Word. adhering to the Word of God.-1 Cor. 4:9; Acts 17:6.
As Jesus said m hIS revelation to John: "Happy is Jehovah's Witnesses are "steadfast, unmovable, al-
ways having plenty to do in the work of the Lord."
he w~o reads aloud and those who hear the words They have not watered down the truths of the Bible
of this prophecy, and who observe the thinzs as have Christendom's clergy who offer to people,
written in it."-Rev. 1:3. . b already "slumbering," a 'soft religion.' (l Cor. 15:58;
2 Cor. 11:14, 15) Christians know that what the world
has to offer is as tinsel, 'window dressing,' so they
keep their eyes, "not on the things seen, but on the
T~e. disciplt; James was concerned that his fellow things unseen. For the things seen are temporary
ChrIS~IanS might follow the wrong course of the [transitory], but the things unseen are everlasting."
IsraelItes and, after hearing the Word of God, become (2 Cor. 4:18) Some of the "things seen" may appear
desirable; they may haven 'sugar coating.' Men are
6 Yearbook Yearbook 7
tempted to look about and see what is available just in a worthless or vain way, thereby bringing reproach
for the asking. Jesus was presented with temptation on him and his name. Dire consequences would be
by means of "things seen." Satan asked him for but theirs for disobeying that command. (Ex..20:7) o
them Jehovah, through the mouth of JeremIah, said:
one act of worship, and all the "kingdoms of the
world" would be his. Adamantly Jesus replied: "Go "I kept sending to you all my servants the prophets,
away, Satan! For it is written, 'It is Jehovah your daily getting up early and se!1ding .the~. BU~ they
God you must worship, and it is to him alone you did not listen to me and they did not Incline their ear,
must render sacred service.''' Jesus rightly recognized but they kept hardening their neck."-Jer. 7:25, 26.
the test for what it was-a trick to get him to com- Finally Jehovah sent his heavenly Son. Jesus was
promise his sacred service and treasured relationship pained at the way God's name-people were acting. He
with his Father. To maintain our integrity, we must lived among the people of Israel and toward the cJos:
see temptations in the same light now.-Matt. 4:8-10; of his human life he summed up hIS feelmgs, saying;
1 John 2:15, 16. "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killer of the prophets and
Well, look around. What is available? What does stoner of those sent forth to her-how often I wanted
Satan hold out as temptingly desirable? What is it to gather your children together in the manner .that
that should be shunned as something that could cause a hen gathers her brood of chicks under her wmg~,
Jehovah's Witnesses to desert their sacred service? but you people did not want it!" On behalf of hIS
Why, for one thing, running with the world. Some Father he said to religious opposers: "Look! Your
who are now Jehovah's Witnesses were once -very house is abandoned to you." (Luke 13:34, 35) They had
much wrapped up in the ways of the world. They had spurned both the Father and the Son. By what they
what they called a 'high time,' seemingly enjoying did to the Son they dishonored th.e Father:s name.
it. But one who becomes a Christian puts this way of Jesus recognized their despising of him and hIS F:ather
life in the past, as something to be despised. The and what his Father's name stood for, and In ap
apostle Peter said: "For the time that has passed by illustration he said that "a man" (Je.hovaW sent ~IS
is sufficient for you to have worked out the will of beloved son for an accounting, saY}l~g, They WIll
the nations when you proceeded in deeds of loose respect my son." But, though recog!1IZ}~g the :,on .as
conduct, lusts, excesses with wine, revelries, drinking heir, they said, "Come, let us kill him, And kill him
matches, and illegal idolatries."-l Pet. 4:3. they did!-Mark 12:1·11.
Former worldly associates may not understand why A remnant of Israel agreed to 'hear the word and
one who previously was satisfied with the "weak and keep it' and were accepted into the Christian congre-
beggarly elementary things" now concerns himself gation. Now, seeing how Israel had dIsrespected Je-
with hearing and doin~ the Word of God. So they hovah and his name, how would tpese followers. of
resent it, and close their ears to the message of life Christ act? Would they uphold God s na?1 e and give
that could have benefited them. Peter added: "Because to Jehovah an answer to the ~reat besml,rcher,. Satan
you do not continue running with them in this course the Devil? God had pleaded WIth Israel: Be WIse, my
to the same low sink of debauchery, they are puzzled son and make my heart rejoice, that I may make a
and go on speaking abusively of you." (1 Pet. 4:4; repiy to him that is taunting me." (Prov. 27:11) As it
Gal. 4:9) But see how many friends there are among has turned out only a remnant of those who took the
name "Christian" have given basis for such a reply, T.he
Jehovah's Witnesses that one acquires! One is no command not to sully the name of Jehovah applies WIth
longer interested in partying with the world, risking equal force to Jehovah's Witnesses today. And they are
the precious newly found relationship with Jehovah pleased to honor that name, to make It holy.. .
and His family.-Mark 10:30; 1 Pet. 1:22; Phil. 3:12-16. Today, almost universally, the God of the BIble IS
Over the centuries, all the way back to the time unknown to mankind. The name of God .IS not made
when Adam and Eve, at the urgings of the Tempter, holy. Rather, it is used vulgarly. The .B lble to sOJ!le
lost their happiness by rejecting the word of God is a myth, a 'good storybook' for ohltdren, but ~ts
and failing to keep it, the name of Jehovah has been prophecies are not taken seriously. Tho~e who happI}y
besmirched. Especially was this noticeable with respect study the Bible, accepting it, "just as It truthfully IS,
to those whom he chose to make his name-people, (Ex. as the word of God," are considered by these persons
6:7) God commanded them not to take up his name as 'old fogies.'-l Thess. 2:13.
8 Yearbook Yearbook 9
PROPER MOTIVATION nesses are engaged in the most profitable work in
. Faithf~l servants of God today, in the face of this all the earth. The benefits are outstanding. To have
dishonoring of the God of the universe, have gladly Jehovah's favor is most valuable. Yet sometimes they
taken up the Bible name Jehovah's Witnesses. Usa. 43: are enticed by material treasures. But wisely Jehovah's
10) Thelr purpose in life is to uphold that sacred name Witnesses prefer riches that endure, so they store up
ev~n though their a~sociation with that name may for themselves "treasures in heaven." Paul warned:
brmg to them ostracism by those who ostensibly are "The love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious
followers of Christ, yes, and from others. Their Master things, and by reaching out for this love some have
said: "If you love me, you will observe my command- been led astray from the faith and have stabbed them-
ments . . . If you observe my commandments, you selves all over with many pains ["spiked themselves
will remain in my love, just as I have observed the on many thorny griefs," New English Bible]."-Matt.
commandments of the Father and remain in his love." 6:19, 20; 1 Tim. 6:10.
(John 14:15; 15:10) It brought joy and happiness to Regrettably, materialism at times takes its toll among
Jesus to observe the commandments of his Father a few of Jehovah's Witnesses, blurring their vision.
and. he therefore said that "those hearing the word It has been said that materialism is anything that
of God and keeping it" would be happy.-Luke 11:28. stands between a person and his worship of Jehovah.
Jeh.ovah's Witnesses have found this happiness and So it need not necessarily be an expensive automobile,
real JOY in being properly motivated in their work of an ostentatious home or a large bank account. It could
bearing witness to Jesus and in preaching the good be anything that absorbs a person's time and attention
news of God's established kingdom. (Rev. 12:17) so that he neglects the worship due to Jehovah. What
Their motivation is not tainted with a- desire to be causes this lamentable situation to develop? Could it
"somebody." .W hile ministering to the splrltual needs be neglecting a study of God's Word, which is a "lamp"
of people, they refuse to accept adulation as Jesus to guide the servant's feet, and a "light" to his road-
also refused to do, or to assume titles. Let the titles way? (Ps, 119:105) Without such guidance one can
stay with those who seem to be so proud to bear easily become a prey to materialism. Materialism can
them. Rather, Jehovah's people are pleased to be creep in if one neglects that most important commu-
fellow servants with the one who "made himself of nication with the Hearer of prayer. Personal study of
no reputation."-PltiI. 2:7, Authorized Version. God's Word and constant communication with Jehovah
Peter warned of false teachers who would quietly deepen and strengthen one's personal relationship with
or privately "bring in destructive sects and ... disown Jehovah. David said: "I keep Yahweh before me al-
even th~ owner that bought them, bringing speedy ways, for with him at my right hand nothing can
destruction upon themselves." Peter's further warning shake me." -Ps. 16:8, JB.
was that others would follow them, thus causing the Because of being constant and steadfast as wit-
way of the truth to be spoken of abusively. (2 Pet. nesses of the Ruler of the universe, and by keeping
2:1, 2) There IS need to be on the alert so as not to themselves away from materialism, Jehovah's Wit-
fal~ into this subtle trap. Some actually do disown nesses have enjoyed many blessings during the past
their owner. Others do not go so far as to declare year. "The blessing of Jehovah-that is what makes
openly that they do not know their owner Christ rich, and he adds no pain [sorrow] with it." (Prov.
But by their actions, their speech and the' careless 10:22) True, some have taken the brunt of persecu-
way that they 'walk in the truth,' they in effect be- tion, but it is a fact of both theocratic and secular
come suspect as to their love of Christ. They ought history that persecution has failed to stop the procla-
~o take to heart Paul's words at 1 Corinthians 15:34: mation of God's Word. Persecution has not brought
Wake up to soberness in a righteous way and do pain or sorrow, so as to cause these Witnesses to
not practice sin, for some are without knowledge of lose faith. They have not been failures. They have
God ["seem not to know God at all," JB]. I am speaking had Jehovah's blessing and they have been made
to move you to shame." rich. Their boldness in serving God has called for his
protection, because they have continued in their firm,
SHUNNING MATERIALISM conscientious and fearless support of the truth. (1 Tim.
is an old saying, 'All that glitters is not gold.' 3:15) They may have been "pressed in every way, but
ThIS also applies in a spiritual sense. Jehovah's Wit- not cramped beyond movement; . . • perplexed, but
10 Yearbook Yearbook 11
not absolutely with no way out; . .. persecuted, bu t In some ca ses the lo cal vill age 'headmen allowed
not left in the lurch; . . . thrown down, but not de- t hem to settle in their homes and begin recultivating
stroyed." Yes, they have been ' blessed in their spiritual t hei r lands, which had been lying fallow whil e our
paradise, blessed in the knowledge that their stead- brothers were in prison. However, in some cases the
fastness in 'keeping the word of God' earns them a unbelieving re latives of Witnesses had taken over their
place in God's favor. They have contributed to answe r- la nds and had begun cultivating them and these opp osed
ing Satan's challenge to God.-2 Cor. 4:8, 9; Provo our brothers' being allowed to return to their village
27:11. homes. They r eported the brothers to the police and
t o local political party officials, who have again ha-
MAINTAINING FAITH DESPITE PERSECUTION rassed our brothers over the party-card issue. Some
Some of Jehovah's Witnesses have to live and carry are still being held by the police without charge. Reli-
on their work of preaching the good news of the gious opposers have also added to the sufferings of
Kingdom under very trying conditions. Nevertheless, our brothers, telling some of them that they will not
despite persecution, intimidation and pressure to be allowed to settle in their homes until they join
compromise their faith, they keep their integrity. They other religions. Those Witnesses who were allowed to
take their stand against the Devil, "solid in the faith, settle in their homes and cultivate their fields have
knowing that the same things in the way of sufferings been tormented in some areas by Youth Leaguers and
are being accomplished in the entire association" of party officials when these thought that the brothers
their brothers in the world. They realize that enduro would have money from harvesting their crops t o buy
ance is necessary in order to inherit the promise; political cards.
therefore they, as fine soldiers of Christ Jesus, take So the year ended with a number of our brothers in
their part in suffering evil.- l Pet. 5:8, 9; 2 Tim. 2:3; Malawi still homeless and without employment, having
Heb.6:12. to move from place to place and eke out a living the
Satan is very angry at the continued faithful service best they could. We are pleased to report, however,
of God's witnesses in ad vertising the coming destruc- that it is still possible to aid them spiritually and
tion of this system of things and he uses his influence materially and that our Malawi brothers are extreme-
as the ruler of the world to have the work curtailed ly grateful to Jehovah and their brothers elsewhere
if not stopped. Hence it is not surprising that from for this loving assistance.
time to time he causes opposition that results in bans Those who must carryon under such adverse cir-
being placed on the work. During the year this occurred cumstances are not 'written off' by Jehovah. They are
in the Congo Republic and in Indonesia, and there are not f orgotten. They are as sured: "God is not unrigh-
r um blings in other places. This does not mean that teous [un just ] so as to forget your work and the love
J ehova h' s Witnesses in such places give up or quit. · you showed for his name." "I will by no means leave
No, they persist in doing what is fine, sowing with a you nor by any means forsake you ." And their broth-
view to the spi rit, and leaving the results to the Great ers remember them too in their daily petitions to the
Rewarder. (Gal. 6:8, 9) Jesus equipped his followers Hearer of prayer. When our brothers in other lands
to be prepared for exactly what has occurred in this suffer under persecution, we suffer with them. The
day and age, saying: "You will be objects of hatred Emphatic Diaglott says that "whether one member
by all people on account of my name; but he that has suffer, all the members sympathize." The "sympathy"
endur ed to the end is the one that will be saved. .. . has been shown not only by assisting them materially,
A disciple is not above his te ac her, nor a slave ab ove but also by 'taking up the slack' and 'putting on more
his lord.. .. Therefor e do n ot fe ar t hem."- Ma tt. 10: steam' in the preaching work.-Heb. 6:10; 13:5; 1 Cor.
22-26. 12:26.
At the beginnin g of the service year, hundreds of
our Malawi brothers were still in detention at Dzaleka , NATIONALISM
a camp in the north of the country, which had previous- Even where there is no ban, some of Jehovah's Wit-
ly been used f or political detainees. H owever , as t he nesses are plagued by nationalism. They are asked to
months went by, some were released. These br others elevate "Caesar" above God. This they cannot do, so
made their way back to their home villag es and town s. they are falsely branded as "antigovernment." But
What kind of reception awaited them ? this does not rob them of their joy, for they count it
12 Yearbook Yearbook 13
a privilege to be in the same category as Jesus, who, praisers of Jehovah bring great satisfaction of heart.
along with the apostles, said that where obedience to -Heb. 12:2; Neh. 8:10.
the State does not conflict with that owed to Jehovah,
then such obedience should be rendered, but that prior FORSAKING WORLDLY PRACTICES BRINGS JOY
allegiance rightly belongs to Jehovah.-Luke 20:25; In the world today, when things go wrong, the
Acts 4:19, 20; Rom. 13:1. temptation is to 'forget it all.' Many try to do this by
"Bullies" like to take advantage of children who using alcohol and drugs. The accelerated use of drugs
they feel have no recourse but to submit. But youths is becoming an alarming problem all over the world
among Jehovah's Witnesses also are happy in "hear- today. Doctors are at their wit's end at the prospect
ing the word of God and keeping it." (Luke 11:28) of having to deal with a nation of drug addicts. Every-
They have heeded the word of Jehovah, through one knows that the taking of drugs only increases
Moses, to meet together in the congregation along the problem. In this, Jehovah's Witnesses do not go
with their parents, "in order that they may listen along with the world's practice. They know what the
and in order that they may learn, as they must fear remedy is and they endeavor to educate the people in
Jehovah ... and take care to carry out all the words" their need of turning to Jehovah God and his Word,
of God's law. (Deut. 31:12) They have benefited from . the Bible, so that they may hear it and keep it.
the experience of the three faithful Hebrews on the Among Jehovah's Witnesses are some who formerly
plain of Dura (Dan. 3:18) and the firm decision of were victims of such vile practices, some having been
the early Christian followers of Jesus (Acts 5:29) and heavily involved in drug abuse. These were helped to
are therefore equipped to face such "bullies." 'make straight paths for their feet.' (Heb, 12:13;
An experience illustrates this. In Africa, a twelve- 1 Cor. 6:11) Now they have dedicated themselves to
year-old Witness conscientiously refused to sing the Jehovah through Christ and are declaring the good
national anthem. The annoyed headmaster pressed news of God's established kingdom. It happens oc-
him for a reason. Having 'heard the word' and being casionally that, by not remembering that "bad associa-
intent on "keeping it," the boy said that the anthem tions spoil useful habits," a person who had started
was a hymn of praise to a false god called Nationalism out in the right way in association with Jehovah's
and that his God, Jehovah, would be angry if he Witnesses returns to his bad habits. (1 Cor. 15:33) He
praised a false god. The headmaster, impressed by the soon learns that he is miserable and yearns for the
sincerity and conscientious determination of the lad, association of his brothers again. For example, in the
commented: "If you had told me that earlier, I would Philippines, a brother was engaged in witnessing
not have sent you out of the class, because one should activity on the streets and noticed a bearded young
not make fun of the true God." It is fine to see that man with a group of people. The young man looked
young publishers appreciate the privilege of properly somewhat familiar. It developed that he had formerly
representing their God. This also provides Jehovah been associated with Jehovah's Witnesses but had
With an additional answer to his reproacher. gotten in with the wrong crowd and was now on
What is it that motivates Jehovah's people, what- drugs. He expressed his disgust and said that he wanted
ever circumstance they may be in, to serve him? The to come back. Arrangements were made for a study
word they have heard and read commands them to with him and he is now encouraging some of his as-
be witnesses "to the most distant part of the earth." sociates to study too.
(Acts 1:8) That word they delight to keep. It pleases The truth helped a person in Canada to make his
them to uphold Jehovah's sovereignty, to comfort mind over. He was trafficking in drugs illegally. A
mourning ones, to direct them to the only means of nationwide warrant was out for his arrest. For several
salvation. But underlying all of this is their love for years he evaded it. Then he started studying the Truth
Jehovah, based on the first commandment, and their book. His conscience, now educated by the Bible, caused
love for neighbor. (Matt. 22:37·39) And what is the him to turn himself in. His attorney tried to dissuade
reward they expect? The same reward that Jesus him, unsuccessfully. In the trial, when the judge noted
keenly anticipated: "For the joy that was set before his honesty and his complete rehabilitation achieved
him he endured a torture stake, despising Idisregard- through his association with Jehovah's Witnesses, he
ing] shame." Their joy in serving Jehovah is their gave him only a short suspended sentence. Now he is
strength. Rescuing persons of honest heart from the serving Jehovah, having given good attention to the
clutches of the evil one and assisting them to become Word, making his mind over, proving to himself the
14 Yea rbook Yearbook 15
good and acceptable and perfect will of God.-Rom. When t he priest and several vicars used inappropriate
12:2. lan guage but made no us e of the Bible, the father was
One cannot be in a close relationship with Jehovah annoyed . He attended a district as sembly, note d the
a nd act dishonestly. In Li beria a sister who worked in kindness of the brothers a nd their cleanliness and
an airline office was told by her employer to tell any ord er, and that they used th e Bible; so he decided to
caller that he was out. She declined, telling him that as sociate with Jehovah's Witnesses. He made tape
th is would not be honest, and her Bible-trained con- recordings of the meetings and plays these for persons
science would not permit her to lie. He became angry as king him why he quit the church.
and had her transferred to another department. Her When we make good use of the Bible, those we teach
hon esty was tested there too, for her new boss asked get the 'sense of the word' and start using it them-
her to cover up a shortage in his petty cash. She selves. A newly baptized brother had been a part of a
prayed to Jehovah that night and in the morning told group of young people completely engrossed in doing
him the same thing that she had related to her former the so-call ed "fun things of life." This included "shoot-
boss. Upset, he said no department would tolerate her ing drugs" and swallowing them, getting drunk, in fact,
attitude. But several days later he entrusted her with engaging in every form of immorality. A friend, study-
thousands of dollars. More importantly, her fine conduct ing with Jehovah's Witnesses, impressed him with the
moved a fellow .employee to join her in meeting atten- great changes in his life. He told him what started it
dance and field service. all. "He spoke to me from the Bible the things he was
learning about Jehovah's purposes," he says. An un-
LETTING THE BffiLE SPEAK happy, empty life for this seventeen-year-old became
In northeast Thailand a young sister worked as transformed into one filled with love for God and for
cashier in a barbershop. She refused to violate her neighbor. He now feels that he has eternal life before
conscience and accede to the owner's request that she him, a life filled with meaning and purpose.
make out false tax declarations, and as a result was
discharged. This freed her to enter the pioneer service. POSITION NOT Il\IPORTANT
Later, the owner looked her up and asked her to re - When a person gets a knowledge of the truth and
turn, as the cash register was always short. While re alizes that there is a short time in which to warn the
appreciating this acknowledgment of her honesty, she people of the coming great tr ibulati on and its battle
preferred to remain in her chosen full-time preaching of Har-Magedon, he often asks what he should do
work. She was truly happy because she heard the word about his secular occupation. In this regard, he should
with understanding and kept it, treasured it and acted consider his Christian responsibilities. If he is a married
upon it. The Bible was he r guide. man, th en he is obligated to provide for his family, and
As a result of the fact that Jehovah's Witnesses use this may require his cont inuing in his present occupa-
the Bible when they speak to people, whether in house- tion. (1 Tim. 5:8) Som e ha ve been able to expand their
to-house visits, in witnessing on the streets, or at home ' sha re in Kingdom ser vice without changing their
Bible studies, the organization progresses. In many secular employment. However, others have been able
countries today, the Bible is the sole piece of equipment to make a change in employment that allows them
that can be used, at least initially, in calling on people more time for proclaiming the truth to others. Many
at their homes. So Jehovah's Witnesses become pro- are able to do regular or auxiliary pioneer work by
ficient in its use, preaching the Word of God, having adjusting their hours of secular work. For example,
it at their "fingertips." That this is successful is at- in Japan during this past spring, for four months in a
tested to by a report from Belgium. There members of row the total of pioneers reporting was more than
a sincere family, fo rmerly a ctive attenders a t one of 10,000, over 25 percent of all publishers. and many of
Babylon's churches, are now studying because J eho- these were elders and other family heads who had ad -
vah's Witnesses made good use of the Bible. The father justed their regular employment in order to pioneer.
sa ng in the choir on Sunda ys. When oth er members of By careful planning and organization, housewives
the family accepted a Bible study, he was urged by the (with or without children) and young people, including
clergy and others to throw J ehovah's Witnesses out those just leaving school and those on vacation, can
wh en they came to the home. Instead, he appealed to enjoy precious privileges in the pioneer work, or other-
the priest to visit the fa mily and straighten th em out. wise r ea ch out for m ore hours of service. Others a ll
16 Yearbook Yea1'book 17
learning the truth have found themselves enslaved t o his house and offered The Watchtowm' t o him on a
time-consuming careers. Preferring to be slaves of God, subscription basis. He gladly subscribed and readily
they have made changes. In faith they have 'tested accepted the offer of a Bible study. As he progressed he
Jehovah,' and truly he has emptied out on them a dedicated his life to Jehovah and became an active
blessing beyond their fondest expectations.-MaI. 3:10; preacher of the word. Overjoyed, he visited his parents'
In France, a brother who formerly was a ballet dancer isolated home, shared his joy with the family of eight
decided to attend an operetta with a group of Wit- and assisted them also to make a dedication.
nesses. When he picked up the tickets at the box An experience from another South American country
office, there was a card in the envelope. It was from shows how the sowing of seed had success 'here and
the star actor, asking the brother to visit him during there.' A young girl started studying the Truth book
intermission. He kept the appointment and there re- that had been placed with her. Later she discontinued
newed acquaintance with one he had known many years the study, but, valuing the book, she sent it to her
before. The man had lost his wife and hoped to receive mother. The mother thought it would make a good
some comfort from him in view of their past friendship. present and gave it to her sister, who was going on a
The brother Inrormed him that he was now one of trip. The sister, however, stored it in a trunk in her
Jehovah's Witnesses and offered to study the Bible with son's home. There her daughter-in-law found it and
him. His study soon convinced him that his life as an studied it. Her husband threatened to burn it, so she
actor was shallow. He decided not to renew his contract sent it to a friend who, in turn, gave it to his sister.
to continue his twenty-year career on the stage. He soon What resulted from the seed sown and the much-
found other employment, but, more importantly, he is traveled book? The "friend" has dedicated his life to
now a faithful publisher of the Kingdom. Jehovah; the daughter-in-law is again studying and
This experience is similar to that of a professional looking forward to baptism. Yes, indeed, the book The
flamenco dancer in Spain. Her mother told her of an ·T rut h That Leads to Eternal Life continues to have a
interesting conversation she had with a lady at their tremendous circulation!
hotel about God and the Bible. The conversation was
continued with the dancer herself the next morning. "YOUTH" BOOK A BOON
It so affected her that she immediately started wit- Now the book Your Youth-Getting the Best out of It,
nessing to her troupe. Undaunted by insults andderi- released at the district assemblies in 1976, is coming
sion, she started studying, then attending meetings, into its own . The way that this book has been received
and finally made her dedication. She canceled her con- well illustrates the fact that when information that
tract. Thereafter, ' it took nine months before a steady meets ' the needs of the people is made available, it is
[ob was obtained, but her new employment allowed soon in great demand. To meet this demand there were
her freedom to serve Jehovah and in this she has been printed in Brooklyn and shipped during the service
richly blessed. .year 9,003,062 copies of the Youth book.
, This wonderful instrument provided by Jehovah
SOWING SEED through his "faithful and discreet slave" is greatly
"In the morning sow your seed and until the eve- appreciated by young and old alike. When the book
ning do not let your hand rest; for you are not knowing was released at the district assembly in Brazil, a
where this will have success, either here or there, or seventeen-year-old remarked: "Our greatest pleasure
whether both of them will alike be good." (Eccl, 11: 6) was to see your interest in us. This book was the finest
This proved to be true in Chile. Back in 1936 two present I received in all my life. I am grateful to Je-
publishers followed the train route to Bolivia on foot. hovah .and to you for giving us this book."
They stopped at an isolated home for some water. They Young pioneers in England reported that while they
"paid" for it with a copy of The Harp of God. Twelve had experienced difficulty in house-to-house witnessing
years later, the son of the recipients, then twenty-four, where older people would often 'brush them off,' they
found 'this treasure. For the next eight years; though could choose young people to approach in street wit-
unable to locate Jehovah's Witnesses, he studied and nessing and get good results, with great encourage'
restudied the Harp, with ever-increasing appreciation. ment to themselves.
Some time later one of Jehovah's Witnesses called at In Trinidad a sister accompanied her husband to a
18 Yearbook Ye a rbook 19
dinner. During t he evening a prominent member of a INFORMAL WITNESSING
non-Christ ian f ait h asked her if Jehovah's Witnesses Many who are now re gular proclaimers of the King-
had any trouble with juvenile delin quency. She sai d dom message beca me acquainted with the truth as a
it was rare, but if there we re an instance it would be result of informal witnessing. Such witnessing, whether
handled in accord with Bible principles. She mentioned oral or written, cont inues t o be an im portant means of
the new Youth book, its purpose and its price. Im- r ea ching truth-hungr y people. An experien ce fro m
pressed, he said that in view of the poverty in that P or tu gal ill ustr ate s this. F amily pro blems cause d a
area, and the probability that many youths might not pion eer's field service t o be inter r upted. She read in the
be able to afford even the small amount asked, he newspap er a bout a woman who had lost a close rela-
wanted to contribute $100 so t hat this fine book could t ive. Th is woma n n eeded comfo r t, so sh e wrote her a
be distributed among the youths. friendly letter, offeri ng comfor t and hope in God's
A report from the Netherlands shows how young promises. She did not ex pect to receive a r eply. But
publishers can bring this valuable book to the attention seven months later t his com plete stranger t elephoned
of their classmates. A fifteen-year-old sister showed the her, belatedly expressing her appreciation for t he letter.
book to two of her classmates. One immediately asked She sa id that, on re ceiving it, she had made up her
for a copy. Our sister, "just in case," took three extra mind that the next time one of J ehovah's Witnesses
copies to school. All four copies were placed and the called at her door she would listen. Now she was calling
girls got busy reading them during recess. Others, to invite the pioneer sister t o be present at her baptism
noticing this and seeing the contents of the book, asked the following Sunday! An informal witness can be
for copies themselves. Our young sister was asked to given t o one's unbelieving ma te or others in the family,
relate her experience at a circuit assembly. Four other to one's neighbor 'over the back fence, ' to one's fellow
young publishers decided to follow her lead and in a employee or fellow school student, or when traveling.
shor t time placed twenty books in their classes. There are the well-known Scriptural examples of Jesus'
In Barbados a Witness schoolteacher was asked to wit nessing to the Samaritan woman at the well, and of
be chairman of a prize-giving committee. As prizes the the evangelist Philip's witnessing to the Ethiopian
committee wanted to give books. The chairman sug- official in his chariot.
gested the Youth book. The committee found its con-
tents and price most acceptable. Some fifty books were B RANCH COMMITTE E MEE'l'INGS
given as prizes and each committee member obtained E arl y in the service year, th e Governing Body ar -
one for himself. r anged for th e branch coordina t or s and other members
of t he Branch Committees t o attend, durin g October
SE RVING W HERE THE NEED I S GREAT and Novem ber (1976), a ser ies of meetings at the
Publishers in various parts of the world are still Brooklyn headquarters t o consider various features of
responding to the 'Macedonian call.' Wishing to use the bran ch activities and Kin gdom service in general.
their time, efforts, abilities and resources to the best The meetings proved to be infor mative and valua ble.
advantage, and, with the field already being well cared The discus sion was of assistance to the Governing
for where they lived, they made themselves available Body in getting a clearer picture of the work being
to go where the need is greater. These have been doing car ried on world wide by J ehovah's Witness es, and to
a marvelous work. In many cases, they have had to det ermine how the he a dquarters could give further
learn a new language. In view of the increases in pub- directi on and guidance to t he var ious branches.
lisher s, many have been of invaluable assistance in All-day sessions were held (with the exception of
ser ving as elders in congr ega ti ons. They have estab- Saturday afternoons and Sundays). In a ddition to the
lished new congregations and have assisted in the lectu res an d questi on-and-answer sessions, t ours were
const ruct ion of Kin gdom Halls. Some serve as circuit
over seers and Branch Committee members. In many made th ro ug h the Bethe l home and factories, and a
places they are the backbone of the organization. One very enjoyable trip to Watchtower F arms, one hun dred
of such "volunteers" said that he could not thank Je- mil es nor thwest of Brooklyn, was arr a nged.
hovah enough for the privileges that he and his family As this report is being mad e, arrangements are
enjoy in being so used. He express ed it: "Our life ha s being com plet ed to bring many more members of the
real m eaning now." Br anch Committees t o schoo l at Brooklyn so that
20 Yearbook Yearbook 21
greater attention can be given to the needs of each in- ing presses so as to keep up with the demand for books
dividual branch. and magazines. Additionally, to care more effectively
for the increased work, a computer system was installed
ZONE VISITS in the bookkeeping department.
Also, during the service year, members of the Govern- Along with the expansion of branch facilities there
ing Body and others made zone trips to all the branches. was a continuous construction of Kingdom Halls world
There were rewarding discussions with members of wide..This was because new congregations were formed
the Branch Committees, as well as with district and and because facilities became inadequate due to in-
circuit overseers and other full-time servants. This en- creased attendance.
abled the members of the Governing Body to obtain
firsthand information as to the condition of each branch BLESSINGS OF THE DISTRICT ASSEMBLIES
and to discuss any problems that may have existed. At the "Joyful Workers" District Assemblies the
Arrangements were made, too, for the visitor to speak brothers were thankful for a provision made whereby
to large gatherings of the brothers and interested ones. they could be assisted in dealing with doctors and hos-
For the first time arrangements were made for all the pitals with respect to the blood-transfusion problem.
missionaries, with few exceptions, to be brought to There was released the new booklet Jehovah's Wit·
the branch to meet with the visiting brother and to nesses and the Question of Blood, and those present
share in a general get-together with him and other were informed that each congregation would be re-
members of the branch Bethel family. The meetings ceiving a sufficient supply of the booklet so that every
with these missionaries were mutually encouraging doctor, hospital administrator, nurse and lawyer could
and beneficial. be supplied with a copy. The brothers have been look-
Over the years the missionaries have done valiant ing forward with keen anticipation to a special catp.-
service in their foreign assignments and this is greatly palgn to place a copy of the booklet and a brochure In
appreciated by God's people everywhere. They have had the hands of each of such persons, including each pub-
Jehovah's blessing on their unsparing work, and have lisher's personal physician. .
had great success in bringing many people to a knowl- All were also thrilled to receive, as releases at the
edge of the truth. assembly, the two new pocket-size books Life Does
Have a Purpose and Our Incoming World Government
One of the branch coordinators remarked that the -God's Kingdom. Both books will be very fine aids to
zone visits are long remembered. He and other co- Jehovah's Witnesses in paying close attention to the
ordinators commented on the humility shown by the Scriptures and in making such information available
brothers serving as zone overseers as they endeavor to others.
to aid the branches to take a more positive view of There were also some other surprises at the assembly.
the work. Each zone overseer endeavors to imitate the These had to do with congregation organization, and
example of Jesus as a servant to his brothers. this was more fully explained in an insert printed with
EXPANSION Our Kingdom Service. As shown therein, to give better
care to the records and files of the congregation, a
There were other blessings during the year indicative permanent secretary will now be appointed. Thus there
of the forward expansion of the work. In order to keep will always be someone on hand familiar with such
up with the orders for literature from the field, so details. This secretary will also handle all correspon-
much needed to feed persons hungering for the truth, dence in behalf of the congregation, compile the field
a number of branches have enlarged their facilities. service reports and keep the Publisher's Record cards.
Others are in the process of expanding their facilities Further, each congregation will now have a Watch-
or their operations. Among these are Australia, Brazil, tower study conductor and a Theocratic School over-
Colombia, France, Greece, Japan, Kenya, New Caledo- seer, each of whom will serve continuously. They may
nia, Nigeria, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, the designate other elders to assist them or to substitute
Netherlands, Venezuela and Zambia. All of this is an for them from time to time.
indication of Jehovah's blessings upon his servants who Another significant adjustment is the arrangement
are intent on "hearing the word of God and keeping it." for the care of judicial matters. Instead of these being
In the United States, arrangements were made for cared for by a stated committee of three (consisting
the Brooklyn factory to obtain two offset rotary print- of the presiding overseer, field overseer and Bible study
22 Yearbook Yearbook 23
overseer as in the past), the body of elders will hence- territories, pioneers are needed, as was mentioned in
fo r th select, whenever there is a ne ed, elders whom the closing announcem ent at the district assemblie s.
they deem most suitable and Scriptur ally capable of Even in the United States, in order to dev elop the
handling a judicial matter as it arises. The body of Kin gdom work in territory that is seldom visited,
elders will basically make use of elders experienced in there is a need for regular pioneers and special pio-
such matters. neers. To that end, beginning in December 1977, Pio-
As the greatest Educator, Jehovah assuredly cares ne er Service Schools are being organized in the United
for his servants insofar as their training and teaching States. The course is for a two-week period. The text-
is concerned. He furnishes the highest form of educa- book used is entitled Shin ing as Illuminators in the
tion-education that reaches the hearts of his children, World.
education that is solidly based on an accurate knowl- The Entrant's School at Brooklyn Bethel is for the
edge of him and of his Son, Christ Jesus. To this end benefit of all who become members of the Bethel
he has provided schooling arrangements wh ereby all family. It has functioned well during the year. Period-
of Jehovah's Witnesses can grow in understanding and ically a group of new members embark upon a course
in love. In addition to the Theocratic School in all the of Bible reading and study that continues for an
congregations, there is the Gilead School, which is entire year. Studies and lectures are shared by each
operated by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society such group, these being conducted by older members
of New York, Inc., as a part of its religious activity. of the Bethel family. Thereby an excellent ground-
During the year a total of 51 students of the sixty- work of Bible knowledge and appreciation of God's
second and sixty-third classes of the Watchtower Bible dealings with humankind is imparted to these students.
School of Gilead were trained for religious, missionary Not to be overlooked as a regular provislori for edu-
service. These students, assigned to various countries cation of Jehovah's people are the CIrcuit and district
where the need is great, were equipped to go and make assemblies. Much research and study are put into the
disciples of people in many lands, teaching them to preparing of programs for these assemblies. It is
observe the Word of God, and thus be in a position to truly amazing how Jehovah's spirit interacts upon his
enjoy life in God's new order. people, so that information and suggestions for these
programs, after being given prayerful consideration
KINGDOM MINISTRY AND PIONEER SCHOOLS by the brothers at headquarters, result in presentations
Most of the elders of congregations world wide had that are most timely and practical. Thus, for example,
attended the Kingdom Ministry School, but since the there were expressions received from the brothers in
time they attended there have been a number of or- many lands in appreciation for the blessings received
ganizational changes. So they, as well as elders who at t he "Joyful Workers" District Assemblies. Just in
had not had the opportunity to attend, welcomed the the continental North American field there was a total
announcement at the district assemblies that there attendance of 1,060,747, and 8,563 symbolized their
would be an opportunity for all elders-whether they dedication by water immersion.
have previously attended or not-to receive instruction Jehovah also rewarded his congregation in the 1977
in a new revised course. This is a greatly abbreviated service year in that f or the first time there were
course. Initially all the traveling overseers have the gathered together over five million persons to celebrate
opportunity of attending. A new textbook, "Pay Atten- the Memorial of Christ's death. Many persons of
tion to Yourselves and to All the Flock," has been honest heart, who lear ned of the truth through reading
prepared. Following the course, each elder is per- the publications pr oduced by the Society and who at-
tended the celebration, indicated that for the first time
mitted to retain his copy for future benefit in caring they understood the purpose of the celebration.
for his responsibilities as an overseer. In Honduras where there are just 3,300 publisher s,
Even though Jehovah's Witnesses have been very th ese made a special effort t o invite all interested one s
busy in preaching the good news of God's kingdom far in t he country to t he Memorial celebra ti on. Th e reward
and wide, there are territories that have not been for their effort was an attendance of over 15,000! In
reached. In some countries there are large towns and order to accommodate the crowds, some of the con -
cities that have so far not had the opportunity of gregations h ad up t o t en or more celebrations in their
"hearing the word of God." In order to reach these territ or y.
24 25
Leiter and number following each eountry's namo indleates the eountry's location on endsheet maps. Nos. 1·25 front and nos. 26·50 back cndsllcet.
1977 Ratio, 1977 % Inc. 1976 1977 Av. Av. Memoria l
Pealt One Pub- Av. over Av . No . Plo. N o. of Total Bible Atten-
Country Population Pubs. lIsher to : Pubs. 1976 P u bs. Bptzd, Pubs. Congs. Hours Studies dance
Abu Dhabi (H-23) 235,662 9 26,185 8 8 1 322 2 37
Af ghanistan (G-24) 16,560.000 6 2,760,000 5 -38' 8 1 965 1 13
Alaska (A-49) 420,000 1,2~8 347 1,164 -3' 1,196 70 89 22 186,267 548 2,753
Algeria (H-17 ) 16,776,000 838,800 17 17 3 3 1,079 17 34
American Samoa (N·40) 30,000 71 423 62 -27* 85 2 5 1 12 ,430 54 168
Andorra (F-17) 32,500 81 401 70 15 61 7 5 1 10,149 31 142
Anguilla (J-10) 6,524 14 466 12 -8* 13 3 1 2,950 7 36
Antigua (J-10) 70,794 208 340 189 15 164 9 15 4 36,573 150 546
Argentina (P-9) 25,050,000 31,846 787 29,111 -9" 32,079 1,072 748 612 2,493,704 18,781 58,575
Aruba (K-9) 62,288 354 176 332 -2' 338 11 9 5 46,394 211 1,002
Australia (M-31) 13,987,600 28,960 483 28,078 1 27,936 1,330 1,816 527 4;778,969 11,263 56,823
Austria (E-18) 7,521,800 12,613 596 12,349 1 12,172 557 626 214 1,924,439 5,826 22,409
Azores (G-14) 292,20 0 272 1,074 254 14 223 61 26 12 58,154 252 715
Bahamas (H.8l 210,000 504 417 463 -6' 492 36 19 8 68,992 426 1,697
Bahrain (H-2 3 216,000 2 108,000 2 Ne w 41 4
Bangladesh (B ·28) 80,000,000 1 80,000,000 1 1 11 1
Barbados (J-10) 254,000 1,314 193 1,220 5 1,159 77 55 16 164,735 742 2,908
BeI~lum (E-17) 9,754,576 19,126 510 18,180
Bel ze (J-7) 130,000 589 221 542
117,486 6'~31 37,034
Benin (K-17) 2,700,000 1,113 2,426 975 -44' 1,733 10 15 72 85,472 301 2,158
Bequla (J-10) 5,400 25 216 22 -4' 23 1 1 3,250 13 50
Bermuda (G-9 ) 60,000 218 275 210 4 202 17 13 4 35,787 162 484
Bhutan ~-28) 1,304,774 1 1,304,774 1 New 3
Bolivia ( -9) 4,687 ,718 2,466 1,901 2,2~g 5 2,133 251 364 62 674,366 2,433 8,864
Bonaire (K-9 ) 8,983 31 290 -3· 30 1 2 1 6,620 34 95
Botswana (0-19 ) 661,000 275 2,404 249 ·6 ' 266 14 23 11 61,222 251 879
Brazil (M-11) 114,000,000 106,254 1,073 102,50 3 1 101,298 8,051 4,488 1, 990 13,543,567 65,748 296,322
British Isles ( D-16) 54,640,200 77,593 704 75,136 -2· 76,694 3,527 4,086 1,108 11,001,459 33,901 153,227
Burma (B-29) 31,170,000 846 36,844 816 -1':' 823 39 166 62 290,912 791 2,061
Burundi (L-20) 4,000,000 173 23,121 146 -2" 149 19 4 4 23,043 132 207
Cameroon (L-18 ) 6,500,000 ' 12,085 538 11,44 9 -4" 11,886 740 5 411 735,430 7,3 45 13,855
Canad a (D-4) 22,660 ,000 63,090 359 60,940 1 60,573 2,307 3,156 1,033 8,819,565 25,016 120,958
cana r I sl ands (H -15) 1,322,861 1,247 1, 061 1,163 8 1 ,075 126 83 25 214,687 745 2,74 9
Cape e r de R ef' (J-14)
Carrlacou (K-9
350,00 0
8,50 0
Ca yman Islands (J-8) 15,000 21 714 17 -19' 21 1 2 1 2,742 18 58
Central Afr. Emp. (K-19) 2,000,000 1,072 1,866 887 -20* 1,112 38 76 48 134,40 3 536 1,925
Chad ~J-19) 3,870,000 155 24,968 131 3 127 11 34 11 61,132 232 579
Chile P-9) 10 ,656,000 16,078 663 15,339 -4· 15,947 1,601 940 278 2,355 ,676 14,352 46,013
Colombia (L-8) 25,176,752 16,310 1,544 15,696 1 15,608 1,138 959 277 2,734,104 15,554 62,490
Comoro Islands (N- 22) 306,000 3 102,00 0 2 100 1 1 1 923 3
Con~o (L-18)
Coo Islands (P-41)
l,6 gg 808
1,6~ 18
Costa Rica (K-7 ) 2,234 ,000 5,249 426 4,832 3 4,698 402 186 109 681,856 3,729 14,402
Cu racao (K-9) 156 ,209 711 220 691 6 649 58 47 7 142,097 920 1, 916
Cyprus (G-20 ) 650,000 851 764 830 1 824 32 31 12 106,045 247 1,365
Denma rk (D-18) 5,089,411 13,992 364 13,426 -3' 13,89~ 331 657 234 1,702,546 3,89~ 23,168
Djibouti (K-21 ) 125,000 6 20,833 4 -20* 1 267 21
Dominica (J-10) 70,302 199 353 188 -7* 203 18 17 8 38,660 96 524
Dominican R ep. (J-9 ) 4,977,701 6,503 765 6,324 -1" 6,395 299 535 113 1,294,741 7,758 23,729
Dubal (H-22) 206,861 21 9,851 6 -14' 7 349 2
Ecuador (L-8?- . 6,729,999 5,716 1,177 5,400 ·5 " 5,712 483 446 105 1,077,403 5,595 23,094
EI Salvador J -7) 4,290,037 6,055 709 5,768 2 5,632 681 342 118 1,059,835 6,O~g 20,263
E~atorlal Guinea (Ir18) 285,000 17 16,765 16 -36· 25 1 3,307 57
Et lopla (K- 21) 27,000 ,000 1,824 14,803 1,811 · 1,809 · 85 136 50 367,290 2,174 4,974
26 Yearboo k Yearbook 27
1977 Ratio. 1977 % I n c. 1976 1977 Av. Av. Mem or ia l
Pea k On e Pub- Av . ove r Av . No . Pio. N o. of Total B Ible At ten-
Cou n t r y Population Pubs. Ush er t o : Pubs. 1976 Pubs. Bptzd, Pubs. Congs, Hours S tudies dance
Faro e Isl ands (C-16) 41.575 74 562 67 -8" 73 14 4 12.193 27 125
F IJI (N-38l 588.068 621 947 590 -1" 594 58 65 23 137.367 582 1.992
Finland (B-20) 4.733.000 13. 131 360 12.592 -2" 12. 908 432 879 251 1.844.933 5.221 20.905
Fra nce &E-17) 52,988.000 67.549 784 64,546 2 63.428 4.582 2,249 1.194 9,305.816 32.444 123 .774
French u ta na (K-11) 45.0 00 230 196 218 12 194 19 13 3 41.980 261 678
Gabon (L-18) 975.000 339 2.876 306 305 20 15 11 42.687 259 690
Gambia (K-15 ) 493.000 11 44.818 10 67 6 4 1 4.324 19 32
Germany. F. R. (E-18) 59.660.000 100.213 595 97.760 -1" 98.648 3.194 3.213 1.398 12 .684.570 31.814 162.458
Ghana (K-17)
Gibraltar (G-16)
10.053.350 22.508
31.000 85
1, 19 i 1 . 17~ 433
Gilbert Islands (!.r39) 54.500 2 27.250 2 2 1 108 4 30
Greece (F-19) 9.000.000 18,843 478 18,712 1 18,571 455 811 454 2,750.799 6.578 31.887
Greenland ~A-12) 49.719 82 606 76 -11" 85 3 22 8 19.459 41 143
Grenada ( -lO) 100.000 307 326 278 -2" 283 16 26 5 55.626 242 628
Guadeloupe (J-10) 324.000 2.649 122 2,535 3 2.470 175 55 36 339.569 1.834 6.650
Gu am (G-36) 98.580 117 843 102 -6" 108 15 1 27.082 97 336
Guatemala (J-7) 5.626.273 5.211 1.080 5.079 3 4.940 421 265 80 856.569 4.654 ]6.597
Guinea (K-15) 5.143.284 249 20.656 2lO -S" 228 14 69 15 110.364 459 713
Guinea-Biss au (K-15) 517.000 4 129.250 3 -40" 5 2 1 3.400 56 41
Guyana (K-lO) 740,000 1.380 536 1.327 -3" 1. 367 57 180 33 308,796 1,186 3.516
Haiti (J-9) 5.000.000 3,700 1.351 3,407 -2" 3.492 251 260 73 693.851 4.319 17.805
HawaU (K-45) 865.000 4,803 180 4.653 -2" 4.750 211 730 58 1.159.909 4.410 11.226
Honduras (K-7) 2,656 ,948 3. 243 819 5 3.013 372 277 67 720,872 4.236 15.297
Hong Kong (C-31) 4.500.000 691 6.512 3·1j3 21 530 100 132 9 231,518 897 1,367
Iceland (B-15) 220,918 154 1.4 35 144 -6" 154 7 11 3 25.230 87
4.449 488 530 267 1,028.781 3,233 11,388
Indi a g -25) 610,000.000 4,7~ 128.964 4.5~ 2
34 2 12 1 18.983 76 92
Iran ( -23) 32.000.000 524.590 44
Iraq (G-22) 9,498.362 20 474.918 16 16 3 1 1 2,081 6 32
Ireland (D-16 ) 4.580.000 1,874 2.444 1,745 -2" 1 .774 96 304 66 519.338 814 3,350
Israel (G-21) 4.763,000 261 18.249 250 -5" 262 8 17 5 44,110 142 483
Italy (F-18) 56.014 ,166 66.315 845 63.896 12 57.255 8.289 3, 6~~ 1.222 11.547;190 44. 388 147,341
Ivory Coast (K-16 ) 6,670,000 1.207 5,52 6 1.168 4 1.127 135 41 259.735 1.538 3.865
J amai ca (J-8) 2.100.000 6.506 323 6.277 -2" 6,383 323 227 169 845.984 4,382 17.843
Japan (B -36) 36.180 4. 76~ 10,195 947 15.176.223 55.813 87.497
111.969. 603 41, 6~~ 2. 685 40,176 11
47 2 1 5.461 32 142
J or da n (H-21 ) 2.560.0 00 39.385 54 15
K en ya (L-21) 14 ,000.000 1. 972 7, 099 1.929 3 1.868 204 240 90 551,797 2,052 5.584
Korea (B-35 ) 36,436.000 29,361 1,241 27,655 -12" 31.393 1.418 2,376 509 4,579,918 16.962 54,620
Kosrae (J-38) 3.989 21 190 18 N ew 4 1 3,589 25 122
Kuwait (H-22 ) 990.000 20 49,500 17 17 1 1.263 7 49
Lebanon (G-21) 3,213.000 1,800 1.785 1.663 5 1 .591 144 85 45 256.446 973 3.380

L es otho (P-20) 1.181.900 599 1.973 568 -9" 622 51 50 25 124.668 451 2.936
Li beria (K-16) 1,300,000 1,00~ 1.288 979 -4' 1,020 64 106 23 246.071 1.244 3,517
LIbya (H-19) 2.440 .000 610.000 3 200 1 184 1 8
Liech ten st ei n (E-18) 24,169 21 1,1 51 19 -5' 20 2 1 3,522 18 54
Lux em bou r g (E-17) 424,677 831 511 799 799 53 58 18 141.087 504 1,709

Maca o (C-31) 375. 000 9 41.667 8 14 7 5 1 7.055 20 21

Mad ag asca r tN-22) 9,000. 000 845 10. 651 811 5 772 72 55 21 151,441 991 2.919
Mad eira (G-l ) 265.600 319 833 289 27 228 57 18 8 51.070 246 793
Mal ay sia (E-28) 13.001. 900 464 28.021 433 4 415 48 52 19 122,254 664 962
Mall (J-17) 5,000.000 32 156.250 31 19 26 6 10 1 16.235 106 63

Malta (G-18 ) 318,5 00 90 3,5 39 75 -10' 83 7 5 1 12,709 48 237

Ma lvi nas Is la nds (R -I 0) 2.089 5 418 3 50 2 1 226 3 7
Manus Island (J-35) 29.6 50 8 3,706 6 20 5 3 1 3,105 7 22
Mar:s:es as I sl ands (P-45) 5.419 2 2.710 2 N ew 2 473
Mars a ll Isla nds (J-39) 25.044 192 130 173 3 168 4 26 3 42,922 246 539
28 Yearbook Yearbook 29
1977 Ratio, 1977 % Inc. 1976 1977 Av. Av . Memorial
Peak One Pub- Av. over Av . No. Pio. No. of Total Bible Atten-
Country Population Pubs. Usher to: Pubs. 1976 Pubs: Bptzd. Pubs; Congs . Hours Studies dance
Martinique (J-10) 1,055 88 41 17 158,083 871 3,013
330,000 1,08~ 304 1,048 -1'
2 151
Mauritania (J-16) 1,500,000 750,000 1 -50"
,Ma u r itius (N-23) 880,781 365 2,413 353 -3' 363 29 24 7 64,345 281 792
Mexico (H-5) 64,594,402 93,751 689 89,606 9 82,098 6,661 6,778 3,585 15,305,853 78,514 354 ,985
Montserrat (J-10) 12,335 23 536 ' 19 -27 " 26 1 2 1 3,678 20 73
Morocco (G-16) 18 ,334,000 179 102,425 162 -8* 177 8 12 4 30,746 107 292
Nepal (A-27) 12,300,000 17 723,529 14 13 1 1,043 4
Netherlands (D-17) 13,733,578 28,656 28,954 797 l ,96g 287 4,640,611 9,045 45,329
479 27,~ -4 " 44 4 1 9854 23 122
Nevis (J-10) 11,230 50 225
New Britain (K-35) 199,225 216 922 184 1 183 9 29 13 61;500 196 699
New Caledonia (N-36) 135,000 387 349 370 11 332 46 10 6 45,518 257 887
Newfoundland (E-10) 530,000 1,149 461 1,086 1,086 44 104 33 205 ,637 499 2,170
New Guinea (J-34) 1 ,531,300 459 3,336 433 -5 · 455 32 51 22 99,896 334 1,588
New Hebrides (N-37) 99,325 54 1,839 48 14 42 6 2 3 8,647 64 125
New Ireland (J-35) 68,217 57 1 ,197 48 2 47 1 4 4 8,911 21 270

New Zealand (R-35) 3,140 ,100 7,089 443 6,606 -4 " 6,903 282 376 116 987,987 3,144 14,624
NicaraZua (K-7) 2,200,000 3,432 641 3,282 4 3,144 318 227 63 627,092 3,732 10,985
Niger J-18) 2,870,000 69 41,594 53 53 4 23 6 36,348 102 110
Nigeria (K-18) 79,758,969 104,973 760 99,163 ..g. 107,924 5,248 5,106 2,097 15 ,953,016 69,794 248,271
Niue (0-40) 3,969 18 221 14 17 12 1 1,163 15 114

North Solomons (K-36) 106,928 53 2,018 44 33 33 9 4 3 10,535 49 100

Norway (e-18) 4,044,386 7,352 550 6,982 -3 ' 7,201 201 225 197 784,191 2,033 12,697
Okinawa (D-34) 1 ,066,706 874 1,220 859 -3" 889 93 166 21 ' 287,058 1,005 1,903
Pakistan (H-24) 70,380,000 191 368,482 181 1 180 13 31 5 56, 581 191 469
Palau (G-33) 12,674 31 409 30 3 29 1 12 1 19,008 112 109

Panama~K..g) 1 ,700,000 3,030 561 2,927 2,931 306 206 68 557,800 3,346 9,253
Papua ( -34 ) 739,200 723 1,022 681 680 46 55 34 129,304 620 2,305
paragu:?-i (0-10) 2 ,646,000 1,505 1,758 1,439 6 1,363 161 142 47 304,441 1,162 3,500
Peru ( -8) 16,000,000 12,655 1,264 12,011 5 11,465 1,231 1,243 254 2,650,893 12,645 38,695
Philippines (E-32) 42,000,000 69,205 607 65,381 -11' 73,223 2,825 5,782 1,952 10,503,159 25,822 166,256
Ponape (J-37) 19,262 94 205 77 -10' 86 1 11 1 19,425 69 223
Portugal (F-16) 9,000,000 , 20,335 443 18,708 8 17,319 1,836 784 355 2,630,914 15,043 47,787
Puerto Rico (J-9) 3,030,000 16,761 181 16,402 1 16,161 878 518 227 2,280,838 10,722 41,991
Reunion (0-23) 479,600 523 917 503 2 491 66 25 10 84 ,561 361 1,280
Rhodesia (N-20) 6,740,800 12,429 542 11,592 -4. 12,127 735 621 527 1,917,089 8,025 33 ,811

ROdrlaues (N-24) 27,049 14 1,932 13 18 11 1 1 1,225 5 43

Rwan a (L-20) 4,500,000 76 59,211 62 63 38 12 21 4 37,985 137 212
St. Eustatius (J-10 ) 1,335 3 445 3 New 2 681 2
St. Helena (N-16) 4,952 99 50 92 -4 " 96 3 1 2 9,076 35 199
St. Kitts (J-10) 35,135 154 228 133 2 130 5 13 2 25,446 103 354

St. Lucia (J-10) 107, 000 293 365 271 4 261 9 18 5 45,927 242 744
St. Martin (J-10) 10,423 65 160 51 31 39 3 4 1 8,636 49 179
St. Pierre & Miquelon (E-10) 6,200 4 1,550 3 50 2 1 2 1 2,793 7 13
St. Vincent (J-10) 95,000 150 833 130 -9 ' 143 9 14 3 31,033 112 346
Salpan (F-36) 14,335 23 623 20 -17 · 24 8 1 13,477 39 63

San Marino (F-18) 19,621 60 327 57 10 52 1 4 1 10,797 28 120

Silo Tome (!r18) 69,032 2 34,516 2 New 1 99 3 14
Saudi Arabia (J-22) 7,200,000 7 1,028,571 5 67 3 361 3 4
Senegal (K-15)
Seyc eUes (M-23)
14 ,970
9,632 , ~g 686

Sharja (H-23) 88,188 8 11,024 7 New 115 1 " 8

Sierra Leone (K-15) 3,002,426 1,138 2,638 1,095 -5· 1,155 71 273 ' 51 462,450 2,298 3,803
Solomon Islands (!r36) 196,708 580 339 524 564 26 72 30 130,889 527 2,507
-7 ' 27,770 1,572 1,570 842 4,610,841 17,128 77,357
South Africa (P-19) 26,129,000 29,072 899 27,149 ' -2 · 52,925
South-West Africa (N-18) 850,000 315 2,698 288 -7· 309 8 19 11 213 639
30 Yearbook Yearbook 31
1977 R atio, 1977 % Inc. 1976 1977 Av . . Av. Memorial
P eak One Pub- Av. over Av. No. Pio. No. of Total Bible Atten-
Country Population Pubs. lIsher to: Pubs. 1976 Pubs. Bptzd. Pubs. Congs. Hours Studies dance
Spain (F-16) 34,907 ,003 38,465 908 36,242 9 33,352 2,993 2,753 673 6,970,825 25,420 75,690
Sri Lanka (C-26) 14,000,000 552 25,362 535 1 528 49 84 17 156,422 593 1,662
Sudan (K-20) 17,500 ,000 96 182,292 89 -7' 96 1 12 2 25,285 133 J,59
S ur i na m (K-10) 375,000 908 413 886 -1* 896 46 98 12 201,003 752 2,447
Sw aziland (0-20) 480,000 606 792 601 -7* 644 33 33 27 117,515 494 1,708
Sweden (C-19k 8,236,179 16:1 78 491 16,212 2 15,913 544 1, 214 302 2,553 ,376 7,485 27,507
Switzerland ( -18) 6,297,600 10,112 623 9,873 1 9,821 562 336 222 1,358 ,588 5,778 19,366
~Ia (G-21) 6,895,000 209 32,990 170 -9' 186 4 8 5 25,392 70 340
ahitl (Q-43) 131,963 442 299 404 11 365 32 28 12 68,050 298 1,106
Taiwan (0-33) 16,678,145 1,067 15,631 987 -11* 1,108 31 132 48 222,870 677 2,873
Tanzania (M-20) 15, 500,000 1,466 10,573 1,358 -10' 1,512 100 113 76 279,775 1,047 3,535
Thailand (C-29) 43,213,711 734 58,874 723 2 709 50 121 27 206,917 570 1,463
Tobago (K-10) 40,000 121 331 114 114 6 14 2 28,051 111 260
Togo (K-17) 2,312,100 2,6~ 880 2,41~ -4' 2,520 62 237 72 551,604 2,829 9,144
Tokelau Isis. (N-40) 1,603 267 67 3 1 1 431 4
Tonga (0-39) 90,128 26 3,466 21 -5' 22 3 2 1 3,946 18 75
Trinidad (K-10) 1,041,550 2,947 353 2,801 2,811 206 198 42 476,076 2,498 6,959
Truk (R-36) 31,600 39 810 34 -B* 36 7 1 10,594 64 264
Tunisia (G -18) 5,772,000 47 122,809 45 2 44 3 1 1 4,457 25 77
Turks & Cal cos I sis. (H-9) 6,000 17 353 16 16 2 1 4 4,765 39 69
Tuvalu IsIs. (L-39) 6,000 4 1,500 3 3 1 515 3 45
U~anda (1.-20) 11,400 ,000 151 75,497 139 -12' 158 23 18 10 40 ,240 195 394
U. . of America (G-6) 214,714,000 554,018 388 530,374 -3' 544,644 27,995 29,160 7,438 76,065,701 273,564 1,270,172
Upper Volta (K-16) 5,258,141 77 68,288 69 28 54 7 25 5 43,695 201 349
Uruguay (P-10) 2,763,964 4,758 581 4,377 -B' 4,634 442 344 90 823, 305 4,111 12,228
Venezuela (K-9) 13,400.000 13,835 969 13,3W 3 12,951 1,137 666 167 2,213.269 12,137 47,121
Virgin Is. (Brit.) (J-9) 10,500 78 135 -7' 76 11 2 2 8.656 66 242
Virgin Is. (U .S.) (J-10) 75,500 488 155 453 452 33 16 9 60,731 329 1,263
West Berlin (E-18) 1,985,000 5,340 372 5,196 -4' 5,387 130 154 62 648,845 1,647 7,773
Western Samoa (N-40) 151,275 142 1,065 131 8 121 12 16 4 31,704 145 566
Yap (F-34) 7,869 39 202 37 9 34 5 8 1 16,380 92 200
Zaire (L-19) 25,000,000 19 ,446 1,286 18,153 -3* 18,696 1,901 1,930 630 4,758,561 25,431 73,807
Zambia (N-20) 5,700,000 55,288 103 52,629 -5* 55,616 2,399 1,680 1,162 7,081,752 50,296 217,770
198 Countries 1,996,881 1,909,297 -1.2 ' 1,932 ,823 114,786 115,845 37,645 301,958,665 1,185,055 4,773 ,100
t 18 Other Countries 226,657 207,897 1.1 205,714 9,673 3,444 3,990 19,465,640 97,191 334,418
GRAND TOTAL (216 countries ) 2,223,538 2,117,194 -1.0* 2,138,537 124,459 119,289 41,635 321,424 ,305 1,282,246 5,107,518
• P ercentage of decrease
t 'Work banned a n d re ports are incomplete MEMORIAl, PARTAKERS WORLD WIDE: 10,080

