Advanced - Writing and Vocabulary Booklet Teacher's Note
Advanced - Writing and Vocabulary Booklet Teacher's Note
Advanced - Writing and Vocabulary Booklet Teacher's Note
4 Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced © 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc.
PART 4 Suggesting a course of action PERFORM!
Ask students to cross out the one word or phrase (a–d)
which cannot be used to complete each sentence. Elicit the Aim
first answer to get them started. Let students compare their This is an exam-style task that gets students to apply
answers in pairs before discussing as a class. In feedback, point what they have learned in the preparation exercises.
out the techniques to make writing formal (see note below). Ask students to read the task and remind them of the ideas
they brainstormed from Part 1. Then ask them to read the
instructions and write an email suggesting a course of action.
1 d – desire You could set this for homework, as a classroom task in which
2 b – So that students work in pairs to perform the task with teacher
3 b – can support, or as exam practice in which students complete
4 c – Other the task individually in exam conditions. Set a time limit of
5 b – request 50 minutes.
6 d – number
© 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced 5
Aim PART 2 Writing an introduction
To help students write a discursive essay about
the growth of online shopping. Exercises work on Read the explanatory text as a class. Then ask students
brainstorming pros and cons, writing an introduction, to apply the three-point plan to write an introduction for
expressing the main points in an argument, adding each essay in their notebook. Monitor and note errors and
supporting information and describing cause and effect, interesting uses of language. In feedback, review the errors
and weighing up arguments. and examples of interesting language use as a class.
PART 3 Expressing the main points in
Large number of flights causes pollution C
an argument
Good for business as companies can send employees
abroad P
Ask students to complete the different ways of expressing
Too many tourists in the world – affecting developing
the main points in an argument with the words from the box.
countries C
Point out the example. Let students compare their answers in
Over-crowding at airports C
pairs before checking as a class.
More tourists can be good for economies of many
countries P ANSWERS
Comfort concerns as some airlines cut corners C 1 advantage
More people can travel than ever before P 2 benefit
Possible additional ideas: 3 problem
People’s carbon footprint is increasing as more people 4 importantly
travel – bad for the environment 5 drawback
High use of unsustainable and dirty fuel 6 favour
Increased employment in air travel
Increase in number of airports, which are often smaller
and quicker to get through
6 Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced © 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc.
PART 4 Adding supporting information and PERFORM!
describing cause and effect
1 conclusion 5 all
2 considered 6 sum
3 way 7 whole
4 balance 8 light
© 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced 7
Aim PART 2 Using a variety of past forms
To help students write a short story. Exercises work on
identifying the shape of the story, using past forms and Ask students to read and put the short story in the correct
participle clauses, and using direct speech and adverb / order. Let students compare their answers in pairs and
adjective collocations. work together to decide which of the four parts is the
exposition, the conflict, the climax and the resolution.
B Exposition
D Conflict
PART 1 Identifying the structure of the story A Climax
C Resolution
As a lead-in, ask students to say what they think makes a good
story and give examples of good stories they know. Encourage
students to share their ideas with the class. Then ask students to complete the table and discuss the
Ask students to read the description of the four parts of use of past forms. (See table at bottom of page.) Point out
a short story. Then ask them to match exposition, conflict, the example. In feedback, elicit their understanding of why
climax and resolution to the extracts (a–h) below. Elicit the each form is used. Finally, ask students to complete the
first answer to get them started. Let students compare their sentences with the correct past forms. Point out the example.
answers in pairs before checking as a class. Let students compare their ideas in pairs before checking as
a class.
a 3
b 1 1 were staying
c 4 2 had visited
d 2 3 was going to rain
e 1 4 had been sitting
f 4 5 walked; had waited / had been waiting
g 2 6 would buy
h 3 7 was given / had been given
Past simple Past continuous Past perfect Past perfect Past perfect Future in the past
passive continuous
1 ignored 2 was staring 3 had placed 4 had been 5 had been eating 6 would get to
delayed 7 was going to be
8 Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced © 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc.