WORLDWIDE REPORT companied their zealous witnessing, as they faithfully

Speaking of the m omentous times in which we now gather in the "sheep" for salvation during the time of
live, Jesus prophesied: "Also, in all the nations the the "great tribulation."
good news has to be preached first." (Mark 13:10) This The report is set out in detail in the accompanying
is what Jehovah's Witnesses are now doing throughout pages.
t he entire earth. The accompanying chart shows how
extensive is the work accomplished during the service GLOBAL KINGDOM SERVICE ACTIVITY
year of 1977. Truly, it makes our hearts glad to see that During the 1977 service year there were several
God's people are so busy in proclaiming his kingdom in countries that went under ban, due to the wrath of
so many places. Rich bles sin gs and fruitage have ac- Satan, as the preaching of the truth has further ex-
32 Yearbook Yearbook 33
posed his organization. This brings to 46 the countries ACTS OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES
in which the spreading of the good news of God's IN MODERN TIMES
kingdom is officially prohibited or is under restrictions. Jehovah's Witnesses are a people with a purpose.
While this results in some curtailment in the preaching They know why some 40,000 Christian congregations
work, our brothers in those countries have not 'given exist world wide. Theirs is a work of witnessing, of
up in doing what is fine.' Their determination to serve 'declaring abroad the excellencies' of Jehovah God.
the interests of Jehovah's established kingdom is an (1 Pet. 2:9) And this they do with joy, enthusiasm and
inspiration to us all. In some instances the work has dependence upon the God whose purpose they serve.
increased, with some who had become 'weary in well
doing' waking up to their privileges and getting In- This activity is carried on despite hardship and perse-
volved in providing an answer to Jehovah's reproacher. cution. Certainly, the slanderer Satan does not want the
Some who had become lax in meeting attendance now excellencies of Jehovah declared abroad. But the Devil
clamor to make their homes available for the assem- has been foiled in all his efforts to silence proclaimers
bling together of smaller groups, in places where public of the good news.
assembling is prohibited. So the 'weak hands' and Why, persecution of Jesus Christ's first-century fol-
'wobbling knees' have been strengthened by Jehovah. lowers actually served to spread the good news! Yes,
-Gal. 6:9; 2 Thess. 3:13; Provo 27:11; Isa. 35:3. for after the stoning of faithful Stephen, "those who
Kingdom preaching activity from 216 countries had been scattered went through the land declaring
under the supervision of 96 branches reached a peak the good news of the word."-Acts 8:4.
of 2,223,538 publishers. This was a decrease when com- Those early believers were well aware of their chief
pared with the year 1976. There are various factors purpose in life-to serve to God's praise. Moreover, they
contributing to this. With a decrease in the number of were not afraid to face hardship and persecution. They
those reporting, it is understandable that the hours knew that their foes 'would not prevail against them,
spent (321,424,305) of those reporting would be less. for Jehovah would deliver them.' (Jer. 1:19) In fulfilling
The number of those engaged in the pioneer service their commission to declare the good news today, Jeho-
has increased nicely over last year, this year there being vah's Witnesses have the same conviction.
an average of 119,289"pioneer publishers, to compare But could you maintain integrity to God and continue
with 113,926 the previous year. According to reports witnessing amid primitive conditions in the face of
from congregations, many brothers and sisters have religious opposition? Well, Jehovah's Witnesses in Pap-
welcomed the new arrangement for auxiliary pio- ua New Guinea have done just that, as succeeding
neer service. Some regular pioneers, being unable pages reveal.
to reach the quota: of hours suggested for them, due to With firm determination and dependence upon God,
health, age and , other factors, transferred to the Christians in the Philippines have survived the hard-
auxiliary pioneer service. There has been good support ships of World War II. They have persevered as wit-
for the auxiliary pioneer service world wide and it is nesses of Jehovah, and he has granted them spiritual
hoped that more will enroll and enjoy the blessings of prosperity. You will thrill to their account of faithful
Jehovah that attend it. deeds in declaring the good news.
As has been seen from the foregoing report, Jeho- Jehovah's Witnesses in Spain have endured years of
vah's people are a publishing, printing and preaching religious opposition and persecution. But they have been
society (Matt. 24:14; 2 Tim. 4:2), a teaching society delivered by God and have been used mightily in 'de-
(Matt. 28:19, 20; Col. 3:16), an evangelizing society claring his excellencies' throughout that Catholic land.
Now, through these pages, you can accompanr them in
(2 Tim. 4:5), and a witnessing society. Usa. 43:10; their joyful and enthusiastic work of witnessmg.
Acts 1:8) All of this is refiected in the very gratifying These faithful acts of modern-day Christians prove
report of the work of Jehovah's Witnesses during the that foes of God's people cannot prevail against them.
year 1977. What a privilege to represent the King of Witnesses of Jehovah have a real purpose in life and
Eternity as the old system of his adversary nears its can ' be confident that he will be with them as they
end! We look forward with keen anticipation to the carry it out. Indeed, Jehovah never abandons those
continued favor of Jehovah as the blessings of his king- relying on him, for he is "a God of saving acts."-Ps.
dom become more apparent. 68:20.
34 Yearbook Yea rbook 35
is the beautiful bird of paradise. Of the 100 species of
PAPUA NEW GUINEA animals, marsupials (animals with pouches to carry
their young) predominate. In different parts of the
AND THE SOLOMON ISLANDS country are found 70 species of snakes, many of them
Come along to a remote series of forest-clad islands venomous. Here, too, are large numbers of both fresh-
lying just northeast of Australia. The eastern portion water and saltwater crocodiles, some of the latter
of <?ne .of thes~ is mainland Papua New Guinea. East being among the largest in the world.
of It lie the Islands of Manus, New Britain, New When European explorers first came to these islands
Ireland, the North Solomons and hundreds of other of the South Pacific, they found them inhabited by
islands comprising the Independent State of Papua tribesmen ranging in skin color from light brown to
New Guinea. To the east are the Solomon Islands jet black. These are thought to have migrated from
with their subsidiary group, the Santa Cruz Islands~ Asiatic regions. Possibly the first to come to these
On the mainland and in these far-flung islands east islands were a short, heavyset people. It appears that
of Irian Djaya (part of Indonesia) live over 2800000 many of their descendants now are found in the In-
people. But, just think! They speak more than '700 terior highlands of mainland Papua New Guinea and
different languages! other large islands. Due to the remoteness and in-
The Portuguese and the Spaniards were among the accessibility of most of this vast area, these are some
first European explorers to discover these islands back of the very last people on earth to have been con-
in the sixteenth century. "Papua" is a Malayan word tacted and influenced by the modern way of life.
meanin~ "frizzy-haired." That name was first given The next ones to arrive could have been the Mela-
to the Island by the Portuguese explorer Don Jorge nesians who are taller and thinner. Many of their
de Meneses. Is the name appropriate? One may cer- descendants are to be found in the coastal regions of
tainly think it is when he sees Papuan men with their all these islands. These have had considerable contact
great masses of hair. On the other hand the Spanish with modern ways of living during the past half
explorer de Retez is said to have thought that the century or so. To the north, in the Manus Island area,
people living here closely resembled those he had are found many peoples of the Micronesian type, re-
seen on the Guinea coast of Africa. Thus it was that sembling more closely the Mongolian-featured people
the name "Papua New Guinea" came to be applied to the west. To the east are found Polynesians of
to this intriguing part of the world. Caucasian ancestry. However, today, with more inter-
Papua (to the south) and New Guinea (to the marriage, it becomes increasingly difficult to classify
north) were administered separately prior to World the va r ious inhabitants of these islands.
War :0:. Thereafter both. were administered by the
AustralIan government. Fmally, after a period of self- "LIGHTBE AR E R" BRINGS SPffiITUAL LIGHT
government, Papua New Guinea emerged as an in- Please turn attention now to the mid-1930's. The
dependent nation on September 16, 1975. The Solomon Watch Tower Society's branch office in Australia then
~lands now have self-government and are approaching had the responsibility of spreading the Kingdom mes-
mdependence. sage among the inhabitants of the many South Pacific
islands. How could this be done? By using a well-
LAND AND PEOPLE equipped boat named "Lightbearer."
The mainland of Papua New Guinea has at its center Manned by a carefully selected crew of brothers,
one of the earth's great mountain systems. A number this boat set out from Sydney in late 1934, heading
of peaks rise above 13,000 feet (3,960 meters) with north, with Indonesia as its destination. Just above
lofty Mount Wilhelm rising to 14,793 feet (4,509 m~ters). Cairns in northeastern Queensland, however, engine
B.etween these peaks lie broad, grassy, well-populated trouble developed, and the remainder of the voyage
highland valleys. This area enjoys a climate with to Port Moresby, Papua, had to be made under sail.
two seasons-rainy and dry. With great danger of being thrown onto the reef by
Much of the country is covered with rain forests. the huge breakers, the "Lightbearer" finally was taken
Insect life is abundant, with huge and often vividly through the narrow channel in the reef and was
colored moths and butterflies adding color to the jungle safely anchored in the bay just off the town of Port
scenery. Among the more than 600 varieties of birds Moresby.
36 Yearbook Yearbook 37
The year was 1935. Then, for the first time, many Australia, and several thousand Papuans were living
inhabitants of Papua heard the Kingdom message. there.
For several evenings a program was presented using How could the Kittos begin telling these people about
sound equipment aboard the "Lightbearer." This pre- Jehovah and the Kingdom? "Start witnessing to the
sentation began with the playing of a musical record. Europeans," was the advice given by the Society's
Thereafter, recorded talks on Bible subjects were broad- branch in Australia. This is exactly what the Kittos
cast. People on shore manifested quite some interest. did. However, the European population as a whole
At that time a considerable amount of literature was very indifferent to the Kingdom message. Yet,
was placed with the people of Port Moresby. In fact, one sheeplike person was found among them late in
some who later became proclaimers of the good news 1951. How did this come about?
in Papua received their first taste of the truth on that Since Brother Kitto was interested in radio, he could
occasion ov~r forty years ago.. After several days of not resist the urge to visit the local radio station.
witnessing m the area, and with the engine now reo There a young man sat at the controls watching pro-
paired, the brothers on "Lightbearer" continued their gram levels and supervising the operation of two
journey to the west. broadcast transmitters. "Hello!" said Brother Kitto.
Sixteen years were to pass before any of the seed "May I come in? My name is Tom Kitto."
then planted could be watered. But by that time a
much greater planting and watering work could be "Not the Tom Kitto?" came the response. "My name
done. (1 Cor. 3:5-7) How would this come about? is Geoff Bucknell." Who was this young man? Why,
as a child he had been in association with God's
VOLUNTEERS ENJOY RICH BLESSINGS people! He had worked in the Society's Bethel home
In 1951 Brothers N. H. Knorr and M. G. Henschel in Strathfield, Australia, and also at one of its radio
served an assembly in Sydney, Australia. All who were stations. But as he had grown older he had lost interest
interested in assisting with the announcing of the in the truth and eventually came to Papua.
good news in the islands were invited to attend a After hearing Geoff's story, Tom said: "Don't you
special meeting with the visiting brothers. At the think it's about time you got down to some real study?"
close of that meeting thirty brothers and sisters Evidently Geoff thought so. Hence, Tom began holding
volunteered to proclaim the Kingdom message to the a regular Bible study with him. Before long Geoff
inhabitants of the islands. was accompanying the Kittos in announcing the good
Among these individuals was a middle-aged man news to the people of Papua.
one of the anointed remnant, Tom Kitto, and his wife: ON TO THE "BIG VILLAGE"
Rowena. There were many hazards associated with
serving in the islands, but Brother Kitto was able to The Kittos and Geoff Bucknell started witnessing
get a doctor's certificate of good health, and, finally, in a village of several thousand inhabitants. Its name
on September 22, 1951, he left Sydney aboard a DC·3 is Hanuabada, which in the Motu language means
plane for a long overnight flight to Papua. Just "Big Village." Most of this village is built out over
think, at that time, in this part of the earth with its the water of the local bay. To reach the houses it was
more than two million inhabitants, there was not a necessary to walk on wide and often rickety ramJ?s
single witness of Jehovah! and then over planks or logs. Frequently, our intrepid
The next day, when the plane landed and the door Kingdom proclaimers thought they were taking their
was opened, a hot blast of air greeted Brother Kitto. lives in their hands as they walked over those wobbly
Yes, he was in the tropics. During the seven-mile (11· logs and planks, with the sea several feet below.
kilometer) trip from the airport to Port Moresby he And, what about the people in those homes? Well,
took note of dry grass, stunted trees, and old buildings in those early days many of the Papuan women wore
that had been used by military forces during World only their homemade grass skirts. Men wore long
War II. Many relics of the war days could still be seen. ramis, large pieces of cloth wrapped around the
waist, and, for the most part, were shirtless. Most of
Only six weeks after Brother Kitto settled into his the smaller children wore no clothing at all.
j~b. as ~ radio .techpician .with the Department of
CIvil Avlatlon, his wtra urrlved in Port Moresby At For many years religious organizations such as the
that time a few hundred Europeans, mostly from London Missionary Society had been teaching these
people the Trinity, immortality of the human soul and
Yearbook 39
38 Yearbook
strengthening them to share the good news with
the hellfire doctrine. The local pastors and deacons others!
held much power over their parishioners. European As the nightly studies were progressing in Hanua-
missionaries, from their houses on the hill above, bada, gradually certain individuals stood out as helpers
kept close watch over the whole village. But there in the witnessing work. They were Heni Heni, his
proved to be some sheeplike persons among the vile wife Geua, Lou Eno and his wife Baeau, Ono Rose
lagers. from Kido, and Maia from Manu Manu. Our young
Near the mission's building was a house built on Papuan, Oda Sioni, became a special pioneer in 1958
stilts. Underneath the house it was cool, and women- and later served as a circuit overseer for a time.
folk loved to gather there, talking and making mats.
To this little group of women came our pioneer sister. EXPANDING THE WITNESS
By simple language and many gestures, she tried to Many people with whom Bible studies were con-
convey to them an idea of the wonderful blessings ducted in Hanuabada were from various villages scat-
ahead in God's new order. Among those listening was tered along the Papuan coast. When they returned
Geua Heni, who later became a dedicated witness of to their homes, they told their friends and relatives
Jehovah and still fearlessly declares the Kingdom about the things they had been learning. Some were
message to her neighbors in Hanuabada. Her grand- very impressed. For instance, there were the excitable
dau~hter, Rei Rapilla, now is a member of the Bethel Kerema people, a group of whom came requesting
family, along with her husband, Francis. that a Bible study be conducted with them.
Geua's husband was Heni Heni. An enthusiastic Early in 1952 the Kittos were visited by a headman
Bible study was held with him, and as the truth un- from Haima, a village about fifteen miles (24 kilo-
folded, he could not contain himself. Boldly he spoke meters) from Port Moresby. His name was Bobogi, and
to all about God's kingdom. In a short time an In- he came from a mountain tribe known as the Koiaris.
tensive training program began as, night after night Though unable to read, he could understand some
and week after week, home Bible studies were con- English and pleaded: "Please come and teach my
ducted with many villagers. people about the truth!" Soon, in their old utility car,
To one of these early studies Heni Heni brought a the Kittos were making their way along the road
young Papuan boy about fifteen years of age. He was through mud and bogs to Haima, a neat village of
Oda Sioni, a very shy lad who sat by himself with fifteen to twenty houses. Bobogi assembled his people
his head down and his face partly covered with his and, as Brother Kitto spoke Bible truths to them,
hands. But Oda had quite a good grasp of English, Bobogi did his best to translate what was said.
and he listened intently. Gradually, he came into That was the beginning, and many blessings fol-
closer association with the little group. As the import lowed. In fact, it was at Haima that the brothers built
of what he was learning dawned on him, his shyness the first of over ninety Kingdom Halls now in use
disappeared. Soon he was helping Brother and Sister throughout the territory supervised by this branch
Kitto by translating their simple English into the office of the Watch Tower Society. At this same village
Motu language. our first circuit assembly was held. And it was here
What fine occasions these studies were! Imagine that our first and only international assembly con-
thirty to forty brown-skinned people, some old and vened years later, in 1969, when more than a thousand
some young, men and women alike, sitting in a circle people from over sixty language groups gathered
under two gas lamps, all peering with interest at that peacefully. Incidentally, Brother Bobogi continued ~s
one white Witness and the young Papuan who com- a faithful Witness, eventually serving as an overseer m
pleted the circle. Oda's face was beaming, and his the Haima Congregation until his death in 1974.
gestures were most impressive as he translated from
simple English into his beloved Motu. He was trans- MORE WORKERS FOR THE FIELD
lating: "No, we will not all be going to heaven. In 1953 Tom and Rowena Kitto attended a national
Jehovah will make this earth into a beautiful paradise. assembly in Melbourne, Australia. Part of the con-
Our loved ones are not in a hellfire, nor are they in vention program was devoted to a discussion of serving
heaven, but they are sleeping in the grave and will where the need for Kingdom proclaimers was greater.
soon be awakened by Jesus." How this message During that session Tom gave a stirring talk about
thrilled and gave faith to many of those Papuans,
40 Yearbook Yearbook 41
Papua New Guinea. The result? Before long Brother Island often was called "Cannibal Island." As a result,
and Sister Donald Fielder were on their way to Papua there was so little friendly contact that many villages
by boat, arriving with just five shillings left between developed their own dialects and had difficulty in un-
them. derstanding the speech of people in nearby villages.
Learning a new language was a big, but very neces- The first European to discover the Solomon Islands
sary, job confronting the newcomers. "Oh, I'll never was the Spanish explorer Mendafta, who landed at
learn this language!" lamented Sister Fielder. But and named Santa Isabel, Guadalcanal and other islands
Brother Fielder was determined that they would learn in 1567. 'He is said to have given the name "Solomon"
ten new words each day, write them on a blackboard to these islands to suggest that this was where King
and put the blackboard in their bedroom. "We'll sleep Solomon of ancient Israel got his gold.
with the words, talk about them as we're going to Traders and missionaries came after the explorers.
sleep, look at them and use them as soon as we wake Because of the demand for labor on sugar plantations,
up, and if sometimes we are not able to sleep during Solomon Islanders were recruited in large numbers
the night, well, you know what we can do!" With and taken to Fiji, and to Queensland, Australia. Bad
such an attitude, Don eventually became a fine trans- treatment of these islanders by some of the recruiters
lator of our publications into the Motu and Hula made the islanders fight back, resulting in the death
languages. of village people, traders and missionaries.
During the second world war, many of these islands
INTEREST KINDLED IN THE SOLOMON ISLANDS were invaded by the Japanese, who were repelled after
During 1953, the first spark of interest in Bible truth much hard fighting by Allied forces. When the United
was being kindled in the Solomon Islands under very States armed forces landed on Guadalcanal and other
unusual circumstances. This seems to be a good place islands, the people saw unbelievable quantities of
to tell you about these developments and, for that every kind of equipment, from blankets to bulldozers.
matter, to round out the account of the spread of the This great display of wealth confused the people, who
Kingdom good news in the Solomons for the past had lived a quiet life in their villages, with little money
quarter of a century. and few machines. When the war was over and the
To begin with, please consult the map on this book's men went back to their villages, they were discontented
back endsheet. It will help you to follow our story and this gave rise to a strong political movement.
of Christian progress in Melanesia, in cluding the Sol- This movement was called the "Marching Rule." Many
omon Islands and Papua New Guinea. people joined the movement, and they believed that
First a description of the Solomon Islands. They big ships would come from overseas full of cargo to
are comprised of six large islands and many small be given out to the people.
ones , all very beautiful. Most of them have high and Bu t what about those unusual circumstances we
rugged mountains and are of volcanic origin. As a mentioned earlier, those factors that first sparked
whole, the climate is hot and humid, with an average interest in the truth in the Solomon Islands? Well, at
temperature of 85 degrees Fahrenheit (29 degrees the height of this "Marching Rule," Clement Fa'abasua,
Celsius) during the day and an average rainfall of a young Malaita man, became involved in the move-
120 to 140 inches (300 to 360 centimeters) a year. ment and later was arrested and jailed for fifteen
Dense forests cover much of the islands. months in Honiara. Clem, as he was called for short,
Since the beginning of this century, Britain has had always liked the Bible and even in jail he would
controlled most of these islands. The total population spend time reading it with some of the prisoners.
now is about 196,708 and is mostly of Melanesian One night he was explaining how he and his church,
origin, with sprinklings of Polynesian, Micronesian, the South Sea Evangelical Mission, believed in a
European and Chinese people. Since many languages literal hellfire and in the Trinity doctrine. A fellow
are spoken, one common tongue is needed and this is prisoner, a Fijian man, listened quietly. At the con-
now Solomon Islands-Pidgin, a type of Pidgin English. clusion of the discussion, however, he spoke up and
In the early days, residents of these islands lived said: "In Fiji there is a new religion called Jehovah's
in small groups, most of them independent and isolated. Witnesses and they do not believe in a literal hellfire.
People of one village fought with those of other vil- Nor do they believe the Trinity doctrine."
lages and took the heads of their enemies. In places The Fijian man was not one of Jehovah's Witnesses,
the people were cannibals. In fact, originally Malaita but he did have a copy of our book "Let God Be True."
42 Yearbook
Yea 'rbook 43
Clem read it avidly, soon filling a notebook with the
facts and scriptures he was learning. Upon his release April 3, 1954, he began working on a coconut plantation.
from jail, Clem wrote the Society for literature. He The next day, Sunday, Brother Carnie needed some
went back to his home on Malaita Island to await stamps and so went over to the nearby Methodist
the arrival of the two books "Let God Be True" and MiSSIOn to obtain some. There he met the woman
"This Means Everlasting Life." How happy Clem was who had attended to his documents the day before as
to receive this spiritual food! Then a fine letter came well as another woman. They asked him to remain' for
from Brother Bert Gardiner in Western Australia. their . religious services, but Brother Carnie declined,
He was a regular pioneer, but was confined to a pomtmg out that although he believed in God, he did
wheelchair due to an infirmity. For the following few not belong to any of the orthodox religions and did
years by mail he carried on a Bible study with Clem not favor many of their doctrines. He also gave a
and others in the Solomon Islands. Kingdom witness. However, no sooner had he left
The years 1954 and 1955 found Clem working sec- than these women informed the government authorities
ularly on the Russell Islands and witnessing to both that the Communists had come. Then they informed
Europeans and Malaita people. One man from Malaita individuals at their Methodist headquarters that Je-
Island was Caleb George, who listened with appreciation hovah's Witnesses were in their midst.
and was later to become a special pioneer and an Two days later a policeman visited Brother Carnie,
overseer for a time. accusing him of being a Communist. After a lengthy
discussion, the policeman left, but Brother Carnie knew
PROBLEMS DEVELOP that the matter was far from settled. He continued
When Clem went home later for his leave, he took with his witnessing activity in surrounding villages
literature with him and found others searching for and also gave close attention to his secular employ-
the truth, among them Timotheus Ansa and Siru. ment.
At that time a certain man belonging to the South Because of the good work that he was doing on the
Sea Evangelical Mission slept in Clem's house. He read plantation, his firm gave him a promotion and sent
"Let God Be True" and enjoyed it, but he also read him to the island of Guadalcanal. However, instead
some of Clem's personal letters. When Clem returned of a good house, better furniture, and so forth, Brother
to the Russell Islands, this man went to a conference Carnie found no conveniences there. His living quarters
of the South Sea Evangelical Mission, at which he were only an old copra shed and he had no furniture,
spoke out strongly against their teachings. The mission no mosquito net, no supply of food! Night came with
leaders were angry about this, and when they asked what seemed to be millions of mosquitoes. In a few
him how he knew about these things, he told them days, Brother Carnie had malaria and, lacking as-
about Clem. The result was that they made complaints sistance, he recognized several days later that black-
about Clem to the district commissioner. water fever was developing. He needed help, but could
A few days later the district commissioner arrived not even write a note to ask someone to come to his aid.
to see Clem and wanted to know what he was doing One morning when the heat had become intense,
buying the Watch Tower Society's books with his own Brother Carnie thought that he had come to the end
money. Clem replied that he thought this was his of his life. But faintly he heard a native man say that
own business. After a discussion, the district corn- a large canoe was approaching. Aboard was the
missioner left, but a few days later the police visited manager with supplies of medicine, food, a mosquito
Clem. They made a list of all the books he had and net and the like. Within a week or so Les Carnie was
took them all with them except his Bibles and the back to normal. He continued his work as manager of
book "Make Sure of All Things." Still later, while that plantation and pressed on with his witnessing to
Cfem was at home on Malaita Island, the police told the villages up and down the coast.
him that he was to report m person to their head- In November 1955 Brother Carnie informed his
quarters in Honiara. As it turned out, publications company that he was not going to renew his contract
Clem had placed with others had got him into trouble. with them and would be leaving in March 1956. During
To comprehend the underlying reasons for Clem's March he received a job offer from a firm of builders,
problems, we need to consider the experiences of but was unable to obtain a permit to remain in the
Brother Liston (Les) Carnie, who had come to the Solomon Islands.
Solomons early in 1954 to preach the good news. On On March 30, 1956, Brother Carnie went to Honiara.
The next morning he was picked up by two police
44 Yearbook Yearbook 45
asked the police if they had anything to say-had
inspectors who said they had to 'sear ch him to see Clem made trouble for them? No, he had made no
whether he possessed seditious literature. Upon looking trouble. "Then," said the judge, "what shall we do
through his bags and boxes, they found several of our about this matter?" The police said that the Watch
books and booklets, as well as copies of The Watch- Tower publications were banned in the Solomon Islands,
tower and Awake! The inspectors had a long list of and therefore Clem had been breaking the law by
Watch Tower publicattons that, unknown to Brother having them.
Carnie, had been put under official ban on March 23, The judge imposed a fine of five pounds. As yet,
1956, allegedly as seditious literature. Hence, all the Clem had not associated with any of Jehovah's Wit-
literature that Les Carnie had with him now was nesses, but he had heard about Brother Carnie's court
prohibited in the Solomon Islands. case and how he had been forced to leave the country.
The following Thursday, April 5, 1956, Les Carnie So, he paid his fine. He was strongly warned about
received a summons to appear in court the next morn- carrying on any longer with his new religion. Of course,
ing. The district commissioner presided as judge. that did not stop his activities.
Brother Carnie pleaded "not guilty" to the charge Upon returning to his home on Malaita Island, Clem
concerning the alleged seditious literature. A radio again met Caleb George, who was diligently studying
announcer was called in and gave evidence that he the Bible with the aid of some of the Society's Iitera-
had read, over the radio, a government proclamation ture. At that time word came through that a circuit
banning and declaring as seditious the publications of overseer, Brother T. Sewell, had come to Honiara and
Jehovah's Witnesses. Brother Carnie had not heard had been able to witness to the people there. He had
this announcement, nor had he seen any notification also had an interview with the high commissioner
to this effect on the public notice board at the Post with a view to , having the ban lifted, but with no
Office. However, the judge found him guilty and im- success.
posed a fine of ten pounds. Brother Carnie did not About the time that Brother Les Carnie was having
want to pay the fine, but, as he had some letters and his trouble with the authorities in Honiara, the
books ready to send to native folk who were interested "Triumphant Kingdom" District Assembly was held in
and he had had no time to collect them and his personal Sydney, Australia. At that assembly Brother N. H.
property, he felt it was the wisest course to pay. As Knorr held a meeting with all persons interested in
soon as he had paid the fine, the police told him that serving in the islands. Brother Ray Paterson heard
he would have to leave the Solomon Islands on the this thrilling talk and was determined to serve where
first plane out, as he would not be given a permit the need was greater. By early 1957 he and his wife,
to remain any longer. Dorothy, were actively declaring the good news in
So it was that on April 9, 1956, Les Carnie was aboard the Solomons.
a plane heading for Australia. However, he had the It was also early in that year that Caleb George
satisfaction of knowing that he had given a witness traveled to Honiara and was baptized. Immediately,
to Jehovah and the Kingdom to the best of his ability, he got busy in the witnessing work. A month or so
and that under trying conditions. Time would tell later, Brother Paterson took a ten-hour boat trip to
whether or not some of the seed thus sown would Malaita Island, where he first met Clement Fa'abasua.
bear fine fruit. And just think, Clem had been active in announcing
the Kingdom for nearly four years, but this was the
PROGRESS DESPITE A BAN first time he himself had ever met one of Jehovah's
A few months after the government ban had been Witnesses!
placed on the Society's publtcations, Clement Fa'abasua Brother Paterson's visit was short. But it was not
was ordered to appear before the court. At the hearing, too short to give a baptismal talk. Thereafter, Clem
the judge asked Clem to speak about what he had was baptized in symbol of his dedication to Jehovah
done, but Clem had nothing to say. Then he asked God. Yes, there was a ban, and there were many
Clem if he had any questions. Yes, he had. "Is there difficulties, but rich blessings were being bestowed
any law against freedom of worship in the Solomon upon God's people.-Prov. 10:22.
Islands?" "None," was the reply. "Is there any law Once the brothers and interested people knew that
against one changing his religion if he wants to?" Ray and Dorothy Paterson were settled in Honiara,
"There is no law," was the answer. Then the [udge their home became a center for those few who were
46 Yearbook Yearbook 47
thirsting for the truth. Frequently, visitors from Ma- Brother Paterson was taken to court and given the
laita came to the Paterson home for Bible studies. alternative of paying a fine or spending a month in
Regarding this, Sister Paterson wrote: prison. He chose to go to jail.
"This pattern of having interested ones from Ma- With Ray Paterson soon to be jailed, another problem
laita Island come to our house in Honiara continued arose. The old house in which the Patersons had been
for some time, and it is wonderful to look back now living was due to be demolished and they had been
and compare them as they were then with the way searching for another home. Nothing seemed to be
Jehovah has molded them over the years and is now available in town, but there was an old deserted house
using them in various capacities in his organization. a couple of miles out of town, and Ray was able to
I recall vividly that one day, not long after my arrival, rent this. They had just moved in when a policeman
a ferocious-looking man with a thickly bearded face arrived to make the arrest. Now Dorothy was all
came climbing up the hill toward our house. Still being alone. Shortly thereafter, two local men interested in
unaccustomed to the local people and feeling very the truth took on the responsibility of looking after
conscious of the fact that I was all alone in that old her safety. How grateful she was for their thoughtful
house on the ridge outside of town, I kept an eye on help! For that matter, loving assistance in the way of
his progress and hoped fervently that he was just some funds even came from God's people in Australia.
passing by. But, no, he came to the door. I stood there
ready to shut it as quickly as possible, if necessary. The month passed slowly as Ray served his sentence.
Then this man looked up at me and expressed gratitude Yet, there was a good side to all of this. He did have
that his prayers had been answered and that he had many opportunities to share the good news of the
been able to come and find us. I felt ashamed when I Kingdom with others while in jail.
realized that I had been judging him from his outward CIRCUIT WORK IN THE SOLOMONS
appearance. It was the first of many lessons I was to
learn from observing the operation of Jehovah's spirit The situation was very tense, since most of the
upon the sheeplike ones in these islands." Society's literature had been banned. Three brothers
Despite the joys, however, being a Witness brought had been given fines or jail sentences and one of
many problems. Brother Paterson was unable to find them had been forced to leave the country. Neverthe-
secular employment. Hence, the Patersons decided to less, spiritual encouragement was received when
sell their old car so that Dorothy could fly to Rabaul, Brother John Cutforth came to the Solomons as a
New Britain, and find work there, while Ray continued circuit overseer.
to look for work in Honiara. She found work and ac- Since most of the interested ones lived on Malaita
commodations in Rabaul, but after a few months Island, where Clem Fa'abasua and Caleb George were
Brother Paterson sent for her, as he had obtained work. witnessing, it was decided that Brother Cutforth should
But not all was going well. When Sister Paterson visit them. Brother Paterson was pleased to go along
returned she found Ray ready to face a court case. with him. After a rough overnight trip on a small
Since some of our literature had been banned in the coastal boat, they pulled into Auki, the main town on
Solomon Islands, Brother Paterson had carefully Malaita Island. There Clem, Caleb and a number of
avoided ordering these books from the Society. How- newly interested people were waiting on the wharf.
ever, a strange situation developed. Only after he had Immediately, Brother Cutforth went with Clem to
sent an order for the book "Make Sure of All Things" some of his Bible studies. What a joy it was to see
did Brother Paterson see a public notice stating that the good teaching ability Clem displayed! Next they
this book had been banned in the Solomons. Im- walked a few miles out to Clem's village, named
mediately he cabled the Watch Tower Society's branch Magi. There the small, leaf Kingdom Hall was full of
office in Australia to have the order canceled. Later, smiling villagers, ready to greet their visitors and
and quite unexpectedly, the recently banned "Make drink in the satisfying Kingdom truths.
Sure of All Things" reached him in the mail. Evidently The circuit overseer's visit in 1958 was a short one.
his cable had been sent too late to cancel the order. But it laid a foundation for hundreds who would be-
Brother Paterson was just wrapping the books with come proclaimers of the good news. In August 1958
the intention of sending them back in the next mail the first congregation in the Solomon Islands was
when a policeman arrived with a search warrant and formed in Honiara.
confiscated the books. Consequently, in early 1958, Brother John Cutforth was able to return for an-
48 Yearbook Yearbook 49
other circuit visit in May of 1959. He then walked Shem was a humble, God-fearing man. Regularly he
across Malaita Island for the second time. On this visited people in their villages and homes and spent
trip, he organized meetings and helped prepare the much time in prayer, seeking God's direction upon
interested ones for field service. The first congregation his people.
on Malaita Island was formed at Magi in August 1959. Early Dainau was one of Shem's associates. After
During that 1959 circuit visit, Brother Cutforth visited coming in touch with Bible truth in 1960, Dainau
a number of villages. One of these was Gwari, where started attending meetings of Jehovah's people and
he gave a public talk. In the audience was Mahlon soon realized that he had found the truth. In December
Mokofi, a pastor associated with the South Sea Evan- 1961 he wrote to Shem about his discovery and sent
gelical Mission. He was quiet and listened thoughtfully. him some of our literature, including the book From
Later, at another village, Mahlon Mokofi again was Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained.
in the audience. When the talk was over, he quietly Shem read the publications, meditated and prayed
slipped out into the darkness . and went back to his over matters. As he progressed in knowledge, he reo
own village. He knew the Witnesses would be returning alized that someone had been lying to him. He gathered
the next morning and, because he felt that this was together the many teachers under his jurisdiction and
the truth, he organized his people and prepared a told them about the things he was learning. Timotheus,
very good meal for Brother Cutforth and those travel- his only son, was inclined to argue about points, but
ing with him. When they had finished eating, Mahlon possibly this was good, because then these matters
invited Brother Cutforth to go over to their church were clarified. Shem wrote to Dainau for information
building and give a public talk. Well, this was the be- and sent five of his teachers over to Honiara to learn
ginning of what was to become the Gwarl Congregation more about Jehovah's Witnesses. These men had all
some five years later. The church building eventually their questions answered and, in their own words, felt
had its pagan symbols removed and was turned into like babes as far as their knowledge of God's Word
a fine Kingdom Hall, with Mahlon becoming a witness was concerned.
of Jehovah and the first overseer of that congregation. Brother Norman Sharein, a special pioneer, was sent
to Malu'u in northern Malaita, to follow up the interest
ABANDONING 'THEIR OWN RELIGION' there. He met Shem and his son Timotheus and gave
a public talk attended by about 500 people. At his
Late in 1960 the brothers in Honiara were busy invitation, about 300 returned for a Bible study that
preparing the site for a Kingdom Hall. They also were began about 7 a.m. on Monday.
busy in the witnessing work, and one day some of There was considerable arguing, but during the next
them called on Early Dainau, a northern Malaita man. few days nine outstanding Bible themes were discussed
This call was to have far-reaching effects on the growth by means of a large blackboard with illustrations, and
of our work in the Solomon Islands. supporting scriptures were listed. The pastors and
To understand how this was so, we need to go back teachers listened, looked up the scriptures, and made
to the late 1940's. In northern Malaita the people also copies of the Bible presentations. All their questions
were caught up in the "Marching Rule" mentioned were answered satisfactorily. On Thursday Shem took
earlier. Many of their leaders were put in prison. the teachers aside and asked them what they thought
Among these were Shem Irofa'alu and his son Tim- of this religion. All except a certain Abiathar agreed
otheus, as well as many other teachers and leaders in that this was the truth. At that Shem suggested that
the South Sea Evangelical Mission. Upon being re- they all think about matters prayerfully and ask for
leased and returning to their homes, they found that God's guidance. The next day even Abiathar was con-
they were not looked upon with favor by their mission vinced. Brother Sharein reported: "They then called
and were not welcomed back. What would they all me over and told me that now they all wanted to
do now? become Jehovah's Witnesses. This decision meant that
Many of them came to Shem Irofa'alu, upon whom many hundreds of people were ready to be taught
they looked as their leader. They decided to form their the truth."
own religion, calling it "Boboa," meaning "Foundation." The pastors took the points of the nine Bible topics
Among this group were about forty mature men who they had learned back to their respective villages to
constituted a teaching organization for the thousand teach the residents there. "Soon," reported Brother
or more who had broken away with them. Fortunately, Sharein, "crosses were being broken off and taken out
50 Yearbook Yearbook 51
of the churches and the buildings were being trans- year ban on The Watchtower and Awake! was lifted
formed into Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses. In the Solomon Islands on December 30, 1974. English
The beautiful large church structure in Bokolo was editions of these were circulated thereafter for some
c<:mv~rted into a~ assembly center for large circuit and time. Then, happily, as of January 1, 1977, The Watch-
district assemblies that would be held in northern tower began to be published in the Solomon Islands-
Malaita." Pidgin language.
Shem was the first person from northern Malaita This was followed by another fine development.
to be baptized as a witness of Jehovah. Eventually he For some time, we had been trying to get our work
became an elder in the congregation and has been registered in the Solomon Islands. When the solicitors
serving Jehovah faithfully for a number of years. indicated that our chances were quite good, a meeting
was held at a district assembly, in August 1975. There
RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE SOLOMONS members were selected for the prospective legal trust.
The first circuit assembly of God's people in the In 1976 a constitution was drafted and this was adopted
Solomon Islands was held in October 1961. It took place at a general meeting of members in February 1977.
on Malaita Island, at Kwainaketo village, and 215 Members of the Bethel family were pleased indeed to
we~e prese?t for: the public talk. Fifteen persons sym- receive this message from the registrar of companies:
bolized their dedication to Jehovah by water Immersion "I hereby certify that Jehovah's Witnesses of the
at that gathering. Solomon Islands Trust Board (Incorporated) have been
Over the years, the Society's motion pictures and duly incorporated under the provisions of the Chari-
slides did a fine work in making the public aware of table Trusts Ordinance." The certificate of registration
what Jehovah's people are doing. Often over 1000 was dated April 18, 1977. It is hoped that our being
attended showings in the Solomon Islands, and on 'one registered as a Charitable Trust will open the way
occasion 1,511 gathered to see the film "God Cannot for missionaries to enter the Solomon Islands and
Lie." will otherwise promote Kingdom-preaching work there.
The brothers were saddened at the death of Ray During the 1977 service year there was a peak of
Paterson in the latter part of 1962 and by Sister 580 Kingdom proclaimers in the Solomon Islands. Also,
Pate:r:son's SUbsequent departure to serve in the New 2,060 attended three "Sacred Service" District As-
Hebrides Islands. However, God's people in the Sol- semblies there. But there appears to be even greater
omon Islands pressed on with their witnessing work. potential for theocratic progress there because 2,507
To supply them with publications, in 1965 a literature persons attended the Memorial on April 3, 1977. Along
depot was established in Honiara. with their hundreds of fellow believers, the 64 pioneers
Circuit overseers also provided further encourage- continue working in 31 congregations, zealously pro-
ment during their visits. Mind you, these brothers claiming the good news to residents of the Solomon
and their wives (where married) had to be physically Islands.
fit. One relates: "During the mid-1960's the circuit
was so large that circuit overseers and' their wives FINE PROGRESS IN PAPUA
seemed to spend their 'weekend' time walking. It was Now let us return to the year 1953 and pick up the
quite common to spend from 4 to 6 hours on a Monday thread of our story about Christian progress to the
walking from one congregation to another." west in Papua. By that time a number of Papuan
The spiritual feeding of sheeplike persons in the men and women in Port Moresby had begun bearing
Solomon Islands long was a problem because of the witness to the good news alongside the brothers who
government's ban on The Watchtower, Auxike! and had come there to serve where the need was greater.
other publications of the Society. But spiritual food By March 1954 our work had progressed so well that
was provided In the form of a small publication that the Hanuabada Congregation was formed in Port
began to be published in January 1968 and eventually Moresby.
was called "Bible Study Guide." In time, over 700 In July of 1955, John Cutforth, as a traveling overseer
persons were SUbscribing to it. But its last issue was from Australia, visited the congregation in Hanuabada
released in December 1976. village. On that occasion, "The New World Society
"Its last issue?" you ask. Yes, because as a result of in Action," one of the Watch Tower Society's films, was
a 650-signature petition to the governo~, the eighteen- shown in Hanuabada. And just imagine, well over a
52 Yearbook Yearbook 53
thousand persons came to each of the two showings "A natural extension of this means of teaching
in that village! During Brother Cutforth's three-week was the use of school exercise books, which were made
visit the film was shown on thirteen different occasions. up with picture presentations drawn in crayC!n or pen.
In outlying villages, where there was no electricity, Dozens of books were made up. But what a Job we .let
the brothers hooked up the batteries of four or five ourselves in for! We spent many, many hours drawing
automobiles and thus had enough power for good up Bible discussion books for all associated. .Each
showings. This film was an eye-opener to many hun- time a new subject was taught, It meant addmg a
dreds of Papuan people. For many, it was the first new picture with all of its details to everyone's book.
time they had seen a ·film of any kind. But the hard work that went mto the preparation
To climax this fine visit, arrangements were made faded into the background as we saw our Bible students
for the first circuit assembly in Papua. It was a one- become the first local publishers in New Britain. How
day assembly held at Haima. At that gathering sixty- thrilled we were to have them go with us on the
five persons symbolized their dedication to Jehovah weekends and give their Bible presentations!"
God by undergoing water baptism. Following the final
assembly talk, which presented appropriate spiritual
counsel, the truth-loving Papuan people lined up one
by one and presented Brother Cutforth with gifts->
grass skirts, combs carved from wood, shell necklaces
and beautifully woven fans decorated with feathers.
Brother Cutforth felt he would like very much to
remain with these Papuan Witnesses. But he had to
return to his assignment in Australia.
The Kingdom message had never been proclaimed on
the island of New Britain. But that was to change
when John and Lena Davison arrived there in July
of 1956. They settled at Waterfall Bay, where they were
to remain for two and a half years. And those were
to be busy and fruitful years.
"Interest in the truth quickly became manifest,"
wrote Brother Davison. "But mos t of the people were
illiterate and we were hard pressed to think of ways
of getting the truth across to them. We typed out
many Bible presentations and, after teaching the ones
who could read a little, we got them to help us to
teach those who could not read at all. Soon these
typed presentations were carried far and wide up
and down the coast by interested boat crews that we
met. . . .
"Brother Cutforth came to visit us, and it was
during his visit that a method of teaching was dis-
cussed that made a fine contribution to the preaching
and teaching work. We began to use simple pictures
drawn on any material that came to hand. Later,
we were to find that using chalk and a blackboard
made of plywood was an excellent way of getting the
meaning of the good news down into the hearts of
the people. John Cutforth teaching Bible truths by pictograph
Yearbook 55
54 Yearboo7<:
were progressing very well. Then the Roman Catholic
But do not think that witnessing in New Britain was Church decided to do something to stop the work."
activity of the easiest type. Why, the area is one of So it was that on Sunday, April 5, 1959, while John
the wettest in Papua New Guinea, and often as much Davison was conducting a Bible study with a big
as ten inches (25 centimeters) of rain falls in one group of Sulka people, a large mob of Tolai Catholics
night! This can have quite an effect. "Once," reported under the leadership of a certain catechist suddenly
Brother Davison, "owing to rough seas, the ship that pushed their way into the house and brought the
brought our supplies had to put them ashore a few study to a halt by their shouting and abuse. In the
miles along the coast. To get them, we had to cross meantime, other members of the mob disrupted Bible
a flooded crocodile-infested river. The dugout canoe studies being conducted in other homes. The mob
tipped upside down right in the middle of the racing threatened to take stronger action if the Witnesses
waters. I was underneath, completely submerged, but returned the following Sunday. This interference was
I held on to part of the outrigger of the canoe. Even- reported to the police officer at Kokopo and he in-
tually I got my head above the water. Another canoe vestigated the matter.
put out for us far down the river and managed to This, however, was not the end of the story. Sister
pick up all of us just before we were swept out to sea." Davison reported: "The next weekend we were busy
preparing to go to the village as usual when one of
RELIGIOUS OPPOSITION PROVES FUTILE the interested men from the village arrived very
While the Davisons were busy at Waterfall Bay, short of breath, having ridden his bicycle in great haste
other brothers were moving into Rabaul, New Britain, the thirty miles [48 kilometers] to town. He came
to help with the Kingdom work. Brother Henry Nickey to tell us that there was going to be trouble, as the
was among them and stated: "The Catholic and European priest had sent a number of his people to
Methodist missions were strongly entrenched here. the village the day before to erect an altar. He was
The land on the roads leading out of Rabaul had been going to hold a service in the village at the same
so divided that one section was allotted to the Catholic time we usually were there to conduct our studies.
Church and then the next section to the Methodist. This was done in spite of the objections of the local
Whether the local people, the Tolais, would be Catholic villagers.
or Methodist was decided by whichever section they "As we were expecting trouble that Sunday morning,
happened to be in. According to a 'gentlemen's agree- we called in at Kokopo to inform the police about
ment,' neither would trespass on the other's territory." what was happening. The sub-inspector ordered six
By the end of July 1957, the group of Kingdom pro- local policemen into the police van and went ahead
claimers had grown to six and the first congregation of us to the villa~e. The road was lined for miles
in New Britain was formed at Rabaul. In witnessing with jeering CatholIcs. When we arrived at the village,
from village to village, the publishers found enthu- we found this priest, with several hundred Tolais,
siastic groups of Tolais gathering to hear the message. about to start his service. The sub-inspector pushed his
"But," reported Alan Gannaway, "on return calls either way through to where the priest was standing and
we were met by the village leader and told not to asked him to leave, taking his followers with him,
return again, or we would drive up to a village and, as they had not been invited by the villagers to con-
before we could get out of our car, the cry Kalamana duct a service there. The priest ignored the police and
lotu ('the new religion') would echo throughout the went ahead with his service, which took about an hour.
grass huts. You would think we had the plague, for "When he was finished, the police opened a path
the villagers just vanished into the jungle and left through the mob and called us to go into the village.
us in a deserted village." We did this with misgivings. By this time the interested
False religious opposition to our work erupted into Sulka people seemed dazed and very much afraid, but
violence at Vunabal, a village about thirty miles (48 they followed us into the house and seated themselves.
kilometers) from Rabaul. The villagers were of the We could hear the priest talking loudly in Tolai to his
Sulka tribe, and they were living in among the Tolai 'flock,' which by this time had swelled to several
community on land the ownership of which was under hundred in number. The shouting outside became loud-
dispute. Brother and Sister Davison were among those er, making both Sister Gannaway and me very un-
easy. We were comforted, though, in the knowledge
conducting studies in Vunabal. Sister Davison says: that the police had surrounded the house. About
"These humble people that we had been studying with
56 Yearbook Yearbook 57
twenty minutes after we had started our meeting, the mid·1960's the work has spread, so that now there
sub-Inspector entered the room with a very worried are congregations established in twelve places in New
look on his face. He asked whether we could close Britain. Recently a peak of 216 publishers was reached
the meeting soon, as the mob was getting out of hand on that island and 699 attended the Memorial of
and he did not have enough police to protect us. So, Christ's death observed there in April 1977.
the brothers closed the study and we went outside.
"Then there was pandemonium! The mob seemed NEW mELAND HEARS THE TRUTH
demonized, and rushed toward us swearing, spitting Northeast of the Papua New Guinea mainland and
and shaking their fists, while the priest stood with the island of New Britain is New Ireland. Its residents
folded arms and smiled. The police managed to get us also needed to hear the good news. So in August
to the road. Then Sister Gannaway and I were left 1956, Brother Ken Frame and his wife, Rosina, ar-
without protection as the police went back to get some rived in Kavieng, New Ireland, to extend our work
of the interested villagers who were being molested by into that area. With the help of a Papuan man who
the mob. I looked up and, to my horror, saw a wild- was interested in the truth, Brother and Sister Frame
eyed man filled with hatred walking toward us. We were able to search out other interested people. Soon
did not panic, but walked at a normal pace. I prayed there was a group of about six men who desired to
to Jehovah to remember us in the resurrection. be taught the truth. How to teach them was the
"Just then a tall man rushed up, took my arm, and problem.
said: 'Don't be afraid. I won't let them touch you!'
He hurried us to the car, opened the door and pushed In February 1958 Brother John Cutforth visited this
us in. Just as we reached the car, Brothers Davison group. He gave Brother and Sister Frame some good
and Gannaway came along with the sub-inspector, suggestions for overcoming the teaching problem.
The police put some of the interested villagers into Brother Cutforth demonstrated how to present Bible
the police van and we managed to drive away slowly. teachings with the aid of pictures on a blackboard.
We drove a few miles and then stopped to talk over Progress became more rapid thereafter as students
the incident. The SUb-inspector was still shaken from learned to express themselves and draw stickmen
the experience. He said: 'This is the closest shave I Bible presentations. Witnessing to others, they left
have had since I have been ill the police force.''' brief pictures, in much the same way as a tract is
Back in the village the mob broke the blackboards placed with people in other lands.
and ripped up the Bibles, roughly handling the reo During Brother Cutforth's visit the Society's film
maining villagers before going off to their own vil- "The Happiness of the New World Society" was shown
lages. The sub-Inspector took the matter to court, in a local theater. The proprietor waived any charge
but the local catechist was not punished. Although in view of its being a religious film. Although the
many persons were scared off by this mob action, brothers had explained that they wanted a private
Paulas Lamo, one local individual who went through filming, admission being only by invitation, the pro-
this trouble, continued to progress in his knowledge prietor told his workers that there was a free film
of the truth and has been a faithful dedicated brother showing that night. Consequently, when the brothers
for some years now. At present the Davisons are arrived with a number of interested Papuans, they
faithfully serving in the circuit work. found that not only was the building full, but that
Our work has continued to progress in New Britain. many were standing outside trying to find a viewing
Many who were illiterate and originally had to be spot through the wide ventilation shutters that had
taught by means of illustrated Bible presentations on been thrown open. It was necessary to have two
blackboards took advantage of the weekly literacy policemen make their way through the crowd so that
school in the congregation. As a result, a number a loudspeaker could be placed near the screen. In-
were able to come to the point where they could read stead of an anticipated audience of fifteen or twenty
the Society's publications for themselves. In addition persons, two hundred and thirty-four were present
to such individual progress, Jehovah's organization as for this film showing!
a whole has moved ahead in New Britain. For in- Through the years the work of announcing the
stance, despite difficulties and opposition, it was pos- Kingdom has advanced steadily in New Ireland. To-
sible to obtain land in Rabaul and to construct a fine ward the close of 1976 a fine new Kingdom Hall
Kingdom Hall there. Since that took place in the and flat were completed in Kavieng and Brother and
58 Yearbook
Yearbook 59
Sister Wilkinson have moved there to lend a hand.
During the month of January 1977, there was a peak determined prayerfully to pursue all avenues to try
of 53 publishers in New Ireland's four congregations, to stay. In a matter of some two or three days, some
and 270 attended the Memorial there on April 3, 1977. local people showed us an old army hut made of
curved iron. It had been crudely converted into 'living
GETTING STARTED quarters,' which we were able to rent. It had no lining,
ON THE NORTHERN HALF OF THE MAINLAND and iron flakes of rust from the roof continually
descended as the temperature changed. By ten o'clock
With the witnessing work now under way in New every morning the temperature inside would soar up
Britain and New Ireland, the brothers turned their to 110 degrees [Fahrenheit (43 degrees Celsiusj I, which
attention to getting our activity started on the northern was as high as our thermometer went. But we were
half of the Papua New Guinea mainland, formerly very thankful that we had a roof over our heads,
known as New Guinea. Oda Sioni, one of the first and a place where we could study with interested ones
Papuan publishers in Port Moresby, went to visit two without interference."
of his fleshly brothers in New Guinea in August 1957. Christian progress was being made. Hence, by July 1,
While at Wau, New Guinea, Oda did a lot of talking 1958, a congregation was established at Lae, as well
about God's Word. One of his listeners was a Papuan as another at Madang. By April of 1959 the third
man named Jack Arifeae. Before long many New congregation in New Guinea was formed at Wau.
Guineans who worked for the same company as Jack And a year later district assemblies were held for the
were listening also to what Oda had to say. He would first time in New Guinea at both Lae and Madang.
speak in Motu and Jack would translate for him into Indicative of the interest shown in our work is what
Melanesian-Pidgin. happened in December 1958 when the Society's film
On one occasion, after the regular religious service "The New World Society in Action" was shown at a
in a local church, Oda gave a splendid witness, with theater in Lae. Though there were only 15 brothers
Jack faithfully translating what was said into Pidgin. and sisters in the congregation there at the time, a
When the pastor could take it no longer, he asked crowd of 1,200 attended the film showing!
them to stop, and went on to advise the congregation To supply spiritual food, by mid-1960 a 16-page edition
of over 600 persons that they should have nothing to of The Watohtower began to be published in Melanesian-
do with Jehovah's Witnesses. Pidgin. The magazine was enlarged to 24 pages in
But even in the face of such opposition Oda con- January of 1970 and its circulation now has risen
tinued to have fine Bible discussions at the home to over 3,500 copies of each issue. We received an
where he was staying. Late one night, as a study was added thrill when a 24-page edition of A wake! was
in progress, Oda and Jack were surprised when police first published in Melanesian-Pidgin during January
sergeant Jerika walked into the room. He was on 1972.
patrol duty, had seen the light, and had been listening By 1962, the Madang Congregation, on the coast,
to the discussion from under the house. He liked what still was on the edge of a vast ripe field ready for
he heard and eventually Oda was conducting a Bible harvesting. Only closer villages were being looked
study with the police sergeant and his wife. They, after, and many persons from villages farther away
in turn, invited police constable Namona and his wife, had to walk miles to hear God's truth being taught.
Managu, to join the study. Later, Managu became a Just how was the truth progressing in this area?
dedicated publisher who still serves faithfully in that When pioneer Matthew Pope and his family arrived
area. Jack still is a faithful brother, although now from Canada in May 1960, the way was opened to
confined to a wheelchair. bring special pioneers in to care for the increasing
Early in 1958, Brother and Sister John Endor came interest. So, Brother and Sister Davison, who had
from Australia to serve in Lae, New Guinea, hopeful served on New Britain, were able to offer help in an
that they would have Jehovah's blessing in opening up area where the work was beginning to develop very
a new field of activity there. "We could see immediately quickly. This was about thirty miles (48 kilometers)
the tremendous potential of the work in Lae," wrote up the north coast from Madang. Much interest was
Brother Endor, adding: "Brother [James] Baird had shown among people in a village built on government
arrived earlier and had already commenced studying land adjoining the Tagildig government school. The
with a number of people. This made us all the more headmaster of the school was opposed, however, and
prevented the brothers from studying with the inter-
60 Yearbook Yearbook 61
ested people on this government land. Nevertheless, 1958, and today that congregation at Hula has 40
studies were continued with these people on a beach Kingdom proclaimers associated with it, although 114
farther away. persons attended the Memorial there on April 3, 1977.
Next, the education officer in Madang ordered every- In the latter part of 1957, Brother John Cutforth
one on the property to move within just nine days. returned to Papua New Guinea permanently to serve
While they were able to salvage some of their goods, with the brothers here. As a traveling overseer, he
on the ninth day, December 24, 1962, the police ar- has had many grand experiences. For example, there
rived and set fire to all the houses and parts of was the time he visited an isolated publisher at Kido,
houses that remained. At the nearby village of Bagildig, about 30 miles (48 kilometers) up the coast from
Udim, the village chief, heard of their trouble and Port Moresby. Brother Cutforth and his traveling com-
panions made the trip by Papuan outrigger canoe.
allowed them to stay on his land. On one occasion during this trip old Brother Diho
Now there is a fine congregation, as well as an as - was thrown off the back of the canoe by rough waves
sembly hall, in the village of Bagildig. Recently, over and had to be fished out of the sea. After many hours,
500 attended the "Sacred Service" District Assembly however, they rounded Redscar Point and ahead of
held there. Due to the fine work of the Davisons and them lay Kido village built out over the sea.
other special pioneers, about 140 publishers and a "I was very happy to meet Ono Rose, the only
number of pioneers now are active in six congregations Witness in the village of Kido," wrote Brother Cut-
scattered over fifty miles (80 kilometers) of territory forth. "He had a very kindly smiling face. Because
along the coast and coastal ranges extending north of his fine principles, he was entrusted with the
from Madang. Ulpep Kalip, one of the boys who grew operation of the village store. The pastors of the
up in the village of Bagildig, now works at Bethel, London Missionary Society had so frightened the
and another from a nearby village is a district overseer. people of the village that most of them were opposed
to the truth, but the younger boys enjoyed going to
the store and there Ono lovingly gave them an In-
At this point it seems quite appropriate to tell you sight into the Kingdom and its blessings."
at least something about the earnest efforts made in That first evening Brother Cutforth sat on the
recent years to proclaim the good news in some of floor with others, explaining the truth to Ono and his
the village areas of Papua New Guinea. For example, family, as well as to quite a number of teen-age boys
consider what took place in the Hula area in the late to whom Ono had talked at the store. Wrote Brother
1950's. Cutforth: "Then there was a pause, after which Ono
In 1957, Brother Donald Fielder, his wife, Shirley, talked to them in their local language. Ono then placed
and their daughter, Debbie, decided to share the good his hand on my arm and pointed to a mat on the
news in the Hula area. Brother Fielder leased some floor in the corner of the room. When asked, 'What
land and built quite a comfortable home on it. Later, are you telling them about, Ono?' he replied: 'I am
however, the government informed him that he could telling them that among Jehovah's people there are
not . continue to live on native property. So what no divisions and even though we have different colors
would the Fielders do? Why, they would build a boat of skin, we are the same, eat together and sleep in
and live on it near the mouth of a nearby river! Yes, the same room together.' This was something very
there were problems, such as washing with no con- unusual because at that time a big barrier existed
veniences, going long distances by canoe to get fresh between the European pastors of the missions and
water, and battling mosquitoes so abundant that meals the local people. This was very evident, as the Euro-
had to be eaten under a mosquito net much of pean pastors always ate apart from the local parish-
the time. While living under those circumstances, a ioners and mixed with them only for a short time
second girl was born to them in September of 1958. when they had some meetings. As the European Wit-
With only Brother Fielder's special pioneer allowance nesses worked along with their Papuan brothers, lived
to feed four mouths, food was very scarce at times. with them and walked together with them, a wonderful
In fact, sometimes bananas were the only food that bond of love grew up. This bond has helped to over-
they had. But there were real reasons for joy as they come many hardships they have had to meet."-John
saw their spiritual garden begin to bear fruit. A fine 13:34, 35; Acts 10:34, 35.
congregation of 18 publishers was formed in November
62 Yearbook Yearbook 63
Ono still is in Kido looking after the group there. He wide in order to get to the meetings, and in bad
and his wife are the only Kingdom publishers in that weather this often was risky. On one occasion the
village. However, for their two decades of endurance Memorial celebration and the circuit overseer's visit
as isolated Witnesses they have enjoyed rich blessings. coincided. Brother Smith reports: "Torrential rain was
They were happy that eight persons from their village falling, the wind was up and the water in the bay
attended the Lord's Evening Meal on April 3, 1977. was very rough. Meeting time came, but not many
ON TO THE OUTLYING VILLAGES were present; so we waited a little. Sure enough, out
of the darkness and pouring rain some fifty people
June 1958 saw the arrival in Papua New Guinea of came into sight, drenched to the skin. None of them
two young brothers, James Smith and Stephen Blundy. had a change of clothing, but all sat down happily
Soon they were deeply involved in learning the local to hear the talk. Later, they told us that when they
Motu language, and before long were speaking it well. were halfway across the bay the water was so rough
These brothers have had a fine share in opening up that their large canoe began to sink. The men and
our work in new areas of Papua. single persons jumped overboard, leaving the mothers
We were very anxious to expand the Kingdom wit- with little children in the canoe. They had just been
ness to outlying villages. So, in 1960 special pioneers able to make it across. Because of the danger of such
were sent out from Port Moresby to some of those incidents occurring, later it was decided to have two
areas. Brother Smith, accompanied by Lionel Dingle, sets of meetings, with one on each side of the bay."
was assigned to Kerema in the Gulf District. Although There were hazards aplenty. On one occasion Brother
Brother Smith was fluent in Motu, he found that very Smith was to look after a book study on the other
few people in Kerema knew that language. So, this side of the bay. The ferryman said it was too late
meant learning another tongue. Adding to the difficulty to take him across. So he set out in a canoe, although
was the fact that these people had no written lan- the sky was overcast and the water was rough. Brother
guage. Hence, Brother Smith spent many nights with Smith had gone no more than 100 yards (90 meters)
the Kerema people who did speak Motu. He tells us: when he saw that the canoe was leaking badly. Should
"I would give them a Motu expression, which they he jump out and swim back to the shore? Well, for-
would translate into their Kerema language. This I tunately, these canoes are buoyant enough not to
would then write down, spelling out each word pho- sink completely. So, he stayed with the little vessel.
netically in Roman letters. In this way, not only did But suppose we let Brother Smith tell us what hap-
I build up a small vocabulary, but I was able to write pened. He states:
out a Bible presentation in full. The people in the "At one stage, I could see nothing but the whitecaps
area were amazed, as no other European in the district of breakers. Later, I found that these were breaking
could talk the language. The very fact that we tried on a sandbar, and when I went over it, it seemed as
to converse with them in their language created a if I were on a wild horse. Finally, the strong tide swept
favorable impression, as the people could see that we the canoe in among some mangroves and I was able
were interested in them. In our assignment, we con- to climb up a mud bank, pulling the canoe up after
tinued to write down words and expressions; gradually, me. Not being able to see anything and knowing that
I compiled in a notebook a grammar of the Kerema there were crocodiles in the area, I really was fright-
language. In three months, we could converse quite ened. To make matters worse, the rain began to pour.
freely with the people, and in 1961 it was possible to All. I could do ~as huddle: under my rain cape and
give public talks and to translate the material for the walt. After midnight the tide began to turn. the rain
Watchtower studies on Sundays. Later, the brothers eased off and the waters calmed down. Using my
were thrilled to receive a tract in their language and handkerchief, I patched up the holes in the canoe and
then the booklet (This Good News of the Kingdom.' paddled back to the ferryman's house. I finally ar-
These have proved to be valuable instruments in aid- rived home about 2:00 a .m, When I received strong
ing the local people to learn the truth." counsel to the effect that pioneers should not take
One thing that Brother Smith admired greatly was unnecessary risks, I needed no persuasion to accept it."
the effort put forth by the brothers and interested ones Later, other pioneers, such as Glenn Finlay, joined
in order to get to the meetings. It was necessary for in developing the work in that area. Three congrega-
many to cross a bay some two miles (3 kilometers) ti ons now function around Kerema Bay, and these
were hosts to well over 400 persons attending the
64 Yearbook
Yea1'book 65
Wh en Brother Hosking got married, his wife was
"Divine Sovereignty" District Assembly there in late a ble to ai d many of the womenfolk in t he vicinity.'
1975. Among these were other people o! the Gulf What joy it now brings these ones to look back and
Province, including representatives from n ve congre- see how Jehovah blessed the work so that now a
gations in the Toaripi-speaking area. How were these number of Christian congregations function in the
five congregations established? area and some of the young ones from there are
Well about the time that Brother Smith was as- pioneers in other places !
signed 'to Kerema, Stephen Blundy and Allen Hosking
received an assignment to Savaiviri, a village about CHRISTIAN PROSPERITY DESPITE OPPOSITION
forty miles (64 kilometers) further east. How had On May 25, 1960, the government officially registered
that assignment come about? Earlier, in Port Moresby, the International Bible Students Association. This had
Brother Blundy had found some 'I'oartpi-speaking peo- the effect of putting our work on a much more solid
ple from the Moveave area of the Gulf of Papua. He basis. For instance, through this registration we were
recalls: "They had come to Moresby to sell sago and able to apply to the government for land on which
reed mats and were now waiting to board a ship to to build Kingdom Halls. An even greater step in en-
return to their village [SavaiviriJ. I arranged a study suring that the organization would be recognized by
the very next day and after that I studied with them the Independent State of Papua New Guinea, formed in
almost every day until they ret ur ned to their village." September of 1975, was the timely incorporation of
After that, Brother Blundy continued t.o. s.tudy by the International Bible Students Association of Papua
mail with one of the group, a certam MIVIrI, whose New Guinea Incorporated, in May of that year.
face h ad been deformed by the dis ease ya ws . Miviri
was respected among his peopl e, and sent a list of At the close of the service year in August 1960 there
n ames of interested persons. were 440 publishers in Papua New Guinea and the
Finally, Brother Blundy wrote to t he Society, and Solomon Islands. With this fine growth in activity, it
before long he and Brother Hosking were aboard a was thought advisable to establish a branch office of
boat heading for Savaiviri. Commenting on their ar- the Watch Tower Society in Papua. Brother John A.
riva l, Brother Blundy says: Cutforth, who had spent most of his fifty-seven years
in association with God's people, was appointed as the
"Miviri ran over to greet us . He took us to his house first branch overseer. The Papua branch , was to look
where we had a cup of the strongest tea I have ever after our work in Papua, Manus Island, New Britain,
t asted. We had a t ent with us and many willing hands New Guinea, New Ireland and the Solomon Islands.
quickly erected it under the shade of a big mango tree. P reparations for getting the new branch office into
"It wasn't long before we r ealized that our new opera tion were interrupted when adverse publlcity
home was in the middle of a large swamp. It was the a ro se over the distribution by the brothers of a pam-
delt a a rea for two of the largest rivers in Papua, the phlet dealing with .ttIe question of blood. transfusion.
L akekamu and the Tauri, and the area proved to be Considerable OPPosItIOn flared up. For Instance, the
a haven for crocodiles and mosquitoes! administrator and the commissioner of police were
"Right from the start it seemed that it was Jehovah's opposed to the distribution of the pamphlet. And on
will that the good news be proclaimed to the Toaripi August 30, 1960, the South Pacific Post carried the
people. The number of our Bible studies grew quickly headline "Churches Angry on Blood Question." In the
until we were conducting as many as twenty each." accompanying article church leaders struck out against
Even in Port Moresby film showings were a rarity Jehovah's Witnesses for their stand on blood, and
to many in the mid-1950's. So, imagine how much they also used the occasion as an opportunity to
more unusual it would be to see them in villages condemn us for our Christian neutrality.
located on deltas and rivers some 120 miles (190 kilo- Brothers Cutforth, Fielder and Arthur Morris called
meters) to the west durin~ the early 1960's! Little on both the administrator and the commissioner of
wonder, then, that 800 excited people turned out at police with a view to explaining our position. But these
Moveave in 1962 to see the Watch Tower Society's brothers were not well received. News releases were
motion picture "Divine Will International Assembly of provided for the radio and newspapers, but we relied
Jehovah's .W itnesses." And over 1,000 at Kukipi :on mostly on door-to-door contacts with the people to
the coast clicked their tongues and uttered exclamations counteract the attacks made upon us.
of surprise while viewing the same film. .
66 Yearbook Yearbook 67
As matters developed, Brother Cutforth was finally formed there. The Kittos have found that all through
able to get everything organized and the branch office the years they have had to "fight" against false religion
started operating on September 1, 1960. Incidentally, and demonism. But some people wanted to learn and
it then was housed in a room at the home of Brother do Jehovah's will. So they still press on declaring the
Jim Dobbins at Port Moresby. good news there.
So, Christian progress was being made despite op- Due to interest even farther up the road, a Kingdom
position. Why, in 1961 foes even went to the extreme Hall has been built on a site at the head of a beautiful
of saying that we took advantage of a solar eclipse valley at an elevation of about 8,000 feet (2,400 meters).
to frighten people! And during March of 1962 enemies A special pioneer, Brother Michael Saunga, who is
of the good news got busy again seeking to work up assigned to the Wabag Congregation, helps Brother
public opinion against our activities. According to the Kitto in caring for those showing interest there.
South Pacific Post, the Port Moresby subbranch of the Other fine work has been done by many brothers and
Returned Servicemen's League made a motion stating: sisters in establishing congregations at Asaro, Banz,
"That Congress deplores the activities of the Jehovah's Baiyer River, Goroka, Kainantu, Kundiawa, Mendi and
Witnesses, bordering on sedition, and recommends that Mt. Hagen in the highlands. We cannot relate all the
at the earliest opportunity the sect be evicted from details here due to insufficient space. However, we
the Territory." The Goroka subbranch of the same will mention a few of the highlights.
organization was quoted as stating that if reports of Because of the fine efforts of Sister Elsie Horsburgh
Jehovah's Witnesses' activities could be proved, "steps in witnessin~ to two young soldiers in Port Moresby,
should be taken to have the sect banned." Of course, the foundatlon was laid for a congregation to be
the charges were false and members of this opposing established at Asaro in the Eastern Highlands. This
organization must have been quite frustrated to read is the home of the famed "Mudmen" of Papua New
this headline in the South Pacific Post of March 27, Guinea, so named because of their mud masks.
1962: "Hasluck 'No' to Sect Ban." In the article under
that headline the newspaper stated: "Territories' Min- After much resistance on the part of superior of-
ister Mr. Paul Hasluck today rejected an RSL request ficers, these two young men received discharges, pro-
to ban Jehovah's Witnesses in the Territory." It further gressed to the point of baptism and, in mid·1970, were
quoted him as saying: "I have not had any convincing assigned as special pioneers to the Asaro area. This
evidence that activities of the Jehovah's Witnesses was the home of one of the young men, Gunure Urn-
are a security risk . . . There is no clear ground to maba. Quickly a Kingdom Hall was built and, after
justify banning of the sect." just three months, the circuit overseer reported that
three new publishers were reporting field service and
INTO THE HIGHLANDS that twenty-one persons attended his public talk. Re-
In May of 1962 the branch office was transferred to cently, a larger hall was constructed, one suitable
the fine new home that Brother Kitto had built in for conventions.
Port Moresby. It had been vacated when Tom and Two other lovely Kingdom Halls also were erected
Rowena Kitto moved to the highlands of Papua New in recent years at Goroka and Kainantu, with the
Guinea to serve where the need was greater. Brother Beyer, Bennett, Gosson, Kowitz, Linke and Colbran
and Sister Kitto headed for Wabag, in the very heart families all having a large share in such construction.
of the highlands. Early in 1977, everyone in the highlands was delighted
As Tom and Rowena Kitto traveled, both of them to have their first Melanesian-Pidgin district assembly
were stricken with malaria. Arriving at Mt, Hagen, in the area, with 267 attending and six getting baptized.
they still had another 70 miles (110 kilometers) to So, our work is moving ahead in the interior.
travel before reaching Wabag. During the night both
of them became ill, but Tom got worse and was un- OPPOSITION DOES NOT DETER US
conscious by morning. A doctor was summoned and During 1964, 261 Kingdom proclaimers were sharing
said that Tom should not move on for two weeks. in field service in New Guinea. The increased activity
Finally, however, the Kittos traveled on to Wabag. of the Witnesses did not escape the notice of those
Despite hardships, the Kittos had come to Wabag opposed to the truth. So, late in the year these op-
to share the good news of the Kingdom with others. posers tried to stop us from offering our magazines
Later, they were blessed when a congregation was on the streets in Wewak. The police inspector there
68 Yearbook Y earb ook 69
made a charge against two local brothers of inter- FLAG SALUTE I SSUE .
rupting the free passage of persons on the public road. E arly in 1966, seven children of local Witnesses were
When the case came up for a hearing, the inspector told by their teache r a t the Milford Haven Primary
did not appear, but sent the local sub-inspector in his School that they would be tested as to whether or not
place. As the proceedings commenced, he was so un- they would salute the fiag. On Monday morning, be-
prepared that the magistrate took. over from him and fore an assembled group of about 300 students, they
questioned those who were appearmg for the prosecu- were asked to salute and told that if they did not do
tion. All three were policemen, and all admitted that so their names would be struck off the register and
those charged had not interrupted their free passage. they would be expelled. None of the children saluted
The magistrate obviously was annoyed and brought and no action was taken. But they were informed that
the proceedings to an end by saying: "I cannot under- they would be tested again on the following morning.
stand why the inspector brought this case before the The same thing took place and again the children re-
court. Case dismissed." fused to salute. But this time they were taken away
However, the inspector persisted in his efforts to from the group and expelled from school. All of this
stop our work. In February of 1965, as the brothers took place because these children were determined to
were Witnessing from house to house in Wewak, they ascribe salvation to Jehovah and adhere to his Word.
called on a group of houses where married members (Ex. 20:4-6; Ps. 3 :8) It might be added that exemption
of the police force were living. In the course of their from these ceremonies had been requested in writing
witnessing, they were told by a police constable that by the parents of the children, but this had been reo
they were not to preach to the people in those houses, fused by the teacher under the orders of her superior.
as the inspector had forbidden them t o have anything R. L. Stevens, the presiding overseer of the Lae
to do with Jehovah's Witnesses. He told Brother Otto Congregation, spoke with this superior, but he was
Eberhardt t hat he should go to see the inspector. As adamant in his position that any child who refused
Brother Eberhardt was getting the publishers together to salute the flag in the schools under his jurisdiction
in order to do that, the inspector appeared and told would be expelled.
them: "I will charge you with being unlawfully on Brother Stevens then wrote to the Education Depart-
these premises." Brother Eberhardt and Sister Edith ment to get help in the situation. Three weeks later,
Teynor later r eceived a summons ordering them t o on March 18 and 19, 1966, Brother Stevens appealed to
appear in court on February 17,1965, to answer charges Mr . Niall, the local me mber of the House of Assembly,
that they had been found in an enclosed yard without and t o the Department of Territories in . Ca nberr a ,
lawful excuse. Australia, forwarding copies of the information con-
We f ound that sin ce t he def endants ha d been charged cerning t he matter t o t he United N ations.
under a criminal section of t he law, in order to be
a cquitted all that was necess ary was to show that On March 23 t he school authorities r eceived a direct
they had no criminal intent. Evidently the police had telephone call fr om the Adm inistrator of Papua New
not thought of this, for in all their comments in court Guinea advising them that the children should be
they insisted that the point at issue was that we had returned to school immediately. On Ma rch 26 Brother
not obtained the permission of the inspector to go into Stevens received the following cable from Paul Hasluck,
the police quarters. In his final statement to the court, Australian Minister of Territories: "I refer your cable
the inspector said: "I don't say the activity of the of 19th March. Am informed children already re-
defendants was criminal." It was not until the brothers instated." So it was that high-level concern for the
had made their final statement, 'citing legal precedents, rights of these children on the part of the Australian
that the police realized that they had knocked the government and t he local House of Assembly con -
basis out of their whole case by affirming that the tributed to this victory for fr eedom of worship.
brothers' presence on the property was lawful and It might be mentioned that a fine provision was
not criminal. Later, on May 28, 1965, the judge delivered made in the 1970 Education Ordinance of Papua New
his finding of "Not guilty." Since then we have had Guinea. It was specified that no school can "exclude .a
no problems with the authorities with regard to our child solely on the ground of religious or doctrinal
house-to-house witnessing work. We certainly thank affiliation." (Part II, Division 1, . Section 7, Subsection
Jehovah for this fine VIctory, and it has been .very 3 a and b) Certain authorities have .queted .it his in
encouraging to the brothers and sisters. connectionwlth ;the religious feeling of Jehovah's Wit-
70 Yearbook Yearbook 71
nesses toward the saluting of flags. Few teachers make Society has concentrated on translating its literature
an issue of the flag salute these days. Another benefit into the two trade languages, Hiri Motu and Melanesian-
that has been derived from this provision is that Pidgin. And an excellent provision, first received in
since 1970 Jehovah's Witnesses have been given the 1970, was The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life, pub-
same opportunity as other religions to conduct re- lished in both Hirl Motu and Melanesian-Pidgin
ligious instruction periods for their children during editions.
the allotted school times.
Fine potential still exists among the one and a half A TDIE FOR FURTHER EXPANSION
million inhabitants of the mountains and northern Besides increased literature production, we have
part of the Papua New Guinea mainland. This is seen other expansion. During October of 1962 the
shown by the fact that 1,588 attended the Memorial Society made its first application for land on which
and a peak of 459 publishers were active in 1977. As to build a Kingdom Hall. This was at Koki in Port
the brothers have conducted over 400 Bible studies in Moresby. The first application was refused. When the
New Guinea, we look forward to continued increase second application was made the Land Board recom-
in this field in the future. mended that we be granted the lease. However, the
Administrator's Advisory Council caused the recom-
MANUS ISLAND, BALUAN AND THE NORTH SOLOMONS mendation to be deferred for further consideration.
Through the years we have endeavored to reach The then director of lands, Mr. D. E. Macinnis, estab-
outlying islands with the Kingdom message. For in- lished the fact that the Australian government recog-
stance, during 1958 Liston Carnie opened up our work nized Jehovah's Witnesses as a Christian religion. He
on Manus Island, the largest of the Admiralty group. then presented this information to the Advisory Coun-
When witnessing in some villages, at times he had as cil, and on November 27, 1963, we learned that the
many as 75 persons listening to one of his Bible dis- application for land had been approved. We feel that
cussions. Later, he and Brother Lon Bauman built there the presentation of the information prepared by Mr.
one of the loveliest Kingdom Halls in all our branch Macinnis has gone a long way in ensuring continued
territory. So well kept was the garden that one year freedom for us to declare the good news in this land.
the congregation was awarded the prize for the best In January of 1964 the Papuan branch enjoyed a
institutional garden! zone visit by Clyde Canty of New Zealand. Brother
Brother Carnie also declared the good news on Canty recommended that a branch office and missionary
Baluan, a neighboring island. During the past service home be built in conjunction with the Kingdom Hall
year, there were eight Kingdom publishers sharing in that the brothers proposed to erect at Koki. This
witnessing on Manus Island. Other brothers have recommendation was approved and, in October 1964,
moved elsewhere. work commenced on a fine two-story building to house
Bougainville was an island on which no witnessing the branch office and a Kingdom Hall. In January
had yet been done when Alan McRae and his family 1965, Brother N. H. Knorr visited us and was able to
moved there back in 1969. Others later moved to copper- check on the progress being made on the new branch
rich Bougainville to serve where the need was greater, building. During this visit, Brother Knorr suggested
and today over 50 publishers are declaring the good that Brother Cutforth spend more time in the field
news in two congregations on that island and in one as the first full-time district overseer. Accordingly,
congregation op. the adjacent island of Buka, both beginning in April of 1965, Brother Charles Isbill as-
islands now bemg known as the North Solomons. sumed responsibility for the work being done in the
islands under this branch's jurisdiction.
LITERATURE IN THE VERNACULAR LANGUAGES Early in 1972, Brothers N. H. Knorr and M. H.
As our activities have increased, so have our efforts Larson visited Papua New Guinea. They were able
to provide Christian literature in the tongues of the to see what was being done in the construction work
local people. In that regard, one fine step forward was at the branch and to suggest some changes. At that
made in April 1958 with the publication of the first time Brother James E. Smith was appointed as branch
issue of The Watchtower in Motu. Of course, it overseer to relieve Brother Isbill, who had returned
would be impossible to produce literature in the more to the United States due to sickness. Later, in August
than 700 languages and dialects spoken here. So, the 1972, when the "Divine Rulership" District Assembly
72 Yearbook Yearbook 73
was held in Port Moresby, some 150 visitors expressed palm roof in an open area. One day a written review
appreciation as they inspected the additions that had was temporarily interrupted by a "visitor." You can
been made to the branch structure and realized that just imagine the surprise of the brothers as a poisonous
this was tangible evidence of Jehovah's blessing on snake threaded its . way around their feet as they
the expansion of the preaching and disciple-making were seated at a table! One of the brothers spotted
work. the creature and raised an alarm, but with self-control
As the Kingdom work has made advancement through all continued to sit quietly. Perhaps realizing that it
the years, the work at the branch office has also had been seen, the snake headed for the bush with
increased. For instance, the year 1976 saw a peak of practically the whole class after it!
731 publishers in Papua, a 17.5·percent increase over In a way, the Kingdom Ministry School is a good
the previous year's average. The branch building had indicator of the theocratic progress we have made in
been partly remodeled by that time and a new o~ce Papua New Guinea. For instance, consider the classes
and printing room had been completed, nicely blending of the school that were held during a period in 1974
into the existing structure. Nine persons now serve and 1975. In all, 193 brothers participated in the course,
at the branch building, caring for office, shipping, 129 in Papua New Guinea and 64 in the Solomon
printing, translating and other duties. At the present Islands. How wonderful it is to see so many local
time a branch committee shares the responsibility of brothers qualified to attend this school for overseers !
caring for the activities of the Papua New Guinea
It was also during the year 1976 that Jehovah's As we look back over the years, we recall many
people in Port Moresby completed and dedicated a Christian assemblies, some of them real milestones in
fine Assembly Hall. On one occasion during that year, theocratic progress. The first international assembly
600 persons were accommodated at a circuit assembly ever held in Papua New Guinea took place in 1969.
there. Inasmuch as sections of the walls of this building Let us tell you a little about it.
There were no stadiums or buildings capable of
handling the expected attendance of about 1,000. So,
a site was chosen in the bush country about fourteen
miles (23 kilometers) from Port Moresby. It was just
an open, grassy area, and we had to construct thirty-
six buildings to house everything required at the as-
sembly. Twelve accommodation blocks had to be pre-
pared to house over 1,000 persons expected to live
right on the assembly grounds. Water had to be pro-
vided for drinking and bathing. Meals had to be
furnished, and we supplied electricity as a means of
lighting. . About five full months were spent in the
preparation for this assembly. Was it worth it? Indeed
Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses at Port Moresby it was!
Brother F. W. Franz, from the Society's headquarters
in Brooklyn, New York, visited Papua New Guinea for
are on hinges, they can be opened like large doors to the first time in that year. And the attendance exceeded
accommodate even larger crowds. In this way, 983 were expectations, with 1,116 persons in the attentive au-
ab le to attend a district assembly held there recently. dience that heard his public talk "The Approaching
A GI,ANCE AT THE KINGDOM MINISTRY SCHOOL Peace of a Thousand Years." Seventy persons sym-
As in other lands, the Kingdom Ministry Schoo! bolized their dedication to Jehovah by water baptism
functions here for the purpose of training Christian at that assembly. Even though some years have gone
overseers. Through the years, classes have been .held by since then, the brothers still think and talk about
under ' varying .circumstances. For example, back dn that wonderful spiritual event.
1961 a certain class was conducted beneath a thatched . Interestingly, . Iri . ,J a nua ry ' of 1977, ·' Br other M. G.
74 Yearbook Yearbook 75
Henschel, from the Society's headquarters in Brooklyn, and Sister Soostmeyer, many of them are learning to
visited Papua New Guinea for the first time. Over read and write, and there are twenty-eight Kingdom
1,100 attended his talk at the stadium and later 1,000 publishers in the congregation at Buseki, Lake Murray.
viewed slides he showed at the Assembly Hall. How Twenty have been baptized in the last couple of years.
amazing to think that this crowd of brothers and in- Incidentally, the nearest congregation is some 250
terested people just from in and around Port Moresby miles (400 kilometers) away and the only outsiders
was equal to the crowd that attended the international the Witnesses of this remote area see in a year are
assembly just seven years earlier! perhaps the district and circuit overseers.
Among the notable conventions held in the islands Some time ago the congregation went witnessing in
were the national assembly in Port Moresby and the isolated territory. Brother Siegmar Soostmeyer reo
district assembly in the Solomon Islands during 1973. ported, in part: "It took us nine hours to get to this vil-
At these two gatherings a total of 96 persons presented lage where Pari and Supe people live. Once they were
themselves for baptism. Considering the "mountainous" cannibals. This village was 65 miles [105 kilometers]
transportation problems, the combined attendance of down the Kaim River. This river was full of fish. We
3,500 for the public talk was thrilling indeed. One saw 'pukpuks' [crocodiles] and plenty of birds of all
group of about a dozen persons, Including a mother, kinds. It was a terrific trip."
father and two small children, walked about 150 miles There were seven Witnesses in the canoe, and they
(240 kilometers) across the backbone of Papua New were delighted to share the good news with the local
Guinea to get to the assembly. They passed 13,000·foot residents. Brother Soostmeyer remarked: "The Buseki
(4,000-meter) Mount Victoria and walked the historic brothers and sisters were so enthusiastic that it was
"Kokoda Trail" on the way to Port Moresby. a pleasure to see each of them witnessing to someone."
At the assembly in Port Moresby, history was made We would also like to take you back to the year
as far as this branch office was concerned. Three 1972 and to the eastern end of Papua New Guinea,
audiences heard the dramas in their own languages. where the island tapers off like a crocodile's tail. That
One set of actors performed according to the English province, including surrounding islands, has a popula-
tape recordings. However, the appropriate voices for tion of more than 100,000, many of whom love the
each character could be heard simultaneously in Hiri Bible. In fact, a number of tribes have the complete
Motu and Melanesian-Pidgin. So, viewing the dramas Bible in their own language. Some of these translations
from each language section, it appeared as if the contain vernacular forms of the divine name, such as
actors were acting out one's own language! "Iehova" and "Ieova."
STILL REACHING OUT Two small congregations began functioning in that
area in 1972. And during 1975 Brother Burt Stanford,
The 1970's have found us still reaching out with a circuit overseer, visited the area. Leaving his wife
the Kingdom message. Though we cannot tell you behind in one of the coastal villages, Brother Stanford
about all the hard work and earnest efforts put forth walked about six hours to reach a group of interested
by our many brothers and sisters who have been persons. The weather was fine, although the river was
declaring the good news here, please permit us to tell running fast and had to be crossed twelve times!
you about certain recent developments. The track went through rugged and dangerous terrain.
Several years ago, Karapa, a Papuan brother, was But was the trip worth it? Well, judge for yourself.
assigned by the government to work in the Western Reports Brother Stanford: "We received a warm
Province of Papua New Guinea. Because he took ad- welcome up there. They were happy to see us. I was
vantage of every opportunity to give a witness, there surprised and happy to see the fine Kingdom Hall/
are now true Christians in the heart of Papua New pioneer home they had built. Each week they had a
Guinea at Ningerum, in the foothills of the Star Gima Kohorona [Hiri Motu Watchtower] study, which
Mountains. Also, there is a flourishing congregation a young man was conducting to the best of his ability.
on Lake Murray, near the Indonesian border on the On Tuesday morning we had a group study and I
mighty Fly River in what is reputed to be the largest gave a public talk to an audience of 84."
swamp in the world! Most of these people were Il- Apparently this young lad, who had been associating
literate. However, due to the fine efforts of Brother with the congregation in Port Moresby for a while
76 Yea rboo k Y e a r b oo k 77
in 1971, also taught that group quite a fe w of our wor k, we enjoyed further ex pan sion in yet anot her
song s, which t hey sang well in the H iri Motu language . part of this Milne Bay Pr ovince in 1975. In tha t year
The circuit overseer comment ed: "I was am azed, at Brother Mainaki Tokwa imai, an eld er , and his wife :
the opening of the study and public t alk, when they Gwen , moved to their home on the tiny isla nd of
all burst into Kingdom song loud and clear. At times Vakuta. It is situated about 100 miles (160 kilometers )
it seemed like . . . those illustrations in The Watch- north of the eastern tip of Papua New Guinea and
tower' of groups of people singing in paradise." is one of the group of islands known as the Trobrlands.
Since 1976 special pioneers have be en working in A year passed and the branch office had re ceived little
this rugged mountain assignment. By early 1977 twenty correspondence from them. How were they faring
Kingdom publishers were sharing in witnessing and spiritually? The circuit overseer, Brother Stanford
over a hundred were attending the meetings of the found them "in good he alth spiritually." Brother and
Govigovi Congregation. This activity has angered the Sister Tokwaimai had been rejected by some of their
local Anglicans, and, on Saturday, February 5, 1977, relatives. But they were taking advantage of their
a mob of decorated warriors brandishing spears and opportunities to tell others the good news. On that
other weapons stormed this Witness village. They occasion we received all their reports for t hat year's
struck a number of brothers and interested persons, activity a t the one time!
including women, wounding them and drawing blood
in a number of instances. The Kingdom Hall was razed PLENTY OF WORK AHEAD!
to the ground by fire. Imagine the feeling that de- How the wor k of announcing God's kingdom has
scended on the group! progressed in this part of the world since 1951! In
The next day, all the Witnesses held their meeting earlier yea r s, brothers and sisters came from Australia
at the desolate site where the Kingdom Hall had Canada, America, Germany, England and New Zealand
stood. When the time came for singing the first song, to serve here. These brothers had to carry the main
all that could be heard was the .music coming from load of responsibility a s overseers. Now, however in
the record player, along with the sound of sobbing the 128 congregations and isol ated groups, there 'are
from all those in . the audience. Even the conductor 226 elder s and 218 ministerial ser vants, most of whom
could not contain himself. Throughout t he study, he ar e local br others. In fact, a number of local brothers
and others sobbed intermittently. After a prayer, all have been a ppointed as circuit overseers.
returned to their homes and slept, or tried to do so. In retrospect, we are moved t o ex press gratitude to
However, Brother Agi Geno, one of the special pio- Jehovah for th e way he has blessed the Kin gdom
ne ers, could not sleep. Concerned that t here was no wor k in the Solomon Islands a nd on the P apua New
hall, although their vill a ge was to be t he site of the Guinea mainland and its islands of Manus, New Britain,
forthcoming circuit assembly, he called eve ryone to - New Ireland and t he Nor th Solomons. Just think !
gether and asked what they thought about building F r om only two publishers in 1951, our ranks have
another Kingdom Hall. All replied that they were grown to a pea k of 2,096 King dom proclaim er s in the
willing to start work the next da y! 1977 service year. Du e to their fine efforts a nd Jehova h's
blessing, 7,491 gathered fo r the Memo rial in 1977.
With that, this former carpenter organized men, There is still plen ty of work to do. (1 Cor . 15:58 )
women and children to gather timber, grass for the
roof and bamboo for the walls. Just two weeks after As late a s 1971-just six yea r s ago- almost 90 percent
the former hall was burned down, a bigger and better of th e population here had not received a witness.
one stood in its place, to the praise of Jehovah and While the situation has improved greatly since then,
to the amazement of all passersby, including opposers ! with probably over 1,500,000 having bee n reached with
The planned circuit assembly was held in this hall the good news in some measure, we still have much
just prior to the Memorial, with 185 in attendance and to do. Perhaps as m any as 1,300,000 persons, or 46 per-
17 being baptized. As a sequel, 138 attended the cent of the 2,850,408 inhabitants, still need to be
Memorial. All of Jehovah's people associated with the reached with the good news. Hence, we intend to
Govigovi Congregation are determined to continue keep busy in our work of aiding inhabitants of these
their disciple-making work in spite of opposition. many islands to "rejoice" at the news that "Jehovah
As we kept reaching out with the Kingdom-preaching himself has become Jdng!"- -Ps. 97:1.
78 Yearbook Yearbook 79
to the migration of Mohammedan Malays to the Philip-
THE PHILIPPINES pines, the religion of Islam was dominant in many
To the south of t he Chinese mainland, strung out parts of the country. However, when Spain claimed
like pearls over 1,854 kilometers (1,152 miles) of the the country, Catholicism was introduced and spread
Pacific Ocean, lie the 7,083 islands that comprise the widely, so that today 83 percent of the population
Republic of the Philippines. Smaller than Japan yet claim to be of the Roman Catholic religion. Spain
larger than Gr eat Britain, the numerous islands of controlled the islands for over 300 years until she
the Philippines have a coastline more than double that was removed by a Philippine revolution in 1898 with
of the United States. Of over thirty good harbors, by the aid of the United States of America. The Filipinos
far the most prominent is Manila Bay, which has 160 subsequently established a government, but this was
kilometers (100 miles) of coastline and is considered not recogmzed by America and in a peace treaty
by many to be one of the finest natural harbors in Asia. signed with Spain in Paris on December 10, 1898, the
Due to its location just north of the equat or , the Philippines was ceded to the United States. Thus the
Philippines has a tr opica l climate, but pleasant sea country changed hands from one colonial master to
breezes kee p the tem pera tur e at an average of from another.
26 to 29 degrees Cels ius (78 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit ) America brought with her the English language and
throughout the year. The warm, humid climate, corn- a more liberal climate in regard to religion, factors
bined with plentiful rainfall, makes for rich, tropical that were to have a profound effect on the planting
greenery, and there are no wholly a rid sections in the and developing of the seeds of Bible truth during the
coun try. The entire archipelago is ruggedly moun- dawning twentieth century. English became the medium
tainous, the islands in r eality bein g an upper portion of education and business, and remains such to this
of a partly submerged mountain chain. The majority day, having been superimposed upon the already-
of the people live either on t he coastal plains or in the existing 87 local languages and dialects of the country.
rich valleys that cut through the mountains. Being Hence, it is -common for a modern-day Filipino to
located in the volcanic belt surrounding the Pacific speak English and one or more other languages, which
Ocean, the Philippines has several active volcanoes, facilitates communication among the diversified ethnic
the most awesome of wh ich is Mount Mayon, con- groups.
side red by some to have the most beautifully formed
cone in t he world. THE KINGDOM MESSAGE
The country is divid ed into three main geographical REACHES THE PHILIPPINES
sections : Luzon, the Visayas and Mindanao. Luzon is So it was t ha t in 1912, when a renowned Amer ican
t he largest isl an d, located to the north and having a minister visit ed Manila, he was able to deliver a lec-
"tail" of land that extends southeastward. Mindanao, ture in English to a largely Filipino audience. The
in the southern part of the Philippines, is the second- speaker was Charles T. Russell, president of the Watch
largest island. Sandwiched in between is the group of Tower Bible a nd Tract Society, who was then on a
islands kno wn as th e Visayas. worldwi de lecture tour. On Sunday, January 14, 1912,
The beautiful isl ands that make up the Philippines he gave the talk "Where Are the Dead?" at the Manila
are home for 42 million Filipinos, a friendly, outgoing Grand Opera House. With this event, the Kingdom
people, principally of Malay descent. They are a gre- message reached the Philippines for the first time,
garious people with a sense of humor. They love t o and the modern history of Jehovah's people in this
talk and exchange ideas on a lmo st any subject imag- country beg an.
inable. Their zest for life is expressed in their love Even before Brother Russell and his party arrived,
of music and dancing. F amily ties are very close, bu t there had been much publicity. Paid advertisements
the Filipino is hospitable to strangers and his door appearing in the Manila Times on January 8, 11 and
is always open to neighb or s and visitors. Outside the 13 created much interest in the lecture. However, some
cities, life in the agricultural Philippines remains newspapers published derogatory statements about
leisurely. All these characteristics of the Filipino have Brother Russell, no doubt basing their reports on false
in some way contributed to the rapid spread of the charges that had been made by the Brooklyn Eagle
message of God's truth in the islands. and other American newspapers. Some claimed that
By the sixteenth century of the Common Era, due he was making money, that he was a "grafter," an
Yearbook 81
itinerant preacher who was making capital of the
religious enthusiasm of the ignorant. Others even false-
ly reported that the group had failed to arrive as
o scheduled.
•... () All this adverse publicity did not dampen interest
in the lecture. Rather, this seemed to kindle interest,
and about 1,000 persons were present. Announcement
was made at the meeting that free literature would
Philippine be sent to any who would write their name and address
on slips of paper.
Sea Since Brother Russell had been introduced at the
Opera House by none other than General J. Franklin
Bell, the commander in chief of the 20,000 American
troops stationed in the Philippines at that time, a

South t subsequent issue of the Philippines Free Press com-

mented: "When such men as Major-General Bell and
General Hall [a traveling companion of Russell who
i had lived in the Philippines ten years previous] identify
themselves with Pastor Russell and his propaganda,
there cannot be anything very seriously wrong with it."
There is no doubt that this first preaching of the

. V·, .o·~~-·i'l·"
K.'): c.. ·
~,,;c.. G
~~~~ .
. good news in the Philippines had a powerful impact on
the people of Manila. The lecture became a topic of
conversation among all kinds of people. Also, the litera-
ture distributed, and the talk itself, planted seeds of
truth and gave a mighty witness, a fitting start to

.' tJ' the history of Jehovah's people in the Philippines.
C:I . O ' Tacloban
. Bacol b LEYTE~ Siargao Following Brother Russell's visit, the next repre-

~OL ~

~Ti;gbiIa~ ~Uri,
sentative of the Society to come to the Philippines
was Brother H. Tinney. In 1922 or 1923 he left Van-
couver, British Columbia, Canada, to do missionary
work in the Philippines. After serving here diligently for
Sulu -rV'Buenavista about a year, distributing much literature andorga-
DiPOIO~A . . nizing a Bible study class in Manila, he was forced to
• Cagayan
Sea Oxamls' de Oro return to Canada due to ill health. The Bible study class
was continued by Filipinos and the interest thereby gen-
• L\
erated evidently continued to grow. How do we know?
Colaba" • ''U\
Well, by the mid-1920's a person named Petronilo Sala-
Makilala DtiYao zar .was regularly receiving literature from the Soci-
ety's headquarters in New York and was distributing
it. Weekly Bible classes were held at his home on San
Marcelino Street, Manila, and an outdoor sign identified

., .' it as the meeting place of the International Bible Stu-

dents Association. Around ten persons attended ' the
weekly studies during t his time and down to the early
1930's, and the Memorial of J esus Christ's death was
celebrated annually.
82 Yearbook Yearbook 83
Contact with Jehovah's people and their message wrote the Watch Tower Society in Brooklyn, New
was also made through American servicemen (or their York, requesting more literature and asking if the
relatives) assigned to the Philippines for a while. One Society could provide some contact in the Philippines.
elderly sister of around eighty whose son was an army He was sent the address of Sergeant Lampert on
officer got sick while in the Philippines and was treated Corregidor, but the Lamperts already had left the
in the Post Military Hospital at F or t Mills on Correg- Philippines by the time he tried to get in touch with
idor Island. A Filipino nurse became interested in what them.
this elderly woman told her from the Bible. So, after Van Bolin continued reading the books he had re-
being released from the hospital, the old sister con- ceived until one day, when listening to radio station
ducted a Bible study with the nurse and about five KZRM in Manila, he heard a brief announcement re-
others twice a week, calling it an "Inner Circle." garding the work of the Watch Tower Society, in-
When the old sister, Annie D. Barrett, left for the viting people to read its literature. An address on
United States, the nurse heard no more about the Lealtad Street was given. Upon going there, he met
Bible Students (as Jehovah's Witnesses had been a Watch Tower representative and began associating
called) until 1932, when another American patient by with Jehovah's people. Apart from the meetings held
the name of Mrs. Lampert gave her the booklet Liberty on Lealtad Street, during this time public Bible lectures
and the book The Harp of God. Before completing were arranged in a number of locations throughout
the literature, she was shocked by comments t hat false the Manila area.
religion is a means used by Satan to blind the minds Around this time, another Watch Tower represen-
of men. So she took the matter up with the army tative was on his way to the Philippines. This was
chaplain, who was acquainted with the Bible Students Joseph Dos Santos, an American of Portuguese de-
in the United States and who told her of their growth scent, who had been a pioneer in Hawaii since 1929.
there in spite of the fact that they were severely He left Hawaii in 1933 aboard the steamship "Great
persecuted. He told her, 'You will not find any real Northern," with the intention of circling the globe and
Christians but these people in the whole United States.' stopping at major cities en route to proclaim the King-
Encouraged again by this, the nurse ordered three dom message and place literature. He carried some
sets of our books through Sister Lampert's husband publications with him and requested that more liter-
who was a sergeant in the United States armed forces. ature be shipped to Manila for use there. When the
When these were received, the nurse distributed them boat docked at Yokohama, however, his entire stock of
to her friends. literature was confiscated by Japanese authorities. Evi-
That nurse, Purificacion Bennett, later left the mil- dently some clergymen traveling with Brother Dos
itary hospital on Corregidor and eventually contacted Santos had falsely accused him of being a Communist,
the Society's office in Manila. She became a pioneer notifying the Japanese authorities by telegram before
in 1935, played an active part in spreading the truth the boat arrived.
in Luzon and Davao City during the next ten years This false charge of being a Communist followed
and continued serving as a faithful pioneer until her Brother Dos Santos to Manila. On arrival, he was
death in May of 1977. immediately summoned to see the Director of Customs,
who wished to see one of the Society's books. The
ORGANIZED WORK BEGINS Communist party had been officially organized in the
Another early contact was Van Bolin, an American Philippines in November 1930, and so the govern-
serviceman who found the Watch Tower Society's ment was watching all those suspected of being Com-
booklet Where Are the Dead? in a trash can while on munists. After reading one of the books in the space
a tour of duty in Shanghai, China, in 1932. The booklet of a week, the customs director apparently was satis-
had been thrown there by his lieutenant, who had fied that it was religious, not communistic. However,
received it from a relative in the United States but for several months afterward the Intelligence Bureau
was not interested in it. Later, the same lieutenant had a secret policeman follow Brother Dos Santos in
received the book Government and the booklet The his witnessing activity, while a lawyer in the Customs
Kingdom, the Hope of the World and gladly gave them House went so far as to request a Bible study in his
to Van Bolin. Still later that year, Van Bolin's regiment home just to find out if this work was communistic
returned to home base in Manila and he immediately or not. Finally they were satisfied that the work was
84 Yearbook Yea rb ook 85
purely Christian, and so Brother Dos Santos was able Additionally, when new publications were released,
freely to join the already-existing group of around copies were distributed to government officials and
ten brothers in their meetings a nd witnessing activity public libraries. This also bore fruitage. In f act, two of
in and around Manila. those who served as "zone servants" during the sec-
ond world war learned the truth from literature ob-
BRANCH OFFICE ESTABLISHED tained in the libraries. Fulgencio de Jesus borrowed
Brother Dos Santos' plan to travel on to Brazil and the booklet Dividing the People and the book D eliv-
around the world was abruptly altered by a letter from erance! from the National Library in Manila and con -
Joseph F. Rutherford, the president of the Watch Tow- tacted the branch from the address stamped inside the
er Bible and Tract Society. The letter asked Brother book. Salvador Liwag was a schoolteacher in Caba-
Dos Santos t o take charge of the Kingdom-preachlng natuan City, over 100 kilometers (60 miles) from
work in the Philippines and to establish a branch office Manila, when he saw the book Creation in the Na-
of the Society there. He gladly did this, renting a tional Library's branch there. He had previously .ob-
place at 1132 Rizal Avenue, Santa Cruz, Manila, t o tained the booklet Where Are the Dead? and it had
serve as the fir st branch office. Thus it was that the freed him from religious superstition and the influence
Philippine branch began to operate on June 1, 1934. of the demons. They had been troubling him every
With the establishment of the branch office, meet- night, causing loss of sleep and impairment of his
ings and field service became better organized. An health. Hence, when he saw the Creation book and the
English Watchtower study was conducted every Sun- address stamped inside the cover, he was very eager
day evening by Brother Dos Santos. Later, a Tagalo g to learn more and immediately traveled to Manila,
study was added on Friday evenings, using the book- locating the branch office on Rizal Avenue. He acquired
lets th at had been translated into that language, such all the books available and subscribed for The Watch-
as The Kingdom, the Hope of the Worl d; Escape t o tower and The Golden Age (predecessor of Awaken.
t he Kingdom; The Crisis and Beyond the Grave. Th e In October 1934 Brother Liwag gave up his teaching
brothers in the entire Manila area attended this one profession to become a full-time proclaimer of the good
meeting place. Travel in Manila then was not difficult, news. His full-time service continues to this day, and
since the city was not as crowded as it is today and he now serves as a member of the Bethel family in
there was much transportation available. The trambia, Quezon City.
or streetcar, ran right past the branch office and a While the branch was still in it s infancy, God's ser-
ride cost only six centavos (Sc U.S. at t hat t im e) . vants were tes ted as t o t heir loyalty to his organization.
For only 10 centavos, a horse-drawn ri g (cal esa) could Some resented the appointment of Brother Dos Santos
be hired for a short t rip. But, if the brothers wished as the branch directo r and so they wit hdrew t hem-
t o economize, t hey could ride on a horse-drawn car et ela selves from the other brothers and met separately.
for just two centav os ( Lc U.S.). Or t hey could sim ply In the late 1930's, at least two other groups apart from
walk, which t hey often did. those at the branch called themselves "Jehovah's
The small group by no means limited themselves to Witnesses," and one of these was organized locally
meeting together for Bible study, however. Brother as the Watch Tower Bethel and Pulpit Society. While
Dos Santos spent a half day in the house-to-house t his caused confusion, God did not allow it to stumble
witnessing work daily, besides taking care of the those sincerely searching for the t r ut h, and those loyal
branch office. He thus set a good example for the to Jehovah stayed with his organization, refusing to
others. Among those who firs t heard the truth through be drawn into personality conflicts . Interestingly, since
his witnessing were Agustin Dagdag and Narciso the dissident groups basically used material from the
Samson, bot h of whom are still faithfully serving Society's literature in their lectures and debates, many
Jehovah. who listened to them later came in contact with God' s
At that time a testimony card was used in wit- true servants and are still loyally serving J ehovah
nessing. After the householder read this, the lit- t oday.
erature was presented to him. As a result of their
zeal, the small group of no more than twenty King- EXPANSION ON LUZON FROM 1935 TO 1939
dom proclaimers distributed a total of 23,405 books and Although, at first, the work was concentrated in -and
booklets during 1934 alone. a r ound Manila, ' the need to expand into •the' provincial
86 Yea1'book Yearbook 87
areas was soon seen. An early pioneer, Pablo Bautista, Russell and his companions had observed among the
had done some work in the provinces of southern and Filipinos in 1912. Although return visits were not often
central Luzon in 1933 and 1934, but it was primarily made in the 1930's, the vast amounts of literature placed
from 1935 onward that expansion took place outside resulted in the planting of seeds of truth in all parts
Manila. The branch director encouraged all who could of Luzon, and, even without personal contact, many of
do so to enter the pioneer service so as to witness in these bore fruit in the hearts of those hungering spir-
the untouched areas of the Philippines. itually.
Many who became pioneers in those days did so One of these persons was a construction foreman in
without having been baptized. Even the branch direc- Baguio City. His wife obtained the book Riches and
tor, Brother Dos Santos, was not baptized until Octo- some booklets from one of the pioneers. Immediately,
ber of 1935. It was not until the book Riches appeared he began reading the book and, after discussing the
in 1936 that baptism began to be given the proper matter heatedly with his wife the whole night through,
emphasis in the Philippines. On page 145 of that book both of them accepted the truth from what they had
it was made clear that "submitting to be immersed in read. He began talking to his workers in the Dangwa
water is an act of obedience illustrating how one has Transportation Company, and some of them listened,
fully put himself in the hands of the Lord, and there- eventually becoming Jehovah's Witnesses. When the
fore baptism is necessary and proper to be performed book Children was published this man was able to
by all who have agreed to do the will of God." obtain a copy and used it to teach his children the
Pioneer groups were organized and sent out first to Bible. He studied and discussed religion with others
various parts of Luzon Island. Among these were the for four years, although he had not been in contact
Bautista and Lacson families, Brothers Salvador Liwag, with the brothers and had not attended a single Chris-
Jose Medina, Virginio Cruz and Benjamin Sampana tian meeting. This brother is Alfredo Estepa, who
and Sisters Elvira Alinsod and Purificacion Bennett. later associated with the brothers and entered the
They spread out from Manila, covering the territory Bethel home in Quezon City in 1949, having lost his
speedily, since more emphasis then was given to dis- family during the war. He is still serving faithfully at
tributing our literature from house to house than to Bethel.
developing the interest. Yet, if a person showed a sheep- After working for more than two years with the
like disposition, the brothers would stay in his home literature and testimony cards, the pioneers received an
for several hours to teach him the truths from God's added provision in 1937 when Brother Rutherford's
Word. recorded Bible talks began to be used. A portable
Later in the 1930's, the pioneer ranks were swelled phonograph was available at a cost of P20.00 ($10)
by others who learned the truth and saw the urgent and it could be paid for in weekly installments of
need to proclaim the good news. One of these indi- Pl.OO, if desired. In addition to this, the branch office
viduals was Isabelo Taeza. He recalls that the pioneers in Manila obtained a transcription machine in order
in his group in northern Luzon spent from 250 to 280 to play the longer recorded lectures in public. Brother
hours each month in field service, far surpassing the Dos Santos bought a panel truck to carry the tran-
required 150 hours. Showing the wholehearted devotion scription machine and serve as a sound car. By 1939
of these early pioneers, most of them new in the truth, there were two sound machines and twenty-four phono-
Brother Taeza says: "We walked an average of 80 to graphs in use throughout the Philippines.
100 kilometers [50 to 60 miles] a week witnessing up
and down the mountains of Bontoc and along the REACHING THE VISAYAS AND MINDANAO
Abra River." As far as the pioneers were concerned, Once the opening up of our work in Luzon was under
some of the tribal mountain folk ate unfamiliar foods way, Brothers Salvador Liwag and Jose Medina were
such as unskinned frogs. So, the full-time proclaimers assigned to spread the Kingdom message for the first
of the Kingdom message often brought along molasses time in the Visayas and Mindanao. They started in
to sustain themselves. When funds ran low, Brother Cebu City. While they were witnessing on the ground
Taeza, a family man at the time, sold part of his floor of the Student Center building there, a Presby-
farmland and personal property so as to be able to terian pastor, who had just finished religious services
keep on pioneering. on an upper floor, engaged them in a heated discussion
Wherever the pioneers went, they found the same and finally threw their literature bags outside in an-
eagerness to learn about God's Word that Brother ger. One of the pastor's "flock," a man by the name of
88 Yearbook Yearbook 89
Florencio Udog, observed this and noticed the Scrip- terested in public discussions and almost anyone could
tural ' arguments presented by the pioneers. So he stand up in the public plaza to speak,especially about
approached them and obtained the booklet Who Shall religion, and draw a sizable crowd of listeners. Thus
Rule the World? Later, he took all the books they had. the brothers would give a publlc lecture with an open
By June 1935 Florencio Udog was alone, the pioneers question period being allowed afterward. At other
having moved on. Serving as an unbaptized publisher, times, debates were officially arranged with leaders
he wrote the branch office for instructions and was of other religions, although this was discouraged by
sent a copy of the BUlletin (now Our Kingdom Ser- the branch office. The public forum style of discussing
vice) . Although there then were just the few inter- the Bible did much to attract people to the truth, and
ested ones he had contacted, Florencio was appointed many of those now Witnesses first heard the King-
as the service director of the small group. dom message during a public debate or discussion.
After leaving Cebu City, the pioneers moved on to On one occasion in Zamboanga del Sur, for example,
Bacolod City on Negros Island. There they met up when Brother Liwag met a local pastor in a public
with Brother Narciso Samson who had moved there discussion, the timekeeper of the debate became in-
from Manila to do secular work. While in Bacolod terested in the truth and is now a witness of Jehovah.
City the three brothers waited until the early morning Although the debating style disappeared in the 1940's,
hours of June 3, 1935 (June 2 in the United States) , the custom of holding talks in the public plazas and
to hear the broadcast of Brother Rutherford's lecture parks was still popular down to the 1950's, and this
"Government" beamed directly from Washington, D.C., method of advertising the Kingdom certainly was fully
U.S.A. They were thrilled to hear the discourse clearly. utilized by Jehovah's people in this land. Another big
Back in Manila the branch director and other brothers help in reaching more people with the good news was
went to a radio studio to hear the same broadcast, the publishing of more literature in local languages.
but were unable to hear clearly due to static inter- It can be readily seen, therefore, that the period
ference. In San Pablo City, on Luzon Island, another from 1935 to 1939 was one of vigorous activity for
group of pioneers heard the broadcast that morning. the small band of Kingdom proclaimers in the Philip-
This truly made the brothers in the Philippines feel pines. During that five-year period, almost 500,000
more closely united with Jehovah's people earth wide books and booklets were distributed to the people in
at that time when they were so few. all parts of the islands. By 1939 fourteen congregations
After working on Negros Island for several months, had been established and 159 publishers were report-
the pioneers moved southward to Mindanao, reaching ing field service. With few exceptions, vi rtually every
Zamboanga City for the first time. There Conrado province in the country had received a Kingdom wit-
Daclan, a Philippine Constabulary trainee, took books ness to some extent and the seeds had been planted
from the pioneers, but lost touch and could not later for a rich harvest in later years.
locate the pioneers. He presumed that they would need
to report to their Manila office by mail and so he WORK INTENSIFIED AS WAR CLOUDS GATHER .
stationed himself near the post office and waited for A joyful event in the history of Jehovah's Witnesses
them. After several days of waiting, the pioneers in the Philippines took place at the Manila Grand
finally came and he immediately asked for help in Opera House on March 21 and 22, 1940. There, in the
studying the Bible. After three months of study this same hall used by Brother Russell in 1912, the Society's
man was baptized in the Zamboanga River. Not long branch office arranged for the first convention of Jeho-
after this, he joined the pioneer group in the Visayas vah's people to be held in this land. Brothers from
and during World War II played an important part various parts of the country attended and participated
in spreading the truth as a "zone servant."
in advertising the public talk "Government and Peace,"
AIDS IN EXPANDING THE WITNESS which was to be a recording of the talkdelivered by
Apart from witnessing from house to house with Brother Rutherford at Madison Square Garden in New
the literature or phonograph, during the 1930's the York city on June 25, 1939.
brothers used another means of proclaiming the truth By information marching with placards an impres-
.throughout the entire Philippines. This was by public sive witness was given .to Manila residents. Walking
debate. Filipinos of those years were very much in- six to nine meters (20 to 30 feet) apart, 'the brothers
90 Yea1'book Yearbook 91
wore placards that in front read, "Religion Is a ance, since they had sufficient for their needs from the
Snare and a Racket" and at t he ba ck urged, "Serve contributions received for the literature they placed
God and Christ the King and Live." H andbill s also when participating in t he field service. At that time
were us ed to ad vertise the public talk. When, on March living costs were very low in Manila. For instance,
22, the t alk "Government and P eace" was played on the a breakfast consisting of a fried egg, rolls and coffee
transcription machine, an audience of over 300 lis - cost less than ten centavos (5c U.S.). So it was not
tened attentively. until after World War II that Bethel workers in the
Following this first assembly, in order to ca r ry on Philippines began to receive a small allowance for
the work more efficiently, nin e pioneers were a ppointed their personal needs.
as "zone servants," today called cir cuit overseers. In In the midst of such spiritual growth and prosperity,
those da ys, however, they covered a wide area in their however, the threat of war began to make itself felt.
travels. The appointment of these zone servants was The second world war was already raging in Europe,
certainly timely, as they were to play a vit al role a nd by July 1941 the Japanese imperial armies had
during the next few critical yea rs. the Philippines virtually surrounded. The fear of the
With the zone servants serving systema ti ca lly in enemy within caused some to suspect that Jehovah's
their respective "zones," our activities moved ahead people were spies or were Communists, and this
faster and more smoothly than ever before. Nine new brought some pressure on the small group of brothers
congregations were established in 1940 and eight in in this land.
1941, bringing the total up to 31 congregations having In Balaoan, La Union, a group of pioneers were
373 publishers in that year. Over 300,000 books and arrested because they did not obtain a license to pub-
booklets were distributed in 1940 and 1941, and 108,548 lish the good news in the town. When other pioneers
persons heard the recorded talks of Brother Ruther- protested this unjust action as being a curtailment
ford. The Memorial on April 11, 1941, was attended by of their freedom of speech and religion, they, too,
621 persons, 16 of whom partook of the emblems. were arrested and accused of being Communists. The
In January 1940 the cramped branch office on Riz al brothers used the Society's booklet Order of Trial
Avenue in Manila was expanded a little by the renting in defending themselves and, after a week, they were
of additional space in the same apartment building. transferred to the provincial jail in San Fernando,
But even this did not suffice to keep pace with the La Union. After spending a month in prison, through
growing needs. At that time Brother Dos Santos, hi s the aid of a liberty-loving American lawyer who or-
wife and their two children were the only persons fered his services free of charge, they were released
permanently living in the Bethel home, although other and found not guilty of the charges.
brothers would come in and he lp occasionally. Toward In other provinces the brothers were accused of
the end of 1940, a larger, two-s tor y hou se was pur chased being "fifth columnists" or spies for the Axis Powers.
for P4,500.00 ($2,250), almost half the amount bein g Religious newspapers encouraged this by falsely stat-
pa id by th e branch overseer and th e re st being loaned ing that the Society's purpose was to undermine and
by an in ter ested German m an. The new property, overthrow man's governments. Such unjust accusations
loca ted at 1736 M. Natividad Street, Santa Cruz, Manila, were not limited to the island of Luzon, but were reo
was spacious, well ventilated and away from the noi se ported in Mindanao and the Visayas as well. The
and dust of Rizal Avenue, which is a main thorough- accusations sometimes were accompanied by ph ysic al
far e. The basement floor served as a storeroom f or abuse of the brothers.
the liter a ture, and the office and living quarters were On two occasions the branch office was visited by
on the second floor . The sala or large reception area Intelligence Bureau representatives who were check-
served as the meeting place for the Ma nila "Company." ing on the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses. After
- P s. 68:11, Attthoriz ed V ersion. reading some lite r a ture, they recognized that the work
Soon aft er purchasing this pr operty, a new Bethel had no political connections whatsoever, but was pure-
member was added. He was Narciso Delavin, who had ly Christian. One of the representatives advised the
been servin g a s zone servant in the southern provo branch overseer that "in case of any misunder standing
inces . In 1941 two sisters were ad ded to the branch from the Commonwealth officials regarding your work,
office staff, thus making five Bethel workers in all, you may just refer the matter to the bureau."
excluding the two children of Brother and Sister Dos The nearness of war also increased feelings of
Santos. None of these workers requested any allow- nationalism, and there was much discussion about
92 Yearbook Yearbook 93
making the flag salute compulsory in public and pri- from the Filipino brothers. No food was given them
vate schools. As early as 1939 some children of Jeho- for two days, but Brother Engracio Alinsod brought
vah's Witnesses had been expelled from school because them some provisions.
of not saluting the flag and, in view of their religious After this, all four of the brothers were taken by
objection to saluting any national emblem, they were truck to the National Penitentiary in Muntinlup'a,
often mentioned prominently in the newspapers when Rizal, around 25 kilometers (16 miles) south of Manila.
this matter came up. Finally, a circular was issued to There they were again fingerprinted and photographed
all schools making flag saluting compulsory on the and their hair was shaved on top in the shape of a
strength of an opinion rendered by the then .Secre- cross, supposedly to indicate that they were traitors
tary of Justice, Jose Abad Santos. No doubt this ~~s against the government. Again Brother Dos Santos
influenced somewhat by the outcome of the GObttt8 was kept away from the other prisoners. He was placed
case in June 1940, when the Supreme Court of the in solitary confinement and not allowed out in the
United States decided against Jehovah's Witnesses. sunlight.
Brothers Delavin, Dagdag and Maninang were put
WAR REACHES THE PHILIPPINES in a large cell with several Sakdalistas, members of a
All these events came to a head when the Japanese rebel movement advocating the overthrow of the
Air Force bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii at a little government. The brothers witnessed to these men fear-
past 2 a.m, on the morning of December 8, 1941, Phil- lessly. Toward the end of December 1941, it was
ippine time. A few hours later an air attack was made announced that all Sakdalistas would be released if
on Davao City in southern Mindanao, and at noon of they would henceforth support the government and
the same day the United States bases in Clark and renounce their political beliefs. The three brothers
Iba on Luzon Island were bombed by Japanese air- immediately told the guards that they were Jehovah's
craft operating out of Formosa. War had reached the Witnesses and were not traitors against the govern-
Philippines. ment and so had nothing to renounce. As a result of
this firm declaration, they were separated from the
A few days after the first bombing raid, the Society's Sakdalistas, given better treatment, and later that
Philippine branch sent to the Brooklyn headquarters night, released along with Brother Dos Santos.
a telegram that read: "Greetings. Work paralyzed. While Brother Pedro Navarro of San Fabian, Panga-
Brethren determined to 'comfort all that mourn'!" sinan, about two hundred kilometers (124 miles) north
This was the last communication this branch had with of Manila, and several others were cycling to Manila
the Society's headquarters in New York until the war to get literature for field service, they learned of the
ended. bombing of Pearl Harbor. On their way back, they
Four days after the Pearl Harbor bombing, at around saw that the American forces (USAFFE-United States
10 a.m., two Philippine Constabulary officers went to Armed Forces in the Far East) were deploying them-
the branch office on M. Natividad Street and took the selves along the roads and beaches and that people in
branch overseer in for questioning. Malicious reli- general were evacuating to the hills. So, upon reaching
gious elements had falsely reported to the authorities Pangasinan, these brothers also left their homes and
that the branch overseer was the No.1 fifth columnist went with their families to the hills of Lobong, to
in the Philippines. A few hours later, three Filipino San Jacinto, Pangasinan.
brothers who were at the branch office that day were On December 14, 1941, seventeen of these brothers
also taken into custody by the same officers. Upon were arrested. They were asked by the Filipino military
arrival at the headquarters, they werefingerpdnted authorities if the Kingdom they were proclaiming was
and photographed like common criminals, then inter- the Japanese government and if Jehovah was the
rogated on the following day. During the investigation, name of a Japanese god. The brothers answered clearly
if they refused to answer particularly tricky questions that the Kingdom was God's and that Jehovah is the
directly, they were often beaten. Following this, the God of the entire universe. The army sergeant then
three brothers-Narciso Delavin, Agustin Dagdag and spread both an American and a Filipino flag side by
Melchor Maninang-were thrown into the Old Bilibid side on a tree trunk and ordered Brother Navarro to
prison on Azcarraga Street (nowC. M. Recto Avenue). strip to his shorts and kneel and kiss the flags. When
Brother DosSantos, the. branch overseer, was already he remained standing he Was beaten mercilessly in
there by that time, although he was kept separate - front of the other brothers until he fell down. : Told to
94 Yearbook Yearbook 95
stand up, he was immediately knocked down again. Society's interests. Since alien-owned property would
The brother was beaten by alternating groups of four no doubt be confiscated by the invading forces, it was
soldiers from nightfall unti11:30 the following morning, arranged that the branch office property on M. Natividad
with only brief intervals in between. Brother Navarro Street be sold. Literature was distributed to the homes
suffered a dislocated rib as a result of the mistreatment. of a number of brothers in Manila, and the branch
This display of brute force did not make the ob- records were destroyed. When the Japanese soldiers
se;rving brother:s afraid as the soldiers had hoped. entered Manila on January 2, 1942, they posted notices
Smce these WItnesses, too, refused to compromise, throughout the city ordering all "enemy" aliens to
they also were beaten, were burned with cigarette ends, report at once for internment at the Santo Tomas
and had bullets placed between their fingers before University. So it was that on January 26, 1942, the
these were squeezed together very hard. The next day branch overseer entered this improvised prison camp,
the seventeen brothers were taken to Manaoag cern- there to remain for over three years, until March 13,
etery and told they were to be shot. Instead, they were 1945. His wife, being a Filipino citizen, was not im-
left out in the tropical sun without cover from 8 a.m. prisoned with him.
to 3 p.m, before being questioned again by the officers. At the beginning of his imprisonment, Brother Dos
Thereafter, the brothers were taken to the Dagupan Santos was able to have occasional visits from his
City jail and released after two or three days, only to wife and other Witnesses, and this gave him opportu-
be rearrested a day later and imprisoned in Tayug, nity to provide helpful advice. Later, when the camp
Pangasinan. came under military control, this was no longer pos-
After further mistreatment, during which Brother sible. On one occasion, he received a letter from
Navarro and his uncle were chained together and Brother Nathan H. Knorr, the new president of the
regularly beaten in an open plaza, the Witnesses were Society, informing him of the death of Brother Ruther-
finally transported to Manila in an army truck. Since ford on January 8, 1942.
the Japanese were frequently bombing bridges and
highways at that time, whenever an air raid came the CONTINUED GROWTH
soldiers would take cover by the side of the road, but, DURING JAPANESE OCCUPATION
with their guns trained on them, they would leave the During the prewar trials from the combined Amer-
brothers in the truck, hoping they would be bombed ican and Filipino forces and the subsequent persecution
on the highway. They survived, however, and, upon caused by the Japanese occupation of the Philippines,
reaching Manila, were investigated at the USAFFE the Witnesses maintained strict neutrality. In the 1938
headquarters, where they were cleared of the charges and 1939 Yearbooks they had read how their persecuted
against them and were released. brothers in Nazi Germany were maintaining faithful-
The freed Witnesses remained in Manila for a few ness to God, and this was a real source of encourage-
days, trying to contact the brothers, but the first time ment. Additionally, Jehovah providentially had ar-
they went to the branch office, it was closed. The fol- ranged for the booklet Neutrality to be on hand here
lowing day they went again and were happy to meet for the brothers' use even before the war came to the
Brother Dos Santos, who had just arrived after being Philippines. Hence, they were aware of their Scriptural
released from the National Penitentiary. On December position in the. face of the overlapping, and often co-
26, 1941, however, the American forces had declared exlsting, opposmg forces.
Manila an open city. The Japanese armies already were The imprisonment of the branch overseer and the
marching toward the capital city and in a few days closing of the Society's office in Manila did not stop
they would be in complete control of Manila. Realizing the proclamation of the good news of the Kingdom' nor
this, the branch overseer urged Brother Navarro to
return to Pangasinan, taking along as much literature did it slow down the growth of the number of Jeho~ah's
and other supplies as he could carry. How the brothers people. The appointed zone servants for the most part
and sisters in San Jacinto rejoiced when Brother remained in their assigned areas during this difficult
Navarro and the others arrived back home safe and time and faithfully cared for the Kingdom interests
sound, since they felt sure the entire group of brothers entrusted to them as best they could under the cir-
had been executed! cumstances.
Back in Manila, with the Japanese occupation im- II). tracing the steady growth of the Kingdom work
pending, the branch overseer took steps to protect the during the three dark years of the Japanese occupation
96 Yearbook Yearbook 97
(1942-1945), it seems fitting to view the matter from panga and Bulacan, a young brother named Ruben
the standpoint of five different sections of the country, Lacanilao was appointed as zone servant during the
each with its own distinctive story: (1) Central and war. This brother was instrumental in aiding many
Southern Luzon, including Manila; (2) Northern Luzon; to learn the truth, including his own family members.
(3) Western Visayas; (4) Northern Mindanao and Realizing the importance of water baptism after read-
Eastern Visayas; and (5) Southern Mindanao. ing the book Riches, these new disciples were im-
mersed while wearing white clothing and singing
CENTRAL AND SOUTHERN LUZON Kingdom songs (composed by Brother Lacanilao and
Once the Japanese occupation forces entered Manila, put to worldly tunes). During the first year of the
life became hard in the city. Hence, many people evac- occupation, fifty were baptized in this group, with fifty
uated to the provinces. A number of Manila brothers others showing much interest and associating with
moved to an evacuation center in the town of Bay in the brothers. Although there was only one congrega-
the province of Laguna, around seventy-five kilometers tion in that area, meetings were held in three different
(47 miles) south of the city. There the brothers all locations by rotation, namely, in Mandili, Batasan and
stayed together, thus, in effect, transferring much of Pampangsapa.
the Manila Company (Congregation) to the town of During this time, the Hukbalahap movement was
Bay. They held regular studies in the latest publications formed to fight the Japanese. This is a contraction of
that were available. Every Sunday they would share the Tagalog expression Hukbo ng Bayan l aban sa
in the field service, systematically covering the towns Ha/pon, or "People's Army against Japan." These were
and barrios (villages) around Bay. Being close to called Huks for short. Following the war, they remained
Manila, they were able to get literature that had been active in subversive activity against the Philippine
stored in the homes of brothers before the war and government, and for this they were later outlawed.
they used this in the witnessing activity until the supply On one occasion, when about eighty-five brothers were
was exhausted, After that the brothers lent books to gathered for study in a private home, a fierce encounter
interested people. took place between the Huks and the Japanese soldiers
As a result of this spreading of the good news from just thirty meters (100 feet) away from the house.
Bay, the Rubio family, living in Makiling, Calamba, The brothers remained where they were, feeling that
about twenty kilometers (12 miles) away, was con- it would show a lack of faith in Jehovah to run away
tacted and soon all of them accepted the truth and and hide. Not one of them was hurt, although several
were baptized. Being a large family, they were formed civilians were killed by stray bullets during the fight,
into a separate congregation in Makiling. Later, when which lasted five hours.
it became dangerous in Bay due to Japanese attacks, Because of their refusal to join t he Huks in figh ting
the brothers moved from there to Makiling and stayed against the Japanese, the Witnesses were often sus-
with this family on their large tract of land. From pected of being pro-Japanese. The Huks would regularly
there they witnessed to surrounding areas, reaching attempt to recruit the brothers for guerrilla warfare.
into Batangas province, often leaving home at 3 a.m, Especially were they interested in Brother Lacanilao,
using torches to light their way so that they could reach since he was a fluent speaker and good organizer and
their territory by daybreak. Because of danger from they believed he possessed some "hidden wisdom" be-
Japanese patrols or Filipino guerrillas, the brothers cause he had dabbled in spiritism and forecast future
often got separated from one another. So they always events before he learned the truth. At first they tried
took a count before moving out and when returning to entice him with offers of high position in their
home. organization; later they used pressure. But he stead-
However, not all brothers left Manila when the war fastly maintained his neutral position and continued
broke out. Some remained in the city, met together for serving the brothers as zone servant, visiting congre-
study in various homes, and continued declaring the gations in all the central Luzon provinces to strengthen
good news to the extent possible. In adjoining Pasay them.
City, there was an active group of publishers, and in This brother translated past Watchtower articles
1943 they even arranged a small . assembly with ·W it - regularly into Pampango for the benefit of the brothers.
nesses present from Pampanga province. He would type or write out his translation. Then this
would be lent to different families. The family heads
To the north of Manila, in the central plains of Pam- would prepare questions on a certain section and sub-
98 Yearbook Y'e a r b o o Ic 99
mit these to the study conductor. The daily text was kilograms (80 pounds) at that time, to compare with
translated from the latest Yearboolc available, and this sixty-one kilograms <135 pounds) when interned, Tell-
would be discussed by each family after singing songs. ing of what he experienced in prison during the latter
Little by little, Brother Lacanilao also translated the part of his stay, he says: "In the last months there
Society's book Children into Pampango, doing so orally was acute starvation. A bowl of thin rice water with
while a battery of fourteen brothers in a circle around salt was given to every person every day. Anything,
him copied down what he said. Since he was wanted such as camote peelings, weeds and other greens that
by the Huks, he would do this translation work in could be gathered in the camp yard, found its way to
hiding, at one time working in a hut in the center of our empty stomachs to lessen at least the horrible
a watermelon field, while brothers kept watch outside feeling of hunger."
in case visitors should come. If people did come around, Although Brother Dos Santos had been the only Wit-
Brother Lacanilao would hide his typewriter under- ness in the prison camp at the outset, in January of
neath other things in a wicker basket and pretend to 1944 he was joined by two others, Brother Van Bolin
be doing something else. - and his twenty-year-old son John. Brother Bolin had
Because material being translated was selected to been discharged from the American armed forces and
build up the brothers in the faith, they were well had returned to the Philippines in 1941. Along with his
fortified spiritually for the difficulties they faced. Since son, he was determined to pioneer. They were assigned
they were captured and investigated many times, often to Zamboanga City, but shortly after they arrived
they escaped death only through the intervention of the war came and in May 1942 they were imprisoned
relatives who were with the Hulc movement. On one by the Japanese in Zamboanga City. In 1944 they were
occasion, however, Brother Armando Sarmiento a transferred to Santo Tomas University where they
presiding overseer, was captured, hung upside d~wn were met by Brother Dos Santos. They arranged to
from a tree and used as a knife-throwing target until study together regularly and they held the Memorial
he was killed. Thus he died faithful to Jehovah as a celebration that year inside the prison camp.
person who refused to violate his Christian neutrality. During their confinement these three brothers had
In spite of the critical situation, the brothers were used every opportunity to share the truth with fellow
able to meet together for "zone assemblies" from time inmates. They had also kept their integrity to Jehovah
to time. In September of 1943, they met in barrio God.
Mandili in Candaba, Pampanga. Brothers from Pasay As soon as Brother Dos Santos was freed, he set
City and Manila, as well as a large group from Angat up the branch office in temporary quarters in the apart-
Bulacan, were invited. ' ment of a doctor on Oroquieta Street, Manila. Here
Thus the brothers in central Luzon kept active and he had a happy reunion with the brothers who came
strong in faith during the war. When the war ended, from various provinces, and he rejoiced at hearing of
Brother Lacanilao continued to build up the brothers the fine work that had been done in southern and
under the direction of the branch office until one day, central Luzon during the war years. Brothers also
July 9, 1945, when a band of Huks broke into his home visited him from northern Luzon.
and demanded at gunpoint that he go with them in
their fight against the Philippine government. When NORTHERN LUZON
he steadfastly refused, the berdugo (executioner) During the early part of the occupation the brothers
counted to three and fired at him point-blank in front in northern Luzon enjoyed a relatively trouble-tree
of his brothers and sisters. He lived for a half hour period, and so the work was able to proceed smoothly.
after this, and to comfort him his family sang a King- Memorial time afforded opportunity to assemble to-
dom song entitled "Forward, March Even unto Death!" gether, and this was done during each of the four
This faithful brother spent his dying moments en- years. The first Memorial was celebrated in Caba, La
couraging his family to faithfulness and discussing the Union, not long after the occupation began in 1942,
sure hope of the resurrection. and around 100 persons were in attendance.
In February of 1945 the American forces arrived From 1943 until 1945, the zone servant, Brother
and .the prisoners in the Santo Tomas University in Benjamin Sampana, arranged for "zone assemblies"
Mamla were released. Brother Dos Santos was given to be held at Memorial time. At these gatherings in-
treatment by the United States Army and was finally structions were given for the following year's service
released on March 13, 1945. He weighed only thirty-six and pioneers were assigned to witness in specific towns.
100 Yearbook Yearbook 101
Although accurate counts were not kept in those days, So, the work of Jehovah's people progressed steadily
it is clear that the attendance at the 1945 assembly during the occupation on the island of Luzon. But
was more than five times that of the Memorial in how did the brothers fare in the southern islands, such
~942. This showed that Jehovah was bringing in the as the western Visayas?
mcrease durmg the war years.
In between these memorable assemblies the pub- WESTERN VISAYAS
lishers and pioneers kept on declaring the good news
and meeting together to study the Children book, the By the time the war broke out, congregations had
latest available publication of the Society. In some been established in Bacolod City, Iloilo City and Cebu
places the brothers found it advisable to change City, one on each of the three main islands of the
the meeting place each week, both as a convenience area. Let us see what happened to the brothers in
to them as well as to avoid attracting the attention of these places from 1942 to 1945.
the Japanese authorities. When war erupted, the brothers in Bacolod City
Toward the end of 1944, the Americans began periodic moved out to the mountains of Kabatangan and eon-
bombing raids on the Philippines. This caused the tinued witnessing and meeting together there. They
Japanese ocoupation forces to institute harsher con- lived in small huts, camping as a group, and functioned
trols on the people. .At the same time, guerrillas had just like a congregation, having regular meetings and
been mobilized, and Jehovah's Witnesses found them- arrangements for field service. On one occasion, the
selves between two fires, as it were. So, in some areas people in the area learned that a Japanese patrol was
the brothers were forced to flee from their homes. approaching and all except the Witnesses went into
Those in La Union took to the hills and jungle, and in hiding. The brothers closed all the doors and windows
Baguio City Witnesses took refuge in caves as a pro- and quietly remained inside their huts, praying to
tection from the bombing. Wherever they went, they Jehovah. All who fled and hid were captured by the
took along their literature and continued studying Japanese, but God's people were not touched. After
God's Word. staying for a short time in the mountains, it became
In spite of the precautions taken, the brothers could possible for the group to return to Bacolod City, where
not avoid all contact with the opposing forces, and they remained, continuing their service to Jehovah, for
many times they were beaten by either Japanese spies the duration of the war.
or Filipino guerrillas. Up north in Bucay, Abra, Brother When the Japanese occupied Iloilo City the brothers
~sabelo Taeza and his pioneer group, fourteen of them evacuated to barrio Buntatala in Leganes, just outside
III all, were arrested by the Japanese. The fourteen the city. There they met together for meetings in the
brothers were imprisoned, to be executed after a few home of the Gustilo family. On one occasion they held
days. Every evening they were beaten with a piece of the Memorial there and it was attended by a few
wood or a pick handle. No food was given them for brothers from Bacolod City. Later, when it became too
three days. When the day of their execution came, dangerous in that place, the brothers moved to the
the Japanese notified the town mayor, as was their land of Brother BIas Pamplona in barrio Bilidan,
custom. The mayor, in turn, informed the brothers' Santa Barbara, Iloilo, where things were more peaceful.
relatives, but, when he found that some of these were In Bilidan the brothers built their homes on the
his close friends, he intervened on behalf of the con- land of Brother Pamplona, and a Kingdom Hall was
demned Witnesses. Happily the execution was stopped constructed for meetings. During the day they would
and the brothers were freed. Certainly, on that occasion farm the land, with each family sharing in the pro-
they felt the protecting hand of Jehovah over them! duce, and in the evenings they would study God's Word
Later, the same group fell into the hands of the together, using the Salvation and Children books, which
guerrillas, who demanded that they either join them Brother Manuel Enicola would orally translate into
or be killed. Out of fear, one or two of these pioneers Hiligaynon as they went along. Later, one of the
compromised on this occasion, but the majority stood group put up some capital and the brothers went into
firm and were not harmed. This pioneer group did a little buy-and-sell business to help support themselves.
much zealous work in those difficult times, and they They would travel to various towns to sell their goods,
were privileged to establish the Abulug and Claveria and would witness as they did so, sometimes giving
Congregations in Cagayan province, as well as to public lectures. In this way they were able to witness
fortify the brothers in the Bucay, Abra, Congregation. to the towns of Dingle, Santa Barbara, Cabatuan,
102 Yearbook Yearbook 103
Lucena, Leganes, Zarraga, Barotac Nuevo, Lambunao, leased, having finally convinced the guerrillas that
Janiuay and Calinog. they were neutral Christians, not Japanese spies.
Since Brother Manuel Enicola had been a court ste- Even though Brother Barlaan and Sister Santos had
nographer previously, the army invited him to be ste- only the worn-out clothes they were wearing when reo
nographer for the court-martial in that area. Thinking leased, they immediately began declaring the good news
that this was an opportunity to give a 'testimony be- again. Providentially, a young boy told them of a per-
fore kings and rulers,' he went to the camp to explain son nearby who also was a Witness. He turned out to
why he could not accept the position offered. (Matt. be an interested man who had read the Society's book
10:18) This resulted in his being imprisoned in the Creation. This hospitable person invited the entire
Regimental Detention Camp, where he was fed only group of pioneers to stay with him, and for a time
rice broth. Later, even this was not forthcoming, so they used his home for weekly studies. The brothers
that the prisoners took large gulps of water to ease the would spend one week witnessing and earn their living
pangs of hunger. Signs of the American forces' arrival the next, Brother Barlaan by planting corn on the
saved this brother from a worse fate, and charges householder's land and Sister Santos by weaving hats
were never filed against him. Later, he studied at that she would sell in the market for P1.00 each
Gilead School in New York and for a time served as (50c U.S.). In this way, through the generous assistance
a member of the Bethel family in Quezon City. of the kind householder, they were able to buy new
Over in Cebu City, the brothers encountered much clothes. After two months of study, this interested man
difficulty right from the beginning of the war. Brother was baptized by Brother Barlaan.
Leodegario Barlaan and Sister Natividad Santos, who By now the group of pioneers had reached eleven in
later became his wife, were pioneering in Cebu along number. They worked in the mountains of Tuburan and
with several others at the time. They were accused by covered the towns of Sugod, Catmon, Carmen and
the government authorities of being fifth columnists Danao, eventually reaching Toledo City on the west
and were imprisoned for five days in Tuburan, Cebu. coast of Cebu Island. In this latter place they established
Samples of their literature were sent to army head- a Watchtower study (using back issues of the maga-
quarters, but a telegram came back ordering the reo zines) as well as a Cebuano study in the booklet Un-
lease of Jehovah's Witnesses, thus clearing them of covered. By the time that the Japanese occupation
this false charge. They were told not to witness to the ended in 1945, many of the interested persons found
people, but the brothers 'obeyed God rather than men' in these places had been baptized.
and carried on with their work, using their good supply Due to disrupted communications, the brothers in
of the book Children and the booklet End of Axis the western Visayas were not able to get in touch with
Powers-Comfort All That Mourn. (Acts 5:29) Two the branch office right away after the war ended. All
weeks later, they were arrested again and imprisoned, but a few missed the first postwar assembly in Linga-
this time in Cebu City. Although the officer in charge yen during November of 1945. In fact, the first assembly
was kind, he explained that if they were allowed to the majority of them attended on Luzon was the one
proclaim their message publicly, they would discourage held in Manila in March 1947 during Brother N. H.
others from fighting the war. However, when the Knorr's first visit to the Philippines. They kept right
Japanese began bombing the city, all prisoners were on declaring the good news, however, and in March
released. So again these Witnesses were free. 1946 the Hiligaynon-speaking brothers arranged an
Around the end of 1942, Brother Barlaan and Sister assembly on their own initiative in Santa Barbara,
Santos were arrested again, this time by the Filipino Iloilo.
guerrillas who tried to get the brothers to sign an
affidavit stating that they were Japanese spies. Upon NORTHERN MINDANAO AND EASTERN VISAYAS
refusing to do this, these faithful Christians were Following the Manila Grand Opera House assembly
given a mock trial, were sent to the guerrilla head- in 1940, Brother Conrado Daclan was assigned to cover
quarters and then were moved around to various guer- northern Mindanao and eastern Visayas as a zone
rilla camps for a period of eight months, doing forced servant. In April or May of that year he arrived in
labor. On one occasion they were required to sing a Ozamis City, his first stop. Interest was found there
patriotic song, but they sang a Kingdom song instead. and the new ones contacted soon joined Brother Daclan
In july 1943, these persevering Witnesses were reo and the other pioneers in witnessing throughout the
104 Yearbook Yea rb o o k 105
entire northern Mindanao area from Zamboanga t o of t he work in t hat area until contact with t he Society
Surigao. was restored. During that period, congregat ions were
The brothers often ran into difficulties due t o wartime establis he d in Alegria, Mainit, Placer a nd Bacuag in
pressures. In Malaybalay, Bukidnon, at army head- Surigao pr ovince, a nd in Cabadbaran, Esperanza, Las
quarters, Brother Juliano Hermosa was arrested on Nieves and Liber t ad (Bu tuan City) in Agusan province.
a spy charge, but was later released. Later the entire In addition t o the work done by the pioneers, at
pioneer group was arrested on the same charge and times the publishers in Buenavista witnessed in distant
imprisoned for a few days in Gingoog. Brother Solano territories. On one occasion, Benjamin Datig led a
of Manila was with them when they were arrested group of thirty brothers to vis it the people on the island
on that occasion. Again, they were released. of Camiguin. This required a 100-kilometer (60-mile)
In making their way eastward, the Witnesses finally walk to Talisayan, followed by a boat ride. Since in
arrived at what was to become their wartime head- many families no one was left behind to care for the
quarters in Buenavista, Agusan. Here again they soon young children, they were taken along, being carried
found themselves behind bars, although the guards by their parents. During field service in the various
were amazed to see the joy of the brothers as they towns of Camiguin Island, the Witnesses were arrested
sang songs of praise to Jehovah. The Witnesses spoke several times by the guerrillas. Moreover, when these
about the truth to some of the guards and a number Kingdom proclaimers returned to the mainland, the
of these showed considerable interest in the message. entire group, including the small children, were Im-
At this time Brother Daclan was interviewed by Amer- prisoned in Talisayan for eight days.
ican officers and he made a signed statement in answer Because it was learned that the names of prominent
to 75 questions put to him. Evidently this information brothers, due to their neutral stand, were on the wanted
was forwarded to Australia, since not long afterwards lists of the Filipino guerrillas, the brothers stopped
word was reportedly received from General Mac- using their real names and took on Biblical names
Arthur's headquarters there that Jehovah's Witnesses instead. Brother Daclan was called "Caleb," while
were not guilty of fifth column activity. So, they were others had names like "Job," "Shadrach" and "Me-
released. This was in the spring of 1942. shach," These became so common that they rarely
By this time there were about 100 publishers in the used their real names, and even to this day the brothers
Buenavista "Company" and they divided into four of that time often recall one another best by their
smaller groups. The Ohildren book was studied weekly, Biblical names.
and service meetings also were arranged, although As in the rest of the country, the year 1944 saw an
thes~ consisted mainly of talks from the Society's intensifying of the fighting between the Japanese
publications and encouragement t o keep on declaring forces and the guerrillas. This, in turn, br ought much
t he good news . Whe n violence bro ke out between the suffering t o the brother s in northern Mindanao, since
opposing war forces, the Witnesses moved the meetings they were hated by both sides. Javier Pauya, called
from place to place, sometimes meeting in the hills "Job" by the brothers, was cruelly tortured by the
to avoid t he fighting. Since they loved to sing, Bible guerrillas and died not too long after this of illness
poems were composed by the brothers and were set to caused by the mistreatment. In Nasipit, Agusan, San-
Protestant hymns to serve as Kingdom songs. An tiago Sacro and his wife Dominga were killed by the
orchestra was arranged by Antonio Yangzon, and Japanese and their bodies were burned along with
Francisco Borja taught the brothers to sing in four-part their home. For a whole night, Isidro Monta was tied
harmony. to a tree crawling with stinging red ants, but he sur-
When the public schools closed down because of the vived and did not compromise. Other brothers were
war, the Buenavista "Company" arranged for its own stripped naked and severely beaten when they refused
schools, with four groups, each having its own in- to carry bullets for the guerrilla forces.
structor. Even children of non-Witnesses attended these In the midst of this cruel persecution, the zone ser-
makeshift schools and gave a contribution to the vant arranged for an assembly in Bacuag, Surigao,
teachers for the instruction received. Some learned the toward the end of 1944. Brothers from Agusan and
truth in this way, as the Bible and the Society's pub- Surigao provinces attended, and talks were given to
lications were used as textbooks. build up their faith. At the assembly encouragement
Since communications with the branch office had was given to keep on telling out the good news and a
been completely severed, Brother Daclan took charge call was made for volunteers to witness in isolated
106 Yearbook Yearbook 107
territories. About fifty brothers and sisters from four- had been left in Leyte and together they sailed back
teen to thirty years of age volunteered, and they went in "Mizpah" to the Siargao Islands. They were buffeted
to work first in the Siargao Islands off Surigao. These by a strong typhoon en route and a young boy was
islands were relatively trouble-free, and so the Wit- thrown overboard, but Brother Daclan dived in and
nesses served there unhindered, locating good interest saved him and no lives were lost. More work was done
and establishing congregations in Dapa, Tuburan, after this in Bukidnon and Misamis Oriental, resulting
Burgos and Numancia. Soon around 300 brothers alto- in the establishing of the Balintad, Lumbia and Irnba-
gether were witnessing there. tug Congregations.
While on these islands, the brothers built a sturdy A great deal of energetic work was done by the
sailboat that could carry sixty persons and was used brothers in this section during the war, resulting in
in witnessing in various places. They called the boat the establishment of many congregations by 1946, when
"Mizpah." Later, two other boats were added to the communication with the branch office was restored.
"fleet," namely, "Theocracy I" and "Theocracy 11." In Brother Daclan went to Manila to report personally to
"Mizpah" a boatload of brothers set out one day head- the branch office in that year and from then on the
ing farther afield, having the two large islands of work was directed once again from the Society's branch.
Leyte and Bohol as their objective. By that time the
ouster of the Japanese forces from the Philippines was SOUTHERNMUNDANAO
well under way, General MacArthur's advance troops
having landed in Leyte as early as October of 1944. Before the war broke out, a group of six pioneers,
On landing in Liloan, Leyte, the Witnesses separated along with some interested persons, were witnessing in
into two groups and visited the eastern and western Davao City in southern Mindanao. They were meeting
sections of Leyte respectively. Good work was done on regularly for Bible studies at the home of Brother
this trip and congregations were established in Santa Cipriano Sepulveda. Salvador Liwag, who had been
Paz, Sogod and Nahawong. When the one group assigned as zone servant for the area, was one of
reached Maasin, they took off in "Mizpah" once again them, and with him were Brothers Desiderio Pauya,
and headed for Bohol Island. On landing in Ipil, Talibon, Lino Ilaguison and Felino Comidoy, as well as Sisters
Bohol, on the north of the island, this group led by Purificacion Bennett and Elvira Alinsod. When the
Benjamin Datig was divided into three and, since the Japanese landed in Davao in December 1941, Brother
island is roughly circular in shape, one group worked Ilaguison was on Samal Island off Davao City, while
their way eastward, another westward and the third the rest of the Witnesses evacuated to Cotabato provo
southward, going inland. In this manner they covered ince, along with many others who were fleeing from
the entire island of over forty towns and rendezvoused the occupation armies.
in Tagbilaran, the provincial capital. The small group hiked through deep forests fo r
On this trip, these Witnesses met another group many days, sleeping between tree roots and trying to
of interested persons in Sevilla, Bohol. They were pluck off the leeches sucking their blood. They drank
studying the Bible together, along with the Society's the water of the rattan plant when no fresh water was
publications, although they never had associated with available. This plant is a little like sugarcane and when
God's people. Before the war, Salvador Maleza had cut crosswise it secretes sweet water to quench the
obtained some of our publications from a brother doing thirst. The invading Japanese were not too far behind
street witnessing in Manila. Salvador began to read them and occasionally aircraft would drop leaflets en-
them during the Japanese occupation. Although he was couraging the people to submit to the invaders. One
a guerrilla fighter, he began to change many of his leaflet had a picture of the pope blessing children, and
habits, refusing to go to social functions because of it urged all to cooperate with the "Southeast Asia
what he had learned from the publications. A fellow Co-Prosperity Sphere."
guerrilla, Ignacio Digao, noticed the change in him Once in Cotabato, the brothers and sisters discussed
and became interested too . So they, along with others, God's Word with both the local residents and the
began to study together, going through the Bible evacuees from Davao who had settled there. In the
chapter by chapter. How glad they were to meet the town of Pikit the Witnesses were befriended by a man
visiting brothers at that time and to get more knowl- who had obtained some literature before the war.
edge! After the war these persons were baptized. Through him they met two of his relatives, Pedro and
From Bohol the group joined the other brothers who Aniano Brillas, who accepted the truth and are among
108 Yearbook Yearbook 109
Jehovah's people to this day. When the Japanese forces Taking advantage of a temporary lull in the fighting,
finally occupied Cotabato, the brothers were forced to a few brothers and sisters had returned to Davao,
keep moving from place to place to avoid being con- their horneplace. On Samal Island they found Lino
scripted for work in the Japanese garrisons. They Ilaguison still faithfully serving. In spite of the fact
camped in the hills when it became dangerous to stay that this brother was arrested and imprisoned five
in the town proper. This moving around proved to be times by the Japanese or their cohorts, he was able to
a blessing in disguise, as a number of our present-day establish several groups on the island.
overseers and ministerial servants, especially those in When the American forces arrived on the Davao
Kabacan and Kidapawan, were first contacted at that mainland at the end of 1944, these brothers on Samal
time. In the latter town, a man named Guillermo Ale- Island moved to the mainland, eager to make contact
gado rejoiced to see the brothers, since he had once with other Witnesses. A group of about fifty went first
studied the Bible in Hawaii with Brother Dos Santos, to Bato, Santa Cruz, Davao, to the home of Galicano
before the latter came to the Philippines. The entire Picot, an interested man who had been contacted by
Alegado family came into the truth. Besides the Alegado Brother Felino Comidoy. Picot was president of the
and Brillas families, others contacted at that time were Japanese-controlled Neighborhood Association, but he
Antero and Macario Baswel, Alfredo Nadong, Anastacio accepted the truth and actively witnessed to all he met.
Gonzales, Arsenio Bermudez and Manuel Gamponia. Because he could not conscientiously do much of the
On one occasion, some of the brothers were arrested work required of him by the Neighborhood Association,
by guerrillas as suspected Japanese spies. When they he was eventually relieved of his position, for which
learned that Pedro Brillas was a former soldier, they he was happy. When the fifty brothers from Samal
beat him mercilessly. Four of the brothers were kept Island stayed for a while in his home, he was accused
overnight and then taken deep into the jungle to be by neighbors and relatives of harboring dissidents. But
imprisoned. They were put in small cages similar to before the Witnesses could be apprehended, he sent
those used for transporting live pigs, and these were them away by night, and they traveled through the
so cramped that the brothers could neither lie down forest and mountains until they joined Brother Liwag's
nor stand up, but only sit. They continued to bear "congregation" at the foot of Mount Apo.
witness, even under these conditions, and, as a result, The congregation as a whole was called "Jehovah-
one of their guards, Lorenzo Hersan, accepted the Shammah," and each Witness was given a Biblical
truth and was later baptized. The brothers remained in name, such as "Joel," "Jonadab," "David" and so forth,
captivity for almost two months before being released some of which stick to the brothers to this very day.
due to the intervention of a relative of the Brillas This was done to prevent ready identification, since
brothers. Brother Liwag especially was on the "wanted" lists of
The time came when most of the brothers' literature the guerrillas and Japanese soldiers. If strangers came
was either lost or worn out and they had only a few near the camp, the word tiki was used to spread the
Bibles between them. They then formed groups of six warning to the others. Incidentally, that word means
or eight, and half of them worked for material food "house lizard" in Cebuano.
for one week, while the other half went witnessing.
The next week the process was reversed. When in During this period .of around a year, the "congre-
service, since usually there was only one Bible in a gation" was regularly built up spiritually. Brother
group, they all went to a house together. One brother Liwag would visit each of its seven cottages in turn
would give a testimony while others would share in and conduct studies in the evenings. Since most of the
answering any questions asked by the householder. In literature was worn out by this time, he would prepare
that way all could share in giving the witness. daily texts and comments designed to strengthen and
By the fall of 1944, it was becoming more and more encourage the brothers. These were translated into
difficult to maintain neutrality. So the brothers kept Iloko by Macario Baswel and into Cebuano by Moises
together in a large group and avoided populated areas Supera, since the group was about evenly divided be-
as much as possible. There were around 200 of them, tween these two language groups. Handwritten material
Including the children-a traveling "congregation," on Bible accounts, such as those of Esther and Ruth,
which eventually settled in the jungles near Lamitan, was also prepared and translated, and this served as
Makilala, Cotabato, at the foot of Mount Apo, the a basis for discussion when the entire group met to-
highest mountain in the Philippines. gether for meetings once a week. Leovihildo Comidoy
110 Yearbook Yearbook 111
prepared questions on this material. Information from persons were unaccounted for. Conservative estimates
the Children book was put in simplified form in three had it that the Philippines had lost about two thirds
separate handwritten sections and was used by parents of its material wealth. The largest city had been
each morning to instruct their children in God's Word. devastated to such a degree that one historian claims
Since singing was very much a part of their worship, that only Stalingrad and Warsaw could compare with
songs in both Iloko and Cebuano were composed by Manila in destruction. The city had been wrecked by
Moises Supera. These were used in opening and closing bombs from both sides of the conflict, as well as by the
the Bible studies and meetings. fierce house-to-house fighting in the ancient walled city
To provide material sustenance, each cottage had of Intramuros, which conflict ended the battle of Manila.
its own farm and the brothers planted rice and cas- Even two years later, when the then president of the
sava. If one cottage ran short, the others would help Watch Tower Society, Brother Nathan H. Knorr, visited
out in the same spirit as that shown by the early Manila for the first time, the city was still in ruins. A
Christians when together in Jerusalem following the report gives his observations then: "Blocks and blocks
day of Pentecost in 33 C.E. (Acts 2:42-45) While wait- of the city that had been homes of the people were
ing for their first harvest, the group subsisted on now cleared-off open country; it was truly much worse
wild fruit and roots, occasionally enjoying wild pig. than anything we had seen in Europe a year ago."
A number of times the Witnesses were discovered Thus it was a time for rehabilitation, for rebuilding,
by both sides in the war. Once a Japanese patrol took and this applied not only to the country as a whole,
Brother Liwag to their headquarters, where he was but also to the structure of the congregation of God's
grilled for several hours by the officer in charge. people in this land. Much work lay ahead.
Amazingly, he was allowed to go free after he had When Brother Dos Santos was released from prison
given a good witness regarding Jehovah's kingdom. on March 13, 1945, one of the first things he did after
On another occasion, a guerrilla band searched for being reunited with his family was to reopen the branch
him, but he hid up in the bark ceiling of a house and office in an apartment at 1219-B Oroquieta Street,
was not seen. Manila, next door to the clinic of Brother Yngson,
Due to their isolation in Cotabato, the brothers were a doctor. The brother's clinic was used for meetings.
not aware of the war's end. The branch overseer had Brother Dos Santos got in touch with the Brooklyn
written several letters to known prewar addresses to office once again, although letters could be sent only
try to locate Brother Liwag, and eventually a message by surface mail for the most part, since airmail
was delivered to him instructing him to return to was limited to use by military personnel. He requested
Manila. So he left the "congregation" and headed for and received copies of all back issues of The Watch-
Davao to get transportation to Manila. tower and other publications, as well as information
Toward the end of December 1945, the majority of the that the brothers in the Philippines had missed during
large "congregation" left their secluded home in the the war. In this way things began to move ahead again
jungle and trekked to Panabo, Davao, a distance of as the Philippine branch made up for the time lost
almost 150 kilometers (94 miles). There most of them and began to catch up with the worldwide advance-
remained, awaiting definite instructions from the So- ment of Jehovah's people.
ciety's branch office. When Brothers Liwag and Supera In the meantime, reports began filtering in from the
returned from Manila in October 1946, the brothers brothers in the various parts of Luzon. From these
were prepared and "geared up" for greater witnessing and the incomplete reports provided by two of the
activity than ever before. Thirteen began to pioneer zone servants it was estimated that there were around
immediately, while the others returned to their home- 2,000 Kingdom publishers on the island, organized into
towns and shared the good news there. Soon many 64 congregations. This meant that in that area 31 new
congregations mushroomed throughout Davao and Cota- congregations had been organized during the occupa-
bato, so that today there are 238 congregations in this tion. This, however, did not include any reports from
section of the country. the Visayas and Mindanao, since the brothers there
had not yet contacted the branch office. Even these
POSTWAR REORGANIZATION BEGINS incomplete figures revealed what a tremendous in-
The war had left the Philippines on the brink of crease had taken place since 1941, when the last
bankruptcy. All over the country more than a million prewar report for the entire Philippines showed 373
112 Yearbook Yearbook 113
publishers. What a blessing from Jehovah and what a Shortly after the assembly had begun and the
fine answer this was to the determined efforts of brothers had started out in the field service with
Satan the Devil to destroy true worship here during placards, a Catholic priest inspired an effort to break
World War II! up the gathering. Convinced by the priest that the gath-
From July to September 1945 Brother Dos .Sant?s ering was unlawful, the acting provincial governor
visited and encouraged a number of congregations III ordered the brothers to vacate the premises. He argued
Luzon. On one occasion in July, he met with twenty- that the permission obtained from the United States
four company servants (presiding overseers) in Panga- armed forces was not valid, since no permit had been
sinan in a joint meeting held to help correct some granted by the provincial government of Pangasinan.
private speculations and interpretations put forward Also, he claimed that public property such as the
by a few brothers during the war and that had caused Sison Auditorium could not be used for religious pur-
some dissension. Some had felt that Armageddon had poses. When the brothers refused to stop their assem-
already begun and others said that the prophets of bly, the governor sent a military policeman to evict
old had been resurrected. These and other less serious them. However, when the policeman examined the
misunderstandings were straightened out at that time, permits the brothers had, he did not carry out the
and the brothers were helped to press on unitedly with command right away, but checked first with his com-
the postwar Kingdom-preaching activity. manding officer. The commanding officer told the Wit-
By September the Watchtower magazine had begun nesses: "Continue your convention," and ordered the
to be received through the mail again and the Filipino military policeman to "protect these people."
Witnesses were able to enjoy an up-to-date Watch- So the assembly went on to a successful conclusion
tower study for the first time in forty-six months. under the protection of the soldiers who had been sent
Around this time also about two hundred members of to evict the brothers. The English public talk "Peace-
the group that had broken away from the Watch Tower Can It Last?" was attended by an audience of around
Society in the 1930's voiced their desire to associate 4,000 persons. Other talks were given in Iloko and
with Jehovah's united people. These were gladly wel- Pangasinan. A mass baptism of 119 was held in Linga-
comed and joined with the brothers in the postwar yen Gulf where MacArthur's forces had landed less
work. than a year earlier. At this assembly the booklet
Organization Instrttctions was released for the first
FIRST POSTWAR ASSEMBLY time, and demonstrations were arranged showing how
to conduct effective home Bible studies with interested
Soon after his release, Brother Dos Santos had made persons. This set the stage for better congregational
arrangements for a national convention to be held in direction and improved teaching methods, which were
Lingayen, Pangasinan. The Sison Auditorium was very much needed among the brothers, most of whom
rented from the American armed forces, who at that had learned the truth during the war years. .
time were leasing the auditorium and its surrounding Following the assembly, the provincial governor
land from the provincial government of Pangasinan. charged the three brothers comprising the convention
This fine assembly was held from November 9 to 11, committee with disobeying an order of a person in
1945, and over 2,000 brothers and sisters were present, authority. In the Dagupan City Court of First Instance
almost all from Luzon Island. Sixty congregations they were convicted and were sentenced to thirty days
were represented. The assembly site was close to a in prison. The decision was appealed and, after many
sandy beach surrounded by palms, and only the ravages delays, was heard in the Court of Appeals. Attorney
of war marred the beauty of the place, the hall itself Emmanuel Pelaez, who later became vice-president
having suffered some bomb damage. There were no of the Philippines, argued the case on behalf of the
seats in the auditorium; so the brothers got to work Witnesses and the court reversed the decision of the
and built bamboo benches. The conventioners were lower court.
accommodated in a hundred former army barracks This decision was an important one, providing a
made of bamboo and nipa palms. Forty persons could precedent that was to be used frequently in later years
be accommodated in the larger ones. The abandoned to defend the right of Jehovah's Witnesses to hold
mess hall was used as a cafeteria, although the brothers Christian assemblies in public schools and other public
cooked their own meals, having brought with them buildings throughout the Republic of the Philippines.
to the assembly their food and utensils. Shortly after the Lingayen assembly, the work of
114 Yearbook Yearbook 115
the servant to the brethren (today called a circuit present from the Visayas and Mindanao, as well as
overseer) was begun, replacing the zone servant work. from Luzon. Due to delays, Brother Knorr and his
Brother Salvador Liwag was the first servant to the secretary Milton G. Henschel did not arrive until
brethren, visiting all the congregations on the island April 1. But when they did arrive, they were given a
of Luzon at that time. On April 16, 1946, a total of rousing welcome by their Filipino brothers.
4,185 assembled to celebrate the Lord's Evening Meal On the last day of the assembly, Wednesday, April 2,
throughout the islands. Brother Knorr met with the pioneers and for the first
By August 1946 the branch facilities had become far time invited Filipino brothers to fill out applications
too small to handle the rapid growth of the Kingdom to attend the Watchtower Bible School of Gilead in
work. Just at the right time, Jehovah opened the way the United States. Thirty-six applications were turned in
for a move to a larger place located at 2621 Int. 2 that morning. While this was going on, a baptism of
Herran, Santa Ana, Manila. This was the spacious home 151 new disciples was taking place in Manila Bay,
of a dedicated family, who generously offered their with the remains of the many sunken ships, silent re-
facilities as a branch office and Kingdom Hall. The minders of the Battle of Manila, in full view. In the
basement floor was used as a stockroom for the Iitera- afternoon the public lecture "The Joy of All the
ture. This house is still being used as a Kingdom Hall People" was delivered by Brother Knorr to an au-
by two of the Manila congregations. dience of 4,200. The entire talk was broadcast over
Around this time also, the Philippine branch received radio station KZPI, which had sufficient power to
thirty-six cases of clothing weighing several tons. The cover the entire country. In concluding the assembly,
items had been donated by Jehovah's people in the among other things, Brother Knorr announced that
United States for those who had suffered so much four graduates of Gilead School would be arriving in
during the war. The branch distributed the relief goods, the Philippines soon, and this filled the hearts of the
and 5,046 individuals were able to receive a share. Filipino brothers with great anticipation.
Truly, the Filipino brothers were warmed by this loving
gesture, which was much needed and appreciated in FIRST GILEAD GRADUATES ARRIVE
those difficult times. Less than three months after this assembly, or on
The year 1946 ended with the holding of the "Glad June 14, 1947, the first three Gilead graduates assigned
Nations" Theocratic Assembly from December 18 to 20. to the Philippines arrived, to be followed a month later
It was an echo of the international assembly held in by a fourth. These were Brothers Earl Stewart, Victor
Cleveland, Ohio, in August of the same year. Upward White, Lorenzo Alpiche and Nick Skelparick.
of 5,000 heard the public discourse "The Prince of The brothers met them at the dock and took them
Peace" at the Philippine Racing Club in Santa Ana, to the branch office. Since there was not sufficient
Manila. room at the branch office, the new arrivals were housed
temporarily in a room above a laundry about a block
SECOND VISIT OF A PRESIDENT OF THE SOCIETY away. A month later Brothers White and Alpiche
An important milestone in the history of God's were assigned to travel as servants to the brethren,
people in the Philippines was reached during the while Brother Stewart was appointed to serve as the
"Praise-gfving Nations" Theocratic Assembly, which new branch overseer in place of Brother Dos Santos.
was held from March 31 to April 2, 1947. On the opening Brother and Sister Dos Santos stayed on at the branch
day the assembly was held at the Rizal Memorial office until February of 1949, when they began pre-
Coliseum on Vito Cruz Street, Manila. But because paring to leave for Hawaii. On July 17, 1949, they left
poor acoustics rendered the different language pro- the Philippines, having played a big part during the
grams almost unintelligible, the gathering was trans- formative years of the branch here.
ferred to the Philippine Racing Club in Santa Ana for
the last two days. FmST CmCUIT ASSEMBLIES
For the first time since Brother Russell's visit in By the end of 1947, twelve circuits had been organized
1912, a president of the Watch Tower Society, N. H. as the circuit arrangement began to be implemented
Knorr, was scheduled to visit the Philippines, and the in this land. The first series of twelve circuit assemblies
brothers were eager to meet him. This was the first ran from September to December 1947, and Brother
truly national convention since the war, with brothers Stewart served all of them as district overseer. This
116 Yearbook Yearbook 117
afforded him a fine opportunity to see the condition including "Pastor" Reyes, accepted the truth and began
of the brothers throughout the country and to get associating with Jehovah's people! The chapel was
acquainted with them. converted into a Kingdom Hall and this was the start
The Filipino brothers overcame seemingly insur- of the Bifian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses. Six
mountable difficulties to get to the assembly places. In months later all these family heads were baptized,
Surigao one brother was the only survivor when a and almost all of them are still actively serving Je-
motorship sank during a typhoon. He lost most of his hovah.
belongings, but still attended the assembly. Five ty- At the circuit assembly in mlle-high Baguio City,
phoons swept through the country during the entire Brother Stewart and the circuit overseer, Brother
series of assemblies, but these did not deter the brothers Skelparick, met the lone pioneer in Mountain Province
from attending. In northern Luzon, two raftloads of at that time, Sister Rosalia Sotero (now Rosalia Delis).
brothers floated down the Abra River from their moun- She had heard the truth during the war and was in-
tain homes to attend the assembly in Vigan. When strumental in blazing the trail of Kingdom proclama-
they reached the mouth of the river, they dismantled tion in Mountain Province. Being an Igorot tribes-
their rafts and sold the lumber in order to buy tickets woman herself, she was able to work among the
to go home on the bus after the assembly. Igorots and other tribes, many of whom were non-
In a report to the Society's Brooklyn office, the Christians. She gave them loving help and training
branch overseer wrote: "It was a strange sight to a in righteous ways. Now, in 1977, there are 74 congre-
man accustomed to Western civilization to watch these gations in what was then called Mountain Province,
brethren arriving at the various assembly points. They and it is a great testimony to the people to see what a
brought with them big bags of rice, bundles of food, tremendous change for the better Bible truth has
sleeping mats, many children and polite, welcoming brought about in the lives of these humble mountain
smiles that grew bigger as the assemblies progressed. people.
With rice, firewood, an old-fashioned burner and a Thus the first circuit assembly series was a thrilling
sleeping mat, all their material needs were cared for." and successful one. A total of 7,516 heard the public
At the circuit assembly held in the Kingdom Hall in lecture "Blessed Are the Peacemakers" and 366 were
Santa Ana, Manila, a delegation of interested persons baptized in symbol of their dedication to Jehovah. As
attended from the suburban town of Bifian in Laguna the experiences heard at these assemblies showed,
province. It was interesting to hear from them how there was much potential for greater increase in the
they had learned the truth. There were over twenty Philippines. The assemblies built up the service activity
families associated with a splinter group of the Sev- and helped the brothers to get a clear view of the
enth-day Adventists in that town. Teodoro Reyes was Kingdom-preaching work to be done. This, in turn,
their pastor and they had a small chapel in barrio prepared them for the great influx that was to take
De La Paz. At first they were awaiting the second place from that time onward.
coming of Jesus, but one day a pastor from a nearby
province came and told them that Jesus had already NEED FOR MORE TRANSLATIONS SEEN
come in Kingdom power in a spiritual sense. The man During this first trip around the country, Brother
had learned this from one of the Society's publications, Stewart noticed that although many of the brothers
but he did not inform them of his source of informa- could read English, they felt more at home with their
tion. After much discussion, they accepted this teaching. local languages when commenting at meetings and
Later, a representative of the Watch Tower Bethel and giving talks from the platform. As a result, a number
Pulpit SOCIety visited them, teaching them the Bible of congregations were making up their own transla-
from mimeographed sheets, which were also taken tions of the Society's publtcations, doing so either
from the publications of the Watch Tower Bible and orally as they went along during a meeting or by typing
Tract Society. Still later, they discovered where these them out ahead of time. The Manila Congregation was
men were getting their Bible information. They heard mimeographing its own translation of The Watch·
of the assembly in Santa Ana, Manila, and sent a tower into Tagalog, while in Angat, Bulacan, the book
delegation to see if this was really God's true congre- "Let God Be True" was being translated and mimeo-
gation. When the delegation returned from the as- graphed by the brothers. Since this did not always reo
sembly fully convinced that they had found the truth, sult in the most accurate translation of the Bible
the entire congregation of over twenty family heads, truths, it was found advisable for the Society to take
118 Yearbook Yearbook 119
over this work and to produce more local-language February I, 1948, the Bethel family was able to move
literature. Work was begun on the book "Let God Be into their new home.
True" in Tagalog, Iloko and Cebuano; and The Watch- How glad the brothers in the Philippines were to
tower began to be mimeographed semimonthly in have such a spacious branch office! It seemed provi-
Tagalog in September of 1947. By 1948 The Watch- dential that there was much space around the building,
tower was being mimeographed also in Hiligaynon for that not only made the place quiet and restful, but
and Iloko, to be followed in 1949 by the Cebuano and also allowed for expanding the branch facilities in
Pangasinan editions. In 1951 the Tagalog, Iloko and later years. This property, located at what was then
Cebuano editions began to be printed on the Society's 104 Roosevelt Road in the Quezon City suburb of San
presses in New York. These were followed by others, Francisco del Monte, and which today is 186 Roosevelt "-
until the Society was producing eight local-language Avenue, still houses the branch office.
editions of The Watchtower and four editions of
Awake! for the Philippine branch. Today these are EXPANSION CONTINUES
being printed on the Society's presses in the Philippines. Enthused over the fine new branch facilities, the
The first bound book to be published in a local lan- brothers in the Philippines worked even harder than
guage after the Tagalog Riches book was "Let God Be before. At the second series of circuit assemblies, which
True" in Tagalog, released at the international assem- began shortly after the branch office was moved, a
bly in Yankee Stadium in New York city in 1950. Since total of 9,701 attended the public lecture and 429 were
that time the Society has published seventy-six more baptized, a substantial increase over the first series.
bound books, as well as numerous booklets, in nine Not long thereafter, the first district assembly to be
languages of the Philippines. held in the Philippines was arranged in the University
Club in Bacolod City from August 20 to 22, 1948. The
hall used was the finest auditorium in Bacolod City
The rapid expansion that was being seen in 1947 at that time, and upward of 2,000 attended the public
made it imperative to look for a bigger place for the talk. At that gathering, the program included talks
branch office. As early as July 1947, some of our litera- dealing with congregation organization, and this In-
ture was being stored in a section of a brother's film formation aided the brothers greatly.
studio in Quezon City, since the branch on Herran During 1949 four more Gilead graduates arrived in
Street could not handle the large shipments arriving. the Philippines and this stepped up the pace of King-
A bad typhoon in August brought heavy rains that dom expansion. The month of December that year
flooded the basement at the branch office and damaged showed a new peak of 7,952 publishers, a fine ending
much literature; so it was evident that a safer place to the decade of the 1940's, which had begun with only
was needed for literature storage. around 300 publishers attending the assembly at the
After looking over a number of possible locations, Manila Grand Opera House in 1940. What a fine harvest
an ideal place was located in Quezon City in September Jehovah was giving! The 1949 service year saw a 61-
of 1947. It was on high ground and consisted of almost percent increase in publishers over the previous year,
10,000 square meters (107,000 square feet) of land, on and by the end of that year there were 14 circuits and
which a large, two-story building was situated. This 315 congregations throughout the country.
property was purchased by the Society in December
1947 and soon brothers from the Manila area volun- Another step forward was taken in December 1949,
teer~d their services to help clean, repair and repaint when three Filipino brothers, the first of thirty Fili-
the building. The structure had been used by the pinos to be granted this privilege, left for the United
Japanese occupation forces as a headquarters during States to study in Gilead School at South Lansing,
the war and the cleaners found many old fatigue New York. These three brothers graduated from the
uniforms and helmets in the attic. On the large santol school at the Theocracy's Increase Assembly in Yankee
fruit tree behind the building there still hung chains Stadium, New York city, in the summer of 1950. Five
and ropes that had been used for restraining prisoners more Filipinos attended that assembly prior to en-
when they were being executed. Because of the number rolling in the sixteenth class of Gilead, which began
of executions that had taken place there, some fearful following the assembly. These eight Gilead graduates
neighbors thought the place was "haunted." The vol- returned to their native country to build up the con-
unteer workers labored happily, however, and by gregations, and the training they had received con-
120 Yea rbook Yea rbook 121
tributed greatly to the advancement of ~he. work. in Quezon City, but at the New Luneta , a large park
They were assigned t o Bethel and to the distrfct and by Manila Bay. A cr owd of m ore than 10,000 ga thered
cir cuit work. . there to listen.
Also in 1950 the fir st missionary home was opened m At this convention Brother Knorr announced, to
Cebu City. L~ter, after more missionaries ar rived jn the joy of his listeners, that, before the end of 1951,
1954 and 1955, missionary homes operated f or a w~Ile the W atchtower magazine would be printed in Brooklyn,
in Davao City, Ca gayan de 9ro CIt~, Zambo,anga CIty , New York, in Cebuano, Iloko and Tagalog. These
Ormoc City and Tacloban CIty, all m the Visayas and would replace the mimeographed editions that had been
Mindanao. The missionaries were a fine influence. m in use since 1947. The brothers in those days were
the places to which they were assigned, strengthemng very zealous in the magazine street wor k, literally
the congregation organization and improving efficleney lining Manila's main thoroughfares and giving a good
in the field service. This phase of the work ended in witness with the English magazines. The addition of
Oct ober 1962 when the last home closed down, there the local-language editions in printed form greatly
being sufficient local publishers and special pioneers to enhanced this work, as well as making it easier to
take care of the work by that time, From then on, the obtain SUbscriptions.
few foreign brothers and sistex:s. who remained ?r By the time of the 1951 national assembly the number
who were later assigned to the Phillppines were used m of publishers in the Philippines had reached 14,007, and
the Bethel home or in the circuit and district or special prospects were good for continued progress. The con-
pioneer service. Today only twelve foreign graduates of vention and visit of the Society's president did much
Gilead School remain in the country. to stimulate that progress.
On April 16, 1951, Brother Knorr arrived for his THE GOOD NEWS
second visit to this country, during which he checked As Filipino Christian witnesses swelled in number
the branch office and spoke at the national convention and reached out to all parts of the land with the mes-
held in Quezon City from April 20 to 22. The assembly sage of truth, opposition began to arise, especially in
was held about four city blocks from the branch office strongly Catholic communities. It became necessary,
on two lots owned by' a brother. The brothers made the in some cases, to fight to defend the brothers' right to
entire assembly pavilion, as well as the seats and plat- declare the good news.-Phil. 1:7.
form, out of bamboo, with woven coconut leaves pro-
viding shade from the tropical sun. One of such occasions took place in Sibalom, Antique,
in t he Visayan Islands. On Tuesday morning, October
A f or mer studio of Oriental Pictures, I nc., was used 31, 1950, during the visit of circuit overseer Pedro Fegid,
as a cafeteria for the conventioners. For the first time some brothers and sisters were arrested while doing
at a big convention in the Philippines, this was orga- street work near the public market of Sibalom. Brother
nized along the lines of the cafeteria operated. at the Gimeno Gillera and Sister Josefa Sobremisana were
large international gatherings, rather tI:an having .the charged with selling in the market without paying
brothers bring their own food and do their own cooking, the necessary market fees. They were convicted before
Although travel at that time was quite dangerous the justice of the peace. However, the case was ap-
due to the activity of the Huks against the government, pealed and the ruling of the justice of the peace was
the brothers flocked in from all parts of the country reversed on March 5, 1952, in the Court of First In-
and 5,459 were present on the opening day. After the stance in Antique. In his decision, Judge F. Imperial
first few talks, the program was translated from En- Reyes noted: "The court has to accept as correct the
glish into Iloko, since the majority of the brothers contention of the accused [Brother Gillera] that he
in the truth at that time spoke that language. distributed the pamphlets not for commercial purposes
A large swimming pool o~ned by a sister wa.s used or for profit, much less for sale, but me rely giving the
for immersion. It was a delight to see 522 baptized m same to those persons who might show an interest
this pool which was on a lot near the cafeteria building. in his religion." This upheld the fact that Jehovah's
On Sunday April 22, at 5 p.m., the public lecture Witnesses are not peddlers. (Compare 2 Corinthians
entitled "Proclaim Liberty Throughout the Land" was 2:17.) Following the rendering of the decision, the
delivered by Brother Knorr, not at the assembly site judge invited Sister Sobremisana to visit him, which
122 Yearbook Yearbook 123
she did, resulting in the giving of a goo~ witness. He While it is true that the brothers during this time
accepted a Bible and the book "The K~ngdom Is at took some risks in demanding their right to declare the
Hand" from her. Also, from the court stenographer good news publicly and were quite aggressive in doing
this sister obtained subscriptions for The Watchtower so, their zealous fight for constitutional rights served
and Awake! . to break down much prejudice and to establish God's
On April 20 1952, shortly after the aforementioned people as law-abiding Christians. This, in turn, laid
decision was ~endered, a peaceful circuit assembly of the basis for greater freedom of worship and speech,
Jehovah's Witnesses was disrupted in Solana, Cagayan, not only for Jehovah's Witnesses, but for other reli-
in northeastern Luzon. Even some town officials eve~· gious minorities as well.
tually joined in an armed attack, which resulted m In the years following the war, a number of people
the death of one Witness and the wounding of thirty- had felt that Jehovah's Witnesses were perhaps using
two other persons. The arrival of the Philippine Con- religion as a front for Communism or other anti-
stabulary prevented further bloodshed. When the mat- democratic activity, no doubt because of our neutral
ter was taken to court, the offending parties wex: e stand on political matters. Now, however, our being
punished in harmony with the law. Cases such as this a purely religious organization was becoming recog-
served to protect the right of Jehovah's people to nized by all. During 1952 the branch overseer was
assemble peacefully in subsequent years. Thus ~oda;y granted authorization to solemnize marriages and also
Jehovah's Witnesses hold close to two hundred CIrcUIt to designate others to do this, a fine indication of the
assemblies annually throughout the Philippin~. Re- government's recognition of Jehovah's people as a
public doing so under relatively peaceful conditions. bona fide religious organization in the Philippines.
On June 6-8, 1952, a circuit assembly was held in
the town of Santa Barbara, Iloilo. Although the as- BETHEL FACILITIES EXPANDED
sembly was held in a theater in the town, the public By the end of the 1953 service year, the publishers
lecture was scheduled to be given in the public plaza. in the Philippines had grown to a peak of 20,120,
However, since the plaza was very close to the tow!l's organized into two districts, 30 circuits and 487 congre-
Catholic church, a large crowd of local Roman Catholics gations. In order to cope with the added work prompted
held an indignation rally to protest the Issuance of by this growth, in 1952 work was begun on a second
the permit to hold the lecture there. Some newspapers branch building, approximately the same size as the
claimed that as many as 5,000 people participated in original one, on the Society's property on Roosevelt
this rally. Yielding to this pressure, the mayor revoked Avenue. It was a two-story building, which was con-
the permit that he had issued and the brothers were structed by volunteer workers among the brothers.
compelled to hold the public meeting in the assembly The work was supervised by Brother Alfredo Estepa,
hall instead. Subsequent efforts to obtain a permit to a member of the Bethel family. Only the electrical and
give a Bible lecture in the public plaza failed until the plumbing installations were carried out by non-
governor of the province, Mariano B. Pefiafiorida, Witnesses. In 1953 the office, laundry, and shipping
intervened on behalf of freedom of worship and speech. and magazine departments were moved into this new
A permit was then issued for July 13, but during the building, thus doubling the space and greatly expand-
talk eleven loudspeakers that opposers had set up all ing the branch facilities.
around the plaza began to play at full volume, thus In the same year, 27 brothers from the Philippines
drowning out the speaker. were able to attend the New World Society Assembly
This incident in Santa Barbara shocked many people of Jehovah's Witnesses in Yankee Stadium, New York
in democratic Philippines, and it generated a great city. How delighted they were to assemble there with
deal of newspaper comment for over a month, most their brothers from many lands!
of it favorable to Jehovah's people. Similar difficulties
cropped up in other towns too, notably in Tigbauan, SPECIAL PIONEER WORK BEGINS
Iloilo; Santa Cruz, Zambales; Mangaldan, Pangasinan;
and Gerona, Tarlac. In the town plaza .at Gerona, the Late in the year 1954, we received approval to ap-
speaker went on with his talk even in the face of point fifty special pioneers from among the Filipino
mounted machine guns aimed at him. Afterward, the brothers and sisters. In January 1955, these were as-
mayor, who had tried to prevent the talk, apologized signed to various isolated cities having large popula-
for the disturbance. tions. This original group of fifty special pioneers did
124 Yearbook Yearbook 125
fine work and many of them are still serving faith- Frederick W. Franz. Although short notice was given
fully as full-time praisers of Jehovah. of the visit, a national assembly was arranged for
The opening up of special pioneer activity gave a three days, January 15-17, 1957, and 9,463 attended his
real boost to the pioneer work in the country. In 1955, public talk "New World Peace in Our Time--Why?"
in addition to the fifty special pioneers, there were at the Rizal Memorial Football Stadium. The con-
846 regular and vacation pioneers serving, on the ventioners warmly applauded Brother Franz as he
average, each month. By 1960 the number of special walked to the platform to deliver his talk. Why?
pioneers had reached 270, and 1,592 then served as Because he was wearing the formal Philippine attire
regular and vacation pioneers. Today we have 700 fo~ men, the bm'ong Tagalog, a beautifully embroidered
special pioneers and close to 4,000 regular pioneers, S~Irt. of jusi cloth kindly given him by appreciative
with many others engaging in auxiliary pioneer work. Ffllplno brothers.
This fine response of the Filipino brothers to the pio- D!Jring that a~sembly a strongly worded resolution
neer service is one reason for the good increases that agaIl?st Communist persecution o~ Jehovah's people in
have been enjoyed over the years. Russia was presented and enthusiastlcally adopted by
the assembled throng. Since the Philippine Republic
"TRIUMPHANT KINGDOM" ASSEMBLY did not then maintain diplomatic relations with the
Another noteworthy event occurred from April 13 Soviet Union, Brother Franz, along with the branch
to 15, 1956, when the "Triumphant Kingdom" national overseer and another brother, paid a visit to the
assembly was held during the third visit of Brother Secretary of Foreign Affairs, who was none other than
Knorr to this country. He was accompanied by his the yice-president of the Philippines, Mr. Carlos P.
secretary Don Adams and Lloyd Barry, then the qarcla. After the kindly granted, forty-minute inter-
branch overseer in Japan. It was a thrill to see 17,259 VIew he agreed to forward the resolution to the proper
assemble at the Rizal Memorial Football Stadium on Russian official through the American government.
Sunday afternoon to hear the public talk "Making All Two months following this interview, Carlos P. Garcia
Mankind One Under Their Creator." At this assembly became president of the Philippines when Ramon
the program was delivered in English, with simul- Magsaysay was killed in an air disaster.
taneous translations into Iloko and Tagalog, the trans-
lators using earphones to hear the English speaker. 1958 INTERNATIONAL ASSEMBLY
After the baptismal discourse, the 434 candidates heard It was the privilege and joy of eighty-one brothers
the two questions propounded in eight languages in fr<:>m the Phlllppines to be present at the grand Divine
addition to English. WIll International Assembly at Yankee Stadium and
Two hundred brothers came on one boat from Davao, the Polo Grounds in New York city during the summer
while thousands came from distant Cagayan Valley of 1958. These brothers rejoiced to see three Filipinos
aboard forty-five chartered buses. As they arrived, the graduate from Gilead School on that occasion. Such
delegates were given a neatly printed map of Manila, international gatherings did much to unify the brothers
which showed the assembly site and the addresses of and bring them closer to Jehovah's worldwide family.
the twenty-six Kingdom Halls in the Manila area at
A fine witness was given over radio station DZBB For almost twenty years there had been a seesaw
when Brother Knorr was interviewed on the program controversy over the flag salute issue, which had been
"News Scoop." The interview was scheduled to last touched off by the unfavorable Gobitis decision of the
just 30 minutes, but because of the interest of the United States Supreme Court in 1940. At that time the
interviewers it went on for 45 minutes. Also, the inter- then Secretary of Justice, Jose Abad Santos, put forth
view was heard over the loudspeaker system at the the opinion that children in all public and private
assembly grounds. schools could be required to salute the flag on pain of
expulsion. When the Barnette case in the United States
UPBUILDING VISIT BY F. W. FRANZ Supreme Court reversed the Gobitis decision, this even-
Just nine months after the visit of the Society's tually caused a similar change of position in the
president, the brothers in the Philippines were priv- Philippines in an opinion promulgated by the then
ileged to enjoy the company of the vice-president, Secretary of Justice, Roman Ozaeta, in 1948. On June 11,
126 v e ar b o o k Yearbook 127
1955, however, a bill was signed into law by the then held in the Magsaysay Memorial Stadium in Lingayen,
president Ramon Magsaysay that required all chil- Pangaslnan, from March 24 to 27. During that visit,
dren in public an~ private schools to salute t1?-e much loving assistance was given to the expanding
Philippine flag. Failure to do so would result m branch organization. At the assembly, translations of
expulsion, the program were made into five languages simulta-
Jehovah's Witnesses sought relief through the courts neously as the speakers delivered their parts in English.
in view of their conscientious objection based on The Sison Auditorium, which had been used for the
Exodus 20:4-6. In Masbate the children of Brother first , postwar convention in 1945, was adjacent to the
Gerona were expelled. The Court of Fi~st In~tance stadium and was used as a cafeteria. It was a thrill
in that province upheld the law and denied relief to to see 658 baptized at Lingayen Beach, the highest
the Witnesses. The matter then was taken to the number immersed at one time till then. Also, our
Supreme Court of the Philippines, where it was heard largest audience to that time, 19,640 persons, attended
in the case of Gerona v. Secretary of Education on Brother Henschel's public talk, "When God Speaks
May 15, 1959. Unique in the history of Philippine juris- Peace to All Nations."
prudence was the fact that an American lawyer was
granted permission to explain the stand of JehC!vah's PREPARING FOR GREATER EXPANSION
Witnesses, before the Supreme Court. A good witness Almost a year later, or on February 5, 1961, the
was given, and it was clearly brought to the attention Kingdom Ministry School opened in the Philippines to
of the eminent justices that the refusal of Jehovah's give training to those overseeing the many congrega-
people to salute the flag in no way implies disrespect tions in the islands. The one-month course was held
for the flag, but is based purely on religlous and con- initially in English, then later in the various local
scientious grounds. languages. Though the Bethel home was crowded during
However, on August 15, 1959, the Supreme Court of these early classes, all enjoyed the association with
the Philippines ruled that children of Jehovah's Wit- their brothers from many places. Classes were later
nesses may be required to salute the Philippine flag held in Cebu City, Davao City and Iloilo City for the
despite their religious objections to saluting any man- benefit of the brothers in the Visayas and Mindanao
made emblem. In spite of this adverse decision, Jeho- who found it difficult to make the long trip to Manila
vah's Witnesses continued to follow their Bible-trained by boat.
conscience in the matter. Where possible, the brothers In 1965 the one-month course was suspended, but
have availed themselves of the education provided in in October of 1966 a two-week course of the Kingdom
the schools, but never at the expense of violating their Ministry School began in Bethel. Later it was extended,
Christian conscience. Where the schools have been and classes were held in sixteen different locations
denied them because of their religious scruples, parents throughout the country. To date 7,460 overseers in the
have done their best to educate their children at home. Philippines have attended the Kingdom Ministry School.
CHANGES IN OVERSIGHT What a wonderful spiritual provision this has been!
The 1960's saw several changes in the oversight of It was the privilege of nine brothers from the Philip-
the work in the Philippines. Since Brother Stewart left pine branch to attend the ten-month specialized Gilead
the Philippines due to Sister Stewart's health, Louis School course in Brooklyn, New York, during the period
Leone was appointed as the branch overseer on April 1, from 1961 to 1965. This served to strengthen the branch
1960. Then on March 1, 1963, when the Leones left due organization, as these brothers returned and were
to family responsibilities, William D. Johnson was ap- assigned to work in the branch office or in the field
pointed in his place. When Brother and Sister Johnson in responsible positions. Seven of these are still actively
returned to Canada to take care of their expected serving full time, five of them as members of the
family, Denton Hopkinson was appointed branch over- Bethel family.
seer on May 1, 1966. Today a five-man branch com- In 1961, steps were taken to have the Philippine
mittee supervises the Kingdom-preaching work here. branch begin caring for some of its own printing
needs. To this end, in July of that year a Miehle ver-
VISIT OF M. G. HENSCHEL tical printing press was sent from the New York fac-
In 1960, Milton G. Henschel visited the Philippine tory, along with a linotype machine, paper cutter and
branch as zone overseer, and a national convention was proof press. So, in December 1961 the first issues of
128 Yearbook Yearbook 129
Kingdom Ministry (now Our Kingdom Service) were the security of the nation, the Witnesses show much
produced in the Philippines in the Bicol, Cebu~no, respect for the flag by being model citizens and by
Hiligaynon, Iloko and Tagalog languages. Handbills, following upright conduct at all times. Because of this,
forms and other material also began to be printed in a letter from the Deportation Board dated December
locally. By July 1962, four more issues ?f Kingdom 10, 1962, the branch was informed: "Please be advised
Ministry were added, in Pampango, Pangasman, Samar- that the case against you and other members of your
Leyte and Ibanag, thus making nine monthly editions, 'JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES' for alleged refusal to salute
which are still being printed here and sent out to the our Flag has been dropped." The foreign missionaries
brothers. rejoiced that they could continue serving along with
By 1961 the number of publishers had risen to their Filipino brothers and sisters.
35 713, organized into 929 congregations. With the Much publicity was given this case. Hence, it pro-
addition of the printing faclllties and the Kingdom vided a good opportunity for people to hear the side
Ministry School, space once agam was becoming Iim- of Jehovah's people on the matter.
ited. Therefore, a third branch building was begun on
June 19 1961. It was located right next to the existing 1963 AROUND-THE-WORLD ASSEMBLY
two buIldings and was approximately the same size On August 14, 1963, the traveling five-day "Ever-
and shape. By the end of the year the office was moved lasting Good News" International Assembly reached
into the ground floor of this building and on May 12 the Philippines, after having enjoyed much success in
and 13 1962 the new building was dedicated to Jehovah. many other lands. The Rizal Memorial Football Sta-
Some '1 550 heard the dedication talk by Brother dium was obtained for this occasion, but, since the
Salvador Liwag on Saturday evening, May 12, and seating under cover was insufficient for the expected
2,099 attended the public lecture on Sunday. How crowd, a temporary roofing of corrugated iron was built
thrilled the Filipino brothers were to have a beautiful, over the 305·meter·long (l,OOQ·foot·long) bleacher sec-
modern addition to their Bethel home to help keep tion. This protected the brothers from the seasonal
pace with the continued expansion! August rains. The day before the convention opened
a typhoon struck Manila and caused extensive flooding
MISSIONARIES THREATENED WITH DEPORTATION in the city and damage to the convention facilities,
On September 29, 1962, perhaps as a result of the but the program went ahead on August 14 as scheduled.
adverse court decision on the flag salute case in 1959, At this assembly the talks were delivered in English
the branch overseer received a letter from the De- and were translated into Cebuano, Iloko and Tagalog.
portation Board of the Department of Justice, inviting It was a real joy to see a total of 37,806 attend Brother
him to appear before the board on October 1, 1962. Knorr's public talk "When God Is King over All the
There he found that the board was investigating the Earth." Especially exciting was the largest mass bap-
position of Jehovah's Witnesses on the flag salute t ism ever held in the Philippines, when 2,342 symbolized
issue. They felt that alien missionaries were teaching their dedication to Jehovah God.
more and more Filipinos not to salute the Philippine This was the first international assembly to be held
flag and that the missionaries should therefore be in this land, and representatives were on hand from
deported from the country as undesirable. One official 22 different countries. The foreign delegates were
commented that "your organization is growing rapidly warmly welcomed by their Filipino brothers and were
and the more it grows, the more Filipinos there will be given tours through the city of Manila, as well as to
who will not salute our flag." The branch overseer was the Society's branch office in Quezon City. A number of
given twenty days in which to prepare a memorandum the visitors were interviewed over radio and television
giving reasons why the missionaries should not be stations, and the convention received a tremendous
deported on these grounds. amount of newspaper publicity.
The memorandum was supplied and, after much
careful study and discussion of the matter, the De- GIVING HELP TO NEIGHBORING COUNTRmS
portation Board saw that the missionaries of Jehovah's In view of the large number of Kingdom publishers
Witnesses were simply teaching the Bible and did not in the Philippines by that time, it became possible in
tell anyone not to salute the Philippine flag. They also 1964 to consider assigning some of the more experienced
saw that, far from being a disturbance or a threat to Filipino pioneers to other lands in Asia where the need
130 Yearbook Yea1'book 131
for Kingdom proclaimers was greater. In that year, group having its own platform. The main talks were
two sisters were assigned to work under the Society's delivered in English and were translated into these
Thailand branch as special pioneers. But after a year other languages. Delegates from twenty-five lands were
they were brought under the missionary home arrange- present at the convention, among them Brother and
ment, even though they had not studied in Gilead Sister Knorr, Brother F. W. Franz, Brother and Sister
School. Since these sisters worked well in their new Grant Suiter and others from the Brooklyn, Toronto,
assignment, learning the Thai language and mixing Strathfield and London Bethel families. It was a priv-
well with these Asiatic neighbors, more Filipino mts- ilege to associate with these mature brothers and to
sionaries were sent out in subsequent years. hear some of them address the convention.
As of June 1977, a total of 78 Filipinos have been sent Many were the new releases, not only in English,
to such lands as Hong Kong, Indonesia, Korea, Laos, but also in the local languages, to thrill the con-
Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam over a thir- ventioners. The brothers were especially happy to
teen-year period. This is quite a few more than the receive the book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life
51 foreign Gilead graduates who have worked in the in three languages and the book Is the Bible Really the
Philippines since the end of World War II, and it Word of God? in two.
brings much pleasure to the brothers in this land to The book The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life has
be able to contribute in some small way to the procla- certainly played an important part in the increase
mation of the good news in other Asiatic lands. seen from the time it was first released in English
in the Philippines in December 1968. At that time the
VISITS BY BROTHER KNORR number of publishers in the Philippines had just passed
Apart from his visits to attend the international as- the 40,000 mark, whereas less than eighteen months
semblies, N. H. Knorr visited the Philippines on two later, in April 1970, a new peak of 54,789 publishers
other occasions during the 1960's to check the branch. was reached! Using this book to conduct Bible studies
On the first occasion, in December of 1964, he addressed with people for six months stimulated the work greatly
a crowd of 7,463 at the Manila Jockey Club. In May and helped righteously inclined persons to advance in
1968 he spoke at the same place, and this time 9,669 the truth very quickly.
were on hand from all parts of the country to hear The Truth book soon became the most widely dis-
his two-hour talk "You Must Not Forget." Both of tributed book in the history of Jehovah's people m the
these visits were most beneficial and encouraging and Philippines. By June of 1977, the combined total in
did much to stimulate the work. English and eight local languages had been 1,267,782
copies. This figure had greatly surpassed the distribution
THE "PEACE ON EARTH" ASSEMBLY of 402,610 copies of the book "Let God Be True," the
During this last-mentioned visit of the Society's previous highest figure, which had taken twenty years
president in May 1968, arrangements were already to accumulate.
being finalized for the use of the Rizal Memorial
Athletic Complex for the anticipated "Peace on Earth" INCREASED PRINTING ACTIVITY
International Assembly to be held from October 22 to The 1970's have seen a continuation of the flne
26, 1969. Since the expected attendance was so great progress of Jehovah's servants in the Philippines. In
that no one stadium in Manila could accommodate July of 1971, Brother Knorr thrilled a crowd of 17,071
everyone, the branch office arranged for two adjacent who had gathered to hear him at the Rodriguez Sports
stadiums to be rented, the Rizal Memorial Football Center, in Marikina, Rizal. He announced that there
Stadium and the Rizal Memorial Baseball Stadium. was to be an enlargement of the printing activities of
But even these stadiums, seating around 50,000 persons, the Philippine branch. A new factory and dormitory
were inadequate. The crowd that came to hear Brother were to be built. A rotary press and other printing
Knorr's talk "The Approachin~ Peace of a Thousand equipment would be installed, and the Philippines
Years" reached 64,715, overflowmg onto the lawn of the would undertake responsibility for printing the Watch·
baseball stadium and onto the street outside, even tower and Awake! magazines in English and the local
filling the cafeteria site across the street. languages.
The program was held mainly in the three major This was exciting news. Previously these magazines
tongues, Cebuano, Iloko and Tagalog, each language had been produced in Brooklyn, and over the years
132 Yearbook Y ea rb ook 133
the brothers there had given fine service to the Philip- has gi ven added st a bility to the situation of Jehova h 's
pines. But there were inevitable problems in shipping Witnesses here.
each issue of t he magazine halfway around the world. Zone visits during t his period have also been a stlm-
Hence it would be a big step forward t o have the ulus to the brothers. Members of the Governing Body,
m agazines actually printed here. such as Milton Henschel, Nathan Knorr and Lloyd
Permission to build was finally grant ed by the Barry, have addressed large crowds, giving great en -
auth orit ies on February 2, 1972, and the very same day couragement with their wise counsel and guidance.
construction started. Most of the work was done by Also, in August of 1973, the Philippines greatly ben-
Wit~esses, and it progressed rapidly. By August 25, efited from a visit by five members of the Governing
despite one of the heaviest rainy seasons in Philip- Body during an international gathering here in Manila.
pine history, the 2,082·square-meter (22,400-square·foot) Additionally, t he Philippines has benefited by the
factory was t aking shape, and delivery was made of change to the elder arrangement in the congregations,
the first of the large crates of heavy machinery from which became effective in October 1972, as well as by
Japan. the initiation of the branch committee arrangement
In September 1972, due to increasing civil unrest, the on February 1, 1976. All around the field now, brothers
president of the country declared martial law, just are paying closer attention to the qualifications Chris-
as the branch was preparing to start printing! It was tian elders must meet, and congregations are being
wondered just how the printing would be affected and helped by the more personal care that a body of
there .was a quick test. A.lmost immediately, permi~sion overseer s can give.
to print had to be applied for. This was granted on Our work has progressed substantially during the
September 28, just SIX days after the declaration of 1970's. In 1969, the average number of publishers reo
martial law! porting was 45,479. By June 1977, we were seeing an
Between 1971 and 1973, fourteen missionaries were average of over 66,000. And prospects for the future
assigned to the Philippine Bethel, persons with special are good. More than 165,000 attended the Memorial
training in printing and building. These were able to celebration in 1977, showing their interest in Christ's
help first with the construction and then with the ra nsom and the benefits it will bring.
training of local pioneers to work in the new factory. To keel? pace with this, we have seen a corresponding
By October 1972, this training had started, and in increase m the Bethel family. In 1948, when t he branch
February 1973, the first two magazines came off the office first moved into the new property on Roosevelt
press. Avenue, there were just nine persons living in the one
From then on, the printing work has grown. Gradual- building. Now there are five large buildings in the
ly production increased to include all eight editions of compound, totaling 4,670 square meters (50,250 square
The Watchtower and all four of Awake! in the local
feet) of floor space, and there are 89 Bethel workers
langu ages. .Then,. English magazines were added. New here serving the ir fellow believers in different ca-
m achine s, including a second rotary press, which ar- pacities.
rived May 29, 1975, were mstalled to help cope with the So things have come a long way since those early
m~r~asm~ load, Thanks to the fine training by these
days in the 1930's, wh en just a handful of faithful Wit-
ml.ssl~manes, SI':' of whom are still here, all the actual
nesses were working so hard in what was vir tually
prmtm.g work IS now done by Filipino brothers, and virgin territory. Many of these "old timers" a re still
magazines are, sent from this printery to seventy-two ar ound. Several a re not mentioned in this history be-
foreign countries. cause of lack of space, but they are all happy to see
the fine fruitage of their hard work, and younger ones
OTHER PROGRESS IN THE 1970'S who have started serving more recently continue to
be encour a ged by their example of zeal and devotion.
The ~el!r 1973 saw another step forward. An agree- All of Jehovah's Witnesses in the Philippines re-
ment glvmg.special prlvileges to Americans with re- joice in their privilege of service. They recognize th e
gard to <!wnmg property in the Philippines was due working of Jehovah's spirit in their midst as they enjoy
to expire m July 1974. Hence, it seemed wise to transfer many blessings from his hand. And they are determined
all the Society's property to a local corporation. On to ke ep on declaring his name and kingdom, and mak-
October 19, 1973, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract ing yet more disciples in this land for as long as
Society of the Philippines, Inc. , came into being. This Jehovah will permit.
134 Yearbook Yearbook 135
confidence in the priests. The Civil War that lasted
SPAIN from July 1936 to April 1939 cost more than a million
Spain! What does that name mean to you? Bull- Spanish lives. This huge death toll exposed all the
fights? Flamenco dancing? The paintings of El Greco bad fruitage of religion and politics, as both sides
and Goya? participated in acts of murder and vengeance. The
Republican (Communlst-Socialist-Llberal) side went
It would be natural for such things to come to mind about killing priests, nuns and officials loyal to the
when Spain is mentioned. This is a land of great Church, whereas the National side (Army.b~c~ed
variety. The appearance of its people betrays the ethnic Catholic Fascism) swept through the country killing
evidences of the Celtic and Moorish invasions of past those who were not loyal to the Roman Catholic
centuries. Four languages as well as several di.a~ects Church.
are spoken. The languages are Spanish (Castilian),
Basque Catalan and Galician, which latter one is That Civil War left a scar that still is evident in
closely'related to Portuguese. Often, without realiz~ng the way the older generation reacts t~ the preachi~g
it a lot of Arabic is thrown in, for much of the Spamsh work of Jehovah's Witnesses. The traditional Catholic
vbcabulary includes Arabic words left behind af!er who participated in the Civil War, or the "Crusade,"
the eight centuries of Arab occupation of the Ibenan believes that "error" should not have freedom to
peninsula. propagate itself, and much less so in a country that
has a concordat with the Vatican. The main supporters
Spain is almost an island, with the Atlantic Ocean of the Church in all its divided facets (conservatives,
on the west and the Mediterranean Sea on the east. progressives, Opus Dei, and so forth) are from the
This land is separated from France and the rest of middle and upper classes, whose material interests
Europe by the high-ranging Pyrenees that rise to ov~r and prosperity have been bound up in the maintenance
3,000 meters (10,000 feet). The central part of Spam of the status quo. However, the people in general,
consists of a high plateau, or meseta, that is bordered especially in the cities, are indifferent to the Chu.rch,
on the north by the mountain range that includes the making use of it mainly for their baptisms, weddmgs
impressive Picos de Europa, and on the south by the and funerals, and an occasional visit to Mass.
famous snowcapped Sierra Nevada. A curious fact is
that, after Switzerland, Spain has the highest average Without a doubt, the religious atmosphere has
altitude in Europe. Incidentally, the rains in Spain changed in this Catholic land since the Second Vatican
fall mainly in the north, although this land has the Council of 1962 to 1965. As the Spanish Archbisho:p of
least rainfall of any European country. With good Madrid-Alcala wrote on December 8, 1965: "The Vatican
reason it is called "the land of sunshine," and northern Council II has terminated today, leaving to the Church
European tourists flock to it every year. and to the Christian world a new spirit, a new human-
ism a new hope and a new vision, historic and tran-
One thing that impresses a Bible student living in sce~dent at the same time, of the world in which we
Spain is how closely it resembles Palestine in its live." That "new spirit" and "new vision" have obligated
climate, geography and food. Spain has its own 'mounts the religious and political leaders to accept changes
of olives,' and still continues to use the ox and the ass. that many of them really have not desired, including
As a person travels through the country, often he the Religious Liberty Law of 1967. That .law cO:t~lI?letely:
comes across a shepherd with his dog, as they lead changed the situation for the preaching acttvity of
a flock of sheep and goats in search of pasture. At Jehovah's Witnesses and introduced a more tolerant
harvesttime, one can still find farmers working on attitude on the part of the majority.
threshing floors exposed to the wind, and winnowing
the wheat to separate it from the chaff. In some of FIRST SEEDS SOWN
the southern cities date-palm trees grow, and orange With this brief review of Spain and its people, ge-
and lemon trees are found in the gardens and public ography, modern history and religion, let us see what
plazas. true Christianity has done in this land. Of c0l;lrse, the
first Christian witness of Jehovah to preach 111 Spam
RELIGION IN SPAIN may well have been the apostle Paul, who so desired
The Spanish people basically are religious. Most of untouched territory that he planned to carry the good
them believe in God, even if the majority have lost news of the Kingdom to Spain.-Rom. 15:22-29.
136 Yearbook Yearbook 137
But what about the twentieth century? Well, in t he
July 1, 1919, issue of La Torre del Vigia (T he Watch
Tower in Spanish) there appeared a letter from the
youngest daughter of a Christian woman living in
Spain. In her letter, young Maria expressed her joy
at the prospects of going to Paris with her mother
to "fulfill the mission that God has given to me and
to my mama." We do not know the name of the
sister, nor that of the person mentioned in a letter
published one month later in the Spanish Watch
Tower. That correspondence was from a sis ter in
Madrid who had received an anonymous letter from
one of her Catholic neighbors. In part, the letter said:
"Take care senora, you are trapped. Someone is watch-
ing your operations, and do not doubt it. You deny
obedience to God's representative, the Pope, and his
ministers, trampling with your conversations and ba d
example the sacred ministry that they represent. . . .
Quit your crazy endeavor, because you will not ac-
complish anything. I suggest to you peacefully that
you retire or that you go somewhere else, for if you
do not, something worse could happen to you." Ob-
viously, someone was not very happy about the King-
dom message.
Nonetheless, seeds of truth were being sown in
Spain. Brother J. F. Rutherford, the Watch Tower
Society's second president, was very conscious of the
need to get the Kingdom work started on a proper
footing in this country. In P hiladelphia, Pennsylvania ,
U.S.A., at that time, there was a zealous Spanish
brother named Juan Muniz. Brother Rutherford asked
him to go to Spain and, about the end of 1920 or the
beginning of 1921, Brother Muniz paid his own fare
and set out for this land. He was an Asturian from
the north of Spain and returned there to live with hi s
sister . His witnessing territory? The mining com-
munities in Asturias.
In a letter appearing in the Spanish Watch TOWel'
of April-May 1923, Brother Muniz explained that he
had spent four days in a town witnessing to the me n-
folk who were mainly of socialist tendency. They
advocated world change by means of socialism, and
he by means of God's kingdom. One of his listeners
concluded: "The difference between him and us is that
he has God and we do not."
In another letter, nearly a year later, Bro ther Mun iz
wrote: "Now, with the new government [t he militar y
ATLANTIC OCEAN dictatorship of General Primo de Rivera], which is
completely addicted to the clergy and 'with sword in
hand,' it inspires fear, unless we remember the words
of the Lord: 'Look! I am with you.' . .. Anyone wh o
138 Yearbook Yearbook 139
speaks or writes anything that is not to the liking of elusion of the meeting the audience was asked to sign