PART 3 Using participle clauses PERFORM!
Read the explanatory text as a class. Then ask students to write
sentences with participle clauses. Point out the example. Let Aim
students compare their answers in pairs before checking as This is an exam-style task that gets students to apply
a class. what they have learned in the preparation exercises.
Ask students to read the task. Then ask them to read the
instructions and write a story. You could set this for homework,
1 Feeling tired, John went straight to bed. as a classroom task in which students work in pairs to perform
2 Broken, the toy was of no use to anybody. the task with teacher support, or as exam practice in which
3 Not knowing what time it was, we kept walking. students complete the task individually in exam conditions.
4 Hoping for a miracle, I started the race. Set a time limit of 55 minutes.
5 Lost for words, all I could do was stare.
6 Given time, Molly will probably forgive us. MODEL ANSWER
1 d
2 a
3 e
4 f
5 c
6 b
© 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced 9
Aim PART 2 Informing, interesting and engaging
To help students write an article for a national the reader
newspaper about equal opportunities for men and
women. Exercises work on choosing a title, informing, Read the explanatory text as a class. Then ask students to
interesting and engaging the reader, using passive match the techniques to the sentences. Elicit the first answer
structures, using structures with It is + adjective to get them started. Let students compare their answers in
and There is / are + noun, and using adverbs and pairs before checking as a class. In feedback, ask students
adverbial phrases. which sentence is the most engaging for them and why.
Encourage students to share their ideas with the class.
1 d
2 a
PART 1 Choosing a title 3 c
4 b
Read the explanatory text as a class. Then ask students to 5 e
match the titles (a–e) to the descriptions of the different types
of articles (1–5). Point out the example. Let students compare
their answers in pairs before checking as a class. PART 3 Using passive structures
Read the explanatory text as a class. Then ask students to
1 b rewrite the sentences using passive structures. Point out the
2 c example. Let students compare their answers in pairs before
3 a checking as a class.
4 e
10 Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced © 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc.
PART 4 Using It is + adjective and There is / PERFORM!
are + noun
© 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced 11
To help students write a review of a live performance. ANSWERS
Exercises work on getting the attention of the reader, 1 So brilliant was his guitar-playing that I couldn’t
using negative adverb inversion for emphasis, using help cheering.
key language to describe the venue, performers, the 2 Rarely do critics take the time to listen to artists and
performance and the atmosphere, and using a summary performers.
line in the conclusion. 3 No sooner had the band walked on stage than the
crowd started booing.
4 Never before had anybody seen the band.
PREPARE! 5 Only rarely have I witnessed a singer as talented as
she is.
12 Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced © 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc.
5 band e PERFORM!
raced a
popular d
latest b
This is an exam-style task that gets students to apply
anticlimactic c
what they have learned in the preparation exercises.
Ask students to read the task and think about performances
PART 4 Using adjective + noun collocations they have seen and could write about. Then ask them to make
notes in their notebook about the venue, the performers, the
Read the explanatory text as a class. Then ask students to read performance and the atmosphere. Encourage students to use
the sentences and match the underlined adjectives to the a table to organise their ideas.
definitions (a–c). Elicit the first answer to get them started. Let Ask students to read the instructions and write a review.
students compare their answers in pairs before checking as You could set this for homework, as a classroom task in which
a class. students work in pairs to perform the task with teacher
support, or as exam practice in which students complete
ANSWERS the task individually in exam conditions. Set a time limit of
55 minutes.
1 a
3 a
4 c I arrived at the City Theatre to see Graham Hall’s new
5 b adaptation of Hamlet with low expectations. It was cold
6 b and wet outside, and I was feeling miserable. No sooner
had the play begun, however, than my mood changed. So
exhilarating was the performance that I forgot all about
the weather.