the government or the clergy, ... such a one goes to address cards. The number of addresses handed in
prison without justifiable cause."-Matt. 28:19, 20. totaled 702 and the attendance was over 2,000. Those
Brother Muniz already had endured three years of who had turned in their names and addresses could
solitude, without contact with any mature Christians, be visited to stimulate their interest in the Scriptures.
and was obviously somewhat depressed. Since he needed By means of advertisements in the press, notice had
a boost, Brother Rutherford wrote, asking him to see also been given of Brother Rutherford's talk in Madrid.
if he could obtain permission for the Society's president The arrangements there followed the same pattern
to give a talk in Madrid. Brother Muniz was unsuc- as those in Barcelona-a military guard outside the
cessful, however, and so Brother Rutherford's proposed theater and the deputy governor of Madrid inside.
visit was postponed. Nevertheless, in May 1924 the He also remained on the platform throughout the talk.
two brothers met in a Paris hotel, and after considering In one of the boxes was the British ambassador. Other
the circumstances in Spain, Brother Rutherford decided men of importance, including Spanish officials, also
that it would be better to give Brother Muniz another attended the meeting. The attendance in Madrid was
assignment. Not long afterward, he received a letter about 1,200, of whom some 400 handed in their ad-
asking him to move to Argentina. dresses.
Did that mean that Brother Rutherford had 'written Brother Rutherford wanted to have his discourse
off' the work in Spain? By no means! Only a few printed in the newspapers, but at that time nothing
months later, Brother George Young, who had been of that nature could be published in Spain without a
having good success in South America, was assigned permit from the government. However, thanks to
to Spain. Before long, steps were taken to start giving Jehovah, a way was opened up for such publication of
a witness on a national scale. the truth. Following the talk in Madrid, the deputy
governor and Brother Rutherford were in conversation
A NOTABLE VISIT in a private room when the proprietor of a large news-
Shortly after his arrival in Spain in 1925, Brother paper entered and was introduced to the speaker.
Young again sought permission for a visit by Brother Brother Rutherford seized the opportunity to say to
Rutherford-this time with success. Arrangements were the interpreter: "Ask the governor if he does not think
made for public talks to be given in Barcelona and it would be good for the people of Spain to have this
Madrid, and afterward in Lisbon, Portugal. The success lecture published in the press." The governor im-
of this venture was due to the fact that Brother Young mediately responded: "I see no objection to it and
sought the help of the British ambassador, who intro- see no reason why it should not be published. I think
duced him to government officials. After a delay of a it's a good idea." The newspaper proprietor took ad-
few days, the government issued the order permitting vantage of the opportunity for this scoop, and without
the meetings. difficulty it was arranged for the discourse to be
Since Brother Young knew that it would not be published in Injormaciones of May 12, 1925. In fact,
permissible to advertise the talks by distributing leaf- this same article later was printed in tract form and
lets, he placed advertisements in the newspapers. distributed by mail throughout Spain, thus enabling
Eleven o'clock Sunday morning was the hour fixed for the witness to be given in isolated places.
the Barcelona meeting. When Brother Rutherford's In May 1925, when Brother Rutherford gave his talk
party approached the theater where he was to speak, in Lisbon, an Argentinean named Juan Andres Bere-
they noted that several mounted police, as well as a cochea had his first contact with the truth. From that
special government guard, were present. Upon enter- time onward he took up the cause of the truth with
ing the private room near the stage, Brother Ruther- enthusiasm and communicated his interest to his two
ford was met by the deputy governor of Barcelona,
who greeted him cordially. This official remained on young sons, Juan Carlos and Alvaro. Although this
the platform throughout the talk. An expert inter- family eventually had to leave Spain because of the
preter had been hired and, to ensure accuracy, the talk Civil War, it renewed its contact and influence through
was translated in advance and both parties read, Alvaro, who became a missionary graduate of the
Brother Rutherford in English and the translator in Watchtower Bible School of Gilead and, with his wife,
Spanish. There was no disturbance, and at the con- was assigned in 1953 to serve in Spain.
140 Yearbook Yea1'book 141
BRANCH OFFICE OPENED and strictly prohibited." At Alcoy, in the province of
The success of Brother Rutherford's visit persuaded Alicante, Brothers Francisco Corzo and Maximo,
him to establish a branch office of the Watch Tower two colporteurs or full-time preachers, were arrested
Society in Spain, under the guidance of George Young. and taken before the authorities. After several days
Its official address was the home of Brother Eduardo of being under surveillance, they were ordered to
Alvarez Montero, in Madrid. Starting in August 1925, leave the town at once. However, the police chi ef
the new branch began to distribute a four-page reo who interrogated them obtained a Bible - and a
duced version of the Spanish Watch Tower, printed copy of The Harp of God and subscribed for The
by an outside firm. Watch Tower. In confidence, he said to Brother Corzo,
The year 1925 was one of intensive activity for ~he "You people are the only ones in Spain who are telling
Society's Madrid office, as they published. 5,000 S~at:llsh the people the truth."
copies of The Harp of God and 10,000 copies of M~llwn8 During October 1926 a small but active band of
Now Living Will Never Die. Additionally, 247,000 tracts
Kingdom proclaimers distributed 22,000 copies of The
were distributed, Including Brother Rutherford's talk Watch ~I'ower in Valencia, the third largest city of
and the tract Where Are the Dead? The year-end re- Spain. There the clergy reacted by falsely accusing the
port stated that the Kingdom message "~as been brothers of being Freemasons and of belonging to the
distributed throughout every CIty and town m Spam, Mano Negra (Mafia). In November, when 6,000 copies
also throughout the Canary Islands, the Balearic were distributed in Tarragona, an ancient city of
Islands and the principal towns in the Spanish Zone Iberian and Roman origin, eighty-eight kilometers (55
in Morocco." miles) southwest of Barcelona, persecution reached a
climax. By underhanded means, young boys sent from
About this time (1925-1926), Brother Young was the Catholic schools collected our literature and it
showing the "Photo-Drama of Creation," the Society's was burned in a convent yard in the presence of the
slide, sound and motion picture production outlining chief priests, while the city made a holiday of the
God's purpose for earth and man. Also, in June 1926 occasion. Nevertheless, many of the citizens were very
theocratic expansion came to include the use of radio. indignant and the civil authorities were liberal, so that
Two of the largest radio stations in Madrid and a great number of persons subscribed for The Watch
Barcelona broadcast two of Brother Rutherford's lec- Tower.
tures. This witness reached all corners of Spain, as What would be the reaction in Barcelona, the cos-
well as nearby countries. mopolitan capital of Catalonia? Brother Saturnino
In May 1926, during a notable assembly in London, Fernandez, a colporteur, was working with t he group
England, God's people adopted a resolution entitled "A there. They were able to distribute 80,000 copies of
Testimony to the Rulers of the World." Brother Young The Watch Tower before it was banned in December
sought to get it published in the Spanish press and 1926 and January 1927. Two brothers had worked
his efforts finally were crowned with success when hard to prepare a little meeting place for the Barcelona
the full text was printed in the paper La Libertad on group, but permission to open it was refused. Who
October 3, 1926. As well as the normal printing of was behind this opposition? Why, none other than the
75,000, the branch had an extra thousand copies run virtual ruler of the city, the bishop of Barcelona! I n
off and mailed them to all the government officials, spite of this, Brother Fernandez continued t o hol d
mayors, bishops and cardinals. Bible meetings every night in a friend' s home, with
an average of ten persons in attendance.
CLERICAL OPPOSITION UNAVAILING The opposition was unavailing, however, and our
Of course, all this activity was not going unnoticed work went on with Jehovah's blessing. In 1927 the
by the clergy, and they began to make their influence Society's branch office was moved to the home of
felt. Several brothers were arrested and their literature Brother Francisco Corzo in Madrid. At that time the
was confiscated. Some were thrown out of work, and cost of producing literature in Spain was very low ,
others had to leave their villages because of persecution. and the previous four-page Watch Tower in Spanish
Through the press and from the pulpit the people had become an eight-page edition. Also then available
were warned not to read The Watch Tower. In fact, in in Spain was the sixteen-page edition of The Watch
an edict of the Bishop of Pamplona the publications Tower in Spanish that was being printed in Los
of God's people were classed as "heretical, scandalous Angeles , California, U.S.A.
142 Yearbook Yearbook 143
SEED SOWN IN GOOD SOIL baptized until 1929, when Francisco Corzo immersed
During the 1920's, Kingdom-preaching work was him at a local public bathhouse on April 14.
concentrated in Madrid and Barcelona, the two largest Another baptism of which we have record took
cities of Spain. Sometimes witnessing methods were place in June 1928 when a group of brothers in Madrid
somewhat unusual. In Barcelona the colporteur, went out for the day to the Manzanares River. There,
Saturnino Fernandez, would set up a display of the in an atmosphere of great joy and simplicity, Carmen
Society's books in a public place, layout a big chart Tierraseca, along with a brother, was baptized. In-
of the Divine Plan of the Ages on the sidewalk, and cidentally, this was no emotional decision, for two
then join in conversation with anyone interested. It days before the baptism took place the candidates met
was precisely in that way t ha t Juan Periago got to with Eduardo Alvarez and Francisco Corzo and dis-
learn of the truth back in 1927. He was attracted by cussed the importance of the step they were about to
a heated discussion Brother Fernandez was having take.
with another person regarding the hellfire doctrine.
Juan obtained literature, the seed of truth was planted, OUR WORK GATHERS MOMENTUM
and thus began his interest in God's truth and his With small groups in Madrid, Barcelona, Malaga,
years of service to Jehovah. Huesca and in scattered towns, plus some ten
Cons ider, too, the case of Carmen Tierraseca Martin, workers in the field, the Kingdom-preaching work was
a seamstress. She received some of our literature beginning to gather momentum in 1929. So, the Society
from her brother-in-law in Madrid, but forgot about appropriately began its own printing operations in
it. In October 1927, however, she was employed at the Madrid with a Miehle vertical press sent from its head-
home of a foreign lady named Mary O'Neill, the wife quarters in Brooklyn, New York. This served to pro-
of Francisco Corzo. Incidentally, the name "Tierraseca" duce magazines and booklets until 1936.
means "dry earth." But Carmen did not prove to be One facet of our activities in those days was pre-
"dry earth" as far as the seed of truth was concerned. senting the good news from the public platform. In
Regarding her employment at that time, Carmen some cases, Protestant ministers loaned their halls for
Tierraseca commented: "I passed the morning sewing that purpose. After a talk given by a brother to mem-
in a small room, and after lunch I continued with my bers of four different denominations in Malaga, an
work. Sometime after four o'clock I noticed that Episcopal minister said: "I have never heard the
several people were arriving. I assumed that it was Bible so wonderfully explained as tonight, and what
a visiting day for the Senor and Senora and they were this man says is true. We are all asleep and what we
probably having a party, to judge by the noise of the need is more men like this amongst us." Of course, not
conversations. Then, suddenly, there was silence, fol- all the Protestants reacted so favorably. The Baptists
lowed by the smooth and harmonious sound of a piano had a special meeting to agree on the extermination of
that was soon joined by voices singing, like the singing the Bible Students, who were "robbing sheep from our
of a beautiful hymn. I had never heard anything like folds and filling the land with dangerous literature."
it before." Since 1927 the Society's branch office in Madrid had
Well, as you can guess, the Bible Students (as been managed by Eduardo Alvarez Montero. However,
Jehovah's Witnesses then were known) were having in the spring of 1930 Herbert F. Gabler was transferred
a Christian meeting. Quite by "accident," Carmen from an assignment in Lithuania and was appointed as
Tierraseca had accepted work in the very house where branch overseer in Spain. Shortly thereafter our meet-
The Watch Tower was prepared in Spanish. By then ings were organized more in accordance with the
George Young had left Spain and our work was in the general practice in other lands. Also, whereas our wit-
hands of Eduardo Alvarez and Francisco Corzo, and nessing had previously been informal, house-to-house
the Society's office operated in the Corzo home until preaching activity soon got off to a good start.
December 1930.
Recalling the first time she engaged in door-to-door
During the decade of the 1920's some baptisms were preaching activity, Carmen Tierraseca remarks, "I
held in different parts of the country. For example,
in 1927 Manuel Oliver Rosado, in Malaga, wrote to the prayed to Jehovah, putting myself in his hands to do
Madrid office and asked for someone to come and his work." Since there had been no special training
baptize him. In actual fact, he was not visited and for this activity, you may wonder how it went. Well,
144 Yearbook Yearbook 145
at the first door a woman accepted the booklet offered an extent, a large portion of the people, with their
by Sister Tierraseca, who adds: "So did the next, and eyes now opened to the former religious deceptions,
then another and another until I had placed all eight turned completely against every form of religion and
booklets that I had brought with me ... Gone was my even against God. Nevertheless, our Christian activity
insecurity, timidity and nervousness. Now I had a went on apace.
feeling of boundless joy, and from the bottom of my
heart I gave thanks to Jehovah for his kindness and PERIOD OF TRANSITION
help." Brother Gabler's presence in Madrid did not seem
Needless to say, our Kingdom-preaching work from to please Francisco Corzo. By 1931 he had separated
door to door was now under way. In the years ahead, himself from the truth and eventually abandoned his
it was to result in many blessings. wife. Hence, it became necessary to move the branch
office and printery out of the Corzo house. They were
established in new premises in January 1931.
Prior to 1931 Spain was a monarchy, ruled by King That year was notable as the one in which God's
Alfonso XIII. In 1930 the country's military dictator, people adopted the name "Jehovah's Witnesses." In
General Primo de Rivera, had to resign and he was contrast with the 15,000 that adopted it by resolution
replaced by General Berenguer, whose tenure in office in Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A., only fifteen persons met
terminated in February 1931, when the king called upon together for that purpose in Madrid.
Admiral Aznar to form a new government in an at- Other changes also took place during that period.
tempt to save his throne. This government arranged For instance, with its issue of September 1931, the
for municipal elections, which were won in the major "Madrid" edition of The Watch Tower ceased to be
cities by the left-wing parties that favored a repu.blic. published. Nevertheless the one from Brooklyn con-
Realizing that all was lost and in .or der to aVOId a tinued to arrive, with its front cover illustration of a
bloodbath, Alfonso XIII fled the country. Thus in tower punctuated by three cross-shaped windows.
April 1931 Spain became a republic. This was a dire Above the title, La Torre del Vigia, there was the cross
blow for the Catholic Church, which soon began to and crown symbol, long used by the Bible Students.
feel the effects of the new regime. In the same year, But the January 1932 issue arrived with a completely
1931 Cardinal Segura y Saenz, Archbishop Primate of new cover design from which the cross and crown had
Toledo, was expelled from the country. During 19.32 disappeared.
the Jesuits were banned and expelled from Spam, This wind of change blew strongly in Madrid. For
although, in fact, the expulsion really did not take the Lord's Evening Meal in 1932, an embroidered table-
place, as they remained in hiding or in disguise. cloth with the cross and crown design also vanished
The divided state of the country became manifest from the scene. As Brother Gabler said: "Brothers,
in 1933 when a center-right-wing government came into this has got to go. Out with it! Out with it!" Similarly,
power. This coalition government suspended the anti- out went the cross and crown lapel badges we used to
clerical laws and held the reins of power until January wear. And what about those pictures of presidents of
1936, when the Spanish Parliament was dissolved. the Watch Tower SocietY" C. T. Russell and J. F.
Elections were held and once again the Ief't-wlng Rutherford? They, too, disappeared from the wall of
Republicans, the Popular Front of Socialists and Com- the Witnesses' meeting place in Madrid.
munists, won as the pendulum swung in their direction.
How did these political developments affect our work? ENGLISH PIONEERS GIVE US A HAND
Well, in towns where the Republican factions were
strongest, the brothers would be run out of town as During 1931 the Society had held a series of assem-
Fascist agents of the Church, because they were dis- blies in different cities, including London and Paris.
tributing religious literature. And, of course, in the Brother Gabler spoke at these two assemblies and
Fascist-Cathollc Action strongholds the brothers were explained the great need for volunteers to help in the
viewed as Protestants or Freemasons, distributing the almost virgin Spanish field. As a result, three pioneers
forbidden book, the Bible. came forward to accept the challenge-Ernest Eden,
As a result of the political developments, the power Frank Taylor and John Cooke.
of the clergy was broken and the people sensed greater By July of 1932 these three English pioneers had
religious freedom. Although this favored our work to begun their preaching work in the industrial city ot
146 Yearbook Yearbook 147
Bilbao, the provincial capital of Vizcaya. This province through the cities of Leon, Palencia, Burgos, Valladolid,
is part of the region known as the Basque provinces, Salamanca, Segovia and Madrid. When they came onto
where the Basque language is spoken. Incidentally, the meseta, the high inland plateau of Castile, they
no one really knows the exact origin of this intriguing were delighted with the picturesque scenery and in-
tongue that has absolutely no relationship to the trigued with the life-style, so reminiscent of Bible
Spanish language. lands. Skins were used for storing and carrying wine,
Using a Spanish testimony card that explained their and women could be seen with earthenware pots of
mission, the pioneers gave a witness in Bilbao and water atop their heads. Little olive oil lamps still
placed much literature. If a door happened to be open, served as lights, and in many places cars and buses
they might just step inside. With that positive approach, rarely were seen, the means of transport being donkey
one day Ernest Eden placed thirty books at just one and mule. Grapes still were pressed for wine by bare-
door. How did he do that? Well, he saw a door ajar, foot men, and oxen dragged a flail around the threshing
pushed it open, went down a passage and found him- floor to separate the grain from the chaff. Many
self on a theater stage interrupting a rehearsal! He people were living in caves. In fact, that is still true
took advantage of that opportunity to give a good in some regions, but these caves are clean and nicely
witness-more in English than in Spanish-and left arranged. During the summer they are cool and in
all the books he had, later returning with more litera- winter they are cozy.
ture. When the English pioneers were in Madrid, they
Brother Eden also had a rather shocking experience. had an unusual addition to their ranks, a young
One smartly dressed lady invited him into a well- shepherd named Domingo. He had come from a
furnished and dimly lit apartment. "She invited me remote village in Navarra. What had drawn him to
into a lovely room," he says, "where there were about Madrid? Well, one day, while tending sheep, he found
twelve girls, all nude. It was a high-class brothel. a copy of Luz y Verdad in a ditch by the roadside. He
Ignoring the situation, I told them why I had come and enjoyed it so much that he sent away for the books it
I offered the literature. The matron took a book and mentioned, and all during the winter he read them
several girls took booklets." Brother Eden wonders avidly. However, his discovery of this new "Way"
how many Christians have witnessed to people under brought opposition and lying attacks against the truth.
such unusual circumstances. (Acts 9:2) So, he headed for Madrid to learn something
During the three months of preaching in Bilbao, about the people responsible for these publications,
the pioneers placed a total of 459 books, 1,032 booklets The distance from his town of Pamplona to Madrid
and 509 copies of Luz y Verdad (Light and Truth), is more than four hundred kilometers (250 miles), but
the equivalent of the magazine The Golden A ge (now Domingo walked it! 1<'01' the first time in his life he
Awake n . This was accomplished despite the fact that had left his native village. Once in Madrid, he found
the people were very religious. Much of the territory the Society's office and started studying the Bible with
was made up of apartments, and most of the doors the English pioneers. Satisfied that this was the truth,
were adorned with a picture of the so-called "sacred he unconditionally offered himself for the preaching
heart." Often Jesus and Mary were shown holding
their own bleeding hearts in their hands and offering work and became a pioneer.
a certain number of days of remission from purgatory TRUTH SPREADS IN THREE DIRECTIONS
to those exhibiting this ghastly spectacle.
The summer of 1933 marked the parting of the
EN ROUTE TO MADRID ways for pioneers John, Ernest and Frank. Ernest
After completing their work in Bilbao, the pioneers Eden took Domingo and struck out for the northwest.
started to witness along the northern coast of Spain. In time, Frank was assigned the whole of southern
How did they obtain more literature as they traveled Spain, an area almost as big as Portugal. This fas-
from place to place? They arranged with the Madrid cinating territory included all of Andalusia and covered
office of the Society to have boxes sent ahead to various the southern coast from Huelva to Alicante. Meanwhile,
railway stations. As they traveled, they would call at
the depots and pick up the literature awaiting them. John Cooke went some sixty-four kilometers (40 miles)
Our intrepid pioneers left the rainy mountainous south of Madrid to the ancient city of Toledo. With its
area of the north and began working their way south Roman and Visigothic walls, Moorish mosques and
148 Yea1'book Yea1'book 149
gateways, and Jewish synagogues, it was like a museum away at 6:30 in the morning he was surprised to see
that told the history of Spain in stone. the plaza almost packed with about 200 people waiting
Suppose we take a glance at pioneer activity in the to see him leave by bus. How grateful he was for
early 1930's. In those days, public transport meant that bike! Then up went the cry "There he is!" "Be-
using buses, trains, horse-drawn cabs, and mules, as lieve me," recalls Frank, "I never before put so much
well as putting up with whatever everyone else had pressure on those pedals, and I did not stop until I
brought along-hens, ducks, goats, and, on one oc- was clear of that town and on my way to the next
casion, a large swordfish. Once an earthquake .caused village."
the train to leave the tracks. With all of that in mind,
Frank Taylor turned to the bicycle. Fitted with strong Alum SCENES LIKE THESE
carriers fore and aft, also a case that fitted between Fortunately, the situation was not always so perilous.
the frame, plus a rear bag to carry the phonograph There were many opportunities to preach the good
records that were used in the preaching work in those news, and quite a few ears willing to listen. When
days, it was quite a contraption. Later, slings over the work of preaching with the phonograph began in
the handlebars were loaded with selected stones to the mid-1930's, Frank Taylor made good use of this
ward off the marauding packs of starving dogs that mstrument. In fact, he had a small pocket-size gramo-
would attack this strange moving object as it passed phone that he used to play in some of the cafes. He
through the ghost towns and old mining areas in the would hold it in his hand and walk up and down be-
province of Almeria. On one occasion, Frank was at- tween the tables. At the close of the recorded talk
tacked from the rear and his trousers were torn, the with a few words of introduction, he offered Christian
only pair he had. Fortunately, some sympathetic publications. Quite a novel way of witnessing' But
women loaned him a needle and thread. Without further it required caution and discretion, as often a ilotice
ado, he sat down in the middle of the road and took would be posted saying, "It is prohibited to talk about
care of the damage. Upon returning the needle, Frank religion or politics."
preached to the local inhabitants and was able to getting to .some of the mountain villages was really
place various publlcations with them, perhaps more a Job, especially when the road had deteriorated to
because of their sympathy than their genuine interest. the P?int that it was just a mud track for pack mules.
In his preaching activity, Frank Taylor followed the Imagine havmg to carry the bicycle on one's shoulder
tactic of never retracing his steps in a town or down instead of .riding, it! Giving us ?- better picture, Brother
a street if he could avoid it. This was one way of Taylor writes: 'Entermg a VIllage was quite an ex-
shunning irate left-wing Republicans who often took perience at first. Wares, vegetables and meat usually
him for a Fascist agent circulating Catholic propaganda. ~ere spread around on the dusty roads and in the dry
In the town of Villamanrique, Ciudad Real, the word r~vE;rbed. Someone would be getting a haircut, just
spread that Frank Taylor was a Fascist because the sttting on a stool at the roadside. Sometimes a dentist
books he carried had the name of God in them, and, w,;s extracting teeth in exactly the same setup. Con-
as he says, "God meant Catholic, which meant Fascist" SPICUOUS among all others were corpulent priests who
to those people. At any rate, an angry crowd of some were loungmg around. In bars and casinos it was not
fifty communists surrounded him in the market square uncommon. to fi!Id five or six of them sitting around a
and shouted: "Down with him! Down with him!" table smokmg CIgars, and wearing their typical clerical
Escape seemed impossible. But, following a suggestion garb, all dusty and dirty. When Bible literature was
he had received from a Catholic landlady, Frank be- placed, it did not take long for these priests to begin
gan reading a strongly worded paragraph in the pawing through the pages. You could see them looking
Society's booklet Crisis. He read at the top of his for the Roma~ Cat~olic censor's mark, and, failing to
voice, and then thrust the booklet into the hands of find It, they quickly mformed the police, usually raising
the ringleader, saying, "Read it for yourself." The the charge of 'Communism.' This resulted in immediate
effect? Really amazing, as the crowd just about came arrest, if they could find me. Since this happened so
to blows among themselves, some shouting in his favor many times, I grew wise, and it was not so difficult to
and others against him. Amid the confusion our pioneer
brother was able to slip away unharmed. dodge in and out of the narrow streets. I used to call
Frank Taylor thanked Jehovah for this deliverance. it 'fox and hounds.'''
But that was not the end of the story. While cycling The problem was that if they did not catch Brother
150 Yearbook Yearbook 151
Taylor in the town, they were sure to get him as he these German pioneers were prepared for preaching
was leaving, since many towns had a kind of Customs in Spanish.
control on the outskirts, and that is where the police The small groups of Jehovah's Witnesses in Madrid
waited to pounce on him. Then there would be wasted and Barcelona were conscious of the plight of their
hours with interrogations and frustrating delays in brothers in Germany. Hence, like fellow believers else-
releasing him. Usually Brother Taylor would ask to where, they protested the Nazi treatment of the Wit-
get in touch with the British Consul, since he was a n~sses by sending telegrams to Adolf Hitler, warning
British citizen. Finally, he would be released, since no him of what would happen to him and his Nazi party
genuine charge could be brought against him. if he did not leave the Witnesses alone.
Upon entering the province of Almeria, Brother Our increased activity during this period brought
Taylor came face-to-face with a parched, inhospitable pronounced reactions by Jesuit-inspired elements. In
desert, without a blade of grass. Not a bird could be one town the pioneers were accused of "distributing
seen, and, except for a dreary line of donkeys that literature of a 'Jewish-Freemason tendency.''' Two
stirred the dust twice a day, there was little move- sisters in another town were imprisoned and charged
ment anywhere. However, Almeria had its compensa- with distributing "booklets of Hitleristic character."
tions, for there he discovered a small group of Bible In yet other places, the brothers were branded as
Students. Despite his limited Spanish, he was able to Protestants, which was like saying that they were the
rejoice in fellowship with these humble brothers for worst kind of infidels or heretics, as far as the un-
some two or three months. During that time the informed Catholic majority was concerned.
political situation was getting worse and there was
shooting in the streets of Almeria. After attending his PIONEERS CONTINUE THEIR MISSION
last meeting there, Brother Taylor had to pass through Toward the end of 1934 or the beginning of 1935,
lines of fire and wave a white handkerchief over his pioneers John and Eric Cooke left Barcelona to work
head to cycle back to his lodgings. south along the coast. On the other hand, Ernest
After witnessing in coastal towns, during the summer Eden continued to preach in the towns of Barcelona
of 1935 Brother Taylor reached Murcia, then a city of province.
about 160,000 inhabitants. There he acquired accom- John and Eric Cooke first went down the Mediter-
modations in a cellar below ground level, a place with ranean coast to the famous Roman city of Tarragona
a narrow slit in the ceiling for light. At least it was and its adjoining town, Reus. Working their way north-
cool during the searing heat of the sirocco winds that ward to the province of Lerlda and the village of
blew up from the Sahara and across the Mediterranean. Pr~dell, the Cookes located Salvador Sirera, a sub-
Preaching in that heat was a real trial for Frank scriber who had learned the truth and allowed Chrls-
Taylor, and it sometimes even caused delirium. tian meetings to be held in his pension in Barcelona.
After some days of preaching along with Salvador
HELP FROM AND FOR GERMANY in nearby towns and villages, John and Eric accom-
During the early 1930's, the situation in politically panied by Salvador cycled the 145 kilometers (90 miles)
disturbed Germany was getting progressively worse to Huesca. Was the journey worth while? Indeed it
for Jehovah's people. As a result, eventually twelve was! There, subscriber Nemesio Orus gave them a
German pioneers came to serve in Spain. One group warm welcome and just "drank in" the truth. How-
got a really hot reception, as their train arrived at the ever, in his zeal and desire to associate with these
Barcelona station right in the middle of a revolt brothers, he acted rather indiscreetly and caused his
against the government. While going to meet them, wife to become jealous, so that she secretly laid false
Ernest Eden found that the whole area had been charges with the police against the brothers. The
converted into a battlefield. For cover he dived into Guardia Oivil or rural police came to the apartment and
the Post Office building and had to wait there for two arrested John and Eric, but at the Civil Guard head-
hours until the shooting died down. Eventually he got quarters the matter was resolved.
to the station, where the German brothers were waiting The Cookes visited Nemesio on various occasions
stoically. Then the real trouble started. They did not and thought it would be good to observe the Memorial
speak English or Spanish and he did not speak German! in Huesca on April 17, 1935, inviting Salvador Sirera
Despite this, however, with three months of training to attend as well. So, John wrote to Nemesio with
152 Yearbook Yearbook 153
this suggestion. Imagine his surprise upon recervmg accused them of being Fascist agents and against the
Nemesio's answer to the effect that he was thrilled existing Spanish Republic. All the evidence she had
with the idea and that he had already bought the was that a booklet placed with her spoke of God and
lamb in readiness for the occasion! Obviously, his of Christ! The village was practically 100 percent
understanding of the Memorial was still a little de- Communist, according to Brother Cooke, and to the
ficient, even though his zeal was commendable. Can villagers anything that spoke of God or Jesus Christ
you imagine what it must have been like to keep a was Roman Catholic and therefore was Fascist. It
live young lamb for days in a small fourth-floor flat? was impossible to persuade them otherwise.
Nevertheless, the Memorial was celebrated and it was First, quite a crowd of women gathered. Then the
a great occasion for the small group of Jesus Christ's town crier told Brother Cooke to clear out of the
followers. In fact, it was about the nearest they ever village or else he would notify the Civil Guard. The
came to an assembly in Spain in those days. brothers did not leave and the police later arrived. At
When John Cooke thought that the province of the headquarters the sergeant carefully examined the
Huesca had been covered adequately, he and Eric booklets and questioned Brothers Cooke and Gargallo.
headed for Zaragoza, the capital of the region of Finally, he said he could see nothing wrong at all, but
Aragon, and the focal point of Spanish Mariolatry, the would have to look into matters further since a com-
veneration or worship of Mary. At that time, in 1936, plaint had been filed by the villagers. He then told
the city had about 170,000 inhabitants. The river Ebro Brother Cooke to take a letter to the lieutenant at
cuts through the northern part of Zaragoza, and on the nearest town, feeling that he could better decide
the southern bank is the Temple of the Pillar, a mas- on the legality of our work.
sive, multisteepled church that contains a notable As Eric and Antonio made their way down the rutted
marble column. There, according to Catholic legend, cart track, several coatless youths were running along-
the Virgin Mary appeared to the apostle James in side them in the fields. Soon, a man and some boys
the year 40 C.E., while it was said that she was still came up behind the brothers. Over twenty of them
alive in Palestine! Though this legend has no historical converged at one point, reported Brother Cooke, who
or Biblical basis, over the centuries a blind faith has added: "Two seized our arms, accusing us of being
developed in La Pilarica (Our Lady of the Pillar). Fascist propagandists. One bold youth stuck a pitch-
Baptisms were few and far between in those days. fork in my stomach in case I should try to escape.
Even so, John Cooke was not prepared to baptize any- Another picked up the book Vindication in English,
one without good reason. In fact, on three occasions which I was carrying to read. 'Look!' he said, 'Italian!
Nemesio Ortis cycled the seventy-two kilometers (45 These must be Fascist agents.' Antonio attempted an
miles) from Huesca to Zaragoza, but John kept telling explanation, but they were past being reasonable."
him to wait a little longer and be sure he was making
a stable decision about baptism. Finally, in May of Antonio's book bag was pulled off the bike and the
1936, arrangements were made to baptize Nemesio, literature was thrown to the ground. Another assailant
Antonio Gargallo and Jose Romanos in the river Ebro, tried to tear the book bag off Eric's back. Meanwhile,
close to Zaragoza. others were gathering sticks for a fire and some were
The pioneers needed to be flexible in those days. trying to tear the volumes, preparing for a book-
If a person wanted our literature but did not have burning.
money, they would barter the publications for food, "Just at that point, when things looked hopeless,"
such as eggs, figs and homemade bread. John Cooke reports Eric, "we saw their attitude change. The girls
comments: "I got used to making a snack of a raw present started to run away. The grip on our wrists
egg, a chunk of bread and a glass of wine. . . . So it slackened. I looked behind, and coming round the bend
was a rough, simple life, but a very happy one. How were four members of the Gttardia Civil. What a wel-
thrilled we were to do real pioneer work in a Catholic come sight! As Antonio said, Jehovah permitted mat-
stronghold like Spain and to be finding a few real ters to reach a certain point and then he intervened."
sheep!" Later, the brothers appeared before the civil governor,
who was surprised that any doubt should have arisen
MISTAKEN FOR FASCISTS about our work. He called attention to the unsettled
While Eric Cooke and Antonio Gargallo were wit- political situation then existing. And that it was! This
nessing in the village of Mediana, a woman falsely experience clearly illustrates the slippery political path
154 Yearbook Yearbook 155
that was being trodden by the Spanish people, one location to which the branch office had earlier been
that was soon to plunge them into a terrible bloodbath. moved] and we never knew to where. The thousands
of books and booklets that were stocked there were
CIVIL WAR! either taken away or burned. The paper intended for
In February of 1936 a general election had taken the printed truth, the machines that had been employed
place and the left-wing Popular Front had been re- in printing praise, the chairs on which we used to sit
turned to power after two years of center-right-wing to study the Bible, the office from which the work was
rule. Under this final Popular Front government, the organized-all were lost, sorrowfully lost! . . . The
tendency was toward disintegration, and events moved work in Spain had sunk into a sea of silence. All of
rapidly. On JUly 13, Jose Calvo Sotelo, a prominent this caused me infinite sadness, and we found ourselves
right-wing monarchist, was assassinated, and this ac- alone, terribly alone, each one fending for himself,
tion served to precipitate the National Uprising, or 'skinned and thrown about like sheep without a shep-
Insurrection (depending on the political viewpoint of herd.' "-Matt. 9:36.
the Spaniard), This had its start in Africa on July 17 Just before the Civil War erupted, John and Eric
and was explained by General Francisco Franco by Cooke had departed for a vacation in England. By
radio on JUly 18. The Spanish Civil War had started. 1936, Frank Taylor had completed his witnessing ac-
Of the fifty' provinces, twenty-one supported the Re- tivity in the provinces of Sevilla (Seville) and Cadiz
public and twenty-nine the National Uprising, while and was determined that his next objective would be
the major cities, such as Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia the Balearic Islands, which he hoped to reach by ship
and Bilbao, remained faithful to the Republic. via Gibraltar. He found himself in the frontier town
The Civil War took more than a million Spanish of La Linea as the once sleepy place was pillaged and
lives. It was a war of religious and political vengeance. burned and then fell to the Fascists and their white-
During the three years of its duration the people lived turbaned Moorish troops. As Brother Taylor was cross-
in fear of cold-blooded murder, either at the hands of ing an open space to the Customs house he was caught
los roios (the reds, or communists), or at the hands in a veritable hail of lead belching from the barrels
of Catholic executioners, convinced that they were of machine guns, rifles and pistols. But he made it,
serving God in a Holy Crusade. Old debts were settled and after darkness fell he bolted across 'no man's
by the pernicious system of the anonymous denun- land' to the Gibraltar frontier. "A few shots streaked
ciation, with the victim ending up before a firing squad past me," he recalls, "but I was free and sang for joy."
in a lonely field. Ernest Eden, on the other hand, was expelled from
Spain, but not before he had spent some time in a
CHRISTIAN ACTIVITY AFFECTED subterranean prison that was quite like a tunnel
How did these developments affect our work in blocked at both ends. There he and a German brother
Spain? Perhaps we can best discern the feelings of subsisted on a bread roll, a bowl of coffee and about
our brothers at that time by seeing those events a pint of cooked beans each day. "We were there two
t hrough the eyes of one who lived through the ex- months," recalls Brother Eden, "and I can recommend
perience, Sister Carmen Tierraseca. She wrote: that food as a slimming diet." Expulsion from the
country was completed with a rigorous climb into the
"In Madrid a wave of terror, confusion and anguish mountains and a walking, stumbling, falling, bruising
unleashed itself. The people, for so many years op- descent down the French side. Once in France, the
pressed by the clergy, went. overboard in their fury two brothers parted company and Ernest Eden even-
agamst the churches, burnmg some, smashing the tually reached England.
images and dragging them through the streets. How- At the outbreak of the Civil War, Brother O. E.
ever, in spite of the chaos that had broken out, we Rosselli, an American citizen, was preaching in the
were respected and left alone. Canary Islands, Spanish territory off the west coast of
"The Montafia barracks were near our little meeting Africa. While he was witnessing among scattered
hall. These became the scene of bloody battles, and houses on a rough road, two soldiers rushed out of
all that zone was occupied by the military. Immediately ambush and took him into custody. He spent twelve
the foreign brothers had to leave the country, and w~ days as a prisoner and was then deported from Spain.
were left alone. Shortly afterward, all the Society's What was his "crime"? He had been distributing the
belongings were taken from Calle de Cadarso [the leaflet "What Is Fascism?" which states that Christians
156 Yearbook Yearbook 157
are neither Fascists nor Communists, but are witness- present himself for military service. Desiring to main-
ing about the Lord's incoming kingdom. tain Christian neutrality, he did not comply, was
So it was that our activities in Spain were affected jailed once again and finally freed as being medically
disastrously by the Civil War. July 1936 started a unfit for military service. Thereafter, the Orus family
period of eleven years of complete isolation and moved to Barbastro, another town in the province of
solitude. Each one of the Spanish Witnesses became Huesca, where Nemesio again established his watch-
like a flickering candle, trying to keep alight his flame repair business. He then lost all contact with God' s
of integrity amid suffocating spiritual gloom. A few people for some ten years.
succumbed, but the story of the majority is evidence The postwar period was a time of great SUffering for
of the insuperable power of Jehovah's spirit that sus- the Spanish people, Including our few brothers and
tained them through those bleak years. interested persons. In many places there were dire
shortages of food and fuel. Under these circumstances,
FACING TESTS DURING ISOLATION some of the brothers were able to manifest their Chris-
All those seeking to please Jehovah were put through tian love. (John 13:34,35) For instance, Salvador Sirera,
various tests, both during and after the Civil War, who lived in the village of Pradell in Lerida, was able
but the men especially were tested. If the start of the to cultivate a plot of ground and have his food supply
war found them living in territory controlled by the guaranteed. Such was not the case for the brothers
Republicans, they were expected to fight with them. in Barcelona, where five carob beans were being sold
However, if they were in "rebel" territory, they were for one peseta when an average daily wage was twelve
expected to fight for the right-wing Catholic forces. to fourteen pesetas, and the basic commodities, such
Let us not forget that this issue arose in 1936, and as bread and olive oil, were scarce. Hence, one can
although the brothers had a basic understanding of imagine Brother Juan Periago's gratitude when Sal-
Christian neutrality, they did not have the benefit of vador came to Barcelona carrying foodstuffs for the
The Watchtower dealing with that subject, which did needy brothers in that city.
not appear in English until November 1939. So, each The new rulers were determined to eliminate all
brother knew that he had to maintain integrity one vestiges of the previous republican rule, and so there
way or another, but lacked the clear vision that came was strict censorship of the mail and the press. Ac-
later, as well as contact with the visible organization cordingly, when Sisters Natividad Barguefio and Clara
so as to resolve any doubts he had. Buendia decided to write to the Watch Tower Society
To illustrate the problems of those days, let us con- in Brooklyn to obtain literature, their correspondence
sider the case of Nemesio Orus, a married man with was mailed in vain. Their letters never left Spain, but
three small children living in Huesca. A few days were intercepted by the censor. A few days later the
after the war started, he was visited as a suspected police called at the homes of these sisters and, after
Communist or Freemason, and his visitors tried to questioning them, and in one case searching the house,
obligate him to applaud the soldiers as they were they warned them to drop their interest in these "lies."
going off to war. Pressure also was applied to get At that time it was required that all letters sent
him to join the local Fascist group. When he refused should have patriotic phrases written on the envelope.
to do these things, he ended up on the "blacklist" for Otherwise, the mail would not be delivered. Therefore,
future reprisals. in order to preserve their neutrality, God's people did
One night in August 1936, Nemesio was arrested, not write to the Society.
interrogated by the police inspector, and jailed. Even- Another requirement was that on every occasion
tually he found himself in the Zaragoza jail, where he that the national anthem was heard, even by radio,
spent twelve days in a cell without a mattress, sleeping everyone should stand and give the Fascist salute,
on just a blanket doubled on the floor. For witnessing no matter where he might be. The same patriotic pro-
to the other prisoners, Nemesio was put in solitary cedure was required if a person was passing a military
confinement for thirteen days. Finally, on December barracks at the raising or lowering of the flag, or if
16, 1936, he was released from prison. troops were passing by with the flag. So it was that
This, however, did not end matters. The Orus family one day Antonio Brunet Fradera and Luis Medina were
moved to Anso where, in the winter of 1937, Nemesio walking along a Barcelona street when a battalion of
received a notice from the Town Hall that he should soldiers came marching by with the flag . Everybody
158 Yearbook Yearbook 159
stood at attention and saluted the flag, except Antonio SEEDS GERMINATING IN TORRALBA
and Luis. At that, the officer in charge brought the Although the Civil War and its aftermath certainly
battalion to a halt and threateningly ordered these put God's people to the test and brought them face-to-
young men to salute. When they refused, the officer face with many problems, the seed of truth that had
grabbed their right hands and raised them in salute. been planted continued to produce. For instance, in
But one of the brothers remarked: "We are not sa- Torralba de Calatrava there was some fruitage with
luting. You are by raising our arms." Furious, the the passing of the years. Actually, the first seed had
officer let their arms fall and then pulled out his pistol been sown there back in 1931 when Jose Vicente Arenas
and pointed it at them, saying: "Now you will salute, first heard the truth. As time passed, informal wit-
won't you?" Again the brothers refused. "But can't nessing was done and little by little different individuals
you see that I am going to shoot you if you don't?" were affected. Along with those reading the publica-
The reply? "You will only kill us if God allows it." tions of the Watch Tower Society were some Protestants
With that, the frustrated officer stuck the pistol back who were mixing the two sets of ideas. In fact, one
in its holster and led these young men away under of them was acting as a colporteur for the British and
arrest. But they had kept their integrity. Interestingly, Foreign Bible Society in Madrid, although he was sell-
Antonio Brunet had not even been baptized, for he ing our literature at the same time. During the time
was not immersed until some years later, in June 1951. of unrest, meetings were held in a clandestine manner,
With the Catholic Church back in power, complica- and they were being directed by men who were more
tions also arose for the children of Jehovah's Wit- ' Pr ot esta nts than Jehovah's WItnesses.
nesses especially with regard to schooling. To receive By 1946 the group of Bible students in the small
an education at a State school it was necessary to pro- rural town of Torralba was the largest in Spain that
duce a baptism certificate proving that the child was was still studying the Bible with the Society's publica-
a baptized Catholic. Natividad Barguefio had not bap- tions in hand. From their study, they realized that
tized her daughters in the Church, and when they be- they should get baptized, and so arranged to hold a
came of school age she really had to search before baptism on September 2, 1946, in the nearby river
finding a school that did not insist on the baptism Guadiana. On that day nine persons were baptized with
certificate. great simplicity and sincerity. Without a baptism talk,
Even then there was a problem because the local nine men entered the river and were baptized. Then,
parish priest insisted that all the pupils should attend each one offered up a prayer to God as they all kneeled
his church on Sunday morning. To make sure that they on the riverbank. Two weeks later they performed
did so, each one was given a blue card that was marked another baptism and three more brothers were im-
as they entered the church. Then every Monday morning mersed. Strangely, no women were baptized, although
these cards were checked at school to see if anyone some were associating with the group. Another m-
had failed to attend. Recalling this, one of Nati's teresting detail is that the "Protestant" elements did
daughters remarks: "Of course, my card never was not participate in any way in this baptism, even
marked, and every Monday I had to face up to this though they were trying to maintain control of the
situation with the teacher. Finally, on one of these group. ,
Mondays the teacher said: 'This situation cannot go on On September 26, 1946, Brother Gregorio Fuentes
like this. Either you will go to Mass or I will present married Brother Pedro Garcia's sister. Among the
the case to my superiors.''' Nati's daughter went home guests was a Protestant almost considered a patriarch
and explained the problem to her mother, who took the because of his Bible knowledge. He entertained the
simple step of teaching her daughter Acts 17:24 where hope of becoming the pastor of this flourishing group
it says that God does not dwell in handmade temples. of Bible students in Torralba. When the wedding was
The young girl repeated that scripture to the teacher over, he suggested that they all celebrate the Lord's
in explaining why she did not attend the Mass. This Supper. He gave a talk in which he emphasized the
succeeded, for the teacher no longer bothered her with need to partake of the Supper regularly. All of those
the Monday interrogation. In fact, when the priest came present partook of the emblems under the guidance of
on Mondays to check the blue cards the teacher de- this Protestant "shepherd," and he indicated that he
liberately held back the card of Nati's daughter in would return in November to celebrate the Supper
order to avoid complications. again.
160 Yearbook Yearbook 161
However, some of the brothers were not convinced GOVERNING BODY REESTABLISHES CONTACT
by what had taken place. So, before he returned they As a result of these contacts, the Governing Body
made a thorough search of the Bible and the Society's of Jehovah's Witnesses made arrangements for the
publications, finding the proofs needed to rebut this Spanish groups to be visited in May 1947. Arriving in
would-be "pastor." Upon his return, he was disappointed Madrid on May 7, F. W. Franz and H. C. Covington
to find that no one in the group was prepared to from the Watch Tower Society's headquarters in
celebrate his "Supper" and that these individuals no Brooklyn, New York, had their first meeting with a
longer were under his control. Needless to say, he group of eleven Spanish friends assembled that night
never returned. in the dining room of the home of Brother Manuel
Alexiades. Everyone present wanted to be a regular
NEWS REPORT LEADS TO RENEWED CONTACT subscriber for The Watchtower and to obtain all the
A notable event of 1946 was the Glad Nations Theo- latest Christian publications. However, it was noticed
cratic Assembly held in Cleveland, Ohio, with a peak that practically all the men smoked, though no Im-
attendance of 80,000. Of course, Spain was one of the mediate comment was made about their use of tobacco.
nations that was not represented. There still was no The next day a second meeting was held with a group
contact between Spanish Christians and God's organiza- of sixteen.
tion in the re st of the world-and this was ten years These two meetings built up the confidence of Pedro
after the outbreak of the Civil War! However, that Garcia and Gregorio Fuentes who had come there
noteworthy assembly made international news, and from Torralba de Calatrava. The group back in
reports were printed even in Spanish newspapers. Those Torralba was divided on whether or not to invite the
reports, although twisted and full of lies, served to brothers from Brooklyn to come and see them, and
reestablish contact between the Governing Body of so they sent Pedro and Gregorio to Madrid to size up
Jehovah's Christian witnesses and the small groups of the situation. Well, somewhat Iike the faithful spies of
God's devoted people functioning in Spain. · Moses' time, they were favorably impressed and sent
The press reported that Jehovah's Witnesses were a telegram advising the group that they would be
expecting the end of the world by an atomic explosion coming to Torralba with the two American visitors.
between 1946 and 1948. This "news" was noticed in the First, this meant a train trip to Ciudad Real. Next,
Spanish newspapers by three brothers independently the two visitors rode to Torralba in a somewhat rickety,
of one another. Brother Manuel Alexiades read it in decrepit, ancient taxi. A number of brothers were on
a Madrid paper and immediately wrote to the So- hand to greet them upon arrival at 1:35 a.m.
ciety's headquarters in Brooklyn to ask about this That morning the visitors went to the Civil
"prophecy." Meanwhile, Ramon Serrano read the same Guard headquarters to register their presence. That
news in another paper and informed Ramon Ferne, evening twenty-four persons gathered for a meeting
who also wrote to the Society. At the same time, the and were greatly refreshed in a spiritual way. But the
brothers in Torralba had seen this report and likewise visit also had an impact on the general populace of
communicated with the Society's Brooklyn office. Who that small agricultural town. For instance, Bienvenido
would have thought that the 1946 convention would Gonzalez recalls: "Their stay was spectacular, es-
have been the means of bringing the Spanish brothers pecially for the local citizens. Brother Franz, although
back in contact with Jehovah's visible organization of normal stature by local standards, wore a sombrero,
earth wide? Actually, the lies that must have pleased or hat, that was by no means normal. Besides being
the Devil boomeranged on him. high, it also was wide, something never seen in these
parts, so that his presence was obvious."
What joy for the brothers in Spain! Christian Iltera- On Sunday the final meeting was held with the
ture started to trickle through again-such books as Torralba group, and thirty-eight persons jammed into
Ohildren, The New World, "The Truth Shall Make You one room to enjoy the gathering. Congregation organi-
Free" and "The Kingdom Is at Hand." These books zation was explained, and two brothers were assigned
were sent as gifts to the brothers here, and what gifts! to care for the work of the group. They were Jose
After some ten years of wandering through a desert Vicente Arenas and Juan Felix Sanchez. The matter
of spiritual drought, they had again found the oasis of of smoking arose at this meeting, since nearly all in
truth. the group were smokers and they had noticed that
162 Yea1'book Yearbook 163
their visitors were not. After their inquiry Brother A NEW CHAPTER OF KINGDOM SERVICE
Covington related his own experience of how he once In December 1947 other members of the Governing
smoked about fifty cigarettes a day, but the knowledge Body visited Christians in Spain. At that time, Brothers
of Kingdom truth had shown him that the habit was N. H. Knorr and M. G. Henschel were able to assist
incompatible with Christian living. Even after this talk Spanish fellow believers spiritually. Along with the
the issue of smoking continued to be a problem in that visitors came John Cooke, by then a graduate of the
group, as some were not willing to make the change. Watchtower Bible School of Gilead. Yes, this was the
After the meeting the Civil Guard headquarters was same brother who had left Spain in 1936 just before
notified of the visitors' imminent departure. But how the Civil War started. Now he was assigned to the
were they to cover the sixteen kilometers (10 miles) Iberian peninsula to get our work organized in Spain
to Ciudad Real to get the train to Madrid, since the and Portugal.
only taxi in town had a flat tire? Well, Brother Franz One place needing assistance was Barcelona, where
later reported: two distinct groups functioned as a result of division
"At midnight we hit out for the home of a carter based on personal differences. When Brother Cooke
and roused him. He hitched a tartana, a two-wheeled arrived at the airport there, two small groups of
covered wagon, to a tired horse with jingle bells below brothers greeted him, but were unwilling to greet each
his neck. Bidding some of the friends there good-bye, other. For the first week or so the situation was very
four of us got up into the cart with the driver. Then difficult. The brothers were disorganized, doing no real
through the dark hours we bumped and jingled along, field service. However, within a short while Brother
westward.... At 3 a.m. we reached the railroad station Cooke was able to organize a combined Watchtower
in Ciudad Real." study, and from then on the atmosphere slowly lm-
The visitors got the train and made it back to proved, although the wounded feelings were a long
Madrid in safety. Later that day they had a farewell time in being healed.
meeting with the Madrid group, and a temporary
presiding overseer and Watchtower study conductor The first vital step in the reactivation of our work
was appointed from among the twelve persons present. in Spain was to get the house-to-house activity going
The next day the visitors fiew on to Barcelona. again. That suggestion met with protest: "But, Brother
During the visit there, a service committee was as- Cooke, this is not London or New York. This is Franco's
signed temporarily to get the Barcelona Congregation Spain. You can't do house-to-house work here!" John
going organizationally. Those appointed were Ramon thought otherwise. So, he started on his own, doing an
Ferne, and Ramon and Francisco Serrano. odd house here and there so that he could never be
On May 15 the visitors were on their way by train to located by the police or be effectively denounced. With
Barbastro. The journey took ten hours, during which his example before them, the other brothers began to
the train passed the famous mountain of Montserrat, follow suit. They soon realized that with tact and
with its peculiar formation of pinnacles that look like prudence, and by using the Catholic Bible, they really
monolithic fingers pointing to the heavens. High on could preach from house to house. So it was that
this mountain is a monastery with the image of "Our Spain had thirty-four Kingdom publishers reporting in
Lady of Montserrat," otherwise known as the "Black 1948, their first year of postwar organized door-to-door
Virgin," so called because it is said that the image preaching activity.
has turned black from the candles that have been The group in Madrid was weaker than the one in
burned beneath it for centuries. Barcelona. There was no capable brother to take the
At Barbastro the visitors were greeted by Nemesio lead there, although sisters like Carmen Tierraseca
Orus and his family, as well as interested persons. Two and Natividad Barguefio quietly were following the
meetings were held there on succeeding evenings, and lead of the organization, in spite of some Protestant
Nemesio was assigned to serve as temporary pre- "poison" in their midst. The meetings were being held
siding overseer. on the outskirts of Madrid, in the district of Vallecas,
Later, back in Barcelona the visitors spoke to some in the home of the Protestant who had tried to 'rule
twenty persons on May 18, 1947. Before leaving that the roost' much earlier in Torralba de Calatrava. Be-
city, Ramon Forne was assigned as temporary servant fore John Cooke arrived, this Protestant used to direct
over all the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses and the Watchtower study, which sometimes lasted for
their congregations in Spain. almost three hours, the comments of this individual at
164 Yearbook Yearbook 165
times being thirty minutes long. John really was un- read by Vicente to his family, but the servant girl had
able to improve the situation at that time, as there heard it and, being a Catholic, had told the priest. He,
were no capable brothers then available in Madrid. in turn, tipped off the Civil Guard that dangerous
From Madrid, John took the train to Ciudad Real, characters would be coming to visit Vicente. In that area
where he was met by the brothers from Torralba de at the time, the Maquis, Spanish political refugees
Calatrava. For the first few days, all went well and with their headquarters in France, often were making
he was able to hold some fine meetings with the broth- nuisance raids across the border, and the local Civil
ers, in spite of the close vigilance of the Civil Guard. Guard was in a state of alert. Thus, they trumped up
About the fourth day, however, John fell ill and had the charge that John and Nemesio were Maquis agents.
to stay in bed. He had a fever and a strange feeling At Vicente's house our true position was explained,
in the lungs. Though he required plenty of liquid, the and the guards left. While the three were relaxing
water in that town definitely was bad. To worsen the over a cup of coffee the guards returned and arrested
situation, there was no suitable doctor in the town. them. Why? Because they were supposedly holding an
As each day passed, the situation got worse, not only illegal meeting. Franco's decrees had prohibited un-
for John, but also for the brothers who had on their authorized meetings of three or more persons. This
hands this "embarrassing" foreigner who was arousing led to their being interrogated from about midnight
the suspicions of the Civil Guard. Finally, John made until 5 a.m, at the nearest Civil Guard headquarters.
a big effort and journeyed back to Barcelona, where Thereafter, the three were put in a cell in an unused
Ramon and Francisco Serrano met him and saw to it convent building, with a guard of four soldiers and a
that he received necessary care in their home. For corporal. They spent a few days in that place sleeping
a while the doctor was visiting him three times a day, on dirty mattresses on the floor and paying .someone
and even the brothers thought that he was dying. to bring the meals from the inn at the town of Graus.
However, Brother Cooke pulled through the ordeal, And this was supposed to be a period of convalescence
thanks to the care of the Serrano family. for John!
The doctor recommended that John Cooke spend a The three were interrogated once again by officers
few weeks in the mountains to recuperate. So, Nemesio who were quite polite and respectful. The third day a
Orus invited him to pass the time with his family in telegram came from the governor of the province
Barbastro, but problems were to develop there also. instructing that all three should be released. Even-
tually, they got back to Vicente's house and there
ARRESTED AS MEMBERS OF THE MAQUIS continued the visit as planned.
While in Barbastro, John and Nemesio had an un- After about three weeks with Nemesio, John Cooke
usual, though typical, experience. Nemesio had written returned to Barcelona, where the work was progressing
ahead to an interested person named Vicente to tell him nicely, with some forty Kingdom publishers taking part.
of the visit. Well, when the dilapidated bus pulled up During the Memorial celebration held in Spain at that
to let off the visitors there was a sinister-looking re- time ninety-six were present and eighteen partook
ception committee awaiting them-a priest and four of the emblems. The number of partakers was inflated
of the Civil Guard heavily armed. Nearby was Vicente by the influence of the Protestant "brother" in Madrid.
in his simple peasant garb, with a donkey to carry the But that situation was only to continue until 1950,
bags, and a worried look on his face. After greetings, when judicial action finally was taken against him.
they loaded the donkey and started the climb up the With better understanding, the number of partakers
path that led to the village. But, two of the guards dwindled to three by 1956.
moved on ahead of them and the other two followed With things progressing slowly but surely in Spain,
behind, along with the priest. The brothers had landed
in a trap! As they approached the village, one of the it was decided that John Cooke should go to Portugal.
guards from behind shouted: "Halt! Hands up!" "We This he did in August 1948, not returning to Spain
did not argue about this," remarked John. "They until July 1951. However, the eight months of assocla-
searched us for weapons and then ordered us to pro- tion before his departure had served to get matters
ceed to the brother's home. Meanwhile, the priest on an even keel in Spain. Theocratic order was being
slipped away, his little plan having worked very nicely." established and the fruits were bound to come, in
What had occurred? Well, Nemesio's letter had been spite of all Satan's efforts to the contrary.
166 Yearbook Yea ·rbook 167
PROBLEMS ARISE IN TORRALBA Alexiades was able to witness to Prudencia Font de
On March 18, 1948, Jose Vicente Arenas and Pedro Bordoy, president of the Catholic Action group in Puerto
Garcia were called before the town mayor and the de Pollensa, a small town on the northeast coast of
local Civil Guard chief in Torralba de Calatrava. The Mallorca. She accepted some of our literature.
purpose of the interview was to stop the brothers from Prudencia later visited a friend and gave her a
having their meetings and to prevent them from tract. So impressed was this friend that she passed it
preaching to others. Pedro replied that they would on to her daughter, Margarita. Well, both Margarita
respect the authorities, but it would be impossible to and her mother showed interest in the truth acquired
stop the meetings and the preaching work. (Acts 5:29) more literature and began studying the Bible with
However, that did not end the matter. Prudencia. And what studies they were-lasting from
On April 10 the Civil Guard intercepted and con- 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.! In fact, Margarita once hid in her
fiscated the packets of literature that had been sent by room when faced with the prospect of another five-
the Society from Brooklyn, New York, and the brothers hour-long study. But then, she had five hours in which
receiving them were fined by the civil governor of the to reflect on her stratagem, and during that time she
province. Some paid the fine, but others refused to became ashamed of what she had done. She prayed to
do so because they had not committed an offense. Later Jehovah, expressing her desire to study the Bible,
the Society sent the literature to Barcelona and the but not for five hours with that woman!
brothers there took steps to have it sent to Torralba. In 1949, Margarita and her mother established their
Yet, it was evident that the group there needed to place own study schedule and, during two years, they fol-
greater confidence in Jehovah. So, new appointments lowed this while witnessing informally to their neigh-
were made to positions of responsibility and this im- bors and friends. Matters began to take a turn for
proved the spirit of the Torralba group. the better in 1953, when John Cooke visited them for
three days and was surprised to have an audience of
A major problem in Torralba was the smoking twenty-six present for a meeting in Palma de Mallorca.
habit. Nearly all the men that associated there were Since Margarita now was twenty-six years old and
heavy smokers, but they avoided smoking when John capable of teaching others, John Cooke took the ini-
Cooke was around. One day, however, Bienvenido Gon- tiative at the close of the talk and made arrangements
zalez deliberately brought the matter to a head by for ten Bible studies to be started with the interested
smoking in John's presence. As a result, the matter was persons present at that meeting. Three days of training
clarified once more and, as Bienvenido puts it, John's instilled in Margarita a great appreciation for Jehovah's
"counsel was a new incentive for some to drop the organizatlon and .also aroused .her curiosity about
dirty vice." pioneermg or serving as a full-time preacher of the
good news. In 1953 when John Cooke was attending the
Christian assembly in New York, he sent Margarita
IN THE BALEARIC ISLANDS a pioneer application, which she gladly filled out. As
Was the Kingdom-preaching work making any prog- matters developed Margarita Comas became a special
ress elsewhere in Spain? Yes, about 160 kilometers pioneer in August of that year.
(100 miles) to the east of the Spanish Mediterranean By that time Paul Baker, a missionary graduate of
coast lie the Balearic Islands, consisting mainly of Gilead School's fifteenth class had already been in
Mallorca (Majorca), Menorca (Minorca), Ibiza (Iviza) Mallorca for over a year. Not long after his arrival
and Formentera. Up until the 1940's the Catholic on March 25, 1952, Paul started Bible studies with
monopoly in these islands had been undisturbed, but two families and soon combined them to form the first
this was to change, thanks to Brother Manuel Alexiades Watchtower study. Two weeks after his arrival it was
the Greek businessman who lived in Madrid but who Memorial time, and twenty-one persons were present
also had property in Mallorca. for the celebration, with no partakers of the emblems.
.One day at the telegraph office, Manuel started to By the end of that month, five publishers were re-
witness to one of the employees. This man listened porting field service activity for the first time and they
to the message, not because he was particularly in- were conducting four Bible studies. Brother Baker
terested, but because his wife was a fanatical Catholic continued as the mainstay of the Palma de Mallorca
and he hoped that this was his chance to break her Congregation until 1957, when he was expelled from
away from her fanaticism. In this way Manuel the country.
168 Yearbook Yearbook 169
NOTABLE DEVELOPMENTS talk started. He was to clarify matters regarding the
IN BARCELONA AND MADRID date and the participants, in agreement with a letter
During the years now under review supervision of received from the Watch Tower Society. Well, this
the Kingdom-preaching work in Spain underwent some was a bombshell that the Protestant "brother" had no t
changes. Shortly after Brother John Cooke's arrival, expected. The meeting broke up in confusion. The
Ram6n Ferne was replaced by Luis Buj, who shortly Protestant and his followers walked out, and Pedro
thereafter had to return to Argentina. Then, in 1950, Garcia ended up giving the Memorial discourse.
Brother Pedro Perez was assigned this responsibility. With these events, the influence of the Protestant
However, he had once been an anarchist and during was broken. He refused to accept the direction of the
the unrest that existed at that time he came under "faithful and discreet slave" and did not respect the
increased police surveillance. Naturally, he had aban- appointments of responsible brothers in the congre-
doned all political activities and explained this to the gation. (Matt. 24:45-47) As a consequence, the meetings
police. However, in view of these problems, Pedro were discontinued in his home and were held in that
wrote to the Society and suggested that another brother of Eulogio Gonzalez in the Ventas neighborhood of
be appointed to care for the work. Consequently, Madrid.
Jorge Miralles, who had come from Argentina, was
At this point, it seems appropriate to take another With the advent of Gilead-trained missionaries, su ch
brief look at the situation in Madrid. In that area the as John Cooke, Ken Williams, Bernard Backhouse
previously mentioned man with a Protestant viewpoint and Paul Baker, the spirit of pioneering began to
was conducting the Watchtower study and mixing in develop among some in the small group of Spanish
his own Protestant ideas with what the magazine said. Kingdom proclaimers. In 1949 there were only fifty-
As a matter of fact, it was reported that after the three publishers in the country associating with six
meeting the men present took out their tobacco and groups. From these came the first Spanish pioneer,
smoked, while chatting about things in general. Think Maria G6mez of Barcelona.
of that! In 1950 a new peak of 93 publishers was achieved.
After learning about the situation in the Vallecas The following year this grew to 121, and then to 145
district of Madrid, Pedro Garcia, the brother from in 1952. This latter year marked a turning point fo r
Torralba de Calatrava, went to Madrid and, on Decem- the Spanish field, with the appointment of four special
ber 16, 1949, met with the brothers there, excluding pioneers, three of whom were Spanish-Maximo Murcia
the Protestant. As a result of this discussion and cor- from Torralba de Calatrava, Luis Feito and Maruja
respondence with the Society, Luis Feito and Eulogio Pufial from Madrid, and Raimundo Avoletta, wh o was
Gonzalez were appointed to positions of responsibility a Brazilian. In 1977 the figure stood at 591 special pio-
in the congregation. neers working under the Spanish branch.
Dramatic indeed were the developments in Madrid
at the celebration of the Memorial on April 1, 1950. STRENGTHENING THE ORGANIZATION
On March 31, Pedro Garcia arrived in Madrid and first Upbuilding visits by members of the Governing Body
went to discuss the matter of the Memorial with the continued during the 1950's. For instance, Brother
Protestant. It was impossible to reach an agreement F. W. Franz again came to Spain in July 1951. A mem-
with regard to the date or just who should partake of orable event during that visit was an open-air gather-
the emblems, and yet this Protestant was going to give ing outside Madrid. On that occasion, several brothers
the talk! The next day, Pedro went to the meeting place from Torralba who had been baptized in 1946, but not
with his elderly "brother" and found about twenty by a baptized person, decided to get rebaptized. Brother
persons there, many of them completely unknown to Franz gave the baptism talk in Spanish and John
him. Asking who they were, he was informed that Cooke did the baptizing in the Jarama River. This
they were Protestants and Adventists that this "broth- direct personal contact in Spanish with a member of
er" had invited to the meeting. He had craftily padded the Governing Body was a great encouragement to the
the attendance by inviting persons of his own ilk. twenty-eight brothers present.
Pedro Garcia acted quickly and advised Eulogio In Granada precautions had to be taken, so the
Gonzalez to address the group before the Memorial brothers held their meetings in a hotel room. Granada,
170 Yearbook Yearbook 171
in the heart of the Andalusia region, is rich in Arabic become one branch of the Society, with John Cooke
associations and reminders. Brothers F. W. Franz and as the branch overseer.
John Cooke visited the Alhambra palace, constructed During that visit, Brother Knorr suggested ca ution,
chiefly in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries by especially in the organizing of assemblies. He felt it
the Arabs, or Moors, as they are more commonly known would be better to keep them down to picnic size, of
here. Interestingly, all the mosaic, tile and stuccowork thirty to forty persons, rather than trying to have
at the Alhambra reflect the Moslem abhorrence of attendances of a hundred or more. These "picnic" as-
anything that smacks of idolatry. How is that so? semblies were held in the mountains and woods
Well, all the artistic designs are based on geometrical, throughout Spain until our work was legalized in
arabesque and calligraphic patterns. 1970. Only on a few occasions did the police intervene.
Incidentally, in 1950 a brother from Argentina vis- In July 1953, John Cooke was invited to attend the
ited his native Granada and introduced the truth to international assembly of Jehovah's people in New
several men there. Soon four subscribed for The Watch- York city. After that convention he went back to
tower and were holding private "meetings," actually Portugal and held a "picnic" assembly near Lisbon
debates, at the Alhambra palace, which is open to the in order to repeat the highlights of the New York
public. Later, these meetings were moved to a cave gathering. Then, he boarded the train for Madrid,
dwelling in Sacromonte, on the outskirts of Granada. but when he got to the Spanish frontier he was stopped
Interestingly, this small group took note of the Memo- and not allowed to enter the country. In May 1954,
rial yearly by going to an isolated spot on Sacromonte he again tried to cross the Spanish frontier, but with-
hill and there reading a Watchtower article as the sun out success. His name was on the "blacklist." John
was setting. In time, a Christian congregation was Cooke never did get back to Spain to carryon mission-
established in Granada. ary work, but the Kingdom preaching was on solid
Brothers N. H. Knorr and M. G. Henschel again footing and moved ahead under the influence of Je-
visited Spain in February 1952. At that time five hovah's holy spirit. Nevertheless, John Cooke con-
Watchtower studies were organized in Barcelona and tinued his missionary service in Africa and still serves
guidelines were established for future meetings and in the South Africa Bethel.
preaching in Spain. Since great caution was necessary
in order to avoid unnecessary problems with the au- ORGANIZED PERSECUTION
thorities, it then was suggested that meeting atten- With the start of organized preaching work in Spain,
dances be kept down to eight or twelve persons. At there also came to be organized persecution. By re-
that time, Brother Bernard Backhouse was assigned maining virtually in hiding, the Protestant sects had
to do circuit work among the congregations. not provoked any reaction from the Catholic clergy,
Due to the shortage of our literature, a novel ar- even though there were supposed to be over 30,000
r angement then was introduced for Spain. If a genuine- Protestants in Spain. But the activity of a mere handful
ly interested person was met in house-to-house work, of Jehovah's Witnesses soon raised the ire of the
the brothers would lend the person a book and start Catholic clergy. Their monopoly was at last being
a Bible study. They then sent the person's address to challenged. So, what did they do? The same as in
the Society's headquarters in Brooklyn, from where the time of the Inquisition, they did the denouncing,
a copy of the book was mailed to the individual. The but left it to the arm of the State to do the dirty work.
publisher then received the contribution for the book We can illustrate this persecution by citing the ex-
sent and recovered his loaned copy. This arrangement perience of Natividad Pufial, the daughter of Nati
later was discontinued, but it did serve a useful purpose Barguefio, One day in 1953 this seventeen-year-old was
for some time. engaging in field service with a special pioneer. At one
Brothers Knorr and Henschel returned to Spain in of the return visits a man appeared and started asking
January 1953, and this turned out to be the last visit questions aggressively. This individual raised his voice ,
in which John Cooke would be able to participate. and more members of the family appeared on the
Meetings were held in Barcelona and Madrid, with scene. Finally, the man identified himself as a police-
good attendances. In Madrid the visiting brothers had man. He took the two Witnesses to a place where
a conference with Brothers Cooke and Backhouse, and there was a Catholic chapel, and led them before an
it was decided that Spain and Portugal should then individual who, although not dressed as a priest, talked
172 Yearbook Yearbook 173
like one. From there they were taken to a police station THE BmLE IN SPAIN
where their briefcases were searched and their booklets It must be r emembered that Spain had for centuries
and Bibles were taken. The two were interrogated for been kept in ignorance of the Bible, so much so that
quite some time and, after a second interrogation, even in the 1950's it was considered to be a dangerous
were taken to the Chief of the Social Brigade of the Protestant book, not to be read by Catholics unless
secret police. Upon arrival, they were immediately they were well educated. This ignorance is epitomized
taken to a dungeonlike jail. Soon, Nati found herself by an experience that Vicente Paramo had while
in a cell among thieves, prostitutes and lesbians. But preaching to a cobbler in Madrid. His presentation
even in these circumstances, she took advantage of was interrupted by the cobbler's exclamation: "But
opportunities to give a witness. you have come here to speak to me about the Bible
That night, when others were in bed, Nati was taken as if I did not already know the Bible! I'll tell you that
to a room and interrogated once again. The initial I have read Don Quixote seven times!" Don Quixote
"friendly" questions soon developed into more specific is, of course, the famous novel by the Spanish writer
ones as the interrogating chief wanted to know who Miguel de Cervantes.
was directing the work, how many were doing it, where On another occasion, a sister was giving a witness
they lived, and so forth. He even produced a photo of to a lady and kept mentioning the Holy Bible, which
a group of Witnesses, including Nati, as well as letters in Spanish is the Santa Biblia. Finally, the lady ex-
from the Society and other items taken from the claimed: "I know practically all the saints in the
room of the special pioneer. church calendar, but I have never heard of this Santa
Nati succeeded in replying in a way that protected Biblia!" She was confusing Santa Biblia, the Holy Bible,
her fellow believers. In fact, she was very happy that with her saints, such as Santa Marfa and Santa Lucia.
she did not know the addresses of foreign brothers. Now please consider the experience of Sinforiano
At last the interrogation ended and Nati was taken Barquin from the Begofia district of Bilbao. After his
back to the communal cell. The next day she was cousin from Venezuela introduced him to God's truth,
placed in a small individual cell, the type used for he approached a priest, asking for permission to take
solitary confinement. There she spent two days until a copy of the Bible from a library and consider it with
she had completed the maximum of seventy-two hours the Catholic Action group with which Sinfo was asso-
that she could be held without official accusation. ciated. The response? "There are plenty more books to
However, this did not end matters. Some weeks later, consider without it having to be the Bible!" Not satis-
Nati had to present herself before the police court, fied, Sinfo took his Valera (Protestant) Bible to an-
and was denounced for the scandal she had caused. other priest who spent nearly half an hour just finding
Her accuser was the very policeman who had started Isaiah 7:14. Undeterred, Sinfo thereafter asked a
the trouble. Surprisingly, though, there was a sudden famous radio priest why the Church did not teach
about-face! The policeman said, "There hasn't been that the meek would inherit the earth, as Psalm 37
any scandal." Pressed by the judge, he merely answered, says. (Vs. 11; compare Matthew 5:5.) "Well," said the
"I was scandalized to find that they did not believe cleric, "it just means that the meek will live longer
in the Virgin Mary." Ultimately the case was dismissed. on the earth. . . . and that Bible-will you leave it
But as they left the court, the policeman-accuser came with me, or will you burn it yourself?" Some time later,
over to Nati and her associate and said: "I thought in a public confrontation Sinfo Barquin handled his
you were a different kind of people, and I ask you Bible with such dexterity that this radio priest blurted
to forgive me." out: "How well they have trained you in so short a
This was not Nati's only prison experience. Two years space of time!"
later she ended up in the same prison for the same Use of the Bible in the Kingdom-preaching work was
reason-preaching the Word of God. Her sister, Maruja, not without its problems. For instance, one day a boy
likewise suffered imprisonment because of declaring came to the home of Sister Engracia Pufial in Toledo
the good news. She had to contend with imprisoned les- bearing a letter that invited her to return to a certain
bians and was compelled to fight off rats during her house to explain more about the Bible. She had visited
incarceration. Despite their prison experiences, however, there twice and had spoken to a woman, but now the
these girls continued in Jehovah's service and he husband wanted to speak to her. As things turned out,
blessed their earnest efforts. Engracia's son, Manolo, went there, along with Vicente
174 Yearbook Yearbook 175
Paramo. A lady appeared at the door and said that companied by a circular describing the fight as a real
she would call her husband. He came out and asked crusade, with the archbishop himself "at the head
Manolo to show him the book he had. It was the of that Crusade for Catholic unity."
Nacar-Colunga Bible. The man took it and said, "Since The radio, the schools, the churches and Catholic
you are making wrong use of this book, if you want Action all took up the call against the Witnesses and
it back, you will have to go to the parish priest to advised the people to invite them into their homes-and
get it tomorrow!" The man then resorted to crude then call the police. How the religious monopolists
language and struck Manolo, ordering the two Wit- were trembling, and this at the activity of only some
nesses to leave. 130 publishers in all Barcelona! Missionaries Alvaro
The next day, Manolo went to the parish church to and Marina Berecochea both had 'close shaves' with
reclaim his Bible. There the priest attacked him in priests and the police. On one occasion, Alvaro was
front of other persons, striking him several times. visiting the Paralelo Congregation as circuit overseer
Then the cleric called the police and had him taken and was witnessing with two publishers, Joaquin
away. They also detained Manolo's mother, Engracia, Vivancos and Eduardo Palau. At one point, these
and both of them were kept in prison for five days. two publishers were making a return visit, but the
While they were there, the police went to Engracia's lady became antagonistic and slammed the door in
house to search it, and Paz, her teen-age daughter, told their faces. Then it appears that she phoned the police.
them that her mother was in prison. Even they were Meanwhile, Alvaro was keeping watch at the door-
taken aback to learn that she still was in prison, and way of the building and saw two men running toward
they immediately telephoned to have her released. She him. They shoved him inside, pushed him against the
had been held for five days, whereas the law permitted wall and searched him roughly, taking away his brief-
only a maximum of three without charges. case. Of course, they were secret police. One stayed
with Alvaro while the other went upstairs and brought
INTENSIFIED CLERGY AND POLICE ACTIVITY down Brothers Vivancos and Palau at gunpoint. All
Our increased house-to-house preaching work brought three were taken to the police station, but on the way
a reaction from the clergy, and es~ecially from the Brother Palau surreptitiously tore up some notes and
Archbishop of Barcelona. He published a pastoral threw them away, just in case they contained names
letter in the Official Bulletin of his diocese, but it was that could incriminate others. This time the brothers
printed verbatim in three issues of the city's news- got away with a warning and the matter was not reo
paper La Vanguardia Espanola, on March 19 to 21, ferred to the central police headquarters in the Via
1954. The terms of the letter painted two classes as Layetana. Yes, it was a 'close shave'!
enemies of the Catholic Church-Protestants, who were In Madrid the police also were stirred to more In-
seeking converts among the poor by offering them tensive activity against the Witnesses. During the
economic help, and others who were going from house period from 1953 to 1958 special pioneer Maximo Murcia
to house offering books, booklets, magazines and tracts. was imprisoned on eleven different occasions for periods
Obviously, the latter reference was to Jehovah's Wit- ranging from one night to one month. In that way
nesses, although we were mentioned by name only he got to know several of the cold and dirty cells in
once in this long pastoral letter. the different police stations of the city.
The letter called upon the authorities to carry out
the law and not permit public propaganda and prose- MISSIONARY EXPELLED
lytism by the Protestant sects. It went on to say: Police vigilance also led to the expulsion of one of
"We prudently tolerate the tares . . . but we cannot the Gilead missionaries in 1954. Because of exposure
tolerate the sowing of the tares." In conclusion, five to the elements during the very bad winter weather
recommendations were made to the Catholic faithful, that year while serving in Bilbao, Bernard Backhouse
the last of which was: "Make use of the law. It is the journeyed to Barcelona and stayed with the Miralles
last resort to be used, but which we must not and can· family. Then it was found that he had typhoid fever,
not renounce if the case arises, in order to impede which meant that he would have to remain with them
the sowing of errors and heresies among the Catholics for a fairly long time.
. . . At times the simple threat of this step will be As in many apartments in Spain, water at the
sufficient to stop their efforts." The letter was ac- Miralles' home was heated by means of a small gas
176 Yearbook Yearbook 177
heater that had a pilot light. One night while everyone A CONVENIENT BREAKDOWN
was in bed the pilot light blew out, and slowly the It was in August and September 1955 that Brother
apartment filled with gas. Somehow the daughter reo F. W. Franz came to Spain once again. One of the
alized that something had happened and staggered to places he, along with Alvaro and Marina Berecochea,
the door to call for help. An ambulance came and visited was Torralba de Calatrava. Since the visitors
oxygen was administered to Sister Miralles and Broth- did not want to arouse suspicion, when they drew
er Backhouse. Of course, this event caused a minor near Brother Pedro Garcia's workshop in that small
sensation in the neighborhood and also was reported town, Alvaro switched off the motor and stopped the
in the newspapers, along with the names of those car as if there had been a breakdown. He got out,
involved, which included Bernard Backhouse. lifted the hood, and acted as though something was
The following day an inspector of the secret police wrong, then went over to a local resident and asked
visited and made it clear to Brother Backhouse that if there was any garage or workshop nearby. Of course,
he was persona non grata because of his known reli- this led to Brother Garcia's house and workshop.
gious activities. Because of his state of health, he was Pedro came out to look at the engine and said it would
not expelled at once, but upon recovery he had to be necessary to take the car into his garage, since the
leave Spain. His departure for Portugal left just problem seemed to be a complicated one. Accordingly,
four missionaries in Spain-Paul Baker in Palma de the auto was taken into the workshop, the doors were
Mallorca, and Ken Williams and the Berecocheas in closed . . . and then, what joy! There were embraces
Barcelona. as the brothers who had been waiting in Pedro's house
It might be mentioned that even the rented post gathered around to greet their visitors.
office box that the Society's branch office used did not When night had fallen, the visitors had to cross part
remain inviolate at that time. It was broken into and of the town to get to where the meeting was to be held.
the correspondence opened. As a consequence, when In order not to draw attention to themselves, Alvaro
the police interrogated one of the special pioneers and Brother Franz put on the berets typical of that
they were able to prove that she had communicated area and also sheepskin coats. In the dark, they fol-
with the branch office by showing her photocopies of lowed one of the sisters who led them to a granary
her own letters. So much for the law that said that where the congregation was waiting. In fact, they had
all correspondence was inviolate! been waiting for three hours, and yet they stayed for
FALANGE PRESS ATTACK two or three hours more in order to listen to the talks
The 200 Kingdom publishers preaching in Spain and have fellowship with these visiting brothers. Ftnal-
in 1954 caused a panic reaction on the part of the ly, after supper, the three visitors drove their "re-
Barcelona branch of the Falange political movement. paired" car out of the garage and headed away under
Their monthly magazine for October of that year car- cover of darkness.
ried the front-page headline, "Red Light to Heresy! During this visit, Brother F. W. Franz also went to
Jehovah's witnesses ring our doorbells in a diabolical Palma de Mallorca. This visit took place on August 30,
attempt at subversion." The article on pages 8 and 9 and seventy-five persons attended the meetings held
included copies of pages from Awake! in Spanish, along there. That was an excellent total, since there were
with pages from two of our booklets. These certainly then only thirty-two publishers in Palma de Mallorca.
gave a more objective view of the Witnesses than the
scurrilous article that accompanied them. The article TAKEN PRISONER I
even mentioned the names of Bernard Backhouse and The following weekend was set aside for the as-
John Cooke as the first important Witnesses sent to sembly at Barcelona, actually a gathering to be held
Spain to "sow the seeds of the sect in our Fatherland." in a secret spot in the woods on Tibidabo mountain.
The two hundred witnesses of Jehovah were painted Since the number attending was growing into the
as pseudo-Spaniards because of having abandoned the hundreds, Alvaro Berecochea began to get worried about
Catholic Church. They were also depicted as Communist the success and secrecy of the arrangement. His wor-
half-wits and sexual perverts! Other critical articles ries increased when a brother from Manresa told him
appeared in the magazine Dies Minutos and the paper that the police had searched his house that week and
Heraldo de Arag6n. However, such attacks in no way had taken away the Informant (now Our Kingdom
served to diminish the zeal of the brothers. Service) supplement that had announced this assembly
178 Yearbook Yearbook 179
arrangement. Alvaro was more alarmed when one the assembly site and had gone to the American
of the sisters told him that she had recognized a police Consulate to report the arrest of F. W. Franz, an
inspector among those going to the assembly site. American citizen. The consul had got in touch with
Furthermore, the man was dressed as if for a picnic. the police, and, of course, this kind of publicity was
Brother Berecochea decided to consult with Brother the last thing they wanted. Hence, all the foreigners
Franz about what should be done. The reply? "Let's were set free except Alvaro.
go ahead and trust to what Jehovah allows." Brother Berecochea was taken to his lodgings where
Among others, Brother Franz was on the program a search was undertaken. However, nothing was found
that morning. After he spoke there was an experience because of a set of circumstances. Brother Francisco
session directed by Antonio Brunet, Jr. He was inter- Serrano had managed to evade the police and was
viewing elderly Brother Mariano Montori from Zara- back at his house early that afternoon. At the same
~oza when serious problems started. Paul Baker recalls: time, Sister Teresa Royo, on her way to the assembly
'He was just concluding his experience when I no- for the afternoon session, called at Francisco's home
ticed a jeep pull up behind another vehicle in a clearing and learned of the police raid. Since she lived in the
way down at the bottom of the slope behind the plat- apartment in front of the lodging place of Alvaro and
form . . . Four men in picnic attire got out of the Marina, Francisco told her to rush back and get the
jeep and began to walk smartly up the slope toward files out of there and hide them. This she did with the
the assembly point. Very soon, they broke into a run, help of Teresa Carbonell. So it was that the police
with a little man in blue jeans and an open-necked went away virtually empty-handed. They were dealing
shirt taking the lead. A number of the brothers had with "doves" that proved to be as cautious as serpents.
noticed this group by now and were wondering what -Matt. 10:16.
this next demonstration was going to be all about. As What effect did this police attack have on the
the group got within earshot, the little man in front brothers and interested persons? Well, no further ac-
shouted at the top of his voice, 'Let nobody move or tion was taken against the brothers, although a tiny
I'll fire!' He was waving a pistol ... This was indeed minority became victims of fear of man. Perhaps also
a new demonstration. . . . The little man placed his fearing some economic repercussions, they broke off
companions at strategic points and gave instructions association with Jehovah's people. The remainder, how-
that all cameras were to be surrendered. Another con- ever, were strengthened, invigorated and united more
federate appeared who had been sitting among us firmly by the experience.
and, by this time, everyone realized that this was a Thus the work did not slow down. During 1955 we
roundup by the secret police." enjoyed a peak of 366 publishers, whereas 1956 saw a
The men among us were taken in trucks to the police new peak of 514, an increase of 35 percent over the
headquarters in Barcelona. While some brothers pa- previous year. Special pioneers rose in number from
tiently waited for the trucks to return, since all could 12 to 21, and the number of Gilead School missionaries
not go at once, they witnessed and, from the con- from four to nine. The spirit was one of increased
versations, gathered that the police had thought they activity in every respect.
were raidinz a political group! As it was, most of the
men, including the foreigners, Brothers Franz, Bere- During the period from 1955 to 1957 the work at
cochea, Williams and Baker, ended up at the police the branch office was being attended to by Alvaro
headquarters. The police obtained details regarding Berecochea, helped by Ken Williams and Domenick
everybody, as well as their fingerprints. At the as- Piccone. After the Tibidabo assembly raid, Alvaro con-
sembly site, the first thing they had done was to tinued to do the office work from his lodgings, and
confiscate all the cameras, which were returned that then, about September 1956, the office was moved to
night without any film in them. Thus they obtained a the home of Francisco and Antonia Rodriguez. On the
photographic record of many of the brothers, and they other hand, the work of sending out packets of litera-
also made sure that no mcriminating photographs ture was handled from a small room that Brother
would appear later on in the foreign press. Brunet had made available in his radio shop.
During the interrogations, the brothers began to ON THE ROAD AS A TRAVELING OVERSEER
notice that something abnormal was occurring among
the police. What had happened? Well, Alvaro Bere- During the mid-1950's, Alvaro Berecochea served as
cochea's mother and sister-in-law had escaped from a circuit overseer for a time. He sought to upbuild the
180 Yearbook Yearbook 181
brothers spiritually, but he also encountered some with the organization and the sisters .knew nothing
problems. about him. He was not "rediscovered" until some years
For instance, the Barbastro "congregation" had dis- later, about 1964. However, Carmen and Anita worked
appeared! How was that possible? Well, it existed hard, and within eight months fifteen persons were
only on paper. Lack of organization and experience attending the Watchtower study, and six Kingdom
had resulted in counting as publishers people who publishers were participating with them in field service.
were not even associating with Jehovah's organization, Was there a great need for pioneer activity in those
much less preaching the good news. Nevertheless, days? Indeed there was! To illustrate: In 1956 there
Nemesio Orus and his boys certainly were making an were 514 publishers active in declaring the good news,
effort to give a witness, especially in an informal way but they were found chiefly in Madrid, Barcelona,
while engaging in business as traveling watch reo Valencia and Palma de Mallorca. Thus, only four of
pairers. the fifty provincial capitals were receiving an organized
A rather memorable circuit visit was the first one witness. Therefore, one can appreciate that Jehovah's
Alva ro Berecochea ever made to Torralba de Calatrava. hand has not been short in the Spanish field, because
He traveled to Daimiel by train from Madrid, arriving twenty-one years later, in 1977, there were over 482
about 10 p.m. Three brothers were on hand at the sta- Kingdom Halls spread throughout Spain's flfty provo
tion, but he could see no means of transport to cover inces. This speaks well for the industrious activity of
the fifteen kilometers (9 miles) to Torralba. But then congregation publishers, pioneers and special pioneers
he saw three bicycles. Yes, three bikes for four per- in Spain!
sons! They had it all figured out. Each of them would
take turns giving the circuit overseer a ride on the UPBUILT BY FURTHER VISITS
crossbar that connects the handlebars to the seat. It Certainly Jehovah's hand was not short with reference
was a cold, moonless winter night, and as they traveled, to the interest shown regarding Spain by members of
the silence was punctuated by grunts and groans and the Governing Body. Their visits were a regular uplift
occasional breathless stops to change over the "load" to the brothers who were now experiencing constant
as the shadowy figures made their way across the harassment at their meetings and III the field service.
countryside. The favorite weapon of the Church was to have the
Despite the hardships of the journey, the visit turned "faithful" call the police and denounce the brothers.
out to be a spiritual blessing to the small congregation This amounted to an admission that their average
in Torralba. And it seems fitting to add that over the churchgoer was not equipped to defend his beliefs from
years the influence of the small group of Christians the Bible.
in that little town of 5,000 inhabitants has spread into In November 1956, Brother F. W. Franz visited Spain
many parts of Spain as once-Illiterate shepherds learned once again. He divided his stay of five days between
to read and write and moved to areas where they Madrid and Barcelona, sJ?eaking to several groups in
could expand their service to Jehovah. both cities. In contrast WIth the events of 1955, every-
thing went smoothly and the meetings were not In-
THE 1950'S-A DECADE OF PIONEER EXPANSION terrupted. This visit was held in strict secrecy, so that
Many Kingdom proclaimers were reaching out for even the brothers did not know of it until he was there.
greater service privileges during the 1950's. So it was In this way, problems with the authorities were avoided.
that the number of full-time publishers rose from one During January 1957, Brother N. H. Knorr spent
in 1950 to 102 in 1960. During the same period the five days in Spain as part of his tour of Europe and
number of special pioneers rose from none to 40. Both the Middle East. His report on that visit said, in part:
Barcelona and Madrid were notable in producing full- "Persons who represent the Society in Barcelona are
time pro claimers of the good news during this period. very energetic and have organized the brothers into
What was being accomplished by the pioneers? Well, small groups or congregations, appointing servants
consider what took place in the province of Malaga. over all of these groups. It was my good pleasure to
Late in 1957, Carmen Novaes and Anita Berdun began speak to all the groups in Barcelona. Some evenings
serving there, as the first pioneers in that vicinity since
1936, when Frank Taylor had visited Manuel Oliver I talked from five o'clock until eleven, giving five
Rosado. Of course, Brother Oliver had lost contact one-hour discourses in different homes, meeting wit h
182 Yearbook Yearbook 183
small groups. It was a joy to see the happiness of convictions. The next problem arose when his parents
the faces of these brothers and their delight in hearing arranged for a civil burial. As a result the father was
the truth and to associate with one another. . . . obliged to give up his job as a government employee
"After a very pleasant time with our brothers in and was also put out of his house. In later years, both
Barcelona I went on to Madrid, spending one day the. mother and the father accepted the truth and
with our brothers there. I spoke to various small con- th~Ir other two sons have continued serving Jehovah
gregations, four of them in one evening ... a work is faithfully. The younger one, Ricardo Rubino spent
now started in Spain that will never die out, for the six r.ears in prison for maintaining his Chrisiian in.
brothers there are zealous. They want to preach, and tegrity,
God is blessing them." Harassment of the brothers and sisters included
such things as their not being granted passports, needed
so that they could attend Christian assemblies in
For one to be found just carrying Bible literature France or Morocco. Literally scores of Witnesses were
was enough to bring arrest during the years of harass- not able to travel to such assemblies because they
ment. For instance, in Madrid four pioneers coming were listed in the police records as Jehovah's Wit.
out of a sister's house were picked up by the Guardia nesses. To this day, young unmarried sisters over six-
Civil and were taken to the local police station. The teen years of age cannot get a passport unless they
pioneers had not preached in that neighborhood that attend social service courses for three months These
day, but someone had seen them enter that house and courses require nightly attendance and have included
had denounced them for distributing anti-Catholic pro- political and religious instruction, as well as social
paganda. The police sergeant said that the fact that service activities in hospitals and similar institutions.
they were carrying this literature in his district meant
that he had to report the case to the General Security MISSIONARmS ORDERED TO LEAVE
Bureau. Ever since the events of September 1955 and the
In another instance, a pioneer who went to the abortive Tibidabo assembly of hundreds Alvaro Bere-
railway station to inquire about train schedules was cochea had feared that the police would 'take action to
asked by a policeman to present his identity card. expel him a~d hi~ wife, Marina, from the country. A
When he could not produce it, his briefcase was test of the situation occurred in the summer of 1956
searched and Bible literature was found. For this when Marina was invited to London for a two-week
"offense" he was fined 500 pesetas or a month in vacation. Because she had residence in Spain she had
prison. He chose the month in prison. to request an exit visa from the police headquarters
On other occasions the persecution clearly was from in Barcelona.
religious enemies, as was the case with Carlos Rubino, After a two-hour wait, a plainclothes policeman came
an eighteen-year-old pioneer who was seriously ill with up to her .and asked why she wanted to go to London.
a heart ailment. In the hospital the nuns were con- She explained, Then came a barrage of questions as
stantly pestering him to confess and take Communion. he said: "Do you believe in that religion of your
The priest brought along an image and said: "You husband? You kno:v what happened in Tibidabo . . .
are dying. Your only hope is to kiss it, confess to me Are you of that relIgion? Do you believe in those Bible
and receive the last rites." Although he could speak fables? Do you believe that Elijah made fire come
only in a whisper, Carlos refused and asked the priest down from heaven?" She answered "Yes" "Look" he
to show him where this procedure was commanded replied, "what really happened wcls that Elijah' was
in the Bible. Angrily, the priest turned to Carlos' a wise guy, and all he did was slyly fill the trench with
mother and asked: "What kind of religion is this?" petrol and ~hen ~~t it alight. Only idiots believe that
She, although not a Witness, quickly answered: "The It was a miracle, And so the conversation continued.
Bible religion." At that, the priest stalked out, instruct- At the end, the policeman pointed to a file and said:
ing the nuns to burn the Bible that Carlos had, which "In there we have information about your husband
happened to be a Catholic Naca1'-Colunga Version! In- that goes against you as well." In spite of all of this
stead, the mother hid it and took it home. She had however, Marina was granted permission to go to
seen enough of false religion's fruitage! London.
Yes, Carlos died, but he had been faithful to his In January 1957 the Berecocheas had to present
184 Yearbook Yearbook 185
themselves at police headquarters to request the re- "We gave you forty-eight hours to get out of here,"
newal of their two-year residence permit. After a long he thundered, "and two months later you are still
wait, they were called into an office and told that they here!" Alvaro's explanations were to no avail.
had forty-eight hours to arrange their affairs and get A call was put through to Madrid and instructions
out of the country. Alvaro protested vigorously, but all came back that the Berecocheas were to be expelled
to no avail. They obtained one concession-they would immediately. Alvaro insisted that it had to be via the
have ten days instead of two. Algeciras frontier in order to get to Morocco. So, they
Faced with this emergency, Alvaro left the branch were escorted by a secret policeman all the way from
office matters in the hands of Ken Williams. Then, the Barcelona to Algeciras, a distance of 1,450 kilometers
Berecocheas set off for Madrid by train. Hundreds of (900 miles). When they were aboard the ship, he gave
brothers were at the station to see them off, and for them back their passports. That was on March 11, 1957.
all it was a sad occasion. Once in Madrid, Alvaro went
to the Argentine Embassy (for he was an Argentinean) BACK TO SPAIN!
and explained his situation. Due to the Embassy's In Morocco, Alvaro Berecochea served as branch
intervention, the Spanish authorities granted him a overseer. Some months later he was asked to make
month's extension and the deadline then was February a trip to Portugal and Spain. In order to obtain an
18. Having obtained a visa to go to Portugal, he made entry visa, he went to the Spanish Consulate in Vienna,
arrangements to take one of the Society's motion Austria, where it was granted. Now in order to pass
pictures around the north of Spain. through the border, he went by car with his parents
Upon arriving back in Madrid, Brother Berecochea through France and entered by Irun. The border police
found a letter assigning him to go to Morocco instead raised no questions, and once again he was in Spain.
of Portugal. This meant that he would have to go Stops were made in Madrid and Barcelona. By
back to the police and request a different exit visa. December 5, 1957, Alvaro was in Valencia and showed
Instead of going to the person in charge of exit visas, the Society's film "The Happiness of the New World
with whom he had spoken at length on a previous Society" to a group of twenty-three persons. The fol-
occasion, Brother Berecochea went to the normal dis- lowing evening, he attended another Christian meeting,
patch counter, explained his need and was told to and halfway through it there was a violent knocking
return the next day. Upon returning, he found that at the door. When the door was opened, in stepped
his visa had been extended by another month. The three members of the secret police with their pistols
police office organization certainly was not infallible! drawn. After a quick check of their identity cards, the
Now the deadline for leaving the country was March 18. seven brothers were arrested. However, Margarita
Not one to waste time, Brother Berecochea made ar- Comas was allowed to leave with the other sisters, and
rangements to show the Society's film in the south she immediately went off to hide the film equipment.
and then work his way back to Barcelona. The seven brothers were taken to the police station
where they were interrogated. When it came to Alvaro's
TRAPPED AND EXPELLED turn, he was asked if he knew Cooke and Backhouse
Upon arrival in Barcelona, Alvaro and Marina booked and others. Since his answers did not satisfy the In-
into a pension and then decided to visit their old terrogators, they got angry and threatened to punch
lodgings at the home of Teresa Carbonell. They had him. It was evident, however, that they did not know
the key to the door, but before entering they asked that he had been expelled previously, and they were
Christian sisters who were neighbors if the police had taking him for a tourist. At about 3 a.m: the Argentine
been around lately. "No," they said. "Things have consul turned up at the police station, and this In-
been quiet." With that, the Berecocheas went across furiated the police, although they were careful not to
the hallway to their old apartment, opened the door, manifest their feelings in front of him. Alvaro was
and, to their disagreeable surprise, found the police released, with orders to come back the next day to
there! pick up his passport.
The police wanted to clap handcuffs on the Bere- When Brother Berecochea returned the following day
cocheas, but they promised not to escape. They were the situation was grave. They had discovered that he
taken to the police headquarters in the Via Layetana had been expelled in March and they were furious. He
and were confronted by a furious police chief. was arrested and put in solitary confinement where
186 Yearbook Yearbook 187
the bed was of stone and there was only a small barred hours to bring up the subject of religion. However,
opening in the door. After a few hours, the guard came, Paul was grateful for the warning.
opened the door and took him to a place where there One day in April 1957 Francisco Cordoba, a special
were some packets and blankets on the table. "Your pioneer assigned to Palma de Mallorca, failed to appear
brothers have sent you this," he was told. Food, at the meeting for field service. The brothers thought
blankets and other items had been provided by the little of this until he did not show up at the meeting
Valencia Congregation as a display of its Christian that night. The following day the brothers checked at
love and concern. his lodgings and found that he had not returned the
Some time later, Brother Berecochea was subjected to night before. When all other possibilities had been
another interrogation. It had been determmed that eliminated, it was decided that a sister should go to
he would be sent out of the country through France, the police and inquire about him. Sure enough, he had
but he asked to go to Portugal. There was agreement been arrested along with the brother who was preach-
on this but he was told that he would have to wait ing with him. Food could be left for them, but they
in pris~n until they had a pair of civil guards available could not be visited.
to accompany him. That idea did not appeal to Alvaro The time was approaching for the celebration of
at all. The consul had warned him about perso~s that the Memorial, and the arrangements made for the
went to prison and never were heard of again. So, various groups took into account the possibility that
Brother Berecochea asked to speak to the Argentine Paul Baker also might not be available, since police
consul and was allowed to contact him by phone. action seemed imminent. Well, a day or so later a
Alarmed by the new turn of events, the consul said plainclothes policeman appeared at the pension where
that he would intervene immediately. Brother Baker was living and escorted him to the
Alvaro was taken back to his cell. But late that police station. There, on more than one occasion, Paul
night he was advised that he would be getting a plane was interrogated and then presented with a typed
from Valencia airport the next day. He was released, version of his answers. He was asked to verify the
but was told that he would have to return the next contents and then sign the document of several pages.
day to pick up his passport. Having done this, Brother Baker was taken down to
Immediately, Brother Berecochea went to the brothers the cells and at last found himself with Brother
and found that they had been fined 1,500 pesetas or Cordoba and his field service companion. The brothers
thirty days in jail. They had all agreed not to pay the had to spend the night in the "calaboose," and the
fine, for they had committed no crime. next day they were sent before a judge. Interestingly,
On the following day, December 9, 1957, Alvaro however, they were assigned a police guard who took
Berecochea flew to Madrid, and from there to Lisbon, keen interest in the case and asked them many
Portugal. Thus ended his Spanish missionary service questions.
that had spanned four joyful and blessed years. Now The hearing did not take place in a courtroom, but
others would have to carryon in directing the work. rather in the judge's office, and the brothers were
alone with him and the guard. Tactfully, they ex-
PERSECUTION IN PALMA DE MALLORCA plained how they carried on their preaching work. The
Our activities were being carried on under adverse Judge found their teachings harmless, but said they
circumstances, with opposition and religious persecution had transgressed by participating in proselytism. How-
besetting us on all sides. For instance, in 1954 Brother ever, the time already spent in prison had served as an
Paul Baker who was serving as a missionary in Palma adequate warning to them, he thought, and he would
de Mallorca, had his first warning about his religious not pass any further sentence, advising them to be
more discreet in the future.
activities at the school where he was teaching English.
One day he was called into the office of the principal, The police guard was delighted with the result, but
he had to take the brothers back to the prison so that
who told him confidentially that the police had been they could pick up their belongings. The guard took
around inquiring about him. They wanted to know if them to the officer in charge of the cells and announced
he had been teaching religion in school. The principal their release. However, the other officer muttered that
had been able to give a good report, since Paul had there was something else pending, and they again were
been tactful and deliberately had not used school put under lock and key.
188 Yearbook Yearbook 189
Some hours later, Paul was taken from the cell to sage on a boat leaving Barcelona for Gibraltar on
the interrogation room. There he found out what the June 12.
"something else" was. A parcel had arrived for Paul Even after arriving in Barcelona, Brother and Sister
from Barcelona and it was marked "radio," but actually Baker still were being "shadowed" by secret policemen
contained fifty copies of the latest Watchtower and in obvious disguises. For example, they had booked
Awake! magazines in Spanish. So, in addition to the into a hotel on a back street, and the next morning a
other false charges, Brother Baker now was accused "sailor" sporting a shirt bearing the name of their
of smuggling! ship happened to be lounging across the road. It was
Paul appealed to reason, asking how this could be obvious that Paul was considered a highly dangerous
contraband if it came from the Spanish mainland and character. Of course, these events took place shortly
not from another country. Furthermore, he said that after the Berecocheas' first expulsion, and the police
there was no law forbidding subscribers to receive thought they were getting rid of the "leaders."
their copies, and these were not for public distribution, When the Bakers got to the dock on their last day
but for subscribers. Nonetheless, all was in vain. The in Spain, some brothers from the Barcelona congre-
outcome was another night in prison. As matters turned gations were waiting to say good-bye. On hand, too,
out, the three Kingdom proclaimers were sent to the were four missionaries who remained in Barcelona-
Provincial Prison of Palma de Mallorca for fifteen Brother and Sister Ken Williams and Domenick and
days. Elsa Piccone. Even then, their own days in Spain were
In this prison a new territory was opened up to them. numbered and they, too, soon were to be expelled from
They could mix freely with the other prisoners and the country.
thus give a witness. When the Memorial date arrived, By the end of the 1957 service year the number of
their thoughts were with the brothers on the outside. Gilead School graduates still in Spain had dropped
And, when they came out of prison on April 26 there from nine to four. It was considered wise to transfer
was a little group of brothers and sisters to greet the "office" from Barcelona to Madrid.
them. These Witnesses had held the Memorial in three
groups in spite of the absence of the two qualified PIONEERS IMPRISONED
brothers, Paul Baker and Francisco C6rdoba. The clergy continued to goad their flocks into de-
nouncing to the police any witnesses of Jehovah pre-
MORE ''INVITATIONS TO LEAVE" senting themselves at their doors. As a result, during
Upon returning to the pension, Brother Baker found the 1957 service year thirteen pioneers and six pub-
that all his Spanish, French and English magazines lisher~ were arrested and spent from two to thirty-six
had been taken by the police. The next morning, when days 111 prison for preaching and for associating in
he went to breakfast, he noticed a conspicuous stranger their Bible study meetings.
drinking coffee nearby. He was a secret policeman Pioneers were imprisoned in Sevilla, for example.
sent to watch him. In March 1957, Margarita Comas and Maruja Pufial
What happened to the special pioneer, Francisco were assigned to Sevilla, where special pioneers Jose
Cordoba? He was banished from the island and had Rubifio and Manolo Sierra already were working. The
to return to the Spanish mainland. informal Andalusian character was hard to get ac-
On Friday, Mar. 3, 1957, Paul Baker married Jean customed to, since one would make arrangements for
Smith in the British Consulate in Palma. For their a Bible study or a return visit only to find that the
honeymoon, they traveled across the island to Alcudia person had made other plans later and was not home.
and then got a boat to Menorca. Wherever they went Then, too, it was necessary to deal with the fanatical
they always had somebody "shadowing" them. Not element. Sevilla is a city given to the worship of
the ideal circumstances for a honeymoon! "Our Lady," in the form of two famous ''Virgins'' or
images, la Macarena and the Virgen de la Bsperamea.
Toward the end of May, Paul applied for a renewal These two images have their followers and believers,
of his residence permit. After several visits to the like a pair of rival football teams. The zealots of each
police headquarters, he was told that his permit was "Virgin" sing her praises in competition with each
not going to be renewed and that he should inform other, especially during the procession times when
them of the date he intended to leave. He booked pas- these jewel-laden images are paraded through the
190 Yearbook Yearbook 191
streets. In this city, the largest church is the cathedral, mean." The sisters denied this interpretation of their
which is built on the site of a former Moslem mosque. beliefs, for it was an attempt to put a political slant
The tower of the cathedral is called La Giralda (The on the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Weathercock or Vane), and one can clearly see that After being interrogated, the sisters were put in a
the first two thirds of the tower was a Moslem minaret, very small cell with a drunken woman who was vomit-
while the top third is of Renaissance style and obviously ing all the time. The stench was terrible, and it ap-
of Catholic inspiration. peared they would have to spend the rest of the night
The four pioneers in Sevilla followed the routine of there. But when the hour was quite late, a policeman
meeting each morning in the plaza in front of the came along and took them out, saying that he was not
famous Torre del Oro (Golden Tower). One day the going to allow them to spend the night that way. He
girls turned up, but the brothers did not make an took them to his office and told them to sleep in the
appearance. The sisters thought this was rather armchairs there until the next morning. The sisters
strange, but decided to wait until the afternoon meet- silently gave thanks to Jehovah for this kind jailer
ing time and then, from a distance, watch to see if the and for their release from that awful cell.
brothers would arrive. But there still was no sign of The sisters were held for thirty-six hours without
them. The next day, Margarita and Maruja went to food, with one questioning after another, as if they
the brothers' lodgings and discreetly inquired about were criminals of the lowest sort. However, another
them. The lady of the house explained how the police policeman had pity on them and brought them coffee.
had been there two days earlier and had taken the Finally, both the brothers and the sisters were taken
brothers away. to the provincial prison, there to face new trials.
Their suspicions now confirmed, the sisters knew Upon arriving at the prison, the two pioneer brothers
that the police would show up at their lodgings at any had their heads shaved before being taken to their
moment. So, that day they took the precautionary cell. Then, each day there was the test of integrity
step of destroying any confidential notes or papers. during the raising and lowering of the flag.
That night the sisters went back to their lodgings with
heavy hearts, and when the landlady opened the door NUNS AS JAILERS!
they could tell by her face that they had visitors. Two
policemen were waiting for them. The sisters received quite a surprise when they
Even though it was night, the sisters were taken to arrived in prison, for the jailers were nuns! At the
the police station to be interrogated. The brothers reception desk, a nun asked them what they had stolen.
already were there and had undergone interrogation That was the last straw for Margarita! She exclaimed:
for two days. These interrogations were made more "We are not here as prostitutes or thieves! We are
difficult by the fact that the Sevilla police had reo here for being witnesses of the true God!" At that,
ceived information from the police in Granada, where the nun let out a scream of astonishment and quickly
Jose Rubino formerly had served. The police had withdrew as if the plague had struck.
photographs taken from the Witnesses in Granada, as At this prison, the nuns led the inmates in daily re -
well as papers found at the lodgings of the pioneer citals of the 'Our Father,' 'Hail Mary,' and so forth.
brothers. During the interrogations, which alternated During the exercise period, the nuns would tell stories
between the two brothers, the police tried to learn the to the prisoners, dance with them and recite the rosary.
identity of the responsible brothers and where they Margarita and Maruja set about giving a witness, but
were located. Jose and Manolo were kept in separate this soon was cut short by the nuns, who prohibited
cold cells, with a stone bench for a bed, but at first their speaking to other prisoners.
they were not even allowed to sleep, as the interroga- After their case had been considered, it was decided
tions dragged on hour after hour. that the sisters could be freed by paying a bail of
Likewise, the sisters had a difficult time during the 1,000 pesetas each. Since they did not have the money,
interrogations. They had to be careful with their re- and there was no one in Sevilla to help them, they
sponses, since the police tried to put answers into spent the month in prison. It was not a pleasant ex-
their mouths. For example, when the sisters declared perience, for they were assigned to a large hall with
that they were preaching the kingdom or government all the other prisoners-mainly thieves, prostitutes
of God, the interrogator said: "Then you are against and lesbians. When Maruja and Margarita refused to
all established human government. That is what you undress and take a shower in front of the others, they
192 Yearbook Yearbook 193
were compelled to pass their time in a punishment they were living in a small isolated village dominated
cell that was just two meters (6.5 feet) square. It had by the local priest. Because of priestly influence, many
a hole in the corner that served as a toilet, and. a small of the people did not even want to touch a Bible for
window in the ceiling. There was no furniture, no bed fear of being contaminated. Nevertheless, Jesus' pa-
or chair, and no mattress. Out of sympathy, one of the tience paid off with his own family, and with long-term
guards brought them a quart of water with which the effects that even he could not have foreseen.
two of them could wash. As these individuals made progress in the truth,
What about food? It was unpalatable, to say the they came to realize that living in that isolated rural
least. Twice a day the sisters were given garbanzo area was not the best way to give a witness. When
beans with so much bicarbonate of soda that it made they accepted the truth they converted a dance hall
them ill. And each of them was given only one piece they had maintained into a chicken barn. Thus their
of bread a day. economic support came from their small farm and
By the end of a month in prison, the four pioneers animals, as well as from a general store that was in
were able to pay the 1,000 pesetas bail each. Thus they the same building. Jesus and his brother-in-law, Ram6n
were released, but with the accusations still pending. Barca, looked after the farm and kept the store going.
In actual fact, their case never came to court, and In order to get to any sizable territory, however, they
they were able to recover the money they had de- had to travel to the city of La Corufia, thirty-one kilo-
posited. meters 09 miles) away. This did not facilitate matters
It might be mentioned that the special pioneers got when Ram6n's wife became a regular pioneer and
used to being hounded by the police and having to move Jesus' son, Jose, became a special pioneer. Finally,
from one city to another as a consequence. If a special both families sold the farm and the store and moved
pioneer could not explain his source of income or prove to the provincial capital, where they could be of
that he had a secular job, the vagrancy law was in- greater use to the growing congregation.
voked and he was sent back to his city of origin. Looking back now, it seems remarkable that the
present three congregations in La Corufia, with some
SEEDS OF TRUTH ARE SOWN IN GALICIA 300 publishers and pioneers, got their start some twenty
Despite the \,ersecution being experienced by God's years ago due to the earnest efforts of a Spanish
people in Spain, the Kingdom-preaching work was couple who had come back from Uruguay with the
making advancement. One area where this was true intention of spreading the good news.
was the province of Galicia in northwestern Spain. SOME oosre TO SERVE WHERE THE NEED IS GREAT
How were the seeds of truth planted there?
True Christianity got a foothold in Galicia because In July 1957, at a district assembly in Kiel, Germany,
of the efforts of Jesus Pose Varela and his wife. They one of the talks was on the theme of serving where
had learned the truth through a relative while living the need is great. That talk greatly affected two young
in Montevideo, Uruguay. As time went by and their German regular pioneers-Horst Mieling and Heinrich
knowledge increased, Jesus began to feel a responsibility Nissen. They decided to come to Spain. And that they
toward his sister and her husband, and his own son, did, arriving in Barcelona by train on October 19, 1957.
Jose, living back in Spain. So in 1957 Jesus and his It was quite a contrast, coming from a country with
wife returned to their native Galicia determined to nearly 57,000 Witnesses to one with only 780. Moreover,
share God's truth with their relatives. At first they just using the word "Bible" in Spain was enough to end
were received joyfully, but the situation changed dras- a conversation. But one advantage these brothers had
tically when it was realized that they had come back was that, in general, the Spanish were quite interested
with a new religion. Jesus' mother even said that it in Germany and Germans.
would have been better if the boat that brought them As it is, these brothers were virtually the first of a
back had sunk. His mother and sister avoided all long line of Witnesses who have come mainly from
contact with him, although they were all living in Germany, Britain and the United States to serve in
the same house. Spain, where the need for Kingdom proclaimers has
Jesus persisted, however, and slowly broke down the been so great, especially in past years.
barrier of blind prejudice, eventually being able to A feature that made our work more of a strain
start a Bible study. All of this was not easy because fOI' the foreigners was the need for constant vigilance
194 Yearbook Yea1"book 195
when working from house to house. If a foreigner was for a population of nearly half a million. So, there was
caught, it meant almost certain expulsion from the much work to do. In 1963 Ron Taylor was assigned to
country. This imposed an extra tension, that of care- the circuit work in Barcelona, and some time later
fully watching the reactions of the householder during Ray Kirkup received a similar assignment. All through
a discussion and after giving a witness. When the the years there had been a shortage of qualified Span-
door was closed, the Witness had to determine whether ish brothers for the circuit and district work in Spain,