PART 5 Using a summary line in your
City Theatre looks impressive, with its gleaming,
redesigned foyer and a larger stage and seating area. Its
refurbished performance space is the perfect setting for
Ask students to complete the summary lines with the verbs
Shakespeare’s most famous play. In the lead role, Danny
from the box. Point out the example, and explain that they will
Forster gave a spectacular performance, and newcomer
need to use the correct form of the verb. Let students compare
Sally Holler’s touching portrayal of Ophelia made me
their answers in pairs before checking as a class. In feedback,
cry. Many of the supporting cast gave accomplished
review the meaning of the idiomatic phrases in the exercise
performances too, and the audience found the play both
(see note below), and ask students to think of an example for
exciting and moving. Scarcely had the actors left the
each. Encourage students to share their ideas with the class.
stage at the end of the play than the auditorium burst
ANSWERS into applause. It was an absolutely dazzling version of
such a famous play. My only criticism would be that the
1 sum rather basic set design left a lot to be desired.
2 lived Were I to sum up the performance in one word, it
3 left would be ‘inspiring’. The refurbished venue lived up to the
4 set hype, the individual performances of the actors ticked all
5 ticked the right boxes, and the brilliant direction of Grace Lomax
6 goes was impeccable. This production has set a benchmark for
other theatre directors.
© 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced 13
Aim PART 3 Giving advice and making
To help students write an informal email giving advice suggestions
and suggestions to a friend who wants language
learning advice. Exercises work on identifying who Ask students to complete the phrases with one word in each
you are writing to and what information they want, space. Point out the example. Let students compare their
acknowledging the sender’s email, giving advice and answers in pairs before checking as a class.
making suggestions, using informal language and
closing the email using anyway. ANSWERS
1 If
2 Don’t
4 Have
5 Make
PART 1 Identifying who you are writing to 6 Whatever
and what information they want 7 Avoid
8 One
As a lead-in, ask students when they last received an email,
who it was from and what information the sender wanted.
Then ask students to read the email and answer the questions. PART 4 Using informal language 1 – phrasal
Elicit the first answer to get them started. Let students verbs
compare their answers in pairs before checking as a class.
Read the explanatory text as a class. Then ask students to
complete the sentences with verbs from the box. Point out the
1 They are friends. example. Let students compare their answers in pairs before
2 He wants to learn German. checking as a class. In feedback, review the meaning of phrasal
3 He wants advice on how to learn a foreign language verbs with up (see note below).
as a beginner (from scratch) and in a short amount of
time (in a hurry).
4 An informal and chatty style. 1 catch
5 Giving advice and suggestions. 2 pick
3 give
4 set
PART 2 Acknowledging the sender’s email 5 sign
6 speed
Read the explanatory text as a class. Then ask students to
complete the opening lines with the words from the box. Point
out the example. Let students compare their answers in pairs Note on phrasal verbs with up
before checking as a class. The particle up, when used as a part of a phrasal verb, can
mean increase (for example, speed up = increase in speed;
ANSWERS pick up (German) = increase knowledge (in German); speak
1 so much up = increase the volume of your voice). It can also mean in
2 so good a complete way (for example, sign up = sign so that you are
3 absolutely ages officially a member (completed a contract); give up = stop
4 really sorry completely; eat up = eat everything).
5 great news
6 all about
14 Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced © 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc.
PART 5 Using informal language 2 – idiomatic PERFORM!