the phone was used by the householder. Was the door and therefore many foreigners were used for this work.
slammed or closed politely? Also, it was necessary to
be on the lookout for any neighbors leaving the building ~IORE HELP ARRIVES FROM GILEAD SCHOOL
in a hurry, possibly going to call the police. Of course, During the 1958 service year the missionary couple
it also was quite important to make sure that there Bob and Cleo Clay left Spain for Morocco, so that for
were no police in the neighborhood where a person a month or two there were only two Gilead missionaries
was preaching. The Bible and our literature had to left here. Reinforcements came in March 1958, however,
be carried unobtrusively, perhaps under a raincoat with the arrival of Rene and Elsie Vazquez and two
or overcoat in the winter months. In summertime, how- single brothers who came with the purpose of es-
ever, it was not so easy to conceal the publications. So, tablishing regular circuit visits to the congregations
some publishers even broke up the books into signatures for the first time.
or sections and would only carry the section that was The 1958 service year saw an increase of 33 percent
going to be studied at a meeting or during a Bible here in Spain. For the first time we passed the 1,000-
study. publisher mark. That was in August 1958, when 1,006
In 1959 Brother and Sister Taylor, who had moved publishers reported field service. It had taken eleven
from England to Spain to serve where the need was years (since the revitalizing of the work in 1947) to
great, were assigned as special pioneers to Vigo, a reach that figure. But only three years thereafter we
port in northwest Spain. It was thought that since reached 2,000 publishers, and in another two years
this was an international port, he would not be so we passed the 3,000-publisher mark. By 1969 the total
noticeable as a foreigner. But it did not take long for number of active Witnesses was almost 9,000. From
the priests to get stirred up and warn their parishioners that time onward the increase has snowballed to some
over the radio about this couple going from door to 40,000 Kingdom proclaimers in the territories under
door. They were easy to identify-she was Spanish the Spanish branch.
and did most of the talking, and he was a foreigner.
Before long the police made an appearance and CANARY ISLANDS BEGIN TO SING JEHOVAH'S PRAISE
arrested the Taylors. They were taken to the police Off the west coast of Africa lies a group of thirteen
station and interrogated all day long, while being de- islands that are Spanish territory. Of these, seven
prived of food. When they were released, their pass- are the principal isles of the Canary Islands-Tenerife,
ports were withheld and they were told to report to La Palma, Gomera, Hierro, Gran Canarla, Lanzarote
the police every Tuesday and Saturday. When Ron and Fuerteventura. In 1958 the total population was
reported his case to the British Consul, his passport about 940,000.
was returned and he was given fifteen days to leave
the country. When did the truth first reach these islands after
As matters turned out, Ron and his wife Rafaela the Civil War? In 1958 when an interested person moved
served in Gibraltar for two years. There they were there from Barcelona. In September of that year Carl
able to lay the foundation for a congregation that had Warner went there as a circuit overseer and gave the
twenty-five publishers when they left. Finally, pres- first Bible talk to be presented by one of Jehovah's
sure from the Anglican clergy got results and, in Witnesses. The attendance was six-a small beginning,
December 1961, they were asked to leave Gibraltar, but at least a beginning. This took place in the pro-
along with Ray and Pat Kirkup, an English couple vincial capital, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Carl
who had also moved there to serve where the need recommended that special pioneers be sent there. That
was great. was not immediately possible, but help did come from
The Taylors and Kirkups were assigned to Sevilla another source.
in January 1962. There already were four special pio- At the 1958 Divine Will International Assembly in
neers there, but there were only twenty-one publishers New York city, Brother Knorr gave a talk on serving
196 Yearbook Yearbook 197
where the need is great. His remarks were heard and BmLE STUDY GROUP RAIDED
heeded by a Danish family, the Gjedes. They decided On the night of December 24, 1960, seventeen brothers
to leave Denmark and settle in the Canary Islands, and interested persons were gathered together for
together with their twenty-one-year-old son, John. He Bible study in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Among
went to the islands first in February 1959 to look over them were Jose Orzaez, his wife Pili, their three-
the situation for his parents, and certainly was de- month-old daughter, and the circuit overseer, Salvador
lighted to find that Irvin People, an American brother, Adria. At 8:30 p.m. five policemen burst into the
already was there for the same reason. At first they apartment, holding pistols concealed in their pockets.
both stayed with an interested family that had moved One snarled at Jose Orzaez, the lessee of the apart-
there. ment, that it was his custom to enter such meetings
To start off, these brothers had the same problem- with his gun blazing.
the language. This was solved by an unusual co- Not only did the police break in; the place also was
incidence. One day, while looking for an address in surrounded by them. Why, it was as if they were
order to make a return visit, they stopped a man in raiding a meeting of anarchists or clandestine com-
the street to ask him the way. It turned out that he munists, instead of a peaceful Bible study group!
was a teacher and also the owner of a school. They As any policeman knows, the first thing to do when
struck up a conversation and found that he needed dealing with criminals is to disarm them. That is what
someone to teach English at his school. Well, they was done in this raid. They confiscated .all the Bibles!
needed someone to teach them Spanish. So, they made Then they took the names of the children and sent
a deal. He would teach them Spanish if they would them home. The fourteen adults and . Jose's baby
teach English at his school. At the same time, this daughter all were herded to police headquarters. They
opened up a new field of contacts for Irvin and John Were given no food that night or the next morning in
that eventually resulted in a family of Kingdom pub- spite of . the infant's cries of hunger. Repeated pleas
lishers, the Suarez family, whose daughter, Angelines, for the release of the mother and baby were ignored.
later became a special pioneer.
Another development occurred that was to be de- Another vital step when apprehending criminals is
cisive in the later history of our work in the Canary to take their fingerprints. Thus all fourteen were finger-
Islands. In Madrid, Jose Orzaez married Pilar (Pili) printed, but, mercifully, not the baby. After eighteen
Benito in April 1959, and by the following May they hours without sleep or food, the Witnesses were reo
were in the islands serving as special pioneers. leased, with the exception of Jose Orzaez and Salvador
Upon arriving in Las Palmas, Jose Orzaez found that Adria, the circuit overseer. They ,were thrown into a
the group was dominated by a crippled man who had dark, ' dir ty cell where there was nothing but a stone
first received a witness in Barcelona and now was bench. The two brothers then prayed together. At eight
teaching his own ideas, based loosely on the Society's o'clock that night they were taken to the court, still
literature. When Jose began directing the meetings in without having had any food. They had been without
accordance with normal procedures,this man and his anything to eat for twenty-four hours. Finally, at 11
wife fell away from the truth. Here was a classic p.m., they were SUbjected to interrogation, a question-
example, repeated so many times, of an individual ing that lasted three hours. The interrogators consisted
who wanted to be important and desired to exalt of the judge, his secretary and the prosecutor. Their
himself by his teaching. As in so many cases, when questions revolved around an attempt to establish that
he found that his self-importance was not appreciated, Jose had been sent to the Canary Islands as a leader
he dropped the truth and went to the things behind, and founder of the "sect" in the islands. Moreover, it
in spite of attempts to help him. was insinuated that the activities of the Witnesses were
In the meantime, John Gjede's parents had arrived subversive.
from Denmark. Now the group activity thrived with The interrogation over, the brothers were taken to
the example of the special pioneers, and by April 1960 that small, bedless cell where three men already were
the six publishers had grown to twenty-one. By De- sleeping on the floor. The next morning they were
cember they had reached a new peak of twenty-nine. moved to the provincial prison and put in solitary
Of course, all this activity was not going unnoticed confinement in parasite-ridden cells. Request for a
by opposers, who made their presence felt in December Bible was refused, and, alone in his cell, Jose Orzaez
1960. had time to meditate. He wondered how this small
198 Yearbook Yearbook 199
group of twenty-nine publishers would react after obligated t o treat Jehovah's organization with more
this attack upon them. r espect.
What could have motivated this police action that af- Jose's trial came up in October 1961 before a tri-
fected not only the Canary Islands but also many other bunal of three judges, with one of them serving as
parts of Spain? Normally, the police would not act on the chairman. Although the case had not been an-
their own volition in such cases, since they have plenty n ounced in the press, the court waiting room was
to do with more important matters. With our case the packed with brothers, interested persons, lawyers, doc-
cycle of action starts with the clergy, who notify their t or s and others. Over sixty persons attended the trial.
bishops of the activity of Jehovah's Witnesses. They, The prosecution tried to prove that Brother Orzaez
in turn, inform the civil governor, who activates the was the "leader" of the Bible study group in Las Palmas
police . The Hierarchy also informs the Ministry of de Gran Canaria. But witnesses for the defense would
the Interior and this Ministry advises all the police not acknowledge him as their leader. Moreover, in his
headquarters around the country. There is actual of- concluding summary, counsel for the defense quoted
ficial evidence to the effect that such factors were be- the Spanish Bill of Rights and also showed that up to
hind the police raid on the peaceful Bible study group twenty persons could meet together without prior per-
in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, as well as actions mission. As for the charge of proselytism, which had
against God's people elsewhere in Spain. been brought against Brother Orzaez, again the Bill
of Rights was cited, showing that it allowed freedom
OUTCOME OF THE ORZAEZ CASE of speech in Article 12, which was read with appropriate
After being detained during the days of his interroga- emphasis.
tion, Jose Orzaez was released. He was relieved to find In spite of the lengthy and reasoned defense, as well
that the Bible study group was in good spirits and as the general opinion that the defense had won an
that his wife and baby daughter had been cared for acquittal, the verdict was "Guilty," and a three-month
during his absence. Brother Orzaez had been released prison sentence was imposed. However, the case was
without paying bail, since he had no financial resources, appealed to the Supreme Court.
and he had to wait until October 1961 for his trial to Two years and four months later the case of Jose
take place. Orzaez finally came up before the Supreme Court. In
In the meantime, the Awalce! article entitled "To- the meantime, our cases were piling up on appeal due
talitarian Inquisition Revived in Spain" was published to the ferocious wave of persecution that swept across
simultaneously in English and Spanish in the issue of Spain from 1960 onward, and that did not wa ne until
September 8, 1961. Toward the end of September, Jose 1966.
was called to police headquarters again, and wondered
what the reason was this time. He soon found out, for A H E ARTE NING DECISION
the police started to read to him the Awake! article On March 2, 1964, the Supreme Court held a public
just mentioned. They were furious to find themselves hearing before a packed courtroom of some two hun-
so openly exposed to world opinion, and they started dred persons from various nations. Many other in-
to call him a liar. Jose began to wish that the earth dividuals were outside the building waiting to hear
would open up and swallow him. He wondered whether the decision.
he would get out alive, for there were six angry police- Among other things, in his summary, the defense
men around him. However, as the interrogation pro- attorney pointed out that the Meetings Law of June 15,
gressed, he suddenly realized that the article was serving 1880, was still in effect. Article 2 declares that public
as his protection. They were afraid to lay a hand on meetings are gatherings of more than twenty persons,
him because their actions might be published in an- and only when this figure is surpassed would one have
other issue of A walce! to ask for government permission to gather together
for licit purposes. The attorney showed that Jehovah's
At one point, the policemen said that the article's Witnesses in Las Palmas were making every effort to
reference to a three-month-old baby was a lie. Jose conform to this law. He further reasoned that "illegal
calmly answered that he knew it was the truth because associations" are understood to be those whose purpose
he was the father! Well, he came out of that ordeal it is to commit crimes that would endanger the security
alive and rejoicing, for now he saw that they were of the State. But, he made clear, the meetings of Jeho-
200 Yearbook Yearbook 201
vah' s Witnesses are based on reading and commenting carrying out suc h activities, so t hat these Tribu nals in
on th e Bible. It was als o shown that Jehovah's Wit- t heir case can find motives for taking action. This
nesses teach that one who commits crimes against the wit hout det riment t o t he prosecution and punishment
security of any State is r ebelling ag ainst God, and of the crimes that ma y be committed as a result of the
such an individual would never be allowed to be a proselytism, and to the security measures that the
witness of J ehovah. Criminal Tribunals might take in the condemna tor y
Summing up, the defense pointed out that Article 6 sentenc es." This wa s a Iast-ditch effort t o stifl e the
of the Spanish Bill of Rights was openly violated in preaching ac tivity of J ehovah's Witnesses and bring
t he case in question, for the State guarantees that "no a ha lt t o t heir work by means of intimidation. Truly, it
one will be harassed for his r eligious beliefs, nor in was a m atter of "framing trouble by decree."- Ps.
t he private exercise of his worship." Brother Orzaez 94: 20.
not only was "harassed" by the police, but was tried
and condemned for having been found teaching the MAINTAINING CHRISTIAN NEUTRALITY
Bible at a meeting of seventeen persons. Besides facing religious and other opposition, Jeho-
. Now it was the prosecutor's turn to present his ar- va h' s Witnesses under the regime that existed then in
guments. After giving a brief resume of the defense Spain had to cope with problems associated with Chris-
presented, the prosecutor caused a stir by declaring: tian neutrality. (John 15:19) Through their individual
"I join myself with the defense in ' petitioning the study of the Bible, a number of young Witnesses at
absolution of the accused." that time concluded that Isaiah 2:4 and other scriptures
What was the decision of the Court? It declared: "We required their taking a firm neutral stand with regard
do absolve the defendant, Jose Orzaez Ramirez, of to the affairs of the nations. When one talked with
the crime of illegal association of which he was accused them about it, they said that it was their own con-
in the present case, with the declaration of the costs scientious decision, based on what they had personally
being annulled." . ' studied in God's Word. Each made his own individual
Coming as it did in 1964, this decision was hearten- choice. For a time the authorities in Spain did not
Ing to t~e Spanish ' brothers ~nd sisters. Especially was understand this neutral position, and some of these
this so m the case of the faithful body of special pio- brothers were subjected to harsh treatment. However,
neers who had been taking the brunt of the attack in recent years th e authorities have taken a more
during the previous four years. The decision struck tolerant view of these conscientious Christians, t rea t-
out at the religious intolera nce that had been practiced ing them with greater understanding. Over the years,
in many Spanish provinces where Jehovah's Witnesses the faithfulness of these young Witnesses under trying
had been a rrested, jailed ll:nd fined when apprehended circumstances has been a source of encouragement to
while engaging m group BIble study. The ruling was a others. We are pleased now to tell of some of their
precedent-setting step toward upholding the right ' t o experiences as they followed the course of integrity.
meet together privately fo r the purpose of studying In February 1958, Jesus Martin, from Madrid, was
the Bible. ass ig ned to do military service in Melilla, the Spanish
enclave in Morocco. Because he took a stand as a
UNRELENTING OPPOSITION Christian neutral, Jesus was severely beaten and ended
The Ministry of the Interior, however, did not relent up in a military prison known as Rostrogordo (Fat
in its desire to extirpate Jehovah's Witnesses from face). There he received cruel treatment at the insti~a.
Spanish territory, and on Feb!l!ary 24, 1966, yet an- tio n of the lieutenant general then holding the chief
other circular went out to all civil governors. Since the military and civil authority at the Melilla garrison.
policy of imposing fines of at least 2,500 pesetas was Another "unf orget ta ble" character was the chief of the
not having the desired. effect, ~h~ Ministry of the military prison, a brutal, despotic man.
Interior had consulted with the Ministry of Justice and After eight days at this prison, Jesus Martin was
had come up with the following recommendation: horsewhipped for about twenty minutes without a halt,
:'As a result, I urge .Y~)Ur Excellency on orders from besides being insulted and kicked until he finally fell to
HIS Excellency the Minister of the Interior, that you the ground semiconscious. Still not satisfied, with his
denounce to the Tribunals for Vagrants and Criminals boot the captain pressed Jesus' head t o the ground,
such members of · the said sect that should be caught desisting only when blood began to flow from his he ad.
202 Yearboo k Yearbook 203
Helped back to the cap ta in's office, Jesus was told that concluded, aft er read ing his prison history, that he was
he would get a similar beating every day, and the brutal a very rebellious type of inmate. In time, however, they
cap tain also threatened him with physical mutilation. realized that he was a model prisoner. So much was this
Later, in his underground cell, Jesus prayed to J eho- so that he became the prison bookkeeper, in charge of
vah for strength and aid. Down there, the young man paying all the inmates in accordance with the work
could speak to no one else, except the rats. Each da y they did in the prison workshops, Some months Jesus
Jesus was taken out a t rifle poin t to work for eight would have to payout half a million pesetas in wages
hours breaking stones with a pick-purposeless labor (about $10,000 at that time) .
intended as demoralizing punishment. One advantage at Ocafia was that Jesus could receive
But wh at about that threa t of da ily beatings? Well, visits from his parents, even though they were only
the next day Je sus was given olive oil for his wounds allowed t o converse with him for fifteen minutes at a
and his head was bandaged. In that state he was taken time. And how did he maintain his spiritual health?
out for his second thrashing, this time at the hands of Well, he was not permitted to have any publications of
a corporal assigned to do the job while the captain t he Watch Tower Society, but he did have the Nacar-
loo~ed on to make certain that it was done properly. Colunga Bibl e. And just imagine! He once read it
ThIS barbarous treatment even caused indignation through completely-apocryphal books and comments
among the guards and other soldiers. His resolution and all-in just twenty days!
beginning to waver, Jesus wondered if he really could J esus knew that other Christian neutrals had also
stand this treatment daily. taken their stand and earnestly prayed that one of
On the third day, Jesus was called out for his stone- these brothers might be as signed to his prison. After
breaking stint. Halfway through the morning, however f our years of virtual isolation, his prayers were an-
he was again summoned to the captain's office. To hi~ swered, for Alberto Contijoch was sent there. The two
reli~f, there he f?und a military judge, who had arrived of th em studied together and also preached more
t<? Investigate l).IS case and start proceedings against openly in the prison. In fact, they prepared their own
him , When the Judg e saw the bandages and the evident "third" edition of the Bible textbook "Let God B e
signs of a beating, he asked what had h appened. Jesus True." The new arrival did the writing, as he could
was almost afraid to tell him, for afterward there better remember the book's contents, whereas Jesus did
might be reprisals. Nevertheless, he told the judge the the correcting and adapting of the material.
truth. At that the judge assured him that he would not Later, in 1961, a third Christi a n neutral, Francisco
be beaten a ga in. Here was the answer to his prayers Diaz Moreno, was assigned to Ocafia prison. Th e three
of the da y before! During the remaining six years of young me n managed to acquire a copy of the booklet
that incarceration, Jesus never was manhandled again. "This Good N ew s of the Kingdom," and Jesus was able
And he was sure that Jehovah answers the prayers of to prepare additional copies, using the ty pewrit er in the
the faithful.-Prov. 15:29. office where he worked. At one time, they were conduct-
After fifteen months in Africa, Jesus Martin was ing fifte en Bibl e studies with fellow inmates.
transfer red to Oeafia prison in Spain. Interestingly, These Christian neutrals had such a yearning for new
J ~sus ~as condemned to fifteen years in prison for Bible literature th at risks were taken to obtain it. For
dIsobedience. and four years for sedition, since it was example, consider what happened on September 24,
held that hIS example could have influenced others. 1963-the festival of "Our Lady of Mercy," the Catholic
That meant nineteen years in prison for refusing intermediary for prisoners and captives. This was a
eighteen months of military service! Later, he was special holiday and extra visitors were allowed at the
given another sentence of three years for his dis- prison. So, on that day Jose and Pili Orzaez visited the
obedience in the Rostrogordo prison, making a total of prison with their two-year-old daughter, Ester Lidia.
twenty-two years. Incidentally, his fifteen-year sentence She was permitted to enter as Jesus' "niece," and gave
~s the longest one yet handed down in a neutrality case
him a box of clothing that also contained two of the
In Spain,
Society's hardbound publications. On another occasion,
Jesus' parents sent him the book "Make Sure of All
PRESERVING SPIRITUAL HEALTH IN PRISON Things," in English, but the prison official would not
let him have it, saying that letting such a book fall into
W~ile imprisoned at Ocafia, Jes~s Martin enjoyed his hands would be like giving a submachine gun to a
cer tain advantages. At first, the prison officials there bank robber.
204 Yearboo k Yearbook 205
In 1963 the group of Christian neutrals at Ocana ranged in parallel r ows, wit h a bout eighty prisoners to
prison grew from three to four, with the arrival of ea ch hall. The fo ur Witn esse s occupied two se ts, side
Antonio Sanchez Medina. He already had undergone by side. So, while one of t hem wa s lying on top, lis ten-
prison hard ships elsewhere, and befo re he could asso- in g and keeping a n eye open fo r the guards, the other
ciate with the other three Witnesses, he had to complete three sat below on the bottom beds, doing th eir best t o
a thirty-day probation. In spite of being held incom- present their parts on the program. With all the noi se
municado, however, Antonio figured out a way of wit- from the other prisoners, as well as the music or toot-
nessing without t a lking. When another prisoner showed ball match emanating from the loudspeaker above
interest in the truth, Antonio drew up a Bible crossword their heads, it was no easy task to discuss Scriptural
puzzle for that inmate to fill out. By means of various matters. But these young men succeeded in doing so,
crossword puzzles, Antonio got the prisoner t o search even celebrating the Memorial of Jesus Christ' s death
his Bible. under such circumstances during 1962.
When Antonio's initial thirty-day period wa s about
to end, he received a setback. While previously im- FREEDOM AT LAST-FOR ONE
prisoned at Zaragoza he had written a letter to the By the summer of 1964, Jesus Martin once again was
brothers, telling them about an interested prisoner. alone in Ocana, as the other three Christian neutrals
Antonio had hidden this letter in his mattress, await- had left in 1963. Francisco Diaz Moreno had finished one
ing an opportunity to get it out of the prison. But the sentence and now had to present himself again, this
letter had been discovered in a search of his cell. Now time at EI Aaiun, in the Spanish Sahara. Antonio
he was to pay the consequences at Ocafia-twenty days Sanchez and Alberto Contijoch had similar experiences.
in the punishment cells for having written the letter However, before going their separate ways, they had
and for proselytism. . decided on a new tactic. All four would request con-
Antonio was taken down to the "tube"-a tunnel with ditional liberty. In cases of good conduct, this allowed
cold, da rk cells . There was no furniture in his cell, just three months of freedom for each year served in prison.
a washbasin, a toilet, an aluminum plate and a spoon. The result of this effort was that three requests were
At night he was brought a mattress and two dirty rejected. But the petition of Jesus Martin was approved.
blankets. But he had no reading or writing material. He would be granted twenty-five months of provisional
So, how was he going to endure those twenty days of liberty and then would have to present himself again
boredom? The crossword puzzle idea was the answer. to the military authorities. So it was that in August
However, Antonio did not have paper and pencil. So, 1964 Jesus stepped out of prison after having com-
he broke off one of the handles of his plate and used it pleted six years and six months of his senten ce. For
to write on the tiles of his cell floor. He turned the som e reason he never was called up a ga in.
floor into a gig antic Bible crosswor d puzzle! Why,
Antonio was so engrossed in re calli ng Bible person a ges UNBAPTIZED INTEGRITY-KEEPER
and pa ssages that those days passed quickly! After a year in Ocana, Francisco Diaz Moreno had
Unquestionably, t her e were va r ious ways to maintain t ermin ated his second sentence, and in January 1964 he
spiritual health. The four Christian neutrals now in was temporarily free fo r two months, awaiting his
Ocana prison had some magazines and other literature. third court-martial. He used that time to build himself
However, all their reading had to be done secretly and up spiritually, before going on to the Sahara. By April
the literature had to be hidden. For that purpose, they 1964 Francisco had been transported to a punishment
had a chess set and used to hide t he literature in th e camp called La Sagia, deeper in the desert. Alberto
false bottom of the chessboard. Contijoch and Juan Rod riguez already were there.
Interestingly, Juan by th~n had spent three ye~rs III
MEETINGS HELD WITH CAUTION prison as a neutral and still was not a baptized WItnes s
The four Christian neutrals at Ocana prison were of Jehovah. He had taken a stand for Bible truth before
fully aware of the need to meet together for Bible having an opportunity to be immersed in symbol of his
study. (Heb. 10:24, 25) Finally, therefore, they arranged dedication to God.
to have meetings every wee k, although they held them In one of Juan's earlier places of incarceration,
with extreme caution. among other things, trickery was employed in an effort
I n Ocana prison the beds were two-tier bunks ar- to make him violate his neutrality. The pri son chaplain
206 Yearbook Yearbook 207
- natu ra lly a Catholic pries t-told Juan that another At first, the f our Christian neutrals wer e able to
Witness was going to visit hi m and bring the latest preach and conduct Bible studies, as well as hold meet-
in structions from the Society. ings. Francisco, for instance, was able to speak with a
Sure enough, a young fellow in a sailor's uniform young man who had been sentenced to death on the
presented himself as one of J ehovah's Witnesses. Juan charge of instigating a murder, although his sentence
the sailor and the priest had just started their con~ had been commuted to thirty years. One day he sought
versation when the "Jehovah's Witness" sailor pulled a conversation with Francisco to tell him that his
out a pack of cigarettes a nd invited Juan to take one! mother had sent him a Bible. Both his mother and aunt
When Juan asked the "brother" which books he had were Evangelical Protestants. Francisco tactfully used
read, the sailor mentioned Green Leav es and some his Bible to give a witness regarding God's name, and
ot her titles Juan had !lever heard of. Well, the next the in terest flourished, so that a Bible study was started
t ime Juan saw the priest alone he t old him that on using t he book "L et God Be True." After just a fe w
future occasions he should make sure that the Witness weeks, the young man was transferred to the Santa
he brought to see him was genuine. Catalina prison in Cadiz in southwest Spain, but the
W?!le F'rancisco, Alberto and Juan were at La Sagia truth already was at work in his heart. He continued
awalting their transfer to EI Aaiun, they decided that t o progress and eventually was baptized. His mother
they would baptize Juan in one of the wells outside the and aunt now are baptized Witnesses also. So it was
camp. Then, all permission to leave the camp was re- that while in captivity Marcelino Martinez had found
!used: So how w<;re they going to perform the baptism true freedom.
111 this drought-rldden desert? Well , in the camp there The situation at EI Aahm got to the point that fifteen
was a big covered water deposit, with two apertur es Bible studies were being conducted with other inmates.
f or filling it and t aking water out by bucket. But it had Finally, the prison authorities clamped down and
only fifteen centimeters (6 inches) of water in it. separated the Witnesses from the rest of the prisoners.
On the night of April 19, 1964, however the three Even their exercise hour was changed so that it would
young men already were in their tents when'they heard not coincide with that of the others. No room was
the water relief truck arrive. Yes, the water tank was going to be left fo r t heir "pr oselytism ."
being filled-i-wlth enough water to drown a person. NEW TACTICS ADOPTED
You guessed It! After a brief Scriptural discussion the
three slipped silently across the sand to the water tank After four or five year s in prison, and with nothing
and Juan Rodriguez was baptized. happening in official circles, the imprisoned Christian
neutrals began to study the Code of Military Justice
E NDURING IN EL AAIUN in order to defend their position better. As part of their
Eventually, after varied experiences suc h a s a period tactics, they wrote letters to all the government minis-
?f in carceration at Hau sa, a n even mor e remote out post ters to draw their predicament to the attention of those
~n the deser t, fou r Christia n neutrals-Alberto Conti-
in official quarters. These neutral Witnesses virtually
joch, FranCISCO Diaz Moreno, Antonio Sanchez Medina were condemned to life imprisonment, whereas a con -
and Jl;l~n Rodriguez---:f?und themselves imprisoned in victed murderer could be back on the streets after only
EI AaI!1n. There conditions were quite restrictive for seven years.
the prison was a re ctangular building with the' cell One of the legal problems was that in the courts-
doors facing outward t oward the prison wall that was martial the Witnesses were not permitted to make
covered with barbed wire and glass fragments. At each adequate statements that could be included in the
corner of the wa ll there was a platform for the guards record of the trial. Francisco Diaz Moreno decided to
who were on duty wi th automatic rifles. The cells wer~ tr~ to change all of that. He had read in the Code of
sm all , two by three meters (6.5 by 10 feet ), and each one MIlitary Justice that the prisoner's final declarations
had two or three occupants. Exercise periods lasted only should be included in the record. ThUS, when his case
one hour ea<:h morning and each afternoon. But the came up before the EI Aaiun court-martial, he waited
heat was easier to bear than at other desert locations until the prosecutor and the defense had nervously
because this prison was situated only about twenty-five presented their respective cases. Then he was called
kilometers (15 miles) from the sea and that helped to upon to stand up and was asked if he had anything to
ameliorate the climate. state.
208 Yearbook Yea1'book 209
"Yes, Your Honor," Francisco replied. He then started through the cell window. Some who had attempted to
reading off his prepared declaration. Several times the speak to Fernando Marin during his previous nine
presiding officer of the court tried to interrupt and months there had been beaten severely. Ostensibly this
break off the reading. However, when he saw the separation was so that the 'Witnesses would not be
resolute attitude that Francisco manifested, he called contaminated by the rest! Fortunately, however, their
him up to the bench. "What is it that you want, young stay at San Francisco del Risco was not to last much
man?" Francisco answered that he only wanted his longer.
declarations to be officially included in the court record.
"Well, we'll look into that and study the matter ... ," CADIZ PRISON CONGREGATION GROWS
was the reply. From the Canary Islands, Francisco was sent to the
"Excuse me, Your Honor," said Francisco. "It is not a Santa Catalina prison in Cadiz in October 1965. Down
matter of looking into it or studying it, but rather that through the years this prison had become famous
my declarations should be included. Otherwise, the trial among Jehovah's people, for it had reached the point
is not valid." of having as many as a hundred Witnesses there.
When the presiding officer saw that there was no way Moreover, it has been visited by hundreds of brothers
around this argument, he relented, and Francisco's who have gone there to encourage their captive fellow
written statement was attached to the court record. believers. In May 1972 this prison was even visited by
Thereafter, it was possible for Christian neutrals to Grant Suiter, and later by Leo Greenlees, members of
make such declarations during each court-martial in the Governing Body who were privileged to speak to
EI Aanm, this large congregation. In fact, the prison congregation
was larger than the one outside in that same city.
RISCO MILITARY PRISON-AND ITS COMl\'IANDANT Interestingly, with the passing of the years, the
One of the worst places of incarceration for Christian brothers incarcerated at Santa Catalina prison in Cadiz
neutrals was the San Francisco del Risco military repeated the programs of all the circuit and district
prison in the Canary Islands. The commandant there assemblies. On at least one occasion they even had
was an infamous officer nicknamed "Pisamondongos," representatives of the foreign press on hand for the
crudely translated as "Guts Treader." He delighted in wedding of one of the Witness inmates. The publicity
sadistic violence. Francisco Diaz Moreno spent some given to that case drew worldwide attention to the
time there. When he arrived, he found that Fernando lamentable situation of Spanish law with regard to
Marin and Juan Rodriguez already had spent a number conscientious objectors. Several weddings have taken
of months there. place in that prison, but the first was that of Francisco
Soon Francisco was face-to-face with the comman- Diaz Moreno to Margarita Mestre, in November 1967,
dant. "Are you one of Jehovah's Witnesses?" asked the in the presence of an officiating civil judge.
commandant. "Yes, sir," was the reply. "Another However, it should not be concluded that problems
traitor to the Fatherland!" thundered the commandant, at the Santa Catalina prison in Cadiz were minimal.
also using unrepeatable expressions and ordering that Often, for instance, the meals included blood sausage,
Francisco be searched. Well, he happened to have one of which Witness inmates could not eat because they were
our magazines in his pocket and had to give it up. As determined to adhere to God's law on blood. (Gen. 9:
the sergeant continued his search, the commandant left 3, 4) However, with the development of a good prison
and then returned. Impatient with the slowness of the organization among the Witnesses certain work groups
search, the commandant himself hurriedly finished it. were organized so that the brothers could earn money
But he failed to find the magazines that Francisco had with which to buy acceptable food. Also, schedules were
hidden under a body belt he was wearing. Thus copies established for meetings, language studies and other
of The Watchtower containing new information on the activities. Arrangements were made for witnessing by
resurrection got inside that prison. mail, so that each month a certain number could be
The three Witnesses were kept in a cell apart from "vacation pioneers," as they then were called. All these
other inmates and were not allowed to speak to the arrangements helped to make the time pass more
other prisoners. In the yard outside, a white line had quickly in circumstances wherein rays of hope oc-
been painted. Other prisoners were not allowed to cross casionally flickered and then died. The uncertainty of
it, so that they could not communicate with the brothers their situation in those years did not help the morale of
210 Yearbook Yearbook 211
the brothers, although they became used to disappoint- many a conversation. And in Jehovah Adolfo did in-
ments. deed put his trust and confidence.
For example, in March 1970 the news media an- Varied were the expressions that Adolfo heard from
nounced that the government was preparing a draft different officers down through the years. For example,
law to deal with the problem of the conscientious ob- one lieutenant, the colonel's adjutant, stated: "Adolfo, I
jectors and to regulate the situation by means of new have to tell you that the majority think as I do. We are
legal dIeasures. This raised the hopes of many brothers amazed at you. We have been making life impossible
in prison at that time. In September of that year the for you, and the worse we made it, the more you
draft law was debated in a committee of the Spanish smiled and had a kind word . . . you have made me
Parliament. Its members took the most unprecedented think of the early Christians."
step of sending the law back to the government without In time, Adolfo was completely trusted, to the point
approval, requesting further revision. When that news that his cell door was left open and different soldiers
broke in the prisons, it came like a shower of cold used to come to him to ask about the Bible. One said:
water that dampened the spirits of the brothers. Again "I would like to study the Bible. I have seen that you
in 1971 the government tried to present a stiffer law have the true religion."
that would satisfy the extremist elements of the De- One of the guards had such a desire to read the
fense Commission in Parliament. When the government Bible that he would go into Adolfo's cell to read. At the
saw how drastically the original intent of the bill had same time he had Adolfo do "guard" duty outside the
been changed, they withdrew the draft law from cell, just in case someone should come along and sur-
further consideration. prise them. So the prisoner guarded the sentry!
Our record about those earlier years spent by Chris- In September 1963, Adolfo was taken to the Military
tian neutrals in prison would not be complete if we did Tribunal for his court-martial. There he got to see
not refer to the integrity-keeping course of Adolfo Emilio Bayo, who was being tried at the same time.
Pefiacorada from Bilbao in the Basque region and They already knew each other, because two years
Emilio Bayo from Logrofio. Their passage through earlier they had been among Witnesses who had ex-
Spanish prisons coincided for several years. perienced a raid by the police in Logrofio,
On March 16, 1963, Adolfo Pefiacorada presented him- When he had reached the age of twenty-one, Emilio
self at the Burgos barracks, where his father had had presented himself at the Tudela barracks, in the
served as a soldier thirty-five years earlier. For four province of Navarra. It happened to be March 16, 1963,
days no uniforms were given out. Then, on the fifth day, the very same day that Adolfo presented himself in
Adolfo had a long discussion with the colonel about his Burgos. The following day Emilio refused to accept
conscientious objection. Finally, when the colonel reo the military uniform and failed to attend Mass with the
alized that he was not getting anywhere, he changed recruits. He was taken to the dungeon, where he was
his tactics and shouted at Adolfo, giving orders that he to pass his first ten weeks virtually without any
be taken to the "calaboose." Adolfo's conscientious ob- natural light and almost without any outside exercise.
jection became the talking point in military circles at His bed was taken away every morning and brought
Burgos a city proud of its military and ecclesiastical back at night and he was not allowed to speak to
history: The unthinkable had occurred-a man had anyone. Only' be.cause of the kindness o~ a c.ertain
refused to wear the military uniform in Burgos! captain was he given a seat on WhICh he might SIt dur-
Under threat of punishment, all the troops were for- ing the day.
bidden to speak to Adolfo. Different officers used to After those first ten weeks, Emilio was transferred
come to his cell to try to change his opinion, but they to Burgos for his court-martial. During that day of
always went away with something to think about be- travel handcuffed to a civil guard, he made up for his
cause of the witness that he gave them. He had a Bible ten weeks of silence. Emilio was witnessing on the
text on view in his cell that mentioned Jehovah and train and using his Bible the best he could with one
included the words: "Do not be afraid. I myself will hand fastened. The guard tried to hide the handcuffed
help you." (Isa, 41:10, 13) The name Jehovah prompted hand, but Emilio kept pulling it out so that people
212 Yearbook Yearbook 213
would know that he was in chains for his Christian After a while, Adolfo and Emilio were given lighter
beli ef. work inside the chalets. This enabled them to witness
The cour ts-mar tia l of Adolfo and Emilio were held to some of the owners. Another fine witness was given
separately. But the results were the same-three years by the group of brothers that visited them every Sun-
and one day in prison. In November they were trans- day, for the guards and the inmates recognized the love
ferred to the Burgos Civil Prison, where they had to existing among Jehovah's Witnesses.-John 13:34,35.
mix with the normal run of civilian delinquents and
criminals of all kinds. ON TO AFRICA
Adolfo arrived first and the prison director sternly Their sentence having expired at Mirasierra, Adolfo
told him: "I know you people and I know your methods. and Emilio were freed for a month, but with instruc-
If you attempt any proselytism here, you will rot in tions to make their way to El Aanm in the Spanish
the punishment cells." Fortunately, after a few days Sahara. That month of freedom was used to associate
that director was replaced, and within a short time with fellow believers and build themselves up spiritual-
Emilio and Adolfo had the prison turned upside down ly. Renewed physically and spiritually, they set off at
with their preaching. Of course, the only literature the end of September, heading for their new prison
they had was the Catholic Nacar-Colunga Bible, and in Africa.
that proved to be enough. Everything that they said When Adolfo and Emilio arrived at El Aalun they
during the week got to the ears of the prison chaplain learned that three Christian neutrals-Francisco, Al-
in time for Sunday Mass. However, the brothers al- berto and Juan-were already in prison there, although
ready had gained the respect and admiration of the there was no way to get to see them. Adolfo and Emilio
new director, as well as that of the other prisoners. were anxious to talk to these three fellow believers to
So, the chaplain was not able to stop them from preach· find out what issues would be presented in this new
ing and could not do them any harm. The director was setting, especially since there might be details about
so impressed by them that he recommended that they which they would have problems in making decisions.
be transferred to an open prison in Mirasierra, not far From El Aalun, Adolfo and Emilio were sent to
from Madrid. Hausa, where they knew that Antonio Sanchez was
Emilio and Adolfo started their journey to this new located. At least they felt that it would be possible to
prison in January 1964. On the way, they had to pass get some information from him. When they arrived,
through the prisons of Avila and Carabanchel. Eventu· however, he had already left-just a few hours earlier.
ally they arrived at the prison in Mirasierra. All seemed lost. But they had to go to the camp barber,
a certain Benito Egea, a person who had recently been
LIFE AT MIRASIERRA OPEN PRISON studying the Bible with Antonio Sanchez. He was able
Mirasierra was a group of prison huts used .for to give some helpful information. They continued the
trusted inmates who worked for a construction com- Bible study with him until it was decided that they
pany building chalets, mainly for foreigners. In effect, were going to be moved. To El Aaiun? No. They were
it was like being free, for the prisoners mixed with going to Villa Cisneros, 1,000 kilometers (620 miles)
outsiders during their working hours. For Adolfo and to the south-a military base where Jehovah's Wit-
Emilio this respite was short-llved-seven months to be nesses had not yet set foot. They were going to have
exact. But, at least, it was a breathing space. The work to plow a new furrow. Incidentally, the camp barber
was heavy and it was hard for these young men who later was baptized and even served for a number of
had spent nearly a year in prison with very little years as a special pioneer.
physical activity. In torrential rain, their convoy of trucks set out
Adolfo and Emilio took ad vantage of their oppor- across the desert on December 21, 1964. That uncom-
tunities to witness on every occasion, and they had fortable journey took several days to complete. On
good results. For instance, a Bible study was started awakening after their first night in Villa Cisneros
with a person who later became a baptized Christian. barracks, they were greeted with the news that one
Additionally, they soon had a Watchtower study or- legionnaire had killed another in an act of jealousy
ganized, which was held in the entrance to a tunnel over homosexual relations. That was the kind of
of an as yet unused railway line. Four persons would world into which they had moved. Now they were
sit on the tracks and enjoy this interestmg study. completely isolated from the brothers and from Jeho-
214 Yearbook Yearbook 215
vah's earthly organization, and could consult no one Christian neutrals there to seven. Little did they know
except Jehovah God. This they did intently, seeking then, in 1965, that the first of the seven would not be
guidance. Amid 2,000 to 3,000 soldiers, they were the released until 1970, and that four of them would still
only ones moving about in civilian clothing. be in prison in 1973.
Emilio and Adolfo did not feel that they always In January 1966, the group of seven was broken up.
made the right decision. But they were trying to Four were sent to the Santa Catalina prison in Cadiz,
please Jehovah and, in February 1965, their neutrality and the other three were assigned to the military
definitely was brought out into the open. The whole prison in Mahon, in the Balearic Islands. Thus Adolfo
battalion was assigned to leave the barracks on ma- and Emilio, for instance, were separated after three
neuvers, but the two brothers would not comply. At years of shared imprisonment. Emilio Bayo and
that, the lieutenant got them out of the hut by shoving Antonio Sanchez Medina were sent to Mah6n, arriving
and kicking, and then had them put in the last line there in April 1966, and soon thereafter they were joined
of the ranks. Then came the order, "Forward march!" by Julio Beltran. Their three-month journey included
The whole battalion moved off, leaving behind two stops at Cadiz, Vicalvaro, Madrid and Zaragoza.
immobile and solitary figures, Adolfo and Emilio. For- By the time the two brothers reached Zaragoza it
tunately, the captain treated them in a civil manner was April 4, and the very next day was to be the
and had them handed over to the guard at the barracks. Memorial of Jesus Christ's death. They started to
Shortly thereafter, Adolfo and Emilio found them- plan for its commemoration but were told to get ready
selves in the punishment platoon. The legionnaires in to travel on to Barcelona. During the train journey,
charge practically had a free hand to do what they they asked permission of the guards to buy a little
liked to the prisoners, even to kill them, and no ques- wine, which they hid, in case the next guards would
tions would be asked. When ordered to stand at at- prohibit it. Well, when it came around to six o'clock
tention, the brothers refused. The guard hurled abuse in the evening, Emilio and Antonio explained to the
at them, and the corporal in charge started to punch guards that it was the hour for .them to have a special
and beat them. Adolfo ended up with a black eye, celebration by considering a Bible theme. The guards
along with a collection of bruises. permitted it, and in this way the brothers celebrated
Adolfo and Emilio were in the punishment platoon the Memorial by means of a forty-flve-minute talk, a
for a month. Inasmuch as they would not do any work discourse heard by the guards and two prisoners to
in the barracks, they were taken out each day at sun- whom the Witnesses were handcuffed. Though their
rise to a place about three kilometers (2 miles) away. train compartment was empty at first, toward the end
There they had to break stones and dig sand. Since of the talk four or five other persons were listening.
the food was inadequate and often inedible as far as a That discourse ended just as the train drew into the
Christian was concerned, they were hungry and ex- station at Barcelona.
hausted. Occasionally, their state moved the guard to CONSCIENTIOUSLY HOLDING TO FAITH
pity and he would allow them to seek shelter from the
heat in a nearby cave where they could get some sleep. RESULTS IN GREAT WITNESS
But the majority of the guards were tyrants and the At every turn, efforts were being made to break
prisoners were not allowed to speak or do anything the integrity of those imprisoned Christian neutrals.
without their permission. For instance, when Emilio Bayo and Antonio Sanchez
In April of that year, Adolfo and Emilio came out Medina arrived at Mahon they found that another
of the punishment section and wondered just how much brother, Francisco Diez Ferrer, had already been there
longer they would be able to stand the war of nerves for some time. Interestingly, he had been very friendly
in Villa Cisneros. The physical punishment was one with Corporal Bernardo Linares, not realizing that
thing, but the nervous tension was another. There was this man had been assigned to develop a friendship
a constant fight to keep integrity to God, to remain with him and cause him to break integrity to God.
neutral in this highly charged military atmosphere. Well, that did not happen. Instead, the final result was
Their prayers were answered when, in July, they were that, after a lengthy association with Francisco, and
sent back to EI Aaiiin by plane, to face another court- later with Emilio and Antonio, Bernardo Linares him-
martial for having refused the uniform in Hausa. self became a witness of Jehovah. In July 1967 he
Their arrival in EI Aatun brought the number of told the captain of the prison that he was taking off
216 Yearbook Yearbook 217
his un iform and joining with the conscientious "ob- the Catholic write r, J esus Gonzalez Mal var , wh o wrote
jectors. Though an effort was made to convince him under the subtitle "An Example for Catholics" :
t o do otherwise, all of that was to no av ail. He was "Such is t hat of the courageous J ehova h's Wit-
put under arrest t o await a court-martial, but the ne sses, although it becomes humiliating for us to
ca pt ain general of the Mallorca region had Bernardo's r ecognize it . In this they have certainly set for us t he
a rmy contract annulled and the case went no farther. evangelical ideal. These brave men are no t terrified
He was retired to civilian life and took up active ser- by the loss of freedom, although prison be prolonged
vice t o Jehovah. month after month and year after year, nor by the
Despite difficulties that were encountered by these pharisaical scorn of a society still so remote from the
Christian neutrals, there was spiritual growth and spirit of the Beatitudes . . . To our great shame, for
development within Spanish prisons. To illustrate: As this our so-trail-blazing Catholicism, is the fact that the
the group in Cadiz continued growing, so did their so ridiculed and persecuted Jehovah's Witnesses have
spirituality. Fine progress was made, and the brothers gone ahead of us in the manifestation of this Christian
even inaugurated a Kingdom Hall in the prison on charisma, and that only by walking in their blood-
August 5, 1968, two , years before official legalization stained tracks have our most determined ones dared
of our work took place in Spain. to venture forth in the same course. We cannot deny,
It might be mentioned that certain brothers we have if we are honest and sincere, that they have understood
named were released from prison in the early 1970's. in this, better than we, the spirit of the Master, ' who,
Alberto Contijoch was freed in 1970 after eleven years not even in self-defense, allowed the use of arms."
in prison, having been condemned four times to a total
sentence of nineteen years' imprisonment. Francisco RECENT DEVELOPMENTS AFFECTING
Diaz Moreno was let out of prison in April 1972, after CHRISTIAN NEUTRALS
complet ing eleven years, six months and nineteen days
of a total sentence of twenty-six years. Juan Rodriguez What have been , the more recent developments ' for
was released in May 1972, after having completed these Christian neutrals in .Spain ? Well, in 1973 a law
eleven years in prison, and a number of others were was passed that limited the penalty for conscientious
set free in February 1974. Among them were Antonio objection to a single term in prison that can be from
Sanchez Medina, after twelve years of imprisonment; three years and one day to a maximum of eight years.
Adolfo Pefiacorada and Emilio Bayo, after eleven This has put an end to the previous procedure of a
years; and Fernando Marin, after ten years behind never-ending series of sentences for the repetition of
prison walls. the same offense, that of maintaining Christian neutral-
Of course, many other brothers in Spain have suf- ity by refusing to participate in military organizations.
fered imprisonment as Christian neutrals. But t his .The immediate benefits of this law were that all those
time was not wasted, for it served to give a witness to having served more than three years in prison were
a large sector of the Spanish nation that otherwise released, which resulted in 114 brothers gaining their
would not have heard of Jehovah's Witnesses, their freedom. Later, on July 30, 1976, King Juan Carlos
beliefs and their integrity. The military and penal proclaimed a general amnesty, and as a result another
sectors have been given a great witness, a testimony 204 brothers were set free. What an unexpected joy it
that has 'affected all parts of the country, since these was for them to be able immediately to attend the
Christian neutrals have had to present themselves in "Sacred Service" District Assemblies and there build
countless barracks and military and civil prisons of up the gathered throngs with their experiences of
Spain. Thus, a record of integrity and neutrality has Christian integrity!
been written into the military and judicial records of Are Christian neutrals still being impr isoned in
this country, and it stands as evidence of the fidelity Spain? During the autumn of 1976 there was a kind
of J ehovah's Witnesses to the just and peace-loving of moratorium on the conscription of declared con-
principles of God's Word, the Bible. scientious objectors, and in December of 1976 a decree
In the course of the years since 1958, 825 brothers was published that allows those with religious objections
have been sentenced to a total of 3,218 years of im- to military service to "substitute" the present eighteen
prisonment, of which they have served 1,904 in Spain's months of military training with three years of other
military and civil prisons. Perhaps the most appro- services.
priate comment on this record of integrity is that of But what viewpoint have the youthful Witnesses
218 Yearbook Yearbook 219
taken on this question? Already more t han 150 young with a new and special treat for t he Sp anish brother s.
br others have demonstrated their belief that it would A Spanish assembly was held in Perpignan, just across
be hypocritical to refuse military service on grounds t he border in southern France, and many of the
of conscience and then participate in activities that brothers were aided financially so that they could
are recognized as a substitute for military duties. As a attend. For those living in southern Spain, another
consequence, they are now in custody, the majority assembly was held in Tangier, Morocco.
awaiting trial by court-martial, for having r efused to
perform the substitute service. MAINTAINING A WORKING ORGANIZATION
The reaction of the military authorities has bee n DURING DIFFICULT YEARS
tough and unrelenting, and in June 1977 a number of During the years now under consideration, Jehovah's
our brothers were sentenced to the maximum penalty people in Spain were experiencing hardship and per-
of eight years' imprisonment. It remains to be seen secution. Of course, they needed Bible literature in
whether the new government formed in July 1977 will order to remain spiritually healthy and so as to share
take steps to reduce these harsh sentences and im- the Kingdom message with others. As it was, many
plement a more reasonable and equitable law. packages of literature were being received at various
BETTER ORGANIZED FOR THE WORn: AHEAD ad dresses in Madrid. With relatively large stocks of
our literature in Madrid, a lot of shipping was done
Having considered the experiences of these Christian from there, and one of the Gilead graduates was pu t
neutrals, suppose we step back in time and pick up in charge of that work when the branch "office" was
the thread of our story in the year 1959. At that ti me moved from Ma drid to Barcelona in 1960.
certain developments helped us to become better or- It might be mentioned that all branch matters were
ganized for the work ahead. spoken of in code and, of course, the brothers and
In April 1959, M. G. Henschel, fro.~ the Wa.tch Tower sisters never knew where the branch office was located.
Society's Brooklyn headquarters, visited Spain as zone The place where the Gilead 'br other worked became
over seer . He gave good counsel to Ray Dusinberre, who known as the C1wva (Cave). Why was that? Because
t hen was in charge of the Society's branch office in our cache of literature was hidden in the cellar of a
Spain. Brother Henschel recommended that the cir- stationery store. To get to the cell ar- t he "cave"-one
cuits be increased from one to four, and that the had to raise a trapdoor and use a stepladder. How-
visits of circuit overseers take place every four months ever, the actual preparation of the packages of litera-
in order to build up the spirituality of the brothers ture was cared for in a narrow back r oom behind the
and sisters . counter. In that small space, a little shipping depart-
At that t ime there were seven Gilead missionaries me nt was set up , wit h a cupboard a nd a folding table.
in Spain, includ ing two sisters. Four of the missionaries The brother would work there for hours, often in biting
were serving as circuit over seer s. During that same cold in the wintertime. Certainly, care had to be taken
service year, Sinforiano Barquin, the former fervent so that the customers did not learn that a foreigner
Catholic from Bilbao, became the first Spanish circuit was working there. Hence, he could not converse and
over seer . By the end of that service year (1958-1959) , could not afford to be seen when customers were
1,293 Kingdom publishers were associating with thirty around. He attended to this work until 1964, when he
congregations in five circuits. became a circuit overseer.
In effect, each small group within a congregation But suppose we tell you about branch moves during
was then functioning like a little congregation itself, those difficult years. From 1948 to 1957 the work in
wit h all the meetings being conducted in the group. Spain was directed mainly from different addresses in
This meant that the circuit overseer had to visit each Barcelona. Just how long a certain address would be
group. If there were only two, the visit would last a used was determined by the intensity of the police
week. But, with three or four groups, the visit lasted activity. The branch files were kept down to suitcase
two weeks. In later years, when some congregations size, so that a rapid getaway could be made at any
had up to ten groups, the circuit overseer would have moment. This "fly-by-night" arrangement was made
t o visit a single congregation for as long as five weeks possible because different brothers allowed the office to
in order to serve all the groups. be in their homes, at great risk to themselves.
Brother Henschel's 1959 zone visit was combined When Ray Dusinberre assumed the responsibility of
220 Ye a rbook Yearbook 221
br anch over seer in 1957, t he cen ter of operations wa s t he main bra nch office was known . as the Castillo
mov ed to Madrid. But in 1960, the branch was once (Ca stle ) regardless of where t his migh t be located.
again taken back to Barcelona because of police pres-
sure in Madrid. At first it functioned in a brother's "FOOD" SUPPLY GUA RANTEED
hou se, then in a private apartment rented by the In those days it was not possible to import our Bible
missionaries. In the spring of 1961, a detached tor re publications legally. So scarcity of literature was one
(house with ga rdens) was located in San Justo Desvern, of our big problems. But true to Jesus' promise, the
on the outskirts of Barcelona. Incidentally, while this fait hful were fed "at the proper time." (Luke 12:42)
hou se was in use , Ray's wife, Jean, fell ill with tuber- Tourists from other countries were a valuable help
culosis and the Dusinberres reluctantly departed from in bringing literature into Spain. One of the most-used
Spain in 1963. addresses was in Calle Menendez y Pelayo in Barcelona,
The house in San Justo Desvern served its purpose the missionary home-office, for which Eric Beveridge
for two yea rs. Then something happened that put the was responsible during the years 1965 to 1971. Many
brothers on the alert. Two men who said they were of the new missionaries spent their first few months
from the electric company asked to inspect the elec- in that home, learning Spanish, with Sister Hazel
trical installations. They would have to check the Beveridge as their teacher. Also two veteran Gilead
lights in every room. While there was no proof that School graduates, Timothy and Judith Dickmon, served
this was a police trick, it appeared to be, and so the there for some time before being transferred to a new
branch was moved once again-this time to a separate missionary home in Valencia.
villa on its own grounds in the town of San Cugat That Barcelona home was visited by many Iiterature-
del Valles, about sixteen kilometers (10 miles) from carrying tourists from all over western Europe and
Barcelona. In 1967, however, that home was broken the United States. Although the neighbors knew that
into by thieves who, apart from stealing money, also foreigners lived in that apartment, they were inclined
saw the office setup there. So, it was decided that a to wonder how the residents could have so many
fast change of locale would be appropriate. In a matter friends from so many different countries. The auto-
of two days the branch had been discreetly trans; mobile license plates often gave away the nationality
ferred to an ap artment in Barcelona-a place that of the visitors. .
served as a Bethel home and branch office until Novem- Interestingly, on one occasion a brother from France
bel' 1971, when the Bethel staff of thirteen moved into presented himself, literally staggering with the weight
a new branch building in Barcelona at Calle Pardo, of his suitcase. Of course, it was loaded with books.
No. 65 the present address of the Asso ciation of Je - In order to avoid suspicion when he left, he walked
hovah's Witnesses in Spain. , up the street still struggling with that case-and it
For seven yea rs the branch wor k was done in three was empty!
different homes simultane ously, f or not all the work At a later time, Spanish brothers would go to
was centered around the main branch home. How did F rance to obtain literature. So, a weekly routine was
the congregations keep in touch with the Society and arr an ged with different pickup addresses in Perpignan.
vice versa? Well, several Barcelona addresses were Some brothers went by private car, whereas others
used for the receipt of mail, and all of these had con- traveled by train and bus. This activity was especially
tact with a centrally located market where several intense during the months of January to March, when
brothers worked. they went to obtain the Yearbooks. The brothers were
We also had to exercise care in printing and shipping determined to have their spiritual food.
literature. Some of our printing was done on a mimeo- From 1966 to 1970 a variety of outside printers were
graph machine. About 1960 the shipping department used to produce some of our literature. Happily, how-
was transferred to a shed in the patio outside Francisco
Serrano's apartment in Barcelona. The shed came to ever , in July 1970 our work was legalized and so,
be known as the N evera (Ice Box) because of the starting with January 1971 our journals were im-
frigid temperature during the winter. This name stuck ported by normal means, license for importation being
for years as the name for the shipping department, obtained. Thanks to this arrangement, it has been
even when it was later moved to a sister's apartment possible to obtain importations of large quantities of
in the old Gothic quarter of the city. The location of literature, including magazines-to the point that books
222 Yearbook Yearbook 223
now arrive in containers weighing f rom fifteen t o asked him to open his book ba g. Naturally, the police-
twenty tons at a time! man found Bible literature in it and acc used him of
Do you remember the Ne vera (Ice Box)? It was the breaking the police order against preaching. After
shipping department we moved from a shed to an apart- taking the names of the other brothers, the policeman
ment. For a long time it had been too small. Therefore, told Manuel to accompany him to the police station.
in 1970 a change of locale was possible. A two-story Manuel recalls : "When I reminded him that the only
warehouse was rent ed in Barcelona. Downstairs there ground he had for arresting me was that I was talking
was r oom for perhaps twenty tons of literature, and with some friends on the street and that I would like
upst airs we had room for a workbench and another ton to know why I was being arrested, he became so In-
of literature or magazines. This place received a strong furiated that he said to me, 'I arrest you because I
dose of sunshine every day and was quite a contrast to have a badge like this and a pistol with which I can
the old Nevera. So, the new location was called el fill your head full of holes,' and then he took out the
Solarium, a name that could mean "the Sunhouse." pistol and pointed it at me. This was in the middle
In 1972, when the new Bethel building was completed, of one of the most central streets of Granada."
the ground floor was assigned to the shipping depart- Manuel was taken along to the Civil Government
ment. Then we had space for at least a hundred tons building and was charged with the crime of teaching
of literature, as well as plenty of working space. When others about the Bible, and of "distributing booklets
t he first container of literature arrived in June 1972, it and reading texts in such a way that he deliberately
caused a sensation in the street, and even the neighbors insulted the Catholic Religion, outraging the dogmas,
were straining to see what was going on. For many rites and ceremonies, and openly advocating for the
it was the first time they had seen a roller ramp. This abolition of national traditions."
one is twenty-seven meters (89 feet) long, of sufficient Manuel was sentenced to provisional detention in
length to take the boxes out of the container and down prison until he could produce bail of 50,000 pesetas
close to the far end of the shipping department. When ($833). Because he was unable to pay such an ex-
a container arrived in those days, because the work orbitant bail, Manuel was held in prison for forty-
force was quite limited, most members of the office thr ee days. For twenty days, he was in solitary con-
staff joined in to get it unloaded, doing so in less than finement, and after that, under threat of punishment,
two hours. was forbidden to speak t o anyone about his religion.
This brief review makes it evident that Jehovah h as The prison chaplain (a Catholic priest) , who was
always made ample provision in a spiritual way. Tr ue, su pposed to give spirit ua l comfort t o t he prisoner s,
f or _years it was difficult to obtain Christian litera tur e made sure that there would be none for Manuel. This
in Spain. But Jehovah's hand was not sh ort and he pri est had t he only Bible removed from the prison
contmued to bless us ab un dantly with spiritual food a t libr ar y, and when another prisoner gave Manuel a copy
the proper time. of the Gospels, this was snatched away from him.
The prison guards constantly shouted at Manuel and
RISE OF THE INQUISITION SPIRIT tried to make life unbearable with a form of treatment
The spirit of religious intolerance that prevailed that was not meted out to any other prisoners. And who
during the Spanish Inquisition arose again in con- was the instigator of all of this? None other than the
nection with Jehovah's Christi an witnesses. Among oth- prison pries t.
er things, they were falsely accused of being Free- Such persecution did not bring our work to a halt
masons or of being financed by them, a serious charge in Granada, any more than it did elsewhere. On Novem-
in a Catholic country. During the period of 1958 to ber 18, 1960, when Manuel was freed, he wrote t o the
1960, the police in Granada held such views. Moreover, Society's branch office, saying in part: "It is a pleasure
they were unrelenting in hounding God's people. for me to tell you that, thanks to Jehovah, I am now
Consi der, for example, what happened to Manuel free; also that on coming out I have found the con-
Mula Gimenez, a special pioneer a ssigned to Granada gregation participating in good theocratic activity . . .
in October 1958. On October 5, 1960, Manuel had just Here a local study conductor has been able to direct
finished conducting a Bible study and was standing on everything in an organized way." Interestingly, that
a street corner chatting with some fellow believers group study conductor later became an overseer of
wh en a member of the secret police ac costed him and the Granada Congregation.
224 Yearbook Yearbook 225
MI SSIONARY ARRESTED determined not to reveal the name of the woman with
In March 1960, a missionary made a cir cuit visit whom they had been discussing the Bible .
to the User a Congregation in Madrid, and Brother
Patricio Herrero asked him for help in working the POLICE INTERROGATION A VALUABLE EXPERIENCE
isolated territory of Villaverde, just a few kilometers When the police did not re ceive t he answers they
outside the city. While a foreigner might be conspicuous wanted, another "to ugh" polic eman was used t o try
in such an area, the arrangement seemed safe enough to obtain t he infor mation by force or threats. He a c-
because the work was that of starting Bible studies cused the brother s of having come t o Vill averde to
with persons who already had shown interest in Bible plant a bomb , an d held that their silence a s to where
truth. However, trouble started as soon as the mis- t he y h ad been only proved that they were guilty. They
sionary set foot in Villaverde. held their ground, with the missionar y continually
Although P a tri cio used caution and did not draw as king tha t he be allowed to get in t ouch with t he
close to the bus stop when the circuit overseer arrived, American Embassy-permission t hat never was gr anted.
later one of the priest's local spies saw them walking When the tough tactic failed to produce the desire d
together to make one of the return visits. The two re sults, the next tactic of the police game of deceit
brothers started a Bible study with a bedridden woman went into operation. Another secret policema n entered
who had a heart condition. Then, just before they were a nd started to a ttack t he "tough" policeman because
about to leave, the missionary noticed from a window of his vile and base me th ods. Of cour se, all of this
that a large group of women had formed around the was part of the a ct, a nd so the "tough" policeman
entrance to that apartment house. But the brothers moved off center stage grumbling. The n th e new one
said nothing to the householder because they did not star ted with his 'sweet talk.' "T here really have been
want to aggravate her physical condition. some bomb threats around here lately," said he, "and
The secret police started calling at every door to our only interest is in verifying your story, since we
find the two Witnesses. Finally, there was a knock at don 't kn ow you; nor ar e we aware of a ny ne ighbor
the door of the apartment where the return visit was with a he ar t con dition such as you describe. If it is true
in progress. The householder told her four-year-old that you were only visiting a friend interested in the
daughter to answer the door. "Are there two men Bible, you will be r eleased immediat ely. But you ca n't
here carrying book bags?" the police asked gruffly. In blame us for being somewhat su spicious when you
all innocence, the four-year-old replied: "Here t here say that you were only doing something innocent t hat
are only some of my mother's friends." So the police was not an offense, and yet you refuse to pro vide t he
left. infor matio n t hat will exoner a te you of a ny suspicion."
That return visit was prolonged until it seemed After a good deal of such smooth talk, it was agreed
that it would be safe to lea ve. The brothers made t hat only this "kind" policeman would ac company
plans to walk back to Madrid following the railroad Patricio t o t he house t hat they had visited in or der
tracks , for surely the police would be watching the to verify the truth, and that he would say nothing to
bus line. But when they arrived at the rail line, the the hou seholder. The policeman would only make sur e
police were waiting for them. They knew that by that sh e re ally did have a he art condition.
controlling the highway and the railway, sooner or As soon a s those two left, the mi ssionar y was hu r ried
later they would catch their prey. Before the missionary off to the Gener al Bureau of Security in downtown
had said a word, they asked: "You're a foreigner, Mad rid. To his prot ests t hat they sh ould wait f or
aren't you?"-apparently [udging from his stature, for Patricio's retur n and confirm ation of their st ory, t he
he is over six feet tall. police cruelly retorted that he, t oo, soon would be
As the brothers sat waiting at the police station, brought alo ng to downtown Madrid. The lies and deceit
suddenly the doors swung open for a moment and a of the police had been effective, and the trusting broth-
man was seen giving a positive nod of the head. It was ers had fallen into their trap-a lesson that t he mis-
the priest's spy who had filed the complaint, and now sionary was never to forget. Later , it was learned that
the brothers were identified positively. Then began the lady they had visited was sever ely persecuted by
the game of trickery used by the police to get the the police, who charged her with knowingly harboring
information they desired. But the two brothers were the brothers in her house during the police search.
226 Yearbook Yearbook 227
Because of fear, she rejected a ny additional return heard was a shout, "An invitation to Gilead! " For
visits. months they had been studying English, "just hoping
The principal information desi red by the police at for this day. But then came a blow. Salvador alone had
the General Bureau of Security was the missionary's been invited to a special ten-month course. Immediately,
local address. No question was asked as to his religion ; Margarita thought of the Spanish refrain 'Mi gozo
nor did they look in his book bag, wh ich, in a ny case, en un pozo,' that is, 'My joy down the well.'
contained only a Catholic Bible. Nevertheless, not lon g In the summer of that ye ar, the Adrias attended the
thereafter, he was ordered to r eport once again, and international assembly of God's people in Paris. There
he was in vited to leave the country. He responded that they heard a talk on the great need existing in certain
he did not want to accept the in vitation, bu t was told territories of Spain where our work had not yet
t hat if he did not leave voluntarily his exit would be started. Margarita decided to ask the branch office to
compulsor y- "a n experience that will be very dis- assign her to one of these while her husband was in
agreeable both for you and for us," said the police Gilead School. At the close of the assembly they spoke
commissioner. to M. G. Henschel, who told Margarita that she could
When asked about the motive for the expulsion, the go with her husband to London for three months to
commissioner replied only in general terms, stating perfect her English, and that, if she did well, she
that one can be thrown out of a country for three rea- would be inv ited to Gilead with Salvador. Well, Marga-
sons-political, social, "or religious." "You know," said rita nearly fainted with emotion and surprise.
the commissioner , "there are only two kinds of per- As matters tu rned out, therefore, instead of going
sons in Spain-Catholics and unbelievers-and we can- back to Spain, the Adrias went to London Bethel for
not tolerate anything else." Consequently, on June 6, three months. There they completed their study of
1960, this missionary moved t o P erpignan, France, bu t English, and in November 1961 they set off for New
retained the hope of getting back in to Spain someday York city, where they attended Gilead School. Later,
since he had left "voluntarily." As a matter of fact, the Adrias returned to Spain as the first Spanish couple
within t hree months he was back in Spain, and he having received Gilead training.
served as branch overseer for some year s. The inter- Today there ar e sixty-nine graduates of Gilead School
rogation experience proved to be of great value, and ser ving in various parts of Spain. Their work is greatly
it later served as the basis for a service meeting pro- ap preciated, and they are a source of encouragement
gram that showed the brothers how to respond under t o t heir Spanish brother s a nd sist ers .
poli ce questioning. It prepared them for deceitful police
t actics and helped them to avoid falling into the trap P OLICE ATTACIi: IN GALICIA
of betraying t he Kingdom interests or their fe llow Anothe r region in which Jehova h' s Witnesses have
believe rs. Now they could re ally a pply Jesus Christ 's experienced persecution through the years is Galicia.
a dmonition: "Look ! I a m sen ding you forth as sheep Towar d the end of 1960, Francisco Cordoba and his
amidst wolves ; t herefore pr ove yourselves cautious as wife, Margarita Roca, were each fined 1,000 pesetas
serpents and yet innocent as doves. "-Matt. 10:16. (about $20) for the crime of having participated in
INVITATIONS TO GILEAD SCHOOL proselytism as special pioneers in La Corufia (Galicia)
since 1958. In actual fact, they had not been caught
Through the years a number of graduates of the preaching from house to hou se, nor had they been
Watchtower Bible School of Gilead have served in denounced by any citizens of the area . The police
Spain, and we have been blessed by th eir fine activities. simply took the ini tiative against them. Their appeals
However, it was back in 1958 that pion eer Jose Cejudo against the fines were rejected.
t urned out to be the first brother from Spain to attend During this per iod, our meetings were being held
Gilead Sch ool. Incidentally, he was assigned to serve at a farm in Joane, but extreme caution had to be
in Argentina.
exer cised. Because there was a store attached to the
At the beginning of 1961, Salvador Adria and his farm, customers wer e coming and going at all hours of
wife, Margarita Comas, were in the circuit work visi t- the day and night. So, our meetings were held outside
ing the group at Torralba de Calatrava. The postman in an horreo, a narrow rectangular building typical of
delivered a rather bulky letter, and Salvador went aside Galicia and one that serves as a granary. The meetings
to read it alone. Well, the next thing that Margarita would start at 10 or 11 p.m. and would continue past
228 Yearbook Y e ar b o o k 229
midnight. Each t ime someone entered or departed, t he their proselyting work," althou gh "it is not consid ered
lights were extinguished so that no one on a nearby tha t t hes e acts might ha ve an y great repercu ssion,"
farm could tell that people were coming and going. concluded th e Chie f of Po lice. (Italics ours.)
After working all day in the fields, to get t o meetings In spit e of this relatively f avorable r eport, t he fines
some traveled by bicycle as far as twenty-two kilo- we re imposed. The official notification gave a clue as
mete rs (14 miles). Special pioneers Francisco Cordoba t o the reason why. The Provincial Governor just ified
and Jesus Arenas had to make a round trip of seventy- his action in writing by sayin g : "Not only was the
seven kilometers (48 miles) to visit the group and new re port iss ued by the Superior Police He ad quarters
direct the meetings. kept in mind, but also the ' contents of the con-
In December 1961, the police turned up at the farm, fidential circular of the Ministry of the Interior . . .
where Ramon Barca, his wife, Carmen, and her brother, which warns against the activities of the sect 'Jeho vah's
Jesus Pose, were going about their daily chores. With- Witnesses,' to which the three sanctioned ones belong."
out any legal warrant, the police searched the farm- This confidential circular was the one of March 1961,
house and confiscated the literature they found, in- which instructed the governors to impose fines of at
cluding a Nacar-Colunga Bible. The three Witnesses least 2,500 pesetas on Jehovah's Witnesses, So, from
were taken into custody and were SUbjected to a ten- th e Provincial Governor's point of view, he was lettmg
hour interrogation in the nearby town of Carballo. Two the Witnesses off lightly with fines of only 500 pesetas.
days later they appeared before the local judge who The case was appealed to the Supreme Court, which
admitted that they could practice their religion prl- chose to consider it in private and in the ab sence of
vately at home. But he contended that they could not the accused and the lawyers. On June 27, 1964, the
participate in anything that amounted to a public Court ruled that the three accused persons were guilty
manifestation of their faith. Three weeks later the of committing the crime of threatening the "spiritual
result came through-a fine of 500 pesetas each. The unity of Spain." Although the Court admitted that the
fines were not paid, as our policy was to appeal all Spanish Bill of Rights permits the private exercise of
fines rather than pay them, and thus try to get justice non-Catholic religions, they decided that the evidence
t hrough the law. was sufficient to prove that the three Witnesses had
In his reports to the Provincial Governor, the Chief participated in proselytism and had infringed up on t he
of Police stated that the family's conduct was "favor- spiritual (Catholic ) unity of the na ti on.
able in every respect, without any unfavorable back-
ground," and that Ramon Barca was "classified by the CORDOBA'S MIDDLE-AGES ~mNTALITY
G1tardia Civil as an orderly person and in harmony
with the Regime." He added that w hile the th ree were Anot her focal point of persecution was Cordoba , a
Jehova h's Witnesses, "it is very possible that acts of city of about 200,000 inha bit ants at t hat time, in t he
proselytism were not carried out in the hamlet, be- Andalusian region of southern Spain. The CIty has a
cause of the difficulty that would be found in making strong Moorish-A r abic tradition. due to centuries. of
members in our region where the Catholic religious occupation by the Moors. One of ItS most famous build-
belief is so rooted." So, he said that the Witnesses were ings is the Mezqui~a (Mosque ) that has. been con-
possibly "limiting themselves to the practice of private- ver ted into a Catholic place of worship. ThI S structure
ly reading commentaries on the Bible in their own is one of the most ex tensive religious buildings
home." However, it was noted that the married couple in the world, being 180 meters long and 130 meters
frequently visited a Witness in the capital, La Coruna. wide (about 590 by 425 fe et). It consists of nineteen
So it was assumed that the crime of threatening the naves and the building's many arches are supported
enigmatic "spiritual unity of Spain" had been com- by 856 columns. In this s.ame city a Jewish synagogue
mitted. is preserved from the time when religtous toleran ce
In regard to the Bible study material that was con- was practiced there. But how different the Cordoba
fiscated, the police official opined that "it is to be of the 1960's!
supposed that they will distribute it among their Among the Christian witnesses of Jehovah wh o suf-
friends or future members of the mentioned Sect." fered persecution in Cordoba during the .early 1~60' s
Here supposed intention of an act was the basis for an were pioneers Manuel Mula and Antomo Morlana,
a ccusation. During the police search, some addresses They had been assigned to Cordoba in February 1961.
were found, which were "without doubt visited in One day two policemen came and took them to the
230 Yearbook Y e ar b o o k 231
police station, along with a sm all amount of our older a nd had started preaching it to t heir neighbors on
literature. At the station, t he brothers were interrogated, nearby farms. Soon, Christian meetings were organized,
but the police could get no useful information out of and from twenty to thirty persons were attending.
them. So, they started to beat the brothers, first with On May 28 a very uncouth sergeant of the Guardia
the hand, and the n with a rubber truncheon, beating Civil, together with another guard, came to the Mon-
them on the back and the leg s. Manuel ended up wit h talban farm. The sergeant asked for the head of the
a black eye, but the police still did not get any re- fam ily and threatened to take him to j ail if the Bible
ve alin g information. study at the farm was not stopped.
From the police station, the pioneers we re taken to Just four days later, on June I, a captain, a sergeant
prison, where they were held f or four days. Then t hey and two additional guards turned up at the farm. Gruffly
were notified that An tonio would have to pay a fine the}' mumbled something about an "anonymous com-
of 2,000 pesetas and Manuel a fine of 5,000 peseta s plamt" about political activities. These men demanded
within ten days. Manuel was ordered to leave the the names of all those who visited the farm to study
province, and within a shor t t ime wa s back in Barce- the Bible, most of whom were relatives of the family.
lona, awai ting a ne w assig nment. Despite t his ex- Unwisely, and due to lack of experience, these names
perience, however, Antonio Moriana wa s able to con- were supplied. The next step was to search the farm,
tinue his activity in C6rdoba until May 1962. even though the guards had no search warrant. They
The ex per ience just related is merely typical. Actually, then went to another farm, and although the owner,
a number of pioneers were compelled to leave C6rdoba who was studying the Bible, was not at home, they
because of police pressure. But in actual fact, the searched his house and took away some of our publica-
police themselves were under pr essure a pplied by t he tions.
clergy, enemies of Jehovah's f aithful servants. On that occasion the only member of the family that
Because of t he constant threat of being caught and wa s baptized, Juan Montalban Ortega, was openly in -
expelled from the city of Cordoba, our work there, as in sulted and a ccused of living in concubinage because
all other par ts of Sp ain at that time, was carried on he had been m arried in Gibraltar under British law,
with extreme caution. None of our literature was r ather than accepting a Catholic rite in Spain. The
off er ed or even carried from house to house. Publica- captain wrote up a report of his visit and told those
t ions we r e placed du ring return visits when individuals present that they all had to sign it. Once again lack of
manifested genuine inter est. Instead of wor king from exper ience led them into a trap, and about twenty-ei ght
door to door right down a street, isolated calls were of t hem signed the statement. Ne vertheless, they insisted
made all over the territo r y, a nd no buildin gs we r e ever on adding the following words : "We study the Bible
covered in a con secutive manner. In t hat way the police because it is the inspired Word of God, and in the
had great difficulty locating Wi tnesses as territory Bible it states that one must preach it and make it
was bein g worked. known for the purpose of giving a witness of salvation
t o all the nations a nd then t he end will come. Matthew
Also , only the Catholic Bible was used in t he 24:14."
preaching work. Yet, even that was considered a dan- On June 15 the Civil Governor of Cordoba fined these
gerous weapon in t he hands of Jehovah's Witnesses. humble country people a total of 40,000 pesetas ($666).
The clergy applied pressure wherever they could and Twelve persons were fined, with the fines ranging from
encouraged the authori ties to track down anyone who t he basic 2,500 pesetas recommended by the Ministry
studied with the Witnesses. Sometimes the police were of the Interior circular to a maximum of 5,000 pesetas
their willi ng tools, but on other occasions they were imposed on four of them. They were charged, in the
just reluctant participants. Of course, that depended words of the standard phrase, with "threatening the
on t he city or pr ovince. In Cordoba, t hey were willing spir itual unity of Spain, by doing proselytism in f avor
tools. of the Jehovah's Witnesses sect."
This group of interested persons wanted to appeal.
A SHAMEFUL ATTACIi: So the father, Antonio Montalban, and his son Juan
One of t he mo st sha me ful attacks ag ainst J ehovah's tr~veled to Cordoba, the capital city, to find a lawyer
Witnesses took place in mld-1962 a t Los Lastres farm who would defend them. To the disgrace of the body
near Lucena, in the southern part of Cordoba province. of lawyers in that city, not one was willing to take
T he Mon ta lba n family the re had a ccepted the truth on the defense or give them any assistance. Hence, they
232 Yearboolc Yearbook 233
did their best according to limited knowledge of the a situation that was general throughout Spain-the
law, deposited one third of the total value of the fines, lack of lawyers willing to defend Jehovah's Witnesses.
a nd lodged an appeal on behalf of all twelve defendants. One or two started off with good intentions, but, whe n
However, no one had told them that they needed legal they were intimidated by being told that their defense
authorization, signed by a notary, in order to appeal of t he Witnesses could hurt their career, t heir fighting
on behalf of the other ten persons. On this technicality, spirit withered overnight. One refreshing exception to
the Civil Governor r ejected those ten appeals, but kept this has been the courageous defense of Jehovah's
t he money that had been deposited. So, the only valid Witnesses waged by lawyer Eduardo Ajuria, who, while
appeals were those of the father and son who had not being a Witness, has shown himself t o be truly
journeyed to the city. These two appeals were rejected dedicated to the cause of justice by the rule of law.
by the Civil Governor and by the Ministry of the He has represented Jehovah's Witnesses on countless
Interior, but, since they were valid, they could be taken occasions, even as far as the Supreme Court .
t o the Supreme Court. However, the final result of the
two appeals was a defeat for the brothers and for SUPREIUE COURT VICTORIES
freedom of religious expression. There have been times when Jehovah's Witnesses in
In spite of setbacks during those years of persecution, Spain have been victorious in legal battles carried to
it is encouraging to know that there are now four the Supreme Court. So, let us tell you something about
thriving congregations in C6rdoba with about 350 pub- certain victories won there.
lishers, and another eight congregations in the province, In 1963 police inspectors visited the "Monte Carlo"
including one in Lucena, not far from the Los Lastres pension in Malaga, owned by Francisco Alonso Valle
farm. and his wife, Esperanza. They were accused of holding
unauthorized meetings. The house was searched, and
COPING WITH CONTINUED PERSECUTION those fingerprinted included their two small children
This persistent persecution of Jehovah's Christian who were only eight and four years of age. One person
witnesses in Spain showed that the police authorities who had attended the meetings, Brother Fernandez,
were taking to heart the circulars sent out from the was so harassed at the barbershop where he worked
Ministry of the Interior from 1959 to 1966. Arrests and t hat he finally lost his job. As a result of this police
arbitrary imprisonment, together with fines, involved investigation, four of the accused were fined 500 pesetas
pioneers in such places as C6rdoba, San Sebastian, each, and Brother Fernandez, as a second offender,
Jaen, Castell6n de la Plana, and Murcia, as well as a was fined 2,000 pesetas. He had been fined the year
group of five publishers in Ciudad Real. In most cases before for being one of Jehovah's Witnesses a nd had
the minimum stipulated fine of 2,500 pesetas was ex- spent fifteen days in prison in lieu of the fine.
ac ted, although It never was paid voluntarily. This The case of these five persons was appealed to
has to be clarified because, in cases taken to the the Minister of the Interior. But the appeal was
Supreme Court, the fines had to be deposited before- rejected on the grounds that it was deemed that, by
hand, and, if the case was lost, the fine automatically their activities, the Witnesses had "threatened the
was forfeited. On the other hand, if the case was won, spiritual unity of Spain." So, the case was appealed to
the money could be reclaimed, although it usually took the Supreme Court. On October 20, 1966, that Court
much longer to get it back than the minimum period annulled the decision of Malaga's Civil Governor. It
required by law for depositing it. reasoned that obviously in private meetings the com-
Getting legal assistance was not easy. For instance, mentary given on the Bible would be in agreement
consider what happened to two young special pioneers, with the doctrine professed in common and that, there-
Francisca L6pez and Francisca Almarza. While serving fore, it could not be cons idered as proselytizing propa-
in the provincial capital of Palencia in the early 1960's, ganda. Furthermore, it had not been proved that more
on more than one occasion, they were fined heavily for than twenty persons had attended the meeting, so that
their preaching work. In one instance, a lawyer was it was not outside the law as an unauthorized meeting.
paid to appeal their case and then failed to do so. With regard to the holding of our meetings this was
His negligence led to the two pioneer sisters having a notable victory.
to spend thirty days in prison. It is interesting to note that during the three years
This problem with that particular lawyer illustrates 1964 to 1967 the Supreme Court upheld thirty-eight of
234 Yearboo7~ Yearbook 235
the more than fifty convictions that Jehovah's Wit- THE TRUTH IN A NUTSHELL
nesses had appealed to that Court. Most of those lost We would like to punctuate our story at this point
cases had to do with the preaching activity, which by telling you about an unusual way in which some
constituted for the judges a public manifestation of brothers cared for the spiritual and physical needs of
non-Catholic religious beliefs that they considered to their imprisoned fellow believers. It all started on
be a violation of the law as it then stood. December 7 1961 when Felix Llop was conducting a
On June 10, 1964, two young sisters, Santiaga Sanchez
and Encarnita Garcia, were arrested while waiting in
study with a smah group in Oviedo. Without warning
there was a raid by two carloads of police, the house
a bus they had boarded to go back to their hometown was searched and the Bibles and Bible literature we re
of Torralba de Calatrava. They were taken to the confiscated. Felix and Sergio Cruz, the latter a Cuban
police station in Ciudad Real where they were inter- brother, were taken off to jail. The next. day their
rogated from 8 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. Both of them were wives were required to report to the police station.
fined 2,500 pesetas ($42) for "belonging to the sect After being interrogated for two days they too were
'Jehovah's Witnesses'" and "for making trips to this put in prison. All four were photographed and finger-
Capital to carryon proselyting activities for the men- printed and then held in jail for ten days before sen-
tioned sect." The same night that the sisters were in- tence was passed. The Civil Governor decreed a total
terrogated, three more "suspects" were rounded up of 17000 pesetas ($283) in fines for the four of them,
and questioned, ending up with their being fined the for "kcts of clandestine proselytism in ~v!edo f<!r the
stipulated minimum of 2,500 pesetas. These fines were sect called Jehovah's Witnesses." No provlsional liberty
appealed to the Ministry of the Interior, which upheld was granted them.
them. The last step was to appeal to the Supreme Court.
The question before the Court was whether one's ad- Well while the four Witnesses were in prison, the
mission during interrogation that he was one of brothers outside were conscious of their physical and
Jehovah's Witnesses was in itself basis for incrimi- spiritual needs. So, one day a trusted prisoner delivered
nation. The Court observed that, "apart from the in- a package of food items to Felix. It included a bag
dividual interrogations," the police affidavit "had been of walnuts. Felix gave a handful to the prisoner and
drawn up without any other activity or effort, neither sent half the bag to Sergio. A little while later, the
documental nor by witnesses, either direct or referential, prisoner came back and said, "Look what we have
which could serve as a verifying element." The judges found in the walnuts!" Inside there were pages from
perceived "not only imprecision" in regard to the the book "Make Sure of All Things"! Felix quickly
police investigation, but a complete absence of proof, opened the nuts he had and found th~t eyery one of
which evidence is necessary "in any case in order to them contained pages from that publication. One of
consider as true the facts upon which the assumption the brothers had carefully opened up all the nuts,
is based." Hence, the Court concluded that from the taken out the nutmeat, folded up a page, put it inside,
"inter r ogations, only a personal conviction is deduced." and sealed the shell with glue. Fellx and Sergio hid
As to the charge of public proselytism, the Court held the pages inside borrowed library books so that they
that "not in any case is verification achieved nor does could read them without getting caught.
the affidavit even try to do so." For these reasons the Later that month Felix and his wife Maria were
five accused persons were acquitted, although they sent back to their province of origin, Barcelona, some
never recovered the full amount deposited for the fines. 1130 kilometers (700 miles) away. Their journey
In comparison with the convictions that were upheld, dragged out over eleven days and through six dirty,
the legal victories were few and far between. Yet, in dingy prisons. During this time, Felix was continually
spite of imprisonment, fines and expulsions from their handcuffed to common criminals. On arrival in Barce-
assignments, the pioneers kept up their intensive lona, their ordeal was not over, for there were more
preaching activity and faithfully followed the example interrogations, and they were not finally re~eased on
of the apostles. (Acts 5:27-29) While congregation pub. provisional liberty until they had spent thirty-seven
lishers often were affected by the persecution, it was days in different prisons.
the pioneers who bore the brunt of the attack, and
frequently in isolated assignments where they did not WITNESS CHILDREN ALSO SUFFER
even have the stimulus of association and meetings in During the many years of persecution, children of
a congregation. Jehovah's Witnesses in Spain also endured opposition
236 Ye arbook Yea1'boo k 237
and other hardships. Fo r instan ce, on October 20, 1961, purpose of obtaining a statement fro m him . The out-
all children were lined up to go to Ma ss in the junior come was that Jose Belmonte was fined 5,000 pes etas
school of Torralba de Calatrava (Ciuda d Real). Juan by t he Civil Governor of Barcelona for allegedly in-
Garcia, the nine-year-old son of one of the local Wit- citing his son to commit disrespectful acts toward t he
nesses, stepped aside and explained to the teacher, as flag.
he had done before, that he belonged to another re -
ligion and therefore could not attend the Mass. The TEEN-AGERS SUFFER PERSECUTION
teacher ordered him to take his books, leave the school, In October 1962, Jesus Laporta, a sixteen-year -old
and not come back. re gular pioneer, moved to Castellon de la Plana, on
Juan's father visited the school and tried to reason th e east Mediterranean coast of Spain. His pioneer
with the teacher. But the teacher maintained his par tner was Florentino Castro. Their presence brought
position that he could not tolerate non-Catholic pupils the group there to a total of five Kingdom proclaimers
in a Catholic school. The father pointed out to him and gave impetus to the preaching activity. Naturally,
th at the town did not have any non-Catholic schools, this brought them to the attention of the clergy and
and since the law guaranteed education for every t he local police.
child, it was not a just act to expel his son on a matter
of religious principle. However, the teacher would not By July 1963 the preaching work in that area was
give way and refused to readmit the child. producing small groups of believers, not only in Cas-
The local mayor took the case to higher authorities, tell6n, but also in nearby towns scattered throughout
and in February 1962 the teacher was required to ac- t his rich orange-growing region. On July 5, Florentino
cept Juan Garcia in the school once again. In the was arrested, and three days later the police located
meantime, he had lost over three months of schooling Jesus Laporta at his pension. Both of them were
due to this intolerant attitude. charged with illegal propaganda and proselytism and
A similar case occurred in another small town just were kept in prison for thirty days.
a few mil es away, Carrion de Calatrava, where the In December 1963, Jesus was made a special pioneer,
teacher beat ten-year-old Felix Angulo and took him by and, in the meantime, his fourteen-year-old sister came
force to the Mass. He was then expelled from school, to live with him in Castellon. On April 2, 1964, police
along with his brother and sister. This took place forced their way into his home during his absence and,
three months after the Torralba case had been resolved. wit hout an official search warrant, they ransacked
Another case arose in Manresa, Barcelona, with t he place and confiscated Bibles and Bible literature,
Juanito Belmonte, the eleven-year-old son of Jose Bel - as well as the keys to the house. When they r aided
monte. The teach er had ordered all the children to t he home, they found regular pioneer Florentino Ca stro
stand. a nd sa lute the national flag. Juanito stood up, t here a nd a r rest ed him. While they were searching,
but did not salute. The teacher star ted to strike him seventeen-year-old regular pioneer Juan Pedro Ruiz
an d tried to force his hand up in salute, but to no avail. turned up at t he house and he was arrested. Because
The boy t hen was ordered to leave the school and not there was not sufficient time to appeal the fines im -
r etu rn.-Ex. 20:4-6 ; Ps. 3:8; 1 John 5:2l. posed on these two brothers, they had to spend twenty
Juanito's father, Jose, tried to reason with the teacher days in prison.
pointing out that saluting the flag was not a pre: About a week after the raid on his home, Jesus was
requisite for receiving an education in school. Jose also picked up by police, who had been looking for him.
showed that his son had displayed more respect for He was fined 5,000 pesetas ($83), but the decision was
what the flag represents than the teacher, who had immediately appealed. Nevertheless, Jesus spent eight
committed assault and battery and had taken the days in jail, and during this time his teen-age sister
high-handed action of expelling Juanito from the school. was left alone and without a guardian.
But the teacher refused to reason and slammed the The authorities were pitiless in their persecution of
door in the father's face.
The matter did not end there. The teacher denounced this group of young people, returning to the attack
the father and son to the police for alleged disrespect in September 1964, when they again arrested Florentino
for the flag and for holding illegal Bible meetings in Castro and Juan Pedro Ruiz. For "propagating ideas
the home. FUlfilling their role, the police went to the and proselyting activities" of the "Protestant sect
brother's place of work and arrested him for the Jehovah's Witnesses," they were fined 5,000 pesetas
Yea1'b o o k 239
238 Yearbook
each. So it was that within fifteen months Florentino Shortly thereafter, separate groups were formed in
had been fined three times for the same offense. the nearby towns of Burriana and Vall d'Ux6. Then,
when the Association of Jehovah's Witnesses was
The appeal against Jesus' fine was heard in the legalized, Castellon became the first congregation to
Supreme Court on February 4, 1966, and the defense build its own Kingdom Hall. This hall, with a seating
was based on the fact that no evidence or proof was capacity of over 200, was inaugurated by the branch
pr.esent~d ag~inst the accused. No complaint had been overseer in the spring of 1971. What a change of
laid against him. The prosecution based their arguments circumstances after nine years of harassment by the
on Jes~s' previous reputation and the statement of police! Here was yet another example of how the
th~ police that he was known to participate in prose- eight-year campaign by the Ministry of the Interior to
lytism. The Supreme Court upheld the conviction and stamp out Jehovah's Witnesses had failed completely,
established a dangerous precedent that would convict despite zealous obedience to its orders and circulars on
anyone known to be one of Jehovah's Witnesses. the part of the local police.
!!,ortunately, however, this decision was counterbalanced
l~ November of that same year by the favorable ARRESTS IN ALMERIA
Ciudad Real decision mentioned earlier. In those days, police harassment occurred in place
In 1966, Florentino was still working in Caste1l6n after place, including the city of Almeria on Spain'S
although not as a pioneer. At 12:15 p.m, on March 22: southern coast. Young special pioneers Ester Sillas
t,:"o pollcE}men cal:?e to his place of work and arrested Evangelio and Ana Maria Torregrosa were assigned
111m. During the interrogation at police headquarters to work there in March 1962. During April they were
he was struck twice as they tried to get information visited by the circuit overseer Enrique Roca and his
from him about other brothers in the group. Florentino wife, who were staying with them in their rented
was charged under the country's vagrancy law apartment.
even though he had been taken away from his plac~
of work, which obviously indicated that he was no One morning a knock came at the door and Ester
vagrant. H~wever, a;fter six days in prison, orders came asked who it was. The response? "[La. policia!" ""La
from Madrld for hIS release, smce plainly there was policia?" Ester repeated in a loud voice. That was a
no baSIS for a charge. warning for the circuit overseer and his wife, although
the police never realized it. Quick-witted Ester acted
During ~hose years of bitter persecution, progress at once and asked the policemen if they had an official
was slow m Castell6n. So, by March 1966-after four search warrant. No they did not, but she was to
years of pioneer activity-there were still only thirteen accompany them to the police station. Of course, while
Kingdom publishers in that area. they were at the station, Enrique and his wife de-
In spite of the Religious Liberty Law passed in 1967 parted. In fact, Brother Roca left so fast that he for-
th~ Castellon police still tried to harass Jehovah's got to arrange his bedroom, so that when the police
WItnesses, so that in April 1970 they raided a private walked in, there was one narrow single bed and, on
home where sixteen adult persons and five children had the floor, the mattress on which he had slept-with
met together to consider the Bible. The police produced his pajamas left behind in full view!
a search warrant, but, when they saw that they had The policeman asked Ester who slept there. "I do,"
mterrupted a Bible study, they left on the understand- she said. "What? On both beds?" asked the policeman.
mg. that the brothers would present themselves at the Ester tried to treat it as a joke, replying: "The mat-
pollee station. At the station they were accused of tress is so comfortable that when I am tired of sleeping
holding an illegal meeting, and the accusation was on the bed I use the mattress." The policeman laughed
passed on to the local judge. Steps were taken to draw
the matter to the a;tt~ntion. of the newly established at that and there were no more questions then.
Commission for Religious LIberty. This was sufficient The sisters were detained in the police station cells
for no further action to be taken by the police and for four days and three nights. They were constantly
was evidence that in certain respects the Commission interrogated, and generally this was done separately.
was able to guarantee religious liberty. The interrogation was no amateur affair. Ester was
. By 1970 the Castell6n Congregation had flourished put under a strong light and surrounded by policemen
1!1 an amazing way. In April they reported 79 pub- who fired questions at her. She acted a bit silly so that
Iishers, and by June the number had risen to 108.
240 Yearbook Yearbook 241
her answe rs oft en had no logic to them. But when they prisoners were free to wander around exc ept Ester
triumphantly caught her in a contradiction, she qu e- and Ana Maria, who were kept in their cell . This was
r ied : "A contradiction? Please let me see what I signed no obstacle, th ough, for t he other prisoners who wanted
yester day." Th ey gave it t o her to read, and she read to t alk to the sisters climbed a fig tree outside their
it all through very carefully so that she would not cell window and spoke to them. The sisters, in turn,
make the same mistake ag ain. She wa s not as silly as put their bed against the cell wall and climbed up to
sh e acte d. When they asked her difficult questions, continue witnessing. When the nuns came around a nd
E ster requested a moment to concentrate-time she the sisters could not communicate, they would sin g
us ed well to pray t o Jehovah fo r help.-Compare Kingdom songs, which amazed the other inmates. How
1 Samuel 21:12-15. could they be so happy when everyone else was so sad?
The month-long stay in prison was beneficial t o
A KIND JUDGE Ester in an unexpected way. It gave her time and op-
The pioneer s were next taken to court, wh ere they portunity to read the Bible all the way through.
were que stioned by the judge and yet another statement Miguel Gil, the special pioneer in Granada, was
had to be signed. According to Spanish court procedure, sent to Almeria to seek a lawyer who might help the
after declarations or statements are taken by the sisters. The lawyer spoke to the judge who had handled
police, the accused is taken to court to be questioned their case, a nd the judge reacted with such indignation
by the judge, who then decides if there is a case. If at the trea tment the girls were experiencing that he
so, he determines the penalty. By a different admin- came to the prison to see them. However, he was not
istrative procedure, the cases can be determined by allowed in on the pretext that they were being hel d
the Civil Governor, who bases his decision on the incommunicado, which was a lie. He insisted on seei ng
evidence presented in the police report and the state- them and finally was able to do so. The judge offered
ments ot :t he accused. Most of the cases involving the sisters every kind of help, even writing their
Jehovah's Witnesses were decided by this latter method. .f a milies to reassure them. He also encouraged them to
When the sisters had signed a statement for the keep up their good work once they got out of prison,
judge, he started to ask them more questions, but in saying that he would be pleased to see them on their
a kind manner. He told them there was nothing to release. This kindly intervention was a great encourage-
fear; they had signed their statements and nothing ment to Ester and Ana Maria.
further would be taken down against them. Ester Finally, when the girls stepped out of prison they
took this opportunity to give a witness in the presence had the joy of finding Miguel Gil there to greet them.
of some fourteen persons, including court officials an d Incidentally, all the evidence pointed to the fact that
policemen. When she had finished spea ki ng, what a t heir month in prison was due to the activiti es of the
surprise to hear the judge say that they were free priest in t he Pescaderia quarter of the city. He had
t o go and that th ey could pick up their belo ngings that aroused fear in the people and no doubt was the per-
the polic e had t aken in the search! son who had denounced the sisters to the polic e.
When the sisters stepped outside into the corridor, Of course, this was not the only encounter with the
however, the picture changed. Two uniformed police- police in Almeria. But it was no teworthy because of
men came forward and told the girls to accompany the kindness exp ressed by a judge in that city. With
them to the police station to deal with the matter that the passing of the years the congregation in Almeria
was pending. When Ester and Ana Maria got there has grown. In 1972, aft er some difficulties with the
they were informed that the Civil Governor had fined mayor's office, the brothers th ere inaugurated their
them 2,000 pesetas each, and t hat , in default of pay- Kingdom Hall. Today the congregation in that city
ment, they would have to go to prison. So, off to prison has 124 publishers, eight regular pioneers and two
they went. special pioneers.
In prison a new territory opened up for them, as they
were able to preach to the inmates, officials and nuns CONTINUING FIGHT ON MALLORCA
located there. However, it was difficult to find ways of Having reviewed some of the experiences of Jehovah's
witnessing to the other prisoners, since the nuns did people on the mainland, let us consider their activities
everything within their power to make such contacts on the island of Mallorca. In 1961 the position of the
impossible. When it was the recreation hour, all the brothers in Mallorca worsened. All those receiving
242 Yearbook Yea rbook 243
packa ges of literature were under surveillance, and of Petra. While waiting fo r the train back to Inca, the
Witnesses walking the streets WIth literature m t heir brothers noticed that a fanatical person they had me t
briefcases ran the risk of a week "inside" if they were that morning put in a brief appearance at t he station
stopped by the police. By June of t ha t year, the brothers and then left. Shortly thereafter, a civil guard ap -
were being bothered even in their homes by constant peared, asking all the brothers to accompany him to
visits of the police.. the police station. They were searched and all their
One never knew when trouble would arise. For in- publications, including Bibles, were taken away. Each
stance on one occasion Antonio Molina a nd Gabriel brother had to make a statement, and then they were
Vaque~ were preaching in Palma de Mallorca when a released. SUbse quently, four of them were fined .
householder invited them to enter and consider the
booklet "This Good N ews of the K ingdom" with him. SUPREME COURT RULING
First of all, he had to fetch his glasses. Then his wife On December 10, 1965, the Supreme Court decided
left to go and buy some mi lk. In a few minutes she to lump together several of the Mallorca cases. So
came back with th e "milk"-two plainclothes policemen they handed down their decision on the appeals of
who started to question the brothers. Antonio and Felix Lumbreras and Catalina Forteza de Mula, Jaime
Gabriel asked t hat they produce their identification. Sastre and Antonia Galindo, as well as four brothers
Well one turned out to be a lieutenant colonel of the from Inca who were apprehended in Petra.
Gua;dia Civil and the other a brigadier. This "milk"
was decidedly sour! Furthermore, the householder al so The single decision for all these cases was that the
was a member of the Guardia Civil. The brothers we re Witnesses had not restricted themselves to a private
inter r oga ted and then led off to prison, where t he y exercise of their religion. R ather, it was contended
were kept for fifteen days. that they "p referred to manifest themselves openly as
For Jehovah's people in Palma the situation was acti ve and conscious agents of proselytism, publicly
atrocious. It seemed t hat there were spies and enemies exercised by means of the diffusion of propaganda and
everywh ere, ju st waiting to trap Jehovah's Witnesses abunda nt visits to homes, by which they obviously
a s they spoke about the Word of God. Fo r instance, invaded the sphere of prohibition." The appeals were
on May 27, 1962, F elix Lumbreras, the f ather of three rejected a nd all the cases were lost.
children, and Catalina Forteza de Mula, the wife of Th ere was no doubt about where the authoriti es
t he much- a rrested Manuel Mula, were chatting with stoo d wit h r egard to Jehova h's people. They were de-
a lady interested in the truth. As they did so, a police- t ermined to stamp God's servants out of existence by
man living acr oss the hall came out of his home a nd me ans of fear and regular imprisonment. A brother
went downstairs. When t he Witnesses left the building, in I nca went t o visit a lieutenant of the G~tardia Civi l
t hey fou nd him waiting to arrest them. They were t hat he knew personally. Du ring t he convers ation th e
fined 1,000 pesetas ea ch. lieutenant sai d : "Up till now we haven't tried to do you
On November 14, 1963, J aim e Sast re and Antonia any harm, but now our orders are to 'exterminate'
Galindo were arrested while prea ching from house to you. Rather than lose my uniform, I will certainly see
house. Unknowingly they presented their Bible sermon all of you dance. . . . We have received orders from the
to a civil guard. When Jaime's wife went to the police Governor to go from house to house in Inca to warn
to check on his whereabouts, they denied that he was every householder that when you call they should
in custody. But she went to the Civil Governor's office advise us. Our or ders are to take you handcuffed, fr om
and, through his secretary, det:erm!n!'!d that her husband wherever we might find you, directly to jail."
was being held at the Guard~a Cw~l headquarters. So,
she wen t there to inquire about him and was told CLERGY RESPONSmILITY
that the next time her husband was caught it would Of course, the Catholic Church was behind this
me an t hre e months in prison. After that, he would be persecution and the clergy rejoiced in the ill-treatment
locked up and the key would be thrown away. She of the Witnesses. For instance, on September 18, 1962,
was not allowed to see him, but the outcome was that the Bishop of Mallorca said in a radio broadcast: "We
both she and her husband were fined, and their appeals give thanks to God for helping us to see who in reality
were turned down by the Civil Governor. do good. We give thanks to God for helping us to see
On December 25, 1963, five brothers f rom the Inca who in reality are falsifying the Word of the good
Congregation were witnessing in the un assigned town God. Look at them! In prisons, prosecuted and punished.
244 Yea1'book Yearboo k 245
Now let us take a look at the Catholic religion. Warner in 1961. Yes, ther e wer e in numerable cases of
O~~e again we give thanks to God that it still continues persecution, and there wa s continual harassmen t
t o be the true religion." Rather than gi vin g thanks. t? t hroughou t Spai n during that ten-year period. But all
God gratitude should have been expressed to the CIVIl the hardships strengthened t he faith of the brothers
Gov~rnor and the Guardia Oivil for trying to preserve and Jehovah helped them to carryon in doing the di-
the Catholic monopoly. vine will, so that the in crease continued by leaps a nd
A fanatical fighter against Jehovah's Witnesses was bounds.
the priest of the Oristo Rey parish in the town of IJ.1ca. The opposition of the cle rgy-both Catholic and
He also was responsible for radio broadcasts agamst Protestant-has never ceased. Of course, they had the
the Witnesses, and published defamatory articles active collaboration of the Ministry of the Interior fo r
against God's people. Moreover, he went frfm ~ouse to years. As clear evidence that there was no change of
house to collect literature left by Jehovah s WItnesses heart, even though the government was I?reparing the
so that he could burn it. Ten years later, there wa.s a Religious Liberty Law, we quote from Circular No .5
st r ange sequel to all of this. Luis Salazar was vacation- of 1966, from the General Director of the Interior in
ing in Inca in 1971 and, by chance, called at the h01?e the Ministry of the Interior. Dated February 24, 1966,
of this priest. He was invited in and, after a brief it stated, in part, as a directive to all Civil Governors :
discussion of Bible subjects, t h.e priest said that. he "It is necessary to obtain a greater exemplariness in
the repression of the illicit proselyting activities that
wanted to ask forgiveness for hIS.past ~CtIO!1S agamst members of the sect known as 'Jehovah's Witnesses'
Jehovah's Witnesses. He now realized hIS mistake and are carrying out in all the national territory . . . The
was aware of his anti-Christian attitude. The priest reason lies in the fact that the present measures of a
showed Brother Salazar that he had the Society's monetary nature lack sufficient efficacy to stop such
book s on his shelves, and then went on to comment: activities. . . . In consequence, I urge Your Excellency
"If t her e are any good men or saints in this world, on orders from His Excellency the Minister of t he
t hey are among Jehovah's Witnesses." Interior," to denounce to courts handling vagrancy
STRENGTHENED BY PERSECUTION cases "all members of the said sect that may be caught
carrying out such activities." Eighteen months later
Those years of difficulty in Mallorca only served to the Religious Liberty Law was put into effe ct and the
str engthen Jehovah's people. In December 19.72, there general attitude toward J ehovah 's Witnesses became
were 500 publishers in Mallorca, 26 on the Island of mo re favorable. Also, t he official atti tude became m ore
Ibiza and 40 on the island of Menorca. Today Mallorca flexible as a con sequence of the new law.
h a s 950 publishers, Ibiza 61, and Menorca 91. Interest-
ingly P alma has one Witness for every 385 persons, as EMI NENT JURI ST ANALYZES THE LEGAL B ATTLE
com par ed with the n ational a ver age of one for every The battle waged by Jehovah's Wi tnesses during
908. . . 'bl . t hose years of bitter persecution served as an outstand-
Throughout Spain, by means. of Ius VISI. e org.amza- ing witness in the legal circles of the nation. Many
tion Jehovah helped his people III the especially dlfflcult lawyers and judges had their firs t cont act with God' s
years of 1958 to 1967. During that period t~ere. 'Yas people because of our tenacity in . appealing eveJ;y
persecution of some kind in m ost of t he maJor: cities. possible case to the Supreme Court, m order to obtam
This account includes only a few representative ex- justice and religious freedom. This fact w as noted by
amples of the ill-treatment suffered by the pioneers a prominent Spanish jurist, Lorenzo Martin-Retortillo,
and Jehovah's W itnesses in general. formerly professor of law at the University of Sala-
Among others, cases also arose in Huelva and Ali- manca and now at the University of Zaragoza. In 1970
cante. In Manresa (Barcelona) fourte;en persons were he published a legal study on Religious Liberty and
arrested in 1962 for studying the Bible together, al- Public Order.
t hough the charges late;r .were dropped. A.t Zaragoza, This study consists of a seventy-eight-page analysis
where special pioneer Maximo Murcia and his WIfe w~re of m any cases that came before the Supreme Court
imprisoned for fif teen days m 1960, an American family and that obligated the Court to define the private
was harassed by the priest and the police for .allowing exercise of religious expression in Spain, and to in-
Bible meetings in their private hom e. :rh~ list could terpret the phrase "the spir itual un ity of Spain."
go on to include the deportation of missionary Carl As a result of this jurist's study of the accusations in
246 Yearbook Yearbook 247
the cases he considered, he wrote: "It is not difficult two fundamental requirements for true followers of
to arrive at a conclusion: the following types of con- Jesus Christ.
duct are sanctioned and prosecuted as contrary to
public order: the holding of meetings to comment on BENEFITING FROM THE KINGDOM MINISTRY SCHOOL
the Bible or other religious texts; the possession of During the years of intense persecution, every effort
propagandistic literature of the religion; the making was made to provide spiritual aid and direction Ac-
of visits to the homes of rrtends or unknown persons cordingly, in December 1961, the Society's branch office
with the aim of propagating the religion; traveling in Spain organized the first classes of the Kingdom
and making contacts with the same end in view, etc. Ministry School. Of course, the school could not be
Therefore it is a matter of acts of religious celebration, held as it was in other countries-for a month or later
as occurs with many of the meetings . . . or acts of for two weeks. Rather, it had to be held for two ~onth~
religious evangelism." and at night. The first two classes were held in Barce-
Although the cases of Jehovah's Witnesses are cited lona. And, in order not to attract attention, the classes
on nearly every page, the third chapter of this study were kept down to from twelve to fifteen students.
is specifically entitled "The special incidence of sanc- From 1962 to April of 1968, 347 servants and pioneers
tions against 'Jehovah's Witnesses.''' In part, it states: received training a~d instruction in the Kingdom Min-
"As one studies ten years of Jurisprudence, and ob- lstry School. When It was held in Barcelona, members
serves the governmental sanctions for reasons of public of the branch office staff were able to get personally
order that affect religious conduct, there is one fact acquainted with the overseers and listen to their
that decidedly catches the attention: It is that in almost problems. Also, the lectures were given by five mem-
all cases considered, those who have intervened are bers of the Bethel family. To date, 1,342 individuals
members of only one religious grot£p. Those who have have attended the Kingdom Ministry School in Spain.
appealed against the administrative decisions are,
practically in all cases, members of 'Jehovah's Wit- UPBUILT BY ASSEMBLIES
nesses.' "
As a result of this conclusion, Sefior Martin- During all the years of our "underground" activity,
Retortillo raises the following questions: "Are 'Je- we continued to receive spiritual food through special
hovah's 'Witnesses' the only group among the non- arrangements that were made for holding circuit as-
Catholics that carry out their activities, going beyond semblies. Since it was dangerous to bring all the
the tolerated limits? Does the Administration think brothers together at one time, a special procedure was
that this group should be the object of special attention aqopted whereby the assembly program could be trans-
because of its special danger, significance, activity or mltted to all the congregations in each circuit. Over-
any other circumstance? . . . As one can appreciate seers received copies of the program and then attended
these are questions that I cannot resolve now, nor do the assembly. In this way the attendance was kept
I endeavor to do so. . . . However, that is no obstacle down to around 100 to 200 persons. Moreover, assembly
to expressing the perplexity it produces to find that, locations were wisely chosen, usually in the open air,
in the period under study, and in relation to the sub- such as the woods, the mountains or a beach. Then
ject of religion, the sanctions have centered unanimous- again, a private house served well, if it was some dis-
lyon members of a determined confession." tance from the neighbors. At any rate, the attending
One of the basic conclusions that Sefior Martin- overseers followed the program carefully, taking notes.
Retortillo reached from his analysis was that the Later, the assembly program was repeated in their
official persecution of Jehovah's Witnesses was the own congregations.
result of their active proselytism, their position as Great precautions had to be taken to make sure
conscientious objectors and because some of their that the assembly site was not found by the police.
publications had been critical of the Spanish regime. A problem did arise during a circuit assembly in
Of course, Jehovah's Witnesses actually are neutral 1969, when the Sevilla police learned of a big meeting
as to politics. (John 17:16) Nevertheless, from this in the patio of a private home and turned up with
we can draw the conclusion that if the Protestant sects polIce cars and trucks. Some 250 brothers and interested
were not officially subject to persecution, they ob- persons were in attendance. All the men and the single
viously were not engaged in public preaching activity sisters were carted off to police headquarters for in-
and they were not maintaining Christian neutrality->- terrogation, and all the books were confiscated and
248 Yearbook Ye arbo o k 249
ne ver returned. Ten brothers were kept in prison for vention. When they arrived a t Bar celona they were
four days. One of those arrested was a sister's op - met with the sad ne ws . H owever , with typical Spani sh
pos ed husband who had attended out of curiosity. ~e adaptability, t he y conve r ted t heir trip into to urism and
was so impressed by the conduct of the brothers III vi sited the local Kingdom Halls, a s well a s Bethel
pr ison that, on his release, he started to study and and other places of interest. So, they derived some
became a baptized brother. This police raid received spiritua l benefit from their journey. Later, substitute
worldwide publicity, and perhaps as a consequence, no as semblies were held in various pla ces, with a total
legal proceedings were taken against the brothers. attendance of 20,176. During ·these gatherings 483 per -
sons were baptized.
We enc ountered var iou s difficulties in endeavor ing
What about district assemblies during this period to h old Christian assem blies during later years. H ow-
of persecution? How did the brothers get the benefit ever, with Jehovah's help we have been able to cope
of those programs? Well, special trains and buses were with these problems in one way or another. So far,
hir ed each year, and the brothers traveled. to France, during t he 1970's we have had many splendid and
Italy or Switzerland to attend these gatherings, sp irit uall y upbuilding gatherings.
For example, the Spanish brothers were delighted to The last time the Spanish brothers had t o go abroad
attend an assembly in Rome during 1969. Since most for an assembly was in 1973, when it became impossible
of them were ex-Catholics, it thrilled them to think to hire an adequate site for an international assembly
that they could hold a convention in the Pope's "back- in Spain. Thus they once again took to their ch ar t er ed
yard." Of course, the paradox of the situation was that planes, trains and buses, and private cars, with the
they could not hold an assembly in "more papist t han result t hat over 19,000 flocked to the massive assembly
t he Pope" Spain! Incidentally, while in Rome, some facilities at Brussels World's Fair Grounds in Belgium.
of the Spanish Witnesses visited the catacombs, onc e Thi s "Divine Victory" International Assembly was a
associated with early Christianity. These attracted much joy t o t he Spanish Witnesses, as they mingled with
curiosity as the Spanish brothers were still in their their 31,000 French-, Flemish· and Portuguese-speaking
"cataco~b" period of secret meetings hidden from brothers from many countries. What a thrill when
their persecutors. 1,273 new Spanish Christians were baptized in symbol
In July 1970 Jehovah's Witnesses were granted le~al of t heir dedication !
r ecognit ion in Spain and could thus hold assemblies Since then the district a ssemblies have been held in
t here. However, the contract already had been made Spain in a variety of citi es and locales, In cluding soccer
f or the 1971 district assembly to be held in Toulouse, st adium s in Salamanca, Gij6n, Sabadell, Almeria a nd
F rance. Due to a choler a scare at the last minute in E stepona, and bullr ings in Barcelona, Ma drid and
Spain, the French authorities ~efuseq permission for Mar bella. With each assembly the Spanish brothers
the Spanish assembly. Thus Immediate steps were have gained valuable experience and are now eagerly
taken to find a suitable meeting place in Barcelona. awaiting the 1978 international assembly to be held
After overcoming great difficulties, it was possible to in Barcelona, where they look forward to serving their
rent the older and dirtier of the two Barcelona bull- fellow believers from many lands, especially those
rings the one called Las Arenas. Time was short, and who served them so hospitably in past decades in
t he brothers really worked to clean the bullring. In France, Switzerland, Italy and Belgium.
fact the caretaker said he had never seen it so clean
in thirty years, and he was amazed at the spirit of JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES LEGALIZED I N 19701
the brothers. F or many years before the Religious Liberty Law
But then a "bomb" fell. The Civil Governor of Barce- was passed in 1967, Jehovah's Witnesses had been en-
lona was away and his substitute refused to allow the deavoring to get their organization legalized in Spain.
holding of the assembly on a technicality-the fact that The first attempt was made in 1956, when a petition
permission had not been requested a full ten days and copy of the proposed statutes were presented to the