Thanks for your email. It was so good to hear from you. It’s
Note on meaning been ages. Sorry for not writing sooner, but I’ve been up
put body and soul into = try / work very hard to my eyes in work. What great news that you’ve got a job
cost an arm and a leg = cost a lot in Germany at last!
up to my eyes in work = very busy There are loads of things you can do to learn German
by word of mouth = through people talking about before you go. If I were you, I’d definitely get an online
something, and telling people that it is a good or bad thing one-to-one teacher. And make sure you get yourself a
(recommending or not recommending it) good course book and dictionary. You’ll need to work
keep my ear to the ground = pay attention to what people are hard and study every day – you have to put body and
saying in order to find out information soul into learning a language. It’s difficult to learn a
head and shoulders above the rest = much better than the rest language, so don’t give up easily. Avoid being tempted
learning by heart = memorising to take short cuts, as learning a new language takes time.
give you a heads up = let you know in advance / update you And don’t even think about getting one of those awful
about what is happening ‘German in a week’ downloads. They never work!
© 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced 15
Aim PART 2 Writing the introduction
To help students write a proposal. Exercises work
on organising the proposal and brainstorming ideas, Ask students to read the introductory sentences and complete
writing the introduction, describing the current situation, them with the verbs from the box. Point out the example. Let
listing and making recommendations, and writing students compare their answers in pairs before checking as a
the conclusion. class. In feedback, point out the two common collocations that
helped students choose the correct verb (deal with, look at).
1 highlight
2 draw
PART 1 Organising the proposal and 3 deal
brainstorming ideas 4 make
5 look
As a lead-in, ask students how often they take public transport 6 improve
and what they think of it. Encourage students to share their
thoughts with the class.
Read the explanatory text as a class. Then ask students to PART 3 Describing the current situation
read the task and work in pairs to complete the notes under
each heading with ideas and recommendations of their own. Read the explanatory text as a class. Then ask students to
In feedback, encourage students to share their ideas with complete the sentences below with the correct active or
the class. If students are short of ideas, use the possible passive form of the verb in brackets. Point out the example,
answers below. and tell students that there is sometimes more than one
possible answer. Let students compare their answers in pairs
before checking as a class. In feedback, ask students to look
2 Current issues with public transport at the sentences again and tick which sentences refer to
Trains are too crowded evidence gathered to support the view expressed.
Dirty buses and trains with litter and food waste
on seats ANSWERS
3 Recommendations for change 1 have been carried out
Increase the number of coaches on trains and / or the 2 follow / are following / have followed
frequency of trains for busy routes 3 have been expressed / were expressed
Introduce harsh penalties for leaving litter on public 4 find / have found / are finding
transport (for example, high fines) 5 have been raised / have risen
6 to be taken
Sentences 1, 3, 4 and 6 refer to evidence gathered to
support the view expressed.
16 Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced © 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc.
PART 4 Listing and making recommendations PERFORM!
Read the explanatory text as a class. Then ask students to
complete the sentences in the two sets of suggestions with Aim
the words from the box. Elicit the first answer to get them This is an exam-style task that gets students to apply
started. Let students compare their answers in pairs before what they have learned in the preparation exercises.
checking as a class. In feedback, review the meaning and use Ask students to read the task. Elicit what information they
of the fixed phrases used in the sentences (see note below). must include in the proposal. Then ask students to read
the instructions and write a proposal. You could set this for
homework, as a classroom task in which students work in pairs
1 as to to perform the task with teacher support, or as exam practice
2 order to in which students complete the task individually in exam
3 so that conditions. Set a time limit of 55 minutes.
4 a view
5 in case MODEL ANSWER
6 To avoid Introduction
The aim of this proposal is to draw attention to several
issues regarding access to local public parks and the
Note on meaning and use
provision of facilities in them. The proposal will also
We use to, in order to, so as to, so that to express purpose and make recommendations on how to improve the current
to answer the question why something is done. situation.
To, in order to and so as to are followed by an infinitive
Current issues with public parks
(without to).
Surveys have been carried out which show that few local
So that is followed by a clause.
residents are happy with the current provision of access
We use in case to make a provision against something
and facilities. The parks are only opened at nine o’clock in
happening or being true. It is followed by a clause.
the morning and, even in summer, close at seven o’clock
in the evening. Early morning runners and families feel
PART 5 Writing the conclusion that this prevents them from making full use of the park.