before the event. This news was broken to the brothers Civil Governor of Barcelona for his approval. This at-
working at the bullring just a day before the assembly tempt did not prosper. Another effort was made in
was due to start. Many Witnesses from distant parts 1965, when Brother Knorr directed a written appeal to
o f the country already were on their way to the con - th e Spanish government, asking what procedure should
250 Yea1'book Yearbook 251
be followed to get the Society and Jehovah's Witnesses with a total attendance of over 14,000. Even he found
legalized. Again no practical result was obtained. it hard to believe that he was actually speaking to
On June 28, 1967, after protracted debate in Las such large numbers of Spanish brothers, and in Spain!
Cortes (the Spanish Parliament) and even longer Brother Knorr made use of that visit to check over
preparation by legal and ecclesiastical experts, the possible buildings for the branch office, and decided on
Religious Liberty Law was accepted and passed. Al- a six-story edifice in Barcelona at Calle Pardo, No. 65,
though it was a law permitting religious liberty, it where the branch office and Bethel home are located
also brought about religious control, for the provisions today. Once the purchase was completed, the work of
of the law obligate each religion, except the Roman transforming the place was organized. Volunteers were
Catholic, to lay itself open to scrutiny by the Ministry invited from the Barcelona congregations, and specialist
of Justice. The law provided for a strict control of pioneers were called in for the carpentry work, brick-
members and also a yearly presentation of the accounts, laying, plastering, painting, and so forth. The building
with a clear definition of the source of income and the was a new structure that had never been used, and,
expenses. in fact, was originally designed for industrial use. So,
The Protestant sects did not like the law and de- there were no dividing walls on any floor and no fa-
layed their request for legalization, so that the govern- cilities of any kind. Hence, starting from scratch, the
ment granted an extension for registration until May Society'S architect was able to design each floor ac-
1968. However, the Watch Tower Society was probably cording to the suggestions that Brother Knorr had left
the first to request the registration and presented its behind. The brothers worked for thirteen months to
petition on December 12, 1967. The Ministry of Justice complete the installations for the new office and home,
directory dated May 31, 1969, revealed that the initial which provided room for sixteen workers.
religion to be registered was the Reformed Pres- On June 2, 1972, Brother Knorr inaugurated the new
byterian Church, with its one place of worship and Spanish branch building, and the following day he
one registered minister approved in May 1968. That gave a special talk to 13,350 brothers in Barcelona's
issue of the directory listed 105 religious groups- principal bullring, La Momtmental. This visit and the
among them Brethren, Christian Science, Mormons, talk in the bullring got good publicity in the press,
Jews, Pentecostals, Anglicans, Baptists, Adventists, but also served to sharpen the opposition against
Assembly of God, Evangelical, Moslems-in fact, prac- Jehovah's people. Certain elements in "high circles"
tically every religion except the one especially con- were not pleased with the fact that Jehovah's Wit-
spicuous by its absence, Jehovah's Witnesses. Their nesses had been given this permission, and they in-
legalization had to wait until July 10, 1970. When that creased their pressure on the Religious Liberty Com-
next list of approved religions came out, Jehovah's mission to have this fledgling religion's "wings clipped."
Witnesses were No. 131. But at last their legalization Thereafter, we had some problems in obtaining per-
had been achieved in Spain! mission for the use of facilities for district and circuit
The latest listing was dated December 15, 1975, with assemblies.
238 religious groups included. This latest booklet con- Legalization meant the opening of Kingdom Halls,
tains a total of 83 pages, in which each religious group as already mentioned. From December 1970 through
is listed by cities and towns, and then also by places May 1977, 482 Kingdom Halls have been approved by
of worship. Jehovah's Witnesses occupy fully 37 per- the Ministry of Justice. In large cities like Madrid,
cent of all the pages of the directory, making them Barcelona and valencta the rents are high, so that
indisputably the largest religion in Spain after the most halls are used by more than one congregation
Catholic Church. in order to share the financial burden. At present there
With legalization, plans promptly went ahead to are sixteen Kingdom Halls within the city limits of
open Kingdom Halls and to obtain a suitable place Barcelona, and these are being used by fifty congre-
for the Bethel home. The first Kingdom Hall was In- gations. Additionally, ninety-two congregations in the
augurated on December 19, 1970, in the Barrio del province of Barcelona hold their meetings in another
Pilar, a new building project in a populous, working- seventy-five Kingdom Halls. In Madrid twenty-five halls
class area of Madrid. are used by forty-six congregations. We are thankful
During February 1971, Brother Knorr visited Spain to Jehovah for the freedom we now enjoy and for these
and spoke to public audiences in Madrid and Barcelona, excellent meeting places.
252 Yearbook Yea rb ook 253
MESSIANIC KINGDOM PROCLAIMED IN ANDORRA cause of the fe udalistic influence of the bishop of
Now, let us tell you something about Andorra, a tiny Seo de Urgel who puts im pediments in the way. Mean-
mountain principality squeezed between the Spanish while, the brothers continue to hold their meetings in
and French borders. On the Spanish side is the town private homes, WhICh, of course, lays a heavier burden
of Seo de Urgel. Along with the president of France, on t he two elders serving there.
its bishop is coregent of Andorra. This dual rulership
was instituted in 1278 C.E. to bring an end to the SPANISH ENCLAVES IN MOROCCO
blood-spilling battles that had taken place between the On the northern Mediterranean coast of Morocco,
forces of the Catholic bishop of Seo de Urgel and the there are two Spanish enclaves-Ceuta, not too far
army of the French counts of Foix. from Tangier, and Melilla, farther to the east. The
Today Andorra has a population of some 32,500, most Spanish army maintains garrisons in these enclaves.
of whom work in the shops and hotels that deal with Ricardo and Consuelo Gutierrez, formerly of Barcelona,
the constant tourist trade. Prices of goods are much were assigned directly from the publisher ranks to
lower in Andorra than in Spain or France, so that the special pioneer work due to the need for Kingdom
commerce is the main activity. Some of the local proclaimers in Ceuta. Ricardo had once been a military
people still devote themselves to sheepherding, agri- man there and already spoke French and some Arabic.
culture and the cultivation of tobacco, but these are These languages, along with Spanish, are the tongues
now the lesser occupations and the general atmosphere used in Ceuta.
is one of materialism. Brother and Sister Gutierrez accepted this assignment
Although some sporadic witnessing had been done in spite of having a seven-year-old son, and they began
ea r lier , it was not until 1962 that a Spanish family serving in Ceuta in January 1969. After six years of
decided to move from Barcelona to Andorra and begin valuable service and faithful example, Consuelo died of
preaching there systematically. The family was that cancer. They had helped to lay the foundation of the
of Manuel Escamilla. Despite economic and health pres~nt Ceuta Congregation .that now has thirty-one
problems, they stayed in Andorra for seven years, and, publishers and three special pioneers. The congregation
little by little, the small group of Christians prospered also has a Kingdom Hall, which is the only legal
there. meeting place of Jehovah's Witnesses in the whole of
The first person to show interest was Rose Boronat, northern Africa.
who had received a witness from her aunt in Barcelona In Melilla there are Jewish and Moslem as well as
and had also been encouraged by a French sister wh o Spanish communities, so that the pioneers assigned
used to visit Andorra. The Escamilla family started t o t here in 1970 had a n interesting territory to work. At
hold meetings and, with Rose present, they had an flr st, t hey encountered problems with the police, who
attendance of four. Problems developed quickly, for tried to stop their house-to-house preaching work. But
Rose lost her job and her room at the pension. Then after legal steps were taken by the Society's branch
sh e had to face a decision with re gard to her fiance office in Spain, they no longer were bothered and all
who was not favorable to the truth. She chose the their confiscated literature was returned to them.
truth and the engagement was broken off. However, a So far, Melilla's population of 53,000 has produced
short time later brothers in Barcelona were able to twenty Kingdom proclaimers, in spite of problems ex-
witness to him, he accepted the truth, and in 1964 perienced in dealing with the military mentality that
both he and Rose were baptized. When Manuel Esca- predominates in that garrison city.
milla had to leave with his family in 1969, this brother , The population is a mixture of Spaniards and Arabs
Miguel Barbe, became the one responsible for the with the former decreasing in number and the latte;
group. In November 1971, he and his wife were ap- increasing. The special pioneers are doing good work
pointed as special pioneers to care for the territory there, and several of their Bible studies are being
in Andorra and Seo de Urge!. held with Moslem women, at the time of this writing.
It is curious to note that although religious freedom
exists in France and Spain, Jehovah's Witnesses have RELAXATION OF CENSORSHIP
not been able to get permission to open a Kingdom One of the consequences of legalization of the
Hall in Andorra, where they now have a prospering Association of Jehovah's Witnesses in 1970 was that
congregation of eighty-four publishers. Why not? Be- all our publications had to pass through the hands
254 Yearbook Yearbook 255
of the official government censor. While the majority PUBLICITY BY PRESS AND RADIO
were approved for circulation, some, such as Learn In many cases, the press has given fair and impartial
to Read and Write and, for a time, "Make Sure of All coverage to the Witnesses and their assemblies. The
Things," were put on the prohibited list. During one Madrid daily El Pais devoted a whole page to the
year, more than half of all issues of The Watchtower teachings and history of the Witnesses, based on an
and Awake! were prohibited for distribution to the interview with a lawyer, Brother Julio Ricote. Various
public. However, the Society legally appealed several writers have come out in defense of the Witnesses, as
cases and now we have gone for more than a year in the case of the Catholic who wrote in Sur of Novem-
without any issue being refused. Without a doubt, the ber 12, 1976: "The Witnesses may be mistaken in their
general relaxing of controls in many fields has also interpretation, but no one can doubt the immense
favored our situation here. faith that sustains them. In this religion, not sect, there
The monthly Our Kingdom Service, known here as is no room for lies, fornication or stealing, the three
Nuestro Servicio Teocratico ("Our Theocratic Service"), most abominable sins in God's sight. How much the
now has a circulation of over 60,000 copies. world has to learn in this respect from the Witnesses!"
Another, writing in the Hoia del Lunes de Gij6n (June
VISITS BY MEMBERS OF TIlE GOVERNING BODY 21, 1976), under the heading "The Bishop of Santander
The last few years have seen encouraging visits by and Jehovah's Witnesses," stated: "It so happens that
various members of the Governing Body, and these Jehovah's Witnesses ... have a much deeper and more
visits have been appreciated greatly by the Spanish careful knowledge of the Bible than the majority of
brothers. In 1974 Brothers N. H. Knorr and F. W. Catholics."
Franz visited Spain together, and were due to address Because of the issues of conscientious objection to
a large crowd of brothers in a Barcelona bullring. How- military service and refusal to accept blood trans-
ever, permission was not granted by the authorities, fusions, the Witnesses have often been in the news.
as the date coincided with the religious holiday of A prominent Spanish surgeon, the son-in-law of the
December 25. Swiftly, plans were changed and all the late General Franco, invited the Witnesses to partici-
pioneers and elders were invited to a special meeting pate in his radio program on medical matters, together
that had to be held some twenty-one kilometers (13 with another doctor and a priest, to discuss the blood
miles) from Barcelona in an unused industrial building transfusion issue. Among the brothers taking part was
that was under consideration for purchase as an as- a lawyer who was able to make a good defense of our
sembly hall. Over 5,000 packed in to listen to Brother position on that issue. On another occasion, a Barcelona
Knorr talk about the worldwide expansion of the work, r adio station invited representatives of the Witnesses
and then paid rapt attention to Brother Franz' ex- for an interview and to handle questions from listeners.
position of Psalm 91. Just over a year later, Brother These two broadcasts really served to stir up public
Raymond Franz was invited to inaugurate that same int erest.
building, which had been converted into a magnificent As far as television is concerned, the Catholic Church
assembly hall with seating for 1,300, as well as an has an almost complete monopoly of the government-
ample cafeteria dining room, and baptism pool. controlled TV channels up to this writing. Some priests
Prior to that, in November 1975, an assembly hall have used that advantage to attack the Witnesses.
was inaugurated in Madrid by F. W. Franz, in what TIlE QUEEN OF SPAIN IMPRESSED
had formerly been a cinema. Other visits were made During 1976 a fine witness was given in university
by M. G. Henschel in May 1974, and L. K. Greenlees circles. This came about when one of Jehovah's Wit-
in 1976. Brother Henschel spoke to 22,417 brothers in nesses, a student of medicine studying at Madrid
a Barcelona bullring. The maximum attendance to University, gave a witness to some of his fellow stu-
date at anyone meeting was for the visit of L. A. dents. Some of these were participating in other
Swingle, when there was an audience of 27,215 in the studies in the Interfaculty Department of Contemporary
Barcelona Las Arenas bullring on May 1,1977. Brother Humanities, organized for the benefit of students and
Swingle also addressed meetings in Madrid and the graduates. As a result, Jehovah's Witnesses were in-
Canary Islands, so that the total attendance at his vited to present a lecture on the theme "New Man
four talks came to 45,617. and His Future." Two Witnesses developed the subject,
256 Yearbook Yearbook 257
bringin g out the facets of the new personality and pioneer ranks are being expanded, and at present we
Jehovah's purpose in relation to the earth. This talk have over 600 preaching mainly in the territories of
r esulted later in an invitation to present a series of greatest need in Extremadura, Andalusia, Galicia and
nine lectures on the teachings of J ehovah's Witnesses. Asturias.
One of the students was Queen Sofia of Spain, who In some cases, great endurance and courage are
paid close attention to the arguments, took notes, and required to persevere in such places. For example, in
participated fully in the discussions that took place June 1976, in the town of Yecla, a sister was murdered
after each talk. After the lecture on the soul and hellfire, by her fanatical husband, after. he had threatened her
the queen declared that she had never known anyone and the brothers and had even used physical violence
who used the Bible with such knowledge and facility against the special pioneers there. This murder took
for answering any question that arose. "For every place just nine days after the inauguration of the
subject it appears you have an answer in your Bible," Kingdom Hall. Later, a mob came around and smashed
she commented. the Kingdom Hall windows, threw red paint over the
These lec tures created quite a stir, and the final one, facade, and then left a sign on the door falsely ac-
on "Blood, Medicine and the Law of God," was held cusing the brothers of being "Sons of the Pasionaria"
because of the queen's special interest in the subject, (a famous female Communist orator).
even though the study course had terminated. This Shortly afterward, a young man began to attend
last talk, presented by a brother who is a pathologist, the meetings, but he turned out to be a member of
was attended by several clergymen and doctors, and a gang of delinquents in the town. However, he ac -
a good, clear witness was given. cepted the truth, changed his way of life, and got
baptized. This served to give a witness to many of
BETHEL EXPANSION his friends and relatives who are amazed at his change
It was known from the beginning that the original of heart. For example, one day another young man
branch building at Calle Pardo, No. 65, would not be came to a meeting and said he wanted to know what
big enough for future expansion. But in view of the the Witnesses had done to one of his friends (the now-
uncertainty in 1970 as to how religious liberty would baptized former delinquent), who used to be a villain,
be applied, it was felt best to start in a small way. but now was meeker than a lamb. Though now study-
Since then the Society has bought three additional ing and attending the meetings, this second young
a partments around the corner in the same block, and man had been a member of the gang that had thrown
these are used as living quarters for fifteen Bethel the red paint at the Kingdom Hall.
family members. In 1975 the Society al so acquired Some 1,922 years have passed since Paul wrote to
large warehouse facilities just two blocks away, a nd t he Romans, "When ever I am on my way to Spain, I
they have been a boon to the shipping department that hope, above all, ... to get a look at you." (Rom. 15:24)
already had severe problems with regard t o literature From Paul's present heavenly position, undoubtedly he
storage. Now we can carry stock sufficient for about is delighted with the spiritual paradise that is so
two years of preaching activity, thus obviating diffi- evident among his twentieth-century Christian brothers
culties that might arise should there be strikes or and sisters in this hospitable and delightful country.
conflicts. We do not know how much time is left for this system
To attend better to the needs of the congregations of things, but, Jehovah willing, here in Spain we are
in the Canary Islands, off the west coast of Africa, the expecting further increase, and we are pl anning for
Society bought a warehouse and small apartment in even greater expansion. The Governing Body has ap-
Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Thus the twenty-five congre- proved the construction of a new Bethel home and
gations located on the six major islands receive their factory complex near Barcelona. This will permit the
liter ature and magazines from that depot. printing of our magazines in Spain, and will equip us
A GREAT WORK AHEAD for future growth.
It is recognized that there is yet a tremendous To Jehovah God go the praise and thanks, through
a mount of work to be done in Spain. We calculate that Christ Jesus, for the wonderful results that have been
about a million Spaniards still are not being reached achieved through the acts of Jehovah's Christian wit-
with the good news on a regular basis. The special nesses in modern Spain.
258 Yea rbook Yea rbook 259
Corporate Societies The Governing Body
Afte r a long, faithful life of service as one of The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses
Jehovah's Witnesses, having been baptized in has continued to give a good lead during the ser-
1923, Brother Nathan H. Knorr finished his earth- vice year in caring for the interests of Jehovah's
ly course on June 8, 1977. He had succeeded kingdom earth wide. The Governing Body holds
Brother Rutherford as president of the Watch weekly meetings, with all the committees repre-
Tower Bible and Tract Society in 1942, and served sented, to discuss matters presented to it by the
faithfully and well. He became a member of the various Branch Committees and to consider
Bethel family in September 1923. Brother Knorr recommendati ons for appointment of branch per-
felt a deep responsibility for pressing the expan- sonnel and traveling overseers, as well as other
sion of the preaching and teaching work world business coming before it.
wide and had a great love for the missionaries
During the service year Charles J. Fekel fin-
scattered throughout the countries of the world.
ished his earthly course, as did also Nathan H.
(Acts 1:8; Matt. 28:19) While he is missed by
Knorr. This resulted in there being three vacancies
all who recognized his love of theocratic service,
on the Governing Body, inasmuch as the place of
they rejoice in the words at Revelation 14:13: John O. Groh, who finished his course on Janu-
"Happy are the dead who die in union with the ary 23, 1975, had not been filled.
Lord from this time onward. Yes, says the spirit,
let them rest from their labors, for the things Accordingly, action was taken to fill these
they did go right with them." vacancies, and the following brothers were named
to serve on the Governing Body, to wit, Carey W.
On June 22, 1977, Brother Frederick W. Franz, Barber, John E . Barr and Martin Poetzinger.
vice-president, was elected to serve as president There are now eighteen members of the Govern-
of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of ing Body.
Pennsylvania. Jehovah's favor has been manifest on the
The various corporate religious societies (as- Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making work of
sociated with the principal one, Watch Tower his name-people during the past service year and
Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania) that all of us are determined to hold "firmly to the
have been formed by Jehovah's Witnesses through- faithful word."-Titus 1:9; Luke 11:28.
out the earth in compliance with the laws of Your brothers,
various governments cooperate with the Govern- GoVERNING BODY OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES
ing Body in carrying on the evangelizing work
commanded by Jesus.-Matt. 28:19, 20. """ . ...
Yearbook 2~
liver you,' is the utterance of Jehovah."-Jer.
UThey will not prevail against you) for 'I 1:4-8.
[Jehovah] am with you . . . to deliver you.' JJ After telling Jeremiah more about his com-
-Jer. 1:19. mission not only concerning the nations and the
Faith-this is a very desirable and enduring kingdo~s, but also about Jerusalem and the cities
quality. It is a grand help, indeed a vital n~cessity, of Judah, and how "they will be certain to fight
when one is suffering under severe hostile pres- against you," Jehovah repeated that fine assur-
sure. In one way or another, every true Christian ance: "But they will not prevail against you, for
is in that situation today. Jeremiah was in that 'I am with you ... to deliver you.''' (Jer. 1:9-19)
situation in his day, stretching over a period of Though at one time Jeremiah felt that he could
forty years. Have you endured that length of no longer speak in Jehovah's name because of
time in Jehovah's service? There are quite a the persistent adversity, he did not quit. As he
number of Jehovah's Witnesses who have, and said: "But Jehovah was with me lil~e a terrib~e
they are still maintaining their stand. mighty one . . . [those] persecutmg me WIll
stumble and not prevail." (Jer. 20:9-11) Can we
The pressure to discontinue Jehovah's service not say the same? When approaching his darkest
is not always as obvious as when a ban is publicly hour, what did Jesus say? "In the world you are
imposed on Christian activity. It may be by op- having tribulation, but take courage! I have con-
posing members of .one's house~old or 1?Y: ot~er quered the world." We can respond to s}lch en-
things working agamst our active participation couraging words if we constantly exercise love
in Jehovah's service. But we find help and en- and faith.-John 16:33; 1 John 4:18; 5:4.
couragement to bear up under such pressures by Jehovah is the "one who can, according to his
looking at Jeremiah. power which is operating in us, do more than
The importance of faith is seen in the opening superabundantly beyond all the things we ask or
words of Jeremiah's prophecy. On his part, Jeho- conceive." Like Jeremiah, we too might feel at
vah showed both love and faith toward Jeremiah times that "we are being put to death all day
by telling him: "Before you proceeded to come long." Yet, by maintaining strong faith and de-
forth from the womb I sanctified you. Prophet to votion, we can say like Paul that "in ~.ll tJ:;ese
the nations I made you." But Jeremiah was not things we are coming off completely VIctorIOUS
ready. He pleaded to be excused: "Alas, 0 Sover- through him that loved us," and we know that
eign Lord Jehovah! Here I actually do not know there is absolutely nothing that can "separate us
how to speak, for I am but a boy." We might be from God's love that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
inclined to sympathize with Jeremiah, feeling we -Eph. 3:20; Rom. 8:35-39.
would likely have said the same thing. Did Jeho- DAILY TEXTS AND COMMENTS
vah ignore or allow such a plea? No. His response There is a text for each day and a comment on
was straight to the point: «Do not say) 'I am but that text. The comments are taken from The. Watch-
a boy.' But to all those to whom I shall send you, tower (W) of the year 1977. Figures followmg the
you should go; and everything that I shall com- date of the Watchtower issue refer to paragraphs
in the first study article, where further comment on
mand you, you should speak. Do not be afraid the text may be found. When "a" follows the paragraph
because of their faces, for 'I am with you to de- number comment is found in the second study article;
when "b" is shown, it refers to the third study article.
Sunday, January 1 There is still something to W ednesday, Jan u ary 4 and came to your aid , bri nging
1 began to hear the voice ot follow that "great tribulation." Remove t he wi ck ed man from you out of your distress. It is
Jehovah saying : "Whom sh all This will be the seizing and among your selves. even as t he Bible proverb ex-
I send, and who will go for binding of Satan and hi s de- -1 Cor . 5 :13. presses it . Sadly, such exam -
us ?" And I proceeded to say : mons with a "great chain," ples are rare today. And, on
and the hurling of them into Kno wing what God's r igh- the other h and, there ar e
"Here I am! Send me." t eous standards call for, t he
-Isa. 6:8. an abyss. (Rev. 20:1-3) Do we many pers ons who fa il to ap -
believe what J eh ovah has said judicial commi ttee is obligat- preciate it when they are the
In the spirit of these words by the mouth of his prophet s ed to get all the facts before object of such devoted kind-
of Isaiah, in rec ent years mul- concerning this "great tribu- ren dering a decision. If t he nes s. Many husbands with loy-
titudes of honest-hearted per- lation" that all mankind is wrongdoer, or the one ac- ally devoted wives take these
sons have offered themselves facing? If so, we will face this cused, does not openly mak e for 'granted, seldom expressing
for service to the Sovereign inescapable tribulation with confession of a serious offense, gratitude for their loving in-
Lord Jehovah. And with what strong assurance and wit h the then witnesses must be hear d terest, and this is true of many
result? The joyous good news complete confidence that t he to est ablish whether a mat ter wives in their attitude toward
that Jehovah God has estab- inspired psalmist expressed. is true or not. Even though devoted husbands. But wh at
lished his heavenly kingdom Of course, it is one thing to t he wrongdoer is guilty of a a joy it is when such devoted
1.'1 the hands of his Son Jesus say we do ; it is quite another serious offense, elders re alize kindness is shown and is re -
Christ has been proclaimed matter to prove it by our ac - t hat their aim is, wherever ceived with grateful thanks!
"to the extremities of the in- t ions. W 1/15 16, 18, 19 possible, to help one who has W 2/15 1, 2
habited earth." Those who fallen into a wrong course. If
have made great sacrifices in Tuesday, January 3 h e 'listens to them,' showin g Friday, January 6
order to share fully in this t rue repentance, it may result
grand work have been greatly Although a sinner may be do- in h is being 'gained' as a "Return, 0 you re negade
blessed. Along the way there ing bad a hundred times . • • brother and thus spar ed from sons," is the utterance of Je -
have been bitter trials and yet I am also aware that it bein g disfellowshiped. (Matt . h ovah. "For I myselj have
persecutions, and many of us will turn out well with those 18 :15-17) Ot herwtse, they becom e the husbandly owner
h ave grown old in Jehovah's f ear in g the true God • . . B ut cannot continue to deal with of you people."-Jer. 3:14.
service. Like faithful Isaiah, it will not turn out well at h im in mercy , for this would In his relationship with Is-
we have had to endure in all with the wicked one. show a disregard for God's rael, Jehovah was ever loyal ,
witnessing, time and again, -Eccl. 8:12,13. stan dard of righteousness and never turning his affections
to .people whose hearts are Are we not glad when peo- holiness. Su ch an unrepentant to other nations nor entering
unreceptive, whose ears are ple deal patiently with us, not wrongdoer, if permitted to re - into relations with them. Onl y
un responsive and whose eyes treating us harshly? We ap- main among God's people, after centuries of effort at
have been pasted together so preciate it when they take would be a bad Influence on preserving the union did God
that they are unable to rec- into consideration our prob - t he spirit of the congregation. finally divorce himself fro m
ognize the glorious message of lems and circumstances, kind- In such cases disfellowshipin g the nation that h ad become
God's kingdom now in opera- ly assisting us to the extent clears away reproach and like an ad ulterous wife. (Jer.
tion. Are you persevering in of th eir ability. Life today is maintains the purity of the 3:8) So, no one can say that
this grand work? W 1/1 1, 2 a ccompa nied by enough prob- congregation. W 3/ 1 12, 13 God asks us to do what he
lems witho ut one's being sub- h imself is not willing to do
Monday, J anuar y 2 jected t o need le ss p ressure Th u rsday, January 5 when he exhorts us to make
G od is jor us a refuge and from imp atient persons. More - A true companion is loving all
every effort to keep marriage
strength . . . That is wh y we over, if we were to become the time, and is a brother that
in honor and to work to pre-
sha ll not fear, though t h e impatient ourselves , this would is born f or when there is serve the marital unio n. Sure-
earth undergo change and not make our life more enjoy- dis tress.-Prov. 17:17.
ly anyone who seeks a pretext
though the mountains able. Rather, we would be irri- for divorce for selfish reasons
totter into the heart tating others and making it How good it is to have could never be plea sing to
ot the vast sea. more difficult for them to deal someone who will stick loyally Him. Our respect, admiration
-Ps. 46 :1, 2. kindly with us. Our imp a- by you in t imes of difficulty ! and love for God, combined
tience could even hurt persons Doubtless you have known oc- with our desire for his favor
The humiliation and de- to whom we look for help and casions when, perhaps due to and approval, should move us
struction of the world empire encouragement. But how can your own errors or weaknesses, to shun whatever might bring
of false religion is only Part we remain patient when we you have gotten into circum- our marriage or that of any-
I of the "great tribulation." see injustice and oppression, stances that left you depressed one else into disrepute. There-
As Part II, the kings of the and when godless people seem or that brought you suffering. by we will never cast a bad
earth and their armies togeth- How much you appreciated it reflection on God 's use of
er with the wild beast will to prosper? It calls for faith.
be dealt with next, and they Yes, we must be convinced when someone, out of unselfish marriage to illustrate his own
will not escape destruction but that Jehovah God will set all devotion to you, kindly ex- dealings and the outworking
wUl suffer the second death. things straight. W 2/1 I, 2 cused your fault in the matter of his purposes. W 3/15 13, 14
Saturday, January '7 thority should be treated as of Tuesday, J anuary 10 impending fulfill ment of Eze-
o God, let there be no silence the highest importance by kiel's prophecy about the ce-
those to whom it applies. Al- Even w hen a pers on has an
on your part . . • For, look!
ready more than nineteen abundanc e his life does not dar of Lebanon, what is it
your very enemies are in an
centuries have passed sin ce r esult from t h e t hings h e incumbent up on us to do?
up roar; . . . may they be-
Jes us gave that command. possesses.-Luke 12 :15. Wh at is it in our interest to
come abashed and per ish;
Might the passing of so many do? Wh at should we do in
that people may know that I n view of what the future this ominous time? This: Get
you, whose name is Jehovah , years mean that this com- holds in God's new order, how out from under the symbolic
you alone are the Mo st H igh mand no longer applies? Not shall we regard things that tree. We do not want to suffer
over all the ear t h. in the least. After stating it, the world t oday looks t o for eternally from its crash. So
-Ps. 83:1, 2, 17,18. Jesus added the assurance: security, such as one's home , we need to abandon the "pres-
"Look ! I am with you all the bank a ccount, job or material ent wicked system of things."
Time and again we find days until the conclusion of comforts? Since Jehovah cre-
God's Word telling that Je- the antitypica l Pharaoh the
the system of things." (Matt. ated humans to enjoy material king of Egypt and his crowd.
hovah will call a halt to wick- 28:20) Since the end of this blessings , would it be wrong
edness, in order that men will We need to put ourselves on
system has not yet come, the to have these things now ? t he side of J ehovah's organi-
know that he is the Sovereign command to make disciples No, it could not be said that
Lord of the universe. Some zation. We should cease walk-
continues in force . W 5/1 1, such things are wrong in ing according to this world's
sixty times in Ezekiel's pro ph- 2a themselves. Jehovah created
ecy alone Jehovah tells that ways. W 5/15 33, 35a
Monday, J anuary 9 us with the mental, emotional
he will act so that 'men will and physical capacity to enjoy
know that he is the true God, Thursday, January 12
1 saw, and, look! a great good things. And he promises
Jehovah.' (Ezek. 6 :7-39 :28) crowd, which no man was the best of material blessings. Lord, are you restoring the
The Hebrew psalmist prayed able to number, . • . standing But at this point in human k i ngdom to Israel at this time?
that God would act so that before the throne and before history, the question is not -Acts 1 :6.
people would know that He the Lamb.-Rev. 7:9. whether we were made to en - The true followers of Christ
alone is the Most High over Noah proved that he had joy material blessings. What Jesus h ave always served in
all the earth. Yes, not only complete reliance on Jeho- is at stake today is our very expectation of the end . At
because Jehovah has compas- vah's warning by the way he lives. Why? Because soon God Luke 19:11 we read that Jesus'
sion for suffering mankind, lived day by day. He worked will execute his adverse judg- disciples "were imagining that
but primarily because his sov- hard at his God-given assign- ment against this wicked sys- the kingdom of God was going
ereignty and name are in- ment of constructing the ark, tem of things. Yet there will to display itself instantly."
volved, he will bring about the and in preaching to others. He be a "great crowd" that will Later, when Jesus appeared
global catastrophe that will demonstrated absolute trust survive . They will survive be- to his apostles after his res-
put an end to all wickedness and confidence in the ability cause of having God's approv- urr ection, they asked him the
and suffering on earth. It is of Jehovah to protect and de- al and protection, not because above question. And to expec-
our privilege to make this im- liver him during that greatest of any material advantage tant Christians at a still later
portant truth known to oth- time of trouble ever experi- they may have.-Rev. 7: 9, 14. tim e, Paul wrote that they
ers. Are you doing your part? W 4/ 1 4, 5 were to be made "firm in
W 4/15 16 enced until then . There was
also Lot. Warned ahead of every good deed and word."
Sunday, January 8 t ime to leave Bodom, and at Wednesday, January 11 (2 Thess. 2 :1, 2, 17) Though
the urging of ange lic forces, Y ou at one time wal ked t hey lived in hope of that "day
M ake disciples of people of all accor di ng to the system of of Jehovah," none of those
the na tions, baptizing them. four of that household left
the city , but only three of things of this world. first -century Christians sur-
-Matt. 28:19. -Eph.2:2. vived to see its arrival. Did
them lived to tell about it .
The command to make dis- Why only three instead of Jehovah's time is close at this affect their zeal and
ciples was given by the resur- four? Because, contrary to in- hand for the "strangers, the fai th? Not at all! No matter
rected Son of God who could structions, when in flight out tyrants of the nations." to when the wicked system might
say regarding himself : "All of Sodom Lot's wife looked use the ax upon the present end, the "good news of the
authority has been given me back, evidently for some self- wicked system of things. Its kingd om" remained just as
in heaven and on the earth." ish reason. In those instances downfall is getting ever clos- glori ous, the service of the
(Matt. 28:18) The authority only a few persons survived . er. (Ezek. 31:11, 12) Despite Kingdom just as joyful, and
of Jesus Christ is not lim- But Jehovah can just as easily all its prettiness in the eyes their blessed r elati onsh ip to
ited to the living. He is the deliver a great crowd of per- of the world, it is not the Jehovah and his Christ just
Judge also of the dead and, sons even as he did in the planting of Jehovah and is as precious. Though they did
by reason of his resurrection not part of his organization. not live to see the "end,"
power, can summon before case of the nation of Israel yet they got to preach the
him all those in gravedom. at the Red Sea. He will do It is the visible part of Satan
the Devil's organization. In good news "in all creation
Surely the command of one the same in the near future. the light of these revealed that is under heaven."-eol.
vested with such awesome au- W 1/15 21-23 facts and in the face of the 1:23. W 1/1 5, 6
Friday, January 13 ty , faithfulness and h is loving- Monday, Janu ary 16 day drawing n ear." (Heb. 10 :
kindness . Each of us should 1 tel l ever yone there among 24, 25) The balanc ed Chr is -
Jehovah saw that the badn ess t ian appr eciates the truthful-
of man wa s abundan t i n the examine h is own "public dec- you not t o t h i n k mo re of
earth . . . An d Jehovah . . . laration" to see ho w he might himself than i t is n ecessary n ess of J esus ' words above.
give more emphasis to these t o think; but to t h ink so as So whi le he consc ient iously
felt hurt at his heart. does what h e can t o fin d em-
-Gen. 6:5, 6. posit ive aspects. For example, to have a sound mind, each
as you conduct a regular Bible one as God has distr ibuted ployment t o supply hi s n eeds,
Human justice may be lax, study with your fa mily or oth- he does not let it interfere
and criminals may be able t o him a m easure of faith.
ers, could you somehow high- -Rom. 12:3. with his meeting t ogether
to escape punishment through light God's lovin g- kindness? with other Christ ians for the
some legal loophole. Lawles s You might ask t he student Occa sionally, there may be study of God's Word . Nor does
persons ma y think that they wh at the point being discussed someone in t he body of elders he let suc h conce rn affe ct his
are getting away with some- help s h im to und erstand about who wants to project himself service performed on behalf
thing. But their badness brings J ehovah. Doin g so will bring a bove others. If a competi- of others in the community
no lasting reward. Their life the student closer to Jehovah, tive sp irit develop s or exists, who do not yet kn ow J eho vah
passes quickly, "like a sh ad- making God more real and it Indicates a lack of hu- and His purposes. He keeps
ow," and all their shrewd- personal for him, st imulating mility. One elder may feel in first place the more im por -
ness and scheming will be of him to learn more about this strongly about persona l ideas tan t things related to God and
no benefit in lengthening it. wonde rf ul God and to praise t hat lac k merit ac cording to his wlll.-Phil. 1 :10. W 4/1
(Eccl. 8:12, 13) On the other him. W 2/15 6, 7a the judgment of the body 16a
hand, fearers of Jehovah are of elders. If he seeks support
not really put at a disadvan- for such ideas by stirring up Wednesday, Jan u a.ry 18
Sunday, January 15
tage. They preserve a clean sympat h y among others, the If her husband shou ld fall
conscience, find satisfaction in Fight the fine fight of the congregat ion 's unity is likely asleep in death, she is free
doing what they know to be faith, get a firm hold on the t o be sacrificed. In order to to be married to whom she
right and, even if they should everlasting tue-:-z
Tim. 6:12. avoid any such tendencies wants, only i n the Lord.
die , have the hope of being Exercising the faith that each elder should constantly -1 Cor. 7 :39.
raised to life. Yes, 'it does in- means survival is not a case of examine himself, being care- What of a Christi an who
deed turn out well with those following the lines of least re- ful to heed the words of really desires marriage? While
fearing the true God,' Further, sistance. It is not easy , but al- Paul above. To preside in a he may not have the gift of
we do well to keep in mind so It Is not too difficult. Faith fin e way all elders want to singleness, this does not mean
that the lawlessness that is manifests itself by works , for work h ard , but they should that he has to rush in to mar-
disturbing to us is also dis- without works it is like a take care to do so wit h a riage. Especially when a per-
tressing to Jehovah God. We corpse, a lifeless body. Faith ri ght moti ve, an earnest de- son is still in his t wenties,
know this because of what without works is vain; it will sire to h elp t he :flock in all mu ch r emains to be learned
God's Word says about the not mean survival. To survive humility. And , of cour se, t hi s about life an d th ere is expe ri-
way he felt toward the violent we must fight, even as the counse l of Paul all Chris tians ence to be gained in the field
world of Noah's time. W 2/1 apostle Paul reminded his should a pply In t heir rela- of human relations t hrough
3, 4 friend Timothy. By fighting ti ons wit h oth ers. W 3/1 lOa ass ociatio n with sin gle people,
the fine fight of faith we Tuesday, January 17 married coupl es and chi ldren
Saturday, January 14 will not be "tossed about as of all ages. A n umber of years
by waves." Rather, with the Man m ust live, not on br ead spent in living as a single
Let us always off er to God a "large shi eld of faith" we al one, but on evel'y utterance adult may give one the ex-
sacrifice of praise, that is , the will "be able to quench all comi n g forth t hro ugh perien ce an d in sight needed
fruit of lips which make public the wicked one's burning mis- Jehov ah's mouth. t o use good disc ernment in
declaration to his name. siles," (Eph. 4:14; 6:16) Faith - Ma tt. 4:4.
-Heb. 13:15. choosing a lifelong mate an d
also serves as a breastplate Today t her e is much anx - to care well for marriage r e-
When offering a "sacrifice to protect our heart from be- iet y becau se worldwide eco- sp on sibiliti es . A Ch r is tian
of praise" we can stress what Ing infected by all the gross n omic difficulties h ave cau sed should never forget that t he
Jehovah IS. We can show that selfishness that Is In the world many to lose jobs and in- Most High is in ter ested in
'he alone is the Most High,' today. With such protection comes. God's servant in this the marriages of his faithful
(Ps . 83: 18) We can explain we will be able to consider circumstance also h as cause ser vants. He kn ows full well
that truly knowing him and It all joy when meeting up for concern. But he keeps his how spiritually disastr ous a
his Son can bring eternal life. with various trials. Having balance. He remembers that poor marriage can be and,
(John 17:3) And we can focus such faith, Jeremiah was able God's Word tells him not . to therefore, commanded t h e I s-
be "forsaking the gather ing raelites not to enter into mar -
on some of his superb quali- to bear witness fearlessly to of ourselves together, as some riage covenants with worship -
t ies that can draw persons a rebellious people for more have the custom, but encour- ers of other gods. T he apostle
to him-his unsurpassed wis- t h an forty years. W 4/15 16, aging one another, and all the Paul makes t he same point.
dom, understanding, generosl- 17a more so as you behold the W 5/1 9, 10
Thursday, January 19 confident of our position and Sunday, Januar y 22 the performing of a Kingdom
Without jail he will act of what we are facing in this Exerc ise pati enc e • . . bro thers, role on earth. (Matt. 24:45-47)
against it. Ac cord ing to its time of the end. But still the until the presence oj t he Lo r d. Jehovah h ad ri chly rewarded
apostle Paul's Inspired warn-
w icked ness I will dr iv e it out. Look! The jar mer keeps wa it- his anointed Witnesses as they
-E2ek . 31:11. ing applies : "Let him that ing j or the pr eci ous jruit oj continued faithfully t o pro-
thinks he is standi ng beware the ear t h . . . Y ou too exercise claim t he Ki ngdom during
Hardheaded politicians of tha t he does not fall." (1 Cor . those years. And later their
t oday m a y l au gh at the 10:12) If we heed this coun- pati en ce; ma ke your hearts
firm .-Jas. 5 :7, 8. joy overflowed when the great
t h oug h t that J ehovah will sel' there ar e a number of crowd, with hopes of livin g
bring heavenly forces against things that we can do now Should we not wan t t o help forever on this earth, began to
the modern-day cedar of Leb- to strengthen our state of con- as many as possible to learn join them. The "slave" class
anon. But he did so in the fidence. First of all, we should of God's way of salvation? an d all co-wor kers must keep
days of King Sennacherib. remember what the pro ver b And when it comes to the on the wat ch as they h old
(2 Ki. 19:35, 36) In fact, Je- says, that one's confidence in shortcoming s of others, should fast the joy of Kingdom ser-
sus in his prophecy on the J ehovah must be based on we not be willing to put up vice, appreciating that any
conclusion of this system of knowledge of him and of his with these patiently? If we who become sluggish are in
things assure d us of that fact . pa st dealings with mankind , sincerely appreciate that God's dan ger of losing everything.
(Matt . 24:29-31) As a me- as well as kno wledge of his patience has meant salvation W 1/1 11, 12
mento of h is victory at Har- . present and future purposes. for us, we will be stirred at
Magedon in the war of the W 1/15 2-4a heart to do so. Our continuing Tuesday, J anuar y 24
grea t day of God the Al- to exercise patience, In imita-
migh ty, there will lie on the Saturday, J anuary 21 tion of the faithful prophets, How precious your lo v ing-
ground the fallen trunk of the can lead to our seeing fine kin dness is , 0 God! And in
symbolic cedar of Lebanon, in Until the cities actually crash fruitage. This is evident from the sha dow oj your win gs the
the moder n-day counterparts habruins , to be wit hout an in-
itant, and the houses be
what James wrot e. The farmer sons ot men themselves take
of Pharaoh and his crowd. wi t hout can do nothing to hasten the r ejuge.-Ps. 36:7.
The se will be like those who the ground ear thling man, and rain or the growing of h is Jehovah's loving-kindness is
go down In death to the land int o a desolation; itselj is r u in ed crops. He can industriously do not a casual thing. Rather,
down below, yes, Into the pit vah actually r emovesand Jeho- his job in prep aring the soil, there is solidarity and loyalty
of bur ial. The question is, Do men jar away.-Isa. earthling 6:11, 12. sowing the seed and caring inherent In it . This quality
we, who live in the midst for the cultivated field. But he Is precious to Jehovah, some-
of this system of things, want Like Is aiah, at times we may has no control over the rains, thing that he delights to
to go down there with them? have asked the question, 'How nor can he change the Cre- display, particularly toward
Certainly if we do not want long, 0 Jehovah, will these ator's flxed laws relative to the faithful individuals. It should
this to happen, we shall have people continue to show such growth of h is crops. His wait- also be precious to those who
to get out from any place obstinacy?' Jehovah answers ing is referred to as exer cising receive of it even as David
of shelter and refuge under as above. Patiently and with pati en ce. So it is with us to- wrote. A fundamental law of
that doomed "tree'" Let not zeal we must keep on giving day. W 2/1 16-19 the physical un iverse is that
its fa ll mean our destruction. the Kingdom witness to the for every a ction there is an
W 5/ 15 14-16a full extent purposed by J eho- Mo nday, January 23 equal an d opposite reaction.
vah God. And as we hold fast Ke ep on the w at ch, j or you However, this Is not auto -
FrIday, January 20 to the full assurance of our do not know when the master matically the case in spiritual
F or your confidence to come
hope we can kn ow for a cer- ot the house is comi ng , . . . in ma tters. Each of us can ask:
to be in Jehovah h imselj I
tainty that God Is not unrigh- or der that when he arrives What is my re action to God's
have given you knowledge
teous so as to forget our work suddenly, he does not fin d you displays of loving-k indness?
today.-Prov. 22:19.
and the love we showed for sleeping.-Mark 13:35, 36. Many might find that questi on
h is name. (Heb. 6:10-12) How difficult to answer , for the ex-
Today there are more than grand our privile ge of serv- The joy of God's people was pression "lovin g- kin dness"
t wo million persons around Ing out of sheer love for our great when Jehovah's energiz- may seem r ather abstract.
the world who ar e facing the God Jehovah! The marvelous in g spirit was poured out upon Have you, though , ever re-
fut ure with great optimism. Kin gdom purposes of Jeho- them as they assemb led at the flected on concrete examples
They are very confident that vah will be carried out to 1919 Cedar Point convention.
this pre sent wicked system of their completion on time. (Isa. A further high point of h appi- of how you have been affected
things will shortly be replaced 55:11; Heb. 10:37) For our ne ss was reached at the Cedar by Jehovah's loving-k indness?
by a new and rIghteous order part we must continue to Point assembly in 1922, when Doing this may greatly in-
-God's kin gdom for which praise his beauteous name the call went forth: "Adver- crease your appreciation for
Jesus taught us to pray. with thankfulness, as we ea- tise, advertise, advertise, the this loving-kindness, drawing
(Matt. 6:9, 10) At the mo- gerly anticipate the early ful- King and his kingdom." Truly, you closer to him. Such exam-
ment we may be one of these fillment of his precious King- the Master had entrusted to ples abound in visible creation
persons, and we may feel qUite dom promises. W 1/1 2-4 this slave all his belongings, and in h is Word . W 2/15 5, 6
VVednesday, January 25 "what God has yoked togeth- Saturday, January 28 demonstrated t o those of the
Humble yoursel ves, therefore, er let no man put apart." Jeh ovah kept warning I srael sons of men wh o have re-
under the mighty hand of (Matt . 19:3-9) He stated that and Judah by me ans of all his spon ded to hi s merciful provi-
God, that he may exalt you the only ground for divorce prophets • • • saying: "Turn sion and wh o gratefully serve
in due time.-1 Pet. 5:6. allowable by God was that of back from y our bad way s and him. P aul wrot e that Gent ile
por·nei'a , sexua l misconduct keep m y com ma ndm ents ," .•• Christians In ancient Ephesus
He re the apostle Peter of a gross kind with another h ad once been 'wit hout Christ
touches on something that we and t hey di d not l ist en .
person or even with an an i- -2 K i. 17:13, 14. and h ad no hope and were
all need to work on, humil- mal. God, therefore, takes wit hout God in the world.'
ity. It helps elders especially very seriously the attitude Yet despite such unrespon- (Eph. 2:12) Because it was
In their communication and shown by his creatures to- siveness, prophets such as God 's will that both Jews and
dealings with one another. ward this divine ma rital ar- Is aiah, Jeremiah and Micah Gentiles have the opportunity
Each elder should determine rangement. It should proper- faithfully served for decades. to accept Christ, the message
whether he presents truly vi- ly be a permanent, lifelong They were concerned about of reconciliation went to those
tal Information when matters union, dissolved only by the the welfare of their country- Gentiles. That was an out -
come up for attention. Men death of one of the mates. At men, appreciating that acting standing reason for them t o
who consult with one another Malachi 2:14-16 God warned In harmony with the prophet- thank Jehovah God for h is
are respected by their fellows the Israelites against viewing ic warnings meant life. The mercy. Is it any less so wit h
and the whole congregation. marriage lightly by resort- people's general failure to lis- you? W 2/15 8-10
Frequent communication and ing to unrigh teous divorces. ten was not the only obstacle
" confiden ti al talk" regarding W 3/15 3, 4
with which the prophets had lUonday, January SO
the Interests of the flock bring t o contend patiently. Many
practical results. Otherwise, were reviled, physically abused The days will come upon y ou
what might be initially Friday, January 27 an d even killed. In the t ime when your enemies w ill . • •
planned may not work out so Where your treasure is, there of Israelite Kin g Ahab, for distress you trom. every side,
well if elders do not keep In your heart will be also. example, all prophets of Jeho- • • • and they will not leave
touch to see how matters are -Matt. 6:21 . vah that his Baal-worsh iping a stone upon a st one i n you.
progressing toward accomplish- When Jesus warned, "stop queen Jezebel could seize were -Luke 19:43, 44.
ment. This is emphasized at storing up for yourselves trea- put to death. One hundred Did first-century Christians
Proverbs 15:22: "There is a sures upon the earth," he others, helped by God-fearing put their trust and confidence
frustrating of plans where fully appreciated how tempo- Obadiah, escaped by hid ing In In J erusalem's worldly-wise
there is no confidential talk, rary and insecure any trea- caves. During the same time, men and their predictions?
but In the multitude of coun- sures would be In this present Jehovah, because of what he No, not at all. J ehovah h ad
selors there Is accomplish- system of things. (Matt. 6:19) had in mind for Elijah, pro- revealed ahead of time to his
ment." Humility paves the way Nor was this advice for the tected him from falling into Great Prophet, Jesus Christ,
for closer ties among elders rich only; poor people ca~ .be Ahab's hands. Truly we do something that He had det er-
and smoother relationships just as Intent upon gaming well to heed J ames' admoni- mined would shortly occur
with all In the congregation, and storing material wealth. ti on to consider the patience of within that gener ation. Yes,
all to Jehovah's glory. W 3/1 People expose their true mo- these.-Jas. 5:10. W 2/ 1 8-10 "there will be grea t tribula -
8a tives by what they make their ti on such as has not occurred
objective In life, regardless of Sunday, January 29 since the world's beginning."
Thursday, J anunry 26 (Matt. 24:21) In the face of
their financial standing. If a As subst itutes for Christ we
Let marriage be honorable per son constantly reaches out beg : " Become r econcil ed to such a coming tribulation ,
among all. and the marriage to collect more and more ma- God."-2 Cor . 5:20. did Christians living In and
bed be w ithout defilement, for terial things, such as a bigger around Jerusalem have any
God will judge fornicators How often do we express reason to fa ce that fore told
and better home, more money gratitu de to God for our man y
and adult er er s.- Heb. 13 :4. in the bank, a better job, re- disaster with confidence? They
In view of its diVine origin
mate ria l blessings? (Prov. 20: cer tainly did. For God's true
gardless of the consequences , 12) There are , nonetheless,
and God's obvious blessing on then he betrays himself as far more powerful reasons for prophet also told them how
the arrangement, it is easy really wanting the things of than king and pr aising J eho- they would know when it was
to see why Paul gave this ex- the world . He proves by his vah. These are found in his about to occur and what a c-
hortation. There Is a very works that his mind Is pri- wonderful works that make it tion they should take to en -
powerful reason for keeping marily on the present system's possible for us to enter Into sure their safety. He said :
the marriage bed without de- benefits. But how shortsighted an appr oved relationship with "When you see Jerusalem sur-
filement, even as noted at this Is In view of the words rounded by encamped armies,
Genesis 2:24. Jesus showed of the apostle John that every- him. Thereby not only can we then • . . let those In Judea
that those words were spoken , thing In this world originates be objects of his general kind- begin fleeing." (Luke 21 :20,
not by Adam, but by Jehovah with the world and will soon ness to all mankind but we 21) True Christians today
God. Jesus went on to say pass awaY.- l John 2:15-17. can become the objects of his have like reason for confi-
that, In view of this union, W 4/1 11 loyal love, his loving-kindness dence. W 1/15 6, 7
Tuesday, J anuary 81 the pursuits common to this F riday, Februal'y 8 gossip. Or pressure may h ave
As a fine soldier of Christ system of things. Just as a I say to you, no t, Up to seven been applied to force you to
Jesus take your part in suffer- runner strips himself of un- times, but, Up to seventy-seven compromise on your worship .
ing evil. No man serving as a necessary weight to run his t imes.-Matt. 18:22. That abuse or opposition was
soldier involves himself in the race, so we need to do in not pleasant, was It ? Yet in
running for the prize of eter- J ehovah's example of for- ti me it may have stopped.
commercial busin esses of life, nal life. Paul likens the Chris- giveness can help us greatly
in order that he may gain The opposers may have grown
ti an to a soldier who does In being pa tient with fellow weary or come to respect your
the approval of the one who not divert his attention by humans. The apostle Peter sticking to Bible principles.
enrolled him as a soldi er . engag ing In other pursuits. had raised the questi on : "How
- 2 T im. 2:3, 4. But the point is that you
From this, h owever, we should many times Is my brother to upheld the Issue of J ehovah
Paying too much attention not conclude that, since we sin against me and am I God's sovereignty by doing
t o material things can get us are so close to this system 's to forgive him? Up to seven what was right In Jehovah's
sidetracked from the most end, God requires us to aban- t imes?" Je sus replied as above. eyes, and he aided you to
important thlng-dolng Jeho- don homes, jobs and money. Then he related the illustra- remain firm until relief came.
vah's will and gaining his ap- Rather, the point Is that while ti on of two slaves. One of Is that not a manifestation of
proval. As noted by the apos- It Is necessary to make a liv- these owed the king 60,000,000 his loving-kindness for which
tle Paul at Hebrews 12:1, lack Ing, that should not become denarll. When the time came to thank and praise hlm?-Ps.
of faith can easily overcome the center of one's life. W 4/1 for settling a ccoun ts, this slave 23:6. W 2/15 18
us if we ar e too Involved in 3-5a pleaded: "Be patient with me
an d I will pay back everything Sunday, February 5
• •• to you." Moved with pity , t he
king canc eled his debt. But Let your manner of life be
Wednesday, F ebruar y 1 Thursday, February 2 this slave then approached a free of the love of money,
For the Scripture says: " Non e They gathered them together fellow slave, demanding that whi le you are content with
that rests his faith on him to the place that is called he repay a 100-denarlus debt . the present things.-Heb. 13:5 .
will be disappo inted." i n He brew Har-Magedon. Ignoring that one's plea for While money Is needed and
- R om. 10:11. -Rev. 16:16. patience he had that fellow is useful now, it is folly to
Have God's people lost out For years we have been slave Impri soned. Hearing this, stake one's trust in It. For
on anything In that the great most active In telling others the king changed his mind no matter what actions au -
day of J ehovah h as not yet what the Bible says about in- and had the Impatient, merci- thorities may take to patch
burst forth upon the wicked escapable coming events. From less slave committed to jail. up today's economic systems,
of the earth ? No, for alon g the "housetops," so to speak, Applying the illustration, Je- soon they will all totally col-
with the anointed remnant we have procl aimed to all the sus said: "In like manner my lapse, and this time forever.
of Jehovah's Witnesses , some world what Jehovah has re- heaven ly Father will also deal The day Is fast approaching
t wo million persons no w vealed concerning the coming with you If you do not forgive when, as has happ ened be-
st and In the place of spiritual great tribulation. This will not ea ch one his brother fro m fore, "into the streets they
secur ity. (Ps. 91:9, 10) Even be an all-out nucle ar war your hearts."- Matt. 18:21-35. will throw their very Silver,
t hough some may yet die from among na tions. Well, does this W 2/1 9a and an abhorre nt thing their
persecutions, old age or other fa ct reduce th e danger ? This own gold will become. Neither
causes, their resurrec tion Is depends entirely on which Saturday, February 4 their silver nor their gold will
ass ured. (1 Thess. 4:13, 14) side we st and on, the winning I w i ll declare your n ame to be able to deliver them In the
Tho se who keep zealous In side or the losing side. The my bro thers; in t he middl e of day of Jehovah's fury." (Ezek.
their service to God wlII not world of mankind have every t he congr egation I sh al l praise 7:19) In view of this, God's
be disappointed. Continuou sly reason to fear the war of you. You fe arer s of Jeh ovah, Word wisely counsels as above.
from 1879, when It was first Har-Magedon. This Is because praise him/ . . • glorify him! Because of not heeding such
published, the Watchtower they have willingly or unwill- -Ps. 22:22, 23. counsel , an d, in stead, develop-
magazine has encoura ged such ingly aligned themselves with As a dedicat ed Christian ing a love for mone y, "some
wholehearted Kin gdom ser- the kin gs of the Inhabited you may have had experienc - h ave been led astray from the
vice. Thus in the Issue of earth and are therefore be- es that truly are reasons to fai th and have stabbed them-
January 1, 1914, page 3, It Ing gathered along with such thank Jehovah for his lovlng- selves all over with many
was stated: "Let us remember kings to the "war of the great kindness. Ha ve you, for exam- pains." (1 Tim. 6:10) So, not
t hat the moments and the day of God the Almighty." ple, been the object of ridicule only does the love of mone y
hours are Important . . . we But not so Jehovah's people! because of upholding Chris- divert one from the Interests
can always find some time We have taken our stand sol- ti an principles? Maybe it was of Jehovah God's kingdom,
for the service of the truth." Idly, uncompromisingly on the for refraining from dishonest but it leads to many pains
Yes, Jehovah's faithful ser- winning side, God's side. We
vants have always regarded are therefore able to face the practices on your job, refusing because of all that a person
the service of our king as foretold great tribulation with to cheat at school or declin- must go through to get It and
important. W 1/1 7, 8 confidence. W 1/15 10-13 Ing to share in neighborhood to keep it. W 4/1 1430
Mo nday, February 6 self available for hard manual Thursday, February 9 related to the verb meaning
This I am saying tor your labor in behalf of your spiri- As t hese things start to occur , "to seek"; it thus indicates
personal adv antage, • . . to tual brothers, as well as for raise yourselves erect and litt that to find t he truth, or the
m ove you to that which i s be- those wh o mi ght become your heads up , because your best manner of doing some-
comin g and that which means such ? Of course, spirit ual qual- deliverance is getting near . thing, diligent effort is re-
consta nt attendance upon the ificat ions als o are involved. -Luke 21:28. quired in searching out a
L ord w ithout di stracti on. Timothy, for example, ha d matter-questioning, discuss-
pro ved him self t o be a young We t oday have even greater ing things and thus arrtving'
-1 Cor. 7:3 5. man of fine re putation. By re ason to be patient than did at a right conclu sion. And the
The apostle Paul was one his words an d acti ons he must the ancient faithful prophets. context shows that this was
who derived real satisfaction have gained t he respect and Why? Becaus e we have so done, for after Peter, Paul
fr om his sacred service as a confidence of fellow believers. much more than they had. "and Barnabas spoke then
single man. He was able to Though young , he was well They were looking forward in James summed up matters,
labor in excess of all the other grounded in t he Scriptures, faith to the Messiah's coming also drawing on the words
apostles, traveling thousands having been t aught these fro m but kne w that they would not of the prophets. From that
of miles on sea and land and infancy by his mother and live to see that grand event. strong position he made a
establi shing many congrega- gr a ndm ot h er . Young me n (Matt. 13:17) Many of the proposal, which was accepted
tions in Europe and in Asia with Timothy's qualifications thi ngs they had awaited in unanimously. A controversial
Minor . With a wife and chil- certainly can be used at faith were fulfilled centuries matter had been resolved in
dren, he could never have un - Bethel. W 6/1 5-7a ago. Moreover , many Ilvlng to- all humility. W 3/1 12-15a
dertaken such an extensive day have personally witne ssed
evangeli zing work that repeat- Wednesday, February 8 the ful fillment of yet other Saturday, February 11
edly brought him into danger- prophecies. By giving his life
ous situ ations. (2 Cor. 11:23) By this all will know that in sacrifice, Christ furnished Happy are those conscious of
Through his unselfish, whole- you are my disciples, it you a guarantee that all of God's their spiritual need . . . Happy
souled service, Paul experi- have love among yourselves. promises wlll be fulfilled. Daily are those hungering and
enced the superlative happi- -John 13:35. we see evidence that we are thirsting tor righteousness.
ness that comes from giving. Elders of the first-century living in the time of the end. -Matt. 5:3, 6.
This also endeared him to congregations had to be vig- Hence Jesus' encouragement Even as knowledge of the
his fellow believers . (Acts 20: ilant spiritually if the 'spirit applies to us. Yes, soon, as truth is essential to acquiring
24-27, 31-38) Clearly, when was to be saved.' Admitted- "King of kings and Lord of faith, so is a ri ght heart con-
Paul recommended singleness, ly. problems arose at times. lords," he will take action dition essential to acquiring
he was not encouraging a life Nevertheless. nothing abounds against the un godly, bringing such knowled ge. One needs to
of self-interest, ease or self- with greater warmth, love and welcome relief from all suffer- be honest, meek and hungry
indulgence. No, he was rec- mutual concern than the spir- ing and oppression. Should we for the truth. The religious
ommending a course of life it of early Christian congrega- not wait patiently for that leaders of Jesus' day, not
that would mean "constant at - tions in general. even as Jesus great day, especially since it being honest but being hypo-
tendance upon the Lord with- had declared. Such love was is so ne ar?-Rev. 19:11-21. crites , simply could not believe
out distraction." W 5/1 16, 17 being manifested constantly. W 2/1 15,16 Jesus. Nor are the proud likely
For inst ance, John spoke of to put their faith and trust
T ues day, Februa ry 7 h is fellow worsh iper Gaius as F riday, Februal'Y 10 in what God has said, because
He was well reported on by "the beloved, whom I truly We have come to a unanimous to do so one must be willing
t he brothers in Lystra and love." (3 John 1) The apos- accord.-Acts 15:25. to learn, and the proud are
Iconium.-Acts 16:2. tl es were working w it h their anything but meek and teach-
br others and sisters in the We can learn much about able. Besides , we are told that
Even as Timothy, Mark and faith, not bro wbeating them. the value of humility and the faith is a gift of God. Since
others served as attendants They were not issuing harsh f actors that serve to re solve God opposes the proud, he is
for elders in the first-century commands. Rather, these men disputes by considering Acts not at all likely to give them
eongregatton, many do to- made appeals to the hearts 15:1-29. Because a major doc- that gift. And since being
day. Without them. the Gov- of fellow believers. Fittingly, trinal matter was causing spiritually hungry is likewise
erning Body would find it Christian associates were re- considerable disturbance to a prerequisite, the person who
difficult to care for the spir i- ferred to as "brothers." "be- the brothers, it had to be is smug, complacent, indiffer-
t ual interests of the congre- loved ones" and "sharers . . . resolved. Appropriately, the ent about his own sins and
gati ons world wide. Since in the undeserved kindness." problem was brought to the world conditions, is not spiri-
much of the work done at (Phil. 1:7; 4 :8; 1 Pet. 4:12 ; attention of the responsible tually hungry. A spiritually
Bethel requires physical 1 John 4:1) This loving atti- elders in Jerusalem. Though hungry person is conscious
strength, young men are es- tude was based on deep in- initially there was "much dis- of his spiritual need, and
pecially needed. If you are a terest in the spiritual welfare puting" they finally reached so heeds Jesus' invitation re-
young man, have you ever of others as fellow heirs of "unanimous accord." The corded at Matthew 11:28-30.
given thought to making your- life. W 6/15 9, 10 Greek term for "disputing" is W 4/15 5-7a
Sunday, February 12 t hroug h Christ. Therefor e, Wednesday, February 15 B.C.E. down in ancient Egypt.
A large door that leads to Christians can be confident The name of Jehovah is a The Egyptians who did not
activit y has been opened to that by means of the resur- strong tower. Into it the sacrifice a Passover lamb and
me.-l Cor. 16:9. rected Jesus Christ and under righ teous runs and is sprinkle its blood upon their
the rule of God's kingdo m, given pro tection. doorways lost their firstborn
Through letters from the obedient mankind will re ceive of man and beast. This led
central body of elders at Jeru- -Pro vo 18:10.
permanent rel ease from sin , When Jehovah God's an- to Pharaoh's releasing the Is -
salem and the Visits of var i- disease and death. In the raelites from slavery that they
ous fa it hful brothers, the con- meantime, what can an ailing ger comes against the present might go out a free, liberated
gregations were built up and Christian do? While under- world, all its political, reli- people. The pla gue-stricken
strengthened. Additionally, in- going appropriate treatment, gious, military and economic land of Egypt pictured this
spired letters did much to he can pr ay to Jehovah for systems now dominating man- . worldly system of things, an d
fortify the disciples spiri- fortitude to bear his illness, kind will be brou ght to noth- Pharaoh and his crowd pi c-
tually. Truly, the beginning of and for spiritual strength to ing. Hence, they certainly will tured the ruling fa ctors of
the Christian era opened up maintain integrity to God not provide any secur ity. So this system. In full accord
grand opportunities for ser- under these difficult circum- wha t may appear strong and with this truth, the Egypt
Vice. All disciples had the stances. Such a person can be pro te cti ve tod ay will crumble from which the faithful disci-
priVilege of proclaiming the ass ured of the above. W 6/15 when God's destruc tive force s ples of the Lamb Je sus Christ
good news, and of encouraging 6-8a strike. I n the year 1978 we are delivered is this worldly
fellow believers and helping are now in the sixty-fourth system of things. W 5/15 18, 19
them in difficult times or In Tuesday, February 14 year of the time of the end ,
spiritual ways. Evangelizers counting from the autumn of Friday, F ebruary 17
were needed to declare the With the exultation of a t he crucial year of 1914. In
good news in new territories. bridegroom over a bride, your fulfillment of Bible prophecy, My decision is . . • t o write
There was also a need for God will exult even over you. it is obvious from the events them to abstain . . . from
capable brothers who could -Isa. 62:5. of our ti mes that the pr esent blood .-Acts 15:19, 20.
spend time working with con- The marriage of a man and wicked system will soon re- At the Brooklyn Bethel
gregations for a period of time a woman should be a most ceive its deathblow. What, there are many who have
to strengthen them and to happy occasion. It was for then, will our attitude be? It spent a lifetime of faithful
share in making appointments the first human pair as can all depend s. Upon what? It service to God as devoted dis-
of elders and congregational be seen from Adam's words : depends upon what we make ciples of his Son. During this
servants. Since a heavy load "This is at last bone of my our goal, or refuge. If we time they have gained a
of responsibility fell on these bones and fiesh of my fiesh." make our goal eternal life in wealth of experie nce in Chris-
traveling brothers, they were (Gen. 2:23) And their entire God's new order, then we will tian liVing and in helpin g
aided by young men who could married life could have been do everything in our power fellow believers with their
help in various ways. Today one of unending joy, for God to search for Jehovah, learn problems. They have a ls o
opportunities of this kind are had made every proVision for his will, an d do it to t he deepened their understandin g
still open. W 6/1 15, 16 just such a life. Even now best of our circu mst ances. of God's Word . Among these
under imperfect conditions The material things will not ar e those dedicated men who
Monday, F eb ruary 13 marri age can still be a sour ce be our main concern .- l Tim. constitute t he governi ng body
of genuine happiness where 6: 8. W 4/1 6, 10 for the worldwide congrega-
Jehovah himself will sustain
him upon a divan of illness. sincere effort is made to put Thu r sday, February 16 tion of Jehovah's Witnesses.
-Ps. 41:3 . Bible pr inciples into effect. At no other one location on
Weddmgs are often cited in H e gave himself for our sins earth are so man y elders
Sickness befalls poor and God's Word as representative that he might deliver us f ro m available for im mediate con-
rich alike. Jesus described his of happy times among God's the present wicked system of sultation. At Brooklyn Bethel,
spiritual brothers as being ill servants. (Gen. 24:67; John things.-Gal. 1 :4. therefore, can be found an
at times. Early Christians such 3 :29) When foretelling the Not in literal Egypt, out excellent represent ation of
as Epaphrodltus, Timothy ·and desolation due to come on un- of which he was brought as Christian knowledge and ex-
Trophimus were also at times faithful Jerusalem, Jehovah a child , but in what Is called perience that h a ve been
stricken with sickness. So said there would be an ab- Egypt "In a spiritual sen se" gained up to this time by the
God's modern-day servants Jesus Christ was sacrificed as worldwide congregation of
can draw some comfort from sence of weddings, typical of
the loss of joy and exultation the Lamb of God. (Rev. 11:8) God's people. Understandably,
the knowledge that illness Is Not by mere chance was Jesus when elders in other congre-
not a unique experience. When that devastation would bring. Christ sacrificed as the Lamb gations are faced with per-
on earth, Jesus brought about (Jer. 7:34) By contrast, when of God on Passover Day of plexing problems, they write
both physical and spiritual speaking of the restoration of 33 C.E. Why not? Because he the Society for Scriptural as-
healing. The basis for these Israel from exile, Jehovah's had been foreshadowed by the sistance, which is readily pro-
cures was the ransom sac- prophet said the above of lamb that was sacrificed on Vided in keeping with the first-
rifice that God provided Jerusalem. W 3/15 1, 2 the first Passover Day 1513 century example. W 6/1 3, 4a
Saturday, February 18 be viewed in an entirely dif- l.'u esday, February 21 1-36) Do you respon d likewise
Be • . . children oj God with- ferent light. The fact that I n like ma n ner my heavenly when a progressive step is
out a blemish . . • keepi n g a Je hovah' s day of vengeance F at her will also deal with you taken that elevates true wor -
tight gr ip on the word ot has not yet come proves that i j you do not j orgive each one ship? Perhaps a new provision
lije.-Ph il. 2:15, 16. he loves ma nkind, that he his brother jrom your hearts. is made so that additional
wants people t o live, not to -Matt . 18:35. persons can learn of Jehovah.
What is the "word of life"? die. At one time Christians It might be a new book used
It is God's message about the were unbelievers and, hence, Compared with the large in teaching Bible truths. Or
hope of life, which began did not have an approved debt of sin that Jehovah God there may be an improved ar -
with his promise of the Seed. standing befor e God. Had the has forgiven us on the bas is rangement in volving the spiri -
(Gen. 3:15) This assured the Most High executed his judg- of his Son's sac rifice, whatever tual elders in the congrega-
eventual triumph of righteous- ment a ga inst t he u ngodly transgression may be commit - tion. Do you find yourself
ness . For some four thousand world then, they, t oo, would ted aga inst us by a Christian responding as King David did ,
years, Jehovah added to that have perished. So Jehovah brother is small indeed. So if thanking Jehovah God for the
"word" until the Bible's com- God's patience has worked to he is repentant, what right do loving-kindness of such pro-
pletion about the year 98 C.E. the sal vati on of Christians, we have to become impatient gress ive steps in true worship ?
Since then the " word of life" even as it opens t o all t he op- with him or to want him to Certainly there is ample rea-
h as consisted of the Holy portunity for salvation. W 2/1 suffer for what he may have son for our doing so. W 2/15
Scriptures in their entirety. 5, 6 done against us? Never should 19, 20
They reveal that God makes we lose sight of the fact that
life eternal possible through Mon day, February 20 the basis on which Jehovah Thursday, February 23
Jesus Christ. Persons desiring God grants forgiveness was
divine approval and eternal The heavens are declaring the pro vided by him at great cost I wish all men were as I
life must understand God's glory oj God; and oj the work to himself. He loved his Son myselj am. Nevertheless, each
Word, declare it to others and oj his hands the expa nse is deeply. (John 5:20) Still, the one has his own gift jrom
live acc ording to the Bible, telling.-Ps. 19:1. Most High was willing to give God.-1 Cor. 7:7.
thus "ke eping a tight grip on The fact that one's confi- him for the world of man- Paul was convinced that
the word of life." There is den ce in Jehovah must be kind as a "propitiatory sacri- continued singleness for those
great value in doing this. Any based on kno wledge of him fice" for our sins. (John 3:16; who had the gift would mean
pers on having such a grip on it and of his past dealings with 1 John 2:2) No human has a happier life if it was spent
can maintain a close relation- mankind, as well as knowl - ever sacrificed that much in in giving. Today also there are
ship with Jehovah God. Also, edge of his present and fu- providing a basis for restoring single men and women who
thereby we are better able to ture purposes, emphasizes the good relations with someone are proving themselves to be
cope with life's problems. Fur- importance of personal study who has sinned against him. an asset to the Christian con-
t hermore, this makes it pos- and group study in the con - What a superlative example gregation. Their greatest joy
sible for us to endure adverse gregation. Learn all you can Jehovah has set in encourag- comes from spending them-
circumstances. How do you about th is Grand Creator, not ing us to be patient with selves completely for others.
measure up in this respe ct? only from his Word, but also those who may sin against us! Their singleness is rewarding
IV 6/15 4, 5a by observation of the material W 2/1 10, lIa because they are serving, not
creati on around you, even as their own interes ts, but those
Sunday, F ebru ary 19 the apost le Paul said to the Wednesday, February 22 of Christ. And should not
Jehovah is not slow . . . but he people of Lystra and in hi s Give thanks to Jehovah, you their gift be appreciated by
is patient with you because letter to the Romans. (Acts people, tor he is good, [or to all others in the congregation,
he does not desire any to be 14:17; Rom. 1:20) In addi- ti m e indefinite is his loving- because of the fine service
destroyed but desires all to tion to observing the created kindness.-1 Chron. 16:34 . that it has enabled so many
attain to repentance. things here on earth , we After the Israelites entered of them to perform? In their
-2 Pet. 3:9. should turn our attention t o- having forgone marriage and
ward the physical heavens. the Promised Land the Ark parenthood, their life is surely
Thus we see why the Al- (Isa. 40:26) What a vast and of the Covenant remained for not a waste but continues to
mighty God has patiently put impressive witness the cosmic years, not in its tent at Shiloh, be meaningful and satisfying.
up with rebellious mankind. bodies of the he avens present but at Kiriath-jearim. David
Note that God's patience has wanted to bring it to Jerusa- Though having no families of
-countless billions of stars lem where he sat on Jeho- their own, they have in the
been for the benefit of Chris- all testifying to the eternal
t ians, for Peter addressed fel- vah's throne. His first attempt Christian congregation found
greatness of Jehovah! David to do that failed. Finally, he those who love them as deeply
low Christians with the words, expressed it beautifully when
"he is patient with you." Just he wrote the above. It is our brought the Ark, properly car- as natural mothers and fa-
what does this mean? The privilege and duty to tell oth- ried by Levites, to Jerusalem. thers, brothers and sisters,
apostle was showing that what ers about our Grand Creator (1 Chron. 15:1-28) This grand yes, as sons and daughters.
some people interpreted as even as did the apostle Paul. occasion prompted an expres- -Mark 10:29, 30. W 5/1 17,
slowness on God's part should W 1/15 4-6a sion of praise. (1 Chron. 16: 19, 20
Friday, February 24 pinpointing this present ti me Monday, F ebruary 27 Tuesday, February 28
We •.. are declaring the good are the prophetic words of "Lord, it you 1ust want to, G od gave us not a spiri t 01
news to you , tor you to turn the apostle Paul as found at you can ma ke m e clean ," And cowardice, but that ot power
. . • to the living God, who 2 Timothy 3 :1-5. Who can so, stretching out his ha nd , he and oj love and ot soundness
made the heaven and the deny that these conditions touched him , saying : " I want at m i nd. -2 T im. 1 : 7.
earth and the sea and all the prevail today, and to an ex- to. Be made cl ean." And im- Some who have dedicate d
things in them.-Acts 14:15. tent never witnessed before? medi at el y the leprosy vanished their lives to God have had
Are you talking about a trip Cert ainly no honest, knowl- tram him.-Luke 5:12, 13. quite a struggle aga inst shy -
to relax at the seashore or in edgeable per son can do so. As This reply of Jesus to a ness or timidity, and fear.
t he mountains and to enjoy part of his composite "sign" leper illustrates that his was When God spoke to Moses
J ehovah 's creation? You ap- of the end of the system of in deed a willing service. While - about sending him back to
preciate the natural beauty things, J esus said the above. single himself, among his clos- Egypt to lead the Israelites
and restfulness of what he has This prophecy also has had est associates were married out of slavery there, Moses
made, so why not mention it? a remarkable fulftllment, par- men. He had special affection was very diflident. Jehovah
Even if you are conversing ticularly within the last fifty for Lazarus and his sisters nevertheless sent Moses to
with an unbeliever, with dis- years . It is our privilege and Mary and Martha, in whose Egypt, providing Aaron as his
cretion you may be able to obligation to have a share in home he was repeatedly a spokesman. But Moses did not
speak of God, briefly mention- preaching this good news of guest . Jesus also enjoyed the give up, always letting Aaron
ing, for example, the pleasure the Kingdom. W 4/15 20-22 company of children as can speak for him. Later, he con-
you derive from the things Sunday, February 26 be seen from Mark 10:13-16. fidently spoke to the Israelites
that your Creator has made; The example of Jesus Christ himself. (Ex. 4:10-17; Deut.
for is he not ever on your o give thanks to Jehovah, you reveals that those who would 1: 1-5) Consider also Paul's
mind? Someone might note people, tor he is good; tor his enjoy their singleness must counsel to Timothy. Whether
your success in training your loving-kindness is to time be totally in volved in giving Timothy had become some-
children. Could your reply in- itui eftnite.s--Ps. 107:1. wholeheartedly of their time, what fearful, we cannot say
clude a brief expression of All the examples of loving- energies and abilities to help with certainty. However, Paul
thankfulness to Jehovah God kindness expressed by humans fellow humans. They must told him the above. A Chris-
for his counsel that enables are small indeed when com- have a genuine interest in peo- tian can cope with problems
a person to be wise in this pared to that of the One whose ple, finding pleasure in the like the one that confronted
field? (Ps, 19:7) Perhaps a friendship is to be sought after company of men , women and Moses. Also, it is possible to
workmate comments on your and treasured above that of children. They should also be dispel shyness or timidity, and
spending vacation time to at- all others. To that one the able to get wholesome enjoy- fear, by praying earnestly to
tend an assembly instead of psalmist sang the foregoing. ment from llfe, and this with- Jehovah for strength. Lovers
using it all for "pleasure." You What is this "loving-kindness" out practicing extreme self- of Jehovah can always seek
could sincerely reply that you of Jehovah that is spoken of denial, which is of "no value his face in prayer without
enjoy learning more about the here? This quallty involves in combating the satisfying of ly fear, and they can courageous-
loving-kindness and will of love that takes an active in- the flesh,"-Col. 2 :23. W 5/1 speak God's truth to others.
your Maker. W 2/15 11, 12a terest in ot her s. " Loving - -1 J ohn 4:17, 18. W 6/15
13-15 20-23a
kin dness" translates the He-
Saturday, F ebr u ary 25 bre w word hhe'setih, which
W ednesday, Ma rch 1
• ••
This good news ot the king- carries t he idea of kindness Yes, you are like the first -
dom will be prea ched in all or rega rd motivated by love. Get out oj her, my people, it century Ch ristians who es -
the i nhabit ed ear t h tor a wit- But more is involved. It has you do not want to share with caped from Jerusalem before
ness to all the nations; and been observed that hhe'sedh her in her sins, and it you it s destruction. But finding
then the end will come. do not want to receive part yourself in such a favorable
-Matt. 24:14. "signifies an attitude of either oj her plagues.-Rev. 18:4. position at present, how will
God or man born out of mu- If you are one of the more you face the future? W11l you
In answer to a question by tual relationship," and it "de-
his apostles as to when the than two million who have al- remain in the arkllke spiri-
end of this system of things notes 'kindness' or 'help' re- ready fled Babylon the Great tual paradise into which you
would ta ke pla ce, Jesus Christ ceived from a superior. . . . before her destruction and if have entered? As you look for-
foretold wid espread wars, The principal connotation of you have become one of Je- ward to the destruction of
famines, earthquakes and pes- [hhe'sedh] is 'loyal love,''' hovah's clean worshipers, then Babylon the Great with eager
tilences as marking the near- Thus one rendering presents you are in a position similar anticipation and confidence,
to that of Noah's family who are you doing all you can
ness of that end. Certainly Solomon as speaking of God's entered the ark, like that of to warn others still in that
in our generation we have having "shown great and Lot and his two daughters world empire of false religion
seen all these things occur steadfast love to David my who fied Sodom, llke that of and are you helping them all
on an unprecedented scale, father."-2 Chron. 1:8, RS. the Israelites who left Egypt you can to fiee to God's king-
particularly since 1914. Also W 2/15 3, 4 under the command of Moses. dom? W 1/15 29, 30
Thursday, l\larch 2 for it men tally, If you love Sunday, March 5 willingness to give of oneself
By means of [Christl we have life, and want to keep living, Seek Jehovah, all you meek unselfishly for a mate, how-
• •• the forgiveness of our tres- do not become attached to ones of the ear t h . . . Seek ever, are not good reasons for
passes, according to the riches any materi al thing. "The one r igh teousness, seek meekness. a person's trying t o maint ain
of his undeserve d kindness. trusting in his riches- he Pr obabl y you may be con- singleness at all costs. The
-Eph.1:7. h imself will fall; but just like cealed in the day of Jehovah's n oblest r eason for remaining
foliage the righteous ones will anger.- Zeph . 2:3 . single is a spiritual one. No
Think of all the millions of flourish." (Prov. 11:28) Such grander purpose in life could
persons on earth who are yet righ teous ones will be ushered By acquiring strong faith anyone have t han to devote
blinded by erroneous religious into God's new orde r, there and 'fighting the fme fight oneself to K in gdom work,
teachings. Whereas you too to share in the thrilling work of faith ' we will be able t o helping others to seize the
might have had no hope and of making the entire earth a heed this counsel that today marvelous reward of eternal
been without God in the world, Paradise, a lovely home where takes on greater urgency than life and to keep fast hold
you now know the truth of t hey will enjoy living forever. ever before. Why does it say, on it. Free fro m the cares
God's Word and can serve Having looked in the rig ht "Probably you may be con- and anxieties invol ved in hav-
him. Do you regularly thank direction, these ones " will ac - cealed in the day of Jehovah's ing a marriage mate and chil-
God for allowing you to learn tually dwell in secur ity, with anger"? It is because those dr en, the single person can
the truth and become his no one to ma ke them trem- words originally applied to the serve God more fully . How
friend? Let us make the mat- ble." What a prospect !-Ezek. nation of Israel before its de- rewarding this can make
ter even more personal. When 34: 28. W 4/1 17, 18 struction in 607 B.C.E., and singleness! W 5/1 3, 4
the truth reached those Ephe- it was a question of God's
sians many of them probably Saturday, l\'Iarch 4 showing mercy toward those Tuesday, March 7
were like persons in ancient who conform. These words are
Corinth, 'fornicators, idolaters, You are my witnesses, . • • a reminder that we cannot They arranged for Paul and
adulterers, men kept for un- even my servant whom I ha ve presume on God's mercy. Sur- B arnabas and some others of
n a t u r a l purposes, thieves, chosen.-Isa. 43:10. viving the end of this old them to go up to t he apostles
greedy persons, drunkards, re - In their inspired Scriptures, syst em of things. we can look and older men in Jerusalem
vilers and extortioners.' (1 Cor. the Israelites had a trust- forward to what? To a new regarding this dispute.
6 :9-11) But mercy could be worthy record of God's deal- order of peace, righteousness -Acts 15:2.
shown to them because Jeho- ings with them as a people. and plenty; to seeing the A problem arose because
vah God had sent his Son They knew that Jehovah had earth made into a paradise, certain brothers from Judea
to provide a sacrificial basis delivered them from their ene- even as foretold at Isaiah came to Antioch, insisting
for forgiving sins. Thus Paul mies time and again. They 25:6, 8. What a glorious pros- that non-Jews who embraced
reminded the Ephesians as knew about the promises that pect for all who, because of Christianity had to be circum-
above. Was not God's willing- he had fulfilled in giving them their faith, survive the "great cised. Where could this matter
ness to forgive their sins a the land of Canaan as an tribulation" ! And what a priv- be settled? The most logical
marvelous display of unde- inheritance. (Psalm 78) The ilege for J ehovah's servants place would be Jerusalem, as
served kindness? What of us? prophecy of Isaiah, in which at the presen t time t o tell that was the congregation
Each of us is aware of his own Jehovah God add ressed the others about this prospect! with which the apostles were
pa st . W 2/ 15 10-12 Is raelites as his witnesses, W 4/1 5 20, 21a associated. Moreover, it was
pointed to the time when the from there that the work of
Friday, March S nation would come into Bab- Monday, March 6 preaching and ma king disci-
Valuable things w ill be of no ylonian exile for unfaithful- No t all men make room for
ples had spread out to all t he
benefit on the day of fury, ness and when later the Most the saying, but only those who
many places where congrega-
but righteousness itself will High would effect their release h ave the gift.-Matt. 19:11.
tions were then located. Hen ce
deliver from death. through Cyrus. (Isa. 43:14,15; the elders of the Jerus alem
-Provo 11:4. 44:24-45:2) Thus they would How did Jesus' disciples re- congregation occup ied the po-
become living witnesses of a act to his statement about th e sition of a central body to
Think now, in what do you new deliverance. But how binding nature of marriage ? which other elders could di-
really trust for security? In could they serve as Jehovah's (Matt. 19:4-9) "If such is the rect their inquiries, for wh ich
"gold" or in God? What a witnesses? They could bear situation of a ma n with his reason Paul and others were
grievous error it would be to witness by the way that they wtre," they said, "it is not sent there. The central body
look for security in the wrong lived their lives. They could advisable to marry." (Matt. of elders, including the apos-
direction at this late date! show that they fully relied 19:10) They felt that it would tles , thoroughly discussed the
In view of the imminent col- upon Jehovah God as the be better to forgo marriage matter, reached a decision
lapse of human systems, and Protector and Savior and that than to risk getting into an and wrote it up in a letter
the subsequent vast material their present and future wel- undesirable relationship that that was sent to the var-
loss that could take place, fare rested solely in him. This could not be terminated at ious congregations. Today we
it would be shortsighted in- is also one of the ways we will. Fear of an undesirable have a similar govern ing body
deed not to prepare ourselves can witness . W 7/1 2, 3 marital situation or an un- functioning. W 6/1 13, 14
Wednesday, March 8 ment to keep trusting in him, Saturday, March 11 produce or speed up spiritual
Turn your lace to me, and Jehovah asks his servants to growth. For this, we must wait
show me taoor; lor 1 am keep their eyes focused on [Stand] firm in one spirit,
his rewards. The hope of the with one soul striVing side by upon Jehovah while we pa-
solitary and atfticted. tiently do our part, acting in
-Ps.25:16. reward was a stimulus to first- side lor the laith 01 the good
century Christians. (l Cor. news.-Phil. 1 :27. full harmony with his Word.
For some Christians stress 15:58) So our trust in Jeho- The apostle Paul made this
is a notable problem today. The witness concerning the clear when he wrote the above.
Trying, nerve-racking situa- vah should not be diminished good news about Christ was Jehovah God will not fail to
tions can develop in life. even if we should have to now being given by the Chris- do his part. May we, there-
Sometimes the stress becomes face death before God's new tian body made up of both fore, prove to be faithful fel-
so intense that considerable order becomes a reality. We natural Jews and Gentiles. low workers of his, thereby
mental strain is felt. Yet, "a can have the same trust that These were now the people showing that we appreciate
tight grip on the word of life" Abraham had when he was whom God was using as his Jehovah's patience toward us.
aids one to maintain a bal- asked to sacrifice Isaac. (Heb. witnesses. And the disciples Then, how happy we will be
ance. What may help to calm 11:19) Can any human agency publlcly identified themselves to see some of what we have
a person who is experiencing brtng back the dead? No. as such even as can be seen planted and watered coming
great emotional strain? As in Only Jehovah can , through by their reply to the Sanhe- to full Christian growth! Yes,
the case of King Saul, soft, the arrangements he provides. drin when ordered by it not to there will be fruitage in the
calm music can soothe a per- -Acts 24:15. W 7/15 16-18a speak on the basis of Jesus' form of genuine disciples of
son and produce a feeling of name. (Acts 5:29-32) Earlier, Jesus Christ. W 2/1 19
peace. (1 Sam. 16:14-23) Da- Fdday, l\'larch 10 the apostles Peter and John
vid himself knew stress. More A cedar in Lebanon, pretty in had given the same judicial l\londay, March IS
than once, King Saul tried to bough, with a woody thicket body a like answer. (Acts 4:
offering shadow, and high in 19, 20) Those early disciples The Most High . . . is kind
pin him to the wall with a toward the unttumkiu; and
spear. Saul also outlawed Da- stature, so that among the of Jesus fully appreciated
clouds its treetop proved to that they were under obliga- wicked.-Luke 6:35.
vid, forcing him to live as a
fugitive. Certainly, David un- be.-E2ek. 31 :3. tion to be witnesses of God While Jehovah's loyal love,
derwent stress then and at This cedar, which in the and of his Son. All were en- or "loving-kindness," is ex-
later times. For aid he turned prophet Ezekiel's day pictured titled to hear the good news pressed toward those who have
to Jehovah in prayer. Well, Pharaoh, pictures something that, by accepting Jesus as come into an approved rela-
can Jehovah be relied upon larger today. (Ezek. 31:2) It the Christ and his sacrifice tionship with him, this cer-
to aid his servants in times pictures the world system of as having sin-atoning value, tainly does not mean that he
of stress? Indeed he can, for things in which the political they could gain eternal life. is unkind to those outside such
he "will become a secure ruling factors govern all the Today all likewise need to a relationship, even as Jesus
height for anyone crushed, a earthly nations. Although it hear the good news before noted when on earth. Paul
secure height in times of dis- is Ilkened to the cedar that death or the great tribulation could well say to the idol-
tress."-Ps. 9:9. W 6/15 9-11a was the envy of all the other prevents them from seizing worshiping people in Lystra
trees in the Edenic land of the opportunity to become that God gave you "rains from
Thursday, March 9 Lebanon, this system of things witnesses of God with ever- heaven and fruitful seasons,
was not planted by Jehovah lasting life in view. W 7/1 5, 6 filling your hearts to the full
Without laith it is impos- with food and good cheer."
sible to please him well, lor God, who planted those ever-
green trees in the literal land Sunday, l\larch 12 (Acts 14:17) All of this is an
he that approaches God must undeserved kindness on Jeho-
believe that he is and that of Lebanon, which was then 1 planted, Apollos watered, but
like the garden of God. The God kept making it grow; so vah God's part, an expression
he becomes the rewarder 01 of his great mercy toward all
those earnestly seeking him. symbolic political "cedar in that neither is he that plants
Lebanon" had its beginning anything nor is he that waters, mankind. How easy it is to
-Heb. 11:6. take what we have for grant-
on earth in the days of the but God Who makes it grow
Jehovah's servants must mighty hunter, Nimrod, the . . . each person will receive ed. Ask yourself : How would
keep trusting him with full founder of the first Babylo- his own reward according to you describe the color of the
confidence to bring this wicked nian empire, in the second his own labor. For we are sky or the beauty of a fiower
system to an end and to re- century after the deluge of God's iellou: workers. to a person born blind? If a
place it with his new order Noah's day. Just as Nimrod -1 Cor. 3:6-9.
person had never been able to
of righteousness. (2 Pet. 3 :10- rebelled against the universal hear, could you explain to him
13) We must be confident sovereignty of Jehovah, so too, It is our responsibility to being able to hear the birds,
that Jehovah can and will, the symbollc cedar of Lebanon proclaim the good news to oth- to converse, to listen to pleas-
precisely at his appointed defies Jehovah's sovereignty. ers and to teach God's Word ant music? The abll1ties to see
time, fulfill the promise re- We therefore want to have to interested persons. (l Cor. and hear, capacities that al-
corded at Revelation 21:4. In nothing to do with it. W 5/15 9:16; Matt. 28:19, 20) But, by most all of us have, are truly a
addition, as an encourage- 20 our ingenuity or methods that blessing, are they not? W 2/15
we might devise, we cannot 7, 8
Tuesday, March 14 their entry in to a marriage Friday, Mar ch 1'1 of Christ. Peter t old them:
1 desire the women to adorn covenant and their accep- They will be certain to fig ht "This Je sus God resurrected,
the mselves in well-arranged tance of the responsibility this against you , but t hey will n ot of which fact we are all wtt-
dress, with modest y and brought. It seems that in time prevail against y ou, tor "1 am nesses. Therefore because he
soundness oj m in d. writ ten rec ords of marriages With you . . . to deliver you." was exalt ed to the right hand
-1 Tim. 2:9. were kept, But more impor - -Jer. 1:1 9. of God and received the prom-
So me have difficulty in tant than the witness of other What ma rvelous words of ised h oly spirit from the Fa -
weighing the Scriptural prin- humans to their union, the enco uragement ! And they con- t her , he has poured out this
ciples Involved in the matter couple would be aware of tain strong assur ance for us which you see and hear."
of appar el. By considering ba- God's knowledge of the agre e- tod ay, that no matter what (Acts 2 :32, 33) Note that
sic quest ions and reasoning ment and union into which worldly governments or people Peter was testi fyin g to what
ma tters out, their thinking they had entered. This fa ct ma y sch eme against us, God Jehovah God had done. At
can be adjusted. Is the cloth- should be by fa r the pri mar y will fight our battles for us, t he sa me time he was also a
ing neat and clean ? Is it and most powerful force mov- and t he victory will be ours. witness for Je sus, presenting
well arranged and modest, be- ing them to stay loyal to eac h But we must treasure always testimon y that this one was
fitting those who reverence other. It should make them our close personal relationship indeed the Messiah or Christ.
God ? Is the apparel of the strive to keep their marriage with Jehovah, as his witnesses, Peter was thus a cting in har-
quiet and mild spirit being free from defilement, as well commissioned to proclaim his mony with what the Son of
emphasized or is the extreme as motivating deep respect on message among the doomed God told the disciples prior
physical appearance getting their part for the ma rr iages nations. We need, therefore, to his ascension. W 7/1 4
most of the attention? Will of all other s. W 3/1 5 7-9 to keep our loins gir ded con-
others be unpleasantly af- stan tly. We need to keep up Sunday, Mar ch 19
fected by what one wears ? Thursday, March 16 our study of God's Word, cul- Be t r an sj orme d by making
Does it detract from the dig- You are opening your hand tivating ever stronger faith, your mind over, that you may
nity of the occasion, especially and satisjying the aestre ot that we ma y be truly equipped pr ove to your selv es the good
if It is at a place of worship? every living thing.-Ps. 145:1 6. to t urn back every weapon an d accep ta ble an d perject
What is the responsibility of All normal persons desire that craf ty Satan may use will oj God.-Rom. 12:2.
the father or husband who security-economlc security, a against us. (Isa. 54:13, 17) It is only when a person
exercises headship ? If what nice place to live, satisfying Our girding r esults In our has a ri ght heart condition
is worn raises questions or re- work, freedom from fear, and spi ritedly proclaiming the that the truth of God's Word
flects unfavorably on the con- peace of mind. God im- good news of God's kingdom , can strike a responsive chord
gregation, what Is the course planted the desire for such and this a ctivity leads on to in his heart. There must be
recommended In the Bible? proper things when he first salvation, both for ourselves what has been term ed "the
Is one humble enough to sub- created man and woman. And a nd for those who listen to will to believe" what is true.
merge one's own preferences in Jehovah's new order, such us. (1 Tim . 4: 16) May we al- The person who is det ermined
In order to avoid offending security will be the happy lot ways be girded for this service. to doubt cann ot be convinced,
sensitive consciences? By con- of mankind. Yes, in God's new and be zealous in making t he because he simply does not
sidering such questions and order the proper desires of truth known to others I W 1/ 1 want to believe. Obviously,
the principles Involved, a humans will be fully satisfied, 5, 7a there ar e differing degrees of
Bible-based decision can be even beyond their expecta- faith. The Bible mentions
re ached. W 3/1 6 tion s. But we are not yet in SatUl'day, l\lal'ch 18 such a thing as being "weak
Wednesday, March 15 Ged's new order. We still live You will r eceive power wh en in faith," and h aving "little
in this present wicked system the holy spir it ar r iv es upon faith ." (Rom. 4 :19; Matt. 8:
What God has yoked together of things. And it is fast ap- you, and you w ill be witnesses 26) On the other hand, God's
let no man put apart. proaching its end. Its finish ot m e.-Acts 1 :8, Word spea ks also of "so great
-Matt. 19 :6. will come shortly when it a faith" and of fai th so out-
collides head on with Jehovah With the coming of Je sus standing as to be "talked about
In Bible times marriage was t o the earth, a new fea ture of
primarily a family or a tribal at the coming great tribula- witnessing opened up. Those throug hout the whole worl d,"
affair. The bridegroom would tion. Hence, before God's new who became hi s disciples a c- (Matt. 8:10; Rom. 1:8) But
go to his bride's home and order becomes a reality, the cepted the responsibility of there can be no faith without
escort her through the streets old system of political, com- te lling others about what Je- kn owledge. The refore, to be
to his home. Thereby he pub- mercial and religious rule un- hovah God h ad done in con- strong in faith, one must be
licly declared that he was der Satan must be put out of nection with hi s Son. Thus diligent to take In knowledge.
taking her as his wife. The the way. (2 Cor. 4:4; Rev. That means heeding the coun -
bridegroom's arrival at his 19:11-21) That Is why there on the day of Pentecost, 33 sel Paul gave the Rom an
home might be followed by a is compelling reason to keep C.E., a crowd of Jews and Christians. Yes, only by feed-
wedding feast. By such means in its proper place the normal proselytes were astonished at ing on God's Word can you
both the bridegroom and the desire we may have for mate- seeing the operation of God's make your mind over. W 4/1 5
bride openly made kno wn rial security. W 4/1 1-3a spirit on about 120 disciples 8-10a
Monday, March 20 century Egypt, for we re ad Thursday, March 23 placed in Jehovah puts God's
If anyone stands settled in that the Lord 's witnesses were Memorial Date kingdom first in his life, and
h is heart, hav ing no necessity, killed and exposed in the same After Sundown thus avoids many anxieties.
but has authority over his place in which he had been He does not forget that Je-
impaled in the year 33 of our The Son of man came, not to sus said that "even when a
own wi l l and has made this be ministered to , but to min-
decision in his own heart, t o Common Era. We are helped t o person has an abundance his
unde rstand this when we note ist er and to give h is soul a life does not result from the
keep his own virginity, he will ransom in exchange for
do well.-l Cor. 7:37. that the "great city" is sym- things he possesses." (Luke
bolic and it "is in a spiri- many.-Matt. 20:28. 12:15) How foolish, then, to
The pers on with the gift tual sens e called Sodom and Disciples of Jesus Christ hoard up material provisions
of singleness should be able to Egypt ." So this would exclude are persons who have accepted and trust them to see one
see, on his own, that ma in- the li t er al city of Sodom, his teaching and are livin g . through the fury of the great
taining singleness for spiritu al which was then out of exis- in harmony with the exam- tribulation! Faithful Job was
reasons, in his case, is the tence, and also the literal land ple he set while on earth. So careful not to misplace his
better course. It is not a mat- of Egypt , whi ch was then if we are going to be his true confidence in material posses-
ter of simply suppressing a subject to the Roman Em- disciples, we do well to con- sions , saying : "If I have put
n agging hear t 's desire fo r pire. Je sus was impaled out- sider his activity on earth in gold as my confidence, or to
marri age and fa mily life. No, side J erus alem , wh ich city is order to determine just what gold I have said, 'You are
a person should be fully con- like un faithful Christen dom is required of us. Jesus' whole my trust!' . . . I should have
vinced at he ar t that main- of today. W 5/ 15 14-16 life course centered around denied the true God above."
tainin g singleness is right for service, even as he told his (Job 31:24, 28) He set a fine
hi m, and he should be willing Wednesday, M a rch 22 disciples. The fact that he example. W 1/15 20, 21a
to put forth whate ver effort came to serve does not mean
is necessary to ma intain it L i ke a child w ith a father that he refused all personal
[Timo thy] slaved with me in Saturday, March 25
in chastity. The re should be service. This could not be,
nothing in his disposition that furtherance of the good news. for we read of women who The king gave them to me,
would be unduly disturbed -Phil. 2 :22. ministered to him. (Matt. 27: according to the good hand
were he to continue in the From this testimony it is 55) However, theirs was of my God upon me.
single state indefinitely. Of clear that Timothy did not strictly a voluntary ministry. -Neh.2:8.
course , the one who can re- capitalize on his association Jesus did not come to the Persons "keeping a tight
main sin gle for the Kingdom'S with Paul and proudly assert earth seeking to be served or grip on the word of life" can
sake should not look down his authority. (1 Tim . 4:11-14; to be waited upon by others. find consolation in Scripture.
on married Christians. From 2 Tim. 1:6. 7; 2:1) As in the He himself did by far most They will note that others
God's standpoint, he is not case of Timothy, humility, a of the serving, which ser- who served Jehovah in the
a superior person by reason spirit of self-sacrifice and an vice culminated in his giving past were depressed at times.
of his gift of singleness. He intense interest in the welfare his life as a ransom for hu- Depression apparently trou-
should appreciate that he is of others are essential for mankind, the grea test possible bled some early Christians.
what he is by God's unde - happy ser vice at Bethel or service. Today we memorialize (l Thess. 5:14) Paul hims elf
served kindness.-Rom. 12:3- an ywhere else in Jehovah's his sacrificial course even as unde rwent hardships that
8. W 5/ 1 7, 8 organization . Wh erever one he comman d ed us t o do . could h ave re sulted in depre s-
may serve, pride, desire for - 1 Cor. 11:23-25. W 7/1 I , sion , but he dealt with these
Tuesday, March 21 pr ominence, and selfishness 2, 4a in the strength th at God gives.
T heir cor pses wi l l be on t he not only dimin ish personal (2 Cor. 4:8, 9 ) Are you de-
broad way of the gr eat city happi ness but also make life Friday, l\farch 24 pressed because of personal
which is i n a spiritual sense unpleasant for others. Being Trust in Jehovah with all your
ma tters? P.emember also Ne-
called Sodom and Egypt , imperfect, we have to continue heart and do not lean upon
hemiah . He was gloomy in the
where their Lord was also to fight against these undesir- your own ttnderstanding. presence of King Artaxerx es
impaled.-Rev. 11 :8. able traits and we should not -Prov.3:5. because of the devastated con-
allow our selves to become dit ion of Jerusalem and it.'!
The one called "their Lord " overly distu rbed by the notice- With the great tribulation walls. When questioned by
is the Lord Jesus Christ, and able faili n gs of others in this coming on apace, now is no the Persian ruler, Nehemiah
t he ones whose corpses lay re spect . One 's cultivating the time to be overconfident or prayed before stating his re-
exposed in the city's broad ri ght spirit is always worth self-reliant. We must never quest. The king responded fa-
way are the faithful followers the effort, for the real re ward lean on our own understand- vorably, granting it. Similarly
of Christ. In what "great city" will come, not from men. but ing or that of others. The today, we should pray to Je-
were these modern-day "wit- from Jehovah God. Further- person misplacing his confi- hovah for aid and direction
nesses" killed and their corpses more, one's setting a good ex- dence in earthling man and regarding problems or other
left lying exposed to public ample can have a wholesome , actually making fiesh his arm matters of concern. Then we
shame? Certainly Jesus was upbulldtng effect on others. is cursed. (Jer. 17:5) The can be sure that God will be
not impaled down in first- W 6/1 9, lOa person whose confidence is with us. W 6/15 12-14a
Sunday, March 26 garding the future of the hu- Wednesday, March 29 of God, themselves rendering
He received them kindly and man famlIy, in whom do peo- Stir up like a fire the gift 0; sacred service to the Most
began to speak to them about ple trust to bring about God wh ich is in you through High! So never be discouraged
the kingdom of God. better conditions? Most of the laying of my hands upon by opposition and indifference
-Luke 9:11. them put their trust in human you .-2 Tim. 1 :6. toward your efforts to share
Jesus faithfully fulftlled the efforts, not in Jehovah's pur- Young men with Timothy's the good news with others.
purpose of his anointing as pose for mankind. Only a qualific ations are certainly an It may well be that your fine
stated at Isaiah 61:1. Out- tiny minority of earth's four asset to any congregation. conduct in the face of an un-
standing was his tender com- thousand million inhabitants Doubtless the brothers in Lys- pleasant situation will help
passion for those whom he have carefully examined the tra very much appreciated sincere persons to appreciate
served in this way. Even when evidence of Jehovah's exis- Timothy's abilities. He must that your worship h as real
his privacy was interrupted tence, have accepted their re- also have been a real source substance. A Christian wife
by crowds, he did not respond sponsibilities toward him, and of encouragement to his may find that efforts to speak
in a gruff, irritated or other- live their lives in obedience mother, especially since his with her unbelieving husband
wise unpleasant way. Rather, to his laws. Being among father was an unbeliever. Yet, about the good news are un-
he was moved with pity for such persons, we trust Jeho- when the apostle Paul ex- successful. Her fine conduct,
vah completely, knowing that pressed the desire that Tim- though, may provide a more
them and so "started to teach he will fulftll his promise re- powerful witness than many
them many things." (Mark garding a righteous new order othy accompany him in his words.-l Pet. 3:1, 2. W 7/1
6:34) Never did Jesus Christ for mankind. We feel as did travels, the body of elders did 12, 13
look down upon the poor and the psalmist David, W 7/15 not selftshly try to keep the
affiicted. The manner in which I, 2 young man in their congrega- Friday, March SI
he dealt with oppressed ones tion. No, these elders evident-
fulftlled the words of Isaiah ly joined the apostle Paul B road and spacious is the
Tuesday, March 28 in laying their hands upon road leading of! into destruc-
42:3: "No crushed reed will
he break; and as for a dim 1 have many things yet to Timothy, thereby setting him tion, and many are the ones
flaxen Wick, he will not ex- say to you, but you are not apart for special service. going in through it; where-
tinguish it ." (Matt. 12:20) able to bear them at present. (1 Tim. 4:14) So when quali- as narrow is the gate and
The afllicted were like crushed -John 16:12. fled young men today desire to cramped the road leading of!
reeds and like wicks about to The apostle Paul gave all make themselves available for into life, and few are the ones
go out for lack of oll in the credit to God for the growth service at Bethel, it is indeed finding it.-Matt. 7:13, 14.
lamps. Recognizing their piti- of the Chri stian congregation commendable when elders and Should it discourage us who
able state, Jesus did not make and humbly viewed himself as believing famlly members give believe and trust in Jehovah
it worse for them by treating a minister, servant or slave them wholehearted support. God that we are relatively
them harshly. No, he showed laboring in making disciples, Though service at Bethel few compared with earth's
them consideration, infusing not of himself, but of Christ. brings rich spiritual rewards, four thousand million people?
them with renewed strength Like Paul, we who share in it is not easy. But neither was No, because numbers have
and hope. Are we endeavoring the same work should direct Timothy's assignment an easy never been a measure of the
to follow his steps closely? the attention of those being one. W 6/1 7, 890 ri ghtfulness of an issue. The
W 7/1 4-6a taught away from ourselves masses of mankind often have
and to God and Jesus Christ Thursday, March SO been wrong even as Jesus
Monday, March 27 as the re al teachers. (1 Cor. Maintain your conduct fine showed. No, trusting the
In you 1 have put m.lI trust, 3 :5-7) Furthermore, there is among the nations, that, in judgment of the masses is
o Jehovah. I have said: "You need to watch the content of the thing in which they are not the way through the nar-
are my God."-Ps. 31:14. our teaching. A person might speaking against you as evil- row gate to life in its fullness.
ask himself, Am I truly teach- doers, they may as a result History is filled with the
Few people today have a ing everything that Christ wreckage of men's promises.
deep, abiding trust in Jeho- of your fine works of which
commanded? In this respect, they are eyewitnesses glorify And especially now, with the
vah God. Some do not even too, Paul is an example wor- added experience of having
believe that he exists. Oth- God in the day for his
thy of imitation. Obviously, inspection.-l Pet. 2:12. seen this highly scientific
ers may acknowledge God's though, we cannot present modem age, we are better
existence, but they pay lit- "all the counsel of God" at Yes, a Christian's conduct able to examine the results of
tle attention to his will. Even one time. (Acts 20:27) First, might even help opposers to human accomplishments. We
tho se who are devout in this hearts have to be prepared become glorifiers of God. can set them alongside the
world's religions trust mostly to accept truths that may run Think of it, fine conduct works of Jehovah God and
in their religious traditions counter to local pr ejudices or may convince outright op- more clearly see that our
or in their clergymen, not in ingrained habits. Yes, as Je- posers that the ones whom trust indeed must be placed
Jehovah. They are much like sus told his disciples, we they are misrepresenting prac- in Jehovah; we should do so
those Jews about whom Paul should show like consider- tice true worship and it may even though the vast majority
wrote at Romans 10:2, 3. Re- ation. W 5/1 5-7a move them to become praisers disagree. W 7/15 S, 4
Saturday, April 1 nations around the world. Dic- Tuesday, April 4 preciated that their lives were
What sort of persons ought tatorships proscribed their Keep . . . speaking to your- much more important. They
you to be in holy acts of con- work and banned their selves with psalms and praises saw the issue . For their faith
duct and deeds of godly de- preaching activity. Even In t o God and spiritual songs, and obedience to God's in-
votion, awaiting and keeping the so-called "free nations" singing and accompanyi ng structions, they were spared.
close in mind the . . • day of religious and patriotic zealots yourselves with music in But the townspeople were not
Jehovah.-2 Pet . 3:11, 12. 'framed trouble by decree' and your hearts to Jehovah. spa red, even as Jesus not ed.
resorted to mob action and -Eph. 5:18, 19. This, sadly, included Lot 's
This Is no time to diminish boycotts, all in an effort to wife. When in fli ght, she dis-
our sacred service. Jesus did silence God's people. (Ps. 94: Yes, an avenue for giving obeyed and looked back to -
not give the assignment of 20) Evolutionists, critics of thanks to Jehovah is that of ward the things left behind,
making disciples to the an- the Bible and that "man of son g. Sin ging has long been a and lost her life. Jesus said
gels. Instead, he gave it to lawlessness," the clergy of feature of true worship. At the that as it was In the days of
those who show themselves Christendom, attempted to temple In Jerusalem certain Noah and also of Lot, so it
to be his true followers both interfere with the disciple- Levites played music while would be at the comin g great
by their service and by their making work of God's faith- others sang. In this connec- tribulation. The vast majority
deeds of godly devotion. Now ful witnesses, but all In vain , tion, have you ever thought of earth's population would
Is the time to be pleasing our even as foretold at Isaiah 54: of Jesus and the apostles as be unconcerned about God
heavenly King by regular 17. W 1/15 11, 12a singers? They were, and they and his will and so lose their
KIngdom activity, and not by enjoyed it. Mark 14 :26 tells us lives. May we not be like Lot 's
offering a crippled or half- Monday, April 3 that on their last night to- wife!-Luke 17:32. W 4/1 14,
hearted sacrifice of praise by gether on earth they sang 15
occasional or Irregular ser- K eep peace between one an- praises. Christians today, too,
vice. As we fill our lives with other.-Mark 9:50. have opportunity to express Thursday, April 6
sacred service rendered whole- It Is always good for mem- through song their praise and
souled, we can have the as- bers of a working group to be thanks to Jehovah for his I could wish that I myself
surance of being among the at peace with one anoth er. loving-kindness. Is that how were separated as the cursed
happy crowd of Armageddon Disagreements, rfvalries, dis- you view the songs based on one from the Christ in behalf
survivors who will rejoice to unity can endanger the com- Bible themes that you sing at Of my brothers.-Rom. 9:3.
continue such service night mon project to which they the local meetings of Jeho- Thus the apostle Paul ex-
and day before God's throne are committed. A "cold war" vah's people? Or are your lips pressed his willingness to take
after the great tribulation Is carried on between them with- saying the words while your upon himself the curse that
finished, even as Revelation out lethal weapons can result mind is on other things? It rested upon his unbelieving
7: 17 tells us. What a wonder- in defeat for them all. Peace Is easy for this to occur. But countrymen for failing to
ful prospect Is before us If among themselves will result how fine If, instead, In keep- avail themselves of God 's
we continue to render sacred in all coming off winners, Ing with Paul's admonition, means of salvation with heav-
service to Jehovah In a whole- gainers, happy in a work well we view these Christian songs enly life in view. As disciples
souled way, ever heeding Pe- done. Yes, teammates, mem- as a means of giving thanks of Jesus Christ, we today
ter's words! W 8/1 22, 23 bers of societies, married cou- to Jehovah for his loving- should have the same kind
ples, natural families are cer - kindness I W 2/15 17-19a of concern for unbelievers. We
Sunday, April 2 tain to benefit from heeding should not allow their oppo-
You are my hope, 0 Sovereign the words of Jesus to his apos- Wednesday, April 5 sition or indifference to arouse
Lord Jehovah, my confidence tles. They were well ac- On the day that Lot came within us feelings of 111 will.
from my youth.-Ps. 71:5. quainted with Jesus' teaching out of Sodom it rained fire Such persons are members of
on the subject of peace . Dur- and sulphur from heaven the human family for whom
This is what the faithful Ing the preceding year they Christ died . (Rom. 5:6-8) And
remnant can say today, look- and destroyed them all.
had heard his Sermon on the -Luke 17:29. It Is Jehovah's will that they
ing back over the years. One Mount not far from the Sea of continue to be given the op-
has only to read the history Galilee, in which he spoke of When Jehovah brought de- portunity to come to repen-
of Jehovah's Witnesses for the certain happinesses. One of struction upon Sodom and tance as long as they live or
past sixty years to see why such was this: "Happy are Gomorrah for their gross until such time as he destroys
this remnant and the great the peaceable, since they will wickedness, how much was all unrighteousness. (2 Pet.
crowd have such confidence be called 'sons of God.''' left of the homes and posses- 3 :9) When we appreciate this
In Jehovah. It seems that Sa- (Matt. 5:9) Why now say the sions in those cities? Nothing! from the heart, we will be
tan and his demons put every above to his apostles? Some- When Lot and his family moved to give careful and
device and obstacle in the way thing must have provoked this abandoned Sodam, they could prayerful thought as to what
to impede their work. They counsel. It was because they take very little with them.
Their home, furniture and we might do to help others
were made the special target had argued as to who Is most of their possessions also spiritually. We will 'continue
of various political and reli- greater.-Mark 9:34. W 8/15 went Into destruction. But Lot to love our enemles.'-Matt.
gious organizations In many I, 2, 4, 6 and his two daughters ap- 5:44. W 7/1 13, 14a
FrIday, April '7 entered the open door of Monday, April 10 day great confidence. If a
So Tlt1l word • • • will certain- pioneer activity or are you Who really is the faithful and single angel of Jehovah Is so
111 do that in which I have planning to do so? As you discreet slave whom h is mas- powerful that he can wipe
delighted, and it will have pioneer let your motive for ter appointed over his dom es- out 185,000 men, we should
certain success in that for sharing in this service con- tics, to give them their food certainly put our complete
which I have sent it. tinue to be love for Jehovah at the proper time? Ha ppy is confidence In this same Je-
-lsa. 55:11. God and your fellow hu- that slave if h is master on hovah and his angelic force s
mans. Just as Paul and Bar- ar r iving finds h im doing so. under the direct command of
Thousands of years of his- nabas began serving with the the Lord Jesus Christ today.
tory have demonstrated that Truly I say to you, 11e w ill And let us remember that
Antioch congregation because ap point him over all his
humans, however well in- of the great need there, you this Lord Jesus Christ Is no
tentioned and scientifically belongings.-Matt. 24:45-47.
may be In a position to move longer 'the babe in the Beth-
advanced, cannot remedy to another location to advance For over thirty years until lehem manger,' T his Is the
mankind's huge problems. On- spiritual Interests. Humility, 1914, a small group of devoted one who Is now the mighty
ly the Creator of the uni- self-sacrifice and a keen in- Christians had been serving "King of kings and Lord of
verse, and of life on this terest In the welfare of others as the modern-day faithful lords," who is riding at the
earth, can do so. He alone can be a big help In maldng and discreet slave In providing head of a force composed of
has the wisdom, the power needed adjustments to a new spiri t ual food for fellow ser- no less than one hundred mil-
and the will required. A very environment. This was true vants of the household of God. lion angels!-Rev. 5:11; 19:14-
compelling re ason why we of the apostle Paul. W 6/1 And now, from 1914, the 16. W 1/15 7-9a
should trust Jehovah is that 11, 12a prophecies that they had
the future of manldnd will pointed to began to be ful- Wednesday, April 12
be decided by him, not by Sunday, April 9 filled In World War I and
humans. Indeed, the future other pangs of distress and A calm heart is the life of the
already has been determined Pay constant attention to they themselves came to be fleshly organism.-Prov. 14:30 .
by Jehovah. And we can yourself and to your teaching. persecuted by the war-mad Patience does Indeed bring
trust him to fulfill what he Stay by these things, for by nations. Clearly the sign was rich dividends. Jehovah God's
has purposed for the future, doing this you will save both evident that Christ had ar- exercise of patience has
even as he comfortingly as- yourself and those who listen rived to sit down on his glori- opened up to mankind the
sures us at Isaiah 55:11. In to you.-l Tim. 4:16. ous heavenly throne and was grand opportunity of everlast-
addition, Jehovah shows his Since lives are Involved In proceeding to the judgment of ing life as his approved ser-
loving concern for us by teaching others we need to the nations. What did the fu- vants. It has provided per-
keeping us Informed about exercise care that we convey ture hold for the "slave" class? sons with time to learn about
his purposes. How reassuring "all the counsel of God." Neg- The Master judged the "slave" his requirements and to begin
it Is for God to tell his trust- ligence In this could contrib- to be worthy of further prtvl- conforming to these. Many
ing servants ahead of time ute toward serious wrongdo- leges, In line with his pro- have done so. As a result,
what he will do In the fu- Ing on the part of the taught phetic promise. How wonder- these persons are even now
ture. And as his promises one. (Acts 20:26, 27) Mayall fully those words have been enjoying a meaningful life.
are fulfilled, it builds In us of us who are disciples of fulfilled! W 1/1 9-11 On the individual level, too ,
even greater confidence In Jesus Ch ri st make it our de- exercising patience Is reward-
him. W 7/15 1-3a termin ation to be faithful In Tuesday, April 11 Ing. The patient person does
the work of declaring the good not allow himself to get upset
Saturday, April 8 news and ma king disciples. In The angel of Jehovah is quickly and, hence, Is less
camping all around those likely to act rashly. Thus he
Though I am free from all connection with this vital ac- fearing him, and he res-
persons, I have made myself tivity, we can apply to our- cues them.-Ps. 34:7.
preserves a good conscience
the slave to all, that I may selves the counsel Paul gave and avoids needless quarreling
to Timothy. Obedience to There are invisible angelic and fighting. There Is also a
gain the most persons. creatures, numbering Into the
-1 Cor. 9:19. Christ's command to 'make health benefit. Calmness and
disciples, teaching them,' is myriads. (Heb. 12:22; Jude patience, even In the face of
There Is no limit to the essential to our salvation and 14, 15) Recall how King Hez-
time that we can spend in eklah was taunted by the As- trying circumstances, further
Kingdom-preaching and dis- that of others. It leads to the well-being of the entire
grand blessings now In the syrians. But soon those pagan
clple-maldng. All of us surely form of joy and contentment ridiculers were to learn why body. On the other hand, con-
want to be whole-souled In it. because of our knowing that faithful King Hezeklah had tinued upsets and irritations
For many, this may mean we are God's fellow workers. put his trust and confidence are like a disease that can
being able to devote some Then, too, It holds promise In Jehovah and His angelic weaken the human frame. In
sixty hours monthly to this of life everlasting In God's forces. (2 Ki. 18: 19, 20; 19 :35) view of the benefits that come
work as auxiliary pioneers, or new order. So we have every Well, such a historical ac- from patience, we should cer-
some ninety hours or more reason to be zealous In mak- count as this should certainly tainly want to display this fine
as regular pioneers. Have you Ing disciples. W 5/1 18, 19a give one fearing Jehovah to- quality. W 2/1 1, 2a
Thursday, April 13 these last days. Elders are Sunday, April 16 children"] receives, not me
Keep on teaching ana admon- assigned the responsibillty of You worship what you do not only, but also him that sent
ishing one another with aiding us to conform to the know; we worship what we me forth." The Sender of Jesus
psalms, praises to Goa, divine standard of righteous- know.-John 4:22. to the earth to become the
spiritual songs. ness. We, in turn, have an Messiah was his own heavenly
obligation to show proper re- For centuries before the Father, Jehovah God. Jesus
-Col. 3:16. time of Jesus' coming, Jeho- Christ and his heavenly Father
Perhaps you may feel that spect for those judging with
godly qualities. How can we vah dealt exclusively with the are not to be dissociated.
Jehovah God has not specif- best do so? By our ready Israelites. They alone "were They go together, inseparably,
ically intervened with such response to Scriptural coun- entrusted with the sacred pro- inasmuch as they are one in
marvelous deliverances at this sel and willing submission to nouncements of God." (Rom. purpose and in activity. So
time as he did when deliver- theocratic order. This works 3:2) Only natural Israelites · what a person does to the
ing the Israelites at the Red for our spiritual protection or Gentiles associating with Son, Jehovah God accepts
Sea. Yet what of the many and welfare now, amid a law- them in worship could gain this as also done to him. He
modern-day instances where less world. It demonstrates, an understanding of Jeho- shows that he accepts the re-
true worshipers have been too, our earnest desire to vah's revealed purpose. That ception as if given to him by
freed from restraints or re- measure up to what God re- is why Jesus could say the blessing the receptionist. How
lieved of persecution? When quires as we seek divine ap- above to a Samaritan woman. careful this should make us
you hear such reports, do you proval and prepare for life in The Samaritans accepted the when we are dealing with
tend to show only mild inter- the New Order. W 3/1 17, 18 Pentateuch, or five books of children or childlike ones!
est before you are occupied Moses, but rejected the rest W 8/15 19
again with the cares of daily Saturday, April 15 of the inspired Hebrew Scrip-
life? For instance, after many tures. Hence they did not Tuesday, April 18
years of teaching and meeting "You must love Jehovah your know Jehovah to the extent
"underground" because of gov- God with your whole heart that he had revealed himself. They took no note until the
ernment ban, Jehovah's Wit- and With your whole soul and However, Jews who accepted flood came and swept them
nesses are now free to carry on with your whole strength and all the Hebrew Scriptures as all away.-Matt. 24:39.
their Bible educational work with your whole mind," and . inspired of God and who en- We can imagine the ridicule
in Spain, Portugal and Greece. "your neighbor as yourself." deavored to worship according that wicked people heaped