Not only that, but few visitors are aware of the current
Read the explanatory text as a class. Then ask students to facilities available in the park, such as the children’s play
complete the sentences with the words from the box. Elicit the areas and the tennis courts. However, as the council may
first answer to get them started. Let students compare their be aware, there are currently no cafés in any of the parks.
answers in pairs before checking as a class. Mobile vendors, selling ice creams and soft drinks, are
only present at weekends and for limited periods. This
ANSWERS means that the general public can only spend longer
periods of time in parks if they take their own food
1 lead
and drink.
2 bound
3 doubt Recommendations for change
4 result The following action plan should be implemented
5 make immediately:
6 certain • It is recommended that park opening hours should be
reviewed, and that in the summer months, they should
open from sunrise to sunset.
Note on meaning • More effort should be made to advertise facilities in the
lead to = result in park in order to encourage visitors.
bound to = definitely going to • Cafés selling sandwiches, salads, ice creams and hot
and cold drinks should be opened in all parks, especially
at weekends.
If these recommendations are implemented, it will lead to
an improved experience for people who visit local parks
as well as growing numbers of visitors.
© 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced 17
Aim PART 2 Giving and supporting personal
To help students write a discursive essay in which opinions
they take sides in arguing for the inclusion of a sport
in the Olympics. Exercises work on taking sides in the Ask students to complete the personal opinions with the
introduction, giving and supporting personal opinions, words from the box in the correct form. Point out the example.
expressing and refuting opposite arguments and Let students compare their answers in pairs before checking
linking ideas. as a class. In feedback, ask students to say which sport each
sentence might be describing.
1 concerned
2 mind
PART 1 Taking sides in the introduction 3 goes
4 dare
Read the information about Mark and Sue as a class. Then ask 5 argue
students to read the opening paragraphs and decide which 6 held
of the statements correspond to Mark’s paragraph and which
correspond to Sue’s. Let students compare their answers in
pairs before checking as a class.
1 ice hockey
2 skeleton / bob-sleigh
1 Both Mark and Sue have introduced the topic clearly. 3 football
Arguably, Mark’s is the clearest because it’s simpler. 4 boxing
2 Both Mark and Sue have stated the aim of the 5 rugby
essay clearly. 6 decathlon
3 Mark has used an interesting fact to create interest
(Golf is played by millions of people in almost every
country around the world …). PART 3 Expressing opposite arguments
4 Sue has used a rhetorical question to create interest
(Should there be a place in the Olympics for sports that Read the information and examples as a class. Then ask
most people have never heard of?). students to rewrite the sentences provided in 2 and 3 in two
different ways. Let students compare their answers in pairs
before checking as a class.
18 Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced © 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc.
PART 4 Refuting opposite arguments PERFORM!
Review the meaning of refute (prove to be wrong) with the
class. Then ask students to match the sentence halves to make Aim
sentences we can use to refute opposite arguments. Elicit the This is an exam-style task that gets students to apply
first answer to get them started. Let students compare their what they have learned in the preparation exercises.
answers in pairs before checking as a class. In feedback, review Ask students to read the task. Have a brief class discussion
the meaning of the vocabulary / phrases in the sentences (see and ask students to say which sport they would like to defend
note below). and why. Then ask students to read the instructions and
write a discursive essay. You could set this for homework, as
a classroom task in which students work in pairs to perform
1 b the task with teacher support, or as exam practice in which
2 f students complete the task individually in exam conditions.
3 d Set a time limit of 55 minutes.
4 a
6 e Why boxing should be in the Olympics
Should there be a place in the Olympics for a sport that
Note on meaning glorifies violence? That is the question often asked about
boxing. However, in this essay, I will argue that, despite
flaws = problems or errors being more dangerous than other sports, there are many
only to a point = only to a limited amount good reasons to keep this historical and popular sport in
It does not hold water. = It is not a convincing argument. the Games.