Is this not reason for rejoic- -Luke 10:27. to the way outllned in those upon Noah and his family be-
ing? Is it not evidence of Je- Do you want to be among Scriptures certainly knew the cause they spent so much
hovah's loving-kindness? Do the survivors of the great trib- One whom they were venerat- of their time doing Jehovah's
you respond as the Israelites ulation who are depicted at ing. They worshiped according will. Of course, they had to
did, thanking and praising Revelation 7:13-17? You can to the divinely designated ar- work for their daily needs and
Jehovah for such displays of be. If you desire to be with rangement centered at Jeru- to maintain a place to Uve,
his loving-kindness? Have you the great crowd who will be salem's temple. Today it is our but they did not center their
specifically mentioned these standing before God's throne privilege also to worship what activities on that. However,
deliverances to others, as it serving him day and night in we know because we are fol- the rest of the world did, de-
were, singing praises for God's the post-Armageddon era, lowing the example set by voting themselves to "eating
loving-kindness? W 2/15 17 now is the time to prove to Jesus. W 6/1 2 and drinking, men marrying
Jehovah that your service is, and women being given in
Friday, April 14 not on and off, but without Monday, April 17 marriage, until the day that
Be obedient to those who are letup, as illustrated by the Noah entered into the ark."
continuous day-and-night ser- Whoever receives me, receives, (Matt. 24:38) But if excesses
taking the lead among you not me only, but also him that
and be submissive, for they vice of those praisers of Jeho- are avoided, is there anything
vah. This means being whole- sent me forth.-Mark 9 :37. wrong with eating, or with
are keeping watch over your
souls as those who will render souled in your service to God . When we perform a hum- drinking, or with marrying?
an account; that they may When we speak of such bllng task on the basis of No, for God himself instituted
do this with joy and not with whole-souled service, it really Christ's name, or out of regard those things when he created
sighing, for this would be means giving of ourselves for his name, this makes it man and woman. What was
damaging to you. completely, in every way pos- easier, more pleasant for us to wrong was that at that time
-Heb. 13:17. sible. When Jesus spoke of do. The act has a noble in-
loving Jehovah with our centive. Furthermore, it has a of judgment, when Ufe or
In all judicial matters good "whole soul" he meant with bearing upon our relationship, death was at issue, those peo-
judgment and a sense of righ- all our existence as a person, not only with Jesus Christ, but ple foolishly centered their
teousness must wisely be bal- with our mind, our heart, our also with his heavenly Father. lives on such pursuits and did
anced with mercy. (Jas. 2:13)
All of us have good reasons to strength. We need to use each This is indicated by Jesus' not pay attention to God's
be thankful for the arrange- part of our soul in this ser- words above: "And whoever will. The same principle will
ment that Jehovah has re- vice to the Most High God. receives me [that is, by re- hold true at the approaching
stored among his people in W 8/1 4, 5 ceiving "one of such young great tribulation. W 4/1 12
Wednesday, April 19 statements? In f act, might Saturday, April 22 others what Jesus Christ
Ke ep strict watch that how you not be judged as being Supply • • . to your self-control taught, helping them to ob-
you walk is not as unwise but like the man who is testifying endurance, to your endurance serve all that he commanded.
as wise persons, buying out In your behalf? The reputa- godly devotion, to your godly A genuine Christian does not
the opportune t ime [or your- tion of the witness can def- devotion brotherly affection, make disciples of himself, hav-
selves, because the days ar e inite ly affect whether his tes- t o your brotherly affection ing the taught ones look up
wicked.-Eph. 5:15, 16. ti mony Is believed or not. So, love.- 2 Pet. 1:5-7. to him. No, whatever his share
then, all who identify them- in aiding others, he recognizes
This means that we stop selves as witnesses of Jehovah Our life prospects depend t hat his role is that of a
devoting time to worthless must lead uprig ht lives. Em- on endurance. (Luke 21: 19) servant or slave of God and
pursuits and redeem it for use phasizing the Importance of Some have to endure physical of Jesus Christ. The example
in a meaningful way. It may this, Paul wrote with reference abuse, as our brothers In Ma- of the apostle Paul well illus-
mean that we have to t ake to Jews who knew God's law: lawi have done. Others are trates the attitude that we
some time away from other "Do you, . . . the one teaching troubled by indifference to should have when sharing In
things that are not absolute- someone else, not teach your- their efforts to share the good the work of disciple-making.
ly indispensable, from things self ?" (Rom. 2:21) If our life news, or by pressures and rid- He said that neither he nor
that simply may be Interest- does not agree with what we Icule from friends and fami- Apollos were anything, but
ing, enjoyable and perhaps proclaim, this brings great ly. As for godly devotion, it "Is only 'God was the one who
even educational. It may mean reproach upon Jehovah God, beneficial for all things." makes plants grow.'-l Cor.
spending less time watching even as Paul further noted. (1 Tim. 4:8) So we need both 3 :5-7. W 5/1 3-5a
TV, less time reading the W 7/1 8,9 endurance and godly devotion
newspaper or secular periodi- t o continue on faithfully. not nlonday, April 24
cals. It may also mean pur- Friday, April 21 becoming inactive or unfruit-
suing less avidly some time- ful. And we are to add to our Did you not rather mourn, in
consuming hobby. The way to Those knowing your name godly devotion brotherly affec- order that the man that com-
do this Is to give Bible mat- will trust in you , jor you w ill ti on, and to our brotherly af- mitted this deed shOUld be
ters priority. Take care of certainly not leave those fecti on love. This reaches out, taken away from your midst?
them first, and then spend looking fo r you, 0 Jehovah. n ot just to our natural family, -1 Cor. 5:2.
what time Is left on less im- -Ps.9:10. but to all persons. Those who In the early centuries of the
portant activitie s. Otherwise In comparing the works of sh ow genuine Interest In oth- Christian congregation mar-
you may find these other God with the works of man, ers, and agape or principled riage seems to have continued
things so absorbing that they we can ask: Who deserves love, often see a fine response largely as a family affair.
crowd out the spiritual mat- our complete trust? Surely It t o their efforts to sh are the There was no requirement
ters that could strengthen Is not man, even with all his t ruth. We want to show love that some religious or civil
your faith. That Is why Je- scientific achievements. The to all people. We should show authority license the marriage
sus counseled: "Keep on, then, tremendous damage and con- concern for them as Individ- or be present to make it a
seeking first the kingdom fusion he already has caused uals, Including a sincere de- valid and honorable one. Con-
[of God] and his [God's] on earth show that he does sire to help t hem spiritually. formi ty to God' s law, never-
righteousness."-Matt. 6 :33. not have the answers to the W 8/1 19, 20 theless, was nec essary if the
W 4/15 12a problems of life and cannot marriage was to be viewed
be trusted to get them. As Su nda y, April 28 as honorable within the Chris-
Thursday, April 20 one encyclopedia observed : Make disciples • • • t eaching tian congregation. Thus, when
The name of God is being "Despite the great advances t hem .- M att. 28:19, 20. Paul heard about a certain
blasphemed on account oj you made In science, scientists situation in the Corinthian
still have many unsol ved Though not present In per- congregation he did not hesi-
people among the nations. son with his disciples , Jesus
-Rom. 2:24. problems." Jehovah God does tate to condemn it as fornica-
have all the answers to all Christ is with them in spiri t, tion. He also showed that the
In order to reach the hearts such problems. And he cer- guiding and directing the work congregation was to be con-
of sincere per sons, we must tainly has the wisdom and of his congregation. Proof of cerned about the standards
live in harmony with what we ability to provide solutions to this is the fact that more of the community where they
teach. Mere words, without mankind's plaguing problems. true disciples of J esus Christ lived, for he poin ted out that
the backing of a good example Hence. how appropriate is have been made In these "last even among the nations such
in Christian living , are mean- the Bible's warning: "Do not days" than In any other pe- a thing was not done . The
ingless. Consider: Would you put your trust . . . in the riod of history. The Son of Christian congre gation viewed
want as a character witness a son of earthling man, to whom God Is Indeed with the con- Itself as a family hou sehold
man who Is known for his no salvation belongs." (Ps, gregation of his disciples, as he and so, like a family the con-
lying and fraudulent prac- 146:3) Instead, since we love promised over nineteen cen- gregation would rightly t ake
tices? Wouid not his record what is right and love life, turies ago. (Matt. 28:20) Just an Interest in the marriages
of dishonesty call into ques- we want to trust In Jehovah. what does It mean to make contracted by Its member s.
tion the truthfulness of his W 7/15 18, 19 disciples? It means to teach W 3/15 5-7a
Tuesday, April 25 Like ancient Egypt, which Friday, April 28 of his Father's will was like
If anyone wants to be first, failed those who took shelter food. (John 4:34) It sustained
under the long branches of F or three years, night and
he must be last of all and day, 1 did not quit admonish- him. His chief objective in
minister of all.-Mark 9:35. that symbolic cedar of Leba- life was to help others spiri-
non, it will fail those who ing each one with tears.
It was not a case of who -Acts 20:31. tually. His own material needs
keep putting their trust in were secondary. Jesus lived in
appreciates the Messiah most it and going down to it for The love and mutual re-
and therefore wants to be gard permeating the first- full harmony with the ad-
help with its military and monition he gave others. He
closest to him in the Kingdom. economic resources. Its dom- century congregations reflect-
It was a case of who wants to healed the sick, the crippled
inance of earth's affairs must ed the inner qualities of the and the deformed, restored
rank next highest to him. be chopped down. Jehovah's early Christians as individuals.
Among imperfect men, how sight to the blind, opened the
incoming kingdom will cut it Take Paul as an example. mouths of the speechless and
could anything but selfishness down by means of His kingly His heart had widened out
enter into such a discussion? the ears of the deaf, and freed
Son Jesus Christ. The hope to encompass affectionately many from demon control. To
No wonder the ambitious apos- of mankind is in that kingdom his fellow believers in Corinth.
tles kept silent after Jesus put responsive ones, his proclaim-
of Jehovah God. It is our (2 Cor. 6:11-13) Moreover, he ing God's truth brought com-
the question: "What were you privilege to make that fact had a heart full of love for
arguing over on the road?" fort, spiritual healing and re-
known far and wide. W 5/15 his spiritual brothers and sis- lease from spiritual captivity.
They felt that their discussion 36, 39a t ers everywhere. No wonder
did not merit any commenda- What a fine example he set of
that daily there rushed in on seeking first God's kingdom!
tion. They sensed that they Thursday, April 27 him "anxiety for all the con-
had shown selfishness, self- W 7/1 3, 4a
1 have learned, in whatever gregations"! (2 Cor. 11 :28)
seeking, self-glorification, in Did Paul arrogantly lord it
this matter. So not one of circumstances 1 am, to be self- Sunday, April 30
sutficient.-Phil. 4:11 . over other worshipers of Je-
them answered Jesus. How- hovah? Certainly not! For Not only has the word of Jeho-
ever, Jesus did not need to With full trust in Jehovah, instance, he did not scold and vah sounded forth from you in
have any admission from any Paul was able to bear up make authoritarian demands Macedonia and Achaia, but in
of them. Their meaningful under very trying circum- when admonishing the Ephe- every place your faith toward
silence betrayed embarrass- stances. Today, serving in an- sian Christian elders. His ap- God has spread abroad.
ment on their part. It showed other area, or perhaps as a peals to them were based on -1 Thess. 1:8.
that they felt ashamed. But missionary in another part of love. Those overseers knew A crowning happiness to a
Jesus, who to an extent could the world, requires making that he spoke the truth when life being lived according to
make out what people's sacrifices and being willing to he said the above. What a the Bible is the joy oj helping
thoughts were, detected what slave in behalf of others. sincere and humble elder! And others. (Acts 20:35) Those
the basis for their discussion These things need to be given that is the spirit Jesus ex- who have dedicated their lives
was, the point at issue. He prayerful thought beforehand. pected him to display, for he to helping their fellowman in
revealed his awareness of this For example, a person who had said that "whoever wants secular fields have found a
by his enunciating the above has always had an automobile t o be first among you must measure of satisfaction and
principle. W 8/15 9, 10 available for his service should be your slave."-Matt. 20:27. joy. But these joys do not
consider whether he would be W 6/15 11, 12 equal that of hel pin g others
Wednesday, April 26 willing to walk for miles come to a knowledge of God.
Woe to those going down to over rough terrain or with Saturday, April 29 This is because a knowledge
Egypt for assistance, those . . . the hot sun beating down of God's ways and his in-
upon him, or whether he Keep on, then, seeking first
who put their trust in war the kingdom and his r igh- structions help in more than
chariots, ... but who have not would be willing to put up 3 , temporary way-throughout
with crowded or sporadic pub- teousness.-Matt. 6:33 . this life and with a hope of
looked to the Holy One of
Israel and have not searched lic transportation facilities. Once when Jesus was tired, future life. Learning the truth,
for Jehovah himself. Likewise, persons who have a hungry and thirsty he seated people come to know, with
-Isa. 31:1. hard time adapting to differ- himself at Jacob's fountain God's help, how to cope with
Once we have got out from ent circumstances and sur- near the Samaritan city of their problems. They can, in
roundings and to people with Sychar. Yet when a Samaritan turn help others to learn the
under the visible organization woman approached to draw
of God's great Adversary, we varying backgrounds, customs, way' to life that the Bible
water, he seized the oppor- provides. All of this adds more
should not again resort to it Ilving standards and habits, tunity to do good. He for- to the joy of the teacher of
for aid and protection. It is should recognize that they got about his tiredness and the good news , for he sees
the course of common sense must work at it in order to hunger, and found joy and the fruitage of his work in the
and of divine wisdom for us qualify for evangelizing work strength in doing his Father's expansion of the good news
to give heed to these inspired in a foreign field. With trust work, helping this woman to over an area vaster than he
words. The worldly system of in Jehovah they can do so. learn about acceptable wor- could cover himself. W 8/1
things is now in its last days. W 6/1 12, 13a ship. Yes, for Jesus, the doing lOa
Monday, May 1 ing toward h er h usba nd and Thursday, May 4: counsel to the Philippians is
The best thing t hat 1 m ysel j that he would dom in ate h er, Happy is the one who has most appropriate. No imper-
have seen, which is pretty, is the Bible clearly shows that the God ot Jacob jor his help, fect human has aU the desir-
that one should eat and dr ink God did not purpose that the whose hope is in Jehovah his able qualities. If he is humble,
an d see good jor al l his h ard woman sh ould be in slavis h God.-Ps. 146:5. he will readily see that others
work.-Eccl. 5:18 . bondage to the man. Rather, excel in areas wherein he is
he was to be in positio n as While individuals among the weak and that he, too, may
The Most High God Jeho- head, or the one charged Lord's people may be killed try their patience at times.
vah is sup r emely h appy, taking wit h oversight of h is wife and between now and the "great Jesus Christ certainly demon-
delight in his perfection and the family that t hey might tribulation" (and the Scrip- strated just what it means to
in his works . (1 Tim. 1 :11) pr oduce. In the days of the tures indicate that some will have the r ight attitude toward
Moreover, he desires that his an cient Hebrews, about whose be [Matt. 10:21; 24 :9]), yet . others. He patiently put up
intelligent creatures, especial- history the Bible h as so much Jehovah's people as a class with his apostles-their petty
ly his faithful servants, share to say, godly women of spir- will survive the "great tribu- rivalries and their slowness to
in that happiness. Why, our it and ability, wh ile subject lation." Even if you personally comprehend. Never did he lose
very senses are designed to to their husbandly h eads, had should prove to be one who his temper in dealing with
perceive a tremendous variety much latitude and freedom suffers great hardships and them. How fine it would be for
of sights, sounds, smells, tastes of action and were happy in calamities, yet, in spite of us to imitate his perfect exam-
and textures. What pleasure their place and were blessed what occurs, you should never ple!-Mark 9:33-37; John 13 :
there can be in seeing brilliant in being used by Jehovah suffer the loss of your faith 5-17 . W 2/1 12, 13a
sunsets, star-studded skies, God to perform special ser- and confidence in Jehovah.
winding rivers, placid lakes! vices for Him. W 9/15 4 Never doubt the promises of Saturday, May 6
How delightful can be the your God . Never grow fearful
taste of fresh fruits or well- and run in a cowardly way You in your loving-kindness
Wednesday, May S have led the people whom you
prepared, nourishing meals! for cover; never deny your
There is enjoyment when we 1j anyone wants to be first, he God or compromise your in- have recovered.-Ex. 15:13.
feel the touch or embrace of must be last oj all and m in - tegrity. And never allow your Jehovah's worshipers have
those whom we love. Then, ister ot all.-Mark 9 :35. vision to become dim as re- long recognized manifestations
too, is it not pleasurable to As seen from Philippians gards angelic backing of those of God's loyal love in his deal-
hear the singing of birds and 2:5-8, Jesus did not make holding to their dedication to ings with them. By examining
the laughter of happy chil- himself an exception to the Jehovah. In view of the above some of the Biblical instances
dren? And what delight can rule he stated to his apostles. words, rejoice in Jehovah and of this, we likely will be aided
be had in the scent of sweet- He provided his own self as in the help, guidance, protec- to discern additional reasons
smelling blossoms! It is def- the perfect example for all tion and spiritual prosperity that we have for thanking
initely God's purpose that we who are to be joined with that he has granted and is him. Thus Jehovah led hi s
find joy in what he has pro- him in the heavenly kingdom bestowing upon his faithful people from Egyptian bondage
vided so generously for all to imitate. Even all those who witnesses in this time of t he to the west ern sho re of the
mankind. This is the conclu- will become earthl y subjects end !- Luke 21:28; 2 T im. 1:7. Red Sea. Then he miraculous-
sion Solomon reached. W 9/1 of his kingdom will h ave to W 1/15 23, 24a ly parted the waters so that
1-3 imitate h im in h is h um ilit y the milli ons of Israelites and
and ser viceability. Who, then, Friday, May 5 their associates could cross
Tuesday, May 2 ranks first as to real worth safely. When the Egyptians
and importance? Is it not the With lowliness ot m ind [ con- tried to thwart Jehovah's de-
Your craving will be tor your sider] that the others are
husband, and he will domi- one that is humble enough to liverance, he used the same
accept all forms of service and superior to you. waters to destroy them all,
nate you.-Gen. 3:16. -Phil. 2 :3.
that seeks to be of service to including powerful Pharaoh .
One sore point among many others? If anyone sought to Helpful in cultivating pa- How would you have reacted
of womankind is the domi- be first in a selfish way, he tience is taking into consider- had you been with God's peo-
nance accorded to the man would not stoop to render any ation that people and circum- ple? Safe on the other sho re,
in the marriage arrangement. and all forms of service to all Moses and the sons of Israel
To some women it is "male stances vary. Some may be
others in the organization. slow to grasp things that oth- t han ked Jehovah in song. (Ex.
chauvinism," that is, a vain- To be willing to render even 15:1-21) God 's leading and
glorious or exaggerated view the most menial service to ers comprehend very quickly. delivering them instilled in
that the man has toward anyone else, he would have to Yet, this does not make infe- them confidence. And his a ct
his position as head over the view himself as being the rior persons of those who are was a display, not merely of
woman. But such chauvinism "last of all" in the organiza- slow! They may well excel in his power, but also of his
is not a product of the teach- tion. But this does not lower other areas of life-kindness, loving-kindness, for which
ings of God's Word. While his intrinsic value. By serv- friendliness and generosity. So they thanked and praised him.
Genesis 3 :16 does teU us that ing all, he becomes t he most we do well to look at persons Do you respond in a similar
the woman would have a crav- valuable member. W 8/15 13 as a whole. The apostle Paul's way? W 2/15 14-17
Sunday, May 7 or as a body, over the congre- Wednesday, May 10 ticularly in the oceans, pre-
In his days the righteous one gation. The position of head- The head of every man is sents a clear threat .to the
will sprout, and the abundance ship as far as the icongrega- the Christ; in turn the head survival of the human family.
of peace until the moon is tlon Is concerned belongs to of a woman is the man. In line with the words of Je-
no more.-Ps. 72:7. Jesus Christ. (Col. 1:18) He -1 Cor. 11 :3. sus Christ, the present wicked
Is also referred to at 1 Co- system of things Is a house
God's new order will be a rinthians 11:3 as the "head of Where might lack of prop- divided against itself; hence,
place of total security. Earth every man." So there is a er headship give rise to it cannot keep standing much
wide the prophecy of Micah difference between presiding problems that can cause un- longer. And according to an-
4:4 will see major fulfillment. over a congregation of God's happiness in marriage? It may other Scriptural lllustration,
While we today enjoy a mea- people and exercising head- be that both husband and the nations have sown the
sure of spiritual security, total ship within the family. To wife are dedicated, baptized wind and so will reap the
security will be realized only preside means to lead, con- servants of Jehovah. Do you whirlwind of destruction.
in that new order of God's duct, direct, to care for as a husband make it a (Matt. 12:25, 26; Hos. 8:7)
making. What a wonderful others. How fittingly this ap- point to share time not only Particularly does fulfillment of
time that will be when Jeho- plies to elders whom we view with your own relatives, but Jesus' great prophecy make It
vah, by means of his heavenly as taking the lead among us also with those of your wife? certain that we are llving at
kingdom, provides such abun- both at meetings and in the Or do you make things mis- the conclusion of this wicked
dant material blessings and field service. W 311 3, 4a erable when your wife's rel- system of thlngs.-Matt. 24.
such lasting security that dai- atives are coming for a Visit, 25; Mark 13; Luke 21. W 4115
ly life will be an "exquisite Tuesday, May 9 01' when you are visiting 19, 20
delight'" (Ps. 37:11) No more them? Do you share equally
will there be problems of dis- Know this, that in the last with your wife's side of the
days critical times hard to Friday, May 12
placed persons, due to their family as you want your wife
fieeing from the territories deal with will be here. For to share equally with your Do you, . . • the one teaching
controlled by cruel dictatorial men will be . . . lovers of side of the family, to the someone else, not teach
governments. Nor will there pleasures rather than lovers of extent possible in your cir- yourself?-Rom. 2:21.
be any fear of young or old God.-2 Tim. 3:1, 2, 4. cumstances? What about times If the taught one is going
being torn apart in hideous Jesus Christ set the perfect of relaxation together? Is it to live in harmony with God's
wars. Peace will be the rule example in the enjoyment of always what you want to do moral requirements, he needs
because all mankind will be material things. By no means that Is done by the famlly? to know what the key terms
blessed by the great Deliverer, was he an ascetic. His very Do you consult with your used in the Bible mean. From
of whose rule the above was first miracle-turning water wife as to what she mllrht the way the student answers
written. Nor will poverty, hun- Into the best of wine-contrib- like to do, rather than mak- questions posed by you, you
ger or want mar that security. uted to the enjoyment of a ing arbitrary decisions? Think will be able to determine
What a privilege is ours to wedding feast. Some, however. of how pleasant It would be whether he has a grasp of
make this good news known foJled to recognize that Jesus for the husband and wife to the subject 01' not. If you see
to others !-Ps. 72 :4-8, 16. was making proper use of sit down together and plan that his understanding is in-
W 411 1-3 his Father's bountiful provi- on where they might spend a complete in some respect, you
sions , while he was at the few days of vacation. W 9115 will be in a better position
Monday, May 8 same time always giving spiri- 8, 9 to provide clarifying tnrorma-
Let the older men who preside tual matters first place. (Matt. tton that is suited to his needs.
in a fine way be reckoned 11:19; 6:24-34) Whlle we Thursday, May 11 Besides continuing to learn. a
worthy of double honor, es- Truly I say to you that this disciple of the Son of God is
therefore rightly find pleasure one who aids others to become
pecially those who work hard in food and drink, as well as generation will by no means
in speaking and teaching. . pass away until all these Christians. This should not be
-1 Tim. 5:17. in various forms of recreation. things occur.-Matt. 24:34. lost sight of when one Is con-
there are traps to be avoided. dncting home Bible studies.
In what way do elders do According to Bible prophecy, The time for God to end Students need to be assisted
this? Not with the same au- it is among professed Chris- wickedness on earth must be progressively to become quali-
thority as fathers preside over soon, for if present worsen- fied to teach others. By ques-
their households. Family tians that the above prophecy ing conditions were not called tions we can aid students to
heads are at times called upon applies. These persons keep to a halt by the Creator, self- begin thinking In terms of
to make final decisions on living for pleasure, putting the ish men would bring an end using the material studied to
various matters that Influence pursuit of amusements first in to humankind on the earth, aid others. At the same time.
and govern their wives and their llves. Faced with their either through their pollution make It clear to the student
chlldren. However, individual strong Influence, we must be of it or by nuclear warfare. that the one who teaches oth-
elders do not wield such au- on guard that this does not According to ecologists, the ers must live In harmony with
thority. They do not exercise begin to affect our thinking. rapid spreading of pollution in the Bible, as noted by the
headship, either individually W 9/1 4, 5 the earth, in the air and par- apostle Paul. W 511 10-12a
Saturday, May 18 dom, power, order and law Tuesday, May 16 Christ. (2 Pet. 1 :8) In fact ,
1 have exhibited to you in manifest in the universe all You ought to know positively if someone is having spiritual
all things that by thus labor- stem from the grand Creator, the appearance of your flock. problems, he can generally go
ing you must assist those who Jehovah God . So far-reaching -Prov. 27 :23. through this list and find
are weak, and must bear in is his ability that he does what is lacking that causes
with ease what men find Paul showed concern for the spiritual sickness or the
mind the words of the Lord the spirit of the Corinthian
Jesus, when he himself said, impossible, even to "counting inactivity. On the other hand,
the number of the stars; all congregation. Similarly, the if we apply these things, we
"There is more happiness in glorified Jesus Christ was con-
giving than there is in of them he calls by their will be both active and fruit-
names." (Ps, 147:4) Humble cerned about the spirit mani- ful in our service to Jehovah.
receiving."-Acts 20:35. fested by the seven congrega-
persons will acknowledge what Among the qualities Peter
Since all in the congrega- many scientists and others do tions addressed in Revelation, mentions is earnest effort. It
tion are imperfect, we must not, that Jehovah is indeed chapters 2 and 3. Therefore, is clear that it takes effort to
be willing to put up with one "the Creator of the heavens." Christian elders of today accomplish anything-effort to
another's faults in love and (Isa. 42 :5) This glorious Cre- should be deeply interested in study to get understanding
to forgive one another freely ator, who demonstrates such the spirit shown by the con- and to establish our faith,
from the heart. (Col. 3:13; ability and wisdom, surely is gregations with which they effort to apply what we learn
Matt. 18:35) Our helping one worthy of our trust, even serve. As a man appointed by or to share it with others.
another in these ways will as the twenty-four elders holy spirit to "shepherd the W 8/1 13, 14
certainly strengthen the bonds acknowledged.-Rev. 4:11. flock of God," an overseer
of love. It is through self- W 7/1515,17 should know the appearance Thursday, May 18
sacrificing love that we prove of the flock. He might well
ourselves to be Christ's dis- ask himself: Are the brothers Whoever receives one of such
Monday, May 15 young children on the basis of
ciples. (John 13:34, 35) This and sisters in the congrega-
means expending our strength, Woe to those . • . who are tion truly happy? Do their my name, receives me; and
time, material resources and, lingering till late in the eve- faces indicate that they are whoever receives me, receives ,
yes, our very being in efforts ning darkness so that wine serving Jehovah with ".ioy not me onlu, but also him that
to promote the spiritual wel- itself inflames them/ ..• The of heart"? (Deut. 28 :47) Are sent me forth.-Mark 9:37.
fare of others. By thus giv- activity of Jehovah they do they attending Christian Our being considerate of
ing of ourselves we do not not look at.-Isa. 5:11, 12. meetings regularly? Do they others, regardless of how in-
become impoverished. Rather, Persons who live solely for study the Bible privately at ferior they may be outwardly,
our happiness continues to in- pleasure are in grave danger. home? Are these fellow be- plays an important role in the
crease, even as Jesus Christ This is forcefully emphasized lievers really "healthy in matter of getting along to-
himself noted. May we, there- in connection with certain faith"? (Titus 2 :2) Do they gether well. To impress this
fore, continue to deepen our Israelites in Isaiah's time. keenly appreciate spiritual point, Jesus went on to illus-
joy by imitating him to a Wine fiowed freely at their things? Is it evident that they trate. There are cases on rec-
greater degree, always proving feasts. As the night progressed cherish their relationship with ord to show that Jesus loved
ourselves to be devoted dis- the revelers would become loud Jehovah God and truly desire young children. As the eldest
ciples of his. W 7/1 19, 20a and boisterous to the accom- to praise him? W 6/15 21, 22 son of his own earthly family,
paniment of sensual music de- he doubtless had to do a lot in
Sunday, May 14 signed to arouse their passions. Wednesday, May 17 caring for his younger half
The heavens are declaring Rightly, woe or calamity would By your contributing in re- brothers and his two or more
the glory of God: and of the befall these pleasure seekers. sponse all earnest effort, sup-
Their sole objective was to half sisters, there in Nazareth
work of his hands the ex- ply to your faith virtue. of Galilee. (Matt. 13:53-56)
panse is telling.-Ps. 19:1. satisfy their fleshly desires -2 Pet. 1:5.
right from the start of the day. He did not despise these be-
The immensity of the uni- They f!ave no thought to pleas- All of those demonstrating cause of their imperfections
verse, its order, and the pre- ing Jehovah; neither do their true godly devotion by making and shortcomings. He gave
cise laws governing the move- counterparts of today. How an effort to share the truth
ments of heavenly bodies, of God's Word with others them no cause for stumbling
have astonished some scien- could they reflect on Jehovah's want to be sure that they over him because of any fail-
tists. As Science News ob- grand activities to the sound have Jehovah's favor and that ure to share in supporting the
serves: "Contemplation of of sensual music while at the what they do will be success- family, but worked diligently
these things disturbs cosmolo- same time eating and drinking ful. This is what Peter is dis- as a skilled carpenter. He
gists because it seems as if to excess? They act as if there cussing. Peter mentions a learned how to appreciate the
such particular and precise were no evidence testifying to number of other qualities that innocent qualities of children
conditions could hardly have God's existence and activities. are essential in preventing us and also the childlike qualities
arisen at random." Of course, So, just as in Isaiah's time, from becoming "either inac- of full-grown persons, thus
the universe did not just they stand disapproved before tive or unfruitful regarding setting a fine example for us.
arise "at random." The wis- God. W 9/1 13, 14 the accurate knowledge of" W 8/15 15, 16
Friday, May 19 be working together exhib it- Monday, May 22 might be a little one, but th at
God is not unrighteous so as Ing true fellow feeling and Hold a good conscience, so would not minimize the seri-
t o jorget your work and the love for one another. After ousness for the one causin g
t hat in t he particular in which
love you showed jo r his name , all, J esus said that people you ar e spoken against they the stumbling. Why not ? Be-
in that you have ministered would know that we are his may get ashamed who are cause it Involved "one of these
t o the hol y ones and continue disciples If we have love speaking slightingly ot you r Ilttle ones t hat believe." This
ministering. But we desir e a mong ourselves. (John 13 : good conduct in connection would designate a believer in
each one 01 you to show the 35 ) This is the identifying with Christ.-1 Pet . 3: 16. Jesus as the Messianic Son of
same industriousness so as to mark of true Christianity. God. The bellef of such "little
Whether married or single, To be living witnesses for ones" puts them in the way to
hav e the jull assurance oj the Jehovah, we must stand out everlasting life. So, if anyone
hop e down to the end. living in diVided homes or
even In broken homes , by our as exemplary husbands and- willfully or inconsiderately
-Heb. 6:10, 11. fathers, wives and mothers, caused such a little one on the
course of a ction in day -to-day
The opportunities that are living, and by putting our - sons and daughters. Married way to eternal life to take
open to us are not positions selves In line with the right couples should be striving to offense and stumble out of the
of prestige and esteem in the conduct and discipline out- cope with problems that arise living way to destruction, it
eyes of men. All are oppor- lined In God's Word, we can in their marriage by applying would be tantamount to com-
tunities that call for the un- be liVing witnesses to the the Bible's counsel instead of mitting murder. What a lack
selfish . wholehe arted exertion t ruth of God's Word that Je- imitating the world by seeking of love that would show!
of effort, demanding work. hova h's servants are happy. a way out of an unpleasant W 8/15 9 , lOa
This Is only reasonable, for W 9/15 18, 19b situation through separation
Jehovah and his Son have or divorce. Though we may be Wednesday, May 24
set the perfect example as Sunday, Ma y 21 disliked and misrepresented
workers that we are called on account of our faith in Whatever you are doing, w or k
upon to imitate. Jesus Christ All the people . . . shouted Jehovah God and his Son , at it whole-souled as to Je-
said: "My Father has kept with a loud shout i n praising we should at all times be hovah, and not to men, jar
working until now, and I keep Jehovah over the laying oj the heeding the advice of the you know that it is jrom J e-
working." (John 5 :17) May joundation oj the house 0/ apostle Peter. That means hovah you will receive the
this also be true of all of us, Jehovah .-Ezra 3:11. that we should guard against due reward ot the inheri-
as we make ourselves avail- Th us th e returned Israelites wrongdoing so that we do not tance. Slave JOT the Master,
able to be used to the greatest responded at the laying of the get a bad conscience, one Christ.-Col. 3 :23, 24.
possible extent of our God- foundation of the temple in that will condemn us. Fine Sacred service means more
given abl1ltles. If we do, our Jerusalem. Now, what about conduct may lead opposers to than talking about God's
life will be filled with joy and today? Your congregation may recognize that they have been Word to others. True, that is
satisfaction as we confidently formerly have rented a place wrong In their conclusions a part of the example that
look forward to receiving Je - In which to meet but now about us. These opposers may Jesus set for us, but sacre d
hovah's blessing. The apostle has built a Kingdom Hall. Or come t o recognize that their service also includes doing
Paul's words to the Hebrews maybe your congregation has speaking slightingly of us has -good to others, sharing thi ngs
are most encouraging. W 6/ 1 re centl y expanded your King - how we live our lives each
l 8a dom Hall . Or your meeting no foundati on. W 7/1 10, 11 day . This would Include every
attendances may be building facet of our IIves-our wit -
Sat ur da y, May 20 up , with newly interested per - Tue sd ay, Ma y 23
sons appearing at your hall. nessing to others, at home, at
Happy are those conscious oj Whoever stumbles one ot t hese work-it all reflects on how
t heir spiritual need . . . Happy Or man y in the congregation little ones t hat believe , it
may have been stirred to share would be finer jar him ij a we respond to Jehovah's di -
are the mild-tempered . . . in the auxl1la ry pioneer ser- rection. For example, both
Happy are the pure in heart. millstone .. . were put around
-Matt. 5:3, 5, 8. vice. Do you realize that such his neck and he were actually men an d women have certain
accomplishments are displays pitched into the sea. God-given responsibilities and
Jehovah, the happy God, of Jehovah's abundant lovlng- -Mark 9:42. assignments to perform within
has outlined in his Word kindness? Does it move you to
what It takes to be happy re joice also? Unquestionably, Was the man stumbled by the family circle. Those who
and how genuine happiness we have numerous reasons to the words and actions of the recognize Jehovah's direction
can be the lot of true Chris- praise Jehovah for his loving- apostles toward him when In their lives see the applying
tians. Jehovah's people, taken kindness: For the expressions they tried to prevent him from and the carrying out of such
from all walks of life, have of it In connection with his doing a fine work not disap- heavenly instruction as part
one thing in common, their declared purpose that benefit proved by their Teacher? of their sacred service in the
faith In Jehovah. This gives all humans. For the displays (Mark 9:38) This is something sight of Jehovah God. These
them a joyful hope for the of it that involve us individ- really serious, for Jesus went obligations are spelled out for
future. Like a united family, ually and collectively. W 2/15 on to say the above. The per - us at Colossians 3 : 18-22.
all of us are and should 21-23 son being stumbled -to a fall W 8/1 6, 7
Thursday, May 25 one appointed in the theo- Sunday, May 28 this ungodly world. As long as
Pay attention to yourselves cratic arrangement of things. 1 planted, Apollos watered, but this system continues in its
that your hearts never become When a husband lets every- God kept making it grow. last days, we must keep on
weighed down with overeating thing slide, does not come -1 Cor. 3:6. exercising patience, confident-
and heavy drinking. to grips with making deci- ly looking to Jehovah God to
sions, and his wife has to Yes, a person's growth as bring relief through his Son
-Luke 21:34. a disciple of Jesus Christ de-
take over that responsibility, Jesus Christ. This is because
It is noteworthy that Jesus unhappiness results. First of pends upon Jehovah God. So these "last days" will continue
Christ alerted his disciples to all, though some women be- it is of the utmost importance to be "critical times hard to
the grave danger of becoming cause of losing their husbands to aid Bible students to make deal with," (2 Tim. 3:1) Now
pleasure seekers. Overindul- have to guide the family in their relationship with Jeho- especially, therefore, we need
gence in food and drink may place of the man, the wom- vah God a personal one. How to draw encouragement from
crowd out any desire for spir- an is far better equipped might this be done? Bible stu- the example of patience that
itual things. As a result, a for giving wifely support than dents should be encouraged to ancient servants of God set .
person may become spiritually for taking on the role of read the Bible, to meditate on Often they found that their
drowsy, blind to the responsi- family head. That is how what it says and to apply it fellow Israelites refused to lis-
bilities that come with being a God made her. She was cre- in their lives. Keep stressing ten to them, insisting on con-
disciple of Jesus Christ. Were ated in the beginning as a the importance of prayer. tinuing in their own lawless
he to continue in that state, complement to the man, a When a person is specific in ways.-2 Ki. 17:13, 14. W 2/1
the coming of the Son of God partner to him, and this is his prayers he becomes more 7-9
in the capacity of executioner the happier role for her. keenly aware of God's answer-
of divine vengeance would W 9/15 11, 12 ing his petitions. This draws Tuesday, May SO
overtake him as a "snare," him closer to his heavenly Fa-
even as Jesus warned at Luke Saturday, May 2'7 ther and contributes greatly Whoever wants to be /if'St
21:35, 36. Certainly, the last toward his spiritual growth. among you must be your slave.
days are no time for anyone Any weapon whatever that Just one discussion on the -Matt. 20:27.
to ignore these words and slip will be formed against you value of Bible reading, medi- Ministering to fellow be-
into worldly practices at social will have no success, and any tation and prayer is, of course, lievers in the capacity of ser-
gatherings. How can we pre- tongue at all that will rise not enough to help others vants or elders is a door of
vent social affairs from be- up against you in the judg- to become spiritual persons. opportunity that is open to
coming worldly and, hence, ment you will condemn. This These are things that need to men in the Christian congre-
spiritually damaging and di- is the hereditary possession of be mentioned whenever appro- gation. The qualifications set
vinely disapproved? Consider- the servants of Jehovah, and priate. They can be brought forth in God's Word make it
ation must be given that their righteousness is from into the discussion during the clear that those thus serving
those invited will not bring in me.-lsa. 54:17. course of Bible study. The must be spiritual persons, fine
an unwholesome influence. Not Over the intervening years benefits might be highlighted examples of Christian living,
all in a Christian congregation since the preaching of the with the use of illustrations, yes, men who have the re-
are necessarily desirable mem- Kingdom good news began in experiences and by the use spect and confidence of the
bers.-2 Tim. 2:20-22. W 9/1 1919 a great crowd of persons of the Bible. W 5/1 14, 15a congregation as a whole. Be-
15, 16 out of all nations and tribes cause elders have teaching
and peoples have responded. responsibilities, they should
Friday, May 26 They are the ones described as Monday, May 29 also be men who are careful
Each one will carry his own coming out of the great trib- Brothers, take as a pattern students of God's Word. A
load of responsibility.-Gal. ulation. (Rev. 7:9, 10, 14) The of the suffering of evil and man who rarely reads the
6:5, 1950 edition. experiences Jehovah's Chris- the exercisina of patience the Bible could hardly be consid-
tian witnesses have had over prophets. who spoke in the ered qualified to teach it to
A point to which all hus- the past sixty years have im- fellow believers. According to
bands should give serious name of Jehovah.-Jas. 5:10.
consideration is that of taking pressed upon them the truth- the Scriptures, congregational
fulness of Isaiah's prophecy. The time is fast approach- servants and elders are not
the headship that God has Look, too, at the worldwide ing for Jehovah God to bring a titled class but are the
given them. Many times wives growth and the spiritual pros- to a close the present day of slaves of their brothers, even
will complain that their hus- perity enjoyed by God's peo- opportunity for those now liv- as Jesus Christ showed. Hence,
bands just refuse to make ple in spite of all the demon- ing to come into an approved basic to a man's qualifying as
decisions and leave everything inspired opposition! Certainly relationship with him. Bible a servant in the congregation
up to them. But, Christian the tremendous expansion of prophecy and Bible chronol- or as an elder is his desire
husbands, that is shirking this preaching work could not ogy point to the time since to slave for his brothers, sac-
your .God-given responsibility have been accomplished ex- 1914 with its increasing crime rificing of his time and ener-
before Jehovah! A Christian cept by Jehovah's protection, and Violence, wars, food short- gies in their behalf.-Compare
husband is required by God's blessing and spirit upon his ages, earthquakes, fear and 1 Timothy 1:6, 7; James 3:1.
Word to take the lead as the people. W 1/15 10, 12, 13a unrest, as the "last days" for W 6/1 14, 15a
Wednesday, May 31 Father was able .and .willing Saturday, June 3 trusting his promises and act-
A young man 1 used to be, to use his superior power to ing upon their conviction, sur-
provide for those serving him. Quit being fashioned after
1 have also grown old, and this system of things, but vived. The earliest example
yet 1 have not seen anyone This does not mean that he is that of Noah and his fam-
will feed and clothe us with- be transformed by making
righteous left entirely, nor his your mind over, that you may ily. (Heb. 11:7) Notable also
offspring looking for bread. out effort on our part. As ser- was the survival of Lot and
vants of God we must have a prove to yourselves the good
-Ps. 37:25. and acceptable and perfect his two daughters when Sod-
balanced view, working for om and Gomorrah were de-
Jesus Christ showed that the necessary things, but not will of God.-Rom. 12 :2.
worrying and engaging in an making this our exclusive pur- True Christianity is not a stroyed. Many centuries later
anxious pursuit of what we suit. We must seek what God matter of outward appear- the prophet Jeremiah and the
need is unnecessary. (Matt. 6: wants us to do by looking in- ance. In fact, in Christianity's Ethiopian slave Ebed-melech,
25) He knew what he was early days it was called "The who was instrumental in sa v-
talking about, for he had been to his Word. We must actually ing Jeremiah's life, survived
come to make the spiritual Way," because it was more the destruction of Jerusalem
his Father's agent in creating than formal worship. (Acts
mankind at the beginning. He part of our lives the primary 19:9, 23) It was a WAY OF because of their faith, even
had observed God's care for thing. Then Jehovah God will LIFE permeated by the wor- as the early Christians sur-
those who served Him and he do his part, empowering us to ship of God, guided by his vived Jerusalem's second de-
could agree with David's dec- obtain the things we need. spirit. Throughout God's Word struction for the same reason.
laration. Jesus knew that his W 4/15 I, 3, 4a
W 8/1 4, 6a we find strong expressions
that allow for no halfhearted Monday, June 5
••• service to Jehovah God. The
person wishing to be a real Brothers, • • • have regard
Thursday, June 1 Friday, June 2 Christian is told : 'Make your for those who are working
When you spread a feast, Better to live . alone in the mind over,' "be made new hard among you and presid-
invite poor people, crippled, desert than with a nagging in the force actuating your ing over you in the Lord and
lame, blind; and you will be and ill-tempered wife.-Prov. mind" and "put on the new admonishing you; and • • •
happy • • • For you will be 21:19, New English Bible. personality." (Eph. 4:22-24) give them more than extraor-
repaid in the resurrection What the wise man wrote Along with zealous witnessing, dinary consideration in love.
of the righteous ones. can also be said for living with good conduct is continually -1 Thess. 5:12, 13.
-Luke 14:13, 14. a nagging ' and ill-tempered emphasized. Accordingly, true How thankful we are for
If a congregation enjoys a husband. The dictionary de- Christianity reaches every as- elders in Jehovah's congrega-
picnic together, elders should fines the word "nagging": pect of our lives. We must tion earth wide who preside
use their influence for good. "To annoy by faultfinding; love and serve Jehovah God in a fine way! Mankind gropes
Of course, if some are invited to irritate by persistent scold- with our whole heart and for a way out of its problems,
from beyond the congregation, ing." This form of irritation whole soul and whole mind its rulers lording it over them.
elders might find it difficult, certainly has no place in and whole strength. This (Mat t. 20:25-27) Among us
if not impossible, to exercise the Christian household. Both leaves out no part of our we have spiritually mature
healthful control. We should parties in a marriage must body, our life or our per - men who are examples to the
also keep in mind the need of guard against it . Good advice sonality. W 10/15 2, 3 fiock, and we have regard for
not always inviting just a cer- for all of us is to be found them as they preside over us.
tain select few. There may be at Colossians 4:6 : "Let your Sunday, June 4 Not anyone man in the con-
others who would appreciate utterance be always with gra- Seek Jehovah, all you meek gregation, city, country or
and benefit from wholesome ciousness, seasoned with salt. ones of the earth, who have section of the world does this,
association-for example, the so as to know how you ought practiced His own 1udicial but all elders, within their
aged and widows. Further- to give an answer to each decision. Seek righteousness, assigned sphere, have the re-
more, it could hardly be in one." Making that kind of seek meekness. Probably you sponsibility to preside. With
harmony with Jesus' recom- reply to one's marriage part- .may be concealed in the day the loving help and direction
mendation to arrange such ner will certainly be to the of Jehovah's anger. provided by this multitude of
lavish affairs as to require blessing of both parties. As -Zeph.2 :3. counselors, the work of King-
those invited to pay a fee to Christians we want to watch Great as the coming catas- dom-preaching and disciple-
defray expenses and that may that our kindness may not trophe will be, the Bible as- making moves forward to a
even result in profit for the be less than the kindness sures us that there will be successful completion. The
host. Too large an affair can sometimes shown by world- survivors. On what basis will congregation is unified in its
focus attention on the one lings, by persons who do not efforts under elders who pre-
claim to be servants of Je- these survive? On the basis side in a fine way. We
arranging it, and this would hovah God. How sad it would of their faith. Thus those who are thus brought into closer
be contrary to the spirit of be if, in our Christian family in times past exercised faith, alignment with Jesus Christ's
Jesus' counsel found at Mat- circle, we failed to show con- which meant, not only be- headship, all to the glory of
thew 6:3. W 9/1 18, 19 sideration. W 9/15 1, 2a lieving in God's existence, but Jehovah God. W 3/1 19a
Tuesday, June 6 is too concerned about mate- Friday, June 9 This was all evidence of God's
Come her e, 1 will show you rial things is usu ally too in - Teacher, we saw a certain ma n loving-kindness. So to David
the bride, the Lamb's unte. volved working and caring for expelling demons by the use that loving-kindness was more
-Rev. 21:9. them. That is why persons oj your name and we tried important than present tem-
with wealth often h ave grea t t o prevent him, because he poral life as a human. Is this
Many of Israel's marriage difficulty in doing God's will. was not accompanying us. how it is also with us? Is not
feat ures are used beautifully They are too busy making -Mark 9:38. the loving-kindness, or loyal
to illustrate and symbolize and keeping t heir wealth, even love, of the One who can give
the union est ablished between as J esus observed . (Mark 10: When the apostles tried to us eternal life more precious
God's Son and those who be- 23) Sooner or later, whether prevent that "certain man" than mortal life that is here
come his Kingdom associa tes. it is in the ti me you spend, from further expelling demons today and gone tomorrow?
As regards this "bride" class, the attitude you develop, or by his use of Jesus' name, was · David, though, did not merely
formed of Jesus' anointed foot- your heart appreciation, one their speech seasoned with sense the value of Jehovah's
step followers, it is God who or the other-God or material salt or in good taste? We have loving-kindness. His deep grat-
selects such a class for his things-will win out and be- reason to doubt it. In view of itude for it moved him to utter
Son, who bought them with come the center of your life. Jesus' commission to them, praise and thanks to God.
a price of great value. (Eph. What becomes the center will they evidently viewed them- Thanking and praising God
5:25-27) While on earth, they determine your future, as it selves as an exclusive, title- should also be an integral part
view themselves as engaged did for Lot and his wife. holding team of healers. But of our lives. W 2/15 1-3a
and seek to ma intain them- -Luke 17:28-32. W 4/ 1 4-6a that "certain man" was not
selves like a "chaste virgin." against them and drawing Sunday, June 11
(2 Cor. 11 :2) They clothe Thursday, June 8 attention away from their wit-
themselves with a new person- ness work. Logically, since he 1 said , even 1, in my hear t :
ality that reflects the beau- Hand such a man over to was not against them, he must " Do come now, let me try you
tiful qualities of their heav- Satan for the destruction ot have been for them, although out With rejoicing. Also, see
enly Bridegroom, and by their the flesh, in order that the not acco mpa nying them. It good," And, look! that too was
righteous acts they maintain spirit may be saved in t h e day could hardly have been expect- vanity.-Eccl. 2:1.
a clean identification. (Rev. ot the Lo rd .-1 Cor. 5:5. ed that, at one moment he If we allow ourselves to be
19:7, 8) God has thus seen Where a congregation has a was doing miracles in Jesus' guided by the facts uncovered
fit to represent things of fine spirit, such a fine spirit name, but at the next moment by Solomon's investigation,
highest importance through should be maintained. The he was speaking evil of Jesus. surely we will not permit plea-
these marriage features. This importance of preserving a It would be inconsistent, un- sures to overshadow or crowd
supplies another strong reason congregation's spirit was em- reasonable, for us to expect out our spiritual activities.
for us to give due honor to phasized in ancient Corinth. that, by a powerful miracle, This calls for being moderate
marriage. To fail to do so Paul learned that among the the man would bring honor on in the number of social gath-
would, in effect, dishonor the Corinthian Christians sexual the name and after ward pri- erings we attend and the
relationship between Christ immorality was being toler- vately speak evil of the name amoun t of time we devote to
Jesus and his anointed fol- ated. The congregation's over- and work against the bearer them. If we were repeatedly to
lowers. W 3/15 10, 12 seers had not expelled the im- and his apos tles. W 8/1 5 4, spend a good part of the night
moral person , but P aul urged 7,9a at social affairs. how could we
Wednesday, J une "I them to do so. They were to possibly be alert the next
put him out of the Christian Saturday, June 10 day for spiritual opportunities,
No one can slave jo r two ma s- such as congregation meetings
t er s . • • You cannot slave congregation into the world Because ?Jour loving-kindness
to r God and jor Riches. ruled by Satan and where de- is better than life , my own lips or public Witnessing? If keep -
struction awaits, and that for toil! commend you.-Ps. 63: 3. in g late hours because of rec-
-Matt. 6:24. reation resulted in our being
In order to provide for their the reason given above. This What could be more pre- too t ired for spiritual activi-
own, those with family re- man had to be disfellowshiped cious than life? Without it ties, is not the pursuit of
sponsibilities usually have to if the spirit, or spirituality we could not enjoy or benefit amusements getting out of
work to make enough money of the congregation, based from any possessions. With control? While we may rightly
for food, clothing and shelter. on God's Word, was to be this in mind, note t hat Da-
(l Tim . 5:8) But if a person saved. Otherwise, 'a little leav- vid was saying that he would enj oy wholesome, upbu ilding
is consumed by the cares of en would ferment the whole rather lose his life than lose social gatherings and other
the day, he may feel that he lump,' that is, a spiritually Jehovah's favor. All that Da - forms of relaxation, these
has no time or energy left corrupting influence would vid might possess or enjoy should not become the big
to search for God, learn His permeate the congregation in the everlasting future de- things in our lives. Our great-
requirements, and do His will. and Jehovah would cut off pended on God. Also, David est satisfaction should be
So he must decide who will that congregation. Today it is knew of the many instances found in a life that centers
be his God: Jehovah or ma- also vital to save the congre- when Jehovah had shown h im around faithful servic e to Je -
terial things. The person who gation's spirit. W 6/15 6-8 compassion and loyal support. hovah God. W 9/1 8
l\'Ionday, June 12 would have any real freedom Thursday, June 15 side, just as it is written at
Husbands ought to be loving or happiness. We have, just As for the one sown upon the 2 Thessalonians 1:6. For these
their wives as their · own as do all others; many im- fine soil, this is the one hear- reasons God's people have a
bodies.-Eph. 5:28. perfections and faults. When ing the word. and getting the deeper love and appreciation
we try to correct these, the sense of it, who really does for Jehovah, and this, in turn,
Thus holy spirit counsels imperfections of the fiesh gives them a confidence free
husbands in dealing with their make us feel miserable be- bear fruit and produces, this
wives over whom they have one a hundredfold, that one from any weakening or mor-
cause of the fight we have sixty, the other thirty. . bid fear. Awesome as the
headship. It sounds very sim- to put up against them. It "great tribulation" will be, we
ple. The great problem is takes exertion, not because -Matt. 13:23.
that due to imperfection and are looking forward to being
the "way" to life is in itself The amount of time persons eyewitnesses at that grand ex-
inborn selfishness there are disagreeable, but because the can spend in preaching ' and ecution of divine judgment.
times when the husband, while world and our own imperfect teaching will vary, depending And so we continually pray
wanting to be the head of personalities exert pressures on age, health, family respon- for God's kingdom to come
the family, fails to show the against us. The standards of sibilities, and so forth. But and for his will and purpose
necessary love and consider- "The Way" are high, but the question is, What about to be accomplished-a prayer
ation for his wife. Often the meeting them gives the great- our desire? Are we whole- we offer in full confidence
wife will say of her husband est satisfaction, joy and free- souled in our worship of Je- through faith.-l John 5:14.
that she does not feel loved dom. W 10/15 2, 3a hovah, so that we take ad- W 1/15 17-19a
by him, that his only con- vantage of our opportunities
cern is his own pleasure and Wednesday, June 14 and the strength we have to Saturday, June 17
satisfaction. Within the Chris- bear witness to the truth?
tian congregation, then, a Cursed is the able-bodied From Matthew 13:23 we can Really, woe is me if I did
husband must take stock of man who puts his trust in see that if we do what we can not declare the good. newsl
himself and face up to re- earthling man and actuallY in a whole-souled way, wheth- -1 Cor. 9:16.
alities. Ask yourself, Do I makes flesh his arm, and er little or much, then we We do well to think about
love my wife as I do myself? whose heart turns away from can be content, for all three what the good news has
Do ! assign her honor as to Jehovah himself.-Jer. 17:5. types described were part of meant to us Indlvtdually. Ours
a weaker vessel, the feminine Has science helped to stem the "fine soil," each producing is certainly the very best way
one? Or, have I been in- the worldwide rampage of according to individual cir- of Ilfe. We are spared from
terested only in my own sat- crime? No, for crime has in- cumstances. Some, like the using our energies in vain
isfaction? Do I take into creased just as God's pro- full-time servant Paul, have efforts. We are safeguarded
consideration her needs and phetic Word said it would in not only the desire to do as against becoming involved in
desires? When it comes to these "last days." (Matt. 24: much as possible in Kingdom the world's immorality and
decisions, do I give her a 12; 2 Tim. 3:1-5) Too, while service, but also the mental lawlessness. Therefore, we do
listening ear, or do I make medical science has helped and physical stamina and can not experience the pain that
all the decisions, irrespective to fight some illnesses, others adjust their circumstances to comes from violating God 's
of any desires that she might have raged out of control. take hold of this fine oppor- commands. (Col. 3 :5-10, 12-
have? W 9/15 7 Heart disease and cancer tunity.-l Cor. 15:10, 11. 14) Besides present benefits,
have become major kll!ers. W 8/1 9-11 we have the grand hope of
Tuesday, June 13 Health problems have been life everlasting under righ-
Exert yourselves vigorously to made worse due to man's pol- Friday, June 16 teous conditions. How fine it
get in through the narrow lution of the air, land and wa- I heard, and. my belly began would be if more people could
door.-Luke 13:24. ter, and his chemical treat- to be agitated,' at the sound be aided to have that hope
The narrowness of "The ment of foods. And science is my lips quivered . . . Yet, as as disciples of Jesus Christ!
Way" is a narrowness in the completely helpless before the for me, I will exult in Jeho- People need the good news
sense that it restricts one ravages of old age and death. vah himself; I will be joyful today. Tomorrow could be too
as to harmful things. True Mankind's condition remains in the God of my salvation. late. Because of not knowing
freedom is not license to do just as God's Word says at -Hab. 3:16, 18. the good news, a person may
just anything a person de- Romans 5:12. We know from Even when facing trials at ruin his life by one act of
sires, because this would in- actual experience what this the hand of the Devil, we immorality or a violent out-
fringe on the freedom of scientific age has brought should have confidence in Je- burst of anger. Besides, we
others. It would soon become forth. Yes, now we can see hovah's willingness and ability do not know the day and
no freedom, for it would lead clearly what has happened to to bring us through complete- hour for God to act against
to strife, hatred, even mur- the human family because of ly victorious. (Rom. 8:37) The the ungodly world. So we
der. .The laws of world gov- putting trust in man. It is "great tribulation," however, want to use the remaining
ernments, for example, if not just as foretold. May we nev- is a tribulation from God that time wisely in efforts to help
obeyed at all, would result er be guilty of that folly but will befall the Devil's entire others gain salvation. We
in anarchy and such terri- always put our trust in Jeho- crowd in vindication of Je- should feel as did the apostle
ble conditions that no one vah God. W 7/15 9-11 hovah and all those on God 's Paul. W 7/1 15, 16a
Sunda y, June 18 ciated with him in his king - Wednesday, June 21 in all our ways. Viewing the
o let people give thanks to J e- dom had to ma nifest the same Bible in this way, we study
mental attit ude that he had. Train up a boy according to
hovah tor his lov ing-ki ndness the way for him; even when the Christian Greek Scrip-
and for his uxmaertut works to That is why the apostle Paul tures, .which contain many
wrote the above. On Jesus' he grows old he will not turn
t he sons of men.- Ps. 107:21 . aside f rom it.-Prov. 22:6. direct commands and laws,
part, was t h is not a makin g and also the Hebrew Scrip-
Do you find that you daily of himself "last of all and It is wise to remember that tures, which set forth many
reflect the sentiment of t hese minister of all" ? (Mar k 9 :35) in training our children and principles, illustrations, pr oph-
words? Do you often speak What finer example could raising them in the mental- > ecies and a record of actual
about Jehovah, spontaneously there be of humlllty on the regulating of Jehovah more historical events that reveal
praising him for what he is part of an y creature? And is invol ved than just studying God's attitude on matters of
and for what he does? Or may yet , by t akin g such a lowly the Bible with them. Practi- life. Throughout the entire
a whole day go by without position and a ministry that cal application of Bible prin- Bible there are many inci-
your thinking of God and cost him his earthly life, he ciples is vital. If you have dents that demonstrate God's
bringing him up in conversa- was rewarded with the first children, then as a wise par - way of dealing with various
tion? Unquestionably, one way posit ion in all creation. Truly, ent you should set a fine situations. All these things
in which to thank Jehovah Je sus did set a fine example of example for them in indus- acquaint us with God's per-
for his loving-kindness is by humility for all of us. W 8/15 triousness. Christi an parents, sonality and help us to have
speaking to others who are not 11, 12 make efforts to be up with the mind of Christ, who knows
yet worshiping him. The mes- your children in the morn- God more intimately than
sage of the good news can be Tuesday, June 20 ings , get ting them ready for anyone else does. W 10/15
lifesaving for them. Rightly, school, pro viding a proper 7-9
then, we are pleased to preach As in the daytime let us walle
decently, not in revelries and breakfast for them and see-
the good news widely. Tr ue ing that they are adequ ately Friday, June 23
Christians know that what drunken bouts , not in illicit
intercourse and loose conduct. clothed. Be interested in how
most persons have learned your children are doing in Supply . . . to your virtue
-Rom. 13 :13.
about God and the Bible con- their school studies and that knowledge, to your knowledge
sists of false doctrines and In this there is a vital lesson their conduct is always that selj-control.-2 Pet. 1:5, 6.
corruptions of the Bible's for us today. It is fine when of well-trained, well-m an nered It is easy to see how a fine ,
teachings. Hence, we could Christians can come together servants of Jehovah. Incul- accurate knowledge of the Bi-
unwittingly allow our witness- and enjoy fellowship as well cate in your child ren respect ble will help us to be effecti ve
ing to be dominated by nega- as food and drink in modera- for older persons and high and fruitful in convincing
tives, dwelling on what the tion. But worldliness must be regard for the prop erty of people of its importan ce. This
Bible does not teach. But we kept out of these gatherings others. All of such wlll help knowledge will help us to be
sh ould take care that we do if they are to be spiritually your child ren to be, not a re ady always to make, not
not talk about almos t nothing upbulldlng. What is a gather- vexation to you, but a praise j ust a defense, but an effective
but negatives. Our witne ss- ing where alcoholic beverages to their Creator, and a sat- defense of the good ne ws. Not
ing ought to include many fiow very freely . where music isfa ction t o you who have only that, but it helps us to
positive things about Jehovah. continues to blare out into re ar ed them.-Prov. 17:21, 25. kn ow what Jehovah requires
W 2/1 5 3-6a the wee hours of the morning W 9/15 9a of us so that we wlll have his
and where people share in favor. As we get this knowl-
Monday, June 19 questionable dancing? It is a Thu r sd ay, June 22 edge we can see more clearly
Keep this mental attitude in worldly party, a carouse. re- the value of doing all things
gardless of what name of re - All Scripture is i nspi red of
you that was also in Christ God and benefi cial tor teach- his way, with completeness of
Jesus, who . . • emptied him- spectability some may try to heart and mind. This leads us
a tta ch to it . As true Christians ing, tor r eproving, t or setti ng
self and to ok a slave's f orm t hi ngs straight, j or di sciplin- to self-control. How can our
and cam e to be in the likeness we have had our fill of such ing in righteousness, that life be one of whole-souled
ot men .-Phil. 2: 5-7. unrestrained merrymaking the man o! God may be devoti on if we do not control
Jesus' kingdom was to be during the time that we were jully comp etent, completely our body and its pass!ons-or
different from the kingdo ms ignorant of God's will. We equi pped jo r every good what we do with our hands.
of this world, in whi ch selfish want no part of an occasion work.-2 Tim. 3:16, 17. where our feet lead us, what
ambition, together with the marked by heavy drinking, our mouth says? How can we
Appreciating the need for pro gress spiritu ally if we do
inclination to be served rather disorder and sens uality or a God's guidance in order to not have enou gh self- control
than to serve others in office, gathering that in cludes an y of follow his ri ghteous princi-
motivates a politi cian. This to turn off the tele vision when
type of ac ti on bet rays a feeling these or t hat even borde rs on ples, we will ma ke Bible it is ti me to study? Which do
of self-importance, a lack of them. Now th at we have been study a regular part of our we devote the most time to
humility. Jesus himself did not enlightened, let us take to lives. Yes, the entire Word of - wat ching television or some
show such a disposition. Dis- heart Paul's couns el. W 9/ 1 God is wholly true and in- other recreation, or to spiri-
ciples who were to be asso- 11, 12 spired by God as a guide for us tual matters? W 8/1 17, 18
Saturday, June 24 these marvelous results be- Tuesday, June 27 this means more than words.
It is good to give thanks to cause Its kings will also con- If any man is reaching out Deeds must be in evidence.
Jehovah and to make melody stitute a heavenly priesthood How has he been conducting
who will be imitators of for an office of overseer, he is
to your name, 0 Most High; to desirous of a fine work. himself? For how long? What
tell in the morning about your their great, merciful High does his heart attitude show ?
Priest. As people progress in -1 Tim. 3:1.
loving-kindness and about your If you desire greater respon- Has he been diligently study-
faithfulness during the nights.
a spiritual way, applying right ing God's Word and endeav-
principles in their lives, they sibility, you should first exam- oring to apply it in correcting
-Ps. 92:1, 2. will be lifted up to perfec- ine whether your life as a
Talking about Jehovah and Christian could come under his way of life? Does he really
tion. Thereafter, no more will appreciate that his wrong was
his loving-kindness is not just a man have to say, "the closer scrutiny by other mem- against Jehovah? Has he
for occasions when we are good that I wish I do not bers of the congregation with- made appreciable changes for
trying to teach persons Bible do, but the bad that I do not out raising questions as to the better, showing that he
truths. What about our daily wish is what I practice." the kind of example you are has been moved by godly sor-
conversation? Jesus said: "Out (Rom. 7:19) Each man, in setting. You might ask your- row and not just regret for
of the abundance of the heart perfection, will have full con- self: Do I really want to serve having been found out? These
the mouth speaks." (Matt. 12: trol of all his powers and my brothers? Do I have the questions elders must have in
34) If we truly appreciate faculties. What a blessing that godly wisdom and insight to mind when talking with a dis-
God's loving-kindness, It ought will be! W 10/1 7-9 judge matters involving peo- feUowshiped person wanting
to show up in our dally speech. ple's lives? Could I give sound to be reinstated. W 3/1 16
This was so with the psalmist. Monday, June 26 Scriptural counsel that would
You may have noticed that help others with their person- Thursday, June 29
most persons, even church- Let your loins be girded and al and family problems? Do
goers, who claim to worship your lamps be burning, and others really view me as an Store up for yourselves trea-
God, are particularly reluctant you yourselves be like men "older man" by reason of my sures in heaven, where neither
to express any personal in- waiting for their master . . . experience in Christian living? moth nor rust consumes, and
volvement with God. In part, so that at his an'iving and Such sober self-examination where thieves do not break
this tendency may be due to knocking they may at once may calm any tendency to- in and steal.-Matt. 6:20.
the fact that they are, Indeed, open to him.-Luke 12:35, 36, ward impatience. It may im- It takes money to buy the
not personally Involved with What does it mean for the press upon you the importance necessities of life. But many
God. Yet, in view of how wide- slave to have his loins girded? of waiting patiently until such people want a big bank ac-
spread this disinclination is, In ancient times warriors used time as you really can serve count, feeling that this will
we can ask ourselves, 'Have I to bind themselves around the your brothers well. It may give them security. Yet , re-
been influenced by the world's waist or hips with a leather also help you to consider the cent history shows this not to
reluctance to speak about be- belt. This provided them with weighty responsibility that be so. In the Great Depression
ing involved with God or to a firm support as they went falls upon elders who make thousands of banks closed all
show in conversation that he forth to battle. In like manner, recommendations for brothers over the world, with severe
Is part of my life and think- Christians today need to be to serve as overseers.-l Tim. loss to depositors. Also, the
ing?' W 2/15 8, 9a girded, in preparation for ac- 5:22 . W 2/1 15, 16a value of money has been eaten
tivity. The apostle Paul tells away by inflation. Truly, the
Sunday, June 25 us that in order to stand firm Wednesday, June 28 history of money is summed
The heavens are my throne, against the crafty acts of I went bringing [them] the up In one word: Insecurity.
and the earth is my foot- satan, we need to put on "the message that they should re- Not money, but God will de-
stool . . . and I shall glorifY complete suit of armor from pent and turn to God by cide who will and what will
the very place of my feet. God." (Eph. 6:11-14) This re- doing works that befit be preserved through the com-
-Isa. 66:1; 60:13. quires the girding of our loins repentance.-Acts 26 :20. ing time of trouble. (Ps, 49:9,
with truth. Our continued In hearing pleas for rein- 11) In God's new order, the
Under his Kingdom rule study of and deep appreciation earth will not be divided up
God will see to it that his for the truth of God's Word statement, elders need to be according to the whim of any
footstool, the earth, will again balanced. There must be a wealthy and powerful hu-
become ecologically balanced, will help us to stand firm Scriptural basis for restoring
against the wicked one. Our a person who had gone wrong mans. Jehovah, by means of
erasing the effects of about his Kingdom government, will
6,000 years of man's misguided girding is like that of the and brought reproach upon regulate economic affairs so
efforts and misuse. Earth and prophet Jeremiah, who served Jehovah's name and the that all of his people will
its weather, its vegetation, Jehovah without letup for for- congregation. So before mak- benefit from the bounties of
its animal life, and man, will ty years and longer. When ing any decision the elders the earth. How practical and
be coordinated for enjoyable Jehovah first commissioned must determine whether the lifesaving, therefore, is the
living-all reflecting credit Jeremiah, he commanded him wrongdoer is truly repentant. counsel of Jesus. A good ac-
and praise to the Creator. to 'gird up his hips,'-Jer. 1: Has he produced works that count with God in heaven is
The Kingdom will accomplish 17-19. W 1/1 4, 6a befit repentance? Obviously, what matters. W 4/1 13, 15a
Friday, June 30 things when they were in ig- Monday, July S we who are already disciples
norance and, therefore, shoul d As a father shows mercy to of Christ make ourselves ap -
1 pummel my body and lead never want to return to them. proachable to them and atten-
it as a slave, that, after 1 his sons, Jehovah has shown
Now that you are living for mercy to those fearing him. tive to their needs? If we
have preached to others, 1 God's will, are you eager to refused aid to the childlike
myself should not become -Ps. 103 :13.
help others to share your hap- ones, we would lose a great
disapproved somehow. How very vital genuine re- privilege and blessing. If ma-
-1 Cor. 9:27. piness? (1 Pet. 4:2) Is your pentance is! Really, because
heart so filled with app recia- ture Christians like Jesus'
What about your life as a of being impe rfect, we daily apostles refused to receive a
tion for the good news that fail in some way to reflect the
Witness? How do you feel you seize and make opportuni- newly baptized Christian who
about the way you conducted image of Jehovah God per- is figuratively like the young
ties to bear witness about Je- fectly. This is something we
your affairs before you had hovah God and Jesus Christ? child about whom Jesus pu t
an accurate knowledge of the should rightly regret. But it his arms and used as an illus -
Is your conduct such that it should not cause us to torment
truth? Possibly you are one adds force to what you tell tration, they would not be re-
of those described by Peter ourselves over every minor ceiving Jesus himself. This
others about God's Word? fault or slip. Nevertheless, the means that Jesus looks upon
at 1 Peter 4:3. Surely there is Only by both declaring and realization that we often err
never a proper time for any- Iiving the t ru th can we be the receiving of such a one as
one to engage in such corrupt in word and in deed should if he himself were being re-
faithful witnesses and hope to keep us humble and help us ceived as the Messiah or
practices. Christians should gain life even as the apostle to be merciful when others
have had enough of these Paul shows. W 7/1 17, 18 Christ. W 8/15 17, 18
sin against us. Then, when we
pray to God for forgiveness of Wednesday, July 5
••• our trespasses, we can be con-
Sunday, July 2 fident that he will be pleased He that sows bountifUlly will
Saturday, July 1 also reap bountifully. Let each
Those who are hoping in Je-
with our prayers. Thus we will
Present your bodies a sacri- enjoy a clean conscience as one do just as he has resolved
fice living, holy, acceptable to hovah will regain power. They we continue seeking to do his in his heart, not grudgingly
God.-Rom. 12:1. will mount up with wings like will. Yes, we will be truly or under compulsion, for God
The kidneys' being covered eagles. They will run and not happy, knowing that God has loves a cheerful gi~er.
with a heavy layer of fat grow weary; they will walk forgiven our sins and that he -2 Cor. 9:6, 7.
made a specially precious part and not tire out.-Isa. 40:31. views us as his clean servants Much in the way of Chris-
of the animal sacrifices that It is very encouraging to who have before them the t ian giving can be done on an
Jehovah's people anciently of- read accounts such as 2 Sam- prospect of everlasting life. individual bas is, in line with
fered to him. For instance, uel 23:8-22, and, while read- Truly, "happy is the one whose the words of Paul. However,
regarding the first animal ing, to realize that. although revolt is pardoned, whose sin in some cases, the local con-
sacrifices reported as being the men named there were is covered. Happy is the man gregation may have to draw
offered to God, the ones of- doubtless strong, active men, to whose account Jehovah on its contributed funds to
fered by Abel, it is stated it was their faith in GOd that does not put error."-Ps. 32:1, provide financial aid for cer-
that he "brought some first- gave them their miraculous 2. W 11/15 21a tain ones associated. The
lings of his flock, even their energy and enduring power. elders would be the ones to
fatty pieces." (Gen. 4:4) These We have the same powerful Tuesday, July 4 determine who might be en-
would incl ude the kidneys. backing today. (Matt. 28:20 ; Whoever receives one of such titled to monetary assistance,
Also, re garding the sacrifices Rev. 14:6) So we should not young children on the basis of and to what extent. As is
to be offered to Jehovah God become weary in well-doing my name, receives me. evident from 2 Thessalonians
by the Israelites, we read or shrink back through fear, -Mark 9:37. 3:10 and 1 Timothy 5:9, 10,
repeatedly of "the two kid- but remember the promise congregational aid should be
neys and the fat that is upon given above. As we declare the When we are deeply oc- for those needy persons who
them," as being assigned to good news we do not have to cupied with work, we may not are fine examples in Christian
Jehovah. (Lev. 3:4) E(idney face instant death every hour want to be bothered with living. Of course, there are
fat burned well and produced as often those fighters back children. Persons who feel times when extensive relief
a pleasing odor. So kidneys there did. And we have a self-important or who sense measures may have to be un-
were no insignificant part of peaceful message that appeals the weight and dignity of dertaken in behalf of fellow
sacrifices to God. The apostle to the hearts of those who their responsible position may believers in other congrega-
Paul tells Christians, who were really listen. So our joy can consider themselves above pay- tions, perhaps even in other
objects of God's tender com- be even greater, for our weap- ing attention to simple-minded parts of the world. An exami-
passions, to offer sacrifices ons of righteousness bring children, or to childlike grown- nation of large-scale relief
that would include the kid- spiritual healing. The joy that ups. But what if such child- work in the first century re-
neys as well as the heart. our spiritual warfare brings like persons are Christians or veals just how this should
This would be whole-souled to those who believe increases intelligent persons who want be handled.-Acts 11:27-29;
service. W 11/1 5, 6a our joy. W 8/1 17, 18a to become Chr istians? Shall 1 Cor. 16:3. W 9/1 9, lOa
Thursday, July 6 wit hout help. He has kindly
provided sufficient assistance Sunday, July 9 to their survival. By t h is is
In her t he heart of her own er meant, not the threat of nu -
h as put trust, and there is from fellow Christians to aid Come to be bla meless an a in-
no gain la cking.-Pr ov. 31:11. such persons to follow the n ocent, chil dren of Goa with- clear warfare bet ween nations;
way of life that is pleasing out a bl emis h in among a rather, the threa t is t he great
Thus Proverbs describes the to Him. And he has provided catastrophe foretold in God 's
"capable wife." As such do cr ooked. an a t wi st ea gener a-
h elp fr om our High Priest. t io n , amo ng wh om you are Word. It is t he cat astr ophe
you strive to keep within (Heb. 4:14 -16) What a mar - that will be brought on by Je -
your financial mea ns? If your sh i n ing as illum inators i n the
velous arrangement God has world.-Phil. 2: 15. ho vah God himself. But some
hu sband entrusts you with made for us to approach may ask us, How can we be
t he finances for running the h im, gain his favor and walk Certainly we have many rea- so certain that God will inter-
home , do you work to keep in the way of obedience! sons to app re ciate God's Word. fere in the affairs of earth
with in your budget, not ex- And while those who choose Among other things, app lied ' and man? We can assure such
pecting that you can be a to obey him are walking in counsel from the Scriptures persons that becau se so man y
spendthrift because he will the way of life, he kindly enables us to cope with Iliness Bible prophecies have been
come up with further money provides help to give them and stress. In God's Word we fulfilled in the past, we can
if needed? Again, it goes strength beyond what is nor- find consolation when de- be certain that those fore-
without saying that a hus- mal, so that one sincerely pre ssed. The Bible also aids us telling this worldwide catas-
band should try to provide following the way of obedi- to endure grief, to deal suc - trophe will also be fulfilled .
sufficient funds for the family ence can be sure to walk cessfully with timidity and W 4/15 6-8
budget. And where there must in "The Way" successfully. fear, and to avoid Immoral
be some economizing, both W 10/15 13, 15, 16a conduct. Furthermore, it en- Tuesday, July 11
parties in the marriage re- able s us to remain "blameless
lationship should work togeth- Saturday, July 8 and innocent" regarding the None of us, in fact, lives wi t h
er for the common interests misdeeds of the world. In regara to himself only.
of the family. Keeping open Godly devotion is beneficial it, we shine a s illumin a- -Rom. 14:7.
the lines of communication for all things, as it holds tors. Relying upon Jehovah, Wrongdoing is always, in-
with your husband is also promise of the life now and we will continue reflecting evitably, harmful. If ever we
important. You can strive to that which is to come. spiritual light. With divine should become involved in
involve him in conversation -1 Tim. 4:8. aid we will go on manifesting some serious wrongdoing, we
about his work during the A factor to keep in mind the proper motivation or spir- might well meditate on suc h
day , and you can tell him is that teaching what Jesus it, one that befits persons things as these : Do we feel
about your day at home with commanded involves much worshiping Jehovah God. We hurt at heart upon realizing
the children, or about your more than refuting false doc- will seek to cultivate and dis - that we have been unlike the
activity in witnessing about trines. The texts, for example, play the fruits of God's spirit loving, upright God that we
the Kingdom. It is this in- that can be used to refute and wisely will bear in mind ser ve, acting in a selfish
terest in each other's lives the Trinity doctrine were not the fine qu all ties of the early way, no t showin g consider -
that works to be a blessing recorded for that purpose. So Christians and others who ation for the interests of oth-
and brings happiness in the a student should be helped ser ved Jeho va h f a ithfull y ers? (1 Thess. 4 :3-6) Could
family circle. W 9/15 16, 17 to see just wha t those par- down through the centuries. we rea lly think t hat wron g-
ticular passages of Scripture W 6/1 5 26-28a doing, such as immorali ty,
Friday, July 7 teach regarding Jehovah and could ever contribute to the
No temptation has taken you Christ. Clearly, a person can- Monday, J uly 10 true happiness of others? How
except what is comm on to not build faith on merely Those slain by Jehovah w ill much concern have we shown
men. But God is faithful, knowing what Jesus did not certainly come to be in that for their las ting good and their
and he will not let you be teach. Rather, he must know day from one en a of the ear t h hope of life in God 's favor ?
tempted beyond what you can all that the Son of God did cl ear to the other etui of the Our actions might not have
bear, but along with the teach and command. Similar- earth. They will not be • • • airectly touched others, but
temptation he will also make ly, it is not enough for the gatherea up or be buriea. we still affect people by our
the way out in order for you one being taught to know that -Jer. 25:33. example and infiuen ce. Are we
to be able to endure it. God condemns the works of so self-centered that we will
the fiesh. He also must be In t imes past many per- please ourselves even though
-1 Cor . 10:13. sons lost their lives because we know we are setting a bad
Seeking first the Kingdom shown the benefits that come
from adhering to the Bible's of disregarding warnings giv- example, acting as a weaken-
and God's righteousness is the guidelines . He should be en. This is a strong reason in g infiuence? If we truly love
satisfying, happy way of life helped to appreciate that the why today it is important to and admire Jehovah God and
now. Yes, those whose hearts heed the warning God gives; Jesus Christ we will feel
lean toward what is right, commands contained in the
and who really desire life in Scriptures prove that Jehovah as found in his Word. Yes, shame and sorrow at acting
peace with their fellowmen, God deeply cares for us. W 5/1 this is of the greatest urgency. so differently from them, be-
Jehovah God has not left 8,9a Why? Because today all man- traying their trust in un,
kind are faced with a threat W 11/15 10,lIa
Wednesday, July 12 a land with a mighty politi- Saturday, July 15 what one says more palatable
The t h i ng s proceeding out of cal system that made it for These, therefore, went their to others and easier to swal-
the mouth come out of the centuries the First World Pow- way . • • rejoicing because low, more digestible to an-
heart, and those things defile er of Bible prop hecy. Conse- they had been counted worthy other's thinking. Thus it
a man. For example, out of quen tly, what is called Egypt to be dishonored in behalf oj makes one more agreeable to
the heart come wicked rea - in a spiritual sense must be his name.-Acts 5:41. have around, yes, more de-
sonings, murders, adulteries, the worldwide system of po- sirable. Eating salt together,
litic al r ulership, the polit- Time and again Jehovah as in the case of a host and
fornications, thi everies, false ical structure of man rule by God miraculously intervened
testimonies, blasphemies. his guest, creates good feel-
man-made governments. In to make it evident that he was ings, fine relationships be-
-Matt. 15:18, 19. backing up the work of de-
the midst of such a "gre at tween the eaters. That our
A fully charged heart moves city" the Lord Jesus Christ claring the good news. (Acts having the figurative salt as
its possessor to speak: "Out was impaled back in 33 C.E., 5:12-40 ; 12:1-11) He backs a trait of our personality is a
of the abundance of the heart outside the city of Jerusalem. it up no less today, as Christ good and valuable thing, the
the mouth speaks." (Matt. 12: The world of mankind is part and his angels oversee the apostle Paul emphasized when
34) Though the heart of and parcel of this system of work. In modern times we he wrote : "Let your utterance
itself does not think, it can things. So where Jesus Christ have experienced marvelous be always with graciousness,
incite thought. This was the was impaled was in this world deliverances. We have seen seasoned with salt, so as to
import of Jesus' words to that upholds this system of the work of proclaiming the know how you ought to give
men who were sticklers for things. W 5/15 15, 16 good news open up in areas an answer to each one."-Col.
ceremonial washings. Certain- hitherto impossible to reach. 4:6. W 8/15 23-25a
ly false testimonies and blas- Friday, July 14 Jehovah God, by his spirit,
phemies come out of the has drawn to the truth per- Monday, July 17
mouth, and the wicked rea- Is anything too extraordinary sons who were formerly bitter
sonings of the mind that for Jehovah?-Gen. 18:14. opposers, reminding us of the Store up for yourselves trea-
express themselves through Jehovah's trustworthiness conversion of Saul, who be- sures in heaven, where neither
the mouth are stimulated by was demonstrated in the days came the apostle Paul. The moth nor rust consumes , and
the bad inclination of the of Abraham. Jehovah had in - modern-day examples are not where thieves do not break in
heart. Yes. the heart inclines formed Abraham and his so obviously miraculous as and steal.-Matt. 6:20.
the thoughts, for it likes wife Sarah that they would those in the early congrega- A needy widow observed by
them to be inclined in a have a child. However. Sarah tion. Nevertheless, we can see Jesus donated a mere two
particular way. (Gen. 6:5) was well past the age of child- the almighty power of Jeho- lepta at the temple in Jerusa-
Thought has heart coopera- bearing. When she heard the vah God behind these in- lem. This, made in expression
tion. The heart develops a news, she laughed. Noting stances. With this mighty of her love for the true God
love, a fondness, an affection this, Jehovah assured Abra- power behind us, as we keep worshiped at the temple, was
toward an object. So it comes ham that "next year at this on truly serving Jehovah we most acceptable. In fact, com-
to prize a person or thing. time . . . Sarah w1ll have a are not paralyzed by fear, or pared with her means, her
From this standpoint the heart son." Exactly at Jehovah's discouraged because of the in- gift was greater than that of
represents a sense of appre- appointed time, Sarah had difference of the people to the wealthy who contributed
ciat ion. W 11/1 17-19 her son, Is aac. Jehovah had whom we speak. W 8/1 14, 15a much out of their surplus.
mir aculously rekindled the Truly, then, we want to prove
Thursday, July 18 procreative powers of Sarah Sunday, July 16 ourselves to be friends of God
Their corpses will be on the in line with his purpose to Salt is fine . . . Have salt in and Christ by using our "un-
broad way ot the great city bring forth the Messiah yourselves, and keep peace righteous riches" to help those
which is in a spiritual sense through Abraham's line of between one another. in need and to further spiri-
called Sodom and Egypt, descent. (Gen. 18:9-14; 21: -Mark 9:50. tual Interests. If we continue
where their Lord was also 2) In the days of Moses, to use our "unrighteous riches"
God's servants were severely Why did Jesus tell his properly, we demonstrate that
impaled.-Rev. 11:8. apostles to "have salt in
oppressed by the brutal world we are faithful in what is
In the fulfillment, the city yourselves"? It was because, least. Therefore, Jehovah God
is Christendom. But this text power of that ti me, Egypt. in the argumentation among
But Jehovah promised to de- and his Son can continue to
also throws light on the themselves on the way back to use us as fine stewards to
meaning of Ezekiel 31:2, 3. liver the Israelites and bring Capernaum, they had be- dispense the far more valuable
A city is a political or- them "to a land flowing with trayed a lack of this fine spiritual riches to others. Our
ganization, and a great city milk and honey." Ultimately figurative salt within them- record of fine works will be
would be a great political or- se veral million Israelites selves. Salt of such a kind as treasures deposited in heav-
ganization, a great system of came to this land. Jehovah's pictured that quality of one's en, yielding rich dividends in
government. Ancient Sodom promises to them were ful- personality that makes one the form of divine approval
was once a political organiza- filled in every detail.-Josh. act in good taste in one's now and life eternal in the
tion, and ancient Egypt was 21:43-45. W 7/15 7, 8a treatment of others. It ma kes New Order. W 9/1 18, 19a
Tuesday, July 18 gregations require t h at their Friday, July 21 kingdom, time passes quickly.
Throw your burden upon Je - membe rs ma intain the Chris- Preach the word, be at it This makes us joyful, as we
h ovah himself, and he him- tian way or mann er of life. urgently in fa vorable season, h asten onward t o the end.
self will susta in you. Never Th ose wh o insist on violating i n troublesom e season, r eprove , The apostle Paul served under
wi ll he allow the righteous the Bible principle s of t rut h . re pri m an d, exhor t, w i th all a variety of difficult circum-
one t o totter.-Ps. 55: 22. mora lity and honest y, as well l ong-sufferin g and art of stances, but always his atti-
as persons in volving them- teaching. -2 T im. 4:2. tude was : "Really, woe is me
If you are a woman faced selves in spiritis tic pr actices, if I did not declare the good
with the problem of loneli- mu st be expelled or disfel- There are times when elders news l" (1 Cor. 9:16) It would
ness there may be older wom- lowship ed from t he congr e- need to reprove individuals or, be woe for us , too , indi vidually,
en in the congregation who gations. Thus, the corruption in a general sense, the con- if we should slow down in
need companionship, some- and dete rioration that have gregation collectively respect- Jehovah's service at this cli-
one to study with them, or ruined the relig ious denom- ing certain attitudes or ac- max of the last day s. (2 Ti m.
in some way to look after in ations of Christendom do tions. Un wholesome trends 3:1, 14) After many years of
them. That can be one way not gain a foothold in the may be developing. Some may trials, Paul was still dete r-
to spend extra hours profit- truly Christian congregation. have lost 'the love they had at mined to keep serving with
ably. Why not look around It is a re al ple asure to as- first' and be seriously neglect- all his might, even as can be
in the congregation and see sociate with spiritually clean ful of their spiritual responsi- seen from his words at PhlIlp-
where you might be able to people in the clean, pure wor- bilities. (Rev . 2 :4) Perhaps pians 3:13, 14. W 1/1 17, l8a
render that kind of loving ship of Jehovah God. W 10/ 15 worldliness is creeping into
assistance to others? There l2a their social gatherings. Cer- Sunday, July 23
is much happiness to be tain ones may be engaging in
found in this kind of giving. hurtful gossip or in other ways Now because we have the same
Thursday, July 20 spirit of faith as that of
(Acts 20:35) Or there may be failing to control their
be other women in the con- I , Jehovah, am searching the tongues. Parents may be lax which it is written : "I exer-
gregation in circumstances heart, examining the kidneys, in training their children. cised faith, therefore I spoke,"
similar to yours and you can even to give to each one There may be those who are we too exercise faith ana
have profitable companionship according to his ways, ac- immoderate in drinking alco - therefore we speak.
in certain features of King- cording to the fruitage of holic beverages or who take -2 Cor. 4:13.
dom service, building one an- his dealings.-Jer. 17 :10. liberties in their association Even as it was in Jesus'
other up spiritually by your In the Scriptures the heart with the opposite sex. When time, the world today is bit-
association together. There is and the kidneys are regularly conditions of this kind exist terly opposed to true Chris-
no doubt that there are dif- associated together. Jehovah in the congregation, 'it would tians who live by righteous
ficulties in facing these prob- God makes an examination of be good for the elders to dis- principles. Jesus' words stilI
lems of loneliness and anxiety these, not as a medical doc- cuss together just what might hold true about h is followers'
and depression. But if you tor WOUld, but in a judicial be done to help in dividuals, being no part of the world,
heed the advice of the psalm- way, for he looks at the mor- and the brothers as a whole, in and about their being hated
ist you will be able to meet al an d spiritual state as con- keeping with P aul's counsel. by it. He conquered the world
successfully even these chal- nected with those organs. W 11/15 6 by his faith. (J oh n 16:33:
lenges of life. W 9/15 15, 16b This is the sense conveyed 1 John 5:4) Su ch fa it h will
in Psalm 7:9, wher e we read: Saturday, July 22 keep us from deviatin g fr om
Wednesday, July 19 "God as righteous is testing In all the nations the good Bible teachings, will make
I am writing you to quit out he art and kidneys." As news has to be preached first.
us impervious to the allures
mixing in company with any- our physical life depends to -Mark 13:10.
of false knowledge and the
one called a brother that is a large extent on the con- world's wisdom. It will ' also
dition of our kidneys, so our As the end draws near, we protect us from this world's
a fornicator or a greedy per- can expect troubles to increase
son or an idolater or a re- eternal life in God's incoming materialism, its love of money,
viler or a drunkard or an realm of righteousness. peace in the earth. Our faith may even as it has enabled us
extortioner, not even eating and perfect bodily health de- be sorely tried. But we should to obey the divine command
with such a man.-l Cor. 5:11. pends upon what Jehovah GOd keep the above words of Jesus to sever connections with Bab-
as Judge determines us to well in mind. Jesus also de-
In harmony with God's clared: "It is Jehovah your ylon the Great, the world em-
viewpoint and the standards be, as disclosed by heart pire of false religion. (Rev .
and kidneys. According to God you must worship, and
that he has set forth in his our ways of life, what will it is to him alone you must 18:4) Fighting the fine fight
written Word, in order to he give to each one of us? render sacred service." (Luke of faith includes telllng others
maintain God's favor our con- What will he find the fruitage 4:8) In this, Jesus himself what we have learned about
gregations must keep them- of our dealings to be, for his set the outstanding example. the basis for faith and the
selves free from accusation
of wrongdoing. They must be guidance in giving us what is (Luke 8:1; 10:1) When we prospect for survival, even as
clean in the sight of Jeho- appropriate, deserved? W 11/1 follow that example and keep the apostle Paul so well ex-
vah God. Therefore the con- 7, 9a busy in proclaiming God's pressed it. W 4/15 18, 19a.
Monday, July 24 giving prescriptions of God's Thursday, July 27 things Jesus set the pattern
A ll t hings, therefore , that you Word and sin cerely pray as for us . Of course, we recog-
did the psalmist David. The Although he was a Son, he
wa nt men to do to you, you learned obedience from the nize that, unlike Jesus, we
also must likewise do t o them; course that our loving Cre- are not perfect, but we strive
ator wants us to take as h is things he suDered .-Heb. 5 :8.
t his, in fact, is what the Law earnestly to follow his pattern.
an d t he Prophets mean. earthl y creatures is the wise The course that Jesus Christ We try to avoid wrongdoing
-Matt. 7:12. one. He says: "My son, do took, according to God's will, but realize that what righ-
There is a good re ason why give your heart t o me, an d magnifies God's ju stice and teousness we have is due to
we shou ld consider being pa- may those eyes of yours take thoroughness and guarantees the mercy of God and is a
pleasure in my own ways." an unshakable govern ment for
ti ent an obligation. What is (Prov. 23:26) He wan ts us t he earth. For in order to qual- res ult of following the Bible.
that? Because of the principle
stated by Jesus. Now, do we to give him the appreciation ify as heavenly King and High . creditednot
I t is something t o be
to ourselves. We rec-
not want men to be patient he merits, that thus we may Priest, Jesus had to undergo ognize, as did the psalmist :
with us? We appreciate it take pleasure in hi m and in the severest, most searching " If erro rs were what you
when others listen to us pa- his perfect qualit ies and ways. test. J esus maint ained his in- wat ch, 0 J ah, 0 J ehovah.
tiently regarding important Then we will be moved to tegrity in a perf ect way. His who could stand?" (Ps, 130:
matters. There is pleasure in copy his ways and to walk 'crying out ' (Heb. 5:7) was 3) We kn ow that we are sin-
associating with those who in the ways that his Word to a void , not h is death, but ners and at ti mes do wrong
patiently explain things that recomme nds for us. W 11/1 death due to God's disple a- things, even as P aul himself
we do not understand. It is 23, 24 sur e for any unfaithfulness or did. W 10/15 10. 11
much easier for us to deal failure on his own part. He
with people who are willing W edn esday, July 26 wanted his course to be Saturday, July 29
to overlook our minor short- The wisdom from above is crowned with success. He
comings , who are patient with first of all chaste, then peace- "learned obedience. " He had Happy are you when people
us despite our repeated fail- abl e.-Jas. 3:17. been obedient in heaven un- reproach you and persecute
der entirely favorable condi- you . . . for in that way they
in gs. So, then, are these not As a seasoner, literal salt is ti ons. But on earth obedience persecuted the prophets prior
also areas in which we should generally fine. "Will tasteless to God brought persecution to you .-Matt. 5:11 , 12.
want to exercise patience? Of things be eaten without salt?" and suffering, even crushing Why is it possible for those
course, for us Christians, the asks Job. (6:6) Salt can cer- circumstances. Jesus was per- serving God to look forward
strongest reason for wanting tainly make eatables more fect and righ teous, without to the great tribulation with-
to be patient should be to palatable. So the having of fiaw from birth, but at the out fear and trepidation? We
please Jehovah God. The Bible figurative "salt" in ourselves end of his course he was per- must keep in mind that there
urges us: "Become imitators and the seasoning of our ut- fected in a greatly magnified is a vast difference between
of God, as beloved children." terance with it will help us to way as the fully qua lified, the gre at t ribulati on that Je-
(Eph . 5:1) Since God is pa- do what Jesus said when tr ied and tr ue King -Priest. hovah God h imself will bring
tient, to become imitators of closing his discussion with his Truly, his cour se provides a upon Sat an's organization and
him we also must exercise twelve apostles : "Keep peace firm basis for our faith. all those clinging to it, and
patience. W 2/1 3, 4a between one another." (Mark W 10/ 1 14, 15 the tribulation that Satan now
9:50) Our being tactful, con- brings upon Jehovah's fai th-
Tuesday, July 25 siderate, wholesome and paci- Friday, July 28 ful witnesses in the form of
o Jehovah, 1 have called fying in utterance and conduct
1 find, then, this law in my persecutio n, ban s, mob acti on
upon you. Do make haste to will certainly promote peaceful and similar overt a cts of vio-
me. . . . Do not incline my relationships wit h one another case: that when 1 wish t o
do what is r i gh t , what is bad len ce. This latter type of trou-
heart to anything bad. as Christ's disciples. It will ble origin ate s with Satan and
-Ps. 141 :1, 4. make evident that God's spirit i s present wi th me. 1 really
delight in the law of God cannot be escaped if we serve
In the face of what the is within us , for "the fruitage Jehovah. (2 Tim. 3 :12) Now
of the spirit is love, joy, peace." according to the man 1 am
Scriptures say about the heart within.-Rom . 7:21, 22. such per sonal suffering at the
do we need to consult the (Gal. 5:22) And as James
finest heart specialis t of all shows, it display s a high de- J esus exhibited moderation hands of misinformed and de-
times? Yes, indeed! From his gree of wisdom when we obey in everythin g. He enj oyed life luded persons certainly is not
written Word, which cont ains Jesus' admonition about peace . an d the work that he did of a pleasant experien ce that is
valuable p rescr iptions, we helping others to know about longed for, hoped for and en-
It is a mark of true Christian God. He did not const ant ly joyed when it comes. However ,
learn that we have inherited discipleship in the midst of a
the heart inclination that is make comparisons between his when the persecution is over
toward badness, even since competitive, disunited, disin- rig hteousness and the mis- and we h ave endured it, we
the deluge of Noah 's day. tegrating world. It holds us takes of others. He was can rejoice becaus e we have
(Gen. 8: 21) It is therefore together as God's organized compassionate. However, he pro ved faithful like Job and
the course of wisdom for us people under Christ. W 8/15 condemned wrongd oing and other godly men of old when
to learn the healthful, life- 23, 26a exposed hypo crisy. In these un der trial. W 1/15 14-16a
Sunday, July 30 · Monday, July 31 Wednesday, August 2 in ord er to pr omote family
I sh al l bl ess J ehovah, who unity, both h usban d an d wife
B ecome imitators ot me, even M ake j riends j or yourselves by
ha s give n m e advic e. Re al l y, must a ct wit hin t he boun ds
as I am ot Christ. mea ns oj the un right eous
duri ng the n ig ht s my kid - of godly thinking, ba sed on
-1 Cor . 11 :1. r iches, so that, when such jail, t he principles of God's Word.
they may r eceive you i nto the neys h ave corrected me.
Can imperfect humans imi- -Ps. 16:7. This can re sult in lasting
tate the perfect example of everlas ting dwelling pl aces. happiness in t he family cir -
Jesus Christ? It definitely is -Luke 16:9 . To grow to Christian ma - cle. I t is also to be noted
possible. Paul did so, and so The objective of Jesus' true t urity we must feed on God's that the intimacy of the
did many others of Jesus' disciples should be to use their Word as a whole, not limiting marriage bond is no t t o be
devoted disciples. Like Jesus "unrighteous riches" to mak e ourselves to the primary Bi- used as a weapon against
Christ, Paul had gen uine con- friends with the possessors ble teachings. We must feed one 's marriage partner for
cern and love for people. He of the "everlasting dwellin g upon its advanced teach ings, some selfish gain, or just in
was especially pained by the places." Since no dwelling its counsels, admonitions, in - one's own interests. Each mate
unbelief of his countrymen, place on earth can be spoken structions for full -grown should consider the needs of
even as can be seen from his of as being everlasting, mani- Christians. This will benefit the other in the ma rriage
words at Romans 9:1-3. In festly the "everlasting dwell- us to the very depth of our bond , even as Paul wrote.
view of what Paul was preach- ing places" must be heavenly. Christian being . King David W 9/15 15-18a
ing, his countrymen regard- These are in the possession of referred to such divine ad-
ed him as an apostate, as the eternal God Jehovah an d vices when he wrote the above. Friday, August '"
one who had no love for his Son . By reason of his Cre- We note that the psalmist
David bypasses the heart and You should gird up your h ips,
them. Yet nothing could have atorship, Jehovah God owns mentions what is farther down and you must rise up and
been farther from the truth. everything, and his firstborn in David's being as a wor- speak to them everything that
His conscience, enlightened by Son, as heir of all things, shiper of Jehovah. Being tak- I myselj command you.
holy spirit, bore witness to shares in that ownership. This en in so far down within -Jer. 1:17.
his great love for them. He means that there is nothin g him, the advice was there to The Christian organization
was willing to do anything in a material way that we stay. Being embedded and of Jehovah's Witnesses has
that he possibly could to help humans can give to them. rooted so deeply inside him, recognized its obligation to
his countrymen gain salva- Hence, to make friends with it was there to be a part of
tion. This is most remarkable the Most High God and his herald to all mankind what
when we consider that they Son by means of "unrighteous David. It could not be erad- Jehovah has declared in his
were responsible for much of riches" would simply mean to icate d, taken away from him Word . This resembles the re-
the suffering Paul experienced. use these riches in a way that by other humans. Because it sponsibility that was laid
His words reveal the depth of brings Their approval. This had settled so deeply within, upon Jeremiah, to whom God
his unselfish love. He ear- includes one's having the right the "advice" was identified said the above. They publish
nestly desired to aid the Jews. attitude in using material with the kidneys. Viewed from an d circulate Bibles and Bible
Surely he set a fine example things for the benefit of oth- this standpoint, the kidneys literature that explains Jeho-
for us t o imitat e ! W 7/ 1 ers , heeding the counsel foun d could correct David, reprove vah's written Word in its en -
at Matthew 6:3, 4. W 9/1 5, 6a him, show h im the better tirety, that is to say, "every-
10-13a way or give him the ri ght th ing t hat I myself comman d
• •• answer. W 11/1 14-16a you." J esus Christ, as a
prophet greater than Jere-
Tues da y, August 1 there are many circumstances Th u r sday, August S miah, outlined the main work
I desire t he wom en to adorn
in which there is no specific L et t he husband render t o for his disciples as recorded at
themselves . . . in the way
instruction from the Bible. h i s wife her due; but let Matthew 24:14 and 28:19, 20.
that befits women projessing
These are sometimes called the wije also do likewise to Such work has been pushed
to reverence God, namely,
"gray areas." Such areas ex- her husband. Do not be de- clear around the globe. Men
through good works.
ist in the fields of food, cloth- priving each other oj it, ex - who oppose this divinely or-
-1 Tim. 2 :9, 10.
ing, and others. The Bible cept by mutual consent jor dained work make themselves
gives principles to guide us in an appointed time. in actuality fighters against
Matters of conscience can all these areas. What it defi- -1 Cor . 7:3, 5. God. In doing so they are
be discussed, and research nitely states, all should follow. waging a losing battle. Des-
done to obtain the Bible's For example, the Bible coun - In this corrupt system of
view. Arguments toward the sels women as to how they things where Christians have perately they think they will
Scriptural position may be should adorn themselves. Re- to live and conduct them- prevail against the small
brought to bear on a subject. spect for our brothers' feelings selves within the bounds of anointed Jeremiah class and
Elders and others who are and for the congregation and Christian teaching, we must their loyal companions. But
mature can help . But then a void developing the thinking we have Jehovah's Word for
the individual must act on its good reputation in the
community should be main- and viewpoint of those who it that they never will prevail I
what he conscientiously feels advocate wrong conduct. Yes, W 12/15 21-25
is acceptable to God. Today tained. W 12/1 18, 19
Saturday, Au gust 5 has greate r peace of mind Tuesday, August 8 kidneys, these being below the
L et your utterance be always and, in addition, possesses a heart and the diaphragm and
purpose in life an d a hope. Now in a large house there
with graciousness, seasoned I n view of our imperfection, are vessels not only . • • for an toward the base of the spine.
with salt, so as to k now how it may seem difficult for us honorable purpose but others And when God created the
you ought to give an answer to follow Bible pr inciples an d for a purpose l acki n g honor. embryo and kept it screened
to each one.-Col. 4 :6. to pr oduce their good fr uit- If, therefore, anyone keeps off in the belly of David's
Sal ts of an organic sort are age. True, impe rfect persons clear of the latter ones, he mother, he could see down
very vital to our bodily heal th. make many mistakes, some will be a vessel f or an honor- to t he location for those
There is a "salt" that is very serious, but Christ's propitia- ab le purpose.- 2 Tim . 2:2 0, 21. deep-seated organs. Noth ing
vital to our spiritual he alth. t ory sacrifice was given for Accordingly, we have t he blocked his visual powers or
I n agreement with this are this very reason . It allows responsibility to keep clear of the range of hi s cre ative
P aul's words. This makes us the repentant Christian to spirit. Indicating the deep
wonder how much of such those whose cond uct is open location of these sensitive or-
approach God to re ceive f?r- to serious question. We cer - gan s, the greatly afflicte d Jo b
"salt" seasoned the speech of given ess, and God's spirit, tainl y are under no obligatio n
Jesus' apostles when they helps the Christian to make said : "My kidneys have fa iled
tried to prevent a certain man to in vite to our social gather - deep Within me." (Jo b 19 :27)
over hi s pe rson ali ty-t o ing s persons who are given to
from casting out demons, be- chan ge his ways to conform to excesses of one kind or an- Thus very an ciently t he kid-
cause he was not accompany- Jehovah God's ways.- l John neys were associated with our
in g them, even as John other. Instead of being en- well-being, not only physically
2:1, 2. W 10/1 5 5, 6 couraged to make needed
reported. (Mark 9 :38 ) This changes, they might well con- but also spiritually. W 11/ 1
sounds as if John was expect- Monday, August 7 2,4a
ing a word of commendation clude that their unhealthful
from Je sus. He may have felt An answer, when mild, turns words and actions are accept- Thursday, August 10
he was protecting Jesus' right away rage , but a word causing able to the Christian congre-
pain makes ang er to come up . gation. At any time that we H e that presides , let him do
to authorize others to expel enjoy companionship with one it in real ear nest.-Rom. 12:8 .
demons. From John's view- -Provo 15:1.
point, a person not thus au- Jesus, though a perfect man another, we should ask our- Yes, this is the attitude that
thorized by Jesus had no right and with inspired counsel , was selves the question, Is the oc- each one that presides should
to use his powerful name in "mild-tempered and lowly in casion really bringing pr aise cultivat e so as to fulfill prop -
exorcising demons. But a self- heart." (Matt. 11:29) We do to Jehovah God ? ( 1 Cor . erly his responsibility of in -
ish element comes to view in well to copy him. True, it is 10:31 ) Usually upbuildlng as - str ucting, enlightening, en-
that John said they tried to difficult to reason with those sociation can be enjoyed by couraging or helping his
prevent the man "because he whose tempers are hot. Jesus all when social gatherings ar e brothers. To be ea rnest mean s
was not accompanying us." He used Illustrations, and today kept to a reasonable size, when not only to be sincere but t o
had not just Jesus but all these may be used to outfiank car e Is exer cised re garding who be int ent about what one Is
twelve apostles in mind . In emotions and help one to see is invited and the Christian doing. F or example, t he one
selfishly objecting, their speech matters objectively. Feelings host conscienti ously assumes caring for the Theocratic
was not seasoned with salt. are important. The one cOUI~­ full resp onsiblllty for what School must take an Inte rest
W 8/15 1-4a seling should be aware of his takes place. W 9/1 17, 18 In each student, giving atten -
own feelings as well as those tion to that one's particular
Sunday, August 6 of the one to wh om he is Wednesday, August 9 needs . Why? Beca use he wants
talking. If he is motivated by YOlt yourse lf produced my the students to progress. Some
What is Jehovah ask ing back a feelin g of self-righteousness, are slow or ti mid; others lac k
from you but to exercise jus- kidneys • • • I sha ll laud you
tice and to love kindness and he may be unnecessarily quick because in a f ear - i n spiri n g edu cation or good rea di ng
to be modest in walking to lecture others for minor wa y I am wonder f ully m ade. ability, or they have other
with your God?-Mic. 6:8. slips. These feelings will be - Ps. 139:13, 14. pr oblems. By doing his work
sensed and resented by the Well, now, why did Kin g in rea l earn est he will see ad-
What is really difficult about one being talked to, and if he
this requirement? Actually, shows a bad attitude, it may Davi d specially men ti on the vancement in the st uden ts as
God is pleased if we live as be the fault of the counselor kidneys? It was in order to they respond to counsel and
we were created naturally to more than the counsel it self. make his point. He was mag- directi on, both In their com-
live-as we ought to live- Brotherly love and compassion nifying the depth of pene- ments at meeti ngs and in
that is all . It is true that are also felt when these ar e tration on the part of God's more effective field ser vice. Of
following this course in a exercised. The pain of correc- spi r it a nd visual po wers, course , this pr inc iple applies
world that has devia ted from tion can be lessened by one's reaching as far down as into to each one that pr esides, be
God's standards will bring showing empathy and under- Sheol , the common grave of it a ministeri al servant con-
opposition and difficulty. But standing. Such action lets mankind. God can also peer du cting a book st udy or a
the fact is that one who does others retain their dignity and down deep into the human fa ther conducting a family
so is freer in conscience, self-respect. W 12/1 5-9a body, as far down as the study. W 3/1 5, 6a
Friday, August 11 thor lty from the Most High M onday, August 14 do this is when you are re -
You husbands, . • • [ass ign]
God and In the language of On account of [Chr i st] 1 h ave viewing with him what he has
them honor as to a weake r
h is Bible, they merely de- t aken the loss of all things learned. For example, you ma y
cl are that these nations and and 1 con sider them as a lo t ask him to show you from the
vessel, the feminine one, • • . kingdoms will be uprooted Bible what it says about a
in order fo r your prayers not of refuse.- Ph i l . 3 :8.
to be hindered.-1 Pet. 3:7. from their entren ched places, The wisdom of this atti- certain point and ha ve hi m
pulled down, torn down and tude of Paul can be seen by explain it . Somethin g simi-
God describes a man's wife dest royed at God's due time the sadness, disappoi ntment lar ma y be done at the con-
as his partner in the marriage and by his chosen means. It is and aggravation that come gregation book study, furt her
covenant. Christian husb ands as If the Jeremiah class were to those who become too at - helping interested ones and
cannot honor the ma rriage doing the uprooting, pulling tached to material things, and . providing a fine example for
arrangement without honor- down, tearing down and de- who lose them. You may have all when they are conducti ng
ing .their marriage partner, stroying, for what God's Word a beautiful home today, but home Bible studies. Once the
even as the apostle Peter tells this class to declare He wha t assurance is there that individual becomes a baptized
counsels. Not only by tender himself will fulfill. In that you will have it t omorrow? disciple of Jesus Christ, your
dealings will the Christian way God shows himself to be You may not even live that re sponsibility toward him ha s
husband honor such feminine "King of the nations." (Jer. lon g. (Luke 12:16-21) Even not ended. He still is a spiri-
partner, but he will do so 10:7) Of course , the "great now, many who have gone tual babe and needs assistance
especially in loyalty to the crowd" of "other sheep" have heavily in debt for a home to grow to maturity. W 5/ 1
marit al union they share. He a share in this work. W 12/15 find that in economic hard 16, 17a
should seek always to preserve 17-19a times they cannot meet the
it as a sacred responsibility. payments and are forced to Wednesday, August 16
If failing to show his wife Sunday, Au gust 13
due gentleness and empathy give up the hou se. Also, each You, fathers, do not be irri-
would hinder his prayers, how Wh y is it that you make me year thousands of homes are tating your children, but go on
much more so would his in- see what is hurtful, and you destroyed or dam aged by fire , bringing them up in the dis-
dulging in some degree of dIs- keep looking upon me re trou- by fioods or by storms. And cipline and mental-regulating
loyalty to his mate, showin g bl e? . . . Therefore law grows what about the emotional of Jehovah.-Eph. 6:4 .
undue interest in someone numb, and justice never goes cost to those who center their Consider how headship ap-
outside the union. Not show- forth .-Hab. 1:3, 4. lives on these possessions? plies in the raising of chil-
ing proper honor to his wife Though Jeremiah suffered Too, in many parts of the dren in the family. Do you
means dishonoring the mar- much evil at the hands of his world there have been wars as a husband leave all the
riage arrangement and its countrymen, he did not be- and other a cts of violence disciplining of your children
Maker. But the husband hon- come embittered toward them. that have destroyed homes to your wife? When the chil-
oring the arrangement will Thus, after King Zedekiah without hope of compens a - dren do well, are they you r
love his wife as his own body, had turned him over to the tion. A person who keeps hi s children, and when the y do
being willing even to give his princes who were seeking his wants to a re ason able mini- not do so well, are they her
life on her behalf.-Eph. 5:25, life , the prophet showed con- mum , and who is willing to children? If it Is a united
28-33. W 3/15 5 cern for Zedekiah by pleading settl e for less mate rially. does effort that is being put forth
with him. (Jer. 38:20) Yes, not have much to lose. W 4/1 in the rearing of the chil-
Saturday, Au gust 12 what patience, what love, he 8-10a dren, how much more this
See, 1 have commissioned you
displ ayed towa rd his people! adds to true happiness and
Moreover, he and the oth- Tu es day, August 15 joy in the family arrange-
this day to be over the na- er faithful prophets keenly Out of the h eart's abundance ment l The apostle Paul wrote
tions and over the kingdoms , sensed the terrible injustices [the] m outh speaks. this to the Ephesians : "Chil-
in order to uproot and to pull and oppression that were be- - Luk e 6:45. dren, be obedient to your
down and to destroy and to ing carried on in the land. parents in union with the
tear down.-Jer. 1 :10. In teaching, we should want
They longed for relief, as can to reach the heart of the Lord, for this is righteous."
The Jeremiah class of our be seen from what Habakkuk learner. If his heart is reached (Eph. 6:1) You will not e
time are peaceful, orderly, was moved to exclaim. Never- he will be moved to take ac- here that the command is to
law-abiding citizens. In what theless, the faithful prophets tion. Yes, when a per son's obey parents, not just one of
sense, then, are they "over the did not allow their personal he art Is reached with the good
nations and over the king- desires for relief to cause them the parents. And the above
news, he will be stirred to tell advice to the Ephesians In
doms"? Well, they are given to become impatient with Je- others about it. But will he
a position that comes from a hovah or to stop proclaiming be able to show them what The New Testament in Mod-
source higher than the world- his message . As long as God he has learned from God's ern English reads : "Fa thers,
ly nations and kingdoms. For was exercising patience they Word? He will be If he has don't overcorrect your chil-
this reason they are autho- were willing to bear reproach been taught how to use the dren or make it difficult for
rized to make pronounce- as they proclaimed his mes- Scriptures. A fine opportunity them to obey the command-
ments world wide. With au- sage. W 2/1 12-14 to teach a Bible student to ment," W 9/15 10
Thursday, August 17 is, of course, that fa culty of Sunday, August 20 perate state of world affairs.
t he brain with which we gath- Happy is the one that stays If we desire to share in the
When you catch sight of the everlasting blessings that the
di sgusting thing that causes er info rma tion, sort it out, awake and keeps his outer
desolation . . • standing in a sum it up and reach a conclu- garments, that he may not King Jesus Christ has to be-
holy place , . . . then let those sion. As for the heart, it is walk naked and people look stow on his SUbjects, we must
i n Judea begin fi eeing to the that muscular organ of the upon his shamefulness. be just as he said that he
mountains.-Matt. 24:15, 16. body that pumps the blood en- -Rev. 16:15. and his apostles were. Being
tering it and keeps the blood With Jehovah's blessing , the thus apart from it, we shall
Faith no less than that of circulating through the whole not share the destruction of
first-century Christians is work of his self -sacrificing this "world of ungodly peo-
body, including the brain. It Witnesses has borne marvelous
shown today by those having is affected not merely by the ple." (2 Pet. 2:5; 3:6) We
implicit confidence in God's fruitage, and the organiza- . shall be preserved for enjoy-
physical condition of the body tion has expanded accordingly.
Word. We have seen how but also by sensations and ing an everlasting dwelling be-
the churches of Christendom emotions. In view of its pro- There are those who have neath the ri ghteous new sys-
hailed the League of Nations pulsive, moving power, it is expended themselves in pio- tem of things, in which, not
as "the political expression appropriately viewed as the neering difficult territories, in Pharaoh and his crowd, but
of the Kingdom of God on carrying the Kin gdom message Je sus Christ and his joint
seat of motivation.-Ex. 35:21, Into new cities and lands, and
earth," and now we see the 26. W 11/1 13, 15-17 heirs will serve as kings and
United Nations being idolized in serving underground for de- priests of God for mankind's
as man's 'last hope of peace.' Saturday, August 19 cades in countries where Je- blessing. W 5/15 39, 40a
We see radical elements of hovah's Witnesses are banned.
the U.N. teaming up in readi- Jehovah the God of their As all of us continue to serve Tuesday, August 22
ness to invade Christendom's forefathers kept sending with zeal, we can be con-
realm of operation and sup- against them by means Of his fident that fine fruitage will Do not meddle with these
posed rights, her "holy place." messengers, sending again and be produced right through men, but let them alone; .••
There it is, the United Na- again . . . But they were . . . to the time when Jehovah's otherwise, you may perhaps
tions, acting in defiance of despising his words . . . un- day brings destruction on this be found fighters actually
earth's rightful Ruler, the til there was no healing. wicked world. The slave class against God.-Acts 5:38, 39.
Lord Jesus Christ, and poised -2 cnron. 36:15, 16. will continue to encourage all To fighters against God it
also to stand in the place that Because Jehovah has kept lovers of truth to put on, and doubtless seems presumptuous
Christendom considers "holy"! awake during all these de- keep on, garments that iden- for a small organization on
Yes, indeed, the U.N. is the cades during the time of the tify them as those who serve earth to consider itself the or-
modern-day "disgusting thing end, he has continued send- God with zeal and in true ganization over which Jehovah
that causes desolation" to ing forth the Jeremiah class, righteousness and loyalty. God has put his special pro-
Christendom in the coming who are now assisted by Such zealous, loyal service will tection in order to deliver it
great tribulation. Having con- the "great crowd" of "other keep us in the place of spiritu- from fighters against Him . But
fidence in Jehovah, we have sheep," to serve notice upon al security now, and result in to what conclusions should
acted on Jesus' words. W 1/15 the nations and kin gdoms our being saved from destruc- actual experiences of that or-
27 even as he sent his prophets tion at Har-Magedon. W 1/1 ganizati on lead it? The evi-
to the nation of Israel in an - 20, 21 dence of a hundred years
Friday, August 18 cient times. As the time for ought to lead it to the right
J ehova h's execu tin g of judg- Monday, August 21 conclusion as to the identity
Yo u must love Jehovah your
God with your whole heart ment upon the nations and They are no part of the world, of the organization that God
and with your whole soul and kin gdoms gets ever closer, the just as 1 am no part of the has chosen and strengthened
with your whole mind and sit uati on becomes ever more world.-John 17:16. to withstand worldwide at-
with your whole strength. urgent for him to see that The hope of mankind is in tacks till now. This small
-Mark 12:30 . such warning notice is served the kingdom of God, for it organization of dedicated per-
world wide, especi ally for the will bring in a new and righ- sons stepped onto the stage
Adam suffered for his will- benefit of individuals who of modern affairs in God's
ful sin against God. To all teous system of things that name. All the evidence to date
his offspring, he bequeathed must take a personal stand. will really be "pretty." It
Keeping in mind that Jeho- will reestablish the garden of indicates that Jehovah God
the bad heart inclination. All has chosen to recognize and
of us have it today. (Gen . vah is as awake as ever and God, a literal Edenic para-
will be ready on time we dise, on the earth and robe accept this organization and
8:21) This explains why the that he has not cast it off.
inclinati on of the heart of should also keep awake to the whole earth with its
glory and beauty. Partnership The test of time has furnished
mankind is bad from their the increasing urgency of proof to this fact. To their
youth up . There is a clear our message. We should keep with this doomed world of un- own chagrin these fighters
distinction between the heart ourselves awake by steady godly people and its system of against God are losing their
and mind even as is seen activity in widely proclaiming things is not the thing for battle, even as Gamaliel point-
from Jesus' words. The mind it. W 12/15 5b us to hold on to in this des- ed out. W 12/15 1, 2
Wednesday, August 28 fiesh" because It gratifies, not Saturday, August 26 gerous journey? Or would
I ndeed, ever yt hin g that is not spiritual, but fieshly desires . you depend upon the direc-
Since spiritism is condemned H appy are the merc iful , .•
out of fa ith i s sin. Happy are the peaceable. t tons of an expert thorough-
-Rom. 14:23. by God, It becomes obvious ly familiar with the route?
that a person ap pealin g to -Matt. 5:7, 9. For our journey through
It is not an easy thing to spiritism for knowledge or Is the pursuit of material these dangerous last days and
make ri ght decisions on all help is not app ealing to God. things the way to find lastin g in our quest for ete rnal life
questions that we face in life . (Deut. 18:9-12) He is looking happiness, as many think? If in God's new order, human
" We all stumble many times," to a source opposed to God, not, how can happiness be wisdom is totally unreliable
for whi ch reason, James says, and the Bible Identifies that found? These questions are as a guide. That Is why the
"not many of you should be- source for us as "the table not difficult to an swer when Bible says the above. Jeho-
come teachers, my brothers, of demons. " (1 Cor. 10:21) we realize that abiding hap- vah's works , backed up by
knowing that we shall re- So, when anyo ne bypasses piness Is not primarily de- his wisdom and power, in-
ceive heavier judgment." (Jas. God's Word and looks to pendent upon phys ical cir- spire in us confidence. When
3 :1, 2) If we expand our gtv- these things rather than to cumstances. In J esus' Sermon we see what he already has
Ing of advice to others, we God to guide him in a prob- on the Mount, his happ inesses done and is capable of do-
multiply our responsibility for lem of life, he is disavowing did not even men tion material in g, our appreciation of his
the outcome. Even if we try God and Is falling into the possessions. Elusive as some ability to direct our Uves and
to counsel altogether accord- hands of God's worst enemies. believe happiness to be, it Is to fashion a righteous new
in g to the Bible, we must be -Eoh. 6:11, 12. W 10/15 not far away, becau se it is to order is enhanced. W 7/15