To my mind, no sport better combines skill with
PART 5 Linking ideas bravery than boxing. In a boxing match, competitors
must fight each other for victory, and there can be
Read the explanatory text as a class. Then ask students to only one winner. As such, it is a true test of the human
complete the sentences with some of the phrases from the spirit. Moreover, it is one of the few modern sports
table. Point out the example, and tell students that there that our Greek ancestors would recognise. For these
is sometimes more than one possible answer. Let students reasons, I have long held the view that it is the ultimate
compare their answers in pairs before checking as a class. Olympic sport.
It is often argued that boxing is too violent and
ANSWERS dangerous to be an Olympic sport. Another argument is
that its example is a poor one for young people watching.
1 To put it more simply However, while nobody can deny that there are dangers
2 By contrast / On the other hand inherent to boxing, there are a number of flaws in these
3 such as arguments. Firstly, there are many safeguards in amateur
4 Moreover / Furthermore boxing, which can prevent boxers from being seriously
5 Similarly hurt. Secondly, there is evidence to show that boxing
6 namely allows young people from poor backgrounds to escape a
life of violence and crime. It provides a good example of
how to channel your aggression in a positive way.
Boxing is a historical and timeless sport for the skilful
and the brave, and a sport that sets an example for young
people. To put it more simply, it is the ultimate Olympic
sport, and one that should remain in the games.
© 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced 19
1 through 1 about
2 on 2 for
3 of 3 to
4 to 4 in
5 on 5 to
6 to 6 with
1 buzzing B
2 mugged 1 cynicism
3 thrilling 2 incompetent
4 demolition 3 intensity
5 spotlessly 4 thoroughness
6 congestion 5 frailty
7 affluence 6 unsteadily
C spark, halt, crawl, buzz C charm, discharge
2 c
D 3 e
1 first 4 b
2 on 5 a
3 order E
4 long
1 c
5 tired
2 d
6 here
3 a
7 then
4 f
8 peace
5 b
6 e
1 c F
2 h
1 blown over
3 g
2 answered back
4 f
3 sound out
5 b
4 giving away
6 e
5 took over
7 a
6 suck up
8 d
7 stand up
F 8 lighten up
1 toxic
2 global
3 urban
4 good
5 full
6 heavy
1 show off
2 brought in
3 set out
4 pouring into
5 springing up
6 knocked down
20 Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced © 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc.
1 to 1 for
2 on 2 about
3 to 3 of
4 around 4 at
5 on 5 at
6 of 6 at
7 to 7 in
© 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced 21
1 on 1 on
2 on/around 2 at
3 with 3 of
4 by 4 on
5 of 5 with
6 of 6 in
1 c 1 give
2 a 2 get to
3 f 3 make
4 b 4 pick up
5 d 5 earn
6 e F
F 1 hostile
1 bunch 2 gross
2 horde 3 crucial
3 pastime 4 notable
4 dialogue 5 legitimate
5 memoir 6 fatal
6 narrator G
7 oppression
1 get
G 2 took
1 went 3 suffered
2 feeling 4 join
3 lend 5 give
4 shed 6 imposed
5 make
22 Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced © 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc.
1 upon 1 in
2 against 2 as
3 to 3 to
4 to 4 into
5 at 5 of
6 in 6 with
B 7 for
1 in
3 in/into
4 for B
5 against 1 breathtakingly
6 for 2 expert
3 intuition
WORD FAMILIES 4 startling
5 superstition
C 6 defiance
1 anonymous C glance, tunnel, process, stray, scramble
2 flaws
3 scrutinise COLLOCATIONS
4 anomalous
5 mutation
6 undertaking D
D breed, duplicate, probe, shield 1 c
2 d
3 b
4 a
6 e
1 d 1 range
2 e 2 ridges
3 a 3 plain
4 b 4 strays
5 c 5 horn
6 f
1 play 1 horned
2 a mess 2 dismissive
3 breakthrough 3 extensive
4 logic 4 predatory
5 profession 5 thorny
1 financial PHRASAL VERBS
2 genetic
3 correct G
4 mixed 1 butting into
5 shocking 2 let out
6 delicate 3 crack down
4 drawing on
5 puffs up
© 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced 23
1 into
2 off
3 in
1 with 4 up
2 to
3 for
4 on
5 of
1 of
B 2 with
1 liaison 3 in
2 admiring 4 of
3 conspirators 5 in
4 hungover 6 to
5 redundant
6 mourning WORD FAMILIES
7 failure
8 immigration B
C labour, schedule, invoice, input 1 excruciatingly
2 rehabilitation
PHRASES 3 recurrence
4 resentful
5 sceptical
D 6 prescription
1 ropes C clutch, bleach, fast, graft, relapse
2 question
3 wheels D
4 most
1 break in
5 straw
2 fall out
3 break out
5 bring up
E 6 shake up
7 work out
1 c
8 walk out
2 a
3 b
5 d
6 e E
1 b
F 2 a
1 a duty 3 f
2 spot 4 c
3 advice 5 d
4 conspiracies 6 e
5 perks F
G 1 general
1 military 2 failing
2 constructive 3 balanced
3 voluntary 4 strict
4 sheer 5 vigorous
5 tight 6 complete
6 national G
1 paid off
2 shrugged off
3 dwelling on
4 blew up
24 Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced © 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc.
1 at 1 of
2 to 2 on
3 in 3 of
4 of 4 to
5 from 5 on
6 to
1 abusive B
2 substitution 1 evacuees
3 engrossing 2 nationalisation
4 punning 3 harshness
5 trauma 4 rightfully
6 coder 5 holiness
C boo, chant, challenge, code, substitute C plague, reform, overthrow, massacre
1 bullet 1 c
2 good 2 d
3 right 3 e
4 rot 4 b
5 lap 5 a
6 gun E
7 day
8 doom 1 hard
2 dead
3 white
5 clear
2 overrated
3 attentive F
4 traumatic
5 moderate 1 survey
6 engrossing 2 community
3 position
F 4 memories
1 e 5 reality
2 d 6 excuse
3 f G
4 b
5 a 1 e
6 c 2 c
3 b
4 f
6 d
1 scraped through PHRASAL VERBS
2 knocked out
3 went through H
4 sent off
5 nodding off 1 ruled out
6 spun off 2 been over
3 couple with
4 passed away
5 dropped out
6 built up
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1 from 1 on
2 of 2 with
3 with 3 to
4 of 4 in
5 of 5 for
6 about 6 of
1 keep up
2 tipped off
3 burst out
4 pulled out
5 got off
26 Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced © 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc.
1 on 1 on
2 for 2 in
3 from 3 in
4 in 4 of
5 about 5 of
6 of 6 for
2 with
B 3 of
1 evolve 4 against
2 pierced 5 for
3 breadth 6 with
4 hesitation
5 insecure WORD FAMILIES
6 analogous
C lace, champion, wane, zip C
1 offputting
3 liable
4 absurdity
D 5 scalding
1 revealing 6 agonisingly
2 worn out D spam, menace, detox, repeal, whack
3 frayed
4 Bushy
6 Flares
7 Flats E
8 Lapels
1 slim
2 sound
4 present
E 5 deteriorating
1 viral 6 perilous
2 profound F
3 grassroots
1 c
4 sturdy
2 a
5 loud
3 f
6 routine
4 b
F 5 d
1 c 6 e
2 d
4 a
5 f G
6 e3
1 verging on
2 put off
3 holding back
4 guard against
5 topped off
6 come to
© 2019 Cengage Learning, Inc. Outcomes Writing and Vocabulary Booklet • Teacher’s Notes • Advanced 27