sure that we have the right 8-10a be found closely associated 12, 13
understanding, not mere con- with the pure worship of the
jecture. To have faith on a Friday, August 25 Creator, Jehovah God. He is Monday, August 28
matter, which includes mak- called the "happy God" and,
ing a personal decision, we If any man is reaching out since he crea ted man in his D ist ress and grief 1 kept
have to gain accurate knowl- for an office of overseer, he image, it follows that he wants jinding.-Ps. 116:3.
edge from the Bible and have is desirous of a ji ne work. us to be happy as well, (l Ti m. At one time or another, hu-
firm evidence based on facts. -1 T im. 3 :1. 1:11; Gen. 1:27) He makes it mans experience grief. Man y
If we do not have accurate Those who are ministerial easily possible to find out are its causes, one of which
knowledge of God's will, we servants and elders in the what his purpose is for us, and Is the death of a loved one.
could lead another into a bad true sense of the word are what we should do. The apos- Abraham wept due to the
course. Some Christians, due thought of by their brothers tle Paul told a group of Athe- death of his beloved wife
to a lack of knowledge on a as humble slaves who are will- nian philosophers that God Sarah. (Gen . 23:2) However ,
certain problem or question in ing and eager to give of them- created man and that he de- "a tight grip on the word of
life do have weaknesses in selves Wholeheartedly in help- sires that men "grope for him life" helps the bereaved one
their faith. James counsels ing them. (Acts 20:25-35) It and reaBy find him, although , to endure grief. Naturally, if
Christians to get the required is because they are working in fact, he is not far off from a person thinks longingly on
wisdom by praying to God. hard in the advancement of each one of us."-Acts 17:26, past joys shared with the de-
-Jas. 1:2, 5. W 12/1 1-4 spir itual interests that the 27. W 8/1 1-3a ceased, grief ma y in crease. So,
congre gation has high regard, how much better It is to th ink
Thurs day, August 24 appreciation and love for such Sunday, Au gu st 27 of the future l We kno w that
The wor ks of the flesh [in- servants and elders. (1 Thess. billions of human dead will
5:12, 13) They are men who Blessed is the abl e-bod ied man be raised to life. (Acts 24:15)
clude] • • • practice of spir- who puts his trust i n J ehovah,
itism . . . As to these things are living up to the trust con- Of course , God determines
ferred upon them by reason and whose confidence J eho- who is to be resurrected, and
1 am forewarning you, • . . vah has become.-Jer . 17:7.
that those who practice such of their appointment. Espe- a faithful Christ ian who gains
things will not inherit God 's ciaBy should this be true of As human experience has Ufe in the future earthly par-
kingdom.-Gal. 5:19-21 . traveling elders. The congre- shown, it Is folly to trust adise can entertain the hope
gations rightly expect them to man to solve the hu ge prob- of seeing again another loyal
Today there is much per- be spiritual men of outstand- lems of the human family. I t
plexity, and people, not know- servant of Jehovah who died .
Ing humility. (Luke 12:48) is Jehovah God alone, the Yes, just think how happy
ing which way to turn, are AlmIghty Creator, who has
attracted to many sources Obviously, men who want inhabitants of God's new or-
prominence and position, the remedy. So when it comes der will be when they welcome
such as spiritism, fortune- to such a vital matter as
telling, and the like that rather than to do the work back the resurrected dead l
looking to someone for guid- Above all, at the time of be-
claim to give guidance. Will of a slave, are not qualified ance during these critical reavement, Christians need to
looking to such give one to be servants or elders. They times, it is to Jehovah that draw close to Jehovah in
spiritual guldance? No, rather, are not seeking the "fine we need to turn. Would you prayer, for he is "the ... God
the Bible classes spiritism work" associated with being trust the scribblings of an of all comfort."-2 Cor. 1:3.
among the "works of the an overseer . W 6/1 16, 17a infant as a map for a dan- W 6/15 16-19a
Tuesday, August 29 kidn eys, God says t he above to Friday, September 1 being so is essential to their
Every first day of t he week let us. Ah, t hen, wit h a view to Do not severely criticize an having any part in the King-
each of you at his own house making our he avenly Father older man. To the contrary, dom . Just as in a natural
set somethin g aside i n store exu lt, we will put our hearts entreat h im as a father, family, when the members of
as he may be prospering. and our kidneys into our sa - youn ger men as brothers. a congregation are humble in
-1 Cor. 16:2. cred servi ce to Hi m. In being -1 Tim. 5:1. mind and attitude like youn g
his worsh ipers we will be gen- children, the relationship of
Use of "unrighteous riches" uine down to the very depths Corporations pay thousands each one to the other takes on
for the advancement of spiri- of ourselves. Then we shall of dollars to send their ex- a peaceful quality. If we are
tual interests and to help h ave no secret sins to hide ecutives to discussion groups willing and ready to serve in
needy persons is basic to one' s from him. (Ps. 19:13 , 14) We for training on how to counsel even the lowliest of tasks , just
being a Christian. (Luke 16:9) sh a ll not dread his final others and cope with confron- so we can ser ve and comfort
Whether having much or lit- exa mination of us. On such tations. Yet the re ally worth- others, it m akes for the up-
tle, all have the privilege of a faultless ba sis, we shall pass while techniques were long ago building of the en tire congre-
contributing something. Note , Jehovah's examination of our outlined in the Bible, and cost gation and moves it to positive
for example, what the apostle kidneys with everlasting ered- nothing. In the above, Paul works of goodness. Thus keep-
Paul recommended to the Co- Its to ourselves. Exultingly said entreat, not bro wbeat. ing peace between one another
rinthians. In harmony with he will issue to us a "clean The purpose is to restore a results in brotherly unity.
this inspired admonition, a bill of health." W 11/1 27, 28a brother, not drive him away. W 8/15 20-22
person may wish to set some- Giving advice that has been
thing aside early in the week Thursday, August 31 asked for is a delicate busi- Sunday, September S
that he could contribute. The nes s; giving it without invita-
amount, of course, will vary Happy is that slave , if his tion requires even more sen- Bless Jehovah, 0 my SOUl, and
considerably with individuals, master on arriving finds him sitivity. Advice unrequested do not forget all h is doings,
but this is not the all- doing sol I tell you truth- tends to come across as criti- h im who is forgiving all your
important thing. The truly vi- fUlly, He will appoint him cism , and no one likes to be error, who is healing all your
tal aspect is the willingness, over all his belongings. criticized. One's first re action maladies, who is reclaiming
the eagerness, to make a con- -Luke 12:43, 44. is self-defense, even if one your life from the very pit.
tribution. Paul put it this way : This "slave" was prefigured suspects that the criticism is -Ps. 103:2-4.
"If the readiness is there first, by ancient Jeremiah. This deserved. To counsel without Likely we know of many
it is especially acceptable ac- slave, however, could not be giving offense requires pa- sins that we committed for
cording to what a person has, an individual Christian man, tience and the ability to which we needed forgiveness,
not according to what a person for, in such a case, he would teach. Christ Jesus, the Won- not to mention numerous sins
does not have." (2 Cor. 8:12) have to be more than nine- derful Counselor, exemplified that we do not recall. It should
This readiness to give accord- teen hundred years old by counseling gently when the touch our heart to think: Je-
ing to one's means is what now. The "slave" must be the apostles argued about which hovah God in his mercy and
counts with Jehovah God and entire Christian congregation one was the greatest. He made love is willing to for give us.
with his Son .-Mark 12:42-44. made up of the 144,000 disci- his point by illustration and That is a display of his kind-
W 9/1 17, 18a ples wh o have been begotten contrast. W 12/1 2-5a ness toward us as a result of
by God's spirit t o becom e our accepting Christ's sacri-
Wednesday, August 30 joint he irs with Jesus Christ Saturday, September 2 fice and exercising faith. How
M y son, i f your heart has be- in h is heavenly king dom. This As newborn infants, form a should we feel in response to
come wise, my heart will re- "slave" class had its start on longing for the unadulterated Jehovah's forgiving us the sins
joice, even m i ne. And my kid- the festi val day of Pentecost milk belonging to the word, that stained us in the past-
neys will exult when your in the year 33 C.E. The origi- that through it you may grow a marvelous display of God's
lips speak uprightness. nal part of the "slave" class to salvation, provided you undeserved kindness? Even as
-Provo 23:15, 16. came into existence when the have tasted that the Lord is the psalmist David expressed
glorified Jesus Christ was used kind.-l Pet. 2:2, 3. in the above words. There is
What does Jehovah's prob- no question but that we have
ing of our "kidneys" reveal to to pour out the holy spirit We can share the "word"
him today? A sp iritually upon the wait ing disc iples with those who are like "new- reason to thank and praise
healthy st ate, we hope, as re- (about 120 of them) assembled born infants," that they may Jehovah God for such un-
gar ds wh at we t ru ly are as in Jerusalem. Right after that, grow to salvation and hold deserved kindness. However ,
personalities. Then we shall three t housand tr uth -hun gry onto it as mature Christians. since we have become part of
pro ve that we h ave been act- Jews and pro selytes were fed Consequently, those who show his people, his Christian wor-
ing wisely, winning God 's ap- with spiritual food at that themselves accessible, willing shipers, there are many ways
proval. On our account Jeho- proper t ime and became bap- to receive one of such young that he has demonstrated loy-
vah will feel pleasure deep tized, spirit-begotten Chris- children on the basis of alty to us, coming to our aid
within himself. Speaking of tians, domestics of the Master Christ's name, show t hat they with his marvelous loving-
himself as a father wh o has I Jesus Christ. W 12/15 9, 11, 12 themselves are childlike. Their kindness. W 2/15 12, 13
Monday, September 4 and stlll these become rebel- Thursday, Sept em ber 7 erate in just ices. Moreover, do
T h i s rebuke give n by the ma- lious and refuse to be obedient D o not be misled : God is not we not read of Jehov ah that
jority is sufficient fo r such a children of God . In such one t o be m ock ed. For w hat- " God is love"? (1 J ohn 4 :8;
man, so that, on the contrary circumstances the words of ever a man is sowing, t his see also J ohn 3 :16.) Great as
n ow, you should kindly for- Proverbs 17:21 and 25 are h e wi l l also re ap.- Gal . 6: 7. J ehovah God is, h e h as em-
give and comfort him.
sign ifican t: "The father of a pathy; he is a ble to put him-
sensel ess child does n ot re- A farmer cann ot sow seeds self in the shoes, as it were ,
- 2 Cor . 2 :6, 7. joice. A stupid son is a vex- from plants that are weeds of his lowly, weak earthly
Elders are not 'father con- ation to his father and a and hope to r eap a crop of creatures. Bearin g t h is out are
fessors' who h ave been autho- bitterness to her that gave wh eat . Thus, if we sow trust t he words of the prophet Isa-
rized to forgive all the sins him birth." How vital, there- in t he material ben efits that iah . God's justice a nd love
that members of the congre- fore , that parents do every- this system now offers, we will assure us that h e wlll act
gat ion may commit. It is Je- thing in their power to give reap disappointment when it in behalf of t he oppressed of
hovah who forgives the sins their children the good start goes off into destruction. If humankind. And he has the
of repentant ones, doing so on in life that they deserve! we sow trust in God , we will means t o do it , even as can
the basis of Christ's sacrifice. This they can do by following reap the rewards he gives, be seen from the infin ite pow-
Therefore, a person's being the Bible's counsel above on both now and in his new or- er and wisdom he displayed in
forgiven by Jehovah is not rearing their offspring. It is der. The course of practical creating the vast universe.
dependent upon his confessing an integral part of working wisdom today is to have the W 4/15 12-14
his sins to the elders. How- together for family unity. attitude that Paul expressed
ever, by serious transgression, W 9/15 8a at Philippians 3 :8, 10, 11. Saturday, September 9
a person can also sin against Even if doing the will of God
the congregation, because Wednesday, September 6 had meant the loss of every- God is a God , not of disorder,
gross wrongdoing can bring thing, including his life , Paul but of peace.-l Cor. 14:33.
reproach and trouble upon the Let marriage be honorable would not have drawn back. The command of Jesus
congregation with which the among all, and the marriage He had the sure hope of Christ for his followers to
wayward one is associated. bed be without defilement. the resurrection. In fact, he preach and to make disciples
Hence, elders representing the -Reb. 13:4. looked forward to the "earlier is still vitally urgent. This is
congregation should make sure Repayment to Caesar for r esurrecti on from the dead." clear from his assurance at
that the individual is gen- the advantages his legal rec- What really mattered to Paul Matthew 28:20. Hence, many
uinely repentant before ex- ognition provides as to mar- was not the wealth or position grand opportunities for ser -
tending forgiveness to him. riage does not mean that the he formerly had. He was will- vice are stlll to be enjoyed
That the congregation can Christian loses sight of the ing to let go of these things today as this good news of
forgive or withhold forgive- fact that Caesar's authority for what really counted-do- the Kingdom continues to be
ness in certain cases is evi- in marriage is only relative. ing Jehovah God's wlll and preached vigorously from door
dent from what Paul said God is not bound by Caesar's gaining his favor and bless ing. to door. Also, due to the
about accepting a repentant decisions and may disapprove Do you have the same mental gr owth of the congregation
disfellowshiped man back in- where Caesar approves, or ac- attitude that Paul h ad about of Jehovah's Witnesses world
to their midst. W 11/15 I , 2a cept whe re Caesar rejects. these things? W 4/1 6, 7a wide, there is a great need
(Mat t . 22:21) The Christian for capable an d wlllin g work -
Tuesday, September 5 should ri ghtly give conscien- Friday, Septem b er 8 ers to build up fellow believers
Y ou must inculcate them in tious consideration to Caesar's During all their distress it was and to render other vit al ser -
your son and speak oj them marriage and di vor ce provi- distressing to him.-Isa. 63:9. vices for the advancement of
when you sit in your house sions but wlll always give the spiritual interests. Add ition-
greatest consideration to the Jehovah God is a God of
and when you walk on the Supreme Authority, Jehovah justice. (Deut. 32 :4) Not on- ally, people everywhere need
road and when you lie down God. (Acts 4:19) This will ly does he himself a ct justly to hear the good news so
and when you get up. assure God's approval and at all times, but he is con- that they can take a stand
-Deut.6 :7. blessing. Thus the Christian cerned with justice holding for it or against it before the
It is true that some young appreciates that, even though sway throughout his domin- execution of God's righteous
ones do not respond from Caesar's rulings of themselves ions. Certainly he is not less judgment upon the present
the heart to the truth of are not what finally deter-
God's Word . As was the case mine the validity of his mar- interested in the lot of those ungodly world. To accomplish
with Cain, Esau and others, riage in God's eyes, this does suffering injustices than was all that is necessary in an
some children refuse to re- not thereby exempt him from Job, who said of himself : "I orderly way, obviously there
spond to the truth. There the Scriptural injunction would rescue the affiicted one must be some centralized, co-
are times when parents truly above. He is obligated to do crying for help, and the fa- ordinated direction. Even as
have done everything possib le conscientiously whatever he therless boy and anyone that there was such in the first
to train up their children in can to have his marriage had no helper." (Job 29:12) century, so we find the same
the ways of righteousness, honored by all . W 3/1521, 22a God will not for all time tol- is true today. W 6/1 I , 2a
Sunday, Septemb er 10 viewed as the supe rior bless- Wednesday, September 13 Through having before him a
Do not be afraid because of
ings. Not until some 4,000 "If you men have 1udged me living example of praiseworthy
their faces , for " 1 am with
years after the first marriage to be faithful to Jehovah, en- conduct, an unbelieving hus-
you to deliver you. " -Jer. 1 :8.
was singleness pointed to as ter into my house and stay." ba nd may in time become a
something bet ter for certain And she [ust made us come . believer. A wife's thus winning
It takes courage for those men an d women. At that time her husband without a word ,
of the Jeremiah class, with -Acts 16 :15.
a new era, the Christian era, of course, does not imply that
whom the "great crowd" is h ad its start. The changes The fine spirit displayed by she would ne ver speak t o him
associated, to fulfill this com- that this brought about also many of those associate d with about spiritual matters. How-
mission , for their message is affected the view of single- t he early Christian congre- ever, sh e should avoid arg u-
unpopular world wide. Like ness and marriage that h ad gation furnishes an excellen t ments an d persi stent, naggin g
Jeremiah they have to de- long existed. Jesus made it example for us t oday. For 'discussions ab out t rue wor-
clare the destruction of all clear that, among his disci- instance, among t he first per- ship. Similarly, young persons
worldly nations. (Jer. 25:15- ples , God's original standard son s t o embrace Christianity going to school can , by means
30) So they cannot imbibe the for marriage would be re- in Europe were Lydia and of good conduct, make the
nationalistic spirit of modern stored. Polygamy, and divorce he r household, residents of good news more at t ra ctive t o
times. Kings and rulers of on grounds other than mari- Philippi. Lydia ac cepted the teachers as well as to other
today consider the message tal unfaithfulness, would be a good news pre ached by Paul, students.-Titus 2:6-8. W 7/1
of the Jeremiah class to be thing of the past. W 5/1 1, 2 was baptized, and immediately 14, 15
seditious, disloyal, damaging displayed hospitable qualities.
to the morale of their subjects Tuesday, September 12 Yes, 't he Lord was with the Friday, September 15
and weakening to the defense spirit shown' by those Philip-
forces of their lands. So they My own possession has proved pians, even as we can see All creation keeps on groan-
threaten these pro claimers of agreeable to me. 1 shall bless from Philippians 1 :3-5. The ing together and being i n
Jehovah's prophetic message Jehovah, who has given me Jew Aquila and his wife Pris- pain together until now.
to the modern world . In advice . Really, during the cilla also h ad a fine spirit. -Rom. 8:22.
many cases they back up nights my kidneys have cor- Banished from Rome by the From mankind's very be-
their threats with suppres- rected me.-Ps. 16 :6, 7. decree of Emperor Claudius ginning Jehovah demonstrat-
sion of the Jeremiah class, During the nights when the against the Jews (50 C.E.) , ed the trustworthiness of his
and with various forms of psalmist David had wakeful they became residents of Cor - promises and that his warn-
punishment try to deter this hours upon his bed, the cor- inth. Some months later, Paul ings are to be heeded. An ex-
class. So it becomes necessary rection by his kidneys could arrived there and was re- ample is what happened to
to imitate Jeremiah and obey take place, for he was all ceived into their home. In our first parents, Adam and
Jehovah as "King of the na- alone with his thoughts, and fact, all three worked toge th- Eve. They misused the fine
tions" rather than men. (Jer. God's spirit could stir up the er making tents. Undoubt- gift of free will that God
10:7) That is what Christ's "advice" that Jehovah had edly, Aquila and Pr iscilla als o had given t he m. In fact , Eve
apostles of the first century given him during the day. h elped Paul to build up the believed t hat indepen den ce
did .-Acts 4:19 ; 5:29. W 12/15 In this way David got a good new congregation in Corinth. from God' s rule would ac -
20a look at himself, for just what -Acts 18 :1- 11. W 6/15 14, 15 tually improve matters , en -
he was. Thus, just as the abling her to "be like God."
Monday, September 11 heart represents the seat of Thursday, September 14 (Gen. 3 :5) But was t hat t he
motivation and appreciation, Wives, be in subiection. to case? No, for Jehovah al -
What God has yoked together the kidneys represent the seat r eady had war ned that t urn-
let no man put apart. of something personal. Of you r ow n h usban ds, in or der
that, if an y are n ot obedi en t in g away from his rule would
-Matt. 19:6. what? Of one's genuine per- be certain to result in misery
Since God united the first sonality. One's underlying per- to t h e word, they m ay be w on and death . J eh ovah kne w
man and woman in marriage, sonality affects one's motiva- without a wo rd t h rough the
[ chas t e] conduc t of their t hat humans were not cre-
the majority of the human tion. Peering at that seat of wives. -1 Pet. 3:1, 2. ated with t he ability t o be
family have chosen to marry personality, God sees what a successful, i n de pe n dent of
rather than to remain single. person really is in his basic An unbeli eving husb and their Cre ator. His words t o
Among God's servants of an- reactions. So the kidneys do should be able to see t h at his our first parents certainly
cient times, too, it was the affect the heart, even figu- wife is cooperative in all mat- prove d t r ue. (Rom. 5:1 2)
exception to remain single. ratively speaking. By taking ters that do n ot infringe on When t he y moved out fr om
When, in fulfillment of her the advice of Jehovah to h er worship. From t he fine under God's direction t he y
father's vow, Jephthah's ourselves and sincerely apply- way in wh ich she conducts also lost contact with t he
daughter had to forfeit the ing it to ourselves as per- h erself, he should be able to sustaining Source of life.
right to marry, this initially sonalities, we benefit our spir- see that her faith is a st rong P aul's words describe t he sad
resulted in sadness. (Judg. 11: itual he alth. We are purified force for good. Her disposition, result of n ot trusting God's
38) Yes, not singleness, but to be the real thing. W 11/1 words and acti ons should give word. May we ever have con-
marriage and parenthood were 16, 17a no basis for valid criticism. fidence in it. W 7/15 4, 5a
Tuesday, September 19 ily. But the problems will not
Saturday, September 16 the majority. So he warned go away but must still be fa ced
J eremiah by frankly telling T hey kept silent , f or on the
They will accumulate teachers road t hey had argued am ong after the period of amusement
hi m t hat the kings of the is over . F urthermore, when a
for themselves to have their land, the princes, the priests themselves who is greater.
ears tickled.-2 Tim. 4:3 . -Mark 9 :34. person simply dismisses very
an d the people of Judah serious ma tters wit h thought-
We should take counsel that would fight against him. His Evidently, on the road, the less laughter, h e is not using
is supported by God's Word . very life would be threatened. ap ostles h ad t railed behind good sense and may well irri-
When David was rebuked by So, what if Jehovah had not their Lea der, J esus. Yet, in tate others. That is why h is
the prophet Nathan, he re- promised the young prophet some way, he discerned that lau ghter can be called "insan-
sponded: "I have sinned that all these foes would not an arg ument had ar isen amon g ity ." As to t he merriment that
against Jehovah." (2 Sam. prevail against him? Would t hem , with some heated ex- might be associated with t h e
12:13) The congregation at he h ave had the heart to car- pression of that fact. They habitual joker, it does not
Corinth took Paul's counsel ry on doggedly for forty years believed J esus to be the ]des- really amount to anything of
and cleared themselves of all as Jehovah's "proph et to the slah, the prospective King of worth. As Solomon put it:
blame. Those who counsel nations" (Jer. 1:5) and finally Israel. Along with their hopes "What is this doing?" Yes ,
should exercise patience, al- see hi s vicious enemies go of an early est ablishment of what tangible an d meaningful
lowing time for the one re- down In defeat? It is hard to the ]desslanic kingdom, they results does such merriment
proved to evaluate and absorb think sol Jehovah's promise had reason to think about produce? W 9/1 7
the admonitions. And when to Jeremiah applies to the their respective official posi-
he complies, even if belatedly, Jeremiah class of today, with tions with their Leader in that Thursday, September 21
he should be commended. whom the "great crowd" is kingdom. In such a connec-
However, sometimes people associated. W 12/15 12b tion, the natural tendency of Jehovah is not slow respecting
have decided to pursue a cer- a person politically minded his promise, as some people
tain course of action and will Monday, September 18 would be to aggrandize himself consider slowness, but he is
go from one counselor to an- rather than hi s rival candi- patient with you because
other until they find someone On this side of the river and dates. Similarly, the apostles he does not desire any
who agrees with them. In an- on that side the re were tree s began to compare themselves to be destroyed but
cient Israel Kin g Rehoboam of life producing t welve crops with one another. The discu s- desires all to attain
went to older men for advic e, of truit, yielding their fruits sion revolved around, not just to repentance.
but it did not suit him. He each month. And the leaves who Is best suited for this or - 2 Pet. 3:9.
went to younge r men, who told of the trees were for the cur- that position, but who qualifies Jesus' perfect obedience to
him what he wanted to hear. ing of the nations.-Rev. 22:2. for the greatest position next God proved and settled t he
The results were disastrous : The rendering of sacred to the ]desslah himself. Jesus' issue of integrity forever. Some
Ten tribes revolted from him service to the Creator of all counsel to keep peace among may count Jehovah God slow
and formed their own kin g- mankind is the greatest priv- themselves is something to and uncaring. But Peter re -
dom. (1 Ki. 12:1-20) Paul ilege anyone could possibly keep in mind at all times. futes this thought. From t he
spoke of a time when people h ave. It not only brings hap- -]dark 9 :50. W 8/15 7, 8 apostle's words we see t hat
would search until they found piness now, but opens up won- God cares. His allowing ti me
counselors who would say ju st derful future prospects as well. Wednesday, September 20 gives all of us opportunity
what they wanted to he ar. The Bible speaks of a future t o hear the truth. True, mil-
he avenly scene , where 144,000 I said to laughter : " I n san ity l "
W 12/1 32, 33a and to rejoicing: " W hat is lions are born each month,
are rendering sacred service and many have died. So
as kings and priests. (Rev. 14 : this doing?"-Eccl. 2 :2.
Sunday, Sept ember 17 Peter's words point out that
1, 3; 22:3-5) But what about Just what is King Solomon God knows what is best, not
They will be certain to fight others of mankind, those not here drawing to our attention ?
against you, but they will not just for the generation now
called to the heavenly calling His words make it clear that alive, but for all , the living
prevail against you, for "I but who also render Jehovah the avid pursuit of amuse-
am with you," is the utter- and those to be resurrected.
God sacred service? Are they ments cannot bring genuine And he knows the exact time
ance of Jehovah, "to deliver also referred to in this pro- to intervene in human affairs
you."-Jer. 1 :19. phetic picture? Yes, they are, and lasting happiness. He
found that rejoicing or merri- and to bring the present
Jeremiah had to point out even as noted above. So per- system of things to a con-
that God was justified In sons showing faith in Jeho- ment just for its own sake clusion to make way for the
pouring out national calamity vah God now, people of the was vanity, emptiness. This thousand-year reign of Christ,
upon the Israelites for break- " nati ons" who pass through is so because in itself such during which the entire world
ing their holy covenant with the great tribulation, will "rejoicing" cannot produce will be judged "in righteous-
him. God knew that what he have this prospect of enjoy- anything truly worth while. ness." (Acts 17:31) Thus actu-
began commanding Jeremiah ing the benefits of this river Granted, amusements and ally all who want to do right
in 647 B.C.E. to speak to of water of life and the fruits laughter can aid a person to can be saved to everlasting
the inhabitants of the land of the trees of life that will forget his problems temporar- life. W 10/1 13-151\
of Judah would not please bring healing. W 8/1 1-3
Friday, September 22 "iron plllar" and a "fortified Monday, September 25 the way of life of any pers on
He who searches the hearts
city" with " copper walls." This Sadness in a godly way makes without damaging his happi-
knows what the meaning of
is what Jeremiah of old did . f or repentance t o salvation ness. The apostle Paul at
the spirit is.-Rom. 8:27.
Jesus Christ was not one whit that is not to be regretted; Romans 1:21-28 describes the
behind Jeremiah in declaring effects of immorality, and the
From the start to the fin - the impending destruction of but the sadness of the wor ld
ish God's Word has much produces death.-2 Cor. 7 :10. situa tion we have t oday is
the Jerusalem of his day , glaring proof of the truth -
to say about the heart, speak- which destruction came 676 A wrongdoer should, of fulness of what he said. Then
ing about it more than eight years after the Jerusalem of course, have feeling s of sad- the apostle went on to name
hundred times. Seein g that Jeremiah's day perished. As ness, remorse and regret as the many crimes and de-
the Creator has specialized ano inted followers of Jesus regar ds h is sinful cou rse. grading practices that we see
on the heart to such an ex- Christ the Jeremiah class of However , elders should keep in prevalent all over the world
tent, we can be sure that he today must do the same thing, mind that not all sadness, today. (Rom . 1:29-32) I n hi s
knows his subject. Better than until they witness the destruc- remorse or r egret Is necessar- letter to the Ephesians he
any human medical specialist tion of the antitypical un- ily proof of genuine repen- counseled as above. Those
of today , He can advise us faithful Jerusalem and Judah t an ce, even as Paul shows. who have followed his counsel
as to just what is needed to of our ti mes. Like Jesus they Hence , elders properly should to the best of their ability,
bring our hearts to the con- must declare not only the "ac- seek insight as to what moti- seeking help from God, have
dition where they will serve ceptable time, " but also the vates the wrongdoer's sadness. found a far happier life by
us for life eternal. Kin g Da- 'day of vengeance of our God.' Worldly sadness may stem avoiding immorality and all
vid applied to him for needed -Isa. 61:1, 2; 2 Cor. 6:2. simply from concern over the other bad things. W 10/15
examinations. That is why W 12/15 15, 16b loss of esteem or of certain 6,7a
David could say to him: "You benefits, or from the prospect
have examined my heart, you Sunday, September 24 of undergoing discipline or Wednesday, September 2'7
have made inspection." (Ps . About loving-kindness and shame. This is a sadness over
17:3) We can come to this the undesirable and hurtful When there is no skiUful di-
1udgment 1 will sing. To you, rection, the people fall ; but
finest of heart specialists with o Jehovah, 1 will make results of the wrongdoing, or
the assurance that he thor- over the fact that the wrong- there is salvation i n the
melody.-Ps. 101:1. multitude of counselors.
oughly understands our case doin g came to light. Though
even though we may not be What if someone gave you a normal in themselves, if these -Provo 11 :14.
able to describe It accurately dish of sand with some tiny feelin gs are the sole reasons People who unite for some
in our own words, even as iron particles mixed in? It for sadness, then the individ- noble purpose or work usu-
noted above. Yes, Jehovah would be hard to pick out the ual does not truly regr et hav- ally have someone preside
gets the sense of what we iron specks . But you could ing committed the sin but is over their affairs. When this
want to express to him ver- easily collect them with a distressed about havin g been is done in a fine way. proper
bally when we come to him magnet. A heart that is full exposed. He is n ot really con - direction can be given to
for examination and inspec- of gratitude to Jehovah is cern ed about the reproach them, resulting in progress
tion. If we have been leadin g like that magnet. With such a that his transgression h as a n d get ting t hings done.
a clean life we have nothing heart, every day we can easily brough t upon Je hovah God. Otherwise, they will flounder
to fear.-Ps. 139:23. W 11/1 pick out numerous examples W 11/15 4, 5a and fa ll, even as noted in
7, 8 of God's kindness and gener- the pr overb . As an organized
osity , more valu able than iron, Tuesday, September 26 people with a divine purpo se
Saturday, September 2S more precious even than gold. and work, Jehovah's Wit-
Being alert to evidences of Let fornication and un clean -
1 have made you today a ness of every sort or greed- n esses a p prec iate receiving
God's goodness will make it direction and coun sel fro m
fortified city and an iron pil- easy and natural to praise him ine ss not even be m entioned
lar and copper walls against and express thanks for these. among you, 1ust as it befits fa it hfu l elders who preside
all the land.-Jer. 1 :18. Jehovah's creation that we see holy people; neit her sham e- over them. There ar e now
daily is full of things that can ful conduc t.-Eph. 5:3, 4. over 40,000 congregations of
All the work of the Jere- J ehovah 's Witne sses wor ld
miah class is not yet over. remind us of his kind provi- M ora l u pri ghtness a n d
Those of this class must keep sions for mankind in general. cleann ess are in dispen sable to wide. While each congrega-
their hips girded and stay As to delightful scents, do you the way of the Chr istian . t ion has an appointed "pre-
active on their feet until their recall the fragrance of certain However, many people today sidin g overseer," does he have
commissioned work is com- flowers or the aroma of fresh- say that the "new morality" the sole prerogati ve to pre-
pleted. All the "great crowd" ly cut hay or clover? When is liberating people for a side? What about the other
of Christians who actively enjoying such things, is It not fuller life. But what is the elders who make up the body
support the Jeremiah class appropriate to utter thanks to fruitag e of the "new moral- of elders? All of them should
must keep working with them. Jehovah for such wonderful ity" ? Heartaches, broken fam- recognize wha t Jehovah God's
The Jeremiah class still needs things to enjoy? W 2/15 14, ilies, diseases and death. I m- Word at 1 Timothy 5:17 en-
to stand immovable like an 15a morality cannot enter into joins upon them. W 3/1 1, 2a
Thursday, September 28 (1 Tim. 3:10) If you have been Sunday, October 1 the literal kidneys. It also
T hey re ceived the word with a ministeri al servant for per- To all those to whom I shall applies in a spiritual way.
the greatest eagerness ot haps a year or so, do you feel send you, you should go; and At 1 Corinthians 12:13 we
mind, carejully exam ining the that it is about ti me that con- everything that I shall com- read that "we were all made
Scriptures daily as to whether sideration be given to recom- mand you, you should speak. to drink one spirit ." That
these thi ngs wer e so. There- mending you as an elder? Or, -Jer. 1:7. "one spirit" is God's spirit.
jore many ot them became are you willing to wait, using We are encouraged to pray
your time well in getting a The year 1919, the year for it to be given to us in
believ ers.-Acts 17:11, 12. of the Versailles Peace Trea-
deeper and better understand- needed measure. (Luke 11:13)
The Pharisees used the tyr- in g of God's Word and pro v- ty following World War I, When all members of the
anny of au thority when offi- ing yourself to be cooperative, marked a turning point for Christian congregation drink
cers sent out to arrest Jesus dependable, consid erate an d the anointed Jeremiah class. of this one spirit, it pre-
returned without him because fully devoted to Jehovah's ser- In no uncertain Bible terms serves the harmony and un ity
they were so impressed with vice? Of course, it is com- they took up Jehovah's mes- of the congreg ational body
his teaching. (John 7:45-49) mendable when brothers reach sage of destruction for this under Christ's headship. It
They did not use reason, but out for greater responsibility. system of things during God's refreshes us like a drink. Of
declared that only ignorant (1 Tim. 3 :1) Nevertheless, with approaching war of Har- course, later, growing children
ones listened to him. When responsibility comes greater Magedon. Certainly now, since start eating solid food. For
we advise others we should accountability. W 2/1 14, 15a more than fifty-eight years eternal salvation we must
use reason and scriptures, not have passed since 1919, there grow to Christian maturity.
demanding compliance be- Saturday, September 30 is no time to lose, even as W 11/1 11-14a
cause of a position we might Jeremiah had only a limited
have. We should be like Paul, Examine me, 0 Jehovah, and time-forty years-in which to
who did not use his position put me to the test; refine my Tuesday, October S
kidneys and my heart. Fo r declare Jerusalem's impending
as an apostle to pressure peo- destruction. There is, there- This is what I continue pray-
ple. Instead, he commended • • • I have walked in you r fore, every reason for the Jer- ing, . . . that you may be flaw-
them for checking to see truth.-Ps. 26:2, 3. emiah class and their com- less and not be stumbling
whether his teaching was In David 's case, walking in panions, the "great crowd" others.-Phil. 1:9, 10.
based on the Bible. The Dev- personal integrity and walking of "other sheep," to keep Unintentionally, without our
il used Scripture when he in God's truth went hand in awake. Now, so many years being aware of it, we may
tempted Jesus, and Jesus hand. In our own case today, after Jehovah commissioned offend others-which is serious
used scriptures to refute him. God's truth is also needed for the Jeremiah class, He is enough-and we hope that
Both used scriptures. Satan us to walk on in integrity to- still awake to h is purpose this may not result in an
ward Him . Along with bein g with special regard to this irretrievable fall away from
misapplied them, but Jesus exam ined and tested, David Christian belief. When learned
used them properly. We should time of the end in which the
wanted his kidneys to be re- nations find themselves. Yes, of. such an offense should be
never twist texts to serve our fined. He wanted Jehovah God he is awake as to what he has given due attention, and
purpose, as Satan did. Make to make a proof of him as a purposed to do when this amends would have to be
sure we are saying what God person with a fiery procedure time of the end terminates. ma de for it . But when a per -
is saying! W 12/1 22-24a such as a metal refiner would -Jer. 1:11, 12. W 12/15 1, 2b son shows indifference and no
make when refining gold and concern for the spir itu al wel-
Friday, September 29 silver. David was sure that. Monday, October 2 fare of a fellow believer and
despite such a searching of argues that each individual
The one whom people put in him through and through, As newborn i n tents , jorm a
charge ot much, they will de- longing jor the unadult erated has ri ghts of conscience and
Jehovah would find no is free to take full advantage
mand more than usual ot him. "dross" in him, no unclean- m ilk belonging to the wor d,
-Luke 12:48. t hat through it you may grow of his rights, he displays self-
ness, no spiritually diseased ish , unloving disre gard for
Often the matter of being condition. Similarly, we honest to salvation.-l Pet. 2:2 .
the everlasting life of another,
willing to wait for what is de- integrity-keepers of today can What does Jehovah God also for that one's relationship
sirable to take place puts our ask God to probe us through find our moral, spiritual con- with God. He und erestimates
patience to a test. The ques- and through. Why so? Because dition to be deep down inside
us, as it were, at the kidneys? the value of that believer for
tion is: Will we be willing to we are confident that, under Is it bad, or does it favor whom Christ died. What if a
wait patiently until the appro- such a thoroughgoing probing, our gaining eternal life? This professed Christian does not
priate time? Perhaps you are a no sinful "dross" would come figurative seat of what we mind stumbling another and
brother. Because of not being to the surface to prove that really are-we want to keep thus betrays how cheaply he
a ministerial servant, do you deep within us we are adul- it functioning healthily. To views the eternal life of that
find it difficult to wait until terated, contaminated, world- do so, we need to watch what one? Then Christ does not
such time as you have truly ly, lacking in Christian integ- we eat and drink. Such a think much of the life of that
been "tested as to fitness"? rity. W 11/1 25, 26a thing is true with respect to one. W 8/15 11, 12a
Wednesday, October 4 (or divorce). What Caesar can Saturday, October 7 outstanding abilities but who
He that presides, let him do provide is legal recognition Come into his gates With are often quick to be upset
it in real earnest.-Rom. 12:8. and accompanying protection thanksgiving, into his court- and Impatient with those hav-
of marital rights in his court yards with praise.-Ps. 100:4. ing limitations. Though his
Whether a person presides systems. The Christian who disciples were at times heed-
at the Watchtower study, the wants his marriage to be We do not mention Ged less and forgetful, Jesus was
congregation book study or a "honorable among all" rightly only because a listener might never overly severe with them.
family Bible study he should desires such provisions to pro- be helped. We speak of God Because he was lowly In heart,
have these words of the apos- tect the rights and interests and his deeds because it Is in he condescended to teach per-
tle Paul well in mind. All such of his family. To obtain such om' hearts and thus on our sons who were looked down
are not merely conductors in recognition and rights he tongues. If we mention God upon as ignorant. (Matt. 11:
the sense that they just ask should properly pay back to often In conversing with un- 28-30; John 7:47-49) Truly,
questions and call on those Caesar for these by complying believers, how understandable Jesus set a perfect example
in the audience for answers. with Caesar's regulations for it is that we do so frequently of what it means to serve
Their presiding in a mean- receiving them. This may in- when talking to those who in behalf of others. What
ingful way calls for keeping clude such things as license serve God. We feel greater warmth, what kindness, what
the study interesting and fees, the conforming to certain ease in speaking with such love he displayed! Finally, in
alive, emphasizing key scrip- medical examinations, or sim- ones about our plans, impres- a superlative expression of his
tures, seeing that proper ap- ilar requtrements. W 3/15 19, sions, and so on. Accordingly love he surrendered his soul
plication of Bible texts is 20a in such conversations should or life as a ransom for sinful
made and aiding everyone to we not be inclined to men- mankind. W 7/1 7, 9a
see the practical value of im- Friday, October 6 tion God and his dealings, as
portant points covered. If Psalm 92:1, 2 says? Perhaps Monday, October 9
some are hesitant about par- Rest [your] hope, not on un- work Is being done on the
ticipating, a personal word of certain riches, but on God. Kingdom Hall. You could ex- Let us ... not [be] forsaking
encouragement may be suffi- -1 Tim. 6:17. press appreciation for God's the gathering of ourselves to-
cient to start them comment- The material good things of blessing on the congregation. gether, as some have the cus-
Ing at meetings. Those who life must never be allowed to We receive a new Bible study tom, but [be] encouraging one
preside should strive to be- get the mastery over us. So, aid. If you sincerely view it as another, and all the more so
come more effective teachers, when we think of the "great evidence of Jehovah's loving- as you behold the day draw-
aiming to reach hearts, thus tribulation" that Is fast ap- kindness, why not mention ing near.-Heb. 10:24, 25.
motivating the brothers to proaching, we will not be like that In conversation. What To grow strong in faith we
walk in Jehovah's ways and Lot's wife. We will not grieve about the interesting new ex- must understand and appre-
providing Scriptural direction at the thought of losing our planations in it? Happily ciate the importance of what
to that end. Presiding In this possessions, because such neg- speak of these with your broth- we read. We need to have ac-
way they will be able to do ative thinking can unbalance ers, doing so with modesty. curate knowledge. Many Jews
the greatest possible good. us to the point where we en- Interspersing spiritual mat- In apostolic times had a de-
-Ps. 25:4, 5; Provo 16:9; danger our very lives. Instead, ters in your conversation will gree of knowledge, but since
1 Tim. 4:16. W 3/1 7a we will rejoice at the ap- be upbullding to all. W 2/15 they did not have accurate
proaching end of this wicked 12, 13a knowledge their zeal was in
Thursday, October 5 system. We know that it will vain. (Rom. 10:1-4) We need
Pay back, therefore, Caesar's mean the vindication of Je- Sunday, October 8 help to acquire accurate
things to Caesar, but God's hovah's name, and also the No one has love greater than knowledge, and along with it,
things to God.-Matt. 22:21. salvation of those who bear this, that someone should sur- understanding. Jesus, after his
that name and who uphold it render his soul in behalf resurrection. encouraged his
Do these words mean that In their daily lives. For their mourning disciples by point-
we must take Caesar's view of his friends. You are my
of a marriage or a divorce loyalty to Jehovah, they will friends if you do what I ing out to them what God's
as the final, decisive, binding be ushered into a new order am commanding you. Word had to say about his
factor as to Its validity and where they will have the de- -John 15:13, 14. needing to suffer and die.
morality? No, for the issue lightful task of making this (Luke 24:15-47) Similarly, it
earth a Paradise, free from Though Lord or Master, Je- was necessary for Philip to
here was that of taxation. the influence of Satan and his sus did not assume a superior enlighten an Ethiopian court
Caesar, however, is not the wicked system of things, free attitude toward those whom official. (Acts 8:27-39) For
source of the right to marry. from the enslavement to sin he served. He handled himself this reason we are counseled
This actually comes from God. and death. With such a grand In such a way that his per- as above. At our meetings we
the Originator of marriage. future just ahead, all who fection did not cause others can get help from shepherds
Hence, Caesar's position in want to keep living will want to feel low or inferior, making who count it a privilege to
this field Is not as the final to heed the good advice that them uncomfortable In his aid others to come to an accu-
arbiter as to what is morally Paul instructed Timothy t o presence. Jesus was completely rate knowledge of God's truth.
right and wrong in marriage give. W 4/1 18, 19a different from persons with W 4/15 13, 14a
Tuesday, October 10 struction for persons both F riday, Oct obe r 13 workin g and living t oget h er
You will not need to be afraid inside and outside the Chris- Le t house serv ants be in sub- a ccordin g to God 's standards
of any sudden dreadful thing, tian congregation world wide. j ection to their own ers with will be put to immediate use
n or of the storm upon the Manifestly a sizable staff is all du e f ear, not only to t he as t hey cooperate under the
wicked ones, because it is needed at Brooklyn to care good and reasonable, bu t al so direction of God' s kingdo m to
coming. For J eh ov ah h i m- for all t h e vital work of pro - to t hose ha r d to p lease. begin building a pa radise new
self will prove to be, i n vidin g help and directi on in -1 Pet. 2:18 . earth. What happiness will
effect, your confidence. furthering spirit ual interest s then be experienced by all
-s-Prtnr. 3 :25, 26. throughout t h e earth, includ- Yes, a Christi an secularly who keep trusting Jehovah !
ing relief measures whenever employed should perform his How grateful they will be to
stock markets and prices necessary. While some are work cheerfully an d quietly him as they see blessing after
may fall and heads of govern - directly involved in preparing even if unreasonable demands blessing poured out upon
ments may topple, but these Biblic al information, others are made upon hi m. (T itus 2: them ! Our God will direct his
are not barometers that de- render impor tan t services that 9, 10) He should be respectful, people in the most beneficial
termine or measure the close- make it possible for this ma - not argumentative, in deali ng and lasting use of the things
ness of the storm of the "great terial to reach the ends of with his employer. Others he has made for their enjoy-
tribulation." Keep in mind the earth. Many of those serv- should be able to see that he ment. Thus we have every
that when world powers of ing at Bethel, th erefore, oc- is an honest, industrious work- reason to keep trusting in
the past were destroyed by cupy a position comparable to er who cares about other Jehovah. W 7/15 19, 20a
.Jehovah, they did not collapse th at of Timothy, Mark and people . When that is the case ,
because of internal weakness. others. W 6/ 1 4, 5a true worship is elevated in the Sunday, October 15
They were going concerns eyes of those who come to
when God deposed them by appreciate that he is a good Supply to your faith virtue.
Thursday, October 12 -2 Pet. 1:5.
external forces. So, as Jeho- worker and a fine person on
vah's publicity agents, let us Beloved one, you are doing a account of his religion. Sim- We cannot instill faith in
be fearless and bold, and keep f ai t hfu l work in whatever you ilarly, because of his beliefs, others unless we have it our -
on warning .people of the day do for the brothers, and a young person may become selves. We can be glad that
of God's vengeance. (Ezek. strangers at t hat. the object of ridicule. But if faith is one of the fruits of
3 : 17) Let us keep on praying - 3 Jo hn 5. he is dependable and con- the spirit, so that it will in-
for God's kingdom t o come Toward t he end of the firs t scientious about his school as- crease with cultivation and
in all its fury against Satan's cent ury C.E. the aged apost le signments and treats others care. Virtue also is important
wicked system, that it may be John addressed h is third di- with kindness and respect , for the reason that. when it
smashed to pieces and ground vinely inspired letter to a eyewitnesses may be favor - comes to our witnessing to
to powder. (Matt. 6:9, 10; Dan. fellow believer named Ga ius. ably impressed and be prompt - others, all our eft'ort and all
2:44) As Jehovah's Witnesses J ohn had love for this fine ed t o investigate his beliefs. our talking go for nothing
face the destruction of the Ch r ist ian man who was Again, fine conduct would unl ess Je hovah blesses our ef-
Devil's entire organization, oh, " walking in the trut h ," and result in an excellent witne ss. forts an d makes the seed of
how encouraging do they find others had 'bor ne witness to - Compar e Tit us 2:6-8 . W 7/1 truth grow. It does no t help
God's promise stated above l his love befor e the congrega - 15, 16 in seeking to offer a sacrifice
W 1/15 22, 25a t ion.' John kn ew Ga ius to be of pr ai se if we are not living
a hospitable and loving man. Saturday, October 14 according to the tr uth. Virt ue
Wednesday, October 11 But what a cont rast between is moral excellence, and is
Gaius and a certain Diotre- Trust i n Jeho vah and do needed if we are to qualify
T ake Mark and bring him good ; r eside i n t he earth, and
w it h you , for he is useful to phes! (3 John 9, 10) Certain- deal with faithfulness. A lso t o be among th ose dressed in
me fo r ministering. ly the Lord was not with take exquisite delight in Je - white r obes. (Rev. 7 :9) We
-2 Tim. 4:11. the spirit Diotrephes showed. hov ah , and he will give you can understand that a man
At times the answers to Here and there, a person like the requests of your heart. who is secularly very busy
questions sent to the Watch him might appear on the -Ps. 37 :3, 4. an d yet is alert to speak in
Tower Society would be of scene. But the congregations favor of the Bible and who
of that time were comprised In God's new order, his lives according to it will do
great benefit to all the congre - of many faithful, spiritually trusting servants will receive much more to advance the
gations throughout the earth. strong Christians. Yes, there the full reward for their truth than one wh o can spend
When that is the case, as in were loving, hospitable indi- faithfulness to him. Forever more ti me witnessing but who
the first century C.E., written viduals like Lydia and Gaius. will they be freed from the is not living up to God's
material is prepared. Further- There were persons like Aquila corrupt system of things that Word. Time and effort spent
more, the central body of el- and Priscilla, who had fine now oppresses them. Forever witnessing are not the only
ders, through its committees, spiritual comprehension and will they be freed from the factors that produce fruitage.
supervises the preparation and were willing to open their curses of sin and death. And Rather, it is Jehovah who
publication of information de- homes for congregation meet- the fine training that God 's gives the increase.-l Cor. 3 :
signed to provide spiritual in- ings. W 6/15 18-20 servants are now getting in 7. W 8/1 15, 16
Monday, October 16 t he basis of God's Word, then, Thursday, October 19 prayers to be specific about
I f your eye makes you stumble, without fear of being found 1 will show a waiting attitude God's goodness towa rd us. If
throw it away; it is fi ner for fault with, we can reveal our for the God of my salvation. you had a fine experience in
you t o enter one- eyed into the "case at law" to him and wait -Mic .7 :7. the preaching work, specifi-
k ingdom of God than w ith for h is "day of vengeance" to cally thank God for it. If
come. Making a "clean breast" Fro m 1 Timothy 5:22 we can you received a gift, you likely
two eyes to be pitched into see that if Timothy falled to
Gehenna.-Mark 9 :47. of everything, we can sa y to thanked the person who gave
Jehovah what Jeremiah did. make sure that the one ap - it to you. But what about
It benefits us to keep from In that "day of vengeance" pointed was measuring up to thanking the One who has
stumbling oth ers to a fall, even Jehovah 's arrows will pierce, the Scriptural requirements, made all things? Have you
the most insignificant one. not our kidneys, but those of he would bear a certain ac- discerned the Bible's counsel
(Mark 9 :42) We do well also our persecutors, producing a countability for any wrongs on some weighty problem?
to keep from letting ourselves deep, fatal wound. (Jer. 46: that the unqu alified man Express thanks in prayer. And
be stumbled by others of whom 10; Lam . 3:13) Christians who might commit. The same holds when you are privileged to rep -
we expected more because of are keeping their integrity to- tr ue today. So why not wait resent others in prayer, why
their Christian claims. But do ward Jehovah welcome exam- humbly and patiently until not mention disti nct, specific
we value our own prospects ination by him. They plead such time as oth ers can see examples of God's blessings for
for eternal life hi ghly enough for it, just as the psalmist your fine works? (1 Tim . 5:24, which all of you are thankful.
so as to guard against stum- David did at Psalm 26:1-3. 25) Really, in all areas of life , W 2/15 20, 21a
bling our own selves? What-- W 11/1 23, 24a we should heed the encourage-
stumble ourselves? Yes, indeed. ment , " wait for Jehovah from Saturday, October 21
How? After speaking about Wednesday, October 18 now on and to t ime indefinite."
stumbling others Jesus added (Ps. 131:3) Let us not become These are the ones that come
the above words of caution. The ma ster . . . will gird him- impa tient because God's time out of the great tribulation,
In this case Jesus pointed to self and make them recline at for executing judgment has and they have washed their
destruction by the fire of Ge- the table and will come along- not yet arrived. Instead, we r obes and made t hem white
henna, which became a sym - side and m inist er to them. should want to voice the kind in the blood of the Lamb.
bol of everlasting destruction. And if he arrives in the second of confidence that Micah -Rev. 7:14.
(Mat t. 23 :33) Just as the hyp- watch, even if in the third, expres sed. Moreover , may we Jeremiah himself did a work
ocritical scribes and Pharisees and finds them [watch- cont inu e to sho w patience to- of planting and building up a
of Jesus' day stumbled them- ing], happy are they! ward all, forgivin g their minor class of non-Israelite individ-
selves into Gehenn a, so a dedi- -Luke 12:37, 38. transgressions against us and uals who survived Jerusalem's
cated, baptized Chr isti an of It was in Judea, prob ably taking into consideration their destruction in 607 B.C.E.: the
today can stumble himself into during the fall of 32 C.E" that llmitations and circumstance s. Rechabites and the Ethiopian
being sentenced by God to Je sus told this to his disciples. Yes, may we never allow im- eunuch named Ebed-melech.
Gehenna, everlasting destruc- Even if earlier expectations patience, coupled with pr ide, (Jer , 35:1-9 ; 38:1-13 ) These
t ion, even as J esus warned. of the Master's coming were to jeopard ize our rel ationship God-fearing friends of Je r -
Let us take warni ng fr om not fulfilled, they were to with our patient God, Jehovah. emiah pictured the "great
Judas' example. W 8/15 13-16a keep on watching r ight into W 2/1 16, 17a crowd" who tod ay befriend
the th ird watc h-the da rke st the J eremiah cla ss. The
Tuesday, Oct ober 17 hour that pre cedes the da wn. Frid ay, October 20 unbreakable loyalty of the
Y ou, 0 Jehovah of ar m ies, ar e Though this period of await- By day J ehova h wi l l command "great crowd" to the Jeremiah
examinin g the r i gh t eous one; ing the arrival of Jesus. the h is lov ing-kindness. and by class will be amply rewarded.
you ar e seei ng the k idneys and Son of man. should stretch night his song will be with Against them the present-day
t he heart. May I see your ven - beyon d earlier expectations, me; there will be prayer to fighters against God will not
geance upon them, for to you hi s thiefiike approach is cer- the God of my life.-Ps. 42:8. prevail. ' With the Jeremiah
I have revealed my case tain I None should be lulled class they will survive the war
into thinking it is indefinite- Prayer is a fine way in at Har-Magedon. The y will
at law.-Jer. 20:12. which we can thank Jehovah
ly delayed. However, Jesus' form the basis for the "new
Of course, we do not desire watchful slaves are to do more for his loving-kindness. Likely earth" under Jehovah's "new
to put the vindic ation of our - than simply keep awake. Just we pray regularly. But could heaven ." (Rev. 7:9-17; 21:
selves forward as the thing we broaden out as respects 1-4) Great is the pleasure
of greatest importance to us. as the Master girds hims elf t hanking and praising God in that the Jeremiah class has
Rather than our justifyin g to minister to them, so he pr ayer? It is so easy to get in- in building up in the "great
ourselves , we want the righ- expects them to be girded for to the pr actice of ju st asking crowd" the valid hope of
teous Judge Jehovah to do the service. (Luke 12:35, 36, 39, h im for things, for ourselves, inheriting the approac h ing
vindicating of us, as Job did. 40) Our diligence in doing so our famlly , our congregation earthly paradise ac cording to
(J ob 19:25-27) But if, after will result in our being count- and others. The prophet the loving purpose of the Sov-
thorough self-scrutiny, we are ed happy at the Master's com- Daniel set us a fine example. ereign Lord Jehovah. W 12/15
convinced of our innocence on ing. W 1/1 1-3a (Dan. 6:10) It is good in our 20, 21b
Sunday, October 22 a l presentation of a matter We dnesday, October 25 t o pursue a course in keeping
Not a promise failed out of sounds plausible and right , Let the old er men who preside with Christian principles that
all the good promise that Je- but 'his fellow comes In and i n a fine way be r eckoned will, at the same time, help
hovah had made to the house searches him through,' by worthy of double honor, espe- to combat .depression and
of Israel; it all came true. means of a more objective ap - ci all y t hose who wor k hard in feelings of loneliness that
-Josh. 21 :45. proach and Script ur al argu- speakin g and teach in g. For ar ise. Perhaps it is possible
ment. This would certainly . . . " T he workman is worthy to arrange one 's affairs to
Today God's servants are apply t o a discus sion among spend more time in telling
surrounded by a grossly cor- of his wa ges:'-l T im. 5 :17, 18.
elders where such a process others about God's kingdom
r upt and violent world, sim- is required to resolve some Contributed fund s are used or in studying the Bible with
ilar to that of Noah 's day . questio n or problem affecti ng for the support of missionary newly interested ones. Becom -
To keep from being swallowed the spiri t ual welfare of our a ctivity and to assist other ing involved in helping those
up in wickednes s, discourage- brothers. So it is expected full- time work ers, including in need in the congregat ion
ment, or disbelief, we very that elders can have honest traveling elders, to have basic is another way of over coming
much need to keep trusting differences of opinion where necessities. That contributed loneliness due t o a marriage
Jehovah fully. We need to there is no clear principle or funds can rightly be used to mate's having left one. Of
have the same attitude of guidelln e pr ovided. At their help those who are looking course, all such is good ad -
mind that Joshua, a faithful meetings t hey should freel y after the spiritual interests of vice also for those who have
servant of Jehovah, h ad long express themselves but, far others is made clear from never had a marriage mate or
ago. For it is not only in from wra th and debates, al- Paul's words. This does not those who have lost their mate
ancient times that God's ser - ways manifesting the fruits mean t hat elders should re- in death. W 9/15 12, 14b
vants have seen the fulfill - of God's spirit.-Gal. 5:22, 23. ceive a salary for their work .
ments of his words and prom- W 3/1 1111, But in agreement with Scrip- Friday, October 27
ises. Similar fulfillments have t ural principles, it is appropri-
come to pas s in our day. An ate that t he Governing Body N ever again shall I call down
Tuesday, October 24 and the branch organizations evi l upon the ground on man's
example of this is what ha s
happened to the world in this Let him that can make r oom use contributed fun ds to assist accoun t, because t he inclina-
generation. Contrary to the for it make r oom for it. materially those who are en- tion of the heart of m an is
predictions of many human - M att. 19 :12. abled thereby to devote them- baa f rom his youth up .
leaders that this century Yes, singleness by choice is selves more fully to spiritual -Gen. 8 :21.
would mark a glorious new only for those who " can make work. Additionally, our local Very early in t he history
scientific age where man- room f or it." Among first - congrega tions in cur expenses of man a dia gnosis of the
kind's problems would be century Christians only a mi- in connec tion with their Kin g- human heart is set out by
solved, God's words at 2 Tim- nority were able to do so. dom Ha lls. Contributions are the finest heart specialist at
othy 3:1-5, 13 are having ful- This is evident from the in- need ed to cover these expenses Genesis 6:5, 6. There we
fillment. This has hap pened structions given about men so that no reproach is brou ght have both the he art of man
according to J ehovah's preci se who would qualify as minis- on God's name for the congre - and the heart of God men -
timetable, beginning with the terial servants and elders. The gation's failure to pa y bills. tioned. Because Jehovah felt
year 1914, the turning point manner in which they pre - W 9/ 1 14-1611, so hu rt at his heart, he re-
in hu man history. W 7/1 5 sided over their fam ilies was leased a global deluge, pre-
10, 1111, to be considered, showing that Thu rsday, October 26 serving ali ve only Noah and
such would customarily be Share with the holy ones his wife and their three sons
Monday, October 23 married men with children. according to their needs. Fol - and three daughters-in-law.
The one first in his legal (1 Tim . 3 :2, 12) Since this low the course of hospitality. In this way eight human
case is righteous; his f ellow is so, it may be asked, How -Rom. 12 :13.
hearts kept beating. Right af-
comes in and certainly can a person be sure that ter they emerged from the
searches him through. he is one of the few that Some whose marriage mates deluge-proof ark they turned
-Provo 18:17. can make room for singleness? have separated from them, to the worship of their heav-
The apostle Paul answers: "If or divorced them, have asked enly Preserver. As they joined
There are times when mat- anyone stands settled in his for advice on overcoming the in offering up sacrifice to Je-
ters come up on which there heart, having no necessity, but loneliness that results from hovah God, a ra inbow formed
are divided opinions. People has authority over his own in the sky and bode good
have var ying backgrounds and will and has made this deci- their not having their mar- for them, even as noted in
experiences and so will draw sion in hi s own heart, to keep riage mate with them. Jehovah's words. But why
different conclu sions. Differ- his own virginity, he will do Through no fault of the be- did he also say that the
ent opinions can provide a well." (1 Cor. 7:37) The per- liever the unbelieving mar- 'inclination of man's heart
stimulating basis for examin- son with the "gift" of single- riage mate may have depart- is bad'? It was due to the
ing one's own viewpoints to ness, therefore, should be able ed. How does one cope with fact that the human family
test their soundness. A per- to see this on his own. W 5/1 this problem? The believer had inherited this from Adam.
son may feel that his person- 5-7 will have to make an effort W 11/1 9, 12
Saturday, October 28 ist. Then again, where .one's Tuesday, October 31 fer, of course, but there is no
Here I have put my words in home and possessions are con- One there is that is lawgiver problem for which the Bible
your mouth. See, I have com- cerned, will they necessarily and judge, he who is able to does not provide the right
missioned you • . • to build be left standing during the save and to destroy. But you, principle. Application of the
and to plant.-Jer. 1:9, 10. "great tribulation"? Therefore, who are you to be jUdging principle brings into play
we can see that it is unwise your neighbor?-Jas. 4:12. knowledge and conscience.
Jeremiah was commissioned to become too attached to However, each one has to be
as "prophet to the nations," things such as homes and fur- To get wisdom from God jully convinced in his own
not only to uproot, pull down, nishings, however enjoyable we must consult his Word. mind. If a Christian conscien-
tear down and destroy, but they may be at present. It (Jas. 1:2, 5) Why will this tiously could not see the oth-
also "to build and to plant." is not that God condemns help? Because Christians have er's point of view clearly, in
Not build what was pulled such, but he knows that at- the same human problems to- his own mind, it would do
down and torn down, not tachment to them could prove day as servants of God have him no good, but actually
plant what had been uprooted dangerous, as happened with faced throughout the cen- harm, should he adopt that
and destroyed, but foretell Lot's wife. (Luke 17:31, 32) turies. If we look to the view contrary to his own con-
the building of what Jehovah Instead, we should look for- Scriptures we will see how science. And neither one
purposed to be built and the ward to the time in God's faithful men, including the should criticize, dispute with,
planting of what he purposed new order when, in total se- apostles and their associates, judge or look with contempt
to be planted and grow to curity, his servants can build gave advice and handled these on the other, even as James
full fruition. This part of suitable homes for habitation. problems. Circumstances dif- counsels. W 12/1 4, 17
Jeremiah's commission defi- W 4/1 10-12a
nitely now relates to the true • ••
kingdom of Jehovah God now Monday, October 30 Wednesday, November 1 Thursday, November 2
that, since 1914, "the king-
dom of the world did become Be as tree people, and yet Everyone remaining in union Happy is the man that does
the kingdom of our Lord and holding your [reetiom, not as with him does not practice not put himself on judgment
of his Christ." (Rev. 11:15) a blind tor badness, but as sin; no one that practices by what he approves.
Hence there must now be the slaves ot God.-l Pet. 2:16. sin has • . • come to know -Rom. 14:22.
global fulfillment of Christ's Whenever evidence of sin- him.-l John 3:6. When involved in "gray
words as recorded at Matthew cere repentance is missing, the The person who is truly areas" we should look to the
24:14. The doing of this car- elders need to be careful that following "The Way" tries to Bible and Bible aids. If we
ries with it the planting of they do not allow themselves avoid being "righteous over- still are not clear on a deci-
true Christianity and the to be governed by sentimen- much" or "excessively wise," sion, why not consult elders or
building of it up in many tality. They cannot condone in the sense that he does others who can help us to see
territories newly witnessed to wrongdoing, simply ignoring not assume an air of wisdom what the Bible says? But we
by the Jeremiah class and or viewing as of little con- or of self-righteousness and should not let others make
their active supporters. The sequence the reproach and look for the faults and poor our decision for us. They are
spiritual paradise needed to trouble an unrepentant per- judgment of others. (Eccl. 7: not our conscience. Rather, we
be built up. W 12/15 19b son's lawlessness has brought 16) But he sincerely makes should ' weigh matters our-
upon the congregation. Were righteousness his aim. He does selves, make our own decision,
Sunday, October 29 they to do so, this could have not weakly give in to wrong and then follow through on
In peace I will both lie down a damaging effect on the con- desires or succumb to pres- this conscientious conclusion.
and sleep, [or you yourselj gregation as a whole. Some sures that would force him With the passage of time we
alone, 0 Jehovah, make me members of the congregation to commit serious wrongs, may come to see the matter
dwell in security.-Ps. 4:8. might be emboldened to take breaking his integrity toward in a different light, and make
liberties and ignore Peter's in- God. Nonetheless, imperfection an adjustment, but we should
A person who keeps his spired counsel. Furthermore, will at times cause us to not do anything about which
wants to a reasonable mini- the wrongdoer himself might make mistakes and to sin. we have doubts, so that we
mum enables himself to spend come to regard sin lightly, ex- If we do commit a sin, we will not be self-condemned. All
more of his time and energy ercising even less restraint in acknowledge it and repent, Christians should strive con-
in study and in the service the future and get others in- asking forgiveness through stantly to come closer to imi-
of his Creator. He can con- volved in lawlessness. (Eccl. prayer to Jehovah in Christ's tating God and Christ. In
centrate on building confi- 8:11) So when the genuine- name. We rely on Christ's doing so we will be progress-
dence in Jehovah and his ness of a wrongdoer's repen- perfect sacrifice as a basis for ing continuously toward hav-
promises. Fire, riots or vio- tance is subject to serious forgiveness. Then we should ing a conscience more ac-
lence might destroy his home, question and when there is put forth every effort not to curately trained. At all times
but they cannot destroy the clear evidence that corruption repeat that sin. To take up we should be doing all things
real security that comes from is likely to result, elders a course of sin would result in such a way as to maintain
Jehovah. Such a person can should take disfellowshiping in loss of Jehovah's favor. a good conscience. W 12/1
rightly say as did the psalm- action. W 11/15 15a W 10/15 12 20, 21
Friday, No vember S very little personal help fro m Monday, No vember 6 an effort t o learn what the
My God wi ll fully supply all their governments. There are Jehovah himself will giv e demon-inspired oracles s ay
you r need to the extent of his laws for protection and guid- strength • . • to his people . will happen. There is one very
riches in glory by m eans of ance, made by men and en- J ehovah h imself will bless h is great difference, however , be-
Christ Jesus.-Phil. 4:19. forced by men. But obedience people wi t h peace.-Ps. 29 :11. tween those wh o ser ve Jeho-
from the heart, beca use a vah and those wh o do not,
Thi s assurance and the evi- law Is right, is not cultivate d. Is there any basis for trust- when it comes to th is inbo rn
dence from God that this There Is also a failure In ing the nations suddenly to desire to know the future.
promise Is true will be a source dispensing justice . Also, a vi- cooperate world wide, unself- Never do God's people con -
of happiness. The greater hap- tal need today is hope, hope Ishly, In every sphere of sult such demonic sources In
plnesses or joys are: F irst, the t hat has a foundation. Hope human activity? Are they con - an effort to kno w the future.
understanding of God's pur- is joyful anticipation with the duc tin g a worl dwide educ a- There is a very good re ason
pose for the earth and man- prospect of realizing what Is tional pro gr am that would why they do not. It was In
kind on it, and the place we hoped for. The resurrection un ite all mankind and mot i- the ninth century B.C.E. th at
individually occupy In that Is the only real hope for the vate all people to a common the above truth was re corded
purpose. This gives aim , pur- dead . Millions will be resur- purp ose? None of these t hings by the prophet Amos. These
pose to life, which is more im- rec ted under God's KIngdom are being done by them. But prophe t s, In turn, relate to
portant to happiness than rule, to learn righteousness In all the nations Jehovah 's Jehovah's people in genera l
mere possessions. Then, livin g and live. Are you doing your serva nts are peacefully and what to expect In the fu t ure ,
as God requires frees us from part to ma ke this blessed hope unitedly cooper atin g to te ach and this is the basis for the
many fears and dangers. If we known? W 10/1 4-6 people about the Incoming one confidence of Jehovah's peo-
are properly taking care of govern ment for all mankind ple. W 1/15 1-4
our families, both materially Sunday, November 5 that Jehovah God has pur-
and spiritually, we will have posed. Yes, In the midst of Wednesday, November 8
joy, because we most likely Jehovah went on to say to this very difficult period,
wl1l have happier family rela- me: "You have seen well, for these last da ys of the present As the congregation i s in sub-
tions. Our children grow up I am keeping awake concern- system, Jehovah has pro - jection to the Chri st , so let
with a purpose In life. It Is ing my word in order to car ry tected and prospered his wives also be to their hus-
then much easier for the it out."-Jer. 1 :12. trusting servants In a mar- bands in everything . . • the
members of our families to Who, then, of us today, velous way. Despite immense wife should have deep re-
see the futility of seeking whether we belong to the cru elties heaped upon them spect for her husband.
pleasure through drugs. Im- anointed Jeremiah class or by persecutors, his worshipers -Eph. 5:24, 33.
moral associations and the belong to those actively sup- have grown until they number The Christian wife expres s-
pursuit of goals that have no porting that class, dares to upward of two million. (Isa. es subjection to her husband-
lasting reward. We thereby di scontinue his personal 60:22) In addition, his ser- ly head in the same way that
escape the many diseases, wakefulness ? We do the wise van ts are learning how to the Christian congregation is
mental a nd physic al, t hat thing If we Imitate Jehovah produce the fruitage of God's in subjection to the Chri st .
come from the loose, wasteful, hims elf. To illustrate his own spirit . (G al. 5:22, 23) And She sho ws him, not merely
unreal way of life pursued by wakefulness he cause d J ere - fulfilled upon them ar e the respect, but "deep respect."
many today. W 8/ 1 7, sa miah to see In vision the "off- words of the psalmist . W 7/15 If such deep re spect keeps her
shoot of an almond tree." 15, 12a from speaking dispar agingly
Sat ur day, November 4 (Jer. 1:11) Jeremia h kn ew to him or about him, how
When ther e are ju dgments that the word for "almond Tuesday, November 7 much more so should It keep
from you f or the earth, righ - tree" mea ns "one awakening." The Sovereign Lord Jehovah her from disloyally showing
t eousness is what the in habi - This tree Is the first one to will not do a thing unless he undue Interest in someone
tants of the productive land awake in the spring of the has revealed his confidential outside their union, engaging
w ill certainly learn.-Isa. 26:9. year by Its blossoming. Je- matter to h is servants the in a filrtatlon to any degree .
Through the Kin gdom's ar- hovah was like the offshoot prophets.-Amos 3:7. She can never honor Jehovah
rangement, provision will be of an almond tree in his own God by dishonoring her hus-
awakening to the season Into All mankind are very much band or their marriage rela-
made for every person on which the nations and kin g- interested In the future. This tionship. (Prov. 2:16. 17) But
earth to have personal, spe- doms were entering. His pro- human desire t o know about If she loves her husband and
cial attention and help to phetic Word applies at a coming events before they children, Is chaste and a
learn the proper way of liv- certain time, and at that occur causes many people to worker at home , showing a
Ing. All obedient ones the time he will carry It out. His consult those claiming to quiet and mild spir it. she will
KIng 'will guide to fountains word will never fail owing know the future-the spirit Indeed be like a precious jewel
of waters of life.' (Rev. 7 : to an Inattentiveness on his mediums, soothsayers and as- and will bring praise to Je-
17) Do the people In gen- part. Do we believe that today trologers. More and more per- hovah God. She will gain
eral have this care and guid- when we are well Into the sons are consulting their horo- her husband's unfading love.
ance now? No, people receive year 1978? W 12/15 4b scopes and Ouija boards In W 3/15 6
Thursday, November 9 to what to do about remar- Sunday, November 12 from the world's standpoint,
For everything there is an riage. As a single man, Jesus I well know, 0 Jehovah, that but to Him the thing sym-
appointed time, even a time is certainly the outstanding to earthling man his way bolized by that cedar in Leb-
for every affair under the example. He was totally ab- does not belong. It does not anon (Pharaoh the king of
heavens: . . . a time for war sorbed in doing his Father's belong to man who is walking Egypt and his crowd) does
and a time for peace. will. He would rise early in even to direct his step. not look pretty. It is Wicked;
-Eccl. 3 :1, 8. the morning and serve on into -Jer. 10:23. for which reason he says:
the night, teaching the peo- "According to its wickedness
For many persons the all- ple, healing the sick and lib- The good news from God's I will drive it out." (Ezek.
important question is, When erating those under demonic Word centers around the king- 31 :11) Do we today view the
will the great tribulation take control. His was a willing ser- dom of God. Why? Because symbolic cedar as Jehovah
place? When will God inter- vice. Noteworthy too, is the all of God's purposes toward God does, and do we believe
vene in human affairs as he fact that Jesus was at ease mankind find their focus in that the final fulfillment of
did in ancient times and bring in the company of all-men, the Kingdom. What man His words will shortly take
an end to distressing world women and children. He would needs today is good govern- place without fall? Our con-
conditions? As much as God's accept invitations to meals ment-a government that pro- vtctton in this matter will
servants have earnestly longed and even banquets, seizing op- vides proper guidance but decide for us the question:
to know the time, one thing portunities to impart spiritual does not take away freedom, Shall we go along with the
is certain: No man can pin- instruction. W 5/1 12-14 incentive and individuality. nations and dwell under the
point the exact day and hour. Government by God is es- symbolic cedar tree, or shall
(Mark 13:32; Luke 12:40) But Saturday, November 11 sential to the life and hap- we get out from under it?
Jehovah God does have a set piness of the human race. W 5/15 6a
time for it, even as is seen The solid foundation of God Man has amply demonstrated
from the words above. In stays standing, haVing this that he cannot govern him-
seal: "Jehovah knows those Tuesday, November 14
Noah's day, when conditions self successfully by any form
on earth reached the limit of who belong to him," and: "Let of rule that he can devise. Really, then, as long as we
God's long-suffering, He sent everyone naming the name of But the Creator knows ex- have time favorable for it,
the great deluge. (Gen. 6:3, Jehovah renounce unrigh- actly what we need. He knows let us work what is good to-
5-7) When his people Israel teousness."-2 Tim. 2 :19. our feelings, our wants, our ward all, but especially toward
were in bondage in Egypt, he Let us be strong and serve, loves, our desires. (Matt. 6: those related to us in the faith.
delivered them in his due as we wait patiently on Jeho- 7, 8, 32) Only He can bring -Gal. 6:10.
time. (Ex. 2:24, 25) Later, vah. Already, his patience has real satisfaction into our lives. Proving ourselves to be
when the nation of Israel ex- meant salvation for a multi- "You [God] are opening your Christ's disciples includes not
hausted God's patience, he tude of persons. In land after hand and satisfying the de- only proclaiming the good
brought up against them the land we have seen miracles sire of every living thing," news but also coming to the
king of Babylon. (2 Chron. of salvation and expansion the Bible says. (Ps, 145:16) aid of persons in real need
36:15-17) Also, "when the full taking place following World This he will do by means and treating them kindly re-
limit of the time arrived," War II. Who knows what fur- of his kingdom, which it is gardless of how they may have
God sent his Son to earth. ther feats of ingathering Je- our privilege to make known acted toward us. Nevertheless,
-Gal. 4:4. W 4/15 17, 18 hovah purposes to perform to all who will hear. W 10/1 just as caring for the needs
before his appointed time for I, 2 of one's own family takes pri-
Friday, November 10 the great tribulation? Truly ority over attending to the
My food is for me to do the he is great and 'is doing won- Monday, November 13 needs of strangers, so one's
will of him that sent me drous things.' (Ps. 86:8-10) responsibility toward fellow
Whatever Jehovah's will is for It is Jehovah your God you believers takes priority over
and to finish his work. must worship, and it is to
-John 4:34. the days just ahead, let us him alone you must render
obligations toward nonbeliev-
continue to stand firm, girded ers. Many opportunities to do
Whether an unmarried for his service. Let us have sacred service.-Matt. 4:10. good toward fellow believers
adult has the gift of single- confidence in the words of the Jesus' rebuff to Satan present themselves. If an
ness or not, he can profit from apostle Paul above. As we ex- showed that the symbolic ce- accident, a natural disaster
considering Bible examples of pend ourselves in Kingdom dar of Lebanon did not look or some other calamity re-
those who made a success of service, may we be used by pretty to him. (Ezek. 31:3, 7- duces some of them to a needy
singleness. It can make his Jehovah in finding many more 9) Neither has that man-made state, we certainly should
own life as a single person of 'those belonging to him,' political structure of this sys- want to help our spiritual
more meaningful and reward- that all of us, together, may tem of things looked alluring- brothers. (1 John 3 :16-18) Of
ing. Even married couples can come to rejoice in his unde- ly pretty and worshipful to course, if a person is irre-
benefit, as time and circum- served kindness by Christ Je- Christ's true disciples in this sponsible, lazy and unwilling
stance can deprive a person sus, both now and for all day. True, Jehovah God de- to accept available work,
of a mate and thus confront eternity to come! W 1/1 19, scribes the prettiness of the he should not expect aid.
that one wi.th a decision as 20a symbolic cedar of Lebanon -2 Thess. 3:10. W 7/1 17, l8a
Wednesday, November 15 25:40,45) Accordingly, a will- Saturday, No vember 18 Since 1919 it has put up with
Finally, all of you be like- ingness to come to the aid God is a Spirit, and t hose warfare against it by the po-
minded, showing fellow feel - of the poor and afflicted is worshiping him must worsh ip liti cal, religious, and popul ar
ing, hav ing brotherly affec - essenti al to one's being a true with spirit and trut h . elements of this old world.
tion, tenderly compa ssionate, worsh iper of Jehovah. Such -John 4:2 4. Till now Jehovah's assuring
humble in m ind.-1 Pet. 3:8. active concern for the afflicted words have proved true, that
an d disad vantaged should Thus Je hovah God mus t all the opposers would not
At 1 Peter 3 :7 the apostle st art with one's own relatives. be . worshiped, for he is "the prevail against it. His words
Peter gives fine counsel to For example, the Scriptures God of truth." (Ps. 31:5) will prove equally true in
husbands on showin g proper obligate children and grand- Tr uthfulness is essential, not the more strenuous days just
consideration for their wives. children to care for need y only in order to have peac e ahead as the time for Jeho-
The "like manner " referred parents. (1 Tim. 5:4) A de- with God, but also to live in vah's vengeance draws near .
to by Peter is outlined in liberate failure to discharge peace with others. (Eph . 4: Our war-minded enemies will
his previous words, starting this responsibility constitutes 25) Think of what "truth" not prevail against usl Why
from chapter two of his let - a denial of the faith. Further, means in the family circle. not? Because the Sovereign
ter, where he gives appro- since true Christians form an If "truth" is always spoken , Lord , Jehovah of armies, re-
priate counsel on proper sub- association of brothers, they there is trust between family mains with us, to "deliver"
jection and related subjects. must care for needy members members. There is respect us in the future just as he
Speaking of Jesus Christ, Pe- in their midst before assisting and closeness between hus- has done in the past. So we
ter wrote that he had left persons out side the congre- band and wife. The commu- shall see our foes bite the
his followers a model to fol- gation. W 9/1 7, 8a nication gap does not exist. dust! W 12/15 17, 18b
low. (1 Pet. 2:23) That really Children are anxious to let
was the course of kindness, Friday, November 17 their parents know what is Monday, November 20
a truly worthy example for going on in their lives, for
husbands to follow in "like That is why a man will leave they are confident that they He has brought into my kid-
manner." Of course , Peter, h is father and his mother will recei ve consideration and neys the sons of his quive r .
at 1 Peter 3: 1-4 also had and he must stick to his wife guidance in solving their prob- - L am . 3:13.
some wise advice for the wives and they must become one lems. They also know that We do not want Jehovah
to follow in "like manner" fiesh .-Gen. 2:24 . their parents are not saying God to become our enemy.
as well. Such, indeed, is the Both husband and wife one thing and doing another. (Jas. 4:4; !sa. 63:10) An-
way of kindness for wives need to take into consider- They can count on their par- cient Israel had that occur
professing to be servants of ation the Christian feelings ents for help in any situa- to it. Jeremiah, in the above,
Jehovah God. But that is not of each other in the matter tion. The way for the Chris- likens Jehovah to a bowman
all. When it comes to showin g of sexual relations. God made tian is to think, feel and in the war. Barbed arrows,
that kind spirit in the family man and woman to enjoy a act as J esus did . This re - shot at a person in filght
circle, parents are not the close, warm in timacy in ma r- quir es hi m to follow the and plun ging deeply into the
only ones called upon to do ri age. For that reaso n the "truth" in all its aspects. kidneys, spelled death for the
so. but children are also. woman was made as a com- just as Jes us fulfilled all one trying to escape. Such
Yes, as Peter sho ws, all plement to t he man, that is, things that Jehovah God had a deadly wound for the peo-
should. W 9/ 15 3-5a she serves to make the man set for him to do. W 10/15 ple represented by Jeremiah
complete. The man and wom- 14-16 mean t death for the kingdom
Thu r sd ay, November 16 an ar e to be "one flesh ." of Judah as an independent
The form of wOl'ship t hat is For th is ar rangement to work Sunday, N ovember 19 nation with a Davidic king
clean and und efiled . . . is satis fa ctorily for both part- D o n ot be afraid because of at Jerusalem. How sad! At
this: to look af ter orphans ners in their intimate rela- their fa ces, fo r " I am wi t h present we are living in
and widows in their tribula- tionship together, each has you to deliver you ," is the the last days of Christendo m,
tion, and to keep oneself a role to play. Paul wrote utterance of Jehovah. which was foreshadowed by
without spot from the that husb ands are to love -Jer. 1:8. unfaithful Jerusalem and the
world.-Jas. 1 :27. .their wives as their own kingdom of Judah. For us
These last days of this sys- to avoid, as it were, the ar-
When we cheerfully and bodies. (Eph. 5:28) For a tem of things are no time for
wife to be genuinely happy rows of Jehovah in the comin g
unselfishly come to the aid of us to "put on the soft ped- great tribulation, we must take
persons in real need, Jehovah she needs to feel that she al ," just because Christen- heed to our kidneys. We
God and his Son view this as is wanted, loved. In the in - dom's kin gs, princes, priests must consider seriously the
being done to them. (Prov . timate lives of the man and and people will intensify their examination of these vital or-
14:31; 19:17) Jesus, when his wife, this love needs to fight against us. With more gans by Jehovah as the Ex-
highlighting what differenti- be made manifest if the two than fifty-eight years of pub - aminer thereof. What does
ated the approved "sheep" are to promote family unity lic service world wide already he find our moral, spiritual
from the condemned "goats," and understanding.-l Cor. behind it, the Jeremiah class condition to be deep down
made the same point. (Matt. 7:3 -5 . W 9/15 12-14a is no longer "but a boy." inside us? W 11/1 10, lla
Tuesday, No vember 21 comes a cross as a pa rt of a F riday, November 24 felt as did Jeremiah when he
I f we confess our sins, he i s conversation and not as a T he j ear ot Jeho va h means said : "I am not going to make
f ait hf u l and righteous so as lecture being delivered . We are t he hating oj bad. -Prov. 8:13. men tion of [J ehovah], and I
to forgive us our sins and to so aware of the shortcomings shall speak no more in hi s
of all of us that it is difficult "There is no fear in love." name." But the girding of
cleanse us from all unrigh- (1 John 4:18) On the other truth around our hips impel s
t eousness.- 1 John 1 :9. to t ake corr ection fr om any hand, there is a proper fear
of us-unless the corre ction us to go forward in God's ser -
To gain and maintain an we get is God's correction! and thus the Bible says that vice. His word proves to be
unblemished standing with How good our advice is de- "the fear of Jehovah is pure," 'like a burning fire shu t up
God we need to have our sins pends on how closely it sticks as well as the above. (Ps. 19: in our bones,' so that we can-
forgiven. This requ ires tha t we to God's Word. We came out 9) It is not morbid dre ad, but not desist from making known
confess our transgressions to of systems where men 's r ules it in volves reverence and a Jehovah's glorious name any
him, show true repentance or pre vail, wit h tragic result s. No wholesome fear of displeasing more than could Jeremiah.
regret, and pray for forgive- longer do we want to be sub- Jehovah. This is a protection (Je r. 20:9) That Jehovah is
ness on the basis of Jesus' jected to human rules not re- against following a bad course. continuing to help us to gird
atoning sacrifice. Reproof quired by God's Word . The Naturally, a person having "a for this all-important ser-
based on God's Word and it s Pharisees by their rules not tight grip on the word of life" vice is shown by thrilling re -
righteous principles can show only burdened down the peo- knows, for instance, that the ports received yearly from our
us just how we are sinning ple but also made void God's Bible condemns sexual immo - brothers all around the world.
and, therefore, helps us to Word.-Matt. 23:4. W 12/1 rality. It shows that such mor - W 1/1 8, 9a
take the necessary steps to 19-21a ally corrupt conduct may also
gain God's forgiveness. Such lead to distress, as in the case Sunday, November 26
reproof can also aid us to Thursday, November 23 of Amnon and Tamar. (2 Sam.
avoid more serious wrong - 13:1-19) By way of contrast, Out ot the abundance of t he
doing. In reading the Bible 1 have no one else ot a dis- what a fine example we have heart the mouth speaks.
or Bible-based counselor when position like [Timothy's] who in Joseph, the son of J a - -Matt. 12:34.
hearing God's Word discussed will genUinely care for the cob! Repeatedly tempted by Jehovah certainly is part of
at a congregational meeting, things pertain ing to you . the wife of his master Poti- our lives and should be in our
we may come to realize that -Phil. 2:20 . phar, Joseph firmly refused thoughts. We regularly seek
we have sinned in some re- Besides working under t he to have sexual relations with his blessing and guidance. So
spect. We may sincerely regre t apostle Paul's direction in her. Though falsely accused we should not hesitate to
our failings, pray to be for- ad vanc ing spiritual interests, and imprisoned for his re- speak of him..referring to him
given and request the help Timothy apparently also la- fusal, Joseph had not sinned in our conversation and indi-
of God's spirit in making fur- bored With his hands to pro- against Jehovah God. His cating our interest in his acts
ther progress toward harmo- vide for his personal needs. conduct can be recalled with and purposes. Of course, we
nizing our life with his will. He shared man y of the dan- profit if temptation to engage want to avoid giving a self-
In thus taking to heart Bible gers and problems that Paul in sexual immorality should ri ghteous impr ession . Jesus
counsel and applying it, we described at 2 Corin thians 11: ar ise in one's life.-Gen. 39: condemned hypoc ritical Jew-
repr ove ourselves. W 11/1 5 26, 27. Despite all of this, 7-23. W 6/ 15 23-25a ish relig ious leaders for dis-
1-3 Timothy continued t o labor in playing piety merely to be
cooperation with Paul , not Saturday, November 25 seen and he ar d. (Matt. 6:1-5)
We dnesday, November 22 just for a short per iod, but Y ou should gird up your hips, Yet the Bible does urge us t o
Just as you wa nt men to do to for some fifteen years, yes, and you must rise up and praise and thank Jehovah con-
you, do t he same way to them. evidently until the apostle's speak to them everything that stantly. So, while taking care
-Luke 6:31. death as a martyr. What made I myself command you. Do not not to sound self-righteous,
it possible for Timothy to be struck with any terror be- with modesty and conviction
This is a simple guide for stick to the work rather than we can mention his dealings
counseling. We like to be un- cause ot them.-Jer. 1:17. and ways, which in clude how
to return to his home congre-
derstood, so we must be un- gation for a more settled way Like the prophet Jeremiah, he has dealt with us or how we
derstanding. We like to have of life? It was his sincere we have had to 'gird up our are involved with him. Dur -
our say, so we must let others desire to serve others regard- hips' for an extended period of ing the day you probably talk
have theirs. If we dislike be- less of the personal cost to Kingdom-preaching and disci- about many subjects with oth-
ing lectured to, do we refrain himself, for which reason the ple-making. Already this "time ers either in school, at wor k,
from lecturing others? Coun- apostle Paul could say the of the end" has stretched at home or in the neighbor-
seling involves listening, and above respecting Timothy. out over sixty-three years, hood . If the situation lends
in this way we not only show Furthermore, Timothy was and many of us have been itself to speaking about Jeho-
reasonableness, but also gain humble, recognizing his own sharing "the true knowledge" vah God in a sincere and
insight into the person's prob - limitations. What a fine ex- with others for twenty, thirty, natural manner , then by all
lem and become aware of ample he set for all Christians forty or more years. (Dan. means do so, showing what is
his feelings. Counsel so given today! W 6/1 8, 9a 12:4) At times we may have in your heart. W 2/15 9-11a
Monday, November 27 can be trusted to assist in Thursday, N ovember SO being salted with salt . I t
Let wives be in subieciion. t o tim e of need. Would Jeho- Everyone m ust be salted wit h would mean the individual's
t heir husbands as to the Lord. vah God provide meetings for fire.-Mark 9:49. destruction. When the ancient
-Eph.5:22. spiritual strengthening, an d cities of Sodom and Gomorrah
opportunities for preaching With those words Jes us con- were salted with fire fr om
Thus wrote Paul regarding the good news of the incom- cluded his discuss ion about a heaven they were destroyed.
that perhaps somewhat touchy ing new order, and yet n ot disciple's letting his hand, foot (Luke 17:28, 29) Jehovah hold s
subject of subjection of the ba ck up his servants who put and eye make him stumble to this rule of dealing with
wife to the husband. To many God's interests first in t heir into Gehenna. That is to say , all who have no one to blame
women those are . 'fighting lives? (Matt. 6:33) Also, since everyone guilty of letting body but themselves for stumbling
words' in today's world of God himself says that 'one members make him stumble to a fall. As a safeguard
women's liberation. But it does who does not provide for his to an irrecoverable fall had to against our being "salted with
not have t o be so at all. If own is worse than an un- be "salted with fire ." The fire fire" we must "deaden [our]
a woman truly loves her believer,' would he not him- with which he must thus be body members that are upon
husband and her husband is self abide by that same prin- salted was the "fire" about the earth as respects fornica-
meeting the qualifications of ciple? "Is there injustice with which Jesus had just been tion, uncleanness, sexual ap-
a Christian husband, as not- God? Never may that become talking, the fire of Gehenna. petite, hurtful desire . . . On
ed in the Scriptures, then sol" declares the apostle P aul. What would that mean for one account of those ·,things the
it can be a pleasure for her May we always have a like salted in this way? Not the wrath of God is coming ."
to be in subjection to him. confidence in our God, Jeho- same as the effect of one 's -Col. 3:5, 6. W 8/15 19, 20a
That is not abject slavery .
Rather, it is playing her God-
given role, which results in
vah!-Rom. 9 :14. W 4/1 17a
Wednesday, November 29
" ..
her happiness. Just what can Friday, December 1 Saturday, December 2
the Christian wife do to Y ou wives, be in subj ect ion to
your husbands, as it is becom- Better is one who i s patient You are too pure in eyes to
make a marriage happy? It than one who is haughty in see what is bad; and to look
may require some changes in ing in the Lord. You hus-
bands , keep on lovin g your spirit. Do not hurry yourself in on t rouble you are not able .
her personality, just as the your spi rit to become offended, Why is it that you look on
husband may have to make wives and do not be bitterly
ang ry with them. You chil- for the taking of offense is those dealing treacherously,
some changes. If the woman what rests in the bosom of the that you keep silent when
t ends to be independent, well dren, be obedient t o your par-
ents in everything, tor this is stupid ones.-Eccl. 7:8, 9. someone wicked swallows up
able to care for herself, she someone more righteous than
may find that it is not so well-pleasing in the Lord. We should avoid viewing
-Col. 3 :18-20. undue impatience lightly. Note he is?-Hab. 1 :13.
easy to be in subjection to a
husband. She may have to A woman 's devoted care for that the patient person is T oday we see on this planet
make some adjustments in her family is part of her sa - here contrasted with the one a shocking abundance of war,
her thinking, even drastic cred service , since Jehovah who is haughty or prou d. revolu tion, all manner of in -
changes in some cases , so as has given her that assign- The proud person may reason : justice, crime and corruption,
to do her part in making a ment. And she shou ld be Why should I have t o put up oppression and tyran ny. All
happy union. W 9/ 15 13, 14 whole-souled in car rying it with irrit ations and annoy- such wickedne ss is rebellion
out as befits an assignment anc es caused by the stupidity agai nst God as the almighty
Tuesday, November 28 from God. The same is tr ue and selfishness of others? Who Sovereign and therefore he
of the husband, for he must do they think I am? Also, the will bring about the great
If anyone does not provide haughty one is quick to take catastrophe that will mark an
for those who are his own, carry out his assigned role
to provide things needful and everything personally and to end to all the wicked. All such
and especially for those who lash out against anyone who wickedness is an affront to
are members of his house- to give loving oversight to the
family. So wives' obedience to might correct him. He nur- him, which he cannot tolerate
hold, he has disowned the indefinitely. That is why Je-
faith and is worse than a husbands, husbands' love for tures resentment, keeping it
wives, children's obeying par- close to him as if in his own sus began his Model Prayer
person without faith. with the petition: "Let your
-1 Tim. 5:8. ents-all should be whole- bosom. Truly, such a person is
souled to be pleasing to Je- "stupid." His haste in taking name be sanctified." (Matt.
The servant of Jehovah God hovah. (Col. 3 :23, 24) Are we 6:9) God's comments about
who experiences problems be- dealing with these positions offense results in rash words the days of Noah show that
cause of economic difficulties that we have in Jehovah's or actions, to his own hurt the wicked conditions back
has a big advantage over those arrangement in a sacred way and that of others. He is also there were an affront to Him
who do not serve Jehovah. --or in a profane or worldly unbalanced in his view of and so He took action. (Gen.
He is comforted by the fact way? Of course, apart from himself. (Rom. 12:3) Further- 6:3, 5, 6) And now, for ages,
that the God he serves knows these family responsibilities, a more, the individual may jeop- righteous men have been ask-
his situation better than he Vital part of sacred service is ardize his standing with Je- ing the question that Habak-
does, and, as a loving Father, bearing witness. W 8/1 8, 9 hovah.-1 Pet. 5:5. W 2/15, 6a kuk asked. W 4/15 15, 16
Sunday, December 3 way, misrepresenting matters. Wednesday, December 6 Paul and his associates ful-
Noah proceeded to do accord- He will not offer bribes for Let marriage be honorable
filled their commission from
ing to all that God had com- special favors or privileges. among all, and the marriage
Jesus to preach and make
manded him. He did just so. Even items found are re- disciples was acknowledged as
turned to their owners wher - bed be without defilement, for fully acceptable by the body
-Gen. 6:22. God will judge fornicators of elders at Jerusalem. What
By Noah 's day the world of ever possible. (Deut. 22:1-3) and adulterers.-Heb. 13:4.
But can a Christian consis- about today? Very early in
mankind had become exceed- tently follow this course in In early times civil mar- the modern history of Jeho-
ingly corrupt and violent. God a world system that is oper- riage or civil validation of vah's Witnesses members of
told Noah that the ancient ated on dishonest principles? marriage did not play a very the oldest congregation came
world was to be destroyed by True, at times those who prominent part in people'S to be associated with their
means of an earth-wide fiood. follow true Christianity have lives. It does not seem to publishing agency, the Watch
Noah and his family trusted suffered loss. But, generally, have been a great issue as Tower Bible and Tract So-
Jehovah, so they began pre- they are recognized as re- regards the honorableness of ciety. Today, living at Bethel,
paring for it. But Noah had liable, conscientious and trust- a marriage from the Christian the hive of activity centered
to keep trusting Jehovah for worthy, and able to get along point of view. Apparently the at the headquarters of the
many years, since he was told well with others. It takes honorableness of a marriage Society, there are over 200
about the fiood decades be- courage to stand up for hon- depended most directly upon persons who have energeti-
fore it occurred. What of the esty. but we can rely on its acceptance by the Chris- cally pursued spiritual inter-
other people of that ancient God's promise at Hebrews 13: tian congregation as conform- ests there for more than ten
world? "They took no note," 5, 6. W 10/15 4, sa ing to divine standards, with years. Many have done so far
Jesus said. Yet, right at the consideration also being giv- longer. W 6/1 2, 3a
appointed time "the fiood Tuesday, December 5 en to attitudes and standards
came and swept them all of people in the community Friday, December 8
away." (Matt. 24:39) Our ex- If we confess our sins, he is where the Christians lived.
istence today demonstrates faithfUl and righteous so as Christians would seek to be The Lord be ' with the spirit
that God's words are trust- to forgive us our sins and to "recommending [themselves] you show. His undeserved
worthy. It also proves that cleanse us from all unrigh- to every human conscience in kindness be with you people.
the best course for us is to teousness.-l John 1 :9 . the sight of God." (2 Cor. 4:2 ) -2 Tim. 4:22.
keep trusting Jehovah. Why Sometimes individuals err, However, it is a fact that, in Everyone has a certain spir-
so? Because all of us are de- committing minor trespasses. more recent times and in it. That is, he has a particular
scendants of Noah. Those It is not a requisite to go to many parts of the earth, the disposition, inclination or mo-
who did not trust Jehovah in elders about every minor of- relationship of the civil au- tivating force. Hence . it is not
Noah's day did not have any fense in order to get right thorities to marriage and its surprising that people ' often
more children. They all per- again with God. What should validation has taken on great- become well known for the
ished under the fioodwaters, be done, for example, if dispar- er prominence. Rightly, Chris- motivation behind what they
cutting off their lines of de- aging speech was used against t ians must take this fact into say and do. Thus Moses is
scent. How wise to keep trust- someone in an isolated case? account in keeping their mar- described as "by far the meek-
ing Jehovah! He will without Or, perhaps a person lost his riages "honorable." W 3/15 9, est of all the men who were
fail reward us. W 7/15 6a temper on occasion. Maybe lOa upon the surface of the
there was a run-in with a ground." (Num. 12:3) Abigail,
Monday, December 4 brother and a slight alterca- Thursday, December 7 who eventually became the
Let the steal er steal no more, tion ensued that was shortly James and Cephas and John,
wife of King David, was "good
but rather let h im do hard thereafter regretted. Such in- the ones who seemed to be
in discretion." (1 Sam. 25:3.
work, doing with his hands cidents could be mentioned to pillars, gave me and Barnabas
39) True Christians have put
what is good work.-Eph. 4:28 . an elder, if one desires to do the right hand of sharing to-
on the new personality and
Honesty is one of the re- that. Keep in mind, however, gether, that we should go to
should therefore have a fine
quirements of "The Way" that that elders are not "father the nations, but they to those
spirit. After all, they have
makes it narrow. What real confessors" having to be ap- who are circumcised. clothed themselves with such
feeling of security and hap- proached over every minor in- motivating forces as love,
fraction of some principle. An -Gal. 2:9.
piness can we have in a world compassion, kindness, lowli-
where we cannot trust our elder who is approached about In the first century C.E., ness of mind, mildness and
such things would endeavor Jesus Christ provided central- long-suffering. (Gal. 5:22, 23)
fellowman? Therefore, Chris- to be helpful, But his counsel- ized direction through the
tians follow the way of hon- ing you would not, in itself, apostles and other elders of Certainly, within the con-
esty, not in word only, but make the matter right for the Jerusalem congregation. gregation personal attitudes
also in deed. A true Chris- you. You gain forgiveness by Also Paul, as an apostle to are important, for the apostle
tian will not steal or prac- confessing the wrong to God, the nations, did much to build Paul, in writing to his co-
tice extortion. He will not repenting and then leaving up the congregations spiri- worker Timothy, expressed
do business in an underhanded the wrong course. W 3/1 7 tually. The manner in which himself as above. W 6/15 1-3
Saturday, December 9 regulations to time indefinite, Tuesday, December 12 GlIgal in the Jordan valley,
If 1 have put gold as my down to the last." (Ps, 119: Make friends for yourselves by
waiting for the prophet Sam-
confidence, . . . 1 should 112) Today, when human mal- means of the unrighteous
uel. When the prophet did not
have denied the true God . adies abound, spiritual mal- riches.-Luke 16:9.
arrive at the expected time,
-Job 31:24, 28. adies are the most serious. Saul became impatient. Fear-
These have a bearing, not Jesus' words here give rise ing the consequences of delay,
When a person is dead, how just on our present life, but to the question: What are he yielded to impatience and
many of his material posses- also on our prospects for these "unrighteous riches"? presumptuously went ahead
sions can he enjoy? None of eternal life in God's new There is certainly nothing with the sacrifice, disregard-
them. But with those who order. Do we desire spiritual unrighteous about spiritual ing the command of Jeho-
want to keep living, and who well-being now in the midst riches. But this cannot be vah, through Samuel, to wait.
turn to God for security, that of a sick world? It is wise said about material wealth. Saul's impatience, leading to
will not be the case. They will to do so, for this gives prom- Both the possession of and the a sinful act, was one of the
not have let themselves be- ise of endless life in happy desire for material riches can chief reasons for Jehovah's re-
come trapped by material association with God and his lead persons to commit un- moving kingship from his line
concerns. Indeed, they are uni versal organization. Making ri ghteous acts. Wealthy per- of descent. So we should never
ready to abandon any mate- this our heartfelt desire, then sons may become oppressive, underestimate the trouble that
rial possession "on that day we wlll conscientiously follow harsh and callous . Instead undue impatience may bring
when the Son of man is to the above certified prescrip- of responding compassionately upon us. W 2/1 8a
be revealed." (Luke 17:30) tion issued by the finest toward persons in need, they
How extensive will the de- heart specialist for our times. may take unfair advantage of Thursday, December 14
struction of material things W 11/1 24,25 them, even as J ames reminds
be at the coming great trib- us. (Jas. 2:6, 7) Some of such We have as high priest . • •
ulation? Only time will tell. persons indulged their corrupt one who has been tested in
Monday, December 11 all respects like ourselves, but
But in the examples that the desires for pleasure while re-
Bible records there was huge Deaden, therefore, your body fusing to pay the wages due without sin. Let us, there-
material loss. But the Chris- members that are upon the their workers . (Jas. 5:4, 5) fore, approach with freeness
tians who fied Jerusalem be- earth as respects fornication, Other people, because of a of speech to the throne of
fore 70 C.E. escaped with uncleanness, sexual appetite, driving desire to gain riches, undeserved kindness, that we
their lives and kept their hurtful desir e, and covetous- have resorted to fraud and may obtain . . . help at the
freedom. So, too, at the com- ness, which is idolatry. On deceit to attain their goals. right time.-Heb. 4:15, 16.
ing tribulation, there could be account of those things the "He that is hastening to gain To the obedient "other
great loss materially. So think wrath of God is coming. riches will not remain inno- sheep," Christ becomes the
now, where is your mind, and -Col. 3 :5, 6. cent." (Prov. 28:20) In view "Eternal Father" who can
heart, centered-on this sys- To do such a deadening, of all the undesirable factors give them life. (John 10:16;
tem of things or on God's what must we do? We must that are so frequently tied in Isa. 9:6) The testing that he
new order? Your actions, your really exercise self-control with material riches, Jesus underwent on earth assures
way of life, show where you over our literal body members rightly applied the term " un - us of the tenderest, most
look for security. The faithful that are upon the earth. For righteous" to them. W 9/1 2, 3a considerate and und erstanding
man Job set a fine example instance. we must restrain our help. Christ's ri ghteous life
for all of us. W 4/1 15-17 eyes from reading porno- \Vednesday, December 13 gained for him God's favorable
graphic literature or looking at You have acted foolishly. You decree that he had maintained
Sunday, December 10 filthy motion pictures or tele- have not kept the command- perfect obedience, completely
More than all else that is vision presentations, or using ment of Jehovah . . . now your free from sin, free from enter-
to be guarded, safeguard your our hands in thievery or im- kingdom will not last. taining even a wrong thought.
heart, for out of it are the moral practices, or gratifying -1 Sam. 13:13, 14.
This provides proof that, with
sources of life.-Prov. 4:23. the urge of our feet to dance His help, anyone can main-
or to walk companionably with WhlIe there may be just tain integrity and gain God's
When Jehovah "makes proof a friend of this world into cause to become impatient at smile of approval, and that
of our hearts," we want him times, we need to recognize even now. On reaching per-
to find our love and affec- areas of temptation. We must the seriousness of impatience fection, a man can maintain
tions centered on him as spiritually kill our love for "the that stems from pride or that the same perfect sinless obe-
the One whom we sincerely things in the world," that is, can cause us to act rashly. dience. What a great work
worship, and not on false "the desire of the fiesh and Dlustrating this danger is the Christ's life, Ws sacrifice and
gods. (l Thess. 2:4) For this the desire of the eyes and the case of King Saul. After Jona- his priesthood accomplish I He
to be true in our case, we showy display of one's means than struck down the Philis- aids 144,000 others to be
must finally be able to say of life." (1 John 2: 15, 16) We tines at Geba, they, in retalia- kings and priests with him,
what the psalmist said to must also hate what God tion, assembled a mighty force and to bless humankind
Jehovah God : "I have in- hates.-Prov. 6:16-19. W 8/15 and encamped at Michmash. through their work. W 10/1
clined my heart to do your 21a In the meantime Saul was at 4, 5a
Friday, December 15 examples in Christian kind- Monday, December 18 one is unrepentant. The im-
You are near in their mouth, ness, generosity, depth of con- Admonish the disorderly, portant thing is that the indt-
but far away from their kid- cern, spiritual insight and ap- speak consolingly to the Vidual deeply regrets the
neys.-Jer. 12:2. preciation. As a Bible student depressed souls, support wrong, acknowledging it as a
observes the fine conduct of the weak, be long- sin against Jehovah. He would
To men we might appear various ones, he is affected in bring into question any
to be one thing, but to God, a wholesome way and is en- suffering toward all.
-1 Thess. 5:14. claimed repentance if he con-
whose scrutinizing eyes pierce couraged to make progress in tinued to justify or excuse his
the surface appearance and Christian living. That is why Yes, frequently fellow be- actions. The person should
circumstances and probe into those who are conducting Bi- lievers have spiritual needs. come to hate the wrong,
the lowest depths of us, we ble studies do well to acquaint According to the words of loathe it, abhor it. While
may really be another thing. interested persons with others the apostle Paul above, all there may be a natural mea-
Material and social well-being in the congregation. In this in the congregation have a sure of embarrassment in his
does not of itself mean a way these fellow believers can responsibility to do what they having become guilty of grave
good relationship with God, do their part in assisting Bi- can to provide spiritual aid. sin, his primary concern
a close intimacy with him. ble students to become disci- Some may be neglectful of should be the reproach he
If we are not careful, we ples of Jesus Christ. All of their Christian obligations and brought upon Jehovah God
could be classed with those this is in line with the prin- therefore need to be admon- and the congregation. He
Israelites who seemed to have ciple given above. W 5/1 13a ished. Older women, for ex- should sincerely regret having
God's favor and backing, but ample, may need to "recall damaged his relationship with
who inwardly were estranged Sunday, December 17 the young women to their Jehovah. W 11/15 9a
from him, and of whom Jer- senses to love their husbands,
emiah wrote. So, when things The undeserved kindness of to love their children, to be
the Lord Jesus Christ be with Wednesday, December 20
go nicely and pleasantly with sound in mind, chaste, work-
such kind, they may take the spirit you show. ers at home, good, subjecting Here I have made you today
God's Word in their mouths -Phil. 4:23. themselves to their own hus- a fortified city and an iron
and do a lot of talking about Just as a person manifests bands." (Titus 2:4, 5) Those pillar and copper walls against
him. Yet, deep within them- a particular spirit, so an entire who are disheartened because all the land.-Jer. 1:18.
selves--in their real subsur- congregation of God's people of problems need encourage- Jeremiah's prophesying
face selves--they do not have has a certain spirit. It is very ment. Might they not be built roused opposition. His oppos-
a close tie with God. He plays likely that an observant per- up by hearing what Scriptural ers desired to kill him. Think
no real part in their inward son will notice the effects of thoughts have sustained you? of the resistance that Jere-
lives. He is far away from that force at work in their Would it not be strengthening miah had to put up, the en-
their kidneys. His advice is minds and hearts, perhaps for them to be assured of your durance he had to display
not implanted away down in- producing a spirit of friendli- concern? There may be some -for more than forty years!
side them. So, when they ness, love, or one of tranquil- who have a weak conscience. He was one of Jehovah's
persecute Christians, their kid- lity and peace, or of zeal and Hence, those with a strong spokesmen to whom James
neys do not correct them. enthusiasm. Of course, the conscience should bear the directed our attention, saying:
May we never be like that! spirit could be one that pro- weaknesses of their brothers "Take as a pattern of the suf-
W 11/1 18, 19a duces negative effects. But by not insisting on their fering of evil and the exercis-
what a blessing when that rights. W 7/1 19a ing of patience the prophets,
Saturday, December 16 spirit is a fine one! Obvlously, who spoke in the name of
All the body, by being . . . the apostle Paul desired that Tuesday, December 19 Jehovah." (Jas. 5:10) Jere-
made to cooperate through the congregations display such Abhor what is wicked, cling miah's constantly reminding
every joint that gives what a spirit. Your congregation to what is good.-Rom. 12:9. himself that he had not come
is needed, . . . makes for the may have an excellent spirit, in his own name, but that he
and may be very responsive From what the Bible says spoke in Jehovah's name,
growth of the body for the about Esau and King Saul,
building up of itself in love. to counsel from the Scriptures. strengthened him to endure
Moreover, it may have a lov- we can draw some vital points and defeat the purpose of his
-Eph.4:16. as to whether a wrongdoer is
ing, warm, cooperative, hos- attackers who were really
The serious responsibility pitable spirit. Those associated truly repentant. (Gen. 25:29- fighting against God. Jehovah
associated with making dis- 34; 27:34; 1 Sam. 15:17-30) did not strike Jeremiah with
ciples does not rest solely with with the congregation may be Tears may accompany expres-
very spiritual in their view- terror before his foes, for Jere-
the person conducting the Bi- sions of true sorrow. Nonethe- miah did not let himself be
ble study. All in the congrega- point. In that case, 'the un- less, like Esau's tears, emo- struck with terror at their men-
tion, by word and example, deserved kindness of the Lord tional displays are not in acing appearance and num-
can aid those who are study- Jesus Christ is with the spir- themselves proof of repen- bers. (Jer. 1:17) That was ex-
ing the Bible to become disci- it your congregation shows.' tance. By the same token, the cellent for twenty-six centuries
ples of Christ. How is this? In -Gal. 6:18; Philem. 25. absence of such does not nec- ago and also an illustration
the congregation there are fine W 6/15 4, 5 essarily mean that the erring for our day. W 12/15 6, 8
Thursday, December 21 apostles ! In time, the relie f Sunday, December 24 the fact that God made the
My judicial decision is to work beca me just too much The little on e h i m self will be- first human pair in his image
for the ap ostles to supervise. come a thousand, and the and likeness. Men ar e free
gather nations, . . . king- moral agen ts . They can make
doms, in order to pour out Hence, they invited the broth- small one a m ighty nat i on.
upon them . . . all my burn- ers in the congregation to se- I myself, J ehovah, shall a choice to do good or bad.
ing anger ; for by the fire of lect from among themselve s speed it up in its own They are not robots "pro-
my zeal all the earth will be seven qualified men to han- time.-Isa. 60:22. grammed" to do only good.
devoured.-Zeph. 3 :8. dle the daily distribution of Adam and Eve, as such in-
food. All seven were men of By the end of World War II, t elligen t persons, were perfect
Daniel prophesied similarly outstanding spiritual qua lifica- the integrity-keeping Chris- in this regard. To create
at Daniel 12:1. Jesus Christ tions, "full of spirit an d wis- tians had grown to about 140,- them unable to make moral
referred to this time in his dom." Also, as the congrega- 000 in number. Now they choices would leave t hem
great prophecy regarding the tion grew, the apostles must learned that a great work re- incomplete, with something
conclusion of this system of have appointed such men to mained to be done and they la cking. For God to withhold
things. (Matt. 24:21, 22) And serve along with them as el- Shouldered t his responsibility freedom of decision or free -
the book of Revelation tells ders in caring for the spiritual with the attitude described dom to choose righ t or wron g
of the battle of the great day needs of the disciples. Today in The Watchtower of Sep- would have precluded their
of God the Almighty, taking ministerial servants enjoy tember 15, 1944, page 280: having been made in his
place at Armageddon. (Rev. similar privileges with like "The awake ones . . . do not Image. To guide them Jeho-
16:14, 16) But why should prospects. W 6/1 9 say, 'It is a long time yet to vah God gave them a con-
the Creator want to bring t he wind -up . . .' No; the science.-Rom. 2:15. W 10/1
such a worldwide holocaust, Saturday, December 23 faithful wat chers and servants 8, 9a
such a global catastrophe up- do not worr y about ch ronology
on humankind? Because as I am he who searches the . . . They keep their eye and Tuesday, December 26
the Creator and Owner of kidneys and hearts, and I heart on Jehovah's kingdom,
the earth he is keenly inter- will give to you individually and not on the time clock." Before these day s T heudas
ested in this planet and the according to your deeds. Today, we find more than rose, • . • an d a number of
people on it . Remember, Jesus -Rev. 2:23. 2,000,000 persons actively en- men • . . joined his party.
Christ told us to pray for Let us remember : We are gaged in proclaiming the B ut he was done away with
God's kingdom to come, for now under special exam ina- Kingdom, and further expan- . . . After him Judas the
God's will to be done on earth tion. Ever since Pentecost sion is in prospect, for at the Galilean rose . . . and he
as it is in heaven. For that God's servants have also been 1977 Memorial the total atten- drew ot! people after him. And
prayer to be answered God under examination by the dance was 5,107, 518, of whom yet that man perished, and
will need to rid the earth of head of the Christian con- only 10,080 professed t o be of all those who were obeyi ng
all violence and wickedness, gregation, Jesus Chr ist . Among t he anointed class. How happy h i m were scattered abro ad.
together wit h all men and the messages he sent to the t his "slave" is that Jehovah's -Acts 5:36. 37.
institutions . opposed to his seven designated congregations patience has resulted in an Conside r the situation in Je-
sovereignty, opposed to hav- of Asia Minor he made the ingathering far beyond the r usalem in the first century
ing God's will done on earth . above war ning st at ement. Let early expectatio ns ! W 1/1 12, C.E. The people in general
W 4/15 9-11 us not forget: J esus Christ 13 and their leaders acknowl-
now sear ches through us be- edged that conditions were
F r id ay , December 22 yond the hear t and down to Monday, December 25 far from satisfactory. Yet,
the kidneys. In Revelation 2: what were the wise men and
Search out f or yourselves sev- G od went on to say : " L et leaders of the people predict-
en certified m en . . . full of 18 he speaks of his eyes as us make man in our imaoe,
being "like a fiery flame," to ing about the future ? Some
spirit and wisdom, that we according to our likeness." were quite satisfied with the
may appoint them.-Acts 6 :3. indicate that his visual pow- - Gen. 1 :26.
ers are very bright, sharp and status quo. Others advocated
The growth of the J eru- penetrating to great depths. The issue is one of sov- revolt against Rome. None,
salem congregation opened up In this respect he is like ereignty-God's sovereignty or however, of that city's wise
opportunities for others be- Jehovah God, who is "search. rulership-not, however, as men and counselors were fore-
sides the apostles to serve in ing the heart, examining the to whether God is sovereign. telling that Jerusalem would
caring for the needs of all . kidneys ." (Jer. 17:10) So, if This is a fact. But a chal- be completely destroyed in a
Very early in the history of we honestly search our heart lenge was made with regard great .tribulation-and within
the congregation we read of motives and examine what we to the deservedness and righ- that generation. Any such
young men who evidently ren- really are as Christian per- teousness of Jehovah's sov- eventuality was farthest from
dered manual services for the sonalities, we can take cour - ereignty. It is because of their thoughts! Today a like
apostles. What fine training age to reveal our case at law this issue that God has al- condition prevails, in spite
for the future these young to Jehovah and walt on him lowed wickedness to exist for of the worldwide Kingdom
men were receiving by being to act as the Righteous One a time. God's permission of preaching of Jehovah's people .
in close association with the to vindicate us. W 11/1 21, 22a wickedness all revolves around W 1/15 5
Wednesday, December 27 overseer. For men with . se- Saturday, December 30 Sunday, December 31
Is there anyone sick among rious spiritual blemishes to Serve Jehovah with rejoicing. In your skirts there have
you? Let him call the older serve as elders would not con- Come in before him with a been found the blood marks
men • . • and let them pray form to God's standard of ho- joyful cry.-Ps. 100:2. of the souls of the innocent
over him ..• And the prayer liness. If there is a valid ac- poor ones.-Jer. 2:34 .
cusation against an elder or if Thus the ancient psalmist
of faith will make the indis- he confesses to gross sin, the encouraged the people of Is- Before the gaze of the
posed one well, and Jehovah rael. He desired all Israel to whole world Christendom still
will raise him up. Also, if he other elders should assume full
responsibility for relieving him gather to the temple at Jeru- flaunts the evidences of her
has committed sins, it will be salem to engage in pure wor- death-dealing course of ac-
forgiven him.-Jas. 5:14, 15. of his eldership and should
reprove him as needed. im- ship. We can gain strength tion. She is the most repre-
Imperfection has deeply in- posing whatever restrictions and encouragement by consid- hensible part of the world
grained itself in the human are advisable. Or, if he is ering the situation and faith empire of false religion, for
family. This may be more unrepentant, they should take of those who served Jehovah she claims to act in the name
pronounced in the actions of disfellowshiping action. In- back there. They had to main- of Christianity or in the name
some who say or do things stances of wrongdoing in- tain obedience to the Law, of the religion approved by
that are annoying. Without volving ministerial servants which held the highest stan- the God of the Bible. No won-
realizing it a person may should be dealt with in the dard of morality and which, der the non-Christian world
make a "nuisance" of himself same way.-1 Tim. 3 :10. by its sanitary and dietary has no respect for what pro-
by repeatedly approaching the W 11/15 16, 18, 19a laws, tended to keep the Jews fesses to be Christian! By
elders about some fancied from association with those Christendom the God of the
wrong. On the other hand, Friday, December 29 not worshipers of the true Bible has been presented in
brothers who are spiritually God. At times they were called a false light. Her guilt is not
disturbed over some problem The wife should have deep upon to fight these people hid from his eyes. He will
should feel free to approach respect for her husband. . who, generally, desired to de- deservedly punish it openly
elders. If serious sins have -Eph.5:33. stroy Israel and take their in full. But first he has raised
been committed, that is an If a wife has a husband land. Imagine the courage it up the Jeremiah class (who
evidence of some weakness who has not until now shown took to go out in battle against are supported by the "great
that needs to be rectified. A the consideration she would these nations, their soldiers crowd" of "other sheep") to
person may reach a point like to see, she has the op- call the attention of every-
where his own prayers seem portunity to work for im- being hardened warriors, while body to the apostate, adul-
to be hindered; he may feel provement. The apostle Peter the Israelites, for the most terous course of this world's
condemned in his heart, los- said that women with unbe- part, spent their time in biggest religious organization.
ing confidence and freeness of lieving husbands could help peaceful farming pursuits. But The hour approaches for
speech. (1 John 5:14; 4:17, their spouses if such wives, by because of their faith in God Jehovah's executional forces
18) In such cases, one is their chaste conduct togeth- they were able to win. W 8/1 to overtake Christendom.
urged to approach the older er with deep respect, showed 16, 17a W 12/15 14b
men, confess one's sins, and Christian subjection to their
benefit from their counsel. husbands. (1 Pet. 3:2) That
W 3/1 8, 9 being the case, the matter 1978
should be far easier to handle SMTWTFS SMTWTFS SMTWTFS
Thursda,y, December 28 if the husband is a dedicated JAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MAY .. 1 2 3 4 5 6 SEP .. .. .. .. .. 1 2
The overseer should therefore and baptized Christian, work- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 3456789
ing with his wife in Jeho- 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
be irreprehensible. vah's service. There are many 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 17 18 192021 22 23
-1 Tim. 3:2. 293031 .. .... .. 28293031 ...... 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
ways that wives can win FEB .. " .. 1 2 3 4 JUN 1 2 3 OCT1234567
Since elders have such a over their husbands. It can 5 6 7 8 91011 4 5 6 7 8 910 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
weighty responsibility in the be by the way that they 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Christian congregation, their maintain the home. If it is 19202122232425 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
conduct should certainly be 262728 ....• ... 25 26 27 28 29 30 .. 29 3031 . . . . . . . .
kept clean and tidy, that can MAR .... .. 1 2 3 4 JUL 1 NOV 1 2 3 4
exemplary. Therefore, if an go a long way in encouraging 5 6 7 8 91011 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 5 6 7 8 91011
elder commits a grave wrong, the husband to play his role 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
he is morally obligated to in- properly. Do you take plea- 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 19 20 21 2223 24 25
form the body of elders re- sure in your role as home- 2627 28 29 30 31 .. 23242526272829 26 27 28 29 30 .. ..
specting this, even though he maker? When your husband's 3031 . . . . . . .... .. ..... .. . .. "
may have repented of his er- friends come to Visit, is he
APR:: :: :: :: :: :: 'i AUG. , .. 1 2 3 4 5 DEC . . . . . . . . . . 12
2345678 6 7 8 91011 12 3456789
ror. Why? Because, having proud of the home into which 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
ceased to be irreprehensible, he has them enter? That is 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
he is now disqualified from something to think about. 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 31 .. .. 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
30 .. 31 . . • • • . • • • . • •
continuing to serve as an W 9/15 14, 15
Wat ch Tower Bible ·and Tract Soc i ety of Pennsylvania
Watchtower Bible and Tr act Society of New York, Inc.
I nternational Bible Students Association
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OF AMERICA: 117 Adams st., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11201. URUGUAY : Francisco
Bauza 3372, Montevideo. VENEZUELA: Apartado 116, L a Victoria, Edo .
Aragua. ZAiRE, REP. Df : B.P. 634, Limete, Kinsh as a . ZAMBIA: Box 1598,
Kitw e.

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